garfieldstim · 2 months
Forest green photography/mycology with a country theming stimboard please!!! I’m trying to plan my future wedding and stimboards are my favorite way to get ideas (along with Pinterest lmao)
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green photography/mycology/country themed stimboard for @dreams-encapsulated-in-glamour
x x x / x x x / x x x
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nualaofthefaerie · 1 year
In another post you mentioned you had marked all your favorite Sunflower moments/interactions. Do you mind sharing your favorites with your devout followers?
Much love, Fauxraven
It is high time I come back to writing in here.
I will start by answering some questions, I've been overlooking for a while and then will share why I was away for as long as I have.
Let's discuss my favourite Sandflower interactions though. Thank you for the question and this is going to be quite lengthy as a post, but please bear with me. + the interactions are not ordered by how favourite of mine they are, but rather chronologically for the sake of order in the post 🪷
!Spoilers for the entirety of the Sandman comics under the divider!
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Season of Mists
This one is very easy. It's the first time they meet and immediately two panels are very important to me as far as their relationship goes.
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People make the VERY wrong assumption Nuala was always enthralled by Morpheus but she wasn't. She met him under her "Ice Maiden" title - a fairy so desired men died for a sliver of her attention. She went to the Dreaming as ordered by Titania, the reasons for which could be discussed in another post. Nuala being a gift to Morpheus is a very calculated move by Titania, putting both Nuala and Morpheus in extremely uncomfortable for them positions. Initially. The reason I love this panel is because it shows simultenously that Nuala didn't care about Morpheus at all and she was being arrogant towards him.
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The second interaction in Season of Mists that I want to point out is this panel right here. Although on the surface this entire interaction is quite meaningful this panel right here is very important for two reasons. One and that is the obvious one, he is forcing Nuala on a journey of self-discovery and love, stripping the deceptive glamour thrusted upon her from the moment she first existed (all fairies wear glamour). Second, Morpheus notes to "misliking little magics in his realm", which is factually untrue - everything in his realm is magic in one form or another. What he dislikes is not being in control of the magic being distributed throughout his realm. So here already he had begun very clearly being dishonest with Nuala, which we will see further becomes a pattern - he will say one thing and do the exact opposite.
A Game of You
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The famous page. But what people rarely talk about this panel is that Morpheus makes the active choice to be nice to her. Something he doesn't do. It is okay to not believe me, but go back, read for yourself, Morpheus doesn't praise people, he doesn't hand out empty compliments or say nice things to people in general. Now, this is the first time he does that with Nuala. He will do it one-two more times I think - he will praise her to other people and briefly before they separate for the last time. Nuala is someone Morpheus harbours positive feelings for. However, from that point forward, we will see Morpheus making the choice to act in a way he usually doesn't and do things he doesn't usually do. This is the face of the Sandflower community (me and my three bitches), but it is not my favourite panel by a long slide.
Brief Lives
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I can choose a lot of interactions from "Brief Lives" however that will take an excrutiating amount of time. The most important thing about Brief Lives is the pendant Nuala receives from Thessaly, Morpheus' nasty attitude, because he is being whiny he got broken up with and what a wonderful pretty girl Lala is. This panel encapsulates that so that's why it's here.
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THIS interaction has to be top 3 of my favourite interactions between them. Remember when I said in the beginning people hold big misconceptions about Nuala as a character - that she is a weak, spineless character that fades into the background. This panel is my favourite to disprove those.
"Nuala is meek to Morpheus."
No, Nuala likes Morpheus, there is a difference. Because if she was meek, she would've never stood up for herself or put him in his place, which she does in this very conversation despite their more than obvious power dynamics. While Morpheus shows open distain for her people, Nuala simply and confidently tells Morpheus she cannot change who she is, which is a surprise to the Dream Lord. She is unwilling to allow to be slandered like that whether he is a king or a jester.
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This one is here because 1. He lets her keep the pendant, which at that point is not deliberate on his side but it will become a point of deep connection between them (there is a theory about the pendant, another post I want to write a lot), in a way he didn't have with Thessaly mind you. 2. He calls her "Little one" and I think that is adorable.
World's End
I will not put anything from Worlds End because it's the most important Sandflower volume in my opinion. I will, at some point write a whole post about Issue #52. For now, if you're interested go read Issue #52.
The Kindly Ones
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This is my single favourite panel in the entire Sandman. Nuala and Morpheus were the original "You came/ You called" and I can't wait to see it in the series through the eyes of Nuala's actress and Tom Sturridge. ( I want to write a whole separate post about the pendant too, so, for now this is enough).
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And lastly, I could put their whole conversation here and I could put the numerous comparison's between Morpheus' relationship with Thessaly and with Nuala. But I won't do that because they are irrelevant.
When Nuala became "The Maiden" both in the sense of the Kinly Ones and Persephone, she became a tragic figure bound by her love for a man that is quietly self-distructive. If you go back and read through the comic, there is a distinct uncertainty about Morpheus' coldness from his official partners - Calliope says he suddenly became cold; Thessaly believes he sees people as things he wants until he gets them and then he gets bored; Titania does not talk a lot about the nature of their relationship, however from context we can infer he also stopped responding to her at some point and she is still hung on him (as seen by her conversation with Nuala). Only Nuala recognizes his coldness for what it is - a deep inner hatred of himself and usage of loneliness as a means of punishment of himself. She ecognizes the patterns of his behaviours from his standpoint as opposed to her own, symbolizing the level to which they are connected, whether we as readers realize it or not (because I initially didn't). Nuala wants to save Morpheus, but she is very well aware that she can't.
As for Morpheus he choose Nuala as the last woman (because he did choose to go to her, he had every right to refuse and protect his kingdom, despite the boon) to visit before his death, even though Thessaly had at that point broken him up and he had given up (as by the red flowers in their feet). It is such a heartbreaking panel. Because it is the one that actually shows the depth to which Nuala sees Morpheus past his mask and the level to which Morpheus lies to her for a reason we never find out.
