#dude I'm so sorry I was just doing the small talk bc we have the same commute after art history and I was trying to be polite
eyes-of-nine · 4 months
there's a very specific type of guy™ that misinterprets my general cringefail rotating-daniil-dankovsky-in-my-head-24/7 aura as the manic pixie dream girl of his dreams and guess what happened again
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greatbigstorm · 4 months
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sensei-venus · 8 months
could u do something with Jacob bertrand and Reader is his gf and she comes to set of Cobra Kai to support him and he can't focus bc of her. Like he just wants to make her laugh
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Jacob just couldn't seem to keep his focus on the scene at hand. Every other moment he was messing up his lines. If it wasn't for Xolo yelling at him or Tanner threatening to kick him in the shine, he wouldn't be able to keep going.
But it wasn't his fault that his cute girlfriend had finally decided to show up to set. Sadly she didn't make it a habit to come very often. Saying it was better that he had his own time to work and do his own thing. She didn't like the idea of overcrowding him. He respected that a lot but sometimes he admitted to missing her. Seeing her face behind the filming cameras always seemed to do something to him.
All he wanted to do was get the stupid scenes over then run to her. The urge to just pick her up off the ground and kiss her was just too strong.
“Dude can you just stay focused for like ten minute please? This is the last scene we have to film today.” Mary hissed. Standing right next to him, Mary couldn't help but poke him in the ribs. He rolled his eyes at her tactics to try and get his attention. His eyes went from Reader who was standing on the sidelines to Mary who was about to smack him.
Her patience was running low as she had plans to hang out with Tanner later. But with the way things were going with Jacob messing up his lines, they would all be there even longer.
“Im sorry okay! But Reader is literally right there! Do you know how hard it is to talk her into coming to the sets? It's super hard. I can't believe she's actually here right now.” his voice was filled with awe. A goofy smile spread over his lips as he looked over at said girl. She noticed quickly and gave him a smile and small wave. She rocked on her heels while trying to watch what was going on. Eyes big while taking everything in.
“You are so pathetic dude, can you just deliver this one line and try to kick me in the face already?” Tanner mumbled while pacing around the small mat they were standing on. Luckily they were filing a quick training scene. Nothing too big but was taking way longer than it needed to be. For a split second he really does want to punch the dirty blonde right in the back of the head.
The scene was quickly over with just a few more shots. In a stroke of pure luck Jacob stopped his attempts at showing off. The director called cut and wrapped up the set for the day. Everyone groaned in an almost sort of tone at what they knew was going to happen next. Xolo just laughed while Tanner shook his head. They watched as the wheels seemed to turn in the other guy's head. His head snapped back over to look at the sidelines. A grin plastered on his face the whole time.
A moment later he is running off the mat in a hurry and barreling towards Reader. Her eyes widened for a split second as she watched her boyfriend race towards her. She couldn't even find the mind to move. Jacob’s feet stopped right in front over her as he bent over and picked her up. With wide eyes she audibly squealed, throwing her arms around his shoulders and neck. Face getting warm from the new attention.
“Jacob stop that! We are in public! Everyone is looking at us.” Reader says as he finally stops spinning her around. He puts her down but hangs on to her in a tight hug. He laughs saying “Oh come on babe, nobody on set cares. They don't have a pda policy or anything.” he kisses all over her neck as they stand there.
“You are so bad.”
“Um I know but what does that make you? I'm your boyfriend after all.” he chuckles making her roll her eyes. His hands felt up her soft sides just enough to have her twitching around in his grasp.
“Want to go back to my trailer for a bit before we head out for the day ~” he said while slowly wrapping a arm around her waist. With a smile she nodded saying “I don't see why not, we don't have any plans until dinner time.” the two turned to walk away from the still-slightly crowded set together.
Jacobs hand quickly made its way down her sides and across her back to grab a hand full of her fat ass. His fingers digging into her supple skin under her clothes. He smirked as he squeezed at her which made her fall more into his side as they walked.
Mary and Tanner gagged a little while Xolo just laughed.
They were definitely not just “hanging out” in that trailer for the rest of the day and everyone knew it.
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forbidding-souda · 21 days
Heyoooooo! Before requesting anything, may I say that your writing is truly AWESOME!! Everything fits the character so well aaa I adore it!!! Keep up the amazing work!!!
Can you plz do some head cannons for Korekiyo, Ibuki and Kazuichi being roommates with their S/O in a small dorm? I think it'd be a cute scenario (sorry if it's a bit much :'] )
Shinguuji Korekiyo, Ibuki Mioda, and Kazuichi Souda living with their S/O in a small dorm
just bullet points for this one because i'm a litttllleee head empty. ALSO TY FOR THE COMPLIMENT IT MEANS THE WORLD!!!!!
i am highly qualified to write this. Bruh I have lived in three different dorm buildings bc I did a swap since my first roommate was homophobic LOLZ. The second dorm I lived in was a corner room so we had a lot of room compared to the others gg but the first dorm i was in was TINY as if it wasn't 1.7k a month like dude come on.
I'm an english major and a child development major btw hmu I'm so cool and awesome. Join the discord to see me post about the funny things my english professor puts on canvas LMFAO.
I added in a bit of just college stuff.
-Mod Souda
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Shinguuji Korekiyo
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❤ His desk is so full of trinkets that he can hardly use it. Probably just studies in his bed.
❤ He'll gift you some and clutter your side of the room, too.
❤ Lights candles even though they're not allowed.
❤ Incense too.
❤ But he has a good sense of personal space and he keeps to himself. Even when the two of you are dating, he understands the difference between his side of the room and your side of the room.
❤ However, you can sneak into his bed :3 he wouldn't mind.
❤ Just don't sleep on his hair plz he leaves that shit sprawled out.
❤ No bc you probably have his loose hair everyone on the carpet swear to god.
❤ Anthropology major obvi.
❤ Takes academics very seriously!!!
❤ Will just walk around in long sleeves regardless of the weather.
❤ If you're the type of person to study and not go to the dining commons then he'll eat there and then bring you a to-go box.
❤ Definitely keeps sake in his mini fridge.
❤ Isn't on the snap story.
❤ Ask before you use his stuff because he's probably gonna start tweaking if he notices something out of place.
❤ He does not like showering in those dorm showers. He'll probably go to the gym or something.
❤ Probably uses a computer bag instead of a backpack.
Kazuichi Souda
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❤ Your stuff is his stuff now.
❤ Pushes your beds together. (LMFAOOO)
❤ Mechanical engineering major perhaps. Ngl I only know two of them and idk what they be learning but it sounds about right.
❤ Never does his laundry on time. He leaves it in the dryer.
❤ He doesn't clean for the RA checks either.
❤ And he definitely doesn't care about privacy when it comes to changing. He's just gonna get naked in front of you fr.
❤ He gets doordash a lot.
❤ Will wait for you after class. Or he might have the audacity to just crash one of your lectures.
❤ Walks around the dorm in his underwear.
❤ I'd like to imagine he brought a mirror in the room so he can add the braids in his hair in private awwwww.
❤ Sharpens his teeth in the other bathroom tho gg.
❤ You can spell his cologne from your bed.
❤ Keeps his textbooks on the floor near his bed but the dorm is so small you almost trip over them.
❤ Doesn't take out the trash either.
❤ Uses the campus gym all the time.
❤ If he's not in the dorm he's either at class or hanging out in the gym.
❤ If you do yoga then you can easily convince him to do yoga with you.
❤ His fits are probably firrreeee. But I imagine he wears the same shoes every day.
Ibuki Mioda
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❤ Will ask to keep things on your side of the room.
❤ You will be in class and then come back to her sleeping in your bed.
❤ Ibuki plz stop dying your hair in the public sink please you're staining the sink PLEASE.
❤ Doesn't even raise her hand in class she just starts talking. Which ik is normal but she like . will just start talking.
❤ Music major? Or is that too obvious. Could be pop culture too. I'm leaning more towards pop culture.
❤ Goes on long rants about like 2300 about what she did in her classes.
❤ She talks as she studies. Is she even studying? You can't tell.
❤ Study date except it's her talking the entire time with Canvas open but not looking at anything.
❤ Probably leaves her pajamas on the floor when she changes in the morning. You can just put them back on her bed for her.
