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webraciszekbastion · 1 year ago
Can I ask for Damon (p:eg), Pocket (drf:sh) and Levi (drdt) hcs with a female s/o that is the Ultimate Novelist and works too damn much she doesn't take a break?
Of course buddy !
I have seen several, such requests and it seems to me, to be charming to write. Immediately admits that I like the fact that you chose Damon for this request. anyway I hope you enjoy.
Fem s/o Ultimate Novelist who works non-stop, without taking breaks.
Pairing: Character x Fem!Reader
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Damon Maitsu
Damon is a book fanatic, so when you met, he was curious about your talent.
In the library of the academy you found, many of your books. Oh boy ! Your mistake. The number of sleepless nights, by Damon, to finish reading, your books, is only increasing.(Please, at least buy him a coffee after a night of reading)
Damon started talking to you a lot. He praised you a lot for your interesting plot and imaginative plot twists.
Very quickly you became close to each other. You helped Damon become more open and patient with his classmates. Damon became your Beta-Reader for this.
Quickly, however, your conversations became shorter and there were fewer and fewer of them during the day.
You were very anxious to have Damon read new material at certain times, after which it was again difficult to communicate with you.
It happened that you didn't come to class. This did not surprise Damon. Attendance at class is not mandatory, but when he saw that you came after a few days, with crumpled clothes, a mess in your hair and your eyes stuck on the screen, Damon became concerned.
During breaks, you were either sitting in a corner, continuing to pull the storyline, or taking notes. If you spoke, it was only when you were talking to the publisher or cover designers.
Damon had to take you to the cafeteria when he saw that you were starting to lose weight. No luck. Usually you were able to sit down an hour of notes and leave without even touching the food. Occasionally you moved something while writing, but not much, and most of the food landed on your blouse anyway.
When you forgot about the meeting with Damon again, he did not want to pretend that nothing was happening. This time he went to you.(He cares too much about you, but he won't say that out loud)
When he entered your room and saw you half-conscious, thinking what to write, he was worried. However, seeing the mess and dirty clothes, all over the floor, his worry quickly, turned into frustration.
Damon snatched your laptop, taking a notebook of ideas from the shelf and a tablet from the nightstand. You started asking him to return the items, explaining your busy schedule. Damon, however, was adamant and said that until you have bathed, eaten and rested a bit, your treasures, will not leave his room.
When you heard this, from Damon, you realized how much you had neglected yourself. Because of the mess at your place, you bathed in Damon's bathroom.(No worries. Damon is educated and respects the privacy of others)
When you finished bathing and changed into the tracksuit you got from Damon, you went out to him. Damon at that time prepared for the two of you, something to eat.
He's not a great cook, so your meal was macaroni and cheese and chicken sandwiches made from dinner rolls. It was nice, though, because you couldn't remember the last time you ate.(Don't be picky. Free food is always good)
After the meal, Damon, recounted to you every funny and absurd situation from the whole week, involving your class. You both laughed. Later you watched, some movie recommended by Kai. After this nice time, you stayed at Damon's place for the night.(That's because your room continues to be a mess, and because Damon wanted to be sure that you would sleep through the night normally tonight) You really de-stressed and relaxed in Damon's presence.
You still devote a lot of time each day to writing, but now more consciously with meal breaks in the pleasant company of your new friends.
The hour of 7:30 pm is officially the moment when you finish work for the day. It is also the time when you go to Damon and spend cas together. Mostly you talk about everything and nothing, cuddled in each other's arms.
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An attractive girl, quiet, mysterious, keeping to herself, absorbed in her own affairs. You definitely caught Pocket's eye.
He asked Rox and Enigme to talk to you.(It's not that he's shy. He just doesn't want to give the bad impression🥺)
Enigma pushed him to talk to you. It was probably the most awkward conversation starter ever.
Pocket, however, managed to make you laugh. It was a little ice-breaking, after which you started a normal conversation.
