#drider ovipositor
On the topic of oviposition, have you considered: a drider who needs to find a safe, warm place to lay their eggs
How could I have missed Driders?????
Forgive me if the first bit isn't a typical oviposition theme but it popped in my head and now I need to vent it!
But a Drider female who needs to lay her eggs in a safe place, but she cannot find a secluded area to her liking.
You offer to harbor her eggs for her. Since you're around her den a lot and don't go far, you could keep her eggs close. And your warm body would be a great asset to the eggs growth and development.
Plus, she wouldn't have to lay the delicate sack against the hard stone walls. Or worry her webbing would fail if she's away for too long.
She's unsure at first. Not because she doesn't trust you but because she has never placed her eggs on a living organism before.
But after some discussion, she agrees and it's a rather messy endeavor. Lots of webbing and thick, bulbous sacks that rest against your chest and stomach as you lay on your back. Allowing her to lay her eggs against your skin.
There's something intimate about this situation. You rub your hands along her lower abdomen, soothing her and massaging her as she carefully places each sack against you.
Once her eggs are laid, she delicately wraps web and silk around you. Securing the sacks to your body.
She assures you that her brood won't eat you when they hatch. She promises to remove them when the incubation period gets close.
She's worried her brood might be too heavy for you. But you shoo her worries away gently as you wobble around with the new weight.
Your back would definitely start aching after a few days, but the eggs are safe and your Drider partner is absolutely thrilled about this new prospect of egg-laying.
A little NSFW version below with a Male Drider:
Your Drider lover needs to breed. A different sort of breeding than your usual intimate activities, you found out.
He's sweet when he explains about the ache in his arachnid abdomen and the build up of eggs he needs to deposit. And speaking about such a topic starts to rile him up.
He grows incredibly needy.
You agree to bear his eggs. And he lays you on a bed of silk, mounting you differently than he usually does.
Instead of his humanoid cock from the front of the body, be begins to grind a pointed tip against your center from the end of his spider half.
It's hard at first. But with more friction and the encouraging warmth from your body, his second length begins to slide from its hardened sheath.
You've never seen this part of him before. It's thick and flexible, but finds your waiting core easily. Your head rolls back as your penetrated in one smooth stroke. And your lover hisses above you. His many legs twitching as a blinding pleasure overtakes him.
You feel a cool substance slide between your legs from him and very quickly, your body falls into a relaxed state. The bliss and pleasure remains as your partner fucks slowly into you. Thrusting until you feel him so deep inside you it feels like he's pressing against your womb.
You watch as his abdomen swells and tightens, then something round begins to slide down the length that connected the two of you.
Your mouth falls open as your walls are stretched and the burn of the intrusion is soothed by whatever aphrodisiac like secretion pours from his cock.
The egg sack settles heavily in your core and you groan as a second follows.
Your Drider lover purrs sweet words to you as you open your legs more for him. Welcoming his eggs as he continues to pound into you. A loving, but brutal, rhythm so his eggs are left as deep within you as you can take.
Your Drider lover only stops when he feels you can take no more. And he slides out of you slowly. Kissing his way down your body until his fangs trace over your inner thighs.
When his tongue licks over your core, you feel his eggs roll inside you as you squirm under the harsh stimulation.
"You look so beautiful swollen with my brood, my love." He says. Pressing more kisses along your rounded abdomen.
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Does anyone else daydream about jerking off Drider ovipositor or is it just me
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sinful-lanterns · 4 months
Lmao. I realized that since the Researcher is someone who’s always curious and studying monster biology, that means she also studies the sexual anatomy of monsters too…
Researcher Reader who has Lamia! Serpent get naked so she can draw her two hemipenes. Or her making Werewolf! Zoya get naked so she can analyze what a “knot” looks like 😭😭
Siren! Lamia’s pussy…Drider! Garofano’s ovipositor…yeah, the Researcher is a bold woman who shamelessly asks if she can document what the reproductive organs of a monster looks like 😅
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monster-slxt · 10 months
Knocked up by a drider?