❤ Like Shinguuji, she will also just have her loose hairs everywhere.
❤ She is a bit of a pervert and is like "you can change in front of me :) it's okay :) you can change in front of me :)" (pleading).
❤ Is going to use your body wash without telling you.
❤ Probably plays her music hella loud and the RA will have to knock bc of complaints LMFAO.
❤ ^ Also rents a vaccuum at 3AM and uses it.
❤ Probably gets opps bc of this ^
❤ If she wears a school uniform in Danganronpa then I'm gonna headcanon that she wears merch of the college.
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neverchecking · 1 year
I think the idea of the links fighting to be dads is one of the best things I have ever read and I'm so glad people are interested in it enough to send ask I cast appreciation spell on every single one of you. I just wanted to share my own thoughts.
I picture Sky's kid just being a mini sky tbh. Not necessarily on features so to speak, but the idea of a small sleepy baby that likes to take naps all of the time so 🥰. I imagine that it's also a bit chubby, no particular reason just to give it that little 'cute' push. Sky taking little naps with his baby, and the kid is swaddled up in his sailcloth while he holds them in his arms (reader (and the rest of the chain) get worried and watches over him in the beginning bc they were worried that he'd accidentally drop them, lemme just say his grip does not slip). Better yet, Sky swaddles the baby to his back so that he could have his hands free, and Sky just walks around with this cute little tater tot looking over his shoulder curiously. Call 911 anon died in aisle 6. I picture sky's first born being a son who's just as in touch with their emotions as he is. Imagine the baby inherits the soft hair texture I could cry.
Legend <3. I can only picture legend having a girl, I don't know why there's just no way that man is not a girl dad. I don't really have any ideas on what his kid would look like, but I like to imagine they get his eyes bc I'm really biased and love the lavender (periwinkle?, light purple bitch) eyes. I swear his pros and cons are just
'con: has unresolved trauma, kinda mean tbh, house is filled with dangerous items, might have to share house with weird rabbit guy (seems nice), does he even like kids??
Pro: really pretty eyes, has a lot of stuff and experience protecting/housing things, doesn't wear pants/easy access'
I know you say all of his kids end up really snarky and mean, I offer you 'baby takes after reader and is the literal personification of sunshine'. I'm talking full social butterfly, it would normally makes him sick, but that's his baby, it's different. He would absolutely gently tell his kids to cover their ears/go play elsewhere before going for someone's throat (verbally or physically).
I agree with the whole Cal/Safe/Wild have no clue which one is the father whenever their baby is born because it's like 'they have my nose' 'dude we all have that nose'.
I'm going to get a lot of backlash for saying this: but the only reason why Sage would ever get a 'pro' from me is because he would take his shirt off. And I'm sure if reader ever asked any of the chain to take their shirt off like 'skin to skin contact is good for the baby' 'say no more' you would never see a shirt I'm that household ever again. I'm sorry no I'm not, but Sage to me is the type of father to look at reader breastfeeding their infant and get jealous because it's not him. I hope you all sleep good with that thought.
Lastly on the trio, I imagine their kids to be the trouble makers. Absolutely no one is surprised to hear that, but their kids are guaranteed to give them and reader a few early grey hairs. It's almost like karma for them being so chaotic in their time, Twilight is laughing because Wild finally understands. Wild is still absolutely living up to his name still, but he's also not irresponsible either, he would never forgive himself if him and his antics were ever the reason his kid got unnecessarily injured, even if it's a part of growing up (This also applies to Sage as well, Cal lets them get the childhood he never got but is much more watchful of his babies than the other two, old habits and everything)
Offhand thought. I imagine Wild, Sage, Time, and *shudders* Koridai's kids to be the escape artists. I'm not necessarily talking teenagers sneaking out of windows, I'm talking about toddlers getting into everything. These kids without a doubt always find a way to get out of their crib by themselves, either sliding under the bar, learning to climb early, or doing something, to crawl into their parents' bed unannounced, scaring the mess out of the pair. That little sliding door you put on the pool ladder? They learn how to climb onto the side. You put something out of reach? They get a stool. They're so smart, but only when it's to get into something guaranteed to greet you with a huge mess with them sitting in the middle innocently.
Finally, the person I was originally here for: Hyrule my beloved. Okay so you know how I went on about Sky's baby having certain features because I thought it was cute, I also have certain feelings about Hyrule's. I'm a very big fan of Sky and Hyrule with freckles, and the idea of Hyrule's baby being absolutely littered with freckles is so adorable.
You also mentioned that the baby would probably also be part fairy and I get that, lets add more. You'd think with reader not being a fairy, and Hyrule only being part, that the baby would only be like 25% right? Right? Hyrule's genes kicked in again, this baby is very much a fairy. I like to imagine that since they'd be raised by a non-fairy and a fairy that's very good at masking, they'd be very cute and mostly 'normal', but because they're not human the baby's just a bit... off. What trait did I assign this fictional fairy child? Eye contact. It's not really noticeable when they're a small baby, but as they start to grow up a bit their eyes look a bit different, in a way that almost no one can pinpoint. That's not what really gets them though, what gets most people is the almost unwavering gaze of this small child, as if analyzing their every move at all moments, studying them like they're test subjects. Because of this, Hyrule's kid gets really good at mimicking the people around them and blending into hylian society really well, the eye contact problem is never really fully solved though.
I picture reader not even noticing this though, like this is my baby, isn't it cute🥰? I made this all by myself, look at their freckles! And the baby is staring at you with the wrath of god. Hc can also apply to Courage since he's based off of Hyrule, I gave Kori one and it's only fair. Courage absolutely is aware of his kid's special trait, and absolutely uses it to intimate people either for fun or for information.
Last thought bc Hyrule's blood curse is a thing: where is reader giving birth? I hope for them it's in a town because if not? I hope Hyrule (healing) and Twilight (probably knows the most about birth, granted it was animals but still, can also take reader squeezing his hand) are going to be really close with reader soon.
I pick them out because I absolutely don't think that reader would want like 11 men and a teenage boy around them while they go through egregious amounts of pain.
I bring this up because if Hyrule still has the blood curse and it extends to his child, how is that going to work when reader inevitably gives birth (since, y'know, blood). I know the easiest answer is just 'baby doesn't get the curse' but imagine Hyrule just silently dying the entire pregnancy because he's the only person that knows about his curse. I feel like at some point he would tell reader, just so they're aware and can be cautious if it turns out to be his.
Also labor is also like really dangerous, especially in medieval times where mortality is high. I imagine if anything when wrong at any point imagine sunset but cranked up to 11, especially if Sage is there. The group better hope it ends up being his kid because if it's not, he's picking a fight immediately, pinning reader's injuries on the Link in question. Reader's hurt, he's stressed, and he can't fight the problem so he's going for the next best thing.
That's it bye.
gently cradles the spell and gives it a little smooch. thank you <3
Sky's kid absolutely takes after him in every way. The sailcloth is turned into one of those baby wraps and it never leaves his person. Actually, it only leaves Sky when it's on Reader whose cradling their baby <3 They probably sleep all the time with their chubby little cheeks and their chubbier little fingers. Sky was totally a chubby kid and so is his baby. I'm making it canon bc I'm actually nintendo isn't that crazy (I'm not I'm just delulu). Imagine Sky just rocking in place, cooing gently at his kid as the sun cascades over him fdnfofhig MY OVARIES ARE SCREAMING- (His grip is iron clad and that kid doesn't so much as slip.) When they get older, I can see him doing the back swaddle, but when their so little and so fragile, nuh-uh. He's keeping them front and center no matter what. In his direct line of sight. His first born is probably a son with his same doe eyes and his same perfect cheeks. I am also crying.
