#druig x y/n smut
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hanasnx ¡ 1 year ago
“My beautiful lover,” DRUIG breathes his condescending tone. That affectionate nickname he’s come to adore calling you has been sullied with his churlish attitude. He makes fun of how you look now, lying underneath him.
Exceptionally trusting, he does not pin your hands, instead he lets you fight him. Fists grab at his clothes, the lapel of his leather jacket your most common purchase as his lithe middle finger swipes against your clit. You writhe and you cry and you bitch and you moan, but he keeps you right where he wants you with his forearm under your torso. It arches you into him, and you throw your head back when he dips the tip of his finger into your slit, stroking through the line of slick. “You want this, my pet?” he murmurs, and he scoffs in response to your indignant whine, a cruel curl tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Yeah, you know I like to play with you. Like a little toy.” Abruptly, he plunges the entire length of his finger into you to the knuckle, and you cry out, clutching onto his jacket to yank him to you but he remains resolute. All you do is raise yourself to him, brushing your lips against his. He nuzzles you, inhaling your breath. “Yeah, you’re my little toy.”
He pulls out, only to add another finger, but your walls are already so raw. Your clit is overly sensitive, throbbing when he twists his thumb to flick at it. Your hips jerk in reply, and he snickers through his nose, pecking your unresponsive lips. “Humans are so funny, aren’t they?” he muses, but you can barely hear him. He curls his digits in a beckoning motion inside you, stroking that spot that sends electricity up your spine until you fall limp. “Touch on their pleasure centers a bit and they go fucking stupid. You know how easy it would be to-“ The arm locked around your torso squeezes you to him, and it aches but you can only moan. As if you like the pain, when in reality it’s the way his fingers lodge themselves up in your guts and fiddle with your insides. “-break you? Could do it. Could do it easy.” There’s a growling edge to his voice as he threatens you, bringing his teeth to your exposed neck shiny with sweat. He relieves you, the ache dissipates, and the pad of his thumb curiously nudges your clit.
You buck, and he scans your entire bare form. “How many is that, by the way?” he asks, as if he’s asking about the fucking weather. His thumb drives in with more purpose, wiggling with just enough pressure to make you howl from another incoming orgasm. “Have you lost count?”
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saltburnedme ¡ 1 year ago
Catch Me If You Can
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My requests are open! Message/comment to be added to the tag list!
Paring: Oliver Quick x Fem!Reader
Word count: 3533
Summary: Living at Saltburn you’d had repeated nightmares about getting lost in the labyrinth. What happens when your nightmare becomes true?
Warnings: SMUT (ONLY READ IF YOU ARE 18+) unprotected sex, choking, stalking? Kind of?, being drunk/drugged, being chased/threatened with a weapon, dub con, generally fucked up smut overall, lots of mentions of blood, pray/predator vibes
You stumbled through the darkness down each twist and turn of the labyrinth, the blood rushing through your veins, that’s when you hear it. The crunch of gravel under a foot that wasn’t your own and in that moment, you knew you weren’t alone.
That’s how the nightmare always starts. You’d gotten lost in the labyrinth at Saltburn enough throughout your childhood to know never to go in there without telling someone where you were. You’d had the same repetitive nightmare for years; you’d go in and never come out. You didn’t know why this stuck with you as much as it did, but it did, nevertheless. Because of this you made it your mission to memorise every step, you knew exactly which way led to the middle, exit and every dead end, you’d walk the maze every day just to make sure that you’d never be caught out.
You’d walked it alone for years, that was until this summer. Felix had brought a friend back; you hadn’t thought much of him until he asked to walk the maze with you. It had taken a few adventures to warm up to him as he wasn’t exactly the most outgoing of men you’d ever experienced in your life, but he seemed well meaning and it was a nice change from constantly walking alone. You weren’t sure why, but for some reason he wanted to learn the labyrinth as much as you did.
You’d never accuse him of it, but it sometimes felt as if he was planning for something more. You had watched his confidence change over time as you spent your afternoons wandering with him. You told him about your nightmare in detail, he was kind and understanding, trying to reassure you that nothing like that could ever happen. Over the time in your presence, he’d gone from a quiet boy to a confident man, almost domineering you when alone but reverting into his old self as soon as you were around others. You had so many questions, you thought that he’d been holding back, and you wanted to see just how far he’d go if he really had you alone although you were certain you’d never say it or so you thought.
The summer sun beat down on the garden and the whole family had been drinking heavily consistently since noon. You’d been in and out of the lake all day, swimming for a while and then lying on the grass soaking up the sun. Members of the party came and went as they pleased until before you knew it, day turned to night. Throwing on a long white sun dress, you lay there until you were the last one left on the grass taking in the stars as you lay there giggling to yourself through a drunken haze. You’d been so taken by the events of the day that you hadn’t even realised until now that you’d missed your daily trip around the labyrinth. You knew it wasn’t a good idea, you hadn’t told anyone where you were going and although you weren’t the drunkest, you’d ever been in your life you certainly weren’t sober. This wasn’t enough to deter you though, you were determined.
Standing on shaky legs you made your way to the labyrinth with a little skip, although your nightmare was always at the forefront of your mind on any trip there right now you felt invincible. Your tipsy mind pushed any sense of danger to the background, right now all you felt was a fuzzy tingling throughout your body and an excitement for a late-night adventure. You made it to the entrance of the maze before you knew it, staring down the first path as you contemplated whether or not this was something you really should be doing. Within a split second you had decided, you were going in. You were certain, this was until something out of the corner of your vision caught your eye.
‘I wouldn’t go in there if I were you’ he says, leaning against the entrance of the maze. ‘Anything could happen in the dark’ he continues, his face lit only by the cigarette he had pressed to his lips, a wine bottle in his other hand.
‘Fuck, Oliver. What are you doing out here? I thought everyone had gone to bed?’ You asked, your heart racing in your chest. It was just Oliver; you knew you were safe with him you thought to yourself.
‘Couldn’t sleep, not knowing you were out here alone’ he says continuously smoking and seeming to be avoiding eye contact with you, staring at the ground in front of him. Something was different, you knew he was at least a little drunk too so maybe that was it, but something felt off.
‘So, you came looking for me?.. in the dark’ you reply, waiting for any kind of response but receiving none. You could feel the alcohol running through your veins, you knew that if you were sober this would have been enough to scare you and although you’d never admit it you were terrified and you thought you might even like it. ‘Well, if you don’t think I should go in there alone you could always come with me?’ You proposition, growing more giggly twirling your hair around your fingers. That drew his attention, still no eye contact but you could feel him watching you, watching the way your fingers moved together and how your dress fell against your curves as you shifted unable to stand still.
‘I don’t think that’s a good idea sweetheart’ he says, taking the last few drags on his cigarette, flicking the butt off into the nearby grass. You feel a surge of confidence as you move closer to him, your body almost touching his as you lean in almost speaking in a whisper. Taking the bottle from his hand you take a large gulp, the red wine trickling down your chin staining the fabric of your white dress appearing almost like blood.
‘I think it’s a great idea’ you start, your face so close to his now that your eyelashes almost graze his cheek, pushing the bottle into his chest in a drunken attempt to give it back. You’d found him attractive for a while, he’d grown on you over the last few weeks, and you finally felt like it was happening, this was your chance. ‘I think you should come into the maze with me’ you giggle. ‘And who knows, maybe if you find me you can fuck me’ you say, that caught his attention. His blue eyes reflecting in the moonlight as his gaze meets yours, he almost looked angry.
This is not what he wanted, Oliver thought to himself, he didn’t want you, not like this anyway. He knew it was sick to think it, but he didn’t want you to give yourself to him, he wanted to take you for himself. As you flirted and giggled, he felt the heat rise in his chest, his heartbeat against his rib cage as his aggression soared. He thought of you as a pure little thing, he would have even said untouched if he hadn’t have heard stories from the others, but you seemed pure to him, nevertheless. He loved the thought of you helpless underneath him, for him to be both the villain and the saviour in your eyes. But hearing you speak like this ruined everything, you’d never spoken to him like this before, he didn’t want to hear you beg him to fuck you, he wanted you to beg him to stop. He’d come out here with a plan, he wanted to take you into the maze and rob you of any shred of virginity that you had left, but now with the way you were talking you were just a whore in his eyes. A slut that was unworthy of him. So, he stood there before you wordless, gazing down upon you in anger as his ocean blue eyes turned black, you stood looking up towards him as much as you could in your drunken state. You thought he seemed angry, but you were so drunk at this point that you wouldn’t have been able to tell either way, the alcohol from Oliver’s wine bottle hitting you way harder than you anticipated.
‘Maybe I can fuck you?’ He finally repeats back to you. ‘Maybe you’ll let me fuck you?’ He sneers as he stands straight, almost pushing you over as he moves closer, his chest pressed to yours. ‘Because that’s such a prize’ he continues, practically laughing in your face, if you thought he was flirting before you could now see, even as drunk as you were, that he was very much not happy. ‘Well then pretty thing, I think you should start running. Can’t catch you if you aren’t running now, can I?’ He says, so he does want you? You question to yourself. One moment he’s almost refusing you and the next he wants you? At this point you felt almost as much confusion as you felt fear. That was until he does it, he pushes you into the labyrinth making you stumble as he does, losing your balance ending up lying face down in the gravel as you turn back from your position on the floor to see him. With the moonlight shining from behind him he looked much taller and more menacing, the kind boy you knew was gone, replaced by only the silhouette of the body he once inhabited.
‘Go on then, run’ he almost growls out as your heart rate increases, you want to let out a scream, but nothing comes. Stumbling to your feet you immediately start running. Turning around to try and see if you could outrun him, you see him still standing at the entrance, then you hear it, the familiar sound of smashing glass. He’d broken the bottle against the statue that’s placed at each entrance of the maze, now only holding the broken neck of the bottle as he begins his pursuit towards you.
You run as fast as you can, rounding the corners of the maze in record speed. You knew the labyrinth well enough that you were certain you could get out before him, this is exactly why you’d been waking it all this time anyway. This was almost exactly like your nightmare you thought to yourself. When you first propositioned Oliver, this was not exactly what you’d imagined. You had pictured this going much differently, you’d giggle and run at an almost walking pace so not to make it too difficult to catch you. But this was wrong, he was wrong.
You didn’t know what exactly had changed within Oliver, but something was drastically off. The Oliver you knew would never have looked at you the way he did or spoken to you as he did. You were absolutely certain that your sweet predictable Oliver wouldn’t have smashed a bottle into a weapon and literally chased you down with it. While you may have practiced your escape from the maze many times, you now realise that you’d never practiced running it as you gasp for breath between each step of your quick moving feet.
Checking behind you Oliver is nowhere to be seen, your pace slowing as you think you may have lost him giving you some time to catch your breath. You stumble your way through the maze, you were sure you were about to get to the middle and make your way out but instead where the exit should be, a dead end. You were sure this couldn’t be right you weren’t lost, surely you couldn’t be. You begin to trace your steps back, finding the topiary equivalent of a crossroads. You see him but you're not sure he’s seen you, crossing in a slightly different direction heading towards the opposite side of the maze. Yet when you look another way, he appears to be walking towards you, and in another direction away from you. You swear you can almost feel him graze your shoulder as he passes you, his shoulder brushing past yours in different directions over and over again as you fall to the floor, crawling on your hands and knees as the hard gravel punctures the skin on your knees leaving behind a small trail of blood.
You knew there couldn’t be that many of him, tears streaming down your cheeks as you rub your eyes. Finally, re opening them you find yourself alone, was any of that real? Was he even in the maze at all? You question yourself, your sanity in its entirety. You can still taste the red wine on your lips, you thought it tasted off at the time but now you were sure, you were drugged or at the very least incredibly drunk.
Stumbling to your feet you use the hedge to the side of you to re gain your balance. Just like in your nightmare you hear the sound of gravel crunch behind you, turning your head you catch the glimmer of light reflecting from the broken wine bottle just as he swings for your neck, screaming and running immediately as you hear his pace quicken behind you. You’d completely lost the grip on where you were in the maze, you could be at the exit for all you knew, but in this moment you just ran straight. The hedges seemed to lengthen as you ran, this singular corridor appearing never ending as you sprint. Almost as if you were in a dream you seemed to run on one spot like you were practically on a treadmill, going nowhere fast. You could hear him behind you, you were sure of it, you tried to look but the tears falling from your eyes blurred your vision too much. Continuing to run forwards you feel as if you can see the light at the end of the metaphorical tunnel, you can see the statue in the centre of the labyrinth dead ahead of you, a feeling of relief flooding your senses as you head straight.
You’ve made it, you’re almost out you think to yourself. Just as you meet the edge of the hedge facing the centre he steps out, your form slamming into his unmoving body forcing you to stop running.
‘Found you’ he says with a smirk, smiling down menacingly at you as his tongue swipes over his bottom lip. You knew you were facing the statue but as he begins to back you into a corner you feel yourself walk backwards into something hard, your body slamming into solid stone. Pressed against the statue at the centre of the maze you look around confused. Where were you? Had you been in the middle this whole time? You were certain you were facing towards it but now the statue was pressed behind you. Regardless it was of little consequence, he had found you.
‘Do I get my prize now little dove?’ He asks you without really asking, not waiting for a reply he wraps his hand around your throat, the other hand still wrapped around the broken neck of the bottle as he uses it to slice the fabric straps of your dress free from your shoulders, your dress falling to the ground. His hand tightening on your throat he leans in to kiss you as you resist, biting him in response feeling blood trickle down both of your lips, the metallic taste swirling around your mouth.
‘You think fighting back will stop me?’ He questions, your resistance only seeming to fuel his desire for you as he grinds his length into your thigh. ‘You thought wrong, dove’ he continues.
Throwing the bottle neck to the floor you hear it smash against the gravel in the distance, that’s one obstacle out of the way you think as he spins you around, pressing your chest into the statue that now stood in front of you. With one hand still around your throat you hear the jingle of his belt unclasping. The swimwear you were wearing from earlier in the day still firmly held against your body for only a few more moments as you feel his strong hands rip the fabric in two, throwing it to the side as you feel his fingers glide through your folds.
‘Fuck little dove’ You were almost embarrassingly wet, you hadn’t realised it until now due to the fear, but maybe that’s exactly why you were as you were. His words coming out as almost a whisper only meant to be heard by himself. To Oliver it’s almost as if you weren’t real, your skin was so soft, your entrance was so wet and warm that he could have been convinced that this was another dream of his and he’d wake up with his hand fisting his cock for relief. But this was real, he could hear your breathing below him quicken as he pushes his fingers into you, curling them as your hands tighten on the marble in front of you.
You moan as he lets out obscenities behind you, sliding more fingers inside of your tight hole, his eyes transfixed on the way his digits glide in and out of you so easily. Eventually removing his fingers from you, his grip around your neck tightens as he pulls your back to become flush with his chest, his free hand coming to cup just below your chin.
