#druig's kids
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"Strawberry Cream Frosting" - Next Gen Eternals AU
Summary: Ikaris and Sephia's son fell in love with Thena and Gilgamesh's daughter. Chaos ensues.
Warning(s): Fluff, accidental love-bombing, Thena and Gil being the best adoptive parents EVER, Mara can't process emotions for shit
Author's Note: HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY TO ONE AND ALL! I hope everyone had a wonderful day reading a bunch of fics and looking at fan edits!
When Mara opened the front door, she had her baseball bat ready and was prepared to give whatever fucking dumb solicitor was on the doorstep, ringing the doorbell for the tenth time on a Saturday morning.
She wasn’t expecting…whatever the hell this was.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!”
It was a giant box that looked about four cubic feet big and was wrapped in shiny red wrapping paper, pink ribbons, and glitter. On the top was a little sign stating, ‘Bee my Valentine?’ with a little crochet bee keychain attached.
Mara just stood under Gil- her parents’ doorway for thirty seconds. She didn’t say anything. She just blinked at the giant package- until she blurted out the first coherent enough thought in her mind.
“What the fuck?”
A head popped from behind the…thing, and suddenly, it all made sense.
Laurie. And from how insane his hair looked, he decided it was a good idea to fly from Scotland to Ka’ena Point, Oahu.
“Happy First Valentine’s Day!” he exclaimed before shaking the box for emphasis. As if she couldn’t notice how fucking gargantuan it was from just staring at it.
“…Laurie, what the hell am I looking at?” Mara asked. She pointed at it. “Is Arthur in there with a confetti cannon?”
Laurie furrowed his brow in confusion. “What? Oh! No, I know it’s a little big. But it’s your first Valentine’s Day, and I wanted to do something nice be–”
“What the hell is ‘Valentine’s Day’?” Mara interrupted. “Is it like a food day or something?”
“You don’t know what Valentine’s Day is?” he gaped.
She shook her head. “No…what’s the big deal? Is it like that Christmas thing I went to with the small boxes under the tree?”
The mega-watt smile Laurie flashed to her made Mara slightly worried. Despite how predictable he was, Mara could never get a good read on the guy. He wasn’t dangerous- that much was obvious. But whenever he and Mara were in the same room, he would act like he was glued to her hip. It didn’t help that Uri and Arthur immediately clicked on their first meeting.
And it really didn’t help when she shoved a shotgun in his face before his dad with the pew-pew eyes slammed her against the ground by her neck.
“Don’t make that face,” she ordered. “I don’t like that face.”
But Laurie wasn’t listening. He was jumping on the balls of his feet in excitement. “I have to teach you about it! It’ll be lots of fun, I promise! We can do a bunch of stuff! Wait, just let me–”
Mara moved to the side to let him in. “Oh, yeah. Just–”
He set the heavily decorated box on the ground before asking if he could use the bathroom. She pointed it down the hall. When he was out of sight, Mara tried to lift the box to see how heavy it was, and- holy shit, it must have been over thirty pounds.
How the fuck did that tall-ass twig carry this?
She felt a different heat presence behind her- whipping her head, she calmed down when she realized it was only Gil.
“My dad, everyone,” Mara thought wryly while wearing. “The powerhouse of strength in the Eternals, wearing a ‘Kiss the Chef’ apron.”
“Why was Laurie at the door? And what’s in that box?” he asked while holding his famous quiche in a hot cast-iron pan without gloves.
Mara just shrugged. “Hell, if I know. He said it was for Valentine’s Day or something like that.”
“Ohhhh,” Gil smiled. “For Valentine’s Day? And that big box is all for you? That’s Sephie’s kid for you all right.”
“What’s Sephie’s kid?” came a new voice.
Turning her head, Mara watched Thena walk down the stairs carrying Uri on her hip. It still baffled her to witness how the ancient goddess never had a bad case of bedhead the entire time she and her brother lived with her and Gil.
Gil answered. “Laurie came to visit, giving a certain someone a gift for Valentine’s Day.”
Mara’s dad wiggled his eyebrows at his daughter before setting the quiche down on the table while she rolled her eyes at what he was implying.
Uri looked at his sister and then Thena before tugging on his mom's sleeve.
“What’s Valentine’s Day?” he signed.
Smiling at her sunshine son, Thena explained. “It’s a day humans made to celebrate love. You spend it with friends and the people you love. When you love someone very much, you ask them to be your ‘Valentine.’”
She bopped his nose with a finger and softly laughed from hearing his contagious giggles. Mara smiled, too. Uri’s happiness was infectious. His smile alone was her reason for fighting and running as long as she had. She’d do anything to ensure he was safe, which made her happy to know it paid off.
He signed another question. “If my Valentine has to be someone I love lots, does that mean you, Mara, and Daddy will be my Valentine? Or can I only pick one?”
Mara replied as she reached out to hold him. “You can have as many valentines as you want, Uri. No need to ration out the love.”
She pressed a kiss on his chubby cheek. Peace washed over her when he pressed a loud kiss on hers before wrapping his arms around her neck to hug his sister. Uri was the sunniest sunshine summer child to be born. He radiated comfort with his entire being. There was more love and warmth in his toothy grin than…anything. He was her whole world, and she was his. That was enough.
Laurie walked back into view. “Hey, Uri! How’ve you been?”
Uri smiled wide before wildly clapping. He loved Laurie and his family. He mostly loves Ari, Laurie’s baby brother, who became Uri’s best friend after two minutes of meeting him.
She still remembers how Thena decked their dad after he asked if Uri gave his son any drugs after seeing them spin in circles in the dirt. Mara laughed so hard that tears came pouring out of her eyes.
Laurie put his hand to cover his mouth and loudly whispered in Uri’s ear. “Do you think I can take your sister out today? I want to teach her about Valentine’s Day.”
This distressed Uri as he scrunched his face while clinging tighter to Mara. He adapted wonderfully when Thena and Gil took them in, but he hated being separated from his sister for any period. The first day of her new school was a complete shit show because he cried while she was gone.
“But, I promise that I will bring her back shortly. We’ll even bring you souvenirs!”
Uri looked at her in confusion.
“Presents,” she clarified. “I’ll still be your Valentine, and we can go out and look for some pretty shells tomorrow, okay? You can show them to all your fishy friends.”
Although he liked the idea of presents and spending all of tomorrow with his favorite person in the whole world, Uri still didn’t want Mara to go- at least not without him.
“Why don’t we eat breakfast first? Laurie, can you help Uri get ready? I need to make sure Gil doesn’t dose his coffee with any booze.” She handed her brother to her…friend before going to the kitchen.
Gil had a big fucking smirk on his face when she walked in.
Mara snarled as she grabbed the apron he and Thena made for her as a new home present. “Not a fucking word. I don’t want to hear it. By the way, do we have any cinnamon rolls left in the freezer?”
He only smiled wider. “I wasn’t going to say anything. And we do. Why do you ask?”
Taking the leftover rolls, she preheated the oven. She then grabbed some oranges from the basket on the floor. Slicing them in half before setting the sieve over the plastic pitcher, and taking one half of an orange over the sieve. Taking a deep breath, Mara centered herself.
“Karla,” the name echoed in her mind as the soul covered her hand, and Mara squeezed the orange until the pulp was dry.
She took the rinds and absorbed the remaining qi inside it as a tribute of thanks for her friend’s help. Karla was the youngest and wasn’t called on as much as her other sisters, so Mara wanted to include her in something. The warmth on her skin when she returned to her ink-painted nest was a sign she appreciated the gesture.
Thena walked in and stood behind you. “You should go with Laurie.”
“Why?” she groaned out. “I don’t feel like it.”
The oven dinged once adequately preheated, and Mara plopped the rolls on the rack. She grabbed a metal mixing bowl and all the ingredients to make the cream cheese frosting- including some crushed-up freeze-dried strawberry slices. After measuring them and placing them in the bowl, she started to stir.
“You need more friends,” the two ancient beings spoke in unison.
Thena pressed a kiss on her daughter's head. “You don’t talk to anyone at school. And you can’t spend all your free time surfing, at the shop, playing with Uri, and studying.”
Gil pulled in for a giant bear hug. “Hey, no pressure. But you have to admit, it’ll be a nice change to have someone spoil you for once. And with a tall, pretty boy, too.”
Mara glared at her adoptive dad as he moved past her to get to the bathroom. She tried to fight down the red blush blooming on her cheeks. But she only continued to stir the bowl until it became thick and made the color she wanted.
“I get spoiled enough by the two of you as is,” she grumbled. “And also–”
Laurie and Uri, coming into the kitchen, cut Mara off. “We’re here! And I made sure Uri brushed his teeth and flossed. And – woah, Mara! Why is your face so red? Are you sick?”
He put down Uri and raced to her side. He put his hand on her forehead to take her temperature and used his other one to touch his for comparison. He was so close that she could smell the wind on his skin and the mint toothpaste on his breath. Mara stared at his face- how were his eyelashes so long? And why were his eyes so blue? She felt her face heat up even more and cleared her throat before turning her head.
“It’s nothing,” she croaked. “Can you…can you help Thena set the table? The plates and cups are in the overhead cabinets, and the utensils are in the drawers.”
Laurie moved to grab everything to help set up the table on the outside deck. Mara watched as Thena cupped his face with a warm smile and told him how tall and strong he was becoming. Gil returned and ruffled his air before asking if he was still set on becoming a doctor with how much his muscles had grown. Uri tugged on his sleeve to ask if Ari had missed him as much as he missed him.
This was the part of Laurie that Mara could never figure out how he fit in perfectly and seamlessly without issue or error in any situation. She could analyze and pinpoint a person’s position and physical weaknesses with her abilities without blinking. Every living thing had a heat signature that she could exploit.
But with Laurie…she didn’t want to do that to him. It was like his weaknesses only made him more appealing to others. Ever since the girl first met him, he would follow her around like a puppy desperate for attention from its owner. It bugged her for months. And if she were being honest, it still did after a year of knowing him.
Mara couldn’t really explain it. But it was like...his warmth was inherent- it came from a softer place where only goodness existed. It was less of a raging inferno like her own and more like a gentle campfire. If Mara was a snake, then Laurie was a bunny. A bunny nearly six-foot-tall with clear blue eyes and light freckles–
The oven’s timer went off- breaking her out of the analogy and into reality. She took the rolls out using an oven glove and placed them on a cooling stone.
“Are those cinnamon rolls?”
Mara looked over her shoulder, and Laurie was crouching right behind her. His chin was practically on her shoulder.
She nodded. “You like them, right? You said your mom made them for you for breakfast on your…um…what’d you call it?”
He was giddy with glee. “My birthday! I told you that at Christmas! We were all at Brympton d'Evercy to celebrate Sersi’s and Dane’s engagement! I can’t believe you remembered that!”
Mara supposed the way he smiled was…sort of cute… nowhere near as blindly adorable as Uri’s, but attractive enough.
“Yeah…well, you did fly to give me that…thing. And you're even teaching me about this Valentine’s Day stuff. So, I thought…this could be my present to you.”
If Mara was facing Laurie, she would have seen the softest look of love and adoration grace an adolescent boy’s face in the history of humanity. Laurie loved Mara Drake so much. His dad said he was too young for dating- let alone love, but he knew they were destined for forever.
He wanted to kiss her so badly. But he wasn’t sure if he wanted to be pinned down like how he was when they first met.
Mara scraped the little dried spot on the kitchen island. She so did not like feeling as stupid as she did right now. But…she had a gut feeling Laurie was worth it.
“Um…I crushed some dry strawberry things and added them to the frosting. It turned pink, and I thought that was okay since I saw pink on the box and thought–”
“Cinnamon rolls are my favorite, and I love strawberries,” he whispered. “And pink…pink’s my favorite color after blue. It reminds me of my mom.”
“And if you have time, we can…go find some good spots for sea-shell hunting. Uri can take forever, and it’ll save me some time. I know it’s kind of shitty- especially because you’re doing this whole thing.”
“I love you.”
Mara choked on her own spit and turned her head in shock. Her eyes were bulging out of your head.
What- what did he say?
“What?” her voice cracked.
Now, it was Laurie’s time to turn red. Did he really just say that? And with Gil and Thena literally less than twenty feet away? Was he trying to get the love of his life to hate him forever? Oh fuck, he needed to backtrack.
“IT! I meant to say, ‘I love IT!’ I’d love to help you find seashells! I could even bring some for Ari and Aggie! Actually – they made some Valentine's gifts for you and your brother, too! Ari made this really cool card for Uri. He summoned a bunch of turquoise and made this cool heart! So, um…thanks.”
His voice cracked as he stammered to save himself before awkwardly pausing to express gratitude.
An awkward silence echoed as the awkward future couple mutually decided that their feet were the room's most exciting part.
And the dads decided to make it even worse.
Mara was caught so off-guard that she dropped the spatula in her hand. The pink frosting splattered all over the floor and would be a bitch to clean up.
“TELL HIM TO EAT A DICK AND FUCK OFF!” she yelled back as Laurie buried his face in his hands.
He really hoped Aggie had more luck not humiliating herself with Hamish the way he had with Mara.
Somewhere in Scotland, a little Ari sat on the couch with his mommy as she stroked his daddy’s hair. His daddy was lying in his mommy’s lap.
“Mama? Why is Da crying?” he innocently asked.
You only smiled. “Karma.”
At the same time, in the Amazon, a young girl was planning her and her forever love’s future wedding when she suddenly stood up and looked in the distance. Her future husband asked whatever was bothering his little lady love.
The young girl only sighed while shaking her head. “The idiot fucked up.”
Tagging: @ethereal-athalia, @valeskafics, @asa-do-your-thing, @arcielee, @jolixtreesunn, @beananacake, @redheadspark, @vikingqueen28, @lexyysworld, @lilacliquors, @tesha-i-guess, @tess-love, @inejismywife, @bumblebeesuniverse, @aphroditesmoon
Click on this link if you want to read more about this universe!
#eternals x reader#marvel x reader#druig x kaety#ikaris x sephia#ikaris kids#druig's kids#next generation of eternals#thena#gilgamesh#ikaris#druig#ikaris x reader#druig x reader#druig x oc#ikaris x oc#eternals au#valentines day#valentines day fic#ikaris imagine
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Fandom and Character Masterlist
Alastor, Angel Dust, Husk, Lucifer Morningstar, Lilith Morningstar, Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Cherry Bomb, Valentino, Vox, Velvet, Rosie, Blitzo, Stolas Goetia, Striker
Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn Kiramman, Ekko, Sevika, Silco, Marcus, Finn, Viktor, Jayce Talis, Mel Medarda, Ambessa Medarda, Cassandra Kiramman, Enforcer Grayson, Maddie Nolen, Steb, Loris
Jujutsu Kaisen
Ryomen Sukuna, Nanami Kento, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugusaki, Maki Zenin, Gojo Satoru, Yuta Okkotsu, Geto Suguru, Haruta Shigemo, Mahito, Junpei Yoshino, Choso, Toji Fushiguro
Boku no Hero Academia
Keigo Takami, Bakugo Katsuki, Izuku Midoriya, Dabi, Shoto Todoroki, Eijirou Kirishima, Aizawa Shouta, Tomura Shigaraki, Hitoshi Shinsou, Mirio Toogata
Twisted Wonderland
Riddle Rosehearts, Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Trey Clover, Cater Diamond, Leona Kingscholar, Jack Howl, Ruggie Bucchi, Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech, Floyd Leech, Kalim Al-Asim, Jamil Viper, Vil Schoenheit, Epel Felmier, Rook Hunt, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge, Silver, Sebek Zigvolt, Dire Crowley, Divus Crewel
Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra
Aang, Katara, Sokka, Zuko, Suki, Azula, Ty Lee, Mei, Jet, Korra, Asami Sato, Mako, Bolin, Kya II, Lin, Kuvira
Call of Duty
Simon “Ghost” Riley, John “Soap” MacTavish, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick, John Price, Alejandro Vargas
Blue Eye Samurai
Mizu, Akemi, Taigen
Honkai Star Rail
Blade, Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, Himeko, Sampo, Caelus, Gepard, Bronya, Serval, Welt, Kafka, Stelle, Luocha, Yukong, Fu Xuan, Luka, Argenti, Veritas Ratio, Gallagher, Aventurine, Jiaoqiu, Moze, Anaxa, Phainon, Mydei, Mr. Reca
Wuthering Waves
Calcharo, Jiyan, Rover, Aalto, Mortefi, Yuanwu, Scar, Xiangli Yao, Geshu Lin
Genshin Impact
Kaeya, Diluc, Itto, Gorou, Thoma, Ayato, Xiao, Al-Haitham, Kaveh, Cyno, Tighnari, Scaramouche, Dottore, Pantalone, Pierro, Childe, Arlecchino, Neuvillette, Wriothesley, Ororon, Dainsleif, Sethos, Zhongli
Zenless Zone Zero
Anton Ivanov, Lighter, Wise, Billy Kid, Von Lycaon, Seth Lowell, Asaba Harumasa
Love and Deepspace
Zayne, Rafayel, Xavier, Sylus, Caleb
Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Clark Kent, Connor Kent, Hal Jordan, Oliver Queen, Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Diana Prince, Selina Kyle, Harley Quinn, Tim Drake, Wally West, Garfield Logan, John Constantine
Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Bruce Banner, Thor, Loki, Druig, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, James “Logan" Howlett, Scott Summers, Remy Lebeau, Kurt Wagner, Stephen Strange, Carol Danvers, M'Baku, Peter Parker, Eddie Brock, King Valkyrie, Shang-Chi, Matt Murdock, Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley, Peter Quill
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— micaela's march recs

ty to all these amazing writers who have left me with butterflies in my stomach and/or tears rolling down my face, much appreciated <3