Legend. That gorgeous rat bastard. I can also only picture him having a girl. Look at him. He screams girl dad. With the bows in his hair and the tea parties and the dresses and the painted nails. All him. His kid probably has a light strawberry blond hair, yk, and the most gorgeous periwinkle eyes. His trauma is kinda bad, but it gives him flavor. And his mean streak means his kid also gives zero shits and is just as mean as him. Like, have yall seen that meme where the dad is like visibly angry and the baby turns, sees the dad, turns back and mirrors his expression to a T. That's Legend's kid. Also, sharing house with weird rabbit guy? You mean you have a free babysitter??? He doesn't like other peoples kids. Just yours and his <3
Okay I'm reading this as I respond and I just got to this Reader and baby are literal sunshine to Legend's asshole motive and vhnoffofo YES. His baby is the type of kid that forces him to be friendly with other kid's parents. Its so different when its his baby. Because it's his. Duh. He is so gentle with his kids, gently urging them along before decimating Kathy and her turd-stomping, shit-stained, crotch Goblin Anthony who dared to push his kid. (I have nothing against Kathy's or anthony's I swear) He eventually becomes the PTA president. Calling it now. Just to spite Kathy.
ITS SO FUNNY LIKE- "those are definitely my eyes." "For the love of Hylia Sage WE ALL HAVE THOSE EYES-"
:( Damn you for being the only one of us reasonable enough to see all of Sage's red flags. And it's not like I paid ninety dollars for TotK to see him with clothes on. That's crazy talk. But you bet Sage is burning all of shirts in the back. No questions asked. He absolutely does get jealous just a little and I sleep great with that though :) (I'm so delusional. Red is just such a pretty color :)) But, Sage is also the kind of dad to take the quiet moments with his kid. He's sitting in a rocking chair, gently cradling his son (He'd have a boy) and practically crying. Like there are tears in his eyes because he finally got his family. And he is so, so grateful.
Their kids are D E M O N S to Hyrule. Wild is living up to his name in the sense that he has to out crazy his kid to cancel out his kids crazy so they don't kill themselves. Like if their kid is launching themselves off a tree, he is literally shield surfing down a hill, catching his kid mid fall and angling it so they land in a pond. All while his kid is screaming again again!. If the urge to do something crazy hits him, he's far away from home where his kid would never ever see him and not get inspired by his dumb shit. Cal lets them do a little more, but he's quiet in the background, waiting to pounce and save them as opposed to pulling off some great save (Cough Sage and Wild cough) He's stopping the danger before it has a chance to happen.
The disrespect on Koridai's name...Totally valid. Nah, Wild, Sage Time and Koridai's kids are all the toddlers whose playpens need lids that are weighed down with boulders and still manage to sneak out. (Sage's kids eat through the pen). All of the Links' kids are smart, it comes with the territory, but something about those four? Their just...?!?!? Fours kids are also really book smart, but so common sense stupid. And it only applies when it's a guaranteed mess.
Lmao I can see it now. One time, Sage's kids decide to hide under their parents bed and send them in mass hysteria bc they can't??? Find??? Their??? KIDS?!?!? Sage is screaming, crying, freaking out that it was all a dream and pulling at his hair, crying over the loss of his babies and they just pop out like 'what's bitchin' papa?'
They don't sleep in their own bed for six months after that incident.
Hyrule has freckles. For sure. His kid has freckles. For sure. Why? I'm nintendo. Duh. OKAY OKAY IM HEARING YOU OUT- Like instead of his gene's getting watered down, it's being amplified. Even as a baby, the kid is just staring like it knows what your thinking. It's kind of off putting, but bc its Hyrule's baby it's fine bc their so cute. When their a toddler, their watching any visitor without fail. Like O-O the whole time. Hyrule's kid is the best at charades bc they are so good at mimicking ( I feel like he's also a girl dad idk. Or a really soft boy like Sky). This kid is just the O-O kid for the rest of their life sorry not sorry.
Reader loves all their kids whether their freckled O^O kids or kids that eat through wooden bars to get to the cookie jar. Because it's a case of I made them! :) Their all mine. No one cares about a dad. N O O N E.
Courage absolutely holds his baby up and is using them as a threat. "Oh, you don't wanna talk? That's fine. I figured you'd wanna meet my kid. They eat souls :)" And the kid is just OuO
Look...The town idea is cool, but imagine them on the road and Reader goes into birth. That's so funny to me. Like it's eleven heroes, who have faced Death themself and won and their all freaking out. Sage is shaking Wild, making even hitting him a little. Sky is crying and squeezing Wars, who is also crying. Hyrule is freaking out on the inside along with Twilight bc omg their the only ones who can actively help? Time is the backbone, holding Reader and letting them squeeze his hand. Four is one look at blood away from fainting. Cal is paler than pale. Legend is the one pacing and cursing and What are we going to DO?!?
Wind is caught between 'My mom is so metal-' To 'Oh my goddess above is that NORMAL?!"
Sure, Wind is a teenage boy but he's also mom's favorite. I don't make the rules. He's gonna be there. In the back. Behind mom so he doesn't have to see it. But he's there! :D
Hyrule probably freaks out over the whole blood bit and when panic questioned about by others (Bc he probably does let Reader know early pregnancy), he just blurts it. Like lays it right there on the table.
Labor is super dangerous. Even with things like fairies, and potions and magic. Sage is one thousand percent more dangerous during this times. If it's his kid? He's demanding the absolute best for them and Reader. If not? Then how come that Link isn't doing more? This is their kid, is it not? Then he should be ensuring the utmost safety for Reader. His stressed energy has to go somewhere and their just the unfortunate outlets.
Ugh this is all so delicious I love it sm anon
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bullshit-bulltrue · 1 year
Hawk Talk
Okay so sorry if this is a little jumpy I'm having a so far two-day long anxiety attack anyway-
We got assigned seating in history and i got sat next to the biggest cunt wad i have ever met i fucking despise her and she's my desk partner
she was cordial and so was i but she has not fucking changed at all
And the cute boy from years ago is still cute and shy and such a sweetheart but he sits behind me ish and to the very far right
So I can't even look at him anymore without anyone noticing :(
And nyxie darling (@whennyxfallsinlove) was right, i was looking at him like a deer staring at headlights the first day because holy shit i REALLY *REALLY* liked him (still do) because he was one of the only genuine boys I met at the time and I was having a really difficult time and yk hanging out with him helped me out since things were happening in my home life that were difficult to say the least
So then the rest of class went smoothly
For math, there is no cute guys
But thats fine because I really like my teacher and he's taught ways to do math that are so much easier
Not only is he funny, but he also REALLY goes into depth of equations and helps out a lot!!
Sooo yeah
I had a mini heart attack bc after I left class I thought my phone fell outta my pocket but the pockets on my jeans are high (since the jeans are high-waisted duh) so it turns out my butt just didn't recognize the feeling since majority of my jeans don't have wider pocket space
But yeah
Anddd then I went to English class
And if you saw the recent small Hawk Talk posts of me interacting with nyxie, you'd know that there are two boys that are lowkey cute 👀
Idk they're cute by my standards but probably not everyone else's lmao
So I feel like I should call these guys smth??
So umm let's call one of them Baseball guy bc he likes baseball and I also didn't wanna ask his name but when I do, I'll probably make a nickname to refer to when I post about him
And the other we'll call D/Dee ig??
So yeah D was funny as usual
And the baseball guy talked more and lanie, him, and I were going through this box
It was a worry box and my English teacher (we'll call her Mrs. K) basically had a chest and put it at our table to write our worries on an index card and put it in there (anonymously, but some kids put their names so now we have Blackmail™️ . Probs won't need it, but it's good to have information on people)
And like she said that we could NOT under ANY circumstances go through it..
But we did 😘
So yeah that was fun because I didnt get caught
so i'm her favorite student while also being a little shit
So me and Lanie started following Cute Baseball Boy™️ to his locker because we're nosy bitches
But then I lost lanie so I sat on the floor until i was found like a 7-year-old who lost her mom at the supermarket
Aaand then we had lunch together !!
But then I found out she thought baseball guy is cute too :(
And idk how to feel about that
So I'd anything happens between them I'm gonna be kinda bummed bc I don't want her to get the wrong idea about me thinking he's cute
So im gonna have to find a way to not like him ig??
Or just keep shit to myself (with the intention of telling y'all every little detail)
Gonna je bummed if they start dating or smth but I'll be supportive nonetheless because they're both my friends and if they're happy then that's all that really matters to me
So anyway
Thus guy across from us at lunch was fucking hilarious
His friend kept putting a plate of school food someone forgot to throw away in his face and he let out the most high pitch ear piercing scream I have EVER heard lmaooo
Same bro, same
Felt that
And like I looked at him like wtf was that dude
And his eyes got SO wide
He kept frantically pointing to the girls that were sitting near him and even his friend 💀
So like that was funny
And then we got to gym !!