‘Spit’ he demands, grabbing your face slightly as he waits for you to drool into his hand. You look towards his hand as you spit into his open palm, a mixture of clear liquid and blood coming out of your mouth as he quickly covers his length in it, coating himself and you in the mixture as he thrusts up into you without warning.
Although you were outside, the slapping, squelching sounds seem to echo off of the walls of the labyrinth. You can hear him groan in pleasure behind you, enjoying the feeling of choking you as he gazes down at the view of himself sinking into you over and over again. He loved seeing you like this, his hand around your throat and your pussy covered in a mixture of blood, cum and spit as he pulled you back once again. His mouth meeting yours in a hurried kiss, his tongue sliding into your mouth. Both of your breaths quickened you taste his blood from his split lip once more. As soon as the taste hits your tongue you feel yourself tighten around him, his free hand coming down to rub circles into your clit.
‘Cum for me little dove’ He demands as you moan, your head dropped back onto his shoulder. ‘Show me what a good girl you are’ He prompts as his fingers press harder into you, desperate to draw out your orgasm. ‘Fuck, that’s it sweet girl’ groaning into your ear as you ride out your climax around his cock, tightening on him as his pace picks up.
His movements becoming more erratic as he works towards his own peak, your body limp in his grip as he fucks you, exhausted from your own climax and over stimulated as he thrusts into you. Your moans must have been loud enough to be heard outside of the labyrinth you were sure, and now as you feel him throb inside of you, you were certain people must have heard him too. Without warning he spills inside of you, his cum painting your walls white as he bites down on your shoulder hard enough to draw blood as he climaxes.
Both breathing heavily he pulls your head back by your hair for one last lust filled kiss. His touch almost tender as he removes himself from you. You hear him fastening his belt as you hold onto the statue in front of you for balance, all of your clothing ripped and discarded on the floor you feel him place his jacket onto your shoulders.
‘You scared me’ you say with a slightly fearful smile, the evidence of your enjoyment in your voice as you speak out for the first time since entering the maze, your tone coming out rasp. ‘Maybe we should do it again some time’ you giggle as you move your ass back against him, eliciting no response other than the sound of his continued breathing. ‘Don’t you think so Oliver?’ You ask, hoping with all of your heart that finally after all of this your soft kind man would return to you but receiving no reply.
‘Oliver?’ You question into the darkness as you turn, your eyes searching for him despite having felt his touch on you only moments ago. But he was nowhere to be seen, the only trace of him being his jacket on your shoulders, his blood on your lips and the trickle of his cum now working its way down your thigh. ‘Oliver?’ You speak out quieter. He was gone and you knew it. Gathering your things you made your way back towards the house, was any of it real?
Message to be added to the tag list! : @lillypink @ilovesaltburn @simplymakkari @hahahafucku @rorysgirll @jubileexoxo @grandpaintersuit @anniemay67 @idontevenknow1359 @frayafriggafrey @rpgdoll @veevsterz @samosas0900 @vivalafae
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redheadspark ¡ 1 year ago
Summary - Druig knows how to bring you bliss
*Got the idea for this one shot from this Gif*
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A/N - I am no SMUT writer by trade, so bear with me :D
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You fell back into the bed, your breath barely on your lips as your thighs were trembling and your orgasm was now dwindling to a small simmer.  Sweat itched along your skin, thanks to the solid body on top of you that was holding you close and still buried deep inside of you, watching your body shake from your post orgasm.  His eyes were wide, nearly black with no evidence of the sapphire blue they naturally were, his lisp plump to almost crimson in the moonlight, and his skin with its sheen of sweat along his porcelain skin.  
"That was…..I can't even talk" You tried to say, but your voice was nearly gone with a small smile on your lips as the man above you merely chuckled and ruffled his own brown hair from his eyes.
"Don't say a single word, darlin'." He hummed, leaning back down to have his arms on the mattress below you, digging his forehead against your shoulder as he rolled his hips deeply and slowly.  You mewled, arching into him as you clung onto his shoulders, knowing fully well that he was not done with you.
Neither you were done, not with what you went through.
This was not the first time you two were in bed together, nor would it be the last.  But it felt like your first time, not with the intensity and the lust that was seeping under your skin as you both were gasping for air and pouring your love to one another, but with the intense love you both had for one another for centuries and centuries on end.  
Being together on the Domo for some time as friends before realizing your feelings for one another brought your paths together as lovers, then as a married couple.  You never thought in your wildest dreams that the Mind Controlling Eternal, the very one who was aloof to outsiders and sarcastic by nature, would fall head over heels in love with someone like you. He was wrapped around your heart so naturally and organically that before you knew it, you realized that your heart was taken by him and there was no way to be without him.  
You both went along with the evolution of humans, seeing the good, the bad, and the ugly.  Even within your own family of Eternals and how straining it was getting with one another, you both stayed side by side.  Druig's heart was beyond massive for the sake of the humans, for wishing them peace and tranquility on that small and fragile planet.  So when he decided to walk away after seeing a genocide unfold in front of his eyes, you joined him. How could you stay behind and let the love of your life walk away?  He was part of your soul, half of your heart, and neither one of you wished to be parted. 
"Uggh….Oh fuck Druig," you moaned against his head as his hips were staying consistent, rolling sleep and slow as you felt his cock slide in and out of you.  You were feeling that tension again, the burning in your thigh muscles since your legs were bracketing Druig's hips with ease, your arms shaking while you clung onto his muscular shoulders, and your core finding that flicker of pleasure again while he kissed your skin over and over.  One of his hands moved from under the pillow where you were, bracing your jawline to have your head stay in one spot while he was still fucking you deeply.  You loved when he did this, his actions were both filthy and intimate at the same time.  Holding you close as you fucked, perhaps thinking that you two could blend into one as he made you cum multiple times.  
This was how he loved you: showing you with his actions along with his words how he loved you and would never stop loving you.
You moved your head to kiss his palm that was against your jawline, feeling him thrust again to have you moan silently and feel his thumb trace your lower lip.  Without you thinking about it and merely thinking about the pleasure that was now etched within you, you slide his thumb into your mouth.  He moaned against your neck.
"Fuck," he growled, his thrust never slowing as your hand moved down to grasp at his ass through the thin sheet that was covering it.  He huffed and moved his head to gaze at you with heavy eyes, seeing his thumb in your mouth as you locked eyes with him with a blissed-out face, "You want me to make you cum again, don't ya?"
Releasing his thumb with a pop, you grinned as he gave a particularly hard thrust, you moaned out, "Do it,"
His eyes narrowed: challenged accepted.
Having this kind of love with Druig was nothing short of amazing.  Built on the solid foundation of friendship and devotion, you both could take on the world if you wanted to.  Yet you and Druig didn't wish for that, you both instead settled for your little village in the Amazon.  A slice of paradise amongst the soldiers that followed Druig, underneath the massive trees, and hidden from the rest of the world.  The love that was blossoming over time between you and Druig was now thriving and evolving, spending mornings in bed together and long walks amongst the trees.  Druig never strayed from you, and he proved it again and again.
Druig loved running the village and caring for the families that were growing as the years went by, and you saw the new side of Druig that was hidden for so long because of his inability to step in and help humans.  It made you proud to see him care for his villagers, to see the brightness in his eyes and within his tone, and you wished that would never go away.  
Even after 500 years when your Eternals family came back to find you two to stop the ending of the world with them, nothing seemed to slow the pair of you down.
Moans were filling the room for the pair of you now as Druig was now determined to make you cum again, you letting him as his hips were now snapping and his eyes never leaving your face as you were melting with the sensation.  You felt that drive in his hold along your body, in his whimpers along his lips,  and in his eyes as he was watching you get closer and closer to teetering over the edge.  He knew just how to make you cum: his rough fingers along your body or inside of you, his sweet and yet filthy words in your ear, and even his cock that was perfect in length and girth that seemed to be created to only fit inside of you.  Inwardly, you thanked your lucky stars that you both were Eternals with extended energy, being able to fuck all night without a single need for a break.  
This led to your record: 14 straight hours back in the Amazon when you two went off together on your anniversary back in 1869.
This time, this was more than a simple act of love or fuck session.  The world almost ended, and you all almost lost everything you knew thanks to Arishem and his need to bring Tiamut to life and a new balance to the universe.  Yet you all stopped it, not wishing to let this planet go to waste since you grew to love it over the centuries. It was a relief that there was no more danger for any of you to worry about, and to think that you were so close to losing Druig at the hands of Ikaris, you thought of the worst.  
Seeing him walk up to you with a few cuts and bruises, yet alive and well, you had to hold him close and engrain him in your mind.
He must have felt the same, whisking you away from the rest of your group. Which then brought you to your current predicament.
"I'm close…I'm close Druig…" You moaned against his head as he was not slowing down with his hips and his open-mouth kisses against your jawline.  He hummed, his spare hand moving down to rub his thumb against your clit as he was thrusting deeper and deeper.  You moan hotly from the touch, your legs sprawling out at this point as he keeps the adrenaline going.  
"You don't have to tell me, I can feel ya flutterin' against my cock," he growled as you were feeling that sensation in your toes moving up to be along your spine, "I know your body and what makes ya tick, right?  I know where to touch, where to lick, where to….where to fuck," 
He rubbed your clit hard, making you moan with no abandon as he chuckled to pause and sit up a bit.  He looked down at your body, seeing him undone you were yet at the same time tight wound.  Your hair askew, your breast etched in hickies and exposed for him to savor, even the gorgeous sight of where you two were connected along your hips.  
But what got him was your eyes, the same eyes that he fell for when he first saw you on the Domo.  The same eyes that saw his painful and tear-jerking moments throughout the years but never repeated.  The same eyes that poured love into his own when he felt he was undeserving.  He swore a long time ago when he first kissed you at sunset, he would do anything and everything in his power to keep you in his life.  
Centuries later, he held onto that promise. 
"I love you," He hummed, the tone of lust simmered as you gazed up at him with lust in your own eyes.  You felt that love seep under your skin, even in the heat of fucking you both would find a way to have another layer of intimacy with each other.  Perhaps you were thinking that he was going to die because of Ikaris, or that was world was so close to ending, but you two looked at one another as if nothing else existed in the world, or in that little room.  
You leaned up, moaning as you did since he was involuntarily thrusting in you to make you tremble.  Druig moaned too, though it was silenced by you kissing him softly.  He kissed you back,  feeling that gentleness along your lips as you framed his face in your hands.  Although you knew of it being a distraction, moving one hand to be placed in his chest to give him a push.
Within a second, he was sprawled on his back as you were now riding him.  He grinned as you gently grasped his throat, feeling him gulp as you too locked eyes with that intensity again.
"Love you more," You replied, then giving one hard roll.  Druig moaned loudly as his eyes rolled back in bliss.
The End
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tagging - @a-lumos-in-the-nox @heliosphere8 @virtueassassin @pemberlyy @botanicalbarnes @reader6898 @eternalslover
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endofthelinegang ¡ 1 month ago
guys i feel so behind
who r we fiending for
who r we loving
what do we want
please fill me in
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eternalslover ¡ 2 months ago
Hello lm hamdi ,I humbly ask for your support by reblogging this post on your account to help me and my family. As newcomers to Tumblr and GoFundMe, we are in desperate need of your kindness and support. 🙏🇵🇸🍉😔Please donate 🙏🏼Let's reach the goal as soon as possible .
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deceitfuldevil ¡ 2 years ago
NSFW Alphabet with Druig the Eternal
Warnings: Exactly as the title states, 18+ minors do not interact. Mentions of overstimulation, assumed unprotected sex, fingering, oral (giving and receiving), praise, degradation, CNC, cream pies, edging, teasing, semi-public sex, choking, gender neutral reader? (Tell me if that’s wrong), not proofread and written when I had been awake for 35 hours straight.
