#dual extruder
1spark1-blog · 4 months
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Into the snow!
A quick pic that I absolutely had to take the other day. Here's one of our Malamutes (Don't hurt me I still get confused between malamutes and huskies!!!). Every now and then He just loves to dive his head into the snow and sniffle around. It's adorable XD This is a standard dull size multi color with seemingly little to no under-extrusion issues that I've had in the past! One thing I did differently with this one compared to prior prints, I didn't use any silk pla colors. Seems that I need to make a separate profile for the silk colors, as they love to get jammed up  in the hot end, causing clogs and failed prints... The silk colors look amazing, though they need some more work.. Also mini side rant I wish I could post more laser engravings right now but I'm having the most frustrating issue with it!! The entire frame doesn't seem to be squared, so as the laser travels across the frame, it de-focuses itself. Looking into all areas that could affect this issue at the moment. Hardware issues suck.. I just was to be creative.. Sometimes a slow down is needed though.. Hopefully the laser will be back up and running before long..
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mochegato · 1 year
Even the Losers
Chapter 34
Chapter 1     Chapter 33
Marinette took a deep, bracing breath before raising her eyes to look at herself in the mirror for the first time since that morning.  She knew she wasn’t going to like what she saw, knew it was going to be bad, but still flinched at the sight that met her.
A large bump had already formed and was starting to bruise along her hairline where she’d face planted during the fight.  It hadn’t hit her quite yet, only a glimmer of something edging in from the corners of her senses, but it was only a matter of time and sooner rather than later, it was going to hit hard.  It was a damned miracle it hadn’t hit yet.  One good thing about having a major breakdown, she supposed, her brain had been too preoccupied with other things to register the pain yet, but the reprieve couldn’t last forever.
A sigh passed her lips as she mentally chastised herself, she really should have swiped some painkillers when she took the Band-Aid at the hospital.  It would have also helped with the throbbing she was sure would come later from the reopened cut on her cheek.  It had stopped bleeding, but it was an ugly mix of purple and green and had puffed up to the point she could see it constantly along the lower edge of her vision.  No matter where she looked, she was reminded of it, and it was getting damned annoying.
But even beyond the wounds, she looked haggard, a far cry from the meticulously put together professional appearance of that morning, the appearance that extruded competence and screamed ‘sell me this building at an amazing deal, I’m a reliable investment’.  Instead, she looked like she'd aged years in the last few hours, and maybe the stress on her system had done exactly that.
Deep purple bags stretched under her dull eyes, small cracks lined her pale, chapped lips, and her skin seemed to hang from her cheeks.  All in all, not the sight she wanted Roy to bear witness to. She wanted him to see her as desirable, not… whatever this was.
She groaned and rubbed her hand over the side of her face, wincing when her fingertips got a bit too close to the bruise on her forehead.  She glared at her hand accusatorily for a moment but quickly decided it wasn’t the real culprit, or at least not the only one.  No.  It was a dual effort.  Guilt lying with both.
She returned her eyes to the mirror to glare at the bruise as well but caught a swift movement from the corner of her eyes.  She instantly flinched hard and dropped into a fighting stance, silently cursing herself for allowing herself to think it was over.  She knew better.  It was never over.
Her eyes darted around the room, muscles tensed to fight, until her eyes focused on large, worried blue eyes; Tikki’s blue eyes.  Marinette relaxed slowly, all the adrenaline that had freshly flushed her system abandoned her, taking all her strength with it until she had to slump against the sink for support.  It took a moment before she could bolster her strength to offer her a wan smile.  “Hey, Tikki.”
Tikki’s smile mirrored her own, thin and frail but sincere.  “How are you doing?”  Her eyes flitted over Marinette’s face intently as if she was searching to detect the truth in whatever answer Marinette gave.  
Marinette’s smile strained.  “Better.” Her eyes darted away to avoid the skepticism in Tikki’s eyes but returned quickly.  “Is there any update on Adrien?  Has Plagg said anything?”
The judgement drained from Tikki’s eyes.  She shook her head sadly.  “You know it doesn't work like that.  He can’t send me messages telepathically.  I wish he could.”
Marinette nodded reluctantly and dropped her eyes with a heavy sigh, her shoulders slumping further.  “Yeah, I do.”
“Are you?” Tikki asked gently.  “Better,” she elaborated as a look of confusion crossed Marinette’s face.
Marinette squeezed her eyes closed and dropped her head back for a few moments before taking in a long breath and slowly letting it out through her nose.  “I’m not on the ground sobbing or covered in blood anymore so…”  Her attempt at lightness fell flat, Tikki’s expression becoming contrite instead of laughing.  Marinette had to look away before she started to cry.
Tikki floated closer and raised a paw to Marinette’s face.  “I’m sorry for not getting your attention during that.  I could see it start and I tried, I really did, but you weren’t responding, and I couldn’t risk yelling.”
“It’s okay,” Marinette assured her quietly.  She lifted her eyes to meet Tikki’s, but the action was slow, like her eyes were weighed down.  “You would’ve exposed us.  It’s better that you didn’t.”  She closed her eyes and gave a sluggish shrug.  “It worked out okay.”
“It did,” Tikki’s smile was small but genuine.  “I like him.  He handled it really well.”
Marinette looked toward the door.  Her slight smile at the thought of Roy quickly faded to a frown as a twinge of guilt appeared, reminding her that while Roy had been amazing to her, supported her, comforted her, cared for her, what had she brought to his life?  “He shouldn’t have to deal with all this.  He deserves better.”
“No, he shouldn’t” Tikki agreed, “but neither should you.”  Her eyes followed Marinette’s gaze.  She quirked her head to the side in contemplation for a few moments before speaking up again.  “And he seems to be handling it really well.  I don't think he's bothered by helping at all.  If anything, it feels like this is all familiar territory for him.”  She stared at the door for a few more moments before nodding a if coming to a decision.  “I think you can trust him.  He’s good for you.”
Marinette’s cheeks darkened slightly as she examined her now clean fingernails. “Yeah,” she agreed so softly Tikki had to fly closer to hear her.  “I think he is too.”  After a moment she cleared her throat lightly and looked back up at Tikki.  “I really think you should be with Adrien tonight.”
Tikki pursed her lips and shook her head resolutely.  “I'm not leaving you.”
Marinette fixed her with a firm look.  “He needs creation more than I do right now.”
Tikki shook her head again.  “That's not how it works either.”
Marinette exhaled heavily.  “I know,” she sighed, “but it would make me feel better knowing you were there watching over him, too.  I’ll be safe with Roy and whatever Bat is on guard duty.  I’m sure they’re still watching and noticed us leave. There might even be multiple of them.”
Tikki frowned, her little red brow furrowing in displeasure.  “And Adrien will be safe with police, Max, Chloe, several Bats guarding him, Pollen, Kaalki, and Plagg there,” Tikki pointed out sternly.  “Nothing is going to touch him.”
“He’s a lot more vulnerable than I am though.” Marinette’s tone was pleading and her eyes desperate.  She needed Tikki to understand.  Adrien could still be in danger and if anything happened to him, it would be her fault.  She needed him to be as protected as possible.  She needed to know he was as safe as he could be.  “If something happens, I can run away.  He can’t.  Please, Tikki?  After tonight, I really need to know he has every protection he can possibly have. If I could bring out the entire box, I would.”
Tikki sighed, her eyes softening as she spoke.  “I know you want Adrien to be safe, but Adrien would want you to be safe.  We all do. You want to protect the world, and you have, but now you’re going to have to let us protect you.  I’m not going anywhere.”  She smiled widely.  “If I recall correctly, that’s what that young man out there said as well.”
Marinette huffed and looked away with a pout until a thought came to her.  “And he meant it,” she said carefully.
Tikki sighed approvingly.  “I believe he did,” she agreed.
“And he seems like he had the strength and moves to back it up.  Maybe not to our level, but he could hold his own in a normal fight,” she added, carefully watching Tikki.
Tikki nodded in agreement.  “Yes, I believe he could.”
“So,” Marinette continued.  She tried to contain her excitement at Tikki falling into her trap, but judging by the unimpressed, raised eyebrow, she was not entirely successful.  “If anything were to happen, he would stay with me, fight for me, and help get me out if necessary.  I can still run.  Adrien cannot.”
“You need to rest,” Tikki insisted, exasperation and disapproval clear in her tone and gaze.
“Which I can’t do while I’m worried about Adrien!” she pointed out with annoyance. “Honestly, if you want me to actually rest, the best chance is if I’m not constantly worried about Adrien.”
Tikki squeaked out a scoff.  “And that will happen if I’m there?”
Marinette opened her mouth but immediately closed it and bobbed her head to the side.  “Okay probably not, but I’ll be more relaxed than if you’re not.  If you’re here, I’m going to be on edge all night and probably won’t get more than a few minutes’ sleep.  But with Creation herself watching over him, there’s a chance I could get a bit more.”
Tikki stared at her flatly for a few seconds before finally reacting.  “That is the worst argument I have ever heard.”
“But true,” Marinette singsonged smugly, a bit of strength returning to her as she did but the finger she pointed at Tikki still waved a bit sloppily.  “And you know it.  So really, it’s a successful argument.  Which makes it a good one.”
