#dreaming of a Mickey Mouse movie
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the-scanlation-bin · 3 months ago
Dreaming of a Mickey Mouse movie (part 8/?)
Man, it's been a while. But we still have ideas to share! Let's talk motivations and Casey!
A: I've been trying to think about motivations. Imagine the situation: Mickey just went through the first death trap set up by the Phantom Blot. Mickey didn't know what he was getting into. He didn't expect it to be that dangerous. He was just there to investigate the camera thefts! And now this! Wouldn't he want to just drop everything and go back to his normal, boring, but safe life? Wouldn't the mouse just leave this case to the professionals?
So I had to think, what would make him want to keep going and keep digging after such a shocking event. Then I thought more about Mickey. I need to view it through his eyes after all. And he's a mouse desperate for a chance to do something meaningful and worthwhile, something good. And he's also a mouse yearning for adventure. He's read and watched all these heroes and detectives fight evil and come out victorious. But Mickey never saw himself fit for adventures like these... until now.
Now, when he got out of a dangerous trap, when he did the impossible, when he survived - that's just incredible! He, Mickey Mouse, survived that! And he is suddenly filled with this adrenaline and somehow joy and pride? Because he finally did something cool, like his favorite story protagonists! And that's something Mickey won't let go easily.
But Detective Casey isn't having it. First Chief O'Hara takes this absolute nobody - let alone a journalist! - on the case, then the mouse gets kidnapped and they're forced to drop everything to go find this guy, and THEN he just shows up and keeps acting like he's a detective?! No way! Not only is Casey mad that he gets overlooked because of Mickey, but he also thinks the mouse is way out of his league and only slows them, the real detectives (especially Casey), down. Casey thinks that Mickey will just get himself into danger again, forcing the cops to stop working on this Very Important Case (that Casey's reputation in O'Hara's eyes depends on) and go looking for him. For the mouse that thinks he's some kind of hero who's cut out for this line of work.
Soooo yeah, that's sure to cause tension between these two.
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violetganache42 · 1 year ago
Here are my highlights from the Valentine's Day watch party, all in chronological order and categorized this time around:
"Mr. Duck Steps Out":
Just everyone's reactions to Daisy's voice when she made her debut
"Till Nephews Do Us Part":
The thirst counts for Missy and Mina overloading
The return of Bohemian Quacksody
Scrooge having paintings and a statue of Goldie EVERYWHERE (He is a fucking SIMP)
Corporate Cupcake, Money Muffins, Sweet Stocks …You know what? Just the pet names in general.
WriteBackAtYa: "Spaceballs Ass Luggage"
Us when Millionara falls in the river:
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Jamie: "PULL THE LEVER KRONK" Me: "WRONG LEVERRRRR" Tokuvivor: "Why do we even have that lever?!"
Magica cameo?!
And a Sixpence in Your Shoes
Goldie Shotgun!
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"Fungus Amongus":
Godfrey and I sharing the same brain
Everyone going crazy over Morgana
hueberryshortcake: "Save me Scrooge McDuck" Me: "Scrooge McDuck" Godfrey: "Scrooge McDuck save me"
"Prissy is pissy"
DW not denying the girlfriend part
A sax play in the BG whenever Morgana is onscreen, just like Rouge in Sonic X
"The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains!":
Us going FERAL over Goldie
Let the lady lead
Jamie mentioning the "between the legs" joke from Life and Times (No filter, Don Rosa. lol)
Bisexual waterfalls
Rexx shouting at Missy via an audio message
Foghorn Leghorn
"You loved gold more than you loved me."/"And that's why you loved me."
Jamie's storyboard project
Discord buffering during the FUCKING TANGO SCENE
"The Adorable Couple":
Me: "Piss on the moon, you cloud!" Godfrey: "YESSS PISS ON LUNARIS"
Rainbow connections
"The Duck Who Knew Too Much":
Us @ Fenton, M'ma, and Gandra's OG versions:
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Learning OG Fenton was voiced by Hamilton Camp, thus bringing DT17 Fenton being voiced by Lin-Manuel Miranda full circle
Oppenheimer mention (Stop stealing from the ducks, Nolan!)
Missy: "cant believe they whitewashed daffy guys"
Brunette Fenton
This whole fucking episode being worthy of the DT17 adaptation fic treatment *cough* Jamie *cough*
"Ghoul of My Dreams":
Archie being a hater
Jealous Launchpad
Morgana needing better lipstick because of how fast it disappears in between scenes
WriteBackAtYa having so many jokes in his head about… goofy ass noises
"And now, with the city asleep, I can FINALLY STEAL ENOUGH MONEY TO PAY OFF MY STUDENT LOANS!"
Lottie pointing out how Archie looked like—
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Me: "Goldie Shotgun sequel when?"
puffywuffy8904: "HOW IS THIS MF SLEEPIN IN THE DREAM WORLD" Us: "*Louie voice* I just am."
"The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee!":
puffywuffy8904: "Webby we need to get Fenton rizzed up"/"Please never say that again"
Fenton's little growl
*seeing Fenton's hand-me-down suit from his dad* Goofy?
Gandra obliterating the wrong twink
"What kind of monster doesn't like glazed donuts?"
"Do you feel that spark?" ⚡️ZAP⚡️
The Beaks dab
"What? No signal? Boo!"
"I've got your kids! Maybe. I'm not sure how this family works."
Coach Dad
"Two Can't Play":
Mullet Donald
"A DuckTales Valentine":
DT87's love for mentioning Fort Knox for some reason
puffywuffy8904: *mentions the "DuckTales Apology Video" ranking* Me: "*Miles voice* I made a mistake."
Webby on Scrooge's desk like: She likes to be tall.
Sunglasses swag
"A swift kick in the ribs!"/"A what?"/"Aagh!"/"Aah! My ribs!"
Webby running up to Scrooge and hugging him! 💖
"Aww, he does love his family!"
"My Valentine Ghoul":
Gosalyn FINALLY appearing in today's watch party!
Negaduck appearance!
puffywuffy8904: "he's just darkwing after some cigarettes"
Missy getting double whammied with emotes of Prissy and Scrooge getting sprayed with water
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(Screenshot edit by @tealottie)
Missy's thirst levels reaching CRITICAL MASS
Quackrinomicon being voiced by KING CANDY
Archie still being a fucking hater
"Keen gear!"
