#drunk!blaine is so cute
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cyrus-badman · 3 months ago
I've got a little scene from my loft AU for you guys!!! Hope you like it!!
Game night
Over the last two months, Kurt, Rachel, Santana, Blaine, and Sam have fallen into an unintentional yet rigid routine of sorts.
Mondays are the quiet, stay-in nights. On these days, everyone is tired from the day, still decompressing after the hard shift from weekend to work or school.
On Tuesdays, the five of them all go out together, either to Callbacks―the karaoke bar Rachel was so eager to introduce them all to, frequented by all of her NYADA friends, Brody included (Sam likes Brody; he’s nice, he’s hot, and they both understand what it’s like to compromise yourself for money)―or just out to dinner for a nice evening. Typically, they opt for the former, though that inevitably morphs into Rachel Berry Diva Hour, wherein the diva competes with herself for Best Bar Performance of All Timeℱ and “allows” everyone else to participate by being her “adoring audience of loving fans”. One time, Rachel and Kurt dragged them all to yet another Broadway show, though Sam can’t remember its title. He was reluctant at first―he has this thing where he pretends to hate all musical theater, and he’s pretty sure Blaine has to resist the urge to throttle him every time he does it; Sam wouldn’t worry too much about that, though, as Blaine looks adorable when he’s pretending to be upset with him―but after the show, he was vibrating in place, and even engaged in an enthusiastic conversation with Rachel―Sam is still surprised that that ever happened anytime he thinks about it―wherein the two of them practically talked over each other in all their excitement.
Wednesdays are movie nights. It’s a little unconventional, but in their case, they have other plans for the last day of the work week. Every Wednesday, the five of them (sometimes six, if Sebastian is over) alternate between who gets to pick the film. Most often, this results in a rom-com from Kurt, a Broadway classic as Rachel’s choice (Funny Girl more times than not), a superhero movie for both Blaine and Sam and some obscure indie film about feminism and “hot bitches” as Santana’s pick.
On Thursdays, Blaine and Sam typically have the loft to themselves because Santana takes late shifts at the Spotlight Diner, Rachel’s Funny Girl rehearsals run until seven on those days, and Kurt goes out somewhere with Sebastian (now that Sam thinks about it, there’s probably a reason for that―one that starts with B and ends with lam). Sam loves Thursdays for that reason. His and Blaine’s constant presence at the Hummelpezberry loft is a nuisance to their three friends, a fact that encourages them to stop by more often than they normally would, which is already a lot.
That means that Fridays are reserved for game nights. It wasn't intentional at first, and it's not like they've always done it. In fact, Kurt once mentioned that he, Rachel, and Santana had never had game nights before Blaine and Sam’s arrival in New York.
But one Friday a couple of months ago, the five of them were in the parlor, watching yet another of Rachel’s guilty pleasure films, when the power suddenly flickered out. It was late August, the rain was raging outside, and the electricity in Bushwick really wasn't that reliable―it still isn't, one of the many reasons Blaine and Sam picked an apartment just outside of the neighborhood―so naturally, they were bathed in darkness for the unforeseeable future. Of course, that was, until Blaine pulled out flashlights and lanterns and Rachel lit candles. Sam always used to roll his eyes when people gave each other candles as gifts, but at that moment, his opinion shifted―man, those candles sure smelled good, almost as good as his boyfriend and his raspberry hair gel.
So, of course, someone―probably Blaine, because of course it was Blaine―busted out a stack of games that had no business being in an adult household (“Who even put these in here?!” Rachel had demanded, followed by the evil cackle of Santana). They started with Uno, but that soon morphed into Sorry! and then Monopoly. It had devolved quickly into Rachel accusing Santana of stacking the deck in Uno (“HOW?!” Santana had cackled, flinging cards like throwing stars). It was fun and allowed them to spend quality time together where they could talk and interact. The week after, they’d been debating their next movie choice when Sam suggested they play another game because it had been a fun, pleasant experience the week before. Santana griped and grumbled, but ultimately, she was out-voted as Rachel jumped in glee (heehee) at Sam’s request.
When Sebastian started becoming a regular face at the Hummelpezberrys (a term coined by Sam for Kurt, Rachel, and Santana’s apartment), he would join in on their group activities, and soon enough, it became a thing. And Sam loves game nights; he savors the moments when they can all just disconnect from the electronics and enjoy each other’s company.
In high school, his family couldn't afford luxuries like game consoles and cell phones, so they’d spent a lot of time making memories, telling jokes, and just generally having fun as a family. Game nights were a regular occurrence, too, and Sam thinks it’s nice to “go back to his roots,” in a way.
This week is different.
Normally, Blaine and Sam pair up for team games automatically, and Sebastian forces Kurt to be his partner, leaving Rachel and Santana as the third, reluctant duo. Game nights like these usually consist of Rachel and Santana bickering endlessly about the most mundane aspects of the game (because Rachel insists on following the rules and apparently, Santana doesn’t see the logic in that), Sebastian self-sabotaging his and Kurt’s team with the royal goal of annoying Kurt (an objective he reaches every time), and Blaine slipping into Sam’s lap, which leads them to make out indiscreetly and quite loudly. By the end of the evening, Blaine is always a giggling mess in Sam’s lap, Kurt’s glaring daggers in Sebastian’s direction, and Santana is making fun of everyone while tossing popcorn at her friends. This is all while Rachel paces in the corner because she’s an OCD subject, and not only is there popcorn scattered on the floor, but the pieces of what used to resemble a game of charades are strewn about on the couch, under the coffee table, and―somehow―in the doorway to the kitchen. The chaos is fun, Sam argues, and Rachel turns her murderous stare on him.
Tonight, the volume of the apartment hit a maximum before the games even began. The plan is to play charades, a setup that Blaine happily complies with, adjusting the game pieces on the coffee table with that cute, irresistible grin of his. Just like last week, and the week before that, Blaine is wearing another of Sam’s sweatshirts, the sleeves drowning him. The neckline of the sweatshirt hangs off Blaine’s smaller frame loosely, exposing his pale, olive-colored collarbone. Sam tries not to drool, pushing the fresh swarm of memories from the sight to the back of his mind. It’s game night. He’s gotta stay locked in.
Before Blaine and Sam can even exchange more than one glance―yes, they're always partners, it's an unspoken agreement―Kurt clinks his wine glass, drawing everyone’s attention. “Teams, everyone,” he announces, wine glass and hourglass in hand. He scans the group solemnly like he’s about to make a crucial battle strategy assessment. “This time, we’re being strategic.”
Already hyped up on her third glass of wine, Rachel whirls on the only couple in the room, exclaiming, “Yes! We have to be strategic. Samuel and Blaine can’t be on the same team again! We don’t need a repeat of last week.”
“Why not?” Blaine asks, bottom lip protruding in a dramatic pout. Sam leans back into the cushiony couch, urging Blaine to relax further into him. The brunette is leaning against Sam’s chest, his dark, curly hair tousled from where Sam’s fingers have been carding through it, Sam’s sweatshirt now hanging off one shoulder. Sam can’t help but soak up the warmth of his boyfriend against his body. Blaine’s head is tucked beneath the blonde’s chin, his dark curls tickling Sam’s jaw with their soft whispers. For a moment, it’s entirely too easy to forget the madness around them and slip into the bliss that wraps around him and Blaine.
Rachel narrows her eyes, glaring, a passionate fire burning in her gaze. The look is scathing on its own. “Because you never actually play, Blaine. You get distracted!” Her eyes pointedly flick to Sam at that.
“By what?” Blaine prods again, batting his lashes with faux innocence. His hand snakes up to rest a tad too high on Sam’s thigh.
“That.” She jabs a finger at the brunette, then at his blond boyfriend. “That’s what.”
Trying to suppress a laugh but failing miserably, Sam tucks Blaine further into his side. Blaine grins and tilts his head up to kiss Sam’s cheek. As he pulls back to rest his head on his boyfriend’s shoulders, his smile turns soft. “Can’t help it,” he explains, shrugging.
Properly ruining the moment, Rachel’s voice cuts through the romantic haze. “Well, you’re not on the same team tonight,” she declares, voice firm. “You’re with Kurt.”
The boy in question jerks his head around to gape at her, practically choking on his wine. “What?!” he shrieks. “Rachel, no! You know I can’t―”
“Too late,” the short girl interrupts, cutting off whatever inevitably rude and offensive comment Kurt was about to make. She herds Blaine over to Kurt’s side of the room. Blaine’s ex sighs exaggeratedly but protests no further, shooting Blaine a glare that clearly screams don’t ruin this for me. Blaine just shrugs and smiles innocently in response.
Turning back to Sam, Rachel grabs the blonde’s arm with surprising strength. “You’re with me. We’re going to win this.” And then all of a sudden, she’s pinching him―which really hurts, by the way―while Kurt whisks Blaine away. Sam’s not too sure how he feels about that; yes, he knows Blaine is completely, one hundred percent over Kurt and head-over-heels for him, but still, the insecurity lingers. Blaine and Kurt were together for a long time. Blaine used to insist that they were soulmates. The fear is justified in Sam’s mind.
Sam blinks at Rachel, who is still pinching Sam’s arm (This is abuse, Sam thinks distantly). She announces yet again that Sam is her partner, which he never agreed to, but oh, well. He can feel Blaine’s puppy-dog eyes burning a hole in his skin. But Sam can’t exactly do anything about it, so he merely shrugs helplessly. “Sorry, B. Rules are rules.”
A loud snort reminds them all that Santana is still here and banking on a win tonight. “Oh, this is gonna be good.” She turns to Sebastian, leaning against the kitchen counter and tossing back popcorn like he’s watching a soap opera: prime entertainment. “What do you say, Smythe? You and me?”
She doesn't even have to ask. The boy in question is already smirking as he replies, “Obviously. Let’s ruin their lives.”
Apparently, Kurt and Rachel didn't think this through all the way. Sam can see both of them pale instantly when they turn to the Latina and her counterpart. Santana and Sebastian are wearing matching evil grins, and Sam knows he should probably feel dread pooling in his gut right about now, but he really doesn’t. Tonight is guaranteed to be even more chaotic than last week, and that’s a plus in Sam’s book.
He can understand her concerns, though. With Tana and Seb working together, it’s surely possible that no one will win this game. Either that or one of them will end up rage-quitting and/or flipping the board game over. The mental image of Santana Lopez and Sebastian Smythe overturning a table is apparently so hilarious that it deserves an outward reaction; Sam barks out a laugh when he pictures it, and everyone turns to stare at him like he’s crazy―well, Rachel does. Santana appears unsurprised, Kurt just looks exasperated, Sebastian’s amused, and Blaine rolls his eyes fondly and curls into Sam’s chest. The blonde wraps an arm around his boyfriend’s waist and drops a kiss into his dark curls. He loves Blaine’s natural hair and spends every waking moment making sure Blaine knows it.
Sam supposes it wouldn't be the end of the world if they were on opposing teams for one game of charades. In fact, that might even make it easier to win; Blaine is terrible at this game, whereas Sam has been working on his impressions for years and finds it quite easy to translate voices into body language, hand gestures, and expressions.
Seemingly, Rachel has been trying to argue against the Sebtana duo for the last few minutes. It doesn’t seem like she’s had any success.
“I’m just saying,” Santana’s voice cuts through the comfortable atmosphere encasing Blane and Sam like a scalpel, “if I’m stuck with him―” she jerks a thumb towards the tall boy, whose smirk only widens, “―we’re guaranteed to win. Because, as much as I despise admitting this, Smythe’s clever stupidity might actually come in handy.” She pauses then, flashing a wicked grin at Rachel. “Unlike your usual partners, Berry. Dead weight is, unfortunately, not conducive to victory.”
Wide-eyed and gaping, Rachel splutters at the implications, hands flying to her hips in the universal gesture of I’m about to unleash the wrath of a thousand stage moms. In other words, Super-Saiyan, Sam thinks. “Excuse me? I am an excellent teammate.”
“Riiight,” the Latina drawls, drawing out the syllable as she tosses a kernel of popcorn down the hatch. “Just like you’re an excellent person to sit next to during a movie when your constant running commentary makes me want to toss myself off the fire escape.”
Rachel’s eyes widen further at that, mouth opening as if she’s about to fire something just as long and offensive back at her. Sam wouldn't doubt that she would if not for Kurt’s intervention.
The countertenor pinches the bridge of his nose, eyes rolling hard. “I thought this was supposed to be fun.”
Blaine, ever the optimist, takes the opening to chime in brightly, “It is!” Sam doesn't know if it’s because he's trying to diffuse the situation or because he’s just genuinely fucking oblivious. He’s willing to bet it’s the latter. His boyfriend claps his hands together as he beams at their friends. “And if we could all just channel our inner holiday spirits―”
Santana cuts him off, already shaking her head dismissively. “Unless the spirit is tequila, I don’t give a shit.”
Up until now, Sebastian has been twirling a pen in his fingers lazily, obviously having repeated the gesture enough times to be a pro at it. Now, he grins and pitches into the conversation. “What’s the matter, Lopez? Afraid I’ll upstage you in front of your little Broadway BFF?”