— anthony lockwood.
the language of longing by @fleetingvow
midnight talks by @websterss
↳ cuddle comfort

— neteyam.
tell me it's not true by @sullybby

— matt murdock.
paper rings by @sunflowerdjarin
i broke my heart for you by @atlaese
— bucky barnes.
little lion man by @wkemeup
↳ graveyard
— druig.
love me harder by @fireinmoonshot

— nikolai lantsov.
it looks better on you by @goldengoddess
pretty privateer by @magpiencrow
loving you is the antidote by @sumsebien
unbearable by @holden-caulfield
↳ a special occasion
speechless by @fishley
i'd choose you by @xsamsharons
↳ come here often?
↳ moi tsarevich
— kaz brekker.
inflicted desire by @meadowscarlet

— warren rojas/rhodes.
rhythm of our love by @mlwriting5
pretty lady by @hellogeegee

— fred weasley.
please don't touch the artwork by @writesowhatnext
— george weasley.
pretending is a gateway drug by @writesowhatnext
↳ it's so mysterious to me
↳ we're only getting older, baby
— theodore nott.
our secrets are burried shallow by @acosmis-t
— james potter.
saudade by @embrassemoi
a moment in the library by @heloisedaphnebrightmore
— sirius black.
the worst wingman by @theweasleysredhair
— remus lupin.
if it wasn't for you meddling kids by @writesowhatnext
the girl with the books by @solemnarration

— benedict bridgerton.
spare me a moment? by @iliveiloveiwrite
— anthony bridgerton.
brilliant plan by @heloisedaphnebrightmore

— rafe cameron.
plastic plants by @pogueszn
i need a favor by @magpiencrow

#anthony lockwood x reader#neteyam x reader#matt murdock x reader#bucky barnes x reader#druig x reader#nikolai lantsov x reader#warren rojas x reader#fred weasley x reader#george weasley x reader#theodore nott x reader#james potter x reader#sirius black x reader#remus lupin x reader#benedict bridgerton x reader#anthony bridgerton x reader#rafe cameron x reader#kaz brekker x reader#micaela's recs
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Part 2

A dark!Druig Fanfic | Druig x reader | Scream crossover
Part 1 | Masterlist |
Summary: The origins of a mysterious masked killer... who just so happens to be a god.
Note: Chap 2 is here :))) I hope you guys enjoy this story!
Warnings: mentions of blood, light gore, death, murder... lol
Wordcount: 2.5k - a little shorter but i wanted to get it out sooner
Sleep did not come easy, as the events of the night flashed in your mind, one after another, leaving you tossing and turning in bed. There was clearly no way you could fall asleep after what happened, and the murky fate that now lay just on the premise of your thoughts… you came into contact with the god of death.
He was just a myth, a scary story told to kids to easily spook them. Horror novels and movies were born out of the lore surrounding him and his favored mask that adorned his face during his kills. He was just a halloween decoration, an adjacent theme to a favored holiday… he couldn’t possibly be real, could he?
Your question was answered after sleep finally eluded you into a chaotic induced nightmare. Awaking with a startled scream, you sat upright, panting as you attempted to catch your breath. You had been back in the alley, the pale face of the poor blonde illuminated through the smoke by the flickering streetlight above. Golden strings of what looked like cosmic stardust had begun swirling around you, their origins coming from the dark figure who stood at the end of the alley. They had wrapped themselves around your wrists, your arms, your body until the suffocating feeling they brought with them awoke you from your sleep.
“What is it?!” Celia screamed, as she burst into your room, a frying pan in her hands, ready to attack. She looked around, attempting to locate the danger.
“I-I’m sorry, it was just a bad dream,” you said in between breaths. Celia lowered the frying pan, concern flickering across her features as she watched you closely.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“I think so-,” you began to answer, but were quickly silenced by a burning sensation twisting around your wrist.
“Shit!” You cried out, fumbling to turn on the lamp. Celia rushed over to help, white you held your wrist closely. Once light illuminated the room, you pulled your wrist out to examine the burn mark.
Only it wasn’t a burn mark. A golden mark had been etched into your skin, a delicate white pattern tracing through the gold in waves. The mark flickered in the light, making it almost like a bracelet permanently clasped around your wrists.
“What the hell is that?” You asked, panic rising through you as you stared at the mark. You had seen this golden pattern before… in your dream, and on the night of the murder. Whatever this was, had to belong to the god of death… but what did it mean?
“Hold on…,” Celia responded, already heading to the door. She raced back to the kitchen island where she left the book the two of you were reading the night before, researching the god.
“Let me see if this has any information,” she flipped through the pages. You sat closely, watching as she skimmed the foreign words on the page. Your wrist had stopped hurting, but just knowing the mark existed made your skin crawl. Whatever it meant was clearly not good… you’ve seen the movies!
“I’m not seeing anything in here that mentions a mark… usually his victims are unsuspecting that he's on the hunt, unaware they’ve even come into contact with him… apparently it makes it more, well I don’t know how to translate this word but I would assume it means appealing.” Celia concluded.
“Damn it.”
“I know,” Celia muttered under her breath. She began to mention a few people you could ask, as they were more knowledgeable than her on the god of death, but you weren’t listening. No, your mind was racing for other solutions.
“Does the book say anything at all about how to summon him?” You interrupted Celia, who now stared at you like you had 5 heads.
“Sorry, could you repeat that? I’m not sure I heard you correctly?”
“I think if we could summon him, we could ask him? Find out more about this mark?”
“Are you nuts?! You want to try and summon the god of DEATH… who will surely kill you once he sees you by the way, to ask why he marked you? Hello?” Celia yelled, flustered with your own remark. You hadn’t thought that fully through, you’ll admit that.
“Okay maybe not him, but what about the other gods who knew him? The eternals? Could we summon one of them and ask?”
“Yeah I don’t think that's how it works… you don’t just summon a god, y/n…” Celia chuckled. There was a barrier between them and the humans. While many humans worshiped the old gods, no one ever actually heard from them. And they definitely didn’t summon them.
“Ugh, you’re right, I know you’re right… I just… I don’t know what else to do!” You let yourself fall back onto the pillows of your bed and let out an exasperated sigh.
“Give me today, I’ll talk to my group at school and see if we can think of anything that this may be connected to. Just go to work and try and live like you don’t have a potential mark of death around your wrist,” Celia responded, patting your leg comfortingly. You sighed, knowing she was right. There was nothing much you could do but just pretend like everything was normal.
You could do that…
A few hours later you were making your way down the stairs heading to work. Unfortunately for you, there was only one way to the restaurant, which was right past the alleyway from the night before. You could walk another 35 minutes out of your way to walk around the entire square to the otherside, but it was too hot for that.
The early morning sun was surprisingly warm against your skin. Humidity hung in the air like a wet blanket, making you squirm as you walked down the street. Yeah, there was no way you could walk that long in this heat, and you were grateful for the prescription strength deodorant that you doused yourself in this morning.
As you approached the alleyway, the yellow caution tape caught your attention as a slight breeze ruffled it. It covered the entire alley entrance in a big X, though one could still slip through the tape if they really wanted.
And for some reason, that's exactly what your brain told you to do. Carefully, you moved in between the tape, trying not to lose your balance and send the tape ripping off the walls of the alley. You weren’t quite sure what possessed you to do this, but some innate sense deep inside of you pulled you in.
The stench of the alley was strong, from the trash building in the dumpsters, to the blood that still stained the concrete- a crime scene crew had yet to clean it up. Trying not to throw up, you slowly walked deeper into the alley.
A tingling sensation caressed your wrist, pulling you out of your thoughts. It was a soft tingle, like a breeze had blown through, meeting your skin. You inhaled as the tingling moved up your arm to your shoulder, and then back down your back, stopping halfway. The hair on the back of your neck stood up, as you felt something press up against your spine. The metallic smell was back, lingering in your nose.
Whirling around, you were met with nothing but the empty alley opening up to the street. A group of teenagers had stopped to peer through the tape, trying to see what they could spot. Panting, you stood still, hoping they didn’t see you, and that whatever was just touching you was gone. Or just in your head- that would be fine too.
Once the teenagers had satisfied their need to see the grotesque site, you made your way back out of the alley. Whatever just happened had to be connected to the god you had run into the night before- you were sure of it as the golden band around your wrist itched- but you didn’t want to think about it, not now anyway.
Everything was perfectly fine. Perfectly normal.
“Y/n! There you are,” your boss, Alex, greeted you as you walked in the doors of the kitchen. Alex was a force of nature that’s for sure. They were probably the kindest person you had ever met, and yet had such a stoic nature about them, that no one took advantage of them. It was something you secretly envied.
“Hey Alex. How was opening this morning?” Your shift started a couple of hours after opening, so you wanted to gauge how the day started, as it was usually telling how the rest of the day would go into the night.
“It was pretty slow, you know with the murder and everything,” Alex whispered. You nodded. He had no idea just how much you knew. “I suspect the rest of the day will be just as slow. Sooo, you know what that means! It’s a perfect day to train!”
You groaned. Alex knew how much you hated training, but they couldn’t deny you were the best.
“This is, I’m sorry, what did you say your name was again?” Alex turned to the man standing behind him. You hadn’t noticed him at all, as he was half in the shadows. He took a step further, the light overhead shining on him like a spotlight. Your breath hitched in your throat as you saw him. He had the bluest eyes you had ever seen, contrastingly sharply against his dark pupils. He was very handsome, his chin chiseled at just the right angles, his 5 o’clock shadow highlighting his jawline. Something about him sent alarm bells in your head, yet also made you want to fall to your knees before him. He just seemed so… familiar.
“Kieran,” he responded, smirking slightly. His voice was deep, a thick irish accent coming through. It wasn’t rare to hear someone with an accent from across the seas over in this part of town, but something about him just sent a chill down your spine. Not to mention, your golden bracelet seemed to have warmed against your skin in his presence.
“Right, silly me. Anyways, this is Kieran. He will be serving, so I want you to train him today. Really go over the menu and our practices…” Alex continued but you stopped listening. You couldn’t break the stare you and Kieran were entranced in, his smirk only growing by the second. It was as if he knew the effect he had on you, and he was relishing in it silently before you.
‘Hello? y/n?” Alex waved a hand in front of your face.
“Right… train him, I got it.” You said, breaking eye contact and turning toward Alex. They offered you a small smile and a wink, before turning to Kieran.
“You’re in good hands. Y/n is the best!”
The two shared a small exchange before Alex left you alone with the man. Kieran turned to you, the smirk returning. It annoyed you, how cocky he already was without having to utter a single word to you.
“So, have you ever worked in a restaurant before?” You asked, grabbing a menu from the server station next to you.
“No,” his response was short and curt. This only annoyed you even more. You beckoned him to follow you, rolling your eyes as hard as you could when your back was to him. A low chuckle came from behind you, almost as if he knew of your secret act.
You settled into a booth next to the kitchen, allowing him to slide in across from you.
“Okay, so first things first, you have to know the menu. The rest will be so much easier if you know what we offer. We’re a higher end restaurant, so we offer a lot of ‘fine dining’ dishes. Lots of pastas, seafood, steaks, and all of that.” You began to explain. The golden band around your wrist buzzed with energy as you talked. It was hard to focus on what you were saying, as the buzz intensified.
Kieran sat before you looking over the menu, memorizing what dishes you guys’ offered. As he did, you pulled your phone out to see a missed text from Celia.
Found out some more info. Meet for drinks later?
You glanced up at Kieran as you responded.
Sure. McCrakens?
The Irish pub was your go to for drinks with Celia, and its atmosphere felt perfect for the conversation the two of you had to have. The pub was almost always packed out and so loud, you could barely hear your own self, let alone eavesdrop on anyone.
Celia shot back a ‘yes 10:00 pm’ and you locked your phone, turning your attention back to Kieran.
“Seems simple enough.” Kieran said, letting the menu fall onto the table. You nodded. There was no one else in the restaurant right now, so it was a little hard to begin any other parts of training him.
“Where’d ya get that?” He asked, his deep voice interrupting your thoughts. He was nodding to your wrist. You looked to see what he was referring to, and realized the band of gold was on full display.
“Oh, uh,” you scrambled for a response as you tugged the bracelet back down over your wrist that you had covering it. His eyes peered quizzically at you, his signature smirk gone. He was as serious as could be, which made you look at him puzzled.
“It was just a dumb thing I did at a tattoo shop,” you lied. He gave you a look that screamed that he read right through you.
“I didn’t know they made gold ink,” he responded. You sighed, knowing there was nothing you could think of that would make sense. Instead, you decided to tell him the truth… well the half truth.
“Alright, fine. I really don’t know. I just woke up with it this morning. My friend and I are trying to research to figure out what it means, but so far we’ve turned up nothing.”
He stared at you intently, studying your wrist. You squirmed under his intense gaze. It was almost as if he was burning through the bracelet, the buzzing even more noticeable than before.
“I think I may know something. Although, it’s a bit of a legend.”
“That’s kind of the conclusion we’ve come to as well, that whatever this is has to be sort of supernatural like that.”
You bit your lip as you tried to hold back what was about to come tumbling out of your mouth next. There was no way you could invite this man out to the pub tonight… not without him finding out you came into contact with a god. You couldn’t just go around telling anyone that sort of information. Not today. Especially not after last night's murder has been blasted all over the news, already blaming the gods.
“I’d love too,” he said suddenly, making you jump slightly as you were pulled from your thoughts. You blinked, trying to figure out what you just asked him.
“You invited me out tonight, with you and your friend.” He looked stumped.
“No… I didn’t? Did I?” You were starting to question everything in your head just now… did you somehow let it tumble out of your mouth without realizing?
“You did… are you okay?” He asked. You nodded, your throat suddenly too dry to talk.
Well… there was no backing out of this now.