Tikki pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes, but after a moment of Marinette staring back defiantly, finally groaned in acquiescence.  “Fine.  But when Adrien feels better, I’m going to let him know and let him discuss this with you.”
Marinette grinned widely and almost jumped for joy.  If she’d had any more energy, she might have done just that. “Thank you, Tikki!  This means so much!”
“I know,” Tikki sighed.  Her gaze softened at how excited and relieved Marinette looked.  She floated up in front of Marinette and patted her good cheek softly.  “Be safe. Eat something.  And get some rest.”
Marinette smiled weakly.  “I will. Thank you.”
Tikki nodded once before phasing through the walls toward the hospital. Marinette watched the spot on the wall she had disappeared through for a few moments, her body drooping more with each passing second.  And now she was alone.  She closed her eyes and let her head drop back, breathing slowly as the darkness started to creep into her thoughts; the what ifs, the what mights, taking advantage of her isolation to run rampant through her insecurities.
“Not to rush you, but I have soup ready when you are,” Roy called, his voice slightly muffled through the door.
She snorted breathlessly and stood up properly.  Maybe not so isolated after all.  She needed to remember that.  It was something her friends kept trying to drill into her.  She wasn’t alone.  And she wanted to believe it.  She wanted to fall into the promise of it.  And she did… usually.  But when it came to act on it, it always felt wrong.  They were all dealing with their own issues, their own trauma.  Adding her own would only hold them back, halt their recovery.  Which is why she preferred to not just handle it alone but pretend like it didn’t exist; shoved it into a tiny box two sizes too small and thrown into the deepest recesses of the ocean, then hidden beneath a blue whale carcass.  But apparently, that was ‘wrong’ and ‘unhealthy’.
She rolled her eyes but set her lips in a determined line.  She was working hard on not doing that anymore.  She wasn’t alone.  Her friends were a phone call away.  Roy was right outside the door.  She just had to reach out.  She took another bracing breath before reaching for the door, carefully avoiding looking in the mirror again.  Nothing good would come from reexperiencing that view.
Roy immediately looked up from his phone with a soft smile the moment she crossed into the kitchen, like his eyes were drawn to her.  She waved awkwardly, now faced with a different issue; how to act with Roy after her breakdown.  Almost nobody had seen her that vulnerable before.  It was a short list comprised of Adrien, Alya, Tikki, and her parents. Adding a new name to the list felt dangerous.  It left her vulnerable in a way that terrified her.
She had expected a bit of sympathy or pity in his smile, but instead she saw understanding and empathy, and she wasn’t sure what to make of it.  It felt like he understood exactly what she had gone through.  It was heartbreaking to think about what might have caused that understanding, but not something she could mentally handle delving into yet.
“Aww.  You got dressed,” she lamented playfully.  Her lips twisted into a teasing pout, but like every other playful, semi-back-to-normal thing she’d said that night, her eyes didn’t match the tease.
He raised an eyebrow at her trying to rapidly assess her state of mind.  She was clearly not as okay as she was trying to appear, even if he hadn’t been there for the breakdown earlier, he would be able to tell.  She was barely standing and clearly favoring one leg.  It was an excellent concealment job.  If he didn’t have well over a decade of experience hiding injuries himself, he might not have picked up on it, but he did.  If anything, instead of making him less concerned, which he was sure she was hoping her act would accomplish, it made him even more concerned.
“Needed something for you to take off later,” he teased lightly with a wink, deciding to play along until she’d had a chance to breathe and rebuild her defenses so she didn’t feel so raw and exposed.
He dropped his eyes to the food in front of him and pushed one of the bowls of soup and plates of bread toward the seat across the island, pretending not to notice her limping toward the bar seat, only looking up again when she’d climbed into it with a small grunt from the effort.  He studied her again as she examined the food.  His eyes caught on her cheek.  The cut that had been healing, reduced to just a small cut the day before, was now an angry, swollen gash.  His eyes moved on to her other injuries, because while the gash on her cheek was the worst of her injuries he could see, it was by no means the only one.  But, just like the gash, they had been left unattended.
He had to fight narrowing his eyes at her, suspicion of her supposed visit with the doctor rising with each untreated injury, but not willing to challenge her on it just yet.  It was more than a rush job, this looked exactly like what he looked like when he avoided all medical help.  But no matter how bad she looked, she still looked miles better than she had when they first got there, so he was counting it as a win.  “You look better.  Cleaner,” he qualified but immediately cringed at the stupidity of the statement.
Marinette chuckled mirthlessly.  “I don't know, I think red is my color,” she quipped without missing a beat.
Roy balked slightly then shook his head in exasperation.  “Funny.  You’re funny.”
“Thank you,” she chirped with obviously false cheer.  “I keep telling people that.  Nobody else seems to believe me.”
He narrowed his eyes at her and pursed his lips.  “You sure you’re not really related to the Drakes or Todds?” he grumbled as he aggressively stirred his soup.  “I have to put up with comments like that from them all the fucking time.”
“Apparently, I’m related to all of them,” she mumbled into the soup.  “Lucky me.”
Roy opened his mouth to respond but quickly closed it again.  There was nothing he could say to make the situation with the Waynes better at the moment.  She was likely too upset to listen and he couldn’t think of a defense at the moment anyway.
Instead, he raised the phone slightly to bring her attention to it before setting it down between them.  “Nothing new from the hospital, but there has been a request for a report on whether you’ve eaten.  There may have also been a threat of bodily harm toward me if you didn’t.”
She snorted.  Of course there was.  She wasn’t sure Chloe could talk without a threat involved, implicitly or explicitly. “That’ll be Chloe.  Took longer than I expected.  She’s holding herself back… which is really unusual for her.  She must like you.  Sorry she’s already terrorizing you.”
“It was Tim, actually,” he corrected quietly.  Her face pinched at the mention of Tim, but Roy continued as if he hadn’t seen. “He genuinely might be worse than Chloe…” he also ignored the incredulous look she shot him, “…I’m pretty sure he’s reporting to her as well so…”
Her expression turned flat when he tapped the bowl in front of her.  She kept eye contact with him, just to make absolutely sure he was well aware of how unimpressed with the current situation she was, as she slowly brought the spoon to her lips, blowing on it gently despite it only being barely above room temperature, and took a small bite, raising a pointed eyebrow as she did.  “Also, there’s no way Tim is worse than Chloe.”
He scoffed, well aware of some of the darker things Tim had done, but she really didn’t need to know about those.  It was better to stick to more innocuous topics.  “Such a small bite,” he teased.  “That bad?”
“It’s fine,” she assured him dryly as she pushed the bowl away. “Delicious.  You did a great job.  It’s so good, I’m full.”
He gave her an unimpressed sigh and raised an eyebrow.  “I’m not going back to Tim with ‘she ate a bite.’  He’d skin me alive.  And how can you tell if it’s good?”  He pushed the bowl back in front of her.  “You’ve barely had any.”
She dropped her head with a moan.  “Such a fucking dad,” she groaned, but shoved another spoonful in her mouth.
Roy choked on the bite of soup he’d just taken, coughing loudly to dislodge the carrot and give himself a few moments to work up the strength to refrain from letting her know she was more than welcome to call him ‘daddy’ any time she wanted, because, while very, very true, and despite what some people thought, he did understand the concept of timing and had a bit of tact.  “So, I’m good to feed it to Lian?  Anything I should change?”
Marinette huffed and took a larger bite, taking time to actually taste the food this time.  Lian shouldn’t have to suffer because she was in a bad mood.  “Lemongrass,” she commented.  “It can use lemongrass.”
He pursed his lips and studied the soup as if he could see the flavors.  “I put lemongrass in it.”
She flicked her eyes up quickly.  “Did you beat the lemongrass before you put it in?”
He stared at her for a few seconds.  “Of course, I beat the lemongrass before I put it in,” he insisted defensively.  “What kind of an idiot doesn’t know to… beat you said?” he looked to her for confirmation, only continuing when she nodded, “beat the lemongrass before putting it in.”
She shrugged nonchalantly but there was a smirk on her lips that warmed his heart. He was glad to see a positive emotion even if it was at his expense.  “The ginger kind, I guess… which this could also use.”
He gasped dramatically.  “Who asked you anyway,” he groused playfully.  “What do you know about good soup?”
“Not much,” she granted casually.  “My uncle only makes the best soup in the world.  Literally, won an award for it.  And named it after me.”
Roy stared at her again for a few seconds.  Every new fact he acquired about her absolutely floored him.  “Well… that’s… shut up,” he sputtered.
She snickered and focused back on her soup, missing the warm smile lighting Roy’s face at the sound of her laugh.  They continued to eat in a silence that started out easy and light but became increasingly weighted as Marinette’s emotions started seeping in and blacking out the brightness Roy had introduced.  She continued to robotically bring the spoon to her mouth as she worked through the feelings.  She felt wrong, but she had felt that way since before Adrien had been taken.  She thought the feeling had gone away but here it was again… or still.  She wasn’t sure which.
Roy’s voice broke into her daze.  “I didn’t mean it you know.”
Marinette blinked out of the rabbit hole she was quickly getting lost down. “What?”
