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productworldusa · 5 months ago
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Beer Bung Plastic Rod Holder Drink Holder http://dlvr.it/TFcZNH
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ohmygodshesinsane · 11 months ago
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Unlicensed | A Jily Micro-Oops
Lily Evans begrudgingly agrees to get in the car with classmate and sometime-foe James Potter and his not-quite-earned P-plates after a particularly rubbish day.
words: 1438 | for @jilymicro-oops | april prompt 14: ridiculous
read on ao3 or under the cut
Lily’s buckle clicked as Potter nudged the gearstick into ‘R’. He tossed his gaze back over his shoulder, one hand on the wheel, dark hair curling around the round rims of his overlarge specs. It was getting long, by school standards; she was surprised McGonagall hadn’t tapped him on the shoulder to send him for a cut. It softened him, though. The contours of his straight nose and the hard ridge of his forehead seemed friendlier, somehow. Or maybe she was just growing accustomed to the crinkles that came with one of his genuine smiles.
All the same, it was ridiculous that she would be sitting in his car, bag tucked between her ankles, all patches with its broken zip in the footwell of his beamer. Heated leather melted against her back, sanding the edges off the mid-July chill. She had pegged him as the sportscar sort, truth be told; but he wasn’t seventeen yet. Hand sanitiser sat in the drinkholder, and the car was empty, save for him and her and his bags in the boot. It was too clean for a bloke - especially one with red P-plates pinned to the windscreen. Plates he hadn’t earned.
“Is this your Mum’s?” Lily asked lightly. The car lurched. She grabbed the handle hanging above. Potter swore, running his fingers through his hair, and twisted his body to look out the back window.
“Yeah,” he admitted, never looking at her. “If you wouldn’t mind keeping - er, mum, about it, though —”
“Much cooler to let everyone think your parents got you a car for your birthday,” Lily smiled. He was doing her a favour, really, but she couldn’t resist. He was the only one in their year with any kind of access to independent transport as yet; the only one whose parents were permissive enough to let him zoom around in their car with a big fat ‘L’ stamped on his license. Lily had passed the theoretical with flying colours, but the only person in her family to hold a full license was her sister’s stupid boyfriend, and she would beg for rides before she’d condemn herself to listening to him boast for hours on end.
Potter lifted his foot off the brake, and the car hesitantly jerked back into the carpark. With a swing of the wheel he righted them, and so the navy BMW hopped its way out of the school gates. Potter’s brows knitted in concentration as he straightened in his seat, knuckles white.
“Er,” he said, checking his mirrors, “could you put the heat on? The whole driving and fiddling thing —”
“Don’t worry.” Lily leaned down. The car’s interface was impossibly flash, with a shiny touch-screen and a dozen different lights. It could make phone calls, skip songs, even - “It has a reverse camera, you know.”
Potter flicked the indicator on. “Yeah,” he said, a little distracted. “I wanted to learn the old-fashioned way.”
Lily’s eyebrows arched. “Nothing about this is old-fashioned. It’s an auto. It has Spotify.” She jabbed an accusing finger at the little black-and-green app on the car’s menu.
“I’m an old soul, Evans.” Lily winced as he accelerated into a tiny gap, earning a blast on the horn. “Ah, fuckwit, I was fine!” Lily snorted. Potter flashed her a look, but his eyes quickly returned to the road, sitting a smidgeon too close to the car in front. Kids spilled out of the school in the distinctive black-and-grey Hogwarts uniforms, backpacks bouncing, heading for cars in the line-up or swinging their legs over bikes. Lily ducked her head. The last thing she needed was for someone to dob her in - ‘a prefect in a car with an unlicensed driver, Miss, really!’ Potter had a reputation, too. The last thing she needed was for the girl-of-the-week to come after her. She tilted her head, wondering what, exactly, Potter would tell the current one, a clingy blonde who always glared at Lily if she dared to enter Glassons. Lily didn’t think they’d ever spoken, but she clearly held a grudge.
“Come on,” Potter said, drumming his fingers as they waited for the traffic lights to change. His eyes hung heavy on her skin, and she grimaced, knowing she looked like a loon. “I’m not that embarrassing, am I? I’m a bloody good football player. Got the winning try when we played Durmstrang the other week, you know.”
Lily’s foot tapped; as soon as she noticed it, she stopped, scared somehow that the worn toes would mark the car. She folded her hands in her lap and unfolded them, picking at her nails.
“I just… shouldn’t really be in here,” she said, guilt seeping through every word. “After everything with Sev…”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Potter said, frowning. “Snape’s a dick.”
“People will think I was in on it, though,” Lily said, eyes falling to the lock on the glovebox, shining in the afternoon sun. “I mean, I - you know, I do… what you did was… but if Sev’s mum calls the school or something, or one of his mates makes a fuss - it’s…” How could she explain? James Potter had had his name down for Hogwarts since his birth, and his parents donated generously and notoriously to the school. What did he know of scholarships and monthly meetings, the sneers of the Slytherins’ parents when she spoke at assembly? “Never mind,” she shrugged. “Thank you for the ride. You didn’t have to.”