“Please,” the Latina scoffs. “You couldn’t upstage a rusty tambourine.” A laugh escapes Sam at the odd choice of words; sometimes Santana can be so random.
Blaine’s quiet chuckle vibrates in Sam’s chest. “Think we should referee?” he questions privately, craning his neck to look up at his boyfriend. Sam pats the brunet’s thigh and shakes his head.
“Nah, let them go at it. Adds flavor.”
Sam can tell that Santana’s preparing to interject once again, hands poised to gesticulate animatedly and eyes gleaming with fiery intent, but Kurt beats her to it, stepping between her and Sebastian. “Enough!” he demands, fixing them both with his best I’ve had it with your nonsense glare. “We’re here to have a civilized game night. Not to recreate an episode of Real Housewives of Bushwick.”
His comment may not land exactly the way it was intended, but it does ease some of the tension. Santana cackles, head thrown back as the evil gleam in her eye resurfaces. “I’m definitely Teresa,” she claims with a smirk. “Blaine can be Melissa.”
The boy in question nods as if accepting his fate, while Rachel, clearly grasping for some sense of order, inserts herself into the discussion. “Fine. If we’re all done now, can we just―”
“You never answered my question," Blaine points out. His tone is innocent, but there's an impish lilt to his voice that betrays his intentions. His hand, moments ago resting on Sam’s thigh, now inches upward marginally. “What distracts me during the game?”
Biting back a laugh, Sam watches as Rachel narrows her eyes at Blaine, her expression scandalized and accusatory in equal measure. She points at the two of them wildly, screeching, “That! That right there is exactly what I’m talking about!”
Blaine gasps dramatically in response. “Rachel Barbara Berry, I am appalled! Are you suggesting that I―”
“Stop it.” Sam thinks it was a pretty good Rachel impression and offers his boyfriend a thumbs up. Grin widening, Blaine latches onto Sam’s thumb and tugs it toward himself, hugging it to his chest in an adorable gesture. Sam knows he's smiling like a dope and he couldn't care less. Rachel goes on, unfazed by Blam’s display of affection. “You’re not charming your way out of this. We all know exactly what happens the second you and Sam end up on the same team.”
Sebastian, who has been reclining against the arm of the couch, perks up. “Oh, this is so much more entertaining than charades.”
“You,” Kurt says sharply, pointing at Sebastian, “zip it.” At that, Sebastian smirks but makes a show of miming zipping his lips, locking them, and throwing away the key.
Then Rachel stands and takes a deep breath, clearly summoning every ounce of patience in her body. She grabs Blaine by the wrist and tugs him toward the coffee table, where Kurt is already arranging the charade cards. “You’re on task tonight, Blaine Anderson,” she orders, leaving no room for discussion. “No distractions.”
As Blaine takes his place, dropping to the floor next to Kurt and crossing his legs, he turns to Sam. The brunette’s cheeky grin is already firmly in place like Sam knew it would be. The blonde wiggles his fingers in an exaggerated wave, mouthing, Behave. It’s wishful thinking, really, but the least Sam can do is try.
“Only if you promise to stop being so distracting,” the shorter boy retorts. They both laugh a little, just subtle enough to avoid prompting an icy glare from their respective teammates. Sam sighs as Blaine shifts across from him, trying to get comfy. It’s going to be a long night.
He rubs his hands together and leans forward on the couch, hanging off the edge of the cushion. “Alright, let’s get this game on then!”
Predictably, the game devolves almost immediately.
The room is an explosion of noise and motion. Rachel is too competitive for Sam to keep up with. She keeps barking guesses at Sam’s dramatized impressions like she’s auditioning for a role in a war film, and it’s confusing as hell. Meanwhile, Blaine and Kurt are bickering intently over whether Blaine’s charade for tap-dancing penguin is accurate (of course, Sam knows it’s not, but he values his sexytime and so he’s not going to say anything). In the background (or amidst the chaos, depending on your perspective), Santana and Sebastian are making the game into a gigantic gag, using every turn to act out increasingly suggestive gestures worthy enough to make Kurt turn red.
It all goes completely to hell when Santana grabs a stack of cards and decides to fling them about, tossing them at her partner like ninja stars. With dramatic grace and inelegant yelps, Seb manages to dodge most of the artillery, though Santana’s able to land the occasional hit square in his face. And where Blaine is terrible at guessing, Kurt is apparently shit at miming. Kurt’s pulled the Phantom of the Opera card from the deck and is nearly in tears desperately trying and failing to imitate it.
“You’re useless,” Blaine mutters under his breath, standing next to Kurt to offer his own interpretation. He proceeds then to deliver a melodramatic rendition of The Phantom Sam has ever seen (which isn’t really saying much, considering Sam hasn’t even seen it on Broadway, but still). Kurt scowls at him.
Sam turns back to his own task; he and Rachel are trying to decide whether Titanic counts as only one word or two. “I’m pretty sure it’s two,” Sam claims, scratching his head. “Like, there’s Titanic the movie, and then there’s the boat.”
Rachel narrows her eyes at him, and it sends a little chill down Sam’s spine. That girl can be really spooky when she wants to be. “Do I look like a dictionary to you, Samuel?” It’s supposed to be a rhetorical question, Sam knows, but he can’t resist.
“I dunno, you kinda look like you could fit in a dictionary,” the blonde quips with a grin. The girl’s icy glare is the last thing he sees before a book is flying at his face, whacking him in the arm when he uses his forearm as a shield. “Ow!” he whines, rubbing the injury with a wince. Rachel shoots him a prim, smug smile, clearly the victor. But only because she didn’t get thwacked in the arm with a book!
“B!” Sam calls, because throwing books at each other is fun and all, but they are playing a game, after all. His boyfriend turns to him, expectant smile on his lips, and Sam feels a grin forming when he sees the brunette. “What’s the ruling? Titanic, one word or two?”
He seems to consider the question for a moment, finger on his chin as he contemplates. After a few beats, the curly-haired boy smirks. “Whatever Rachel doesn’t want; we’ll do the opposite.” At this, Santana bursts into a fit of laughter while Rachel releases an indignant squawk.
After Rachel claims to disown the group, Sam lets himself grin, leaning back into the couch. He watches his boyfriend light up the room with his easy charm and disarming smiles that always steal Sam’s breath. Regardless of how unpredictable and utterly chaotic these game nights are, Blaine somehow always manages to make them perfect.
By the time Blaine’s next turn rolls around, he’s already a giggling mess, falling apart at the seams. Sam watches him try to mime “Superman” and it’s not even half-bad. Sam’s surprised, if not slightly impressed even. Of course, it was too good to be true because halfway through, the curly-haired boy slips on the carpet, landing sprawled out on the floor. The game cards flutter around him, one landing on his nose somehow. Blaine stares at it, going cross-eyed, and Sam wonders once again how the boy doesn’t get headaches from that. Crossing his eyes has always made Sam’s head hurt! It isn’t very fair, is all. His boyfriend blows at the piece of paper, trying to get it off him, but he only manages to launch it straight up in the air and back down on his face. The brunette huffs in mock-annoyance for a beat before bursting into laughter. His attempts to rise back to his feet are futile, as his shoulders are shaking so hard that he can’t keep his balance.
“You’re useless!” Kurt hisses, hands thrown up in indignance. His glare slides over to Rachel for a second before snapping back to Blaine. “I don’t know why I even―”
Yeah, like that is going to end well. Sam steps in, cutting Kurt off before he can go on a whole-ass tangent like he inevitably would if no one stopped him. “Alright,” the blonde says, stepping over to help Blaine to his feet. “Time out. Someone’s had too much wine.” Despite his words and the playful tinge of annoyance in his tone, Sam chuckles fondly as he scoops Blaine into his arms with minimal effort. The shorter boy reflexively wraps his arms around his boyfriend’s neck, still laughing as he buries his face in Sam’s shoulder.
Hands on her hips, Rachel stares at them expectantly. “Samuel. Put him down,” she says cooly. “We’re playing to win.”
From somewhere to his right, Sam hears a snort followed by, “Yeah, like that's gonna happen, Berry.” He tries to hide his smile by nuzzling into Blaine’s hair, pretending that he’s kissing Blaine’s head rather than secretly sniggering at Santana’s comment.
“I think Blaine needs a break,” Sam says once he’s regained his bearings. He does not put Blaine down. Take that, Rachel! He grins down at his boyfriend, who’s already gazing up at him, his wide, glossy amber eyes filled with affection and awe. It makes Sam’s heart skip a beat, being looked at like that. So tenderly, so lovingly. The blond clears his throat. “He’s, uh, clearly too drunk to keep up the game.”
Santana smirks, jabbing a finger at the pair. Her fiery eyes are dancing with knowing amusement. “Oh, that’s your excuse? What are you two sneaking off to do, huh?”
Kurt wrinkles his nose while Rachel scoffs indignantly. Sam can almost hear her squeaky upset voice, The audacity! Blaine just giggles, nuzzling Sam’s neck. “I don’t think you want me to answer that,” he responds, the mischief in his voice clear as day.
“Gross!” Kurt exclaims, throwing a pillow at them as Sam carries Blaine toward the hallway. He misses by a landslide as predicted, and when Sam passes by the weapon of choice, he kicks it back toward the living room, flashing Kurt a wink, his tongue poking out.
With a mock-salute, Sebastian shakes his head and says, heavy with amusement, “Godspeed, Evans. Don’t break anything.”
Sam grins at that. This is one of the main reasons he and Blaine love crashing here so much; the commentary is hilarious! Sebastian’s approval is always welcome and feeds Sam’s pride a bit, Santana’s sexual remarks are funny and somewhat accurate, and Kurt and Rachel’s indignant exasperation has the ability to bring Sam up from any bad moodswings he may have. Not that Blaine’s company alone wouldn’t fix that immediately.
As they disappear around the corner, Sam can hear the glare in her voice as Rachel addresses the remaining players. “That’s it. We’re locking them out next time.” Although her voice is resolute, Sam knows it’s not going to happen. Rachel and Kurt have been bullshitting about revoking his and Blaine’s loft privileges since the first time they'd been caught in action, but they’ve never actually followed through with the threats.
Santana’s cackle echoes through the corners of the apartment. “Oh sure, Berry. Like that’ll stop them.”
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 4 months ago
do you have any fics where Kurt and Blaine meet at like a highschool or college party and then go from there
Hi - I had fun putting this list together, seems I've read a lot of great party fics. Hope they are what you are looking for. (happy to have more recommendations!) ~Jen
NYADA Hallowe'en party by @snarkyhag
Klainetober 2024 prompt: Kurt and Blaine are at NYADA costume party.
Are they meeting for the first time? Is someone having a really good or really bad night? Are they wearing a couple's costume? Does a real live ghost show up?
Running Interference by @rockitmans
Kurt and Blaine don't want to get set up on a blind date. But when their friends get involved, what they want doesn't really matter.
Gorgeous by @thelegendofjenna
Kurt meets a very drunk Blaine at a college party, and they end up back in Kurt's apartment.
Happenstance by @thatgleekychick
When Kurt's ex-boyfriend shows up at a party to show off the person he left him for, Kurt is certain the universe is out to get him. But then he sees a cute guy standing across the room by himself, munching on a plate of pretzels, and gets an idea. AU.
If the Fates Allow by dahlstrom Part 1 of the Holidays' Verse
Blaine tried not to dwell on the handsome stranger he’d met — and kissed, oh god, it had been so nice — a few days earlier. Sure, he’d had beautiful eyes and a melodious voice and his hands had been really soft, but he was gone, and that was that. There were eight million people in New York City, and Blaine didn’t even know the guy’s name, let alone how to find him.
(Part 2: I Couldn't Crack the Love Code, Dear )
The Party Favor by @caramelcoffeeaddict Coffeeaddict80
After Blaine’s brother ditches him at a party where he doesn’t know anyone, he’s approached by Kurt who has a big favor to ask.
Party Gone Wrong (yet so right) by @caramelcoffeeaddict Coffeeaddict80
The party that Sebastian dragged Blaine to was awful, but the cute boy he met there wasn’t
Pour le Plaisir by @hazelandglasz
Anonymous asked: omg "We hooked up randomly at a party once and it turns out you’re friends with my brother AU" would be hilarious for klaine :')
Bang Bang by @afterthenovels
Kurt has a very loud birthday party. Blaine is the police officer who gets the noise complaint. It doesn’t go so well, until it does.
Clinging to this hating game by notarelationship (just practising)
Based on this prompt from the Klaine-prompt-a-fic blog on tumblr:
Kurt and Blaine couldn't stand each other in high school, maybe one was a jock/cheerleader and the other a nerd/glee clubber. Or they were bitter rivals for competition solos if they were both in glee club. Now they both live in NY and their friends set them up on a blind date, not knowing they went to the same high school.
Let me be the one by @annepi-blog
“Oh no, Mercedes. No way.” Mercedes wants Kurt to go to a 90s and 2000s college party with her. He is persuaded by the argument that he can plan an exciting outfit. At the party, he meets his crush, who has also made an exciting fashion decision.
