#dream solister
aymiyu · 4 months
current favorite song?
Te quiero from Hombres G
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ask-sibverse · 3 months
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Flowers of the main skeles of Flowers In Bloom (because you have no fucking idea how long it takes to draw a skeleton covered in flowers ok. If I drew them all I would throw my phone across the room. Yes I draw from my phone.)
More about some of them!
Daisy (Dream) fights with an overwhelming force of positivity. Like being punched in the face with sunshine and rainbows. Mainly because that's the best way to combat his twin's negativity "infection" spreading through the multiverse.
Like @forgettingcrowbin 's Plumagetale!Ink, Camellia (Ink) has to actually paint on his flowers, generally sticking to rainbow camellias (which are a bitch to draw btw.)
Other than Reaper and Life, Stargazer (Error) is the oldest of the guardians. His abilities to use floral magic were lost as a natural consequence of fucking up his own balance, and his flowers are red and blue stargazer lilies. (Reaper is Solist Gladiolus btw)
Bluebell (Blue) and Tiger (Red) have lost their AUs and are living out of the Omega Timeline.
Belladonna/Bella (Nightmare) is in a constant hellish existence due to the way his immortality, corruption, and soulflowers mix. He's good at hiding it though.
Out of all of the "bad Sanses," Amaryllis/Amy (Killer) suffers some of the worst mental issues from the combination of LV and soulflowers. He suffers from significant dysmorphia from the way things have changed, second only to Belladonna.
Strangely enough, Dark Eyes/Dark (Dust) doesn't appear to be as distressed by the changes his own LV has done to his flowers. Perhaps he has accepted his fate, or sees it as part of his "punishment."
Cornflower/Corn (Horror)'s biggest changes to his flowers are that they are wilted and dead due to lack of magic. That may change with better circumstances.
Still debating on whether or not to include Dark Knight/Knight (Cross), but if I do, these would be his flowers. (You wanna know how friggin hard it was to find just the right flower for this guy?!)
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diceriadelluntore · 1 year
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Storia Di Musica #295 - Fleetwood Mac, Rumours, 1977
Di solito un duetto tra una voce maschile e una femminile è si presente in molti dischi, ma in modo episodico. Sembra strano, ma i gruppi in cui le voci principali sono state una maschile e una femminile sono molto più rari di quello che all’apparenza potrebbe pensare. Partendo da questa osservazione, i dischi di ottobre saranno dedicati appunto a casi del genere: ho cercato di unire cose molto note e significative ad altre meno, come è nello spirito di questa rubrica. Si parte oggi, nella prima domenica di ottobre, con uno dei dischi più belli, di successo e imitati di tutti i tempi. Eppure tutta questa gloria non era né scontata né, soprattutto, immaginabile dato che il capolavoro nacque proprio quando tutto sembrava irrimediabilmente compromesso, in un periodo di tensione altissima tra i membri della band che ne fu autrice. I Fleetwood Mac nascono come gruppo brit-blues sotto l’egida di Mick Fleetwood (batteria) Peter Green (chitarra) e John McVie (basso) che lasciano i Bluesbreakers di John Mayall ed intraprendono una carriera autonoma. Si chiamano così perché Green unì il cognome del batterista al Mac di McVie. Iniziano subito a farsi notare, con alcuni pezzi molto belli come Man Of The World, Albatross e Black Magic Woman, che diverrà famosissima solo anni dopo con la cover dei Santana. In questo periodo composero almeno due grandi dischi di rock blues (l’omonimo Fleetwood Mac del 1968 e Then Play On del 1969, dalla stupenda copertina e che nel titolo cita nientemeno che La Dodicesima Notte di Shakespeare). Poi Green se ne va, iniziando una carriera solista dignitosa ma non superlativa. Dal 1970 al 1975 Fleetwood e McVie chiamano a sé molti musicisti per rimpiazzarlo, tra gli altri ricordo Danny Kirwan, Bob Welch, Bob Weston, che durano più un meno un annetto con il gruppo. Colpisce invece la cantante Christine Perfect, che nel frattempo si sposa con McVie, divenendo Christine McVie, entrando in pianta stabile nella formazione. Gli album di questo periodo sentono della poca amalgama tra i membri, finendo per essere scialbi e dimenticabili. Rimasto nel 1975 senza chitarrista, Fleetwood incontra Lindsey Buckingham, che a dispetto del nome è un ragazzo californiano, che in coppia con la sua compagna, Stevie Nicks, aveva pubblicato un disco di leggero pop dal titolo Buckingham + Nicks (che sono una scelta nella scelta, dato che univano una voce femminile e una maschile soliste). Il primo lavoro della nuova formazione è clamorosamente stupendo: Fleetwood Mac (secondo disco omonimo, già un record) nel 1975 è uno dei dischi più venduti in assoluto e trascinato dai singoli Warm Ways, Say You Love Me e la stupenda Rhiannon, diviene già un classico. L’attesa per il proseguimento è spasmodica, tanto che la prima cosa a segnare il passo è la band stessa: sia la coppia Buckingham - Nicks che quella Perfect - McVie si stavano separando, e Fleetwood scoprì sui giornali che la moglie lo tradiva con un amico. Nonostante le dicerie che la davano sul punto di sciogliersi, la band si concentra nelle registrazioni di uno dei capolavori assoluti del pop-rock di tutti i tempi e lo intitolano con notevole spirito ironico Rumours (che ricordo in inglese vuol dire brusio, ma anche chiacchiericcio e dicerie).
