fffinnagain · 9 months
Finding Korean food i can eat as a non-korean vegetarian living in Norway is a bit difficult. I am learning to make things from combos of online recipes and a lot of substitutions, conversions, and creativity. The results aren't Korean in any proper sense, but they are often very tasty.
Here is one of my favourites, generically called Korean-spiced chickpeas because i hacked together some recipes for jokbal (aka braised pigtrotters) but without meat, the name doesn't really make sense. (@drinkingcocoa-tpp and i talked through what i might call this mash up. here we are.)
The recipe as i have recorded for home use in the image. More normal version below.
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Korean spiced chickpeas
500 g dried chickpeas, soaked overnight
6-10 cups water (top up as needed)
1/2 c each: mirin, soy sauce, brown sugar
2 tbsp deongjang (fermented bean paste)
2 tsp instant coffee
1 onion, quartered
1 apple, quartered
5 cloves of garlic, split
2 cm ginger root, sliced thick
2 bay leaves
1 cinnamon stick
and in a herb pouch: 5 cloves, 7 dried chilies, 5 star anis, 1 tbsp peppercorns
Most of the water and everything else goes into a big pot. Bring to a boil and simmer for 2-3 hours, topping up water as needed until chickpeas are cooked through, skimming foam as it accumulates. Remove surviving solids (herb pouch, bayleaves, what remains descernable of onion and apple) and simmer at medium/medium high for 20-30 minutes, till the broth is reduced to a thick sauce around the chickpeas.
Slow but simple.
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These chickpeas are great to eat with lettuce (though they like to roll away so fold carefully) or with rice and whatever banchan. I've also had them wrapped in various flat breads because nothing is sacred in my humble kitchen.
And although i have listed proportions for the spices, this ends up on the mild side for me, given the ingredients as available. Maybe your dried chilies are more powerful.
Lastly, if anyone tried this, I'd love to hear how it went, or what you choose to modify. Like I added ssamjang instead of deongjang one desperate time when i couldn't find the latter, and that was hotter but still tasted good.
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threepatchpodcast · 2 years
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TPP Reacts! to Extraordinary Attorney Woo
In which consulting fans sit down with piles of legal documents and extra whale facts to talk about the summer of 2022 kdrama hit The Extraordinary Attorney Woo Youngwoo. @drinkingcocoa-tpp, @kelly-mads, and @fffinnagain share what they loved about the show, its portrayal of Korean society, disability and autism, making sense of the ending, and what might happen in Season 2. First half is for general audience, spoilers after warning.
Stream or download from our site or find The Three Patch Podcast where ever fine podcasts can be found.
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shockingblankets · 5 years
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@drinkingcocoa-tpp sent me this octopod she made!! His name is Bubble!!
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When you get this, please reply with five things that make you happy and send this to the last ten people in your notifications. 🥰❤ (you do not have to if you don’t want to!!) PS love your handle
Awww thanks @johannadc for sending this :) eheh my handle really... reflects my contrasting/complementary qualities, I guess ;)
I already answered a couple times but there are never too many things to be happy about, so:
Traveling, especially the anticipation of going towards a totally new place (miss it so much)
Putting my hair up in a bun before starting my day
Drawing/painting - besides Johnlock (which is for shits and giggles), I’m into some heavily surrealist stuff these days
My dad’s terrible dad jokes
Looking out of the window and seeing my cat (unsuccessfully) stalking birds. He’s white, so they definitely see him, and he ends up staying still in the middle of the yard like a stupid lawn ornament, LOL
tags: @leauki @chinike @battledress @sherlockmormorrp @study-in-ink @drinkingcocoa-tpp @this-is-hell-not-a-sauna @canabitchgetadonut @adrianitahidalgo @sherlockslove112 
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emmagrant01 · 6 years
I know it’s been a long time, but I come bearing fic!
Title: [Insert Donut Pun Here] Author: Emma Grant Fandom: Check Please Pairing: Zimbits Rating: E Summary: AU! Eric Bittle makes the best donuts in the city, and one day he gets a special order from Zimmermann Associates. Tags: fluff, meet cute, alternate universe, not hockey players, awkward boys being awkward, brief appearances by canon characters, awkward sex, bakery au Notes: This is the first fic I’ve managed to finish in eight months, and it’s a fluffy AF AU. Huge thanks to @drinkingcocoa-tpp, @esterbrook, and @nautilicious for their quick and insightful comments on an earlier draft. Apologies to those who prefer the traditional spelling “doughnut.”
Link to AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14513922
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dozmuffinxc · 7 years
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I apologize to @drinkingcocoa-tpp, but when she asked for Eileen Prince with a household item that shows she's from Themyscira, it... got dark.
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tiltedsyllogism · 7 years
What I’m Writing meme, belated edition
Do Dis: List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, whatever. 