“When I told you to shut up,” he ventured, his voice soft and enticing.  “I was just kidding.  I didn’t mean for you to stop talking.  I like hearing your voice.”
“Sorry,” she said quietly, laying down her spoon as she finally noticed her soup was already finished.
He nudged the roll toward her.  “You know, if you ever want to talk about it, I’m here,” he offered.  “Whatever you need to talk about… or if you want to avoid talking about something, I’m great at distraction.  All part of the Club membership,” he joked.
Marinette searched his eyes for a moment with a wry smile before looking down at the roll for just a moment before picking it up and tearing it apart more aggressively than necessary.  “It just feels like there’s more.  Like something else is coming and I should be prepared and… and I��m not and…” she groaned as she struggled to put her feelings into words, throwing the bit of the roll across the table in frustration.
“It’s probably nothing.  It is nothing.  It’s probably just…” she let out a loud huff.  Her mind was too full, her thoughts moving too fast and crashing into each other before she could make out what they were.  Trying to focus on one to discuss was almost impossible.  “Akumas never stopped until the end.  It was constant until the final battle.  You could win but there was always something more. As soon as you got settled after one attack, another happened.  It was never over until it was.”
She sighed and slumped into her chair.  “I’m probably just… still in that mind set.  I still have nightmares sometimes that akumas are coming and when I wake up, I forget… It can be hard to remember.  I think all this just…”  she closed her eyes and took a deep, steadying her breath before finally speaking again, her voice quiet yet heavy.  “I just really wish this feeling would go away.”
Roy let the words settle before responding.  He gently rested his hand over hers and waited until she looked at him before nodding in understanding, his eyes filled with empathy.  “That kind of thing is hard to move past.  It feels like it settles in your bones.  Moving forward is like cutting off a limb.”  He squeezed her hand as he settled into the seat next to her.
“I know it’s a lot, but it’s over now.  It might not feel like it, but I promise you, it is.  There are no more akumas.  Ladybug and her team made sure of it,” he assured her, his voice filled with the confidence of a man who’d spent an entire night scouring the Justice League’s servers for any information on the Miraculous situation to make sure Marinette would never have to live through that again and perhaps a bit to see if the villain was still alive for him to kill.  And damn his luck, he wasn’t.
He shook his head to focus.  That wasn’t the point at the moment.  “Adrien has like ten people watching over him tonight.  Nothing is going to touch him except his medical staff.  And nobody knows you’re here.  I’m sure Signal is outside that window watching over us as well. Neither he nor I are going to let anything happen to you.”
He pulled his chair closer to her and ran his hands over her arms a few times.  “You’re safe.  I promise.  I can’t promise for how long, that’s just the nature of Gotham.  But for tonight, you’re safe.  The rogues are all locked up except a few minor ones and kidnapping isn’t their style.  Theft? Yes.  Kidnapping?  No. Even if it wasn’t someone who had already destroyed other rogues’ reputations.  It’s asking for more attention than they’d want for almost certainly no payout.
“Concentrate on yourself tonight.  Concentrate on resting and healing.”  His eyes grazed over her face, settling on her cut again with a frown.  He cupped her face, his thumb gently caressing her cheek just below the swollen cut, carefully avoiding the sensitive skin.  “Let’s start by getting you patched up.  Okay?”
His voice washed over her like a salve and she couldn’t help but lean into his hand and nod in agreement.  She had to force herself to pull back from instinctually following his hands when he stood to get the first aid kit.  His touch felt warm and inviting, everything she needed at that moment, and losing it felt like being thrown out in a blizzard.
Within moments Roy was back with a first aid kit that, frankly, put hers to shame, and that was saying something.  “Here,” he slid her drink over to her and held his hand out to her, “ibuprofen.”
She examined the pills in his hand for just a moment before taking them.  “Looks like more than the normal dosage,” she noted wryly before swallowing them.
He motioned toward her head vaguely as he searched through the kit for Band-Aids.  “More than the normal pain coming.  It should last you through the night or most of it anyway.”  He turned back to her and moved closer until he was standing close enough to work on the injuries on her face, seemingly oblivious to the way he’d positioned himself between her legs, his thighs grazing the insides of hers as she widened them to make room for him, her breath hitching slightly at the contact.
She almost jumped when she felt his finger under her chin, gently prompting her to tilt her head up toward him so he could get a better view of her cuts.  “If we’re lucky, you’ll be able to get a good amount of sleep before they wear off and your head starts throbbing so bad you want to ram it into a concrete wall.”
She snapped her eyes to his, her brow furrowing in concern.  “You speak like you have experience…”
He snorted; his eyes still focused on the cut as he cleaned it as gently as possible. “You don’t get raised by Oliver without getting a few bumps and bruises.”
Marinette pulled away aghast, eyes wide with horror.  He stared at her for a moment in confusion until the realization of how his words could be interpreted set in.  “Not like that,” he assured her quickly.  “He didn’t hit me.  It wasn’t him…” he trailed off before he blurted out his biggest secret.  His face scrunched as he tried to figure out how to explain how he had experience getting beaten without either lying or admitting to his nightly activities.
He focused on applying the butterfly bandages silently as he thought.  He was applying the last one before he finally spoke. “Drugs can put people in really terrible situations sometimes.”  It wasn’t what he’d been referring to, but it was true.  The depths he sunk to while high still mortified him, the worst point being when he tried to commit suicide via rogue.  He would forever be grateful to Waylon for seeing it for what it was and getting him to seek help.
She watched him softly, raising her hand to cup his cheek.  “You’re so strong,” she murmured.  Her eyes flitted over his face in wonder.  “To go through everything and decide to turn your life around and stick with it.  I’m so impressed with you.  Every time I find out something new about you, I get more impressed.”
He got lost in her eyes for a moment, his heart stuttering at the adoring look in them.  She was looking at him with a soft, almost reverent expression, which was all wrong. That was how he should be looking at her and the fact that she didn’t understand that was a crime.  One he intended to rectify.  He leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to the uninjured part of her forehead.  His lips lingered for a moment before moving to her uninjured cheek, he paused to look into her eyes before softly brushing his lips against hers.
He pulled away just enough for him to whisper against her lips.  “You’re absolutely amazing.”  He brushed his lips against hers again.  “I’m so glad you’re here and safe and I can hold you.”  He snaked his hands along her jaw and wound his fingers into her hair, cupping her face.  “God,” he studied her face in awe, “you make it impossible not to love you.”
His eyes widened as he realized what he’d said out loud.  “I mean… I haven’t… I don’t love you.  No! Wait.”  His eyes somehow widened even more, and he backed away as panic engulfed him, his hands waving wildly.  “That’s not… I’m just saying…”
Marinette snorted and yanked his shirt to pull him back against her, quickly kissing him to stop his rambling.  “It’s okay. I know what you mean.”  She ran her fingers along his jaw eliciting tiny electric shocks as she moved.  “I’m not there yet, but… I feel like I’m close… like it couldn’t end any other way. It’s the inevitable resolution.”
Roy’s grin beamed.  “Yes!  Exactly!”  He let out a relieved breath and wound his fingers into her hair, his palms brushing her jaw. “We just need a bit more time.”
Marinette matched his grin.  “Guess I’ll have to spend more time with you.”
He shook his head with a faux huff.  “The sacrifices we make,” he whispered before pressing a soft, sweet kiss against her lips, letting it linger until she pulled him down to deepen the kiss.  He reciprocated instantly, clutching her face closer and tilting her head just slightly to gain better access.  She whimpered in appreciation and let her hand wind into his hair, her fingers playing with the hair at the base of his neck as she held him close.  His hand was just grazing down her side when the moment was broken by the ding of his phone.
Marinette immediately froze in his arms.  Cold water washed down her spine causing her whole body to stiffen.  She shot her arm out to grab the phone at the same time as Roy, his longer arms just edging her out to grab it first. She was standing at his side, trying to crane her neck to see the display, in an instant.  “Is it the hospital?  Did something happen?”
“No,” he assured her quickly.  “No, not the hospital.”
Marinette relaxed but tensed again noticing that Roy was hiding the phone from her and for some reason glaring at the window.  “Then…” she prompted.
He quickly looked away from the window that he had stupidly left uncovered with a strained smile.  He had clearly been mistaken about Duke being the one to watch the apartment.  Instead, he had a ‘slightly’ demented, protective Jason threatening bodily harm if he continued to touch his sister while she was still recovering mentally and physically from an extremely jarring experience.  “Everything is fine.  That was Jason,” he answered honestly.
He opened his mouth to continue but snapped it shut with a purse of his lips as he tried to figure out how to reword Jason’s message into less of an unhinged big brother message and more of a concerned big brother message.  “He wants to know how you’re doing and if there is anything you want him to do for you.”
Marinette’s chest tightened as all the air left her lungs.  She backed away, focusing on nothing, her mind racing and stalling all at the same time.  Jason. Jason was asking about her.  She didn’t know how she felt about Jason yet. He hadn’t been one of the ones to hold her back, but he also hadn’t supported her.  He hadn’t been there.