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Healing A Broken Heart (Part 1)
Summary :
You and Wanda are in love. At least you thought so. During a particularly bad fight, she tells you that if she had a choice, she wouldn't be with you.
And that, in your thousands years of life, is the most painful thing you've ever heard that was said to you.
PS. This was inspired by that one reddit post and it snowballed from there.
You drink another shot. For the past few weeks and so, this is the only thing you've done during the nights. Drink.
As if it could make you forget. Forget the pain. Forget the memories. Forget Wanda.
But it couldn't, it was only for the night for you still remember everything the day after.
You really hated being a semi-eternal.
You were created to be with the other eternals but there was something wrong with you. You didn't have any powers.
Still, Arishem sent you along with Ajak and the others as a reporter.
You had the immortality and physique but nothing else.
Still, Sersei, Makkari, Sprite, Kingo, Phastos, Thena, Ajak, Druig and Gilgamesh were family.
So you did exactly what you were sent to do. Report. Until you and the others' rebellion years ago. Now THAT, that was a fun time.
But that? Being a hero? Something you're not? It was all in the past.
You just wanted peace. When the whole Westview happened. Ajak sent you, said something about knowledge in magic.
And so you helped. Both Wanda and Agatha.
Wanda stayed with you along with the darkhold and Agatha went with her coven.
You made sure that she made the first move. And if she never truly liked you then it was also fine. But she did. She kissed you that one night and you kissed her back.
You'd cook for her. Teach her more about her own magic. And she'd love you. She'd make you laugh. She'd make you feel peace.
It stayed like that. For Five years. You were both in love or so you thought.
She was getting impatient. You can tell. You knew that your method was slow. But it was also the safest. So that she can travel freely. Did you know that she would leave you for her boys? Of course, she will. And you'd understand. Those twins were her kids. Hers. And you-
Well, you didn't even know what you are to her.
And during the fight with her, you confirmed it. She was just with you because you knew the safest way. Because you had a way.
And so you left her. And left her notes, you weren't cruel as to leave her without knowledge on getting back with her kids.
And so here you were. In a random bar somewhere in the US. Where you stopped counting your drinks and stopped caring about yourself.
If anyone needed help then you would be there in a heartbeat, helping once again. But for now? You need to forget.
"Ah. Here you are. I knew it." You hear Sersei say as she sits besides you. She and Makkari have been trying to find you when they went to visit Wanda a week ago and you weren't there. Sersei quickly texted Makkari as you drink again.
"Why are you trying to find me, dear changer?" All of the eternals had nicknames from you.
"We were worried. What happened?" You chuckle at that.
"Just that-" You don't finish when someone hugs you from behind. You laugh as you turn and hug Makkari. "Hi, fast one. Sorry that you couldn't reach me."
"It's okay. Why are you here though?" Makkari asks and you sigh.
"Not here. Shall we go on a walk?" You pay for your tab and leave the bar with them.
You all get seated at a park and you look ahead.
"We got into a fight." Makkari raises an eyebrow at Sersei. A fight? That was it? "And she told me that if she had a choice then she wouldn't be with me." That made them both flinch. They knew your insecurities better than anyone else. The two of them were your closest confidants after all. "So I left. Don't worry about it, though, I made sure to leave her notes. And if she did become the Scarlet Witch and destroyed everything again then-" You inhale at that. "Then I'll help stop her."
"But Wanda was-" you shake your head at Sersei. Just hearing her name is enough to make you cry. You wipe away your tears.
"I need some time alone. Call me in the emergency phone if any of you need help." You stand then smile sadly at them. They both just watched as you leave.
6 months. It's been half a year since you saw Wanda. But by God did she get even more beautiful. You were helping Peter Parker's mess and making sure that Strange didn't do that fucking spell again. You really hated that spell, for fuck's sake.
You sigh in relief as everything ends and no one needed to forget him.
"This is why I don't mess with memories." Sersi, Druig and Makkari turns to you. "It's too messy."
"Really? I thought you of all people would want to do it." Druig says and you hum.
"It would make it easier, that's for sure." Wanda flinches at your statement. She was near enough to hear but far enough to not get spotted. Did you want to forget her? "But what the brain cannot remember, the heart and soul will surely do." Wanda was sure now. She approaches the eternals and you realize her presence, you quickly go to Makkari and tell her to take you home.
"But-" Makkari tries to argue but you shake her.
"Just this once! I swear, okay? Please, Makkari. I can't. My heart can't." You get teary eyed and Makkari turns to Sersei. They turn to Wanda who was going to call you.
"Just this once." You nod at her and Makkari quickly leaves the battlefield with you intact. She stops at your current house in New Zealand. You sigh in relief and hug her tight.
"Thank you." You kiss her forehead. "I owe you one." Makkari nods and leaves you alone. You get inside and start to pack. You just know that either Makkari or Sersei will snitch on you. You don't blame them, though, you know that Wanda has been persistent on seeing you and wanting to know where you are.
You didn't know why she wanted to see you.
You don't know want to know.
But if you had to take a guess then maybe she'll break it off for real. You wipe away your tears again. The partying and drinking for the past 6 months has done nothing good for you.
It just made you forget temporarily.
You look at your things. It was only one suitcase, the benefits of having too much money. You hum.
Time to go there then.
Another 6 months has passed by. This time, you knew it. You have peace.
Well, you did still have nightmares. Your insecurities are still there. But at least here, you were truly alone. No expectations. No betrayals. Just you.
Not even Sersei or Makkari knew where you were. You didn't want the risk. You just can't run into the source of your heartache.
Or so you thought. Because your phone rings. The emergency one.
"Hello?" You ask and it was Sersei who answers.
"We need help! Or rather your friend, Strange needs help!" You hum as you ready yourself.
"What do you mean?? She can travel the multiverse????? FREELY?????" You ask and Stephen nods. "Whoa. Holy shit. You do know this makes you like the singular only person in the multiverse that can do that. Like damn." Sersei raises an eyebrow at you.
"You're an eternal."
"Semi! But yeah, I might be the only one. Nice! The name's Y/N! We have no last names." America looks at Stephen who nods at her.
"I'm America. America Chavez."
"Nice to meet you! So why am I here?"
"She needs help."
"Some monsters have been chasing me all throughout the multiverse and-" You hum. You get your phone out and call Agatha. You stop America and they all look at you.
"Agatha. The darkhold is not being overused is it??"
"Nope. Wanda is learning it slowly. Just like you taught her. Why?"
"Just checking." You hang up and hum. "Has there been any portal sightings like the one from multiverses?" Stephen shakes his head at you.
"Through every universe, right?" America nods. "You don't need me. You need Wanda."
"You sure?"
"Yes. She can travel the multiverse too. Just not as freely as America. We should go to her."
"We? Are you ready to see her?" Sersei's question makes you flinch.
"Not really but-" you look at America. "A kid needs help so-"
"Got it. Let's go then." Stephen says and you nod.
'Oh. She hasn't moved. At all.' You thought to yourself as you look at the house you lived in a year ago. Stephen knocks on the door and you step back as Wanda opens the door.
"Oh. Strange. How unusual-"
"We need your help. Y/N says that you-"
"Y/N!? Have you been in contact with her?? Not even Makkari or Sers-"
"That's because they're snitches." You walk up the familiar steps and smile sadly at her. "Hi, Wanda."
"Y/N. Y-you're here." She says and becomes teary-eyed.
"Yeah. We need your help."
"I'll get us some teas." You nod absentmindedly as you look around, everything was the way you left it. It felt like you've never left at all. The books were in the arrangement you did. The pictures and decorations were never removed. You smile a little at the pictures.
There were five on display.
One with you and the eternals.
One with Wanda and her brother Pietro.
One with you, Wanda, and everyone, as many as the frame could fit.
One with you and Wanda just hugging and smiling at each other.
One with Wanda and Vision.
"Whoa! This is you, right, Y/N??" America asks as she looks closely at the pictures, you didn't even notice her standing from the couch.
"Yeah. It's her. She lived here before." Wanda answers for you as she serves the tea. You hum, agreeing with her as you get your cup.
"So you know magic??" America tilts her head at you as she sits besides you again.
"Know, yes. Use? No." America tilts her head again so you chuckle. "I only know spells, uses, and stuff like that. I couldn't do it even if my life depended on it. Ask Sersei sometime, she knows how many times I tried to see if I ever had some sort of power." America hums.
"And you never discovered any?" You shake your head.
"Nope." You smile at her as you sip your tea. Oh shit. Did she-? You look at Wanda and she smiles at you.
"It's your favorite." She confirms and you sigh. "So, what did you three come here for? What can I do to help?"
"First, of all are you halfway through the darkhold?" You ask and Stephen glares at you.
"Uh. Yes. I am. I think I am." You hum.
"Can you call it and I can check?" Wanda nods and calls the darkhold to her hand, Stephen scoffs at you and you glare at him.
"Look away, for fuck's sake. A child's safety is on the line!" He grumbles as he leaves the house and America was about to follow him when you stop her. "Stay here for a minute. I need to confirm-" You open the darkhold and hum. "Yep. Halfway through. You can travel with America now."
"What?" Wanda asks and you hum.
"So, the predicament is this. America is being chased around by monsters. Darkhold monsters and so I have reason to believe that one of your variations is chasing her. Possibly, to either get her power or use her. I am not sure. So I need you to travel with America. With Stephen too and solve this."
"What? How?"
"By defeating the other you."
"WHAT!? HOW!?" You hum at her question.
"Simply put, you'll need to introduce a variation of me."
"You?" You nod and grin at her.
"You know the phrase, 'every me loves every you'?" Wanda nods at you. "I have reason to believe that is happening between us. Not everyone gets their shit together or end up together or even meet but still. Every variation of me will love every variation of you."
"How are you so sure-"
"Phastos made a device. I used it like a thousand times. Trust me in this. I-" your phone rings, effectively cutting you off. You look at it and see Phastos's name. "Speak of the eternal." You answer it. "Wait. You caught one??????" You hum. "Okay. Okay. I got it." You nod. "Yeah. I still have it." You nod again. "Got it. We'll be there." You hang up and look at Wanda. "Change of plans. We're going somewhere." You hold out your hand to her and she accepts it. That makes you smile, at least she isn't allergic to your touch. "Come on, America. Time to meet my family." You grin then go outside where Stephen was waiting. "Stephen, open the portal to Wakanda!" Stephen nods and does as you say.
"It's a good thing that you have Thena, huh?" You grin at him, agreeing with him.
You look at the monster then at Phastos then at Thena and Gilgamesh.
"You guys are seriously amazing. Thank you." You took out a pair of glasses from your pocket and toss it to Phastos. "As I said."
"Have you used it at all for the past year?" Phastos asked and you blush.
"Only a thousand more times." You scratch your neck. "One of the reasons why I never get bored."
"I'm just relieved you haven't decided to get Phastos to make you a multiverse traveling machine." Ajak says and you smile sadly at her.
"I had what they had. Mine was just the saddest attempt." You look at the ground knowing that most of the people there are looking at you.
"Done!" Phastos exclaims and you smile, relieved that the attention is off you. "So, this will hopefully will let us know which universe this creature is from and the glasses will guide us there."
"You mean them?" You point to Stephen, America and Wanda.
"What? You're not coming??" America asks as she gets your hand.
"Sorry, kid. I'll only slow you guys down." You ruffle her hair. You look at Wanda then smile at her. "Try to keep this kid safe. She's pretty unique. And she'll be able to help you too."
"Got it! Universe 567. That's where the monsters are from."
"Good. Here's how the glasses work." You begin instructing the three of them and making sure they knew what to do.
Wanda is to make sure that the traveling of the group is safe and sound, she can fight off the multidimensional monsters.
Stephen is to make sure to locate your variant.
America is to make the group travel freely.
You wave them goodbye and smile as they leave. You collapse to the ground and Makkari is by your side immediately.
"I'm okay. Just really-" you let the tears out and sob.
The dam finally breaking through. You don't know if you'll ever get over Wanda.
It took them a week to find you.
Turns out you were a pretty badass Black Widow in Universe 567. You were trained alongside Natasha so the two of you were like siblings.
567 you tried to refuse first but when she saw the monster firsthand, she finally relented and agreed.
Meeting 567 Wanda was chaos. She tried and tried to resist both her variant, Stephen and 567 you but when the avengers arrived, it was a done deal. 567 Wanda was captured and stopped. 567 you fought for her rehabilitation though, stating that you won't ever forgive yourself if you let another one fall to that deep abyss. 567 You promised to help her, to take care of her and teach her how to be compassionate again. As they were leaving Universe 567, Wanda couldn't help but smile as 567 you helps 567 Wanda to her feet.
It looks like your and hers 567 variants will be okay.
You were back in your old tattered hut in the Philippines. The peaceful home you've been at for the past half a year.
You hear your phone rings and hum.
"Yeah?" You answer it.
"They're back! Should I tell Makkari to get you?" Phastos asks and you sigh.
"No need. I had my time here already. Do you think Sersei has room in her apartment? I'd rather just room with her and Sprite."
"I'll ask her. So you're done avoiding her?" You laugh at that.
"Never. I'll be there." You hang up and look around. "Goodbye, peace." You leave and never look back.
Posting this since it's sitting in my draft. Not finished yet but wanted to get it out.
#wanda maximoff fanfic#wanda x y/n#wanda x reader#wanda maximoff#wanda maximoff x reader#wanda x you#marvel fanfiction#marvel fic#marvel fanfic
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old foes, new flames (no one knows me like you do)

