#c gwendolyn
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coredrill · 2 years ago
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gwenpool is wearing a jacket with the aro and ace flags in the preview for her story “everything’s coming up aces” in marvel’s voices: pride 2023!!!!!
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gwendolynwcde · 6 months ago
❛ ☾ ◟━ LOCATION: carriage falls - gwendolyn's backyard & deck
❛ ☾ ◟━ TIME: afternoon
❛ ☾ ◟━ STATUS: closed for @noahhwcng
Adding the last finishing touches on the table, the eldest Wade smiled proudly to herself as she assessed the current spread of food that she had prepared for Noah and his children. Taking into account their favourite foods, she did prepare a kid friendly charcuterie board, ordered some pizza and sushi, a fruit and veggie platter, a couple of other miscellaneous snacks and some water and juice on hand. She left her backyard gate open and instructed Noah to enter through there.
Seeing the family pull up, she greeted them with a warm smile and said, "Thank you for coming, please feel free to help yourselves." She then looked over at Zephyr and Lyra and added, "I'm Gwendolyn by the way, but you can call me Gwen if you'd like. It's nice to meet you both. I heard from your father that the both of you like to explore, feel free to do so and I also have a couple of outdoor toys in that container over there if you'd like to play for a bit."
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traegics · 2 months ago
Closed Starter - @vilisisms (Gwendolyn)
There were very few fae that knew the High Lord on a personal level, having kept more to himself since the disappearance of his son all those centuries ago, and even fewer people that could pull even the slightest of grins from him. The High Lady of the Dawn Court was one of those people and that much was obvious as he approached and slung a casual arm around her shoulders, grin pulling at his lips as his gaze flittered between her and her current companion. "Not boring them to death with fairytales about Tinkerbell and Peter Pan are we Lady Gwendolyn," Kaidan teases, his mood more chipper than it usually was after his silent moment with a certain untriggered werewolf. "Always so cheeky with those tales as if those are the real tales of fairies. Plot twist; the true tales of fae are way cooler than some little tiny tinker fairy with a bad attitude and pick me girl vibes."
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lilyxjohnson · 8 months ago
WITH: @gwendolynwcde LOCATION: TRIC
There were times that she considered becoming self-employed. Just a private detective for hire that could set her own agenda, take the cases she wanted rather than the ones that were assigned to her. But there was no stability in self-employment and it was far more work than she was willing to put into something that wasn’t just the job. She wasn’t good at selling herself to people to convince them to hire her. Nor did she think that working for private parties would be any less soul sucking than working for a boss. It was why day in and day out, despite getting a number of cases that were open and shut and did not require much aptitude or skill, Lily stuck to the career she had. As she nursed her beer, she looked over when the seat next to her was suddenly occupied by a familiar face. For a second she wondered if the woman beside her could read her mind. How else was it possible that her boss appeared right at the time she contemplated the possibility of leaving. Albeit ruling it out just the same. “Chief,” she greeted politely though there was an obvious distance in her voice. “Hope you’re not here to tell me I have to work tonight. Because I’m a few too many beers in to burn the midnight oil for another evening.”
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dragon-swords-prophecies · 6 months ago
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gwen is very strange but she's also the best
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vedantxarora · 8 months ago
WITH: @gwendolynwcde LOCATION: the hideaway
While it was hardly his first time back in Wilmington over the years, it had certainly been Ved’s first time back for so long. He hadn’t realized how accustomed he’d gotten to uprooting his life and flitting off to wherever he was needed in the world. Though the trips were hardly ever long, there was a lack of permanence that he’d grown accustomed to. One that, ironically, gave him stability. Now, where he was bound to this town for the foreseeable future, he was itching to get out. To go anywhere else but here. And while there was nothing really stopping him from leaving, the external force of work had always been a better trigger than his own desire to run. It gave him an excuse that he was not the one that tried to maintain distance from his family. It was work that kept him away.
As he walked into the laid back establishment, Ved caught sight of another who had started in this path with him. What were the odds that they would both find themselves out of their chosen line of work and in the same city. She seemed to have chosen a separate path, where he was still hoping that he’d be accepted back into his chosen path. “I’m usually the one behind the bar. It feels strange to be on the receiving end,” he remarked as he took a seat beside Gwen. “So, thank you for sparing me the discomfort,” he said as he took the drink that was already waiting for him. A tradition from years past.
