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praise-joko · 2 years ago
I lost the post I saw about the quote generator but I had a go at it. It’s so good.
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praise-joko · 1 year ago
Havoc Warband - A well known group of troublemakers in their fahrar, they decided on the name Havoc because it fit them perfectly. The connection to Bathea Havocbringer was an added bonus.
Chaskana Havocwreaker - One of the main troublemakers in the group, and the one who usually ends up getting caught. She is happy to take the credit.
Brylox Havocsinger - The other main troublemaker, more well known for his singing and poetry. Will often write songs about their exploits but usually in a way that frames Chaskana.
Craval Havockeeper - Kept the rest of the bunch in line as best he could when they were cubs and was their legionnaire.
Selara Havocbomber - Had a knack for making explosives which she learned by sneaking into Iron Legion lessons and plenty of experimentation. Caused plenty of havoc but was very charming and was let off the hook most of the time.
Druvark Havocweaver - A flame legion cub forced into their group. They warmed up to him pretty quickly despite his gruff personality. Named as such for the way he wove himself into the group and his fighting style of weaving in and out of the fray.
Dire Warband - They chose this name to strike fear into their enemies. Still working on building this one, only have two fully named but I have the surnames for the rest. The meanings are liable to change after I work on them a bit more.
Brakan Direfate - A warning to his enemies that they won’t make it out unscathed.
Amalea Direshot - Wicked good with a gun.
Diregrasp - Good at grasping the situation at hand and undefeated arm wrestling champion in the group. You do not want to grapple with them.
Direblade - Good with a knife, but mostly with cooking. Your enemies don’t need to know that though.
Direnote - Designated report and letter writer. Very good at conveying their needs to their superiors and getting what they request. The surname just adds some extra weight to their communication skills.
Direthreat- Very hostile and quick to react with verbal threats
Diremaw - Buddy has some gnarly teeth
ok lore question for people with charr characters because ir eally want to know: what is their surname, what warband are they apart of, and what meaning does the surname have?
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praise-joko · 9 months ago
A lot of my focus with Havoc Warband has always been on Chaskana and Brylox. The others felt more like supporting characters, having not developed them too much as most of my worldbuilding has been on the time after they've already passed.
But I really started diving deep into Druvark's story today and I love them so much. It hurts so much more that someone who just found themself, someone who finally feels free to be who they are, dies (and stays dead) so soon after. I'm heartbroken and I did it to myself.
I'll post more about them when I get around to finally getting the character intros up. They're getting one of those appearance/story progression pics for sure though.
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praise-joko · 8 months ago
Druvark Havocweaver
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They / Them | Intersex | Havoc Warband | Weaver | Playlist
Druvark was born in the Flame Legion and escaped with their mother at the age of 7. Their mother didn't make it, but Druvark was safely delivered to the patrolling Brakan Direfate, who placed them in the fahrar in the care of a group of cubs who would later form Havoc Warband.
Though their time in the Flame Legion was short, those years were very formative. As they grew up, they began to realize that their body was different than the other boys. They were the runt of their age group, fluffier, with stubby horns, and neat rows of teeth. They did not fit the image of a Flame Legion soldier and the others made sure they knew it.
Even when they were free from the brunt of Flame Legion culture, some aspects of it still lingered in Charr society at large. Druvark desperately tried to mold themself into the ideal image of masculinity. They kept their back straight, trimmed their fur, augmented their horns to make them bigger, and dressed in ways that would make them look imposing.
This is how we see them in the reference above. During this period of time, they were still going by he/him and their self esteem was very low. It is not until they leave Ascalon entirely that they begin to feel comfortable with themself. They no longer feel the weight of the Flame Legion's ideals looming over them, the pressure to present themselves as masculine and the shame of being anything less. They threw that identity away; they did not feel like a man, not by Flame Legion standards or any others. And that was fine. More than that, it was freeing. They loosened their rigid posture, easing into a more natural slouch. They removed the metal plates from their hair that hung heavy on their shoulders, and began to explore styles that they actually liked.
* I'll edit the ref later and also add one for their PoF style but I really ran out of steam when I got to the headshot lmao
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praise-joko · 8 months ago
Kicking myself for not saving the body as a separate layer in the Druvark sketch. I’m using that pose to make a ref sheet but now I have to figure out what the body looks like under the clothes. Ugh
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praise-joko · 2 years ago
Hey! I’m MagpieShrike but you can call me Maggie if you like. She/He/They
[ on hiatus I guess ]
I’ve been playing GW2 off and on for years but just recently got back into it. Started creating my own non-Commander characters and got way more invested in the story.
I’ll be posting GW2 art (when I finally finish a piece) and some griffon flying escapades as well as reblogging content from other members of the community. Feel free to send asks about my characters, it’ll help me develop them and actually get stuff written down. You can find them bellow the cut.
Interactions will come from my main blog @mjrral
Will be fleshing this out more later but for now some basic descriptions and playlists will suffice.
Chaskana - 🎵 - Guardian, Gladium (formerly Chaskana Havocwreaker), Sunspear.
Brylox Havocsinger - 🎵 - Warrior -> Forged -> Reforged Warhound Jackal
Havoc Warband - 🎵
Deceased members of the Havoc Warband:
Craval Havockeeper
Druvark Havocweaver
Selara Havocmaker
Basmani - 🎵 - Scourge, Order of Shadows Creator
Emcras - 🎵 - Ranger, Priory Scholar (Druid?)
Basmani/Emcras playlist
Pyrifea - 🎵 - Daredevil, Soundless -> Pirate -> Icebrood
Brydolon - Revenant
Evil!Brydolon - demon corrupted
Aimvara - Mesmer tailor (virtuoso)
Aimvara & Brydolon Playlist
Trychinebau - 🎵 -Mirage
Andwyol - Deadeye, recovering mordremvari
Warder Dameg - Elementalist, mordrem beasty
Gate Technician Ips - Engineer
Operative Iava - Guardian, Inquest
Strix Wyvernkeep - Ranger, Pact Commander (but not the Commander)
Sunchaser - 🎵 - Grand Lion Griffon
Sunspitter - Cobra Noble Skyscale
Sunny - Raptor
Heuldro - Cobra Noble Skyscale
Tywodfaen - Sand Lion Warclaw
Squall - Lightning Wyvern
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