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sethcohcnaf · 4 years ago
closed - @drcpsofjvpiter​
Thread: Emmeline Vance & Lily Evans location: leaky cauldron
emmeline sat herself down on the creaky bench, her gaze captivated on the that girl was moving about seamlessly, her own gaze drawn to the clock that was ticking away, she had hold on to the ounce of patience that was buried deep and waited. three -- two -- one -- “i’m here for you” she shouted, lookers be damned as she jumped up, smile bright as the sunny day waiting for them, her nose wrinkling at the boy by the bar, smirking as if it was meant for him, “not you, i’m here for the ginger”
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“come on lily love, put me out of my misery --” 
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crystallineeyesrp · 4 years ago
would celia and selene
Yes Celia would pet Selene without ever even thinking about
Celia just loves anybody that is kind to her, so yes Celia would. Pansexual Disney Princess
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sethcohcnaf · 4 years ago
bed lily & emmeline
there was nothing comforting about the blasted ray of sunshine that had her eyes fluttering open -- should it be painful to open your eyes? emmeline would say no, but here she was with a blinding headache -- this hangover was going to be her hell. 
“oh, for the love of godric” she groaned as she tried to sit up, her side was on fire and the fact that she felt someone against her back nearly had her terrified to turn, but the sight of ginger hair had her exclaiming in relief -- 
“lily” she muttered, trying to pry the girl away from slumber land just to be met with a grumble and a still very much sleeping girl, “lily evans” she repeated, her tone annoyingly screeching with a purpose -- the girl sat up right quickly and if she wasn’t in a world of pain, she might have felt a tad guilty. “what in merlin’s name happened last night?” she questioned, willing her body to shuffle out of the bed, she doubt the ginger with her face buried in her hands had answers for her, but the fact that she was clutching her side had her curious -- 
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“oi, tell me we didn’t --” eyes wide, alarmed as she realized that the stinging felt familiar-- that she had felt this pain once before when she had gotten the sunflowers etched along her ribs, lifting her shirt carefully -- she snuck a peak at the lilies that were added carefully around the sunflowers -- her lips stretched into an o as she realized her drunk arse had truly done the unthinkable. 
“i don’t hate it --” she muttered, comforting gaze on lily as she wondered what was now engraved on her body, “i hope it’s peonies and not vancey pants --” there were worse things out there than a tattoo celebrating one of her favourite people. 
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sethcohcnaf · 4 years ago
closed - @drcpsofjvpiter​
Thread: Frank Longbottom & Alice Martin Location: The Martin Residence 
he had adjusted his tie too many times to count, fingers nimble from the frustration that tugged at him with the unknown. it was ideal -- that was how his mum had even started the conversation, alice martin was the ideal girl for him, the right one. as selfish as it was -- he wasn’t entirely upset. he barely had time to say hello to a friend let alone date and here he was with a date ready to go on his arm - that was if he could will himself to knock on her door. 
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clearing his throat, as if there was actually anything caught in it -- he gave the door three clear knocks, the other hand clutching the touch he thought was decent, his mum always said it was the little things that mattered and the bouquet in his hand seemed appropriate. at the slightest crack of the door -- a careful smile stretched his lips, “hello --” 
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sethcohcnaf · 4 years ago
🌿 frank and alice
send  🌿  for  our  muses  to  be  caught  under  mistletoe .
‘you can’t just leave her alone, franklin --’ his mum had scorned him rather harshly, leaving him bewildered, he had just gone to fetch them some drinks and here he was already being harked on his date mannerisms. maybe his mum had a point -- he had already lost her. 
“oh rowena” he grumbled, a polite smile fixed at his lips as he nodded politely to those he was passing by, never lingering too long for a chat, he would rather find his brunette, “there you are --” he sighed, relief coursing through him, “at this rate - i’m going to have to chain myself to you” he huffed, eyes widening slightly alarmed with how that sounded and she still didn’t know him that well  --
“it was a joke -- mum had her lecture ready in her arson” his gaze dropping to hers just to see that she was looking up at, “oh --” his own cheeks flushing slightly at the sight of the mistletoe -- he wanted to ignore the nearby hooting and hollering, but as he caught her attention - he already knew what he was going to do. 
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lips gently brushing against her forehead, before dropping close to her ear to whisper, “that counts, doesn’t it?” hearty chuckle, “i don’t want our first kiss to be a spectacle, we might not be able to control much, but that will be ours --” he promised, a certain twinkle in his gaze as he finally handed her the drink. 