Word count: 2K
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Druig has known he has more time than most on this world since the dawn of the earth, and he uses that fact to his advantage when taking care of you after sex. Even after you’ve finished, he never just pulls away to end things. Druig always fucks you through and through your orgasms, his slender digits still scissoring slowly inside of you as the wave of euphoria you just experienced fully passes. He will wordlessly make his way into your mind and repeat over and over again how good you did and how beautiful you look. Letting those soft praises play on loop as he steps away only for a moment to grab a warm cloth to clean you up, then tossing the fabric aside and tucking you into his side as he holds you close until you drift to sleep.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Druig doesn’t care much for one part of himself over another, but when it comes to you your eyes are his favorite part about you. He loves turning them gold when he encapsulates you with his powers, he loves the way your eyes flutter back into your head as he pleases you so intently, he loves how you will look directly at him as if he’s the most interesting man in the world.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Knowing that Eternals cannot produce children is something Druig used to both of your advantages, because while he still can cum, there’s no chance of getting you pregnant when he does so. So obviously Druig loves to stuff his cum as deep inside of you as possible, in the most primal ways he can think of, always adding in a few more thrusts for good measure to make sure you’re nice and full of his essence <3
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
After you and Druig established consensual non-consent his favorite thing to do is sneak into your mind when you’re sleeping and make you start dreaming about him inside of you, so that when you wake up it’s the first thing on your mind and you immediately pounce on him, and what do you know, somehow he’s always ready to go.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Druig is older than some fossils, and he has more knowledge than any well versed historian could ever dream of. So yes, I think it’s safe to say he’s well-versed in pleasing you.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
As much as Druig loves to use his powers in the bedroom his favorite position is when he’s sitting up and you’re on his lap riding him like no tomorrow. Your hands placed firmly on his board shoulders to help steady yourself as you bounce up and down his length, your forehead resting on top of his head as you focus on not finishing too soon while soft whines escape your lips. Your chest right in his face where he has full view of his second favorite part of you. Druig loves when you’re fucking yourself on him and he gets to watch how much you truly enjoy it more than anything else.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
As much as Druig shows his softer side for you, that soft side isn’t around much in the bedroom. In the moment Druig’s main focus is your pleasure, and there’s nothing goofy about that. He won’t crack a joke until you’re throughly fucked out and can’t even understand his words.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He’s no animal, but he always keeps things realistic. The carpet matched the drapes, and he keeps himself fairly well groomed down there because it’s what works best for both of you.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
No matter if it’s a quickie or if it’s an all night long marathon, Druig is always deeply intimate and in the moment with you. Soft, dirty words whispered in your ear to edge you on. Always touching you in more than one place at a time to keep you guessing and begging for more.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Jacking off has never been something Druig felt the need or urge to do, but most frequently his hand falls upon himself when his mouth is busy pleasuring you. He can’t contain himself when he hears your beautiful moans and tastes your sweet juices on his lips. Druig will have his nose buried in your essence and moan into your heat as he gives his throbbing member a few swift tugs, holding himself off from doing anything more until you’ve finished first.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
It’s somewhat controversial but as mentioned earlier, consensual non-consent (CNC) is one of yours and Druig’s favorite actives in bed. It’s so relaxing to just let him take over your entire mind and when you come back around you’re completely fucked out. It’s great for Druig too to make you make of mess of yourself for him before diving into you himself.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
There’s a lot of places Druig likes to do the deed with you. A beautiful waterfall hidden in the Amazon forest, tucked away in the garden of his followers making, even on the rainforest floor because he loves how primal it feels to literally fuck you into the ground. But his favorite place of all to fuck you is on top of the alter stand in his humble house of worship. Laying your back against the cold flat wood while your arms are wrapped around his neck he’ll imagine that all of his disciples are with you two in the house of worship witnessing the way he is thrusting in and out of you. Because your moans are the highest prayer of all.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Druig is so completely and utterly obsessed with you that just about anything you do can and will get him going. You’ll be tending to a garden and he’ll tell you how pretty you look on your knees, or it will be extra humid out and you’ll be putting your hair up in a ponytail and next thing you know he’s pulling your hair back and flattening his palm against your neck, telling you your heart is starting to race.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Age play is a no for Druig. He never wants to feel older than you, wiser than you, or above you in any way. He wants to be your equal, and doesn’t like to be reminded of all the years he’s endured on this earth before he met you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
As pretty as you look with his cock stuffed down your throat, Druig prefers to be the one pleasing you instead of you pleasing him. He would spend days on end if you’d let him with his tongue prodding expertly at your entrance and his nose pushing up against your clit.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
A little bit of everything is always the right way to go in Druig’s opinion. He’ll almost always start off slow and sensual, and work in those high energy moments where you’re babbling and screaming his name as he roughly jack rabbits into you sending you over the edge.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Druig would never turn down a quickie, especially if presented with the chance. Most of your quickies happen when he loses his resolve and just needs to have your right then and there, and there’s nothing more satisfying than simply being able to take you whenever and wherever he wants.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
There’s two kinds of risky situations Druig will put you in. One is when you two have the quickies and he’s fucking you in an open garden or in his house of worship with the door unlocked, and he loves knowing any one of his followers could spot you two at any given moment. The other risky situation Druig likes to put you in is around the Eternals when he will get a little too handsy under the table or even under a shared blanket during movie night, you’re more of risk than he is in these situations because you’re the one who always makes a sound.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Never forget this man is a celestial, a god essentially. There’s no such thing as needing a break for him or running out of energy in the bedroom. Druig aims to please and please and please you until you can’t take anymore, only when you’re satiated, so is he.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Technological advancements weren’t always Druig’s favorite part of evolution, but as soon as he learned what good can come from adding a cheeky little vibrator into the mix, it became his new best friend.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
As an eternal Druig does have duties and responsibilities to attend to, and it’s always when he’s about to go off on a mission or busy himself with something else entirely when he really leans into teasing and taunting you. Mostly going inside of your head, telling you exactly what to do, and how you’re going to do it without him ever being there. But hell never let you finish yourself off without him there, but he’ll tease and edge you for hours if he can. He’s unfair but the reward is so worth it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s definitely not overly loud or vocal in bed aside from giving demands and or praises, maybe a little grunting or whining if he’s close and ready to finish. But overall he’s pretty quiet so he can tune into the sounds you’re making.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Druig loves to make you cum as many times as possible, especially if he’s going down on you he’ll make sure to double down on his actions immediately after you’ve finished to build up another twice as intense orgasm.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He is handcrafted, not a flaw or an inch missing anywhere on that man. He’s surely not too large to the point where you’re in pain every time, and by no means small in any way shape or form. His girth is slightly larger than average, always a right squeeze of a delicious one. His length will hit your cervix when he’s holding tightly onto your hips and slamming into you repeatedly, other times when he’s not as rough he’s got a bit a curve that brushed against your g spot in just the right place to have you seeing starts every time.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Druig had a past with people who are now lost to history, but he never felt for them the way he feels for you. Therefore Druig is always yearning for you, willing to take you whenever you ask, and to do whatever you need.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
To circle back to the beginning, Druig will always make sure you’ve fallen asleep first afterwards in case you need a glass of water or something to that effect. Once you’re snoring softly in his embrace, he pulls your impossibly closer and allows sleep to take him as well.
Been a minute since I wrote but I’m trying to post at least one fic of some sorts every month and with this I’ll actually still be on track!! Can’t even begin the go on about the shit happening in my daily life but I hope I will start writing again more soon.
Thanks for reading <3
Much Love,
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themoonbrokenbylife ¡ 9 months ago
Has anyone ever wanted/been interested in using a beta reader for fanfics and if so how does one get into that? I know it's something I'd 100% be down for. No fee. No cost just the love of fanfiction and being able to discuss them with some truly amazing authors and help them out. I know when I write, at some point you've seen and critiqued your own work so much you need fresh eyes. 🙏🏻
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alohastyles-x ¡ 1 year ago
Part 2
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A dark!Druig Fanfic | Druig x reader | Scream crossover
Part 1 | Masterlist |
Summary: The origins of a mysterious masked killer... who just so happens to be a god.
Note: Chap 2 is here :))) I hope you guys enjoy this story!
Warnings: mentions of blood, light gore, death, murder... lol
Wordcount: 2.5k - a little shorter but i wanted to get it out sooner
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Sleep did not come easy, as the events of the night flashed in your mind, one after another, leaving you tossing and turning in bed. There was clearly no way you could fall asleep after what happened, and the murky fate that now lay just on the premise of your thoughts… you came into contact with the god of death. 
He was just a myth, a scary story told to kids to easily spook them. Horror novels and movies were born out of the lore surrounding him and his favored mask that adorned his face during his kills. He was just a halloween decoration, an adjacent theme to a favored holiday… he couldn’t possibly be real, could he? 
Your question was answered after sleep finally eluded you into a chaotic induced nightmare. Awaking with a startled scream, you sat upright, panting as you attempted to catch your breath. You had been back in the alley, the pale face of the poor blonde illuminated through the smoke by the flickering streetlight above. Golden strings of what looked like cosmic stardust had begun swirling around you, their origins coming from the dark figure who stood at the end of the alley. They had wrapped themselves around your wrists, your arms, your body until the suffocating feeling they brought with them awoke you from your sleep. 
“What is it?!” Celia screamed, as she burst into your room, a frying pan in her hands, ready to attack. She looked around, attempting to locate the danger. 
“I-I’m sorry, it was just a bad dream,” you said in between breaths. Celia lowered the frying pan, concern flickering across her features as she watched you closely. 
“Are you okay?” She asked. 
“I think so-,” you began to answer, but were quickly silenced by a burning sensation twisting around your wrist. 
“Shit!” You cried out, fumbling to turn on the lamp. Celia rushed over to help, white you held your wrist closely. Once light illuminated the room, you pulled your wrist out to examine the burn mark. 
Only it wasn’t a burn mark. A golden mark had been etched into your skin, a delicate white pattern tracing through the gold in waves. The mark flickered in the light, making it almost like a bracelet permanently clasped around your wrists.
“What the hell is that?” You asked, panic rising through you as you stared at the mark. You had seen this golden pattern before… in your dream, and on the night of the murder. Whatever this was, had to belong to the god of death… but what did it mean?
“Hold on…,” Celia responded, already heading to the door. She raced back to the kitchen island where she left the book the two of you were reading the night before, researching the god. 
“Let me see if this has any information,” she flipped through the pages. You sat closely, watching as she skimmed the foreign words on the page. Your wrist had stopped hurting, but just knowing the mark existed made your skin crawl. Whatever it meant was clearly not good… you’ve seen the movies! 
“I’m not seeing anything in here that mentions a mark… usually his victims are unsuspecting that he's on the hunt, unaware they’ve even come into contact with him… apparently it makes it more, well I don’t know how to translate this word but I would assume it means appealing.” Celia concluded. 
“Damn it.” 
“I know,” Celia muttered under her breath. She began to mention a few people you could ask, as they were more knowledgeable than her on the god of death, but you weren’t listening. No, your mind was racing for other solutions. 
“Does the book say anything at all about how to summon him?” You interrupted Celia, who now stared at you like you had 5 heads.
“Sorry, could you repeat that? I’m not sure I heard you correctly?” 
“I think if we could summon him, we could ask him? Find out more about this mark?” 
“Are you nuts?! You want to try and summon the god of DEATH… who will surely kill you once he sees you by the way, to ask why he marked you? Hello?” Celia yelled, flustered with your own remark. You hadn’t thought that fully through, you’ll admit that.
“Okay maybe not him, but what about the other gods who knew him? The eternals? Could we summon one of them and ask?” 
“Yeah I don’t think that's how it works… you don’t just summon a god, y/n…” Celia chuckled. There was a barrier between them and the humans. While many humans worshiped the old gods, no one ever actually heard from them. And they definitely didn’t summon them.
“Ugh, you’re right, I know you’re right… I just… I don’t know what else to do!” You let yourself fall back onto the pillows of your bed and let out an exasperated sigh. 
“Give me today, I’ll talk to my group at school and see if we can think of anything that this may be connected to. Just go to work and try and live like you don’t have a potential mark of death around your wrist,” Celia responded, patting your leg comfortingly. You sighed, knowing she was right. There was nothing much you could do but just pretend like everything was normal. 
You could do that… 
A few hours later you were making your way down the stairs heading to work. Unfortunately for you, there was only one way to the restaurant, which was right past the alleyway from the night before. You could walk another 35 minutes out of your way to walk around the entire square to the otherside, but it was too hot for that. 
The early morning sun was surprisingly warm against your skin. Humidity hung in the air like a wet blanket, making you squirm as you walked down the street. Yeah, there was no way you could walk that long in this heat, and you were grateful for the prescription strength deodorant that you doused yourself in this morning. 
As you approached the alleyway, the yellow caution tape caught your attention as a slight breeze ruffled it. It covered the entire alley entrance in a big X, though one could still slip through the tape if they really wanted. 
And for some reason, that's exactly what your brain told you to do. Carefully, you moved in between the tape, trying not to lose your balance and send the tape ripping off the walls of the alley. You weren’t quite sure what possessed you to do this, but some innate sense deep inside of you pulled you in. 
The stench of the alley was strong, from the trash building in the dumpsters, to the blood that still stained the concrete- a crime scene crew had yet to clean it up. Trying not to throw up, you slowly walked deeper into the alley. 
A tingling sensation caressed your wrist, pulling you out of your thoughts. It was a soft tingle, like a breeze had blown through, meeting your skin. You inhaled as the tingling moved up your arm to your shoulder, and then back down your back, stopping halfway. The hair on the back of your neck stood up, as you felt something press up against your spine. The metallic smell was back, lingering in your nose. 
Whirling around, you were met with nothing but the empty alley opening up to the street. A group of teenagers had stopped to peer through the tape, trying to see what they could spot. Panting, you stood still, hoping they didn’t see you, and that whatever was just touching you was gone. Or just in your head- that would be fine too. 
Once the teenagers had satisfied their need to see the grotesque site, you made your way back out of the alley. Whatever just happened had to be connected to the god you had run into the night before- you were sure of it as the golden band around your wrist itched- but you didn’t want to think about it, not now anyway. 
Everything was perfectly fine. Perfectly normal. 
“Y/n! There you are,” your boss, Alex, greeted you as you walked in the doors of the kitchen. Alex was a force of nature that’s for sure. They were probably the kindest person you had ever met, and yet had such a stoic nature about them, that no one took advantage of them. It was something you secretly envied. 
“Hey Alex. How was opening this morning?” Your shift started a couple of hours after opening, so you wanted to gauge how the day started, as it was usually telling how the rest of the day would go into the night. 
“It was pretty slow, you know with the murder and everything,” Alex whispered. You nodded. He had no idea just how much you knew. “I suspect the rest of the day will be just as slow. Sooo, you know what that means! It’s a perfect day to train!” 
You groaned. Alex knew how much you hated training, but they couldn’t deny you were the best. 
“This is, I’m sorry, what did you say your name was again?” Alex turned to the man standing behind him. You hadn’t noticed him at all, as he was half in the shadows. He took a step further, the light overhead shining on him like a spotlight. Your breath hitched in your throat as you saw him. He had the bluest eyes you had ever seen, contrastingly sharply against his dark pupils. He was very handsome, his chin chiseled at just the right angles, his 5 o’clock shadow highlighting his jawline. Something about him sent alarm bells in your head, yet also made you want to fall to your knees before him. He just seemed so… familiar. 
“Kieran,” he responded, smirking slightly. His voice was deep, a thick irish accent coming through. It wasn’t rare to hear someone with an accent from across the seas over in this part of town, but something about him just sent a chill down your spine. Not to mention, your golden bracelet seemed to have warmed against your skin in his presence. 
“Right, silly me. Anyways, this is Kieran. He will be serving, so I want you to train him today. Really go over the menu and our practices…” Alex continued but you stopped listening. You couldn’t break the stare you and Kieran were entranced in, his smirk only growing by the second. It was as if he knew the effect he had on you, and he was relishing in it silently before you. 
‘Hello? y/n?” Alex waved a hand in front of your face. 
“Right… train him, I got it.” You said, breaking eye contact and turning toward Alex. They offered you a small smile and a wink, before turning to Kieran. 
“You’re in good hands. Y/n is the best!”
The two shared a small exchange before Alex left you alone with the man. Kieran turned to you, the smirk returning. It annoyed you, how cocky he already was without having to utter a single word to you. 
“So, have you ever worked in a restaurant before?” You asked, grabbing a menu from the server station next to you. 
“No,” his response was short and curt. This only annoyed you even more. You beckoned him to follow you, rolling your eyes as hard as you could when your back was to him. A low chuckle came from behind you, almost as if he knew of your secret act. 
You settled into a booth next to the kitchen, allowing him to slide in across from you. 
“Okay, so first things first, you have to know the menu. The rest will be so much easier if you know what we offer. We’re a higher end restaurant, so we offer a lot of ‘fine dining’ dishes. Lots of pastas, seafood, steaks, and all of that.” You began to explain. The golden band around your wrist buzzed with energy as you talked. It was hard to focus on what you were saying, as the buzz intensified. 
Kieran sat before you looking over the menu, memorizing what dishes you guys’ offered. As he did, you pulled your phone out to see a missed text from Celia. 
Found out some more info. Meet for drinks later? 
You glanced up at Kieran as you responded. 
Sure. McCrakens? 
The Irish pub was your go to for drinks with Celia, and its atmosphere felt perfect for the conversation the two of you had to have. The pub was almost always packed out and so loud, you could barely hear your own self, let alone eavesdrop on anyone. 
Celia shot back a ‘yes 10:00 pm’ and you locked your phone, turning your attention back to Kieran. 
“Seems simple enough.” Kieran said, letting the menu fall onto the table. You nodded. There was no one else in the restaurant right now, so it was a little hard to begin any other parts of training him. 
“Where’d ya get that?” He asked, his deep voice interrupting your thoughts. He was nodding to your wrist. You looked to see what he was referring to, and realized the band of gold was on full display. 