An amalgamation of all they had experienced together is him saying "He didn't notice" and yet, no one who has read the comics from start to finish believes Morpheus. He doesn't believe himself. She was the last person outside of his closest circle he ever saw. Why? Because of his responsibility to a boon? No. He could've left, he knew she would understand, even though she was most adamant he should stay. He stayed because he wanted.
My personal belief here is that Morpheus in his evident self-hatred did everything in his power to make Nuala turn away from him. He recognizes her as something good and we know Morpheus does not believe he deserves good things. So their last conversation is also a way for him to hurt her to a point where she wouldn't be in pain once he dies. Because she is good and he is not.
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Author's note:
It's on posts like these that I realize how much I've uncovered about Sandflower since I first started. I genuinely thought I was in a crackhead space and yet, going back and reading again it's truly baffling how many times Neil wrote actions instead of words - because the good thing about comics is that we can not only read we can see, and the actions Morpheus takes towards someone he doesn't seemingly care about all that much, do not align with his words. I encourage everyone to make their own headcanons or draw their own conclusions. These are my personal and of course they highly reflect my biased viewpoints.
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teejeyfreak · 5 months
High school—the very phrase stirs a flood of memories, a tidal wave of emotions crashing against the shores of my mind. It was a time of growth, of discovery, of stumbling through obstacles both internal and external. As I reflect on those formative years, the hurdles and triumphs stand out like vivid brushstrokes on the canvas of my youth.
The journey began with trepidation, the weight of adolescence heavy upon my shoulders. I remember the first day vividly, the nervous energy crackling in the air like static electricity. Stepping through the imposing gates of the school, I was greeted by a sea of unfamiliar faces, each one a potential friend or foe. The halls echoed with laughter and chatter, a cacophony of voices blending into a symphony of adolescence.
But amidst the excitement lurked the shadows of uncertainty. The academic rigors of high school loomed like mountains on the horizon, their peaks obscured by clouds of doubt. Would I be able to keep up with the demands of coursework? Would I find my place among my peers? These questions weighed heavily on my mind, casting a pall over the bright promise of a new chapter.
The first obstacle presented itself in the form of algebra—a subject that seemed as foreign to me as ancient hieroglyphics. Try as I might, the equations danced like elusive phantoms, slipping through my grasp with frustrating ease. Hours were spent poring over textbooks, grappling with concepts that seemed to mock my efforts. But with each stumble came a glimmer of understanding, a faint beacon of hope amidst the darkness of confusion.
As the days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, I found my footing in the academic arena. Subjects that once seemed insurmountable gradually became second nature, their complexities unraveling like a puzzle solved through perseverance and determination. With each passing grade, I gained confidence in my abilities, a sense of accomplishment fueling my drive to excel.
But high school was more than just a battleground of intellect—it was a crucible of character, where friendships were forged in the fires of shared experiences. I recall the laughter that echoed through the corridors during lunch breaks, the camaraderie of teammates on the soccer field, the late-night study sessions fueled by caffeine and camaraderie.
Yet amidst the laughter, there were tears—the inevitable byproduct of teenage angst and uncertainty. Friendships were tested, hearts were broken, dreams were shattered like fragile glass. The social hierarchy loomed like a specter, its invisible hand dictating the ebb and flow of teenage politics. But through it all, I learned the value of resilience, of picking myself up after each fall and forging ahead with newfound strength.
One unforgettable memory stands out amidst the tapestry of high school experiences—a moment that encapsulates the triumphs and tribulations of those tumultuous years. It was the day of the senior prom, a night of glitz and glamour that promised to be the highlight of our high school careers. As I stood before the mirror, adjusting my tie with trembling hands, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of nostalgia mingled with anticipation.
The gymnasium was transformed into a fairy tale ballroom, twinkling lights casting a soft glow over the dance floor. Couples swayed to the rhythm of the music, their laughter mingling with the strains of a love song. For a fleeting moment, the worries and woes of high school faded into the background, replaced by a sense of unity and celebration.
But as the night wore on, reality intruded like an unwelcome guest, reminding us that our time together was drawing to a close. The realization hit me like a punch to the gut—the end of high school was not just the end of an era, but the beginning of a new chapter, filled with uncertainty and possibility.
As I walked across the stage to receive my diploma, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness mingled with pride. High school had been a rollercoaster ride of emotions, a whirlwind of obstacles and unforgettable memories that had shaped me into the person I was destined to become. And as I looked towards the future, I knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, I would face them with the same courage and resilience that had carried me through those formative years.
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Come Home To Me
Why are you like this?
Who put you up to this?
You scream and curse me out, you say it’s all my fault.
But this isn’t the man I fell in love with.
This isn’t the man who held me tight as I fell asleep last spring.
This isn’t the man that I grabbed by the waist to kiss before you walked out the door.
Come Home To Me
Where are you?
Why do you run from me?
Why do you let everyone else keep you from who you are inside?
Who have you become that makes you so sad?
Come Home To Me
Be the man I cried on the phone with because I want to marry you.
Be the man that I want to raise a family with
Be the man who I willing to finish school faster for in order to be together when you leave for grad school.
Come Home To Me
Will you be the man I know you can be?
Will you be the man I can wake up next to?
Will you bring me coffee in the morning before the kids wake up like you promised our future to be?
Will you be the man that I can get breakfast sandwiches with on a lazy Saturday morning?
Will you be the man that I can grab a blanket and curl up into your lap with a book to read together?
Will you be the man that I can count on to bring my robe to me as I get out of the bath?
Come Home To Me, Love.
Come Home To Me, For You Are Home To Me.
I Want To Come Home, But You Aren’t Home Right Now.
Come Home, Please.
Just Come Home.
Please Come Home To Me.
