#dreaming and hoping and imagining and praying and looking a fool a clown
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murcielagatito ¡ 1 year ago
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me when im silly goofy connecting imaginary dots about ava and janine getting a lil homoerotic this season
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sweetlilpaulie ¡ 5 years ago
Liar, Liar.
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Beatles X Reader.
What if, for a day you could only tell the truth? 
This proved to be difficult around the boys. 
Caution: Language, suggestive comments
Enjoy, my cuties.
Being a Beatle was difficult as it was. 
All the screaming crowds, people running straight towards you all the time, screaming so loud it made you deaf. Reporters on every corner, and cameras in your face 24/7.
Now, imagine being a girl in the mist of four boys with huge personalities.
That’s what you dealt with. 
Every day. 
To no avail, nor seeming end.
Sure, they payed you quite well, though, not as much as you felt you deserved.
Today started no different than any other day, you ate breakfast, hailed a cab, and drove off to the studio.
As you were about to pay the cab driver, the words slipped out of your mouth, like they had a mind of their own.
“Fuckin’ ridiculous, I could walk for free.” 
“Pardon?” the man stared at you in shock.
“Er...I mean, You cost way too much...what?” you couldn’t believe yourself. Were those words actually escaping your lips? Were you dreaming?
“I...” he stuttered furiously “I-I’m a fair man! ‘ts not that much!”
“Yes it is!” you argued, even though you didn’t understand why. It was just a cab, for Christ’s sake. You even shook your head at your response, trying in some way to say what you were trying to say.
“Here...just take...” you shoved an extra few bills in the man’s hand “take all my money you wanker, Wait! I did mean to say that! WHAT?” you felt your face redden, and you rushed off before you could offend him further.
What the hell is going on?
“Hey, (y/n), would you mind..”
“Yes, I’d rather not.” you said rather harshly to the young assistant. Once again, you blushed furiously and clapped your hands over your mouth.
“Er...look, I don’t want to deal with you right now.” Why was this happening? “D’you understand?” you prayed that he could understand, you didn’t really mean it.
The man stared at you in shock.
“No, of course you don’t, you’re all amateur airheads....This CAN’T be happening right now.” you muttered, before rushing off again.
The poor kid, burst into tears and ran off.
“NO, I’M SORRY!” you called quickly, surprised you could even say that. But, it was too late, he had run off. 
“(y/n), what are you doing here? You know, we are just setting up. You don’t have to be in the studio till 7:45.” chuckled a voice behind you. Your nearly jumped a foot off the ground. 
It was Brian.
“Er...” don’t say it, don’t say it. But, of course, you did.
“I dunno...I guess I’m just kinda like watchin’, it’s amusin’ and all that rubbish, and I may... or may not... liketheboys more than I say I do, and I jus’ like to watch’em, tha’s all, perhaps.” You murmured quickly.
You prayed to God Brian didn’t hear what you had just said. Before he could say anything more, you added,
“Can you please not ask anymore questions? I’d rather not get into another awkward conversation, cause apparently I have to say everything on my mind.” you begged the man, your eyes pleading.
He seemed extremely bewildered at your uncanny behavior. You could gather he wanted to know why you were acting so odd. Thankfully, he refrained from doing so.
You silently thanked the Lord, you didn’t find anymore encounters while you were testing equipment. You feared one more slip up would end in utter catastrophe.
This day was far from over.
So, of course, you would be a clown in front of someone else. 
A very honest clown.
“Great work, lads!” Brian chirped once you and the boys had finished the song. 
“Yes, that was fantastic.” You added, as you stood up from the piano.
Brian turned to you, opening his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but closed it, thinking it was best he didn’t try.
When John opened the door, you knew you were in for it.
“Well, we’ll just be off, get some lunch. D’you care to join us Brian?”
Brian shook his head, smiling. 
“No thanks, Lennon. Be back at a reasonable time, I’d like to finish this album sometime soon.”
John turned to face you. “(y/n)? Care to join us?”
“Yeah, I would.” you replied almost too quickly. 
It was strange, after all, you spend plenty of time with them. Lunch was when you would get with your girlfriends at the diner. 
You had no idea what had gotten into you.
He seemed to catch on to this, and smirked.
“Hold on, was that a yes I heard? Eager, are we?”
“You have no idea.” you coughed trying to hide the response.
He chuckled at your words, taking them with a grain of salt, thankfully.
