#dua for birth of child
percervall · 9 months
Ms Mar, my favourite list-maker, would love to know your thoughts about a liverpool Secret Santa exchange, since all we got for a Christmas video on best present was kinda boring lol.
who would get who, and what would they gift each other? 🤭
Okay, after messaging @curiousthyme to brainstorm we quickly discovered that this was accidentally sent on anon. oopsies 🤭 So thank you Ives for this brilliant ask!
In true teacher fashion, I used a name picker wheel to link players and then went from there. Some of them were just too good, honestly this wheel is a Liverpool girly
Putting them all under a read more because it's a long list
Lexi → Virgil - a personalised maté set, similarly to the one he gifted Ibou (whom I have seem to forgotten to include in this 😭 my poor petit)
Virgil → Alisson - a gift card for a spa day (+ a "we're sorry for fucking up so much" card signed by all our defenders)
Alisson → Wataru - a gift card for a local Japanese restaurant, for Endo to enjoy with his partner on a double date with Ali and his wife
Wataru → Pep - a new set of whiteboard markers and magnets shaped like football kit for all his tactical planning sessions
Pep → Cody - (like I said, this wheel was just being so kind to us) Pep would give him a Christmas ornament shaped like a Bossche bol (shout out to the 2 Dutchies who follow me and know what this is) to remind him of home
Cody → Lucho - seeing as Luis' partner is about to give birth to their second child, a mobile to hang over the cot. Maybe even Liverpool themed with tiny felt jerseys 🥰
Lucho → Joe - Joey would get a picture frame key chain so he can take his family with him wherever he goes
Joe → Ryan - A Scouse dictionary and an FC24 game but with Ryan's face photoshopped onto every player on the cover 🤭
Ryan → Joël - New shower curtains with Virg's face all over them to push the bromance agenda, and a friends mug
Joël → Darwin - A DVD set for friends to help him with his English and a little pin that says "chaos demon"
Darwin → Mo - A t-shirt with Darwin's cutie lil face as he says "thank you for support" + that photo in a frame. You know the one, where Darwin became Mo's bodyguard/sleep paralysis demon
Mo → Kostas - Some weights and a DVD on how to get abs + a t-shirt with a photo of Mo's abs printed on it in the meantime
Kostas → Thiago - (I told you the wheel is a Liverpool girly) Maui and Fuerte in cuddly toy form for their the new baby + a donation to Thiago's charity
Thiago → Domi - a beard care set, like one of those high end ones, and the game werewolves (iykyk)
Domi → Trent - (y'all, we were YELLING) a chain necklace "because that's what the girls like" + Hungarian schnapps/pálinka + a temporary tattoo of the CL trophy because his mum said no to the real one 🤭
Trent → Andy - (SCREAM) a BFF necklace, a Dua Lipa album, and his fave biscuits
Andy → Klopp - Andy would give Klopp the Scotsman treatment: full kilt + a set of bagpipes (bonus: Kloppo promising to wear the full get up when they win the league)
Klopp → Diogo - An annotated copy of Cruyff's book about football because Jots wants to go into coaching after his playing career
Diogo → Lexi - a personalised gaming chair with a maté holder, and a personalised game controller
This was so much fun, thanks babe!!
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asma-al-husna · 3 months
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Allah calls Himself Al-Waahid— The One— on five occasions in the Quran. Al-Waahid is the source of everything in existence. Al-Waahid is the One, He is Alone and He is Unique in every single way!
The One, Apart From Others
Waahid comes from the root waw-haa-daal, which points to four main meanings. The first meaning is to be one, to be made one and to be called one. The second main meaning is to connect, join and unite. The third is to be unique and singular and the fourth is to be one apart from others.
This root appears 68 times in the Quran in four derived forms. Examples of these forms are waahidan(“one”),  waahidatan (“single”) and wahdahu (“alone”).
Linguistically waahid means one who is one, or alone, apart from others. Tawheed also comes from this root and it means unification or asserting oneness.
Tawheedullaah means to belief that Allah is One without partner in His dominion and His actions (Ruboobiyyah), One without similitude in His essence and attributes (Asmaa wa Sifaat), and One without rival in His divinity and in worship (Uloohiyyah/Uboodiyyah). Disregarding one of these aspects of Tawheed is shirk (literally sharing); the association of partners with Allah. Being One is a quality of Allah ‘azza wajal wich nobody else shares with Him. He is the One and Only in His being, authority, actions and powers!
Al-Waahid Himself says: . . .  and all creatures will come out before Allah , the One, the Prevailing [Quran, 14:48].. O [my] two companions of prison, are separate lords better or Allah , the One, the Prevailing? [Quran, 12:39]… Say, [O Muhammad], “I am only a warner, and there is not any deity except Allah , the One, the Prevailing [Quran, 38:65] .. Exalted is He; He is Allah, the One, the Prevailing[Quran, 39:4] ..To whom belongs [all] sovereignty this Day? To Allah , the One, the Prevailing [Quran, 40:16]
A Powerful Combination
Allah ‘azza wajal chose His Name Al-Waahid to be paired with His Name Al-Qahhaar on each occasion in the Quran!
This Beautiful Name illustrates that He has the supreme authority and ultimate power to do anything. Al-Qahhaar can subdue anyone to compel him or her to His will and He does so with perfect knowledge and justice and this great ability belongs to Him only. All that is in the heavens and the earth submits, willingly or unwillingly, to Al-Waahid alone!
How Can You Live By This Name?
1.   Remind yourself and others of His Oneness.
The Oneness of Allah is a principle you need to keep reminding yourself of. His Oneness is the core message all the Prophets, peace be upon them all, were sent with! If you truly understand Al-Waahid, you will worship Him accordingly. Remind yourself He is the Only One able to do everything, so in your daily life, make dua only to Him, sacrifice only for Him and give sadaqah only for Him. Study tawheed and its meanings and teach this Name to your children and others!
2.   Turn to Him first. We know we have to believe in Al-Waahid alone, but in daily life when difficulty hits us we often turn to other means to try to relieve ourselves. When you have a problem turn to Him turn to Him first and then to other means to your disposal. When you are ill, don’t just grab a medicine quickly, but first ask Al-Waahid to provide you cure. When you are hurt, don’t immediately vent your heartache to a friend, ask Al-Waahid to mend your heart first. Why turn to anyone else if you can turn to The Sustainer of the Heavens and the earth?