Hey yall! Another original piece I’ve been workshopping for a week or so, and I had more inspiration after some conversations with my girlfriend/future fiancée/future wife.
She’s everything to me, and this piece started after a major break in communication made me realize that I wasn’t being my true self because of who I was around. She pleaded me to come back to her, and since she’s home for me, Come Home To Me was the immediate inspiration.
Thank you for being a part of my thoughts and poetry, I hope you enjoy. Please credit if you pull it or use it. Thank you!
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pearllemon-classics · 6 months
Cruising Through Dreams: Bucket List Classic Car Events Around the World
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Fasten your seatbelts, my fellow motor enthusiasts! We’re about to embark on an exhilarating adventure through the globe’s most iconic classic car events. From the heart-pounding roar of engines on Europe’s legendary circuits to California’s sun-kissed streets, these must-attend events are guaranteed to fuel your passion for vintage motoring. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or just daydreaming about owning a classic car one day, these events offer a sneak peek into the very essence of automotive history. So, don your driving gloves and join us as we journey through the ultimate classic car experiences worldwide!
1. Goodwood Festival of Speed
West Sussex, England
Tucked away in the undulating landscapes of West Sussex, England, lies the Goodwood Festival of Speed — a paradise for car lovers. This annual spectacle presents a breathtaking collection of classic cars, from timeless racers to contemporary supercars, all vying for glory on the legendary Hillclimb course. Goodwood seamlessly weaves together nostalgia and exhilaration, promising an indelible experience for devotees across generations. Picture yourself delving into the rich legacy and sophistication of classic automobiles at events like this one. Pearl Lemon Classics crafts bespoke experiential tours that transport enthusiasts on immersive journeys through the magnificence of classic cars and iconic racing events throughout the UK and Europe. Embrace this opportunity to live your passion!
2. Monterey Car Week
Monterey, California, USA
Every August, the charming coastal town of Monterey, California, transforms into a grand stage for one of the world’s most esteemed classic car events. Monterey Car Week is not just an event; it’s a week-long celebration of automotive brilliance that captures hearts worldwide. From prestigious concours d’elegance to heart-pounding races at Laguna Seca and awe-inspiring auctions where vintage gems find new homes, every moment is steeped in excitement and elegance. Whether you’re marvelling at rare Ferraris on the Pebble Beach Golf Links or embarking on a nostalgic journey along 17-Mile Drive in your own classic car, Monterey Car Week is an absolute must for any car aficionado. With Pearl Lemon Classics, you can immerse yourself in this glamourous spectacle through tailor-made tour packages that promise more than just experiences — they create timeless memories filled with history, sophistication and thrill!
3. Le Mans Classic
Le Mans, France
For those whose hearts beat faster at the thought of endurance racing, there’s no event that compares to the Le Mans Classic. Held every two years on the legendary Circuit de la Sarthe in France, this event is a magnificent homage to motorsport’s golden age. It showcases a captivating collection of vintage race cars, each competing for honour on a track steeped in history and tales of triumph and tragedy. Whether you’re basking in the thunderous symphony of classic prototypes from the grandstands or soaking up the electric atmosphere in the bustling paddock, Le Mans Classic is an adventure that every racing enthusiast should experience. Picture yourself standing amidst history at Circuit de la Sarthe, where Pearl Lemon Classics offers exclusive insights and access to private collections — ensuring an immersive experience at events like Le Mans Classic that truly encapsulate vintage motoring’s timeless allure.
4. Woodward Dream Cruise
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Heralded as the globe’s grandest one-day car festival, the Woodward Dream Cruise is an unparalleled homage to American automotive heritage. Each August, a cavalcade of classic cars invades Detroit’s historic Woodward Avenue, morphing it into a dynamic exhibition of motoring milestones. From brawny muscle cars to sizzling hot rods, and from vintage trucks to bespoke cruisers — the Dream Cruise is a visual and auditory banquet. It offers live music, culinary delights and boundless chances for reminiscing with fellow aficionados. Immerse yourself in exhilarating events like the Woodward Dream Cruise with Pearl Lemon Classics — nurturing a community of passionate enthusiasts and crafting unforgettable experiences within the pulsating realm of retro motoring.
5. Classic Days Schloss Dyck
Jüchen, Germany
Imagine being enveloped by the serene beauty of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, where Schloss Dyck stands majestically as the stage for one of Europe’s most esteemed classic car events. Classic Days Schloss Dyck is more than a weekend event; it’s a jubilant celebration of automotive history that captivates and thrills. From admiring the timeless elegance of pre-war classics to experiencing the heart-pounding excitement of vintage race cars in action, Schloss Dyck offers an all-encompassing journey into automotive heritage for enthusiasts across generations. Picture yourself at Classic Days Schloss Dyck, where Pearl Lemon Classics nurtures a passionate community and provides personalised attention, crafting indelible memories in the enchanting realm of vintage motoring.
As we draw the curtain on our thrilling journey through the world’s most coveted classic car events, it becomes resoundingly evident that the fervour for vintage motoring is a universal phenomenon. Whether you’re meticulously planning your next escapade or simply harbouring dreams of one day possessing a classic beauty, remember that an exhilarating world of vintage motoring stands ready to set your passion ablaze and fuel your aspirations. With organisations like Pearl Lemon Classics offering bespoke tours tailored to enthusiasts craving immersive experiences amidst majestic classic cars and iconic racing events, the opportunities are boundless. So come along! Let’s revel in the timeless legacy of classic cars and salute the vibrant community of enthusiasts who keep the flame of vintage motoring burning brightly!
