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7manmenswear · 4 months ago
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kemsyne · 4 months ago
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Wayfarer Prompt - Rock Bottom.
And then they went to Rona.
Wayfarer IF and the king of jokes Aeran Kellis are created by the one and only @idrellegames
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emissary-of-stuff · 2 years ago
thinking about how my favorite DnD duo is based off of two manga characters. Like, god damn but they be fun though. Verus and Cepheus my beloved.
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444namesplus · 3 months ago
Abou Abought Aboughts Abould Aboull Abouth Abouthe Abouthen Agot Agoth Agothe Agother Agothers Agothow Alk An An't Andoorty Andow Ands Ang Anget Angs Ar Aread Arnigh Arnight Arnights Arnin Arninds Arning Arnings Ature Aturead Awar Aware Awaren Awarnigh Awas Awast Awaste Awasto Awastold Aways Began't Begand Begandow Begang Begangs Begany Bey Bropped Broppin Bropping Brot Broth Brothe Brothead Brothend Brou Brough Brought Brould Broull Brout Brouth Can Cand Candow Cands Cang Canget Cany Child Childn't Childre Childrot Chis Chisobey Chisome Chist Chiste Did Dis Disome Dist Diste Disten Disto Doord Doore Doorth Doorty Dow Dre Dren Drend Drends Dropped Droppin Drot Drothe Drothers Drothow Drothrou Drou Drould Droull Drout Eas Easte Easten Easto Falk Fle Flews For Ford Fore Foreare Foren Forend Forth Forthe Forthere Forthow Frien Friend Friendow Fuld Fuldn't Fuldrot Gel Gell Glan Glan't Gland Glang Glany Go Goth Gothe Gothead Gothen Gother Gothere Gotheren Gothers Gothou Gothow Gothroth Gothrout Hast Hasten Hastend Hastends Hasto Head Hen Hend Her Here Herear Herearen Heren Hers Hild Hildn't Hildre Hildrot Hildroth Hisobey Hisome Hist Histe Histen Hou Hought Houll Hout Houthow Ind Indoor Inds Ined Ing Inget Ith Ithead Ithend Ithends Ithere Ithers Ithould Ithow Ithrou Ittle Ittlew Ittlews Ke Kno Know Lad Lan Lan't Lands Lang Lis Lisobey Lisome Liste Lit Lith Lithe Lithen Lither Littlew Littlews Lon Longel Longell Longet Longs Lor Lore Loread Lorth Lorthe Lorther Lorthout Lorthow Lorty Mor Mord Morends Morth Morthe Morthead Morthear Morthrou Morty Nat Naturead Naturear Naturen Naturend Ned New Nigh Nin Nind Nindoore Ninds Ning Nings Nock Nor Nord Nore Noread Norend Northe Northere Norty Ong Onget Ongs Raid Raidn't Raind Raindow Rainew Raing Rainget Raings Saidn't Sain Saind Sained Sainew Saing Sen Sendow Sends Sigh Sights Sind Sinew Sing Singet Sings Sobegan Sobegand Sobegang Sobey Sou Sough Sought Soughts Sould Souldn't Soull Sout Spre Spreare Spren Sprend Sprends St Ste Sten Stendow Sto Stold Stoppin Stoppind Takeep Takey Tall Th Thead Thear Theare Thearnin Then Thend Thends Ther There Theread Therear Theren Therend Thers Thou Thought Thould Thow Throt Throthen Throu Toldn't Toldre Topped Toppin Toppind Toppinds Topping Toppings War Ware Warear Warnigh Warnight Warnined Wastend Wastold Way Ways Wel Weste Westen Westo Westold Whe Whead Whear Whearnin When Wher Where Wheread Wheren Whers Win Wind Winds Wined Winew Winews Wing Wingel Wingell Winget Wit With Withe Withead Withers Wittle Wittlew Wou Wough Wought Woughts Would Wouldn't Wouldre Wouldrot Woull Wout Wouth Wouthe Yought Youghts Yould Youldn't Youll Yout Youth Youthe
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444names · 7 months ago
Names generated from dunmer male forenames from TES, excluding the letter "T"
Adeden Adenikimar Adiris Adral Adraval Adravis Advynisil Aelenelmon Alanus Alaril Aldus Alerus Algaver Almen Alpar Alvam Alvenys Alvondrovos Analbar Arain Ardril Arelirvoro Arendiryni Arerisilads Arvels Avidrar Azandraroi Azanelmen Azanos Azanras Azarebi Azarendras...