I'd been careless, walked right into her web. It had taken her mear moments to cut off my clothes and trap me even further, spread eagle and ready for her. The drider was on me in an instant, her thick ovipositor forcing its way inside me, taking no time to prep me.
Hours later, countless eggs stretching my stomach taut, she securse me further. There's already no way I'm going anywhere, exhausted from the countless orgasums and extremely overburdened, but the drider isn't going to take any risks on her eggs. I'm secured tightly in place with her webs and pinned to the wall. I don't know how long the drider plans to use me as an incubator, but it certainly seems I won't be going anywhere fast
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it’s honestly a crime that i’m not getting facefucked by a drider’s ovipositor rn 😔
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annjo-wolfe · 8 months
I'm probably going to hell for this, but-
I've read my fair share of oviposition monsterfucker stuff and I propose a change to the standard oviposition formula.
In most shit where the egg "receiver" is a different species (usually human), the egg "giver" (usually a male of the species, i.e., naga, lizard man, drider, etc.) both fertilises and deposits the eggs.
Don't get me wrong, I love that shit. But I've contemplated the biological implications of this. What's the point of a male and female sex in a species, if the male has the fertilised eggs ready to go anyway? What do the females contribute?
some science -> Irl ovipositors are the female anatomy and have to be fertilised by male.
A species (naga, drider, etc.) that is hermaphroditic, having working male and female parts. Combat (either actual combat or friendlier, flirtier "combat") is a part of courtship and the losing party is the one that "receives" the eggs (already fertilised, they just need an "incubator").
It just so happens that humans often "lose" that courtship fight ;)
More sciency/biology ramblings under the cut...
Now whether the offspring receive genetic material from both "parents" is up to you. Me thinks either, its a battle of genetic dominance, where the winner's offspring take no genetic material from the loser/egg receiver and therefore the "fittest" of get to pass on their DNA. Or the fertilised eggs receive some DNA from the egg holder (while in the womb due to cell exchange*) to ensure species diversity.
*cell and DNA exchange between fetus and parent occurs throughout mammalian pregnancies even after fetus conception.
Would that mean eggs could receive DNA from egg holders outside their species? WHO KNOWS!
First option means, they just need a partner with a suitable womb-like structure to work since they don't give any DNA. The second option, when paired with the idea that the incubating eggs can receive genetic material from species outside their own, means interspecies pairings would inherently ensure genetic diversity while still technically remaining one species.
If eggs can't receive genetic material from outside their own species then only intraspecies pairings would produce viable offspring.
Of course, they could just dump the eggs and leave (as Goniobranchus reticulatus - a species of colourful sea slugs do, which this whole idea was partly based upon). But me like the pregnancy fluff. And perhaps the species evolved to stay with partners and care for young, to ensure their survival. Through only the breeding season or perhaps for life.
Shoutout to @thetravelerwrites for their Naga x Human piece for planting the seed as well as @moonloredraws for her comic Stellar Jewels for watering that seed into this monsterfucker plant of insanity!!
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eggedbellies · 1 year
You knew there would be exotic wildlife when you agreed to go with your friends on this jungle trip, but you had no idea what you were in for until it plucked you from the forest floor!
Your guide made absolutely clear to stay together and stay with the group, and you had been keeping up with everyone, admiring the myriad of sights and sounds the deep jungles had for you…until you caught a scent. It was subtle amid the rich variety of smells, but it was *pleasant,* drawing you off the trail toward its source. The aches in your muscles from the terrain gradually melted away, replaced by a need you couldn’t place, only that this scent promised fulfillment if only you followed it on.
You didnt see the web until you walked right into it, and even then its thin strands could only be seen by the sheen of condensate on their strands, but it held you in place sure as anything. The vibrations of your collision alerted something, and you heard branches snap and alarmed animals flee as something big and heavy descended from the canopy, its presence announced by numerous legs touching down. You couldn’t move your head to turn and see it, but you didn’t need to, as that pheromonal scent became almost overpowering, the ache deep inside you rising in response. The creature approached you, and you could feel long thin arms tipped with claws touch you with a gentleness that belied awful strength. It took several sharp inhales of you, taking your own scent, then one more from between your legs — and then you felt the web vibrate as it positioned itself, pressing you into the web with its bulk.