She furrowed her brow in frustration and ran her hands through her hair.  It wasn’t that easy though.  Because he did try, didn’t he?  He wasn’t there, but he had acted.  But he let her flounder on her own.  But he’d done something to end up in prison in an attempt to find Adrien, so he’d done something…
Roy watched with increasing concern as she backed herself away from him, unsure if it was about him personally or her backing away from any human interaction. He almost jumped when his phone pinged again, but Mari didn’t notice, too lost in her head.  Roy looked at the message quizzically for a few seconds, then out the window with a raised eyebrow.  He growled at the window and his phone when it pinged again, silently threatening Jason that this better not make it worse, before turning to Marinette. “He wants to know if you want him to come give you a hug?” he added, the end of his sentence rising up in uncertainty.
Marinette’s eyes snapped to his and she let out a bark of laughter as memories of Jason’s first offer of a hug came back to her, how he backed her when Bruce was trying to push.  Promised he wouldn’t leave her.  She continued to let out barks of laughter until they came out as mirthless huffs and finally gasps for air.  Bruce. He wasn’t going to just let her be. Or maybe he was.  She couldn’t read him, couldn’t predict his actions. He’d pursued her, pushed her to open up to him and start a relationship regardless of whether she was ready for it, but then disappeared as soon as it started.  Was he going to leave her alone again or force her to face him?
She shook her head.  She couldn’t think about that now.  It was too much.  Her body felt like it was becoming heavier, every ounce of heat was draining out of her. The thoughts spiraled around, bashing and clashing, ripping through any peace she’d managed to cobble together in the time she’d spent with Roy.
“I don’t think I can…” she trailed off, her breath coming in shorter and shorter gasps as the options and possibilities and responsibilities and repercussions continued to swirl around in her head.  The thoughts began to clash more violently, shattering into shards that felt like they were ripping though her head.
Roy cursed and jerked the curtain closed with one hand, with the other frantically texted a warning to Jason to stay the fuck away and make sure the rest of the family did too until further notice.  Just a text was enough to send her back into the PTSD induced spiral, potentially erasing all progress he’d managed to coax her into.  He had no idea what effect actually interacting with them would have.
He tossed his phone, vaguely hearing it land hard, hard enough to likely have cracked the glass, on what he assumed was the coffee table, and was on her in an instant, gently grasping her shoulders and encouraging her to meet his eyes. “That’s okay.  You don’t have to.  We don’t have to do anything at all or make any decisions about any of them. Forget all about all of that, all of them.  The only decision you need to make is what do you need tonight.  Sleep?  More food? Distraction?  I can provide any of those for you.  If you need a distraction, we can watch a show or play a game, or I can talk.  I’m really good at talking for hours, usually without saying anything.  I can tell you embarrassing stories about… myself.”
He cringed at the hastily covered slip.  Later, after things had settled down, he could tell her embarrassing stories about the Waynes, all day long.  He knew enough to fill a week with nothing but stories that would make them cringe and her laugh.  But, right then, he wanted her mind off of them and onto anything else.  He slowly moved his hands up from her shoulders, barely grazing her neck, before tenderly cupping her face.  “So, what do you need?”
She met his gaze and felt her chest immediately loosen and breath slow.  The weight she felt pressing down on her moments before disappeared and her body rapidly warmed at his touch, like a blood pressure cuff releasing its pressure and all the blood returning to the aching veins.  As soon as the blood started pumping again, her mind started spinning for a different reason, remembering all the ways he’d touched her, mind and body, since he met her.  All the ways he’d made her smile, made her days better, brought her out of dangerous spirals.  “What if I said you?”
She nodded slowly, leaning into the warmth of his hands.  “You’ve been the only bright spot in this whole situation.  I’d go through it all again if it meant I got to be with you.” Her eyes suddenly widened.  “I mean… not the Adrien part!  I… no offense, I wouldn’t do that again for anything, but…”
Roy crashed his lips into hers, unable to hold himself back any longer.  He wrapped his hand around her head to pull her closer.  He broke away just long enough and far enough to reassure her.  “I know,” he murmured against her lips.  “I understand”.  He nodded lightly causing his nose to bump into hers before diving back in.
She matched his fervor, arching into him at the same time her hands wrapped around his shoulders to squeeze him tightly against her and eliminate any space between them.  She lost herself in the feeling, his kisses driving all other thoughts from her mind, fogging and muddling it until the feeling of his kisses and his hands were the only things that existed.  His touch flowed through her body like electricity causing their skin to sizzle in the wake of the contact.  It was too much and not enough.  She needed more.
She moaned in pleasure, mentally encouraging him to continue everything he was doing and running her hand under his shirt to feel his skin.  Her hands traced the taut muscles of his toned chest as their lips intently slid against each other’s.  He pushed harder into her at the same time she pulled him closer, causing them both to stumble back.  Marinette let out a surprised squeak as they tumbled over the arm of the couch arm into the cushions.
Roy reacted instantly, thrusting out his elbows so he wouldn't crush her much smaller frame under him as they landed.  They looked at each other in surprise for a second before collapsing into giggles.  Roy rested his forehead against hers, catching his breath and reveling in the feeling of her under him, the intimacy of the position.  His face was only centimeters from hers, close enough that he could make out the veins of color in her eyes, adding a depth and complexity to their beauty that suited her perfectly.
Marinette cupped his face, her touch much gentler now.  She pulled his face down to press a softer, sweeter kiss against his lips.  The kiss became more passionate and needy, quickly matching the fervor of their previous kissing, their hands returning to their previous positions.  She tugged at the hem of his shirt, no longer content with the access she had, needing to feel more of him.  He pulled away just enough to make it easier, tossing it haphazardly.
Marinette took a moment to appreciate him without his shirt on.  She’d had a pretty good idea what lay beneath his shirts thanks to how skin tight some of them were, but the sight of his amazingly defined muscles still made her groan in appreciation.  She reached out to touch him, her hand splayed against his chest before she even realized she had moved.
He smirked at the reaction and dove back in to capture her lips in a bruising kiss.  She almost whimpered when he pulled away but his lips were back on her before she could, pressing open mouthed kisses along her jaw and trailing them down her throat, stopping every so often to suck or nip.  Fingers tangled in her hair, pulling her head back to grant easier access to her neck.  She raked her fingers down his back at the feeling, unable to control her hands, as her leg snaked around his thigh to pull him against her hips.  Shivers shot down her spine at the moan he let out.
He started to pull off her shirt, but a pained gasp stopped him.  The gasp brought his mind to a screeching halt.  His eyes darted to her side and he wretched his hand away like it was burning her.  “We should… we should… God, I hate myself so much right now.  We should stop,” he stuttered between gasping breaths.
“I’m okay,” she assured him breathlessly, her eyes still focused on his lips, her hands encouraging his face closer.
He shook his head.  He had to use the last of his will to resist succumbing to the ecstasy of her touch on his bare chest.  “No, it’s not that.”
Marinette's face scrunched slightly in confusion but immediately stopped.  “Okay…”
“I just…” he brushed his knuckles along her jaw, his eyes following the path milliseconds later.  “I just think, if this is going where I think, where I hope, it is,” he looked back up to her eyes, “it shouldn't be when you're upset.  It should be because we're caught up in our own emotions not because of anyone else. I want to do this right.”
Marinette searched his eyes for a moment before nodding slowly.  “You're right,” she huffed grudgingly and let her head drop onto the pillows.  “This would be amazing but…”
“But it will still be amazing when the timing is better, when we’re both fully here, even more amazing.” He kissed her temple softly.
Marinette chuckled and leaned into the kiss.  “Thank you.  For looking out for me.”  She pulled away enough to meet his eyes.  “For being here.”
Roy adjusted his position so he was lying next to her on the couch instead of hovering over her. He laid his forehead against her temple and pulled her tight against him.  “Always. I did promise to protect you, and I will, even if it’s from myself.”  He huffed and dropped his head against the back of the couch.  “Even if I do hate myself a little for it.”
“I hate you a little right now too,” she groused playfully.  He gave her guilty look, mentally vowing to make it up to her later.  Marinette's lips suddenly perked up into a smirk.  “Hate sex?”
He snorted but quickly covered it with a serious look.  “I think you’re supposed to hate each other for that to work and currently I like you and we both just hate me.”
She hummed noncommittally.  “Revenge sex?”
Roy started chuckling until it became full-blown laughter.  He shook his head when the laughter died down and buried his head in the crook of her neck. “You're killing me, Fire Flower.”
“No,” she spoke quietly enough he almost couldn’t hear her.  “Nobody dies tonight.  Not because of me.”
Roy squeezed his eyes closed, mentally berating himself for his choice of words.  What kind of an idiot makes a comment like that right after she spent the better part of the night thinking her brother was going to die. He was supposed to be distracting her, not making it worse.  He leaned up again and cupped her jaw with his free hand silently encouraging her to meet his eyes.  “Nobody died tonight because of you,” he corrected her.
“And now you deserve to rest.”  He shifted until he was able to stand up.  “Come on,” he encouraged, “you can have my bed.”
Marinette’s eyes bulged at his words.  She shot up in a panic.  “I don’t… can you…”
“Yes,” he answered before she could finish her question.  “I can stay if you want.  There’s a chair I can use, or the floor… or the bed.”
She relaxed instantly, almost falling back into the pillows again.  “In bed, please.”  She smirked tiredly.  “I promise not to take advantage of you while you sleep.”