So on the one hand, I have a ton of things cooking in my brain. On the other hand, almost all of my writing juice is going to professional work (academic, not fiction) so I have been less than adept at the act of wordsing. But here goes. I will follow the template established by @coloredink, who tagged me:
What I am actively working on:
* An as-yet-still-untitled Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries poly fic for @havingbeenbreathedout, who was my top bidder in @fandomtrumpshate. This one has involved a lot of prep work: I have a detailed scene-by-scene plan, and I read some early 20th c. Australian literature to try to get a handle on the narrative voice (POV character is Mac, the fabulous lady doctor)  as well as doing some *koff* canon research. But I am finally starting to, you know, write. 
What I am not actively producing text for but thinking about a lot:
* The War At Home, a gen casefic about the serial murder of Iraq war veterans in London. (Sherlock, but so is everything other than the one MFMM fic above.) I started writing this in fall of 2013, when I had three works posted to AO3 (one of which was a WIP) and I have a ways to go yet, but it definitely in progress. This one has taken a fuckton of research and planning.
What I am gonna work on someday, in probable order of production:
* An also-still-untitled fairy tale fusion with Hansel and Gretel for @asteroiddynamics, who was my second-highest bidder in FTH and wanted another naturalist (i.e. non-magical) Sherlockian recasting of a classic fairy tale, in the manner of the Little Mermaid fic. I’ve worked out the basics pretty closely, but I want to finish the first FTH commission first.
* More ficlets for the Stamford Suite, which I started after last 221bcon and didn’t get very far into. (Aiming for seven, two posted so far.) I’ve had a half-draft of the third for like 8 months, and some day I will finish it so I can move the hell on to the next installment(s).
* A Sherlock/Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries crossover co-written (or at least co-plotted) with my wife(!). Post-Reichenbach, set in 1920s Melbourne, which is where a grieving John Watson has traveled at the behest of his old army friend Bert, to join the practice of a lady doctor Bert knows. Also featuring past (and probably revisited) Phryne/Irene. Friends, it’s gonna be delicious. If it ever gets written. *sigh*
Okay, I have earned the fun part! I tag, ummmm @ancientreader, @tea-and-liminality, @holyfant, @trickybonmot, @greencarnations, @conversationswithjohnlock (I know I owe you a meme I am sorry I will do it soon) and @drinkingcocoa-tpp. If anyone’s done this already and I missed it, just hit me with a link.
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Sherlock as Dionysius
Thank you to @drinkingcocoa-tpp for the idea.
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amethystineprose · 8 years
After watching Sherlock in 2010, I started searching the web for slash fic. I definitely found it, but more importantly, I found meta on tumblr. In the ~30 years I’ve been following fanfic in various fandoms (much of it pre-internet, obviously), I’d never encountered anything like the analyses being posted by Sherlock fans. I was hooked; I couldn’t find new meta fast enough. And that wasn’t just because Sherlock was fascinating--I was learning about lit crit and film crit, lighting and cinematography, set design and (must never forget) wallpaper. The way literary analysis was being applied to Sherlock was much more engrossing than it had every been in college courses.
So I want to thank all of you who have greatly enriched my leisure time and awakened my scholar’s brain for the past six years. Especially @loudest-subtext-in-tv, whose content made me actually register for Tumblr, or become a member, or whatever the proper phrasing is. (I strongly resist registering for anything online because I’m paranoid about giving personal information.) And also @abundantlyqueer (no longer active), @skulls-and-tea, @ivyblossom, @mild-lunacy, @mildredandbobbin, @acafanmom, @marsdaydream, @archipelagoarchaea, @destinationtoast, @drinkingcocoa-tpp, @emmagrant01, @madlori, @earlgreytea68, @finalproblem, @hesaiddangerous, @hiddenlacuna, @involuntaryorange,  @captainsjm, @professorfangirl, @prettyarbitrary, @penns-woods, @sherlockbbcficrecs, @songlin, @urbanhymnal, @wellthengameover, and many others I can’t remember at the moment.
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greencarnations · 8 years
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@drinkingcocoa-tpp requested
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threepatchpodcast · 2 years
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Episode 135: Sexpisode X
Our TENTH annual Sexpisode, in which @emmagrant01, @drinkingcocoa-tpp, @sundayduck, @hpswl-cumbercookie, and @fffinnagain look back on a decade of celebrations of the smutty side of fandom. Can you believe it’s been a decade? Neither can we!
Show notes and direct download information are available HERE at three-patch.com. Or subscribe via RSS or iTunes.
And find us on social media: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook.
[Art by @foxestacado]
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renniejoy · 6 years
Oh hey, @drinkingcocoa-tpp, here’s another person who compares Eurus to an Obscurus (at about 7:00)!