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barbie-sequel · 10 months
Barbie's Unexpected Journey: From Glitz to Grit
A Dream Unveils an Unforeseen Path
"This is a great film script" - Lee Rathbone
October 6th, 2023, 5:38 AM - A Dream Unveils an Unforeseen Path
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In an unexpected turn of events, Barbie finds herself in a senior assisted care home, far from the glitz and glamour she's known for. In this unconventional setting, she's juggling multiple roles - cooking, waiting tables, bussing, and washing dishes. Amidst this chaos, a young girl is trying to convince the elderly residents of Barbie's iconic status. However, these ladies, the youngest of whom were born in the 1940s, are oblivious to Barbie's fame. They grew up in a world before Barbie dolls became a childhood staple.
In the background of this bustling environment, Barbie overhears the young girl conversing with her great-grandmother. For Barbie, there's a sense of relief in her anonymity, as it shields her from a looming legal predicament involving her longtime companion, Ken.
Flashback to the Catalyst: Ken's Ambitious Space Venture
The narrative takes us back to where it all began. Ken, now going by the name Jordan Noone, has embarked on a grand space endeavor with his "New Space Company," directly challenging the monopoly of the "Old Space Company." The latter, having deeply entrenched connections with politicians and having received a trillion-dollar investment from the government, views Ken's innovative and efficient approach as a threat to their established order.
As Ken's company inches closer to a groundbreaking Mars mission, a storm brews in the form of fabricated legal charges. Faced with 91 charges, ranging from insider trading to ludicrous accusations about his dogs, Ken's dream teeters on the brink of collapse. The charges are so absurd they point to a clear manipulation by higher powers to thwart his mission.
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A Night of Desperate Decisions
One night, under the cloak of darkness, Ken, accompanied by his loyal dachshunds, ascends the launch tower. With assistance from HAL, his AI supercomputer, he evades security and prepares for an unsanctioned launch to Mars. Ken's decision is driven by the belief that the only way to escape the corrupt clutches of his adversaries is to take his mission off-planet.
Ken's Philosophical Reflection
Atop the tower, Ken muses on the harsh reality he's faced with, a sentiment encapsulated in his words to his dogs, "Once they know you have dogs, you are F____'d! Come on kids, load up." The scene is both poignant and a stark departure from the Ken we've known - a symbol of his transformation from a dreamy entrepreneur to a resolute astronaut.
Barbie's Unwavering Loyalty and New Challenges
Meanwhile, Barbie, unaware of Ken's exact whereabouts, is thrown into a whirlwind of her own. Their communication is sporadic, often occurring during her drives, like when Ken calls her from space as she's waiting in a long line at a Starbucks drive-thru.
The government's pursuit of Ken escalates, leading to a search warrant for the AI computers at the New Space Company. Ken tries to shield Barbie from the chaos, but the reality is dire - if the AI is seized, Ken's survival in space is jeopardized.
Barbie's Sacrifice and Resilience
In a twist of fate, Barbie, on a whim, finds sanctuary in a senior center, Royal Estates. Mistaken for a Mary Kay representative due to her pink Cadillac, she seamlessly blends into this new world. She becomes a beloved figure, teaching makeup, art, and even helping out in emergencies like a tornado. Her skills as a mechanic come to the fore as she repairs a generator and windows post-storm.
Amidst her new life, Barbie's bond with a young girl living with her great-grandmother at the facility grows. The girl's attempts to reveal Barbie's true identity add an element of danger to Barbie's stay.
Ken's Perilous Situation in Space
As the government seizes the New Space Company, turning off the AI computers, Ken's situation becomes dire. He's now reliant on his limited skills and Barbie's assistance from Earth. The narrative highlights Ken's vulnerability and Barbie's growing role in ensuring his safety.
Barbie's Humanity and Compassion
The climax of the story reveals Barbie's profound humanity. As she assists a dying resident in her final moments, missing Ken's historic Mars landing, her compassion and selflessness are illuminated. This act cements Barbie's journey from a symbol of glamour to a beacon of empathy and strength.
The Resolution: Triumph Against Adversity
Ken's successful landing on Mars and his subsequent revelation to the world through social media catalyze a shift in public opinion. The politicians and corrupt forces retreat, allowing Barbie to emerge from hiding. The emotional reunion and the community's celebration of Barbie's unheralded contribution to Ken's mission underscore her significance beyond her public persona.
In the end, Barbie and Ken's story becomes a testament to resilience, innovation, and the power of unwavering support. Ken's success on Mars marks a new era for space exploration, driven not by government agendas or corporate interests, but by the indomitable spirit of individual pioneers.
As the news of Ken's landing spreads, the world watches in awe. The public pressure generated by his achievement forces the corrupt politicians and the Old Space Company to retreat into the shadows, their plans foiled by the sheer force of Ken's determination and Barbie's support.
The return of Barbie's iconic pink Cadillac, towed away by the authorities as part of their investigation, becomes a symbol of justice and vindication. The community at Royal Estates, now aware of Barbie's true identity and her role in Ken's mission, gathers to celebrate her bravery and kindness. The elderly residents, who once knew nothing of Barbie, now see her as a hero in her own right.
The story culminates in a grand celebration in Wichita Falls. The mayor honors Barbie with a medal, acknowledging her contributions not just to Ken's mission but to the community she embraced in her time of hiding. Fire trucks and police cars parade through the streets, a vibrant display of support for Barbie and Ken.
Ken's return from Mars brings another surprise. The AI supercomputer, seized by the government but incompetently handled, is finally returned to the New Space Company. The engineers, once arrested for obstruction, are released and hailed as heroes for their role in the mission.
The narrative closes with Barbie and Ken reunited, their love and partnership stronger than ever. Ken's journey to Mars and Barbie's unexpected adventure at Royal Estates have changed them, deepening their appreciation for each other and for the simple yet profound moments of human connection.
Their story, a blend of adventure, drama, and romance, leaves a lasting impression about the power of dreams, the resilience in the face of adversity, and the enduring strength of love. Barbie and Ken, once symbols of youth and fantasy, emerge as embodiments of courage, innovation, and compassion, inspiring a new generation to look beyond the stars.