We didn't get to actually do anything :(
Basically what happened in PE: got gym clothes, got gym lockers (mine and lanie's are next to each other!!), and watched boys get play basketball (D was playing and he wasn't that bad)
Sooo yeah
Ik I said that I went basic white girl mode and watched the boys play
But like half the time I was just taking selfies on snap and scrolling through tumblr memes lmao
But the other half me and lanie were laughing at the boys clothes and haircuts bc they look like they rolled out of bed and asked a 5 year old to make their hair the shape of a fucking broccoli spout or whatever tf you call it
y'all it was that bad
(we also laughed abt that shit at lunch too)
Oh forgot something
While we were all going into the girl's locker room of the gym i thought lanie was right behind me but when i turned around i had to tilt my head up and look around for her head because she's way taller than me and she was at the very back of the crowd
So i went to the side and waited for her to get close to me
And she literally fucking said
L: damn girl i keep losing you, you're really speedy
Me: yeah i'm short but it means i walker faster than you, you're a fucking giant
L: well yeah to YOU. but like i'm tall enough to be your mom
And I lost it. I laughed so hard bc of the way she said it lol
Soo yeah that was the end of my school day
Hope you enjoyed <3
Oh and tagging people that wanted to hear about my day and/or have been reading my Hawk Talk posts (if you dont wanna be tagged lmk and i wont anymore, and lmk if u do wanna be tagged in the full day hawk talk posts!) : @cereal-is-a-soup100percent-true @whennyxfallsinlove @dizzeners @cau-lee-flower215 @sp1rit-realm
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pondscummy · 6 months
so me and roommate L talked on Sunday and I finally like aired some of my grievances and was like hey you really hurt me w how you treated me during my recovery and I realized I actually really don't feel like I can safely communicate with you and I haven't felt like I could for a very long time. and they did apologize and we decided to just be polite roommates and not friends at all and that's a big relief honestly bc now I'm not carrying around this tension the way I was before bc I know there's not expectation from either side but like. it's also freed me up mentally where I'm not thinking about all the immediate stuff anymore and instead I'm like remembering various random things that pissed me off but weren't big enough to focus on before lmao
the one I'm stuck on rn is how insistent they are that I'm on the spectrum. idk they do a lot of explaining myself to me that makes me like. bro shut Up you don't know what my lived experience is like lol you have no concept of anything. which. for context I have a dx and I thought I was on the spectrum for years and years but weirdly enough going to therapy and working through my ptsd made a lot of those symptoms just.... start vanishing. and one of my friends had been undiagnosed for the same reason so it got me thinking about it and talking to my therapist at the time and like. ptsd can present rly similarly. like I was neglected and abused as a child and I literally did not learn social skills, and I was very fearful of other people. as I like worked through the stuff that had instilled that in me and found my stride w stepping out of my comfort zone and getting comfortable being uncomfortable I really don't find it particularly hard to talk to people. I retook the RAADS and I got that I have tendencies but am not anywhere near diagnostic level. I'm literally moving states bc I find the idea of being in a new place and starting from scratch socially rly exciting and I want to like go out to events on my own and meet people both through apps and more organically and I want to get to be in the office with my coworkers like. obv there's more to a dx than just social anxiety but the things that my dx was primarily based in (social anxiety, need for stability/routine, aversion to connection, even sensory issues) are so easily linked back to trauma for me and like. being on the spectrum doesn't go away w therapy?? also I've found it harder and harder to befriend other people on the spectrum; I find I have less in common as time goes on and that my communication style is more focused on like small talk and less directness etc. and I don't tend to get special interests at all anymore like I find it a little difficult to discuss interests w people for long periods of time.
anyway idk my experiences just make me think that it was an incorrect dx but a rly understandable one. I'll probably always have tendencies and get along pretty well w others who do or who are on the spectrum but like I just don't think that I am. and whenever I tried to talk about this with them they'd shut it down and be like um I'm pretty sure you are lmao. and when we talked Sunday I made a comment about making some assumptions about their facial expressions at one point and they were like well we're both on the spectrum so. and I was like my guy I can read facial expressions just fine. if you're saying I can't read yours accurately bc You're on the spectrum then fine. sure. I actually think it's bc you're always so fucking stoned that every muscle in your face is dangling from the frame, personally, but like. i don't have this probably of misreading anyone else dude. like ffs stop armchair diagnosing me and acting like bc you said it then it's law. UGHHHHHHHHHGGGHHHH. it would be one thing if I thought they were saying this stuff bc they think I'm distancing myself out of internalized ableism or something. but it really seems more like they bring it up only to tell me how bad I am at things. which like I'm sorry lmao but. if I'm not giving this vibe to anyone else and I'm not displaying symptoms predominantly in my day to day life and if they're rly seeming to be correlated to my ptsd, maybe you're literally just triggering for me to be around. asshat
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daz4i · 8 months
actually i AM gonna post abt this again. sorry
like when i say they make me feel like i'm in a story. i mean it
we started talking and immediately clicked. talked nonstop for days really
we both had relationships like that years before, but then paused that behavior bc we were young and it wasn't the healthiest, but now we were adults and knew better. it was the first one after that break for both of us
i avoided this behavior for awhile bc i knew it's not the healthiest but it felt so good when it happened. i (rightfully) feared the crash but at the time, the high was so worth it. and everything was going so smoothly too. things kept aligning just right all the time
every time i thought something is gonna come up or that i did something wrong and now it's all gonna blow up, they proved that i had no reason to worry, bc they let it slide immediately, even liked it
we kind of completed each other in every way. liked the same things and had a lot in common, but were opposites in enough things that we weren't TOO similar
i stopped worrying abt annoying them relatively early into the whole thing (usually it takes me months or even years, or i never stop at all. here it was maybe 2-3 weeks)
we became actually close right on their birthday. a small thing but you gotta admit if this was a story it'd be poetic as hell
every time they had a problem and i jokingly said i'm sending a spell their way to fix it, it passed after like 2 minutes. absolutely insane coincidence stuff
i mentioned this before. and this is gonna be embarrassing but. we met through, well, kin stuff lol. they kin chuuya, i kin dazai, we joked abt kindating etc. anyway my mental health was shit but they genuinely uplifted me a lot. they made me want to live for the first time in who knows how long, maybe ever. i think you can tell why i prefaced this story with that fact 🥲 embarrassing but real
and now this shit? 😭 another small thing but like. i make a post abt them bc now is generally around the time we started talking, and someone i follow queued a post from their blog and it posts right now?? they've been decativated for nearly a year HOW did this line up like that 😭
they unfortunately made me believe in the concept of soulmates :/ but as my friends (and mom. bc she saw me cry over the whole thing for days) said. if they cut me off and hurt me like that, they weren't ~the one~
and another thing that made me feel more like i'm in a teen movie is. i legit spent a day and a half in bed crying and barely doing anything else, after they cut me off. truly cliche stuff. actually that's a good way to put it - they made me feel like a cliche. still do when i think abt it a year later. it was a good thing at first, bad when it ended. i could make a movie abt this barely changing any detail and it'll be an average teen romantic comedy (except i'll have to add some happy ending there)
anyway let me finish all that by saying. who the fuck blocks someone on spotify 😭 dude...
(it's been a year and i got burned so badly from this whole thing that i seriously doubt i'll be able to love someone this much again. i need it to be an instant obsession to actually feel good about love, but i'll never be able to confidently go into any new relationship with that purpose because i'm just too scared things will hurt this much again. it's honestly so depressing lol 🥲 but what can ya do)
(i also became the most suicidal i've ever been since lol. probably bc of how big the drop was. it still hasn't gone away. part of why i see no point in life is bc of that previous paragraph. so.)