druig x f!reader
wc: 11.4k
summary: You and Druig were childhood friends, never one without the other, but that all ended when he got a girlfriend and things changed. Eventually it was too much to be hear him and at the first opportunity you had, you left town. Years later, an invitation to Wanda's wedding brought you back and nothing was the same.
warnings: while this story doesn't have any outright explicit content there are mentions of drinking, smoking, and sexual innuendos. minors please do not interact. angsty, stubborn idiots, fluffy ending.
an: I went a little out of my comfort zone with this one, I really hope you enjoy it. feedback is much appreciated :)
m a s t e r l i s t
Going back to the place you grew up wasn't something you ever wanted to do again. But when Wanda, one of your childhood best friends called and asked you to be the maid of honor in her wedding. How could you say ‘no’?
It was a super last minute thing. She hasn't been with the guy very long at all. But when Pietro said he didn't have any concerns you decided against calling in a welfare check.
"So she didn't tell you who he is?" Yelena asked.
"No, She did. I just forgot his name and I'm too stubborn to ask." You laughed out, "All I remember is that she met him a few months ago at her college graduation party and that he's super hot."
You and Yelena were roommates freshman year and the rest was history. It was a rare occasion you were apart. So when Wanda said you could bring a plus one, well, Yelena was the obvious choice. It’s not like you were dating anyone and could bring them, not that you would want to bring anyone you were dating back to that place anyways. She wasn't excited about the four hour train ride but you were. Not having to drive and having the opportunity to move around, even just to stretch, was preferable.
“So,” She asked you, with an hour of the ride left, "do you think he's going to be there? I remember you said he was her friend growing up too."
"I didn't ask. She only told me that it's in a few days and that she already has my dress picked out." The neighborhood you grew up in didn't have a lot of kids your age, just you and three others. Wanda, her twin brother Pietro, and a quiet boy named Druig. You and him had a different connection than you did with the twins, for a long time you thought the two of you were inseparable. But as you got older he became more independent of the group, you tried to be happy for him and not take it personally but it was hard.
You even took it well when he announced he had a girlfriend. That was until she made a joke about you following Druig around like a lost puppy. Looking back on it it was naive of you to hope he’d defend you somehow, but it felt like a punch to the gut when he not only laughed but agreed with her.
After that the only time you spoke was when you were insulting each other. For a short while Wanda and Pietro felt like they had to pick a side but that was the last thing you wanted, Druig too. Thankfully there were only a few occasions where all of your paths crossed, but when they did you made sure to avoid him completely. There was no way you were going to be the reason things got too weird.
“Well if he is and he says anything out of line,” she cracked her knuckles, “I’ll handle it.”
You laughed under your breath, knowing how truthful her threat was, “Let’s just hope he’s forgotten I exist.”
The scenery started to get all too familiar and all your mind could focus on was the last time you were here. You left a few days after graduation with no thoughts of returning, if it was anyone else but Wanda asking you to come back the idea wouldn’t have even been entertained.
Her and Pietro were the ones to drive you to the train station and it was obvious they were very against the whole thing, but thankfully they let you go without a fuss. Pietro had let it slip that he had invited Druig, in hopes of reconciliation or something, but you knew he wouldn’t. Not after what you had said to him the night before.
“Who’s there?” You woke up to the sound of rocks being thrown at your bedroom window.
There wasn’t an answer but you heard the leaves from the tree being rustled. Whoever it was had definitely done this before.
“Wanda? Pietro? Please tell me it’s one of you just trying to scare me.”
“Afraid not.”
You’d recognize that voice anywhere. “What are you doing Druig? Shouldn’t you be climbing out of someone else’s window and not into mine?”
He had finally made his way up the tree and onto the branch that had grown perfectly level with the window. The last time he did that felt like a lifetime ago, there was no reason for him to be doing that now. You didn’t want him there. Unfortunately for you he was climbing in before the words “you need to leave” could finish coming out of your mouth.
Druig looked around, “Everything still looks the same.”
“Not everyone changes their whole personalities overnight.”
He picked up a picture frame you had hanging on the wall. It was from your thirteenth birthday, in it you were with Wanda, Pietro and Druig at the top of a ferris wheel. You weren’t angry enough at him to rip him out of the photo though, but you were upset enough to put a sticky note over his face. “My mom still has this photo on the mantel, I’ve begged her for years to take it down.”
“How a saint like Ajak could raise a devil like you is something I’ll never understand.” Did he practically break into your bedroom just to be a dick? “Why are you here, Druig?”
“I heard from a little bird that you were flying the nest, never to return.” He put the photo back where he found it and walked over to your bed, sitting on the edge of it. “I wanted to say goodbye.”
Out of habit, you followed him across the room and sat beside him. You told yourself it was so you didn’t have to talk as loud, not wanting your parents to wake up, but deep down you knew it was muscle memory. “Usually that obligation is to the people who actually like the person that’s leaving.”
You noticed his eyes were glossed over, and you were close enough to him that you could smell the beer on his breath. Did he really have the nerve to show up in your room after all that had happened, while intoxicated, to talk about you leaving?
“Yeah, well..” Druig was usually so quick witted, you couldn’t put your finger on it (nor did you care to) but something was off about him, “it just took me by surprise. I never thought any of us would leave this place.”
He didn’t say it in a rude way, but something about him saying it at all made part of your brain short circuit. “You don’t know me Druig, not anymore. You treat me like shit for three years and show up here in the middle of the night for what? To make a pointless comment about a photograph and act sad that I’m leaving? You’re the reason I’m leaving! I can’t stand to be in this zip code wondering if I’m going to run into you, who you’ll be with, and what taunts you and your friends will throw my way.
“I have a long list of reasons why I want to leave and never come back, and since I’m too tired to tell you the rest of them just know that they all begin with you.” Somehow you had managed to get that all out without raising your voice or shedding a single tear and yet it didn’t make you feel better. You were so in your feelings that you missed the switch flip in Druig’s mind.
“I just came by to tell you that you’ll be back, you’re not special enough to leave this place for good. And when you do, I’ll be waiting to tell you ‘I told you so’.” His tone was cold and unforgiving, more than ever before.
He stood up and walked back to your window, but just before he climbed out he called your name. “Hey Yn..”
You snapped back, “What, Druig?”
“I’ll see you soon.”
It was midafternoon when you arrived at your parents house and it was already too much. Your mom wanted to show you all of the renovations before your bags ever touched the ground. Your dad wanted to show you the new pattern he mowed into the lawn, like you didn’t see it walking up to the front door.
“Mom, dad, I love you both so much and I can’t wait to see everything but give us like an hour to put our bags down and I don’t know, breathe?” You pleaded, hoping your parents would take into consideration the eight hour train ride you and Yelena just endured.
“Oh of course,” your dad agreed.
The two of you took that as the perfect time to walk up the stairs to your old bedroom, you had almost got to the top when your mom called for you. “Yn, I forgot to tell you. There’s a surprise waiting for you in your room.”
“Okay?” You replied, and then whispered to Yelena, “I’m scared, either she threw everything away and it’s unrecognizable or it’s a new pillow or something.”
“ME first!” Yelena barged past you, throwing the door nearly off its hinges before letting out a sound somewhere between a cat being murdered and a burglar alarm. You watched in slow motion as she flung her bag towards the window where a human shaped object fell out of it.
“What the fuck was that!?” You shouted at her as you both ran to the open window. There was a man laying on the lawn sprawled on his side.
“Oh look,” Yelena nudged your elbow with hers, “your dad’s lawn looks great!”
“I knew I liked you!” You could hear your dad yell from the front porch. “Druig, son? Is that you? Why are you laying on the lawn? You’re going to mess up the pattern.”
“Druig?” You asked in a panic to no one in particular. “Oh my god, Yelena! You killed Druig!”
The look on her face was blank, like she was wondering if she should care. “No, it was self defense. He deserved it.”
“Murder is murder Yelena!”
“Honey, we don't have the right insurance to cover up a murder.” Your mom chimed in from the doorway.
“Nope,” you heard a groan, “Still alive. A little less high than I was five minutes ago, but alive.”
“What are you doing down there?” You yelled to him, grateful he was alive but suddenly pissed off that he was there to begin with.
“So you’re like this because of your parents, not in spite of them.” Yelena said, the puzzle pieces finally clicking into place.
You ignored her and ran down the stairs and out the front door. As much as you wanted to make sure he was okay, you also wanted him gone as soon as he could stand. There was no way you were giving your parents yet, apparently, another chance of letting him in the house.
He started to sit up as you made your way out of the front door, so you asked him again, “What are you doing here, Druig?”
He took another minute to get up and wipe himself free of a few leaves and branches he took down with him. You couldn’t help but notice how his hair was longer, something you always told him he could pull off. How dare he take your advice when you weren’t around to gloat about it? And were those… Did he get tattoos?
Yelena nudged you again to get your attention, dragging you away from thoughts you shouldn’t have been having, just in time for Druig to walk up to you both. “I wanted to be the first to welcome you home…to be the one to remind you that I told you so.” He smirked, “Look who’s back.”
“Leave.” You demanded. “Leave now and leave me alone. I’m here until Wanda says ‘I do’ and then I’m going back home where I don’t have to see you ever again.”
Durig’s eyes never left yours and the smirk had grown to a full on grin. “Oh this is perfect. She didn’t tell you?” Then he looked at Yelena and laughed, “She didn’t tell her!”
You crossed your arms in annoyance, “Who didn’t tell me what?”
“Wanda. She didn’t tell you who she’s marrying?” You shook your head in confusion, waiting for him to say he was the groom even though you knew that wasn’t the case. “She’s getting married to my best friend, Bucky. So can you guess what that makes me?”
You tried your best to hold it in but a slew of “fucks” fell out of your mouth. You heard your mother shouting from inside that you could put a sailor to shame but you didn’t care. Of course Wanda was so vague with the details, she knew you’d politely decline the maid of honor (and maybe the invitation all together) position if you knew the truth. “The best man.”
“The BEST best man, actually. I beat Pietro in a race for it.”
“You’re mistaking me for someone who cares.” All the years of therapy didn’t do a damn thing. Well, you didn’t punch him so maybe it helped a little. “I’m going to call Wanda and talk to her about this. You’re welcome to walk in traffic, or don’t, I don’t really care. Just.. leave, please.”
You didn’t walk far, Druig didn’t show any sign of leaving and as much as you wanted her to, you couldn’t let Yelena hurt him again. Or threaten to hurt him again, because she would and the next time wouldn’t be an accident.
Wanda sent you to voicemail three times, so either she was super busy or she knew that you knew, so you texted her instead.
Yn: Hey! I’m back. When are we meeting up? I want to meet your future husband and hear all about how you met and how grossly in love you are! We can talk about all you need me to do, who is all in the wedding party. More specifically the best man. Do I know him?
She responded almost instantly.
Wanda: Oh good, I’m so glad you made it safe! I can swing by in an hour if that works for you?
Yn: That works. Are you going to avoid my questions then too?
Wanda: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Yn: When did Druig get tattoos?
Wanda: I’ll be there in 5
You put your phone back in your pocket and walked back down the walkway where Yelena was obviously running out of patience. There was a part of you that wanted to ask her to go inside so you could talk to him in private, he was always less of a dick head when others weren’t around, while the other part of you wasn’t in a hurry to be alone with him at all. “Wanda said she’s going to be here in five minutes, is there a reason you’re still here or do you get off on being somewhere you’re not wanted?”
He glanced back in your direction, his eyes locked with yours. “She might not want me here,” he pointed at Yelena and then to you, “but you do. You can tell yourself whatever lie you want, Yn, but you’ve never been able to lie to me.”
Before you got a chance to tell him where he could shove the finger he was pointing at you, Wanda had pulled into the driveway. She walked up to Yelena before ever meeting your eyes, she made sure she positioned herself perfectly when she gave Yelena a hug and asked her how the trip was, her back facing you.
“Yeah, yeah. You two missed each other, I love that for you both.” You were getting slightly impatient. Between waking up early, traveling, not getting a chance to relax, Druig and Wanda stalling, you felt like you were going to explode. “Can someone who isn’t Druig please fill in the gaps for me?”
Wanda turned to give you a look of sympathy, then spoke to Druig. “Bucky’s home, he’s waiting for you.”
“He’ll be fine,” he began to walk away, but turned to give you one last look, “I had a promise to fulfill.”
Thankfully Wanda had jumped right in and explained everything, from how she met Bucky to the Druig of it all. Apparently Druig introduced them and it was love at first sight, you ignored the voice in your head telling you that this was his plan all along. That he knew short of a funeral, the only way you’d come back was Wanda getting married. You would be giving him way too much credit if you actually entertained that thought.
“I’m sorry,” Wanda said, pulling you out of your thoughts, “you said once that he was tolerable now and I just kind of assumed it wouldn’t be an issue.”
“Yeah, because I live in a different time zone, not because he’s a tolerable person!” You pouted. “Look, I’m sorry. I’m here for your big day not to make you feel bad. The wedding is in what, three days? I can handle being around him for three days, but only because it’s you.”
“I’m glad you feel that way because,” she hesitated for a moment and then braced for impact, “he’s going to be helping you set everything up in the backyard, Bucky put Druig’s name down to accept everything as it gets dropped off just in case you got delayed arriving.”
“That’s, that’s fair.” You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. “So what can I do for you now that I’m here?”
Wanda smiled and hugged you, excited that you weren’t upset with her. Not like you ever could be. “I just need you to come over at some point tomorrow to try on the dress and I’ll give you the itinerary for Friday and Saturday then. Friday is pretty much just you and Druig setting everything up and then Saturday I basically just need you at my side.”
It could have been worse, all you really had to get through was Friday, and Yelena being there would give you a distraction. You would only have to be around him for a minimal amount of time the day of the wedding if you played your cards right. At least that’s what you thought.
“Yelena,” Wanda said in a hopeful tone, “you can help Yn on Friday if you want but if you don’t feel like being a human buffer, my brother is driving to the city to pick up a few cases of wine and I’m sure he would enjoy your company.”
She knew what she was doing. She knew Pietro and Yelena had some weird unspoken thing. You were on Facetime with Wanda one night and she was with her brother, Yelena had gotten home and popped in to say hi to Wanda and then gave her full focus to Pietro. You ended up giving her his number before they completely hijacked the call.
They texted all the time but never talked about meeting in person. To your knowledge she didn’t tell him she was coming to the wedding, and you suspected Wanda had kept it a secret too. Yelena was never the serious relationship type, but you had a feeling if anyone could change that it was Pietro.
She looked at you, silently asking if you’d mind. Of course you did, but you weren’t going to hold her (or anyone) back because of your personal issues with someone. “Go and hang out with Pietro, I’ll be fine.”
“You sure? Because,” she paused, “I texted him when we got here and we already have potential plans. I was waiting to see what your schedule looked like before we made anything official.”
“Tomorrow too?”
“He wanted to show me around but since you’re free most of the day I was just going to push that to Friday.”
You thought about it for a moment, going over your options. The selfish part of you wanted to see if you could just be the third wheel for the day, but since you didn’t really make plans outside of helping with the wedding you decided it wasn’t fair to do that. You got to see Yelena everyday, if she was comfortable going off gallivanting with Pietro then you weren’t going to get in the middle of it. Maybe they’d be the next ones to have a last minute wedding. “No, you go and have fun! It’ll probably take my mom half the day to show me all the changes to the house, I can entertain myself after that.”
“Well that sounds depressing.” Wanda chimed in.
You laughed and rolled your eyes at her, “Do you really think I have the attention span for that? No, I’m going to walk around and be nostalgic. See where I end up. Nothing super dramatic.”
“Oh good, we wouldn’t want that.” It was her turn to roll her eyes at you. “If you want, you’re more than welcome to run errands with me.”
“No offense, but I’d rather spend the day with Druig. I don’t even like running my own errands.” You all couldn’t help but laugh at that.
After that Wanda had gotten a call from Bucky, something about the cake. She excused herself, reminding you that her offer still stood, and you and Yelena went back in the house.
The next morning Yelena woke you up, letting you know that she was leaving. “Are you sure you don’t mind?”
You sat up to check the time, 8:07, there was no point trying to go back to sleep. “Yeah I don’t care, I”m going to get ready and head out soon too. Text me if Pietro gets weird, I’ll call you and fake an emergency or something.”
She knew you meant it, and you knew you wouldn’t have to do it.
Over the next hour you ate breakfast with your parents and indulged them when they asked if they could show you everything finally. Again. When the tour was over you quickly got ready and rushed out the door before they found a way to keep you inside all day.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to spend time with them, you did. It was just that you knew they wanted you to move back home and you didn’t want to give them the chance to bring it up. It was easy for them to let you go the first time, they were under the impression you’d come back when you decided you weren’t going for your bachelor’s degree. That was three years ago and their “subtlety” of convincing you to come back was getting more and more obvious.
But of course when you dodge one bullet another one comes flying, or however that saying goes. Druig was in your parents driveway. Scratch that, Druig and his motorcycle were in your parents driveway. “Finally, I’ve been waiting for you for 20 minutes.”
“Did I wake up in a reality where I asked?”
He swung one leg over the bike and put on his helmet, offering you an extra one. “I heard you don’t have any plans today.”
Damn Wanda. She told him on purpose.
Your curiosity got the better of you, “And you made some for us?”
“No, but you can accompany me to mine.” Was a smirk permanently plastered on his face? It infuriated you to no end. Unfortunately, for no one but you, it also made him super attractive.
“Fuck you.”
“You weren’t on my to do list today but I can add you to it if you want.” Did he really just say that?
“Excus-” The sound of his bike roaring to life cut you off. You couldn’t make out what he said after that, but he extended his arm and offered you the helmet again.
Both of you were a bit surprised when you took it. You had never been on a motorcycle before so when Druig grabbed your hands and put them around his waist you flinched away from him. “Do you want to fall off?”
Obviously not. “Fine. But just know-”
“That what? Being this close to me drives you crazy?” He grabbed your hands and put him around his waist again, holding them a little tighter than he did before. “You’ll get over it.”
He revved his bike, probably so he didn’t have to hear yet another response to another one of his slick comments, and began to drive through the neighborhood. You had no idea where he was taking you and was slightly too afraid to open your eyes to guess.
For the first time since you found out it was him who fell out of your window you started to wonder why you were entertaining Druig and his antics. Was it for Wanda’s sake? Could therapy be working more than you thought? Maybe the distance had allowed you to outgrow him enough for it to not hurt anymore. Two things you decided that you knew for sure was that time and distance made you forget the feelings you had for him, and having to hold onto him for dear life solidified that they were back.
After what felt like an eternity, you felt the bike turn right and slow down. Only when it was no longer moving and had gone silent did you feel safe enough to open your eyes.
“You don’t gotta stop holding me,” he put a hand on your thigh and gently squeezed it a couple of times, “but you gotta let go of me long enough for us both to get off.”