Con una maniacale cura che rivoluzionerà il concetto stesso di arrangiamento e produzione (anche per l’uso delle più avanzate tecnologie dell’epoca, come fecero nello stesso anno gli Steely Dan con Aja) Rumours, che esce il 4 Febbraio del 1977 è davvero perfetto: penso che chiunque abbia mai pensato di scrivere una canzone abbia voluto creare qualcosa come Go Your Own Way, trascinante e fantastica. Ma già l’apertura con Second Hand News (che richiama le dicerie di stampa del titolo) che ha echi di musica celtica fa capire che non è un album qualunque. Dreams, che da solo vendette oltre un milione di copie come singolo, è altra canzone definitiva, come Never Going Back. Songbird è piano e chitarra acustica, e diventerà uno dei momenti clou dal vivo. The Chain, che nasce come unione di idee scartate, è un country folk un po’ psichedelico, ed è uno dei pochi brani accreditati a tutti i membri della band. You Make Loving Fun, altro singolo vendutissimo, I Don't Want to Know (già nel repertorio solista di Stevie Nicks) è allegra e ritmica, Oh Daddy e la misteriosa Dust Gold Woman (che per anni si è favoleggiato fosse una canzone sulla droga, che girava molto alle feste cui partecipavano) chiudono il disco. Disco suonato, cantano (memorabili gli intrecci vocali, i salti melodici di tre voci grandiose), prodotto al massimo livello (da Fleetwood e la band con Ken Caillat e Richard Dashut) e dove le singole personalità pur mantenendo piena autonomia individuale, si completano alla perfezione. E ho sempre pensato che 40 milioni di copie vendute in tutto il mondo, con 31 settimane consecutivi al primo posto della Classifica Billboard statunitense, paese dove vendette da solo 20 milioni di copie (che lo fanno uno dei dischi di maggior successo di ogni tempo) e il Grammy del 1978 come miglior disco abbiano oscurato di fatto la bravura di un lavoro non costruito per il successo (almeno non in queste dimensioni) e che nasce dalla voglia di lasciare tutto alle spalle del personale, per mettere tutte le energie nel lavoro. Il momento magico continuerà con Tusk, altro gioiello, passato alla storia per essere costato nel 1979 oltre un milione di dollari in registrazioni. Dopo un Tusk Tour grandioso, la band si ritira in Francia, dove abbandonerà il sofisticato, colto e meraviglioso suono di questi due gioielli per un pop più leggero e senza mordente. Evidentemente forse si erano riappacificati.
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astroyongie · 1 year
Who are next for your next reading?
P1harmony, RV, Stray kids , StayC, Solists (woozs, dra Ian, dawn, park jihoon yongyuk, hanbin, somi, Hyuna) , Fiftyfifty, Oneus , Weki meki, BTS, Kard, NCT Dream, Formis 9, Enhypen, aespa, Treasure`, iTZY, Xickers, Mamamoo, Stray kids , Gidle , Wayv, Ive 
bonus: Seventeen, Txt , CIX, EPEX, MX, Victon 
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lucy-shining-star · 2 years
So Nina did to him what she had nightmare about him doing to her
...Ambar you want to argue with Jazmin and Delfi in front of everyone?