3.   See Al-Waahid’s proof all around you.
The integration of the whole universe is a proof for the Oneness of Allah. The orbit of the sun and the moon, the composition of the air, the earth, the sees and the planets, the birth of a child, the perfect works of the human body are all proofs that there is only One Creator Who is the source of all of these diverse manifestations of His Unity. So look around you to increase your awe for His Beautiful Oneness!
4.   Trust in Al-Waahid.
Tawheed means you recognize He alone manages the affairs of the creation.  Nothing or no one else creates, sustains, grants, withholds, brings back to life, causes death, nor manages the affairs of every single person, nor sees their innermost feelings, except Al-Waahid. So put your trust in Him and know that only He will deal with you with perfect wisdom and justice at all times!
5.    Learn how to protect yourself from shirk.
Gain knowledge about shirk and its types so you can protect yourself from it as best as you can. Al-Waahid says: Surely Allah does not forgive that anything should be associated with Him, and forgives what is besides that to whomsoever He pleases; and whoever associates anything with Allah, he devises indeed a great sin. [Quran, 4:48] This shows you beautifully that Al-Waahid forgives all sins, except shirk. However, repentance wipes out each and every sin, even an act of shirk!  The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam taught you this comprehensive supplication regarding shirk:
Allaahumma innee ‘aoothu bika an ushrika bika shaiann wa anaa a’lamu, wa astaghfiruka limaa laa a’lamu.
O Allah, I seek refuge in You lest I associate anything with You knowingly, and I seek Your forgiveness for what I know not [Ahmad] Memorize it and ask Al-Waahid with it each day!
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.
O Allah, Al-Waahid we know that You are the One and Only.  Grant us  correct and unshakable belief in Your Oneness, allow us to truly understand and appreciate this Beautiful Name, act upon it and spread the message of Your Oneness to others. Make us reflect your Creation and protect and forgive us from all types of shirk, ameen!
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hippolotamus · 7 months
(If you’re still doing it because I’ve been asleep.)
(I am doing this because I'm still awake.)
Opening Credits: Centuries - Fall Out Boy (oh, I am so here for this) Waking Up: waking up slow (piano version) - Gabrielle Aplin (always great to start the day with some *yearning*) First Day At School: Hold my Hand - Lady Gaga (awww, of course) Falling In Love: Good Mourning - Sophie Holohan (good lord, what is with you and @diazsdimples?) Fight Song: Run - Harrison Storm (well that is certainly a choice) Breaking Up: Place in Me - Luke Hemmings 😭😭😭 Life’s OK: Echo - Suriel Hess (... is it tho???) Getting Back Together: Oceans - Seafret (brb gonna go weep) Wedding: Finally // beautiful stranger - Halsey (OMG i love this) Birth of Child: NO - Meghan Trainor (*wheezing* 🤣) Final Battle: Say Don't Go - Taylor Swift (well that happy mood was short lived) Death Scene: Beverly Hills - Weezer (how very classy of you) Funeral Song: Danger Zone - Kenny Loggins (bad. ass.) End Credits: Houdini - Dua Lipa (hell yeah, death ain't stopping you from having an excellent jam)
message me ‘hey’ for ur life story built from my shuffled music library
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fcrox · 30 days
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As long as she could soar around on her broom, touching clouds and flying alongside the birds that were as free as they could be, she was happy. It was in those moments that she glowed the brightest. But to every bright side there is a darkness that can be equally as strong.
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FULL NAME: Clara Ivanova
ALIAS/NICKNAME: Little Birdie, Spitfire
AGE: Twenty Eight
BIRTH DATE: May 2nd, 1951
AFFILIATION: Neutral (officially), Death Eater siding (truthfully)
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cis-Woman. She/her
OTHER LIVING CONDITIONS: Estate in the countryside, Bulgaria
OCCUPATION: Professional Quidditch player for the Bulgarian National Team, Chaser for the Falmouth Falcons, Former Chaser of the Vratsa Vultures
PETS: Valinor (barn owl), Orban (ragdoll cat)
WAND: Reed, Dragon Heartstring, 13 3/4 inch, unbending
PATRONUS: Erumpent
BOGGART: A house on fire, her stuck inside
SCENT: Broom Polish, Rain, and roses
SONG: One woman army by Porcelain Black, Wouldn't you like by EPIC: the musical, Dance the Night by Dua Lipa, Princesses don't cry by CARYS, Killer Queen by Mad Tsai, Made you look by Meghan Trainor
PINTEREST: here !! (in the making)
AESTHETIC: brooms and bottles of polish, tall shelves in a library filled with countless books, clouds drifting by, leaves blowing in the wind, a quaffle being thrown, players rushing by, the colors blue and yellow, a smile against the sun, long brown locks rustling in the wind, swan lake in a dark room, a bird in a cage
PARENTS: Raya Ivanova née Todorova-Rookwood & Boyan Ivanov
SIBLINGS: Nikolay Ivanov (older brother).
OTHER FAMILY: Cephus Rookwood (grandfather). Iliyan Todorova (cousin).
SCHOOL: Durmstrang
EXTRACURRICULAR: Chaser of the Quidditch team, Astronomy Club, Dueling Club
CLASSES INVESTED IN: Dark Arts, Charms, Transfiguration, Magical Theory, Potions
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Bulgarian, English, Russian, French
EYE COLOR: Dark Brown
HAIR COLOR: Brunette
SCARS: None.
INTELLIGENCE: High. Adaptive.
SKILLS: wandless magic (practicing), dueling (decent), flying (expert), quidditch (knowledge, adept), transfiguration (excellent)
POSITIVE TRAITS: loyal, determined, intuitive, feisty, fierce
NEGATIVE TRAITS: vengeful, stubborn, bossy, manipulative towards enemies, comes across as arrogant at times, can be equally arrogant
Clara was born as the child of Raya Ivanova and Boyan Ivanov, sister to Nikolay. Due to being a second born as well as a girl she wasn't considered as heir and truly, it was a blessing that she came to appreciate as she grew up. Her childhood was spent with the usual things; dance lessons, manner classes and all other things her parents expected her to eventually come to live up to. Her father, a supporter of the Dark Lord from the earliest rumors on and her mother in favor of purity made things rather clear.
It was around age six that she first sat on a broom and immediately fell in love with the feeling. It wasn't until years later that she realized that the feeling was something akin to freedom. Clara grew up, for the better part of her childhood and early teenage years as a bird in a gilded cage. Despite her future having been made rather clear to her from the beginning, the young witch did not let it deter her from a path of breaking out of her own shackles. If it came down to it, she would do whatever she would have to but until then she would keep fighting.
