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kommanderkeen2k · 1 year ago
The Shawshank Redemption (1994) - “Um Sonho de Liberdade” 🇧🇷 - is an incredible movie. Perhaps one of the best ever made. If you haven’t seen this film, go away from here to avoid 🚨SPOILER🚨 and WATCH the film. It’s worth it. That said…
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In Dukem Nukem 3D (1996) game, at a certain point (level 3 of the first episode), you will end up in a prison and need to get out of it. Paying homage to the film, your exit is in one of the cells behind a poster.
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As you pass through it, you end up finding a sewage system, exactly where the character in the film reaches his freedom.
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Details like this are what make this game so incredible to this day (just like the movie 🙂).
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#pieceofcake 🍰🔫
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ridgelowis · 2 years ago
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Octabrain from Duke Nukem
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thathomestar · 1 year ago
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devileaterjaek · 2 years ago
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thecollectorsbase · 1 year ago
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babybinko · 5 months ago
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Drew Duke Nukem in wigglypaint before I went to bed and when I woke up Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary and Duke Nukem Forever were both 90% off on steam so you're welcome everyone
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mileena--kahnumm · 1 year ago
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RE4R Seperate Ways | Ada Wong
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stomygame · 4 months ago
A run through the start of the new tutorial level. I used to wonder why you don't see many Quake maps with exteriors. I will wonder no longer. It is so much more complicated and time-consuming, you can't really improvise the way you normally do with interior detailing because all of the cliff brushes need to sort of flow into one-another. In future projects I'm thinking I'll just pick a more heavily contrasting cliff texture and stick to simple angular brushes like in Duke3D.
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nhaneh · 19 days ago
thinking about simple binary file formats again, particularly for image and palette packing, but also just a simple data container format along the lines of DOOM's WAD files etc
my thinking is basically that by using simpler, purpose-made binary formats, I can keep the codebase relatively small and simple by not needing to add a bunch of code or libraries required to decode and interpret more generalized file formats (such as .png) and instead just store and load the precise and particular data I need and no more. I mean, since I'm going for 8-bit Indexed Palette and will be storing the palette data separately, an image/texture file technically would just need to store width, height, and then one byte per pixel of colour indices.
while this technically means the build process gets slightly more complicated by requiring data files into these formats, I'm thinking I could probably make that step pretty simple by using python scripts for the purpose - the python PIL/pillow library allows for easy access and manipulation of raw image data for example, and should thus allow for fairly simple conversion between packed binary files and source data. Now sure, python isn't exactly lightning fast - being interpreted rather than compiled means there's a LOT of potential overhead involved in pretty much everything it does, but the packing process shouldn't really have to be - since we *are* talking an 8-bit colour software renderer, I can't see myself ever ending up using all that much more data than say Doom or Descent or Duke3D or the like.
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mendelpalace · 2 years ago
Liquidator 3D is an fps created by the people who would later be known as Akella Games, distributing and creating games such as the infamous Postal 3 or Disciples III. This build of the game is an english translated tweak of the game done by fgsfds. Liquidator 3D is the ultimate slav jank. Rather than a full game, it's a Duke3D Total Conversion... although I have absolutely no idea what is it about, for me the best way to describe it is that it's fever dream. The enemies sport the weirdest behaviours you might expect, the sounds most of the time seem like random stock sounds thrown in, and the levels are mazes that will keep you wondering what to do next for hours. I'm sorry if it doesn't seem exciting, but I don't have words for this, it's like a completely crazy B movie with no script at all. At least this game will serve as an example of what not to do for game designers and art directors.
Honestly, there's something oddly compelling about how weird Liquidator 3D is. I wouldn't mind seeing someone using this as a source of inspiration for more modern TC, kinda like how Mayhem Mansion used Exploding Lips and other low-quality Doom clones as in
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lynnbeck-smithingtable · 2 years ago
Ideas for stuff that Mojang will probably not add, no matter how politely you ask:
Acid that turns any humanoid mob that enters it into an unarmed Skeleton.
