episims · 5 years
Hi there, I was wondering what werewolf default you are using?
Hi! I’m using one I made myself but haven’t shared yet :’D currently I have other projects as well so it’ll have to wait a little longer still, but as it seems to work pretty well in-game I’m looking forward to share it after I finish those other things!
Edit: Shared them here!
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sterina-sims · 5 years
@drstrangejuice replied to your photoset “While Glorina was in the “pig pit”, her neighbor sneaked in and tried...”
lol were they cloned from a gnome or something?? trying to steal someone's fat heavy pig in broad daylight sure is bold...
Right?! I was laughing so hard when it happened. That guy has no shame, lol. And yes, I believe they are cloned from a gnome. 
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dramallamadingdang · 7 years
Crazy idea replies. :)
drstrangejuice replied to your post: So I’m seriously considering getting rid of 99% of...
oh my, that’s a big decision! sounds like it could be a lot of work. I imagine you’d back up what you’ve got atm??? If it went straight to recycle bin I might wince/cry a little bit…
Oh, yeah. I hardly ever really delete anything. Mostly I just dump stuff on the massive networked external hard drive(s) we have. So, if I want it back, I can get it. Of course, the trouble would be finding the stuff I want to restore without restoring the whole broken mess because then I’m back to figuring out what’s broken and what isn’t and...uh, yeah, that would be a project. :)
And, actually, I don’t think the DR’ing I’m thinking of doing would be a terribly big project for me. I’ve already defaulted a lot of the career/NPC outfits, for instance. And when I think about it, I’m perfectly OK with a lot of the Maxis clothes in terms of style. (Like I said, I’m really not that picky. :) ) I’m pickier about texture quality than style, and the stuff from later EPs/SPs has pretty nice textures in terms of not pixellating and things like that. So I’d really only have to focus on stuff from the basegame and the earlier EPs/SPs. Like, maybe Open For Business and older. So it wouldn’t be too bad. I’d just need to psych up and get ‘er done.
katatty-main replied to your post: So I’m seriously considering getting rid of 99% of...
there are some cool mix-and-match options stop every pregnant woman wearing the same dress, too.
katatty-main replied to your post: So I’m seriously considering getting rid of 99% of...
i got sick of dealing with pregmorphs a while back and decided to just default-replace the maxis maternity wear instead. it means you can’t really control what they wear, but it’s so much less hassle that to me it’s worth it!
I’m kind of getting sick of obsessing over pregmorphs, too. :/ Which is another reason for considering doing this because maybe half of the stuff I have has preg morphs and half doesn’t, and the idea of going through all the meshes and checking for morphs is just....Yeah, it makes me kind of queasy just thinking about it. :) 
For adults, I think I would be OK with just defaulting the Maxis maternity wear and removing the “preggos wear anything” mod. I mean, when you get down to it, whatever they wear, even if it’s the terrible Maxis outfits, it’s only for two days, for heaven’s sake. :) The bigger issue for me is teens, since I use Inteen. Inteen comes with outfits for pregnant female teens/YAs -- and those will do well enough for those two days -- but not for males, and my teen/YA males do occasionally get knocked up by aliens, so...I dunno. That being said, I do have the capability of adding preg morphs to meshes, at least for full-body outfits, so there’s that...if I can figure out how to replace the meshes.
tamtam-go92 replied to your post: So I’m seriously considering getting rid of 99% of...
For my new game I decided to go for the default replacement option. I really like it and it’s so great to finally see townies with style xD
Oh, I townified all the custom stuff I have, so townies already wear that stuff. Sometimes in...er, interesting...combinations, but... yeah. This would be simpler in that regard, too. Although they can still make “interesting” combinations with the Maxis separates, even when DR’ed, of course. :)
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helllionhound · 7 years
for the ask meme thing; 8, 19, 42 :3
8: Want any tattoos?
Yeah but I’ll never know what tattoo to get
19: A fact about your personality
I’m actually not very sure how to answer this question. I guess a fact would be that I’m horrible at coming up with facts about myself
42: The last thing I ate
A vanilla malt
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arthmis · 3 years
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Anyone remember that one time 2 years ago I said I was gonna do that six fanarts challenge and people suggested things but I never ended up doing them? because I FINALLY did them in the year of our lord 2022. featurining:
Lara Croft (suggested by @drstrangejuice)
Fenris (suggested by @reispajamas)
Damsel (suggested by @marinemammal)
Pre-mummification Joshua Graham (suggested by @roberthouses)
John Hancock (suggested by @makkuromurasaki)
Butch Deloria (suggested by @vampyrelle who I can't @ for some reason -_-)
Thank you everyone who sent in suggestions!!