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artanogon · 2 years
I would love to know more about the great gatsby mcyt au actually if you're willing to share
okay so fun fact about us great gatsby is in our top 3 favorite works, beaten only by lotr and shakespeare's plays. we read it for an english assignment back in uhhh. sophomore year and didn't appreciate it much at the time but ended up going back to it and now it is cemented as one of our favorite stories of all time. recently we've been watching the newer movie version of it w leonardo decaprio and thinking a lot about it. i love the feel of it like. the crazy young rich and spoiled always dreaming 1920s american youth who have everything and still aren't happy and keep reaching for more and more, the glitz and glamour and craze of the setting met with the absolute hopelessness of their inner lives. i think it's such a fascinating stage for character insights
what i'm really trying to decide on is who to write it about! because there's a lot of potential routes i could go down (like mumbo grian and scar or some of the esmp members, maybe even dsmp if i go hard nostalgia) but i really want to find a group of people that encapsulate the main cast, since i want to retell that story with the twist of some of my favorite characters. i really need someone to fit nick in particular as a character or narrator, but more than that, i need a relationship that can even TRY to live up to the story of gatsby and daisy
and that's where the bigger struggle lies i think. because there has to be so much there. materialism, idealism, devotion, reckless love and waiting and hoping, met with despair, two people who only have eyes for the version of each other that exists in their head. one who loves money and comfort and pearls and flowers, and one who has everything but will waste it all on the person who wants gold and glamor. i need a relationship that can encapsulate this scene from the movie and make me both want that life and fear it at the same time
i know the setting. i know the tale of tragedy i want to tell with all their relationships . i know the things i want to improve and change and queercode and the way to portray the world around them. i have the bones for a story idea
i just need to know who
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friedricebunny · 1 year
Am becoming a "if haruichi had a season 2 to his lovers route, mc's own background would be a reoccurring topic in the season" truther
Because like
Something that fascinates me about haruichi and mc is how they once both shared an intense dislike of the world they've both been born into but the way they dealt with their respective worlds are completely opposite to one another. Granted those worlds are COMPLETELY different with mc just being a country gal while haruichi literally was born into a crime family but at some point, both did not want to be a part of the world they were born into. But then what's really interesting is how they treat that world as adults.
For MC, her dislike of her country roots turns into a rejection of the country life entirely, serving as a central part of her character. The entire plot of uncover the truth is even based on the fact that she doesn't want to be paired up with what she assumes is some country guy her mom wants her to be with. But her rejection of her country roots also serve as the basis for so many of her insecurities as she tries desperately to appear like a perfect city girl and forget about that girl who lived in the middle of nowhere and rolled around in the mud (which I'm fairly certain is something she literally says in Itaru's lovers route but don't quote me on that). In rejecting her country roots, MC rejects herself as a whole.
For Haruichi though, it's completely different. It's shown in his true ending that Haruichi did not necessarily want to become the leader of the Mamiya Family. But while he did try to seek his own future at first by going off to college in the US, he ultimately ended up embracing the role of being the Mamiya Family leader - initially for his own goals of changing/helping the world before being more for both the goal of protecting those already under the Mamiya Family's power and expanding the Mamiya Family's power in Japan. But in order to lead the Mamiya Family properly, Haruichi needed to hide his full self behind two completely different masks, one of the polite and kind but distant IT company president to maintain the facade of a law abiding citizen and another of the intimidating and merciless yakuza boss in order to maintain order and protect the people he cares about. Neither of these masks encapsulate the Haruichi left in between the two who's constantly worrying every day about whether he's done enough or if he's succeeded in his goals (which according to him almost never happens) or the Haruichi who behind all the glamour and suspense is just someone trying desperately to help those around him. In embracing his criminal roots, Haruichi also ends up rejecting himself as a whole.
Ultimately despite the two of them going opposite ways with the backgrounds they dislike/once disliked, neither of them were able to accept themselves before the events of uncover the truth.
I know his lovers route needed to be more about MC coming to terms with his whole lie and deciding to be with him nonetheless because girl is NOT dating a criminal that easily, but I feel like there could just be more writing about the way Haruichi and MC both suffer from a similar rejection of the self as a result of the way they've treated their respective backgrounds.
I have absolutely zero idea what is talked about in Itaru's lovers route season 2 but I do hope it expanded more on some aspect of Itaru that I haven't even thought of at all (<- not an itaru main) much like how I dream of a Haruichi lovers route season 2 that really delves much more into character and that concept of identity I keep talking about with him. And I feel like the perfect thing for that is connecting back to MC's own issues with her self and her country roots as well.
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moonspower · 1 year
✨ nothing very, very good and nothing very, very bad ever lasts for very, very long. — doug c., gen x.
❝ mid twenties breakdown: a period of mental collapse occurring in one’s twenties, often caused by an inability to function outside of school or structured environments coupled with a realization of one’s essential aloneness in the world. often marks induction into the ritual of pharmaceutical usage. ❞ — douglas coupland, generation x.
this quote, from one of my favorite books, really encapsulates virote. at his current age of 28, born in 1994. this book is about gen x aka the generation born 1965 - 1980, but i feel like there’s a lot of millennial overlap… minus the whole everyone ignoring gen x in favor of blaming millennials for everything lol.
there’s something kind of nutty about being a millennial. a lot of us lived through a lot of historical events, grew up during the revolution of technology, and we were born at a time when we were promised many, many things by our parents / grandparents like the american dream. only to become jaded and angry and sad. this kind of goes across all cultures, wealth classes, etc. millennial depression is real!
the millennial dark cloud. i feel like virote really embodies that in some ways! being almost thirty, looking at the state of the world, and just being tired. knowing that you’re helping lead the future. a future that’s been ruined already.
i always joke that virote is a muse that’s all about the 2000s post-9 / 11, george bush era escapism and glamour and glitz and chaos and weirdness. but it kind of goes beyond all that!
and i guess that’s what makes him so relatable as a muse.
