#driller drone
ruckis-vandalizes · 1 year
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I finally got around to finishing sketches back from when I was getting ideas for Gera's robots!  I updated em to be more accurate to the current versions.
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sirisaacnukem · 1 year
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Bosco the All Purpose Drone and the Supply Pod
The last two mechanical models in DRG are Bosco, who supports you in a single player game, and the resupply pod. I painted Bosco mostly in true metallics, but spent a long time on his large lenses, trying to recreate the Hal 9000 eye on him. I think it came out really nice, and at arm’s length the effect is very eye catching (no pun intended).
The supply pod was pretty simple, mostly just a single color with edge highlighting, but I used the drill to test what I wanted to do with the Driller’s drills. The effect is to paint the drill with metals from a dark bronze (Vallejo Tinny Tin washed with Secret Weapon Armor Wash), highlighted to a bright silver. Then I apply pigment binder to all the recesses, then use a brush to smush rust and brown pigment powders into the drills. This was applied very heavily, so the metal looked quite crusted, and then I took a cotton swab and cleaned off the blades of the drill, so it looks like the blades were really cutting through the rock.
I had decided I did not want to do any OSL on this project, but when I did the green lights on the corners they were obviously the most eye catching part of the model, and I couldn’t help from making the glow more realistic.
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tsarjozinzbazin · 11 months
As a Driller player which Driller grenade is your favorite? Also which grenade is the favorite for each of your cast?
My favourite Driller throwable is definitely the impact axe! it's great for any build and provides good single target damage as well as AOE damage!
Fav Gunner grenade is definitely lead burster, nothing like one shotting a bulk with two of those.
Fav Scout throwable is the boomerang! I just like the utility of it. plus it's good for stuff like shredder drones and shockers as well as swarmers.
For Engie it's obviously the shredder drones, though I do enjoy me a little bit of hitting the griddy up on them haters with the L.U.R.E. !
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I have this crossover idea that i call Alterity (Alternity was taken by a Transformers toyline, but Alterity propably also works).
All canonical Shockwaves (and maybe a few closely related people/creatures like Driller and Cyberverse's spider drones) scientifically end up in one place where there isn't anybody else around and they can't leave. Conflict ensues because many of them are not in fact compatible.
I'm not extremely familiar with many of them, and a few of them (ex. Cloud) i haven't read/watched/played at all or are outright inaccessible to me, or the character only appears very briefly or barely exists, so i'm not sure about the differences between them and the other Shockwaves. Because figuring out how they all are different from each other is the key here, obviously.
Also they know need nicknames to call each other, because it'd get extremely confusing otherwise. Shockblast would call everybody something insulting, but i can't think of anything for their "official" nicknames. Ideas?
The Cast
Funpub SG Shockwave — The one who looks exactly like Shockblast. Accompanied by his assistant Fistfight? Not a actually a scientist, because G1 Shockwave wasn't.
SG Animated Shockwave — He appeared in SD SG. Idk if TFA Shockwave is an actual scientist.
SG IDW Shockwave — From the IDW'S 2021-2022 Shattered Glass comic. I don't think it was a good decision,
IDW Comics Shockwave — As pre-Dark Cybertron or post-Unicron? Or immediately after Dark Cybertron? Or as the slightly dodgy senator?
Sunbow G1 Shockwave — That incompetent Megatron simp. Not actually a scientist?
Marvel G1 Shockwave — The competent backstabber who kept trying to overthrow Megatron. As pre- or post-Regeneration One (where the epilogue gave him, Starscream, and Ravage some kind of offscreen redemption arcs)? If it was post-Regeneration One, Starscream and Ravage could end up there too or are there too many people who aren't Shockwave in this? Not actually a scientist.
TFA Shockwave — Another Megatron simp, but also a shapeshifter. Did he really have a personality in the show or is most of it the fandom filling in? Is he actually a scientist?
Cyberverse Shockwave — I like to think he's actually a beastformer with an alien bug altmode. Accompanied by the spider tank drones?
IDW2 Shockwave — I haven't read, but apparently he's weirdly chaotic and fought in a Cybertron vs eldritch abomination war on the eldritch abomination's side?
Bee Movie Shockwave — Tfwiki says it's the same continuity family as Bayverse but it's obviously not.
Bayverse Shockwave — Accompanied by Driller?
Dreamwave Shockwave — Also haven't read. I think this was the first continuity where he was a scientist.
Netflix Trilogy Shockwave — The powered-up cannibal mode whose eye spontaneously changed color?
Transtech Shockwave — Don't know the guy at all.
Cybertron Shockwave — The one whose name is actually Shockblast and who doesn't act like Shockwave at all, but was only called Shockblast because of copyright issues. Could have Sixshot with him?
Cloud Shockwave — Also don't know the guy at all.
Earthspark Shockwave — They did my boy dirty and the series is still ongoing, but every Shockwave is every Shockwave.
TFP Shockwave — Post-Predacons Rising, accompanied by Ripclaw who was the clone in the tube? I'm thinking about Emperor Kumqyat's analysis video...
I know they canonically are the same, but should i treat TFP as a separate continuity from the WFC games and the other Aligned material because of the characterizational differences TFP had from the games and the Covenant of Primus in regard to Shockwave?
Honestly i think how the tfwiki calls it the aligned continuity family tells us so muchhh
Tfa Shockwave was actually a science! He was working on the Omega Supreme clones that ended up taking after Lugnut! He just was also a spy. I think.
I think? They're calling it Knightverse now? I call it beeverse but that's probably not gonna catch on
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the-fluffy-folio · 2 years
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Driller – Small construct, unaligned/lawful evil
Wherever the drillers wander and no matter how far their ancient vessels carry them into the void, they never rest. An archaic algorithm no mortal being might dare to understand pushes them toward the edge of the known world. While their creators are long-gone, these otherworldly constructs are caught in a loop of brute duty: search, probe, destroy, repeat. Lost like the hollow drones they were built as on their own, their grim expeditions are led by the sergeants. Although this outstanding variant appears to be identical to its kin, it is equipped with an as alien as technologically advanced device – coordinating each and every move the drillers make with brutal efficacy and horrific efficiency.
🔮 If you like my work, kindly consider to support me on Patreon to gain access to monster pages, tokens & artwork of dozens of quirky creatures as well as potions and items based on the monsters’ lore.
This creature was made in collaboration with Hyperdrive Fleet ❤️
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snavian · 2 years
After trying a bunch of different looks for my Scout, I decided just to cover their face fully. They're never seen without their mask (the gloomstalker MK3 one), leading to Driller often joking about them not even being a dwarf at all. The only team member who's seen their face at all is Engi- who designed and built the mask for them. Since it's partially made using drone parts, they can emote similarly using the ear fins, as well as Engi's addition of the main "eye" being able to partially dim, thus replicating eyelids.