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titular-twins-tournament · 2 years ago
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chlcebcnacccrd · 2 years ago
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“Funnily enough it was not the first time that’s happened to me,” she recounted to her new friend with a laugh and a shake of her head. “Anyways that’s me. Have you had anything like that happen before? Or maybe you’ve got a far less humiliating story to tell me?” Chloé turned the conversation over to Gwen, sipping from her spring-themed cocktail.
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ambrcsezabini · 2 months ago
"So you care about my happiness, do ya, Gwennie?" the massive grin on his lips could rival the Cheshire cat's. Ambrose couldn't seem to resist seizing any opportunity he had to prod at her even a little bit. He made it appear like everything she was saying was going in one ear and going out the other. "I'll make sure to keep you posted then, but only since you seem so invested."
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"Stop being so dramatic, I never said you couldn't be perfectly fine as you are, I'm just saying you might meet someone who makes you re-evaluate things like Ben did for me. Or maybe you won't. As long are you're happy that's the main thing." Gwen said with a shrug of her shoulders. Gwen had been happy not committing too but then when she'd been with Ben, she'd realised that for her, she really didn't need anyone else.
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coredrill · 2 years ago
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Gwenpool and Nadia Van Dyne in “Everything’s Coming Up Aces” from Marvel’s Voices: Pride (2023)
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gwendolynwcde · 8 months ago
❛ ☾ ◟━ LOCATION: an open house of one of cityscape ventures' property
❛ ☾ ◟━ TIME: late afternoon
❛ ☾ ◟━ STATUS: closed for @axelhughes
The Wades had plenty of investments, that it was a no brainer that their children would be involved in them too. Today, Gwendolyn was tasked with scoping out a potential property that her family was interested in. Seeing that she was already close by, she decided to make a stop and view the open house to gage if it was something worth investing in. While she texted her family's group chat, she could feel a pair of eyes set on her and as she looked up, she was greeted with the face of Axel Hughes. A familiar name to a familiar case and an unfortunate one at that. "Mr. Hughes." she greeted with a nod. "This property must be a hot commodity seeing as you're here. Unless you're the type of business owner that's heavily involved and need to show face?"
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traegics · 15 days ago
Closed Starter - @vilisisms (Gwendolyn)
"So what now," Apollo hums in question, his gaze rising to find his wife's as he leans back against the headboard of their bed. "Triad's got the Cauldron and a metaphorical leash on one of the most powerful fairies to exist. What do we do now?"
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gwendolynwcde · 3 months ago
The Chief of Police knew she couldn’t chastise Atlas when she had been in his shoes before and to her, it was completely normal to lose track of time. “Fair enough.” she concluded with a nod. “Were you making progress? Or any findings?...Because if you require any support, please don’t hesitate to let me know.” When he decided on what to eat, Gwendolyn nodded and began the trek to Fourth Street for some bagels. “Agreed, it’s filling and a good deal as well, so worth it after all.” She then furrowed her brows after hearing what had happened to the analyst’s packed food before breaking out into a grin, “Why am I not surprised.” she pointed out in an amused tone. “If you’d like, I’ll take it out of your drawer to give grace to our sanitation workers.” 
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Atlas wanted to disappear when Gwen went into full parent mode. That "sixteen" hit differently coming from her - it made him feel like a kid who'd gotten caught staying up way too late. "I was connecting dots between old cases," he explained. Right then, his stomach made this huge growling sound. He dreamed about going to the diner - getting those amazing potatoes and drinking coffee until he couldn't anymore. But bagels were faster, and this case had taken over his brain. "Let's get bagels from Fourth Street. Extra cream cheese makes everything better." He could tell Gwen saw what he was doing, trying to rush through their break, but he'd learned which fights were worth having. His body kept telling him it needed food and caffeine anyway. "You'll laugh at this one … I actually packed food yesterday but completely forgot it existed. It's probably turned into something scary in my drawer by now."
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cyarskaren1999-blog · 1 year ago
Aug 13, 2021
Aug 19, 2020
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chlcebcnacccrd · 2 years ago
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“You’re Gwen, yes? I’m Chloé,” she took the seat beside the other, deciding the woman was who Ezra had told her about based off of some clues he’d given her. She was gorgeous. A horrible jealous part of her wondered if Ezra and her had ever slept together or been anything more but she had to push that away. Friends. She was here to make friends, not enemies. “You like a strong drink don’t you?” Chloé asked with a smile as she beckoned the bartender over to get them both a round of drinks.
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coredrill · 2 years ago
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So much for a romance heroine, eh?
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