Roy scoffed as he picked her up in a bridal carry.  “Not much of an incentive.”
She hummed noncommittally and nuzzled closer into his chest, resting her head on his shoulder, pressing into the crux of his neck.  He was almost positive she’d fallen asleep before they made it to the hallway, only stopping for a second so he could slide his hand through the curtains to flip the middle finger to the window unobstructed, but just before they reached his bedroom she spoke up.  It was just a whisper, barely loud enough to carry in the air.  “God, I feel so safe in your arms” she murmured sleepily into his chest.
His heart stopped beating, no longer needing to pump apparently, just needing her words.  He was consciously forcing himself not to go back on their decision to sleep together tonight if for no other reason than she was already asleep, and he’d be damned if he woke her up.
He laid her on the bed, quickly sweeping the clothes and sundry items onto the floor then kicking them under the bed.  When she woke up, he wanted to at least pretend his home wasn’t an absolute mess. He changed into pajamas and crawled into bed, settling close enough he could easily reach her if she started having nightmares, but not invading her space.
As soon as he settled, Marinette turned over in her sleep and cuddled closer to him, pressing her body against his like it belonged there.  He studied her face, etching the peaceful look into his mind.  She almost looked happy as she rested her head on his shoulder, the way she should look.  He brushed his knuckles lightly along her jaw.  “God, you really do make it so easy to fall,” he whispered before laying down and quickly following her to sleep.
Chapter 35
@maribat-bdbwm @jayjayspixiepop @redscarlet95 @alice-hazelwood @deathssilentapproach-blog @unoriginalmess @alyssadeliv @emotionalsupportginger @frieddonutsweets @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @toodaloo-kangaroo @colorfulmongerpsychicranch @iloontjeboontje @wolf-for-life @maribatserver @aespades @prettylittlebutterflie @imarivers8  @certainmuffinbagelcalzone @ritacrow-blog @unoriginalmess @demonicbusiness @kking13 @lady-bee-fechin @blur-of-colours @kittenmywaythrulife @kashlyn @loysydark @nerd-nowandforever @queenz-z @crazycryptidgirl @lilfuturescars @corporeal-terrestrial @ultimatetornshipper
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solradguy · 1 year
have always wanted to try 3d printing how do i start?
If you get into this hobby, be warned that it takes a LOT of patience, time, troubleshooting, and money lol
I got an Ender 3 kit by Creality (the base, original, Ender 3) and used guides from the r/ender3 and r/3dprinting subreddits to troubleshoot issues as I went. This route was rough lol. The bed plate, extrusion gears, and mainboard all needed replaced before I could print anything bigger than about 3x3x3" due to the low quality of those stock parts. The bed and gears were relatively easy, but that was still like an extra $50. Replacing the mainboard was a pain in the ass. That involved very careful reading of esoteric documentation and wiring schematics to install.
Prusa printers are expensive, but their quality overall seems to be higher than the lower end Creality printers, though Creality's printers have the advantage of being the most popular and having a wider variety of 3rd party upgrades/parts out there. There are affordable upgrades for every single part on my Ender 3 and hundreds of guides for how to install/fix them.
Ultimately, it depends on what you want to get a 3D printer for. I got mine because I wanted to print a giant video game sword so if you're also hoping to print large cosplay parts/props, getting a good printer right off the bat will save you some pains later. The Ender 3 Pro comes with higher quality stock parts than the base model Ender 3. I'd recommend spending a little extra for that one than the cheaper models just because you're gonna have to replace parts quickly with the cheaper ones anyway.
If you want to shop around before buying one, look for these things on the printer because they will be the first things to go:
Plastic extrusion gear housing - These crack very fast, aluminum/steel ones are the way to go. I got a dual gear aluminum extruder by Redrex that's been flawless so far.
Mainboard - This is tricky because it's hard to tell which models are bad or not at a glance. I recommend reading reviews and seeing if anyone mentions crashes, printing errors (prints with voids/entirely missing parts), and glitches. The board my Ender 3 came with was a Creality V4.2.2 and it wasn't great. I replaced it with a BigTreeTech SKR Mini E3 v2.0.
The printing bed - The bed was the first thing I had to replace on my Ender 3 because absolutely nothing stuck to the stock one after a few prints. It looks like only the base Ender 3 uses this bed though so I think the other models' beds are alright. Ideally you want one made of  carborundum glass or a PEI plate. I got a Comgrow flexible PEI plate with a magnetic bottom and it's been golden, no issues at all.
Bed springs - This isn't super vital but getting better springs and steel gears for them will save time calibrating haha
Fiddling with my 3D printer has been a LOT of fun and I enjoy messing around with machines like it. I know this response sounds like a huge red flag for 3D printing lmfao but finally getting the damn thing to work is VERY rewarding. You get what you put into it, basically.
Good luck!!
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aluprof · 19 days
Aluprof - A Vertically Integrated Systems Supplier
Elzbieta Kantor - Aluprof Operations Director
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What is ‘vertical integration?’ and why is it important to the specifier when choosing suppliers? Vertical integration for any business is gaining control of upstream processes, normally by bringing them in-house to gain more control and consolidate costs. It is important from a specification process viewpoint as it offers many advantages in ease of supply, quality and costs.
An architectural aluminium systems company designs windows, doors, curtain wall systems and other products for use in building construction. These products are supplied in system form to fabricators and installers who manufacture and install under contract. Each system is extensively tested and carries the appropriate standards and performance levels for various applications. 
When single systems are shared among several fabricators, the cost of development, testing, and updating is divided among them, with the systems company handling these tasks.
Many systems companies supply warehouse stock to their customers for ‘off-the-shelf’ windows, doors and curtain walls. As projects become more complex and expect higher performance levels, a systems company that looks to become more vertically integrated offers many advantages to the specifier. Vertical integration can include the ability to smelt aluminium, the design of dies to extrude profiles, inserting thermal breaks in profiles and offering finished profiles, either powder coating or anodised.
Only a few of the leading systems companies operating across the UK and Europe are vertically integrated. Having control of each process that completes a window door or curtain wall system helps limit risk. Between separate suppliers, such as between an extruder and a systems company, conflict can arise when the extrusion supplied does not meet expectations from the systems company, for various reasons, this poses risk, both on supply time and costs.
Following extrusion, main profiles often require thermal breaks to be inserted by first knurling the profile, inserting the thermal break, often made of polyamide along with additional insulation materials and then rolling the profile to create a single section. Being able to integrate a thermal break also allows the systems company to develop special designs of polyamide profiles that can enhance the performance both in thermal and weathering characteristics. In-house finishing of profiles further enhances system allowing for single or bespoke dual colour profiles to be created. All systems companies now offer QUALICOAT powder coated profiles as a standard which is recognised globally. Powder coating all profiles in-house reduces both time and transport requirements.
Vertical process integration can improve safety in the workplace by removing many of the operations where transport is required between businesses. Fewer loadings and unloading of profiles not only reduce potential health and safety issues, but also reduces the risk of profile damage in transit. A further consideration is the reduction in packaging need when profiles require protection when shipped between companies for processing.
Reduced handling of profiles allows for optimisation of processes and improvement in logistics. For example, batches of profiles of various sizes can more easily be processed economically rather than having to opt for the advantages of scale to save costs. With the reduction of minimum process quantities comes the benefit of speed of production thereby reducing order lead times for customers.
With the advantages of vertical integration mentioned above, a further benefit to the specifier is a reduction in carbon emissions. Reduced handling requirements and carbon miles automatically save energy, but linking the processes can also allow for further reductions to be accommodated when processing in a single location. With less handling and closer communication up and down the supply chain can lead to a more consistent profile quality. A single company that controls the entire process from start to finish has a vested interest in reducing wastage, minimising energy use and providing an optimised system, often bespoke on a project per project basis.
Aluprof, as a vertically integrated systems supplier encompass the development and production of various systems for applications in a wide range of building projects. In the UK & Ireland Aluprof UK offers local support to specifiers and contractors. Aluprof UK place more emphasis on flexibility with their ‘Tailored Solutions’ approach. For example, by having an experienced and extensive design team in Poland, Aluprof UK can quickly create bespoke profiles to suit any project. With an experienced design team in the UK Aluprof will collectively work with architects and fabricators to agree a solution which carries Aluprof’s warranty into the project which is passed onto the client.
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All customers in the UK & Ireland enjoy weekly deliveries direct from Aluprof’s distribution centre based in Poland. Delivering directly to the customer reduces lead times, reduces handling damage and saves carbon, compared to double-handle project-specific material, such as delivering to a UK warehouse and then onto a further delivery vehicle for final delivery. Aluprof also ship orders complete, which enables the fabricator to schedule fabrication from delivery, rather than having to check and wait for all the materials to arrive. Both these approaches to supply, significantly reduce lead times allowing the fabricator to get products installed on site quicker and hopefully help improve cash flow throughout a contract.
Aluprof also recognised that not all fabricators can put on extra shifts to meet busy times as production facilities often utilise a lean working ethic to maintain competitiveness. To assist fabricators, Aluprof introduced a fabrication facility in Poland that can support fabricators in manufacturing some of the supplies at their request. This has proven to be a real benefit to customers who contract and often use this facility to manufacture the more difficult constructions required on a project.