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sethcohcnaf · 4 years ago
goodbye - my muse hugging your muse goodbye fabian x molly
"it feels like forever” a eight year old molly prewett grumbled in utter disdain, face buried in fabian’s jumped as she refused to let him go. 
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molly  -- she could her mum chiding, trying her best to be patient, “promise you’ll write?” pout tugging at her lips as she peered up at him, she could feel the tears gathering in her eyes but she refused to let a single one shed in his presence. she could hear his soft reassurances - the encouraging smile at his lips that she adored as she promised to keep mum and dad busy while the two of them away, “alright” she huffed with a finality that took even her by surprise as she let him go. she could feel her parents wrap their arms around her as they saw fabian and gideon get on the train, waving as she allowed the tears to finally fall -- it was only till june, she could survive till then. 
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crystallineeyesrp · 4 years ago
After  an  endless  stream  of  photographs  with Gwendolyn  McKinnon
“Finally,  fucking  finally.”  The  heels  were  gone  before  the  words  had  even  finished  leaving  her  mouth.  Honestly,  she’d  felt  tall  enough  without  the  monstrosity  her  mother  had  her  put  on  her  feet  for  the  ceremony  and  all  the  bloody  pictures.  She  balanced  herself  out  from  the  final  flash,  barely  realizing  her  hand  had  made  its  way  to  Gwennie-girl’s  shoulder  “Looked  lush  but  felt  like  pixies  biting  off  my  fucking  toes,  they  did.”  Hand  pulled  back,  and  sly  smirk  with  forward  glance  ignored  the  side-eye  from  her  mother.  Marlene  would  have  no  more  scolding  today.  The  angry  silence  that  came  her  way  when  she  finally  presented  her  dress  only  this  morning  was  more  than  enough  from  either  of  the  other  women  in  her  life.  But  rather,  she  kicked  the  Godric-forsaken  heels  under  the  nearest  table,  happy  to  let  whatever  toddler  cousin  from  Ernie  the  Accounter’s  side  play  with  them.  “Think  he’s  actually  going  to  charm  all  those  photos?  I  just  want  the  ones  where  you  look  like  your  going  to  sneeze.” Nose  wrinkled  behind  the  teasing  tone  of  her  voice.  @drcpsofjvpiter​
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crystallineeyesrp · 4 years ago
Ben  decided  he  liked  the  London  weather,  he  like  the  clouds  and  the  humidity  that  still  somehow  felt  cold  in  the  summers.  A  little  rain  every  day  seemed  fitting,  a  whole  aesthetic  formed  around  him  where  he  stood  huddled  under  the  stop  window  in  Diagon  Alley.  His  wand,  somewhere  in  his  back  pocket,  hand  shoving  around  to  reach.  A  water  repellent  spell  should  do  the  trick  if  it  weren’t  to  let  up  soon.  Part  of  him,  did  just  want  to  put  up  the  hood  of  his  robe  and  walk  out  into  the  drizzle.  “Do  you  usually  wait  it  out?”  @drcpsofjvpiter​
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crystallineeyesrp · 4 years ago
That Final Train Home ft. Lily Evans
“Do  you  think  they’re  still  in  here?”  The  carryon  bag  was  dropped  carelessly  to  the  floor  as  her  hand  dug  down  deep  into  the  space  between  the  cushions  just  as  the  train  lurched  into  motion.  “Aye  no  they  got  these,  too.”  She’d  hidden  those  sweets  so  well.  With  dramatic  flair,  the  blonde  layed  herself  across  the  seat,  just  peaking  open  eyes  to  see  if  Lily  had  followed  in  suit.  “My  Every  Flavor  Beans,  darling.  They’ve  been  taken,  absconded.  And  on  my  last  ride,  too.”  Unable  to  stay  in  the  position,  feet  smacked  to  the  ground  in  heavy  boots  and  Marlene  McKinnon  leaned  forward  in  joyous  intensity.  “Waiting  for  the  trolley  will  take  all  too  long,  you  know.  I  should  go  bribe  them  out  of  the  first  years.  Or  just  take  them...buggers  are  too  smart  for  bribes  now.” @drcpsofjvpiter​
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crystallineeyesrp · 4 years ago