You felt something ridged and spiny run itself between your legs — when did it remove your shorts?? — narrowly grazing your lips as if to tantalize you. it ran its length between your legs a few more times, getting closer and closer with each stroke, before a flared tip plunged itself inside you. the arrowhead-shaped organ plunged deep into you, making a smooth entrance; withdrawing was quite another matter, as those same ridges and spines raked against your walls, and the head of it prevented exit. it seemed to expand inside you, widening you by degrees, the sensation amplifying and the scents intensifying, before—
You felt it run up the length of what you quickly realized is an ovipositor, the arrowhead tip having opened up your womb, and with a little more pressure — pop! its spherical density passed and settled inside you. another one quickly rolled up the ovipositor, pressing those spines and ridges into you even harder, the pressure sending it through with another pop! again and again it sent more of those eggs into you, until your belly had begin to push outward with their mass. just as you were certain you couldn’t take anymore, one last pop! sent you over, and its strong limbs took hold of you as you went limp and faded from conscience.
you awakened back at camp, your friends and the guide as confused as they were relieved to see you. amazingly, you found your way back alone, unharmed and relatively unblemished, sleeping in your tent! you were ready to write it all off as some weird fever dream when you sat up and felt several somethings shift within your belly. putting your hand on it and gently pressing it confirms what you already know: it wasn’t a dream.
You wonder how long you'll carry the cargo before it demands to come out, how soon it'll be before you start to show, if you start to show at all. But you do. You return home from your trip, and people think you're pregnant, as you continue to grow and grow until you're so gravid you can only waddle, too ashamed to tell people that you were bred by a drider... and when you finally lay your clutch, your body aches so badly you cant help but book a trip right back.
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yandere-fics · 7 months
I couldn't help myself, I had to do it. I'm so sorry for your mental state for what I'm about to do to it. Please forgive me.
It was time, every so often she needed to empty herself, and every time you had always agreed. Today would be no different as you heard the tapping, the scuttling of her coming ever closer, of her joining you in your love nest. Her chitinous claws were the first thing to grip around your throat, slowly moving up to your jaw to force you to look up at your lover, the drider Kassien. "Oh Lovely, were you waiting for me?" You gave an enthusiastic nod, as you had learned her cycle quite well. You knew when she needed to plant her eggs inside you and had always prepped the week before she would fill you. "Oh Lovely, Daddy is so happy that you've begun to ready yourself for my eggs. Now, Daddy wants you in position, Lovely." Once Kass' claw was off, you rushed into position underneath her quite eagerly, presenting yourself for her. Kass could only chuckle slightly, you were so good to her and she loved it. Her ovipositor emerged and you could feel it exploring, probing before it would finally enter. "Brace yourself, Lovely, because I plan to make you so full of our children, that you won't be able to move without my help."
how dare you do this to me, I'm going to be thinking about this all week
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the-black-manor · 11 months
trick or treat, sir? :)
- 🥚
You are jumped from behind by a drider. It forces its ovipositor inside of you and lays its eggs, more and more and more, making your stomach bulge until you’re too heavy to move.
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heavywebbing · 22 days
becoming ;; genital discussion under the cut, as I feel it's important to know!
