hubrislynn-blog · 7 years
imessage ✉ ryder + quinn
QUINN: I guess you do make a good point.
QUINN: oh wow. All this special treatment. what did i do to deserve this?
RYDER: i actually have a ton of good points all the time but no one ever wants to listen.
RYDER: easy. you became one of us.
RYDER: so how does friday night sound?
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hubrislynn-blog · 7 years
imessage ✉ ryder + santana
santana: it's called karmic retribution, douchebag. i'm the karma, hammurabi style.
santana: but for real, i don't need your sympathy. we both know it's bull shit.
ryder: the gorilla was named harambae. you just gonna fling whoever did it around your dorm room or something?
ryder: it's like half bull shit. it does suck he died.
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hubrislynn-blog · 7 years
imessage ✉ ryder + jesse
JESSE: Well I'm not dumb so there you go
JESSE: I might be among the last few people he would go anywhere alone at night with s there you go
RYDER: solid alibi bro sauce.
RYDER: who do you think did it then?
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hubrislynn-blog · 7 years
something like a whimper or a groan caught in the back of his throat. it had all become too much. the way ryder’s fingers knotted into his curls. how when he broke the glare he realized he was eye level with ryder’s waist. how hot it felt in the room. how lust and curiosity had taken over. outstretched hands yanked ryder forward. they lingered on his hips before exploring beneath the other boy’s shirt. establishing eye contact again, his fingers grazed the firm abs, tracing them in awe. his thumb trailed down the light patch of hair that stopped beneath the boy’s belly button. “i don’t have much experience,” blaine’s fingers were centimeters from his belt buckle. “i’ve never done it before.”
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the sudden yanked cause ryder’s breath to hitch in his throat. that was a turn he hadn’t been expecting at all. his body burned from the light touch. his breathing slowed as well as he watched blaine’s thumb, eyes moving between the digit and the other boy’s eyes. this was where ryder excelled. being pretty got him so far in life and the charm helped him land girls left and right. and now the object of his desire, the boy he had carefully spent an entire summer planning to woo once he was back at school. chuckling lightly as his fingers tightened, tugging a bit, ryder smiled. “you strike me as the kind of boy who picks up contact sports real fast.” using his free hand, ryder slowly undid his own belt bucker and very, very slowly pulled his zipper down, letting his pants fall and pool at his ankles.
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if this room was burning || f2f
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hubrislynn-blog · 7 years
imessage ✉ ryder + rachel
RYDER: so how long until the true story of hunter's murder hits the pages of your school magazine?
RYDER: you already bribed the investigators and all that shit for the inside scoop? cause i just wanna say now when it turns out that blaine did it, i wanna be able to say 'told you so' to everyone.
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hubrislynn-blog · 7 years
imessage ✉ ryder + quinn
QUINN: are you saying you're not?
QUINN: is that so? hmm...
RYDER: i'm saying that good is a stupid way to describe people and honestly, none of us are actually good.
RYDER: it is. tell you what, i will go above and beyond for you. we can go into the city, find a fancy resteraunt and i'll get us a place at one of my dad's hotels. make it special just for you.
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hubrislynn-blog · 7 years
imessage ✉ ryder + marley
MARLEY: Look at you, being all sweet. How cute. đź’–đź’–
MARLEY: Have you been sneaking into a lot of secret tunnels, Lynn?
RYDER: don't let anyone else know. gotta keep that heartbreaker playboy rep up.
RYDER: well when a lady caller needs me, i can't really be bothered with pesky things like door guards and shit.
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hubrislynn-blog · 7 years
imessage ✉ ryder + santana
santana: nope. but fyi -- i'll kill whoever did.
ryder: you know, just spit balling here but maybe don't threaten to murder someone right after someone else ended up murdered.
ryder: but for real, i know he was your boy. i wasn't a fan but he was one of us and it sucks that you lost your best friend.
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hubrislynn-blog · 7 years
imessage ✉ ryder + jesse
JESSE: Yes and if I did I would completely confess it to you in a text message.
JESSE: No man. You really think any of us are that fucked up?
RYDER: well confessing would be almost as dumb as killing him on campus. everyone knows you murder someone off campus to avoid raised eyebrows.
RYDER: honestly? yeah. cause there is no damn way that hunter clarington would wander into the woods at night with anyone but one of us.
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hubrislynn-blog · 7 years
the room had grown hot. it was unbearable. all he wanted was to rip off the layers that confined him. the thumping of his heart was deafening. could ryder hear it too? did he realize what he was doing to blaine? there was no escaping it; he was putty in his hands. fists unfurled as he swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. he needed water or air or something. he needed to get out of the room. he needed to suppress the urge he had to yank ryder forward. the urge to run his fingers through his hair and wipe the smirk right off his face. he couldn’t resist. before their lips could meet, blaine’s teeth caught ryder’s bottom lip. glaring, his eyes remained glued to his roommate’s. “you were the one staring into my eyes while she blew you,” he leaned back in the chair. it was his turn to be smug. “bet you wished it was me.”
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this exchange was the kind of crap that was pulled in teen movies. and yet it was happening in real time. maybe hunter’s death could be used for something useful. after all, without this lock down, ryder knew damn well that blaine would have run from the room. his own tongue darted out and wet the small bump in his lip from blaine after he had pulled back. narrowing his eyes at blaine, ryder straightened up, his own pelvis now eye level with blaine as he glared down at him. “you never blinked.” he reminded blaine as his hand came to rest on the top of blaine’s head, his fingers spreading through gelled curls. “not a safe bet for me anderson. i didn’t think it was a secret i wished that mouth had been yours.”
