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yoel-o-fellow · 2 months ago
Where the most notable Sverenne characters come from:
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Sverenne Countries
The Siens
Races: Humans (The Sienese), Phiba, Dragons (now extinct)
Landscapes: Geyser Fields, Oil Bogs, Crimson Bogs, Volcanos, Fertile Soil
Religion: A type of spiritulism
Famous for: Mushroom Farming, Alchemy, Horse Breeding, Sword Smithing
Races: Humans (Eureskans), Ancient Allus (hidden)
Landscapes: Lush Plains, Temperate Forests, Boreal Forests, Hills
Religion: Levethiesm (Worshippers of Levehethen)
Famous for: "Dark" Magic, Animal Husbandry, Heraldry
Races: Goblins (Yaschtkin)
Landscapes: Jagged Snowy Mountains, Goblin Holes
Religion: The Old Religion (Hexicutli Worshippers)
Famous for: Poverty, Mercantilism, Philosophy, Science, Silver Smithing
Races: Dryads, Naiads (The Myrisad), Mandrake, Fae
Landscape: Enchanted Blue Forest, Sinuous Trees, Swamps
Religion: The Old Religion (Worshippers of Agah Gubah & The Water Goddess)
Famous for: Enchantments, Healing Magics & Medicine, Being Enigmatic & Evasive
Races: Multicultural (predominantly humans called the "Druwolise")
Landscapes: Temperate Forests, Birch Forests, Rocky Beaches
Religion: Conglomerate of different religions
Famous for: Wax, Technology, Bureaucracy & Idiocy
Races: Humans (Bjergans), Trolls, Giants, Werewolves (hidden)
Landscapes: Mountains, Caves, Rocky Terrains, Canyons, Valleys, Mountainous Coastlines
Religion: The Old Religion (Worshippers of the Land God)
Famous For: Ships, Fishing, Berserk Style Fighting
Races: Humans (The Jad'Jahan)
Landscapes: Tropical Rainforests, Warm Sandy Beaches
Religion: Achtbenism (Followers of Achtbenatu)
Famous for: Levitation Magic, Scholars, Archivism, Jade Architecture, Amicability
The Ottoneshan Empire
Races: Allus (Ottoneshans)
Landscapes: Sandy Deserts, Dune Systems, Oases, Artificial Lakes & Rivers
Religion: Dualdhism (Worshippers of Dualdhi)
Famous for: Dream Magic, Reality Bending, Realm Jumping, Glass Magic, Optics, Oil, Sand Strider Breeding, Excess Wealth
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A new update of the Sverenne map. There are actually three major continents: The Sun Continent to the South (Accode and The Ottoneshan Empire), The Moon Continent to the North (Druwol, Myr, Ureska, Bjerganval, Yischt, The Siens and The Broken Isles) and the Bolide Continent to the far north, which is a large icey landmass not depicted here.
I also made an alternative map which marks roughly where some of the Sverenne legends took place.
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malignantremedy · 2 years ago
Hair in each race:
The Ottoneshans (Allus)
The Allus typically have black or white hair.  Neither gene is dominant and therefore kin inheriting the black or white hair of their parents tend to be balanced.  Kin who display streaks of both black and white hair are a rarity, and since they share the divine trait of Dualdhi, herself, they are believed to be demigods. 
The Allus who are devout Dualdhites, consider hair a divine gift and it is an affront to the gods, and to one’s parents, to cut hair short.  This belief may have also originated from the rejection of their ancestors, the Alluneshans, who cut their hair short to honor the old gods when they rose from novice to priesthood. To the Allus, long, thick hair is the mark of good-health and beauty in both women and men. 
The Myrisads (Naiads)
Myrisads typically have white hair, with a subtle sheen of blue, green, or turquoise. Their hair is so light that gravity seemingly has no effect on it and it floats as if still submerged in water.  Anthropologists and scientists believe that this trait was an evolutionary advantage to facilitate the Myrisads while they camouflage as seafoam. 
Like the Ottoneshans, the Myrisads - particularly the women - also grow their hair long, though to them, it is symbolic of the oscillation of water, waves and currents. 
The Yascht-Kin (Hobgoblins)
Hobgoblins are similar to humans in that they display an assortment of regular hair colours, however, they tend to have a larger number of curly-haired types.  Despite the stereotype of hobgoblins sporting black, curly hair, they actually produce an inordinately large amount of redheads which may have contributed to the presupposition that all hobgoblins possess magical abilities.
Blond haired hobgoblins are not frequently seen but they are not entirely unheard of. There tends to be some animosity towards blonds within hobgoblin communities, since blond-haired types typically look the most human, and they tend to reap more social benefits. 