“Oh, uh,” you scrambled for a response as you tugged the bracelet back down over your wrist that you had covering it. His eyes peered quizzically at you, his signature smirk gone. He was as serious as could be,  which made you look at him puzzled. 
“It was just a dumb thing I did at a tattoo shop,” you lied. He gave you a look that screamed that he read right through you. 
“I didn’t know they made gold ink,” he responded. You sighed, knowing there was nothing you could think of that would make sense. Instead, you decided to tell him the truth… well the half truth. 
“Alright, fine. I really don’t know. I just woke up with it this morning. My friend and I are trying to research to figure out what it means, but so far we’ve turned up nothing.” 
He stared at you intently, studying your wrist. You squirmed under his intense gaze. It was almost as if he was burning through the bracelet, the buzzing even more noticeable than before. 
“I think I may know something. Although, it’s a bit of a legend.” 
“That’s kind of the conclusion we’ve come to as well, that whatever this is has to be sort of supernatural like that.” 
You bit your lip as you tried to hold back what was about to come tumbling out of your mouth next. There was no way you could invite this man out to the pub tonight… not without him finding out you came into contact with a god. You couldn’t just go around telling anyone that sort of information. Not today. Especially not after last night's murder has been blasted all over the news, already blaming the gods. 
“I’d love too,” he said suddenly, making you jump slightly as you were pulled from your thoughts. You blinked, trying to figure out what you just asked him. 
“You invited me out tonight, with you and your friend.” He looked stumped. 
“No… I didn’t? Did I?” You were starting to question everything in your head just now… did you somehow let it tumble out of your mouth without realizing? 
“You did… are you okay?” He asked. You nodded, your throat suddenly too dry to talk. 
Well… there was no backing out of this now.
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| Feedback in the forms of comments, reblogs, and likes is greatly appreciated! <3 |
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cdragons ¡ 1 year ago
Blood & Pain - Druig x Hecate!Eternal Reader (Kaetlyn) Oneshot
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Pairings: Persephone!Eternal Reader & Hecate!Eternal Reader, ft. Sephia x Ikaris, and Kaetlyn x Druig Word Count: ~3.5k Summary: A lil' oneshot to show how Druig and his wife got together, and what way to show that than with hot and heavy SMUT! Warning(s): SMUT (if you are under 18 DNI), some angst if you squint, mention of bullying (sort of), slight mention of blood, knife conjuring, Druig is obsessed and we love that, I just really wanted to write something to get me into the Halloween Spirit Notes: This a surprise oneshot to my wonderful beta reader, @valeskafics! She is in the middle of midterms, so I wanted to gift her a lil' oneshot to thank her for all of her help and encouragement! She is an incredibly kind and patient human and one of the best and most incredible fanfic writers for HOTD, GOT, and the Ewanverse on Tumblr! If you love any of Ewan Mitchell's works or are a fan of GOT/HOTD, I highly recommend checking her blog out! You will not regret it! Also, the BIGGEST thank you and shout of love to @ethereal-athalia my good man in the storm, I have never clicked so well with someone on this platform when it came to crazy ideas, and thanks to her, I can write out my ideas and share them on this site!If you want to read more from this AU, please click on this masterlist!
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No matter how the rest of the team believed, what ideas his own children liked to conjure, how the tale was spun by generations -- Druig did not fall in love with his wife at first sight. He knew who you were, Kaetlyn, a fighter who could manipulate the shadows of every living being. You would later the mother of surgery and modern medicine- and even beyond that, a scholar and pioneer for feats of magic that remain untouched even by the greatest of the Supremes in the Mystic Arts.
He couldn’t remember the time he first realized that he loved you- he only knew that when he recognized it, he had fallen so deeply that he could no longer remember what it felt like not to be in love you. You were everywhere. There was simply no place left on this planet where Druig would wander that you wouldn’t be there beckoning him to you.
It was almost shameful how long it took for him to fall in love with you in comparison to how quickly you adored him. It had taken him over 100 years for you to fully gain his attention, and another 200 years for you to wait for him to confess his reciprocation. 200 years of clever banter and harmless flirting that shifted to longing gazes and lingering touches, until you finally had enough of his lame patience and reluctance. You dragged Druig to a secluded area- away from the Domo and humans alike, and took his face in your hands and forced his lips to yours. One kiss become two, two became five, and soon you and he had joined together in an explosion of passion that would bind you to him for the rest of eternity.
The sun had long set, and stars and moon glittered in the night. The two of you were as naked as the days you were born. Your need to have each other was beyond a matter of lust, it was primal need. Druig had torn your clothes without any thought- he starved for you. Any barrier that separated your body from him was flung away. Your skin glowed in the moonlight, every curve and line of your frame gloriously highlighted for his eyes alone. His lily-bloomed skin laid under you, ready for anything and everything you would give him. He still remembered the words you whispered to warn him all that would come as a result of your love.
“Druig, I must warn you,” you whispered. Druig kissed you across your collarbone, and you tugged on his hair to gaze into his eyes. “I can be very selfish- I will have all of you, or none of you.” 
He could feel your wet center throb with each wince that escaped his lips. “You already do, my love,” he whispered back, silently pleading you to let him continue. “I swear you do.”
He craved you. He desperately wanted to map his tongue and lips across your body; he wanted to memorize the feel of your skin, the smell of your sweat, the taste of your cum. Whatever you gave him, he wanted it all.
Pushing him to lay on his back, you crawled forward to hover your soaked cunt over his cock. “I’m selfish- relentlessly so, any other woman that catches your eye will feel no end of my wrath.” You lowered yourself only enough so that his tip could paint its precum on your clit, the corner of your lips curled into a cruel smirk in response to the strangled moan he let out. Your body trembled from the sheer delight you felt at witnessing the surly telepath whine so pathetically from your touch.
“Please,” he begged, “please angel. Let me feel you- I need it- I need you.” Druig could feel his eyes filled with tears from the overwhelming pleasure that would fill him. “I want to touch you, please-”
Druig’s whimpers were brutally cut off as you placed a finger over his lips.
“Shhhh- not yet,” you breathily whispered, “you need to earn your pleasure, my love.” Your pupils dilated seeing him take your finger in his mouth, and used his tongue to suck on it. “I need to know if you understand what it means to love me, and have it in return.”
Before Druig could respond, you lowered yourself further- until he filled you to the brim with only a single thrust. You were so taken back by the sheer size of him that you felt your climax wash over as every part of you trembled from the intense euphoria.
“By Arishem,” you thought, “how is he so big?”
You wanted to make him beg, to drown him in so much pleasure that it would hurt. Whatever pain you inflicted on him now, it was nothing compared to the torture you experienced in having to wait for him to admit his feelings. You lost count on the number of times you pleasured yourself at the thought of the man beneath you. So many times, you wanted to sneak into his bed, and wake him to witness the maddening effect he had on you. But having him inside you was better than anything you could imagine.
Gripping his shoulders, you lifted yourself until only his tip remained-before slamming your hips down to his- repeating this motion until falling into a rhythm that was accompanied by a song of wild moans and gasps. Everything about this man- the aquamarine shine in his eyes, the glowing pallor of his body, the tone and strength in his muscles- screamed the image of perfection to you.
“Druig, Druig,” you could only cry out his name- as if it was the only word you knew, “I love you, I love you, I love- FUCK!” You screamed out at the feel of his hips moving to meet yours, and before you could blink, he shifted your positions so that you would be laying on your back as he caged your body with his frame.
Druig couldn’t take it anymore, it tormented him to not take you without abandon. For so long, he dreamed of having you like this- warm, teasing, and his. You called yourself selfish, so what? Druig knew what it meant to be selfish, to want to possess and devour every part of you until there was nothing left for anyone else to take or see.
You must have blind to not see his desperation for you. How could someone so bright and brilliant not understand that he would gladly let you tear him limb by limb if it meant to be loved by you.
To have you under him like this- writhing in ecstasy, crying from exquisite pain, your soft curves molded against his hard frame- it was as if this was his true purpose. It was not to assist in humanity’s evolution, but to belong to you as you would belong to him. It was to have you like this at every waking moment- filling you with love, and overwhelming you with desire.
As he continued to slam his hips against yours with reckless abandon, he trailed his lips down your throat, sharply nipping your collarbones, until all that he could reach were your heaving breasts that moved in tandem with his thrusts. He was so enraptured by your presence that when you peaked once more on his cock, his rutting only grew more relentless and rougher than what you thought was possible.
Stars, he loved the way you screamed his name. He wanted everyone to know it was him who made you mad with elation. He wanted the whole world to know that you, Kaetlyn- gloriously headstrong, brilliantly beautiful Kaetlyn- the wielder of shadows, and master of the darkness and night, was begging for his cock like a common whore.
“Look at you,” he snarled- jaw clenched so tightly that his teeth threatened to break from the pressure, “what were you saying m’darling? I could have sworn that you were trying to get me to beg- but look at you now.” Your head thrown back as your hair sprayed around you like a beckoning halo as you babbled nonsensically, legs wrapped around his torso to minimize any potential loss of distance, your wickedly sharp nails cutting into his skin to leave vibrant trails on his back as blood leaked from the wounds. “You can’t get enough of me, can you?”
Your only response was whimpers and cries, so Druig decided to be a bit cruel, and slowed down before pulling himself out and stopping completely. The loss of your warmth was complete agony, but the consequence was well-worth the pain at the sight of your immediate reaction.
“DRUIG!” You cried out in pain. You tried to move yourself to feel more of him, but the smug bastard had pinned your torso down- and your body was still recovering from the overstimulation of your previous orgasm. Still maintaining his grip, Druig towered above you in order to gain a better vantage point. Staring down at the aftermath of his onslaught, he almost came right then and there. You were the very likeness of desired perfection- tears had leaked from your eyes and were trailing down your face, your flush travelled down to the tips of your breasts, and there was not a corner of your body that wasn’t covered in marks left by his teeth.
“Please, Druig, please-” you begged him, “don’t stop! I need you!” You felt you were dying from his loss, you felt so empty. It was like you finally felt complete, and when he pulled away it was as if all the air in your lungs were completely snuffed out. You couldn’t bear the pain- it was tearing you apart. You tried to pull him down to get him to kiss- you needed his love; nothing would ever be enough- not when it came from him.
Your soul craved his.
Crystalline blue eyes softened momentarily before steeling once more to grip your hips even tighter, Druig barely lowered himself- just enough to mix his throbbing tip’s precum with your slick. No matter how much he adored you -- however much he wanted to give in to you-- he needed you to admit that you were his first.
“Open your eyes,” his rasp sent chills to run throughout your entire body, “and see what you do to me.” When you looked into his eyes, you were taken back by how dark they had become- that beautiful pale hue had minimized into a thin ring from how dilated his pupils had become. It wasn’t just lust that swam in his gaze, but also mania and lunacy. His piercing gaze, along with his heaving breaths created such a stark contrast to the calm and collected mask he showcased to everyone- humans and Eternals alike. Druig looked less like the usual apathetic god everyone thought him to be, and more like a raging terrifying beast that fed on savagery and only cared to fulfill his most primal urges.
You have never seen such a magnificent and enthralling sight before, and you prayed to the stars above that this time would not be the last.
Druig could hear your thoughts, and he didn’t care how insane he looked. He wanted you to see all that you did to him- how you engrained yourself into his very soul and being. You called yourself infatuated, but he was obsessed. And as aware he was of his own delusion; he didn’t ever plan to stop.
Fuck Arishem- fuck anyone and everyone who would dare keep you from him. He didn’t care the lengths he would have to go to keep you by his side. Let them paint him the villain- it was all worth it if it meant having your love.
“Tell me.” He pleaded you, “please, my angel- tell me your mine. Let me in, I want all of you and only you.” His eyes held so much love and trust that it took your breath away, and it made your heart swell with so much adoration for the man that caged you between his arms. There was only one thing to say, the only thing that mattered that would seal a vow between you both for the rest of eternity.
Summoning all your courage, leaving behind all your bravado, letting all your insecurities to be put on display, you whispered, “Yes.”
Immediately after you condemned your soul to his, Druig speared himself into you to the hilt with a single thrust, and pressed his lips to yours to drink in every one of your throes of passion. Setting off at a relentless pace, it was not long until another brutal climax sheared through your body. With each push, Druig’s cock hit that spot inside you – resulting in stars to bloom around you as your mind was clouded in lust. With each thrust of his length, tremendous stimulation tearing through your walls. The sound of skin-on-skin surrounded the area around you, creating a forcefield of bliss that could not be intruded by anyone but the two immortal beings engaged in their act of fervor. The only other sounds that could be heard were the gentle whispers of the night breeze, along the soft chirpings of the crickets.
Feeling his cock throbbing, Druig knew that he was reaching his limit. However, he refused to finish without you going over the edge with him. Setting an even more ruthless pace, he could feel the trembles that ran throughout your body as he fights to hold control over himself, and not releasing himself deep inside you. Only being able to get a few more thrusts in, Druig viciously cursed as he let out a snarled cry – the loudest you have ever heard from him. With one final push, he came deep inside your cunt, painting your walls with his cum as you felt his warmth flooding inside you. The sensation of the thick ropes of cum engulfing your cunt triggered your final climax, and you felt the evidence of your indescribable pleasure that washed over you mixed with his thick cum that overflowed within you to the point where it leaked out of your core.
Refusing to part, the both of you let yourselves bask in the bliss-filled bubble that was the aftermath of your lovemaking. But as happy as you were, dread filled your mind as you realized what you had done. You knew how the others saw you. How Kingo and Sprite liked to poke fun at your darkness, how Ikaris would voice his doubts of your ability to protect with ill-hidden snarks to Ajak, even the humans would whisper in fear at the sight of you soaked in deviants’ blood in the aftermath of your many onslaughts. It was bad enough that they looked down on Sephia for how she so faithfully remained at your side, you couldn’t let the man you loved be dragged down as well – it would have been too much.
No matter how Druig liked to present himself as cool and indifferent to human conflict – you knew that it was far from true. You’ve watched him for centuries, and there was no one else on the world whose soul was as gentle and carried more love for humanity than even Ajak and Sersi. You couldn’t let your own selfish desires bring his ruin, you refused to let that happen.
“This was a mistake,” you forced yourself to say as you faced away from him to locate your attire, you couldn’t bear it if he saw how much it killed you to say it, but it needs to be done, “I never should have let it go this far.” You crawled on your knees to reach your tunic, “Let’s just forget this ever hap-”
A vicious growl cut you off as Druig’s hands grabbed your wrist to the point where you were sure bruises would show tomorrow. “Don’t,” he snarled, “even try to insult me by suggesting to pretend that this never happened- that we never happened.” Pulling you back to cage you in his arms, Druig buried his face into the crook of your neck- as if imprinting the scent of your skin to his memory in fear that you would disappear before his very eyes.
Leaning forward to whisper in your ear. “How could you ever think for a second that I could possibly go on with my life after finally having you? Tell me angel, how do you expect a man to simply live on weeds after finally partaking a drop of ambrosia?”
