#drznb zombie au
bubble-popping · 7 months
how dream feels with having techno and punz with him on the zombie au?
Dream is very happy!
For Punz especially, it really does give him hope about surviving the apocalypse and seeing his family alive and well. Like I said, he and Punz were a thing before and he also still had feelings for him. Though they've both changed considerably, there's still a familiarity that's a great comfort to him.
On the other hand with Techno, they grew very close in the apocalypse. Dream was out of the house the day of the outbreak and Techno saved him from some infected. They've been traveling together ever since. At first, they were holed up in Techno's house (Techno's one of them doomsday preppers where he's stocked his house to survive for months without going out, mostly cuz he doesn't trust the government at all) but the supplies ran out eventually and Dream wanted to find if his family that lives out of state was okay. They learned a lot about each other during those weeks alone, and even more as they braved the outside world which was in total ruins. It's very jarring for Dream, but he feels safer with Techno by his side.
And once he's got them both, sometimes he even thinks he'd be okay if absolutely no one else was alive (uninfected) as long as he has them :)
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bubble-popping · 7 months
how is cpunz and ctechno relationship in the zombie au?
It's quite strained basically from the very beginning. I haven't developed the au all that far, but after the bit I posted they pretty soon have a confrontation.
Once they get back to the safe house, c!Punz explains that they've been on the move basically since the outbreak started. They found a group early on but none of them were good fighters and a horde took them all down. The next one they found was holed up in a grocery store, but zombies found a weak point in their defenses and got almost all of them too. Punz could see a pattern emerge and blamed themself for all the deaths, so he started hopping from group to group, never staying for very long. Just taking little things for himself until he found the next people.
When he saves c!Dream and c!Techno, he'd been on his own for a while. Though he initially agrees to stay with them, he thinks of all the people that have died because of him and can't stomach the thought of anything happening to Dream. When he thinks they're asleep, he sneaks to their food and medicine stash for a can and some bandages and starts to leave, but Techno interrupts him.
He'd been suspicious of Punz the whole time. Though he doesn't approve of their actions, he says he won't stop them, but they should know that what they're doing will completely break Dream's heart. See Dream and Techno are also on the road to go find Dream's family and they haven't run into anyone they recognize since the outbreak. Reuniting with Punz gave Dream a lot of hope that had been running thin after so long. Techno thinks it's the coward's way out and they're silly for believing everything is their fault, but still, it's not his choice to make. He leaves Punz alone to think.
Punz doesn't really want to leave Dream. They had a 'thing' a few years back, way before the apocalypse, and though they parted ways the feelings never left his heart. He's terrified that his presence alone might mean disaster for them all, but the last thing he wants is to be the reason Dream gives up. He puts the food and bandages back, and crawls into bed with Dream again. Dream stirs a little, gives Punz a smile, and presses close to him. He can only hope he's strong enough to protect that smile.
After all this though, my ideas for the au are very vague. Feel free to ask more questions, perhaps that'll help me flesh it out :)
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bubble-popping · 7 months
haven't posted much and the cupid!dream au is taking so long (six classes in uni is NOT fun) so have some zombie apocalypse au drunznoblade
He pulled the trigger again, awarded by a mere click. Arms braced for a recoil that didn't come. Dream sucked in a breath and dropped to the smooth floor, fumbling in his pockets. "Shit! I'm out!" Another uneventful click, this time not from his gun, but that of his companion's. Techno lowered beside him behind the 'safety' of the register counter, patting his ammo belt desperately. Nothing. "Fuck. Me too…"
"Where's our stash?" The shorter asked, glancing around their tiny area of space. They were thinly protected on the sides and behind them, with the rows of other counters providing a little extra cover. Techno looked down as well until his eyes found the nearest wall with a few doorways to the bathrooms.
He cursed under his breath, "We left it in the damn bathroom, didn't we?"
"Fuck. What do we do!?" Dream whispered. Out of habit, not because he truly thought their 'hiding spot' effective.
"Ya got yer knife on ya, right?" Techno glanced back from peeking over the side. There were still several infected ambling towards them, hissing and groaning. Too many to take on at close range. They'd be overwhelmed in minutes.
Dream jolted as if realizing something he'd forgotten and hurried to retrieve the switchblade in his hoodie pocket. "Yeah?"
"Better hope yer aim is good. We'll pick off the closest ones and book it for the back exit."
"The back exit!? The one that's rigged with an alarm, Techno!?"
"Yes, that one! It's our only route. They're blockin' the entrance."
"That's just gonna attract more-"
"Do ya got a better plan!?"
"Yes, actually! I'm the one that's immune. So, I'll-I'll create a distraction while you-"
"While I what? Leave ya behind?? That's not happenin'!"