A potion that makes the entire screen be like that one Super Secret Settings filter where it constantly hueshifted and went all wibbly, but also with the added thing of randomising your directional inputs.
Something that latches onto you and drains your health, like the hands in Blood or the alien slime things in Duke3D.
Planets and planetary alignment mechanics.
Big sea-monster. Like, multiple blocks wide, really long, deals all the damage.
Some kinda Wither/Ender Dragon hybrid that's an undead hydra.
Curse of Binding but it works on items, too (you can't remove them from your toolbar/offhand).
A music disc that is split in half and plays the same song as an existing one, but with half the beats missing.
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no-rest-for-the-doomed · 1 year ago
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Yeah yeah, SIGIL 2, Eviternity II, cacowards winners and all that. I have been playing most of these, but truthfully the holidays make it hard to zero in on Doom for me. So I saw this little 1-map affair and decided to give it a go.
Using the AUGER;ZENITH resource wad (which I haven't played yet - sue me), Boss makes a pretty fun looking cyberpunk city with my favorite part probably being an arcade with neon 80s flooring and attention to detail. It feels a lot like Duke3D up until the final arena, which for some reason (either via bug or choice) cuts out the music and has FIREBLU everywhere. Not my favorite choice, but I guess there had to be *some* 'CYBER SANCTUM' in the map. HNTR wasn't too terribly difficult, but a lot of the combat boiled down to camping in hallways mowing down monsters that had already woken up. Truthfully, although the DW forums page touts UDMF compat it sure didn't feel like it. Granted, I wasn't playing with mouselook and probably missed out on some details, and it's not that I mind a simpler experience - just something interesting.
Overall, pretty fun little coffee-break wad that'll keep your attention for about 10-15 minutes. Fun to look at, fun to play, and the strange ending is worth sticking around for.
Bio's verdict: Ho-ho-ho!
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thathomestar · 1 year ago
fucked up there's no in-depth wiki for duke3d like there is for doom
on doomwiki i can go to the page of any level from any official mapset and see exactly how many spawns of each powerup are available on every difficulty
i thought to myself "surely the duke3d folks would have compiled similar information so i can find out where the jetpacks are on each level" and the answer is no, they have not compiled this info whatsoever
i've been spoiled and i didn't even know it
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devileaterjaek · 2 years ago
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thecollectorsbase · 1 year ago
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busyfish · 1 year ago
it sort of blows my mind (i mean not literally it's just sort of me being really jaded) that fan made ports of games like duke3D and Doom are like far superior than the completely cursed "retail" versions on steam by like Bethesda and Gearbox. The Bethesda Unity port is actually like fine in comparion to the absolutely awful Duke Nukem 3D 20th Anniversary World Tour edition of the game.
like the old xbla versions that got me into those games were waaaaaay better too. Is this a current thing where these companies are just doing bare minimum now to hold on to IPs or like what the heck? I was for some reason compelled to try to play this Duke 3D world tour edition tonight and it just really sucks.
it's so floaty and the audio is garbage and things like secret flagging and opening doors with keys and stuff just plain don't work sometimes???
how on earth did this get released and WHY was it going for like $20???
iirc i did *not* pay for this version of the game and holy if i did sooooo shame on me because it's a total scam.
Nightdive right now is like the only company i sort of trust with these ports now. (Quake is really good and i hear Quake 2 is too)
And even then, Atari was like causing all sorts of issues with their version of Blood for a while and they weren't allowed to work on it, after releasing it in a kind of poor state.
even though i hated it, the shadow warrior classic redux was something that grew on me too but that's also a small company so i kind of get it. but it's not nearly as awful as GEARBOX a huge company just releasing a $20 pos version of Duke 3D.
anyway yeah weird long rant for no reason i guess.
i'm just mad at capitalism and just video games in general just being bad and not fun for the most part these days.
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