And fight she did. From the moment she sat foot into Durmstrange the young girl made sure to study hard, show her peers and those around her that there was more to her than simply a pretty head. The moment the chance offer itself she did join the quidditch team and from there on out it was like the doors and windows around her had opened. Not only was she skilled on a broom, the witch was incredibly talented when it came to the sport. Through it she received her ticket to a form of freedom, limited but very much of her own.
Upon graduation she joined the Vrasta Vultures. So long as her parents hadn't found a candidate and the career was booming Clara was off the hook of her parents' plans. Freedom, for now. And she truly thrived in the sport, eventually landing herself a nomination as player of the Bulgarian National team. Through the sport she thrived, made friends. One of which she followed all the way to England after he'd left; all in support after having been offered to play on two of the teams located within the area. Loyalty was a big thing. It came as a rather nice benefit then that the move became a form of freedom.
Recently her brother's arrived as well, pledged to the cause but also very much the one to watch over her in her parents' place. Luckily they do get along splendidly well.
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detruines · 3 months
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is that DUA LIPA? oh, no, that’s JACQUELINE “JACKIE” GRIMALDI, a TWENTY-NINE year old ASPIRING F1 DRIVER who uses SHE/HER pronouns. they currently live in PROVIDENCIA B&B IN CASABLANCA, and the character they identify with most is SHANK FROM RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET. hopefully they find their own little paradise here in el país de los poetas!
full name: jacqueline rose grimaldi nickname(s): jackie, kiki date of birth: august 22nd, 1994 age: 29 years old hometown: cambridge, england commune: providencia b&b, casablanca sexuality: bisexual occupation: aspiring f1 driver
the only kid in the family. she's spoiled rotten since day one, although most of her parents' affection come in the form of material things. grew up with nannies and while her parents were usually busy working, they went on family vacations during summer/winter so she has good relationship with them for most part. she's got the freedom to do whatever she wants and was never pressured to do well in school or things like that, but she did go into all kinds of classes growing up. it was her cousin charlie that made her get into racing ⸻ they both shared an interest in cars, so the idea wasn't all that impulsive. her parents thought it would just be a phase at first, as all things were with her, but this is the one thing that she could see herself doing for the rest of her life. they agreed to fund her races if she went to college and get a degree, and so she did. it's been 5 years since she actively races and she recently got her fia super license so that's exciting! she's definitely passionate about her career, but knows when to take some time for herself when she needs it. a self care queen indeed! personality wise she's very chill. a free spirit through and through. a little bit of a troublemaker but wouldn't do something illegal unless you're up for it??? loves to be around people, but also enjoys her own company just as much. doesn't usually flaunt her wealth, but is always "let me buy you something" or "it's okay that's on me". her love language is physical touch and quality time.
born and raised in cambridge. as the only child in the family, jackie was spoiled rotten since day one, although most of her parents' affection came in the form of material things. she grew up with nannies for the most part, but the grimaldis would go on family vacations during summer and winter, which was the only time jackie got to see her parents and bond with them. they were not super affectionate or anything ⸻ she learned early on that it was just the way it was, the grimaldis were always busy with their own things. with little to no interest in academics, jackie was enrolled into all sorts of classes so she could find her own thing.
she was never pressured to do well in school or things like that, which prompted her to be very laid back as a person. for some time jackie struggled with finding her own thing, but she was always eager to try something new. her parents were never strict with her, so she had the total freedom to do what she wanted to, and most often than not they were supportive of her interests.
a jack(ie) of all trades, if you will! her interests were usually short-lived, for that she's quick to jump from one thing to another once she got bored of doing a certain thing. jackie played different sports growing up, but the one that stuck with her for the longest time was tennis. there was a time where she believed she would turn it into a career, but alas, she ended up getting bored of it eventually and decided to try something new. that was how her interest shifted towards car racing when she was in high school.
it was her cousin charlie who helped spark that interest. they bonded over their love for cars, so the idea wasn't something that came to her out of the blue. her parents thought it was just a phase at first, as all things were with her, and yet it was the only thing she could see herself doing for the rest of her life. it's a dangerous sport, sure, but that's what jackie liked about racing. it made her enjoy living on the edge and god, how she loved the thrill!
her parents agreed to fund her races if she went to college and so she did. initially she didn't even want to go to college, but it wasn't because she was bad with studies or anything. in fact, jackie was actually smart. she's just not interested in school, as she would very much rather play sports or engage in social clubs than have to sit through long hours lecture, which she found to be very tedious.
still, jackie went to university of pennsylvania and got a degree in business administration before she started racing professionally, just like her parents suggested. it had been 5 years since then and she just recently got her fia super license, which was something she had been working hard for! her next goal is to race in the grand pix, obviously. jackie didn't get that much luck in securing a seat for this season, but there's always hope that she would make it next year. as much as she's passionate about her career, she's not in a rush to reach her goal. well, sin prisa pero sin pausa, right?
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sebastianxwinters · 3 months
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[ thomas doherty, cis man, he/him ] — whoa! SEBASTIAN WINTERS just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for 3 MONTHS, working as a CHEF @ VINO E CUCINA. that can’t be easy, especially at only 28 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit SECRETIVE and INSECURE , but i know them to be INTELLIGENT and CREATIVE. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to QUEENS! —
full name: sebastian graham winters
nickname(s): seb, sebby, grahmmy
pronouns & gender: he/him, cis man
sexuality: homosexual
age: twenty-eight
relationship status: single
birth date: june 4 1996
birth place: london, england
time in town: three months since march, 2024
occupation: chef
parents: logan & sarah rivers
siblings: sammy rivers, logan rivers, hunter rivers, & skylar rivers
personality: insecure, intelligent, reserved & creative
pet: tabby cat named oli
celebrity doppelgänger: thomas doherty
height: 6'0"
hair color: brown
eye color: blue
color: navy blue
food: general tso’s chicken
non-alcoholic beverage: diet dr. pepper
alcoholic beverage: tequila seltzer with a splash of cranberry
season: autumn
candle scent: cranberry mandarin
book: what if it’s us
video game: call of duty
tv show: masterchef
animated tv show: king of the hill
movie: girls trip
holiday movie: national lampoon’s christmas vacation
disney movie: aladdin
pixar movie: ratatouille
disney original movie: lemonade outh
candy: sweet tarts
chocolate candy: reeses peanut butter cups
Fruit: watermelon
Vegetable: broccoli
cuisine to eat: homemade macaroni and cheese
cuisine to make: risotto
genre of music: pop
artist: dua lipa
song: jaded by miley cyrus
tw; drugs, tw; alcohol, tw; overdose
London is a beautiful place to be born and raised and it was somewhere that Sebastian never thought that he would move on from. He loved the atmosphere and the culture that came with it. It was actually really nice to live in a place that people dreamed of being able to visit in their lifetime. 
