#dua to prevent miscarriage
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duacommunity · 1 year ago
A prayer to prevent miscarriage: Recite this prayer with unwavering faith, believing that Allah will safeguard your unborn child. Begin reciting it as soon as you discover your pregnancy.
Recite Quran 3 Ayat 191 after every obligatory prayer 21 times as soon as you notice that you are pregnant
رَبَّنَا مَا خَلَقۡتَ هَٰذَا بَٰطِلٗا
Rabbanaa maa khalaqta haaza baatilan
Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly
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halaldua · 1 year ago
Dua for Pregnant Women and Fertility
Explore the divine journey of motherhood with powerful Islamic duas. Discover the solace of dua for pregnant women, prevent miscarriage with potent prayers, and find comfort in Islamic duas for fertility. Embrace the spiritual realm of duas for conceiving, invoking Allah's blessings for a safe and healthy pregnancy. Delve into the sacred verses and discover duas to read when pregnant in this article: https://halaldua.com/dua-for-pregnant-woman/
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amliyatdua · 5 years ago
Do you want dua for safety of pregnancy then you can consult with our Molvi peer mohammad qadri ji and get also dua to prevent miscarriage in pregnancy. He will also give you dua for protection from miscarriage and dua for successful pregnancy. For more information visit us @ https://amliyatdua.com/dua-for-safety-of-pregnancy
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wazifafornikah · 8 years ago
Wazifa For Safe Pregnancy
Wazifa For Safe Pregnancy
Wazifa For Safe Pregnancy , ” Pregnancy is worlds sweetest word for a mother. When a woman becomes pregnant, this is the best and most happiest time of her life. Especially when she becomes pregnant first time. There are many precautions she should adopt for a safe pregnancy. First 3 moths are very important. Because in this stage all organs of baby are forming. Woman should take care of her food.
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remediesq-blog · 6 years ago
Dua Pregnancy and for safety of child and mother
Please remember to thank Allah for blessing you with this opportunity that many desire and don’t have. Don’t take even a split second for granted. Make it a habit of reciting:
اَللّٰهُمَّ لَكَ الْـحَمْدُ وَ لَكَ الشُّكْرُ
“O Allah, all praise and gratitude is for you”
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A tradition from the Holy Prophet (s.a.) states that a woman from the time of pregnancy to delivery, and from delivery to weaning gets the reward of a man who is stationed at the borders to repel the attacks of the infidels; and if a woman dies during that period she will get the reward of a martyr.
At the time when labour approaches in the third trimester, reciting Surah Maryam or Surah 19 is a dua to prevent miscarriage in pregnancy. Apart from this, you can also pray to Allah every morning as well as evening. For doing this dua for protection from miscarriage, you can recite “Ya Lateef” for 129 times.
Click Here To See The Full Post :  Dua For Keeping Baby Safe During Pregnancy
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lovebackspell · 8 years ago
Safe Pregnancy Muslim Dua
Safe Pregnancy Muslim Dua
Safe Pregnancy Muslim Dua
Safe Pregnancy Muslim Dua
Safe Pregnancy Muslim Dua, Becoming a mother is the dream of every woman after marriage. Being a mother completes a woman and makes her life, full of joy and content. Bearing a child is the most, painful, yet most rewarding experience a mother can ever have. They say, since god cannot be everywhere, all the time, he sent a mother for…
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astromolvikhanbaba-blog · 6 years ago
Islamic Dua To Prevent Miscarriage - Dua For Safe & Successful Pregnancy ," In the event that you have been affirmed that you are pregnant, at that point above all else, you ought to express gratitude toward Allah SubhanaWa
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bestamalforlove · 7 years ago
Dua to Prevent Miscarriage Safe Pregnancy | Taweez for safe pregnancy |
Dua to Prevent Miscarriage Safe Pregnancy | Taweez for safe pregnancy |  #taweezforsafepregnancy Wazifa to Prevent Miscarriage Safe Pregnancy is for those women who are facing pregnancy problems. As we all know that Miscarriage is the most common type of pregnancy loss. Pregnancy is really a stunning and wonderful time in a lady's life. Not everybody concurs, but rather pregnancy truly is a wonder. From one cell, we make a completely new person! Pregnancy comes with its share of high points and low points, and in somecases it can be difficult to acknowledge your new, pregnant shape. Yet, pregnancy is something that ought to be appreciated, and celebrated! Pregnancy shouldn't be covered up or disregarded. It should bepraise! Each lady feels diversely about how she needs to praise her pregnancy, and all ways are great. Also, there are loads of motivations to celebrate! Wazifa to Prevent Miscarriage Safe Pregnancy Print thistaweez and fold it as taweez and pregnant woman should wear it. Better wear it on Thursday. Wazifa for Baby Ulad kliye wazifa tags:- dua for pregnancy dua forsuccessful pregnancy dua to get pregnant wazifa for pregnancy dua forsafe pregnancy dua for normal delivery dua for pregnancy fromquran islamic dua for normal delivery special duas to get pregnant islamic pregnancy dua surah for pregnancy quranic dua for normal delivery dua for getting pregnant fromquran