🌿for marlene x lily
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"Wait  no,  look  at  that,  Lils."  She  steadied  the  girl  by  the  shoulders  before  she  could  make  her  way  through  the  doorway.  Christmas  with  friends  for  the  first  time,  Marlene's  heart  was  on  air.  But  even  then,  there  was  a  glimmer  of  some  immediately  formulated,  not-thought-out  plan  forming  in  her  eyes  -  which  then  lilted  upwards  towards  the  frame  where  a  little  green  leaf  hung  above  them.  She  was  aware  their  friends  were  looking  as  she  cupped  the  ginger's  face  in  her  hands,  somewhat  hoping  Potter  was  about  to  stick  his  head  in  the  toilet  over  the  site.  Heavy  lidded  eyes  could  only  draw  in  closer  to  the  extremely  familiar  face,  the  slights  of  smirks  forming.  "It's  the  rules,  darling.  Unfortunately,  it  looks  like  we're  going  to  have  to."  Lips  were  drawn  close,  just  barely  touching  at  that  point.  When  suddenly  Marlene  turned  to  the  girl's  cheek  and  left  the  biggest  raspberry  she  could  ever  muster  in  such  unique  circumstances.  With  typical  joyous  laugh,  always  just  a  little  too  loud,  she  pulled  back  and  entered  the  room  -  thought  of  her  actions  already  towards  the  back  of  her  mind.  "Are  you  sure  we  have  to  wait  until  after  dinner  for  presents?" @drcpsofjvpiter
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crystallineeyesrp · 4 years ago
Flower crowns or something apparently with Remus Lupin
“There  you  are  darling.  I’ve  been  looking  everywhere  for  you.”  She  almost  broke  into  a  little  run,  almost  too  excited  to  see  the  sweet  face  before  her  when  arms  wrapped  around  their  shoulders.  Marlene  McKinnon  probably  had  not  been  drunk  in  over  a  year,  more  of  a  high  tolerance  than  anything  else.  A  few  bottles  was  only  about  as  effective  as  a  shot  would  be  to  most.  But  eyes  still  remained  intently  focused  when  she  pulled  back  from  the  hug,  light  headed  and  trying  to  keep  happy.  “Would  you  like  a  flower  crown,  I  think  it’d  be  like  lovely  looking  on  you,  you  know.” @drcpsofjvpiter​
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crystallineeyesrp · 4 years ago
Hiding Out in Marlene’s bedroom before with Lily Evans
“No,  we  need  to  get  the  tent  ready  first.  Believe  me  darling,  once  the  day  is  all  set  my  mother  will  be  watching  me  with  a  hawk.”  She’d  learned  that  phrase  from  Earnest.  “If  we  get  it  now,  and  get  it  up,  then  we  can  sneak  out  whenever  we  want.  Leave  your  pajamas  in  there  and  all.”  It  was  still  a  few  hours  off  before  Marlene  could  legally  start  levitating  her  things  or  apparating  them  to  the  outskirts  of  the  little  Welsh  village.  But  she’d  been  counting  the  hours,  and  after  months  of  what  felt  like  pastel-colored  torture,  there  would  be  the  release  of  the  wee  hours  after  it  all  that  were  truly  reserved  for  her  friends  and  she.  But  for  now,  Marlene  lugged  it  over  her  shoulder.  “Now  I  could  get  us  floo’ing  ourselves  out  to  the  pub  at  the  end  of  the  road  there.  Or  you  could  be  the   l o v e l i e s t   lady  that  ever  existed  and  pop  us  out  the  better  way.” @drcpsofjvpiter​
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crystallineeyesrp · 4 years ago
Outside Diagon Alley’s Pet Shop with Selene Yates
“Rosalind  is  an  old  thing.  I  wouldn’t  be  so  worried  if  she  doesn’t  like  you,  but  the  hissing  is  quite  annoying  I  know.”  Celia  waved  her  hand  over  the  creature’s  face,  the  cast  honestly  feeling  as  old  as  her  some  times  -  which  was  a  lot  for  a  cat.  “She  usually  scratches  me,  or  bites  me,  or  runs.  But  hissing  is  new.  Perhaps  you  are  wearing  a  new  perfume,  I  think  it’s  lovely,  but  I  don’t  think  she  likes  it.  Perhaps  I’ll  let  her  chase  some  owls  to  get  out  her  energy.”  @drcpsofjvpiter​
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