Baemyn Baenel Baennival Balos Balven Balvoril Balvulpal Banderav Banis Barvlo Baryn Bedhelen Belladras Belynenas Benarvis Benshalam Berels Beros Bervis Bevonesul Bevyn Biirm Bikoni Bolas Bolos Bolvanelos Borilos Bovayn Bovon Brain Bralvam Brasig Brayn Bredaldras Bredsu Brelervos Brendel Brerayn Brevas Buril Casivavas Churan Cylen Dalarem Daldralaras Dalnik Dalvanelah Dalvar Dalveren Dandirvar Dandraren Dandu Danros Darainelyn Daralur Daranyn Darelyn Daronden Davar Daven Davorgreli Davos Delfar Delnus Deloval Delyn Denilzar Denudvys Denur Deral Deronselval Develon Deven Devuvaril Dilvo Diravis Dolen Dovis Dovonel Dralen Dralgan Dralgaviss Draneram Draynas Drebpar Drelynik Drend Drens Drilas Driloronis Drilvis Drilyn Driram Drynarvelar Durilyndol Elmeles Elven Enden Eneldalkiv Ennuras Epherns Eradovis Erarerols Erelas Erimanadsa Erolam Errynik Ervos Eurimar Evenus Farasoris Farus Favil Favodurelon Felan Felmivas Felmylas Felves Felvuris Ferril Ferunavasig Fervis Fervus Ferys Feveravur Feves Fevulvas Firis Folnuryn Folvar Fonor Fonumyo Foras Foron Forono Foros Fovis Furkanaryl Gaelen Galden Galdrel Galdus Galero Galven Galvon Galvos Ganvyn Garanel Garel Garenevos Garim Garimalas Garlain Garlis Garon Garsyn Gavels Gavil Gavildrain Gavilphanik Gavulis Gavyn Gedelvandre Gedovisi Gelyn Geran Gidril Giiras Giirelyn Gilis Gindus Giril Girns Girylashan Golliren Golmil Golvan Gorayn Gorvam Gorvaryn Gorvendynil Goryn Govisi Greyna Harar Herelon Hladen Hladil Hlaindrer Hlayn Hlenar Hlevaril Hleyn Idasi Ideds Idram Iendrelonos Ilandul Inalnus Iravis Iravryn Irolms Irvas Ivarar Kemedas Kemynoril Kildrane Kiman Kimmar Krilyn Krinavon Kuren Lamis Lanus Lexadis Lirns Llaalo Llain Llamedrus Llarer Llarvenel Llarvyn Llavas Llenaryn Llendras Llenel Llennus Llenros Lleroris Llien Lliend Lliomlyn Llovam Lluryvn Madal Madas Madil Malam Malandanvys Malanel Maliros Malkilos Malon Malunelson Manadaen Manen Manil Manusimalas Maran Mardalmil Marinil Marnas Mavel Mavin Medraylen Medrin Melin Melmar Melmor Meraver Merener Merns Meron Midron Milain Milen Mirevur Monelam Monelvalam Muralnis Naanisi Nalam Nalurns Nariil Narvil Navor Nelbal Nelis Nelms Nendam Neren Nevanel Nevas Nevyn Nikimalon Nimalgalas Nimares Nivas Niveren Nivyn Nornel Nusilnuss Oderil Odrayn Omlyn Ondalis Oravas Orres Radirem Ragul Raguliman Ralbar Ralynelon Rarvas Ravend Ravonyl Rayin Rebir Relis Relmarsyn Rhassaras Rikalan Rilirnas Rilisaruru Rilphen Rilvo Rimarlibain Risal Rongondryvn Sadam Sadil Sadril Saevruk Sararil Saric Sarirsel Saros Sedarvis Sedyn Selanis Seliv Selmon Selmyn Selodris Selvas Selver Selym Seralvendis Seris Servas Sevar Shadrin Shalaalir Shalaymmer Shalen Shalimalis Shalyn Shaur Shelinil Shulan Shulvuldras Shuraryl Shurayn Shuros Shurrnas Shursil Shurus Slikovyn Suleralil Sulmus Surail Suril Suvres Svaso Ularul Ulmil Ulvan Unevar Urayn Urren Uvalsor Vadanenden Vadon Valano Valos Valsen Valvos Vanis Vanyn Varedraldyn Varen Varven Vasilos Vasis Vavor Vedavalan Vedolyn Velan Vendar Veraryn Verelone Veril Veronilas Vervos Vesalvil Vesedrano Vevavus Viliz Vilmeluryvn Viravon Visiennar Vivandryn Vorimon Voserasen Vuneg Vurns Yevos Yevyn Zaril Zimalyn Zirnas Zirvyn
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jaw-design · 4 years ago
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👍LIKING IS NOT A CRIME👍 #pink #drei #totenkopf #flügel #stylish #cool #fesh #drend #rock #rocker #haley #skull (hier: Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJGyKpsJ83A/?igshid=75we6i9f6cva
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daas-yass · 7 years ago
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why didn’t i find this sooner?!
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A life-saving tip
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evincepoetry · 4 years ago
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The pleasure of letters or words can inflate any soul with infatuation. I always make duaa that my intention stays with why I started and not for who it attracts. I will see it when you decide to show or bring it up but I have come to a realization that the why’s that come up in our lives are sealed in an envelope so vague we are hesitant to open them, until we do. Until we take the sacrifice. Each thank you has been reciprocated and that was never why I whispered it into the earth but it is evidence of how our religion goes against any violent or vengeful stereotype, and it teaches with reason how it comes with great strength to hold the tounge and to forgive yourself and to withdraw from the drendful why that holds you back from the hope to the understanding why that presents itself like the question of a caring mother. I’m so happy I did not quantify the bad and load it in a sharp tounge. Shukur? Shukran! Why did he run? Anyway, lame dad jokes at 18 :)
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artcuteclia · 5 years ago
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#redraw #saliornmoon #stop popping in my feed #instagram
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tanjamikaelson · 6 years ago
At the Mikaelson compound, Klaus is laying in a coffin, where the golden dagger Kol and Natali made is stabbed into his chest, desiccating his body. Rebekah and Elijah stand beside him, looking conflicted and guilty about what they've done to him.
Natali and Kol came into the room to be sure that Klaus was put down. As they walked in Elijah and Rebekah turned around to look at them.
 - “You really did it.” Kol says with a smile on his face, “To be honest, I didn’t think you would.”
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 - “But he regrets what he did.” Natali remarks.
 - “There’s no going back now.” Kol says.
 - “Anyway, we need Mikael’s ashes, did you find them?” Natali asked.
 - “He put them in the paint, father’s ashes, the earth from sacred ground, all hidden in plain sight.” Elijah told them.
 - “Where is Freya?” Rebekah asked.
 - “Freya is safe.” Natali told them, “And I have a plan on how to lure Dahlia here.”
 - “How? You wanna use Freya as bait?” Elijah asked.
 - “Something like that. I will use these ingredients to create a “killing ground” where Dahlia will be rendered mortal and I will need a human girl to make her look like Freya and a fragment of her power.” Natali explained.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
Witches who work with Natali came to the compound to help her do the deceiving spell. They’ve injected a human girl with Freya’s blood, so she can be the bait.