Godfrey and I still being on the same wavelength
Rexx reviving the Missy thirsy count
Missy: "I NEED HIM JESUS" WriteBackAtYa: "No, you just need Jesus"
"New Gods on the Block!":
Della using party cannons like Pinkie Pie
Scrooge's transition from wallowing to anger and his tail shake
"Why don't you turn into a swan and FUCK OFF?!"
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"What are your intentions with my Donald?"
Megamind (literally) Huey
Pig couple: DESTROYED
Chris Diamantopoulos having the ✨RANGE✨
Greek God Groupchat
Webby being utterly TERRIFYING with god powers
Dewey having the best handling of his god powers through sick dance moves
"My Don-Don"
"You killed my boyfriend!"/"Boyfriend? Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!"
The immediate failure parallels
Just how much Della has improved as a mother
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yuurei20 · 16 days ago
Do you have information about Ramshackle dorm itself? Whether it be a character's opinions on it, or any history/lore from Crowley along the way through the main story/events? I know we don't know a lot about the dorm itself (I think that's intentional, as to leave interpretation up to the player), but combing through the whole story for lore has been difficult for me. Thank you in advance for your efforts and time. :>
Hello hello! Thank you for this question! 🏚
You are very right that we do not seem to have very much information about Ramshackle Dorm!
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For characters' opinions we know that Malleus is fond of it (he likes abandoned ruins in general (more here ->)), and Crowley is maybe more ambivalent? He has a dialogue line referring to it as a "dilapidated old--" and then self-corrects to say, "historic building."
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Crowley explains that it did once serve as a dorm for the school, and as for why it was abandoned, the ghosts who live there say that everyone got scared of them and ran away, which Crowley confirms.
This is a curious explanation as ghosts are regular staff members at the school with none of the students seeming frightened of them--if anything, the chef ghosts are more afraid of Lilia than any of the students are of them.
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While searching for information that may have been missed, I found this fascinating theory:
According to Crowley, he was entrusted with NRC by the chairman of the school, whose identity we do not know. There is also Ambrose the 63rd, the headmage of Royal Sword Academy.
But the theory asks, what if Ambrose’s NRC counterpart is not actually Crowley—what if it was the Twst-equivalent of Yen Sid, from Disney’s 1940 film, Fantasia?
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The animated short revolves around a character performing janitor-adjacent tasks who literally dreams of becoming a great mage, which sounds very familiar.
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We have a comment from Trey that the dorms were constructed in order of Pomefiore -> Heartslabyul -> Diasomnia, which corresponds to those movies' years of release, but no mention of Ramshackle.
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As acknowledged in vol. 1 of the Official Fanbook, Ramshackle has taken a lot of inspiration from the 1936 Mickey Mouse animation “Thru the Mirror.”
Which, in Japan, was released as “The Story of Mickey’s Dream.”
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And Snow White, the basis for Pomefiore, was released a year later in 1937.
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The theory suggests that Ramshackle is thus older than any other dorm, additionally supported by how it was built alongside the school itself rather than being established in a pocket dimension like the rest, because the school may not have had enough students to require multiple dorms when it first started out.
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But if Yen Sid is the founder of the school, wouldn't he have a statue or something? And was he not particularly villainous?
And why is Ramshackle not treated with more respect by Crowley, at least, who is presumably the one person who knows what it used to be?
To counter this the theory asks, what if NRC was not always a villain school? Perhaps it was founded as something else, but at some point there was maybe a shift of power from Yen Sid to someone who decided to go in a different direction.
Someone who really likes the Great Seven.
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That could have included a renovation that removed things from its previous incarnation like references to Yen Sid, and abandoning Ramshackle as a relic of what the school once was.
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We know that Azul looked through the past 100 years of exam questions in Book 3, the same amount of time that NRC’s student selection process has been in use, the same amount of time that NRC has been losing competitions to RSA, the same time that STYX was established…so exactly happened 100 years ago?
A ghost mentions being the captain of a spelldrive team back when he was still alive 90 years in the past, so at least one of Ramshackle's ghosts moved in after whatever that event was.
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The theory proposes that 100 years ago is when the school shifted its focus to the powers of darkness, only admitting students with those particular traits and no longer accepting students who would have been sorted into Ramshackle Dorm.
Is it possible that the prefect is someone who would have been sorted into Ramshackle like the students of the past if the school had not shifted gears? Is the prefect actually where they are supposed to be, just 100 years too late?
Whatever it is that happened 100 years ago, whatever secret it is about Crowley that Azul may or may not hold—the video creator guesses that Ramshackle Dorm is the key!
We just do not know the key to what 🔑
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essycogany · 8 months ago
Here’s a personal take!
The Sonic Prime 3D models have the best facial expressions seen from the modern cast. Why? Well, I’ll explain with my 0 experience in 3D animation. I’m only explaining as an observer. Not a professional. Anyways, onto the fun.
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First of all, let’s talk about the current models in the games. The animators became better at animating them in Sonic Frontiers.
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You can tell effort was being put in, but Frontiers still has limits due to the structure of Sonic’s face and eyes. I’ve seen fan animations with this model which animates him wonderfully. But no matter what, he’s still going to have limitations because his hands are too big, eyes are too far apart, mouth looks like it was made to only stay on the side, and more issues. The design frankly looks dead. Even in motion.
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In all fairness, this character was built for a 2D design due to it being inspired by Mickey Mouse. But Sonic Unleashed (because they used different models like Dream Team) proves this character CAN be expressive in 3D with a good workable model. It’s not the animation that’s the problem in Frontiers. Here are similar expressions from Sonic Prime and Frontiers.
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See how wider the expressions are in Prime? It allows their faces to be more flexible and warped. Prime!Sonic has rounder eyes making his head look easier for his facial structure to have an array of expressions. It’s kind of close to Sonic Dream Team with the minor tweaks of the OG models. Which is why the expressions in that game looked so good. ESPECIALLY when animated.
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It’s even why other designs are able to have great facial expressions. The eyes being close together just works. While the OG looks like he’s pushing expressions that’s near impossible to push. Yes, it’s still expressive, but you can see how limiting it is because the eyes aren’t supporting the face. And his mouth is always stuck to one side.