Inspired by the outfit Darren Criss was wearing at Jumperwall 90's - 00's Concert in February 2023.
Did we meet before? by @little-escapist
Written for a prompt by mynonah on tumblr, the prompt is the title.
Underneath it all by @heartsmadeofbooks
Blaine first meets the mysterious Kurt Hummel at his brother's engagement party, and he's immediately struck by the quiet, handsome stranger. He doesn't expect their paths to cross again, but when life gives an unexpected turn, Kurt might be the only one with the power to help him save everything he cares about.
Zip tease By izwordsoup @special-bc-ur-part-of-it
A college party where everyone is a little drunker than they should be, an open fly, and a dare.
Trick or Treatby grlnxtdr29
Kurt Hummel HATES Halloween, for good reason. But he allows Brittany to talk him into going to a Halloween Party with New Directions and The Cheerios. After the jocks play a cruel trick on him, he drives off in tears, and nearly runs over a mysterious boy in the road. Is this another Trick?
~~~~~ Raspberries and CrĂšme by @quizasvivamos
Kurt and Blaine have never met. But they both want the D. Everything that can go wrong in smut all wrapped up in a one shot.
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slipping-through-my-fingertips · 3 months ago
Day three: observer
College parties aren’t really Blaine’s idea of a good time. People are dancing in crowded apartments, too drunk to remember much, or he finds himself in a room full of strangers who don’t need anymore friends.
He likes picking out a new outfit, he likes having new conversations, he likes going out but college students aren’t the best hosts.
Which is fair, not everyone grew up with parents who hosted every single family holiday. At least they had, until Blaine’s older brother had gotten a house with his girlfriend in California. Now they split the holidays. It’s kinda nice to know he’s going to LA instead of Columbus, Ohio for Christmas.
Blaine wonders one day if he’ll get Easter as his hosting holiday. Easter in New York could be great.
It’s no Rockefeller Tree lightning or Christmas villages in the parks (with some of the best hot chocolate he’s ever had) but he’ll hopefully be hosting with the love of his life in an apartment they love, maybe a dog. Sounds like heaven.
He finds himself fantasizing about this new life at his friend Tina’s dorm. It’s actually a party on the whole floor of her door. Honestly, it’s one of the more put together college parties he’s been to. Each dorm seems to have its own theme going on. Blaine mostly hangs in the one he’s familiar with—Tina’s. She’s got the snack table after all.
Plus, he’s perfectly fine being an observer of the ongoing party. He made conversation with Tina’s friends earlier this evening. It’s eavesdropping and people-watching that cause him heart palpitations because not ten feet away is the cute customer from Black Friday.
Maybe parties aren’t so bad after all.
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bitbybitwrites · 9 months ago
8, 20 & 27?
8.     Oldest WIP
My oldest WIP is called Cuffed and actually dated back to 9/21/22! ( I checked!). It's a prequel to the first ever story I wrote called Trick or Treat. That was a Klaine D/s fic and the prequel goes back to the origins of Blaine and Kurt's relationship in this AU - starting all the way in the beginning where we meet Blaine as a little boy who is yearning for something - maybe even someone to help him not be so lonely. The fic is pretty much outlined - but I haven't written it all yet. Anyone interested can read excerpts here and here.
20.  How many WIPs and story ideas do you have?
About 16. The first 15 are listed here . The 16th newest idea is a RWRB fic tentatively called: "color me intrigued" - basically would be a hanky code/flagging fic - where Henry gets dragged off to a club, by Pez, sees Alex, who is the DJ working that night with an particular color bandana tucked into his back pocket. Inspired by a picture of TZP and a tumblr post I saw on @bigassbowlingballhead's blog 😊 Nothing written yet, but I was working on a mood board for it recently - see below.
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27.  Favourite line/scene
That I've written? Arrrrghgh so hard to choose. Here are 2 for you. - From a Klaine fic - If I Can Make Your Heart My Home - the scene where a drunk Tina Cohen-Chang leaves Kurt a voicemail made me laugh:
“KUUUUUURRRRRTTTTIIIEEEEE!!!” Kurt winced as the next voicemail clicked in, and the voice of a very drunk Tina Cohen-Chang assaulted his ears. “Kurrrrrrrt. . .“ slurred Tina, who then dropped into a very loud stage whisper.  "I love you, Kurrrrrt.” There was an odd pause of dead air.  Perhaps Tina had passed out?  But then her voice quickly picked up again. “Kurt . . .Kurt. . .Kurt. . .Kurt. . .you gotta  keep that new cutie of yours.” Tina hiccuped loudly.  "He is awesome.  AWWWWWESOME.  And sooooo cute.  And has an ass that won't quit.  And I saw you staring at it tonight.  Don't deny it.  I was staring at it too.  Shhhh.  Don’t tell Mike.  Ooh wait, he’s right here next to me.  Never mind.” "Sorry, Kurt!” Mike piped in, laughing from the background.
- From a RWRB fic: from my online auction fic that's a WIP - Where Alex is complaining to Pez that he can't find Henry a birthday gift: “Alexander, darling, to what do I owe this pleasure?” Pez leaned back in his chair, grinning.  His hair was electric blue today, as were his nails. His suit was bright, bold and couture, but only something that Pez could pull off. “Help me, Obi-Wan Okonjo, you're my only hope.” “With what now?  You do know Hazza is at a luncheon with more prospective donors for the shelter.  He should be back in an hour or so.” Alex huffed as he  plopped himself down in the chair in front of Pez’ desk.  “It’s why I came now.  I didn’t want him to be around to overhear.  I need help with his birthday present.  I can’t figure out what to get him.” Pez’ laughter rang out rich and warm.  “Alex, my dear Padawan, why are you stressing out about this?  You do know that you could just tie a bow around your . .” Pez coughed lightly, his eyes drifting downward as he smirked suggestively. Alex groaned.  “I know.  I know.  I was thinking something else would be better. . . I don't know . . something more spectacular.” “You are seriously underestimating how spectacular Haz finds your dick, my sweet strumpet.”
Thanks for the ask, @tinyarmedtrex! 💖
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eiirisworkshop · 1 year ago
One More Notch
A Glee fanfiction Complete fic available to read on Ao3 here.
So here's what you missed on Glee:
Blaine got drunk and made out with Rachel so he thought he might be bi.
In Rachel's basement, she and Blaine kiss sloppily, surrounded by the rest of the glee kids.
Kurt didn't take that too well since he doesn't seem to think bisexuals are real.
Across a coffee shop table, Kurt gives Blaine a scathing look. "Bi is just what people call themselves when they're scared to admit they're gay."
Blaine got really fed up with Kurt so he dumped him.
"You're being so narrow minded and dismissive!" Blaine shouts across the choir room. "I'm sick of it! I'm done."
Then he went out with Rachel, but they had no chemistry so they called it off and Blaine's sure he really is gay. Kurt was really upset over getting dumped so he and Blaine just kinda didn't get back together. They're mostly over it but things are still a little weird.
At the end of a musical number, hugs and high fives are going around. Kurt and Blaine shake hands stiffly.
And that's what you missed on Glee.
"Again, winning Sectionals has done absolutely nothing for our cred," Mercedes lamented as she set her lunch tray down and dropped into her seat.
Kurt brushed his hair off his forehead with a sigh. "Let's face it, it's going to take a bigger win to earn us the respect we deserve."
"Yeah." Tina stared listlessly at her chicken nuggets. "On a less depressing note," she ate a nugget, "have either of you seen the new transfer kid?"
"Yeah." Mercedes made a face. "What kinda kid changes schools in November ?"
"Bargain store cowboys with no-name jeans and a ridiculously thick accent."
The two girls stared at Kurt. He shrugged. "He's in my math class."
"Oh," both girls said, nodding.
"He's kinda cute, though, in a pickup truck commercial kinda way," Mercedes said casually.
Tina and Kurt considered her, looked to each other, then nodded.
Meanwhile, a knock at his office doorframe startled Mr. Schuester into looking up from the stack of quizzes he was grading. A tall boy in a faded buttonfront, worn jeans, and scuffed boots was standing in the doorway under a thatch of sun-blonded hair, hands crammed in his pockets, shoulders hunched. "Mr. Schuester? I was in your Spanish One class this mornin'."
"Yeah, yeah." Mr. Schuester set the quizzes aside. "It's Joel, right?"
"Yessir. Joel Henry."
"Come in, sit. What can I do for you?"
Joel folded himself into the chair across from Mr. Schuester—quite a feat given the kid was at least as tall as Finn. He shook his head despairingly and met Mr. Schuester's gaze. "I don't know what I'm doin' in your class. I don't speak a word a Spanish. I been takin' German the past two years."
"We don't have a German program here," Mr. Schuester said carefully. "Shouldn't you be eating lunch right now?"
"I wasn't talkin' to nobody, didn't take long to eat." Joel sighed. "I'm gonna fail your class; I can't speak Spanish."
"It's an intro class, Joel."
"That I'm three months behind in! And I'm not good with languages."
"Okay." Mr. Schuester nodded. "Can you stay after school or do you have to catch a bus?"
"No, I drive."
"Great. Then right after school let's you and me go talk to Principal Figgins about moving you out of Spanish."
"Thank you, sir," Joel said. "But why couldn't we go talk to him during afternoon free period in a couple hours?"
Mr. Schuester held up his palms apologetically. "I coach the school's glee club and we meet during afternoon free period."
"Oh. Alright. Well, thank you, sir." Joel got to his feet. "Uh, before I go though, can you tell me how to get to the physics rooms? This school is a lot bigger than my old one."
After physics and history when afternoon free period came around, Joel found himself at loose ends just like he had at morning free period. So, just like that morning, he wandered the halls, trying to learn his way around. The handful of other kids not occupied with clubs, making out in corners, or smoking pot in the bathroom mercifully ignored him. He turned down another hall—the hall Mr. Schuester's office was on—and he heard music.
Oh yeah, glee club.
He lingered by the half-open door, watching as about a dozen kids danced around singing some pop song he didn't know. He recognized a few of the kids though—one of them, the kid who looked like the creepy Austrian ceramic dolls Joel's grandma collected, was definitely in his math class. The kid was hard to miss. Then there was the Latina cheerleader who'd blatantly offered him sex that morning. She scared him. And she'd noticed him. She'd stopped dancing to stare through the door at him, one eyebrow arched. Another of the girls—the short one in a cat sweater—noticed the scary Latina staring and followed her gaze. Joel gave them a pleading look and put a finger to his lips. The two girls shared a look, then resumed dancing, ignoring him.
The next morning, with his schedule fixed—home ec in place of Spanish, not great, but workable—Joel settled into his seat in the back of his first period math class. Suddenly, an argyle-clad butt perched itself on the edge of the table in front of him. He looked up to find the owner of the butt smiling down at him: creepy Austrian doll kid. "Hi, I'm Kurt Hummel."
Joel blinked. "Your last name is actually Hummel?"
Kurt frowned. "Yes, is that a problem?"
"No." Joel shook his head slowly. "The universe just has one hell of a sense a humor."
"I'm going to assume for your sake that that wasn't offensive. Anyway." Kurt leaned in, smile re-plastering itself across his rosy-cheeked face. "A little bird told me that you were spying on our glee club yesterday."
Joel gave him an unimpressed look. "Was it the sexy bird or the short one?"
"Both of them but that's beside the point." Kurt brushed away the question with a wave of his hand. "The point is, you should join."
Joel slid his math book and notebook between himself and Kurt. "I don't know, I don't really sing."
"Well, if you change your mind, we meet during free period every afternoon and on Monday mornings and after school on Thursdays. Sometimes after school on Fridays, too, but don't count on that one—it's on an as needed basis. Bring a song." Kurt's smile had turned fake. He patted Joel's shoulder and sashayed off to his own seat. Joel watched him go. He had no idea where the hell somebody would get purple argyle skinny jeans in suburban Ohio. He also had no idea why anyone would want to.
After that, class was uneventful. Trigonometry couldn't only be so exciting. Joel's next class, though, was unexpectedly awesome. It was home ec, and they'd been told to pair up to make no-bake cheesecake. A pretty blond girl in a cheerleading uniform walked right up to him, decidedly within Joel's personal space, and looked at him with intense, shiny blue eyes. "Santana told me that if I saw you I should seduce you into joining glee club so I think we should totally make cake out of cheese together." She leaned in to whisper, "What kind of cheese do you want?"
"Uh." Joel took a step back. "I already told your buddy Kurt I don't really sing." He handed her a block of cream cheese. "You really don't need to seduce me, either. Santana is the scary, sexy, Latina one, right?"
"Yeah, she's super hot."
"Well, I already told her I'm not really on the market."
"On the market for what?" The girl cocked her head to the side like a puppy.
Joel stared at her for a second then shook his head. "Nevermind. What's your name?"
"I'm Joel."
Brittany's eyes widen and she whispered in awe. "You're a famous singer, we were just singing that song of yours about not being an arsonist."
Joel stared at her again. "That's Billy Joel. I'm not related to him."