dua for healthy baby dua for pregnancy fromquran in arabic dua for healthy pregnancy dua for painless delivery dua for pregnant women dua for pregnant ladies dua to get pregnant fast dua for havingbaby surah for having baby boy dua for pregnancy complications pregnancy main dua dua for conceiving dua to get pregnant soon wazifa forsafe pregnancy duas for easy delivery dua for having a baby boy pregnancy kidua dua to conceive a baby boy surah to read to get pregnant wazifa for getting pregnant fast dua to conceive a baby quranic duas to get pregnant dua forbeautiful baby dua for baby health dua for expecting mothers dua for a healthy pregnancy dua for unborn baby health ayat to become pregnant dua for pregnancy pain pregnancy ma dua duas for conceiving a child dua for pregnancy time dua for pregnant mother dua for pregnant delivery dua forlabour dua for having a baby girl surah for pregnant ladies dua forlabour pain dua for normal delivery inarabic surah for normal delivery wazifa to get pregnant dua for becoming pregnant dua for normal healthy baby what surah to read to get pregnant dua to become pregnant dua to protect pregnancy best dua for pregnancy ayat for pregnancy surah to get pregnant islamic dua for having a baby islamic dua for pregnancy pain dua forunborn baby dua for childbirth dua for normal delivery ofbaby dua for pregnant sister islamic dua to get pregnant surah for getting pregnant dua duringlabour pain dua for a pregnant woman dua to conceivebaby safe pregnancy ki dua dua for delivery time dua to be pregnant pregnancydua for baby boy pregnancy inislam dua to protect unborn child surah for safe pregnancy dua to conceive a child surahmaryam for getting pregnant pregnancy time dua wazifa for conceive twins pregnancy inislam what to pray islamic dua for getting pregnant soon dua for easy delivery of child surah for healthy baby dua for baby in womb qurani ayat for pregnancy dua during pregnancy best dua for getting pregnant soon dua for easy pregnancy dua for pregnancy labour dua for safe delivery wazifa for pregnant lady islamic dua for getting pregnant dua for easy labour and delivery surah for getting pregnant soon dua for pregnancy protection dua for delivery pain pregnant women dua dua for last month of pregnancy dua for healthy and beautiful baby dua to protect baby in womb dua for to get pregnant dua to conceive soon islamic dua to get pregnant soon dua for baby boy wazifa to get pregnant fast wazifa for getting pregnant islamic dua for labour pain surah for conceiving a child pregnancy inquran dua for baby born dua for safe delivery of baby dua for child protection wazifa for getting pregnant soon pregnantmuslim dua for not getting pregnant dua for healthy baby during pregnancy dua for easy and safe delivery of child best surah for pregnancy normal delivery dua islamic wazifa for pregnancy prayer for a pregnant woman for safe delivery dua to fall pregnant prayer for pregnancy protection dua for baby delivery pregnancyquran wazifa for baby girl pregnancy prayer during pregnancy dua to start labour pain dua for delivery of baby what dua to read to get pregnant wazifa for healthy pregnancy dua to become pregnant soon
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titoslondon-blog · 7 years ago
New Post has been published on Titos London
#Blog New Post has been published on http://www.titoslondon.in/avoid-make-up-products-anti-acne-creams-during-pregnancy-say-experts/
Avoid make-up products, anti-acne creams during pregnancy say experts
By: IANS | New Delhi | Published:October 19, 2017 12:04 pm Did you know this? (Source: Thinkstock Images) Top News
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Expectant mothers in their first trimester must not use any sort of cosmetics, cleaning agents and medicines to protect the fetal brain development from chemicals that can trigger autism and health of the baby. Stay away from make-up products like lipsticks, lipbalms and anti-acne creams, say experts.
Archana Dhawan Bajaj, Gynecologist and Obstetrician at Nurture IVF Centre and Taruna Dua, Consultant and Gynecologist at Aakash Healthcare, have listed ingredients and products that should be avoided:
* Make-up products like lipstick, lip-gloss, lip balms, eyeliners, mascaras, deodorants, foundation, nail polish, body oil, talcum powder, hair removal products and hair dyes can cause a number of mishaps.
This includes miscarriage, infertility, delayed puberty, hormonal imbalance, damage the endocrine, premature delivery, endometriosis (a uterus condition causing severe pain in pelvic region), hormonal imbalance, birth defects, neurological damage to the child, ovarian cancer and skin allergies.
* The worst among all is usage of acne cosmetic products like creams and gels.
Acne creams have retinoids which cause miscarriages and abnormal fetal brain development. Staying away from any sort of acne product during pregnancy is a must.
* Triclosan and Triclocarban are used as antimicrobial agents in personal care products, such as soaps. These ingredients can cause issues in your body.
* Parabens are a type of preservative, present in soaps, shampoos and conditioners which are used to prevent the growth of bacteria. But too much of it can have an impact on fertility.
* Formaldehyde, and a range of other volatile organic compounds which are ingredients in nail polish can cause birth defects and harm fertility.
* Toluene is a commonly used solvent to get glossy finish on the nails. It affects the central nervous system and causes reproductive harm.