Onto more compliments to the Sonic Prime models. They emphasize the hight differences too. I personally think Sonic and Shadow look like mixtures between their 06, modern, Boom, and movie designs. They have long quills like 06. Their entire look is inspired by the modern designs. Their eyes are shaped similar to Sonic Boom and they have cool textures like in the movies. Other characters count but it most notably is for the two hedgehogs.
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The hands are smaller like in the movies and Boom. The pupils being bigger gives volume to the faces. I also adore their fur and quill patterns to give the designs flare. Their gloves have little details too. I especially love how they can change the quills for Sonic and Shadow and make them look similar to a 2D style. Usually they’d make the quills smaller in the games to get that 2D look but Prime Shadow and Sonic are able to have long quills while the animators adjust them however and whenever they need to.
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Their mouths are also well animated and smooth when transitioning to different sides of the face. The characters body shapes are also 100% better. While the Game model looks too straight the Prime model has a pear shape torso that are also given to Boom and Movie Sonic respectively. The Prime models look like they were made for action scenes.
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I know some people complain about the eyes not going down, but honestly it’s what makes the expressions weaker when used in 3D. I’m glad they have a balance of it sometimes to allow the expressions to get their points across. I really appreciate the colors on everyone also. They look lovely and bright with help of the lighting.
The few critiques I have are due to multiple watches but they’re not a HUGE deal.
1. I can easily see their necks at points.
2. The mouth animation looks weird when characters makes an O shape and the tongues/teeth are jarring.
3. I wish their hands weren’t so flat and skinny. Other models had their hands shaped like Disney characters, but Prime’s hands can look flat sometimes.
These are just nitpicks though.
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Even compared to the CGI cutscenes while still good I think Prime conveys a subtly previous models didn’t do too often. Of course the CGI looks amazing and it still holds up, but the nuance in Sonic Prime cannot be ignored. Hope my take makes the slightest of sense.
Stay Creative! 💜
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sadieosc · 2 months ago
Does anyone have any other object shows i should add?
some of the names r in there short form
Some Object shows r only on tiktok
😛 means I watched it
Total Firey Island
Battle for dream island😛
The power of two😛
Battle for dream island again😛
island dream for battle😛
Inanimate insanity invitational😛
Inanimate insanity😛
Snack time
Cool insanity
Extraordinarily excellent entities
Paper puppets take 2
Paper puppets
Greens grand game
Team room 125 again
Team room 125
The daily object show
Object illusion
Object terror
Object show 87
Objects at sea
Challenge to win
Object to win
Object madness
Object mayhem
Object havoc
Object overload
Object treachery
Animatic battle
Object universe
The Object merry-go-round
Object land
Object plant
The color challenge
Object universe
The land of brimton
The worst Object show ever [or not)
Object quick
Brawl of the objects
The Object show of time
Battle for a million
Object bash
The optical and the illusion
The Object show movie
Last Object STANDING
Land of chaos
Inanimate insanity invitational
The absolutely spectacular fight for seventy-thousand US Dollars
Object bash
Object ligma
Object ligma again
Strive foe the ham burger
Object filler
The galaxy Object show
Gliding objects
The Object show
The perfect Object show
Object oppose
Inanimate legacy
Object rashed
Object plantnet
Mickey mouse battlehouse
Battle of rice😛
Battle for grandma
Battle for Object destination
Battle for isle sleep
Object overload
A is for
The historical and nice object show
The minute ly Object show
Love of the s*n
Shape world
Battle for trump
Battle for cautions McGriddle
Battle for an unknown prize
Battle for McRib
The solar Eclipsely Object show
Object remastered camp
Object storage
The Battle for an island made of candy
Your loss
Bakery buddies
Questionable symbolism
Animated Inanimate Battle
Bfdi minies
Object invasion
Open source Objects
Planet hoppers
Vacation 4 money
Obs mini
Battle for a dictionary prize
Battle for the heavens
The show of your mom
The four show
The Road trip
Battle for niche internet fame
Greeny's grand game
Battle for income
The fifteen minute Object show
Every Object show ever
Quest for Colgate island
TWOS: The weedly object show😛
Cash attack
Danganronpa Object show (name?) By lunermoon_23
Brawl of the objects
Battle for A.U.E.:E
The pride "monthly" Object show
The Australian object show
Totalfruitisland (lost osc media)
The apex showdown
The nightly manor
Under the nightshade
The battle of apps
The waiting room
Morden objects
Cosmic cringe
modern item battle
Code red
Mysterious Object super show
tpot countless
The Strive for The Million!
Battle for magical dreams
the Christmasly object show
The nightly manor
Super outstanding article program
The struggle for the world
WORST objects
Stars of fate
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pumpkinheadspacestation · 1 year ago
Agere Age Guide
2 years version
Hello, pumpkins! This is the second post in a thread of posts I'm making! You can find the first post here, I accidentally posted it to my alt account but the rest of the posts will be posted on this page. I also want to preface this by saying that not everything I'm saying here is going to apply to everyone and each and every person who regresses or dreams will follow these traits and stuff!
Okay, now to the post!
Traits and Behaviors!
☠︎︎This is about the time that babies start to get up and play around, small jumps, walking, bouncing and maybe even some small sprints
☠︎︎Babies this age are starting to like playing with other babies and parallel play could be really fun at this age, they may have trouble sharing though so make sure to have enough eye grabbing toys for all the babies
☠︎︎This is also the age where babies may start to throw more tantrums and have bigger feeling, they naturally want to test the boundaries at this age and they don't like being told no. They're also going to be a bit more bossy and want their way.
☠︎︎Since this is the time they're starting to have bigger mood swings and test the boundaries, that may result in having big reactions which may be aggressive, they may hit, yell, throw tantrums or even hurt themselves to try and cope with their big emotions
☠︎︎They may mostly use hand gestures but they're starting to babble a lot more and mimic language
Activities to do With Your Baby
☠︎︎This is a great age to play a lot of simple puzzle games and games to practice motor skills, patty cake is a great game to play with your baby and so is playing with toys like stacking blocks and ring-stack toys
☠︎︎Pretend play, these babies are growing up fast! They want to be just like cg. Playing dolls and stuffed animals, putting them to bed and feeding them is a great way to spend time with your baby
☠︎︎This is a great time for parallel play, though babies won't always feel interested or know how to play together, they still love to interact with each other and play together to some degree and parallel play is a great fun for babies this age
☠︎︎New textures and sounds are extremely interesting to babies in their two's! Playing with new textures like sand, slime, dirt and more can be super fun for these babies!