Value Management, which encompasses Value Engineering, looks at every process from order through to completion. To begin with, an overview of the complete project programme is needed, with each of the processes and deadlines for completion itemised. It is at this stage that options are discussed. One of the obvious choices is that of the systems to be used for the windows, doors or facade. As a  high end systems company, Aluprof offer their systems in various designs to meet the exact needs of the building. An example of this can be seen in Aluprof's popular MB-SR50N Curtain Wall system, far from being a single system there are many options to choose from, these include various insulation levels, capping options or structural arrangements, each choice represents a cost or a cost saving. It's a little like specifying options on a new car taking the base model of choice as a starting point.
A further consideration is the optimisation of aluminium profile cutting. To reduce wastage on fabrication, profiles can be extruded to special lengths which offer high levels of cutting optimisation which in turn reduces material waste, which then reduces costs. These are just some of the important issues that are reviewed in the Value Management process which ensures that the completed project performs exactly as specified and perfectly meets with the clients' expectations.
So, from specification through to installation, the Aluprof team in the UK ‘partners’ with specifiers and customers to ensure that system supply is value managed, minimising cost and carbon footprint. Aluprof UK believe this ‘Value Management’ strengthens the relationship with customers who then often request Aluprof to partner them on projects that they have secured.
Aluprof are proud to be one of Europe's largest aluminium systems companies. Specification support is available through the company’s website at aluprof.co.uk, directly from their UK head office in Altrincham or from their London office at the Building Design Centre by phoning +44 (0) 161 941 4005.
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Unleashing Creativity: Exploring the Boundless World of DIY 3D Printer Kits
In the dynamic landscape of additive manufacturing, Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D printers emerge as a transformative force, revolutionizing the way objects are created layer by layer. FDM stands as a cornerstone in 3D printing, offering precision, simplicity, versatility, and accessibility. Its applications span from rapid prototyping to educational endeavors, making it a widely adopted technology in various industries.
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The Rise of the Maker Movement has catalyzed a shift towards hands-on learning and customization, with DIY 3D printer kits at its forefront. These kits empower individuals to become creators by providing them with the tools and knowledge to build their own 3D printers. The open-source nature of these kits fosters exploration, modification, and innovation, encouraging users to push the boundaries of traditional manufacturing.
Selecting the right DIY 3D printer kit is crucial for embarking on the journey of building a personalized 3D printer. Factors such as print quality, build volume, materials supported, and community support play significant roles in the decision-making process. Renowned models from brands like Prusa, Anycubic, and Elegoo offer a balance between affordability and performance, while newcomers like Bambu Lab are gaining recognition for their user-friendly designs and comprehensive support.
The assembly process of DIY 3D printer kits varies in complexity, ranging from a few hours to an entire weekend. However, the satisfaction and sense of accomplishment that come from building a functional machine from scratch are unparalleled. Calibration is a critical step in ensuring optimal print quality, requiring attention to detail and precision in tasks such as leveling the print bed and adjusting belt tension.
Beyond the build, the DIY experience instills a deep understanding of the printer’s inner workings, empowering users to troubleshoot and modify their machines as needed. This hands-on approach fosters a true connection with the creation, turning users into active participants in the manufacturing process rather than passive consumers.
Looking ahead, DIY 3D printer kits are poised to become more sophisticated, blurring the lines between enthusiast and professional-grade equipment. These kits serve as catalysts for innovation, inviting creators to explore new possibilities and push the boundaries of what is possible with 3D printing technology.
Protomont Technologies stands at the forefront of FDM technology, offering a range of carefully curated DIY 3D printer kits that cater to creators of all skill levels. From budget-friendly options ideal for beginners to advanced models like the Bambu Lab X1 Carbon Combo, Protomont Technologies provides an immersive experience in the art of creation. Explore Protomont Technologies’ range of FDM printers and discover the perfect blend of innovation and accessibility. Whether you’re a novice looking to dip your toes into 3D printing or an experienced maker seeking to expand your capabilities, Protomont Technologies has the perfect solution for you.
In addition to the mainstream DIY 3D printer kits, there is a growing trend towards niche and specialized kits tailored to specific needs and preferences. For example, some kits focus on particular features such as larger build volumes or dual extruders for multi-material printing. Others prioritize ease of assembly and user-friendliness, targeting beginners or educational settings. These niche kits cater to a diverse range of users, offering customizable options to suit various applications and skill levels.
Moreover, DIY 3D printer kits are not limited to traditional desktop setups. There is a growing demand for portable and compact kits that enable on-the-go printing, catering to users who require flexibility and mobility in their printing capabilities. These portable kits are ideal for professionals, educators, and hobbyists who need to bring their 3D printing projects to different locations or events. The DIY ethos extends beyond just building the printer itself. Many users take pride in sourcing and assembling their own components, from upgrading extruders and hot ends to installing custom firmware and software modifications. This hands-on approach allows users to tailor their printers to their specific needs and preferences, unlocking new functionalities and capabilities.
Another significant aspect of DIY 3D printer kits is the vibrant and supportive community that surrounds them. Online forums, social media groups, and maker spaces provide valuable resources, tips, and troubleshooting assistance for users at all stages of their DIY journey. This sense of community fosters collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and camaraderie among enthusiasts, further enriching the DIY experience.
Looking ahead, the future of DIY 3D printer kits is promising, with advancements in technology driving innovation and creativity. Emerging technologies such as resin-based 3D printing and metal 3D printing are becoming increasingly accessible to DIY enthusiasts, opening up new possibilities for experimentation and exploration. Additionally, developments in automation and artificial intelligence are streamlining the assembly process and enhancing the performance of DIY printers.
As the DIY 3D printing community continues to grow and evolve, it is essential to prioritize accessibility, affordability, and inclusivity. Ensuring that DIY kits are easy to use, affordable, and cater to diverse user needs will enable more people to participate in the maker movement and unleash their creativity.
In conclusion, DIY 3D printer kits represent a democratization of manufacturing, empowering individuals to become creators and innovators in their own right. With their accessibility, versatility, and potential for customization, DIY kits are driving a revolution in additive manufacturing and shaping the future of making. Whether you’re a hobbyist, educator, or professional, there has never been a better time to join the DIY 3D printing movement and unleash your creativity. If you are looking to buy 3d printer spare parts we have you covered.
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How To Use a Door Canopy To Create a Stunning Effect?
The importance of emphasizing the home exterior is justified. Most commercial properties are eager to improve their curb appeal without incurring too many expenses. An ideal alternative in this regard is to consider the installation of a high-quality, cost-effective door canopy. Such an addition not only adds aesthetic value but is also practical. ​ There are numerous types of canopies to choose from. Small retail stores and homeowners need to decide on a durable structure that can keep out the natural elements. Some of the most popular awnings or canopies that may be installed in front of the entrance or suspended from it include the following:-
· Classic Awning- This comes with a timeless appeal that provides dual advantages with shade and protection from the elements being ensured. It usually features a sloped roof that can be supported by decorative elements. This accentuates the entryway by providing an understated elegance
· Victorian-Inspired Canopy- For retailers hoping to reveal an old-world charm and period homeowners who aspire to keep the antique look intact, there is no better choice than the Victorian design. These canopies come with intricate detailing and often sport ornate designs. The sense of grandeur makes it capture the attention big-time
· Metal Canopies- Metal canopies installed at the entrance can lend a contemporary look to the shop's entryway. It is best to discuss the matter with the manufacturer/dealer when it comes to selecting a particular metal. True, there are different metals used at present, but the lightweight and durable aluminum or its alloys beat other products hollow. The sleek, modern appearance invites visitors in, with most of them willing to be converted into customers.
· Minimalist Glass Canopies- The beautiful glass door canopies add a modern touch that is highly favored by industrial and/or commercial buildings. A small retail store may also use it to make the store appear organized and inviting. Natural light enters the room and succeeds in reducing electricity bills to a great extent. One may choose glass canopies to send out a message as well. Apart from transparent glass, the retailer or any other user may go for colored glass to make a statement and beautify the entrance.
· Unique Shapes- Different types of geometrically shaped canopies are in vogue. One does not have to settle for the uniform shapes either. The avant-garde style and clean, sleek lines of the extruding canopy are apt for fashion houses and busy business outlets.
It is essential to understand that door or window canopies are not mere adornments today. Instead, they serve multiple functions for the user apart from being a shading solution. Some of the novel aspects that are commonly considered today include:-
· Eco-friendly Door Structure · Green Roof Canopy · Integration of Solar Panel · Artistic Mosaic Canopy
Big business entities are eager to showcase their brand at every instance. Adding a unique, eye-catching canopy is half the battle won. Installation of custom commercial canopies that are tailor-made for a particular business can help the company achieve its objective without the need to spend extravagantly. 
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envcure · 4 months
What Are the New Innovations in the Market for Plastic Lump Shredder Machine Technology?
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The plastic lump shredder machine technology has seen significant advancements, responding to the increasing demand for efficient recycling solutions. Innovations in this field aim to enhance performance, sustainability, and the quality of the output material. Here, we delve into some of the latest innovations that are setting new standards in the recycling industry. 
