#dreamling bingo announcement
dreamlingbingo · 24 days
Last Day for Sign-ups!
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Today's the last day for sign-ups! If you were interested in joining us, it's time to act fast! 
The deadline to get in is 11:00 am UTC, September 1st. We don't plan to close it on the dot, but be careful if you do anything after the deadline because there's a chance the form might close on you mid sign-up.
Remember, there’s no commitment to joining, so there’s no penalties for not starting or finishing your card.
Want to know more? Check out our guidelines for more info.
Sign up!
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kydrogendragon · 2 months
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Relationship: Dream/Hob, Johanna/Rachel
Rating: Gen
Words: 1356
Warnings: None
Ao3 Link
For square D1 of the Dreamling Bingo. Masterlist can be found here.
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"Now boarding group three at Gate B12. Please have your boarding passes ready." The announcement clicks off and Johanna stands up, carry-on rolling over the airport linoleum as she walks. She nods to the attendant, readily handing over her boarding pass with a sigh. People slowly filter into the plane, the flight attendants greeting each person with a nod and a hello. Already she's transferred over from the three and a half hour flight from Los Angeles and the two hour hop from Atlanta to New York. And now she's preparing herself mentally for the long flight back to London. And she didn't get paid enough for business class either. After going above and beyond for those Hollywood snobs.
She shuffles through the narrow hallways into the middle of the giant 787. The overhead compartments are already starting to fill up, but thankfully there's still some room above her seat. Johanna stashes her bag up onto the shelf and slides into the ever-shrinking airline seat.
There's a middle-aged man to the right by the window and, with luck, the seat by her will stay empty like it was when she checked-in so she can scoot over.
She watches and waits, letting her eyes rest as the rest of the plane slowly boards and settles in. Unfortunately, someone slides in on the aisle seat, so she's wedged in the middle. Odds are she'll be sleeping the whole way through. Should be any moment now before they start taxing and then she can—
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we apologize in advance but it looks like we'll be experiencing a brief delay before taking off. Thank you for your patience."
Johanna groans, rubbing her eyes as a slow grumble rolls through the rest of the plane. Christ above, she hopes it's just a simple five, maybe ten, minute delay. Knowing her luck so far though? She'll be here, crowded between two strangers, for an additional hour.
Shaking her head, she pulls her phone out and plops her ear buds in. She scrolls through her music as the man beside her pulls out his tablet. It's bright and there's no privacy screen on it at all, so when he pulls up his email—an in-progress one too—it's clear as day from her seat so you know she's gonna read that shit. Might even be entertaining.
"Dear Dream," it reads. This is already great. Dude's got a penpal with a killer nickname. "All stories return to their original forms, right? You know, when I first landed there in Los Angeles, I thought for sure the week would just drag on and on, like all the other business trips would. Thought maybe I would liven things up with trying some new sushi joint since there always seems to be a new one each time I go.
But then I saw you. You, standing in the lobby of the same hotel I was staying at. Of all the hotels in LA. What were the odds? I'd heard you'd moved down there with Calliope all those years ago. Wasn't sure if you were still there, though. Would it be bad if I said I always hoped you were? So something like this might happen?
God, I just wish I had run into you the first day I landed and not with just three days left. It wasn't enough. It's never enough. This damn trip was for business as you knew. Filled most of my days with meetings and hours in the office. I'd gotten used to it after all these years. Even all the time on planes and trains I'd gotten used to. But this time, I don't think I'm ready to head back to London.
Dream...I'd rather be off this plane and back on your doorstep, back in your home. Back to hearing your voice and seeing your smile. But I don't think that's what you'd want. You'd said so once before when I tried to offer it to you. Threw it back in my face and then I never saw you again until today, ten years later.
Do I pretend I don't still love you? Do I push you away instead? Like you had me? To save my heart? I said a lot of things those days and none of them were what I meant. Not truly. Not fully.
Maybe I should just let things be and give you your space. I just got you back. Even just if it's as distant friends. So...it was good to see you, Dream. I wish you the best.
- Hob"
Jo can tell by the abuse of the backspace key that there's a heart balanced on how his words are perceived. The man—Hob— has typed that fourth paragraph there four times now in the ten minutes that they've been sitting here. He finally lands on a version devoid of all passion, all longing. Until it's pared down to just a basic "Good to see you again, let me know when you're in town! We'll have to meet up" type email. Even she, one who knows well the risks love poses, feels a bit sad at that.
She tilts away, her heart sinks in her chest. You'd think, by the time you start showing gray in your hair you stopped dealing with this kind of shit. This...hurt. The uncertainty and not knowing which way to move, what to say, or what to do. Jo hoped that by the time you get through your twenties, things like that would be old news.