While witches were preparing everything a deceiving spell, Natali was in the courtyard, where she is using a sage smudge-stick and Klaus' three paintings made of Norwegian soil and Viking ash to create a "battleground" for their impending confrontation with Dahlia. While she moves around the room and waves the smoking smudge-stick, she murmurs the incantation to the spell, “Drende moral associeres. Drende moral associeres.”
Natali finishes her spell, just as Elijah came, “Are you sure Dahlia won’t sense that something is wrong?” he asks.
 - “Yes, I’m sure. We have everything we need.” Natali replies, “The moment she passes these painting she will be mortal.” she pulls the small blade that Elijah gave Freya for Mikael's memorial out of her pocket and hands it to Elijah, “You can kill her.. using this.”
 - “Father's knife?” Elijah says surprised.
 - “Freya thought it appropriate.” Natali tells him.
 - Elijah freezes in place when he senses something nearby, “We have a visitor.” he says quietly. They’ve already thought it was Dahlia, but it was just one of Marcel’s vampires that Elijah a thing with, Gia. He went to talk with her, leaving Natali alone in the courtyard.
Later, The bells of St. Louis Cathedral start to ring in the same tune as Dahlia's song, the sound of which echoes through the Quarter and into the compound. In the compound's courtyard, a compelled girl who looked like Freya was standing in the middle of the courtyard. Directly upstairs, Natali is lighting a white candle on a table, where she has written out the notes for the spell her witches will perform to create the illusion that Freya and her magic are located in the compound with them. Rebekah, Kol and Elijah stand nearby, he was nervously hitting his hand against the handle of Mikael's knife as they watch Natali raising her arms and begin to recite the incantation, “Sinete exa vana vintante com. Sinete exa vana vintante com.”
Elijah came downstairs and was sitting next to “Freya”, just then he heard footsteps approaching the compound. He uses his vampire speed to hide and sneaks into the hallway so he can watch as Dahlia enters the compound, where she finds “Freya”, who’s purposely standing right in between all three of Klaus' paintings in an effort to lure Dahlia into the killing ground, but Dahlia stops right in the doorway into the room.
  - “My Freya.” Dahlia says when she sees her.
Elijah is still hiding out of sight while still able to eavesdrop on their conversation and see most of what is happening.
Because Natali used mimicking spell on a girl, she spoke instead of her, so it seemed like Freya was talking.
  - “Auntie, please listen.” Freya speaks, “I can offer you someone more powerful than me and already immortal.”
Dahlia starts to walk into the courtyard but once again stops just short of the killing ground. Elijah wasn’t sure what part of the plan this is, Natali didn’t say anything about it, but he continued listening.
Upstairs, the witches are continuing the spell to maintain the illusion of Freya’s presence, “Sineste exa vana vintante com. Sineste exa vana vintante com.”
  - “I only ask that you release me from my obligation to you.” Freya tells her.
  - “Why would you offer me one of your siblings?” Dahlia tilts her head to the side and takes notice of one of Klaus' paintings on the wall behind Freya while she considers this offer. After a moment, she starts walking closer to Freya but still doesn't cross into the killing ground. In the shadows, Elijah braces himself for a fight and grips Mikael's blade tightly in his hand.
  - “Klaus. He doesn’t trust me and he is most powerful of them all.” Freya tells her, “They have him daggered and you can use him.”
Elijah is still lying in wait in the shadows outside of the courtyard and he listens carefully and he realized what Natali was trying to do, while Dahlia steps closer to Freya, though she still has not made it into the killing ground.
  - Dahlia was amused, “You surprise me. Betraying the family you meant to coax to your side? How very ruthless of you.”
  - “I had hoped that he would welcome me as a sister.” Freya says and Dahlia nods in understanding, “I was wrong.”
  - “Of course you were, you poor little fool! To think that Esther's wicked little progeny could ever care for you? They are known the world over for obscene acts of violence, and yet, you sought them out instead of staying where you belong. With me.” Dahlia tells her.
Freya gulps nervously as Dahlia continues to slowly walk toward her, and tries her best to remain still to lure her into the killing ground, “I offered to protect you for all time, and you left me. And now, it is you who is alone! But then, who could love a deceitful little wretch?” Dahlia says.
Meanwhile, upstairs a dark figure swoops across the doorway, Kol and Rebekah noticed and he went to see who it was. Elijah was too absorbed in waiting for Dahlia to reach the killing ground to realize that they're not alone.
Dahlia steps just outside of the killing ground and stops where she is, not crossing into past the front edge of the painting. Upstairs, Kol stepped out of the room and was carefully looking around. He then felt a gush of air behind him and when he spun around to see who it was all he could say was “Nik-”, before he had his neck snapped.
Rebekah heard that something bumped the floor, so she opens the door of the room they were in to see what was happening. She saw Kol’s body on the floor and Klaus standing next to him.
  - “Oh my God Natali, Klaus is here.” Rebekah quickly says and just as she wanted to close the door Klaus stopped her.
He pushes her across the room and turns towards Natali and the rest of the witches.
 - “Natali opens her eyes, “Continue the spell.” she says to the witches, as she gives Klaus a headache, but he was resisting it, he was stronger.
Natali runs out of the room, but Klaus vamp-speeds towards the witches and snaps necks of three of them, forcing other witches to stop the spell.
Downstairs, a girl who was masked as Freya was revealed to Dahlia and she realizes it was just a trap. Dahlia's face becomes enraged and a girl who is terrified beyond all measure gasps and looks at Dahlia with wide, fearful eyes. While Dahlia was taken by surprise, Natali manages to push her into the killing field using her magic.
 - “Elijah, NOW!” She yells from upstairs.
Elijah vamp-speeds into the courtyard with Mikael's knife in hand, but before he can reach Dahlia, Klaus tackles him and forces him to drop the blade.