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moonglittering · 2 years
✨ nothing very, very good and nothing very, very bad ever lasts for very very long. — doug c., gen x.
❝ mid twenties breakdown: a period of mental collapse occurring in one’s twenties, often caused by an inability to function outside of school or structured environments coupled with a realization of one’s essential aloneness in the world. often marks induction into the ritual of pharmaceutical usage. ❞ — douglas coupland, generation x.
this quote, from one of my favorite books, really encapsulates virote. at his current age of 28, born in 1994. this book is about gen x aka the generation born 1965 - 1980, but i feel like there's a lot of millennial overlap... minus the whole everyone ignoring gen x in favor of blaming millennials for everything lol.
there’s something kind of nutty about being a millennial. a lot of us lived through a lot of historical events, grew up during the revolution of technology, and we were born at a time when we were promised many, many things by our parents / grandparents like the american dream. only to become jaded and angry and sad. this kind of goes across all cultures, wealth classes, etc. millennial depression is real!
the millennial dark cloud. i feel like virote really embodies that in some ways! being almost thirty, looking at the state of the world, and just being tired. knowing that you’re helping lead the future. a future that’s been ruined already.
i always joke that virote is a muse that’s all about the 2000s post-9 / 11, george bush era escapism and glamour and glitz and chaos and weirdness. but it kind of goes beyond all that!
and i guess that’s what makes him so relatable as a muse.
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garfieldstim · 12 days
Hey there again! Looking for a stimboard that’s autumn/photography/fall forest themed!
I love your work!
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autumnal forest photography stimboard for @dreams-encapsulated-in-glamour
x x x / x x x / x x x
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greatheartprince · 14 days
Paradise Cruise in Goa: A Sunset Cocktail to Perfectly Savor the Views!
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Imagine the golden rays of the setting sun shimmering on the calm waters of the Mandovi River as you sip a cool cocktail, feeling the breeze dance through your hair. The Paradise Cruise in Goa offers just that—a unique, blissful evening where the magic of Goa's nightlife meets the serenity of a river cruise. Whether you're looking to relax or to party the night away, this cruise delivers an experience that's both luxurious and lively. Let’s embark on a journey where the night sky, live music, and dancing lights become your playground!
Boarding the Bliss: The Mandovi River Cruise Experience
The evening begins as you step onto the River Mandovi cruise, welcomed by cheerful staff and the promise of an unforgettable night ahead. The boat itself is nothing short of enchanting, with multiple decks offering panoramic views of Goa’s coastline, lush mangroves, and illuminated bridges. As you sail along, the Mandovi River becomes a canvas of colour, blending the fading hues of daylight with the twinkle of the distant city lights.
Groovy Beats and Delicious Feasts: Dinner Cruise Goa Highlights
Once the cruise sets sail, the vibrant energy takes over. The heart of this journey lies not only in the stunning surroundings but in the exhilarating party atmosphere on board. Feel the rhythm of the night as a live DJ spins tunes, setting the mood for dancing under the stars. The dance performances add a touch of glamour, transforming the deck into a stage for dazzling performances. But it’s the gourmet experience that truly stands out—the dinner in cruise in Goa offers a sumptuous spread of local and international cuisine. Indulge in mouth-watering dishes, paired with complimentary drinks, as you dine in the heart of this floating paradise.
Dancing, Games, and Prizes: The Ultimate Party Cruise Goa
This is not your ordinary boat ride—on the party cruise Goa, the excitement never ceases! Dance enthusiasts will love the non-stop action on the dance floor, where you can groove to the latest hits or traditional Goan music. For the competitive at heart, fun games with fabulous prizes keep the crowd entertained. Whether you’re a seasoned dancer or just someone looking to have a great time, this cruise ensures there’s never a dull moment.
Romance on the River: A Perfect Yacht in Goa for Couples
For those seeking a quieter, more intimate experience, there’s the option to enjoy a yacht in Goa for couples, where romance floats effortlessly on the breeze. Picture a private table, secluded from the party crowd, where you can share a quiet dinner while the moon casts its glow on the river’s surface. It’s a perfect evening for couples looking to rekindle their connection in a serene, yet lively environment.
An Evening to Remember: Dinner Cruise Goa
The cruise experience is designed to cater to all, from those looking to relax to those eager to revel in the vibrant Goan nightlife. From the spectacular views to the unbeatable party atmosphere, a night on the dinner cruise Goa is one that you won’t soon forget. After hours of dancing, dining, and indulging in the joyous ambience, the cruise docks, leaving you with a heart full of memories and a head buzzing with excitement.
As the night ends and the Paradise Cruise in Goa reaches its final stop, you’ll find yourself dreaming of your next adventure on the waters of the Mandovi. With its perfect combination of fun, food, and breathtaking sights, this river cruise is an experience like no other—one that encapsulates the vibrant spirit of Goa.
So, why wait? Book your tickets and prepare for an evening where every moment is filled with delight, and every view is worth savouring!
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itsamazingbride · 2 months
Enchanting Bridal Dresses: A Journey Through Timeless Elegance
The world of bridal fashion is a mesmerizing tapestry woven with dreams, traditions, and contemporary flair. Each bridal dress tells a unique story, reflecting not just the personality of the bride but also the cultural and historical influences that shape its design. The journey of finding the perfect bridal dress is one of the most cherished experiences for any bride-to-be, as it encapsulates the essence of her wedding day and her personal style. In this article, we explore the captivating allure of wedding bridal dresses, from timeless classics to modern masterpieces.