"Oh...." She looked down at the cream cheese disappointedly.
He chewed his tongue briefly, then leaned toward her to confide, "But I'm a cowboy."
She immediately lit up with excitement. "A real one?"
"Mhm." He grinned.
"That's so cool."
At the end of home ec, Brittany handed Joel their cheesecake, then pulled him out of the room, ignoring his protests. She dragged him to the choir room where, despite the lack of an official club meeting, most of the club was hanging out—well, arguing.
"I think we should go caroling," the short one was saying. Her sweater had an owl today.
An Asian girl who looked like some kind of Victorian heiress who'd sold her soul to a demon butler gave the short one an incredulous look. "Do you remember how badly that went last year? We got a shoe thrown at us. By a teacher ."
"Hey, everyone," Brittany said pleasantly. "So it turns out he's not a famous singer like I thought when he said his name, but I brought the new guy and I didn't even have to seduce him." She grinned at Santana, who looked both impressed and disappointed.
"I was brought here against my will," Joel said. "But I have cheesecake if anyone wants some," he offered feebly.
"I will take some cheesecake," a curvy black girl with big heart-shaped earrings said. Joel handed her the pie pan he was holding.
"I'm glad you decided to join us," the short one said brightly, stepping forward to give him a salesman's smile. "I'm Rachel, I essentially run this—"
"I have not decided to join you," Joel said firmly. "Why are you all hounding me outta nowhere like this? I been at this school less than two days."
"We're pretty much always hoping for new members," Kurt said, lounging across two chairs next to the black girl. "You showed interest. And you're here now, so you might as well show us what you've got."
"I told you, I don't really sing." Joel shook his head and looked around the room. There was Kurt, the hip hop princess eating cheesecake, Rachel the American Girl doll, Asian vampire chick, a super nerdy kid in a wheelchair, a total of three cheerleaders, a guy with a mohawk, a guy in a sweatervest and bowtie, a blond Bieber-type, and three more dudes in letterman jackets. "Do you realize that most of you look more like cartoon characters than real people?"
Rachel huffed haughtily, Kurt and the girl next to him both frowned. The blond cheerleader who wasn't Brittany leaned on her elbows. "He's not wrong, though."
The guy in the sweatervest held his hands out and shrugged. "Yeah, pretty much everyone in this club is crazy."
"But, we're the most fun people in this whole damn school." The black girl stood up. "Look—what's your name?"
"Heya, Joel. I'm Mercedes. You gave me cheesecake, as far as I'm concerned that makes us friends. This is your second day here, so I figure you don't have too many friends yet."
"Not really, no." Joel admitted.
"Uh huh." Mercedes settled her weight into her hip. "And how many people not in this room have actually talked to you?"
"A guy with a jewfro shoved a microphone in my face...."
"Jacob doesn't count," sweatervest guy interjected. "He's a gossip blogger and you're the new kid, he'll harass you for a few weeks. I'm sorry. I transferred in last year, I never did find a way to avoid him entirely. Puck chasing him off is a good temporary measure though." He gestured at the guy with the mohawk.
"And," one of the letterman jacket guys said, "I don't really sing, either." He shrugged. "I used to sway in the background but now I dance."
Joel scrubbed a hand through his hair. "I'll think about it." He looked at sweatervest guy. "But you're right, you're all crazy." He walked out.
At lunch two classes later, Mercedes came up to Joel in the line. "Hey, Joel." She smiled and got a serving of tots. "You wanna sit with us?"
"Who's us?" He grabbed the least bruised apple available.
"Me, Tina, and Kurt."
"Uh," Joel hesitated.
Mercedes glared at him. "Kurt doesn't bite, you know."
"I know." Joel let out a breath and glanced over to the table where Kurt and Asian vampire chick were sitting. She must've been Tina. Joel shrugged. "I've just never met anyone like him before in my life. He's...a little overwhelming."
"I'll admit that he—and Rachel, and sometimes me and Santana—have a flare for the dramatic and it can get a little over the top." She shrugged. "Occupational hazard of showbiz."
Joel sighed.
"Who you gonna sit with if not us?"
"You got a point," Joel admitted. He followed her to the table and carefully sat between her and Tina the vampire. She and Kurt smiled at him. He nodded to them and focused on his food.
Brittany and Santana joined the table a minute later, paying zero attention to anyone else sitting there while they chit-chatted. After that, sweatervest bowtie guy came over carrying a tray. He and Kurt looked directly at each other, Kurt busied himself with his phone, and sweatervest pulled up a chair between Joel and Mercedes. Joel glanced between him and Kurt a couple times. “Well, absolutely no one can tell the two of you used to date.”
Both boys grimaced and glanced at each other.
“Is the awkward that obvious?” sweatervest guy asked.
Joel nodded and gestured between them. “There's laser beams of awkward.”
“Good God, he said what we've all been thinking,” Santana said in astonishment. “At least, I think he did. I'm only sure of every other word. Where the hell are you from, cowboy?”
“Wyoming,” Joel said flatly.
Santana blinked and tilted her head. “See, there's a problem with that: I'm pretty sure Wyoming really doesn't exist.”
Joel rolled his eyes. “I promise you it does.”
Santana shook her head. “I don't believe y—”
“Where in Wyoming?” Kurt interrupted.
Joel poked at his food. “Trust me, you've never heard of it.” He paused and took a moment to study Kurt. “But I'm gonna go way out on a limb and say you've seen Brokeback Mountain.”
Kurt nodded. “Everyone at this table has, even if only because I made them.”
Joel couldn't help but snicker. “Okay, so in Brokeback, Ennis—the blond one, Heath Ledger—and his wife live in Riverton. I'm from Crowheart, 'bout an hour northwest a Riverton.”
Everyone exchanged looks and nodded or shrugged.
“Well, I still don't think we have any idea where that is,” sweatervest guy said, “but that's a pretty good frame of reference.”
“Why did you move here in the middle of the semester?” Tina asked.
“My folks split,” Joel said quickly. “Me an' my mama an' my sister moved in with my mama's sister. Sorry, who're you?” He looked at sweatervest guy. “Never got yer name.”
“Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Blaine.”
“Pleased to meetcha.” Joel went back to eating.
End of chapter! Read the rest on Ao3 here.
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daisyishedwig · 2 years ago
I fully forgot about Puck picking up Blaine's very drunk mom at the wedding. It's such a Puck thing to do.
Also completely missed that Quinn was just not at the wedding. Like maybe if it was just Klaine's wedding I could see that, but one third of The Unholy Trinity is missing from the Brittana wedding? Inaccurate. Horribly wrong. I don't care what Diana was doing, they should have found a way to get her there.
Also Carole dancing with Sam is so fucking cute. The show just completely forgot about Sam living with the Hudmels and the relationship he would have with Burt and Carole as a result, but that one little moment brings it to mind and makes me cry.
I've been rewatching season 6 of Glee (because I enjoy pain, I guess) and I keep fast-forwarding through the Schue and Rachel scenes that don't have any of the characters I love in it, but I fucking forgot about the Samchel storyline this season which means my love for Sam Evans is forcing me to watch so much Rachel and I hate it.
They really did Sam dirty by shoving him in a relationship with Rachel and not letting him just be with Mercedes or actively wooing her the way Kurt is wooing Blaine. And it makes me stand even more strongly by my statement that Samcedes is the only straight ship on Glee that matters.
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rockitmans · 2 years ago
Blaine Anderson Vs. Valentine's Day (4/14)
Summary: Blaine drunk posts on his Instagram asking for a date for Valentine's Day. He gets one.
Notes: Written for the @klaineccfanficlibrary Valentine Challenge. Today's song is I'll Never Not Love You by Michael Bublé
Be sure to also check out the collection on AO3 and Stick Season by @blurglesmurfklaine I'm finding it so fun to write as part of a community event. Seeing other people post theirs really keeps me on track. And all the lovely comments of course!
Read on AO3 or below
He can't just leave it like that. Hi. What was he thinking? He quickly taps out a follow up without letting himself doubt it too hard. 
Blaine: Bold tactic to assume that poem would get my attention and not just end up being deleted
He immediately throws his phone face down on his bed and paces around the room several times, trying to breathe. He can do this. He can talk to other humans. Even ridiculously gorgeous ones that for some reason seem interested in him. 
Barely a minute passes before his phone chimes and he tries to tell himself to be chill and not answer straight away but the anticipation is killing him. He grabs his phone. 
Kurt: And yet here you are. Interesting. 
God. He actually answered. And he's so cool . It's going to take him less than thirty seconds to realise how lame Blaine is. Blaine doesn't have game. He doesn't usually even realise when people are into him. He's fallen into every relationship he's had so far fully because the other person has spelled it out to him. 
This was clearly a mistake. A horny error in judgement. He's half tempted to just delete the app right now and pretend this never happened. The Philippines is nice this time of year.  
But then his phone chimes again and Blaine grins stupidly as he reads the message. 
Kurt: It was a gamble. I'm happy it paid off. 
Blaine: Well. It was helped by the fact that I am very interested in these claims that you can pick me up. 
Kurt: Oh no. That was my roommate's suggestion. She's going to be insufferable now. 
Blaine: Your secret's safe with me
Kurt: Thanks. But she's also much cooler than me if I'm being honest. I may prove to be a disappointment. Flirting with strangers on the internet is all fun and games until they actually reply 😅
Blaine blinks. He hadn't thought about it that hard, but if he had, he would have assumed that this was going to turn into sexting, getting off, and then mutually agreeing to never speak of it again. Or at least he assumes that's the way this sort of thing goes. He doesn't really know. 
But maybe that isn't what this is. Interesting.
Blaine: And do you make a habit of flirting with strangers on the internet?
Kurt: I want to be really smooth and be like 'only the cute ones 😉' but fuck it. No I don't usually. I'm like an honest to God Broadway romantic. I need at least dinner before I can consider getting my dick out. 
Kurt: And I realise a simple no would have sufficed 
Blaine huffs out a laugh. Okay. Definitely not sexting then. He's kind of relieved. It would have just been a way to let off steam after the emotional bomb that was Sebastian's betrayal. He hasn't really had time to sort out his feelings about Sebastian yet. Sam's solution to the problem was to get him spectacularly drunk and there's been little time for introspection since then. And that's mostly been on purpose.
He knows if he starts to think about it, it will bring every scrap of his hard earned self worth under a magnifying glass. He'll sort through all his insecurities for the reasons why Sebastian might have cheated and probably invent some new ones just for fun. He doesn't want to be terrified to love again. He doesn't want to lose his ability to love quickly and generously and all in. He doesn't want this to break him. 
And right now that means chatting to a cute guy that doesn't want to just get off with him. And regardless of anything else, it will be a funny story to tell Tina later. 
Blaine: Ah yes that well known Broadway hit, "Dinner for dick." We all know it
Kurt: Say what you like about Barrett Wilbert Weed but she smashed that one
Kurt: Listen you don't have to keep talking to me. I understand my mouth was putting out checks that my ass can't cash. Literally. 
Blaine: I want to keep talking to you. A gorgeous guy that's into Broadway and fashion? Maybe that wish journal I kept when I was thirteen really did have magical powers after all
Blaine: Although I'm still not a superhero so perhaps not 
Kurt: I never had a wish journal but I did have a hope chest. I cut up magazine pictures to compile my perfect man and it obviously looked outlandish and not like you at all
Kurt: But I am pretty sure I made my perfect man a musician 
Blaine: Well thank God I have that going for me at least
Kurt: You have a lot more going for you than that
Blaine: And I thought you said you didn't flirt with strangers on the internet 😉
Kurt: You're right
Blaine gets a jolt in his stomach, terrified that Kurt is about to promise to cut out the flirting or even stop talking to him all together. But then the next message comes through.
Kurt: Maybe we should become not-strangers so I can flirt with you without fear 
Blaine bites his lip against a smile, feeling the flush creep all the way to his ears. Who even is this guy?
Hopefully he's going to find out. 
Blaine: Sounds perfect 
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years ago
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Here it is, fic rec friday! I said I was gonna do this! I don’t know if it’ll be a weekly thing, because it depends on whether or not I read fics in a week. Also, to prevent people from being overwhelmed by tags, I don’t think this is going to be a tag challenge, but of course feel free to also make your own post with recs!
Strap in Klainers and Snowbazzians, cause here we go. It’s another long one! Happy reading!
@cerriddwenluna​ wrote Swipe, a funny one-shot about Kurt and Blaine meeting through Tinder. Sort of. Look, it has a tiny plot twist. You have to read it for yourself 👈(ïŸŸăƒźïŸŸđŸ‘ˆ).
I read more of Gwen’s stuff! I started Bem Vindo a Portugal, previously known as Klaine in the Netherlands which became Klaine in Portugal. I do not mind, Gwen, and if you ever need more help with Klaine in the Netherlands, please have this: klompen, windmolen, kaas, tulpen, kroketten! Jokes aside, though, I am excited to get to know Portugal. I’ve never been here, but my mum actually visited Lisbon for the first time a few weeks ago and she was very excited.