Speaking of growing up, Sebastian was the middle child of his siblings. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or bad thing but the best part of growing up with parents like Logan and Sarah, they never made any of their kids feel less worthy than the other. Even with all of the problems that the kids had growing up, they would drop everything without a blink of an eye and be there for their children because unlike their kids, they had both grown up in the system. 
As Sebastian began to grow up, he showed a love for cooking in the kitchen. He was always wanting to help his mother out and that meant that he was getting in the way and making a bigger mess than if she had just done things herself, but this is something that bonded the two of them. They each bonded with their parents in different ways as one of his siblings was big into cars and that's why they were so close. But something that all of them shared was the love of board games. They would constantly have a game night weekly so that they could catch up and they always made a commitment to sit down and have family dinner and play games even after leaving the nest. 
While getting ready to graduate from school, it was a no brainer that Sebastian was going to go to university for culinary arts. He was destined to become one of the bests just like Gordon Ramsay. But still while in school, he had met Austin and they clicked well with one another. He had watched Austin go through his transition from female to male and he adored Austin the entire way through. There was something about having the courage to do that, which made Sebastian admire him even more. 
The two of them began to hang out and feelings quickly developed for Sebastian. He wanted Austin and he didn't know what it was but he felt like he could spend the rest of his life with him. They continued their relationship to university and Sebastian enjoyed it. After a year when Austin had left, Austin had broken up with Sebastian and he was absolutely devastated. He didn't know what to do with himself so he turned to drugs and alcohol to the point where there was no return. He got himself into some trouble and he dropped out of college. 
Sebastian disappeared from his family and that's when they began to worry about him. They didn't know what was going on with him and they found him after he had taken too much and he was in the hospital. They called his mother since she was the emergency contact and she was there, crying her eyes out. She begged Sebastian to change his ways so that he didn't end up like this again. 
Sebastian moved back into the home and he worked on himself and he went through therapy and took the steps to get healthier. Sebastian ended up going back to school and getting his degree in culinary arts and went to work in a restaurant. He worked there for years before he was offered a position in New York City working in downtown Manhattan. He took the position and moved at the beginning of March 2024. 
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julaibib · 2 years
A distant neighbour of mine passed away after giving birth to a daughter today, leaving behind a 5 year old child and her family. Please keep her and her family in your duas if you see this.
وعليكم السلام
If a woman dies with a child in her womb, or she dies during childbirth or after childbirth but within the period of nifaas (post-partum bleeding), she is considered to be a shaheedah in sha Allaah.
May Allah grant her the highest level of Firdous,
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august-rivers · 3 months
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August (he/him, cis man) was born on June 4, 1992 in Los Angeles, CA and arrived to Merrock in 2024. They prefer to be called Auggie, work as a chef at Evolution, and their stomping grounds are the downtown area.
full name: august graham rivers
nickname(s): auggie, gus, grammy
pronouns & gender: he/him, cis man
sexuality: homosexual
age: thirty-two
relationship status: it’s complicated but single
birth date: june 4 1992
birth place: los angeles, california
time in town: two weeks since june 13, 2024
occupation: chef
parents: logan & sarah rivers
siblings: sammy rivers, logan rivers, hunter rivers, & skylar rivers
personality: insecure, intelligent, reserved & savvy
pet: tabby cat named oli
celebrity doppelgänger: oliver stark
height: 6'2"
hair color: brown
eye color: blue
color: navy blue
food: general tso’s chicken
non-alcoholic beverage: diet dr. pepper
alcoholic beverage: tequila seltzer with a splash of cranberry
season: autumn
candle scent: cranberry mandarin
book: addicted to you
video game: call of duty
tv show: anything hgtv
animated tv show: king of the hill
movie: anything marvel
holiday movie: national lampoon’s christmas vacation
disney movie: aladdin
pixar movie: ratatouille
disney original movie: minute men
candy: sweet tarts
chocolate candy: reeses peanut butter cups
Fruit: watermelon
Vegetable: broccoli
cuisine to eat: homemade macaroni and cheese
cuisine to make: risotto
genre of music: pop
artist: dua lipa
song: jaded by miley cyrus
tw; drugs, parent illness, parent death
Being adopted was never something that bother August. As far as he knew, the family that he grew up with was his real family whether they were blood or not. Of course when he was young, he thought that everyone was truly family but then he learned that the world worked differently than that yet it still didn’t change the way he thought about the siblings that he grew up with. His biological parents were a young couple who were addicts and weren’t ready for a child and that’s how he ended up in foster care before ending up with his forever family. 
It was clear from a young age that August had a gift for cooking. He was constantly watching cooking shows on TV and wanted to recreate all of the different dishes with his parents. There were even times where he was preparing dinner in a masterchef style where they didn’t even know what they were getting. Once he was old enough and he was able to be trusted with the oven and stove on his own, he was cooking all of the holiday dinners, never feeling like he had to or being pressured to. He went to a school where being an athlete was very important and still he remained himself. He was pushed into a number of lockers and called multiple names, but it’s not something that ever got to him. 
August found James in high school and he thought that he met the man that he was going to spend the rest of his life with. It seemed like everything was perfect for them and there was nothing for them to worry about. When James went off to serve his country they decided that things needed to end so that they could focus on themselves.
It was no shocker that at the end of high school, August graduated at the top of his class and he was the valedictorian. College was completely different for him though. He wasn’t sure if it was just the atmosphere or his lack of caring what others thought of him but he felt a sort of solace with his cooking buddies. He made a friend in school, named Sadie and they became close to the point that others thought that the two of them were together romantically. They never were, but the best of friends.  
After graduating, he remained in Los Angeles and worked as hard as he could to gain a reputation for himself. He worked as well as he could and then James came home and the two of them reconnected and James had proposed. August was the happiest that he could be and then James left again. Everything seemed well with them then James came back after being hurt and he wasn’t sure if he could step up and be the man that James needed and so he ended things and was scared. 