Hobgoblins who worship the old gods (Habenumbra and her kin) also have a holy relationship to hair, but unlike the Allus, they grow out their beards and whiskers and not the hair on their head.  During prayer, it is crucial for them to cover the hair on their heads, so as not to be individually seen by the gods, but to rise up in chant together as one voice. 
The Druwolise (Humans)
The Druwolise have the most variety when it comes to hair colours and textures. Brunettes are the most common, black hair is next, then blonds.  Redheads are scarce and the Druwolise do not trust them, for their ilk were known to produce the most witches and warlocks.  
The Jad’Jahun (Humans)
The Jad’Jahun typically have black, kinky hair.  The darker and more voluminous the hair, the more beautiful the wearer seems.  The Jad’Jahun also see hair as an extension of artistic expression and they braid and lock it into an assortment of symbolic shapes. 
About once every fifty years, in a time of crisis, a Jad will be born with platinum hair.  The platinum hair is indicative of the rare magic they are imbued with, and while outsiders sees this as a unique and beautiful gift, only insiders know that a Jad born with platinum hair is to live a very cursed and short life. 
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yoel-o-fellow · 2 years ago
I did le meme. 👀
Characters in order: Levehethen, Achtbenatu, Dualdhi, Dualdhi in monster form.
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yoel-o-fellow · 3 years ago
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Dualdhi, the Goddess of the Present, is made from the flesh of Achtbenatu and the blood of Levehethen
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yoel-o-fellow · 4 years ago
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Some concepts for a character named Gift.  When the Pale Eye and The Lost Shadow gave up their eyes for the ability of foresight the biproduct was Gift.  She’s a deity whose sole purpose is to observe the happenings of the present. It is said that her eyes are her creators' eyes and everything she sees they will see as well.  This annoys her, because although her eyes are not her own it is often misconstrued that her personality is also not her own.  She also doesn't get much privacy from her fathers. Like the Lost Shadow, Gift is also a shapeshifter, but she only switches to human form to disguise herself among humans.
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yoel-o-fellow · 4 years ago
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Dualdhi - Cyclops LLLLaaaaaaadddddyyyyyyy
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yoel-o-fellow · 2 years ago
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Izammar was eighteen years old when he enlisted in the Ottoneshan army and for nine long years he helped spread their colonialist agenda while leading a regiment of glass mages. Although the end goal was to gain more land and codify their influence, Izammar also took part in the tacit holy war that was taking place on the margins. He bullied and blackmailed the conquered until they agreed to convert to Dualdhism. Izammar was quite zealous in his Dualdhism, even more so than his parents. Whether or not he truly believed his religion, he never did things "half-way" and it was in part due to the rigid expectations people had of him, seeing as he was an animodis*. His sect of Dualdhism was seen as extreme, for they believed that the best way of honoring Dualdhi, the god of the present, was through self-torture and self-mutilation. Pain, as they say, was the most effective tool for bringing one's soul closer to the present. Izammar has many self-inflicted scars, but some would argue that it was not in deference to his fantacism, but rather to numb the pain of his childhood. -- *Animodis in Ottoneshan means someone who is born in the wrong body and the wrong timeline.
If you’d like to see extra Malignant Remedy content feel free to follow @malignantremedy
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yoel-o-fellow · 3 years ago
Name Pronunciations (Sverenne)
I realize I have some characters with peculiar names, so here are their pronunciations. 
Achtbenatu - (uck - t - ben - ah - too)
Dualdhi - (doo - all - dee)
Izammar - (eye - zah - mar)
Ominaud - (oh - min - odd)
Levehethen - (lev - eh - heth - en)
Morchesso - (more - chess - oh) or (more - kess - oh)
Zephry - (zeff - ree) 
(I will add more as the list grows)
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yoel-o-fellow · 3 years ago
Been thinking about music motifs and the instruments that would likely represent my characters in a movie score.  This is what I know for certain so far. 
The Ruggaboors:
Notoriah -  cimbalom or organ.  
Yunra - pipa.
Sebastian - rock electric guitar.
Marvin - sometimes sitar, sometimes 70s disco bass guitar.
Malignant Remedy:
Morchesso - cello.
Zephry - klezmer-y clarinet.
Prophetum [which I need to rename one day]:
Levehethen - chimes and choral. 
Achtbenatu - mbira and choral.
Dualdhi (their daughter) - tabla. 
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yoel-o-fellow · 3 years ago
Who is this new guy? I am intrigued 👀
Tbh, I don't have a name for him yet! D: He's not even an essential character. All I know is that he's a condescending prick most of the time (because Zephry gets off on that 🙄), and he belongs to a race that believes they're direct descendants of Dualdhi.
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