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waltwhitmansbeard · 5 months ago
ok the gentle care list… perc’ahlia and “oh…oh we’re hugging about this okay”
"Oh - okay - we're hugging about this, okay."
Percy's hungry. It's his own damn fault; one day, he'll remember to bring food with him before locking himself in his workshop all night, but, alas, today is not that day. He'd never dream of waking Laina at this hour, so he emerges from his den, bleary-eyed and ready to fend for himself.
The halls of Greyskull Keep are barely lit, just some candles in sconces every ten yards or so, so it's slow going. He's ravenous by the time he reaches the kitchen, which is pitch black. Cursing himself for leaving his lantern in his room, he fumbles around, sure that Laina keeps a book of matches somewhere nearby to light the stove, if only he could—
He lets out a rather undignified yelp, sending something clattering to the floor. A few moments later, a candle flickers to life, and there is Vex, in her nightdress, looking at him and the knocked-over dinner at his feet with an one eyebrow raised.
He grins, embarrassed. "Ah. Yes. Hello."
"Hello, darling." Her words are light, but there's something off about her tone. "Did you need something?"
He can tell he's interrupted something; he just doesn't know what. "Feeling a bit peckish."
"Mm, yes, you missed dinner. Again." But there's no animosity in it, just general acknowledgement. "Well, I've made myself a little spread, if you'd like to join me." She gestures to the kitchen island between them, which is cluttered with a few cheeses, some strawberries Percy knows to come from Keyleth's garden, and a half-drunk glass of red wine.
"Oh, a midnight snacker after my own heart." He comes around the island to start picking at the makeshift charcuterie board. "So what as you up at this hour? I'm a workaholic, but usually you're rather insistent upon your beauty sleep."
She sticks her tongue out at him, then pops a cube of cheese into her mouth. "Just...couldn't sleep." She shrugs. "It happens sometimes."
He's well familiar with that, isn't he? "Lots of ghosts in the night, aren't there?"
She hums in agreement. There is a minute of silence between them, marred only by small sounds of chewing, and then she asks, "Did you like your father?"
He almost swallows a strawberry whole. "I—sorry—" He finishes hacking before he continues. "Did I what?"
"Your father. Did you like him?" She sips from her glass nonchalantly.
Percy blinks. "I—well—hmm." This was not a question he'd contemplated in a very long time. "He was a complicated man, my father. Not very affectionate, stubborn as a goat, more children than frankly he knew what to do with." Vex laughs at that. "But...I never thought he didn't love us. Me. You always knew where you stood with my father. If he was pleased, he showed it. If he was cross, you knew why." Percy pauses. "To be honest, I'm not sure I knew the man well enough to know if I liked him. He died before I got the chance to understand him as someone other than my father."
"I see." Vex swirls the wine in her glass round and round and round. "My father is an incomparable prick incapable of love."
Percy has no idea what to say to that. He just stares at her, slack-jawed, as she calmly finished her wine and sets her glass down on the island. Then, in the most shocking move yet, she throws her arms around him, burying her face in his chest. He catches her automatically, his hands splaying on her back. "Oh—okay—we're hugging about this, okay."
The de Rolos were never huggers. Too saccharine. Too vulnerable. But the twins were raised differently, he's aware; Vax is always touching somebody, and Vex's first instinct when she's tired or bored or yearning to be anywhere else than where she is is to tip her head onto her brother's shoulder. And that's probably what this is—in lieu of Vax, Percy is Vex's available option when in need of comfort.
So he rests his chin atop her head, feels her shake with sobs, with rage, with careful control, who knows. "You know, your father may not be much use as a father, but that doesn't mean he can't be useful."
"What?" Vex muffles flatly into his shirt.
"Well I, for one, find few things as personally motivating as spite."
Vex tips her head up to frown at him. Her eyes are warm and deep in the candlelight. There's a long silence, and Percy's worried he's stepped in it, but then she snorts out a laugh as her face melts. "You're not wrong, darling." She steps back, and for half a heartbeat, Percy considers not letting her. "A great number of my actions have been motivated by spite, for better or for worse. It can be satisfying, can't it?"
"Undoubtedly so." He doesn't reach up to tuck a loose strand of her hair behind her ear, because to do so would be insane. "Are we feeling better?"
Vex smiles. "A little food, a little wine, a little company...yes, I think so." She rocks up onto her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "Goodnight, Percy."
And then she is gone, and Percy is alone with the cheese and the strawberries and the feeling of her lips on his face, a lingering warmth in this drafty kitchen. He stands there, unmoving, unblinking, until the candle burns low, until the chill of her absence forces his body toward bed, toward dreams he is not yet ready to understand.
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bougainvilea · 5 months ago
from someone currently catching up on cr campaigns…it is long, hard, and so much fun
I started Vox Machina like September last year and just finished it in late October. There was a break where I wasn’t watching for a while and times where it’s all I’m watching. I have started mighty nein now. I’m…crazy for sure
well done bestie. this is some serious work. i started c1 in sept 2019 and finished july 2020 :') so we r basically at the same pace!! and i waited til 2021 to start m9 bc of exams etc. so i relate!! also
@jewishrizahawkeye @myvirtuesuncounted SEE IT CAN BE DONE!!!!!!!!!