Foods and Recipes
These tinies are starting their food journey, they're starting to upgrade from baby foods and apple sauce to solid fruits and hard cereals!
This is one of those things that's very individualized to each regressor! I can tell you what this age range usually likes to snack on but you should ask your tiny what they like either way.
☠︎︎String cheese and yogurts
☠︎︎Cut up fresh fruits
☠︎︎Dry cereals like honey nut Cheerios and fruit loops
☠︎︎Eggs and tasty proteins
Babies in their two's are starting their palate expanding journey, usually it's best to stay away from super strong flavors and stick to mild and bland flavors. Younger taste buds are much stronger than adult taste buds so when your regressor was a bio baby, they most-likely had blander foods so giving them some mild and bland snacks can be a comforting factor t their baby space
Shows and Movies
Again, this is one of those things that are super individualized to each and every baby! So still be sure to ask your baby what they like to watch either way! Some shows and movies two-year-olds like to watch are
☠︎︎Doc Mc Stuffins
☠︎︎Bubble Guppies
☠︎︎Peppa pig
☠︎︎Pete the cat
☠︎︎Mickey mouse
☠︎︎Disney movies are super great for babies this age two, the vibrant colors and animated voices are sure to keep their attention. Though with some discourse involving Disney has come up, I know a lot of people have stopped using Disney plus. You can still find some amazing shows and mov.ies on places like Netflix, Pbs kids, nickelodeon, and more!
Potty Time for the Terrible Twos
Generally, kiddos are using the potty on their own anywhere from 1.5 - 3 years old but that doesn't mean that kiddos older or younger may deviate from that. There's good info Here about how to properly diaper someone and what products to use
This is also a great video on how to diaper yourself if you're a baby who does their own diapy changes.
Know Your Baby
You're going to want to know and talk to your regressor before they regress with you! The only way you'll be happy with each other is talking about boundaries and the best way to cat or to each other's needs beforehand. Having the awkward conversations are hard but necessary
I hope this helped! Like I said before, not all these things will apply to all regressors in the 2 year range. If you have any questions, go ahead and feel free to drop a comment or shoot me a message
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disneytva · 1 year ago
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More Details Announced for Disneyland After Dark: Disney Channel Nite, Including Disney Channel Wand ID Photo Op And Character Meet & Greets.
Disneyland Resort has revealed more details on offerings that will be available during the next Disneyland After Dark event, Disney Channel Nite — including an iconic photo op, character meet and greets, and more.
As part of Disney Television Animation's 40th anniversary the event will feature some characters across the studio's 4 decades.
-The Disney Afternoon ("DuckTales","Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers"," TaleSpin", "Darkwing Duck","Goof Troop")
-Kim Possible
-Lilo and Stitch The Series
-Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure
-Mickey Mouse
Disney Channel Nite will include a PHINEAS AND FERB themed dance party
Phineas and Ferb Dance Party at Tomorrowland Terrace Join a lively dance party featuring terrific songs from the world of “Phineas and Ferb” and more!
Disney Channel Nite Themed Photos
Backdrops inspired by classic Disney Channel Original Movies and TV shows will be set up during the event for guests’ photos, including every fan’s dream — the chance to do their own Disney Channel Wand ID. The animated lineup includes:
The Proud Family ("The Proud Family", "The Proud Family: Louder And Prouder", "La Familia Avenúñez")
Disneyland After Dark: Disney Channel Nite will be held at Disneyland Park on March 5 and March 7, 2024
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kousagi7hikari · 7 months ago
Bill Cipher in Twisted Wonderland.
It’s probably Ace and Deuce’s fault (it’s always Ace and Deuce’s fault.) and when Bill is summoned, he is HORRIFIED to see that it’s in a human body. Cos ew human body gross. It’s also a tumblr sexyman twink body cos that’s the rules Twst plays by. He’s also aware of his limited range of motion. (“How come I can only make five poses and facial expressions????”)
So Bill sets off to find someone to make a deal with so he can get his real form back and find a way out of this world.
However, not a single one of these teenagers is interested in making a deal.
Most of them don’t trust him (Leona, Jamil, etc.)
Some prefer to do the hard work (Vil)
Some abide by the rules too hard (“The rules of the Queen of Hearts state that any handshake deals may only be performed in the presence of a licensed amphibian!”)
And while some come close (Ruggie, Kalim) they have other folks to talk them out of it.
There’s even a few who won’t even talk to him (Idia)
And some are too goody-goody for Bill to even bother with (Silver, Jack)
And Rook just creeps him out.
Eventually, Bill comes across Grimm, and offers him a deal to make him a great mage, which Grimm almost jumps on, but realizes he might lose his minion (us) so he asks what we think.
>You should go for it Grimm!
>Seems fishy…
“Who are you talking to?”
Because the MC has no sprite, Bill doesn’t see them…
But he sees US.
“Ohhh! I see! This is some kinda mobile game! Probably approved by the mouse huh?”
And he taps on the screen which makes the sparkles when you tap on the screen in Twst appear.
“How INTERESTING. Now that I know you’re there, if you tap the screen at all, I can shake your hand and get outa here!”
If you have autoplay on, he reaches up and turns it off.
“Looks like it’s just you and me, pal! And I’ve got an eternity!”
Thankfully the game keeps moving and the students and Crowly show up to warn us about Bill.
Bill finds this amusing and treats us to an unwinnable fight.
Bill, now in his red form, taunts us some more…
And then we get the flashbacks. Like how the MC gets Disney Movie flashbacks at the beginning of each book.
“Names Bill Cipher!”
“Hiya smart guy!”
“I know lots of things! Lots of things.”
“I have some children I need to make into corpses!!”
And then…
“Do a pretty good impression of my brother, don’t I? Switch clothes and no one can tell us apart!”
“You’re a real wise guy, but you made one fatal mistake: YOU MESSED WITH MY FAMILY!”
“No you’re making a mistake!!! I’ll give you anything! Money! Fame! Infinite riches! Your own galaxy! PLEASE!!! WHATS HAPPENING TO ME???”
>Left Hook
Bill turns yellow, everyone is shocked.
“Did Yuu just… punch him??”