You like to listen to his stories from matches and training sessions. According to you, he would be a very interesting protag in the book. He for that, like hypnotized, can listen to the plot of your books and new ideas.(In particular, he likes to imagine the character of the lovely protagonist girls, or rather any female character)
Whenever he talked to you, you were engrossed in work. But you always responded, answered and showed that you were active in the conversation. That's why it didn't worry him too much.
His concern grew when he noticed that no matter what time of day it was, you always sat in the lobby, typing something on your laptop.
Pocket is convinced that for the past two days, you have been forgetting to eat, so, he has started to bring it to you in the lobby. He was heartbroken when he sees that you can eat an entire meal in less than three minutes and continue to sit down to write.
Every worry on Pocket's part, you explained to him with a busy schedule and chasing deadlines. Because of this, he began to help you more. When you had something to move, he did it, meals during the day ? Do not worry Pocket cooks well, so he will take care of it. Something to carry, something to bring ? Pocket is at your disposal. Pocket is confident that when you are done, you will finally find time to rest.(So naive and innocent)
Deadlines passed, and in their place came more responsibilities and more ideas that you had to write down. In addition, you could have survived by drinking coffee instead of a meal.
Now Pocket saw you mostly as you walked from the lobby to the kitchen to make coffee. Of course, you had a tablet to write and check emails while you did so.
You go for coffee so often that you finally moved with your writing to the lunchroom. When Twin, Moraiteru and Enigma see you in the kitchen, they just turn away. They are afraid to interact with you.
Pocket wanted to know what they were talking about. When he walked into the kitchen, his jaw dropped. The number of cups of coffee you drank was probably greater than the number of balls Pocket had bounced in a season.
Pocket wanted to get you to take a break, but you were a walking bundle of nerves who only talks about work.
At some point you started to fall. Pocket caught you at the last moment. He started to panic and immediately went with you to Scarlet.(It took about fifteen minutes before Scarlet understood what he was saying)
Scarlet assured Pocket that it was from lack of sleep and an overdose of caffeine. She and the baseball player carried you to their place and put you to bed.
Pocket prepared you the best meal he could and brought you probably twelve packs of water (Scarlet said you must be well hydrated now).
You started going with Pocket to every meal. Of course, he's ready to slap you on the hands if you only look at coffee, sodas, energy drinks and other drinks that have caffeine in them.
With Pocket, you also talk to the rest of the class more often. With Rox, Cancel and Cross, you have interesting discussions about books and other topics you bring up. For that, both you and Rissi have fun when Twin, makes parodies of your books. Surprisingly, the four of you get along very well.
Despite the heavy workload, you are now trying to take a more healthy approach to it. If you overdo it again fortunately Pocket will come and remind you to rest. What would you do without your guardian angel ?
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Levi Fontana
Levi recognized you at the beginning of the year. You are his favorite author. It was actually an honor to meet you in person.
Talking about your work, how you take inspiration, how you started your career, was a fascinating experience for Levi.
Levi pointed out during the conversation that you have slightly damaged hair. He didn't want to be nosy, so he didn't pursue topic. He gave you hair care tips for that.(However, it didn't give him peace of mind that someone as put together as you are had hair torn up)
At first, he found it interesting to watch you create a new novel.
However, when he noticed that you weren't going to meals and were wearing random wrinkled clothes, he was worried and a little disappointed with your attitude.
Unlike the previous two gentlemen, Levi doesn't leave you to fend for yourself.
When he saw that you were dressed dirty, he would go to the boutique on the next floor and pick out a change of clothes for you. Later, when he handed you the clothes, he told you to change and do the laundry.
At least you had to eat two meals a day. Of course, in situations where you get too carried away in the land of your imagination, Levi supervises by eating with you in your room.(In this way, your meals together became a routine)
Whether you drink the right amount of water during the day is also supervised by him.
