#duel decks: garruk vs. liliana
mtg-cards-hourly · 1 month
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Skeletal Vampire
Artist: Wayne Reynolds TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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thecornwall · 11 months
Cornwall's Random Card of the Day #679: Overrun
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Overrun is an uncommon from Tempest, seen here in its Duel Decks Anthology: Garruk vs Liliana printing.
This bad boy is quite the finisher. Fun fact: it was considered overpowered for some time in limited, but never taken out of core sets because it was believed that green needed this card to have a chance to win. Needless to day, quite the sign that green was underpowered back in the day.
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rosencrypt · 6 years
Magic Prediction Time!!
So, the next 3 sets after M19 are Ravnica. We know the first two are scene-setting/Guild politics, and that Ravnica Act 3 Act 3 is also Bolas Smackdown Round 2. We also know that there are lots of planeswalkers involved.
My predictions for the planeswalkers and planeswalker decks are:
Guilds: - Jace (bc come on) - Vraska - Ral (these two are both story important, both have history with Jace, and both of their guilds are featured in the set) Planeswalker decks: Ral and Vraska. This mirrors the Izzert vs Golgari duel decks from RtR, and combines the draw of planeswalker decks with the appeal of guilds for a perfect introductory product.
Towards the start of the story, Jace will confront Ugin and let him know about the upcoming battle. Ugin will be mysterious. About 3/4 of the Guilds story will take place simultaneously with the last few chapters of Dominaria. Towards the end of the story, Gideon, Chandra, and Teferi will appear (possibly after having stopped off to check in with Nissa. Depending on whether or not Chandra has gotten in touch with her true feelings yet, Nissa may or may not come with them) and update Jace on Teferi’s oath and Liliana’s capture.
Allegiance: - Gideon (when Kaladesh/Amonkhet rotate out, there will be no Gideon cards in Standard. Gideon is an important enough character that he should be represented on the cards. He also has ties to Ravnica) - Liliana (? quite probably a new character/other agent of Bolas. If someone else takes Ral’s slot for Guilds, he’ll be here instead) - Chandra (Gideon’s here, so why not? Also, it will have been over 2 years since her last non-planeswalker card) Planeswalker decks: Jace (this set includes Azorius cards, so he’s a perfect fit), Liliana (WB. She fits the Orzhov flavour well and she has flavour with Jace. If someone else has a card in the main set, she’ll still get the Planeswalker deck)
During the Allegiances story, the guilds will split into pro-Bolas (Orzhov, Rakdos, Dimir, Golgari) and anti-Bolas (Izzet, Azorius, Selesnya, Boros, Gruul, Simic) factions. Niv-Mizzet will start out heading the anti-Bolas group along with Jace, but over the course of the story he’ll be killed and Ral will become the Izzet Guildmaster, making it a straight 50/50 split. I could also see Simic on the Bolas side - they’re making super soldiers, and anyone doing that is definitely preparing for battle and probably up to no good.
Ravnica III.3: - Bolas (it’s his set. He has to be there) - Ajani (making his appearance just in time for the fight) - Ugin (Bolas is going to lose, but the arc revolving around him can’t end without a confrontation with his old nemesis) Planeswalker decks: Ajani, Bolas (it’s another pair of characters who Have A History! And between them they make up all 5 colours)
I could see Ugin’s card slot being taken by another of Ajani’s recruited allies. Not Tamiyo; she doesn’t like fighting. Narset? Maybe Sarkhan, contacted through Narset? Or Garruk, as a completely random choice?
During Ravnica Episode IX, Teysa will overthrow the Obzedat (like the story has been telling us she’s going to do for...about 13 years at this point) and ally with the anti-Bolas faction. Ral will be defeated and routed, and Mizzix will take his place as Guildmaster. Bolas will be winning, despite Ajani’s help, but Vraska’s remembrance and Ugin’s unexpected appearance will result in his defeat. He’ll be reduced to a formless ghost, as he was before Time Spiral. Tezzeret will flee to New Phyrexia, helping to set up the next arc.