There are quite some Marta fics I still need to read (goblin!Baz is still somewhere buried in my Likes), but I am going through them! I read The Vampire and the Boy in the Tower and I am speechless. It is so good. Oh my God, Marta created a wonderful universe with a lot of angst, but also hope.
I still have Klaine Advent fics to catch up on, and I read @snarkyhag‘s WIP. I... don’t really know how to link it, since there isn’t a masterpost or a separate Tumblr tag or an AO3 entry yet, so for now, have the Klaine Advent 2022 tag! Yay, Klaine and Samcedes!
Another cute story is Tipsy Truths by @aroace-genderfluid-sheep​. Simon confesses his feelings for Baz through a drunk text. Oh boy!
Apart from reading fic, I also love reading people’s thoughts about fic. @facewithoutheart​ had a nice extra about This Will All Go Down In Flames over here. (Also, Fuck The Mage, kinda). @cutestkilla​ also shared some Humdrum insider information here. It’s really cool to see what parts of canon have been expanded on for What’s Left. And @captain-aralias​​ also has some behind the scenes stuff here on Four Funereal Weddings and an American Stag Do. I adore the fic (and the suits!).
I am also losing it over the “HELEN!!!!”s in The Wellbeloves by @ionlydrinkhotwater​. This is a comic where Simon and Agatha are siblings. I am so emo about Simon having a lovely family and this is so fun.
Unfortunately, I also come with angst. A post on my dashboard led me to This Will End in Flames by @bloodiedpixie​ and uhhh yeah MCD warning. Simon dies in Wayward Son. I need... a moment... to lie down and weep. I see there is also another installment in this series where Baz dies, but I’m not strong enough for that now.
Now, for something no one asked for! This is another thing that I saw on my dashboard, but apparently a group of people started a project in 2016 called Sarah Jane Neverending, which is an extension of the Sarah Jane Adventures! (Kind of like Class: Ongoing, I guess.) (Whovians, man.). SJA got cancelled in 2011 and it was very unexpected, since Lis Sladen, the main actress, died. Back then, three more episodes were already planned and I know that over the years fans have asked for novalisations of those stories, so that they could at least be seen as canon. That never happened, so I guess some fans took matters into their own hands. I have only read their season 5B stories, aka their version of the 3 unproduced episodes. I will see if I will also read their completely fanmade season 6 and 7. But yeah, season 5B. Damn. The Thirteenth Floor fucked me up in particular.
And lastly, there might be some smaller ficlets or drabbles that I won’t mention in these posts, but I will redirect you to my fic tags on my main blog: Klaine fics (klfics), Brittana fics (bsfics), general Glee fics (glee fic), Whoniverse fics (dw fic), Check, Please! fics (omgcp fics), Simon Snow series fics (co fics), and the general fic tag (fics). And here’s the original writing tag, because why not. I do put a lot of stuff in a long queue, so the tags might now always be “up to date”.
Also, guys, I need you to know that I was going through the generic fic tag, retagging fics that needed to be retagged, and I found a Snowbaz fic from the Fangirl days and it was tagged as Bazon. BAZON.
AND OKAY, one more thing. When I was cleaning out that rusty tag, I also came across this fic called And In The End by @scrunchyharry​ (Klainers might remember the name fleurdelisse). It’s over ten years old, but I remembered it immediately. I might’ve even printed it out 10 years ago. Like, I am pretty sure I have a physical copy of it somewhere. Caroline, I see you’ve probably left the fandom, so I didn’t know if I should tag you, but if you read this, please know that even ten years later, this fic makes me so emotional.
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absentia-if · 3 years ago
You answered an ask that said M talks about being in love with MC or at least liking MC more than they let on when theyre drunk, does that make them more talkative than normal when they drink or is it in a sad way? It's kinda cute thinking M all red faced and talking positively about MC for once and all the sober people are slightly confused because they know of their rivalry. 😅
Now I want to know how the ROs act when they're drunk/tipsy or if they prefer being sober/dislike drinking alcohol because I know not every character/person drinks for varying reasons.
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M is much more open about their feelings when they’re drunk; as they don’t really stonewall themselves when they’re in that mindset. So, yes, M is a lot more “soft”, I guess, when they’ve been drinking. They pretty much act how they’d act when they’re deep in the relationship stage.
Kade/Kara: They don’t really like drinking. When the MC first disappeared they went down the same road that Oliver went down; to the point where they almost lost their job. Knowing that— seeing how much their stupor was affecting the people they love— they pulled themselves back and haven’t drunk any alcohol since. At the very most they’d have a few sips of wine (even that is stretching it though).
Michael/Margot: You all know how M acts but they usually only drink to get through family dinners or reunions. They can handle their alcohol very well and don’t like to overdo it to the point where they do get drunk; except in certain circumstances. They usually stick to beer (on the rare occasion), wine (red or white), or whiskey. (Possibly even vodka if it’s been chilled.)
Blaine/Blaire: Doesn’t really drink that often. As they can do random things when they’re inebriated— K has a story that they remember about that very thing from college— but when they do drink they mainly stick to the drinks that don’t actually taste like alcohol; fruity cocktails and margaritas. If they don’t feel like drinking they’ll stick with mocktails.
Wren/Wynn: They get really introspective when they get drunk, which is part of the reason they don’t drink that often. Though they don’t have any problem with popping open a beer and enjoying a good game after dinner. It’s something that’s never truly bothered them.
Nicholas/Natalie: They don’t like the taste of alcohol at all (for the majority of drinks). Will not drink it at all— unless it’s a specific type that M brings— because the majority of it leaves a bad taste in their mouth. They’re a lot louder, the few times they’ve gotten drunk, then they normally would be. So that’s something to see if they’d ever get drunk around you.
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gleekto · 3 years ago
Fic: Crush Into Me (19/22)
Summary:  Third year NYADA student, Kurt, returns to Lima for an internship coaching the Glee club. The leather jacket and eyebrow ring-clad senior, Blaine, thinks he’s cute.
slightly older teacher-ish!Kurt/ badboy!Blaine
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen
Day Nineteen (Kurt) (word: Core):
So apparently they’re doing this.
It doesn’t take long to lose most of their clothes down to their boxers (or in Blaine’s case, really nicely fitting red boxer briefs). They’re both in suits from sectionals, and once they run through the formal ‘tour’ of Blaine’s house and the necessary ‘this is my kitchen’s niceties, and finally close Blaine’s bedroom door, they’re on each other quickly, pulling off blazers and unbuttoning and unzipping all that constraining material. Only thing slowing them down is breathless kissing as more clothes pile up on the floor.
“I meant what I said the other day,” Blaine says. “I love kissing you.” Blaine’s on him again, wrapping his bare arm behind Kurt’s unbuttoned white shirt, pulling their bodies and mouths together. Kurt can feel Blaine’s hunger - any nerves from inexperience overtaken by desire. Not that Blaine has ever been shy or timid about all things sex - Blaine practically introduced himself with a pick up line. But now, despite Kurt’s own resistance, this is real. And Blaine does know what he wants and Kurt feels it everywhere. He moans into Blaine’s long open kiss, and pushes Blaine down on his bed, squeezing his ass. Blaine’s body tenses at the new touch. Kurt leaves his hands there. He’s hungry too.
Blaine starts to pull at the elastic of Kurt’s briefs. “Just wait,” Kurt says. He does have a few tricks up his sleeves and he wants to take Blaine apart. He deserves it - his first time. Also, Kurt wants to be memorable. 
He starts kissing down Blaine’s body, aware of the feeling of Blaine’s cock hardening against his leg. “You have an amazing body,” Kurt breathes. He places his palm flat on Blaine’s belly and kisses the very slight pouch - He can feel Blaine’s core tense at the ticklish wetness, then he relaxes. When Blaine seems lost in it, Kurt gently rubs him, over his underwear, just a tease.
“Ah!” Blaine vocalizes at the first touch under his boxer briefs. Kurt moves his own body down further and licks gently, like a popsicle. He knows it’s not nearly enough.
“I want to do this,” Kurt says and takes all of him into his mouth and sucks, before popping off and looking at him with a mischievious smile.
“I have no objection,” Blaine pants, toes curled. “If that’s what you’re wondering. But what about you-”
“Hush,” Kurt crawls back up and kisses him quiet, wondering if Blaine can taste himself. “Trust me this is a turn on. We’ll see how you’re doing after you come.” Kurt grins at Blaine’s look of indulgent surprise and sinks down on him again. It’s fun to be in charge and unafraid. Not that Blaine is afraid. The way he is letting himself get lost in the pleasure, eyes closed and willing to moan and sigh and even hold Kurt’s head and push up into Kurt’s throat. He is into it, a natural lover. But Kurt is running the show and he plans to get a 5 star review. “You’re close, Blaine,” Kurt pops off. “Don’t worry, come in my mouth.” Blaine opens one eye as Kurt goes down again and prepares himself, and Kurt’s eyes give him a nod. He pushes in and moans loudly as he comes.
Kurt watches Blaine as his heart rate slows and body softens in the after waves. Blaine is beautiful in his body. He’s lying naked, body on display, relaxed and happy to let Kurt stare at him. He doesn’t try to even pull up a cover. Well, Blaine does like to be the centre of attention.
“You’re staring at me,” Blaine says plainly as he circles his index finger along Kurt’s thigh. Kurt is still very hard, kneeling beside his sex-drunk object of desire.
“You don’t seem to mind.”
“I don’t. I’ve been trying to get your attention all semester, in fact.”
“Well, you have my attention,” Kurt says. Now Blaine stares, obviously realizing that Kurt is still definitely not done with this night. He gestures at Kurt’s body. “Yeah, I know,” Kurt tries not to blush. Blaine literally just came in his mouth. Why on earth would he blush at being hard? “I can just quickly finish myself.”
“No, no way, Kurt.” Kurt looks at him questioningly. “Fuck me,” Blaine says simply. “Seriously. I want you to fuck me.”
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wren-stirlinglove · 2 years ago
Sneak Peak of my Current WIP
‘hey b, u know where a guy can get some cookies?’
‘it’s midnight?’
‘so is that a no?’
‘where are you? i’ll pick you up’
Sebastian stumbled outside the house he’d been in. The Warblers had been asked to perform at a party for some of the Crawford girls, and while a few had skipped out after the performance, most had stayed and had a bit too much to drink. 
Immediately, he knew he had made a mistake. The streetlights outside were swimming. He blinked a couple times before sitting on the porch steps to wait for Blaine to show up with cookies. At least, he hopes Blaine brings cookies. He was really craving some Thin Mints. Was it still Girl Scout season?
He’s distracted from this line of thought by the Silver Honda pulling up to the curb. A window rolls down, pop music drifting over to where he was seated, and it hits him that it’s almost like a rom com— complete with the cute boy calling to him while playing music outside his window. 
“Seb, hey.” Blaine smiles as Sebastian makes his way over to the car, and he can feel the butterflies and alcohol swishing around in his stomach. “I had a feeling you were at least a little drunk. C’mon, you can crash at mine tonight.” 
Not for the first time, Sebastian thanked whatever higher power had brought the other boy into his life as he opened the passenger door. There, in the seat, a box of Thin Mints sat waiting for him. He looks back at Blaine, grinning, before grabbing the box and scrambling into the car. 
“You always know exactly what’s on my mind.” He says fondly, already cracking into the box. 
“Yea, well
 I had a box tucked away on my ‘Sebastian’ shelf.” Blaine starts driving away. “Did you have fun at the party?” 
“It was fine. Nick and Jeff bailed early though, so I mostly just talked drama with the Crawford girls. And they talked me into playing Never Have I Ever, and they’re pretty tame so..” He shrugged. 
Blaine nods along, but there’s a crease between his brows that signals something unpleasant was on his mind. He’d always been able to pick up on when Blaine was upset. “I hope I didn’t wake you up or drag you away from something fun.” 
Blaine laughed, but it wasn’t his normal, carefree laugh. “I was doing homework, don’t worry.” He is avoiding making eye contact with Sebastian, and he immediately knew what was wrong. It was clear Blaine didn’t want to talk about it though, so Sebastian just eats a cookie, then holds the next one out to feed to Blaine. 
They continue like that through the neighborhood, Sebastian feeding them both cookies, and Blaine tapping his thumbs along to the songs on the radio. Eventually, Blaine pulls into the driveway, and Sebastian grins again. Blaine always made sure they got home safe. 
He opens the door and the cool night air hits his face.  Sebastian suddenly wanted to go lay on the trampoline. He must say it out loud because Blaine is laughing. 
“I think we need to go to bed.” 
“But, stars! B, we have to look at the stars. What about our wishes?” 
He’s aware that he’s close to whining, and Blaine is looking at him as if he’s speaking gibberish. He reaches out and softly tugs on Blaine’s hand, and a faint smile crosses the other boy's face. He follows Sebastian as he leads them out to the trampoline. He methodically unties and sets his shoes on the patio before climbing into the trampoline and letting gravity pull him down onto his back. 