She would have thought that kind of heartache was meant for the young, but you're never too old to hurt, it seems.
Doesn't bode great for her. Her mind wanders to Rachel. To all the things she should have said. To everything she did say instead. She should call her when they land. She owes her that at least.
"Alrighty there passengers. We've been cleared for taxi. Please buckle your seatbelts and put your phones and other electronic devices away and in airplane mode. Thank you for flying United. Flight attendants, please prepare the cabin for takeoff."
The man beside her hits send and turns his tablet off, stowing it in the mesh pouch on the seat in front of him. He settles into his seat and closes his eyes. Jo can't help but feel a twinge of pain for the passion that this Dream might never know.
Johanna passes out shortly after the plane takes off and thanks whatever gods are listening that she wakes up as the plane begins its descent. Might be the longest she's ever slept in the past month if she's honest.
The man with the broken heart beside her flutters to life as the wheels touch down on the tarmac. He stifles a yawn and rubs his eyes before beginning the process of putting his belongings back into their rightful homes.
It's raining outside. Classic London. At least she knows she's home.
The plane comes to a stop. The pilot sends them off with a farewell and a thank you. People stand, shuffling about, claiming their bags and suitcases. And eventually everyone leaves the craft.
Hob follows the crowd as they all make their way to the baggage claim. She wonders, as she watches him from the back of the pack, what Dream's answer will be, why this Hob kept his cards so close to his chest that even he couldn't read them. What was it about their history, their meeting in LA that gave him such pause when he so clearly wanted to tell Dream all the emotions he kept bottled down.
She might never know. Odds are she won't ever see this man again. London's a big city, after all. She supposes in the end, it doesn't matter too much the why of it all. She'll never know why he kept the honest truth from the other guy, but maybe she can learn a bit from it. Maybe she can still save things with Rachel.
But Dream, if you're out there, just know this: in the rough draft he loved you.
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Dreamling Bingo WIP - Identity Reveal
The lovely mods at @dreamlingbingo​ have let us submit previews for our squares, so I will be posting as many as I can before the day is up lol (I apologise in advance to everyone who follows me lmao)
This is for an unnamed WIP - D3: Identity Reveal
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. 
“Dream.” He announces abruptly.
Hob pauses mid-tirade and blinks a few times. “Come again?”
“My name.” He clarifies, ridiculously proud of himself. “You requested it. I would have you call me Dream.”
“I didn’t – did you just – what?” Hob flounders for a second, then a sort of baffled recognition flashes on his face. “The last time I asked for your name we were interrupted – by Lady Johanna, if you recall. Two hundred years ago.”
“It is Dream.”
“Right.” Hob says, nonplussed. “Dream.”
A pleased shiver scurries up Dream’s spine, a prickling heat at the back of his neck, and he decides he rather likes the shape of his name between Hob’s lips. He wants to hear it again. He wants to lean across the table and lick it out his mouth – taste it on his tongue. He wants –
He wants.
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hardly-an-escape · 1 year
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it's the perfect time of year
Square: C4 - "Pinch me." (March monthly prompt replacement) Rating: E Word Count: 2469 Ship(s): Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling Warnings: No archive warnings apply Additional Tags: Dreamling Bingo fill, Smut March fill, pinch me, beach episode, established relationship, swimming, pet names, handjobs, outdoor sex, semi-public sex, dirty talk, I mean it’s pretty dirty but it’s also pretty intensely fluffy and romantic talk, Dream of the Endless is a horny little weasel, Dream is compared to multiple mythological creatures, Hob likes finding cool rocks and showing them to his boyfriend, tooth rotting fluff Summary: Hob convinces Dream to spend a day at the beach. It's... it's just a beach episode. It's a spicy beach episode, y'all. That's it. Read on AO3 | fill for @dreamlingbingo
Their little corner of the shoreline was bracketed by two clusters of large rocks that jutted out nearly to the water’s edge. And the beach was not busy – although he could hear voices on the breeze, they could see nobody and nobody could see them; indeed, nobody had even walked past their blanket in the quarter of an hour since they’d gotten out of the water.
Eh, fuck it, Hob thought, with a mental shrug. You only live once.
(Even if once is going to last forever.)
Hob didn’t quite know how he persuaded Dream to spend a day at the beach with him.
He wasn’t sure what magic words convinced Dream to shed his ever-present peacoat and boots, to recline on the soft old blanket that lived in the boot of Hob’s car, or to accept the proffered cold cider and pick through the fruit salad Hob had thrown together that morning.