The drider is a little different from most of it's kind. When it's body was bound into the drider form, it retained it's old genitals. Whilst they are infertile in it's drow parts, the vagina is still retained; it's mounted on the front, hidden naturally by the position of the pedipalps when moving or at rest. It acts as it might have before, whilst it's front facing now instead of between legs, it still gets wet when it's aroused and is perfectly capable of having sex with it. However, most of it's desire is around it's ovipositor. The drider carries eggs with some regularity; while it can expunge these when needed, the drive to put it inside a warm body is incredibly intense. This ovipositor comes from just under it's spinerettes; if you looked when it was not aroused, you might see a very subtle crack and deep pinkish tone in it's chitin. The ovipositor is long, about a foot at it's full length. Coated in an incredibly thick lubricant which carries aphrodisiacal properties, it's probably about an inch and a half thick when it first emerges. Somewhat like a hose with rubbery segments and narrow ridges on it. However, once it's full engaged and the ovipositing process begins, it thickens considerably, and will usually push the person it's attached to their very limits to ensure it won't slip out. The lubricant is a natural relaxant and will allow the recipient to take the eggs. They vary in size between ping pong and tennis ball size, depending on how long they have incubated. Clutches can vary massively in size, and can be implanted in wombs or quite happily in guts too, although they tend to take less time to be expelled in that case. The drider will not kill anyone it breeds, although it's happy to stretch them to their limit. The eggs are not fertile and will be naturally laid within the next few days. They can be destroyed with magic or removed by other means, of course, but as the lubricant jelly plug breaks down, it will allow them to emerge. The reason they're not fertile is because there are no 'male' driders to actually fertilise the eggs, continuing Lolth's dominion over the driders and drow, preventing them from developing into an army against her.
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bnnuypilled · 11 months
You said both to truth or dare so:
What's the weirdest thing that's made you cum?
—rndm mutual <3
hmmmm, *suddenly forgets every time ive ever cum*
i think the best answer i can come up with was an audio file from r/gwasapphic where the voice actress was playing a spider-human hybrid (i think drider is the right word). she catches you in a web and audibly debates killing you and eating you before deciding you'll carry her clutch of eggs instead. and then fucks the listener senseless on her ovipositor.
im scared shitless of spiders irl lol, but something about that was super hot. i also *highly* doubt that's the weirdest thing i've cum to, but it's what comes to mind :3
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sinful-lanterns · 1 month
Well, since you liked my previous posts so much for the Monster AU, let me indulge you with my absolute thirst for Drider!Garofano. 😌 Okay, so she's HUGE in terms of overall size, especially when it comes to the span of her spider legs. Honestly, she could give Hachishakusama!Sumire a run for her money. 😂 While I personally imagine that her human torso and arms would have some of the chitinous structure that arachnids have to serve as armor (or like clothes I guess), I also like to imagine that her spider half would be more furred and fuzzy like a tarantula.
That said, Drider!Garofano's really great for cuddling with, and she's more than happy to let Researcher curl up against her side or even underneath her fuzzy spider abdomen to keep the human warm! She'll be so sweet and devoted. I like to headcanon that she probably make amazing quality clothing with her silk webbing (as a fun little nod to her canonical tailoring abilities) for both Researcher and the other monsters, especially the ones not used to dealing with cold weather.
That's not to say that Drider!Garofano can't be fierce too! She's an excellent hunter, and despite her size, she can move almost silently when she wants to. Like many spiders, she can move ridiculously fast too because of her many limbs. With those two factors combined, she can rack up a prey kill count as easily as any of the animal monsters, but she'll definitely make sure Researching won't go starving anytime soon. Considering her age, and that she's lived so long at this point, I'm sure she might even also have a couple scars to show from territorial battles, fights for food, or even fights to get a prospective mate. Speaking of, during mating season, I headcanon that Drider!Garofano lures Researcher away further into the forest and courts her with a mating dance (not unlike how a Peacock Spider would I guess 😂) and even has a cache of fruits in offering to try and sweeten the deal. 😉 And because this IS Researcher we're talking, she accepts immediately... 😏 Cue Drider!Garofano using her webbing on the various trees around them both to make something like a sex swing for Researcher to rest in. She picks the little human up and puts her in it herself before carefully using a bit more webbing to bind her safely in place. Because of Garofano's size, it's not always that easy to get you both in a comfortable position to mate in although I'm sure Researcher usually tries her best in with an ass up, head down posture to better accommodate Drider!Garofano's ovipositor... 😌 With the swing though, Drider!Garofano can better see and touch her favorite human at her leisure. She always wants to make sure Researcher's comfortable before mating, so no matter how... excitable she is during mating season, Researcher's pleasure always comes first. It's always much easier to slip her eggs inside when her favorite human's already so nice and wet after all... Researcher's moans are so cute, so I can imagine Drider!Garofano's eyes go a little hazy with desire as she begins railing you, dreaming of the day that Researcher will lay a cluster of little drider eggs for her. After the last egg slips in, I can imagine Drider!Garofano gently untying Researcher from the swing before plopping herself back on the ground and tucking the human up against her abdomen. She curls a couple of her spider legs around Researcher, warming her against any stray chill in the air and to instinctively guard her against any potential attacks while sweetly feeding her the fruits and snacks she bought for Researcher earlier. She has to get the human's energy back up for another round or two... 😏 - 🌙 anon
Honestly I too, also pictured her with a chitinous exoskeleton structure for her spider torso, but Garofano being a fuzzy tarantula just fits her more methinks. I’m sure the Researcher just loves to be smothered by her when Garofano sits down on top of her (The Researcher asks for this often) and she loves running her hands through all the fuzz.