Your heart melted at his words, but you could not let yourself be swayed. “Druig,” you started, “you don’t understand the cost of being with me. You deserve someone who is kind and warm and-”
Druig forced you to look into his eyes. “Stop. Don’t you dare let the words of those idiots make you see yourself as less than the perfection you are. Do you know what I see when I look at you?” His eyes softened for what he was about to ask next. “Let me show you, my love.”
As his pale blue irises glowed into a golden hue, making him transform into a sight akin to godliness, you opened your mind to his, and what you saw shook you to your core. You saw scenes of yourself travelling through your shadows, taking down dozens of deviants with only a few arrows from your quiver, as well as the aftermath of you standing alone in a field of mangled corpses dyed with black tarlike blood. You saw yourself as the humans did, embodied darkness that killed with cold precision and controlled beings with their own shadows.
But soon you saw moments that you had forgotten, moments that you believed were private. You saw yourself sneaking away at night in the cover of darkness to watch ghosts roaming aimlessly, along with the pity in your eyes from hearing their sorrows. You saw yourself in your room at the Domo, surrounded by scrolls from topics ranging from rare spells to hand-drawn diagrams of the human body. You witnessed the smile spread across your face when you helped a spirit finally reach their peace to the other world. You saw the time Ajak approached you to ask for your assistance in delivering the children from expectant mothers in the village. You saw yourself come outside the tent to hand over the child of your first delivery to the father, who thanked you with tears in his eyes after being informed that both the child and mother safe and healthy. You watched yourself stare in shock of his praise before seeing the child reach for your finger, and let yourself feel the disbelief that flooded you at the sight of pure innocence staring back at you.
“You call yourself selfish and unkind,” Druig’s voice brought you back to reality- his eyes returned to that familiar blue, “but that couldn’t be more untrue.” He softly pressed his forehead to yours as he continued. “Would a selfish person spend night after night gathering impossible texts to study for an unnamed spirit to finally reach peace? Would someone unkind research every possibility in order to ensure that a mother could hold her child? How could you let someone as pathetic as Ikaris and Sprite taint your own views of yourself so much? Kaetlyn, I was a coward for waiting for so long to tell you my feelings, I was selfish in thinking of my own pride and dignity was more important than your strife. But still you loved me, and I could not be more grateful for your existence for that.”
Tears ran down your cheeks as you felt all your walls crashing down, how could someone so frustratingly wonderful exist? If this was all a dream, you never wanted to wake up. But just to be sure, you took a stone that just fit into the palm of your hand and transmuted it into a silver dagger. Holding it just above his heart, you warned him one final time.
“Druig, no matter what sweet words you whisper, I am selfish. I could kill you now without hesitation. I could cut you and cause you so much pain that you would beg for death. Do you still wish to remain by my side?”
Staring back at you with only ardent love and unfiltered adoration, Druig grasped your hand and dragged the blade’s tip across his chest. Thin trails of dark red life leaked from the wounds, but there was no indication of pain. “If loving you is pain,” he whispered as he wiped the blood from his wound with his finger, only to smear it across your lips, “then let me bleed.” He repeated those same words a year later, when he married you in a private ceremony after the two of you sneaked away from the village’s harvest banquet.
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Tagging: @valeskafics, @ethereal-athalia, @aphroditesmoon, @3vergr3en, @its-actually-minicika, @fivebefore21, @asa-do-your-thing, @hypnoticmistake, @blog-100, @tacorice, @prettyvintageafternoon, @deanthomaswhore, @angelnyx, @henesseyhaven, @xcharlottemikaelsonx, @sunphyre, @beananacake, @atomwritez, @vikingqueen28, @getawaycardotmp3, @redheadspark, @heliosphere8, @bambiandbam, @americanprometheuss, @chaoticdetectivewidow, @mazerunnermarvel, @bryandechartisasmolbean,
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redrydersrequiem ¡ 1 year ago
Golden eyed phantom ch 1
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Pairing Druig x reader
Rating explicit 18+ only minors ageless blank and non unadapted blogs will be blocked.
Plot: phantom of the opera au
Warnings: Some smut (im still learning how so go easy on me) fingering, dream sex, mind control but not dark)
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The opera de popular was one of the crown jewels of paris, a place where dreams and nightmares can become a reality. It’s also where young (y/n) (l/n) found themselves living after the untimely death of their only living relative, their father.With no living family and no prospective husband (y/n) would have been homeless if not for Madame Ajak,the kindly dance instructor of the opera and a dear friend to the girls late father.
Madame Ajak became the mother you never knew, kind, caring, always able to cure any physical ailment that seemed to bother her or anyone else, with Madame came Sersi. She was another girl that had grown up in the opera. Madame Ajak was unable to have children of her own so she adopted Sersi when she was just a baby. The young woman was only a few years older then (y/n) and the two became fast friends. Sersi showed you the ins and outs of the opera house, really the ins and outs of Paris. Many times she would take you out and about to learn about your new home and everything in it including the rest of the people that would make up your new family. The first members you met came in the form of Gilgamesh and Thena.
Gilgamesh was the chief of security for the opera house. He was a giant boulder of a man well built and very intimidating at first glance, that is until he smiles at you and turns into the giant teddy bear he is. Always making sure all of us are safe and sneaking in baked goods every now and then. You wouldn’t know just from looking at him but he was an amazing baker, especially his pies they were to die for. With Gilgamesh came his partner Thena,she was gorgeous a goddess without even trying. She was the stunt, fighting and weapons expert for the opera and many other production houses in Paris. Many people thought she was a model but the mere thought made her grimace, “Why would I want to be a model and have to care what everyone thought of me?” Even though she had a tough exterior she was also very kind in her ways. Thena was determined for all of us younger girls at the opera to be able to protect ourselves, teaching everyone basic self defense and warning signs and so on and so forth. She was truly a ferocious mama bear if she wanted to be, to you she just became a protective aunt.
Next up was, without a doubt, your favorite trio, Phastos,Sprite and Makkari. All three worked backstage, keeping the opera house running as fabulously as it does. Phastos was the head engineer/ prop master. If something needed to be built he was the guy, his creations awe inspiring, some looking as though they had come straight out of the future, but he was still humble enough to answer any questions you or anyone had about the devices. Alongside Phastos worked sprite. She was young that was undeniable but boy was she talented, A true artist she was the head set designer and painter. Everything she created was so stunning you couldn’t even tell it wasn’t real. While Phastos was somewhat humble, Sprite was spunky, quick witted and sharp tongue when wronged. She halted being looked down on because of how young she looked and would lay into anyone who belittled her.
Makkari was a completely different story, even though she was deaf that did not stop her. Always with a kind smile on her face she ran around helping pull everything together. She was the resident lighting and stage hand always in the right place at the right time, almost like there were seven of her. When she wasn’t working she would be in the shopping district, dragging (y/n) with her to oogle all the shiny and sparkly Knick knacks, all the beautifully colored fabrics and imports coming in. In fact that's how Kingo was introduced.
Kingo was a fashionista, a real eye for how to make everyone look their best with one look.he was the opera's resident costume designer / understudy. Kingo dreamed of being on stage; he knew all the words, all the songs, everything, but sadly his time in the spotlight had not yet come. Everyone always reassured him his time would come, in fact you would always run lines with him whenever he was feeling down, he was over the top dramatic for sure but so entertaining. Probably the only thing more entertaining was picking on him with sprite and makkari. His reaction to the twos joke always brought a smile to your face, and was almost a bonding experience with the other girl.
During the day there was enough to distract you from your sullen thoughts. In particular the formation of a new found family, always there to relieve you of your boredom and loneliness but at night it was a different story. About a month after you had arrived you sat in the opera's small chapel, lighting a candle for your fathers soul. You guess your gentle weeping is what brought forth the angel's song, but all you really remember is the gentle glowing gold of the candles or at least you think it was the candles but you didn't really care as the feelings of calm wash over you with the soft timber of the angel's voice. At night or really whenever you were alone the angel would speak to you. Teach you the ways of the opera house and the music that went along with it. He was a mystic presence, always there but never in reach.
He invaded your whole life, when not learning from him at night your dreams started turning to him.
It would start with his voice, hearing it in your head as you drifted to sleep, the scene would change to a candle lit backdrop, soft smells of vanilla fill the air, a dreamy feeling wanders around you, then you would feel hands wrap around you. They were strong, long fingers as they wandered up and down your frame. You dare not turn around not wanting the feelings he provokes from you to end too quickly.
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You watch as those glorious hands gently slide up your leg taking your thin night shift with them until they reach your core. A branding iron of heat in eloping you as he probes you. Fingers lightly playing with your clit as his lips caressed your ear, words ringing through your very soul it felt
“My beautiful beautiful muse, I've waited so long for you. I’ll never forget the day I first heard your voice, it was like hearing a blessing.”
You couldn’t even articulate words to reply to him shivering as hard as you were from merrily his touch.
“I can not wait for the day you truly belong to me. Mind. Body. And soul”
You feel his fingers stroking in tune to his words. Marking his point deep within your walls, but before you are able to climb to the peak a loud ringing sounds from beside you
“Ignore it”
You try of course but the ringing doesn’t stop. With each ring the scene around you shakes, deteriorating back into the blackness that waits behind your rapidly opening eyes. You sit up in shock, eyes trying to adjust to your bedroom as your alarm rings beside you. Your body still shivering from the after effects of the dream you just had.
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Five years had passed, under your teachers guidance your gift bloomed but the only people you would even attempt to try to sing for would be your new family, and that was only light humming. The dreams became normal as well. Usually they happened after working with your mysterious and gracious master. You never learned anything more about him. All you knew was his voice but the one in your dreams seemed to evolve.
First was his hands and then his arms then his legs,his back,even a head of dark brown hair. But never his face. It was starting to vex you honestly, every time waking up from the pure euphoria of those dreams too have reality slap you in the face of how lonely you felt. Not that your new family did not appease your heart, in fact being with them was as natural as breathing. To be honest you couldn't describe what was wrong with you, all you could summarize it as was that it felt like part of you was missing.
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A week after your 24th birthday the new owners of the opera appeared and with them came someone familiar.
“Listen up everyone!” Mr Richard's the old owner calls to everyone, all of us currently gathered on the main stag rehearsing the latest show
“I would like to introduce the new owners of the opera Monsieur Nelson and Monsieur Murdock.”
Everyone claps all clambering around to get the best views of the two young owners. You had to admit neither were horrible looking, you thought it was interesting for a blind person to want to buy an opera but it made sense to, even if he couldn’t see the performances, listening to them was the next best thing.
‘Thank you all, thank you we are both very happy to start our adventures in the arts.” Mr Nelson started “We would also like to introduce our generous backer Count Ikaris de solar.” Finished Mr Murdock to when a handsome brunette stepped onto stage to everyone’s approval and applause.
“Ikaris?” You gasped out as everyone continued to clap and awe over the count
“Do you know him (y/n)?” Sersi asks confusingly
“Yes, we knew each other as children. We were somewhat close before his family moved away, I can’t believe that's truly him.”
Before you get another word in, a loud clearing of the throat silences everyone. Mademoiselle Ayesha and her pompous son Adam, step through the crowd in their fine costumes. The madame was the current lead soprano for the opera even though you thought she couldn't sing for shit. Her voice was almost as grating as her attitude towards everyone. Sprite assumed the only reason she was given any parts was because of her stupidly wealthy family and late husband. But you choose not to comment on that. The woman stands there covered in gold and signals to the maestro to start at the top of her aria once more
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Oh no she's starting again Sersi says from beside you already getting ready to cover her ears. In fact you can even see the housekeeping staff in the audience stuffing Cotton in their ears. The woman doesn’t get but a few lines in the aria her screeching tone ringing through the stage before the rolled up backdrop above her comes crashing down. The light but sturdy fabric lands on top of the soprano pinning her belly flopped to the stage floor to the shocks and screams of everyone around.
They rush to help the woman up but the damage to her pride is too great. She starts screeching about all the previous accidents directed at her, of all the misfortune and indignity that has befallen her and how she will not stand for it any longer. Mr Murdock simply stands there letting the scene unfold as Mr Nelson loses his mind along the diva as she. Stomps her heel gathering all her things, her son and their people and promptly leaving
The new owners were in a tissy (mostly foggy) wondering how they are supposed to open tomorrow with no star. How this whole adventure is now wasted. Madame Ajak promptly interrupts, saving Mr Nelson from a full melt down, handing the duo a dark black envelope with a giant red wax seal on it.
“Where did that come from?” You ask Sersi
“That confirms it then, It must was the phantom”
“The phantom?”
“Have you honestly not heard the others talk about this?
She just shakes her head at you before filling you in on the details
“He's a mysterious person, some say he’s a ghost, others a demon but no one knows for sure. They say he's been here forever always making his presence known. In fact the previous owner used to pay him a monthly wage just to appease him, that and that box number 5 be kept empty for him whenever he wishes. Everything was going well but this past couple years he has gotten a little more devious.
No one really knows, and everyone’s afraid to ask or look around afraid they’ll never be seen again.
Before you can ask sersi more your name is being called.
“(Y/n)(l/n) can do it.”
What?” You had missed the conversation between the two new owners and Madame Ajak
One of your dances can replace the star diva from the past 5 years.? Your sure about that?
“Foggy why don't we give the girl a chance”
“Matt this is doing nothing for. My nerves
You stand there like a deer in headlight hoping you could somehow slip to the back and out of sight but Sersi sees you growing anxiety and gently but firmly directs you towards Ajak.
Madame gently took you from her daughter and lead you to the center of the stage
“Madame what,,,,but,, I,,,”
“It will be alright dear. I've heard you practice these last couple of years when you sneak off at night, and i know your teacher has taught ypu well”
“My teacher?”
Ajak just gives you a knowing look before she turns towards the maestro and nods at him leaving you standing there as everyone watches.
You hear quiet cheer from stage left where your little opera family all stand giving you thumbs up and right smiles, trying to ease your nerves, though it doesn’t really help, it's not till you look up towards the grand chandler that that gentle calming glow envelops your senses once more.
“From the top of the aria mademoiselle”
The band picks up and the music begins to play
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To be honest you don't remember much after that. It was a whirlwind of activity. Being swept off stage and quickly fitted into costumes, stage managers telling you where you need to stand, color spotting you with lights all the fixing basically to make it seem like you were always meant to be in the role.
You didn't know that while you sang your heart out on stage a certain young count had finally taken notice of you
“That’s the girl that used to follow you around?” Count Arishem Ikarus’s father ask begrudgingly
“Yes father that's the daughter of that famous violinist tha lived near our old summer home.”
“Well, well we may have found ourselves a diamond in the rough after all. The elder count scrutinizes the crowd all gawking at the peasant, like she's a princess. All he sees is an opportunity to boost his family further, the gears of his plan already forming in his mind.
Phantoms pov
There she is at last! Right where she belongs, my beautiful beautiful muse.
