#dress up maiu
doueverwonder · 4 months
Then there was one of his actual children. The picture was relatively old considering Ludwig and Edith’s ages. Liesl, about seventeen, sat on a chaise; her dress was far gaudier than anything she would have picked out for herself; he supposes it fit her though, she was always her papa’s princess. Edith was next to her, only about two years old, he could only imagine what antics were going on behind the camera to get her to smile so wide. Ludwig stood next to them, he must have been only fifteen in the picture, if Albert remembered his timeline correctly. This must have been after unification, how Roderich got him into the picture was unknown to him, how he got him in an Austrian military uniform was even more of a mystery. The picture was perfect though, it portrayed the imitation of any other nobleman's children just as Roderich wanted. He was always obsessed with fitting in with the higher classes, always obsessed with more power but absolutely against getting his hands dirty unless he had too. He still remembered when he handed him a copy of the Privilegium Maius, Albert had laughed at it, and told him it was easy to tell; it was a forgery no one would believe. Roderich’s eyes had lit up telling him ‘oh but they did’, a bad forgery that made him an Archduchy. Rudolf invented the title for himself, the archduke, no one used it before that. 
*tosses a random paragraph*
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dohmalore · 5 years
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capsironunderoos · 4 years
Stories from the 531st
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That Night in 79′s
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: None!
Summary: @annamarie16joy​ Asked what would happen if someone was flirting with Punk and the 531st boys had to step in, and this was the answer to that question. 
Author’s Note: I hope you guys enjoy this lil piece I concocted for Maius and Punk! If you want to see more, don’t hesitate to ask or request!
capsironunderoos masterlist
You’ve finally managed to pry yourself away from the 531st, making your way to the bar at 79’s for a moment of peace. 
Or at least the closest thing to peace one could reach in a crowded bar full of rowdy clones. 
It had been ages since you’d seen the bar this packed, and you figured a random break in assignments and missions was to thank for that. 
You pick up your drink and turn to lean against the bar now, surveying the floor not only for your boys, just to make sure they’re staying out of trouble, but for any clones that dared to make their way to you. 
It wasn’t long before you’d fallen into the line of sight of an arc trooper, his eyebrows raising when he saw you, legs crossed and exposed, peeking out from a green dress you hadn’t worn since your academy days when you spent every other weekend at the local dive bar. 
You smirk, almost as if accepting his challenge, as if taunting the bull with a red cape, enticing him to make his way through the crowd and to you. 
You can’t deny that he’s handsome, a sharp jawline, pristinely shaved facial hair, and a 5 tattoo on his temple. His hair is dark and short, and his skin almost darker then his brothers, as if it were a testament to the time he spent outside and on missions. 
He shoves people out of his way just before reaching you, almost tripping over their slow movements, but quickly regaining his composure. 
You follow his movements as he sidles up beside you at the bar, right arm leaning onto the countertop. You look up at him through your lashes and notice the way he swallows in return. 
“The names Fives, ma’am.” 
He offers, eyes never leaving yours. 
“Interesting. Because of the tattoo?” 
You ask, and he shakes his head. 
“Tattoo is ‘cause of the name.” 
You nod, accepting his answer and lifting your drink. He watches the glass rim meet your lipstick painted lips and you almost laugh. 
“Look let’s just skip all the formalities,” he prompts, and you lift your eyebrows as if to say “Oh?” 
His left hand comes to rest on your thigh, and your eyes flicker down to it before meeting his again. 
You smirk, already seeing movement out of the corner of your eye. 
You set your drink down over you shoulder before lifting your hand to pat his cheek, as if in apology. 
Evident confusion settles on his face. 
“Hey Punk, you all good over here?” 
You remove your hand from Fives face, turning to see Maius looking at him with a stare that could kill. You stand up then, slightly adjusting your dress before leaning back against Mai’s chest. 
You glance up at him as he continues to stare, and you notice that he’s recently shaved. He looks younger, and it brings you back to a memory of the first time you met. 
“I’m good, captain.” 
You answer, and look back over to Fives, sending him a wink. 
“Sorry sugar. It was nice to meet ya, though.” 
Fives huffs, sending one last look your way before stalking off and back into the crowd. 
You turn to look at Maius now, moving to stand in front of him. He still isn’t looking at you, his eyes watching Fives as he disappears into the crowd, ensuring he’s gone before glancing at you. 
He visibly relaxes when he does, and you smile. 
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were jealous, captain.” 
You tease, and his right eyebrow raises, the small line where he has shaved it adding drama to the look. 