As for the actual mating aspect of Garofano and the Researcher, I can see Garofano doing this little thing where she taps some of her legs on the ground to indicate to the Researcher that she wants to mate. I’ve seen a video of a spider do this, but basically they raise their legs up really high and then do a small drumming sensation on the ground to alert any potential mates in the area that they’re ready to mingle. So just imagine…Garofano doing little tippy taps to let you know she’s horny and wants sex <3
Aghhhhhh Drider! Garofano is so cute but so sexy in so many ways! I love all your ideas for her, from the sex swing made out of webbing to Garofano bringing her mate little fruits and skewers of meat so you could replenish your energy. The Researcher definitely looks forward to mating times with Garo, especially if it means getting filled with that thick ovipositor of hers 🥵
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kai-and-their-mess · 11 months
5 & 7
ask meme
5: Are you a monster fucker? what's your favorite monster?
im one thousand percent a monster fucker lmfao. i think my favorite would be slime monsters or driders! but i dont really have a favorite, COC and COC2 have pretty much fully corrupted my mind lmao. my favorite traits in a monster are: big cocks, big tits, ovipositor, tentacles, some sort of bodily fluid that also works as an aphrodisiac, massive cum output, milky tits, COC2 introduced me to the concept of lactating honey so theres that, and anything that can overpower me 💕
i forgot 7 lol
7: What is your favorite sexual scenario you've ever come up with?
the one i return to most? its the week of christmas, we spend the whole week teasing and getting riled up and then christmas night as we're cuddling on the couch we get carried away and have really sweet really intense slow sensual sex on the couch or on the floor by the couch
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eggedbellies · 1 year
Ok, but humans with mild spider features(like black eyes with a red center,  fangs) and aesthetics (like silk clothing,  webbing patterns on a dress, shirt with a spider pattern,  tie/bowtie with a spider pattern, dressed very formally or gothic) who can turn into a drider are so fucking hot.  Like spider legs burst out from their legs,  as they fall on the floor as they morph. Maybe the abdomen burst from their butt, growing and growing, as their legs morph to form a part that holds all their extra legs. Have claw growth,  maybe extra solid red eyes pop out.  Maybe mandibles if you like. Think how they would look if you like.   Till boom,  drider,  who is just so thankful that you accompanied them for the evening.  Thou I wonder what they plan.
hooogh yes I love driders honestly thinkign you're safe w just a nice little day out with a spider-girl, an evening trip, then next thing you know they're towering over you ovipositor dripping venom sparkling and thinking
oh no
(but maybe. oh yes.)
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fullhalalalchemist · 2 years
You want an embarrasing horny thing to distract you? I an amab person figured out I'm nonbinary thanks to a porn game (Corruption of Champions) after I found myself really REALLY into getting transformed into a feminine intersexed character and getting ovipositor pregnancy-ed by the driders in that game.
kinda hot but also i'm not surprised cuz sex and sexuality is so fluid and really opens your mind up to the possibilities that are out there
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yandere-fics · 7 months
Oh, I never did ask, what was your favourite part of that little bit of the drider Kass short bit? The claw around the neck? Maybe the probing of the ovipositor?
definitely the probing.
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