Feelings be damned, his cocky attitude brought you back to reality. You let go of him and got your feet on the ground as quickly as you could. “You wish. So, where are we?”
If you took a moment to look around before you asked, it would have been obvious. “When did they close it down?”
“Last year.” The movie theater was your favorite place to be growing up. Not just because of the movies you saw there, but because of the easily accessible roof that you and everyone your age would hang out on after your respectable movies were over. Before things got weird between you two, you and Druig were attached at the hip and the roof was your favorite spot to hang out. After things got weird, you stopped going as much and eventually not at all. You never knew if he continued to go or not. “But they never took down the ladder.”
He gestured for you to go first but you stood there frozen. “Why are we doing this? Why did you bring me here?”
“Can we both just cut the act for a bit? I’m not used to it anymore.” His tone was laced with exhaustion.
As much as you related to his words, old habits do die hard. “Then take me home, wouldn’t want you getting used to being around me.”
He pointed from you to the ladder again, “Climb the damn ladder, Yn.”
You complied, convincing yourself you were only doing so out of pure curiosity.
When you got to the top you realized why Druig wanted you up there so badly. There was a huge blanket spread out with nice outdoor furniture set up around a cooler and a picnic basket. A lot of thought seemed to go into what was obviously a last minute thing, but you wondered why it was a thing at all. Why would he want to spend more time together than necessary?
“Take a seat,” he put his hand on the small of your back, encouraging you to once again take the lead, “it took Pietro way too long to get these up here.”
You took a seat on one of the chairs while Druig took the one across from you, but not before almost taking the one beside you. “You would make him do all the work.”
“That’s not what I said.” He began to take out food from the picnic basket, attentively placing what looked to be sandwiches, chips, and sweets out on the table. Your favorites. “You have a habit of taking everything I say the wrong way.”
“I do not.”
He grabbed two drinks out of the cooler, handing you one and keeping the other for himself. “Okay, not always. But to be fair he offered to do most of the heavy lifting, something about getting a workout in before meeting up with that scary friend of yours. And I made the food.”
“I can’t wait to tell Yelena you think she’s scary. “ You said before you took a bite of your sandwich.
“Oh I’m sure she knows, someone doesn’t get to be that terrifying by accident.”
Conversation stayed light for the rest of the time you ate, from what you majored in to the auto repair shop he opened a few years ago. It felt nice to just talk to him again without any hostility, like it used to when things were normal. Being in a secluded environment was the key, you doubted it would be that easy at the wedding while being around so many people who were secretly waiting to see which one of you take things too far first.
Then Druig had to go and ruin it. “So can we talk about it now?”
“Talk about what?”
His eyes came close but they wouldn’t quite meet yours. “About how we went from being inseparable to me having to beg Wanda for updates on your life.”
If Druig was right about anything, it was you taking what he had to say the wrong way. “Are you fucking serious? You don’t remember?”
“What? No I meant-”
You stood up and walked towards the ladder, “I don’t care, I really don’t. I’m leaving. Unfortunately I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Stop.” He grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you in closer by your hips. “I remember exactly what happened. I was about to apologize for it.”
The way the light hit his blue eyes had you hypnotized. “I'm listening.”
“If either of us was a lost puppy it was me. I didn’t realize it at first, not until I found out you were leaving. I showed up at the twins house to tell them my revelation, begging them to tell me what I could do to make things right.” His train of thought was all over the place but so was your concentration. His left hand was still on your hip while his right had traveled its way up to your cheek. “Wanda told me your plans, Pietro said I should show up and tell you everything. It felt selfish to tell you something so heavy after finding out how excited you were to leave, I always thought things would just somehow go back to normal in college or something..
“So I drank my feelings and showed up at your house. I said something that hurt your feelings, again, and you snapped and I said some fucked up shit. I went to tell you that I loved you and ended up doing the exact opposite.”
If he said anything after that your brain didn’t register it. You only had water but it felt like you drank a whole bottle of wine. Before you knew it your hands were pulling his face closer to yours, closing the small amount of distance there was between you.
His lips on yours felt foreign, yet welcoming. More than.
The way one of his hands comfortably held your jaw while the other was tangled in your hair sent a fire through you that you had never felt before. When his tongue swiped over your lips you knew you were a goner, he swallowed the soft moan that escaped your lips. Druig had made you feel a lot of things over the years but in that moment he made you feel at home.
“Stop,” you put your hand on his chest and pushed away, forcing space between you. “This can’t happen.”
You didn’t stay to hear him out, but that didn’t stop him from following you down the ladder and begging to understand what just happened.
“Yn, talk to me! What the fuck happened up there?” You both walked past his bike and down the sidewalk. There wasn’t anywhere you were walking to exactly, you just wanted to get as far away from the moment as you could. “Did I do something you didn’t want me to?”
There was something in his voice that made you stop. “No, really no. But this,” you gestured between the two of you, “can’t happen. I’m only here for two more days and-”
“Then stay.”
“It’s not that simple, Druig.”
“Why not?” He pleaded with you, asking a question you didn’t even know the answer to.
“Look, I promise to act normal tomorrow and for the wedding, I won’t tell anyone, Wanda will have the wedding she deserves and me and Yelena will go back home and you’ll never hear from me again!”
He scoffed and you swore you could feel him roll his eyes, “Can you stop being so dramatic?”
You ignored him the rest of the way back to your parents house. Eventually he stopped trying to get your attention, the only indication of his being behind you was the sound of gravel crunching beneath his boots.
Instead of paying him any mind you brainstormed of non life threatening illnesses you could quickly expose yourself to so you had a perfectly reasonable excuse to be a horrible friend to Wanda and miss her and Bucky’s wedding. The answer was none.
After what felt like hours and many blisters later, you and Druig eventually made it back to your childhood home. Much to your surprise though, a familiar car was in the driveway. “Pietro?”
Before you got halfway up the driveway a blur of silver hair came out of nowhere and picked you up into a tight bear hug, almost tackling you to the ground. “Yn, I’ve missed you so much! How did your date with Druig go? I didn’t think I’d get to see you until later.”
“My what?” You pulled yourself out of his grasp. “Is that what he told you it was?”
“No?” He admitted, obviously confused. “I just figured you both decided to stop being stubborn and were ready to admit your feelings for eachother.”
“I did.” Druig said proudly, “I think it’s physically impossible for her to stop being stubborn though, probably would combust or something.”
“That sounds more thrilling than being here right now.”
“Told you.”
Before you could get another smart ass word in, Yelena had finally come outside. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” you lied, “I was too afraid to get back on Druig’s bike so we walked back. He was just saying goodbye.” You walked into the house and went straight to your room, ignoring the worried questions of your parents. You got to your window in time to see the guys back out of your driveway, probably on their way to Druig’s bike.
You were worried Yelena would have a hundred questions about what had happened, but that was silly. She knew how to work through your issues when you couldn’t. When Yelena found you in your room she came with the only thing that could stand a chance at putting you in a better mood (no matter the season), hot chocolate.
“You don’t have to talk about it,” she reminded you, handing you one of the mugs she held, “but Pietro filled me in on some things that have happened since you left. He said he’ll come back later if you want.”
“Yes,” you grumbled, “but not if he wants to talk about him.”
“I’ll let him know.”
While you waited for Pietro, and dinner, you listened to Yelena as she told you about her day. As she spoke about all that Pietro had shown her, you noticed how much she really liked him. You had never heard someone talk so highly of Pietro. Hell, you have never heard Yelena talk highly of anyone, ever. She didn’t outright say it, and you didn’t dare bring it up, but you could tell it was going to be really hard for her to leave.
As much as you hated to admit it, so obviously you planned to take it to the grave, you were going to too.
It was that one thought that you let slip through the cracks that caused a mental avalanche. Flashes of you afternoon with Druig, all of the hurtful things he said and did when you were younger, him following you home, remembering you still have two more days with him, thoughts of what things could be like if you stayed…
Yelena never noticed how zoned out you got, but Pietro did.
He stood in the doorway, taking both of you off guard. “You’ve both been so lost in your own worlds, neither of you noticed me standing here for five minutes.”
“You’re an adult,” you stood up to take the boxes of pizza out of his hands, “you could have said something.”
“I figured one of you would have noticed the smell of pizza.”
Yelena opened the first box and looked disgusted, “Because this isn’t pizza. It’s buffalo chicken on pizza dough.”
“Ah but you said pizza dough, so you admit by default it's a pizza.” He replied to her in the flirtiest manner you had ever seen. He was absolutely smitten with her as well.
“You better have gotten something we like too.” You added for no other reason than to remind them you were still there.
The rest of the night flew by too quickly. After dinner the three of you went to the backyard, it was too nice not to enjoy it. The apartment you shared with Yelena didn’t have a yard of any kind, but at least it had a decent sized patio balcony. But even then your neighbors got really weird if you and, or Yelena were out there too late. Not weird like leaving passive aggressive notes on your front door or anything, you almost wished they did, but instead they would lean over the wall that separated you and would insert themselves in the middle of whatever you were doing.
That wasn’t something you weren’t used to though. Even though the distance between your childhood home and the neighbors was pretty spacious, that didn’t stop your friends from just showing up in your backyard. It didn’t matter if you were home or not, it never bothered you.
It only bothered you when it stopped.
“I miss this place.” You whispered. You didn’t even realize you said it outloud until Pietro asked you to repeat yourself.
“I said there’s too much space.”
“That’s not what you said.” He accused, the gears clearly turning in his head. “What would it take to get you back here?”
You didn’t quite know what the right answer was, so you just said the only thing you knew for sure. “If Yelena isn’t a stone’s throw away from me then I might die. Do you want me to die, Pietro?”
“If that’s the case,” Yelena quickly added, “our lease is up soon. I wouldn’t mind moving here with you, I like it here.”
“You like a guy here, that’s not the same thing.”
“Don’t pretend that that’s not the same reason why you do and don’t want to move back.”
“No,” she cut you off, “someone had to say it to you. Pietro said you liked him and I didn’t believe him until yesterday and again today. The way you talked about him I truly believed you hated him, but the way you look at him.. The way he looks at you! The way you talk to each other, even. Your parents even see it! He took you on a date, he quite literally told you he loves you! What’s holding you back?”
“It just feels like another set up!” You blurted out. “I feel like the second I admit how I feel, Druig and his friends are going to all come out of nowhere like we’re on an episode of Punk’d or something.”
“You couldn’t,” Pietro laughed out so hard he had to fight to catch his breath, “ahh, you’re hilarious.”
That didn’t do anything but annoy you. “Can you stop laughing at me and find your words?”
“I’m sorry,” he took a deep breath and wiped the tears from his eyes, “it’s just that you couldn’t be more wrong. Druig hasn’t hung out with that crown since we graduated, he only hangs out with me, Wanda, Bucky, and the guys at the shop. And your parents sometimes.”
“My parents?” They never mentioned him.
“We all do, we basically grew up in your backyard. They’ve always been like second parents to us. One more thing,” he moved from his seat to sit directly in front of you, “if he ever sets you up to look or feel stupid again, I’ll knock his teeth out.”
“Only if you beat me to it.” Yelena stood up, ready to defend your honor then and there.
Pietro stood again from his seat, sizing her up. “Is that a challenge?”
“Ew stop flirting in front of me,” you stood up too and told them you’d be leaving, “I got to go to Wanda’s to try on my dress. I’ll think about what you said on the way there, you two have fun and if I don’t see either of you before your mini road trip, please be safe!”
When you got to Wanda’s house it was slightly after 9pm and thankfully it was just her and Bucky. He seemed really nice, you understood almost immediately how Wanda had fallen in love so quickly. There was something about the way they were just so genuine with each other, you had never seen Wanda so happy with someone. You were so distracted by them that you almost forgot why you were there, the dress.
It was a floor length lavender dress with a short flutter sleeve, thankfully it wasn’t anything crazy. Somehow Wanda did indeed get the perfect fit. You hung it back in her closet for Saturday and went back into the living room so spend more time with the happy couple.
Throughout the night Bucky kept mentioning how he wished there was more time to get to know you better and how Wanda was so excited you were there. Neither one of them mentioned Druig. There was no way they didn’t know what happened earlier, and you’d be surprised if Pietro didn’t call Wanda the moment you left. Whatever they wanted to talk about, they weren’t going to initiate it. At least, not out right.
“You’ve never been so quiet.” Wanda stated. “Do you want to talk about something?”
“I can step out if you need some privacy.” Bucky added.
“No,” you told the both of them, “when I’m done processing I’ll let you know.”
“I promise.”
When you got to Wanda’s the next day neither her or Bucky were there like you hoped they’d be. It was just going to be you and Druig, who was already in the backyard, and you desperately wished Yelena would have taken pity on you and not go with Pietro. But you swore to her at least ten times the night before that she was fine and you could handle it.
You were wrong.
The tension could have been cut with a knife. You both tried to stay away from each other if you could, but when you couldn’t things were tense. It was obvious that he wanted to say something, he only spoke to you when it was necessary though.
After he would put a table in its designated spot you would go behind him and place the chairs. Since it was a small backyard wedding, the couple decided against the traditional seating for the ceremony and just have everyone sit at their designated table instead. Their backyard was big enough so no matter what it wouldn’t be too crowded.
When he was done you expected him to start the next project, but when you went to grab more chairs he was already bringing more your way. “You don’t have to help me.”
“But I want to.” You wanted to tell him that he can’t always get what he wants but you opted to just let him do what he wanted.
When that was done two men started to bring back the pieces to the arch and put it together. The flowers were going to be delivered the next morning, so once you knew it was correctly assembled you snuck inside for a moment to yourself before the next project.
All of the silence gave you time to actually think and process all that had come to light, and the longer you thought about it and really thought about what Pietro had said you knew you had to make a decision.
There was no real point in going back home other than to get your things, the lease would be up in just over a month. You and Yelena were going to renew it when you got back but you had no obligation to do that. There was no doubt that your parents would let the both of you stay with them until you found a house close by. That was if Yelena didn’t move in with Pietro, which you would absolutely love and support.
You and Yelena had talked about it some when you got back the night before, she told you that she didn’t expect to want to stay but she did. Admitting that you felt the same way was like admitting defeat at the end of the night you both agreed to think about it and talk about it again after the wedding.
If someone were to have told you the week before that you’d be back in your hometown, hanging out with Druig, thinking about moving back - you would have suggested they seek professional help. You never would have guessed that you’d be standing in the middle of Wanda and her future husband’s kitchen thinking about what to do about the Druig of it all.
“Hey,” he walked into the kitchen as if your thoughts of him summoned him there, “we just have to hang the lights around the trees and the arch. Did you want to take a break and order lunch?”
“Yeah that’s fine, get me whatever you’re getting. I’ve got cash.”
“Pizza good? And don’t worry about it, it’s a ‘thank you’ from the happy couple for all our hard work.” He pulled out his phone and put in the order. The two of you weren’t standing too close, but it felt like he was the center of gravity and was trying to pull you in. When he was done and walked out of the kitchen to the living room you followed, your younger self would have been disgusted.
Everything became too much at once, so many decisions were unofficially made at once and the only one you didn’t have a solution to was less than five feet away from you. Even though you knew how he felt and what he wanted, you didn’t know how to say out loud that you felt the same. It wasn’t even something you admitted out loud to your therapist.
“I’ve decided I’m moving back.” You tried to stop yourself, you really did, but the awkward silence was getting out of hand.
He looked at you like you had three heads, “What? When?”
You knew what he really wanted to ask. “Probably in a month. I haven’t told anyone yet, I just decided about 15 minutes ago honestly.”
“Is Yelena moving too? Aren’t you two a packaged deal?” He leaned back in his seat, probably didn’t want to seem too eager or show how excited he was about your decision.
“Yes, well, kind of. She wants to move here too but I think her plans include Pietro more than they do me, which I’m totally fine with.” And you were, you wouldn’t have ever entertained the thought of moving anywhere if your best friend wasn’t going with you. Her having someone that makes her happy was more than worth it.
He smirked at your answer. “So Wanda and Bucky are getting married, Yelena and Pietro are going to be in a honeymoon phase of their own.. Where does that leave us?”
You knew he was going to bring it up eventually, you just hoped he would have waited until you unpacked your belongings first. “Why would there be an ‘us’?”
“We could be friends, we could be more, or we can just go back to ignoring each other. I just want to know so I can respect your boundaries.” He almost sounded sad, it surprised you how much it made your heart ache.
That made you want to talk out everything then and there, but fate had other plans. The doorbell rang and Druig stood up to go get the food. After he got back and you were done eating you had no idea how to bring up the subject again. You convinced yourself that it was fine, that talking it over with Wanda and Yelena first would help you sort your thoughts.
The rest of the decorating went pretty quickly, some of the things had to be done the next day so you volunteered to get up early and do those since you’d be spending the night at Wanda’s anyway.
Since the guest list was so small, Wanda and Bucky decided to pick one friend each to be their maid of honor and best man. Neither of them wanted to do anything crazy for their bachelor/ bachelorette parties either. Bucky and Druig were going to spend the night at Pietro’s doing whatever Bucky decided he wanted to do, and you and Yelena were staying with Wanda to have a spa/ movie night.
It was there, while the three of you were applying your mud masks, that you told them your decision. “So unless Druig opened his mouth and told you before I got to, I’m-”
“Finally dating Druig?!” Wanda interrupted, a little too excited.
“Ugh you too?” You threw yourself backwards on her living room floor. “No, I wanted to be the first to tell you and Yelena and I are moving back here next month.”
“WHAT?” She jumped from her stop on the couch and onto you. “This is the best wedding present ever! I can’t believe you’re coming back.”
“You’re crushing me, get off.” You laughed half seriously.
She got off of you and went to hug Yelena, “I’m so excited for us to spend more time together.”
“Me too.” Yelena smiled. You once worried about the possibility of them not getting along, so you were overjoyed that they had a bond separate from you.
The later it got and the more wine you drank, you felt more comfortable talking about the subject everyone (even your parents) wanted you to talk about: Druig.
“Are you going to date him?”
“Are you going to take it slow?”
“Is he a good kisser?”
“Does this mean we can do couples vacations now?”
“I bet you two are going to be the couple that is just obsessed with each other, but in a cute way.”
“Can you two let me decide my feelings first before you plan my wedding?” You didn’t even blame them for their questions and comments, there was a part of you that wanted to fully let loose and talk about how you’ve had a crush on him for as long as you could remember, but there was also a part of you that didn’t want to celebrate too soon.
“Decide??” Wanda emphasized dramatically, “Are you going to look at me in my face and pretend you’re not in love with him?”