Frankly, he didn’t want to know how it had happened. It was enough that his lover, his ethereal and endless Dream, was there with him, tucked into a sheltered bit of sand between two spits of rock on a sunny beach.
And if he couldn’t help that his gaze lingered on Dream’s bare arms, on his dear toes digging in the sand, on the pink of his lips when he thoughtfully nibbled a slice of pineapple – well, heat does funny things to a man’s brain. And it was an awfully hot day.
Dream looked up suddenly, met his eye as if he’d heard his thoughts, and Hob mentally blamed his blush on the fact that he probably needed to reapply his sunscreen.
He stood, brushing the sand from his thighs.
“Time for a dip,” he announced, and held out his hand to Dream. “Coming?”
“You wish me to – swim?” Dream asked, a corner of his mouth lifting.
“Only if you want to. You’ll have to change, though.”
“Is this simply an excuse to get me out of my clothes, Hob Gadling?” Dream said as he allowed himself to be pulled to his feet.
Hob smiled, tanned and handsome and reckless, and squeezed his hand.
“If we weren’t in public right now,” he murmured, pulling Dream flush against him, nuzzling a sun-blushed nose into a perpetually cool, pale neck, “I’d have you out of those clothes in a heartbeat. But alas.” He stepped back suddenly, not missing the way Dream listed toward him for a fraction of a second. “Last one in is a rotten egg!”
[Read on AO3 >>>]
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green = complete, orange = WIP
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dreamlingbingo · 2 months
August Monthly Prompts
Woohoo, the new month is now here which means you can start submitting Monthly Prompts for the month of August. Don’t forget to fill out the Fill Submission Form in order for it to count as a badge!
You can find links to all of this on our pinned post and also in the Useful Links section of our Guidelines.
Have fun, everyone! 
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dreamlingbingo · 5 months
Round Two - Let's gooooo!
Thank you to everyone for taking the time to fill out our survey, we really appreciate the feedback!
Based on the results, Round Two will start June 1st and will last until November 1st. Everyone who signs up will have the option of choosing between a 3x3 or a 5x5 card, both of which will have a free space right in the center. 
For those that took our survey, one of the questions asked what card size you might be considering. Don't worry, your answers aren't set in stone. This question was entirely because we were curious to see how many would pick each option. If you end up changing your mind, you're absolutely allowed to pick a different size once sign ups officially start.
See you soon! :D
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dreamlingbingo · 3 months
July Monthly Prompts!
Woohoo, the new month is now here which means you can start submitting Monthly Prompts for the month of July. Don’t forget to fill out the Fill Submission Form in order for it to count as a badge!
Additionally, if you’re still looking for alternate prompts and the monthlies don’t do it for you, then our Adoptables might be just the thing! We update them once a month so it’s worth dropping in regularly to see what’s new!
You can find links to all of this on our pinned post and also in the Useful Links section of our Guidelines.
Have fun, everyone! 
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dreamlingbingo · 1 month
Some announcements!
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Hey everyone! We've got two quick announcements to make.
First, Late Sign-ups were originally set to close August 3rd, but my lovely co-mod got a terrible case of COVID and I had my own health emergency which meant both of us were very tired people during that week. As a result, we ended up not being able to promote Late Sign-ups closing as much as we had wanted to.
Now that we're varying degrees of better, we feel bad about not being able to get the word out so we decided to move the deadline to August 31st instead. If you or someone you know had wanted to join us - good news! You still can!
Check out our guidelines if you'd like to know more.
Sign up!
And finally! 
We wanted to take a second to promote the #2024 dreamling bingo tag! This tag has all the collected works for this year's bingo so far. If you like what you’ve seen on our blog then you should absolutely check out the tag for any gems that might have gotten lost in the shuffle.
Please note, anyone is free to add to this tag without following our Posting Guidelines so there may be posts that are missing things like ratings, ships, warnings, etc.
If you like the occasional surprise, have fun! 
If not, tread cautiously - but give it a try! <3 You might find something that fulfills your wildest dreams! :P
That’s it for now, thanks everyone! :)
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dreamlingbingo · 23 days
September Monthly Prompts!
Woohoo, the new month is now here which means you can start submitting Monthly Prompts for the month of September. Don’t forget to fill out the Fill Submission Form in order for it to count as a badge!
You can find links to all of this on our pinned post and also in the Useful Links section of our Guidelines.
Have fun, everyone! 
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dreamlingbingo · 4 months
We've finally, FINALLY caught up on all the emails in our inbox. WOOOO!
To anyone who sent us a message or just signed up - if you haven't seen anything from us and there's nothing in your Spam folder, please drop us a message!
Our emails have links in them for Bingo related stuff and certain email providers can consider it to be spam. On top of that, some emails can just get lost in transit for absolutely no reason.