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entomycetic · 6 months
Written tidbits for some weird dwarf OCs under the cut so as to not spam the feed; maybe someday they'll get actual drawings and ref sheets :,)
Engineer (Beetle)
- Makes every solution to every problem Far too complex. Much to R&D's displeasure, he doesn't carry turret packages on the job. Rather, he's created his own RC drones with their own set of close combat melee weapons. The drone is able to project a hologram of a dwarf around itself so as to warn teammates where the drone is in the dark; Engie uses a headset to control the drone, at the cost of losing mobility. Yes I want a melee class how could you tell. No I don't care how impractical it is - Doesn't know what to think of Hoxxes anymore, due to current events brought up below - Is gay for Scout. His absolutely bonkers takes amused him
Scout (Dragonfly)
- A conspiracy theorist to the max, avoided by anyone beyond his crew; slightly comparable to a constantly shaking yet vicious chihuahua. He swears to core and back that DRG is only setting themselves up for a major disaster on Hoxxes, that the disruption of local life and food chains is going to come back to bite them in the ass, quite literally. This guy harbors all my little headcanons and love for Hoxxes' biosphere -...And in this timeline, he turns out to be correct! He and Engie found out in a very unfun way, and barely made it back alive. - Is gay for Engie. Someone finally believed him
Gunner (Spider)
- Will vehemently claim he's the Normal One of the group, and in the same breath will furiously defend his Oops! All Ziplines loadout (BFG, zipline, zipline, zipline, pickaxe). Always some level of grumpy until he has alcohol in hand, acts as if he's team leader (and everyone lets him), teases Scout as a hobby, yet still manages to be the most optimistic of the bunch in even the most dire of situations. He insists that the main reason he stays on this team is because they won't let him take such an R&D unapproved loadout with any "reasonable" team. While true, the amount of shit the team had gone through together forged a bond not even he can deny. - While they had been through plenty else, Gunner had been with Engie and Scout when the Conspiracy Fuckening occurred, but was in a separate part of the cave. While he could hear and feel what the other two were experiencing from so far away, he finds it difficult to believe what he was told went down
Driller (Cricket)
- Until recently, this position was frequently rotated. The vibes of the team were incredibly hard to match, much to Mission Control's torment. - In short, not long after The Incident: Scout would come across a crater in a cave harboring a starving grunt eating at very wounded yet still alive grabber. His bug-sympathizing ass deletes the grunt and successfully convinces the team to help the grabber. By some miracle they sneak it back on board, patch it up, and once they're off duty, Engie cyborgs the hell out of it. ..Only after enough time passes of them getting it to Not immediately attack them with the promise of food. It was first given general limb prosthetics, then experimented on with brain chips, all the way to building the now artificially enlightened beast a dwarf shaped mech suit. It remembered how it was found, now gladly and violently working alongside its team. Mission Control has been gaslit to high hell into believing all the weird shit this thing does is normal dwarf behavior. - As its ability to communicate and understand advances, Scout hopes they can get some insight into the ecology of Hoxxes that goes unnoticed by dwarfkind. For now though, drill go bzzzz and gun go pewpew
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gravityknife · 2 years
Adventures of The 144p Progenitor
Story #7
Ka'eo, Mana, and Peter were all on the bridge of The 144p Progenitor, enjoying some studying time while they set their course on cruise, from the MacKalla asteroid to the nearby solar system. Mana chose space coordinates for another space station named G&H Diamond Drillers Corp. It looked, from the images, to be a larger space station more dedicated to asteroid mining operations, something everyone onboard was more familiar with.
Mana said, "We lucked out finding this station, Peter. Ka'el. You guys should be thanking me!"
"I'm... tired," said Ka'eo, bypassing Mana's statement.
"Tired, huh?" Peter replied, ignoring Mana's joking demand. "You should go up to your quarter and check out the stars from there, man. The view from living quarters is as beautiful as from the cockpit, and it helps me go to sleep."
Ka'eo felt dehydrated and could feel a headache pushing on his cranium, drowning out Peter's hopeful pitch. He droned out, "Yeah," as though to placate Peter.
Peter inquired, "Ka'eo, did you hear about that new thing they're trying? Where they give you a wristband and it locks onto your wrist for five minutes, then releases, and after that, any pressure build-ups in the spinal cord and brain are all gone? They said if you use it, the result is instant. No more headaches, no more migraines. I want to get one of those because I used to suffer from migraines. Did you read about it?"
"No," Ka'eo replied. "Why don't we have those here already?"
Peter chuckled loudly and answered, "I don't know. You know how the government is. But, they have a video up about it, too, you just have to go to the Space Force main page and search up 'wristband.'"
"You figure it would all be different after we got into space," Ka'eo complained. "Things being made faster, delivery aside."
"I know," Peter agreed, hissing a laugh. "Unfortunately, this is how it is, for now, but at least they're actually taking all the useful things from movies and games we've played and turning it into real things."
Ka'eo placed his head on the computer console and closed his eyes, truly tired enough to forget he was even on a space ship. He fell into a deep, quick nap for 15-minutes, snoring and drooling on the area in front of the keyboard panel. He could still hear the humming frequency of the warp core, engine, and thrusters, but he was able to quickly dream about Stavros and Mana shooting at the alien anomaly back at MacKalla. In his dream, it was revealed to be a shadow-like bubble, and it was able to make noises similar to the crew's wettish onomatapoieas. Then, Mana was standing at the entrance of the molecular research room, where he had been cocking his shotgun while USF patrol and agents walked in. He couldn't determine if they were arresting Mana, removing the anomaly's corpse, or both. Stavros simply disappeared and Peter wasn't present in the dream.
"Dude. Wake up," Mana alarmed. "Ka'el."
Ka'eo jolted himself awake and looked around, refreshing his eyes. He breathed in deeply, triggering a yawn. "I've got a headache, still, man. F$ck!" He felt comfortable and safe, seeing Peter at the computer watching a USF news channel while eating a bowl of cranberries and oats, and Mana sitting in his own mobile seat looking at a star chart and sifting the planetary data. He alerted them about his headache out of habit, giving them a status report, while also realizing he wasn't pleased entirely no matter how comfortable he felt.
"How long was I out for?" Ka'eo asked, stretching his arms up.
"Mana," Peter rasped, ignoring Ka'eo's question.
"What? No. Wait. Peter. I want Ka'el to see this... planet I just found on here. It's kind of close to where we are right now, but there's some kind of conflict going on between two warring humanoid tribes," informed Mana.
Peter and Ka'eo, hearing that, were both mesmerized by the reality, that they were actually traveling through space together. It was literally a dream come true for them.
Peter's inner excitement was steamrolled by the same realization. He went serious, asking, "Wait, Mana, are you serious? That means—"
"Yeah," Mana replied.
"That means command should be aware of this, because it would have already grabbed their attention in their own scans," Peter reasoned, then took another giant bite from his bowl of cranberries and oats.
Mana said, "Yeah, uhh, I know... Peter. It was already colored red when I found it, but I had to look for it, otherwise they all look the same. All the uhh, solar systems. Planets."
Peter looked at Ka'eo, all lit up and eager. "Ka'eo. You think we should fly there?"
Ka'eo said, "Yeah, sure. I kind of want to go to medbay first and see about this f$cking headache, though."
Peter chuckled, "Oh, alright." He sealed his lips tight, leaned forward in his seat, and bounced his leg. He was sitting right next to Mana, where they were both reading from the same monitor. Peter took another big scoop of food and ate.
Mana burped, backing Peter away slightly. Peter went AHHT! He pushed his chair back and dropped his bowl onto the flat surface of his computer console. Mana giggled at that sound and action.
Peter covered his mouth with his arm, being dramatic though extra careful about hygiene. He stared at Mana, still antsy, waiting for Mana to say something. Peter complained mockingly, "You're not even going to say excuse me?"
"Noooo," Mana answered uncaringly, to which Peter cackled. He didn't care much who would get mad about his rudeness, especially with his closest friends, however. There were more important things to care about, amongst men, Mana supposed. He thought to himself Peter can get over it.
Peter chortled again, replaying Mana's response in his head. He said, "Alright."
Ka'eo was sitting at his computer console still, holding his forehead with one hand while the thumb was lifting his eyelid to look unsightly. He looked miserable, and both Peter and Mana took notice.