Yelena was right behind her. “And he’s even told me he’s in love with you, too. So why aren’t you two together yet?”
“OH! I have an idea!” Wanda yelled and ran to her bedroom. When she came back she had your phone in her hand with Druig’s contact information open. “Call him and tell him how you feel.”
“No, this night is supposed to be about you. You call Bucky and gush to him about how much you love him.” She rolled her eyes at your comment and looked for Yelena to back her up.
To your surprise she actually backed you up. Well, technically. “No, Pietro sent a voice memo earlier and they’re all very drunk. A text might work though.”
“Or, and really hear me when I say this,” you suggested after finishing off another bottle, “I could just wait until after the wedding. That way you and Bucky can have your day and I can procrastinate this a little longer.”
“Ugh, fine. I’ve just been waiting for this since high school, seeing two of my best friends happy. Not pretending they hate each other anymore. I’m just so happy for you.” Wanda was drunk but you knew she meant every word she said.
For years she was in the middle of you and his hostility, even though you did everything you could so that she didn’t have to. You never badmouthed him to her, or even Pietro, but you knew they weren’t unaware it was happening. They knew it was something they couldn’t fix, but at the end of the day you were their friend and seeing you hurt, hurt them.
“No Wands, I’m happy for you.” With that, the three of you called it a night. The morning would be there before you knew it.
You woke up before anyone else and decided it was your job as maid of honor to make sure Wanda was taken care of until it was officially Bucky’s duty. There was no way you would be able to do that without caffeine so you pulled out your phone and ordered coffee and breakfast for the three of you before the flowers were scheduled to be delivered.
Yelena was the next to wake up. The two of you sat on the porch and talked about your plans for the move before Wanda woke up.
“So were you thinking about moving in with Pietro?” You got straight to the point, just like she had with you.
She looked at you in disbelief. “We just made things official, I need at least a year to get used to being so close to him before I think about that. You know how I am. Besides, I’m not ready for us to not be roommates yet. That’s too much change at once.”
You jokingly threw your head back and laughed, “Oh thank god, I feel the same way! About wanting to still be roommates and too much change. I feel like I’m going to make a mistake somehow.”
“Me too. But this feels like a step in a positive direction.” She put her hand in yours. “We’ve outgrown our apartment.”
“Yes, so naturally the next move is my parents house. I love that for us.” You said sarcastically.
That snapped her back to reality. “We’re looking for a place the minute we get on the train. I love your parents but I can’t be a recluse there, I need that time to myself or I’ll go insane.”
“Oh you don’t have to tell me twice, I fell asleep looking at places last night.”
The front door opened and a sleepy Wanda walked out, “Did anyone make coffee?”
“No,” you laughed at how well you knew her, “but in one minute a delivery driver will be here with some.”
She sat on the other side of you and rested her head on your shoulder, “You’re the best.”
Just like you predicted, a car had pulled up and a delivery boy stepped out with your breakfast. You nudged Wanda’s head with the shoulder she was leaning on so you could get up, “I know.”
From there the morning got unexpectedly chaotic. The flowers got delivered thirty minutes late and the person who was supposed to help you arrange them had apparently called out, so you spent longer than planned getting them all in their proper arrangements on each table and around the arch.
Time wise everything seemed to work itself out in the end. Wanda and Yelena were showered by the time you were done, but only just, meaning you would have been waiting for your turn anyways. To your surprise there was just enough hot water left for you to get through the shower, it only got cold at the very end.
When you stepped out of the bathroom you were faced with a new set of problems. Wanda’s blow dryer broke when she was almost done, leaving you and Yelena with wet hair and the risk of frizz.
“Let me make a call, y’all just start on make up.” You excused yourself and called the first person you thought of. “Druig?”
“Good afternoon, sunshine. I didn’t expect to hear from you so soon.”
You got so distracted with his flirting you almost forgot why you called. “I need a favor, are you busy?”
“I could never be too busy for you.”
You knew he could tell you were smiling by the sound of your voice. “Can you go over to my house and get my hair dryer? Wanda’s broke?”
“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”
You thanked him and walked back to the guest bedroom to find more appropriate clothes. The last thing you needed was for him to see you in a towel, he would have found a way to bring it up the rest of the day.
When you went to check on Wanda and Yelena things finally seemed to be going smoothly. Yelena had never worn much makeup so she finished up pretty quickly. Wanda’s makeup style always depended on the occasion, and for her wedding she went for more of a non-makeup look. Her foundation was light and dewy while her eyes had a natural look to them. You had just got done helping her apply a set of very subtle eyelashes when you heard a knock at the door. “Be right back, y’all figure out what you’re doing with your hair.”
The walk to Wanda’s front door felt like it took ages to get to and once you got there you had to work up the courage to open it, but eventually you found it. “Hey, thank you again. I owe you one.”
“It’s no big deal.” He handed you the blow dryer and you ran it to the girls before joining him back on the porch. “Shouldn’t you be joining them?”
“They can wait.” You purposely stood a little too close to him, but not close enough for his gravity to pull you in again. Not fully at least. “I need to tell you something.”
It took all of his restraint not to close the gap between you. “You can tell me anything.”
“I’m sorry about the other day, I was feeling a lot of things at once and I reacted badly.”
That wasn’t what he was expecting you to say but he appreciated it all the same. “No, that was my bad, I threw too much at you at once.”
“No, it was beautiful, really.” You reassured him, “I’ve got to go, but meet me here after the ceremony, okay? There’s something else we need to talk about.”
He agreed, but before he left you both took a half step forward. You leaned your head in quicker than he did and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled his signature half smile and walked back to his bike, “That just told me all I needed to know, darling. I’ll see you soon.”
You smiled and went back inside before Wanda and Yelena got curious, the last thing you needed was to get thrown off schedule right as you had caught up.
When you walked back in, Wanda was curling her hair while Yelena was almost done blow drying hers. They were so caught up in the excitement that they never questioned who had dropped the blow dryer off and why you took a few minutes to come back in, not that you had a problem with that at all.
You had just finished your hair and make up when the caterers arrived, thankfully all you had to do was unlock the door. There was still an hour before the ceremony was scheduled to begin and even though Wanda’s dress wasn’t anything super extravagant, it had probably about one hundred buttons in the back and it took you a little longer than you anticipated. Yelena had taken pity on you and helped you out, giving you just enough time to get dressed before guests and the guys arrived.
“Alright, Pietro texted they should be here in two minutes. I’m going to make sure Bucky stays out back. You,” you pointed to Wanda, “stay away from the kitchen windows, I won’t have him sneaking a peek.”
“Aye, aye captain.” Her smile was so wide, she was barely able to contain her excitement.
Everything after that was a blur.
The guys ended up arriving before the guests. You supervised Druig and Bucky while they showed everyone to their seats and Pietro joined Yelena in making sure Wanda didn’t get impatient. At least that’s the reason he gave, you were sure he selfishly (yet understandably) wanted to be close to Yelena. Druig tried doing the same with you a few times but you kept finding opportunities to slip away before he got too close, not for any reason other than to watch him get worked up.
When it was time for Wanda to walk down the aisle everyone was in their designated seats, leaving you, Druig, Bucky and his other best friend Steve at the altar. You didn’t get a chance to talk to Steve much but according to Bucky they were basically brothers and he couldn’t imagine anyone else officiating his and Wanda’s wedding.
The vows were short and sweet but they still managed to leave everyone in tears, they had nothing but love and fondness for each other and everyone felt it. When Wanda talked about falling in love with Bucky, you felt a pair of eyes on you. You tried to keep your attention on her, but Druig’s orbit had pulled you in again. In what felt like no time at all, Steve had declared them Mr. and Mrs. Barnes and instructed them to kiss.
You and Druig followed their lead as they walked back up the aisle and into the house. The plan was for the wedding party to get their food and drinks and join everyone else back outside, Wanda wanted to wait to take pictures during the golden hour before sunset. It had always been her favorite time of day so you weren’t surprised.
“Hey,” you pulled her to the living room, “is it okay if me and Druig step out front for a few minutes?”
She practically shoved you out of the door. “Finally! I don’t care, as long as you're back for pictures.”
When it was just you and him again you felt nervous, like you weren’t in the same situation with him just hours before.
“So,” he started, “what did you want to talk about?”
He stood so close you almost forgot what you wanted to say.
“Us.” It came out as a whisper.
“Oh so there is an ‘us’?” He brought his face closer to yours, his voice lower than it was before, “Do tell me sweetheart, does this mean you won’t run away after I kiss you?”
“I guess there’s only one way to find out.”
He didn’t take the bait, which you were secretly thankful for. If he did, you two probably would have missed the rest of the party, and even if Wanda and Bucky would have understood you would have never forgiven yourself. “We can save that for later, we only have about ten minutes before we need to get back.”
You tried to suppress a laugh and failed, “You’re such an ass, you just want to hear me talk.”
“I do love hearing your voice.” He admitted.
“Stop flirting!” You gently pushed him back so you could focus better, “I know this is technically new, we haven’t even had a proper conversation about us yet but I’ve known how I’ve felt about you for my whole life. I hate that we spent so many years at each other’s necks and I’m sorry the only way for me to cope was leaving. I know moving back won’t make up for the years I was gone, but I’m hoping we can make up for lost time now.”
He took a moment to let your words sink in. You didn’t know it then, but he had half expected you to tell him you just wanted to be friends (which he would have been more than okay with). So when you all but told him you love him, he wasn’t sure if he was dreaming or not.
“When do you move back?”
You weren’t expecting him to ask that, but answered him anyway. “We have about a month to get all of our things out, so I guess it depends on how fast we pack. Why?”
He grabbed your hands and pulled you into his chest, “Me and Pietro were talking about flying out to help you and Yelena pack, wanted to see if that would be okay with you first.”
“What?” You smiled at him, “Can’t go a few weeks without me?”
“I just got you back, I’ll go mad missing you.” You wanted to kick yourself for thinking his feelings weren’t genuine.
“Would you judge me for feeling the same?”
“Never.” He leaned in to seal the deal with a kiss, and you would have let him if Pietro hadn’t barreled through the door.
“I know you two are having a moment and I hate to be the one to kill it, I really do, but we can’t wait anymore.”
“Right behind you.” You and Druig walked behind him, hand in hand, to the back yard.
The rest of the night was perfect. You got to witness one of your best friends marry the love of her life, and as an added bonus you got to watch the beginning of Yelena and Pietro’s love story.
Your parents were over the moon when you told them about you moving back, but that was nothing compared to the news about you and Druig. As it so happened, they had been planning your wedding with him since you were kids. Yelena took one for the team and asked them about temporary living arrangements.
Druig took the opportunity to talk to you alone one last time before the night had to end. “You’re not going to get on that train and never talk to me again are you?”
He was mostly kidding but you could tell a part of him meant it. “Not this time, you can get up early and take the journey with me just to make sure if you want.”
“Don’t tempt me.” He held you close, anyone who paid attention would have thought you were swaying with the music. “I’m really glad this weekend turned out the way it did.”
“I am too.” You knew then that you were finally whole again. Everyone you had ever loved were going to be in the same place. The same place that broke your heart and it was put back together again. It felt like the universe gave you a second chance to have the life you always wanted and nothing, not even yourself, was going to get in the way of it happening.
@stuckonjbbarnes @buckyssoldat
#druig x reader#druig x f!reader#friends to enemies to lovers#angst with a happy ending#marvel#mcu fanfic
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[Fanfics that I've read for the past years]
♡ - smut
Most of them are fluff
Latest update: 07/01/23
Edited: 01/10/24
PT.1 (edited)
richard alonzo muñoz
Alma peregrine • Enoch O'Connor
the madrigals • camilo madrigal
klaus baudelaire • violet baudelaire
weasley twins • neville longbottom • luna lovegood
Edmund pevensie
santiago garcia
Pt.2 (edited)
newt scamander • wolfstar • remus lupin • regulus black • james potter
vance hopper
sherlock holmes
glenn rhee
peter pan • felix
newt • gally
duke leto atreides
jack frost • bunnymund
tadashi hamada • hiro hamada
Pt.3 on going (edited)
camilo madrigal
vance hopper
eleventh doctor • twelve doctor
dan torrance
miguel diaz • eli "hawk" moskowitz
wayne mccullough
on going (edited)
Sam(Trick r' treat)
micheal myers
polite leader
jennifer check
art the clown
brahms heelshire
PT.1 (edited)
peter ballard • robin buckley • dustin henderson • steve harrington • eddie munson
PT.2 (edited)
robin buckley • dustin henderson • alexei smirnoff • steve harrington • billy hargrove • eddie munson
PT.3 (edited)
steve harrington • eddie munson
PT.4 (edited)
peter ballard • chrissy cunningham • max mayfield • billy hargrove • gareth emerson • steve harrington • eddie munson
PT.5 (edited)
chrissy cunningham • gareth emerson • eddie munson
PT.1 (edited)
Ranboo • technoblade • tommyinnit • quackity • sapnap • jschaltt
Pt.2 (edited)
Corpse husband • Tommyinnit • technoblade
Pt.3 on going (edited)
Technoblade • wilbur soot • quackity • ranboo
PT.1 (edited)
peter(pietro) maximoff • erik lehnsherr • warren worthington • alex summers • scott summers • kurt wagner • jean grey
druig • loki laufeyson • bucky barnes • peter parker
Moon knight • kate bishop • stephen strange • Peter parker • Miles morales
alex summers • Warren Worthington •Sean cassidy • peter(pietro) maximoff
PT 3
Peter(pietro) maximoff • miles morales • moon knight • khonshu • stephen strange • wade wilson • eddie brock (venom) • kate bishop
Wanda maximoff • Warren Worthington • Moon knight
stephen strange • Loki laufeyson • wade wilson • peter parker • moon knight
kurt wagner • warren worthington • peter(pietro) maximoff
pavitr prabhakar • miles morales • peter parker • eddie 'venom' brock • tony stark • druig • kate bishop • moon knight • frank castle
obi wan kenobi • poe dameron • din djarin
Anakin Skywalker • obi wan kenobi • poe dameron • din djarin
Link soon...
on going
ben hargreeves • five hargreeves
montgomery gator • sunnydrop/moondrop
poppy playtime
ellie williams • joel miller
task force 141 • alejandro vargas • simon 'ghost' riley
joel miller
simon riley • könig
batmom • batfam • batsis • Bruce wayne • Tim drake • Dick Grayson • Jason todd • Damian wayne
Garfield logan • Rachel roth
batmom • batfam • batsis • bruce wayne • garfield logan • Jason todd • alfred pennyworth
on going
jervis tetch • the valeska twins • roman sionis
Link soon...
On going
Pedro pascal • timothee chalamet • harry style
marc spector • peter parker • bruce wayne • damian wayne
stray kids
timothee chalamet • ryan reynolds • bella ramsey • oscar issac • pedro pascal • justin h. min • joseph quinn • harry styles • tom holland
Pt.2 on going
Chris evans • Sebastian Stan • Paul raud
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Family Masterlist
A Little Bit of Mischief (ao3) - asgardianavenger M, 59k
Summary: Loki's kids were monsters. Odin made sure that nobody knew that. A curse was put in place but since Odin's passing, the curse has been lifted. Two of the four children would stop at nothing until they find their younger siblings and make things right. (During Thor Ragnarok)
And All the Vegetables Too (ao3) - Chiauve G, 3k
Summary: At first, Frigga paid little mind. Afterall, boys grew at different rates. It wasn't until Loki was a good head taller than his elder brother that she began to worry.
Bouncing Baby Sniper (ao3) - vain_glorious clint/natasha, peggy/steve T, 5k
Summary: Clint Barton is Peggy Carter's grandson.
Congratulations, It's a (Spider) Boy (ao3) - tony_starked pepper/tony T, 6k
Summary: When Maya Hansen shows up at Tony’s mansion over a decade since they last met, she isn’t exactly lying about that thirteen-year-old kid in the car.
Don't Touch A Pregnant Man's Snack (ao3) - catnip_coffee steve/bucky T, 4k
Summary: Bucky's learned to let go of things that he's particular about. Except for his late night cravings. Those are not something to be messed with or forgotten. Especially when it comes to Steve's stubborn baby.
Even a Miracle Needs a Hand (ao3) - victoria_p (musesfool) clint/darcy G, 11k
Summary: When Darcy takes Clint home for the holidays as her fake boyfriend, he charms his way into the family, and into her pants heart.
"Have you ever gave yourself you time to suffer?" (ao3) - lonieine T, 4k
Summary: Peter has lost a lot of people, but he never really gave himself time to process that pain, and that has consequences.
him without his dad (ao3) - iron_spider T, 3k
Summary: Peter wakes up before his alarm goes off because the door slams open. He was in a dream somewhere but it disappears as soon as the door opens because Happy is rushing in and grabbing him up.
“Wait wait wait,” Peter says, feeling dizzy and sleepy as he reaches down and grabs the phone from the charger. He doesn’t remember plugging it in, and he guesses someone else did that for him. “What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”
Happy doesn’t say anything and just holds onto him, carrying him out of the room.
“Happy!” Pepper’s voice yells, and she’s there in the hallway and her face is all red and Peter is starting to get scared. “We—we don’t think there’s any threat to him—”
If One Be Gone, We Carry On (ao3) - the_sentient_duck G, 4k
Summary: Rebecca Kaplan is an ordinary woman living through extraordinary times and trying her best to deal with a son who seems like an entirely different person sometimes.
Ikaris and the Dumpster Flerken (ao3) - Sternenstaub_Orca ikaris/sersi, druig/makkari, gilgamesh/thena, phastos/ben G, 49k
Summary: Instead of flying into the sun after the failed Emergence on Earth, Ikaris wanders across the universe in self-imposed exile until the Flerken Distribution System finds him.
A bit of chaos ensures.
I'll Call Your Mom (ao3) - SkyeRomonoff N/R, 11k
Summary: Officer Melinda May just wants one day where she isnt dealing with stupid petty crimes, unfortunately thats not possible because as soon as she meets a teenage girl named Daisy every single call is about her
I'll do all I can to heal you inside (ao3) - Velocity_Owl87 T, 3k
Summary: Loki's left his dysfunctional family life behind, or so he thinks. Then his little brother Thor shows up on his doorstep, badly injured and Loki ends up taking responsibility for his little brother to raise him properly and hopefully give him a better future than he otherwise would have had.
Just a Million Little Gods (ao3) - orphan_account T, 4k
Summary: Loki responds with a level six glare and, “Arcade Fire.” Upon Thor’s bemused face, Loki sighs so hard he almost feels out of breath and adds, “You’ve probably never heard of them.”
Memories That Never Fade Away (ao3) - Peridot_Garcia agatha/rio, teddy/billy M, 179k
Summary: A purely self-indulgent fic about Agatha and the coven learning how to work through their trauma even if they tend to get on each other's nerves.
Never or Forever (I can’t remember) (ao3) - That_other_koi N/R, 8k
Summary: What if Thor handed Loki over to HYDRA?
Paper Planes & Playground Games (ao3) - Barkour loki/sif G, 14k
Summary: When Sif was but a girl, she met two princes, one like the sun, the other like the moon.
Take It All, It's All Yours (ao3) - LilaLuna agatha/rio T, 104k
Summary: After a lifetime of suffering, young Wanda finds an unexpected haven with Agatha and Rio. Bound by their love for each other and their commitment to Wanda, Agatha and Rio create a sanctuary for healing, determined to help Wanda face her deepest wounds. Together, they become the family Wanda never thought possible, fiercely protective of her—and each other—as they navigate the painful layers of trauma she carries.
OR: Agatha and Rio take in a young Wanda in and do everything to help her heal from the layers of trauma she has endured in her life. Slices of life, established relationship and found family.
these things, they were promises (ao3) - Mira_Jade frigga/odin G, 4k
Summary: "In her visions, she sees two sons born to the Allfather; it never occurred to her that one would not be of her womb." Three moments that the future struck deep.
the smile that's on my mouth (it's hiding the words that don't come out) (ao3) - pouringinsheets G, 1k
Summary: Six months ago Sam walked back into the Wilson family house for the first time in two years. Except it hadn’t been two years, it had been seven.
Sam tries to find his footing.
Viduidae Child (ao3) - RunRabbitRun frigga/odin G, 4k
Summary: When her husband presents the babe to her, Frigga's first thought is He doesn't look like a Frost Giant.
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I recently watched Dunkirk and this is my incorrect characters interpretation :3