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sameglasses · 2 years
i'm sure many people talked about it before, but i actively hate how the ts crew deals with ads, merch, or even basic communication and i need to rant about it too a little (the rest's under the cut, i didn't think i'd be that long but here we are lol)
there's another youtuber that i admire a lot more for this. half his channel is "regular" videos on pokémon strategy, and the other half are livestreams, let's plays, best-of etc (his name is Fildrong btw, if you're speaking a little bit of french and you like pokémon go check out his content, he's super funny) this dude knows how to run a channel, and it shows; he always keeps in touch with his fanbase, letting them know what comes next for videos, let's plays, merch, bigger projects, etc. he reaches out to artists whenever he needs to and pays them decently by the way, he lets the fans know when he's going to have some rest, etc etc. you know, basic stuff
and you wanna know the best part? he's doing this alone. he makes collabs with friends or artists, obviously, and he has an editor for his best-of only, but he runs most of his channel on his own
Thomas and his team don't get this; they're not a group of small creators anymore, they're running a whole business, and it hurts to see a business this big doing it worse than some dude doing more "modest" content on his own (depends on the videos tho, i don't think a roadtrip throughout Europe on a bike is what you could call "modest") (yes, Fildrong did that. twice. the absolute madman)
they're trying to capitalize on a series that's slowly dying because of the lack of communication, or even respect for its fans. i don't think Thomas himself is that invested into it anymore, but i'd much rather him telling us that than trying to make as much money as possible without making actual content. hell, if he even wants to cancel sanders sides altogether for any reason, i'm fine with it!! i'd be disappointed for sure, but at least he'd stop the massacre and do a Cartoon Therapy 2.0
you could claim that because Fildrong has a much smaller fanbase, it's easier for him to communicate with his fans, and to that i'll answer: Markiplier someone else made the same comparison (i can't remember the url, wave if you're here buddy), but Mark doesn't have this problem either; he also keeps in touch with his fans, to let them know about his next project, a little about what's going on in his life, sometimes, when he's going to take some vacations etc, because he knows what he's doing. and he's one of the most popular youtubers ever
what's their excuse to just even tweet "hey sorry for the delay, the next episode is going to take some time" or something like that?? while we would be thrilled to see new content, we'd appreciate even more honesty. the last video made me feel like being taken for an idiot that would willingly give their money away for some over-priced bullshit because look!! a totally new sanders sides video!!!! not a tasteless ad disguised as actual content at all!!!!!
(and yeah, i know the team isn't responsible for the price of the plushies. i'm still allowed to complain about it bc yeah i guess they're kinda cute, but i'm not spending so much money for this) (i don't even think they ship those in my country anyway)
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Hellooo :)
So I was wondering if you could do a matchup for me please, they're pretty cool.
I'd prefer Supernatural or TWD.
I'm a uni psych student in the uk from abroad and i'm average height and with brown, curly hair, idk what i'm supposed to say.
I study psych bc i've always been good at being like a therapist or getting people to talk when they need to.
I like overprotective dudes and i'm an older sister so I have been told that I can be too defensive.
I like books but i also really like sports and parties. I've lost a few people in my life so i get scared when things feel like they're going wrong but i hate feeling scared.
Umm, i'm bilingual and working on a third language and i think that's about it.
Thanks, ik you probably have a lot of these so i just appreciate you looking over this xx
Reading this I just feel like you’re so fucking smart. And I love that. I’m gonna do both a twd match up and a Supernatural one as well!
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Castiel and you are a perfect match. Though you are human and he is an angel he understand your grief of losing the people you have called family or friend.
The two of you met around the same time as the winchesters. Being a friend of the Winchester’s also meant that most of their friends are yours. It’s a small hunting world. Most hunters knew the other hunters. It was like a big, badass family.
Castiel was mesmerized by your book knowledge and the fact that you could physically handle yourself. You had younger sibling(s) you had to protect no matter what. Castiel admired that about you. Your sacrificial nature and how you always make sure people knew your presence wasn’t a demeaning one, but a space that was peaceful where they could share anything with you.
Castiel took the advantage of seeing you as his “therapist”. Just like everyone else in your life when they found out you had taken some psychology classes. You were very knowledgeable and Castiel admired that.
Castiel loved to see your brain work so when you were needed on a case with the winchesters seeing how you could speak to people in their native tongue. He loved how helpful you were.
He loves seeing you in your bad ass mode. Whether it be when you whip a monsters ass or when you stick up for something you believed in. Castiel liked how you didn’t back down for what you believed in.
Castiel tends to be over protective at times. He would just want to keep you safe from the dangers of the world. And even tho you understood that it could be overwhelming having an angel protect you from every day problems. If someone was being rude to you he’d call them out. He would punch anyone in the face that dared to defile you with their eyes.
The walking dead match up
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I know it seems weird but hear me out.
Negan would be falling in love with you the moment you met his eyes. He would ask everyone around who you were before he even tried to make his move.
When you finally officially met it was a match. Negan walked up to you and since the first word it was like the two of you couldn’t shut up!
You knew Negan had done some crazy/unforgivable stuff. You had your guard up. Using psychology tricks you learned in school you could read him like a damn book. Maybe that’s why he was so attracted to you. In this world, now, he thought he would never meet someone who understood him as you did.
He liked your knowledge. He loved that your language had less barriers then most people.
Negan has watched you more then once prove that you are a BAD ASS MOTHER FUCKING ZOMBIE FIGHTING BITCH!
Negan loves to watch you handle yourself. Whether it was fighting for your life side by side him or fighting with someone in the group.
He loves laying in bed with you after you have gotten a shower and plays with you hair. (A/n I understand curly hair problems. We don’t like people messing with out hair. And running your hands through your hair is not a curly hair thing.#curlyhairstrugglr)
Sorry it’s not the best hope you like it.
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noro-noro-noro · 1 year
just woke up brain dump sorry about the shit numbering as I remember something I just fling it down
1. the apocalypse?? the storm. my sister and my dad and mom and me all trying to go home from downtown ;+5 but the flood the weather the storm the debris from the sky the collpasing buildings the road in shambles. we walked instead to avoid the rising water even though it wasn't stable . the sky was dark. my dad ended up safe at home even though the rest of us were on the secons store of what looked like an avant garde clothing store. therre were huge things collapsed on the road and I was driving and walking under bc I just wabted to go home.
1.2?? the apocalypse more intensely. the sky was purple now we were on the roof I was separattfrom mom & sister it was otherprolle. some of us had psychic powers iof some kind. Elon wisk was there trying to launch stuff into the sky but it kept failing. it was making ??? mad. we were running and hiding scrambling avross the roofs and through the concrete all the light sources were a bright teal blue
1.5 ? I was watching my friend ride a merry go round and other things through hmy phone . it was chill and fun
1.7 at the end of a sleepaway summer campin the woods at a national park or something waiting for parebts to come pick us up . vibe shift I'm talking to a jp guy first I thought it was bc I won a commission from him but his engoish wasn't good so I was trying to communicate by seding pictures (I wanted him to draw kuroha) & then it turns out I won a trip ?? it was maras y8 btw the anime piano guy ive been listening to flor like a decade & he looked super young (like we've seen his face before but now he was just like a7/10 asian guy . actually he looked like a dude named Jeffery from . highschool maybe?? but iirc he was like the Kevin Nguyen fuckboy type LMAO idk I haven't thoughbt about him in a while wonder if he's on insta i just want to see what hes doing before going back to nit thinkijg abuot him ever again. anyway. guy had a blond Russian gf who had bad skin & was scared of squid) and also the Convo changed & now I won like...a trip to visit him or smth? also he spike some engljs h now and also understood some chinese which made communication easier and he knew my mom. and he owed my dad $225 ?? imf not sure how. one of my friends who was sitting at an adjacebt picnic table commebted on it after we settled the plans & stuff like damn how u know THE marasy & I had an answer at the time. and forgot. he also gave me food to take back to my mom and I did and she was kind of excited about it
??? krndhi yonezu was also in one of my dreams, I don't remember like which one or why he was there, or maybe this is a whole separate thing, but he was opening? he wasn't an area and I was surprised to see him, it was a place that for all accounts he shouldn't have been but there he was standing on a table or a small stage or something wearing like a tank top? I don't know from what I've seen him do his live shows and he usually dresses in that like extremely oversized fashion so I was surprised it was just a tank top and baggy jeans, just passed a car with the license plate hag never mind I misread it it's ha6
2. we all ended up on the computer lab doing our things..different time zones different people. I saw the ghost ? if my fresan year roommate bc I got notifications on old documents and opened them and suddenly she was there flickering and indodnt know what to say to her since we were hbotj shy and she she dropped our. there was bloos on her lips she'd had sirgeey. unsure if she survived. but the others could see her..we werebally waiting for the train to take us back home. it came through the center. her project was a circus gambling app called strom. a secret level stage 5 was unlocked by reassembling slicesf a half eaten apple. when I talked to her she said she was a ghost but how? they saw her. she became fast friends with this girl named Sharon who was rraunchy and talkes about sex. did she remember me too ?