"Yeeeaaah..." Mana replied to Peter. He looked at Ka'eo, turned his seat around to face him. "Ka'el, go to the medbay already, man," Mana commanded, serious in tone.
Ka'eo sighed and moved his head into his crossed arms, closing his eyes again. He mumbled to himself and moaned disapproval at everything, feeling annoyed by the light ailment. "I don't want to mooove," Ka'eo complained.
"Ka'el, go... to medbay, and get raped by an alien!" Mana joked.
"Nooo, I can't allow that," Ka'eo responded stoically, trying to hide the severity of his head pain.
Peter chuckled loudly, mimicking Ka'eo, "I can't allow that."
Mana got serious again suggesting, "Ka'el, they actually have... better medicine there, than back on Earth. If you go to the vending thing, it'll tell you what there is, and if you check the boxes when it asks you, the thing that shows what you could have... like, you would say headache? It instantly gives you a dose of whatever it is that takes care of your ailment, or disease, or whatever."
Mana's explanations of things were typically vague and sometimes misleading. He enjoyed the idea of helping others with intelligence more than having the right words to support his aim, something he was used to slacking in. Ka'eo, Peter, and Stavros were all used to it, and they didn't give a sh$t.
Peter slid his bowl of food into the garbage incinerator at the edge of the computer console lineup. You could hear the incinerator turn on and make a humming noise, and then a tiny door sliding closed sound.
"Alright. I'll be right back, guys," Ka'eo said, lazily getting up from his seat and exiting the bridge.
"Yeah! And make sure you choose the methamphetamine brownies!" Mana joked, heavily mocking.
Ka'eo ignored what Mana said, truly feeling like sh$t, and continued to the exit.
"Methamphetamine brownies, huh?" Peter inquired, focused on his own monitor. He cackled and mocked, "Sounds like something we all need!"
Mana replied harshly and chortled, "Yeaahh!"
Peter and Mana continued to study their own monitors, reading over different material presented from the USF guidebooks and manuals. Peter detoured his focus on a whim, deciding to look into the warring planet that Mana located in the star charts. "Mana, what's the name of the planet that you found?"
Mana was caught by surprise with the inquiry and answered, "Planet?! Oh. Peter... it's uhhh... just... go into the Corey's Constellation app right there in the computer. It's easy to find from there, if you click on the side, and there's this thing that shows you solar systems that observation posts have... pinpointed as... uhhh, you know."
There was a pause, and then a few finger-sliding sounds on touch screens. Peter was amused by Mana's misread of Core Constellation but didn't care to bring it up. Peter complained, "I don't see it on here. What thing are you talking about where it shows—"
"Ka'el, uhh, Peter, it's... as soon as you open the app, and you go into the navigation thing, it's on the side like a bar or something," Mana instructed. "It's like... a circle button, or something."
Peter said, "Yeah, I found it. And then?"
Mana sighed exasperatedly, causing Peter to laugh. "Peter, it's going to show a thing... for the solar systems... where the planets are listed, and you can see the planet highlighted in red."
"Mana, there are like... a million of these. How did you find that specific planet?" Peter begged on.
"Oh yeah, you have to set the... lightyear radius thing, in the uhh... you know what? Let me see your computer... real fast. I'll show you," Mana said, getting up from his seat and fixing the back of his space suit, walking over toward Peter.
Peter declined Mana's movement without saying. "No, no-I-uh... no, I got it, Mana. And now it's set to... within ship range. And then... is this the one you're talking about?"
"Yeah, it's... let me see the computer, Ka'el, uh, Peter," Mana answered, sighing. He stood above Peter's monitor to evaluate Peter's progress in finding the planet. "Yeah, it's that one right there," Mana pointed. "Darlene, or whatever."
"Got it. Now, let's zoom into it aaand... details... planet details. There," Peter guided rhetorically in his low rasp.
"Yeah, there, you found it," Mana said, disengaging from Peter's side, sounding somewhat discouraged.
"Holy sh$t. Mana. It says that these tribes are thirty... years ahead of the Earth in technological advancements," Peter gulped.
Mana related, "Yeah, I know, Peter, Ka, ah! FaaaAAWK!" Mana chuckled along with Peter's cackle. "Peter! God dammit. That's what I was trying to tell you. I already read all of it."
"Why isn't the USF doing something about this, man? I didn't see anything come up in the news... about this? On their page, or... anywhere else in the online database," Peter whined.
"Yeah. I don't know," Mana replied. "They probably haven't said anything about it because they don't want everyone panicking or it's not important enough or something."
"That's stupid," Stavros said, entering the bridge and walking into their conversation.
Mana greeted, "Oh, sup Stavro."
Stavros stoically cut into the meat saying, "Yeah, I heard you guys talking about war planets. Why do we not know about war planets? Why is the government lying to us?"
"Stavro, it's not multiple planets at war. It's just one planet that has a war going on, on its surface," Peter corrected.
Stavros recalibrated his thinking instantly. He responded, "Oh. So does that mean we don't have to do anything to help? Because I get the feeling that... just like how Ka'eo does, you guys are going to suggest that we fly over there to observe or whatever it is you guys like doing, and I don't want to almost die again."
Mana chuckled.
Peter answered in detail, "I'm not sure we would even be able to do that, Stavro, because even though we technically have USF backing us on any exploration mission, there are special rules they made where we can't engage with anything combative, and we can't get into firing range of any hostile ship, even if it's a pirate that's—"
Mana completed Peter's explanation, saying, "A pirate that's blowing up another one of our ships."
"That's dumb," Stavros said.
Mana agreed, "Yeah, it's b$llsh$t. Like, even if we're getting attacked... didn't they say that we have to like... get in contact with them first and then they'll send... another ship, or something? Like, I'm not going to wait... for some ship to show up while we just sit here watching our ship blow up like aaaaaaahhhh!!"
Stavros chuckled.
Peter debated, "No, we're allowed to fire at incoming ships that are hostile, but we aren't allowed to engage in combat if they aren't doing anything towards us. I think it's b$llsh$t too, but it saves us from having to deal with a lot of sh$t that could potentially kill us."
"Yeah, and after that space station sh$t, I'm good, Peter," Mana said.
Stavros and Peter laughed.
Peter raspily mimicked and cackled, "Yeah, I'm good!"
Stavros added, "No, we almost died, and that's why I don't want to fly to some place... that could f$cking blow our ship up before we even have a chance to land."
They all laughed.
"No, Stavro, don't worry. Command hasn't even said anything, yet, so we're good here for now. And that space station we just left? We marked it for command, and now they're going to see it... so they're going to go and do something to it," Peter informed.
"Yeah, because that's— them not even monitoring it, and just leaving it there with nobody in it— that's not very professional," Stavros offered, trying not to laugh himself. "They didn't even leave a note. They just fed themselves to the alien or took off to go somewhere else instead."
Mana and Peter laughed with him.
Mana was gut laughing, trying to breathe. He tried to keep on, laughing with every word spoken, "Yeah! Exactly! Like, who the f$ck just leaves a whole f$cking space station on an asteroid... in the middle of basically nowhere?"
"I don't know. Why don't we look it up in the USF database and see why it's even there? Maybe Ka'eo was right, and some guy, probably some meth head stole a ship and just built the station there and the USF had no choice but to go along with it," Stavros suggested.
"We should just go back and blow it up!" Mana crudely suggested, still cracking up.
"Why didn't I think to do that? We should look the station up," Peter guffawed. "Mana, you should do it," he suggested, picking up and taking a bite from a space candy bar made by Tarantula. He didn't mean to say he wanted to blow up the station, as he intended to say they should look it up in the database.