Enhanced Shredding Efficiency 
Why is efficiency paramount in plastic shredding? In the bustling world of recycling, the ability to process materials quickly and effectively isn’t just a bonus—it’s a necessity. Machines like the WLK 4 and WLK 1500 from WEIMA don’t just meet these expectations; they redefine them. These models, known for their compact yet powerful designs, have set a new benchmark for what we consider efficient shredding, 
Compact Design, Big Impact: The WLK series is a testament to the ingenuity of modern engineering. Despite their small footprint, these machines pack a punch, capable of handling small to medium throughput rates without breaking a sweat.
Robustness and Versatility: Don’t let their size fool you. These machines are built to last, with a design that emphasizes durability and a wide range of applications. Whether it’s integrating seamlessly into production lines or offering a variety of cutting geometries, the WLK series stands out as a versatile solution in the plastic recycling industry.
Dual Shaft Shredders: Versatility in Action
When it comes to shredding, one size doesn’t fit all. The needs of the recycling industry are as varied as the materials it processes. CM Shredders’ lineup, including models from the CM H-10 to the CM H-250L, showcases the importance of having the right tool for the job. From light-duty tasks like shredding paper and plastics to heavy-duty challenges involving general refuse and metal alloys, these machines offer a tailored approach to material reduction. 
Light to Heavy-Duty Applications: Whether you’re dealing with everyday items or tackling tougher materials, there’s a CM shredder that’s up to the task.
A Model for Every Need: The diversity in CM’s range means that no matter your specific requirements, there’s a shredder designed to meet them, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in your recycling process.
Innovative Shredder Designs: PURE LOOP’s Revolution
Innovation is the heartbeat of progress, and PURE LOOP’s shredding technology exemplifies this principle. The introduction of a single shaft shredder equipped with a double feed ram system and a conical transition isn’t just an advancement; it’s a revolution. This system caters to a variety of materials with different bulk densities, ensuring continuous, uniform extrusion filling​. 
Double Feed Ram System: A groundbreaking feature that propels the shredding process into a new era of efficiency. By facilitating the movement of shredded material through the conical transition and into the extruder, it easily accommodates materials of varying bulk densities.
Conical Transition: The unsung hero of the shredding process. This component is crucial for compacting material and reducing oxygen, guaranteeing a gentle processing method that’s both efficient and effective.
Comprehensive Shredding Solutions: The Genox Edge
What sets Genox Recycling Technology apart in the plastic shredding industry? It’s their commitment to offering comprehensive, cost-effective solutions tailored to the specific needs of recycling operations. Genox’s systems are optimized for various materials, ensuring that each shredding task, from plastic pipes and purgings to films and bottles, is executed with precision and minimal maintenance requirements. 
Key Features:
Optimized Cutting Speed and Size Reduction: By tailoring their machines to the material type and application, Genox ensures efficient processing and high-quality output.
In-House Manufactured Components: Accuracy and reliability are guaranteed with components machined using modern CNC equipment, reflecting Genox’s dedication to quality.
Advanced Material Processing: Beyond Shredding
In the quest for innovation, the focus isn’t solely on the machines and the materials they process. The ability to handle a variety of complex materials efficiently is what differentiates the latest plastic lump shredder machines. This adaptability is crucial for recycling facilities aiming to expand their capabilities and improve the quality of their output material.
Considerations for Advanced Material Processing:
Diverse Material Types: From heavy, bulky items to lightweight, highly tear-resistant plastics, the range of materials that modern shredders can process is impressive.
Quality of Output: The innovations in shredder technology not only focus on the shredding process itself but also the quality of the material after processing. This is vital for ensuring the material is ready for the next stage of recycling.
These advancements in shredder technology and material processing illustrate the industry’s progress toward more efficient, versatile, and sustainable recycling solutions. By embracing these innovations, recycling operations can not only improve their efficiency but also contribute to a more sustainable future by ensuring high-quality recycling outputs.
EnvCure stands at the forefront of addressing environmental sustainability challenges, including the recycling of plastic waste. By leveraging the latest innovations in plastic shredder machine technology, EnvCure is well-positioned to offer cutting-edge solutions that not only meet the demands of waste management but also contribute significantly to environmental conservation. With a deep commitment to innovation and sustainability, we continue to develop products and solutions that support the global movement towards a more sustainable future.
By incorporating these advanced technologies, the recycling process becomes more efficient, contributing to a reduction in plastic waste and promoting a circular economy. The adaptability and efficiency of the latest plastic lump shredder machines are critical for industries seeking to enhance their sustainability practices while ensuring high-quality recycling outputs. 
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rippin-r-us1 · 5 months
Creating a top 10 list of 3D printers for 2024 without including resin printers requires focusing on the variety and advancements within the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) market and beyond. This list will cater to a range of needs, from hobbyist and educational use to professional and industrial applications. Here are the top 10 FDM 3D printers of 2024, based on their performance, features, user reviews, and innovation:
Top 10 3D Printers of 2024
1. Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle
Ideal for: Professionals and industries
Features: Dual extrusion, air manager, material station, high reliability
2. Prusa i3 MK4
Ideal for: Hobbyists, educators, and professionals
Features: Open-source, auto-calibration, speed, noise reduction
3. Creality Ender-6
Ideal for: Hobbyists and small businesses
Features: Semi-enclosed chamber, core-XY structure, great value
4. MakerBot Method X Carbon Fiber Edition
Ideal for: Industrial applications
Features: Carbon fiber reinforcement, heated chamber, precision extruders
5. LulzBot TAZ Pro
Ideal for: Professionals seeking versatility
Features: Dual extrusion, large build volume, high print quality
6. FlashForge Creator Pro 2
Ideal for: Beginners and educators
Features: Independent dual extruders, reliability, affordability
7. BCN3D Epsilon W50
Ideal for: Professional and industrial use
Features: Large build volume, dual extrusion, industrial-grade parts
8. Anet A8 Plus
Ideal for: Budget-conscious hobbyists
Features: Large build volume, upgradable, affordable
9. Dremel DigiLab 3D45
Ideal for: Educators and professionals
Features: High reliability, easy to use, great support materials
10. Sindoh 3DWOX 1
Ideal for: Office and educational settings
Features: Enclosed build chamber, low noise, cartridge filament system
Choosing the Right 3D Printer
Selecting the right 3D printer from this list depends on several factors:
Purpose and Application: Whether for hobbyist, educational, or industrial purposes, choose a printer that aligns with your primary needs.
Build Volume: Consider the size of the prints you plan to make. Larger build volumes offer more flexibility for projects.
Material Compatibility: Depending on your projects, ensure the printer supports the materials you intend to use, including specialty filaments for industrial applications.
Ease of Use: For beginners and educational settings, user-friendly interfaces and reliable customer support are key.
Budget: Prices vary widely, from affordable models for hobbyists to more expensive, professional-grade printers. Balance cost with the features and quality you need.
The 3D printing landscape in 2024 is diverse, offering something for everyone, from beginners to advanced users. The top 10 FDM 3D printers listed above represent the pinnacle of current technology, showcasing the advancements that make 3D printing more accessible, versatile, and capable than ever before. Whether you're a hobbyist looking to bring your ideas to life, an educator shaping the next generation of makers, or a professional manufacturing prototypes, there's a 3D printer out there to meet your needs.
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omegabarrelscrew1 · 5 months
The Advantages of Twin Extruder Screw Elements
Twin extruder screw elements are designed to optimize the extrusion process, resulting in increased productivity. These components feature a dual-screw design that effectively blends, mixes, and homogenizes materials, allowing for higher throughput rates compared to single-screw extruders. With twin extruders, you can accomplish more in less time, ultimately boosting your overall production output.
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ozrobotics · 5 months
Kywoo Tycoon IDEX 3D Printer with Dual Extruder and Four Printing Modes Advanced Fun From IDEX, Four Printing Modes Supported: Tycoon IDEX 3D pri
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1spark1-blog · 4 months
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Coffee Print!
I took a picture of a pile of coffee beans I have at home the other day, isolated it, and printed it! I'm waiting to create a back-plate for this one, as I want to be truly inspired and create something that really meshes well. There's no doubt that this will be hanging up in my workshop, or near my coffee station... Or who knows, I'd honestly like to sell these at some point. They do take a lot of time to print still.. This one took around 13 hours to print. That's an expensive print XD 
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granuwel-extruder · 6 months
The Ultimate Guide of Co-Rotating Twin Screw Extruder
Introduction About Co-Rotating Twin Screw Extruder
Co-rotating twin screw extruders have become the backbone of various industries, providing an efficient and versatile solution for material processing. From plastics to pharmaceuticals, their applications are vast and their benefits are manifold.
In the realm of material processing, the co-rotating twin screw extruderstands out as a game-changer. But what exactly is this marvel of engineering, and why is it gaining widespread adoption in industries worldwide?
Definition of a Co-Rotating Twin Screw Extruder
A co-rotating twin screw extruder is a sophisticated piece of machinery used for processing a wide range of materials by forcing them through a set of intermeshing, co-rotating screws. This process results in efficient mixing, melting, and shaping of the material, making it a preferred choice in various manufacturing processes.