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emmagrant01 · 7 years
FIC: Eric Bittle Got Married
Title: Eric Bittle Got Married Author: Emma Grant Fandom: Check Please ( @omgcheckplease) Pairing: Jack/Bitty Summary: If you could do it all again, would you change anything? (The time travel fic no one asked for.) Rating: Explicit Length: 28K words Notes: Inspired by/very loosely based on the film Peggy Sue Got Married. I play fast and loose with the reality of head injury here. It’s not realistic, but it’s a choice made for the plot, so please look past the obvious problems.
Thanks to my wonderful betas, @drinkingcocoa-tpp, @esterbrook, and @nautilicious for their thoughtful comments on an earlier draft of this story. As always, they keep me right.
Link: Read it on AO3
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iamjohnlocked4life · 7 years
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Happy Mother’s Day to all the fandom moms out there ~ YOU ROCK!!!
A special shoutout to some of my favourite fandom moms: @monikakrasnorada @fortheloveofjawn @justacookieofacumberbatch @bookaddled @alexxphoenix42 @emmagrant01 @drinkingcocoa-tpp YOU ARE AMAZING!!!
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Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and then tag ten blogs you would like to get to know better. Or don’t. It’s up to you.
Tagged by @shinysherlock. I just wanted to do it. I also edited the questions. So there.
Nickname: Bluebell Sign: Sagittarius
Favorite Music Artist: Most of the stuff on my playlist was recorded in the thirties and forties; I’ve been into this stuff since I was a teenager.  I never got deep into current popular music, except for a little while in the eighties.  So yeah, Big Band and New Wave and a smattering of other stuff. If I had to pick one artist it would be Artie Shaw.  That man could do things to a clarinet.
Last TV Show You Watched: House Last Movie You Saw in the Theater: Lion What Are You Wearing Right Now: Blue jeans and  black sweater.  Sort of my go-to What Do You Post: Sherlock mostly.  Other fandoms include Sherlock Holmes (Rathbone and Brett especially), Star Trek (TOS), Harry Potter and whatever Martin Freeman’s been doing lately.  And London. Do You Have Any Other Blogs: @all-buttoned-up is my historical clothing side blog Why Did You Choose Your URL: It’s a Sherlock reference Do You Get Asks Regularly: Here and there.  And I have a lovely ask-box friend who chats with me about Sherlock Holmes sometimes. Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff. Patronus: Pretty sure it’s a cat. Pokémon Team: No idea. I didn’t know so I took three quizzes and got three different results. Favorite Color: blue Favorite Characters: John Watson, Sherlock Holmes, Remus Lupin, Spock Hobbies/crafts? Lately I draw a lot. Collect anything? Not out looking for anything in particular right now, but I have a collection of vintage magazines (women’s magazines from the 30′s and 40′s are a favorite)  I can’t walk past books on historical fashion without my fingers twitching. Marcasite earrings. Current challenges you face? Enough to keep me on my toes. Things you’re looking forward to? Looks as though I’ll be able to get back to London this summer. 🇬🇧 Anything you want to promote? Goodwill toward all. Anything else you’d like to share? My cat is very warm and comfortable in my lap right now. I tag whomever wishes to be tagged!! and also @marsdaydream, @londoncallingsigh, @destinationtoast, @iwantthatbelstaffanditsoccupant, @kestrel337, @randomnessoffiction, @drinkingcocoa-tpp, @dmellieon, @madypants
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azriona · 7 years
Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly, and send it to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable). SPREAD POSITIVITY! ♡
Five things I like about myself... hmmm....
1. I like that I'm a morning person. On good days, I wake up before anyone else in the house and accomplish two or three things before breakfast. On really good days I manage to wake up and have the presence of mind to bake muffins or scones. I sing my kids awake on school days. (Sometimes they sing back to me.)
2. I like that I'm an enabler of good things. You want to write that 500,000-word meta fic on how Hagrid was in love with Tom Riddle and turned to taking care of dangerous animals as a way of dealing with that unrequited love? You write that fic, it's gonna be awesome.
3. I like that I'm adaptable. One minute living in a Stepford-esque neighborhood in the middle of Virginia, next minute living out of a suitcase in a hotel, followed up by living in a sealed-off compound in the heart of the Muslim world. Yeah, whatever, I can deal.
4. I like that I can bake well. Maybe they're not always the prettiest, and I'm terrible at plating, but I guarantee that chocolate cookie is gonna taste like chocolate and not the faint impression of a cocoa bean.
5. I like the way I write. I like that I want a story to be the best it can be before I post it, but even after, if there's something wrong with it, I'll listen and consider and change it, if necessary. I like that I bounce back fast, when I get into the dumps about something I've written - I don't stay down for more than a day or two, I just need that time to wallow and lick my wounds a bit - and then I'm back working on whatever it is that bothered me, trying to fix what was wrong in the first place. I like that I love the editing process, almost more than the writing itself, which I don't think was true when I was younger. Maybe accepting help comes easier with age?
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