Luckily, this has bought enough time for some kind of agents (probably from the theraprism) to show up and take Bill away, kicking and screaming.
That night, the MC has a dream (?) where they talk to triangle Bill through the mirror they usually talk to Mickey in.
Bill “thanks” them for getting him arrested AGAIN. But since he’s on our mind, he gives us something to remember him by (and totally not a conduit to come back from/see through):
An SR card for twisted Bill Cipher.
With a promise:
We’ll meet again~!
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Disney obscure songs tournament matchups
Substitutiary Locomotion vs So Close
To Be Free vs A world without fences
The Sweetest Sounds vs Fearless
It’s Fun to Be Free vs As long as there’s christmas
There's a great big beautiful tomorrow vs It’s what’s inside that counts
Pericles of Athens vs Carrying the banner
Elena of Avalor Theme Song vs Ain't No Doubt About It
Forget About Love vs Color spectrum song
We've Just Begun To Dream' vs Boo Bop Bopbop Bop (I Love You, Too)
Stories vs Great Outdoors
(We Used To) Listen to the Land vs Little Orange Bird
High adventure vs I miss you
Riddle diddle 123 vs One Little Spark
Make me look good vs The world will know
Diggin' in dinoLand vs Trick or Treat (for Halloween)
Destino vs Ballad of Davy Crockett
The Best Time of Your Life vs Petey’s king of France
Destiny vs The Song of the Seeonee
Space Angels vs My Lullaby
Happily ever after vs Let’s Go Back to the Future
Canada (you're a lifetime journey) vs Whistle Stop (Ragtime Demo)
Once and for all vs Why Me?
Come little children vs In the Space Between
Blue Milk Surprise vs Universe of energy loop/theme
Magic Journeys vs Le Festin
Queen of Mean vs The Bear Band Serenade
One Dance vs Junkyard society rag
Wherever You Are vs Naked mole rap
He lives in you vs If I Never Knew You
Can’t back down vs Morning report
We've Come So Far vs Rolie polie olie theme
It's a Kick vs The Mickey Mouse Club
Humiliate The Boy vs Scrooge
Boo to you vs Minnie’s Yoo-Hoo
Tomorrows Child vs The Apple Song
Eglantine vs Night falls
Baloo's Blues vs Quit Playing Games With My Head
Kitchen Cabaret vs One step closer
Love (Robin Hood Version) vs Babkak, Omar, Aladdin, Kassim
Wishes vs Oo-De-Lolly (Country Western Score Demo)
In a Heartbeat vs Call Me, Beep Me
Your Side of the Line vs Promise
It's Gonna Get Weird vs Dig It
Extraordinary vs I'm Walking Right Down the Middle of Main Street U.S.A.
Remember the magic vs The Man With The Golden Touch
Follow your heart vs Evermore
Own the night vs It’s on
John Henry vs On this magic night
Do I Love You Because You’re Beautiful vs We go on/Illuminations
If you had wings vs A Step in the Right Direction
Making memories vs Not in Nottingham (Prince John version)
The Spartan Anthem/Spar OTC Fight Song vs Disney Sing-Along Songs Theme Song
What’s My Name vs One Good Man
Talespin Theme Song vs Fantasmic! Main Theme
Next stop anywhere vs Snuff Out the Light
Midas Curse vs Follow the compass of your heart
Surprise in the Skies vs Welcome To The Forty Thieves
Paul Bunyan vs Grim grinning ghosts
One of Us vs Beneath the Laughing Sky
Passamaschloddy vs Shadowland
Phantom manor overture vs If we were a movie
A Whale of a Tale vs Brothers All
Chop away at my heart vs Eating the peach
The Apple Dumpling Gang vs Suitcase And A Dream
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the-scanlation-bin · 6 months ago
Dreaming of a Mickey Mouse movie (part 5/?)
We wanna talk more about Mickey! He's our main character after all, our main little guy.
The thing Mickey will struggle the most with in this dream movie of ours is his insecurities. Sure, we'll touch upon his other personality traits, but for this story, we decided to focus on one. And it fits, this being "the first story", his first step into detective-like adventures.
Again, Mickey is an ordinary guy with an ordinary life. He had some odd jobs in the past, but none of them truly "stuck". Often because Mickey would face failures that made him believe that he's not good at anything, really. However, he enjoys reading adventure and mystery books (we could fit a cool reference in here, like his favourite mystery novel series being about Basil of Baker Street, eh?). Perhaps Mickey even dreams of being a hero of these adventures. Heh, no, that would be silly. As if he has what it takes to be a hero...
But he does. Mickey doesn't see it, and it doesn't help that others don't either, but he DOES have what it takes. He just has to try it, test the waters, to really let his skills and characteristics show. Because, without trying, how would he know his skills? And if he won't believe in himself, how will others?
Sorryyy if this is alll too vague, we just decided to be poetic for some reason. Maybe because it also fits in the meta sense: Disney isn't using Mickey in anything, so viewers stop seeing Mickey do anything, ergo accomplishing anything. He needs to be put in situations in order for us (and himself) to see that he, in fact, CAN get out of them.
Either way, Mickey's main obstacle is his lack of faith in himself, and it only gets reinforced since most people around Mickey don't believe in him either. Although, we're thinking that it can also be his drive. When Mickey gets underestimated in the field of work that he secretly dreams of, he suddenly feels the need to prove everyone wrong. But eh, we're not sure about this part still.
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bubblin-trouble · 6 months ago
Twisted Wonderland theory time: Did Dire Crowley Summon Yuu on purpose? Does Yuu have powers? What is his true intention?
Spoilers for the game below the cut!!! You’ve been warned~
In the very beginning of the game, you, the player, play a short snippet through the eyes of our favorite headmage, Crowley. Here, he speaks in a way more serious tone than his usual manner, and no one else is present but himself.
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As you can see, he’s speaking towards the Dark Mirror, but he is not referring to it. He speaks of a benefactor. A flower of evil. Interesting choice of words, wouldn’t you think?
It’s like he knows the person he’s seeking after is just on the other side.
For those of you who don’t know, a benefactor is (literal definition) a person who gives money or other to help a person or cause. Basically someone who helps someone else out. And who could that person in need of help be?
Dire Crowley. Is it because he’s in dire circumstances? In need of someone’s help? Here’s a quote I found:
“For you, for me, for them, time is running out.”
