#duda doodles
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sweetgaleria · 1 month ago
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season 6 celebratory dance party 🕺
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mewguca · 8 months ago
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based off an attack my friend Yuuno did
For reference, TWR is referring to ION's MIP Unit ID number lol
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snailgam · 11 months ago
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perrito 🐕
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dudabrfurydragon · 10 months ago
lmao I forgot I started an account here too lol
Sorry for the inactivity-
My school doesn't leave me much time for social media and for drawings 💀💀
Anyway, this is a random doodle I made of my Mune oc :>
-oh Duda is it a joke? A faun with wings? you are crazy ?
Firstly: Yes, I'm crazy, and secondly... please read my full nikename (nikename- did I write that right? xD sorry, I don't know to jskdjmakakaks) it's DudaBRfurryDRAGON
Just kidding xD she has a reason why she has dragon wings and tail, yes it has to do with dragons but I'll explain it only when I have more time, in another post :>
Bye and see you again when I have more free time laidkeisjsika
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meganechan05 · 1 year ago
No Thoughts.
Head Empty.
HimeRitaMorf Babies.
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Hana Kaniska
Name comes from the Orchid Mantis like her mother (ranhanakamakiri)
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Cyna Kaniska
Name comes from Cynandra opis, the brilliant nymph butterfly
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Thalia Ran
Name comes from Euthalia duda, the blue duchess. Thalia flowers also resemble orchids, apparently.
I forgot to doodle her weapon, but it's supposed to be twin sickles to replicate Himeno's fighting style in KingOh while also combining HimeMorf's AU weapons (scythe and dual blades)
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Haera Kaniska
Name comes from Haetera piera, the amber phantom butterfly
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fotoing · 2 years ago
Google celebra la vida y obra del fotógrafo Corky Lee
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Google dedica su doodle a Corky Lee, un fotógrafo, periodista y activista chino-estadounidense que dedicó su vida a documentar la diversidad y los matices de la comunidad asiático-pacífica en Estados Unidos. En honor al Mes del Patrimonio Asiático-Pacífico Estadounidense, el doodle reconoce las contribuciones de Lee a la ciudad de Nueva York, donde nació en 1947 y donde el 5 de mayo de 1988 se proclamó el “Día de Corky Lee”.
Lee se interesó por la fotografía y la historia desde niño, cuando se dio cuenta de la falta de representación de los miles de trabajadores chinos que ayudaron a construir el ferrocarril transcontinental en el siglo XIX. Se propuso entonces capturar con su cámara las historias y los rostros de los asiático-estadounidenses, tanto en sus logros como en sus luchas. Asistió a protestas, manifestaciones y eventos culturales donde retrató momentos poderosos que mostraban la realidad y la riqueza de su comunidad.
Lee también se dedicó a recrear la foto histórica del ferrocarril transcontinental invitando a los descendientes de los trabajadores chinos que no aparecieron en la imagen original de 1869. Con ello quería demostrar que la historia asiático-estadounidense es parte de la historia estadounidense. Lee falleció en enero de 2021 a los 73 años. Sin duda su legado sigue vivo en sus imágenes.
Por: @JulianDBernal
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ariadnasdiary · 3 years ago
¡Hola Ari! Tengo un par de preguntas, 👉🏻👈🏻 ¿cómo te la pasaste en Halloween? ¿De qué se disfrazaron tú y Kino 👀? ¿Y cómo celebraste el Día de Muertos?
Translation: Hi Ari! I've got some questions 👉🏻👈🏻, how was your Halloween? What did you and Kino dress up as 👀? How you celebrated Día de muertos [Day of of the death]?
Ariadna: hello sugar!! It was quite enjoyable in fact! We spent it in the human world and we ate lots of sweets while just hanging around! We didn't go trick or treating though, since we are quite old for that ^^'
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*under her breath* here is weird for teenagers like us to go out trick or treating though… It's so unfair ;-;
Ariadna: To be honest, this year I was out of ideas so I let Kino decide our costumes. Not gonna lie this year Kino's selection was cool! Do you know the game "genshin impact"? Well, he choose that theme *giggle*
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Ariadna: For "Día de muertos", we simply stayed at home. I did make some pan de muerto for us to enjoy… but I didn't calculated correctly and now we have lots of pan de muerto for the rest of the month! Even after have given everyone some! They are yummy, but they are so many for the four of us… ^^'
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Mun Ari: I definitely didn't choose Zhongli because he share voice actor with Kino… no way, it was a coincidence~ :p Besides! I bet Kino would play it, 1000% sure~ [funny how I don't even play the game, but I ship those two lol] Thank you for asking sweetie!!