 - Klaus was furious, “And so the wheel of betrayal circles 'round once more.”
Klaus pulls Elijah up to his feet and throws him up against the wall, causing Elijah to crack the wall before he falls down onto the ground.
Before Dahlia rises to her feet she uses her magic to destroy one of the paintings and at the same time Natali used telekinesis to throw a knife into the heart but since she was immortal again it didn’t work.
Dahlia looks upstairs at Natali and uses telekinesis to throw her off of the balcony, and when Natali fell Dahlia simply stands above her, “What do I sense? Sacred soil? Viking ash? The blood of a witch I loved? Not the witch I loved most, though.” She sighs, “Oh, did Freya really think that her blood was the key to my demise?”
Natali stood up and angrily looks at her then lunges towards her but Dahlia disappears into thin air. The next thing she heard was Elijah yelling “NO!” and vampire that she thought was called Gia took off her daylight ring and was on fire.
  - “Klaus you ruined everything, again.” Natali yells at him.
  - Klaus looks at Elijah emotionlessly and says, “You seem vexed, brother. Wait until you see what I've got in store for Hayley.”
Klaus smirks gleefully and Elijah, who is too enraged for words, elbows him forcefully and begins fighting him again, only this time even more viciously than before. Elijah tackles Klaus and the two of them tumble down the stairs into the courtyard, where Klaus quickly hops to his feet. Elijah gets in a defensive position and vamps-out, hissing and baring his fangs at his brother.
  - “Is that a hint of the fabled beast behind the red door?” Klaus says and Elijah continues to glare at him, ��Come on, brother - let him out to play.”
Elijah leaps toward him and punches him forcefully in the head, but Klaus easily spins and wraps an arm around him, quickly stabbing him in the heart with Papa Tunde's blade before Elijah can react.
  - “You should know better than to fight me in anger, for my anger is unending.” Klaus tells him.
Elijah tries his best to break out of Klaus' grip, but he's quickly overwhelmed by the excruciating pain of the cursed blade and screams in agony as the blade magically embeds itself in his chest.
Suddenly, Cami enters the courtyard and is both stunned and horrified to see Klaus neutralizing his brother with the blade. Klaus looks momentarily ashamed at the sight of her before pushing it down and regaining his appearance of evilness.
  - “Klaus!” Cami exclaimed.
Then Natali flashes towards Cami and from behind her, she wraps her arm around Cami’s throat, looking directly at Klaus who just dropped Elijah’s body on the ground.
  - “I’ll kill your precious little human.” Natali says and her fangs extended from her gums, but before she could bite Cami, Dahlia showed up behind her and with just one flick of her wrist she snapped Natali’s neck.
  - “Is there a problem?” Dahlia asks when she saw how Klaus looks at Cami.
  - “Not at all. Just another victim.” Klaus says and starts to walk toward Cami.
  - “No, Klaus. I know you won't hurt me. I've known that from the second we met.” Cami tells him and he finally stops walking when they standing are face-to-face, she sighs, “I trust you.”
  - Klaus caresses her cheek with his hand before speaking, “Then you're already lost.” he lunges forward and sinks his fangs into her neck while Dahlia watches. After a long moment, Klaus stops feeding and releases Cami who is now unconscious, before dropping her onto the floor.
Klaus stands with Dahlia in the middle of the courtyard, where Cami, Elijah and Natali lay unconscious. Nearby is Gia still-smoldering corpse.
  - “Quite a sinister plot they had planned. Would have failed in the end, though. Just as well you came to your senses and sided with me.” Dahlia says.
Suddenly, Kol and Rebekah came from upstairs. Rebekah looks at Klaus, clearly feeling betrayed and furious and Kol wasn’t surprised.
  - “Have you lost your mind?” Rebekah asks Klaus.
  - “My mind is quite clear. I just decided to purge it of treacherous barnacles.” Klaus replies.
  - “You bastard!” Rebekah trails off in anger, “How could you?”
  - “Actually, it was rather simple - I just recalled what Elijah did to me and reciprocated ten-fold. Be careful, or I'll apply the same equation to you.” Klaus tells her and looks at Kol, “Your girlfriend made quite a good plan, but not good enough. We’ll find Freya and end this.”
Dahlia seems amused by the strife to which she bears witness. Then Klaus starts to walk away.
  - “Go to hell!” Kol tells him furiously.
  - Klaus turns around to face him, “If by Hell, you mean somewhere you are betrayed by those you hold most dear, then it's from Hell I've just come!”
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
Natali was laying on a sofa in the courtyard when she suddenly awakens with a gasp after her body finally heals her snapped neck. She looks around and sees Kol, Rebekah and Cami who was sitting in a chair across from her and Elijah who was sitting on the edge of the fountain, staring at Gia's sheet-covered body. She remembers what happened and becomes angry and frustrated.
  - “What are you doing here, anyway? Were you the one who freed Klaus?” Natali asks looking directly at Cami.
  - “I don’t condone Klaus’ actions. I was trying to help you.” Cami replied, “All I know is Klaus will do whatever he had to do-”
  - Elijah suddenly loses his temper and interrupts her, “Klaus will do whatever he has to do for Klaus.” He holds up his phone as he walks towards Cami, “Now Hayley isn’t answering her phone.” he was overwhelmed with fear and anger, “Now, what has he done?”
Suddenly Marcel quickly walked into the room, interrupting their conversation.
 - “Marcel?” Rebekah says.
 - Marcel looks at her and then back at Elijah and because he heard that he was worried about Hayley he says, “As for Hayley, Klaus attacked me and stole the spell that I used on the Crescent wolves.”
 - “Elijah was enraged, “So he would condemn her to the body of a beast?”
Rebekah, who looks overwhelmed and worried, rushes over to Elijah and grasps his shoulders so she can look him in the eyes.