The allure of bridal dresses lies in their ability to transform a bride into a vision of elegance and grace. One of the most enduring styles is the classic ball gown. Characterized by its fitted bodice and voluminous skirt, the ball gown is a timeless symbol of romance and grandeur. This silhouette is often associated with fairy tales, making it a popular choice for brides who dream of a storybook wedding. The beauty of the ball gown lies in its versatility; it can be adorned with intricate lace, sparkling embellishments, or kept simple with luxurious satin or silk. The dramatic silhouette of the ball gown ensures that every bride feels like a princess on her special day.
For those seeking a more contemporary yet equally enchanting look, the mermaid or trumpet silhouette offers a stunning alternative. These dresses are designed to hug the body and flare out at or below the knee, creating a striking and elegant profile. The mermaid dress is particularly popular for its ability to accentuate the bride’s curves while exuding sophistication and glamour. Fabrics such as lace, tulle, and crepe are often used to create a mermaid dress, adding texture and dimension to the overall design. This style is perfect for brides who want to make a bold statement while maintaining an air of timeless beauty.
The A-line silhouette is another beloved choice, known for its universally flattering shape. This style features a fitted bodice that gradually flares out to the hem, resembling the shape of an uppercase "A." The A-line dress is a versatile option that can be tailored to suit any wedding theme, from bohemian beach ceremonies to elegant ballroom affairs. The simplicity of the A-line silhouette allows for endless customization, whether through the addition of lace sleeves, beaded bodices, or flowing chiffon skirts. This style is ideal for brides who desire a balance between classic elegance and modern charm.
In recent years, bridal fashion has seen a resurgence of vintage-inspired designs. Dresses reminiscent of bygone eras, such as the 1920s and 1950s, have captured the hearts of many brides. The 1920s-inspired dresses often feature intricate beadwork, fringe details, and a loose, flowing silhouette, evoking the glamour of the Jazz Age. Meanwhile, the 1950s-style tea-length dresses, characterized by their cinched waists and full skirts, bring a touch of retro chic to contemporary weddings. These vintage-inspired dresses allow brides to pay homage to the elegance of the past while embracing their unique sense of style.
Modern bridal fashion is also embracing non-traditional elements, offering brides the opportunity to express their individuality. Colored bridal dresses are becoming increasingly popular, with shades like blush pink, champagne, and even bold hues such as red or blue making their way down the aisle. These unconventional colors add a fresh and contemporary twist to traditional bridal attire, allowing brides to make a statement and break away from the norm. Additionally, jumpsuits and separates are gaining traction as stylish alternatives to the classic wedding dress. These options provide a modern and chic look, perfect for brides who want to infuse their wedding day with a sense of innovation and personal flair.
The fabrics used in wedding bridal dresses play a crucial role in their overall appearance and feel. Luxurious materials such as silk, satin, and lace are perennial favorites, each offering a distinct texture and aesthetic. Silk and satin are known for their smooth, lustrous finish, creating a sophisticated and elegant look. Lace, on the other hand, adds a delicate and romantic touch, with its intricate patterns and ethereal quality. Tulle and organza are also popular choices, often used to create voluminous skirts and airy overlays. The choice of fabric can greatly influence the mood of the bridal dress, from opulent and regal to light and whimsical.
Ultimately, the perfect bridal dress is one that reflects the bride’s personality, style, and vision for her wedding day. Whether she chooses a timeless ball gown, a sleek mermaid dress, a classic A-line silhouette, or a modern jumpsuit, the dress should make her feel confident, beautiful, and truly herself. The journey to finding the perfect bridal dress is a deeply personal and emotional experience, one that culminates in a garment that symbolizes the beginning of a new chapter in the bride’s life. With endless options and styles to choose from, every bride can find a dress that makes her wedding day dreams come true.
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abhiramiabii · 3 months
Elevate Your Wedding Day: Luxury Cars for Unforgettable Celebrations
Your wedding day is a momentous occasion filled with love, joy, and cherished memories. Choosing the perfect luxury car adds an element of elegance and sophistication, ensuring that every moment of your celebration is as extraordinary as you’ve always dreamed. Whether you envision a classic ceremony or a modern extravaganza, here’s everything you need to know about opting for luxury cars to make your wedding day truly unforgettable.
Why Choose a Luxury Car for Wedding?
1. ** Making a Statement: Arriving in a luxury car makes a grand statement and sets the tone for your special day. Whether it's a sleek Mercedes-Benz or a timeless Rolls-Royce, these iconic vehicles add a touch of glamour and prestige to your wedding celebration.
2. ** Unmatched Comfort: Luxury cars offer unparalleled comfort with plush leather interiors, advanced climate control, and state-of-the-art entertainment systems. You and your partner can relax and enjoy the journey in utmost comfort, ensuring a stress-free experience on your wedding day.
3. ** Stunning Photography: Luxury cars provide a picturesque backdrop for wedding photographs. From capturing intimate moments inside the car to posing elegantly beside it, these photos become cherished mementos that encapsulate the beauty and elegance of your wedding day.
4. ** Symbol of Sophistication: A luxury car symbolizes sophistication and opulence, reflecting your refined taste and attention to detail. It complements your wedding attire and enhances the overall ambiance of your ceremony and reception venues.
5. ** Memorable Experience: Renting a luxury car for your wedding day creates a memorable experience not only for you and your partner but also for your guests. It leaves a lasting impression and adds an element of luxury to every aspect of your wedding celebrations.
Top Luxury Cars for Wedding Celebrations
When it comes to luxury cars for weddings, several iconic models stand out:
Rolls-Royce Phantom: Renowned for its exquisite craftsmanship and timeless elegance, the Rolls-Royce Phantom offers unmatched luxury and comfort, making it a popular choice for traditional and extravagant weddings.
Mercedes-Benz S-Class: Known for its sophisticated design and advanced technology, the Mercedes-Benz S-Class combines performance with luxury, ensuring a stylish and comfortable ride for the bride and groom.
Bentley Continental GT: With its sleek silhouette and powerful performance, the Bentley Continental GT exudes modern luxury and offers a blend of comfort and prestige for discerning couples.
