#due to the fun game of historic telephone and the inescapable fate of human embellishment
hisfluer · 1 year
Do you view Luciferus as Eospheros?
What do you think about others syncing Luciferus/Eosphoros with Apollo?
Do you sync Eosphoros with Hesperos?
How do you see Hesperos, if he is part of your worship?
i believe eospheros and hesperos were aspects that have been absorbed by lucifer over time much like how satan and lucifer have been morphed into a singular entity over time. human belief is fluid and constantly changing like ... the bedtime story told by your grandparent is not the same as the one you'll tell your children. i don't think there are strict lines between who is who anymore because i am hundreds of years removed from their original cultural context.
that doesn't mean you cannot try and if you view them as separate entities then there you go! to me, they're not. they're aspects of a singular entity that i identify as lucifer.
along with that luciferus is not how i identify him, however. i use lucifer because i approach him from the christian standpoint of a angelic-demonic entity, one who rides in between because i was raised christian and it's something i understand. now, that lucifer is due to mistranslation and the need to blame something but the concept of a soul being caught between unquestioned obedience and choosing oneself at the risk of losing everything you've ever known resonates with me as someone who left christianity to rediscover my jewish roots and eventually found my way here doing my own thing.
so, even if i did identify them as separate beings, lucifer would still be from a different faith because i understand him from the christian point of view.
i would personally sync him up with venus, though. i feel like he has many aspects of the goddess in that the star he is associated is also associated with her. beauty, love, desire are things i very much ascribe to lucifer and those also belong to venus. the fluidity of gender, the change between sweet goddess of beauty and fearsome goddess of war and the deep — the in betweens.
as for apollo, that's their journey and belief. if that is how he comes to them, who am i to say anything about it? he came to me as angelic being when i don't associate with angels at all. i don't really do much with apollo. i respect him and i've prayed to him but he's not someone that i bring into my practice often. ( and i've asked! i thought this being of light that i kept feeling near me was apollo, i thought the wolf spirit that showed up was from apollo, i thought because i'm a creative person i should seek apollo but i've only ever gotten a 'sorry, wrong door' or a 'no, good guess though' from him. )
lucifer is the first and last star, settling in neither day nor night but between. he hovers between heaven and damnation — a little bit holy and a little bit unholy because he chose to love something other than what he was told. he's proud, he's fearsome, he still retains the starlight of a past i would like to think he looks back on fondly but it doesn't erase the demonic talons he has now or the outstretched wings that hum with a frequency that only angels know of. he's wild, sometimes. passionate. he refuses to be trod on and breaks the foot of those who try. he's beautiful and he's sad, heartbroken for a time before time that no one remembers and all that's left is fragments.
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