...Simon you want to have serious talk with Luna in front of everyone?
So much drama 
That dream was so beautiful before Simon turning into Matteo. Also I’m gonna interpret that at this point it turned into a nightmare caused by trauma from non consensual kiss. And I don’t care that it is not what writers meant
...There is solist Open in this season? 
Oh there is ‘Sharon’ on the bus 
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faithisthekey-23 · 1 year
Hi brothers and sisters
Today, I will also write my testimony on how my life looked like when I was listening to KPOP, how Lord of Lords delivered me from listening to worldly music, watching a lot of content from some groups and solists, and how my spiritual life looks like now.
My journey with kpop
I discovered kpop in 2018. However, I only listened to a few music groups: Blackpink; Twice; Red Velvet and one song from Sunmi. I won't say too much about it for it isn't that important. I just liked listening to this music but wasn't that invested in it.
However in March 2021, I started listening to BTS, Enhypen and TXT. I quickly wanted to just know their names so that I could recognize them, but I began to really like their songs. I loved the fact that everytime I was sad, I could listen to their songs and feel happiness. I felt a lot of energy after listening to their songs and began to watch different types of content from these groups and videos their fans published. I was very anxious and thought that they are the reason why my anxiety calms down. Whenever I felt hopeless, I came to their music, I also posted posts about them on a few apps. I didn't see any red flags and even when I began to see that I depend on them when it comes to happiness and my well-being in general and felt miserable, very sad when I thought of going back to school after breaks on which I listened to Kpop and watched Kpop content for a few hours everyday. Even though I could see how I depend on kpop groups too much, I didn't even think of taking a break from it. There were times when I wasn't listening to this music for a few days, but I still watched content related to it. I didn't see that it is satanic, full of blasphemy against my Creator God, personal Savior Jesus Christ and maybe blasphemy against my Precious Friend Holy Spirit too. I was so blinded by all of those innocent looking people that I didn't see that there is so many wrong things about this industry. I saw how people working in it are treated, the negative impact their songs have on my emotions and heart (my heart hardened really quickly after listening to some songs), I heard songs about the devil and revenge, and even though I tried to be closer to God, I actually didn't seek Him in the right way, as I was too invested in this music industry and didn't stop listening to these songs for the sake of my identity as a child of God. I even loved singing them. I even started thinking that I should be like those singers and tried to learn how to sing and dance like them. I had a lot of scenarios about becoming a kpop idol (even though the name is also a huge red flag which I didn't see as I was blinded by satan) to the point that I even dreamed about talking with my (now ex) favorite groups. I am ashamed for I even tried to introduce other people to kpop not knowing that it was one of the reasons why I was so miserable, but I realized it only recently.
How God delivered me
I actually didn't have to do much to get rid of listening to kpop. On 15th March, I went on referat and the for the first time in my life I truly felt that it's not a priest talking about God to me, but it's God talking to me through the priest. I felt a strong presence of the Holy Spirit and loved it. When I went out of the church, my mind was filled with the thoughts that I want to truly start seeking God and spend much more time with Him, at least a few hours. I also lost the desire to listen to the wordly music and after some time I also stopped having the desire to watch movies that aren't about God, study if it isn't about Him (I still study and have good grades, but I just don't keep on seeking knowledge after school at all. However, I love getting to know about Almighty more).