Tommy Shelby you gorgeous man, FOR F**K SAKE TAKE A BREAK!!

Alfie, i know you're obsessed with Tommy but, DAMN !!!

OMG Poirot?! Where're your gorgeous mustache go?!?!

Druig, bro you are cute, but i see you're already done with this SHIT!!

Harry, i think we will miss you're incredible hair for a little while...

Aegon, i'm glad you're team red now! Keep stay away from alcohol!

Just a tiny Jacaerys Targaryen waiting his uncle. STAY SAFE KID!!

Mariah are you still looking for Midas box or Felix? Keep serching boy
#dunkirk#shivering soldier#farrier#dunkirk 2017#george mills#commander bolton#thomas shelby#tommy shelby#alfie solomons#hercule poirot#druig#harry styles#aegon targaryen#jacaerys targaryen#jacaerys velaryon#mariah mundi#peaky blinders#eternals#marvel#hotd#house of the dragon#The Curse of the Midas Box#cillian murphy#tom hardy#kenneth branagh#barry keoghan#tom glynn carney#harry collett#aneurin barnard
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What about guys a Namor x Eternal!Reader?
Namor has always been in love with readers for so long ever since the day he saw them. The reader is a Eternal but he doesn't know. The reader is an animal communicator with sealife like kinda can control what Druig does. Namor greets him and the reader is shocked but isn't scared because I mean their a eternal let's be for real they have probably seen worse things throughout the years. They start as friends and eventually start to fall in love. But Namor can't get too attached because he thinks the reader is a human and knows he's gonna outlive them so he writes her a letter and leaves without warning the reader is hurt by this but they know they have to live on without him. Many years go by with what's happening in the world from the New York attack to the Blip and Namor sees the reader, or what he believes to be someone who looks like them thinking that Y/N had found someone, married them, had kids, and had different generations of family. But no it's them. Then Y/N gets to explain that they are an Eternal and what their purpose was. I can't think of anything more I have to come up with as I write down the full story. It may be in parts like my Shuri series.
Let me know if you want to be tagged in it!
#creamecafe#marvel#mcu#black panther#wakanda forever#namor the sub mariner#black panther wakanda forever#namor#namor x reader#namor x black reader#namor x fem!reader#namor x y/n#namor x you#namor x poc!reader#namor mckenzie#prince namor#king namor#mcu namor#namor fanfic#namor fanfiction#namor fic#namor of talokan#namor the submariner#namor imagine#namor mcu#tenoch huerta namor#wakanda
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”I wish I were Heather.”
Druig Was an Eternal, So we’re you, Him able to control minds, read them, implant visions in them. You Able to manipulate and bend water, like Percy Jackson, which was a book series you loved. You and Druig had never really spoken before. You two, it’s cliche to say, but you two hated each other. You walked down to the beach. Babylon was hot, and humid, your dress didn’t make it better, it was just another annoying layer in the heat. As you walked you hadn’t noticed someone watching you, nor would you that night. Or the next, nor the other, neither the one after.
Druig watched you, Y/N. He was supposed to hate you, but that was definitely not what he felt towards you, you were the only person he loved, he’d never say it to you, you’d reject him. He knew it. He was enthralled by you, everything about you was beautiful and precise. The way you’d use water, to fight the deviants along side Makkari and Thena, was just as mystical as your eyes, a startling Y/E/C, so beautiful. He just wished it were different, he prayed to Arishem, the only thing he’s ever asked for was your love, yet he never got it. It made him bitter, he just wanted you to love him like he loved you!
He watched as you walked down the slope of the sand that cascaded down the beach, your soft footprints left in the sand. You never noticed him, watching you from the balcony of the temple which was built over the Domo.
{The next day}
“Y/N!” he called after you as you were walking down the hallway to your room.
“What do you want.” You responded as you gave him a look of loathe, he sighed as he walked over and said,
“I just wanted to ask you something, please just let me talk to you for this once.” He said, pleading for you to listen and not walk away like always.
Just as you we’re about to respond, Ikaris came up behind you and kissed you. IKARIS KISSED YOU! Of course you’d be with him! Jealousy boiled in him, yet he didn’t show it, he turned to you and said,
“Wow Y/N, didn’t know you were such a whore.” He said with a sneer as he turned and walked away.
When he was alone, he started Crying, you’d never love him, he wasn’t strong, or handsome, or, or even as smart as Ikaris! How could he be such a fool for thinking just maybe he had a chance! He was going to tell you how he felt when Ikaris came and kissed you! He sobbed out the words, in a heartbreaking tone,
“I wish I were Ikaris!”
Unbeknownst to him, you were right outside his room. You heard him. Yet he’d never know.
So I’m making this a series. Hope y’all like it. This is part one. And will be a long series. Let me know if you like. It’s my first story sooo. Yeah. Almost all titles gonna be Song Lyrics cause Ima theater kid sooo ykykykykiyatk.
#druig x reader#druig x female reader#druig x eternal!reader#druig angst#druig imagine#the eternals#story
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A dark!Druig Fanfic | Druig x reader | Scream crossover
Summary: The origins of a mysterious masked killer... who just so happens to be a god.
Note: Prologue + Chap 1 are here :))) I hope you guys enjoy this story!
Warnings: mentions of blood, light gore, death, murder... lol
Wordcount: 3.2K
The metallic smell of blood clung to his senses, as Druig lifted his blade high above his head, prepared to land yet another strike to the unsuspecting victim that laid below him. It was his first kill, the rage of human fragility consuming him, driving him to take matters into his own hands. Why were humans so hungry with greed, so lustful for it that they slaughtered millions to make their point known?
Blood had already filled the streets below, flowing like a tiny creek above the pavements that weaved between now crumbling buildings. His victim would be seen as just another casualty to the war, a guard who fell to the hoards of civilians now storming the castle. They had been neglected for months, famished and homeless, littering the streets like discarded trash. Finally, they had enough, rising up against the castle and its inhabitants.
But the guard below Druig was far from innocent. The list of sins he had to atone for could wrap around the city twice. Druig was merely just doing a god’s work, sending the bastard to his hell a little earlier than expected.
Druig pulled his blade out of the limp body once more, wiping the red stains on the guard's cloth that hung from his waist. Druig slid the blade back into his own boot, the cool metal a sweet relief against his hot skin. The fire ablaze through the castle halls, set by the angry citizens, had significantly raised the temperature, a sickening heat radiating off what walls were still left standing.
As Druig straightened, a twinkle in the doorway caught his attention. A child stood in the crumbling frame, his mouth hung open at the sight before him. The child was half in the shadows, his features unrecognizable. Druigs’ senses told him exactly who the kid was - the deceased guard's son. Druig had to act quick, before the child found the will to scream over the ghastly sight.
He closed his eyes as he summoned his powers from deep in his mind. When he opened them, his eyes then turned a bright golden that reflected the fire in the torches along the wall, as he locked eyes with the child in front of him. He now had total control over the kids emotions and actions.
“It’s okay, you’re safe. Go, find your mother.” Druig said, as he calmed the boys’ now shot nerves.
The child nodded, turning slowly and taking off, jumping over fallen bricks and wreckage. Druig sighed, looking down once more at the guard at his feet.
“Should have played it safe, Alexander, so your son could have a father in his life. That is very important, you know,” Druig scolded the dead man.
Alexander had a reputation in the Byzantine town for his behavior. There were many nights after his shift that Alexander became belligerent, drunk off the spirits offered by the local distilleries, before taking advantage of any unlucky woman who happened to cross his drunken path. His list of victims was countless, many left dead in the street for their loved ones to find. The grotesque crimes he committed were covered up by the King, offering a bullshit lie as an explanation for Alexander’s behavior.
Druig wasn’t the only one who wanted Alexander dead. He was just the first one to get to him, shoving him into the room where he laid now, his blood permanently marking his deathbed.
Alexander’s son stumbled through the hallways back to his mothers room that was tucked away deep in the castle, unharmed from the civilians storming through. He was panting, trying to catch his breath as he threw open the door. His mother sat on the bed, a knife in hand as she waited for the civilians to finally reach her champers. At the sight of her son, she dropped the knife, running to him.
“Agapi mou!” She cradled the boy in her arms, holding him close to her chest.
“Mommy,” he said, his greek accent thick. “It’s páppa!”
“What do you mean?”
“He… he…” the boy didn’t have to finish his sentence. The fear and grief in his voice said everything she needed to hear. So she cradled him tighter, running her fingers through his short black hair- much like his fathers.
As the tears fell from her eyes, landing on the top of her son's head, she heard a scream echo through the castle. She knew the mob had finally found them, tearing through the halls just outside her door. She hung onto her son tighter, praying to the gods for a savior, to spare her from the sins of the castle.
Such fate did not come… for the gods she prayed to sat silently outside, held under Druigs’ control.

Present Day
Rain illuminated the soft lights of the street lamps above you as you made your way back to your apartment. The humid air was hot and heavy, making you thankful you chose to wear shorts to work tonight, instead of your normal jeans.
It was 12 a.m., not an ideal time to be out walking alone, but you didn’t have much of a choice. Living in the city was expensive enough, adding a car note on top of that was unimaginable on a waiter's salary. You made enough to get by and afford a nice, spacious apartment, and practically everything you needed was in walking distance… so it truly wasn’t that bad. You knew the route like the back of your hand, and never once felt uncomfortable…
… that is, until a loud thud echoed down the alley way you just passed. It was loud enough to catch your attention, making you stop dead in your tracks. A muffled grunt followed, and you almost continued on, assuming it was just someone finding their place to sleep for the night. But yet another muffled sound caught your attention.
“Help…” it was said in a quiet, hushed tone, just barely audible over the sprinkle of rain hitting the pavement. You pulled your phone out, turning the flashlight on as bright as it would go.
This was dumb and you knew it, but you also knew you couldn’t live with yourself if you didn’t try and help whoever called out. Inhaling a shaking breath, you began to slowly disappear into the darkness of the alley, getting your phone ready to call the emergency line just in case.
A metallic smell filled the air the further you walked, making you slightly nauseous. A buzzing filled your veins as you breathed in, which only made you more nervous. You had heard of various instances around the city of people feeling this buzz, smelling the metallic air, before coming into contact with god magic.
God magic was a deadly substance to humans who lingered in the presence of the god on earth. Inhale too much of it and your lungs begin to collapse, as they fight for pure earthly oxygen. The presence of god magic lingering, meant a god had just been here… and that wasn’t a good sign.
Quickly, you pulled your hand up to cover your nose, hoping it would be enough to block out the air. As you did so, a gleam on the pavement caught your eye, as the light from your phone bounced off of it.
A puddle of red sat ahead of you, pooling thickly out from behind the lone dumpster sat in the middle of the alley. Your breath hitched in your throat as your mind raced with every worse case scenario that could be laid out before you.
Worst case, it was human blood, belonging to the innocent victim of the god at hand- and boy, were the gods ruthless with their victims. Best case, it was just an animal sacrifice… something a lot easier to stomach.
You prayed silently for the latter as you crept closer. The buzzing only intensified the closer you got to the source of the blood, causing a slight pounding in your head.
“Oh… oh my god,” you whispered as you finally rounded the edge of the dumpster. To your dismay, it was not an animal at all, but the blonde you had just served at the restaurant not too long ago. She was out with friends, celebrating her 21st birthday. Her once white dress was now shredded, dyed with the dark red of her blood that now inked the pavement below. The shredded marks of her dress matched the shredded skin of her stomach, as if she had been gutted.
You couldn’t stop the vomit now raising through your body. Turning around you emptied the contents of your stomach onto the wet pavement. You had never seen such a gruesome sight in person- it was nothing like the movies.
Tears fell from your eyes as you quickly hit the call button on your phone. An operator answered instantly, asking for your location.
“H-hi… I’m at the alley between 5th and Steel Avenue… I just, oh god I don’t even know if I can put it into words… I just discovered a dead body…” You answered the ladies' questions as best as you could between the sobs escaping your throat.
“Is there anyone else with you?” The operator asked, as she began to get an ambulance and the police on route to your location.
“Uh… no,” you said, confidently, as you looked around to see an empty alley. One end opened to the sidewalk and the street you were just on, the occasional car passing by on the street. The other end led to a brick wall, graffitied with local street art.
“Are you sure?” The operator asked again, this time with an edge to her voice that wasn’t there before. The hairs on the back of your neck stood at her tone, making you look around once more.
“Um…,” you whispered, suddenly hyper aware of every sound and moving shadow. A rock skidded across the pavement at the dead end, causing you to turn your attention to the graffitied brick wall.
An outline of a dark shadow stood at the end, a flash of white around their face bounced off the flashlight still on your phone. You stood still, absolutely petrified of whatever being stood just as still as you.
The buzzing appeared back in your veins and the smell of rusted iron returned. You were stunned as a flash of gold briefly flickered through the air. An overwhelming flood of emotions roared through you, rendering you unable to move, as if your feet were stuck in quicksand. Tears welled in your eyes, but didn’t fall, as if something held them there. Flashes of your life played in your mind, as you accepted your fate that you were next.
But just as suddenly as it happened, the feeling was gone, replaced by the blaring lights and sirens that now filled the alley. The lights made their way to the brick wall, where absolutely nothing appeared.
A cry escaped your throat as you dropped to your knees.
One thing was certain…
… you were just in the presence of a god.
A few hours later you were slugging your way up the stairs to your apartment, the events of the evening weighing on you heavily. You had run out of tears a while ago, as you sat in the detective's office going over and over and over what had happened in varying degrees of detail.
“You’re sure you heard nothing? Saw nothing? That has to be impossible… No one you passed looked suspicious?” The detective's voice echoed in your mind as you unlocked the apartment door.
A soft purr brought you out of your thoughts, as your cat sat patiently by the front door, mewing softly. She hadn’t had food in hours, as you were later than usual getting home.
“Oh Mr. Jinx, I’m sorry,” you whispered, stooping down to pet him. He leaned into your palm, rubbing his tiny head against it. “Come on, let’s get you some food.”
“Where have you been?!” A shrill voice made you jump back into the door, scaring mr. Jinx down the hall.
“God, Celia… don’t yell so loud,” you mumbled, gripping your temples.
“Y/N… there was a murder near your restaurant! I haven’t heard from you at all since your shift ended… you can’t be mad at me for being worried. What? You look like you’ve seen a ghost…” Celia trailed off as she poured herself a glass of wine.
“I saw it…,” you whispered, settling at the breakfast bar in the half kitchen. Celia’s wine stopped mid-pour as her eyes locked with yours.
“What…?” She whispered back, still trying to process what you just said. You nodded your head, unable to make direct contact with her for long. Your tears had tried long ago, making this a lot easier to talk about now, then hours ago sitting in that tiny gray room.
“Shit, you need this more than I do,” Celia responded, topping off her glass before sliding it to you. It only took you three seconds to down it, earning a low whistle from Celia. You were not a wine drinker, but tonight was different.
“There's more…,” you trailed off. If there was anyone you were going to mention the god thing to, it was Celia. Definitely not the detectives, and not the media who had swarmed the crime scene within minutes of detectives arriving.
“What?” Celia pressed, itching for you to spill what you knew.
“I know this is going to sound crazy but… I think I have an idea who did it.”
Celia looked at you quizzically.
“When I was approaching her body, I felt this… buzzing,” Celia’s sharp breath interrupted you, as she gasped. The fact that she already knew where you were going with this, meant your gut was right for telling her.
“It went away once I found her… but then it came back and I saw something. I’m not sure exactly what I saw… but it had a white face-”
“Oh my god!” Celia interrupted, taking off to her room. Celia often studied the mythology of the old world in her free time. She had a library full of books in her closet dedicated to this study. It was something unique about Celia that you enjoyed… Everyone else was perfectly content leaving the mythology behind after The Fall in the early days, when the gods departed, letting humanity crumble and rebuild into what it is today. In fact, many don’t even believe the gods ever existed, the only evidence of them being in the stories passed down, or an occasional destroyed relic found here and there across the globe.
Celia came back out supporting a thick book in her arms. It looked old and heavy, with a permanent layer of dust settled on top of it.
“Would you be able to recognize what you saw if you saw it again?” Celia asked, letting the book slam with a thud on the kitchen counter next to you. As expected, a cloud of dust filled the air.
“I think so, but I didn’t get a good look. There was a small flash of gold before it felt like I came too again,” you explained, coughing as the dust cloud settled in the air. Celia nodded, flipping through the pages.
“Okay, did it look like any of these?” She asked, settling on a page that was in another language. A drawing was nestled at the bottom, depicting a group of 10 individuals. None of them looked familiar, and you couldn’t read the text next to each person to try and figure it out.
“No… it was just a shadow, with this glimmering white face. I could smell the magic radiating off of it.”
“Did you hear anything?” Celia asked, as she began flipping through the book again.
“No… I couldn’t even hear my own thoughts… everything just went silent, and then I got this rush of emotions, that was when its eyes flashed gold and I was back in reality.”
Celia stopped mid page flip, turning slowly to look at you. Her eyes looked distant, like she wasn't actually looking at you, but trying to hold on to her train of thought. You waited patiently for her to figure out the pieces.
After a few seconds, she started furiously flipping through the pages, heading back to the 10 figures from before.
“Okay, so these are the eternals, they were a group of gods who once lived here, protecting the civilians of the old world… until something happened and they split, causing this one, right here, to go rogue. He held the other eternals under his capture… You see, he has the ability to control others with his mind. He can influence someone's emotions, actions, etc., but just getting into your head. Well when he went rogue, the lore goes he began this maddening killing spree- that the weight of humanity had crushed him, creating this monster-” Celia paused to flip a few pages forward. “Here… the masked being you see here…that was him. He donned a mask made from the skin of his first victim- Alexander the Great-, and then went on this spree of murdering all the corrupt and evil people in the empire at the time. There isn’t much to what happened to him and the other gods after this spree…, it just kind of ends there, which is why many of us think he actually still resides here on earth, especially with the rise of common people feeling this god magic you felt tonight. Maybe he found a new mask, to be unrecognizable? I’m sure some dead guys’ flesh from the old world wouldn’t hold up all that well…” Celia ended with a chuckle.
“Anyways, his name is Druig, and he usually is associated with gold too- all of the eternals are. It's unique to them, compared to the other gods of the old world. A cosmic sort of magic that isn’t of this world. But the flood of emotions, and you feeling like you’re in another reality during it… that makes me really think it's him.”
You sat, digesting all the information Celia just gave you, overlooking the paper she was reading from. There was another drawing, this one more detailed. It depicted the god, standing before a dead body, a knife in hand.
“Wait… does it say how the victims of his spree were killed?” You asked, holding your breath as you waited for Celia to translate the old Greek text.
“Yes… a sheath- so, like a knife… wait- what's that look for…” Celia trailed off as she noticed your face drain of color.
“The girl tonight… I mean I don’t know for sure, but it looked as if her… body had been slashed.” You choked out the words, as the images of her torn dress and skin came back in your mind.
“Woah… Okay, so this could definitely be him then,” Celia muttered.
You sat, staring at the masked drawing in the book. This didn’t make sense… he was still in the alley when you were there, yet he let you live.
“Does it say anything else about him that might be helpful to know?” You asked. Celia read through the pages, her finger tracking as she translated the text.
“Just that anyone who comes into contact with him doesn’t have long to live…,” Celia trailed off, as she connected the dots of what she just read to your current reality.
“Oh shit…,” she closed the book, turning her full attention to you.
“Yeah… oh shit.”
Part 2