“I wanted to,” Potter answered. Lily froze. His jaw worked, a flush creeping up his neck. “You’ll sign it off for me, right?” he added quickly, laughing, flexing the veins in his hands. “I need all the hours I can get.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s illegal.”
“Mm… But?”
“You’re dreaming.”
“You’re facilitating.” Potter grinned cheekily. It was endearing, in its own strange way, and Lily’s stomach swooped. He’s such a tosser. They took off, cruising now that they’d escaped the speed-limited school zone. Lily gazed out the window, through the maze of low brick homes to the rippling ocean beyond, blue and brilliant. Why had Potter agreed to drive her? They’d been partnered up for their English project, sure, but they’d never exactly got along. Was it just because of lunch? Did he pity her?
“It’s a left,” she said, when they made it over the bridge. Potter shoulder-checked - good job - and slipped into the turning lane.
“Evans,” he said, braking.
“It’s not on you, you know.” His voice lowered. Lily swallowed. His hazel eyes landed on hers, round and sincere, with an intensity that made her heart race. “What happened’s not your fault.”
She couldn’t stand it, with that mole on his cheek and the press of his mouth.
“I don’t know,” Lily said.
“I’m telling you it isn’t,” Potter insisted. “I chose to do it. I’ll tell them all that. I don’t,” and he inhaled deep, hauling in the breath like a fishing net, fingers splayed in his nest of black hair, “I don’t want you dealing with the consequences of my actions.” His features firmed, resolved. “I won’t let that happen.”
Lily’s mouth dried. She tried to play it off with a chuckle, folding her arms across her chest.
“I don’t think it’s really up to you, whether they blame me. They will. It doesn’t matter.” It mattered more than anything, but only for someone like Lily. The holes in her socks seemed to gape over her feet.
“No, Evans,” Potter said, guiding the car shakily around the corner now. Had he ever been down this road before? Tufts of grass moped amongst the brown dustbowls of the front yards, tacky gnomes and old bicycles decorating the paths to the front doors. A picket sign warned off doorknockers and Jehovah’s; a collarless dog lifted its leg on the slender wood. Lily shifted in her seat, conscious of the leather and the new-car air freshener and the little sticker on the inside of the glass windscreen that noted the car as being one of regular, reliable services. “You’re my project partner,” he said. “It matters. You know, now, I guess, you - well, yeah. You matter to me.”
They hit the speedbump too quick, and Lily’s body jolted over the seatbelt, straps digging into her body, bag slamming against her leg. The brakes screeched. Potter hurriedly spun the wheel, bringing them back onto their route. Lily’s pulse pounded. Why would he say that? It didn’t make sense. Nothing about today made sense.
“Sure,” she said, face knitting in thought. “I’ll believe it when you stop trying to kill me.”
“Come on, Evans,” Potter smiled, eyes glittering. “The fear is half the fun.”
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tb2shopright · 1 year ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: New with tag SHOWER DRINK HOLDER STAYS PUT Easy to apply GRAY .
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croydivision · 2 years ago
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#BeachEssentials #BeachAccessories #OutdoorGear #TravelGear #BeachLife #SummerMustHaves #BeachRelaxation #PortableCupHolder #DrinkHolders #BeachConvenience
(via Spillage on Isle 5)
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joybreakpictures · 3 years ago
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beyondcoffeeroasters · 5 years ago
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. 作ってないものがない☕️ 売ってないものがない🥜🍫 久しぶりにやったプロファイルの焙煎の出来はバッチリ👀 「毎日こんなんやったらいいのに」と思う1日が稀にありますが、今日がまさにそれのパーフェクトサーズデー💪 働きながら機嫌良くなれるなんて素晴らしい、転…天職ですね‼︎👨‍💼 . Newニカラグア無事に到着🇳🇮 今からめちゃ焙煎量増えましたが機嫌が良いのでとりあえずやります 21日(月)は臨時休業🙏 お早めにonline shopもご利用ください! #beyondcoffeeroasters #coffee#drinkholder #コーヒー#神戸#北野#三宮 #転職オファー🙏 (at Beyond Coffee Roasters) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3t3SlShePF/?igshid=1a3bcvp3m66ml
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cupsbykaykay · 5 years ago
Anybody interested in this mermaid cup. Name as shown! This was an order that fell through. So tag your friends that are crystal or no a crystal to try to not let this beauty go to waste! Please feel free to share! • • • • #tumblers #customtumblers #tumbler #personalized #personalizedgifts #glitter #gifts #glittertumblers #handmade #shoplocal #cups #love #ecommercebusiness #ecommercestore #onlineshoppers #onlineshops #cupholder #drinkdocker #drinkholder #travelmug #greatgiftideas #entreprener #custom #umbrellas #insulate #cricut #baseballmom #momlife #momblogger https://www.instagram.com/p/B3PkbhlFjar/?igshid=1i7vh8yy0xh52