The comparison how my life looked like before and how it looks like now
I can easily notice that just like I had so much anxiety when I was listening to kpop, it is gone. I sometimes feel anxiety when I want to explain the Bible for someone and obey God's will but it disappears thanks to the Most High. Earlier, I used to compare my looks and abilities to everyone around me and got way too involed in beauty standards. However, today I noticed that I haven't felt ugly or wanted to change anything about my looks for a few months now (it's May, so 4 months' passed since I was born again). I also stopped feeling so sad and lonely, don't need to depend on music to feel happy. I found my identity and only true happiness in the Holy Trinity and know that they always care about me. Even when someone rejects me or doesn't treat me with respect, I always come back to my Heavenly Father and remind myself that having Him, Jesus and Holy Spirit in my life is more than enough. I did overthink everything, but stopped. Randomly, different thoughts about future fill my mind, but I able to ignore them and focus on my Savior. These days, I get tempted so much to come back to kpop. To be honest, I wanted to come back to kpop to listen to Christian songs. However, I also had a strong desire to listen to other kpop groups but my King of Kings lead me to the video that talked about the negative impact it has on faith of people. Then, I realized that I could watch kpop content and listen to this genre even for 5 hours during the day but prayed for only 25-30 minutes and didn't feel that I need God as I thought that I only need those groups. I watched a few videos about how bad it is and on the next day, I told myself that I won't come back to this again. I was tempeted way more often and the thoughts that told me to come back to this were really intensive, I also saw some articles and videos on the websearcher but didn't choose to waste my this way. I learned how to stand firm and I am thankful for Holy Trinity, for God helped me. Thoughts of the books I read about kpop also show up in my mind and try to encourage to read them again, but I will not break for God. He died for me, I can at least put Him first and not go back to something that is against Him. You can choose Jesus as well! His Arms are always opened for you, no matter how much you've sinned. He loves you to the point that He even died for you, took your blame on Himself to give you salvation and not let you perish. He is always there to listen to you and give you comfort. Just accept His offer, you won't regret it in the end :)
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violet-eien · 3 months
Hibike! Euphonium
Sound! Euphonium
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aykutiltertr · 5 months
Hoşçakal - Emre Aydın ✩ Ritim Karaoke Orijinal Trafik (Türkçe Rock)  ⭐ Video'yu beğenmeyi ve Abone olmayı unutmayın  👍 Zile basarak bildirimleri açabilirsiniz 🔔 ✩ KATIL'dan Ritim Karaoke Ekibine Destek Olun (Join this channel to enjoy privileges.) ✩ ╰┈➤ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqm-5vmc2L6oFZ1vo2Fz3JQ/join ✩ ORİJİNAL VERSİYONU Linkten Dinleyip Canlı Enstrüman Çalıp Söyleyerek Çalışabilirsiniz. ⭐ 🎧 ╰┈➤ https://youtu.be/Uh3yhBy0m6c ✩ (MAKE A LIVE INSTRUMENT ACCOMPANIMENT ON RHYTHM IN EVERY TONE) ✩ Aykut ilter Ritim Karaoke Ekibini Sosyal Medya Kanallarından Takip Edebilirsiniz. ✩ İNSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/rhythmkaraoke/ ✩ TİK TOK https://www.tiktok.com/@rhythmkaraoke ✩ DAILYMOTION https://www.dailymotion.com/RhythmKaraoke ⭐ Hoşçakal - Emre Aydın ✩ Ritim Karaoke Orijinal Trafik (Türkçe Rock) Em Sen hiç görmedin Bm                                 A                            Bm Su vermeye benzedik plastik çiçeklere hiç görmedin Em Sen hiç görmedin Bm                                A                   Bm Dans ettik durmadan kırık camlar üstünde Bm                                Em Sen öyle sana benzeyen her şey gibi G Erirken avuçlarımda         A             Ben unutuyorum     Em                             Bm Hoşçakal, olacaklar sensiz olsun                            A                                 Bm Daha durmam boşluklarında ben unutuyorum Em                             Bm Hoşçakal, olacaklar sensiz olsun                            A                                      Em Daha durmam boşluklarında ben unutuyorum Em Sen hiç görmedin Bm                                   A                                   Bm Baştan böyle yazılmış yok kimsesi, kimsenin hiç kimsenin Em Sen hiç görmedin, Bm                                A                              Bm Sonu baştan yazılmış, bitti bitti bitti kelimelerim B bölümü Nakarat Hoşçakal Besteciler: Emre Aydin Emre Aydın Emre Aydın'ın 20 Ekim 2007'de Beyoğlu Yeni