alyimoss · 12 days
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dream by jokublog
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icewavex · 12 days
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paradoxoftrees · 12 days
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xullian · 13 days
Im drawing insomnia (dream x error) if dream wins.
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cozmee · 13 days
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Not voting Fresh!Ink hurt, but had to stick with dream🙏🙏
Dreamsweep 4 life
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mintflavoredfemurs · 12 days
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c7thetumbler · 6 months
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Quick Game Reviews March 2024
3 month combo hell yeah
I'm reusing last months banner because I got super lazy
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Image taken from my switch. We fist bumped.
Splatoon 3 [Revisited] (Switch)
I previously "reviewed" this in 2022, and here were my thoughts on that:
While it doesn't break much ground in comparison to the previous game, it's definitely worth a go if you've enjoyed the first 2 entries.
Now that the DLC and a number of updates are out, I went ahead and revisited this for about a whole months worth of eveneings just to see how far it's come.
And it's doing pretty well! I"m still utter trash at pvp, but that's not stopped me from enjoying it. Additionally all of the new Salmon Run content, including Big Run, is really fun to continue grinding away at for hours on end. The level of customization the game has is great as well, and the badges being hidden is a solid way of doing achievements. Again, It's a very solid Splatoon experience and I'd recommend it to anyone interested in it, though you've probably gotten it already if you are.
That being said, it + the expansion pack are a little pricey for what you're getting, at least so far. Nintendo hasn't announced a 3rd wave of DLC, but the 1st wave consisted of just some more cosmetics and an optional hub world, which wasn't a whole lot to go off of, and the 2nd, Side Order (reviewed last month) is great but not $30 great. The game seems to be getting gameplay and Splatfest updates still at least, so I'll probably be sticking with it for a while cuz it's just a fun romp while listening to podcasts and chillin with the cat in the lap.
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Image from the B3313 fandom wiki
B3313 (N64 Rom hack)
B3313 is a Mario 64 Rom Hack that thrives off of your previous experiences with SM64 and SM64DS and twists it with dream-like surreal changes and a vast degree of inception-like complexity. It is near impossible to map out its worlds, and around every corner, death, door, or even successful star you will often find yourself thrown into a completely new, slightly twisted version of somewhere you may recognize.
I had a really good time at first divng straight into it and navigating my way through the worlds, trying to maker cohesive sense of it, and managed to get ~40 stars before I got bored of it. I know there's a whole lot more there, but its fatal flaw is when you get this complex, your levels really have to be engaging or interesting in and of themselves, and most of the time they just aren't. You'll spend a lot of time running around big, empty levels looking for a silver star or red coinv, or in a lot of cases replaying the same start of a level to get to a sub area within a sub area that your previously died at only to get thrown off by the game's camera and miss a jump and then thrown back out into Peach's castle as imagine by MC Escher.
It's a fun romhack, and a lot of love was thrown into it, but as a "game" or for-fun experience it doesn't really hold up there. I would more recommend it just to see if it's something you enjoy, but prepare for some frustration and backtracking.
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Image from Dreamsweeper's steam page
Dreamsweeper (Steam Demo)
I saw GirlDM (wholesome catgirl vtuber) playing this on my feed once and decided to give it a go. It's basically like if Crypt of the Necrodancer replace the music mechanics with Minesweeper instead, which I'm down for.
The core loop is good; I had a lot of fun applying Minesweeper logic in a new way, as well as the aesthetics really bringing out the comfy, lofi dream look they were really going for, so that's a huge plus. That being said, it's still got some growing to do. I'm a little confused as to how you would expand this into a full game, and sometimes the generation can just make it impossible to logic out some areas. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing; the difference between Minesweeper and a logic complete puzzle game like Sudoku is occasionally you do run into guesses. It's like dealing with real mines!
Additionally, the combat is a bit out of place. That's not to say the DDR-esque (or like Undyne from Undertale) minigame isn't good, but it doesn't really fit with the minesweeper or even dream look in and of itself, and just serves to take you out of it rather than add to it. I would've preferred something like a logic puzzle, or even another variation or callback to a different old windows pc minigame everyone had just to kinda keep it cohesive.
That being said, I enjoyed my time time with and am looking forward to seeing how they expand on it in the future!
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Image from the steam page
Megaman X Dive Offline (Steam)
You get mad props in my book for turning your mobile game from a F2P gacha game to a cohesive, single-purchase experience. Even more so, when you take the servers down you release that as its own offline game so that it's accessible to anyone who may have missed out.
