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globobro · 2 months ago
The ignorance and hubris nowadays in this #DumbedDown nation is becoming increasingly dangerous to its citizens; more so though #AfricanX + #LatinX. #OnlyInAmerikkka
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babyawacs · 1 year ago
 .@ussocom #moredaggerthancloak #people: #mercyalways #factuality  #caused #thrownobjets #whostheproblem #quicknow #hooooow #thequell #notsotrivial #witnesses (((@judge) )) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@ dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart #sympathy #wellsurvivethemfirst #effect #ai #asis #revolutions #participants  #possible_shxitball_twist _s #wisdom_is_precise #realmcontrol #itis #acceptance #interest #layEr #youknowit #it. #is. #how. #them. #rule. #_ #reframed #decoyed #abysmal #this #andnowyouknow #s #intel #map #vibe #criminalgovernance #criminalsecurity policy #mystery #meadows #optionsleft #andthe #proof #by #rubbertitttts #countless #tricks #criminal #inte l #bananarepublic #germany #furiouschina #cause #hooray #impliedparticipation #ambiguity #relay #witnessprotect #interests #blammogame #ordered #rule #palletten #fact #allknew #itis #thenorthkorea #some #bio #messes #listed #always #mercy #in #wibbleronmykid #first #peoplequality #baby #meadows #weddingday #jud ges #know #scums #notsonice #utmost #sys #average #hownothoe #hooooow #themknew #default #mrna #how #gov tcaused #zippysbitch #focus #intent #bxitchslaptheproswho #how #framing #now #do #witnessprotect #massextinction #btw #always #theyknewallalong #andwhy #notsotheoreticalitis #itisalways #govtcaused #terrorisedintodesperation #screa mingbaby #allknew #howthemrule #itis #thetruth #truth #innocent #start #whybagatel #securitythreat #imminentdangeris #soiswariswaris #guy_with_the_bone_in_hair #or #the_bumblebee_man #and #civillianeffectivity #toddlerloot #imagine_good_german _dictator #sssexxxoilwibbler ?! #no #membersh ips #needed #to #mild #inallthis #nogain #nopermission #nochoosing #sanitised #how #germans #do #obvious #selfevident ‎ #usually: @law .@law @bbc_whys ‎ itis critical #critical thatyou understand that dodging this blame game for control trickery is enough reason why they d o o m formerly used personnel is this understood thatthey cleanup to conclude things in a game for control in allofthis the blind and blunt instruments try tofind how they rule howthe bad getaway and sense things inthe onlyway they can explain like coplevel suspects barschel affairs of hightreason or such  but itis simply criminalsecuritypolicy quell a desperatebaby intodaytime shuffling harms plausibly deniable and then added tries t orobit‎ //// mylove didwe checkon our people that helped us earlier itis apolitical and colorblind lets save em and helpem themore they risked their life against warmethods  itisimportant thattheyunderstand that less mess is thebasis of all while all intensified dynamics when shit hits the fan is a dyna mic germans caused donot letem smear you or pegblameon you itislike #critical #keypoint #allconfirm #understood:  a system tries tomake all guilty to control and then uses alldynamics it caused to remove the messing ones for more control  while else dumpsterfire‎ survive that first is systemcaused govt caused evenmore inthis case but then pulls carpet underyo urfeet in pendulums and twist flip alltheywant for control and robbery. control and the money. securityaround ressources. un derstand massextictions cumulate all for extermination and or steer as dumbass dumbeddown uprisings c o n t r o l is the goal iswh y realm segragate. but inthiscase a croaked baby in all in efforts ofcriminalgovernance criminalsecuritypolicy. childsoldier h orrors are nothing compared towhatyouwouldhandle on all in tight order realm here usually ////
.@ussocom #moredaggerthancloak #people: #mercyalways #factuality #caused #thrownobjets #whostheproblem #quicknow #hooooow #thequell #notsotrivial #witnesses (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart #sympathy #wellsurvivethemfirst #effect #ai…
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starkelz1 · 2 years ago