Seems urgent or dire, doesn’t it? Also, the terminology he uses here caught my attention as well. He refers to the unknown party as “my proud flower of evil”. What does a flower need? Nurturing. Crowley’s known to use interesting nomenclature for his students, after all.
But now, who does Crowley need to dump all of his problems on, expose them to immense Overblot incidents in the meanwhile? Yuu.
Another piece of evidence I’d like to bring up.
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This confirms that he wasn’t directly referring to the Dark Mirror before, but he was seeking someone out.
The word “visage” can mean the manifestation, image, or aspect of something. From this, my guess is that Crowley is seeking out some unknown party to conform to him, like the flower language used earlier.
I highly doubt the Mirror would bring anyone to NRC who had no magic inside them. Yuu was sent because (I think) Crowley specifically asked.
Grim, a creature (cat-weasel) with immense layers of 1000 year old curse magic, however, was also sent to NRC. But, why?
By this point, we all know about the time loop theory. My personal interpretation is that after each calamity that falls, the cycle repeats again. And again. And again. It’s basically pushed into our faces that Grim will overblot at some point, but his will be even stronger than all of the others’.
Crowley says this to Yuu before he realizes they’re not the typical student.
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Alongside with the coffin/raven imagery, it doesn’t give too good of an idea. That’s why the school is called Night Raven College. Each student represents a bird, a raven. Ravens symbolize the path between the living and spirit realm. Not saying that everyone in TWST is dead, per se…but it’s an interesting concept.
Let’s shy away from this for a moment. Consider this next piece of evidence as well.
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For a student with no magic, it’s a little ironic that Yuu has prophetic dreams of the past, isn’t it? Every time, roughly 3 days before an overblot occurs, they have a dream based off of the overblotee’s member of the Great 7.
Now, anyone who’s watched the Disney movies featuring the villains in TWST know their true story. Obviously. Those in TWST idolize the Great 7, believing them to be good historical figures. Yet, we see the truth. Through Yuu’s eyes.
Let’s take a look at something else.
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Considering the connection between Mickey and Yuu (In Thru the Mirror and Ramshackle Dorm), their interactions are just a bit more than interesting. Yuu sees him in their dreams, and vice versa. I have a small guess that the world of TWST was created by the Mouse himself, tbh.
The name “Mickey” actually means “Who is like God”. My personal best guess is it’s some sort of deviation from Micheal or Mikhail. After all, Mickey IS the mascot of literally everything Disney…
This might sound stupid/outlandish, but that mouse has power. I’m so serious. The Mirrorverse is canon in the Disney universe, after all. My guess is that TWST is one of those worlds, but where the villains were victorious instead of our beloved heroes.
Yuu is the only one to have such prophetic dreams, that we know of thus far. They so happen to embody the ravens perfectly, as they symbolize prophecy and insight. Though Yuu has no magic, it does make me wonder…
Were they blessed by a higher being, to have such powers to reveal the truth?
With all of the context here, it’s clear that the history of Twisted Wonderland is inaccurate. Warped. The villains aren’t actually the heroes, like everyone else thinks. In reality, they’re the complete opposite.
This might be because of propaganda pushed forward by the Seven’s loyal followers, as a way to blot over their muddy images.
Let’s talk about overblots for a moment. With Yuu always being exposed to so many overblots, you’d think they’d eventually go through it themselves. But, they don’t have magic, do they? Or so everyone else thinks.
I have a hunch that Yuu in fact does have some kind of magic, buried deep inside them. It’s dormant, asleep. Needing to be awakened. Needing to be nurtured to show its true colors.
Also, when Yuu first arrived, one of the first individuals we meet is Crowley. He literally says, “There you are!”.
Like he’d been expecting Yuu. Planning for them to come to NRC.
Another thing, Crowley doesn’t seem like the type of person to care all too much if a student misses a ceremony. But, he escorted Yuu there himself. And, when he found out that Yuu had “no magic”, he let them stay instead of sending them home.
You’d think he’d be more eager to send them back to where they came from, right? But, no. He doesn’t seem all too bothered by letting Yuu stay. Like he knows they have some sort of purpose to serve.
But, he has to have a reason for all of this, doesn’t he? Well, it’s not made clear at this moment. Maybe we’ll find out in future books.
Before we wrap it up here, here’s some food for thought, and some of my own personal thoughts.
Dire Crowley knows something everything else doesn’t. And it’s bad. Catastrophic, even. He knew it was bad enough that it could potentially put his world in danger. Desperate times call for desperate measures, don’t they? And he needed to call for something. And what would be the thing to save his world?
His beautiful flower of evil.
But, that’s just a theory. :)
@nrc-asteryn-crew @night-raven-miscellany @nrc-ramshackle-prefect @glitchtricks94 @knightcoree come get your food >:)
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m4sonn · 10 months ago
∘₊✧───The Gang as Songs ───✧₊∘
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(Thx to my collaborator/writer/friend who helps me out w/these!! :3 @peachyponyboyy (sorry guys we went a little overboard with this one 😣😣😣🔥🔥🔥))
₊❏❜ ⋮Ponyboy ⌒
-Cooler than me by ethan fields
-wasted summers by juju<3
-Loverboy by A-Wall
-ancient dreams in a modern land by Marina
-Teen idol by Marina and the diamonds
-Heaven knows i’m miserable now by the smiths
-top of my school by katherine lynn
-oh no! By marina and the diamonds
-letter to my 13 year old self by Laufey
-usseewa by ado
-francis forever by mitski
-up and down by Judy sign
-smoke two joints by sublime
-nothings new by reo Romeo
-i love you so by the walters
-army dreamers by kate bush
-all apologies by nirvana
-trees by mccafferty
-sweet hibiscus tea by penelope scott
₊❏❜ ⋮Sodapop ⌒
-A pearl by Mitski
-Puppy Princess by Hot Freaks
-I wanna be your boyfriend by Hot Freaks
-Buddy Holly by Weezer
-Hug Me! From Despicable me OST
-sex sells by lovejoy
-one day by lovejoy
-infrunami by steve lacy
-the perfect pair by beabadoobee
-pretty boy by the neighborhood
₊❏❜ ⋮Darry ⌒
-survivor by Dolly Parton
-Washing machine heart by mitski
-Christmas kids by Roar
-superman by eminem
-something about you by eyedress
-from the start by laufey
-sweater weather by the neighborhood
-electric love by BORNS
-sex, drugs, etc. by beach weather
-this side of paradise by coyote theory
-always forever by cults
-something about you by eyedress
-say yes to heaven by Lana del ray
-out of my league by fitz and the tantrums
-riptide by vance joy
-dark red by steve lacy
₊❏❜ ⋮Dally ⌒
-Faster n harder by 6arelyhuman
-hands up 6arelyhuman
-Romantic Homicide by d4vd
-cigarette daydreams by cage the elephant
-gilded lily by cults
-line without a hook by ricky montgomery
-diet mountain dew by lana del ray
-summertime sadness by lana del ray
-francis forever by mitski
-i want you by mitski
-daddy issues by the neighborhood
-freaking out the neighborhood by mac demarco
-back to the old house by the smiths
-pretty girls make graves by the smiths.