This was an impulse purchase alongside the Battle Network Legacy collections, and honestly? Kind of regret it. Not because the game is bad exactly, but because I realized that I don't actually like Mega Man X that much to begin with so me getting the whole deal didn't make a lot of sense. The levels are fine and the gameplay is too, however I can already tell that because of how the Gacha works it's a grindfest to get any character up to par, and there's as a result a bunch of inventory management between levels to ensure your stuff remains good. I'm glad they did it, but it exemplifies why adding mechanics that meld with microtransactions inherently makes the core experience worse and the game's not for me.
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Image taken from the Sonic Triple Trouble 16 bit website
Sonic Triple Trouble 16-bit (Fan game)
I saw an article that the Noah Copeland was hopping off of the Sonic Drift 16-bit project to make his own game with his own characters. His reasoning was he had two goals: Make a Sonic fan game and make his own games, and now that he had done the former with Sonic Triple Trouble 16-bit, he wanted to start on the latter. That's completely fair and understandable, and I wish him the best and hope the Sonic Drift 16-bit project continues with the current devs because it looks really good!
I'd be lying if my initial reaction wasn't actually me being like "Wait, there's a really good remake of Sonic Triple Trouble?" Though.
And it is really good! It remakes Sonic Triple Trouble into a "modern" classic Sonic game w3hile adding new levels, playable characters, and layouts and expanding on the story to make it cohesive and fun. Sonic's drop dash returns from Mania, and again it really brings his moveset together and makes him the most fun character to play in my opinion. Tails is also playable at the same time as Sonic, and you can swap to him on the fly with a single button press, which is a welcome change over just having him be around. In Free play mode you can unlock 3 more characters as well, which is always fun.
Overall this is, like Mania, peak classic Sonic gameplay. This is what Sonic Superstars should've been, and its quality is higher than a lot of official Sonic releases as of late (looking at you, Origins and Forces). If you're a fan of Classic Sonic, this is a well designed and excellent experience you need to give a try! And it won't cost you a cent!
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Image taken from the steam store page
Insaniquarium Deluxe (Steam)
This was a fun revisit. I Hadn't played this since way back in the day when they had the original, much more pixelated version and it was nice to revisit.
Just some quick notes on this one: PvZ definitely aged a lot better. While I appreciate that large amount of modes and variety in levels, the gameplay itself is very one note. It's addictive fore sure, but as soon as you get into the habit of it there really isn't much variety between the different tanks other than figuring out how to ramp up production.
Additionally the game has you clicking a lot, and the speed at which you can click is very much ingrained into its core mechanics. If this were made today, that would not go well given how utterly painful play sessions can get. I opted to use a mouse clicker, because I wanted to have fun and also be able to work tomorrow without dying.
All that being said, it's still a fantastic game in its own right! Sure, it's not the deepest gameplay you've ever seen, but not all games have to have deep, complex interweaving mechanics to be a grand old time. It's a great time to play for an hour or so while you're listening to a video or podcast, and honestly I recommend it for just being a fun, nostalgic clicker game. But wait for a sale.
And it's more enjoyable than cookie clicker, imo
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Image from my switch
Princess Peach: Showtime!
As of the time of this writing I haven't beaten it yet, so my story & gameplay assessment may change by that time. If that does, I'll update this in my reviews next month, but I think I'm still pretty on point.
I'll go into this saying I had pretty high hopes for this one. Nintendo has a great track record when it comes to making spin-offs based off of other Mario characters; Yoshi games offer a different but still engaging platforming experience to the basic Mario platformers. Wario Land games are for the most part all great, ranging from platformers that test your wits and abilities to the iconic WL4/Shake it gameplay that would give rise to Pizza Tower. Luigi's mansion took a character whose only feature was being Green Mario and made it into a successful franchise with completely unique gameplay.
And sure, Peach has had a platformer before with Super Princess Peach. I haven't played it, but I heard it was fun. But when this game was announced I will say I was excited to see another Mario spin-off but with Peach as the leading lady.
And it's definitely not bad! I want to make sure that's clear; I don't dislike the game. It's difficult to describe the gameplay in a way that encompasses everything though. The best comparison would be a puzzle platformer but with a large amount of minigames interspersed, along with hidden collectibles all throughout the levels. To go with probably the worst possible game mashup I can think of, It's like Wario: Master of Disguise mixed with Luigi's Mansion 2 and a Spin-off Kirby game.
I will also say that I'm not the target audience for it, for sure, so I'm keeping that in mind when I say this. It's just, I'm kind of disappointed in it myself. It's not challenging, kinda like how Yoshi's Crafted World and most modern Kirby's aren't, but the gameplay isn't really engaging me enough to want to progress that frequently. Additionally most of the challenge seems to be from collecting the green sparkles scattered throughout the level, and for the most part it's not so much a skill challenge as a "Oh did you find the right part of the screen to stand on and pose" sort of thing.