“Me? Now Punk, you know me better than that,” he answers, bringing his arm around your waist. 
“Be glad it was me and not Dice,” he finishes. 
And you are glad that it was him, but for other reasons. 
You let him pull you through the crowd and back to the 531st, and as you walk, you watch how his features change in the electric lighting of the bar. 
He’s beautiful, you think, war-torn, and run-ragged, but wise, strong. 
His broad shoulders sway slightly when he walks, and you note the new tattoo sticking out from under the neckline of the shirt he wears under his jacket. You reach up to touch it and he glances down at you, a smirk settling on his lips just before it disappears upon the arrival of the 531st. 
“That trooper is lucky Mai stepped in before I could,” Dice chimes as you move to sit in-between Mai and Pocket. 
Pocket rolls his eyes, fishing a straw out of Maker knows where and handing it to you before sliding a drink in your direction. 
You accept the drink, but not before you lean over Pocket, planting a kiss on Dice’s cheek. 
“Thank you Dice. Whatever would I do without you,” you coo, and he sits up straighter, chest puffed out. 
“You heard it from my wife, fellas. She couldn’t live without me!” 
He yells, and you laugh as you relax back against the seat. 
A few moments and stories pass and you find Mai has allowed his hand to rest against your knee. 
You sneakily glance down at it before casting a look in his direction, he smiles in response, taking a slow sip from his drink. 
You notice then that his hair has been shaved slightly on the sides, but the top has been allowed to grow, making way for the slight curl in his hair. 
Your hand reaches up to run through it, and when your fingers graze his scalp his grip tightens on your knee. Your hand retreats to your lap before quickly finding his and lacing your fingers together. 
“I’m ready to go, Mai,” you whisper, loud enough for only him to hear. 
“Okay darlin’,” he responds, squeezing your hand before unlacing your fingers and standing. 
“Alright boys. Pocket’s in charge.” 
A series of groans erupts from the troopers, and you laugh as you stand. 
“Pocket is always in charge!” Ki whines, and Mai nods. 
“Because he’s the only one I trust to keep you clones out of trouble.” 
“And alive,” you add, and Pocket sends you a wink. 
Mai extends his arm in front of him, gesturing for you to lead the way. 
You place a kiss against your opened hand and blow it in the direction of the 531st before turning and leading Maius out of 79’s. 
Once you’ve exited the bar, the night air wraps around you, and a chill makes it’s way down your spine. 
Mai notices, he always does, and removes his leather jacket to drape it over your shoulders. 
You pull it onto your arms before lacing your fingers with his right hand. 
A smile works it’s way onto his lips, and he knows that neither of you have drank enough to be acting out of character, that there had always just been some unspoken thing between the two of you. 
Your right hand moves to rest on his exposed skin, beginning to trace the tattoos running up and down his right arm before your head falls against his shoulder. 
You both stay in that position until you reach your barracks. 
Once you do, you turn to lean against the door frame, hand still woven with his. 
You both watch each other for a few seconds, but you could simply admire him forever, if he and time would allow it. 
He stands tall, even when not in uniform, and his tan skin seems even darker as it serves as a backdrop for his countless tattoos. His eyes are a soft brown, deep and endless, and waves of calm always seem to roll of off him. 
“Thank you, captain, for tonight,” you whisper, just loud enough for him to hear. 
He nods, smiling as he leans down to press a lingering kiss to your cheek. 
“You know I wouldn’t let anything happen to you, Punk.”
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phwoarcana · 4 years
My dumb ass only just got into Flight Rising and I'm so looking forward to making all my OCs on there! My MCs look super cute as dragons like!
Andraste: ((big buff babe))
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Maius/Maia: ((big time Tech 'n Space nerd))
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If there's any fellow players out there, I'd love to see your MCs like this! And if ya haven't an account ((or interest in the actual game)), I highly recommend signing up just for the Dress-Up and Morphology features ((what were used to make these 👌🏻))
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irrfahrer · 2 years
Remember to repost, not reblog! Bold all that apply to your muse  ,  memories of my childhood edition…
tw, contains mentions of abuse / neglect / death / trauma!