Mana exhaled, coughing, trying to calm down from his laughter. "Aw, God... I'm f$cking hungry, actually. I think I'm going to get something to eat... and I'm going to check on Ka'el," he declared.
Stavros inquired, "Where is he?"
"He went to med-bay," Mana answered.
Peter supported, "Yeah, he's in medbay."
"Why? What is Ka'eo doing in the medbay?" Chuckled Stavros. "Did he die?"
"Ka'el has a headache or something," Mana replied, chuckling at Stavros's joke. "He wasn't looking too good."
"Yeah, there was an alien egg in the space station that hatched, and it latched onto his face and laid an egg in his mouth," Peter joked in his usual, spicy intonation.
Mana and Stavros laughed.
Peter added, "Yeah, and it gave him a headache, so now he has to go and get his chest burst open in the med-bay to fix it."
"Yeah! That'll work!" Stavros mockingly fueled, referencing Aqua Teen Hunger Force's Easter Bunny episode.
Mana broke into a loud, hearty crack up. Peter cackled a loud ha-hah!
Stavros continued the joke, "And I'm the Easter Bunny's twin brother! ... Darryl!" He giggled at himself.
"Alright, I'm going to get a snack or something. I'll be right back, you guys," Mana stated, letting out a small, lazily fake laugh. He got up from his seat and slowly began exiting the bridge. He left them with a mocking, "Don't die!"
"Oh yeah, don't worry. The only person dying is going to be you when the xenomorph charges into the cafeteria wearing Ka'eo's skin," Peter spiced back.
Stavros and Mana laughed. Mana choked in his laugh, exiting the bridge.
Stavros resumed conversation with Peter, "Alright, now I want to know more about this planet that... somehow, USF decided to ignore, or just decided hey, f$ck them, they're killing each other, not us, so who cares!"
"Uhhh. If you want to look it up, the name of it is Darena, and the tags are... S-3, R-3, P-2, T-3," Peter revealed. "That means the planet is bigger than Earth, has a lot of resources, an Earth sized population, and a tech level that is higher than what we're capable of, Stavro."
"Yeah, I know, that's what I heard you telling Mana," Stavros affirmed. After a long pause of Stavros thinking and casually scrolling his social network feed while Peter was scrolling through the planet details, Stavros went, "Ohhh, that's what the tags stand for."
Peter rebuked Stavros's seeming memory discrepancy. "Uhhh, yeah? We learned that in Space Force academy, Stavro. You don't remember that?"
"No, I remember. There's just a lot of numbers and letters and sh$t that I don't want to remember," Stavros whined in monotone. "We don't need to remember all of that, Peter. We have, basically, a history book for every planet discovered. Better yet, a Wikipedia."
"Yeah, well," Peter concurred half-heartedly. He didn't share with his brother how proud he was of himself for having memorized a lot of the abbreviations—albeit, he would sometimes mistakenly call them initials. He knew his brother didn't care one way or another about all the sophisticated, glorified jargon. However, he also knew that his brother wanted to expand his knowledge and skills in space and mechanical engineering, and what better way to show gratitude to his father—a radiant commercial pilot—than to follow him into and above the sky limits.
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dynastes-iaconus · 4 years
General glossary of things for the Hive AU! More stuff will be added over time, most likely.
Hive Iacon: Though once a great and powerful Hive, Hive Iacon has had to rebuild itself after the Schism. Only the oldest members recall the golden age of the Hive’s influence and power. Many of the younger members want to rename the Hive as ‘Hive Metroplex’ in honor of their new home and territory.
The Swarm: Megatron’s roving troupe. With no true established lands, the Swarm is known for being aggressive, unfriendly towards outsiders, and never being where you last saw them. They do make a pilgrimage once every eight seasons to Kaon’s Grand Market, though, and there are rumors of some level of permanent development in the caves of Tarn.
The Ark: A massive, towering tree that had been hollowed out after being struck by a lighting strike several hundred decavorn ago. Despite the destruction, the Ark still lived on. Hive Iacon reestablished themselves after the Schism in its trunk and boughs, and have begun excavation attempts into the hill below. The Ark and surrounding territory is referred to as ‘Metroplex Ridge’.
Prime: Basically what humans would consider a ‘queen’ of the a hive. Some hives have multiple Primes with the oldest being the Magnus. Hive Iacon has Optimus Prime (formerly Oberon Pax), who ascended after Sentinel Prime’s death.
Optimus Prime also holds the Matrix, a mysterious relic passed down since the establishment of Hive Iacon. Presumably, other Hives have similar relics of their own... These are not requirements for being a Prime, however.
Court: Each Prime within a hive establishes a Court of their own, which can be comprised of multiple individuals from any caste. Particularly close and trusted members of a Prime’s court may be referred to as that Prime’s attendants or advisors. Large Courts sometimes break themselves off and establish their own Hives. Hot Rod may end up going this route as he matures into a Prime.
The Schism: A violent disagreement that tore Hive Iacon in half and destroyed their original home in Iacon Basin. The survivors who remained behind had become increasingly isolated and restricted until the death of Sentinel Prime and the subsequent rise of Optimus Prime.
Stories spoke of the traitors who fled the Hive to try and establish themselves in the Wastes to the South. Current events have been proving these rumors true, with the arrival of Megatron, the heir of the original leader of the rebellion.
Pupation: A process through which one reaches maturity. Sparkgrubs (immature faerie) hibernate for anywhere between one to five seasons and emerge a mature member of the Hive. Rarely a fae may undergo a second pupation and emerge as a Prime.
Hiveless: Wandering fae with no Hive or allegiances. Sometimes derogatorily called Wildlings, Hiveless are treated with suspicion by many.
Caste: What role a fae fulfills within the Hive. Sometimes a fae has their name appended by a title, depending on both caste and whether or not they feel like they want it.
Scouts and Drones are invaluable as explorers and gatherers for the hive, as well as being the best way to spread information very quickly.
Knights (sometimes called Warriors or Guardians) are dedicated to protecting their hive. A phalanx of Knights is often headed by a Warlord, and Warlords are usually coordinated by the Hive’s Lord Protector. The Lord Protector is often also part of the Magnus’ Court, if a Hive has a Magnus.
Healers are your medics and miracle workers. Some double as religious leaders.
Other Hives may have other castes depending on climate and needs.
The Mithril Sea: An enormous body of liquid solvent that borders Metroplex Ridge to the northwest. Rung’s from the other side of the Sea, apparently, but no one else in Hive Iacon has ever been across it. There are several islands dotting the coast line that have friendly aquatic and amphibious faerie communities, as well as more solitary fae along the shore.
Hive Caminus: a Hive that Hive Iacon used to be friendly with. Though they had been cut off during the Isolation, recent efforts have been made to reconnect with them. Hive Caminus is to the northeast, beyond a region known as the Rust Bowl. Known for their beautiful tapestries and weavings, created by their Spinners and Silkmakers.
Hive Vos: Once a powerful Hive in the southeast cliffs, Hive Vos is now known for corruption and hedonism. Unlike most Hives, Vos is highly monarchist and their rulers are direct descendants of their first Winglord, Liege Maximo. They may or may not have a connection to the Swarm through their missing Prince, Starscream. Vosnians are renown for their speed, viciousness, and parasitic tendencies.
Hive Velocitron: One of the few Hives entirely underground, most Velocitronians lack wings. Not much is known of Velocitron beyond their proximity to Hive Caminus and their masterful contributions to Kaon’s Grand Market.