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meliesims · 5 years
Replies under the cut!  And just to let you know, I might queue some pictures tonight, but I’ll be gone until next week.
@skyburned said: Wow how perfectly designed
Aww, thank you!
@thelonelysimsclub said: I had this even though I have mods to stop overheating. I have no idea what caused it, but it hasn’t happened again for a few months. I asked on Discord and no one knew what it could be either.
Well that’s odd! Good to know that even a mod might not stop this from happening.
@outstandingoccultist said: Do you use the AC mod/object? I don’t know if it would even be the cause but if you do, maybe it was left with the temperature on. That’s all I can think of.
No, I haven’t even heard of mod like that. :( But thank you for helping!
@drstrangejuice said: could be something to do with the roofing? if the game doesn’t consider a room to be complete it gets classed as outside, so the temp will be the same as outside. idk how to help other than that small piece of info tho :(
It’s a bedroom downstairs with a floor above it, so I don’t think the problem is with roofs. :/ Thank you though!
@silvervalleysims said: Joe Carr?
Yeah that’s him, I just couldn’t remember his name the first time so I kept the guy in the brown hoodie. :D
@katatty-main said: i always do this too, i think they just need to access the front!
Well it makes sense!
@silvervalleysims said: Mind sharing the code? :)
Sure! It’s boolprop aptsublotspecifictoolsdisabled [true/false] (found here).
@mikexx2 said: Their matchy sombre brown formalwear is perfect!!
They look so cute! Mean, but cute.
@tamtam-go92 said: Wow, Arvid is really cute for a Circe/Loki kid :O
He was blessed with Circe’s eyebrows. :D
@aondaneedles said: Arvin looks super cute though!
Lol, your reply made me realize I had written his name wrong. XD And in 3 different posts! I seriously have a problem with remembering my sims’ names, one day I wrote like 5 posts calling Nina Caliente Dina.
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darkestdawn · 7 years
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Sorry it always takes me so long to do these. I’m supposed to be working on the Biltmore update but instead I’ve been rebuilding and redecorating everything. My sims are in major debt. Someone help them. Replies after the cut ❤️
Yay for Foy-yer!
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🤣 I love this!
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Growing up I was always told it was Foy-yay which I thought was really dumb. I’ve always said Foy-yer and was always corrected! Now-a-days I hear more and more people use it correctly. Is Foy-yay just a bougie American thing? 😆
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The paper roller, wall-mounted pencils, and shelf of paint is from Beautiful Nerd Kitty. The little craft box with glue, etc., is by Early Pleasantview. And the Legos and their bins are from Mustluvcatz. It is a small area -- and its a pain to get good pictures of it -- but they can actually get in and sit at the desk easily. The paper roller is deco so I might switch it to an easel if they need some creative skill.
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JEAN!!! It’s always so good to see you!!! 😘
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Awww, thank you!!!! Honestly that’s so nice. 🤗
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Thank you!!!
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*Edited to add this one that I forgot!* You are so right! Sadie II it is 😉
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undercover-witch · 8 years
omg, I LOVE what you've done with your theme this time around! Looks so good!!! It all comes together really nicely. Also, I just noticed my start menu button is saying it's punk rock, niiicee ;p (nice little detail, heh) (on a related but irrelevant note - my start menu actually is doing what it wants right now, there's some slight visual glitch that's making the text look funny. How very punk rock of you, start menu. You'll never be as punk rock as Yuri Plisetsky, though!!)
Oh man what a professional review, thanks a lot!!!! I try to add little something related to the character in my theme for the scroll-to-top button. Your theme’s totally on point, I don’t see any glitch. The colors were made for each other.
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episims · 5 years
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Correlated Werewolf Defaults With Transparency
One of these days I’ll learn how to take good previews. Today, however, I’m just glad to be finally able to share these :’D (Psst, @drstrangejuice!)
I’m not sure what to say about these, though - what you see above is what you’ll get. I mostly used the original Maxis werewolf textures and aimed to create an alpha with extra smooth transitions between sim’s own skintone and bits with fur. Colors are my own, but I think they should work fairly well with some other hair systems too. The fur is a teeny tiny bit transparent so the same colors may look slightly different over different skintones.
Correlated werewolf default mod compatible with child lycanthropy by Midge the Tree is included with thanks
If you want child werewolves in your game you’ll still need a separate mod for that, in which case make sure that DEFAULT_Correlated_Werewolf file loads after (if you have any issues please check Midge’s original download page for help)
I also strongly recommend this mod if you don’t have it already!