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smuttyfantasyrecs ¡ 2 years ago
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🦋 comfort 🦋 make you scream 🦋 put on a show 🦋
🦋 sun dresses 🦋 shower 🦋 little games 🦋
🦋 kyphi 🦋
🦋 jealousy 🦋
🦋 eyes on you 🦋
🦋 non-con request 🦋
🦋 spectral tease 🦋 seduce and maim 🦋
🦋 soft dom 🦋 cockwarming 🦋 getting you off 🦋
🦋 temper 🦋
🦋 his clothes 🦋 innocent 🦋 i'll take care of you 🦋 192 🦋
🦋 off limits 🦋
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thatblackravenclaw ¡ 11 months ago
Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.
a/n: this isn't finished, and i'm not 100% sure if i want to finish it, so i'm going to post this little bit and if it does well, then i'll finish and post the rest.
Blog Details | Let's take a trip
Priest!Druig x black!fem!reader (reader is 18+)
warning(s): insane blasphemy, masturbation, catholic guilt?, praise, cussing
word count: >1k
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I’m going to Hell for sure. More than Sister Dolores already claims I am. Whenever he’s around, I hitch my skirt a little higher and try to be on my best behavior. I don’t think the Nuns have caught on, but I don’t doubt they’ll find out soon. 
This morning at Mass, I swear he was looking at me more than usual. His eyes would sometimes shimmer gold and all I could think about was him and what I wanted him to do to me. I had to restrain myself from standing up from the pew and sucking his cock in front of everyone. God would surely strike me down. It would be worth it.
When I see him during the day I have to squeeze my thighs together. My clit rubs against my white cotton panties and by the time I get back to my dorm, I’ve completely soaked through them. At night I find my fingers tracing up my thigh, under my nightgown. His voice, his hands, his face, him. The only image that plays in my mind as I rub my bud. The slick in my core oozes out more by the second. I run my finger through my folds and play with my arousal. I imagine it's Father Druig’s finger. I imagine him calling me a slut and saying how cute it is that I’m so wet for him. 
I need to go to confession. 
I slip out of my theology class and go to the main sanctuary. The Nuns are somehow nowhere to be found, but I count my blessings with this. The sanctuary is the most overwhelming place in the world. Mosaic tiles are on each window. Jesus being crucified is on the humongous one in the middle. I walk down the aisle and Jesus only becomes bigger. Looking down on me. Judging me. He died for my sins and here I am still sinning in the church. 
There are a few people in the pews. No one that I recognize. My journey continues as I walk off to the side where the confession booths are stationed. The burgundy curtain is open, signaling a vacancy on the sinner’s side. I slowly walk in, closing the curtain behind me. I look over to the wood paneling. There’s an intricate design, but there are little holes where you can see if the Priest is in or not. I see a vague humanoid facing straight ahead. I can tell it’s Father Druig. He has a really nice nose. It’s big. I always imagine how it would feel if I sat on his fa-.
“Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. My last confession was four months ago. I have these.. improper thoughts.” my fingers fidget with my skirt as I stare ahead at the curtain.
“What do you mean by improper thoughts, my child?” His voice causes me to squirm. Like liquid gold. I wish I could hear him talk all the time. 
“Unholy thoughts, Father. Sexual thoughts.” 
“Well, that is not considered a sin.” If only you knew.
“I masturbate to the thought of that person.” I hear what I think is a chuckle come from his mouth, but he covers it with a cough.
“That’s still not considered a sin.”
“I masturbate to the thought of you, Father. I masturbate every night and imagine it’s you touching me. Imagine it’s you making me orgasm. I know it’s wrong, but I can’t help it. Whenever the impure thoughts fill my brain, I feel a tingling in my panties.” 
There’s silence for a moment. My brain runs a million miles a minute. Did he recognize it was me? Is he appalled? Am I actually going to Hell for this?
“Sit back and open your legs for me.” 
I blink. Once. Twice. Thrice.
“I’m sorry?” 
“I said sit back and open your legs .”
I blink one more time, trying to process his words. 
“Yes, Father.” My back hits the wall of the booth and I wait. The thumping of my heart has jumped to my ears. I wipe my hands on my skirt as they have become clammy. 
The curtain suddenly opens to reveal Father Druig. My eyes trail up until I reach the gold shimmer in his eyes. My savior. My damnation. 
“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” My pussy clenches and I get the familiar sensation of my clit rubbing against my panties as I shift to accommodate the sensation.  
“Do you really want forgiveness, my child?” I hesitate. Some part of me doesn’t want to go to Hell, but the other part of me wants to see where this will go. I nod my head while looking into his golden eyes. They flicker down between my legs. My underwear is on full display. A wet spot also on display, no doubt.
“Hm, you won’t go to Hell for masturbating, but you could go for lying. Now, I’m going to ask again. Do you really want forgiveness?” He asks again. There’s a bass in his tone. It’s dominant and a tad bit scary. It also makes me clench around nothing. I alas shake my head without breaking eye contact. The mischievous smirk on his face sends a shiver down my spine.
“Take your panties off.”
I wrap my fingers around the band of my panties. The material glides down my thighs and puddles at my ankles as I drop them from my knees. I glance down to see the confirmation of my evident arousal. The apples of my cheeks burn from the sight. His footsteps echo when he steps from the linoleum to the wood of the booth. With each step inside, he kneels down. His face comes into direct visual contact with my bare heat. The juices of my arousal cover my inner folds and he looks like an animal in heat. Before I get a chance to think, his face is between my thighs. 
“Such a pretty pussy.” He whispers. 
The tip of his index finger lightly traces up the apex of my thigh, stopping just short of where I need him most. He mimics the action with the other thighs before moving to trace the tip of my folds. A shiver rolls down my spine at the teasing touch. 
“Father, please.”
More Druig | New York City
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saltburnedme ¡ 1 year ago
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My requests are open! Message/comment to be added to the tag list!
Paring: Oliver Quick x Fem!Reader
Word count: 3520
Summary: After your last night with Oliver you question if things were even real, did you want them to be? Or are things better left unsaid.
Warnings: SMUT (ONLY READ IF YOU ARE 18+) unprotected sex, oral sex (male receiving), dub con, drowning (kind of, their in a bath it’s more of like a forced breath play thing no one actually dies), sex in a bath, generally fucked up smut overall again
Read part 1 here (this can be read as a one shot too)
You didn’t wake up until nearing noon, up to this point you didn’t realise that had even been an option. Moments after you realised that something must have woken you up in the first place, there was a light knock on the door from one of the maids, a welcome change to the usual bursting in and blinding you with light pouring in from the freshly opened curtain you thought for a few seconds before she did exactly that.
‘Good morning miss, did you sleep well?’ She questions, her voice cheerful as she opens the curtains letting the sunlight flood into the room. Your eyes still adjusting to the dawn, the memories of last night rushing back into your mind. Your ripped night dress and falling asleep naked must have looked suspicious enough but to add to this you were certain your hair must have been a mess. It was only upon looking down towards yourself to cover up that you found yourself wearing a different night dress, one you can’t remember ever having seen before, your hair felt as if it was tied back and your torn nightwear was nowhere to be found.
‘I slept fabulously, thank you for asking’ you reply, feeling like your speech was slurred from drowsiness.
‘Breakfast is ready downstairs’ she replied before exiting the room, the second the door closed you rushed out of bed and almost sprinted towards the mirror. Was any of it real? You were now dressed where you remember sleeping naked, your hair was tied back and brushed where you remember it being down. Your mirror was against the wall like usual and as much as you may try the damn thing wouldn’t budge an inch. The only thing remaining from the night before was the faint swell between your legs and a suspiciously red mark left around your neck, if it hadn’t been for this you would be questioning if the night previous had been real at all or if you’d finally become so delusional from tiredness that you’d hallucinated the entire thing.
You traveled through your day in a haze, you’d like to say that you hadn’t made an extra effort to seek out Oliver but you had once again wandered into every room, down every hall and through every garden, apparently after everything that had happened he was now conveniently a difficult man to find. Was he ever really there? All of those words he said and everything he did was it actually real? He did seem out of character, the Oliver you knew, albeit very vaguely, would never have come into your room, stripped you naked and fucked you like that. You weren’t even convinced he’d ever actually had sex before last night let alone was as depraved as you’d found him to be. Last night he asked you to come to him at 10pm sharp, to meet him in the bathroom that he and Felix shared, but should you go? If you doubted it was even real in the first place wouldn’t just turning up in their bath seem at the very least a little bit unhinged? You weren’t sure what to make or do with any of it, but if one thing was for certain you were going to find out.
The day hurried by and promptly turned to night, surely you’d see Oliver at dinner you thought to yourself, your little hunt that consumed your day proving fruitless. As always you dressed for dinner, this time opting for a white bias cut silk dress which clung to every curve. It somewhat resembled your torn (and now missing) night dress, the main differences being in the wider straps and being longer in length as the hem delicately brushed the floor.
You tried your best to keep your literal and metaphorical cool through the warm air of the summer night, strolling with ease through the door of the large dining room. Your eyes scanned the room for mere seconds before you found him, sitting silently in his usual seat cross from yours, eating and avoiding eye contact at all costs. Taking your seat the usual chit chat continued around you with food placed elegantly in front of you, your eyes beaming forward burning a hole into the forehead of the man across from you in the hopes that your gaze would force his hand in some way. You’d searched for him all day, where could he have been? He looked almost angry. Summoning up your last ounce of bravery you decided, the only way to fight the bull is to grab him by the horns.
‘So Oliver, how did you sleep?’ You asked loudly across the table, loud enough for the rest of the dinner guests to hear, placing a pause over all the other conversations happening in your vicinity. Out of the corner of your eye you could just about make out the puzzled faces of the rest of the table, everyone now wondering how often they’d actually heard you address each other previously to this.
‘Fine, thank you Y/N’ he replied bluntly, his gaze finally meeting yours. You’d hoped opening up some kind of conversation with him would confirm your beliefs in some way, but instead he just looked angry. Maybe that was conformation enough in itself?
‘I thought I heard something from your side of the house’ you muttered out as the conversations around you slowly begin again. His blue eyes becoming black with anger almost daring you to say more as he sat unspoken.
‘Oh did you now?’ He questions. Definitely daring, you thought to yourself. You felt almost as if you were staring out a wild animal waiting to see just how long it would take for you to blink and for him to attack.
‘Yes, I thought I heard someone walking around near my room coming from your direction’ you continue, one hand playing nervously with the soft fabric of your dress underneath the table as the other shuffles food around your plate with your fork.
‘It’s an old house, all sorts of noises’ he replies, his head tilted slightly to the side as if to work out where you were going with this line of questioning. ‘Why, was there something you needed during the night?’ He ponders. Was he still daring you or was he just as confused about this whole situation as you were? Maybe you really had imagined the whole thing. He wouldn’t be asking you that if he had something to hide surely, you knew Felix had a temper with a hairpin trigger and absolutely no one wanted to provoke that. Or maybe that was exactly the point.
‘Oh no, it’s nothing really. Don’t worry, it just woke me up is all’ you reply, trying your best to sweep this entire conversation under the rug as much as humanly possible. You wanted to shrink away and become one with your chair, hiding in plain sight almost as if to disappear completely into a puddle of your own embarrassment. With a shrug Oliver went back to eating and ignoring you again, occasionally joining in with the others conversations as you pushed your food around your plate, taking anxious mouthfuls until the plate was almost entirely emptied.
‘Please may I be excused? I’m awfully tired’ you asked, your question pointed towards Elsbeth at the head of the table.
‘Of course my darling, sleep well’ she says as you hurry off, granting the room a brief Goodnight and a polite smile before making your way down the corridor.
Despite all of this, at 10pm you found yourself pacing your room, if any of it had been real you were well aware that you were late by now, your pacing only increasing as the clock ticks to 10:01pm, 10:02pm and before you knew it 10:05pm.
‘Fuck it’ you whispered to yourself, heading out of your room and down the corridor in the direction of Oliver’s room. Taking off your shoes to be as quiet as possible, your dress swung at your ankles as you almost stormed your way towards the bathroom, your feet padding cautiously but quickly against the wooden floor.
Finally arriving after what felt like hours of walking you found the bath freshly drawn yet the room suspiciously empty. At least this partially confirmed that you hadn’t manufactured this entire situation in your haze of exhaustion. The lights dimmed to their lowest setting you can barely see into the corners of the room, you make your way over to the mirror to take in your reflection standing in front of the sink. Resting your hands against it you check the room again, still no one to be found or so you thought. Letting out a frustrated sigh you concluded that if someone was watching you, as you hoped they were, you’d give them a show.
Sliding the first silk strap down your shoulder you glide your hand across your chest, down to your shoulder and off of your arm. You follow the same with your other arm, still holding the dress to your body as you take one last look around the room before dropping your dress to the floor the white fabric pooling at your feet, a stark contrast to the darkness of the rest of the room. Your movements continued as you slipped your bra off, once released massaging your own shoulder softly to relieve yourself from the stress of the day. Your hands slipping lower you step out of your white, matching silk panties, the collection of fabrics joining your dress on the floor.
You turn away from the mirror, facing towards the bath, slowly stepping in and submerging your body in the water, the shine of the golden tub reflecting off of your skin. Dipping your hair in the water you look around the room full of hopefulness again, still, finding nothing. He had to be here, you were sure of it and if he wouldn’t come to you of his own free will, you’d make him just like he made you. Your hand begins to travel south, lowering between your legs rubbing soft circles into your clit. You feel the tension release from your body almost immediately as your pace increases, letting out a stream of breathy moans, the sound reverberating off of the tiles. Your eyes fall closed and your face begins to contort with pleasure as you feel your climax rapidly build, your mind replaying the previous night tempting your pleasure to reach its peak.
Just as quickly as your orgasm built, it was ripped away from you harshly. Your eyes still clenched shut in ecstasy you feel your wet hair being grasped firmly, pulling you under in the water. You try to hold your breath as you’re pushed under but the shock of it almost causes you to breathe the water in. Being held there for a couple of seconds your pulled up just as aggressively.
‘You think your such a clever girl, calling me out like that’ he growls, climbing on top of you still dressed in a white shirt and boxers. His body caging you in underneath him he puts his other hand around your face, squishing your jaw so that your mouth falls open, spitting into your mouth before pushing your head under water once more. You wish that you could have kept the taste of him on your tongue for a few seconds more, a thought that crossed your mind very briefly until you were filled with the panic of being drowned once again before being pulled to the surface once more.
‘Tell me why I shouldn’t just drown you now little one? You know that’s been my plan all along, fucking you and feeling you completely submissive underneath me, nothing you can do to stop me’ he growls, grinding his hard cock into the flesh of your thigh. ‘But you had to be a disobedient little whore, just like the rest of your fucking Catton family’ he continues, you open your mouth to reply but just as you breathe in to speak he plunges you under again, this time pulling your up faster, allowing you to cough up water and look up to him in fear. ‘There’s my good girl’ he sneers, this is exactly how he wanted you completely obedient and pliable underneath him. He wanted the power over you, to make you fear him and love him all at once, something that he was very much achieving. Almost as quickly as he had turned on you, his touch became soft almost loving and his words followed suit.