Kaon: An arid area far to the east, dominated by a massive mountain known as Kolkutar in the local dialect... or Tarn, in common. Kaon is fairly infamous for Hiveless marauders, general lawlessness, and being home to particularly dangerous creatures known as Sand Drillers.
Once every few seasons a Grand Market pops up around one of the scattered oases-- and disappears back into the sands just as swiftly. It is said you can buy anything your spark desires, if you’re willing to trade for it...
The Voiceless: non-sentient insects and animals. Often prey for carnivorous faeries. (thank you, @reclusiveformerwarlord!)
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human-esque · 6 years
I really like flying drones for my work projects, but when the fucking pipeline drillers are actively withholding information about how much they have fucked up it makes my job 5000% more difficult and busy.
Not to mention this site has been ongoing for a goddamn year and a half and zero progress has been made and fracking mud is popping up everywhere then what the fuck is the point?
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dwestfieldblog · 3 years
Insanity is contagious in the Aeon of Horus. Hope you all had a happy and healthy Sirius day on 23rd... I wasn’t going to write another screed until late September but I might well be trapped on the festering cesspool prison island of guinea pigs in three weeks time where the oven ready Boris variant runs wild, and will have very limited access, if any, to the matrix. And I needed to rant off as catharsis on current popular topics. Arf arf arf and fnord as well.
Climate report Doom...fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes on the rise, watch the Texans and Arabs and all those aligned with oil continue to deny global warming in the sweating face of the evidence.  The tyranny of the driller killers has been disabling those with clean solar power ideas and the mass use of limitless superconductive  energy for decades, while they work out how ‘to put a metre between us and the sun’. Blame greed. Perhaps they think Bezos will have enough rockets for them to plunder other worlds and leave the future desert of earth behind. Climate change deniers usually have the same mind set as those who are anti vaxxers, it seems to be a typical item on their lists of dislike. Right alongside all the other bollocks and twaddle they don’t believe in, despite the enduring and building testimonies of the majority of professionals.
‘To prevent yourselves doing and seeing and coming into contact with this, that and the other...lock yourselves up in a monastery where you’ll be safe. Immunity...it teaches us how not to be affected by the countless vicissitudes of life; not how to avoid them by running away...The philosopher adapts himself to the exigencies of life, not the exigencies of life to himself.’ The Initiate in the New World by his pupil. Book two of a fascinating trilogy. Hello Cecil Jones.
America...the gurning evil one (‘I love the poorly educated’)  doesn’t seem to be back in the White House quite yet, Q Onan and the boys can’t seem to get their insurrection up. Been there eh? White guys just take the blue tablet and avoid getting redpilled.  ‘We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men evolved differently, that they are born with certain mutable characteristics, and that among these are life and the pursuit of pleasure.’ Yuval Noah Harari-Sapiens.
However, the Onan boys have exported their rabid drivel abroad...A shameful group of wannabe prophets in London a couple of weeks ago were spewing dire craziness and waves of silliness dearly wishing to become important and individualised particles by being observed and applauded. One of their brilliant ideas is that the Great Reset, New World Order of children’s adrenochrome drinking liberal reptiles will be a QUOTE’ An authoritarian socialist government run by powerful capitalists.’ UNQUOTE. Howls of derisive laughter turning into the growl of a wolf with a curled top lip and my left eye twitching for a blackout minute. When sentience returned, I was fairly sure there is no way in this lifetime of me attaining Satori while consumed by this spite. Fear and self loathing in England part 23. To attempt to counter...
Putting the con into conspiracy theories... 1. IF the vaccine is; (A. A poison to cull the overpopulated millions, that would mean that every single decent doctor and nurse in the world is in on it and not one of them is spilling the beans. Neither scenario seems plausible in any way, therefore the first premise appears to be excrement. If Covid doesn’t exist and the x rays are ALL faked (showing the difference between pneumonia, cancer and covid lungs, that also aggressively suggests a high level of implausibility. If you truly believe medical professionals are mostly freemasons and/or serving the Illuminati in the name of genocide etc, you are just a MORON. A DUNGHEADED IDIOT.
As God tweeted last month; It’s always the really dumb who make life hard for the moderately dumb.’
Drug companies and politicians have always been deeply corrupt, some would say with great justification, evil.  Their foul business is as usual. But every nurse working a 16 hour shift in intensive care, do you honestly think they are doing it for the kicks to kill, for the (ha) money or to serve the Devil? Again, if Covid IS real but only the plebs are getting the bad vaccine and the here today gone tomorrow (unless they are Putin types) omnipotent holy world leaders are getting the good stuff...again this would be mighty hard to cover up. And it isn’t only the old, obese and those with ‘underlying health problems’ who are dying, teens and workers are too. No government wants to wreck its economy (apart from Brexit England) by murdering its workers, students and quarantining hundreds of thousands.
If the vaccine is a shot of death and the toll rises twice higher than it already is, governments will know that nobody will believe them the next time round when a new virus mutates...which is not good for mass control. (That said, I feel a deep grim certitude that step by blatant step, totalitarianism is coming to democracies as they realise the only way to dominate the drone masses is to do as China and Russia do.) But ‘why am I drifting into negativity’ eh?
And IF folk think the vaccine is a brain control agent by which we can be spied upon and controlled by our puppet masters via the ubiquitous spooky G5 masts, then the science of how the jab’s ingredients work (And could not possibly be activated with sound waves) should be explained in primary schools so the kids can go home and teach their elders with crayon. At the same time, the anti maskers need to watch videos (with their eyes held open (a la Clockwork Orange) of droplets in breath, the distance they travel without protection, the length of time they hang in the air and in what concentration. Humans react well to moving pictures, it might help. Yes that is dripping with rancid sarcasm. And as for those ranting that wearing masks causes illness, tell that to all the healthcare professionals of the last 100plus years who wore masks most of every bloody day, not just a couple of years. Did they all die of lung problems? I don’t have the actual statistics and I am damn sure you don’t either, so shut up and sit down. As Bill Hicks would say...
Beautiful to see so many holy men in the main religions, priests, rabbis, imans and pujari telling their flock to refuse the vaccine because it will (deep choking breath) make them impotent, gay and/or that it has cows blood and human foetuses in it. For the 23rd time, your shepherds will lead you to butchers again. Very spiritual blokes. Are any women as full of manure as this? Well actually...
One talking blonde cow on the London stage mooed about the vaccine being created by Bill ‘I think it makes sense to believe in God’ Gates, with the patent 060606, so was clearly ‘satanic’. Brilliant detective work and a rational conclusion. Except Bill didn’t formulate the vaccine and the patent was for an entirely different shot with an ACTUAL micro chip to measure if work had been completed and pay wages with Bitcoin. (Which, granted is creepy as fk, but nothing to do with Beelzebub or covid, unless you are going to bang on about none being able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast. So the antichrist is a protestant eh? I saw a video last year of an American ‘Christian’ woman blogger saying Bill was the devil, because of ‘the GATES of hell.’ That’s what we are up against and sidestepping the fk away from.
Those not vaccinated are walking time bomb laboratories of new variants.  Making their own beliefs real as they will be able to say ‘See, told you the vaccine doesn’t work’. Listen to the doctors and nurses begging you.
Once yet again with even more feeling...These demonstrations of hogwash moonshine bullshit theories, mixed in with a fine blend of ahem, ‘patriotism’ are ripping the country apart. On one side the increasingly corrupt English government and their lies and on the other, the deranged and deluded with their falsehoods. An empty vessel makes the most noise and both sides are ripening the fields for populism.