* Phthalates is the most common chemical found in almost every cosmetic product. It disrupts the hormone levels, affect fertility and build up in breast milk.
* Oxybenzone (benzophenone), octinoxate, and homosalate are found in many sunscreens, lip balms, and other products with SPF. They cause endometriosis and can pose a risk to reproductive systems.
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priyagupta1234-blog · 8 years ago
Prevent Miscarriage Safe Successful Pregnancy Dua, Once you are confirmed that you are pregnant, you should be grateful to Allah. Secondly, you can do dua.
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astromolvikhanbaba-blog · 6 years ago
Islamic Dua To Prevent Miscarriage - Dua For Safe & Successful Pregnancy
Islamic Dua To Prevent Miscarriage - Dua For Safe & Successful Pregnancy ," In the event that you have been affirmed that you are pregnant, at that point above all else, you ought to express gratitude toward Allah SubhanaWa
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bestamalforlove · 7 years ago
Wazifa for Childless Couples to Have Child | Wazifa for children | Wazif...
Wazifa for Childless Couples to Have Child | Wazifa for children | Wazifa for baby | #wazifaforchild #wazifaforchildlesscouples By the help of Wazifa for Childless Couples to Have Child In shaa Allah you have children. Children are they beauty of any home. With out them home is like a hell. If you dont believe me ask by those who dont have children. May Allah bless all of couples with children.
05 Surah Al-Maidah Ayat #17
وَلِلَّهِ مُلْكُ‌ال‍‍سَّمَا‌و‍َ‍‌اتِ ‌وَ‌الأَ‌رْ‍‍ضِ ‌وَمَا‌ بَيْنَهُمَا‌ ۚ ي‍‍خْ‍‍لُ‍‍قُ مَا‌ يَش‍‍َ‍ا‌ءُ‌ ۚ ‌وَ‌ال‍‍لَّهُ عَلَى‌ كُلِّ شَيْء‌‌ٍ‌ قَ‍‍د‍ِ‍ي‍‍ر‌
Wa Lillahi MulkuAs-Samāwāti Wa Al-‘Arđi Wa Mā Baynahumā ۚYkhluqu Mā Yashā‘u Wa ۚ Allāhu `Alá KulliShay’in Qadīrun
"ALLAH’s is the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them. He created what He will. And ALLAH is able to do all things."
Wazifa for Childless Couples to Have Child:
Husband should do this wazifa anytime during the day. Time is not fixed, like other wazaif. If husband is so much busy and dont have time then he can ask any pious person, to do this wazifa for him. It will also work.
Take some fresh sweet,
Do Ablution,
Then Sit on a prayer mat,
Now recite Darood Ibrahimi 11 times, Then recite 300 times the Ayat #17 of Surat Al-Maidah with bissmillah every time. Ayet is mentioned above. Again recite Darood Ibrahimi 11 times.
Blow on the sweet,
Now wife should eat half sweet, and husband also should eat other half sweet,
Keep doing this wazifa for 41 days, only Stop in menses of female, then continue.;
In shaa Allah by the help of this Wazifa for Childless Couples to Have Child couples have a child soon.
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bestamalforlove · 7 years ago
Beta Paida Honey ka Taweez to Have Baby Boy - 101% working and tested
Beta Paida Honey ka Taweez to Have Baby Boy - 101% working and tested #taweezbabyboy English: Having kids is such a big pleasure in someone life that only they can understand. If you always have baby girls and now upset and want to have baby boy. Here is the taweez Beta Paida Honey ka Taweez to Have Baby Boy. Having baby girls or baby boys is only from Allah. But we also have to try ourself first then Allah will help us. To write this taweez you need white paper, saffron and Rose Water.  you can buy these things from http://bestamalforlove.com/ or find some one near to you. Wazifa for mother milk feeding for baby Taweez to Have Baby Boy Take a small piece of dear leather. Better take inside thin layer or the leather.  Now mix saffron in rose water and make saffron ink.  Write above mentioned ayet on this dear leather. Then fold it as taweez and pregnant woman should wear it. Wazifa to Prevent Miscarriage Safe Pregnancy
In shaa Allah after wearing this Taweez to Have Baby Boy. You will have a baby boy. Nafarman Aulad Ke Liye Taweez Urdu: ager kisi k han sirf betiyan paida hoti hon aur wo beta chahtey hon. Tu Taweez to Have Baby Boy un k liye kafi hai. Weysey tu beyta ya beyti hona Allah k ikhtiyar men hai. Lakin hamey dunya k asbab ko bhi ikhtiyar kerney ka hukum hai. Is taweez k liye aap ko Hiran ki jihlli, zafarn aur arqey gulab ki zarorat hogi. . Aulad Ki Bundish | Auld ka na Hona Taweez to Have Baby Boy Zaffran ko arqey gulab men mix ker k zafran ink bana len. Phir hiran ki jhilli per oper di gayi ayet likh ker taweez bana len. . Jab aurat hamala hojaye tu ye taweez pehney. In shaa Allah is Taweez to Have Baby Boy k pehney sey zaror beyta hoga.
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