Things happened at home that required August to have to be home with his family because his mom had fallen ill. He knew that he needed to step up and be the older brother that he knew his siblings needed and he was there for them and taking care of his mother. Unfortunately, she had passed in the beginning of June 2024 and that’s when August realized he couldn’t wait another minute to be sad and when he heard that James was in Merrock, Maine he decided he was going to go there and chase after James. 
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justwannaflex · 9 months
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(—) ★ spotted!! HAZEL BHAGYARAJ on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 27 year old looks like SIMONE ASHLEY, but i don’t really see it. while the SINGER is known for being OPTIMISTIC my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be EXCESSIVE i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song DANCE THE NIGHT BY DUA LIPA {she+her / cisfemale}
I want fabulous, That is my simple request, All things fabulous, Bigger and better and best, I need something inspiring to help me get along, I need a little fabulous is that so wrong?
name: hazel bhagyaraj
age: 27
nicknames: z, hals , ellie
date of birth: 1996
place of birth: Perth (Australia)
nationality : indian & australian
gender identity: cis woman (she/her)
sexuality: pansexual
family : parents and 1 older sibling
occupation: singer
career claim: ginger spice
net worth : 14M $
spoken languages : english and tamil
positive traits: optimistic, hardworking, resourceful, caring, free spirited, inventive
negative traits: envious, excessive, bossy, compulsive, frivolous, prideful
characters/celebrities inspo: tba
zodiac sign : tba
Hazel was born in Perth (Australia) to Indian immigrant parents. She's the second child of the family. She grew up middle class with an engineer mother and a university teacher father. She had a comfortable life and went to private schools. It is where she grew envious of the children of wealthier family. She never lacked anything and had a great life but she always wanted more. She knew she was destined for something bigger.
After graduating high school, she moved to Sydney to start an acting and modelling career. She got a few jobs in commercials and catalogues. She even starred as an extra or a tiny role in a few soaps, shows and films but nothing big. She never got cast in anything important. Still she knew she would make it somehow so she persevered.
Until her father got into an accident. She agreed to move back to Perth to help her mother take care of him since her career was not going anywhere. After her father got better, she wanted to move again but covid hit, stopping her. After the pandemic, she had lost her momentum and decided to quit acting to become an influencer or a singer.
Hazel worked in Louis Vuitton's shop in Perth before being picked to be a spice girl. She spent all day serving the clients she wished she could be. On her freetime, she posted videos and sang at luxurious venues. She was building followers and she kept hoping to be the next big thing. One evening, she was singing at Perth's Ritz-Carlton when a producer noticed her. That was her big break. Six months later she became a superstar.
Now she lives the life she always aspired to and is obsessed with staying relevant. She is doing everything to keep the spotlight on her.
After being a failed model, actress and influencer, Hazel is now ginger spice on the global girlband sensation that is the Spice girls.
The group reached stardom two years ago. She has been living the dream ever since. She makes cameos in movies and tv shows. She went from being an employee to a Louis Vuitton's brand ambassador. She is always at a party, an award, on set, or on tour. She never takes a minute for herself. She has to keep moving and keep eyes on her. She is not the easiest to work with and push the people around her to high standards. She is starting to build herself a diva reputation and is trying to control her image
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drfcstrs · 2 years
character bio - JANE FOSTER; think like a queen. a queen is not afraid to fail. failure is another stepping stone to greatness
Character Basics
Character’s full name: Jane Grace Foster Meaning of name: God is gracious Birth date: May 29th, 1991 Age: 31 Zodiac: Gemini Superpower: none, other than her extremely high IQ. Alias: Dr. Foster
Nationality / Ethnicity / Species: American, human Languages Spoken: English Orientation: heterosexual Prounouns: she/her
Physical appearance
Height: 5′6 Eye color: hazel Hair type and color: long and blonde usually curled Glasses or contacts: she prefers contacts, it’s easier in her field Face claim: Blake Lively Distinguishing marks: beauty mark on the right side of her face Predominant features: her blonde, curly hair Tattoos: Usual fashion of dress: feminine, girly
Good personality traits: ambitious, driven, intelligent, protective. Bad personality traits: controlling, prideful, know-it-all, impatient.  Personality Type: INFJ “the Advocate;” introverted, complex character, deep thoughtfulness. Character Label: The Polymath
Ten Song Playlist
State of Grace; Taylor Swift New Romantics; Taylor Swift Golden; Harry Styles good 4 u; Olivia Rodrigo  Can’t Tame Her; Zara Larrson Mastermind; Taylor Swift Free Woman; Lady Gaga god is a woman; Ariana Grande Joan of Arc on the Dance Floor; Aly & AJ Future Nostalgia; Dua Lipa
Hometown: Sante Fe, New Mexico Childhood: Jane, an only child, grew up with just her mother, a scientist. Her father died when she was young. Dream job: scientist, astrophysicist  Education: NYU School of Medicine
Current location: New York City, New York Currently living with: Pets: Thunder; golden retriever. Occupation: head doctor for SHIELD / The Avengers
tw: brief cancer/illness mention
Fiancé: Thor Odinson Children: Mother: Amelia Foster Relationship: her mother is a scientist and she often would go to work with her, watching her mother work in her lab. it sparked her interest in the field. she’s close to her mom and has a good relationship with her. she became closer to her after her father’s death and while she struggled with her own illness. Father: Noah Foster Relationship: her father was a surgeon. she was close to him and struggled after he died of cancer when she was 10, just a few years before she was diagnosed with the same illness.
Color: mint green, rose gold Least favorite color: dark colors
Musical instrument: piano Sport: she used to swim and did horseback riding Spending habits: she’s usually pretty good about it unless it’s clothes or makeup Smokes:  Drinks: wine or champagne, not enough to get drunk Other drugs:
Optimist or pessimist: depends on the situation, she goes by reason Introvert or extrovert: extroverted introvert Daredevil or cautious: cautious Disorderly or methodical: methodical Prefers working or relaxing: working Confident or unsure of herself: confident
Relationships with others
Love interest: Thor Odinson Best friend: Wanda Maximoff Exes: 
Short Bio
tw: cancer and death mention
jane was an only child and grew up in new mexico with her mom and dad. her mom is a scientist and her dad was a surgeon, so she was very intellectually drawn and always inspired by science, specifically space and the possibilities that there were other realms and dimensions. her father died of cancer when she was 10 and she struggled with his death in the years following, not knowing she’d be diagnosed with the same just a few years later. unlike her dad, however, she beat it and hasn’t had a recurrence since, though she’s extremely health conscious and borderline paranoid about it at times. she was originally drawn to astrophysics. but her frequent stays at the hospital sparked an interest in medicine. it also helped her feel closer to her dad. after med school, she began working at shield, eventually working her way up to being head doctor for the avengers.