Using the enemy’s own strength against them, well known to Judo black belt KGB pretty boy Putin...widening and deepening internal divisions in democracies, using the basic mistrust of half the people against their governments and encouraging it...works like a charm in times of stress/ fear/ anger. Just let them do most of the work and their own momentum will destroy them...at very least weaken them for the kill. Britain, America, Europe  et al, you are being suckered and you bloody well deserve it for being so thick.
(Sidebar...By the way...Congratulations on 100 glorious years of Chinese communism and now all in the Middle Kingdom are being told, taught, trained, ORDERED to think just like Winnie the Pooh. Perfect unspoiled socialist paradise where millions wonder (as they do in most other places) ‘will there be any hunny for me?’ Unlikely...Communism doesn’t really work that way... another self righteous scam by those who seek power and to maintain their privilege. So the stick makes you keep plodding on for the promised carrot until all you believe in is the stick because it hurts and pain is real. (To greatly paraphrase Sir Terry Prachett, may he remain creative wherever he is.)  )       
Or...The Bilderbergers met a couple of years ago, discussed overpopulation and a threefold plan of how to deal with it...Release an airborne virus in several countries; allow it to spread for a year, Allow fear to rise. Use algorithms to predict the percentage of the obedient and those who will suspect conspiracy. When the vaccine is ‘found’ it will calm the believers for a while and enflame the rebels all the more who will look for ways to make it fit their own schemes of disbelief. This will cause a degree of expected demonstrations and rebellion...which will have the effect of enabling governments to create and quickly pass new laws on freedoms, including peaceful demonstration, to ‘protect’ the law abiding masses that need to believe all is for their own good.
The B boys talked about phased genocide, vaccines, drugs, supplies of medical equipment, government tenders to similar friends, knowing they will survive, and be well positioned to financially ride out the deaths and bankruptcies of lesser protected groups. Who they will then be able to buy out with ease and thus expand. The goldrush thrill of disaster capitalism! When all of this is (temporarily?) over, food and energy resources will be a little less stretched and/or  stricter controlling laws will be in place and democracies will be far easier to control . A sadistic lack of empathy from the richest sociopaths.
There doesn’t need to be anything weird in the vaccines now, people’s minds are doing the paranoid job in their imagination, either with fear or with anger. The rich will remain rich empowering themselves with their inhuman business as usual. Populists will appear to take the side of the people as long as they are rewarded with money and power...and are allowed to join the club. All ethics and morals sacrificed for the temporary glory of pretend immortality.
This was written very quickly over a period of a couple of nights but at least it is a page shorter than usual eh? J I have to concentrate on booking tests (150 pounds in England for a PCR test is RIP OFF. Bastards. The outrageous weight of my suitcase with all my cds and books plus some pants and socks, the forlorn hope of getting a free seat or at least cheap for one of my guitars. The fear I might not be allowed back in to where I am now because the UK still seems to be Boris covid red. And Brexit and being a tourist again. Love the way the brexiteers are pissed off they will have to pay a few Euros to enter Europe as a third country citizen. The Tories voted yes to this idea in 2016 and you voted to become a third country you idiots. So now, you get to stand for a looong time in a longer queue with all the brown people you so disparage. In your nostalgic pride for something which will never be again, you have relegated England to the status of a failed state and voted for the worst government in my lifetime. You should be ashamed but you will just double down.  Disgusting.
Anyway, late summer ‘holidays’ ahoy.  Stay sane and in rude health...hope to see you again, spreading my cosmic rays of great happiness, comfort and joy. Outside of the insanity, keep visualising...Female male left right brain...Yin and yang let’s do our thang...
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rauthschild · 5 years
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Putin Prepares “Fortress Russia” After Trump Admits “He Had To Do It” Defense Bill Outrage
By: Sorcha Faal
An interesting and very informative new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting President Putin revealing that this past week was the worst for global oil markets since 2008, says the nation most affected by this market turmoil is the United States whose shale oil drillers need a miracle to keep their production from falling—a miracle, however, not being seen on any horizon coming to their rescue any time soon, as America is continuing to outrageously pour the bulk of their national treasure into their military forces—an absurdity as Russia’s new hypersonic weapons have now made gargantuan spending by other nations on military deterrence programs meaningless—to include a Russia that has cut its defense budget so much it now ranks just seventh in the world in military spending—thus enabling Putin to prepare a “Fortress Russia” to “create conditions so that NOBODY wants to fight us”—the reality of which is known to the US military who are racing to catch up with Russia on hypersonic weapons—most particularly their Commander-In-Chief President Donald Trump—whom Putin just stunningly stated about” “Donald told me that they have adopted an insane military budget for the next year, $738 billion...He told me that the costs were too high, BUT HE HAD TO DO IT”—with Putin, also, amazingly stating about Trump: “He actually advocated disarmament”.   
According to this report, in a hoped for future where anti-Christ demonic globalist forces have been vanquished from our world, the historians of that time will look back and mark the date of 9 October 2009 as one of the darkest days of this current epoch—the date on which it was announced that President Barack Hussein Obama would be receiving the Nobel Peace Prize—the yearly award given to a person and/or entity that “has done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses”—but upon receiving, saw Obama rampaging across the globe ordering ten-times more drone strikes than his “war hawk” predecessor President George W. Bush did—and whose blood-soaked legacy, that ended when President Trump took power in 2017, the Los Angeles Times grimly described as:
U.S. military forces have been at war for all eight years of Obama’s tenure, the first two-term president with that distinction.
He launched airstrikes or military raids in at least seven countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan.
And for the first time in decades, there is at least the potential of an armed clash with America’s largest adversaries, Russia and China.
In stark and vivid contrast to the blood-soaked legacy of Obama’s despotic socialist-globalist eight-year reign of terror, this report details, President Trump’s now just over three-year reign has seen no new wars or interventions in Iran or Venezuela, has seen a partial drawdown of US military forces from Iraq and Syria, and his just completing an Afghanistan withdrawal deal to end his nation’s longest war—and when added to Trump’s historic dealings with North Korea, sees him and his Republican Party now being the new home for anti-war Democrats—which, in turn, sees the Democrat Party having no answer for Trump’s anti-war posture.
By trying to win back their anti-war members who defected to President Trump and his Republican Party, this report continues, these deranged socialist Democrats sought to overthrow Trump in a hoax impeachment coup—that spectacularly backfired on them and saw Trump’s approval rating hitting a new record high—and because of today sees these Democrats “treading cautiously on Trump investigations”—and with Republicans fully embracing Trump, these Democrats now say they have few options left in their arsenal—which explains why these demented Democrats and their leftist mainstream allies have ignited a coronavirus panic driven by anti-Trump hysteria.
38% of Democrat-panicked Americans won’t buy Corona beer “under any circumstances” because of coronavirus outbreak—but Bud Light Man (above) is preparing to save them all.
Most interesting to note about this socialist Democrat Party and leftist mainstream media ignited anti-Trump coronavirus panic, this report notes, are that these are the exact same two parties who, in 2009, stood in silence when the deadly H1N1 Influenza Pandemic swept the globe—a silence that allowed Obama to wait until millions of Americans were infected with this deadly flu virus and 1,000 of them had died before he declared a National Emergency—that stand opposed to what President Trump has done to protect the American people, to include his instituting a travel ban on 31 January to keep the coronavirus out of the US when he first learned about it—a travel ban slammed by leftist fake news outlet CNN who insanely claimed that “the US coronavirus travel ban could backfire” and have the effect of “stigmatizing countries and ethnicities”—insane claims Trump has ignored by his instituting even more travel bans to protect his nation’s citizens—as like every other sane and responsible leader in the world, Trump knows that at the same time his citizens must be protected, this coronavirus is nowhere near as deadly as the flu that has killed over 18,000 Americans during the past seven weeks—a staggering death toll that includes 125 young children and babies, as opposed to the 20 of them who died during last year’s US flu season—and are babies and young children not even being affected by this disease, as NO CASES of children younger than 15 have been reported infected with the coronavirus.  