-crack baby by mitski
-silver lining by the neighborhood
-K. By cigarettes after sex
-Apocalypse by cigarettes after sex
-ykwim by yot club
-i wait for you by alex G
-born to die by lana del ray
-tongue twister Cash Cash
-pretty little psycho
-XOXO kisses hugs by 6arelyhuman
-ruler of everything by tally hall
-4:00AM by taeko onuki
₊❏❜ ⋮Johnny ⌒
-Daddy Issues by The Neighborhood
-Boys don’t cry by The Cure
-Back to the old house by the smiths
-My time by Bo En
-I Don’t smoke Mitski
-Bag of Bones
-Lemon boy by cavetown
-Boys will be bugs by Cavetown
-Freezerburn by t!lt
-No surprises by radiohead
-Nothings new Rio Romeo
-homage by mild high club
-Heaven and back by chase atlantic
-harness your hopes by pavement
-problems by mother mother
₊❏❜ ⋮Two-Bit ⌒
-the mickey mouse clubhouse theme song
-i love you like an alcoholic by the taxpayers
-should i stay or should i go by the clash
-teenagers by my chemical romance
-she's so nice by pink guy
-you get me so high by the neighborhood
-boys a liar pt. II
-sweet dreams by left boy
-two birds by regina spektor
-buddy holly by weezer
-say it ain’t so by weezer
-smells like teen spirit by nirvana
₊❏❜ ⋮Steve ⌒
-scotty doesn’t know by lustra
-teenage dirtbag by wheatus
-shut up and drive by rihanna
-everybody talks by neon trees
-hey stephen by taylor swift
-you belong with me by taylor swift
-backyard boy by claire rozinkrans
-life is a highway by rascal flatts
-brooklyn baby by lana del ray
-cruisin for a bruisin from teen beach movie
-cotton eye joe >:DDDDD
-your the only one i want from grease
-what i got by sublime
-head over heels by tears for fears
-love like you from steven universe
All of them:
-Army dreamers by Kate bush
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ashthewaterghoul · 4 months ago
I need to take my mind off things happening today, Ash give us anything comforting, please. Or anons reading this, give them some questions to start their yapping!
I’m sorry things haven’t been great today🥺 *gives many many hugs*
I can give some #phanter cuddle buddies comfort.
Phantom went out into the human world one day with some of the Ghouls because they all wanted a day out and needed some new clothes.
It’s getting colder outside and so some stores were starting to get all the fluffy/fleecy pyjamas out.
Phantom was going along the racks of clothes, feeling all the different soft fabrics and then found it.
Looking through the other variations they found another one that would also be perfect…
They practically run to Copia’s quarters when they get back and get changed, very patiently waiting for their Papa to return.
Frater’s had a long day and honestly just needs one more thing to go wrong before he explodes. But all tension dissipates when he sees his pipistrello.
And they actually are a pipistrello.
Because in with the fluffy pyjamas were onesies. And Phantom found a bat one, with wings that attached from the arm to the torso. It also has a hood on it. They didn’t have Phantom’s exact size so it’s a little baggy but it just makes it look even cuter.
Phantom perks up and smiles as soon as Copia walks in.
“Papa, look what I found today! It’s really soft and warm, and it has wings! Look! I’m actually your little bat now!” And they’re jumping on the spot and flapping their hands a little too.
And Copia’s heart just melts.
“I got one for you too!” Phantom says as they hand the bag over and Copia pulls out a Mickey Mouse onesie.
“It’s the closest I could get to a rat.” They explain.
“È perfetto! Grazie, pipistrello. Grazie mille.” (It’s perfect! Thank you, bat, thank you very much.) Copia says with all the gratitude his heart can muster, kissing them on their forehead and getting a mouthful of fluff in the process which makes them both laugh.
They have a proper hug, then Copia goes to wash his face paint off before getting his own onesie on, both of them also having fluffy socks on too.
They end up ordering in a meal from their favourite restaurant in the nearby town and having a movie night. Of course, it ends with Phantom spending the night and them cuddling.
“Buona notte, sogni d’oro.” (Goodnight, sweet dreams)
“Goodnight, Papa. I love you.”
“I love you too, il mio piccolo pipistrello.” (My little bat)
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fantasticalchaos · 5 months ago
You know what, why not? I’m gonna make a poll on something I’m wondering if it will happen in the future of TWST and I want the fans opinion I’m curious…
Reasons being…
In the main story, (Past chapter/book 3) the ending is where the Yuu realizes that Mickey Mouse is in the mirror that you see at beginning of each Book/Chapter for the dream segment. 🐭
The Lost In Book events have the player and some NRC characters transported into the Disney world with the actual characters from their respective movies such as Stitch! Heck, they even interact with Stitch too!
Related to my last point, TWST JP’s current event is the Nightmare Before Christmas! And by gosh, so many characters from Jack to Sally, and many more! (To EN players who don’t mind spoilers you’re in for a treat heh)
Speaking of, we even got a character twisted from TNBC - his name is Skully - interacting with them too (as best I could say without spoilers, especially since the event is still ongoing)
I guess it’s because of the new Halloween event and the storyline so far, along with the other times we encounter a Disney character in the flesh, I think about this. Also, thanks for reading all the way here and doing the poll!
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tymime · 2 months ago
I'm of the opinion that society only became ready for characters like Mickey Mouse and Popeye to be in the public domain now, and no sooner.