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Pls, do not repost or publish my art on other platforms - don't take prints too🚫.
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Em português (Brasil) 🇧🇷
INFORMAÇÃO OC — Akira Watanabe 💞💝
uma garota eudiana aqui morava no distrito de Trost com sua família, ela tem uma leve sotaque caipira por causa de seus parentes do antepassados.
Ela é filha única, o sonho da família dela era ter duas garotas ou dois rapazes para que pudessem ajudar nas plantações para consumo próprio, antes seus pais tentaram ter uma criança mas acabou que essa criança morreu ao nascer prematura.
Dessa vez eu fiz Akira Watanabe e provavelmente eu irei fazer o Elliot em breve, mas Espero que gostem desse perfil adequado o que eu fiz para ela.
In inglish (EUA) 🇺🇲
OC INFO — Akira Watanabe 💞💝
A Eudian girl here used to live in Trost district with her family, she has a slight hillbilly accent because of her ancestors' relatives.
She is an only child, her family's dream was to have two girls or two boys so that they could help in the plantations for their own consumption, before her parents tried to have a child but it turned out that child died at birth prematurely.
This time I played Akira Watanabe and I'll probably play Elliot soon, but I hope you like this proper profile of what I did for her.
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asma-al-husna · 8 months
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Allah calls Himself Al-Waahid— The One— on five occasions in the Quran. Al-Waahid is the source of everything in existence. Al-Waahid is the One, He is Alone and He is Unique in every single way!
The One, Apart From Others
Waahid comes from the root waw-haa-daal, which points to four main meanings. The first meaning is to be one, to be made one and to be called one. The second main meaning is to connect, join and unite. The third is to be unique and singular and the fourth is to be one apart from others.
This root appears 68 times in the Quran in four derived forms. Examples of these forms are waahidan(“one”), waahidatan (“single”) and wahdahu (“alone”).
Linguistically waahid means one who is one, or alone, apart from others. Tawheed also comes from this root and it means unification or asserting oneness.
Tawheedullaah means to belief that Allah is One without partner in His dominion and His actions (Ruboobiyyah), One without similitude in His essence and attributes (Asmaa wa Sifaat), and One without rival in His divinity and in worship (Uloohiyyah/Uboodiyyah). Disregarding one of these aspects of Tawheed is shirk (literally sharing); the association of partners with Allah. Being One is a quality of Allah ‘azza wajal wich nobody else shares with Him. He is the One and Only in His being, authority, actions and powers!
Al-Waahid Himself says: . . . and all creatures will come out before Allah , the One, the Prevailing [Quran, 14:48].. O [my] two companions of prison, are separate lords better or Allah , the One, the Prevailing? [Quran, 12:39]… Say, [O Muhammad], “I am only a warner, and there is not any deity except Allah , the One, the Prevailing [Quran, 38:65] .. Exalted is He; He is Allah, the One, the Prevailing [Quran, 39:4] ..To whom belongs [all] sovereignty this Day? To Allah , the One, the Prevailing [Quran, 40:16]
A Powerful Combination
Allah ‘azza wajal chose His Name Al-Waahid to be paired with His Name Al-Qahhaar on each occasion in the Quran!
This Beautiful Name illustrates that He has the supreme authority and ultimate power to do anything. Al-Qahhaar can subdue anyone to compel him or her to His will and He does so with perfect knowledge and justice and this great ability belongs to Him only. All that is in the heavens and the earth submits, willingly or unwillingly, to Al-Waahid alone!
How Can You Live By This Name?
1. Remind yourself and others of His Oneness.
The Oneness of Allah is a principle you need to keep reminding yourself of. His Oneness is the core message all the Prophets, peace be upon them all, were sent with! If you truly understand Al-Waahid, you will worship Him accordingly. Remind yourself He is the Only One able to do everything, so in your daily life, make dua only to Him, sacrifice only for Him and give sadaqah only for Him. Study tawheed and its meanings and teach this Name to your children and others!
2. Turn to Him first. We know we have to believe in Al-Waahid alone, but in daily life when difficulty hits us we often turn to other means to try to relieve ourselves. When you have a problem turn to Him turn to Him first and then to other means to your disposal. When you are ill, don’t just grab a medicine quickly, but first ask Al-Waahid to provide you cure. When you are hurt, don’t immediately vent your heartache to a friend, ask Al-Waahid to mend your heart first. Why turn to anyone else if you can turn to The Sustainer of the Heavens and the earth?
3. See Al-Waahid’s proof all around you.
The integration of the whole universe is a proof for the Oneness of Allah. The orbit of the sun and the moon, the composition of the air, the earth, the sees and the planets, the birth of a child, the perfect works of the human body are all proofs that there is only One Creator Who is the source of all of these diverse manifestations of His Unity. So look around you to increase your awe for His Beautiful Oneness!
4. Trust in Al-Waahid.
Tawheed means you recognize He alone manages the affairs of the creation. Nothing or no one else creates, sustains, grants, withholds, brings back to life, causes death, nor manages the affairs of every single person, nor sees their innermost feelings, except Al-Waahid. So put your trust in Him and know that only He will deal with you with perfect wisdom and justice at all times!
5. Learn how to protect yourself from shirk.
Gain knowledge about shirk and its types so you can protect yourself from it as best as you can. Al-Waahid says: Surely Allah does not forgive that anything should be associated with Him, and forgives what is besides that to whomsoever He pleases; and whoever associates anything with Allah, he devises indeed a great sin. [Quran, 4:48] This shows you beautifully that Al-Waahid forgives all sins, except shirk. However, repentance wipes out each and every sin, even an act of shirk! The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam taught you this comprehensive supplication regarding shirk:
Allaahumma innee ‘aoothu bika an ushrika bika shaiann wa anaa a’lamu, wa astaghfiruka limaa laa a’lamu.
O Allah, I seek refuge in You lest I associate anything with You knowingly, and I seek Your forgiveness for what I know not [Ahmad] Memorize it and ask Al-Waahid with it each day!
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.