‘You looked so pretty in that dress, almost like an angel. You wear that for me sweetheart?’ He asks, releasing your hair to press one hand against the roll top of the bath near your head while still holding your cheeks softly in his other hand. You were almost wordless, the contrast in his actions totally throwing you off in a way you would have never expected. You thought you’d seen the darkest parts of him last night, but this was like you’d found another cavern in his soul filled with nothing but hatred for you and everyone around you.
‘Y-yes’ you stutter out, still catching your breath from being held under water, your eyes locked on his as he leans in closer, his face almost touching yours.
‘Yes, what?’ He asks, your eyes scanning his face rapidly to give him the answer he craves, the answer you wish with all your heart and mind to give him.
‘Yes.. sir’ you reply, your words coming out shakily, your body trembling in the gradually cooling water.
‘Such a good girl for me’ he says letting go of your face, his hand sliding down your curves, pulling your legs around his hips your heat pressing into his fully hardened length. He got off on drowning you, that was the first thing that sprung to mind when you felt him between your legs, he wanted your submission and my god did he have it. ‘Fuck’ he groans to himself as he grinds into you, it was almost as if he saw you as an object, just there for his ego.. and other things. Pulling his shirt over his head he discards the wet fabric to the floor beside the bath, pushing his boxers down and gliding the thick head of his cock through your folds.
‘Do you want me to fuck you angel? You’ve been such a good girl, you deserve a reward’ he asks as softly as he could in the given situation. You knew he didn’t really care what you said, if you refused he’d still take what he wanted from you but he knew you’d never turn him down not when he was the only person granting you the lustful excitement that you so craved.
‘Please sir, please fuck me’ you ask looking into his eyes in desperation.
‘Ah, that’s not quite good enough little one. Show me how much you want me’ he demands, pulling you up towards him, leaning back on his heels as he kneels in front of you, his hips lifted to your face height. Tentatively you licked down his shaft, your gaze held by his as you take more of him in your mouth. For the first time, he was letting you take control, his hands gripping the sides of the bath firmly, his knuckles whitening as his fists tighten. You knew not to break eye contact from your last time with him, he liked you to look at him, he loved the power it gave him over you as he moaned unashamed above you. Wouldn’t Felix hear? Wouldn’t you be in trouble? You thought. You’d suspected earlier today that this may be exactly what Oliver was betting on but right in this moment you didn’t care, you’d do anything to please him.
Your hands join your mouth wrapped around Oliver’s length, pumping him as his cheeks flush and one of his hands entangle in your hair gripping it and pushing his cock deeper into your mouth. ‘Fuck angel’ he almost whispers, as you feel him throbbing under your grip, he was close and you knew it. Your fists quickened their pace and you sucked his tip a little bit stronger until his eyes left yours, his head falling back against his shoulders as his eyes close and his face contorts in pleasure, pushing his tip right to the back of your throat causing you to choke as he empties himself into your windpipe, fucking your face as he rides out his orgasm. Just as his climax subsides he pulls his still hard length out of your mouth.
‘Open’ he demands, no other words. You thought he wanted to see that you’d swallowed but you hadn’t, his spend trickling out around the corners of your mouth. ‘Jesus, look at you’ his tone mixed between an insult and genuine concern. Just as you tried to swallow his load again, you were stopped feeling his mouth on yours, his tongue exploring your mouth immediately making your kiss a mixture of both of your saliva and his cum emptying your mouth of it as he pushes you back against the bath, wrapping your legs around his hips once more. The image of you like this seeming to have triggered something in him again, he immediately lines his cock up with your entrance and thrusts up into you making you let out a light scream in a mixture pleasure and pain as he splits you open.
His pace was fast, way faster than you expected as the remaining water in the bath splashes over the edges as he fucks you landing on the floor beside the tub. His eyes baring into yours once again he holds you up above the water line, the blood rushing throughout your body almost deafeningly as all of your senses heighten zoning in on Oliver. Your ruined orgasm returning almost as quickly as it left you feel yourself begin to clamp down on him, you know he can feel it, his hips grinding into yours forcing your orgasm from you almost violently.
‘Cum for me’ he asks, his tone almost begging at this point. ‘Let me hear it’ He demands, another contrast with last night, this time he wants to hear you. ‘Let them all hear it, let them know who you belong to, who fucks you like this’ his words faltering as you clamp down on him, riding out your orgasm loudly just ask he asked, the sound bouncing off the walls you were certain that they must have been able to hear you in the next village over let alone just in the house.
‘Fuck, you really are an angel, look at you’ he says, guiding your gaze to the mirrors over the sink to the side of you as you come down from your orgasm, still continuing at his blistering pace. Watching him fuck you was almost other worldly, the way the dim light reflected off of his almost translucent white skin. You could see his length thrust in and out of you as your eyes met his in the mirror. Pulling you out of your post orgasm haze he doubles down on his pace, one hand on the bath above you the other on your hip as his nails dig into your soft skin. Without warning he emptied himself inside you, pressing his lips to yours as he came within you his moans almost as loud as yours had just been.
Regaining your breaths he pulls out of you, sliding behind you in the bath washing your body clean with the remaining water as your back is pushed against his chest. You wanted to say something, to ask him what all of this meant or if it really meant anything to him at all. You knew you had feelings for him, feelings that grew stronger every time something like this happened between you. You had a need, a desperate want to make him happy, to impress him and to make him need you the way you needed him.
‘Did you enjoy your little lie in?’ He asks, some what out of context with the rest of what had just happened.
‘Uh.. yes’ you replied ‘I wasn’t aware the staff would let anyone sleep in after 8am’ you continued with a giggle.
‘That’s because they don’t. I told them to leave you be a little longer after your somewhat strenuous night’ he replies pressing kisses into your neck as he continues to clean you.
‘And they listened to you?’ You asked, partially amazed that the house staff would ever listen to the wishes of anyone other than the core members of the family.
‘They will’ He says, his voice sterner as his actions continue, pulling you in for one last kiss while running his fingers through your hair. ‘Oh they will my angel’ his words ring in your ear as you begin to fall asleep on his chest ignoring the rest of his sentence, you were his angel.
Tag list - @lillypink @ilovesaltburn @simplymakkari @hahahafucku @rorysgirl @jubileexoxo @grandpaintersuit @anniemay67 @idontevenknow1359 @frayafriggafrey
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redheadspark ¡ 1 year ago
All Shook Up
Summary - Druig takes care of you after hours.
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A/N - I got inspiration for his one shot from the GORGEOUS photoshoot Barry Keoghan did with Bumble for Valentines Day's. With him in front of the Pool Table... ;)
Enjoy responsibly :)
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“Fuck…FUCK Druig!”
“That’s the idea, darlin’.” 
You opened your eyes seeing the lights shining down above you as hands were griping your hips so deliciously and possessively, your mind was in a pleasurable fog while your back was rubbing against the material below you.  Your thighs, though spread with no abandon, were starting to burn while you were covered from head to toe with sweat.  All you were feeling and sensing was red-hot heat, insane pleasure from the top of your head to your toes, and an insane high from Druig making love to you.
No, he wasn’t making love to you.  He was downright devouring you.
This was his idea, you had no idea you would end up literally on your back on top of a pool table with Druig drilling his cock into you at a steady rhythm.  He wanted you to come out to his pub and poll hall that night, you two haven’t been able to spend some time together as a couple since you both were busy.  Your workload and a full-time job were making you mostly unavailable for a date night or a late-night hang out with Druig, just as Druig running his pub kept him away for several hours on end.  
But finally, you had time to hang out with Druig after closing time, you were able to catch up with your mutual friends Makkari and Kingo.  The pub was pretty busy, Druig being a hands-on owner, and was all over the place.  You loved watching him at work, seeing him reload new kegs when they were out, checking in on his wait staff when they looked swamped, and even waiting on dirty tables You knew he was a devoted owner of the pub ever since he inherited it from his old boss and mother figure Ajak, doubling the profits and popularity in no time.  He moved into the apartment that was on the second floor, right on top of the pub with a massive view of the city below.  It was the best setup for him, and for you when he asked you to stay over for the night or for the weekend. 
He asked you to stay after hours when he locked the doors and lowered the blinds, and before you knew it, with a few glasses of wine and using some of his weed, the night led you two to this predicament.  
“Jesus, you look amazin’, sprawled on his table for me,” Druig growled as he thrust hard, you moaning loudly and reached for his spare hand for him to lace together near your head.  His other hand was cradling your neck, his body hunched over yours as he had you along the edge of the pool table.  It started with making out, Druig perching you on top of the Pool Table with ease as his kisses along your lips were making you dizzy.  
Something about Druig and his way to draw you in, to make you feel so loved and safe, you would fall under his spell every time.  He loved you and cared for you, showed you respect to the tenth degree, setting the bar far too high for any other guy to come around.  
After shotgunning the smoke from his parted lips and feeling his tongue dance against yours, you were falling for him all over again.  His hands were all over your body, pushing up the summer dress you were wearing to be bunched around your hips, and his thumbs then hooking along your panties to let them drop to the floor.  Before you knew what was happening, he was kneeling between your legs and making you shake in pleasure with both his lips and fingers inside your aching pussy.
It was almost like liquid fire along your skin, your fingers digging in his brown hair as your other hand was holding hard to the wood of the pool table.  It was almost like an erotic scene to be certain, to hear and feel Druig moan against your cunt as he was picking along your folds before flicking his tongue right up against your clit to make you scream. You were feeling the adrenaline from both the wine and the weed, but both were nothing compared to the pure lust that was in your veins as you were trying to stifle your moans by biting your lower lip.  
Druig must have heard it, pausing his movement and looking up at you as you were shaking from the insane pleasure.  You watched with glossed-over eyes, Druig on his knees with his eyes on yours whilst his head was still perched between your quivering thighs.  You saw the moisture painted on his lips and chin, you mewling from the sight as Druig sunk two fingers into your pussy as he smiled wide.
“Don’t be quiet on me darlin’.  I want ya nice and loud for me,” He commanded, his fingers curling as you fell back in a heap.  
After cumming from his tongue and fingers, Druig then had you bent over the side of the pool table, chest against the green material as he sunk his cock in from behind and took you then and there.  It would have sounded almost guttural from anyone else passing by, even that late in the night since the only sounds that were heard were the balls rolling around on top of the table and the slapping of skin.  Druig kept his hands everywhere on your skin, your sundress still on but barely as he was kneeling your breasts under the dress and sinking his fingers into your hair while his hips were constantly rolling over and over.  
You felt that tightness all over again, from this new angle and how his cock was so snug within your inner walls and hitting that sweet spot deep inside of you.  Druig always knew the best way to make you feel all the pleasure in the world when you two were in bed together, especially the first time he sunk into you.  Something in the way he fucked you, both in intensity and yet with gentleness as he watched you come undone under him.  He was entranced by the sight of you orgasming on his cock, calling out his name in such a way it was almost like a religious experience.  
This night was no different as he reached around to flick his finger against your clit, rotating it twice before you came so hard you were dragging your nails along the green cloth.  He hunched over you, holding you close while you experienced the aftershocks from your climax before he gave you a filthy kiss along your neck.
“How close are ya?  Tell me, sweetheart,” Druig commanded with a grunt as he was fucking you a bit faster now, seeing you shaking and biting your lip as sure signs of you about to reach the peak.  You look up at him, smiling in lust and bliss at the sight of Druig above you.  His eyes drilling into yours as his brown hair was plastered to his face, the open blue shirt he wore that night for work still on but now stuck against his chest and back from the sweat, he looked gorgeous to you.  With his muscles along his arm and chest and the distinct v-line from his hips, you were under his spell with no sign of snapping out of it as he was staring at you like you were prey that he wanted to devour.  
You must have looked like a mess, your summer dress now on the floor and being bare naked on top of one of his pool tables.  He loved seeing this side of you, not wound up tight like you usually were because of your job.  Druig always made it his mission to make your walls come down when he was with you, whether it was with back massages or sending you to the spa that his friend Sersi ran, seeing you relaxed and at ease made his heart happy.
But his favorite way of releasing your tension was fucking your brains out.
“F-Fuck, I…I’m so c-close!” You moaned as Druig kept thrusting, going a bit harder now while he watched your eyes roll back in ecstasy while the tip of his cock hit your sweet spot deep inside of you.  He leaned down, the new angle made you both moan sinfully as he wrapped his hand behind your neck to have you sit up.  You were so close to falling over in a blissful orgasm that you knew would shake up your world, you just needed a bit more of a push as Druig pulled you to be chest to chest with him.  You clung to his back, pressing your head into his as he bottomed out completely into yours.  At this point he was now grinding into you, the sheer force of his strength behind every push into you almost made the pool table shift and squeak, yet neither of you cared.
“Cum on baby…cum on my cock.  I wanna feel it, every single ounce of it as you cum and drench my cock,” He growled against your neck as he was grinding over and over.  You tried to speak, but all you could do was moan as the peak was so close, literally on the tip top of your spine and about to crash over your head.  Druig felt it too, how your pussy fluttered around his cock that was throbbing and aching to unload deep inside of you.  He just needed to tip you over the edge and knew precisely how to do it.  Your neck was so sensitive and so responsive, that he placed his lips over your neck right where your pulse point was.
He bit down very lightly, you screaming as you finally orgasmed and clung onto him.
It triggered his own orgasm too, emptying himself inside of you like a heartbeat and not slowing down or stopping.  You both were plastered to one another, coming down from your highs as the loud moaning was turning into whimpers and hums.  Druig kissed your skin wherever he could, still holding you tight as his hips were slightly moving again and again and still emptying himself inside of you until he felt himself spent.  Even Druig was shaking while his heart was beating rapidly against his chest, pulled away slightly to stare at you, and smiled in bliss.
There you were, coming down from your orgasm and yet still looking beautiful and almost heavenly in his arms as you were open and bare to him.  He loved the way you looked and felt beautiful in your own skin, for as long as he knew and loved you Druig loved the confidence you had and he wished he had it himself.  And you were sagged against him, Druig was rubbing his hands along your skin and kissing your cheeks as you lazily smiled, both in satisfaction and in exhaustion.
“Jesus Druig, I can’t even…I can’t walk,” You hummed, out of breath as Druig duly chuckled.  You looked over your shoulder at the scratch marks you made on the green cloth, grimacing a bit, “I’m sorry about your table.”
“You kiddin’ me?  It’s sexy as hell!” Druig reassured you, making you laugh as he kissed you sweetly and pulled out of your carefully.  You shook from the feeling of being empty, though Druig never released you from his arms as he spoke again against your jaw, “I’ve hated this pool table anyways.  I can call to get a new one tomorrow.  Come on, I wanna take care of ya in the shower,”
You squealed and laughed as he lifted you in his arms bridal style, both of you still naked with no shame as he strolled over to the backdoor that led to a pair of stairs that then led to his small and cramped apartment.  