So please let us know if you're still waiting on something. <3
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dreamlingbingo · 1 month
August Prompts Ending Soon
Quick heads up that the month ends in just a week, so you have that time left to get in any last minute Monthly Prompt fills for August. Don’t forget to fill out the Fill Submission Form in order for it to count as a badge!
Additionally, if you’re still looking for alternate prompts and the monthlies don’t do it for you, then our Adoptables might be just the thing! We update them once a month so it’s worth dropping in regularly to see what’s new!
You can find links to all of this on our pinned post and also in the Useful Links section of our Guidelines.
Have fun, everyone!
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dreamlingbingo · 2 months
July Prompts Ending Soon!
Quick heads up that the month ends in just a week, so you have that time left to get in any last minute Monthly Prompt fills for July. Don’t forget to fill out the Fill Submission Form in order for it to count as a badge!
If you're still looking for alternate prompts and the monthlies don't do it for you, then our Adoptables might be just for you! We update them once a month so it's worth dropping in to see what's new!
You can find links to all of this on our pinned post and also in the Useful Links section of our Guidelines.
Have fun, everyone!
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dreamlingbingo · 1 year
It's the final countdown~
We’re finally here, the last month of the bingo! Now that we're nearing the end we have a few things we want to announce:
July Monthly Prompts are now available. WOOO!
Adoptables have gotten their last update! We’ll leave them up so you can use them until the very end, but there won’t be any new prompts added after this.
Remember that there are absolutely no penalties for not finishing a card and all badges are completely optional! Don't panic if you still have unfinished squares.
July 31st is the last day to submit your fills using the Fill Submission Form. We’ll be using this form to track badges so make sure you take the time to fill it out for each square you’ve completed if you want to get your badges. 
Masterposts are to be submitted anytime between July 31st and August 7th for those that want to do one. You can find an optional template in the Posting Guidelines if you're not sure what we're looking for, but feel free to get creative with your formatting! (We'll bring this up again as we get closer to that date.)
Hold on to your card for next time! Anyone who has a card from this round will have a one time opportunity to transfer up to 12 prompts, completed or not, when you sign up for round two. Which will most likely start Jan 2024, more on that after the round ends!
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dreamlingbingo · 1 year
And that's a wrap!
Congratulations everybody, you survived the 2023 Dreamling Bingo! That's right, you made it to the end and you didn't even get a T-shirt. Boooo.
We had a lot of fun watching the last minute fills coming in and we were definitely rooting for all of you as we got closer to midnight. (It was pretty much us just going "You're at 24, you're so close! C'MOOON!!" LOL) We were also really excited how many of you got into the bingo spirit!
If anyone ran into technical difficulties or anything else that prevented you from submitting your fills, please reach out to us ASAP.
In the meantime, We. Are. Done! WOOHOO!! Thank you to all of you for making this year successful, we absolutely couldn't have done it without you! Even if you never even started your card, we're still glad you took an interest.
So what happens next?
Right now we're taking your masterposts! These are completely optional but are a great way to show off everything you completed. Just send us a message with the link to your post (or tag us) and we'll put it in our queue so they can run once all the other posts are finished.
If you're not sure what a masterlist is, check out this template for reference. If you want to make one but don't have a tumblr you can always submit a post.
The due date for masterposts has been pushed back to August 12th! Hopefully this will give everyone more time to wind down. <3
We're sending an email to all participants with a list of the bingo fills we received from you. Let us know if everything is good to go by August 12th. If we don't hear from you by this time we'll assume everything's fine and will get started on your badges. :) If you want them faster just get back to us ASAP so we can get started! :D
We'll have another follow up post soon with fun things like stats, a general idea for Round 2 and anything else we might have missed. While you wait, just sit back, relax and enjoy the bingo fills!
Thank you again to everyone for making this such a fun event!
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dreamlingbingo · 1 year
Late sign-ups closing soon!
Heads up! Late sign-ups will be closing this Saturday, May 20th. If you were thinking of joining or know someone who's on the fence - time's running out!
You can find a link to our sign-up form, as well as other important bingo info, on the pinned post of this blog.
Important Bingo Links - dreamlingbingo.tumblr.com/post/699574794119757824/
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dreamlingbingo · 1 year
The clock’s ticking!
Quick heads up that the event ends in just a handful of days from now on July 31st midnight pacific time. This is the cutoff for when we'll be taking Fill Submissions for badges.
We sent out an email about a week ago with a list of all the fills we've received, so please look them over to make sure we're not missing anything!
We'll send another email on August 1st so you'll have another chance to make sure your fill is counted before we start making badges. :)
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