Tagged By: The Force                                                                                 Tagging: @peacefaithed @lessthantwelve @retrocognizantrecreant @cnlyluck @onehell-of-apilot @skysnipsw @lighthouseborn @space-hecate @themidnightqxeen @skyler-bane @hopexncarnate @starfaithed @thestupidmeanone @beskar-himbo  @arachnoheaux @kylo-wrecked @ofthestcrs @honorhunt  @lady-proudmoore @khenobi @savior-of-humanity @bracca-scrapper @starfaithed @builtonhoope @gildedcommander @fallesto @outcaststar @jedilovcd @poewingsdameron @cardinal-carvings   @jeedang @smertzimy @kyberllcore @berrakhira   @cfmartyrs  @vicicus @luminousxbeings  @thaneirstaer @admrl @notsith   @gwiazdowe @lvkexskywvlker @drabbles-n-doodles  @preempire @ad-maius-bonum @therabidcur  @ariadne-inthesky @archaeotech @sxbaist @lightfaithed @unascend @trueheartofarebel  @protectxthem   @sithisms @peacefaithed  @masterofthelivingforce @ofthestcrs  @startrailed @thelightsabcr @empatiaa   @wartornpilot @rcfekjwtaardby@protectxthem  @sithdestined   @honorhunt  @safrona-shadowsun  @stubborn-amphibian @rabldcur  @ncxile  @skywlkrr @vsoatahn @jedixamidala @chromium-siren @aetcrnus  @savesgalaxy @thestupidmeanone @fatewills...and everyone else who wants to do the prompt!    
scraped knees,  silent tears in a locked room,  slamming doors,  pervasive loneliness,  a dog barking,  rain on a metal roof,  flinching at movement,  the creak of an old house,  forced laughter,  wandering in the dark woods,  wondering how you made it through,  sudden loss,   trying to make sense of the noise,  hiding what you love to protect it, trying to explain but your words falter,  invaded privacy,  confusion at the pain,  running barefoot in the grass,  wondering what you did wrong and coming up with nothing,  realizing you aren’t a priority,   grass stains on white clothing,  trying to earn love you will never have,  being threatened over the smallest mistake,  secrets you are warned not to share,  the feeling of never being good enough,  the hope things might someday get better,  grief that aches in your bones,   childish dares and pranks,  the sense that your body isn’t yours,  shame and guilt that aren’t yours to carry,  sledding down a frozen hill,   absentmindedly following snakes through the grass,  punching a tree until your knuckles bleed,  tears over every dead creature you find,   searching out small places you can hide… just in case,  climbing the tallest tree so they can’t touch you,  the feeling of something tainted under your skin,  a curious child told to stop asking,  floral dresses, body tensing at approaching footsteps,  anger with nowhere to go,   brief escapes from the chaos,  the purr of a contented cat,  taking the blame to keep the peace,  being told you’re too sensitive,  the creaking springs of a trampoline on a sunny day
punching a tree until your knuckles bleed, anger with nowhere to go: Beeing send to the AgriCorps was Ziv beeing send to a task that fit her pefectly, yet it does not change the fact that the Tynnan grew up between the younglings that used “farmer” as a insult. Ziv had been a eleven year old child when she had been send to the AgriCorps and while she now understands a little why she had been send to learn under her Master X’Ma, it does not change the fact that she is still angry. She is angry that she had not been given the chance to be a Padawan.She is angry that she had been send to the AgriCorps. She is angry that she could not enjoy her studies in theAgriCorps because this beautiful work made her a “Farmer”. She is angry that she even now, years later, followed being called “Farmer”.
pervasive loneliness,  trying to explain but your words falter, the feeling of never being good enough : Zivs lack of skill to connect with other people in  combination with her closed off nature and her harsh character, also  blocks any potential she could have for Force-Empathy, Mind-Tricks and  Telepathy, but gives her a natural boost in shielding her thoughts and  feelings from others. Her telepathic talent only focuses on Mind-shield. Considering she grew up between highly telepathic people,who could easily communicate without words, Ziv alwas felt like she was lacking, like she was missing, like she could never say everything that is important for she could only use her words that were eventually never enough to truely tell what she wanted to say. She understood soon that she could never communicate the way her siblings in their Youngling Clan could communicate with eachother and eventually the children stopped trying when Ziv couldn´t open up, and Ziv did stopped trying tocommunicate too, building up even thicker mental walls. If she can not connect with others, they will have  a  hard time connecting to her. Which is in itself more a curse than a  blessing but since she grew up after the Order 66 it might had saved her  life a few times.
secrets you are warned not to share, the sense that your body isn’t yours, wandering in the dark woods : Despite Zivs harshnss, she is a nurturing character and when the Murakami Orchid asked for her help, she naturally helped the Orchid. It however meant another secret she had to keep in her life ans especially it meantanother thing that kept her away from other people: Zivs lifeanegery is fed on by the Murakami Orchid which bound them together, yet while that means Ziv has to keep away from other people to protect the Orchid from beeing find out, the Orchid can not communicate with Ziv due to her mindshield. So the Tynnan does what needs to be done to protect the Orchid and in a way she is closer to the flower than she could ever be with another sentient beeing yet she cannot communicate with the Orchid, needing to protect the flower makes her always keep away from people and she can not even ask the orchid for adviceor anyone else as the Jedi Order is gone and the orchid needs to be kept secret. Ziv is, once again, completly alone.