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Here'z your original Niger ... Tha Troglodyte niger aka Tha hairy pale monkeys that dwell by cavez... !!! I'm not black, colored, or African American and damn sure not a fvcking Nigger, Nigga or any of thoze degrading connotations and misnomers they happily calling themselves because someone else told them to or allege iz kool because some dumbeddown celebrities or rapperz say it ... #unplugfromthematrix🔌💻 #childrenofthematrix FVCK YOUR FEELINGZ... RUN 🏃🏾‍♂️ TELL 🗣🗯 THAT ... #KnowMOORBeMOOR👣🇲🇦👑🏹🪶⚔🗡🛡👳🏾‍♀️⛰🕌🕍⛺⌛⏳🌠🌌🪐✨🗿⚱✌🏾🖐🏾 #muchmoor2lifethanbeingblack ... https://www.instagram.com/p/Cps0y41uN5VDkQXTPZkDRdPYJHng32w5NTsreA0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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boriquax8 · 5 years ago
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Had to #reshare because this is 💯% accurate #stayhome #stopspreading #youcantbethatstupid #dumbeddown https://www.instagram.com/p/B-GdrJrhAWV/?igshid=1wawdpw9dsaxh
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aprilhunter · 7 years ago
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#TRUTH #wakeup #dumbeddown #ugh #thestateofhumanity #kyliejenner #solar #renewableenergy #congress #syria
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civicdirect · 6 years ago
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#foxnews has done to our #parents what our parents #thought #videogames would do to us. #fauxnews #foxnewssucks #mindrot #dumbeddown #fakenews #bias #notrealnews https://www.instagram.com/p/BylOTjrgTF5/?igshid=mc6c08loywez
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djjfell · 6 years ago
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Land of The Lobotomized🧠 The purpose of the operation was to reduce the symptoms of mental disorder, and it was recognized that this was accomplished at the expense of a person's personality and intellect. British psychiatrist Maurice Partridge, who conducted a follow-up study of 300 patients, said that the treatment achieved its effects by "reducing the complexity of psychic life". Following the operation, spontaneity, responsiveness, self-awareness and self-control were reduced. Activity was replaced by inertia, and people were left emotionally blunted and restricted in their intellectual range. #mentalhealthawareness #lobotomy #lobotomized #numbanddumb #dumbeddown #barbaric #psychhospital #mentalhospital #mentalslavery #lithium #thorazine #urbex #abandoned #abandonedmentalasylum #asylum #detained #detention (at Abandoned America) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx_gLmbAih6/?igshid=6296mppd463i
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misskelseyis · 6 years ago
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🌞🌊👋📖👸☀️YOU want CREATION more than #REALFREEDOM! “Welcome to Planet Agony! Creation is Cause & Effect Restrictions! Creation has its purpose, but Not as an Ultimate. But, if you really do want to stay in the Six levels of Creation for more unaware lifetimes, then you have the right to do so. WWWE as Wonderful WorldWide Educators StandReal with The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLLISSS & RebISar & The Real UNUversal Guides! WWWE have The RealConnection to Real UNUversisss of RealFreedom Now! WWWE have created Our UNUversal Community for Real RiskTakers who want to Seee Beyond all the Created Restrictions of religion, politics, old #spiritual ideas & fake masters, militerrorized education, and scientific madness. Most people are too afraid to Seee ALL Life with NO Restrictions! YOU have been bred to cling to and adore Your Restrictions and you can have them for as long as you want! WWWE are simply Sharing a Real Opportunity Now! SING THE #NU~U & FREE YOURSELF! YOU DECIDE! READ THIS NUBOOK & WATCH KELSEY BROWN VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM! ☀️🛸💎🌿😎#WakeUP #LagunaBeach #dumbeddownsociety #dumbeddown #duanethegreatwriter #unuversalseer #nubooks #humanfarming #taplining #reptilians Thalia & Brooks Beach @ Laguna Beach 🏝 @allnaturalhenry photographer 🌾🐳 (at Laguna Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv7dEzrD0OC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11aemfxbcyr13
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mjsmith033 · 8 years ago
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The #medicalcommunity didn't want this to get out, but #marijuana has many #healing and #health benefits. This will ruin their #bigpharma and all the #prescriptions they won't be able to give away. If they had it their way they would continue to keep society #dumbeddown #monsanto #gmo #federalreserve #weathermodification #controltheweather #controltheworld #geoengineering #matrix #MartialLaw #AliensOrDemons #GlobalElite #BankingCartels #HomelandSecurity #UN #WakeUpAmerica #Rothchilds #Rockefellers #Unite #CIA #MindControl #DepopulationAgenda #Jesuits #UnitedNations #freemasons #luciferians #illuminati #NewWorldOrder #OneWorldGovernment #chemtrails #syria @selectivesights