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ye-local-simp · 2 years
Heyy i would like a BSD matchup if you still do those. I'm a bi dude so you can match me with any gender.
Basic stats: i'm 21, entp 7w8, a uni student (i study finance but thats against my will lol i acc have no idea what i wanna do in life).
My hobbies are honestly kinda ever-changing and my love for them fluctuates. Nth really been stuck with me but i like the finer things in life. I love art in all of its forms tho. I paint sometimes (either on canvas or lil statues i buy that are usually sold for kids to paint) and i love going to museums, exhibitions and sometimes dabble in photography when im particularly excited about a concept. I am a board game type person (never dabbled in video games). Anything from cards to chess to Clue and whatnot. Love it all. Also like to walk for a fuck ton of hours. I am the perfect travel buddy bc i will walk around for 10 hours non-stop and still have a grin on my face when looking at exciting new stuff. Weird obsession with airport atmosphere. Love being awake and outside at ungodly hours even tho it is against my will.
Things i dislike: small talk. Pls i cant stand it. I feel awkward and i wanna talk more. I hate closeminded ppl. Never understood how one can be so content with staying the same and never craving change or broadening their horizons. Routine, strict social norms and roles. Fuck all that :) also hate ppl who make a fuss about how others dress. The world would be a better place if we could dress like anime characters lol
Appearance (idk if it matters but maybe it helps you visualize me better and see what character would look good next to me): 6 ft, pitch black hair (overgrown 2-block hairstyle) and i got p pale skin with thick brows. Always look angry lol everyone thinks i am mad at them (even strangers ask if i am having a bad day lmao). My wardrobe is just black clothes of diff silhouettes but i keep it baggy and comfy :) feel super inspired by yohji yamamoto and rick owens but i legit cant afford that lol
Have a good day and sorry in case you dont do matchups just delete this :)
You are matched with...
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-He likes to play board games with you instead of work, at work.
-He likes your paintings and photography projects.
-He doesn't care about anything, he just wants life to be fun and enjoyable.
-He also hates social norms so he wants to not follow norms at all.
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theodoraflowerday · 8 days
im listening to PFA/FFV for the first time in like a month and it's 1am so these are scattered/random thoughts, again it's 1am
when she says "nothing cuts like a mother" FUCKKKKK it gets me every time. if this is what she wants (which, she's said it a lot that she does want to be a mother) then she's gonna be the coolest mom (and I know this bc she practically raised me too so that future child is gonna have to share)
"if you know love you best prepare to grieve" hits so much harder now than it did in 2020. I didn't know how hard real loss felt like. ugh.
okay..... creepin. i genuinely thought it was about the bats in her bat house (and that concept made her laugh #noticed) but if this song really IS about B then jdkgjslgjsljdjfjdkf hayley's such an asshole, this song is SO BAD AJDLSJFLSJFLSJF like "yeah I know T's like the greatest human in the world but the memory's gonna have to be enough" which like..... bruh. AND THEN FOLLOW THAT WITH SUDDEN DESIRE SJFKSLFJDLGKDLGK LIKE NOT ONLY IS HE NOT GETTING BACK W YOU BUT ITS BECAUSE HE'S WITH ME NOW, HERE, HAVE A SEX SONG
tracklist goals ily hayley
speaking of sudden desire, rmr when i was walking thru a bridge when i first heard "everywhere i am it sticks close like a friend, just like him" and I. stopped. and stood in the middle of a random bridge for like a minute processing that she meant taylor. like And That Was The Moment I Knew. I had to try and focus cutting open dead bodies knowing that she meant taylor and I couldn't talk about it because being a tayley was still frowned upon until two years ago...... suffered more than jesus tbh
"dyed my hair blue to match my lips" LYRIC GENIUS
"sorry, I could be the bigger person except I'm too small" is the FUNNIEST possible way to explain your pettiness
I just remembered dousing her wedding doc martens in cement in the dead horse music video......... nvm, hayley is the one who suffered more than jesus
like? "I got what I deserved, I was the other woman first" FIRST OF ALL! no. you were groomed. fuck you pinhead bitch i hope you never stop suffering. second of all 'other woman' YOU WERE SEVENTEEEEEEEEEN YOU WERE A *CHILD*
wherever pinhead bitch is, i hope he gets kidney stones.
remember when I got a rose/lotus/violet/iris tattooed to connect with my femininity and then i ended up being nonbinary/agender/a blob? i mean, I still like my femininity, I don't wanna get rid of it, but in retrospect that was like my last desperate attempt at remaining cisgender dlgjdlfkdlgjdlfjdlfjlf
and i will not return to where i once was, well i can break through the earth, come out soft and wild :(
i spent the weekend at home again :( drawing circles on the floor :( trying to keep myself from hurting :( don't know why anymore :( I just wanna talk about it :( I know I freaked you out :( I just wanna talk about it :( sorry for freaking out :( :( :(
so the way I listen to PFA/FFV is like, PFA through why we ever, then all of FFV, and then resume PFA from pure love through crystal clear. which means FFV is about to hit ahahahaha I need therapy
bro, first thing to go starts and like, two sentences in and im already crying skflsjfldjf
"why do memories glow the way real moments don't" to the entirety of crave....... picture me looking for my car (cause a homie's going thru a lot)
"and I should forget but I love what's left" dude :(
I always forget how violent my limb is. both because of the imagery (like "if you leave you're literally ripping out one of my limbs, that's how vital you are to me") and because of the more direct message ("you look so gentle and innocent but look at what you're doing to me and look how im bleeding out" and also "if you're gonna leave me then have the guts to do it right even if it kills me, don't patronize me") like...... hayley williams you are a fuckin wonder
I don't live for you, I live for me 😃 if only that were true, if only I could prove that on my own I'm worthy 😟
"but if I pull the plug, it isn't only me that I'm holding back" vs "and all the ways I'd keep you safe, I keep you safe from me" bro i shouldn't be doing this at 1am before my period
"all I ever had to say about love is a sad song" NOT ANYMORE YOU DON'T OHOHOHOHOHOHO
over those hills is usually when i remember that hayley did all the instruments on FFV too. like she did the whole thing. she's fucking insane.
"and I'm pretty sure you don't miss the way I put all my demons on display to your pretty music" fuck. FUCK
good grief to me is the saddest breakup song (not the saddest overall but breakup wise def yes) because the great majority of their relationship is based on the music they made together so losing that had to also be horrifying. like she couldn't fully express herself without his music. that's so depressing.
wait on is the saddest song overall btw. it's definitely wait on. it hasn't even started and I'm already tearing up.
seriously, good grief > wait on > KYRH > inordinary > HYD is an attack from every goddamn side. saddest five song run in history.