He bounces a few times softly, which was maybe a mistake because his stomach instantly sloshes and his head starts spinning. Blaine’s there in a flash though, handing him a bottle of water and sitting him upright. Sebastian drinks some water and breathes until the urge to puke starts to fade, and Blaine is there again, tugging a large blanket around both of their shoulders before tucking himself into Sebastian’s side. 
They both tilt their heads up to look at the stars, and Sebastian debates whether to bring up whatever was bothering Blaine, but Blaine beats him to it. 
“He thinks you just want to fuck me.”
Sebastian is so shocked that he starts laughing, and Blaine has to shush him to make sure they don’t wake his parents or their neighbors. 
“Why does he think that?” Sebastian asks, trying to reign in his giggles. 
Blaine shrugs. “I don’t know. I just don’t think he thinks that two gay people can just be friends, or something.”
Sebastian tries not to make a face. “He doesn’t think people can be bisexual either.” He can tell by Blaine’s face that it came out a little more snarky than he meant it to. “Besides, I’d never do that to you.” 
He softly knocks their shoulders together. Or he tries to, but it turns into more him falling over into Blaine, who catches him with a soft ‘oomph’. 
“Yea, I’m not sure what gave him that idea. He doesn’t even know you. I think he’s just jealous.” Sebastian doesn’t mean to, but he shivers a little, and Blaine tucks the blanket in around him a little more. Sebastian sighed as he felt Blaine’s head hit his shoulder, then looked back to the stars to make his wish. 
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hippohead · 4 years ago
Okay, here goes for the prompts: number 4 on friends to lovers!
I hope you're doing well :)
thank you so much! sorry it took a little while also i’m feeling a little rusty but here’s a little something-something. 
4. “you deserve better. it doesn’t have to be me, but you deserve better.”
Blaine went through a superhero phase when they were seven years old.
Kurt went along with it because he liked the capes and he thought it was cute when Blaine lifted his fist into the air and pretended to fly. The only part of it that was tedious was The Question, every day:
“What would your superpower be?”
The first time he asked it, Kurt answered honestly: “I want to be like Matilda. Move things with my mind and stuff.”
Blaine nodded and then picked super speed for himself. He ran around his backyard in loops until even Kurt felt dizzy, and they decided to just be superheroes who lay on the grass for the rest of the evening.
But then he asked it the next day, and the next, and the one after that. Over and over for almost a year. He wasn’t allowed to say the same one twice. Kurt ran out of superpowers to want.  
When he finally moved on to his next obsession, Kurt was relieved, but right now he’d give anything for Blaine to ask him that question.
He’s not sure why Blaine would, though, considering it’s been over twenty years since the last time he did and they’re both wearing suits, not capes. But he’s got a new answer.
Time travel.
In fact, he’d do just about anything to flick a switch or drive a car past 88 or hop into a telephone box and end up thirty seconds earlier, before he said The Words.
The words. The ones that weren’t meant to come out. The one’s he’d vowed to keep stuck inside of his throat, even if it made it hard to breathe sometimes.
“You deserve better. It doesn’t have to be me, but you deserve better.”
Most of the sentence was fine and allowed. Most of it.
“What- what did you say?”
Shit. “I said you deserve better.”
God, he can see a million different things on Blaine’s face right now. He’s read those lines so many times; deciphered them, understood them, figured them out. He can still see all of the lingering pain about Tom not showing up, and the anger at himself for letting that be okay, and the tiredness of fighting for a relationship that neither person really wants. He can see the comfort that Kurt’s giving him, his best friend, in this tiny little restaurant cloak room, and the confusion, too.
“Look, I know you don’t like Tom-”
“It’s your thirtieth birthday. He should be here,” and it comes out like grit in Kurt’s teeth.
Blaine doesn’t say anything. If he did, he’d have to admit that this is actually pretty low on the list of Tom let-downs. There’s been worse - this one just looks bad.
“We should get back out there,” Kurt says, just to say something. The air is starting to feel too stuffy in here. He starts to leave, aware that Blaine’s parents and their mutual friends and a couple of Blaine’s coworkers are sitting at their table, probably wondering where on earth they’d disappeared to.
He stops halfway through the door, bracing himself - there’s no way Blaine would let Kurt just breeze over a slip-up like that. It’s not the first slip-up, either. There have been others in the past, from both of them. And it always goes the same way; the one who slipped up deflects and ignores, and the one who heard the slip-up pushes a little bit, desperate to see if the other will be brave this time.
Neither of them are ever brave.  
“Yeah?” he says, resigned to the inevitable.
There’s plead in Blaine’s eyes – so much so that it makes Kurt kind of want to be brave this time, even though Blaine hasn’t questioned him yet. He’s gotten stuck, just sort of halted and trying to find the words.  
And then the soft sound of a Billy Joel song starts to play from Blaine’s pocket – his ringtone.  
Blaine holds his gaze for a second and then checks his phone, sighing, with a little puff of exasperation once he registers who’s calling. “It’s Tom.”
Kurt nods, drained of any bravery, and heads back to the table.  
- - - - -
Kurt drops Blaine home after the dinner because even after the phone call, Tom still didn’t turn up.
It’s a quiet ride. Blaine had managed to do what Blaine does best which is to put on a cheerful face and convince a room full of loved ones that he’s fine, but he doesn’t have to do that in this car. Not in Kurt’s presence.  
There’s a free spot right by Blaine’s apartment building so he pulls into it and turns the car off. It’s even more quiet now; the hum of the engine had been giving them some kind of music and it’s confronting now that it’s gone. He waits. Blaine seems settled in his seat. He’s staring at the sidewalk, curved in on himself but grounded, grounded to the space next to Kurt.  
“Are you okay?”
Blaine’s shoulders lift, “I’ve had better birthdays.”
Kurt thinks that’s all he’s going to say but then he keeps going, his tone lightening a little bit.
“Do you remember that time you paid for all of the Warblers to fly into the city to surprise me?”
Kurt laughs, melodic and sweet at the memory, “I overshot my budget a lot that year.”
“I couldn’t understand why you wanted to go to the top of the Empire State so badly on my birthday,” Blaine laughs too.  
“God, it was so stressful. Rachel was helping me co-ordinate it all but there was no service in the subway, and I had no idea if they were all in position and ready, and you were being... difficult, to say the least.”
“I wanted to go to Benny’s.”
That makes Kurt smile. It had been for Blaine’s twenty-first birthday. It was a big deal. And all Blaine wanted to do was get a milkshake from their favourite diner. Maybe share a plate of fries. Nothing big or fancy – just dinner in a place they discovered together. “If I remember correctly, I took you to Benny’s afterwards.”
“You did,” Blaine confirms. And then, with an odd mixture of wist and sadness, “I can’t believe you did all of that for me.”
“Is this your way of telling me you hate the watch?” and it’s an attempt to lighten the mood back up. He reaches for Blaine’s wrist and picks it up, admiring the new silver and ignoring the way it makes him feel to have Blaine’s skin under his palm.  
“I love the watch.”
They catch each other’s eyes and oh, here it is. He almost got away with it.  
“What did you mean tonight?”
Kurt drops his wrist.  
“When you said it didn’t have to be you, but I deserved better?”
He looks straight ahead, the heat from Blaine’s stare burning into his cheek. He doesn’t know how to tell this lie again.  
“Do you want me to be brave?” he asks, almost wanting permission to be.
Blaine nods, resolute. “I want you to be honest.”
Okay. There’s the permission. And he keeps it simple. “It doesn’t have to be me, but I want it to be.”
Blaine nods again, barely surprised. “Why didn’t you tell me this when we were seven?”
“Seven-year-olds aren’t in love yet.”
“We were.”  
And maybe they were, or maybe they fell into it somewhere along the way, but one thing is for sure.  
They definitely are now.  
Blaine looks like he wants to kiss Kurt but doesn’t, mumbles a little incoherently about needing to sort some things out first which they both know means breaking up with his useless boyfriend, and then he squeezes Kurt’s hand.  
Just as Blaine’s reaching for the door handle, Kurt can’t help but ask him something.  
“What would your superpower be?”
Blaine looks a little confused, and then the context of his old obsession sinks in and his eyes crinkle as he laughs. And once his laughter settles, he thinks about it. “Time travel.”
He means: I wish I could go back to that day in Eighth Grade when we came out to each other and explain that you were the reason I knew, or, I wish I could go back to that party we went to when we were 17 and instead of getting horrendously drunk, kiss you instead, or, I wish I could go back to that night at your first apartment in New York when we argued and hold your hand instead. And Kurt knows that’s what he means.  
“What about you?”
Kurt sets him with a look that is love, and adoration, and hope, and says, “I’m gonna go back to my original answer.”
“The Matilda thing?”
And he remembers. Of course he remembers. 
“Yeah. The Matilda thing.”
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Klaine it up! 2, 7, 12, 21, 50
Okay...I got this. PROMPTS FOUND HERE
2 - you accidentally sprayed them with yogurt when you open the lid the wrong way. 
This was not Kurt Hummel’s first time opening yogurt but it might’ve well have been. He was sitting at a picnic table in Central Park on his lunch break from Vogue.com having just picked up a BLT, sweeten iced tea, and strawberry yogurt from his newfound favorite sandwich shop. It just happened to be two blocks down from the Vogue offices too. 
After eating half a sandwich, he found himself watching three young girls practicing their hula-hooping skills. Of course, while entranced by the colorful swirls of plastic, Kurt grabbed his low-fat yogurt and pulled at the lid, and the minute he did another man was being dragged by his golden retriever over to Kurt’s table. 
Before he could stop it, a splash of light pink yogurt was splattered across the front of a bright blue polo. 
“Shit, I am so sorry,” they both said. 
Kurt had a lap full of puppy and the man covered in yogurt. 
“She’s really friendly and has a fondness for bacon,” the man said, gesturing to the sandwich. “And who can blame her.” 
With that comment, Kurt pushed his meal away slightly. Out of reach of the dog’s mouth. 
“I usually am way more careful with my food,” Kurt said. 
The handsome man only laughed, “it’s no big deal, do you happen to have a napkin?” 
“Oh yes!” Kurt reached into his bag to grab one. 
“Thanks,” he said, “come here, Lacey.” 
The puppy sat right at his side and waited. Kurt stood up to wipe the yogurt away while the man kept Lacey still. 
“I can...” he started to say but Kurt was already pulling away having cleaned it up the best he could. 
“Lacey and I also share a fondness for cute boys but I don’t suppose...” he trailed off, blushing. 
Kurt still wasn’t used to being flirted with but this wasn’t small town, Ohio. 
“And who can blame you,” Kurt replied, already grabbing a pen and paper from his bag to write on. 
7 - you both do the side-to-side dance when you try to pass them in the grocery store aisle
Kurt told his dad to pick up an extra heavy whipping cream three days ago when Burt asked if Kurt needed any other ingredients for Thanksgiving dessert. He told him. 
“I only need 3 things: dark chocolate, heavy whipping cream, and almond extract.” 
Burt had gotten everything but Kurt needed whipping cream for both the chocolate mousse itself and the whipped topping he planned to make. Now he was at the crowded grocery store one day prior to Thanksgiving. Exactly where he didn’t want to be. 
 Of course, every grocery store made you walk all the way to the back of the store for dairy products. I’ll just grab milk and eggs real quick, you think, then suddenly you have a cart full of snacks you didn’t need. 
Kurt found the red and white carton fairly quick. He backed up and started to make his way to the self-checkout. Before he could think about the temptation of potato chips, he was stopped by another body. 
They both stopped and shifted their feet to make way for the other. From right to left and back again for several seconds before both falling into pits of laughter. Kurt looked into deep hazel eyes that twinkled at him. He wondered how long he could do this dance just to stare at them some more. 
“That’s my fault, I came around the corner too quick,” he said. 
Not quick enough, Kurt thought, we could’ve fallen to the floor. You on top of me would be quite nice. 
“No, it’s all me,” Kurt replied, “I should’ve been watching where I was going.” 
He fumbles into his pocket for a business card. Isabel’s one-month anniversary gift. 
“If you’re in town longer than tomorrow, I’d love to buy you some coffee as an apology,” Kurt said, handing the card over. 
“Oh.” Kurt watched him scan the card, flipping it over in his hands. “I’d love to, Kurt.” 
A shiver ran down his spine. Maybe he should thank his dad for forgetting the cream. 
12 - you kick a ball and your shoe flies off, hitting them in the back of your head
Blaine used to hate having an older brother. Growing up, he felt constantly in competition with Cooper’s larger-than-life personality. Now that Cooper had settled down in LA with Lisa, his wife, and had two wonderful kids, having an older sibling didn’t seem too bad.
It was summer break, Blaine was free to leave the confines of his NYU dorm room. He was trying to get lost in the sunshine of California to forget he was about to start his final year of college. Time with his niece and nephew was sure to put any nervousness out of his head. 
They were playing soccer in the park when it happened. It was bound to. Everyone in LA was hot. It was like the law. 
Cute boys and Blaine’s non-existence coordination weren’t a good mix. 
Blaine went to kick the ball and caught sight of a bicep. An unusually pale bicep. A rare sight in sunny Los Angles. Arms, Blaine fantasized, he’d love to see wrapped around him or possibly pushing his legs apart. 