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starkelz1 · 5 years ago
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TELL THEM THE #TRUTH THEY CALL YOU A #HATER ... TALK TO THEM #HONESTLY THEY CALL YOU A #HATER ... How Asanine ... ??? 🙄... IN THE WORDS OF @yogotti "FVCK'M" ... 🖕🖕🖕 ... HATE ME ... 🤔... You Didn't Make Me So You Can't Break Me... Didn't Invent Me, So Therefore You Can't Prevent Me ... #kutfromadifferentcloth✂ #ariesbabi♈️💎💙 #soloflight✈🚁🍷😎 EYE WILL NEVER DUMB MYSELF DOWN TO BE ACCEPTED OR TO APPEASE OR PLEASE ANYONE IN THIS #DUMBEDDOWN SOCIETY... #ArtificialWorld #artificialintelligence ... https://www.instagram.com/p/B50jLwhF0Ph/?igshid=jnm0yxpjaur9
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agape-philo-sophia · 5 years ago
➝ False Enslaved Zombie Sheeople! ➝ The Modern Augmented Prison Cell - This is Why They Call a Mobile Phone a Cell
Smartphones and other modern day smart devices have now become the new drugs for this generation. Billions of people worldwide have become techno-junkies/prisoners that are over-whelmed, rewired and addicted to the constant stimuli (a predictable dopamine driven, social validation feedback loop) of this social-matrix. We are outsourcing our brains to these smart devices, that in turn are doing the thinking for us (weak AI). How long can we last doing a simple task without obsessively checking our smartphones or computers (internet, social media feed, web browsers, etc) before feeling lost, anxious, fidgety, sad or bored? We all have the freedom of choice to either live as mental slaves that are trained to be unconscious, distracted and reactive to artificially induced realities that remove us out of the Present Moment or reclaim our true sovereignty and power as conscious observers/creators. Most of us parade our private lives on social media for the battle of attention, respect and external validation - our photos, personal stories, memes, song choices, status, relationships, accomplishments, sexuality and all the rest. Yet, our authentic self gets covered over (replaced by a false, socially engineered self-image) as if we are too afraid to bear the thought of what others might think or say about us. Each and everyone of us is a unique, focal point of Source Awareness and we all wield its creative potential because WE ARE IT. The only thing that limits and compromises our divine essence is giving away our unlimited, creative power to self-limiting, programmed thoughts, beliefs and behaviours. -------------------------------------------------- Slavery in our 21st century. You might think that slavery is a phenomenon linked to the old ages when war and lack of human rights were the norm. You might also picture slaves in your mind as groups of people tied in iron chains walking slowly with their heads down in humiliation. Slavery never ended with the arrival of our modern times. This is a misconception. It only took on newer forms. In the present time, slavery comes in disguise. With huge technological advancements taking place rapidly, human freedom is being taken away without us noticing. With the unveiling of the new iPhone event becoming watched by millions worldwide who sit on the edge of their seats counting down the days till they lay their hands on the new product, this widespread obsession with new gadgets is alarming. People tend to buy these new products without actually needing them. It has become a habitual practice, or in other words, an addiction. Rivalry between Apple and Google has made its way into everyday common discussions about which company offers better products and has fired hot debates everywhere. But, stop for a moment and think, who is the real winner from all of this? I cannot help but regard this generation as obeying slaves to technology, the incredibly powerful master. The sad thing about 21st century slavery is that the slave doesn’t realize it. He doesn’t fight against it. It is self-induced and this makes it even more complicated. People are now driven by technology in every aspect of their lives. A person is now dependent on smartphones to wake up, communicate and feel happy. Wouldn’t you choose the Wi-Fi free