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scrutineerethel · 6 years
Recorded Transcript 
[[Scene: A large, clean, and well-equipped kitchen located in the basement of the Eridanii Embassy on Imperial Prime. Though it is relatively early in the morning, there is already plenty of activity here. A few well-dressed servers mix among a dozen chefs, all of whom wear aprons with the House Eridanus symbol embroidered over their heart.]]
An older-looking woman enters the kitchen. She wears a modest white dress with a high-necked, black coat over it - formal enough for daily business attire but lacking any sort of ornamentation that would be appropriate for such a gala.  Her grey hair is tied back in a tight bun. She carries a half-full teacup in one hand and a datapad in the other. 
After saying a few quick words to one of the chefs, she takes a seat at a small wooden table near the back of the kitchen where she will be out of the way of the workers.The woman taps a few notes into her datapad, then presses a button and speaks towards it. 
"Luzia. Review my appointments for today. As I recall, we had scheduled several meetings on Imperial Prime since I was required to be here for the gala. Presuming this lock-down of the embassy is going to persist, you will need to contact all my appointments for today and attempt to reschedule for later in the week. Do not reschedule tomorrow's appointments yet. One hopes this inconvenience will not take any longer than a day to resolve but ..." 
She seems to want to say something else here, but shakes her head and regroups instead. 
"... But, I will let you know tomorrow morning if those appointments will also need to be moved. For now, I am in the kitchen to try to get my usual work done. The suites are entirely too loud for this purpose. If anyone needs me, they should send me a message."
Another woman enters the kitchens, blearily rubbing her eyes. She's wrapped in a loose, fuzzy robe, her hair is in a messy bun perched precariously on her head, and she doesn't particularly seem to care that she's supposed to be at a "gala". She opens one eye and sees an older lady sitting at a wooden table near the back. 
"At least someone in here has some sense," she mutters to herself. She swipes a platter with a tea-kettle and two cups from a setting marked "Purple Seas" and makes her way over to the table.She sets the platter down in front of the other woman, probably disturbing any paper or tablets if present. She looks over to the woman, "Honestly, you'd think Lyra was as terribly off as Pyxis, the way they're stalling on paying a ransom. They can pay a ransom, right? Anyway, I'm Echo Brosson Perrin - House Pyxis. Tea?" She pours tea into both cups, regardless.
Ethelind blinks up at the younger woman, quickly pulling her datapad away from the platter.
"Pyxis, did you say?" Ethelind looks over Perrin appraisingly, then nods as if to say 'That tracks.' 
"Ethelind Riverty - House Eridanus." She pulls the full teacup closer to her, pushing aside her now empty one. "And I am inclined to agree with you about the ransom. Just pay the damn thing so the rest of us don't need to be held hostage here! Poisoning and kidnapping are simply assumed risks one takes when agreeing to attend an event like this. Surely Lyra should have budgeted for the possibility of a ransom?"
"Ethelind of Eridanus! A welcomed crossing, indeed." Perrin sips her tea.  "Your House sure knows how to throw a party.
"You know, I bet Lyra loves the drama. Maybe they're drawing it out on purpose. But I could do without a lockdown, honestly. How come you aren't up there with the other Eridanus hosts?" She peers at Ethelind over the teacup.
Ethelind crooks an eyebrow, then takes a sip of tea before she replies. "In truth, I had not planned to attend at all. While I appreciate the need for the festivities and opportunities for diplomacy the gala provides, it's difficult not to think of it as a colossal waste of time and money - which it is. I only decided to come to Imperial Prime when it became obvious that I wouldn't be able to accomplish anything at my offices on Tiber while the rest of my House is here in a drunken stupor." 
She chuckles a little at this, as if it might be a joke - though it doesn't really sound like one ... 
"Tell me, Perrin of House Pyxis - what do you know about the Lyran who's been kidnapped? Are they anyone of consequence? I confess, I was too busy yesterday to have paid it any attention until I saw the notification about the lock-down."