O Allah, Al-Waahid we know that You are the One and Only. Grant us correct and unshakable belief in Your Oneness, allow us to truly understand and appreciate this Beautiful Name, act upon it and spread the message of Your Oneness to others. Make us reflect your Creation and protect and forgive us from all types of shirk, ameen!
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jcdedmemories · 8 days
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[ thomas doherty, cis man, he/him ] — whoa! SEBASTIAN WINTERS just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for 3 MONTHS, working as a CHEF @ VINO E CUCINA. that can’t be easy, especially at only 28 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit SECRETIVE and INSECURE , but i know them to be INTELLIGENT and CREATIVE. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to QUEENS!
full name: sebastian graham winters
nickname(s): seb, sebby, grahmmy
pronouns & gender: he/him, cis man
sexuality: homosexual
age: twenty-eight
relationship status: single
birth date: june 4 1996
birth place: london, england
time in town: three months since march, 2024
occupation: chef
parents: logan & sarah rivers
siblings: sammy rivers, logan rivers, hunter rivers, & skylar rivers
personality: insecure, intelligent, reserved & creative
pet: tabby cat named oli
celebrity doppelgänger: thomas doherty
height: 6'0"
hair color: brown
eye color: blue
color: navy blue
food: general tso’s chicken
non-alcoholic beverage: diet dr. pepper
alcoholic beverage: tequila seltzer with a splash of cranberry
season: autumn
candle scent: cranberry mandarin
book: what if it’s us
video game: call of duty
tv show: rupaul’s drag race
animated tv show: king of the hill
movie: girls trip
holiday movie: national lampoon’s christmas vacation
disney movie: aladdin
pixar movie: ratatouille
disney original movie: lemonade outh
candy: sweet tarts
chocolate candy: reeses peanut butter cups
Fruit: watermelon
Vegetable: broccoli
cuisine to eat: homemade macaroni and cheese
cuisine to make: risotto
genre of music: pop
artist: dua lipa
song: jaded by miley cyrus
tw; drugs, tw; alcohol, tw; overdose
London is a beautiful place to be born and raised and it was somewhere that Sebastian never thought that he would move on from. He loved the atmosphere and the culture that came with it. It was actually really nice to live in a place that people dreamed of being able to visit in their lifetime. 
Speaking of growing up, Sebastian was the middle child of his siblings. He wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or bad thing but the best part of growing up with parents like Logan and Sarah, they never made any of their kids feel less worthy than the other. Even with all of the problems that the kids had growing up, they would drop everything without a blink of an eye and be there for their children because unlike their kids, they had both grown up in the system. 
As Sebastian began to grow up, he showed a love for cooking in the kitchen. He was always wanting to help his mother out and that meant that he was getting in the way and making a bigger mess than if she had just done things herself, but this is something that bonded the two of them. They each bonded with their parents in different ways as one of his siblings was big into cars and that’s why they were so close. But something that all of them shared was the love of board games. They would constantly have a game night weekly so that they could catch up and they always made a commitment to sit down and have family dinner and play games even after leaving the nest. 
While getting ready to graduate from school, it was a no brainer that Sebastian was going to go to university for culinary arts. He was destined to become one of the bests just like Gordon Ramsay. But still while in school, he had met Austin and they clicked well with one another. He had watched Austin go through his transition from female to male and he adored Austin the entire way through. There was something about having the courage to do that, which made Sebastian admire him even more. 
The two of them began to hang out and feelings quickly developed for Sebastian. He wanted Austin and he didn’t know what it was but he felt like he could spend the rest of his life with him. They continued their relationship to university and Sebastian enjoyed it. After a year when Austin had left, Austin had broken up with Sebastian and he was absolutely devastated. He didn’t know what to do with himself so he turned to drugs and alcohol to the point where there was no return. He got himself into some trouble and he dropped out of college. 
Sebastian disappeared from his family and that’s when they began to worry about him. They didn’t know what was going on with him and they found him after he had taken too much and he was in the hospital. They called his mother since she was the emergency contact and she was there, crying her eyes out. She begged Sebastian to change his ways so that he didn’t end up like this again. 
Sebastian moved back into the home and he worked on himself and he went through therapy and took the steps to get healthier. Sebastian ended up going back to school and getting his degree in culinary arts and went to work in a restaurant. He worked there for years before he was offered a position in New York City working in downtown Manhattan. He took the position and moved at the beginning of March 2024. 
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Help my baby please
🍉I am Hala, a Palestinian from the besieged and destroyed Gaza Strip 😭😭. I fled the war with my husband to Egypt..
The story began on March 21, 2024 when my beautiful child was born.. He was a wonderful and special child.. Suddenly, a week after his birth, my child Abdul Aziz's belly swelled up a lot and I visited several doctors without discovering the reason.. After another week of the child's suffering, I took him to a specialized hospital and the doctors there discovered a blockage in Abdul Aziz's colon that prevented him from excreting stool.. It was decided to perform a surgical operation consisting of an opening in Abdul Aziz's belly to temporarily remove stool from his intestines until the affected part of the colon was removed in another complex surgical operation that cost thousands of dollars..😭😭
I am speaking to you now with great sadness about my child's condition and I ask you to help me and donate to me to collect the costs of the operation within a month from now.
I appeal to everyone who can donate any amount, no matter how small, because it will save my child and give us hope.
Please don't leave my son alone to suffer and struggle in these difficult days alone.. You can support my campaign by donating what you can or share my posts to reach others who can help us by raising the cost of the surgery you are helping in the life of an innocent child with your small contribution. ❤❤🍉🍉
Every donation makes a difference in his very difficult life
Dear Hala,
I am incredibly sorry to hear about your situation. I hope and pray that things get better for your son and the rest of your family. Keeping you and your family in my duas. Palestine will be free 🍉💜💜
Guys, if you can spare some money, any at all, please donate. €2,205 raised of €5,000 so far.
Go Fund Me: https://www.gofundme.com/f/q8q8ya-donate-for-my-baby-please
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fcrox · 4 months
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I simply have to believe that taking a deep breath has to be enough; that, and to think of a new solution, a new path. Walks by the beach do not leave footprints and yet they have happened. I will take that as inspiration.