The End.
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Fic based on this masterpiece of a photo :
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Tagged - @a-lumos-in-the-nox
376 notes ¡ View notes
annoyance-for-u ¡ 2 months ago
Saving this on my feed because
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if was your boyfriend, never let you go keep you on my arm girl, you'd never be alone
druig recomendations
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perfectly busy - @tokkiotears
lemme just say, HUSBAND DRUID OML. and I'm just a sucker for a confident and king Druid behavior. absolutley adoring this to no ends, smn send help, I forgot how to function. the not really complete without you got me. oh god. just o h g o d. i just feel like i should comment on the narrative, it was so well done and just hit the spot i didn't even know I had.
not proofread, annoying men, druig in a button-up with the sleeves rolled up
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"this isn't over" - @peterparkersnose
bro this slapped in so many different levels, like excuse me. And druig who shares books and annotates? and smug druig? godamn. the sexual tension- smn keep him away from me before i fall in love.
angst, privacy invasion, accidental nudity, sexual tension, falling in love with something you could never have-?
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sunshine - @itsapeterthing
firstly, i fell in love with the writing, its so stunning. it has such a fun and flowery vibe surrounding it which makes me just gush oml. it was just so sweet. AND how he gets flustered- literally hit all my marks and exceeded them. i hope you never stop writing these, they make my soul lighter.
warnings: eternals insulting druig as always, fluff
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how could they not know? - @saintlike78
to start of, i love a vocal man who can tell you that he missed you. the scene itself was so soft. just love sick druig running back to your arms and you're wearing his shirt mwahh. i find it hilarious how no else has even noticed this happening before, my oblivious fools. its so adorablee.
nothing but fluff really, dialog heavy.
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hold - @redheadspark
bro, my love, angel, the gif itself got me a blushing mess, you have no idea what the fic did to me sheesh. i love a man who was so acceptable about her fear and so re-assuring, that's so perfectly written. i also love how the author has written these thoughts in her head as well as the internal debate. it just left me in awe i swear.
Just a hint of angst but mostly fluff
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warmth - @stranger-nightmare
these are one of my favorite's that I've encountered. the end was just lovley. Just the plot of this drabble has me on my knees. it was wonderfully thought and wonderfully written. the author has left no crumbs.
one case of swearing, a lil bit of fluff, a whole lotta angst, nakedness but it’s not in a sexual way
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boyfriend headcannons - @luventi
just a bunch of head cannons which i thought were amazing. overall its just so cute and has me screaming, crying and throwing up. honestly very underated.
druig x gn eternal!reader, au where everyone is alive and happy and together, there will be dashes of suggestive content admits all the fluff so be warned!
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shy lover - @writing-wh0re
[ it didn't have a title so I gave it this, I hope the author doesn't mind]
felt that this was just a must included, i don't wanna really have to summarize this cause there wasn't a single line that did not fail to have me hypnotized. just lovley work
Smut18+, Unprotected Vaginal Sex, Male Performing Oral, Praise Kink (both), Begging Kink (?), Slight Cocky Druig, Cum kink (?)
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spellwell ¡ 1 year ago
only mine || Druig
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human!Druig x fem!reader
summary: Druig was never the best boyfriend, leaving you to feel indifferent to the idea of staying with him. When you've finally had enough and try and leave your toxic relationship, Druig will do anything to make you stay.
trigger warning: angst, slightly manipulative Druig, cheating, smut, penetration, oral (f receiving), toxic relationship, praise, alcohol consumption.
word count: 2.6k
a/n: I hope you enjoy, just a lil one-shot for an idea I had. Sorry if grammar is not perfect I wrote this quickly. interact for more fics :)
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A tear ran down your cheek as you watched your boyfriend rest his hand on the small of the anonymous woman's back. The lights of the club lit up around you, but you didn't feel bright at all. Your heart was breaking as the sight unfolded in front of you.
This wasn't a new sight to behold, neither was the sting. You and Druig had been together since high school, now in your second year of college, it's felt like forever. When you two had first met, it was like you were floating. He treated you like you were the only girl in the world. Everyone wanted to either fuck him or be him, except for you. That's what you believe drew him to you.
Druig was always known as a partier and a charmer. All of those traits grew with time, only making it harder. It started with subtle flirting with girls in the high school halls, growing to grabs and winks at parties when he got too drunk. Not only was he a flirty drunk, but a bit of a hot head as well. You knew Druig would never lay a hand on you, but his venom laced barks he called words were unbearable.
"God Y/N, it's seriously not that big of a deal. I was jus' talking to her!" Like you totally didn't see his hand brush her ass.
"Would you quit looming over me! I'm not even that drunk, you're bein' way too much right now! God you're so annoying." If you hadn't been there he would have fallen and cracked his head.
You on the other hand always tried to do your best by Druig. You loved him so much, you forgave and over-looked so many things for him. Not everything was so bad after all, he was your first kiss, first lover, even your first date and he meant everything to you.
So here you were as usual, standing off to the side of this club watching your boyfriend who comes over every 30 minutes to kiss you on the cheek. You didn't even know why tears still spilled when you'd see it.
Your eyes finally trailed off from the pair, giving you a moment to breathe, knowing that if you went over there he'd just holler, he was hammered.
When your eyes reluctantly returned, your face went beat red, the tears now pouring out in pairs. He was kissing her, on the lips, nearly falling over her, grabbing at any flesh he could. Your legs practically carried you out of the door of the club, thumping against your lovers shoulder as you left.
"Y/N... Y/N wait!" Was all you heard over the music as Druig whipped around, discarding the woman he was playing with. He knew it was you from the smell of the perfume he loved so much and the soft sob that left your lips.
Any plea or apology that came out of his mouth went in one ear and out the other. "Fuck!" His voice was booming and distressed, realizing he wasn't going to get a word.
He had followed you for a while before giving up, accepting that nothing he could shout after you would make you budge. The tears continued to burn her now raw cheeks as the approached the street her apartment was on. Pain was the only thing you felt as defeat and heartbreak over came you. That was the last straw and even though it would hurt, no body deserves to be treated like this.
Some time passed, allowing you to calm down and gather your thoughts that still felt so jumbled. It didn't take long before the dreaded knock came thundering on your door. "Baby... babe please... Baby, i'm begging you, open the door, just talk to me please." You knew it was him before he even spoke. With every word he said your heart tugged some more. Words could not form on your tongue and the palms of your hands began to sweat. "Y/N!" he boomed out in sobs, continuing to abuse your apartment door. "I can't take this darlin', don't you leave me!"
The same sobs and words he always spoke, almost like he didn't actually think you'd do it. Annoyance began to stir inside of you, setting aside your sadness. With a huff, you stood up towards the door.
As the door flew open, you were met with a very disheveled Druig, still tispy but much more coherent. Your mouth hung open to speak but all that came out was a choked out sob. "My love..." His voice came out soft, almost pathetically.
"No Druig!" Your voice cut him off before anything else could be said. "You can't take this? I can't take this!" Your voice broke through hard sobs, fists balling to your sides. Your eyes fell to the floor below you, "I... I won't do this anymore Dru..." Your eyes now lifting and meeting his concerned gaze. "I just can't be with you anymore..."
The words sat in the atmosphere for a moment, vibrating off the walls of the tension.
All you wanted to do was shut the door in his face and hide, afraid that you'd fold to the man you love at any minute. Eye contact was avoided as your hand came to shut the door.
The sound boomed as his hand caught the wooden door, quick steps making their way behind you. Your feet couldn't have moved faster as you reached for the door knob of your bedroom. "Y/N.. baby... no" he spoke sternly yet softly as his hand grasped for yours, a little less softly.
You attempted to pull away, weak from the mental breakdown you felt like having. "hey..." he trailed off, now pulling you forward in a more gentle nature, towards him. "Don't say that.. don't-don't do that my love you're mine."
His voice had a tension to it but he continued to speak with laces of honey. "Say somethin'.." Your chest was now flush to his, his hand moving up to rub your wrist, up to your arm.
"Dru...I can't...I-" Another sob broke your words in two. The tears flew down your face, cheeks red and lips puffy. The grasp he had on your arm released, moving around your hips. He held you close, burying his face in your hair like it was the last time he'd feel it on his cheeks. Your arms wrapped around him in return, wanting comfort from the one you love even if it was his fault your eyes poured.
"I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry..." Soft kisses left his lips, planting themselves on your head. "I'll change, all for you, you're everythin' to me. She was nothin', absolutely nothin'..." His head hooked down, continuing to whisper sweet nothings in your ear to calm you down
You never understood why but the manipulation of your feelings came so easily to Druig. He always knew how to touch you and what to say to calm your nerves even when they were towards him. Your breathe evened, fully beginning to submit to the man before you, like you had done so many times.
His hands now trailed up and down the small of your back, gripping slightly at the tops of your hips. "You have to be mine, I don't want anyone else touchin' my girl.." His tone darkened, staying at your ear. His breathe fanned gently against your neck, making your knees weak and stomach bunch. His fingers tugged and felt at the end of the tight shirt you wore. You wore all black, just for him, knowing he loved it.
"Did you wear my favorite shirt just for me darlin'?" A small chuckle left his lips making goose bumps appear on the nape of your neck. His face now moved to press his forehead against yours, your heartbeat and breathe now quickening due to your arousal and nerves. "Yes..." It came as barley a whisper, still feeling the desire to please your man.
His teeth bit softly at his lip, a small smirk apparent. "Good." His voice stern yet sweet, eyes now locked with yours. His hands made it's way to cup your face in hand, gently rubbing at the tear stains on your cheeks. "No need to cry beautiful... I'll always be all yours." The words themselves almost threatened to make tears bud as you became completely immersed in Druig once again.
His lips fell onto yours gently at first, passion growing by the second. "And you will always be mine. Have you seen the way men look at you gorgeous? They can't have you." A small whine left your lips as he broke the kiss, pushing your bedroom door open. He backed you up slowly and softly towards your bed as another deep kiss filled your senses.
You took a soft fall to the bed as he pushed you towards it, now looming over you as if you were some kind of prey. "Oh darlin', your not leaving me, I haven't had my way with you yet." A comfortable burn and tingle entered your core at his words. His arms come up to pull the leather jacket he was wearing to be discarded on the floor. His shirt was tight against his body, showing every inch of him that you loved.
"Dru..." Your voice just above a whisper, coming out as a breathless moan. His shirt came off next, to join his jacket. Your eyes scanned his torso, making you bite the inside of your lip. "Sit up." His voice coming out demanding. As you sat up he dropped to his knees in front of you, never breaking eye contact. He licked his lips before running his hands up your thighs and up to the hem of your shirt.
You watched him closely as you followed his silent direction to pull off the shirt, even if it was his favorite. His hands moved up your now exposed sides as he leaned up and in closer to your chest, giving each breast a soft kiss. Your eyes felt trained to stay on his, his hands running now up your back, skillfully unclasping your bra.
With the last layer from your torso gone, his hands moved up to kneed at your mounds before taking a bud in between his lips and giving it a teasing suckle. A breathe escaped your lungs faster than you were prepared for as your eyes fluttered. He didn't forget to give the other bud attention, leaving marks on his way, before dipping back down where you wanted him most.
He started to grow impatient, pulling your shorts and panties off in one go. Suddenly his patience returned, parting your legs slightly, nipping at the most sensitive part of your thigh. You jolted, him pulling you farther into his face, now inches away from your core.
"Is this what you want?" He said, almost chuckling at your desperation, your hips rocking, gradually trying to reach his lips. He hummed, leaving a quick stripe of his tongue against your folds, making you shutter and whine. He decided you deserve good girl treatment and pressed his face against your pussy that he knew all too well, smiling against your clit. Gasps left your mouth as he began to work at your favorite spot, his hands running up and down the tops of your thighs.
Druig loved seeing you like this, all fucked out and anxious to have something, anything. One of his hands dipped in between your now wet folds from his spit and your arousal, teasing your entrance. "Please... I'll be good." The most clear thing he's heard you say all night. He chuckled against your clit, doing you the honor of entering a finger in you. You continued to beg, moaning at the new feeling. You knew the more you begged the more he liked it and the more he gave you.
Your body began to shake and the knot in your stomach started to unfold as you gripped the base of his brown locks. Your body fell back into the bed making him groan and stop all motion. A whine left your lips, feeling overstimulated from the denial of your orgasm. Your mouth opened but nothing but sounds could escape.
"I like to watch you fall apart." He said lustfully but sternly. He gave your now puffy clit a few hard taps before pulling your torso back up, now looking into your eyes. "You keep your eyes open and look at me, understood?" You nodded quickly begging for release. That didn't seem to be enough, his face still cold staring you down. "Yes! Yes, I understand." This made his expression change to delight, his head dipping back down and finally giving you what you needed.
His name fell from your lips as his fingers worked perfectly, re-building your orgasm quickly. Druig grinned, listening to his name being chanted like a prayer as your walls squeezed and convulsed around his digits. Keeping your promise you held onto his arms to hold you up, never breaking eye contact.
Once he helped ride out your orgasm, he leaned up, placing his lips on yours making you taste yourself. Moans fell into his mouth from yours as he pushed you back down gently onto the bed, now biting at your neck.
Watching you fall apart made him eager to make you fall apart again. He made quick work of his pants and boxers, tossing them aside before coming back down to your level. He brought you into a passionate kiss, running his hands against the slick of your wet folds, collecting some and pumping his cock with it. "I love you, I love you" He chanted a few times in her ear, running his length in between your folds. Pleas and whines left your lips as you felt the familiar feeling of him sinking into you. Your head fell back, a soft groan leaving Druig's lips as he bottomed out inside of you.
He began to rut in and out of you, the sound of skin slapping together increased as his speed did. He kept it hard but passionate, claiming but also loving you. Your bodies close, sticking together from sweat as desperate sounds left both your lips. "No body feels as good as you do." He groaned out, lips brushing each other, foreheads touching. His arms captured you close, legs and arms wrapped around him, hands exploring his broad shoulders. Your bodies moved together like they belonged, hitting every spot inside of you.
You felt his movements becoming more erratic, knowing he was close. Your own release crawling it's way down your body. You couldn't even find the words before you started to have your second orgasm. Usually degrading names and dirty words would escape Druig as you came but his lips captured yours, moaning your name into your mouth as he came inside of you.
He rode out both of your orgasms as he muttered pussy drunk words to you breathlessly. Instead of falling next to you, he pulled you close now soft inside of you, wanting to be as close as possible. He made a soft hum against your neck, peppering small kisses. He reluctantly moved away to look into your eyes, adoring your scent. His voice loving but stern he spoke:
"You're only for me to have. Do you understand me my dove?"
"yes Druig."
"I love you darlin'"
"I love you too."
the end.
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