Jaguar F-Type: For couples seeking a sporty and dynamic ride, the Jaguar F-Type combines British elegance with exhilarating performance, making it ideal for couples who appreciate luxury with a touch of excitement.
Tips for Choosing a Luxury Car for Your Wedding
Plan Ahead: Begin researching luxury car rental companies well in advance to secure your preferred vehicle and ensure availability on your wedding day.
Consider Your Theme: Choose a luxury car that complements your wedding theme and personal style. Whether you prefer classic elegance or modern sophistication, select a vehicle that aligns with your vision.
Inspect the Vehicle: Visit the rental company to inspect the luxury car in person. Check its condition, amenities, and interior features to ensure they meet your expectations for comfort and style.
Review the Contract: Read the rental agreement carefully, including pricing, deposit requirements, cancellation policies, and any additional charges for extended use or special services.
Create Timeless Memories
Renting a luxury car for your wedding day transforms your journey into a luxurious and unforgettable experience. Whether you choose a classic Rolls-Royce or a modern Mercedes-Benz, luxury cars add an element of elegance and sophistication to your celebration, ensuring that every moment is filled with joy, glamour, and cherished memories. Start planning your dream wedding with a luxury car today and embark on a journey to "happily ever after" in style.
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Sincerity articulated in silence, regret formulated in perpetual noise
Why do we say so much, when the things we need to say the most we keep locked up inside? Is it for fear? For shame? For the acknowledgment of baring ourselves so completely that we give up the individual rights we have as a person with a brain, heart, and soul, that if we were to ever speak the truth of our deepest nature, someone may come along and crush it to oblivion?
Yet, I suppose, oblivion is of its own merit, correct? The idea of an inky blackness, or an opaque opal sheet, covering every sense until we breathe it in and it consumes completely. It is, to some, the biggest fear of all, and to others? It is the final destination, the truest desire of their heart.
“Because I will cut off from you both righteous and wicked, therefore my sword shall be drawn from its sheath against all flesh from south to north.” These words, woven into the work of a people who only knew fear, comes from the lips of a man who saw the glory of Heaven and yet knew that death was upon him.
Rejoice, for whoever you are, whoever you may be, we live gloriously. Regard love as whole and holy, dreams as sacred, and carry the truth in your hearts.
Find the silence. Bask in its presence. And say what needs to be said. Do not let yourself be the sword that slays you.
Hey yall, this is an original piece! Hope you enjoy! Please credit, as I want to save the integrity of the piece! Love yall! Ta-Ta
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The Epitome of Romance: Exploring Ball Gown Wedding Dresses for Women
Ball gown wedding dresses are often considered the epitome of romance, encapsulating the dreams and fantasies of many brides-to-be. With their voluminous skirts, fitted bodices, and intricate details, these dresses evoke a sense of grandeur and elegance that is unmatched by any other style. In this exploration, we delve into the allure of ball gown wedding dresses for women, examining their history, design elements, and timeless appeal.
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A Brief History
Ball gown wedding dresses have a rich history that dates back centuries. Originating in the 19th century, during the Victorian era, these dresses were inspired by the lavish gowns worn by aristocratic women at formal balls and royal events. Characterized by their full skirts and corseted bodices, ball gowns were designed to accentuate the waist and create a dramatic silhouette.
Over the years, ball gown wedding dresses have continued to evolve, reflecting changes in fashion trends and cultural norms. While they may have undergone various modifications in terms of silhouette and detailing, the essence of romance and luxury has remained constant, making them a perennial favorite among brides.
Design Elements
The allure of ball gown wedding dresses lies in their exquisite design elements, which are carefully crafted to enhance femininity and elegance. One of the most distinctive features of a ball gown is its voluminous skirt, which is typically created using layers of tulle, organza, or satin. This creates a sense of drama and spectacle as the bride glides down the aisle, exuding grace and poise.
The bodice of a ball gown is another key component of its design, often featuring intricate embroidery, beading, or lace appliqué. This not only adds visual interest but also draws attention to the bride's upper body, creating a flattering and romantic silhouette. Additionally, many ball gowns feature embellishments such as pearls, crystals, or sequins, adding a touch of sparkle and glamour to the overall look.
Timeless Appeal
What sets ball gown wedding dresses apart is their timeless appeal, which transcends fleeting trends and fads. Unlike other styles that may come and go, the classic elegance of a ball gown is enduring, ensuring that the bride looks and feels like a true princess on her special day. This timeless quality makes ball gown wedding dresses a popular choice for brides of all ages and backgrounds, allowing them to fulfill their fairytale fantasies and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime.
Choosing the Perfect Ball Gown
When selecting a ball gown wedding dress, there are several factors to consider to ensure that it perfectly complements your personal style and body type. First and foremost, it's important to choose a silhouette that flatters your figure, whether you prefer a fitted bodice with a full skirt or a more A-line shape that provides a softer, more understated look.
Additionally, pay attention to the neckline and sleeve style of the dress, as these can also have a significant impact on the overall aesthetic. Whether you opt for a strapless sweetheart neckline, an off-the-shoulder design, or delicate cap sleeves, choose a style that makes you feel confident and beautiful.
Finally, don't forget to consider the fabric and embellishments of the dress, as these can enhance its overall look and feel. From luxurious silk satin to delicate lace, there are endless options to choose from, allowing you to create a truly customized gown that reflects your individual taste and personality.
In conclusion, ball gown wedding dress for women are the epitome of romance, embodying the dreams and aspirations of brides around the world. With their timeless elegance, exquisite design elements, and undeniable allure, these dresses have stood the test of time, remaining a symbol of love and celebration for centuries. Whether you're drawn to the dramatic silhouette, intricate detailing, or fairytale charm of a ball gown, one thing is certain: when you walk down the aisle in one of these dresses, you'll feel like royalty on your special day.
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