You rushed out the door, ducking your head to avoid anymore unnecessary conversation. 
“Alright there, (y/n)?” Paul winked, and grinned as you and John joined the rest of the boys who were leaning on the doorframe. 
“Not really.”
He raised an eyebrow.
“What’s up?”
Here we go.
Taking a deep breath, you ranted.
“Well, I was an ass to my cab driver, and Ben the new assistant, and I made a fool of myself in front of Brian. How’s your day been?” you smiled weakly.
Their eyebrows shot upwards.
“(y/n)? an ass? Never.” John gasped, placing a hand to his heart.
Your rolled your eyes at the melodramatic dork.
“Hey, I’m usually quite nice.”
John scoffed at that. 
“Sure, yar’.”
“Hey, to other people! Besides you, you cheeky git.” you punched his arm slightly, making him wince in pain, which your rolled your eyes at.
“Come ed’! We gonna eat or not?”
Pushing open the door, you went out into the fresh air, as the four guys followed suit. 
Sitting in between George and Paul was rather an uncomfortable experience. The fact that you were almost touching both of them, made you feel warm inside, and not in a way you wanted to think about.
“Oi, would ya move a bit?” you hissed, nudging Paul.
He turned to you, his lips dipping into a scowl.
“I’m sorry your majesty, am I making you uncomfortable? What can I do, to make you feel better?” he snarked.
“You are making me very nervous, and I’d like ya to move over.” your face flushed slightly.
Just for a minute, one fucking minute....could you say something that won’t end up incredibly humiliating?
His frown almost instantly turned into a cocky smirk.
“Ah, I see... so if I...” he scooted so your were hip to hip, and then wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “...did this, does it make you nervous?”
You pressed your lips together firmly, refusing to let anything peep out.
Don’t you DARE betray me now, I swear to God if you.....
That’s it. I’m cutting out my tongue.
It was then, then you noticed all the boys’ eyes on you. You lifted your menu, to cover the fact you looked like a ripe tomato.
John cleared his throat loudly.
“May I ask, wha’s goin’ on between you two?”
Paul shrugged.
“I don’t even know.”
He turned to you.
“Care ta explain?”
“Er....” you set the menu back down gently, and looked at the boys waiting expectantly.
“...I-I can’t lie.”
Part 2?
It ain’t over just yet!
Hope you enjoy this part!
Lemme know if ya want more of this one.
Hope y’all are doing well, during all of this craziness. I’m sorry I haven’t written in a long while, my creativity has been running dry, and hopefully, I’ll be able to finish some requests along the way, so be looking out for those as well.
Anyways, Peace and Love,
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jokers-sweethearts ¡ 8 years ago
Jokers Daughter Imagine: First Kill
Synopsis: The clown princess doesn’t stay in bed like her father asked and gets more than she bargained for when she goes to find him.
tw: Violence, Gore
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The moon light was peaking through the curtains slightly keeping you wide awake. You pulled the covers over your head to trick yourself into sleeping but it failed. You couldn't stop tossing and turning, wanting to jump out of bed and run all throughout the house. The thought of it made your adrenaline start pumping. Every day your father swept you up in his arms and tucked you in, it was bittersweet. The sweet being the red kiss he left on your cheek wishing you sweet dreams. The bitter was his warning not to disobey him and get out of bed. 
 You bit your lip and your foot started shaking in anticipation of the choice you had to make. It was either lay wide awake in complete silence or take the chance and find your father. The clown in you was disgusted at the thought of such a boring night, no laughs or anything. You knew your father could fix it all. He could tell you a story, a joke, hold you and rock you to sleep, stay up with you listening to his wild cackles. You threw the covers off and jumped onto the floor. You were the clown princess after all, you had to start doing what you want. 
 Grabbing your favorite stuffed animal you made your way to your bedroom door. Your father was no where to be found as you tip toed through the house. His bed was empty, his office was dark, not a single gun or glass left in the living room. Your stomach started to tighten up thinking of just why he really didn't want you to leave your room. A strange noise like a gurgle caught your attention off in the distance. You followed in its direction, picking up the pace eager to see your father. It led you to the garage where the noises got louder and more foreign to your ears. 
For the first time in your short life you weren't just excited to see your dad, you were scared. Slowly you reached your hand up to the doorknob and turned it as quietly as could be. Opening the door just enough to peak in. 