"And we can't risk a horde this close to the safe-house!"
They were interrupted by an Infected trying to vault over the counter, succeeding only in getting its arms and head past the top. Dream tensed, dodging the flailing appendages while Techno reeled his arm back and planted his own knife deep in the Infected's skull.
"Aw fuck it!" The dirty blond jumped up and went after the closest walking corpse. A heavier set one, he held it back with his forearm to its chest and stabbed it in the forehead then pushed it towards another, sending both bodies to the floor.
"Dream! Goddammit!" Techno yanked the blade out and rushed to join his friend's side, picking off another that rounded an aisle corner.
"Just run, Techno! Get our stash from the back!"
"And leave ya out here by yerself? Not a chance!"
"Techno, just please, for once, listen to me!" He whirled around to face the taller man. "You need to go and get-" An Infected appeared from behind him, arms outstretched and missing half its face.
"Dream!" Techno tensed, ready to spring forward, but his heart caught in his throat and panic coursed through his veins because it was too close, he'd never make it in time-
Just as Dream twisted and raised his hands to block the attack, an arrow whizzed by and nailed it in the temple. It shrieked and fell to the side, a harmless heap. Dream stared at it for a moment, shocked, and looked back to see Techno shared the sentiment. Another arrow flew and embedded in the head of a limping Infected, right between the eyes.
"Get down!" Techno hissed. They both sought cover behind an aisle, huddled close and struggling to quiet their breathing. The arrows continued to rain until all nearby Infected were on the ground, leaving the air tense and silent.
Footsteps thudded against the smooth tiling, steadily getting closer. Dream unconsciously pressed himself to Techno, teeth clenched, heart pounding.
Finally, a cloaked figure entered their line of vision. Tall, combat boots, empty quiver on their back, and wielding a crossbow. Blond strands hung from beneath their hood. Techno grabbed his hand. Dream squeezed back.
The stranger knelt to yank their arrow free from one of the Infected's cranium. Then, they stood, reaching to slide the arrow in their quiver, and moved to go for the next. "You're welcome, by the way," they spoke, "least y'all could do is say thank you…" Dream's heart stopped. He recognized that voice.
Without thinking, he let go of Techno's hand and darted into the open. Techno's quiet shouting to get back here, idiot! fell on deaf ears.
"Punz?" The figure had already been turning towards the noise, but now froze. Slowly, they pulled their hood down. Light blue eyes shimmered with unshed tears. Dream teared up as well.
"Dream?" They said in utter disbelief, jaw slack.
Dream wasted no time in running to his friend and engulfing them in a tight, warm hug. He clutched his cloak, internally begging that this wasn't all a twisted, elaborate dream. After a moment of hesitation, they fully reciprocated, holding on just as desperately.
"You're alive," Dream murmured, choked up from the tears.
"I'm alive," they whispered back. Dream cried harder, burying his nose in the side of pale blond hair.
"I missed you so fucking much…"
"Missed you too, man."
The dirty blond abruptly pulled back, just enough to look Punz in his eyes. "I tried calling you! When everything first went down, I tried-I tried calling everyone!"
"Yeah, I wasn't really, uh, checking my phone much." They shrugged.
"We went by your house too and you weren't there. God, I thought those things got to you already. I thought-" Dream cupped his face, raking his gaze over every inch of skin as if looking for injuries.
"Aw, c'mon, dude. Have a little faith in me, would ya?" Punz leaned into the too familiar touch that brought a wave of bittersweet memories to the surface.
"I do have faith in you! Doesn't mean I was expecting you to come in with a fucking crossbow like that!" He laughed and Punz joined him. When the pair settled, they merely stared into each other's eyes, basking in the comfort of someone they know.
That is until the sound of very pointed coughing interrupted them. Techno stood before them, brow raised and warily eyeing the new blond. "You know this guy, Dream?"
"Oh, Techno, yeah, sorry. This is Punz!" Dream broke out of the embrace only to hug Punz to his side, gesturing according as he spoke, "I've known them since high school. He's one of my closest friends, actually. Punz, this is Techno. He saved me when the outbreak hit the area and we've been traveling together ever since."
"Hey." Punz waved.
"Hallo." Techno waved back before promptly returning his attention to Dream. "Anyway, we should get goin'. I'm gonna go grab our bag." He then turned on his heel and headed for the bathrooms.
They watched his retreating form and, once he was out of earshot, Punz muttered, "Kinda weird guy."
"Yeah, a little," Dream agreed with a short wheeze. "He's cool when you get to know him though, I promise."
"If you say so…" Punz trailed off. When Dream glanced to him out of curiosity, he found a fond smile and soft baby blue eyes. "I really am so glad to see you. Never thought I'd see someone I recognize in this wasteland."
"You and me both, dude."
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