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iguana-braces · 4 months ago
HI FELLOW SPEED RACER FAN goodness it’s such a good movie I love it so much
It's so rare to find other people who've even seen it, but it's absolutely one of my favorite movies of all time
The entire film makes me feel the emotional equivalent of 'shrimp colors', truly an indescribable experience
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gaynfl · 4 days ago
bc I’m still pissed about this from Friday morning….FLIGHT ATTENDANTS ARE AT WORK ON A PLANE AND NOT ONLY SHOULD PASSENGERS TREAT US RESPECTFULLY BUT FELLOW FLIGHT ATTENDANTS SHOULD TOO (and I really need to write that dude up to our unions professional standards don’t call me babe and touch me even just on the shoulder without consent okay thanks) the plane is like our office!! pls treat it so!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have every right to be still be pissed!
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formulaforza · 10 months ago
I need you to know I am once again rereading Miss Americana and the way you write Charles’ realization that he’s in love with Chris is EVERYTHING to me. he’s reeling and so off kilter but trying to hold a conversation with her that he does love her, that she isn’t unloveable and it’s just SO GOOD and I just needed to say that. MWAH thank you for the gift that is this fic
no she is literally giving him a headache he's so broken 😭😭 it was one of my favorite things in the whole fic (my favorite thing is in chapter 9 and you guys don't know it yet)
as always THANK YOU for reading and thank you for popping in to show me love because it really keeps me going and has the little guy in my brain BEGGING me to write
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nicogayngelo · 10 days ago
Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!! Have a FABULOUS day!!!
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alpinelogy · 2 months ago
as someone who works in aviation (though flight attendant not pilot) do it. become a pilot. yeah sure sometimes you’re up all night for a redeye but I can tell you, the work/life balance I have is great and when I’m not working I do not think about work and it’s GLORIOUS
Okay so I totally missed this ask asdfgh and it took me a bit to realize what this is about lol
But what actually worries me is that I've heard that younger pilots get the really shitty ass routes and that just in general the first few years are taxing and... idk if I would have the physical and especially mental capacity for that. But it's been a while since I looked into it and honestly I did not search too deeply lol, so maybe I'm wrong
But a good work life balance certainly sounds lovely, grew up with a mother who only steps away from work to sleep, so I can appreciate good work life balance 😂
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argentinagp · 3 months ago
happy, happy birthday lourdes!!!! may your day be wonderful and magnificent!!!
thank u so much!!!! 💞💞
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@duchesschameleon replied to your post “You know, I'm barely on Plurk anymore, but the...”:
It’s such an interesting graphic
​Honestly... I never really thought about it. It's also the logo and there are bones on the Plurk coin and the home button and what not.
Hmmmmm. At least it dressed up for my birthday.
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duchesschameleon · 9 months ago
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tried a thing…maybe going to make it into a series?? I can’t draw so hand lettering is the closest thing i get to creating things
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hotgirlswatchf1 · 2 months ago
Valentine's Day Card Special 💕 (Part one)
Welcome February! Month of love and friendship, but more importantly, Formula 1 is back! What better way to celebrate the beginning of this month with the first part of the Valentine's Day card special post? This post is inspired by the incredible work of @duchesschameleon ! You can check out the original post here ˚.🎀༘⋆ colorized, retouched and edited by @hotgirlswatchf1
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suggestion box open for future edits! 📬requests box! ⋆˚࿔ 🔙previous post
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topgunhappilyeverafter · 1 month ago
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[art] What is love if not a bouquet of flowers
By: @reaalikaasu | reaalikaasu
For: @duchesschameleon | duchesscharliejames
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw/Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Rating: G
Word count: Art!
Summary: [art] Flower shop au where Bradley is a florist and Jake is his most loyal customer
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gaynfl · 9 days ago
charlie!!! i appreciate the fact that you've followed me from top gun and stayed through. well. everything! and that we now get to chat about all sorts of sports and especially f1!! you're so funny and nice and oh hockey. we gett o talk about hockey too hehe
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formulaforza · 4 months ago
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nicogayngelo · 7 months ago
❣️ pretty pleeeaaassseeeee
charlie! oh you are so kind, uplifting, and so sweet! your messages always cheer me up + i treasure our friendship as well. i always smile when i see your icon on my feed or in my inbox or where ever! :') so glad i can call you a friend!
mutuals send me “❣️” and i’ll say something nice
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winterscaptain · 8 months ago
ngl ajf changed my life.... read it for the first time 2 years ago (i think??) and i still think about it from time to time 😭😭 ily!!!! <3
bestie it’s like you knew I sent a WIP to @ssaic-jareau and @duchesschameleon last night!!!! no promises but I have been writing!!
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