Neither Tezzeret nor Teferi will get cards. None of the Ravnica guilds care about artifacts, so Tezzeret is out of place, and he will have just had a new card in M19 anyway. Teferi has also just had a (very strong) card, so there’s no need for him to compete with all the other blue mages for another one.
...THEN the 2019 October set will be either Theros or New Phyrexia. It’s looking like New Phyrexia, with a new Karn, Koth, and Tezzeret, but personally I’m hoping for Theros first. That way, Elspeth can return from the dead just in time to play a major role in the Phyrexian storyline.
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mtg-realm · 8 years
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Magic: the Gathering - The Collection
With today's face card previews of Duel Decks: Mind vs. Might, we should have a look at this glorious collection of essentially ALL the Duel Decks printed to date.  Incredible image collection posted by Anthony Bavan (online as alpha_yankee_bravo), showing his collection of all 38 Duel Decks with the first four checked off with the Anthology edition.
• Elves vs. Goblins (2007) • Jace vs. Chandra (2008) • Divine vs. Demonic (2009) • Garruk vs. Liliana (2009) • Phyrexia vs. The Coalition (2010) • Elspeth vs. Tezzeret (2010) • Knights vs. Dragons (2011) • Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas (2011) • Venser vs. Koth (2012) • Izzet vs. Golgari (2012) • Sorin vs. Tibalt (2013) • Heroes vs. Monsters (2013) • Jace vs. Vraska (2014) • Speed vs. Cunning (2014) • Duel Decks Anthology (2014)* • Elspeth vs. Kiora (2015) • Zendikar vs. Eldrazi (2015) • Blessed vs. Cursed (2016) • Nissa vs. Ob Nixilis (2016)
* Duel Decks Anthology (2014) had the following reprints Elves vs. Goblins, Jace vs. Chandra, Divine vs. Demonic, and Garruk vs. Liliana.
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filintimus · 7 years
Duel Decks Anthology - Part 2 - Garruk vs. Liliana
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womenofmagic · 11 years
I had a dream last night with Liliana Garruk. l can't explain exactly what happened but I think Liliana was trying to get to some sort of treasure and along the way she encountered a bunch of posessed people and then Garruk showed up and they were working together to fight of the people who were posessed and once they were defeated they continued on together to get to the treasure. Liliana was planning to betray Garruk once they got to the treasure but then he saved her when something popped out at them so she decided not to betray him but before they got to the treasure shit started going down where they were thrown into and trapped in this mirror world and then I woke up.
Now I want to buy the Garruk Liliana duel deck -__-
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mtg-cards-hourly · 2 months
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"The bones of allies grant wisdom. The bones of enemies grant strength. The bones of dragons grant life eternal."
Artist: Dominick Domingo TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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mtg-cards-hourly · 5 months
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Keening Banshee
Her cold wail echoes in the alleys and under-eaves, finding the unfortunate and turning their blood to ice.
Artist: Robert Bliss TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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mtg-cards-hourly · 4 months
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Urborg Syphon-Mage
"I have become a gourmet of sorts. Each soul has its own distinctive flavor. The art is in inviting the right company to the feast."
Artist: Greg Staples TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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mtg-cards-hourly · 5 months
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Bulgo paused, puzzled. What was that rustling sound, and why did he feel so stiff? And how could his *feet* be so thirsty?
Artist: Jesper Ejsing TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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mtg-cards-hourly · 7 months
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Artist: Steven Belledin TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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mtg-cards-hourly · 7 months
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"We don't like interlopers and thieves cluttering our skies." —Dionus, elvish archdruid
Artist: Rob Alexander TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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mtg-cards-hourly · 2 months
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"We don't like interlopers and thieves cluttering our skies." —Dionus, elvish archdruid
Artist: Rob Alexander TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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mtg-cards-hourly · 10 months
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Indrik Stomphowler
An indrik's howl has destructive power much subtler than that of its crushing foot.
Artist: Carl Critchlow TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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mtg-cards-hourly · 1 year
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Genju of the Cedars
Artist: Arnie Swekel TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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mtg-cards-hourly · 2 years
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Albino Troll
Artist: Paolo Parente TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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