Perrin chuckles at the thought of House Eridanus in a drunken stupor - she totally missed the tone. "Well, from what I gather he's relatively well-known? Horuset Montgomery something-or-other? Unfortunately I'm a little out of the loop on gossip myself. One of the Pyxis Orators speaks fondly of him, though."
"Interesting."  Ethel stirs her tea, then calls out to one of the nearby servers.  "Tobias - would you bring over a bowl of sugar and a bit of milk?" 
There is a quick shuffle to see to Ethel's request, and the server hurries over with the milk and sugar bowls, which he places on the tray. He quickly retrieves Ethel's empty teacup before hurrying away once more. Ethel uses a small pair of tongs to drop two sugar cubes into her teacup, followed by a splash of milk. She begins stirring her tea again as she speaks. 
"I've had the opportunity to speak to a few of your Orators before, though I have yet to run into them in person. They seem like a friendly bunch. Quite .... honest." Ethel settles on the word after pausing for a moment.  "But you said that you are an 'Echo' if I am not mistaken? What precisely does that title mean in your House?"
"Oh hey, Tobias come back, I'm starving." Perrin points to the hotplate for the Purple Seas. "Just grab me that plate there that's ready to go, I'm sure the recipient up there will understand." She winks what she thinks is her most charming wink. Tobias hesitates for a second and then retrieves the plate in question, rushing back over to the cooks who roll their eyes a bit but start prepping a new plate for the restaurant. 
"The Orators are good folk. Probably as honest as they are because they can't wait to not be stuck talking to a bunch of stuffy diplomats - no offense." Perrin stabs a sausage and waves it around a bit as she talks. 
"So, Echoes - we basically carry information system to system. Sounds redundant, right? The way comms work anyway? Well my ship houses internal Pyxis messages that need to cross the sector in  a way that -" She looks around. "- Velan routes can't, if you catch my drift." She pops the sausage in her mouth.
Ethel laughs a little. "Yes, one of your Orators recently told me I was lucky he'd answered a communication from an Eridanii at all. It is not difficult to imagine that we bring bad news to House Pyxis far more often than good news." 
She looks over at Tobias again, who tries for a moment to evade her glance but finally gives in as she crooks a finger at him. He crosses the busy kitchen a third time, garnering some irritated grunts from the chefs as he does so. 
"Toast and jam for me, Tobias. The black currant if any was brought over from Tiber - which it certainly should have been."  Tobias nods and speeds off to fulfill the new request. 
"So if your Pyxis Echoes are taking 'alternative' routes to deliver these messages, does that imply that the messages reach their destinations faster than they would using regular means?"
Perrin's eyes light up and she shoves her plate to the side. "Okay, so -" She holds her palm flat, facing up and activates a small hologram of the sector map above it. 
"Here's Imperial Prime. Here's say, I dunno - Halvei, in the Oenon System." The two sectors light up. "If you want to go the traditional way, using Imperial Velan charts, you'd drill through spikespace in these sectors." Sectors light up on the map in a connected line from Imperial Prime to Halvei. 
"Buuuut - and this is the cool part - what if you drill here and end up here?" She points at the two planets and Imperial Prime and Halvei's sectors light up with no connecting lines.
Ethel stares down at the hologram, takes a long sip of tea, and then stares at it again. 
"From your enthusiasm, I have to imagine the answer is that you somehow arrive safely at your intended destination. Though I honestly cannot understand why it wouldn't be more likely that you lose yourself and your message in a black hole. Though, perhaps, that is part of the ... charm?" Ethel hangs uncertainly on the word, clearly a little out of her depth when it comes to sussing out Pyxis motivations.
Perrin laughs, "Exactly! It's like folding a piece of fabric and connecting those two points to make a new pattern - skip all this extra time and space in between. And besides, falling into a black hole wouldn't even be the worst outcome - imagine what you'd see once the event horizon spits you back out." She stares wistfully into the distance for a moment and the hologram disappears. 
She sighs, "Honestly, we know what most of the sector thinks of us but, someday we'll have hard evidence and not just theory. I refuse to believe there's nothing else in the sector."
Tobias drops off Ethel's toast and jam and then hurries off before either noble can make another request of him. 
"It is certainly enlightening to see your exuberance for your craft. It's true that I - and I suppose most of the sector - do not understand the risks that you and your House take. But when you describe it as such, it sounds like a brave and worthy endeavor ... if maybe a bit foolhardy as well." 
Ethel gives Perrin a small smile. She's obviously trying so. hard. 