area over the one that is not? Wouldn’t you choose to sit on the seat beside the power plug over the one that is not? Wouldn’t you choose to give up all your savings for that smartphone with a zillion megapixels camera? You would, wouldn’t you? But why? Does this make you any happier? Stop and wonder how the older generations acquired their happiness. For countless decades, humans lived with zero technology and nobody found it hard. People did not harvest their happiness from touch screens and digital pixels; they harvested it from happy experiences and memories. Technology masterminds are investing millions of dollars for the most effective marketing campaigns. Their only aim is to convince you that without technology, there would be no life. Without a smartphone in your hand, you cannot function. Without connecting to servers, you cannot communicate. This idea of complete dependence on technology is gaining ground day after day. You don’t feel ok if you go out without your phone, or if you walk for a distance instead of driving your car. I believe that with this unfortunate response from people, technological companies will definitely reach their aim. In fact, they have now raised their marketing campaigns to make us believe that humans and technology are one entity. With Google glasses and iWatches being introduced and heavily advertised, these companies aim at erasing the line between us and technology, making technology an indispensable part of us that we cannot discard. People have already acquired some traits previously attributed to machines in this fast-paced era of ours. Most of us now fail to contemplate and wonder about the world as it is frowned upon and labeled as time wasting. We don’t realize that most of our human discoveries and notable literary works were direct results of contemplation and meditation. Nothing extraordinary will result from someone working as a human machine. If anything is wireless in all this new technology, it would be our own chains to it. Try to disconnect from its tempting portals for a while. Happiness is not about the gadgets you own. Some would give anything for an expensive car or the latest collection of iPhones, tablets and laptops, but as for me, I’d rather ride my bike at the break of day and watch the sunrise as the chirping orchestra of birds begins performing their pieces. No notification beeps, no buzzing vibrations. Just the Earth and I without microchips present. No wireless chains. ➝ Freedom and happiness lie in the natural world. Break your chains! “The difference between technology and slavery is that slaves are fully aware that they are not free” - Nassim Nicholas Taleb “We refuse to turn off our computers, turn off our phone, log off Facebook, and just sit in silence, because in those moments we might actually have to face up to who we really are.” - Jefferson Bethke "Man is a slave. He is not born as a slave, he is born free. He is born as freedom, but he is found in chains everywhere. He lives in chains, he dies in chains. This is the greatest calamity that has happened to humanity." – Osho ------------------------------------------------- Day-by-day we are becoming not only emotionally but also intellectually disabled due to these deleterious effects of social media. These days most of the people get their news and knowledge about current issues from the Facebook, they absorb the information and propagate it without even checking the authenticity of such news. Studies have shown that fake news is more disseminated than the real story. The power of viral distribution provided by the social media has frequently been used for nefarious activities like creating mass panic, inciting communal violence by false propaganda, etc. Just "Look Up" from your screen, logout from your Facebook, and login to the real world. Technology is just to assist us in making our lives simpler. Don't make, technology your life. Unplug yourself and have a technological detox. -------------------------------------------------- Most people won’t believe they are enslaved, though some believe they are enslaved by the ruling elite. But when we look deeper into this predicament, we may be able to see that we are in fact enslaved or trapped by our own minds. https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1081908385228386304?referrer=MindCom -------------------------------------------------- #Truth #Zombie #Sheeople #DumbedDown #Enslavement