✧ threads ✧ about ✧ headcanon ✧ the mail ✧ ✧ aesthetics ✧ musings ✧ connections ✧ mirror ✧
FULL NAME: Hestia Abella Jones
ALIAS/NICKNAME: Hes (mainly, she prefers her full name), Jonesie, Tia, Jones, Abby
AGE: Twenty Seven
BIRTH DATE: March 17th, 1952
AFFILIATION: Order of the Phoenix
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cis-Woman. She/her
CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS: Cottage in Feldcroft, Scotland (south of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade)
OCCUPATION: Auror, Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Ministry of Magic
PETS: Sebastian (burrowing owl), Leda (australian mist cat)
WAND: Acacia wood with a phoenix feather core, 10", quite flexible flexibility
BOGGART: being lost in darkness and thus unable to help those she loves
SCENT: Freshly mown grass and flowers, steaming tea, raspberry candy
SONG: Dance the Night by Dua Lipa, Can't be tamed by Zara Larsson, Hero by Faouzia, Team by Lorde, Miracle by Sia, Original by Sia
PINTEREST: here !! (currently in the making)
AESTHETIC: the sounds of birds chirping in the morning sun, the warmth of a sunrise and the beauty of a sunset, the flow of time, a happy laughter, quills scratching on parchment, the soft sound of rain, a spring's bloom, cherry blossoms and apple trees, the strength of an oak tree, long walks by the beach, the rush of the oceans waves as they crash onto the shore, seagull soaring through the clouds, a crackling fire
PARENTS: Cassiopeia Jones née MacMillian & Cyrus Maxwell Jones
SIBLINGS: Silas Jones (older brother). Anisa Jones (younger sister).
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Edgar Bones (arranged).
OTHER FAMILY: None known to her.
SCHOOL: Hogwarts
HOUSE: Hufflepuff
EXTRACURRICULAR: Herbology Club, Dueling Club, Frog Choir
CLASSES INVESTED IN: Astronomy, Herbology, Defense against the Dark Arts, Charms, Potions, Transfiguration
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, Italian
SCARS: Back of her neck, covered by her hair most of the time from one of the cases at work that resulted in a duel.
INTELLIGENCE: High. Adaptive.
SKILLS: Dueling (advanced), Gardening (dedicated), flying (decent), Transfiguration (decent)
POSITIVE TRAITS: determined, loyal, fiery, caring, kind
NEGATIVE TRAITS: too direct, stubborn, proud,
Rumor has it the day Hestia Jones opened her eyes to the world was filled with the chirping of birds and clouds ready to be pushed aside by the sun hiding behind it. The mood of that day, the atmosphere all around very much became her personality in the later years. Hestia was the middle child, as just about two years later her younger sister Anisa was born. Despite that their parents dedicated as much of their time to all three children as they possibly could. The family was of pureblood standing yet not one that supported the notion that blood purists kept trying to push on the world. Although her parents made sure to keep a safe distance to voicing their thoughts out loud, anyone that knew them was very much aware of their stance. That did not free the girls from the classic pureblood classes as their mother felt it would help with their education. Of course, her older brother Silas wasn’t entirely free of that either; having to deal with his own share of things to learn, practice and preach.
Three years older than her and five years Anisa’s senior, Silas left for Hogwarts before them. The time without him was so utterly boring as he’d always been the fieriest between them all. With his temper and the teachings of their parents, the fact that he ended up in Gryffindor wasn’t a surprise. Much later, five years to be exact Anisa would follow to become the second lion within their family. In the meantime, Hestia busied herself running around the countryside, more than one dress torn in the middle of it all. Three years after her brother’s departure to Hogwarts the young witch followed, sorted into Hufflepuff as the only one of her family as the rest were scattered between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. The warmest of the five of them, this did not come as a surprise as she had equally been a most hard-working individual.
With Hogwarts came the slow time of growing up; gone the girl that would run across the countryside, dresses ripped on branches and with time the manners she’d always possessed showing. By the time she graduated Hestia Jones had become an accomplished young witch, ready to take on the world. With the war going on outside the walls of the castle, the conflict ever-growing, there was only one path for the then former Hufflepuff. She found herself a spot within the ministry of magic, training as an auror among some of the best. There was determination, and a drive to some good in the world. Over time, with dedication, she not only completed her training as an auror but also began to rise in ranks; not a leader yet far from scared to take charge should the situation call for it. Hestia finally had a place to show just how much she was willing to protect others; to care for them as best as she could.
Whether by chance or fate, a few years later – about a year after she’d graduated from Hogwarts, Hestia’s sister Anisa got engaged and soon after married, having fallen in love madly with someone from Ireland. After that she moved out and the house seemed oh so much emptier. It almost seemed like a sign, with only her parents remaining and her older brother having moved into his own place long ago. The witch found herself a small cottage within one of the Hamlets near Hogwarts, having herself fallen in love with the idyllic atmosphere and the short distance to the beach just south of her little house. It was perfect and calm, the ideal balance between her life as an auror and the calmness that came with the sounds of waves crashing onto the shore. The only thing messing with the lot of it were her parents’ views regarding marriage. While not a family of tradition in the sense of blood purism, they did hold some belief that the future of their children should be theirs to guide. One child had managed to escape those hopes, the other two, so they hoped, would be easier to help along.
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starversed · 1 month
Help my baby please
🍉I am Hala, a Palestinian from the besieged and destroyed Gaza Strip 😭😭. I fled the war with my husband to Egypt..
The story began on March 21, 2024 when my beautiful child was born.. He was a wonderful and special child.. Suddenly, a week after his birth, my child Abdul Aziz's belly swelled up a lot and I visited several doctors without discovering the reason.. After another week of the child's suffering, I took him to a specialized hospital and the doctors there discovered a blockage in Abdul Aziz's colon that prevented him from excreting stool.. It was decided to perform a surgical operation consisting of an opening in Abdul Aziz's belly to temporarily remove stool from his intestines until the affected part of the colon was removed in another complex surgical operation that cost thousands of dollars..😭😭
I am speaking to you now with great sadness about my child's condition and I ask you to help me and donate to me to collect the costs of the operation within a month from now.
I appeal to everyone who can donate any amount, no matter how small, because it will save my child and give us hope.
Please don't leave my son alone to suffer and struggle in these difficult days alone.. You can support my campaign by donating what you can or share my posts to reach others who can help us by raising the cost of the surgery you are helping in the life of an innocent child with your small contribution. ❤❤🍉🍉
Every donation makes a difference in his very difficult life
Making dua for your baby to be healthy and for you to get the funds you need, as well as for you and your loved ones to be granted safety and security and the best in this world and the next, ameen,
€156 raised of €5,000 goal
(not yet vetted but i’m not risking a child’s wellbeing because of skepticism. donate what you safely can)
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