He was sure he tighten his laces. This is why Blaine Anderson didn’t wear sneakers. Missed the ball by an inch but the force of his kick sent something flying through the air directly towards the cute guy: a sneaker. 
It happened so fast, Blaine heard the yell of surprise before realizing his sock was exposed. Once he realized what happened, he rushed over to the man. 
“Fuck, I am so sorry,” Blaine said. “Can I do anything?” 
“Well, an aspirin would be great,” the man teased. 
Blaine sat in the grass and chuckled. Still extremely embarrassed. 
“Not exactly the fairytale I always dreamed of.” 
“Fairytale?” Blaine asked, scrunching up his nose in confusion. 
“Cinderella,” he said, like it was obvious, “a lost shoe as it were.” 
“I’m not Cinderella,” Blaine told him, “sorry to say. I’m more of a Blaine.” 
“It’s nice to meet you.” 
“I do believe this is yours,” Kurt said, handing over the shoe. 
21 - Almost spilling a drink because you met their eyes and got distracted thinking how cute they are. 
His dad always said pour your drinks yourself. Blaine became that friend who grabbed drinks for everyone for this reason exactly. He wasn’t sure what the occasion was exactly but his study buddy from his songwriting workshop invited him. It was at some loft in Bushwick but Blaine didn’t mind the adventure. 
Until tonight he had no reason to venture to this part of the city. 
“Blaine!” Elliott exclaimed, pushing a solo cup into his hand, “Drink up, karaoke at eleven!” 
Then he disappeared into the crowd. Blaine headed straight for the kitchen and poured the toxic mixture down the sink. He found a new cup and started reading the labels of the bottles spread out across the counter. Mixers and any alcohol of your choice seemed to be available. 
Rum and coke sounded good. He went into the fridge for a cold soda first. Blaine was happy the kitchen was empty he wasn’t quite ready to start making friends. As far as he knew, Elliott was the only friendly face here tonight. 
He poured the rum in for some semblance of tracking his alcohol intake. The last time he got drunk, he dialed the professor he TA-ed for, who thankfully overlooked that incident. Blaine cracked open the coke and while he poured surveying the living room. 
People were dancing to an upbeat pop song that Blaine strangely didn’t recognize and others were mingling in doorways or sat on scattered sofas and chairs chatting. He caught a pair of blue eyes in the crowd. 
The man they were attached to was stunning. If he hadn’t blinked, Blaine could’ve mistaken him for a marble statue carved by the gods. They didn’t lose eye contact as he walked towards the kitchen. It wasn’t until the man stood on the other side of the counter that Blaine noticed his hand was covered in soda. 
“Papers towels are behind you,” the man offers. 
Blaine set the now empty can down and spun around for paper towels to clean up his mess. 
Just great, he thought, make a fool out of yourself. That’ll score you some points. 
He cleans up his hand before wiping down the puddle of bubbling coke on the counter. 
“I don’t think we’ve met,” he continues, “and this is my party so I like to know all my guests.” 
“Your party?” Blaine stutters. 
“It’s my birthday.” 
“I’m Blaine,” he introduces. “Elliott invited me. We have a class together.” 
“Oh, you’re Blaine. From songwriting workshop.” 
“That’s me.” 
Elliott’s obviously talked about him before to this man. This gorgeous, completely out of Blaine’s league man. 
“God, he’s relentless,” he says. “I’m going to kill him.” 
“Um, might I ask why? I can leave if there’s an issue.” Blaine knows when he isn’t welcome. 
“No, no,” he replies, “don’t go. It’s just he’s been trying to set us up for months now.” 
It all clicks.
“Oh god, you’re Kurt.” 
“That’s me, the birthday boy. and you are Elliott’s idea of the best gift ever.”
Blaine blushes. “I don’t know if I can I've up to that but if I can have the next dance I can try.” 
Kurt nods. “I’d like that, Blaine. A lot.” 
50 - getting paired up on an amusement park ride that requires even-numbered riders
All of Kurt’s friends hated rollercoasters. Rachel didn’t like heights, Elliott refused to do anything with loops, and Santana, well, she was too caught up in her new girlfriend to be bothered. 
“I only wanna hear screaming tonight,” she told him. 
So, Kurt waited in line himself. Some fun day at Coney Island this was turning out to be. He was so glad he was spending the day with friends. Kurt rolled his eyes. 
The woman directing the ride gave Kurt his row number and moved down the line. Behind him someone tapped on his shoulder, Kurt turned around and found himself looking at a curly-haired man around his age. 
“Guess we’re both odd men out then, I’m the single rider in my group today.” 
“Oh, um, no, my friends were too chicken to even ride,” Kurt said. 
“I’m really surprised Wes and David are good to go. They both hate being upside-down.” 
Kurt smiled.
“I'm Blaine, by the way.”
The ride emptied out and Kurt crawled over to the far seat. They buckled themselves in and listened to the instructions to keep all body parts inside at all times. Then, the bar came down and the ride launched. 
After the ride ended, Blaine and Kurt were chatting all the way down. Wes and David trailing behind them.
“That second loop really threw me,” Blaine was saying. 
“I saw,” Kurt exclaimed, “I thought you were going to fall out of your seat.” 
“Downfalls of being short and compact.”
When three more people joined their day at the park, no one questioned it. 
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lilyvandersteen · 4 years ago
The Christmas Guest Chapter 9
Tumblr media
Author’s Note: Are you ready for some Klaine kisses? I’m sure you are, so enjoy :-)
Read Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 and Chapter 5, the Interlude, Chapter 6, Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 here on Tumblr, or read the story on AO3 or FF.net.
Chapter 9: Kisses
Kurt woke up in what seemed like the middle of the night when all of a sudden, he went from toasty warm to cold. Where was that duvet? Oh, there it was!
Kurt tucked it close around and underneath him and tried to nod off again. He’d almost succeeded when the duvet was cruelly snatched loose again and a pillar of ice - or was it a boulder of granite? - was shoved against his back. He shivered and tried to push it away, but it wouldn’t budge. Gradually, the stone slab warmed up and softened around him, but not before he’d woken up enough to realize it was actually Blaine’s body. Why he’d ventured out of bed at such an ungodly hour was anybody’s guess, and Kurt hoped he’d make no more such excursions. He wanted to sleep at night, damn it, and preferably until he felt fully rested, thank you very much.
He tried to slip back into sleep, but now he felt too disgruntled and keyed up to manage that. He stayed still and tried to empty his mind. That wasn’t easy, because he was hyperaware of Blaine’s presence – his chest pressed against Kurt’s back, his legs entwined with Kurt’s, his arm slung over Kurt’s waist, his warm hand on top of Kurt’s and his thumb moving back and forth in a soothing pattern.
And then Kurt let out a wordless gasp, because
 was that really a love declaration he’d just heard from Blaine? Surely, that was Blaine being sleep-drunk and not realizing whom exactly he was in bed with, right? Right?
Blaine seemed to fall asleep right after that, but Kurt lay awake staring at the ceiling until he heard Carole get up, and decided to go downstairs too. Might as well make a nice Christmas breakfast for everybody, now that he couldn’t sleep anyway.
Carole looked surprised when he entered the kitchen, and then worried. “Are you okay, honey? Is your throat troubling you again?”
Kurt shook his head and helped himself to coffee. “Just couldn’t sleep anymore, so I came here to do some baking.”
By the time Blaine showed up, Finn had already had three helpings of French toast and was pestering Kurt to take his Christstollen out of the oven already so that he could have a slice. “Mom won’t let me have more French toast, ‘cause Blaine hasn’t had any yet.”
Kurt rolled his eyes at his impatient brother, and ignored him as much as he could.
Blaine seemed uncomfortable when the time came to exchange Christmas presents, but cheered up when he remembered he had gifts in his luggage that were apparently generic enough to work just as well for the Hudmel family as they would have for the Andersons.
Looking up from the gifts he’d just unpacked, Kurt saw Blaine hug Carole and beam with pride when she thanked him. His father seemed just as pleased, inspecting a set of
 were those beer glasses?
As Carole had remarked before, Blaine seemed part of the family already. Kurt could so easily imagine a life with Blaine always by his side from now on. So clearly that it hurt to realize this might be snatched away from him as soon as their break was over and they had to head back to New York.
Kurt got a lump in his throat, and his eyes pricked. Once again, he found himself wishing that someway, somehow, they could untangle the mess they’d made of things and turn this into something real.
K & B
New Year’s Eve arrived, and though Kurt was looking forward to seeing his friends again, he was nervous as well. Rachel, he could deal with, but he hoped Mercedes would react well. She might be just as angry as Rachel that he hadn’t told her about Blaine yet. They hadn’t talked in several months, but still. And Santana was sure to be a nightmare. He hoped she wouldn’t scare Blaine off by asking him all sorts of invasive questions.
As usual when he felt stressed, he avoided everyone else in the house, and spent far more time choosing his outfit and getting ready than he otherwise would. He didn’t leave the sanctuary of his room until Finn threatened to leave without him.
At least all the prepping and fussing about his appearance hadn’t been for nothing. Blaine was gaping at him, struck speechless with admiration.
Well, that made Kurt feel much better already, so much that he didn’t even roll his eyes at his father’s loud warnings and instructions before they left.
When they arrived at the party, Rachel lit into Kurt at once, letting him have it for keeping silent about Blaine. After living with her for so long, Kurt knew Rachel inside out, and won the argument deftly, without so much as raising his voice.
Mentally high-fiving himself, he introduced Rachel to the newcomers, and then led the way to the makeshift bar, on high alert when he spotted Santana there.
He braced himself for crude remarks, but she let them go with barely an innuendo. He might have guessed she had other mischief on her mind, like tampering with their drinks. When Blaine pointed out she’d spiked them, Kurt felt his temper flare up, but he knew a confrontation with Santana never ended well for her opponent, so he just took a deep breath and slipped away to the kitchen for three soda cans.
Mercedes waylaid him as he was heading back. As he’d guessed, she wasn’t too pleased at being left out of the loop. Kurt weaseled out of that by telling her he had waited until he was sure Blaine was there to stay. “Every time I tell you I have met someone new, I’m always convinced it’s going well, and then after three dates, I find out they’re only in it for the hooking up. And I feel so ashamed, you know? So this time, I wanted to be sure this was going to last.”
Mercedes’ glower disappeared, and a thoughtful look replaced it. “And you think it is? You must, or you would never have taken him to meet your dad.”
Kurt nodded, and before he knew it, he was talking his friend’s ear off about Blaine, telling her how sweet and caring he was, how beautifully he sang, and how he had charmed everyone in the Hudmel household in two seconds flat. “He’s
 He’s amazing, ‘Cedes. I
 I could see myself marrying him. Not that
 I know it’s way too early to be thinking along those lines, I know, but
Mercedes grinned. “Aww, someone’s smitten.”
Kurt bit his lip. There was no denying that, unfortunately.
“Hey, I’m happy for you, boo. You deserve this. But he better treat you right, or I’ll rip him a new one.”
Kurt sneaked a look in Blaine’s direction, and saw to his horror that he was being interrogated by Tina.
Uh-oh, I need to go rescue him!
“You’re not listening to a word I say, are you?”
Startled, he whipped his head around, and saw Mercedes fake-pout at him.
“Sorry, ‘Cedes. You were saying?”
Mercedes shook her head, smiling. “We’ll talk later. You go and get back to your sweetheart.”
Kurt didn’t have to be told twice, and hurried to the love seat where Blaine was sitting. To his relief, Blaine was holding his own, telling Tina their fake meet cute story with relish, his eyes shining.
Kurt grinned happily and took over, pleased at how Tina lapped it all up.
When the story came to its end, Kurt saw Tina’s eyes flitting to Cathy, who was sitting next to them. Finn was nowhere near, and Cathy seemed very ill at ease.
Making a mental note to berate Finn for abandoning his girlfriend at a party where she knew practically no-one, Kurt turned the conversation to Tina, and she was only too happy to catch him up.
Mercedes joined them, and Kurt forgot about anything and anyone else as he chatted with her. It had been ages since their last phone call, and even longer since they’d seen each other in person, but their friendship was such that they could pick up where they had left off as if no time had passed at all.
Kurt was so focused on Mercedes that he was startled when Blaine asked him something.
Oh! Blaine! Oh wow, so much for berating Finn
 I’m just as bad as he is! No, even worse. I’m forgetting all about Blaine while sitting on his lap!
And what was that Blaine was saying?
Mercedes cottoned on faster than Kurt, and announced for the whole room that Kurt and Blaine were going to sing together.
Before Kurt knew it, Blaine was tugging him along to the karaoke stage. He felt off balance both mentally and physically, stumbling over his feet and not feeling at all ready to sing.
Blaine, instead of giving Kurt a minute to compose himself, laughed away his concerns, and then, just when Kurt was about to lose his temper, Blaine gave him a sweet kiss on the hand and a smile so sunny that it warmed him from within and made his anger melt away.
Okay, okay. I can do this. I can.