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asiancoastline · 6 years ago
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🌈 Dream Big Tailgate Sport Hoodie with Bottle Opener! 🍺 Stand out with this custom tailgate hoodie. Great for parties, sport events, and camping. Both stylish and fashionable, you can wear your favorite design and be comfortable doing it. -Long Lasting and Durable, 100% premium polyester. -Large front pocket open at top, Includes attached bottle opener which is also great for securing your keys! -Handcrafted, made to order. -Unisex sizing Ships worldwide. -Please allow 2 - 4 weeks for delivery. #drinkholder #sweaterweather #healthylifestyle #ducksofinstagram #comfortzone #instashop #instashopping #dailydeals #beerholder #fashion #fashionable #new #trendingnow #trendingworldwide #fashionnova #campinghacks #sportswear #partyclothes (at Duck Duck Loot) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2aJQlthpXs/?igshid=k2earj996krs
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theconester-blog · 6 years ago
Thanks again everyone for making this year's Progressive Boat, Rv, and Sail show at McCormick place a super success! We sold over a thousand Conesters, selling out of 3 colors! The NMMA puts together the best shows! Returning customers gave us great feedback on how perfect The Conester is on their boats, Rvs, and Sailboats. #boatlife #boatshow #Chicago #NMMA #progressiveboatrvsailshow #expo #rvlife #rvliving #yacht #yachtlife #sailboat #sailing #cupholder #coaster #drinkholder #spillproof #influencer #coffee #boat #boats #lakeon #waterfront #progressiveinsurance #mastercraft #gadget #invention #antispill #shutupandtakemymoney #localbusiness #entrepreneur (at McCormick Place) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsom3gKgxAA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mzxa7csofb37
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productworldusa · 5 months ago
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RAILBLAZA DrinkHold - Black http://dlvr.it/TFfY0c
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momobeyond1 · 3 years ago
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reel-n-deal-tackle · 3 years ago
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BEER BUNG DRINK HOLDERS Best drink holder on the market available we are OPEN EVERY DAY OVER THE EASTER LONG WEEKEND 🐰 REEL N DEAL TACKLE Shop 2, 4-6 Brighton Road GLENELG EAST SA 5045 www.reelndealtackle.com.au Ph 0417 032 085 #beerbung #drinkholder #drinkholders #boatfishing #beachfishing #beachfishingaustralia #boatdrinks #boatingaustralia #boatinglifestyle #cruiseboats #reelndealtackle #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal (at Glenelg, South Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcWoecCB-A2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alexwbmc-blog · 3 years ago
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🔥💎🔥BXT Ultralight Bike Bicycle #WaterBottle Cage #CyclingBottle Holder Alloy Bike Cup #DrinkHolder for Bicicleta Accessories 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥5.0 👍4 Reviews 💥💥13 orders🔥 🚴➖➖➖➖➖💨💨 🚵💥LINK IN BIO💥 🚴➖➖➖➖➖💨💨 👉@bike_carbon_frame 👉@bike_carbon_frame 👉@bike_carbon_frame 👉@bike_carbon_frame ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #triathlon #cyclinglife #cyclingtools #triathlontraining #cyclingtyre #cyclingphotography #cyclingaddict #biketires #bmx #mtb #triathlonmotivation #cyclingtech #cyclingparts #triathlonworld #pedal #bike_carbon_frame (Bulgaria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZfY0GbsSwW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kayflagg73 · 3 years ago
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Again, when your friends love you! 🤣 😍 Thanks, DonElla! #zombie #zombies #drinkholder https://www.instagram.com/p/CYuy1kUF2Tu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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joybreakpictures · 4 years ago
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hide212t · 3 years ago
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『🦊初めてのエコバッグ』 職場で頂いちゃいました😆 Maison KitsunéのCAFÉ CAFÉ KITSUNÉと雑誌『sweet』のコラボ付録 ショッピングバッグ & ドリンクホルダー MAISON KITSUNÉも好きだしCAFÉ KITSUNÉも行く私としては嬉しいプレゼントを頂きました🎁 ありがとうございます😌 車内に常備して使わせて頂きます そう言えば最近着てないな😅 もう少し気温下がったらコート着たいな😆 #212 #エコバッグ #ecobag #ショッピングバッグ #shoppingbag #ドリンクホルダー #drinkholder #メゾンキツネ #maisonkitsune #カフェキツネ #cafekitsune #🦊 #頂き物 #感謝 #スイート #雑誌スイート付録 #sweet #雑誌sweet #コラボ #コラボ付録 #ファッション #fashion #プレゼント #ありがとう #コート #coat #カフェ #Cafe #カフェ巡り #カフェ好きな人と繋がりたい https://www.instagram.com/p/CU_l0jJJm6T/?utm_medium=tumblr
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