 The Joker held a razor blade in each hand scraping them against each other. The noise made the man tied down to a chair shriek in terror. The king of Gotham circled the peasant in front of him bending down occasionally to growl in his ear. 
 "Ppplease Mr. J...." the man stuttered "I promise I won't do it again honest!" 
Joker began to sniff the air "hmmmm" he put one of the razor blades to the mans cheek piercing the skin slightly. A single drop of blood fell. "Smell that? A fucking rat" his voice kept changing from a high glee to a low gravelly tone that sent shivers down your spine. 
 You put your hand over your cheek, feeling the lipstick kiss mark your father left. The total opposite to what he was giving his hostage.
 "Please im beggin ya Mr J!" he tried to keep his composure as the razors traveled over his lips onto his other cheek leaving a scar smile. When he felt the blade reach his neck he knew it was his last chance "Please dont kill me!" 
"Ohhh...." Joker breathed in and out deep, a small chuckle escaping his lips. In an instant he was sitting on the mans lap with one hand firmly around his neck and the other holding the blade at his eyeball. He slowly pressed it against the retina causing the man to scream but only pathetic gasps for air made it past Jokers grip "Im just gonna hurt ya.... really.... really....bad!" He drove the blade into the eye. 
 You couldn't help yourself and couldn't believe what was happening. You let out a weak murmur that alerted your father that you were there. Before you could do anything he was swinging the door open and looking down at you. He dropped the razors to the floor. Immediately your lip began to quiver as the tears started to form. You had never seen your father act this way and it frightened you. You were so used to the gentle but strong man that took care of you. 
As he picked you up and held you tight against his chest, you felt more than frightened though. You felt jealous. 
 "Oh princess shhhh... it's okay daddys got you" he said caressing your back. You felt the blood on his hands seep through your pajamas as he held you. "Didn't daddy say stay in bed huh?" 
 You rested your head on his shoulder and let out a faint yes, holding onto your stuffed animal tighter.
 "Then why did you get out? Doesn't daddy always know best?" 
 "I couldn't sleep I wanted you to make me laugh!" you said using your hands to push off his chest. He held on tight to keep you from jumping out of his arms. 
 You took in the scene, the gold tools spread out on a purple velvet table cloth, your fathers green hair falling in his face, his eyes were excited and hungry at what he was doing to the man. You felt scared by the unknown but more than anything you wanted to be included. 
 "Daddy why don’t you want me to play with you?" you asked stopping your tears before they fell.
“Play with me?” Joker repeated confused. He turned around putting his hand on the back of your head to keep it in his chest. The man was trembling in pain and the blood was gushing from his head. He was letting out even more pathetic noises than an actual rat would. That’s when it clicked for Joker. “Awww baby you want to play huh?” he leaned in and gave her a small pick on the nose.
You shook your head yes with confidence, feeling less scared knowing he was there with you. 
“Did you hear that?” Joker yelled and the man jumped as much as he could in his restraints. “Now sweetheart” he turned his attention back to you. “Remember daddy is here, he’s the joker and you’re his princess. There’s nothing to be afraid of. The world is afraid of us”.
Hearing your fathers words and feeling his touched replaced the last bit of fear in your body with eagerness. You didn’t hesitate to look over at the gruesome sight once he let go out of you and your feet touched the floor. He took your hand in his and led you over to the broken down man.
“I asked did you hear that? My daughter is curious about what we’re doing here”.
The man took one look at you and began to sob. You didn’t understand why because you had a huge smile on your face. 
“You’re sicker than I thought Mr. J! She’s just a kid! A little girl! Just kill me already!”
“NO!” Joker screamed and it echoed through the garage and entire house, “You still don’t get it! She’s not just a little girl. She’s not just anything!” He leaned in close to the man, letting your hand go, and gripping each of his bloodied thighs. “She’s curious. A curious little cat.... and-”
“Curiosity killed the cat!” the man spat at Joker, blood drying around his eye socket. He didn’t care anymore and just wrote his death sentence. 
Joker grabbed his face and worked his fingers into his mouth to pull his jaw open. “and cat’s eat rats!” Joker growled. The man didn’t think he’d be in worse pain than the eye, but he had gambled and lost. “Princess! Give daddy one of his knives!”
You stood there frozen for a moment, realizing this wasn’t a dream and not just play time. This was all real and happening fast. Joker turned around noticing is daughter’s silence and hesitation.  He gave her a wink, “the world is scared of you!” he said.