While deadly influenza epidemic rages across United States causing over 18,000 deaths (top map), socialist Democrat and leftist media propaganda has convinced the American people that they’re all going to die from the coronavirus (bottom map).
Most mind-blowing to notice in this Security Council report’s conclusion, though, is Chairwoman of the Council of Federation Valentina Matviyenko theorizing that the coronavirus hysteria overtaking the United States might be a deliberate action in order to deceptively force the American people into protecting themselves from the deadly flu epidemic sweeping through their nation—none of whom listened to the dire and grave warning that this year could be their worst flu season on record and set a tragic death rate for children—and in ignoring, astonishingly saw over half of all US adults refusing to get their flu shots this year—an actual health catastrophe that’s allowed over 150 million unvaccinated against the flu Americas to spread this epidemic throughout their entire nation to deadly effect—but since the coronavirus virus hysteria began a fortnight ago, and these Americans began doing everything the could to protect themselves against it so they won’t die, has led to the Centers for Disease Control to reporting today that: “Key indicators that track flu activity remain high but decreased for the second week in a row”—which appears to prove the old adage true that fear is a greater motivator than common sense.    
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i-hls · 5 years
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Cyprus Purchased Israeli UAVs
Cyprus has recently acquired Israeli UAVs to monitor Turkish gas drillers in Cypriot waters. Cyprus has purchased four Aerostar Tactical UAVs for $13 million from the Israeli drone manufacturer, Aeronautics. The UAVs will be used to monitor economic zones where foreign energy companies are
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savetopnow · 7 years
2018-03-11 03 NEWS now
Associated Press
Gun background check system riddled with flaws
Justice Department proposes banning rapid-fire bump stocks
Trump flies solo more, is said to want to rely less on staff
Amid little scrutiny, US military ramps up in Afghanistan
California gunman in veteran center killings was ex-patient
BBC News
Transgender beauty queen's plea for equality after pageant
Week-old baby western lowland gorilla in Congo
ICYMI: Rhinos, robots and tattoos
Jade Hameister: Silencing sexists in a -50C wind chill
Rare identical triplets go home in Kansas City, Missouri
Chicago Tribune
Police: Child, 3, accidentally shoots sibling on West Side
1 teen hits another with car near Dundee-Crown, Carpentersville police say
Cops warn of burglaries in South Commons neighborhood
Roommate finds man stabbed to death in bedroom on the West Side
8 wounded in city shootings, including 15-year-old boy
LA Times
Villaraigosa is not the former mayor of Los Angeles — at least not on the ballot for governor
'Bump stocks' face proposed ban from President Trump
Welcome to California, President Trump! Now skip the wall and let us educate you
Sweat lodge, Audre Lorde, magical holograms: Three stellar art shows that pull you to another place
New storm moves into Southern California, but don't expect heavy rain
NPR News
Syrian Army Seizes More Ground In Eastern Ghouta
West Virginia Teachers Win; DeVos Gets Pushback
Medical Cargo Could Be The Gateway For Routine Drone Deliveries
Angola Prison Lawsuit Poses Question: What Kind Of Medical Care Do Inmates Deserve?
Trade Is An Identity Issue, And Trump Knows It
New York Times
Op-Ed Columnist: In Praise of Globalists
Gunman and 3 Hostages Found Dead at California Veterans Home
In Britain’s Playgrounds, ‘Bringing in Risk’ to Build Resilience
Trump Rules: In Decline, Offshore Drillers Find a Champion in the Trump Administration
Planning Begins for Kim Jong-un Meeting Some Trump Aides Believe Will Never Happen
Injured Nuclear Workers Finally Had Support. The Trump Administration Has Mothballed It.
We’ve Updated Our Campaign Widget to Better Help You Follow the Money
ProPublica Wins Five SABEW Awards for Business Journalism
The Trump Appointee Behind the Move to Add a Citizenship Question to the Census
Florida’s Governor Will Sign Bill Expanding Workers’ Comp Benefits for First Responders
Reddit News
Justice Department Files Regulation to Ban 'Bump Stocks'
Costco says extra profit from tax cuts will be shared with employees
Women's rights group to fight for rights of 17-year-old girl who was beaten and tortured by new in-laws for failing the virginity test
Teen cited over Instagram video showing him kill duck with golf club
NRA sues as Florida enacts gun control
UK police looking at 240 pieces of evidence in nerve agent attack: minister
Trump to rally for endangered Republican in Pennsylvania
EU, Japan start push for exemptions from Trump tariffs
Justice Department files regulation to ban 'bump stocks'
Syrian army gains ground in intensified Ghouta assault
Reveal News
Nation’s largest janitorial company faces new allegations of rape
A group of janitors started a movement to stop sexual abuse
The Hate Report: How white supremacists recruit online
New documents about Jehovah’s Witnesses’ sex abuse begin to leak out
California is preparing to defend its waters from Trump order
The Altantic
West Virginia's Teachers Are Not Satisfied
This Average Joe Is the Most Quoted Man in News
The Unsinkable Benjamin Netanyahu?
Eric Garcetti Isn't Expecting Much From Washington
The Particular Horror of Church Shootings
The Guardian
Chelsea v Crystal Palace: Premier League – live!
La Liga roundup: Ronaldo earns Real victory as Sevilla slump to costly loss
Big firms push to overturn uranium mining ban near Grand Canyon
Michael Caine: ‘Boy, did we have fun…’
North Korea talks: Trump praises own role but Washington frets over details
The Independent
Russian spy latest: Britain to raise Sergei Skripal poisoning case with Nato allies
Vladimir Putin suggests Jews and other minorities in Russia could be behind US election meddling
West Ham implode on and off the pitch in heavy loss to Burnley
Everton get season back on track with victory over Brighton
Teenage waitress gets college scholarship after picture of her helping pensioner goes viral
The Intercept
A Hidden Factor in Police Shootings of Black Americans: Decades of Housing Segregation
Congress Failed to Meet Donald Trump’s DACA Deadline, but These Dreamers Are Fighting On
Ivanka Trump Backed Flynn and Manafort. She Discussed Firing Comey. How Has She Evaded Mueller’s Investigation?
U.K. Rolls Out Red Carpet for Saudi Prince on Anniversary of U.S.-Saudi-U.K. Car Bombing That Killed 83 Civilians
Elizabeth Warren Says Democratic Votes for Wall Street This Week Are a “Stab in the Heart”
The Quartz
China’s growing African footprint could lock the US out from its lone Africa base
Canadian currency will now feature its first Canadian woman
Mississippi’s radical new abortion ban offers a political opening for Democrats
The CDC wants you to know that trimming cannabis leaves may cause carpal tunnel
Dating app Bumble is treating gun photos the way it treats nudity and hate speech
Wall Street Journal
Tillerson Cancels Some Africa Activities Due to Illness
Trump on Kim Talks: 'Tell Him Yes'
Rohingya, Driven From Home, Face New Threat: Elephants
Jobs, Cash and Coffins: How Colombia's Clans Win Elections
Australia Disputes U.S. Tariffs Linked to New Security Pact
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majornelson · 4 years
Deep Rock Galactic Is Now Available For Xbox One And Windows 10 (Xbox Play Anywhere)
Deep Rock Galactic - Deluxe Edition
Coffee Stain Publishing
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Get the DELUXE EDITION to unlock the base game as well as both Launch Day DLCs: The awesome MEGACORP and DARK FUTURE PACKS! DARK FUTURE PACK: A hard-edged and tactical set of kit especially for our most discerning employees: 4 unique suits of Armor, two matching Helmets to go with the armors, and a matching Paintjob for your personal drone Bosco. Important note: The contents of this Pack are cosmetic only! MEGACORP PACK: Straight off the industrial carbon presses of the research floor! Includes a set of FULL MESH RESKINS of all the game's weapons. Pair them up with Class-specific Armor Paintjobs to match your new weapons, as well as a matching Paintjob for your trusty Pickaxe. Important note: The contents of this Pack are cosmetic only!