"But the idea of there being more in Acheron Rho ... what do you mean by that? What would you hope to find, exactly?"
"Well!" Perrin leans back and hooks an elbow over the back of her chair. "House Vela says we've mapped the whole sector, right? But who has access to those their archives now - only them. They sure have a lot of power in controlling the flow of people. House Vela adjusts the maps. Who's to say they didn't do that already and there's a sector with a forgotten planet in it? Because they didn't like what we - and I say we as in, Pyxis was once part of Vela - found there?"
Perrin leans forward again and holds her hands up. "Vela has the power to just say, 'Hm, nope - this planet doesn't exist anymore,' and cut them out of the map completely! Imagine what that could do to a population or a House - cutting them off from the Imperium like that." She shakes her head and tuts. "We're trying to make sure that doesn't happen, and if it did we want to find out about it."
"So you are speaking in hypotheticals, then? It is not that Pyxis knows Vela has done this, but that Pyxis knows Vela has the power to do so?" 
Ethel picks a bit at her toast, frowning slightly. 
"And if it had been done in the past, surely Vela would not have made such a move without the express support or instruction of the High Church, no? Particularly if it was done to separate - or erase - the population of a former House?" 
Ethel looks up at Perrin pointedly.
Perrin squints a little at Ethelind. "Any Pyxis that actually were around long enough to access records as to whether it happened before are probably long dead - occupational hazard with us, of course. As for which institutions would have been behind it well, the High Church -" Perrin's mouth twists a little around the words "- and the Imperial House itself - especially since there was a Velan Emperox." 
She waves a hand, dismissively. "I mean we can't really prove anything until we find something so until then, it's just the usual Pyxis behaviour as far as everyone's concerned. Until we stop chucking ships and people at a problem and start producing evidence, no one will look twice." 
She cocks an eyebrow at Ethelind as if to say, "Right?"
Ethelind casts a quick glance around the kitchen before turning back to Perrin. She nods in response. 'Right.' 
"Yes, well. Pyxis does have some interesting theories, I'll give you that. But - back to the topic at hand. I'm curious - what chance is there that an Echo might be willing to carry some communications other than internal Pyxis messages?" 
Ethel picks up the teapot and fills first Perrin's cup and then her own. "It seems to me that would be a very valuable service to provide. Faster than usual delivery at the expense of being a little less ... reliable. But, perhaps, a bit more secure as well, since anyone who intercepted the Echo would assume that any communications they carried were simply Pyxis messages to one another."
Perrin purses her lips. "I mean, officially... Yes. Everything's encrypted too. I don't even know what the messages are, half the time. Unofficially..." She picks up her cup and smiles at Ethelind, "I wouldn't be opposed, but the ratio of willingness increases with payment."
"I think you'll find that a willing Echo would be well compensated for such an arrangement." Ethelind returns the smile. "However, I would have to insist that payment be rendered per delivery, rather than on a contractual basis, simply because it is impossible to know how long the terms of the contract would be - based upon the general Pyxis life expectancy, of course."
Perrin nods. "I suppose that's a fair stipulation for something like this. Even we have no idea most of the time." She chuckles. I look forward to working with you in the future, then."
"And I with you."  Ethel nods.  "I'll have my secretary send over my suggested terms, my contact information, and an initial payment - consider it an advance for your helpfulness this morning." 
Ethel sets her teacup on the tray, along with her now-empty dish. She pushes her chair back from the table. "I suppose I should check in on the rest of my House. When I left our suite this morning, at least two of them and perhaps a third were discussing the possibility of proposals. Goodness knows how many of them will be married by the time I get back. It was good to meet you, Pyxis Perrin. Should you find yourself looking for conversation away from the noise of the rest of the gala, I would be happy to share another pot of tea at a later time."
Perrin raises her eyebrows at the mention of 'proposals'. "Well, good luck with that. It was good to meet you as well, I think I may have had the wrong idea about your House. You certainly didn't seem incredibly boring to me." She smiles. "Until the next star." 
[[The scene fades on Perrin reopening her sector map hologram as Ethelind exits.]]
Transcript of a scene with @seekerpyxisbrossonperrin.
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dohmalore · 6 years
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hey i’m love dollmakers?  Swimsuits for all of my bbys >:O
[dollmaker here]
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dohmalore · 5 years
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dollmakers are my love #1 forever
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dohmalore · 7 years
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I found an actual cute/reasonably-well-populated avatar maker on m phone & made a bunch of ocs
(It’s called doodleface & it’s good)
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