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are there still ducks at the park? yes! just checking
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An event you can find me at come March. Plateau goblins and other greenskins of the glaciated realms descend on the Cleveland lakeplain for a night of chaos. The venue is right by Lake Erie so maybe you can get some Winter duckwatching in while you're there.
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LIVE NOW! Duckwatching podcast w/ Nolan + Persona 3 Reload!
Live now with the Duckwatching Podcast w/ Nolan!! Come and hang out with us! Plus Persona 3 Reload continues after the podcast segment!
#vtuber#envtuber#indie vtuber#streamer#a cup of felicity#a cup of felicity!#acupoffelicity#live now#png#pngtuber
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Hooded Merganser at Long Pasture Wildlife Sanctuary, Barnstable 03/17/21 #hoodedmerganser #duck #ducks #ducksofinstagram #ducksofcapecod #duckphotography #duckwatching #birdsofinstagram #birds #bird #birdwatching #birding #birdingphotography #capecod #capecodlife #capecodphotography #capecodduck #longpasturewildlifesanctuary #massaudubon (at Mass Audubon Long Pasture Wildlife Sanctuary) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMpYYg-HaAs/?igshid=683zhgpzay9
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Продолжаю рисовать для #марафон_без_правил_птицы3 с @yana_stamo @stamo_school и @canotstoppainting. Таких уток, как оказалось, продают для украшения птичьего двора. Я нашла такое объявл��ние. 😂 А, вообще-то, я хотела поделиться с вами и небольшой информацией о кисточках #tintoretto. Когда-то 2 из них я привезла себе на пробу из Италии, и сразу пожалела, что не купила больше, поскольку достать их было непросто. Но теперь они есть на @jacksons_art. И недавно я их получила. Эту уточку, я рисовала, только одной Тинтореттовской кисточкой, которая всемогуща: толстое брюшко и очень острый кончик! Я их специально положила под своей картинкой на фото, чтобы вам показать и рассказать, потому что сама в восторге от них. #duckpainting #paintis_passion_art #birdwatercolor #birdartwork #birdartists #birdsinart #duckwatching #waterblog #watercolorduck #watercolourpainting #art_we_inspire #etsyartist #art_instablog #art_wordly #art_empire #рисуюкаждыйдень #support_artist22 #рисуюптиц #утка #крадикакхудожник #одинденьсхудожником #акварельныйрисунок #акварельныйскетч #рисунокдня #danielsmith https://www.instagram.com/p/CHkwo8kMMJR/?igshid=1g8hwmxigybwp
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Otto had his first swim today when he chased this duck and didn’t realise how deep the river was 😆 The duck escaped unharmed. #whippetlove #duckwatching #devon #riverdart #blackandwhitewhippet #duckchasing (at Staverton, Devon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEKO-n-HIk8/?igshid=12600dva82e5f
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there's still ducks at the park and they're making even more every day
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There is something yummy down there! #ducks #duckwatching #lovemyducks #backyardducks #ducksofinsta #ducksaspets #petswithperks #farmlife #farmstead #Homesteading #countryliving #cheeseacres https://www.instagram.com/p/CDIInrzAd45/?igshid=1wekb7z7ekr0a
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Enjoying a #sunny #Sunday afternoon with my #birthday girl, @meggjr81 ! Happy Birthday, baby! #SoHa #SouthHaven #LakeMichigan #PureMichigan #boatwatching #duckwatching #peoplewatching #celebrating https://www.instagram.com/p/BzomClNnN89MJyt9FFtdqldXkMcF59J0LUQDbQ0/?igshid=ykgqrd4ca3x1
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LIVE NOW! Duck watching podcast with Detective Simon!
We're starting the Duckwatching podcast tonight! live now with @DetectiveSimon_ !! Come and hang out with us!!!!
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*Imagine Morgan Freeman voice
*The rare Zenduck finish his art to attract a mate but a Kaboom loon bully the little thing.
Ah, the Shimada fowls came to defend and rescue the poor defenseless duck by quacking it to go away
Junkrat: Oy!!! Blind waterfowl what is this
Zenyatta: It’s art friend
Genji: Hey don’t disrespect my master work
Hanzo: You fool, you must appreciate this beauty
#overwatch#genji shimada#genji#hanzo shimada#junkrat#zenyatta#hanzo#jamison fawkes#ducks#overwatch funny#cute animals#quack quack#duckwatch
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Ducks, ducks and more ducks #duck #ducks #ducksofinstagram #duckie #duckoftheday #nature #naturephotography #nature_photo #ducklife #duckwatching #ducksducksducks (at Bowmanville, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKHPhqBBEr5/?igshid=1gc8aunlolavl
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Не догоню-хоть согреюсь #duckcouple #flyingducks #duckwatcher #birdwatching #wildducks https://www.instagram.com/p/B9wl5pvh7OL/?igshid=4ev96a2ostbh
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