Components of Co-Rotating Twin Screw Extruders
Screws and Barrels
The design and material composition of screws and barrels significantly impact the extruder's performance. High-quality, durable components are essential for ensuring longevity and consistent results.
Feed and Discharge Systems
Efficient material feeding and discharge systems contribute to the overall effectiveness of co-rotating twin screw extruders. Properly designed systems prevent material inconsistencies and ensure a smooth production flow.
Control Systems
Modern co-rotating twin screw extruders come equipped with advanced control systems. These systems allow operators to monitor and adjust various parameters in real-time, ensuring optimal performance and product quality.
Working Principle of Co-Rotating Twin Screw Extruder
Co-Rotating Motion Explanation
The co-rotating motion of the twin screws is a key element in the extruder's efficiency. This synchronized movement ensures thorough mixing and processing of materials, enhancing the overall quality of the output.
Twin Screw Design Advantages
Unlike single screw extruders, the twin screw design allows for better control over the processing parameters. The intermeshing screws create a shearing effect, generating heat that aids in the material's transformation.
Heat and Shear Effects on Materials
The controlled application of heat and shear within the extruder is crucial for processing materials with precision. This feature not only improves the material's consistency but also allows for the incorporation of additives and modifiers.
Importance of Co-Rotating Twin Screw Extruder in Various Industries
Industries such as plastics, food processing, and pharmaceuticals rely on co-rotating twin screw extruders for their unparalleled performance. The ability to handle diverse materials and provide precise control over the process makes them indispensable in modern manufacturing.
Co-Rotating Twin Screw Extruder's Advantages Over Single Screw Extruders
Enhanced Mixing Capabilities
One of the primary advantages of co-rotating twin screw extruders is their superior mixing capabilities. The intermeshing screws create a kneading action, promoting thorough blending of materials and resulting in a more consistent end product.
Increased Processing Flexibility
Compared to single screw extruders, co-rotating twin screw extruders offer enhanced processing flexibility. The ability to adjust screw speed, temperature, and other parameters provides manufacturers with greater control over the production process.
Higher Throughput Rates
The dual-screw design allows for higher throughput rates, making co-rotating twin screw extruders ideal for large-scale production. This efficiency is particularly advantageous in industries where high volumes of material need to be processed within a given timeframe.
Maintenance Tips
Regular Cleaning Procedures
Proper maintenance is crucial for the longevity and optimal performance of co-rotating twin screw extruders. Regular cleaning procedures, including purging and flushing, help prevent material buildup and ensure the extruder operates at peak efficiency.
Screw and Barrel Inspections
Periodic inspections of screws and barrels are essential to identify wear and tear. Any signs of damage or degradation should be addressed promptly to prevent disruptions in the production process.
Lubrication Requirements
Maintaining the appropriate lubrication levels is key to reducing friction and preventing premature wear of moving parts. Lubrication schedules should be adhered to, and high-quality lubricants should be used for optimal results.
Choosing the Right Co-Rotating Twin Screw Extruder
Selecting the appropriate co-rotating twin screw extruder is a critical decision that significantly influences the efficiency and quality of your manufacturing process. With a myriad of options available in the market, understanding how to make the right choice is paramount. Let's delve into the key considerations for selecting the ideal co-rotating twin screw extruder for your specific needs.
1. Material Type Considerations
Different materials have distinct characteristics and processing requirements. Consider the nature of the material you intend to process, including its viscosity, temperature sensitivity, and any unique features. Ensure that the extruder you choose is well-suited to handle the specific properties of your materials.
2. Throughput Requirements
The throughput capacity of an extruder is a crucial factor in determining its suitability for your production needs. Evaluate the volume of material you need to process within a given timeframe. Choose an extruder with a throughput rate that aligns with your production goals, ensuring optimal efficiency.
3. Customization Options
Co-rotating twin screw extruders offer a range of customization options. Manufacturers often provide different screw configurations, barrel designs, and other features that can be tailored to your unique requirements. Assess the customization options available and choose an extruder that can be adapted to meet the specific demands of your manufacturing process.
4. Consideration of Energy Efficiency
In today's environmentally conscious landscape, energy efficiency is a critical consideration. Assess the extruder's energy consumption and opt for models designed with energy-efficient features. This not only aligns with sustainable practices but can also lead to long-term cost savings.
5. Maintenance Requirements
The maintenance demands of co-rotating twin screw extruders vary. Consider the ease of maintenance and the associated costs. Look for extruders with user-friendly designs that facilitate regular cleaning, inspections, and lubrication. A well-maintained extruder ensures consistent performance and extends its operational lifespan.
6. Technological Advancements
Stay abreast of the latest technological advancements in co-rotating twin screw extrusion. Manufacturers often introduce innovations that enhance process control, automation, and overall efficiency. Choosing a model with the latest technological features ensures that your facility remains at the forefront of extrusion capabilities.
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solradguy · 1 year
Oh yeah I finished the last of my January art today so I'm free now. Here's my plan:
Gonna start Lightning the Argent this weekend, probably Sunday
I've got two drawings I need to do in February: my piece for the GG 25th anniversary zine and a drawing for my buddy
So if I get those done I should be able to open commissions sometime during the 3rd week of February
Ideally I'd like to get some pieces done for either of my solo zines too, the Sol one and my original setting one. We'll see
I wanna start working on the first story in the Missing Link manga too but that's gonna be a side thing to LtA. Should be able to start printing the Outrage in February too, though I wanna get a dual gear extruder for my Ender before subjecting it to longer prints. The mono gear stock one's kinda shitty
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Elevating Precision: Dual Extrusion Lines and Socket Perfection with FASTFORM
In the realm of cutting-edge manufacturing, the integration of dual extrusion lines marks a significant leap forward. Paired with the quest for socket perfection, FASTFORM emerges as the avant-garde solution, revolutionizing production processes and delivering unparalleled results.
1. Dual Extrusion Lines: Pinnacle of Efficiency
FASTFORM's utilization of dual extrusion lines represents the pinnacle of efficiency in manufacturing. By incorporating two extruders seamlessly, Dual Extrusion Lines & Socket Perfection: How FASTFORM Saves the Day the system achieves a symphony of precision and speed. This groundbreaking technology allows for the simultaneous deposition of multiple materials, enabling intricate designs and enhancing overall production efficiency.
2. Socket Perfection: Meticulous Craftsmanship
In the pursuit of socket perfection, FASTFORM leaves no stone unturned. The sockets produced by this cutting-edge technology are a testament to meticulous craftsmanship and unwavering quality. Whether it's the intricate details of a threaded socket or the robustness of a solvent weld joint, FASTFORM ensures that each socket meets the highest standards, guaranteeing durability and reliability.
3. Seamless Integration: The FASTFORM Advantage
One of the standout features of FASTFORM is its seamless integration of dual extrusion lines with socket production. This synergy results in a harmonious workflow, where precision meets perfection. The technology ensures that each socket aligns with the exact specifications, contributing to the overall success of diverse manufacturing applications.
4. Time Efficiency: Redefining Production Timelines
In a world where time is of the essence, FASTFORM stands as a beacon of time efficiency. The integration of dual extrusion lines expedites the production process, allowing for quicker turnaround times without compromising on the quality of the sockets. Manufacturers can now meet deadlines with ease, making FASTFORM a game-changer in the competitive landscape.
5. Future-Ready Innovation: Staying Ahead with FASTFORM
FASTFORM not only meets current manufacturing demands but also positions businesses for future-ready innovation. The adaptability of dual extrusion lines ensures that manufacturers can stay ahead of the curve, embracing evolving trends in socket design and production. With FASTFORM, businesses can future-proof their operations and maintain a competitive edge in the ever-evolving market.
In conclusion, the marriage of dual extrusion lines and socket perfection through FASTFORM redefines manufacturing standards. This innovative solution brings together efficiency, precision, and future-ready capabilities, making it an indispensable asset for industries striving for excellence. Embrace the era of unparalleled socket craftsmanship with FASTFORM, where every production cycle becomes a testament to precision and ingenuity.
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diy-kompass · 7 months
[gallery] 【Spezialisiert und umfassend】X-CF Pro, ein neu entwickelter 3D-Drucker von QIDI TECH, hat zwei Sätze unabhängiger Einzelextruder.Extruder A: ein normaler Einzelextruder.Extruder B: ein Hochtemperatur-Doppelzahnrad-Extruder, der in der Lage ist, Hochgeschwindigkeitsdruck für die meisten Filamente zu erreichen. 【Industrielle Fertigung】Modernste aufgerüstete Dual-Gear-Extruder und duale z-Achse Verarbeitung industrieller Führungsschienen, können den Druck präziser und schneller machen. Eine zusätzliche Filamentbox kann sicherstellen, dass das Filament immer im besten Druckzustand ist. 【New Upgrading Feature】Ein neuer automatischer intelligenter Nivellierungsmodus, realisiert vollautomatische Nivellierung.Die neu aktualisierte Software macht es einfacher, alle Arten von Filament zu drucken, insbesondere Kohlefaser.Das Motherboard verwendet TMC2208 Treiberchip. 【QIDI TECH Service】: Die Garantie beträgt 2 Jahre (1 Jahr + 1 zusätzliches Jahr). [amz_corss_sell asin="B09TXCD476"]
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