#drew this a while ago and realised i forgot to post it so erm here you go
tomboxed · 10 months
my wife mwah love him
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Bolin x female airbender (Tenzin’s daughter) Part 2
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You and Bolin continue sneaking around as your relationship progresses but after a dangerous development the relationship between you, Bolin and your father becomes even more strained and changes permanently
Part One here
Your POV
Ever since your dad caught you in Bolin’s bedroom he had watched you like a hawk. He didn’t bar your windows like he promised (your mother forbid it as a fire hazard) but he did have the air temple island guards incorporate your room into their patrol routes, which meant you had soldiers pass your window about fifty times a day. He also disovered you were using Pabu to send messages to Bolin and made the fire ferret wear a bell so he could hear him at all times. He even enrolled your younger siblings into keeping track of you. Jinora wasn’t too interested but Meelo and Ikki posted themselves in the hallway between your and Bolin’s rooms and would yell anytime either of you left them. With all this you’d think you and Bolin would get disheartened or put off trying to see each other but it only made it all the more fun. You’d soon learnt the patrol routes and worked out the times you could leave out of your window undetetced. Pabu got really good at sneaking around will holding onto the bell so it didn’t ring and you enrolled Jinora to distract Ikki and Meelo when needed. Which you’d done today, you were supposed to be in your room but had paid Jinora to keep everyone away from your room so you could sneak out to see Bolin’s first probending match of the season. You’d asked your dad to go see it and when he told you no you’d taken it upon yourself to disobey him and go see Bolin.
The operation was tricky, there were two active patrols, multiple windows and a sea to cross to get to the stadium but for Bolin you took it all on. When you finally reached the arena you smiled and made your way to the fire ferrets training room. You knocked and the door was opened by non other that Bolin. “Y/n!” Bolin cried seizing you in a hug that, with the height difference, turned into him picking you up “I didn’t know if you’d be able to make it”. “Of course I would” you smiled as he put you back down “it’s your first match of the season, no way my dad could make me miss that”. You took Bolin’s hand and he stared at you with pure adoration. “Maybe we should...” Asami coughed pointing to the door and Korra nodded “yeah let’s go get some waters or something”. “But there’s water right here” Mako protested but Korra yanked his arm dragging him out of the room, leaving you and Bolin alone. “So how are you feeling?” you asked “nervous?”. “A bit...” Bolin admitted “we’ve been out of practice for a while”. “Don’t be!” you cried “you, Mako and Korra are an amazing team, you’ve worked so hard and you’re the best earth bender in this whole thing, you’re going to smash the competition, literally”. Bolin grinned bashfully “you think so?”. “I know so” you smiled and took a t-shirt out of your bag. It had the fire ferrets in writing across it with a picture of Pabu as honorary mascot. Bolin cheered in glee grabbing it from you “this is amazing! Where did you get it?”. “Had it made” you smiled “turns out my uncle knows a guy so I had him make me a batch”. You tugged it over your head and turned back to Bolin “how does it look?”. “Amazing, you’re amazing, you being here is amazing”. You grinned as Bolin drew you into a hug burying you against his chest. It had been a while since you’d been able to just be alone together and not have to worry about your dad or anyone catching you. You forgot how much you missed him, just being with Bolin and smiled. “You’re pretty amazing too” you smirked blushing and Bolin’s smile grew. He leaned in and you met him half way and wrapped your arms around his neck to reach his lips easier. Bolin smiled against the kiss but soon became transfixed by the sensation of kissing you. You also hadn’t been able to kiss Bolin in a while and especially not like this so took your time enjoying it. Bolin did too and he carried on kissing you, the intensity growing as you both got more and more passionate. “erm guys...” a voice called beside you and you both opened your eyes to see Korra waving awkwardly with Mako and Asami by the door. Water in hand and in full view of you and Bolin. You both blushed and Bolin let go of you “sorry...we didn’t hear you”. “Yeah well you were pretty busy” Korra smirked and you blushed even more as did Bolin. “We have to go now or we’re going to be late! I knew we shouldn’t have gone for water” Mako cried and Asami rolled her eyes. Korra and Bolin hurried to finish getting ready and Bolin put his helmet on and turned to you “how do i look?”. You retied the straps of his helment, ensuring it was on properly, and smiled “perfect, now go win”. You pecked his lips and Bolin grinned before going to stand beside Mako and Korra. The three of them were pushed onto the stage by the moving platform and you took your seat beside Asami. “So you and Bolin seem good” she smirked and you nodded sighing happily “we are, he’s perfect” you smiled watching him on the stage. “If only my dad would but out and leave us alone”. Asami noticed how quickly your face turned from joy to fury and frowned, she’d never heard you talk about your dad so negatively. "You know your dad’s just looking out for you right?" Asami asked you and you sighed "yeah but it’s so over the top, i’m not a little kid, he can’t stop me from dating just because he doesn’t like it and i could do a lot worse than Bolin". As if to prove it at that moment Bolin knocked the opposing earth bender off the platform into the water and you jumped up cheering for him. Bolin grinned glancing over to where you were when his smile turned into a frown. You were confused when you felt a presence behind you. A hand grabbed your arm tightly "what do you think you’re doing here young lady?" Tenzin asked and you groaned. "Answer the question" your father glared "you know I forbid you from coming here". "But why? Korra’s here and it’s the first game of the season! You can’t punish me forever for what happened with me and Bolin it was weeks ago!". "Ow I think I can and it’ll be for a lot longer now too" he glared "now go home this instance". You sighed glancing to where Bolin was getting ready for round two but nodded, if you didn’t go your dad would probably drag you there himself. "Fine" you glared at your father and left the training room.