"keep you right here where the line is, on my fingers, on the surface" I cannot imagine how much it took for hayley to move past all that absurd amount of trauma. like I can't. i could never (i still haven't)
inordinary is my favorite song though. it took me, uh, four years? to admit this but im pretty sure this is my favorite song ever. this is the first time i am ever admitting this btw.
something about pleading to be seen as the most important person and then going through all your life and all the moments you were extraordinary... and using inordinary instead of extraordinary... idk man it just gets me. it gets my former gifted child ass deep in my heart
something something taylor york's absolute inability to take a goddamn compliment despite being the best human being to have ever existed something something
(i got a public commendation at work two days ago and i am still reeling from how awkward I felt so like. I get it)
"I wonder if you ever quit like you wanted, I bet you did" lmao no he fucking didn't. my man's lungs must be charred by this point. sending him that "why smoking's bad for you" book so he can break down in my arms zayn style
I can't imagine how insane it must've felt for T to hear no use I just love you. like if I were him (and knowing his insecure ass) I'd also wonder if she's just latching on to me bc I'm so close to her and convenient so hearing this song must've been like "ah. I've been an idiot"
god I wanna interview them on their ENTIRE relationship timeline i need to know what happened last night outside his house I need to know the whole breakup timeline I wanna know EVERYTHINGGGGGJLGHKLGKG
oh I forgot the full body cringe I get from "not just the friction of our skin" like those are my parents you're talking about
also pure love going "oh I have to open up huh" is HILARIOUS after FFV which is an entire album of H's deepest saddest most depressing thoughts and experiences like.... she opened up all right
the one thing that excites me deeply about fine print is the idea that if hayley releases another solo album she'll do a solo tour and I'll hear all of these live
I can't believe people heard taken and they STILL didn't catch on that she was with taylor. like maybe I am super biased but bro......... you have to be so fr
"do you taste the shame when you lick my wounds" is an insane lyric tho
god, sugar on the rim is the best PFA song and no one can tell me nothin
"I'm alive in spite of me" is also a beast of a lyric actually. that sugar on the rim > watch me while i bloom > crystal clear is also an insane 3 song run
hey remember how crystal clear is so important to hayley that she wrote a reference to it into liar
and it's important because taylor decided to surprise her with the single most romantic thing a person could do for another person
"I won't give into the fear" I'm gonna die perhaps
god hayley please keep the solo stuff coming please
also remember how hayley was like "stop. TAYLOR APPRECIATION TIME" on the US tour and did liar and crystal clear back to back? absurd
ffv always depresses me but crystal clear brings me back like ah yes. they're happy now. good for them
now I need to beat depression too. find the love of my life perhaps? Who knows
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causenessus · 2 months
HI NESS MY LOVE <333 i hope you’ve had a good morning evening or afternoon!! how’s your day been? make sure u eat !! today i had dim sum with the family and we’re going to a temple now, the weather is so much better than it has been the last few days like tell me why summer is barely doing it’s summer thing like where’s the WARM weather not the HOT IM GONNA DIE weather
also HAVE A GOOD SHIFT!! or i hope you had a good shift WHENEVER YOU READ THIS and omg some grocery store sandwiches are literally so good idk what premade processed stuff it is but sometimes it just HITS like i eat it up like its some gourmet food like something about it is just so good LOL but omg i don’t trust grocery store sushi like the raw fish especially because like i think i’m just extra scared since i’ve had food poisoning before LOL so now i’m like extra extra cautious, but maybe ill try the non-raw ones and report back!!
but OMG THE ANON APOCALYPSE HELLO LIKE WHATS THAT ABOUT? i genuinely got so upset reading on eggy and wry’s blog because im like guys??? lets be nice??? hello??? why are we attacking our smau writers like i was genuinely flabbergasted that they would get hate or you or like ANYONE it’s so crazy, i was thinking of literally revealing my blog because im like i don’t wanna be lumped into the mean anons… LOL it’s not like i have a problem with going un-anon now but i’ve been graced with the name mango ANON so now i feel weird suddenly coming out like heyyy guysss this is the real me in my full glory (reveals myself as an actual mango) (sorry this is so silly LOL)
also STOP UR SO SWEET i might bcuz i <3 talking to you like everytime you reply i have to sit down and genuinely take in everything you say and im always like omg no way omg wait omg this like it’s at a point where i’m switching through my notes app and tumblr so i can read and respond at the same time LOL
but i’m excited for ur project !!! whatever you have planned! but make sure ur also taking care of yourself and SLEEPING!! SLEEP IS IMPORTANT SO MAKE SURE YOU TAKE CARE OF URSELF!! if i have to sing you a lullaby every night i will commit myself to sing you a lullaby !! ALSO THATS SO SWEET “ness has a mango anon” IT DOESNT SOUND MEAN DW!! ur like the sweetest and nicest person ever don’t even worry about being mean, IM THE ONE WORRYING ABOUT BEING MEAN OR BEING TOO MUCH ur doing perfectly fine!
but take care of yourself!! drink plenty of water and EAT!! make sure you eat at work and take care of yourself!! xoxoxo
HELLO AAAA!! i hate missing a day where i don't answer u but at the same time like getting to talk to you TWICE in a day is such a treat!!!! and honestly it's three times if you count you yelling at me to go to bed earlier this morning 😭😭😭 and AA!!! i have't had dim sum in so long i hope it was good!!! and for me idk the weather is like having a stroke??? it's cloudy and then it rains for five seconds and then there's LIGHTING and then suddenly it's 95 degrees outside??? but that's how my state always is 😭 like genuinely most of the time everytime i walk out the door it's different weather
AND THANK YOU!! tbh omg it was not good 😭 well it WAS good i got some pretty big pieces done i was very proud of it!! because i work in like a framing department :D but then i got called out to help this dude and like??? maybe his daughter or wife idek??? and he was like "i want to frame this thing i have that is this dimensions with a mat so what should i do" and i was like "well you could do this frame we're standing right next to (i didn't say that part) but your mat's gonna be small" and he asked me how much it would cost and BRO I'M SORRY BUT I CAN'T ESTIMATE FOR THE LIFE OF ME BECAUSE IT DEPENDS ON LIKE 50 FACTORS AND I'M STILL A LITTLE NEW so i was like "for that size?? $30 probably" (it is expensive </3) AND SORRY I'LL HURRY UP AND GET TO THE POINT but he was like "no. no. how much would it cost TOTAL?" and i'm gonna start writing this as dialogue bc i'm lazy.
(he had two things he wanted to frame)
me: well this frame is $40 so it's gonna be $70 per one
man's wife/daughter/thing: $40 for a frame? that's outrageous
me: 🧍‍♂️ (i cannot control prices. i am a framer. although i did not build this frame u are basically insulting me to my face and i no longer know what u want me to say and i no longer want to help u.)
me: well. they're on sale. so.
and then i POINT to the "on sale sign" that say BUY ONE GET ONE 50% OFF
man: okay so how much is the sale.
i then stare at the sign i just pointed at.
me: well the sale is buy one get one 50% off. so $60.
him: okay we're going
i then walk away and make a point to glare at his woman for her rude comment
woman: do you have this frame in 16x20? i could only find 14xblahblablah i don't remember
me: no what we have out here is what we have
man: we're going since SHE CAN'T HELP US.
AND THEN THEY CONTINUED TO COMPLAIN ABOUT ME AS THEY WERE WALKING OUT AND SAID I WAS NO HELP AND SOMEONE SHOULD TALK TO ME 😭😭😭 like man bro i told you the prices what did you want me to do barter you and say if you give me a cheese wheel you can have the frame?????????????????????????????? like my coworkers all checked on me afterwards and defended me bc like 😭😭 what did i do 😭😭 SORRY i had to tell someone bc that was lowkey so upsetting and being asked if i was okay right after I ACTUALLY ALMOST CRIED which was a good part!! bc i haven't been able to cry for months (sorry this is so long and such a lore drop) but then i didn't cry bc i didn't want to ruin my makeup LMFAO 😭 and this is probably why my tear ducts gave up on me bc i never let them cry anyway
OKAY SORRY STORY TIME IS OVER AND YOU'RE SO RIGHT ABOUT THE PROCESSED FOOD 😭 like i KNOW that poke bowl was NOT good for me and tbh i really don't like it but i had nothing else to eat 😭😭😭 AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR YOU ARE GENUINELY SO SWEET AND FUNNY <3 when i imagined you making a burner blog 😭😭😭 i literally imagined you making the user mango anon LMAOAOAO but definitely feel free to do that!! CAUSE I DO THE SAME THING I LOVE READING ABOUT YOUR DAYS AND LIKE KEEPING MENTAL NOTES OF EVERYTHING I WANT TO SAY AND HIGHLIGHT !! <333
AND THANK YOU SO MUCH I WILL DEF SLEEP (i am literally drinking a matcha and it is almost midnight and i start school tomorrow. anyway.) BEING SLEEP DEPRIVED WAS NOT A GOOD IDEA TODAY I LITERALLY SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ON THE ROADS TODAY BUT I AM STILL ALIVE AND WELL!!! AND I'M SO SO EXCITED TO HEAR WHAT U THINK OF THE ENTIRE PROJECT WHEN IT'S OUT!! <3 take care of yourself and i hope you have a lovely day mango anon!!!! i hope the weather isn't too bad for you and make sure to eat and drink lots of water!! and sleep!! <3
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Sorry I haven't been around much. Life's not been too bad. School has been a bit busy. Feeling stressed but at the same time super excited because it's just that much closer to my goal of getting into the profession I want and I just wanna get to the helping people part. Made a new friend, which is nice, feels a little less daunting when you have someone who's also going through the same stuff.