Edit (because I forgot to mention): No eye overlay, so your sims will keep their original eyes while transformed. 
Download (SFS) (alternate) - files are compressed, the preview is included and all that. Please don’t try to use these at the same time with other werewolf defaults.
I almost forgot! There’s a known issue with all correlated werewolf defaults that the scalp overlay will show up in BodyShop. To prevent this simply take these out of your downloads folder before launching BodyShop. You can find introductions for how you don’t even have to do that from here!
Update (3.12.2023): Now has a greatly smaller file size and improved face texture. Also removed the unintended teeth texture. The face textures are included with the download to make it easy to add eye overlays on them.
Credits: @rio-sims for the original correlated werewolf mod, @midgethetree for the version compatible with child lycanthropy. Nose texture is by astiees. Also thanks to @withlovefromsimtown and astromeso for the inspiration!
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katatty · 7 years
just wanted to drop by and say that your Hollyhead BACC is so cute, I really love seeing pics pop up on my dash --- they're always super colourful, cheery and sweet. While I must confess I haven't been keeping up too well with who's who, I think all the inhabitants are adorable and interesting. Also, the scenery and just general idea of the hood is so pretty and inspiring, it makes me want to try a similar type of thing!!! (aaah, so many sim projects/ideas, so little time...)
Hi! Thank you so much for this message, it means a lot and I’m really hapy Hollyhead has inspired you! I hope you don’t mind me answering publicly :) 
Hollyhead was in turn inspired by cute games like Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon, Stardew Valley, & the towns in Pokemon and Zelda! Sims-wise the main inspirations are the lovely Twinkle Hills by @lesyasun and Pine Lake by @didilysims :) (Pine Lake isn’t especially fantasy-ish, but I love the gameplay style and overall vibe of it and it was what got me itching to try a BACC)
If you happen to want a quick summary of the playables, I started the hood with a quick set of introduction posts (written by Emmie, so a little biased, haha.)
I know the feeling of having too many project ideas all too well, haha! It’s so tough picking which projects to dedicate time to, there are only so many hours in the day and I don’t want to spend all of them playing sims D: 
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vythefirst · 9 years
I think you should add a small note/link to your description (or info, somewhere) re. your "nsfw blog policy" to make the status of your nsfw art(blog) more clear and upfront. Also something like "full view is on private blog (please see policy *here*)" reads better & sounds less exclusive. But surely a cropped pic indicates the full pic will show up on the private blog, anyway, so I don't really get why adding this kind of thing is even necessary.
Thank you for your suggestions, but I don’t want to draw attention to it by putting it at the front of my blog - just in the context of the post is enough I think. Also, saying “full view is on the private blog (please see policy here)” lacks the straightforward wording that I like from “(not available to the public).” It makes it clear from the get-go that I don’t want people asking, and if people are persistent, then they’ll see my policy. 
Furthermore, leaving only a cropped pic doesn’t work necessarily. It’s unclear when a cropped pic doesn’t LOOK like a cropped pic because compositionally it works as just a sketch or looks complete as it is. It’s also unclear in situations where I have streamed nsfw pics (public) and whichever of my friends couldn’t make it to the stream could view it on the blog (private) - so there is NO crop in the post, just everything else I’ve drawn without indication that there is more unless I say so.
So, thanks, but I think I will keep the method that I’m using now. It conveys all that I want to convey.
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undercover-witch · 9 years
drstrangejuice replied to your post:I know Sims 4 is kinda new and there’s time to...
the second one……….. awww :((( it’s the little things that count
They weren’t cuddling all night, it was every now and then, a cute, realistic feature. Now it’s gone. My lovers in sims sleep like there’s an invisible wall between them.
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helllionhound · 8 years
drstrangejuice replied to your photo “holy fuck”
congrats omg!! I hate this song!!! I gave up trying to FC it because idek that 120 clears (for S clear reward) would be enough.... orz .... but omg seriously congrats, this beatmap is frightful, well done!!
thank you! i know even just a few months ago i never would have imagined i’d be able to fc it, but i guess playing a bunch does make you better! just keep on playing and you’ll get even better and you’ll be able to fc it!
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helllionhound · 8 years
drstrangejuice replied to your post “depending on the possible nozomi UR in this new set i may be waiting...”
how many loveca you got waiting on EN? (I can never seem to save up past 150-200...after that my willpower starts to crumble...)
right now I’m at 527! I knew I could make it to 4.0 without spending since the main reason I was saving was to wait for increased rates. But now it all comes down to which set to scout for and its becoming harder to save!
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