When you spend too long at work, Levi closes your laptop and tells you to eat something or rest. You usually don't have the courage to argue with him, and when you are absorbed in your work and you argue with him, Levi brings Hu to help.(You are well-mannered and respect the opinion of the group's mom)
Levi prefers to keep an eye on you, especially after you once showered yourself with orange juice in the cafeteria and your breakfast consisted of a handful of cereal.
While writing, you tend to wander around the halls. Levi, he's calm because you and Nico usually walk together, so someone is keeping an eye on you.
You once went for a walk down the hall after spending the whole day in your room writing a new novel. Nico tried to point out that you were still in your pajamas. However, you were absorbed in a conversation with the publisher.
Nico couldn't reach you, so they went to Levi for help. They said you were pale, shaking your head and could barely keep your eyes open.(Your little adoptive brother is worried about you 🥺)
Levi was tired of your workaholism. He went with Nico and took the tablet from you, telling you to go to your room, he told you to sort yourself out.
You went to the bathroom to wash and change.Levi, meanwhile, cleared the notebooks, papers, laptop and other things from your bed so that you could lie down.
You started arguing that you still had a lot of work to do on the last chapters of the book and that you still had to proofread two other books. Levi honestly stopped listening to you when he realized you didn't want to go to sleep.
While you were explaining your schedule, Levi took one of the blankets and wrapped it around you. He then placed you in bed, holding you tightly so you couldn't move. You screamed and complained that you couldn't sleep now, but Levi was already asleep, or he was very good at pretending to be. So like it or not, you fell asleep on your own a moment later.
When you got up in the morning, Levi was lying next to you, looking at you. You were grateful to have him with you, because after a sleepless night earlier, you now felt like a new person.
Levi started spending more time with you in the afternoons. He was happy when you two could spend time together, especially when he saw you finally taking time to de-stress.
Now Levi is calm because when you feel tired from work, you call him. Usually then one of you comes to the other's room. You always relax and fall asleep faster in Levi's arms, and since Levi doesn't mind, why not take advantage of it.(Of course he's happy. He would do anything for you)
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rekino2114 · 3 months ago
[Me checking tumblr this morning]
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Oh hey neat I have 500 followers now
Genuinely, I never thought this would happen, and to think I started this blog just because I was sick and bored one day.
I cannot express my gratitude for all the support you've shown me. It means so much that you like my stuff and every like,reblog request and follow is very much appreciated and means a lot. Thank you so much. I'll definitely continue writing stuff for you.
And here's to another 500
So I have an announcement now. To celebrate this milestone I'll add two fandoms to the masterlist, one of which I'll let you guys choose(because as a yttd fan there's few things I like more than a good old fashioned majority vote)
The first fandom is gonna be from one of my favorite things to write for:fanganronpas. I've narrowed the choices down to three of them and I wanted to let you choose which one you'd like to see me write for the most
Don't worry I will still add the fangans that don't win the vote later, probably when we get more chapters or I reach more milestones
I'll leave you with some small drabbles/incorrect quotes with the main girls from the fangans you can choose from for today's post.
Thank you so much again for the milestone and hope you have a great day
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[You and cancel are making out on the couch in your dorm]
Y/n:usually you're never this affectionate, what's up?
Cancel:What? Can't I show you my love once in a while?
Y/n:awww, you love me?
Cancel:yes, don't I say it enough?
Y/n:definitely not
Cancel:uh, just shut up and kiss me
[You continue making out until enigma walk in the room]
Enigma:Hey cancel have you see-
[She immediately pulls out while blushing intensely]
Cancel:Why are you here? Do you not know how to knock?
Enigma:geez sorry I didn't mean to-
Cancel:you still did, so go away
[He walks out as cancel looks away, still embarrassed]
Y/n:......guess you couldn't predict that
Cancel:[blushing] s-shut up
Akira hayasaka(dr:hd)
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R/g/n:Call me, cutie~
[She says while handing you a piece of paper with her number]
Y/n:.....I actually-
[She walks away before you can even finish]
[You throw the paper away and approach akira, who's still glaring at the girl]
Akira:what a bitch, she didn't let you finish half your sentences
Y/n:Yeah,you're way better
Akira:Did you really have any doubts~?