  - “Elijah, Hayley will be human once a month. We will find her and we will help her.” Rebekah tells him.
  - Elijah shakes his head and tries to push Rebekah away, “No-”
 - Rebekah looks at him sadly, hating what she’s about to say as much as he will, “We need to focus on who needs saving today.” she says gently.
  - “Yes.” Natali agrees, “Our ingredients were incorrect. Freya didn’t break Dahlia’s heart, we needed the blood of the witch she loved the most and that witch is your mother.”
  - “So, we need Esther’s blood? That’s impossible, we killed her.” Rebekah says.
  - “One incarnation.” Natali tells her, “She is buried in New Orleans, which means we can revive the original body.”
Natali was preparing for the resurrection spell, she was pouring a large amount of dark brown, creamy-looking fluid into a stone coffin that's surrounded by a magic
circle made of salt. Once she’s finished, Kol and Elijah enter the tomb bringing her an urn where Esther’s ashes were.
  - “The spell’s almost done. I just need to turn her dirt and ash into flesh and bone.” Natali tells them.
She picks up the jar of ashes and removes the lid before dumping its contents into the mixture of soil and water she's created in her stone coffin. She then thrusts her hands forward and lifts up her arms as she begins her spell, “Fian en che en kanu! Fian en che en kanu!”
As she continues the resurrection spell all of the lit candles around her flare brightly and she starts chanting more loudly, “Fian en che en kanu! Fian en che en kanu!”
Suddenly, all of the flames from the lit candles around die out and Natali stops chanting. They look at the stone coffin, whose soil, ash and water mixture has completely solidified and it begins to crack and after a moment a hand bursts from within it. They watch as the body begins to break out from within the soil and ash.
Esther, who has just risen from the soil and ash looks quite surprised to be alive and remains silent. They gave Esther a blanket to wrap around her naked body, then Kol walks into the room to join them, carrying a pair of cursed shackles in on hand. He vamp-speeds over to Esther and slams the cursed shackles onto her wrists to prevent her from doing magic before smirking at her.
  - “Welcome back, mother.” Kol says.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
In the back room of the Fangtasia, Esther, who is still wearing the cursed shackles and is now dressed in a plain black dress and flats is sitting in a chair while Elijah sits at the table behind her and casually spins a knife in his hand.
  - “Let me guess - you brought me back from the dead to torture me.” Esther says.
  - Elijah rolls his eyes in annoyance, “My dear mother, we simply need your blood. Though, in the event that you should suffer horribly I can’t promise I won’t enjoy it immensely.
Then Natali arrived and joined them in the room.
   - “So, are we gonna kill her and be done with it?” Kol asks when he sees her.
   - “I want her blood on this blade.” Natali holds up a long silver knife, “Which I've had bound with the soil from Dahlia's homeland and Viking ash. And we’ll need her alive to weaken Dahlia's defenses.”
   - “Ah, yes. You expect me to walk willingly to my death.” Esther says sarcastically.
   - Kol grins, “That would be a bonus, but if needed, I’ll drag you there myself.”
   - Suddenly, Rebekah walks in and joins the group, “Yes, dear Mother, you do not have a choice.” She says and looks at Natali and Kol, “And we have another problem.”
  - “Which is?” Natali asked.
  - “Freya left the safe house and came to the compound and right after her Dahlia came and took her.” Rebekah told them.
 - “Oh, Freya is so damn stubborn. I wonder at who.” Natali says, “I told her we’ll handle it alone. Let’s go then before Dahlia kills her.”
  - “Come, Mother.” Elijah says and then grabs Esther by he shackles and he drags her out the door.
Dahlia has dragged a struggling Freya by the arm into a storage warehouse that is full of antique cars from the early 1900s.
 - “Two centuries ago, this city hung it’s traitors right here. I thought it only fitting that it be your slaughtering grounds.” Dahlia tells her, then she casts a spell that starts to choke Freya and she falls to her knees and gasps for breath. Dahlia then smashes a bottle of salt onto the ground and uses her magic to form a magical circle around herself and Freya, trapping the latter inside, before walking around and waving her hand as she casts a spell around them.
  - “I actually pity you.” Freya says, “Over the course of our long lives together, I could see you were broken. I used to think it was my fault, but in time, I learned your ability to love died long ago.”
  - Dahlia considers this for a moment before she replies, “Darkness isn't born, you know. It's created by the snuffing out of the light.” She kneels behind Freya and speaks into her ear, “So, however you thought you might mend me, please know you never could. Whenever I looked in your eyes, I saw your mother - the sister who turned my heart to stone. And, with that stone, I will crush every one of her children.
Suddenly, Klaus appears behind her, having vamp-speeded there and Rebekah follows behind him, but they didn't come together.
   - “Isn't there a saying about stones and glass houses?” Klaus says.
   - Rebekah stands beside him, “In case the analogy is lost on you, I believe my brother is calling you a hypocritical bitch.”
  - Dahlia glances over at Freya with an amused look on her face, “Hmm. Bringing vampires to a witch fight. Someone hasn't learned their lesson.” The sound of chains rattling can be heard behind them and after a moment, Esther appears with Elijah and Kol, and they join Klaus and Rebekah in circling around Dahlia.
Dahlia and Esther are shocked to see each other and for a moment it looks as though Dahlia's about to cry. However, in reality, she actually begins to laugh hysterically.   - “My sister.. in chains? Hahaha! Is.. is she to be a gift to buy your freedom? Because I brought something.” Dahlia says and pulls out the white oak stake and holds it up, causing thunder to crash overhead.
  - “One stake, four of us. Even if you don't hesitate, the other three will rip you in half.” Klaus tells her.
  - Dahlia was amused, “Sound thinking. But.. small thinking.”