They chose a karaoke classic Kurt had sung before, and he was pleased to note that their voices blended extremely well. In that respect, too, Blaine was a great match.
Kurt beamed at Blaine when the song came to its end, feeling invigorated.
It took only one moment – and one infuriating friend – to ruin his mood. Rachel came to congratulate them, and in the same breath, she demanded to sing with Blaine too.
Blaine, as accommodating as ever, seemed willing to duet with Rachel, but Kurt wasn’t having any of it.
Too long had Rachel swooped in and taken everything Kurt had his eye on. Not this time. No.
He sent Rachel a death glare, and with a loud “No!”, he grabbed Blaine’s hand and led him away from her, his blood thrumming “Mine” with every step he took.
And then suddenly Santana was there blocking their way and taunting him, and Kurt’s frustration with this whole situation reached its boiling point, and he shouted at her to leave them alone.
Seconds later, he regretted his outburst, but the damage was done. Santana narrowed her eyes and smirked and started making insinuations, and he was so sick of this. It turned out being teased about your relationship wasn’t much fun when there was no actual relationship to make up for the teasing. Nothing but a sweet guy who went along with pretty much anything people asked of him. Not just Kurt, and he would do well to remember that. They’d established some kind of friendship, yes, but that was all.
Suddenly, he felt bone-weary, and his response was lackluster. How soon after midnight was too soon to leave a New Year’s party, anyway?
He turned to Blaine to tell him he was tired and wanted to go home, but before he could get the first word out, Blaine gave him an intense look, cupped his face in both hands and kissed him.
It wasn’t a gentle peck on the lips. Blaine’s kiss was deep and heady from the start, as if he wanted to tap into Kurt’s very essence.
Kurt, reeling inside, grabbed onto Blaine like a lifeline, because his legs felt like rubber all of a sudden, and his head was all woozy.
Wow. So that’s what kisses are supposed to be about. I’ve been missing out.
As soon as he’d gotten over his initial surprise, Kurt got with the program and started kissing back, winding his arms around Blaine’s middle, closing his eyes and just enjoying the moment.
He would gladly have kissed Blaine the whole night through, but reality intervened, in the form of a very drunk Quinn bumping into him and jolting him out of his kiss-induced haze.
“Sorry,” she slurred, but Kurt paid more attention to the countdown going on. “Six! Five!”
So it wasn’t New Year yet? Then why had Blaine kissed him all of a sudden?
“Four! Three! Two! One! Happy New Year!!”
Everyone around them cheered, and Blaine moved in for another kiss, this one soft and sweet.
“Happy New Year,” Blaine whispered.
“Happy New Year.”
Kurt hoped his face didn’t show all the questions that were running through his head. They still had appearances to keep up, after all. They could discuss this when they were back in his bedroom.
Blaine gave Kurt a soft smile and moved in to nuzzle and kiss his neck.
Ooh, that feels good!
Kurt’s eyes snapped shut of his own accord, and he threw his head back to allow Blaine better access.
Moments later, a voice broke through the thick haze of arousal.
“Ugh, take your soft porn somewhere we don’t have to see it!”
Santana. Apparently, she hadn’t left when they started kissing.
Kurt opened his eyes to tell her she’d done worse with Brittany right in front of him, but before he could speak, someone else said, “Speak for yourself, San. I’m enjoying the show, boys, don’t stop!”
Quinn! Behind her, Sugar, Rachel, Tina and Mercedes were grinning and nodding, and even Puck looked intrigued. The only one who looked slightly nauseated was Finn, but Cathy was beaming at Kurt and winking.
“I think we’re ready to go home,” Kurt announced. “Finn, Cathy, are you coming with us or do you want to stay a bit longer?”
The four of them walked home in silence. Kurt’s head was still overflowing with questions, but he didn’t want Finn to overhear anything, so he kept them all inside.
He shivered in the crisp winter night, and Blaine immediately slung an arm around his waist and pulled him close.
And it was. Kurt happily basked in the body heat Blaine provided, and looked forward to having Blaine warm his icy feet in bed.
They snuck in silently. Finn had clearly decided that if Blaine could sleep over, then so could Cathy. Finn threw Kurt a defiant look, daring him to say something, but seemed only fair to Kurt, so all he said was “Goodnight” before he led Blaine upstairs.
They undressed in silence, and it wasn’t until they were snug in bed, Kurt soaking up Blaine’s heat greedily, that they spoke. Both at the same time.
“Why did you kiss me?”/ “Sorry for kissing you without asking first.”
Kurt turned to look at Blaine. In the moonlight, his expression was serious, and his eyes soft and pleading.
 didn’t mind. I just wondered
Blaine ducked his head. “Santana was
 I thought
 It seemed like a good idea at the time. To allay suspicions.”
Kurt digested this. “So it was just for show?”
Blaine swallowed before he answered, his Adam’s apple going up and down, and then he shook his head.
With bated breath, Kurt waited for him to say something more.
“I like you, okay?” Blaine then whisper-shouted. “I know we got thrown into this by a misunderstanding, and we’re not really boyfriends, but I would like to. You’re amazing, Kurt. And these past few day have shown me that we click really well. Do you think
 Would you want to
And then it was Kurt moving in for a kiss, clumsy and off-center and full of teeth because they were both grinning into it.
“Yes. Yes yes yes, please. Let’s try this for real.”
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starpunchsoup · 3 years ago
top 5 glee eps? :)
quick confession before i actually answer this: i actually have a little notecard written with all of my favorite episodes (or ones that just make me really happy i guess) and it’s color coded and it’s a little embarassing just how hard i went on that
5) Blame It On The Alcohol - listen. this episode has a lot of problems. not a huge fan of kurt being defensively biphobic (although it’s not a deal breaker for me - a lot of people REALLY hate that scene and it ruined kurt for them which i can sort of understand but i don’t think it was a huge deal) and. god i kinda hate will’s plot line in this episode LMFAO. the voicemail always makes me die a little bit. HOWEVER - this episode is FUNNY AS HELL. ‘why don’t you crack open a fourloko, count boozy von drunk a ton’ is always a one hit KO for me. sue pushing the aural intensity coach down the stairs is so fucking funny. this episode is honestly mid tier at best, but idk. i think it’s funny and i love seeing kurt pine and the music was super fun and this episode just makes me smile (and i love beiste being there for will!!! i wish beiste would’ve been will’s best person at his wedding instead of finn tbh 👀)
4) The Power of Madonna - this episode is so good!!! i feel like some of the more musical themed episodes fall a little flat on plot, but i adore the plot of this one. and there are some super iconic lines from this one (my growing feminism will slice you in half like a righteous blade of equality! mercedes is black, i’m gay - we make culture). and jesse st james???? like admittedly sometimes he gets on my nerves but he’s actually so genuine in this episode, it’s clear he actually cares about rachel by this point. “come out so we can talk. or at least sing about it.” like yes he’s also a dramatic theatre nerd but that’s always how rachel gets her feelings out so offering to sing about it (i think, at least) is so sweet. also i mean. it’s MADONNA. the music is PHENOMENAL. listening to 4 Minutes genuinely makes me feel like the gina linetti headphones meme. express yourself is so fun and cute. THE VOGUE RECREATION IS SO GOOD AND ICONIC. definitely a comfort episode for me
3) New New York - this episode is a favorite partially because the first time i saw it, i was hanging out with an old friend of mine and while i don’t talk to her at all anymore, whenever i watch this episode i remember being in her room and petting her cat and it was a very good time! but also this is just such a solid episode top to bottom. we see rachel enter queen diva mode yet again, but this time it’s artie who helps her wake up from it which i think was smart and helped make the NYC friend circle feel a little bit more cohesive. also the klaine content! the blam content! the kelliott content! glitter rock vampire!!!!! mercedes showing up at the end!! what’s not to love
2) Never Been Kissed - listen i’m aware i’m a klaine stan first and foremost but that’s actually not the main reason why this is ranked so high. genuinely, it’s the music. this is the ONLY boys vs girls mashup episode where i feel like both teams fucking KILLED IT. every time i watch this episode, i change who i think won. and i know a lot of people hate the original ‘teenage dream’ because yes it is kind of overproduced and it is annoying when the music shows blaine singing two lines at the same time. however - i do not care, that song is so fucking good imo. i really hate the acoustic version in s4 just because it sounds so sad, the context really makes it hard for me to listen to. but blaine singing teenage dream the first time him and kurt meet

poetic cinema!!! i hate the beiste plot point because a. it’s just kind of uncomfortable but b. beiste always deserved better!!!! sometimes i forget that the main plot point IS everyone thinking about beiste because genuinely the music is the main highlight of the ep and i try not to think about how disrespectful that was to one of my fav mckinley faculty members ever
1) Original Song - this will never not be my favorite episode. this episode has EVERYTHING. it’s funny, it’s sad, it’s romantic, it’s awkward, this episode is honestly peak glee to me. season two is probably my favorite season because of that, i feel like the whole season did a very good job of staying in its lane and i love that. i love the sadness of pavarotti dying and santana feeling rejected by brittany, to the absolute hilarity of ‘only child’ and ‘trouty mouth’. i love how this episode flat out has quinn saying “rachel deserved better than to live in lima being stuck by finns side, i’ll take that bullet for her so she can go be a star.” and honestly “get it right” is one of my favorite glee songs ever. when rachel sings “so finally someone will see/how much i care” i literally get goosebumps every single fucking time. also i love how “loser like me” was more of a love song to kurt than it was a ‘fuck you’ to sue? like “i’ll get you back when i’m your boss” i headcanon was written by puck because he always admired how kurt knew he was destined for greater things than being tossed into dumpsters. the girls are wearing doc martens which kurt wears all the time!!! can you imagine the ND girls going thrifting to try and find shoes so they can support their bestie from the stage đŸ„șđŸ„ș and that’s why kurt is the first person to jump to his feet and dance along!!! they’re all besties!!!! like deadass klaine getting together isn’t even a top three moment from this episode for me, which should tell you a lot considering how much i love those two. also MCR gets mentioned a bunch??? like i have never listened to their cover of ‘sing’ in its entirety because it kills me inside - i genuinely love my chemical romance a lot. so whenever they get mentioned i always kind of giggle about it lmfao
i’m sorry this was a whole ass essay but thank you so much for asking anon!!!! 💞
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brittelizzabeth · 4 years ago
sunshine twins headcanons?
thank you for the ask Nico 💕! I’ve been waiting for this question all my lifeeeee *dramatic voice*
season 2
Brittany ships Klaine since day one
Blaine thinks she’s precious and he gets her
Brittany, Puck and Sue have a group chat called “Klaine ❀”
season 3
Brittany was so welcoming to Blaine when he transferred to McKinley
Blaine liked her immediately and they started to hang out
Blaine obviously knew that Brittany was bisexual and he always supported her
They hang out with Mike a lot because they are dance besties. They go to Brittany’s house and rehearse and have fun together
Brittany was so exited to repeat senior year and spend more time with Blaine
He promised Santana he would take care of Britt while she was in college
season 4
They are best friends
Brittany and Puck cried when Kurt and Blaine broke up
They became closer because both of them missed their loves
They have sleepovers every Friday night
They watch movies and play games and do fashion shows in Blaine’s room
Blaine’s mom loves Britt and she treats her like a daughter
They gossip during lunch
They hold hands when they go shopping
Blaine took Brittany to Disneyland on her birthday and they had a blast
Brittany wrote a song for Blaine called My Sunshine. He cried when she sang it
Blaine takes notes during classes - with all the colors - because he knew Brittany wasn’t paying attention and she would need help later
He helped every day after school and she thanked him with tie dye bowties. He hated the bowties but he was just so happy to see her cute face when she gave him one
They had a great senior year
One night they were drunk and they decided to get a tattoo. They have a rainbow tattoo to remember that time of their friendship and how much they loved each other
Blaine was truly sad when Britt left to MIT and he wrote her a song called Unicorn
Brittany asked Blaine to take care of everyone in the glee club because they were precious and she didn’t want them to be robbed
She also asked him to be particularly supportive of Sam
season 5
Blaine calls her everyday and Brittany sends him postcards every week
They have a lot of fun in New York and go to festivals all the time
Brittany loves cronuts too
They watched Harry Potter AGAIN with costumes
season 6
Blaine was so happy for his bestie wedding
Brittany was clearly a part of Sue’s plan and they planned it in the group chat with Puck
She told Santana (crying) that Blaine is Kurt’s lobster (quoting Phoebe Buffay from friends)
Brittany calls Blaine to gossip about the newbies
After I lived
Blaine and Kurt spend a lot of with Brittana’s kids when they are in town
Blaine and Kurt live in New York and Brittany and Santana live in Lima
Kurt tells Blaine to not give the kids ice cream ALL THE TIME but he still does
The celebrate their anniversaries together
Brittany is Klaine’s first kid’s godmother. It was supposed to be Rachel but she and Puck demanded to be godmother and godfather
They have game night - like in say in all of my headcanons - and Blaine and Kurt join them through Skype
They are Hufflepuffs
They sing Shout every time they go to karaoke night
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