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doniabatata · 7 years ago
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Adivinen si igual quiero entender todo. La respuesta los sorprenderá ⚰️
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kumi-chan823 · 6 years ago
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Había echo este también, pero no me convenció tanto.
Ahre se parece un poco a JungKook. ¿O tal vez es un intento de Jungkook? Quien sabe. :v
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nenitarota · 6 years ago
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sweetgaleria · 9 months ago
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luxerhq · 3 years ago
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¿has escuchado hablar de LUX? sí, la escuela de artes más prestigiosa del mundo. perfecta por fuera y podrida por dentro. un cuento de hadas que se convierte en pesadilla gracias a N.O.X society. un mito de pasillo que se hizo realidad, ¿serás tú la próxima víctima? o mejor aún... ¿un cómplice de la sociedad?
                    ¡𝐛𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐚 𝐋𝐔𝐗! hogar de talentos y N.O.X society,                                                       𝘴𝘶 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦𝘫𝘰𝘳 𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘢𝘥𝘰.
                               MAIN | DUDAS | HISTORIA | PROMO                                  
rpg en español basado en rebelde con algunas libertades creativas. doodles por springdoy.
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snowy-bones · 2 years ago
Amo el gif del bailecito feliz me ánima el día gracias Snowy después de una semana mala (y las que me esperan en el futuro) este gif del bailecito feliz sin duda me va a animar *descargando el gif para ser feliz toda la semana*
Por favor, no guardes mis gifs, garabatos ni nada sin mi consentimiento. Son para mi uso personal y no me siento cómodo con que la gente tenga mis garabatos y gifs de mi persona. ; w ; ENG: Please don't save my gifs, doodles or anything without my consent. They are for my personal use and I am not comfortable with people having my doodles and gifs of me. ; w ;
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pink-duda · 3 years ago
Since you were so kind making me a little Kata doodle for Christmas, I wanted to make you something in return 💗 Here's a little Robin doodle to ring in the new year! Happy (early) New Years, Duda! I hope you have a great start to your year! I look forward to seeing more of your wonderful content and interacting with you more! 😚
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ROBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! you drew her so well, i just loved!!!
Thank you so much Savannah, it was such a wonderful end of year gift 😩😭💞😩💝😭
You are so nice and kind, so I also hope that the next year we can talk more and get to know each other better.
May everything you want for 2022 be done, happy new year early!!!
Oh, i found this cute kata drawing on pinterest and thought i'd show you 😊
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simpforroses · 3 years ago
Hi Michelle! the flowers and the text you send me made me very happy, so i was thinking of something for you, but i wasn't sure what, until i saw the drawing Lari made for you.
I hope you are well and you liked the law with wreath of roses💗
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Asuejwixhebsueheudbwjsllmsjs...Oh my goodness Duda, I wasn’t expecting this today! You’re going to make me cry 🥺❤️🌹 My word, you’re not only a skilled writer, but also a skilled artist too, I can’t even express how in love I am with this Law drawing. IT’S BEAUTIFUL 😭 (red roses for deep passionate love & blue roses meaning realizing an impossible dream—I died). Thank you a thousand times over, this absolutely made my week! And I hope you’re doing well too, and if not, tell me which character you want me to doodle & I’ll do it for you when I have time 😊❤️❤️🌹
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solar-socks · 5 years ago
Hola cómo estás , yo admiro mucho tu trabajo enserio tienes mucho talento , tengo una duda como se vería sticks the badger en forma movie enserio
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I had to use google translate to read this ^^; But Thank you so much for the kind words! I doodled Sticks from memory- I messed up a lot pfff but I guess here she is! 
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