When you look back on the copyright extension acts of decades past, I think maybe, just maybe, it was a good thing for Mickey Mouse. To be clear, this isn't about how these copyright extensions benefitted the Disney Company financially. I'm talking about Mickey as a fictional character, about the artists and creators, not the CEOs. I'm not thinking of Mickey as some kind of idealistic, free-for-all-people sort of thing, but as a work of art. Disney was only just getting back on its feet in the 1980s, after a long period of stale, formulaic, somewhat low-effort films and comics. If Mickey Mouse had gone public domain soon after Mickey's Christmas Carol had been released, Disney would've lost control of their flagship character during a time when they were just figuring what to do with him again. I think this would've made Disney's Renaissance era just a little bit worse. I couldn't tell you how exactly, since that would be mere speculation, but they may have been less inclined to build Mickey's Toontown or reprint Floyd Gottfredson comics, or anything like that.
The same thing goes for the late 1990s. If they had lost Mickey then, I have a feeling that wonderful cartoons like Runaway Brain and House of Mouse would've been less likely to have been made.
Here's what I'm thinking: Say that a Steamboat Willie horror movie had been made in, I dunno, 1988. Coming right after or before Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, Disney seeing their most famous character tainted by a slasher film probably would've taken the wind out of their sails. Would the Eisner-era "returning to their glory days" attitude have been so prevalent? The entire decade of animation might've looked a bit different.
Disney today is very, very different. While they still see dollar signs when it comes to Mickey, and they still make good quality cartoons with him in it, the last time Disney really cared about classic 1930s Mickey was in the late 2000s, around the time when Epic Mickey came out. A retro, proud-of-our-heritage version of Mickey is something Disney no longer cares about, which goes hand-in-hand with the revisionism that plague the remakes of their classic films. Despite the "Rebrushed" version of Epic Mickey, I don't think Disney really wants to be retro anymore.
The other half of the equation is the internet and its indie creators. Remix culture is basically a revival of how most humans made art throughout most of history- not trying to come up with an "original idea", but making something derivative of what came before. Critics who complain about "endless sequels and remakes" probably despise this idea, but the fact of the matter is that nothing is completely original, and stuff like YouTube Poop, video game music covers, memes, and fanart is the 21st century version of that. There's a feeling going around that big media corporations aren't truly making the content we want to see anymore, and I'm inclined to agree. Marvel movies have already peaked and have gone downhill, we seem to be burnt out on Star Wars, and Warner Bros. generally seems to hate animation nowadays. We're also in a world where indie artists have much more power and influence than ever before, with platforms like YouTube, social media, and online art galleries to spread the word better than pre-internet media ever could. I've been waiting for Disney to relearn what makes Mickey Mouse great for years. A cartoon series equivalent to DuckTales (the original, mind you), adapting Floyd Gottfredson stories has been a pipe dream for some time now. Disney isn't going to make it, so I just might make animatics for that idea myself.
So that's my take on it. Public interest in using these characters is coming at the right time, in my opinion. There have been drawbacks of course, and I think sequel-haters are one of the biggest results, but did anyone else actually give a darn about the public domain until Winnie-the-Pooh was "set free"? I've been interested in the subject for over a decade myself, but I'm willing to bet most people weren't even aware of the concept until now. What I'm mainly concerned about is artistic integrity- Mickey being free to use doesn't mean that everybody's going to be thoughtful and tasteful. That much is obvious. As for Popeye, I'm gonna wait until the whole spinach thing, as well as Bluto and Wimpy, are in the public domain before I seriously consider using the character.
(PS To any jerks who think I'm some sort of corporate shill- read this a bit more carefully. There's plenty of criticisms of corportations littered throughout this, but I guess some people are too stupid to notice...)
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p1325 · 2 months ago
-Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, Civil War, Dune: Part 2, Alienoid: Return to the Future, Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, Mickey's Mouse Trap, In a Violent Nature, Robot Dreams,Am I Ok?, Drive-Away Dolls, OVERLORD: The Sacred Kingdom, Utopia, The Last Showgirl, The Girl with the Needle, Armand, The Gutter,Clickbait: Unfollowed, Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Subservience, The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim -The Order, Conclave, Midas Man, All We Imagine as Light, Christmas Eve in Miller's Point, Aftermath, Anora, In Flight -Kung Fu Panda 4, IF, Night Swim, The Beekeeper, Mean Girls:The Musical, Miller's Girl, The Fall Guy, The Bikeriders, Argylle, The Garfield Movie, Madame Web, Bagman, Moana 2, Challengers, Bad Boys: Ride or Die, Hit Man, I Used To Be Funny, The Watchers, THE 4:30, Dead Sea, Boot Camp, Queer, The Wild Robot, Transformers One -Ghostlight, Treasure, Tuesday, Green Border, Janet Planet, Kinds of Kindness, Thelma, Kneecap,We Live in Time, Monster Summer -Inside Out 2, Jules (I swapped it to Lisa Frankestein instead), Arthur the King, The Bricklayer,Bob Marley: One Love, Imaginary, Love Lies Bleeding, Back To Black, Trigger Warning, Daddio, Horizon Chapter 1, A Quiet Place: Day One, Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F, MaxXxine, Fly Me to the Moon, Longlegs, Sing Sing, Touch, Twisters, Gladiator 2, Greedy People, The Clean Up Crew, Slingshot, The Silent Hour, Rob Peace, It's What's Inside, Carry-On, The Return -The American Society of Magical Negroes, The Painter, Kraven the Hunter, The Underdoggs, Terrifier 3, Race for Glory, The Book of Clarence, Which Brings Me to You, Mickey 17, Didi, Cuckoo, Borderlands, Good One, Space Cadet, The Killer, Clear Cut -Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part One, Deadpool & Wolverine, Joker: Folie a Deux, Return to Silent Hill, Trap, Oddity, Alien: Romulus, Close to You, Blink Twice, The Crow, The Supremes at Earl’s All-You-Can-Eat, They Listen, My Spy: The Eternal City, It Ends with Us, Despicable Me: 4, Descendants: The Rise of Red, I Saw the TV Glow, Mother of the Bride, Unfrosted, Find Me Falling, The Tiger's Apprentice, Kill, The Fabulous Four, Tarot, Baby, Babygirl, Better Man, Jack in Time for Christmas, The Effects of Lying, Nutcrackers, Mary, The Penguin Lessons
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