Melek Gösteri Merkezi'nde verdiği konserden bir görüntü Genel bilgiler Doğum 2 Şubat 1981 (43 yaşında) Isparta, Türkiye Tarzlar Pop rock, alternative rock Meslekler Şarkıcı-şarkı yazarı, yönetmen Çalgılar Gitar, vokal, piyano, ney Etkin yıllar 2003-günümüz Müzik şirketi Sony Music (2006-2012) 565 Yapım (2012-2015) DMC Müzik (2015-2018) Hangar (2018-) İlişkili hareketler 6. Cadde Resmî site emreaydin.org Emre Aydın (d. 2 Şubat 1981, Isparta), Türk şarkıcı-şarkı yazarı ve yönetmen. Diskografi Ana madde: Emre Aydın diskografisi Afili Yalnızlık (2006) Kâğıt Evler (2010) Eylül Geldi Sonra (2013) Kazandığı ödüller Yıl Ödül veren organizasyon Kategori 2006 İstanbul FM Altın Ödülleri (İFA) En İyi Çıkış Yapan Sanatçısı Blue Jean Dergisi Best Of 2006 Ödülleri En İyi Şarkı (Afili Yalnızlık) En İyi Video Klip (Afili Yalnızlık) En İyi Çıkış Yapan Sanatçı En İyi Prodüktör Dream Dergisi 2006 En İyileri Ödülleri En İyi Erkek Şarkıcı En İyi Çıkış Yapan Sanatçı En İyi Türkçe Albüm (Afili Yalnızlık) En İyi Türkçe Şarkı (Afili Yalnızlık) En İyi Türkçe Video Klip (Afili Yalnızlık) MGD 14. Altın Objektif Ödülleri En İyi Çıkış Yapan Sanatçı 2007 Powertürk Müzik Ödülleri En İyi Çıkış Yapan Sanatçı 34. Altın Kelebek Ödülleri En İyi Çıkış Yapan Solist 11. İstanbul FM Altın Ödülleri (İFA) En İyi Rock Erkek Sanatçı En İyi Şarkı, Beste ve Söz (Sensiz İstanbul'a Düşmanım) Dream Dergi 2007 En İyileri En İyi Erkek Sanatçı Yılın Yerli Şarkısı (Git) Yılın Yerli Müzik Olayı (Sensiz İstanbul'a Düşmanım) 2008 Powertürk Müzik Ödülleri En İyi Şarkı (Sensiz İstanbul'a Düşmanım) En İyi Düet (Sensiz İstanbul'a Düşmanım) MTV Türkiye Müzik Ödülleri En İyi Türk Şarkıcı MTV Avrupa Müzik Ödülleri Avrupa'nın En Sevilen Sanatçısı Blue Jean Magazine 2008'in En İyileri En İyi Erkek Sanatçı 14. Kral TV Video Müzik Ödülleri[16] En İyi Rock Şarkıcı 2009 36. Altın Kelebek Ödülleri Müzik Özel Ödülü Resmî site Discogs'ta Emre Aydın diskografisi gtd Emre Aydın Diskografi Stüdyo albümleri 6. Cadde (2003) · Afili Yalnızlık (2006) · Kağıt Evler (2010) · Eylül Geldi Sonra (2013) · Uyut Beni (2019) Tekli Falling Down (2010) · Beni Biraz Böyle Hatırla (2012) · Bir Pazar Kahvaltısı (2014) · Ölünmüyor (2016) · Buralar Yalan (2016) · Sen Beni Unutamazsın (2016) · Beni Vurup Yerde Bırakma (2017) · Ölüm Kalım Meselesi (2018) · I Don't Wanna Fall Down (2018) · My Favourite Pain (2018) · Çocuğum Belki (2018) · Her Şey Biraz Hala Sen(2019) · Güllerim Soldu (2019) · Yalnızım Dostlarım (2020) · Bu Sefer Sorun Bende (2020) · Blame (2020) · Chasing Cars (2021) · Beni Anla (2021) · Hırka (2021) · Ratatan (2021) · Kör Kuyu (2022) · Kırlangıç (2022) · Yansın (2022) · Fırtınam (2023) · Hayaletler (2023) · Gidiyorum (2024) Bağlantılı hareketler 6. Cadde  · Gripin Kategori: Yaşayan insanlar Emre Aydın1981 doğumlular Isparta doğumlular Emre Aydin Kağıt Evler
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harmonicaland01 · 1 year
Harmonizing Perfection: Exploring The Seydel Solist Pro Harmonica
The seydel solist pro harmonica is a harmonica enthusiast's dream. This exceptional instrument combines precision craftsmanship with outstanding sound quality. With its expertly tuned reeds and ergonomic design, the seydel solist pro delivers a harmonious experience that musicians of all levels will appreciate. Dive into a world of musical expression like never before with this harmonica masterpiece. Know More:- https://harmonicaland.com/en/seydel-blues-solist-pro-harmonica
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gonagaiworld · 2 years
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Earth Star Entertainment svela il nuovo progetto crossmediale Utahime Dream Nel progetto, "cantautrici soliste con una ricca personalità cantano le canzoni iconiche delle epoche Showa, Heisei e Reiwa". Info:--> https://www.gonagaiworld.com/earth-star-entertainment-svela-il-nuovo-progetto-crossmediale-utahime-dream/?feed_id=305363&_unique_id=633e6cdf4869c #Anime #Anison #EarthStarEntertainment #UtahimeDream #ウタヒメドリーム
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pktsundere-archive · 4 years
Departure: Hunter X Hunter
Dream Solister: Hibike! Euphonium
Great Days: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures
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aimailyrics · 5 years
DREAM SOLISTER by TRUE (Translation)
Last Friday at Anime NYC, I saw TRUE perform this song. At first I didn't even remember that she was the one who sang it, so from the moment the song came on I just had an incredibly fun time. It took me back to when I translated this song because of Hibike! Euphonium. Now that I’m more experienced, I wanted to improve my old translation. I'm not embarrassed by my mistakes, but rather it's quite amazing to see how far I've come. Anyway, please excuse this repost.