She holds up the stake again and causes thunder and lighting to rumble in the sky above again. After a moment, the stake is telekinetically thrown up into the air, where it explodes into such tiny pieces that they look like snowflakes falling down around them. She then uses magic to direct the stake fragments into the mouths of Elijah, Klaus, Kol and Rebekah as they breathe and they all begin to cough and gasp in pain as their veins become visibly red and irritated.
  - “You’re killing them!” Freya yells desperately.
They fall to their knees and cough forcefully, clearly in agony from the fragments of white oak in their lungs. Dahlia smirks gleefully at Esther, who seems surprisingly upset to see her children hurting.
  - “Now, sister, let us watch together as I burn your children from the inside out.” Dahlia says.
  - Esther hesitates for a moment before walking toward Dahlia,  “You still carry around so much anger for me after all these years?”
  - “You broke your vow.” Dahlia says angrily, “We were to stand together, always and forever, and you left to marry that brutish Viking imbecile. You ended my family, and they were the result.”
Dahlia gestures to all of Esther's children before casting a spell that knocks Elijah, Rebekah and Klaus backward. Elijah scratches at his neck, and the veins that run along his throat turn blood-red and swollen.
  - “No!” Rebekah gasps.
The Original vampires all continue to gag and cough and their veins become even redder and more irritated through their skin.
Suddenly Natali vamp-speeds towards Dahlia holding a blade bound with ingredients that make up Dahlia’s weakness, but Dahlia telekinetically throws her backward and snaps her neck, which causes her to drop the blade.
  - “You don’t give up. Do you?” Dahlia tells her, then looks up at the ceiling's skylight, where she can see the waning crescent moon has hit its apex. She smiles and looks down at Esther, “Now, Esther, say goodbye to the last of your children.”
Dahlia thrusts her hand forward and puts Freya in a telekinetic choke-hold, which causes her to gasp desperately for breath. Elijah, Rebekah and Klaus are looking as though they're running out of time as well, but before Dahlia can give Freya the killing blow, Esther rushes forward at the last moment and stops her, “Sister, wait! Wait!”
Dahlia looks at her and loosens her choke-hold on Freya, but doesn't let go completely as she watches Esther stare at her pleadingly, “You've won, Dahlia. You have everything you ever wanted. You have bested us all. At least let me try to make amends.” She walks even closer to Dahlia, until they are finally face-to-face,  “Let me share with you the glorious freedom that I have found.. in death.” Esther lunges forward and wraps the long chain that connects her manacles around Dahlia's neck and chokes her with it. Dahlia releases her magical hold on Freya to fight against her sister's grip and Freya quickly uses her own magic to break the magic circle binding her and cure her siblings of their white-oak-induced sickness. They all begin to cough up blood and sawdust, but otherwise, they seem to be healed. Esther is struggling to keep strangling Dahlia and turns back toward her children, “Elijah?”
Elijah picks up the blade and when Esther nods in encouragement, he vamp-speeds toward them and stabs Esther in the back with the blade, which goes through her and into Dahlia's heart as well, killing them both.
Their bodies have both turned to ash and are still standing in an embrace, both looking more content as they've ever been. Freya, Elijah, Klaus, Rebekah and Kol all stare at them for a long moment before Klaus finally speaks, “Seems we're officially orphans.”
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
Klaus is in the dining room where he had one of his compelled humans bleeding from his wrist into glasses for the vampires to drink when Elijah, Kol and Natali walks in to join him.
  - “Seems like in the end you needed me.” Klaus remarks.
  - “And why do you think that?” Kol asks.
  - “Well, if I haven’t had her distracted, you wouldn’t have a chance to bring back Esther.” Klaus says.
  - Elijah smiles fakely at him, “You think distracted by placing a curse on Hayley?”
  - “She was collateral damage.” Klaus replies coldly.
This infuriates Elijah so much that he punches Klaus forcefully in the face. Klaus takes a moment to recover while Elijah glares angrily at him.
  - “You claim your actions are part of some ruse - this was punishment.” Elijah says.
  - Klaus was playing dumb, “Punishment? Whatever for? Perhaps the dagger you put in my heart?”
  - Elijah raises his voice to a shout, “You brought that upon yourself! No, we have fought together for centuries and once again, to break your enemy, you broke your family.”
Klaus looks both surprised and hurt by this reaction, but Elijah is more enraged than he has ever been
  - “Well, know this - whatever the outcome tonight, you will no longer see me by your side.” Elijah tells him and leaves the room.
  - Klaus turns to Kol and Natali, who drank glasses filled with blood, “Why are you two still standing here?” he asks them, “You didn’t get what you wanted again - for me to stay in the coffin and rot.”
  - Natali smiles, “Or maybe we did, after all Elijah finally isn’t by your side, because you crossed the line.”
  - “But don’t worry, we have more daggers and we’ll be back.” Kol tells him before they also leave the compound.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
Tags: @mikaelsonsmagic   @p3nny4urth0ught5   @cute-freak27   @ias-born  @superhalsteads  @characterobsessed   @hinata7346   @luiza-4-ever  @huntress1428
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kemsyne · 5 months ago
Wayfarer Week '24 - Promises
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Cere Nalos, am I right? If you know, you know.
The Crimson Count and Wayfarer IF @idrellegames 🙌
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captainmazzic · 6 years ago
Let’s do some worldbuilding!
In which Sarc takes a canon name, footnoted as a single-mention off-hand byline in a minor SW magazine short story, and extrapolates the hell out of it to make an actual decent-sounding alien world. Literally everything here is original except the name of the world and the brief references to Sith and thrantas. LET’S GET OUR LORE ON.
(Note: Kind of spoiler-y for future Opening Dialogue chapters? I think?)
Located in 6D on a standard galactic map, Gairm has no native sentient life of its own and was originally discovered by the Ydreihro and the Hakaeri, whose own home system lies in the same sector in 6C. The Hakaeri have more of a presence on the planet out of the two, with temporary settlements scattered sporadically around the surface. The Ydreihro have a small permanent outpost on the planet but have a more established presence on Gairm II, one of three moons orbiting the planet and the only one with a breathable atmosphere.