The setting and story kind of irks me as well. The theatre aesthetic isn't foreign to Mario games, with Paper Mario and SMB3 even embracing it, but it feels inconsistent here. Peach is put through a variety of different plays where she assumes the main role in order to complete the stage and overcome the main antagonist: Grape and the Sour Bunch, and bring order back to the play. But it feels like they couldn't decide whether the game was trying to be like "Hey this is you actually helping people in need" and "This is all an act for your amusement", and bouncing back between those constantly and clumsily does it a disservice.
Performance wise the game's not doing so hot either. I know it's on switch, but with how smooth Mario Kart 8 DX and Splatoon 3 run, the game doesn't really have an excuse to be dropping frames. Most of the game is a fixed perspective with models made to look like theater props, but I find it's actually pretty common to see things operating at a lower framerate or stuttering. They also didn't even stick 100% with the theater aesthetic, with a lot of transitions looking almost voxel and digital in nature rather than actively moving set pieces like a performance, which is a shame because if they went all in on it it would've been cool to see them nail it like modern Paper Mario hits the paper aesthetic really well.
All in all, I'd say this a fairly decent game that has some issues finding what it's supposed to be. There's definitely fun to have here, but the variety of costumes and performances which for the most part don't mix together make the game feel like a mini-game collection more than a cohesive experience. So, it's alright, but in my opinion I'd wait for a big sale before picking it up. If you're looking for a challenge, consider this to be like a Kirby game before you buy
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shalmonsgamons · 2 months
Sunday Perusin' 07/28/24
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zu-is-here · 12 days
You know what?
#Crosssweep & #Dreamsweep. ♡
UPD: better luck next time! úwù
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sangfielle · 8 months
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Okay i am officially out of space on my computer because im not deleting any more of my games for this, so i'm stopping looking for now. here's what i have lined up to check out at the moment, though i know i definitely missed some games that i'll be interested in...
notable absences here: longstory 2 (i loooved longstory as a kid so i am excited for an excuse to check it out as an adult and see how it is) & the rubro rose's castle - i was interested in checking out both of these games but their store pages don't actually seem to have a way to download a demo? so my efforts to get a piece of those games that i can play are foiled for the moment. also i just lied i had enough space to download the gatekeeper demo so i'm doing that too
i'll put all the actual names of the games in the image utc
Case files behind closed doors
Stellar initiative
Children of the sun
Death trick: double blind
Tokyo psychodemic
Imperial grace
Bewitching sinners
Blood midnight blossom
Diets & deities
Deep russian depression
Under the snow
Islands of insight
News tower
Ad fundum
Profiler files - new orleans
Back to school
The hungry lamb
Under the yoke
What have you done, father?
Gestalt: the fifth day
The posthumous investigation
Until then
Glam pursuit
Longstory 2
Matchmaker: dungeon heart
Love in a bottle
Fallen seeds
Turlock holmes
Sanatorium - a mental asylum simulator
Type king
Alchemy: origins
United sects of america
Pricolage idolized
Alcyone: the last city
Meta-ghost: the breaking show
Menace from the deep
Quit today
Rolling for romance
Passage: a job interview simulator
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indiegamelover · 2 months
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✰ More indie games you may have missed:
IndieGameLover @ Youtube
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alyimoss · 12 days
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ladysunamireads · 17 days
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paradoxoftrees · 12 days
Guys… it’s officially over. Dream has officially lost.
But that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate Dream’s phenomenal performance so far. He had a good run. He was tough. He was valiant. He was hot. Let’s honor Dream for what he’s done for us Dream simps through the power of fanfiction.
In the name of Dream, I shall create a #dreamsweep victory fic, an alternate AU where Dream is crowned THE Sans AU Sexyman.
we love you dream
*cross you better get rid of this glitch*
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spiffyinfo · 7 months
Dreaming of defusing? | Dreamsweeper (part 2)
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theindieinformer · 8 months
On The Radar: ILA: A Frosty Glide, Keeper's Toll, And Dreamsweeper
ILA: A Frosty Glide, Dreamsweeper, and Keeper's Toll don't have much in common beside you should have them on your radar.
It’s an occupational hazard coving indie games to get lost in unexpected worlds. Sometimes, I stumble into these titles going about my day, and sometimes I’m lucky enough that someone reaches out to share them with me. This last is how I encountered ILA: A Frosty Glide, Dreamsweeper, and Keeper’s Toll. The trio don’t have much in common besides the way I found them, but all merit a space on…
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