Deep Rock Galactic - Ultimate Edition
Coffee Stain Publishing
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Get the ULTIMATE EDITION to unlock the base game, the SUPPORTER UPGRADE, the MEGACORP and DARK FUTURE DLC packs! SUPPORTER UPGRADE: This is for the true fan that wants to aid us further in the development of the game. Apart from our undying devotion and everlasting thanks, it gives you 4 unique armor variants only available to Supporter Upgrade buyers, as well as a custom Badge that will display next to your name ingame to show just what a badass you are. DARK FUTURE PACK: A hard-edged and tactical set of kit especially for our most discerning employees: 4 unique suits of Armor, two matching Helmets to go with the armors, and a matching Paintjob for your personal drone Bosco. Important note: The contents of this Pack are cosmetic only! MEGACORP PACK: Straight off the industrial carbon presses of the research floor! Includes a set of FULL MESH RESKINS of all the game's weapons. Pair them up with Class-specific Armor Paintjobs to match your new weapons, as well as a matching Paintjob for your trusty Pickaxe. Important note: The contents of this Pack are cosmetic only!
  Get Deep Rock Galactic (base game) here:
  Deep Rock Galactic
Coffee Stain Publishing
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Xbox One X Enhanced
Supports Xbox Play Anywhere: yours to play on both Xbox One and Windows 10 PC at no additional cost. Deep Rock Galactic is a 1-4 player co-op FPS featuring badass space Dwarves, 100% destructible environments, procedurally-generated caves, and endless hordes of alien monsters. Hoxxes IV has the highest concentration of valuable minerals ever discovered; however, everything on the planet from the creatures to the fauna is extremely hostile. Good thing Deep Rock Galactic employs the best space miners in the universe: Dwarves! Combining two things Dwarves love most - mining and killing monsters - Hoxxes is the perfect job for any proud, space-faring Dwarf. *** 4-player Co-Op *** Work together as a team to dig, explore, and fight your way through a massive cave system filled with hordes of deadly enemies and valuable resources. You will need to rely on your teammates if you want to survive the most hostile cave systems in the galaxy! *** 4 Unique Classes *** Pick the right class for the job. Mow through enemies as the Gunner, scout ahead and light up the caves as the Scout, chew through solid rock as the Driller, or support the team with defensive structures and turrets as the Engineer. *** Fully Destructible Environments *** Destroy everything around you to reach your goal. There is no set path so you can complete your mission your way. Drill straight down to your objective or build an intricate network of paths to explore your surroundings -- the choice is yours. But proceed with caution, you don’t want to stumble into an alien swarm unprepared! *** Procedurally Generated Cave Network *** Explore a network of procedurally generated cave systems filled with enemies to fight and riches to collect. There’s always something new to discover and no two playthroughs are alike. *** High-Tech Gadgets and Weapons *** Dwarves know what they need to bring to get the job done. This means the most powerful weapons and the most advanced gadgets around - flamethrowers, gatling guns, portable platform launchers, and much, much more. *** Light Your Path *** The underground caves are dark and full of terrors. You will need to bring your own lights if you want to illuminate these pitch-black caverns. Full details on the latest status of the game, how you can give feedback and report issues can be found at https://ift.tt/2vuV1uQ
Product Info: Developer: Ghost Ship Games Publisher: Coffee Stain Publishing Website: Deep Rock Galactic Twitter: @GhostShip_Games / @Coffee_Stain / @JoinDeepRock
NOTE: This title supports Xbox Play Anywhere: yours to play on both Xbox One and Windows 10 PC at no additional cost. For more information on Xbox Play Anywhere, check out this article at Xbox Wire. Related: Huntdown Is Now Available For Xbox One Mecho Wars: Desert Ashes Is Now Available For Xbox One And Windows 10 (Xbox Play Anywhere) Huntdown Is Now Available For Digital Pre-order And Pre-download On Xbox One
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orendrasingh · 5 years
(Bloomberg) -- The golden age of U.S. shale is far from over, with an expected slowdown in the Permian Basin likely to be temporary, according to the new U.S. Energy Secretary.The shale boom helped transform the U.S. into a net exporter of crude and petroleum products in September from a major importer a decade ago. Even as growth is set to slow next year in the Permian and elsewhere as drillers respond to investor demands for capital restraint, Dan Brouillette said the shale boom has further to run.“Maybe there are some folks who -- for whatever reason -- thought they could make some quick money in this and they are learning that production is not as easy as you might think,” Brouillette said Tuesday in an interview in Washington. “You may see some of them go by the wayside.”Brouillette, who replaced Rick Perry at the beginning of the month, said improvements in drilling technology meant companies are better equipped to respond to price fluctuations than in the past. And prices are less volatile than they used to be, given the new status of the U.S. as a major producer. The widely anticipated slowdown in the Permian next year “could be a pause,” he said.“You are also going to see some natural adjustments to the price of gas and the price of oil and as a result some of those guys are going to pull back a little bit,” he said. “But that’s normal, that’s the business cycle, that’s not the Permian becoming unproductive.”Saudi AttacksIn September, a drone attack in Saudi Arabia temporarily knocked out half of the country’s production, while OPEC and its allies this month announced deeper-than-expected output cuts.“The recent events in Saudi Arabia, the recent events with OPEC -- none of those had any sort of dramatic or extraordinary move of the market associated with them,” he said. “We’re just not subject to the same types of price shocks that we used to be subjected to.”The producer group “just doesn’t matter in the same way that it did a generation ago,” Brouillette said.According to Brouillette, one risk to the growth of U.S. production and exports comes from Democratic presidential candidates including Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders who have promised to ban hydraulic fracturing, the process by which shale rock is broken apart to release oil and gas.“It would be detrimental to the U.S. economy if folks were seriously considering that” given the shale boom has saved American consumers billions of dollars, he said.Although flaring of natural gas remains a problem, a lack of available infrastructure doesn’t help matters, he said. “Even if we could capture the gas, it’s not clear we could get it to the marketplace. We just need more pipeline capacity.”SPR FutureSoaring exports have also raised renewed speculation over the future of the nation’s emergency stockpile of oil, known as the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. President Donald Trump previously proposed selling off half of the reserve.Brouillette brushed aside the suggestion that the reserve should be scaled back further or was no longer needed, given its very existence provides some assurance to markets during periods of turmoil such as the attacks on Saudi oil facilities in September.“It’s there for a very good reason,” he said. “It needs to be there for that reason and I think you will see it stay there for that reason.”(Updates with further comment in fourth and fifth paragraphs)To contact the reporter on this story: Stephen Cunningham in Washington at [email protected] contact the editors responsible for this story: David Marino at [email protected], Mike JeffersFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
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