A Jack &Coke, A Quesadilla and......Gin?
Sometimes a good morning can turn into a frustrating afternoon......yesterday yielded that for me......and although.....im normally upbeat and optimistic. ....i had a $640 problem with absolutely no options in sight....(well maybe i did have two, but asking for help takes a lot out of me.......ya'll know....people act funny even when they offer to help).......after coming to a favorable conclusion. ..(winning + "Thank You, Lord")...the invite to the bar seemed far more appropriate. ....i was going for a celebratory drink, friendly banter , new associations and Henny laced kisses......naively i thought the latter was all i needed...... Ever had so much chemistry and such a connection with a person that the mere sight of them ignites a fire in your belly?????? Or the knowledge that they're 2 minutes away makes your heart beat faster????? Smh i mean it could all be heartburn, but im willing to bet that its just him and those henny flavored kisses........ But i digress...... At the bar im introduced to my new cohort....i purchase drinks for the two of us..... Jack & Coke I normally start off extra ladylike but after crossing the threshold of the bar, i knew that whatever happened from here on out was outta my control To be continued. .........
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