The system’s star is yellow, and Gairm is the fourth planet in orbit out of eleven. It has a greenish atmosphere, golden opalescent water, largely flat moss-and-lichen-covered land dotted with millions of lakes and winding waterways. It is not a bright world, temperate tending toward cool. There are a few shallow seas. Navigation is largely by pole boat or by flying creatures, and the rare settlements are all boardwalks and set on low stilts. There are no spaceports and no cities. Sentient population is less than a million, about 90% Hakaeri, 8% Ydreihro, and 2% other species, most of which are associates of the Ydreihro Sith inhabiting the moon of Gairm II.
Walking mangrove trees slowly shuffle across the landscape of Gairm in sync with the triple moons, whose sluggish orbits are aligned with each other and follow each other so closely that they effectively create only one slowly-moving tide cycle instead of three. Day/night cycles are long on Gairm – one local cycle is the equivalent of sixty standard days, effectively giving Gairm a 30-standard-day period of light and a 30-standard-day period of darkness. A Gairm year is 600 standard days long, technically only ten local days. But because of the thick atmosphere and the planet’s distance from its sun, lower average light levels tend to make daylight hours feel more like a more typical planet’s dawn or twilight. Seasons do not vary wildly, but nighttime winters are known for their fantastic auroras, while summertime is noted for nightly slow-moving rainstorms. It is frequently foggy and hardly ever windy. Cloud cover is usually thick, and this is partly due to all of the photosynthetic aeroplankton that floats through the air.
There are many flying and floating animals that feed off of the aeroplankton or on other animals that feed on them, including a small but stable population of thrantas that were introduced during the very brief attempt at colonization that associates of the Ydreihro Sith made many years ago. The aeroplankton tend to make the air feel thick, humid, and heavy, and because of their sheer numbers they do tend to dampen sound so the entire world seems eerily quiet. Some individuals and some species find that the aeroplankton can infect their lungs, leaving them susceptible to respiratory tract infection, asthma, pneumonia, and sometimes even varieties of tuberculosis. Such individuals require a respirator in areas where aeroplankton are at their thickest.
Many of the aeroplankton have evolved gas bubbles that enable them to remain lighter than air even after bearing a little weight. These can potentially clump together and gather dust motes and the spores of other plants, which can grow into light, spongy “floating islands”. These can reach up to half a kilometer across, though rarely grow to that size. If they accumulate more material than they have the capacity to bear, they will slowly sink back to the ground, becoming spongy mounds that will eventually flatten out. Over time this has created a patchwork of terrain that alternates between actual solid ground, waterways, and spongy “earth”. Swamp gas can build up beneath these spongy patches, occasionally igniting to form will o’ the wisps.
Other types of more mobile aeroplankton create colonies similar to siphonophores, and either float independently through the air or attach themselves to the undersides of the floating islands to allow their tentacles to drift below them. Larger animal life tends towards the invertebrate, amphibious or avian, none of which have really evolved much loud sound to be an effective form of communication. Instead they tend to be brightly coloured and/or have ways of altering or displaying their colour, whether it be by skin that changes pigmentation or feathers and scales that can be sheathed or fluffed to alter patterns. Many have bioluminescence that enables better communication through foggier weather. Lantern beetles are a ubiquitous example, and can frequently be seen as they fly through the air, their legs dangling below them flashing briefly with light.
Adrestin’s stronghold is a wooden citadel surrounded by a moat and canals. It is located a few dozen kilometers away from a small temporary settlement of the local people, the Hakaeri. As they are normally a nomadic species, they usually only gather there during the winter. A few more dozen kilometers away is the only major heavy stone construct on the planet – the Fortress of An-Drend. Most of it is sunk deep into the ground, and the large stone structure protruding above the surface is just a fraction of its labyrinthine volume. It was constructed by the Ydreihro Sith in approx. 5500 BBY intended to be a backup copy of the immense Sith library of Veeshas Tuwan. It took nearly 500 years to finish, and ended up not only becoming a copy of the library, but also grew to contain original research, information on other cultures’ Force traditions, and a great deal of Sith art, music, and poetry. When the Ydreihro became disillusioned with Vitiate’s Sith Empire after 5000 BBY, the fortress was coded so as to restrict access to only those scholarly Sith who were interested in preservation of history and culture.
Due to its distance from Sith space and the secretive nature of the Ydreihro, An-Drend slipped into obscurity and legend and its location was forgotten. Or at least until Adrestin acted on hints made by Darth Meridian and delved into researching the legend, and rediscovered it in 3713 BBY. After he gained admittance to the almost-sentient fortress and became the Keeper of the Key of An-Drend, he decided to settle more or less permanently on Gairm, and constructed his citadel near the fortress with the permission of the Hakaeri. By nature they usually simply ignore visitors or avoid them, but they see Adrestin as the rightful caretaker of the Sith structure, and tend to treat him with deference whenever they interact with him. In turn Adrestin sees himself as somewhat responsible for the protection of the entire planet.
((no science was harmed in the making of this world. Botched, maybe, but not harmed. Besides, we all know Star Wars is space fantasy and not sci-fi anyway lol))
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webcricket · 6 years ago
Now you've got me wanting to see the original, unedited draft of this new seraphim smut story along with the finished product! Got any fun word examples off-hand?
Interpreting these is like a standardized test where you get the gist of meaning from use in a sentence. A few of my faves (I’m writing Merriam-Webster to advocate for dictionary inclusion):
fleared = hot flush of skin
drend = my nearest interpretation is something like a “wide drifting”
grivate = obviously a vibrated tone with a growled quality
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blingblingboy-kinnie · 4 years ago
this but it includes all of them at least once:
Whad I love aboud drends like this is id temonsdrates our adapdability when it comes to our medium of communication. Dext communication by its nature runs the risk of being dry and boring and very difficult to use expressively by traditional means. But the difference between “I’m hungry” and “im hongry” is distincd and vivid. We’ve found playful, interesting, and fun ways to use what coult’ve been an incredibly dull and boring and ‘same-y’ means of toccing to each other. 