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if this room was burning || f2f
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hubrislynn-blog · 7 years
blaine’s hands balled into firm fists. it would be so easy to knock ryder unconscious and go back to studying without a second thought. he had enough experience with the bag to deliver a punch that would get ryder’s jaw wired shut. that was a pleasant thought. then he wouldn’t be able to speak for a couple of months. but then he would call home crying to daddy and get blaine expelled. it wasn’t worth it. throat dry, heartbeat growing more rapid by the minute, he wanted to dart from the room. he was trapped. cornered and stuck with the person who could trigger all his insecurities with a single leering glance. “i don’t agree.” his eyes darted to ryder’s lips, so close to his own. “this isn’t bros helping bros. i don’t want this,” his voice faltered. “i d- don’t want you.”
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there it was. that denial. that anger and infatuation. it fueled ryder. curiosity was always a thing with him and since that night he had locked eyes with blaine in their room with some sophomore going down on him. there was a wonder about how far he could get with blaine, how many buttons there was to undone on him. and this denial only kept that curiosity alive. leaning in again, ryder carefully brushed his lips against blaine’s, not enough to constitute a kiss but enough that a touch was felt. “but you do.” ryder whispered, his lip moving against blaine’s as he spoke. “you’ve wanted me since that night last year.” pulling back, ryder slide off the desk and walked around blaine, turn the chair as he did. now he was leaning over, his hands gripping either side of the chair as his mouth gravitated back towards blaine’s. “and you can have me. it’s our dirty little secret.”
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if this room was burning || f2f
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hubrislynn-blog · 7 years
imessage ✉ ryder + quinn
QUINN: i guess you're right on that but i wouldn't want someone to die just to get in...
QUINN: Hmmm, I guess we'll see. Also I never thought you did. honestly i have no clue who would.
RYDER: yeah i guess if you are like a good person and shit.
RYDER: so now that you are one of you, you get an all access and exclusive pass to me. it's my sacred duty to sleep with everyone in the inner circle. bonds us all.
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hubrislynn-blog · 7 years
imessage ✉ ryder + marley
MARLEY: Thank you.
MARLEY: Oh really now? What's the plan, scaling the building or bribing someone to not snitch you escaped? Honestly, both sound really nice right about now.
RYDER: anything for you.
RYDER: there might be a secret tunnel in the basement into the girl's building. i'll come sneak in.
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hubrislynn-blog · 7 years
imessage ✉ ryder + madi
MADISON: Yes. You tactless ass.
MADISON: I know you hated him but he was a person.
RYDER: hate is a really strong word. i just intensely disliked everything about him.
RYDER: yeah and he probably pissed off the wrong person and paid for it with his life.
RYDER: moral of the story - don't be a dick.
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hubrislynn-blog · 7 years
imessage ✉ ryder + quinn
QUINN: Dick or not, it's not a good thing that he died.
QUINN: Nope, I don't really talk to too many people. Still getting to know everyone, kinda.
RYDER: it technically is for you. just saying. you are one of use now.
RYDER: oh don't worry too much. you'll be right in there knowing everything in the blink of an eye.
RYDER: and fyi, for the official record, i really didn't have anything to do with hunter getting killed.
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hubrislynn-blog · 7 years
imessage ✉ ryder + marley
MARLEY: I'm guessing it's the fact he died not even a day ago and you're calling him a cunt. Just a hunch. Even if he was a dick, I don't know, it just feels weird to call him out on his shit so soon.
MARLEY: I don't know how I am. I appreciate it, but just knowing you're fine is good enough.
MARLEY: Anyways, they're probably keeping us stuck in our rooms still so it's not like you could do anything if you wanted or I wanted.
RYDER: fine. i will be nicer for the mourning period.
RYDER: do you think this lockdown would stop me from getting to you? once they let us out of here me and you can go grab something to eat. or we can make out.
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hubrislynn-blog · 7 years
after a year of living with ryder he should know better than to entertain this. it was one of his little games, the kind he played to get a rise out of blaine. it seemed ryder’s favorite pastime was provoking him and getting under his skin. he wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. not this time. ryder would not win. “we had one makeout session on a night i went to a zip tie that i don’t even remember.” in truth, the memory was vivid and haunted him for his entire summer vacation. but he couldn’t let ryder know that. “the second peck you stole without my permission just to piss me off.” he crossed his arms across his chest. “you and i aren’t anything. we’ll never be anything. and i don’t know what you think we’ve got going on here, but whatever it is it’s all in your head.”
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placing a hand over his heart, ryder feigned offense and rolled his eyes. “christ anderson, you hurt me so with your words.” putting his hands on either side of blaine’s cheeks, ryder smiled again and leaned in just a bit. “we were both drunk but that make out lasted quite a while. and the second one wasn’t a peck.” tilting his head to the side, his tongue darting out deliberately to wet his lips, the smirk just grew on ryder’s face. for him, this was all fun and games. there was nothing wrong with a bit of promiscuity and since he had caught the looks from blaine last year, the idea of exploring boys was growing. “besides, teenage boys experiment with each other to get better for girls.” ryder leaned in, his lips hovering inches from blaine’s.  “unless of course you don’t agree.”
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if this room was burning || f2f
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