You exited the building and headed to the docks for a boat back to air temple island. You were so angy at your dad you didn’t even realise there were people following you. You didn’t become aware of them until they were right behind you. You’d taken a wrong turn and ended up at dead end. They stood at the opposite end of the street blocking your exit. When you locked eyes they sprang into action, running towards you and you went in panic mode. You ran forwards and used your bending to propel yourself upwards and then altered your air stream to push off of a building and touched down behind them. You had no idea who these people were but didn’t want to wait find out, you ran. Not really paying attention to anything besides the people chasing you, you shot around every corner rapidly, jumping over fences and under any barrier you could, using air bending to help you in any way but it didn’t seem to do much, they were still hot on your tail. If anything more people appeared to chase you until finally you rounded a corner to see a man waiting with his back to you. The man turned and you saw a white mask on his face. It was Amon, the famous chi blocker who could take a benders power away and wanted to ruin the air nation, apparently starting with you. You went to turn around and run the other way but his men were blocking it, having caught up with you. You frowned knowing you couldn’t let them capture you and went to airbend upwards anything to get away but the man spoke. "I wouldn’t do that if i was". Ignoring him you tried it and were met with a flurry of wires latching onto you that sent you crashing back down hard. You hit your head hard and were barely conscious but the last thing you remembered was the masked face coming closer.
12 hours later
"This is all your fault!" Tenzin yelled at Bolin who frowned. Bolin had been out all night looking for you, he was sleep derpived, out of his mind with worry for you, hadn’t eaten in over 16 hours hours and was bruised and aching all over due to his probending game. So while normally he wouldn’t have talked back to your father he was too exhausted to control his mouth "my fault?" Bolin asked "how is it my fault?". "She snook out to come see you! She was there because of you! She’s missing because of you it’s all your fault and if anything’s happened to her I will blame you and only you" Tenzin yelled. Pama and Korra frowned as Bolin’s face crumpled but Tenzin didn’t care "I never should’ve allowed this in the first place, I want you out of my house immedietly! You’re a bad influence on y/n and I won’t have you dating her anymore". Tenzin was cut off when the door was thrown open and Mako appeared with you. You were walking but had one arm around Mako’s neck to help you. "Y/n" everyone cried and your parents both got emotional over your bruised face and slumped posture. Your eyes were red raw and they asked you a thousand questions but you didn’t answer any. You turned away and they looked to Mako confused. "I found her by the docks unconscious, it was Amon’s men". "That scoundral!" Tenzin yelled watching as you walked soundlessly to your room. "That’s not all" Mako said as Tenzin went to follow you "she told me...she tried at the docks but she couldn’t...he took her bending". The whole room went silent and they jumped as you slammed your door, sending shock waves through the house.
Hours later you still hadn’t spoken a word. You wouldn’t answer your mother or father’s questions, or eat their food, or allow korra to heal you. You just curled up in your bed and stared at the wall. It seemed nobody remembered Tenzin’s harsh words after Mako’s bombshell, Bolin especially. He was the first to offer words of encouragement to your parents, the first to offer his condolences but also to remind them you were okay, you were alive, that was all that mattered. Your parent’s worry wasn’t easily washed away though and they hovered in your room fussing over you in every way possible. Pema thought you needed space to process but Tenzin refused to leave your side. Bolin itched to rush to your side and be with you but he knew Tenzin wouldn’t allow that, so he sighed and sat on the floor outside your room waiting. He heard as Tenzin tried everything to break you out of your silence, soothing tones, hugging you, begging you, even being harsh and raising his voice but nothing worked. Exhausted Tenzin fell asleep on a chair beside your bed, while you stayed awake not moving or talking just staring at the wall.