Y/n:[giggle] no
Akira:Good.......by the way, do you know what her name is?
Y/n:No, she didn't even tell me that can you believe that? Why do you wanna know anyway?
Akira:..........no reason
Y/n:.....Kira, you're not thinking about killing her....right?
Akira:No,I'm a hitman, not a murderer
Y/n:Oh good
Akira:.....that being said, I wouldn't mind someone putting a hit on her
Anko hibana(bdr:cp)
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Anko:[gasp] How can you tell such things about me, hiro!? and I thought we were friends, I am not clingy with y/n!
[You suddenly walk into the room]
Y/n:Hey babe do you wanna-
[She immediately runs to hug you tightly
Anko:Oh,how are you, my sweet and cute pookie
Y/n:....g-good thanks
Anko:I bet it's better now that I'm here riiiiiight~?
Anko:[giggle] good answer
[She starts peppering your face in kisses]
Hiroto:You seriously don't see what I mean?
Anko:hm? What were we talking about again?
Anko:sorry it's just that y/n takes up all the space in my mind when I see them, in fact, we're going out now
Y/n:w-wait we are?
Anko:so call me if you need me ok hiro?
Anko:I'll take that as a yes
[She grabs your hand and drags you outside]
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kris-fandom-box · 1 year ago
temporary pinned?
what to expect: ☆ left 4 dead 2 (♡) ☆ payday 2 (♡) ☆ persona 4-5 ☆ rhythm doctor ☆ drf:sh (but there's hardly a fandom for it on here) ☆ omori? (i just got into it so. either i'll post heavily or very little we'll see)
abt me: ☆ hi my name is kris. i go by he/they/it ☆ im a minor so proship and nsfw do not interact fankyew ^_^ ☆ i'll probably post art and alot of stupid text posts. maybe liveblog whatever im playing? :p
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schmegaman-x · 2 years ago
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"rock has probably watched this movie so many times he doesnt need to see it to know whats going on so he spend the entire movie staring at enigma lol i like to think somewhere in the academy theres just this huge storage room with a bunch of dvds in it.. most of them are bad but theres some real bangers in there" -me on discord posting this
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 3 years ago
Home Again
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/RaEFUx9
by schmegaman
after the person he loves dies, enigma is haunted by a ghost.
Words: 758, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Danganronpa F: Shattered Hope
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Rock (DRF:SH), Enigma (DRF:SH)
Relationships: Rock/Enigma
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Haunting, enigma depression arc lets go, Dreams
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/RaEFUx9
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schmegaman-x · 2 years ago
i mean yeah
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 3 years ago
Fireflies on the Porch
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dMXKyW3
by schmegaman
rock gets dragged to a house party he doesn't want to go to and runs off to go take a breather
Words: 840, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Danganronpa F: Shattered Hope
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Rock (DRF:SH), Enigma (DRF:SH), Pocket (DRF:SH), Twin (DRF:SH)
Relationships: Rock/Enigma (DRF:SH)
Additional Tags: i really dont know what to tag this with sorry LMAo, gay gay homosexual gay, Alcohol, just barely, god bless enigma, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, be warned literally nothing cool happens in this fic they just talk for a little bit
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dMXKyW3
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 4 years ago
go ahead
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3gY1xDH
by Anonymous
Enigma's never been sure how to feel about being touched. The burning, lingering sensation nags at him and it makes him squirm.
(in which rock is feely and enigma is touch-starved)
Words: 593, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Danganronpa F: Shattered Hope
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Rock (DRF:SH), Enigma (DRF:SH)
Relationships: Rock (DRF:SH)/Enigma (DRF:SH)
Additional Tags: this is just me projecting onto characters i like, also very heavily inspired but also basically the same thing by a souyo fic i read once.., im so sorry, they make out and stuff and its like kinda nsfw
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3gY1xDH
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