We’re pleyful beings and I think this is one way we temonstrade that, and I guess I also just think that’s kind of adorable of us, you mutherfokety bitch shit.
Intentional misspellings and unusual handling of words is one of my favorite “minor” memes tbh I love it so much. Here are some of my all time favorites:
▪ Replacing “ck” with “cc” (ie. succ, thicc)
▪ Replacing “t” with “d” and vice-versa (ie. gotdamn,shid,blocket)
▪ Just… every kind of weird variation you can do with the word “fuck” (ie. fuckening, fucky)
▪ Weird jumbling of curse words that somewhat resemble something coherent (ie. mother fuck of a shit, shut the hell your mouth)
▪ Replacing a vowel in a word with another (ie. borger)
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444names · 1 year ago
the entire article on "permadefacio" on the english wiktionary BUT excluding "p"
Ablar Ablaris Ablarit Ablartis Ablassem Ablasset Ablast Ablastī Ablat Ablate Ablatis Acerimus Acerēs Acesindī Acial Aciant Aciants Aciatis Acient Acients Acierate Aciet Acimus Acion Aciond Acioː Acitical Acitō Acitōte Aciuncit Aciundī Aciunt Aciās Aciātint Aciēbal Aciēbam Aciēbant Aciēbat Aciēbās Aciēmus Aciēns Aciēs Aciētis Acturent Acturet Actus Actūrum Actūrunt Actūrus Anatendī Anatis Andus Antōte Clarit Claritō Clartio Clartis Classe Classect Clast Clastis Clatio Clatis Clatisse Clative Clesiant Clessect Clessin Cletive Condī Condō Conjugh Conjuns Conjunt Conjunte Conts Contōte Conunch Conunct Conuns Conunt Conunts Datendus Datent Datical Datio Dation Datis Datissēs Datistis Datistī Defacit Defacite Defird Defēce Defēcioː Defēcis Defēcite Defēcī Defīet Defīmus Defīs Defīte Defīunt Defīuntō Defīās Defīēbās Defīēmus Defīēs Defīō Drefīmus Drefītō Dregular Drend Drendī Drendō Drent Ecclar Ecclate Ecclesem Ecclet Eccus Econd Econdī Econdō Econt Econunt Ectis Ectisse Ectistī Ective Ectum Ecturam Ectus Ectūrunt Esectū Esiant Esicatis Esindō Esine Esive Essem Essents Essiant Essicate Essive Essēmus Essēs Etive Etivesse Faccles Faccus Faceral Faciandī Faciat Faciend Facient Facients Faciet Facim Facioː Facis Facistī Facitio Faciunt Faciāmus Faciēbat Faciēbās Faciēmus Faciēns Faciō Factum Factū Fiendus Fiendō Fient Fients Fierfect Fierim Fieruntō Fierētis Fierīmus Fierīs Findī Finfiend Fingular Fingulat Finit Finitis Finitō Fintōte Firstī Fitent Fitive Fitōte Formade Forom Foron Forond Forondō Foronund Forougat Forough Forount Forountō Frond Front Fronts Frougat Frough Froughly Fround Froundus Froundī Frouns Frount Futum Futural Futurant Futurat Futurem Futurent Futuret Futus Fäkio Fäkion Fäkiond Gench Genciet Gencimus Gendus Gendī Gendō Genit Genitōte Gente Gents Gentō Gerbatis Gerent Gerfecon Gerimus Geris Gerisset Germäd̪ Gerās Gerēmus Gerēs Indum Indus Infient Infieram Infiere Infierim Infierī Infiet Infietis Infin Infind Infine Infint Infints Infit Ingular Ingulat Ingulate Inital Initally Inite Initent Initiam Initio Initioː Initis Initisse Initive Initō Initōte Iondum Ionjunt Ionjuntō Iontō Irrem Irrenct Irrent Irressēs Irstisse Irstive Irstī Iticis Itinit Itioː Itissēs Itist Itistī Itive Itōte Kiondus Kiont Larit Lartical Lartis Lartisse Lartive Lassem Lassēmus Lassēs Lastis Latio Latis Latistio Lative Madefa Madeface Madefact Madefect Madefin Madefēce Madefīam Madefīet Madefīs Madefītō Madefīās Madefīēs Modefin Modefī Modefīēs Mology Nonjugh Nonjunch Nonjuns Nonts Nonunch Nonunct Nonund Nonundī Nonunt Nougat Nougate Nougatis Nough Noughly Nouncis Nounct Nounctū Nound Noundum Noundī Nount Nounts Rendus Rendō Renital Renitis Renitō Rentō Retint Rmadefin Rmadefī Rmadefīs Rmäd̪e Secclet Secon Sective Senctū Sendus Senitō Sents Setive Siandō Siant Sical Sically Sicative Siciās Siciēns Sindō Sinite Sinitist Siverend Subjugat Subjugh Subjunch Subjund Subjundō Subjuns Subjunt Subjunts Thirre Thirrem Thirrend Thirret Thirst Thirstis Thirstī Thorms Thorom Thoron Thoront Thorough Thorount Throm Thron Thrond Thront Thronte Througat Thrount Throunte Varim Varimus Varitō Vartion Vartioː Vartis Vartisse Vartist Vartive Vartives Verma Vesem Vesiant Vessēs Voical Voically Voicat Voicate Voicatis Voices Voicioː Voicis Voicit Voicite Voiciēns Voiciō Wetiant Wetio Wetive Īrīmus Īrīte Īrītio Īrītis Īrītō Īrītōte
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