When Tenzin woke up hours later you were gone and the plate of food beside your bed empty. "Pema" he cried jumping up and his wife rushed to him "Tenzin?". "Y/n she’s...". "She’s fine" Pema told him. "She’s eaten?" Tenzin cried showing her the plate and Pema shushed him. She waved her hand and Tenzin followed her to were you were in the living room. You were curled up on the sofa, knees against your chest, beside Bolin fast asleep. Bolin was asleep too, sat upright with an arm around you. You were curled up into his side wrapped in a blanket, what of your face was exposed was pressed against Bolin’s side. "She’s...i don’t understand". "When you fell asleep Bolin tried with her, he convinced her to come and eat, Korra healed her injuries while bolin sat with her and then she fell asleep next to him on the sofa". Tenzin felt a stir of anger and Pema rolled her eyes "don’t you dare get angry! You didn’t see all that boy did, y/n was in shock and he was so kind and patient, she talked, he got her to talk! And to eat and even sleep! She’s woken up a few times scared and whimpering and Bolin wakes up too and calms her back down. If you can’t see how good that boy is to our daughter and how much he loves her then you’re an idiot Tenzin". Tenzin gaped, Pema never spoke that strongly to anyone and never him but his wife was dead serious. “I...I just don’t understand, why him? Why does she feel safer with him than us?”. Pema frowned “because he doesn’t see her like we do, like you do...”. “What do you mean like I do?” Tenzin asked and Pema sighed. “When y/n was born I saw how much attention you paid to her, how you watched her every move right up until the time she first started air bending, I’ve never seen you happier than the day she started airbending and I get it, on that day you were no longer the last airbender anymore, there were two of you but Tenzin she’s your daughter first and sometimes I don’t think that you see it that way, she’s your future, your whole next generation of airbenders”. “Now hold on...” Tenzin started but Pema carried on “I know you love her but I saw your face when Mako said her bending had been taken away”. Tenzin went quiet feeling guilty and Pema frowned. “But Bolin...I didn’t mean to overhear but her first words Tenzin were “”my bending””. After all the trauma, the physical and mental pain she suffered her main shame was losing her bending. She was ashamed of herself but do you know what Bolin said to her? Without missing a beat he told her she was more than her bending, her bending didn’t define her, she was amazing with it and she’ll be amazing without it, I don’t think either of us have ever told her that”. Tenzin frowned looking at you so content with Bolin and nodded “you’re right, I see her as my daughter the airbender...i don’t mean to but it’s hard”. Pema nodded hugging Tenzin’s arm “I know you don’t mean it but y/n notices, she’s had those expectations on her shoulders since the first time she used airbending but Bolin doesn’t see her like that, he doesn’t treat her like an airbender and she noticed that too, that’s why he soothes her, thats why she sneaks out to see him, that’s why she’s do anything for him...he sees her Tenzin”. Tenzin frowned feeling teary and nodded his head “I was wrong about them”.  
The next few days Tenzin was amazed to see how much better you’d become. You were not your old self, you jumped at loud noises, didn’t smile as easily and of course couldn’t airbend but you no longer looked so sad. Sat next to Bolin you physically brightenned and relaxed. Tenzin noticed how attentive Bolin was to you, how concerned he was with your wellbeing and knew he had to apologise to him. He managed to catch Bolin alone and gestured for him to follow him. Bolin did so nervously and Tenzin led him outside. Bolin stood beside him a few feet away as if worried Tenzin would yell at him again. Tenzin wanted to show him this wasn’t one of those talks but didn’t know how so just started talking. “When Y/n was missing I blamed you” Tenzin coughed “I unfairly put all the blame on you and i am sorry, that was not correct, I shouldn’t have said that to you”. Bolin frowned “You don’t have to apologise, I know you were just worried and I mean you were right" Bolin said sadly "she got hurt because of me, that’s why i’ve got to help her recover, it’s all my fault". Tenzin could see the boys eyes were filled with tears and shook his head. "No i wasn’t right at all! She was there for many reasons but I was one of the reasons, she snook away because i banned her from seeing you so she had to be sneaky, not to mention i sent her home alone late at night..." Tenzin sighed "i know you’d have walked her home and would’ve protected her, you’d have never let her get hurt". Bolin seemed shocked but nodded his head adamantly "of course sir". "But that didn’t happen because of me. I was so scared and so fixated on protecting her from irrational things like you and because of that she got hurt". Bolin frowned "it wasn’t your fault either, you didn’t know what would happen". Tenzin nodded but didn’t believe the earth bender "you’ve been a big support to her, the most helpful, you got her to eat and sleep and walk and smile and even laugh" Tenzin sighed "she feels safe with you" Tenzin told Bolin "she trusts you, more than anyone". Bolin blushed and smiled looking back