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crazeemark · 8 years ago
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Ever been told you're too much of something? Or maybe not quite like the "Crazy" they're looking for? Or maybe they want a robot they can turn on and off? @crazymarkmonster #beyourselfalways #hatersgonnahate #crazy #frustrated #questionauthority #spontaneous #unplanned #artist #humanspirit #expressyourself #sayiikeitis #dumbeddown #doped #halcyon #ritalin #restrained #radical #liberal #creation #thisisthewaygodmademe #god #allah #budha #shiva #osiris #kachina #archangel #antireligion #catsofinstagram #cat #angrycat #madcat #crazycat #crazymark
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avasilvermoon · 8 years ago
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😷😧😩 shots taken from 7am to 9am #heavyspraying at 7am and now it's a solid #milkysky loaded with #heavymetals & #toxins #illinoissky I do believe these #dumbeddown #hiveminded #antitrump #protesters are an example of how #chemtrailfallout effects the brain. From what I've seen VERY FEW have #researchtruth and when asked legitimate guestions they have no response that makes any sense OR they just get abusive. Id love to see them exercise their right to #freedomofspeach and #saysomethingintelligent ⚠The worst form of #aluminum for accumulation in the brain is #nanosizedaluminum It easily penetrates skin and other areas of the body that metals cannot normally pass through. The nanosized form of aluminum in the brain is infinitely more toxic. One of the toxic reactions to aluminum is intense inflammation and the activation of immune cells in the brain called #micoglia Aluminum is a very potent activator of these immune cells and that triggers the release of a powerful substance called #glutamate which is an #exicitotoxin which causes cells to die from an excitatory mechanism. That process is called #immunoexcitotoxicity
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waltcahillart-blog · 8 years ago
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The London commuter sleeps having consumed the content of his free evening newspaper. On this historic evening while parliament votes on Article 50/Brexit, he has been provided a diet of 2 critical [front page] news items. 1) Police my use ‘green’ cars; 2) Johnny Depp once spent $30k per month on wine. http://waltcahill.com/2017/02/03/train-people-brexit-sleeper/ #dumbeddown #freepapers #freepress #tabloids #tabloidpress #freetabloidpress #brexit #government #staycampaign #article50 #articlefifty #urbansketching #artjournal #artjournaling #artjournals #trains #commuter #commuting #urbansketching #urbandrawing #urbandrawings #londondrawing #urbansketching #artjournal #artjournaling #artjournals #gutterpress #passenger #trainpassenger
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mobzter-us · 5 years ago
One Of The Painful S Of Years Of Dumbeddown Education Is How Many People Are
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“One of the painful signs of years of dumbed-down education is how many people are unable to make a coherent argument. They can vent their emotions, question other people’s motives, make bold assertions, repeat slogans-anything except reason.” -Thomas Sowell
See more here: https://mobzter.com/one-of-the-painful-s-of-years-of-dumbeddown-education-is-how-many-people-are/
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sailortortilla · 4 years ago
Thanks to Dumbed Down for partnering with us to edit this video! Be sure to subscribe to them for hilarious and informative movie reviews: https://www.youtube.com/dumbeddown. In this video, Burrito Mask joins me, Sailor Tortilla, to review and taste test TokyoTreat's September box of unique Japanese snacks and candy! Are you a connoisseur of Japanese snacks? -Check out my Amazon Influencer’s storefront here to shop my faves: https://ift.tt/2lvr52Z -Buy Me A Coffee to help support the channel! @ https://ift.tt/2M6dKcK -Want to help me unbox goodies? Here's my Amazon wishlist: http://a.co/5LDPnUQ Web: www.SailorTortilla.com Instagram: @SailorTortilla Twitter: @SailorTortilla FB: https://ift.tt/1UnoBr9 Credits: Crystal Character Art by Katerina Kopelia: https://ift.tt/2pClkg3 Background Art by Stco.Ink: https://ift.tt/2p4vDgL Main Page Cover Character Artwork by: SailorCrisis #TokyoTreat #JapaneseCandy #JapaneseSnacks by Sailor Tortilla
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