But the main reason I dropped by is because I saw that you weren't feeling all to well and I wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you and hoping things get better. It's a shit thing when you aren't feeling great but the isolation can sometimes be worse. I hope you feel better, my friend. Sending you all the love and light 🖤🖤!!
And NEVER feel the need to apologize for not being able to write requests. You, like the people sending the requests, are a person with your own life, feelings, struggles, etc. And I hope the people sending you asks in requests can understand that and exercise some compassion. (Remember, I am your friend and I would die for you in a heartbeat. If someone says shit, they can eat shit. [As in, I'll fight 'em if you need me to.])
On a lighter note THE BABIES!!! AH!! Seeing pictures of them show up on my feed always puts a smile on my face. So bloody cute they are. Also, super psyched for you and your new tattoo. I'm sure it's gonna look awesome👌🏽!
Alright, gotta go. I'll try to drop in more often just to say hi and catch up and stuff but even if there's silence from me for a bit, just know that I genuinely care for you, dude. Seriously, you are not only my treasured writer but someone I consider a friend. I found your blog and stories when I was feeling super out of sorts and reading your works on Alfie really helped me feel less lonely. Even more so when I started talking to you through asks where we could go feral over the man together and it was so 🥰 because honestly, I haven't felt like that with many people, to the point that I thought I never would. I really do hope you feel better, that you find small moments of respite in your day that put a smile on your face or even just make you feel a little bit lighter. But I know that's not always possible and that's okay too. You're allowed to feel what you feel and how you feel 🖤. Always sending you all the love, my dear friend, stay safe and I'll talk to you soon.
hi!!!!!! good evening!!!!! as always, I hope your uni is going well and it's not been too mentally taxing - but please ensure you're taking frequent breaks when you're studying and working!!!
its absolutely okay!!! I can wait lmao but I'm glad things aren't too bad. i get that! it was the same for me in college tbh, 4 years of it, you learn to eventually adjust to the chaos and hectic nature of things in your own way - so don't worry too much, you'll eventually settle! I'm so glad to hear you made a new friend!!! that's awesome!!! and it can absolutely help to have one or two people who you can really talk to about it tbh - I'm still friends w a few of the girls I met in college, and we talk regularly!
yeah, I'll be honest, it's mostly fandoms that are, like, larger tbh; like, Call Of Duty, Band Of Brothers, rdr2, etc. and it kinda sucks and it's kinda why I try and distance myself from those fandoms as much as I can (mutuals & friends being the exception, ofc), bc I just... like idk, it is really isolating, but it also brings out the festering things like self doubt - bc I see people interacting w other writers in the same places and I'm a bit like "oh. I'm not good enough, then.", which tbh, is bullshit. ofc I'm good enough. I'm a good writer lmfao but, yk, it's not good to feel like that, so then I start feeling less motivated and less inspired to actually write for those fandoms in terms of requests bc I'm a bit like "well, I'm not gonna get so much as a "it was great, thanks!", so why bother?", yk? it makes me feel... not CHEAP, but like... something very similar tbh. it's not a good feeling, either way, and I'd rather NOT engage w it and would rather focus my efforts elsewhere - like on fics I've currently got on the go, like Once We Were Close & Where You Belong (Next To Me), as well as requests that I actually DO feel motivated and inspired to write - even if it's just 100 words instead of 1000.
and thank you; sometimes I feel a little bit pressured to take requests that I don't want to bc either I don't feel motivated or bc I feel like it's a demand as opposed to a... request. but that's always come from other people, never you. it's hard, but yk, I'll get over it lmfao I always do. (and yes, 100% we're friends. I'd die for you, as I've said to others many, many, many times, admittedly dbvlykvkskg I would lay down my life and protect you at all costs 🫶🏻)
THE BABIES!!!!!! my 5 boys and my 1 girl which technically does mean I'm a #girldad lmao (nobody tell Gallipoli she's a python, she's my little girl, she's my baby!). Hanzo is the only actual baby I've got left tho, bc he's >1 month old 😭 the rest are all grown up :( even though I could've sworn it was yesterday that Red Baron could fit into the palm of my hand and still have room, I could've sworn just yesterday he was DEFINITELY NOT 118.8cm and 1400g. he just... got so big all of a sudden??? like, Spotify play Sunrise, Sunset from Fiddler On the Roof bc I'm GOING THROUGH IT.
but anyway, yeah, little baby Hanzo:
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takes after his daddy bc he's got a fiery (pun intended) temperament like I do 🥺🥰 plus: bc I already HAVE a scorpion tattoo, I don't ever need to get one for him lmao (although I do toy w the idea of getting one of Hanzo Hasashi from MK when I'm financially stable...)
please, feel free to pop by whenever you want - if this were a house, you'd have the fucking key by now 💀 just let yourself in whenever, my dude, you're more than welcome! but thank you, I'm honoured and incredibly grateful 🫶🏻
I'm glad that my fics have made you feel less lonely, especially in a time and society like today's where loneliness seems to only grow - I'm glad it made a difference 🫶🏻
DJGKDK YES!!! I'M ALWAYS DOWN TO GO FERAL!!!! ALWAYS!!!!! but I'm so glad you found safety here, really 🫶🏻🫶🏻 I love you. we may not share blood, but that matters very little.
and thank you 🫶🏻🫶🏻 it means a lot 🫶🏻
sending the love right back at you more than reciprocated, my beloved friend!!! we'll talk soon 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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rogue-of-light · 1 year
i had a dream from the POV of human!Wisper which started out as fun for like a minute, then got freaky, then got vaguely interesting!!! (sorta!)
it was sorta like a paranoia simulator, where i was walking home alone at night after a small music gig at some bowling alley on the other side of town, and during said walk home i just kept hearing sounds that'd imply that someone was following me, but whenever i'd turn to investigate, there was nobody else there until eventually when i had let my guard down and turned to look around just one more time for that kind of 'i was just being silly' comfort, which was given until i faced forward again and Oriyon was RIGHT there in my face!!!
i 'wake up' before i can scream (only it was one of those dream in a dream situations, so i didn't REALLY wake up, Wisper did, though) however, i am safely in bed!!! i was alone in the room, but it was a relief that it was all just a dream, and i wander into the kitchen to see a silhouette getting water in the middle of the night, of course i assume that it was just Nekane because that dude's fucked up sleep schedule is something between xem and god. and so i'm just like 'oh okay sick i might as well tell him about the dream i just had and we can have a laugh about how dumb it was' so i start talking about it to him, and i'm not getting any response, which prompts me to go up to him more closely 'hey dingbat, i'm not just talking to myself, y'know ' only for him to turn around and be Oriyon AGAIN!!! which i do get to scream at this time before 'waking up' AGAIN
though this time i'm on the floor all sprawled out, family guy dead-pose typer beat and Nekane's just like? eating cereal at his desk??? (it's dry cereal by the way. just like. dry cereal in a bowl being eaten with a fork. i think it was applejacks or frootloops???) but he hears me like choking on my spit before i sit up and clear my throat and Nekane just turns around with "you and your damn night terrors, man. you seriously need to get them checked out sometime, it gets pretty fucking eerie when you just start screaming in the middle of the night and there's nothing i can even do about it that won't just freak you out more" and i'm just like "yeah, yeah, i will… eventually, probably." before standing up and walking over to have an unrelated conversation that i couldn't hear bc i was waking up but FOR REAL! (vineboom)
and as you can tell by how incomprehensible this is the first thing i'm doing lol
so sorry for my incoherent early-morning rambling (gen)
I hate that you accurately called out the fact nekane eats dry cereal. and with a FORK- THEN THE IMPLICATION WISPER AND NEKANE ARE OVER AT ONE ANOTHERS HIVE ENOUGH THAT NEKANE CAN GO "dude it gets eerie when you start screaming in the middle of the night" LIKE SIR HOW DO YOU KNOW ???
this is like. an entire comedy skit in the form of a half nightmare and its So funny to me
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