into the house "yeah well...i trust her more than anyone too, she means everything to me sir, honestly". Tenzin nodded his head "i’m starting to see that, i’ve been treating you like the enemy, a threat to my daughter’s safety when you’re my biggest ally there, you only want what’s best for her don’t you". "Of course" Bolin nodded "i lov.." before he trailled off going red "i care about her". Tenzin stared at him before nodding his head "go back inside to her". Bolin looked at Tenzin shocked. He expected this talk to be Tenzin kicking him out of the house but now he was literally inviting him inside. Tenzin repeated himself "go inside, you’ve proven yourself, i shouldn’t have needed you to do it so drastically and i’m sorry for that but i trust you son, i can’t think of anybody better for my little girl and i know i don’t need to threaten you about hurting her because i think you’d beat yourself up more than anyone could if you hurt her". Bolin nodded his head "totally". Tenzin smiled "you have my blessing". Bolin grinned thanking him and went to go back into the house when Tenzin grabbed his arm "but still if you hurt her...the air in your lungs won’t be safe from me, got it?". Tenzin watched to see the boy’s reaction but Bolin only grinned. "Trust me if i hurt her i’ll give you all the air from my lungs voluntarily I promise!". Tenzin frowned thinking the threat didn’t really work if Bolin was okay with it but the boy was already back inside the house
Bolin’s POV
"Y/n you’ll never guess what" Bolin called coming into your room but stopped seeing Ikki and Jinora sat on your bed with you. Bolin had forgotten tonight was the big sister sleepover but smiled to see how well you were getting along with both of your sisters. "Hey, what is it?" You asked getting up and Bolin smiled. "Hi girls, I just got back from a conversation with your dad...". "Ow no, i’m sorry..." you started but he shook his head "no it was okay, great actually". "Should we go?" Jinora asked but Bolin shook his head "no it’s okay, don’t worry i won’t be long" before turning back to you "he gave me his approval y/n". Ikki and Jinora got what Bolin meant before you did and gasped. "He did?" you asked glancing back at your sister’s dramatic reactions and Bolin nodded. "I know i couldn’t believe it either! He actually thinks i’m worthy of you". "Of course you are" you smiled "you’re the best guy i know". "Me too" Jinora added and you smirked at her over your shoulder. "That means a lot thank you" Bolin smiled at you all "but i just can’t believe your father approves of me, this is so great! No more sneaking around or hiding, we can be seen and honest with each other! I don’t have to hide how much i like you". You nodded blushing and Bolin paused. He looked like he wanted to tell you something but looked at Jinora and Ikki and decided not to smiling instead "so i just wanted to tell you that". You smiled "that’s great news i’m really pleased but you know i always approved of you anyway right? I didn’t need my fathers approval to know how great you are". "Of course" Bolin nodded "i just never wanted to come between you and your family, i’d hate to be the thing making you unhappy in any way". "That’s really sweet but you only make me happy" you replied and Bolin’s face lit up. "That’s amazing to hear" he smiled looking at you like you were the best thing in the world. You blushed and Bolin shook himself out of his trance "so i’ll be going, I know it’s the big sister sleepover so i’ll get out of your way, goodnight girls have fun!". "Goodnight Bolin" Ikki and Jinora called and you smiled "night Bolin". He hugged you and you smiled closing your eyes. You seperated and Bolin’s smile mirrored yours "i’ll be right next door if you need anything...anytime". You smiled "thanks but i think we'll be okay". "Okay good" he smiled before closing the door.
Your POV
Bolin’s visit apparently made an impression on your sisters too. "I like Bolin" Ikki told you as you got ready to go to sleep. "Me too" you smiled and Ikki continued "he’s so strong and handsome but also so sweet and kind" she sighed wistfully. "Yeah, how did you get such a great guy to love you?" Jinora asked in typical annoying little sister fashion. You shrugged “honestly I don’t know" you smiled "but i love him too". "Awww" Ikki smiled "you should tell him". "Yeah i think it’s about time i did" you agreed. Ikki’s eyes closed and you drew the quilt around her more. "I didn’t mean what i said you know, i was just teasing" Jinora told you "you’re both amazing". You smiled "thanks". She smiled at you and you closed your eyes. "I heard him telling you how our bending doesn’t define us" Jinora whispered "not even dad told us that y/n, Ikki’s right he’s really special". You smiled thinking back on the memory "he is isn’t he?". Jinora nodded "i’m glad you’ve found someone so lovely, i hope i do". "You will" you smiled tucking her hair behind her ear "i promise". "Thanks y/n" she smiled hugging you and you held your little sister. "Also if you don’t tell Bolin you’re in love with him soon I think Ikki will beat you to it". You chuckled and sighed "don’t worry i’m going to tell him first thing tomorrow".
I wasn’t planning on doing a part two but you guys seemed to like the first one a lot and who doesn’t love more Bolin?
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