You walked over to the velvet table cloth and reached up pulling down a small gold knife, barely taking your eyes off the comforting glare of your father. You held it in front of you admiring it and showing it to your stuffed animal too, before handing it up to him and he smile wide at you, you returned the favor.
“Now... what are you?” he asked the man still keeping his mouth spread open with one hand. But he was met with silence.  “Oh what? Cat got your tongue?” Joker threw his head back and cackled at his joke as he felt the body beneath him shake even more. “Princess! What is our friend here?”
This was your moment, your chance to have the fun you wanted while tucked in bed. Not only were you seeing the world your father tucked you away from each night, you were a part of it.
“A rat!” you said trying to repeat the gleeful voice you first heard from your father at the door. 
That single word was all Joker needed before he jammed the knife into the man’s mouth and began slicing away at his tongue. He never stopped laughing once as the blood squirted out all over him. Joker used his own tongue to lick it off his lips then spit it back in the man’s face. 
You saw the feet wildly stomp all over beneath your father, the attempted escape by the man made you laugh more. This was more fun than you had expected and better than any story your father could have told you. 
Once the tongue was cut out, Joker held it up to his face and wiggled it. “Well look at that!” he said and held it in front of his own mouth, using his other hand to hold the mans face up looking at him. He used to tongue to to fling around mimicking his words. “Oh please mr j! Honest! please don’t kill me!” he mocked him laughing more and more with each word.
He stood up and threw the tongue to the ground. “Remember what I said? That I wouldn’t kill ya? Well I’m keeping that promise!” 
The man in all his agony looked up at the Joker with the last bit of strength he had. There was no mistake in what he heard and he was praying that the Joker had some type of mercy inside of him. 
“Princess...” Joker extended his hand for you to grab. You took it and he swept you back up in his arms. “Would you like to have a little more fun before bed?”
“Yes daddy!” 
Your words stung the man and he closed his eyes and continued to sob. He had hoped to much and been fooled again. Somehow the only thing worse than being killed by the clown prince of crime, was dying by the hands of the clown princess. He sobbed harder as the thousand ways he’d have her do it ran through his brain.
Joker handed his daughter the gold and bloody knife and she took it without thinking twice. Their smiles were almost identical as he carried her over to the dying scumbag before them. 
“Now... just like daddy” Joker whispered in her ear. 
You tightened your grip on the handle trying not to shake from the excitement. Just like daddy sounded over and over in your head as he leaned down holding onto you. Your eyes met the man, they screamed at you to be quick and let him find peace. He had the slightest last glimmer in his eye looking at the little girl holding the stuffed animal. His last thought was of how she could look so innocent and be a monster like him at the same time. You giggled watching them turn to complete despair as you stab the knife at his chest. Joker used his free hand to put in over yours and help you dig it in. You kicked your feet and giggled wildly as he helped lead it deeper into his body. You tore it all around feeling the bone and flesh try and stop you, but it only gave you more motivation. The blood ran red down his entire body making a puddle on the floor. 
When your arm grew tired you had to let go of the knife. You father helped you jam it in so much it stuck in place as the man’s life withered away. You had done it. You had done it with your father. 
“That’s my little girl” Joker said planting a kiss on your cheek.
Joker’s eyes scanned the body and the work he and his daughter had done. He looked at her, a spitting image of all his wildest dreams of what she’d be. He had tried to shield her from the monstrous side of himself since she was born, he laughed at the thought of doing it now. When he heard her at the door and saw the curiosity in her eyes he knew it was time for her to embrace what she truly was. And she didn’t disappoint. He rested his head on top of her taking in the moment. Looking at her in his arms he saw her bloodied pajamas and stuffed animal. He was in total bliss. 
“Daddy?” you said wrapping your arms around his neck giving him a small hug.
Joker’s eyes shot wide open hearing the soft and delicate voice say his name. It was such a contrast to the horrifically beautiful thing they’d done together. For a moment he felt he had something in common with the corpse, thinking that this wasn’t for her and she was about to cry at what she’d done.
“Yes my love?” he said. He had told her that the whole world feared her and it wasn’t a lie. The only thing Joker was scared of was his little girl’s words that could make or break him. He lifted up her chin with his finger to look deep in her eyes, he said again nervous “Yes my love?”
“Can we play again tomorrow?” 
All of Joker’s feared left his body. Like he had cleared from from his daughters mind she was doing the same. He couldn’t answer her, all he could do was one thing.
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