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#<33333#alohastylesx#marvel#alohastylesx works#druig x reader#druig smut#druig x y/n#druig angst#druig fluff#marvel fic#dark!Druig#druig x fem!reader#scream x druig#dark druig#marvel fanfic
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hypothetically would you consider writing for matt murdock/daredevil…perchance
OKAY SO…. i have a diff blog for marvel but like. i havent posted any of my writing on it… so i could just put that here…
but Yes i would absolutely consider that!!! i love daredevil so much u dont understand … also frank…. and dex… and druig… and bucky… and sam…. and luke….. but not steve. fuck that guy. (kidding)(fuck the russo brothers)(and steve rodgers)
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So you have Sersi from the eternals as your dp. What do you like about her? Why do you think she is important? Just curious.
I waited to answer this so I could have time to collect my thoughts on Sersi and why's my fave.
I mean, the first time I saw the movie I was just. Drawn to her. I think from the moment she turned the stone dagger into gold, and then the timeskip and we saw her walking into work and talking to the statue of Charles Darwin I was like "Oh, she's gonna be my favourite, I can tell." And then I was right because every point after that I fell more in love with her and by the time the movie was over I was obsessed with her forever. So inexplicable attraction is the first reason.
One of the things I like about Sersi the most is that, for a movie that's about a team of aliens who have to live amongst humanity for thousands of years, Sersi is the one who fully embraces it, for good and bad. Phastos stopped, but came around again after making his own human family. Druig loves humanity, but his form of love is control - he would rather they not have any control over their lives if it meant they'd stop having conflict, because he knows better than them (I need Druig stans to stop acting like he loves humanity without acknowledging this, bc it's creepy and fucked up). But Sersi loves humanity, for good and for bad. Every time she's interacting with humans - back in Babylon, with the kids she teaches, in Druig's village, even the brief scene at Phastos's house - she's having a great time. She loves them. She more than anyone else has embraced this planet as her home, and these people as her own.
But that's also part of her internal conflict. the movie isn't as in depth with this unfortunately, but she's spent the last 7000 or however years thinking they'll all eventually return to Olympia, which is their 'real' home. So as much as she loves these people, however long she spends on Earth with them, she's going to have to leave eventually. She says it herself - they're just waiting for Arishem to tell them they can come home. And the Mission is what matters most, right? So she has to set up a barrier in her heart - Earth isn't her home, Olympia is. And that also is part of the conflict when they find out the truth about the convergence. Because it's throwing EVERYTHING she believed into question. because she spent forever loving these people, this planet, but also believing in the mission because why wouldn't she, she trusts Ajak, and now suddenly the mission has changed. and she has to choose between The Mission (even if the mission has changed) and everyone she loves dying. but she's still the first to say "We're not going to let everyone on earth die, right?!" like regardless of how much she struggles with making a choice on what to do, she knows there's only one right outcome, even if they don't know how to get there.
and like, as a story, narratively I wish Sersi had gotten to actually take charge of the group and make a clear decision without circumstances forcing her to do something she's still unsure about. but with her personality in mind, it makes sense to me. She's been thrust into leadership unexpectedly, not to mention it's made explicitly clear that her leadership isn't actually respected by the group (as a whole, individually it's different) because everyone thought it would be Ikaris instead and he's their de facto leader anyway. So her not having any idea what to do in this situation? Trying to decide, doubting herself, but still having to step up in the end - and STILL not sure she made the right choice? Makes so much sense to me. Very relatable. I felt that, I am her. Wish it had been different for the sake of her character arc, but I still get it.
I guess the final answer to your question of why I think she's important and what I like about her is that Sersi is that out of all of them, she fully steps into the life they have to lead. Sprite admits to being jealous of humans and sides with Ikaris, Ikaris is self explanatory, Gilgamesh and Thena both stepped away from human life, Ajak loves humanity and changes her mind but still is shown to be living a solitary life out in the middle of nowhere, Druig and Phastos I already talked about, Makkari hides away on the Domo for several centuries and besides curiosity about their artifacts doesn't seem interested in humans themselves, and Kingo does love the people of Earth but lives as a celebrity so not exactly one with the common man.
Sersi lives a normal life among the people she loves. Sersi is unsure about everything except that she won't let humanity die. Sersi is the one who wholeheartedly embraces Earth as her home the moment she's free to do so. Sersi is the one who loves them enough to do anything to save them, even when she doesn't believe she can. Sersi is the heart of the story, and the one who saves the day, even when she's scared and doesn't know if she's doing the right thing, because it's the only way to save everyone.
this whole thing got away from me I hope this makes sense I'm not going back to reread this and make it make sense or make it cohesive.
other random things I love about Sersi
she loves kids. every time she interacts with a kid she looks so happy. it's so cute.
green is my favourite colour so there was no way I wouldn't love her just because of that. and she looks so good in it too.
just watch her face when she, Ikaris and Sprite are watching Kingo's performance - she looks so delighted. Ikaris and Sprite are just like wtf but she looks so EXCITED!
she's 7000~ years old and she's still a terrible liar. Dane brings up her ex who's 7000 years old and can fly, and she says "he's a pilot".
her indecision is so relatable to me I said this already but it's true. Anyone would be struggling in her shoes.
she's GOOD and she's KIND. she tries her best.
her powers are so cool like. there's a boulder 3x her size flying her way, shot out of a volcanic eruption, and it takes one quick touch to turn it into a flock of birds. like if she were even a second off she'd die, but she doesn't even flinch.
people claim that druig doesn't care about anyone but Makkari and they're so wrong for that like he listens to Sersi, he does, in fact, care about her opinion and care about her. she doesn't demand his help or threaten him, she asks for his help and then tells him he's better than this, and he listens to her.
Ajak and Thena, obectively two of the coolest Eternals, are her biggest supporters so if you don't support Sersi they wouldn't support you, sorry.
in the comic on webtoon (which was not good but whatever) she collects trinkets and artifacts from everywhere they've been and it's filling the whole Domo, she's just like me fr (she and Makkari)
the way that when they're leaving Phastos's home, she reaches out to comort him as they're walking down the street. and when he's telling her (not Ikaris, he's only talking to Sersi even though Ikaris is also there) about losing his faith and getting it back with his family, she's listening with a sympathetic, understanding look. she gets it. she loves that he's found this family for himself. she's happy for him. they're best friends to me.
she's chronically late, talks to statues, is obsessed with her phone and apps, and forgets to silence her phone in the middle of important meetings. she's a dork. I love her so much.
hope this late, long rambling answer makes sense and answers your question!
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Missing Them - A Druig x Reader Oneshot

The Eternals have been my family for centuries. And I couldn't wish for a better one. Ajak was like a mom to me, Ikaris kept me strong, Sersi held my hand whenever I needed just someone by my side. But the one I loved most of all was Druig.
He was my beating heart. He was the life coursing through my veins. Without him, I was nothing.
So, when he decided to leave and live somewhere with a group he mind-controlled, I didn't tell him that it was a bad idea like the rest. No. I went along and joined him at his side.
What can I say, love makes you blind.
But as time flew by, the sensations of grief only grew stronger. I missed the rest of my family. I missed Ikaris's jokes to cheer me up, or Sersi's attempts at lame distraction, or Sprite teaching me new things every single day.
I didn't have that anymore.
I was sitting at the side of the lake, my bare feet flying back and forth in the water calmly.
My thoughts were consuming me whole. So much that I didn't even hear the footsteps approaching me.
The person sat down next to me and just by scent alone, I didn't even have to turn around to know it was Druig.
''What is going on in that head of yours?'' He questioned softly, making sure that the sound wasn't too big a contrast to the silence I was in, ''You have been stuck in your mind for months now. You know you can tell me anything, right?''
''I don't think you would understand this matter.'' I admitted gently.
I knew Druig was my listening ear, but I also knew that he would think it strange how bothered I was by such a trivial matter (in his eyes).
I turned to him and finally admitted the truth.
It was something I wanted to say for a long time now, and I think, it's time to let it fly between us freely.
''I miss them.''
''Who? You have your family here.'' Druig retorted matter-of-factly.
Sighing, I shook my head and turned back to the water, ''We both know it isn't my family.''
Druig stayed silent before speaking up once again, ''But I am your family.''
I thought for a second.
I never saw him as family. I never saw him as a sibling like Ikaris and Sersi, I saw him as someone I wanted to create a family with. But not the way he thinks.
I want kids with him. A home with a tiny garden for our own fruits. A cute dog to keep the little ones busy. Oh, and a terrace. One with fairylights strung all around it, making it light up in the dark.
I bit back the reply that I was longing to say. He wasn't ready to hear my feelings, not whilst Makkari is still on his mind.
''Yeah,'' I could taste the lie, ''you are.''
''What aren't you telling me?''
''Druig,'' I turned to him, but didn't dare to look him in the eyes at first, ''what would you say if I told you that I didn't look at you the same way as I do at Sersi, or Sprite, or Kingo?''
I could see the sadness in his eyes.
Shit, he wasn't understanding the clues I was trying to give.
''Do you-'' he took a deep breath, trying to hide the hurt behind a façade, ''Do you not care for me?''
''I do care for you. But not the way you think I do.''
It was silent for a minute. I watched him intently and saw the oblivion turn into realization. His mouth parted and he stared back at me with slightly widened eyes.
I waved it off, ''Don't worry about it, I know my place.''
The water was starting to reflect the sunset at the other end. Streaks of orange and yellow moved gently and collided to form this beautiful picturesque display before us.
All the thoughts once in my head found there way outside.
''I didn't hesitate to come with you, considering I have stronger feelings for you as I do for any of them. But, lately, the memories are surfacing. And,'' I took in the fresh air and let the previous words linger for a second longer, ''I just started to miss them.''
''So, what? Do you think it a mistake to come with me?''
His words stung. They left a blow to my heart and I flung my head to him instantly. I frowned, hurt in my eyes. ''I said I miss them. Not that I regret my decisions. But, Druig, they are family. I was going to miss them eventually.''
His eyes held mine in an intense gaze and he looked at his feet in the water, ''I guess it was bound to happen.''
The silence returned. We stayed there staring at the water. But then I felt this strange sensation in my head.
As if someone was trying to rip the memories out of my head.
I groaned when I realized what was happening.
He spoke so innocently, as if he wasn't doing anything. But there's no one else around us who could do this.
I took a deep breath and turned to him, just in time to see the yellow glow return to his normal eye color.
''Can you not?''
''I don't know what you're talking about.''
A chuckle escaped my lips, ''You can't just enter my head without warning, or permission, for that fact.''
Druig's head turned to me and there was this sheepish glint in his eyes, ''Honestly-''
''Druig, I saw your eyes.''
He sighed.
Guess he finally knew that he wasn't going to lie his way out of this one. His eyes met mine and I saw what he was really feeling. Frustration. Worry. Sadness.
It was all right there, swarming in his eyes before me.
All the time spent together really made him an open book before me.
''I don't like seeing you hurt, Y/N,'' his words were like a soft and gentle touch to my heart, ''somehow I was hoping that I could get your mind off of it for a minute. I would even settle for a second.''
My hand reached out for his and he wrapped his fingers around me immediately.
A smile came onto my face.
I squeezed his hand in reassurance, ''It's sweet, Druig, but this isn't the way it's meant to be. Sometimes, how painful or difficult it might be, we have to stick to the emotions were feeling. It's a part of life.''
''You're getting way too used to Earth,'' Druig joked, managing a laugh out of me, which made him smile, ''really. You're turning human.''
''And surprisingly,'' I met his gaze, ''I don't mind it one bit. It's difficult sometimes, but they have their appeal, I suppose.''
''Arishem won't be happy with this.''
The mention of the man whose rules we were following soured the whole mood.
And I wasn't the only one feeling that way. One look at Druig and I knew he shared the same sentiment as mine. I would always have someone at my side.
''I don't care about Arishem.''
''Me neither,'' he spoke back, a grin on his face, ''now, why don't we do something fun. Tomorrow, we can return to this spot and we can figure out how to make the suffering less.''
I nodded, a soft smile playing on my lips.
He wrapped an arm around me and kissed my forehead, pulling me into his side, ''And we have to talk about that confession of yours sooner or later.''
I suppose we did.
We stayed there for a few minutes. When we were satisfied with the sunset, we got back up and played some games with the kids at our camp.
It distracted me. But I knew the next day we would have to talk about everything.
For the ones who really needed to know what happened, here it goes:
Druig and I had a long talk. He said he needed time with the whole thing, but afterwards, he finally returned his feelings.
We saved the world from distruction with help from our family, and Druig and I went our merry way together.
We had the dream life. A house surrounded in nature. A few loving kids, a terrace with fairylights, a mini garden that we tended to as a family, and a handful of adorable pets.
It was the dream I was wishing for since I realized I loved Druig.
We stayed together for eternity, even got married, and I couldn't be happier.
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Okay but like y/n and ikaris kids has yet to make an appearance
Y/N walked into the house as Icarus moved past his father and namesake and went into his room. Ikaris raised an eyebrow and looked at Y/N. "Do I want to know what that was all about?"
"Your son, and your nephew, Thane, got into a fight at school today. Luckily, no one saw them use their powers." Y/N set the keys on the table as Ikaris smiled slightly. "Ah, so Druig's perfect little family does have some cracks in it." He was always bragging about how he had the perfect family. His wife, Makkari, and their son, Thane. And now he was being knocked off his high horse.
"Please, don't start. Your rivalry with Druig does not excuse that the boys need our help. So, I invited Makkari, Druig, and Thane over for dinner while we talk to the boys and what happened."
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