There are so many things I want to do So there’s no time to be still I’ll let out the longings I’ve hidden in my heart with full volume Let’s go! Beyond that crescendo! It’s okay if you stumble, or were forced out, We’re waiting for your own tone Sound out! Brimming with dreams of being born Let’s set out towards that big sky Open up! Putting a smile on our friends I won’t let go, I don’t want to give up Have courage to push past your limits DREAM SOLISTER Clumsiness, not being honest, Hardworking, are all parts of your personality Just be yourself, and once more Try to play out your feelings The beat of our dreams is free There’s a sound that can’t be produced alone I’ve realized that (I sing without hesitation) Let’s burst forth (shine! swing!) If each of one us will put together our hearts It begins now The prelude of youth Reach! With enough passion to drag the world along Let’s paint a picture of a future without an end With one, the two, the melody is multiplying Come on! Come over here! You have to have fun, there’s much more until we’re a fortissimo DREAM SOLISTER
A melody that seems like it was written while messing around Is no reason not to play it! Let’s make some music! Sound out! Brimming with dreams of being born Let’s set out towards that big sky Open up! Putting a smile on our friends I won’t let go, I don’t want to give up Have courage to push past your limits DREAM SOLISTER
With one, then two, it’s multiplying Come on! Come over here! You have to have fun, there’s much more until we’re a fortissimo DREAM SOLISTER Let me hear your voice This music won’t end It’ll keep on going
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taki-sensei · 6 years
Dream Solister- Hibike Music Box cover
my college doesn't let people randomly play the celeste in the band room but i snuck onto it and recorded a whole bunch of songs in 1 hour... just for you guys to listen to. i mean im graduating in a few days so what are they gonna do? expell me?
For more hibike music box videos, check my tag http://taki-sensei.tumblr.com/tagged/illegal+celeste
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astroyongie · 1 year
can I ask what's the lineup for readings before mx so we can keep track
sure love ! that's how the readings are currently:
Twice, Seventeen, Loona, Ateez, Kep1er, TXT, Mamamoo, MX, YG, Pentagon, IVE, NCT 127, LSS, P1harmony, RV, Astro , StayC, Solists
Bonus: Oneus , BTS, NCT Dream, Enhypen
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baekny3 · 2 years
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𓇻 ׂ 🌳 ׅ ⸃ can't u see me ?¿ (# ゚Д゚) ˖ ݁ . 𝗛𝗜 ! 𝖻𝗂𝗅𝗅𝗂𝗈𝗇𝖺𝗂𝗋𝖾 . 𖧶 𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘇𝗲𝗱 🪷 ⁉️
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luluas-things · 2 years
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⠀⠀⠀⠀.. く ﹚̤♡⃨ Jeon Hoyeon
⠀ ⠀་🧸ꫬ໋ ⠀Moodboard﹚̤♡⃨ ⠀Solista ▒𓂅⃨
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀﹙𝐸﹚﹫luluas-things ⠀ ▒⃞⃮ 👑 ⠀⠀ᩧ
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀▒₊ ♡⃨ ︙ love yourself⠀▒⋮ Ꜣ 🦋⠀ ᷧ▒̈
⠀ ⠀ ⠀Coloca o crédito se for usar por favor!
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