#drawing until 5am gang lets go
echokyuu · 2 years
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I'm a day late but they're stuck in a timeloop of endless suffering so like it's fine right
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neon-junkie · 4 years
Hopefully it's not a bother, but could you write something about the Van Der Linde gang getting magically transported (Magic, Tardis, Marko, Science ) to the modern universe and having the gn! Reader help them adapt to this world? Maybe some of their reactions to new things (indoor bathrooms, new music, tv, memes) Thank you so much, love!
oh god this is a long post, and as always, im convinced i’ve missed one member out... minor drug warning on Johns headcanon, but the rest are tame. hope u enjoy!
Part 2 is here  |  Part 3 is here
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Arthur finds your computer and figures out how to turn it on. Your face turns white when you find him on Tumblr, quickly shutting the tab and urging him up off the chair. "Hey! I was reading that! I was... erm, I think I was having sex with myself," he tells you. Yep, he's found the fanfiction. "Do they really mean that? That I got kind eyes and a, uh... fat ass, I think it was?"  You quickly show him the kitchen and run back to delete all your history. John goes rummaging through your cupboards for something to eat, and eventually finds the brownies in the fridge. You find him on the roof, his eyes red and his heads spinning. "Them.. them brownies..." he mutters. "I know, John," you sob back. You know which brownies he ate, and my god, he ate a lot of them. Arthur babysits him, his mind still questioning what he just read on your computer. Dutch finds the beast of a lawnmower you have in your garage, so you show him how to use it. Why not? He's mowing your lawn for free. Well, he did mow your lawn, but you eventually have to send a search party out after him, only to find him a couple of streets away, parked up next to a childs lemonade stand, insisting they should be selling this lemonade for more if they want to make a profit. 
Hosea also goes missing, but you find him during your search party mission. He's walking up the street back to the house with a paper bag in his hands, and he tells you he's managed to con the gas station clerk into giving him some free booze. You're not sure how, but he's done no harm so you let him enjoy his wine in peace. Bill found your anime figure collection, the ones with the big boobs. He asked you what they were, despite seeming rather flustered, but you tried to explain that it's normal and gave him a book to read. You catch him on your computer a few hours later buying himself a waifu body pillow because "I love her, dammit! Just let us be!" He also keeps pressing the squishy boobs on your anime mouse matt, and yes, he's still very flustered. Javier finds the TV in your room that has Netflix on it, so you show him how to use it and he seems happy distracting himself with that. You walk in a few hours later to see that Javier hasn't moved, but Molly is now by his side, also engulfed in the drag show on the screen. Javier has a thick pair of false lashes on that Molly managed to put on him, and the first thing he says to you is "can you believe this? They voted her off! I... I can't believe this." He's shaking his head and looks like he's about to cry. Charles discovers your computer, and you decide he'd be happy just browsing the web. You come back hours later to find 100 tabs open and your computer fan is louder than an airplane. The current tab open is on a 'where's Waldo?' piece. He's very close to the screen, and you decide to show him how to zoom in to help him find Waldo faster. He's very thankful, and not causing any damages so you leave him to it. Lenny also rummages through your kitchen and finds a pizza in the freezer. He asks you what it is, so you put it in the oven for him. He spends the whole 15 minutes sitting in front of the oven, briefly saying hello to Sean as he runs through. Lenny manages to get the pizza out without burning himself, turns the oven off, cuts up the pizza and takes it upstairs to enjoy with Jack. Yes, he also fed Sean a slice. Sean finds the energy drinks in your fridge that you keep for work. They tasted a little funny at first, but after the third one, he's decided he likes them. You catch him opening his fourth, his eyes are wider than the moon. He cries when you take it off him, and spends the rest of the day running around the garden with your dogs, followed by going to each member of the camp and personally annoying them until he crashes out under your dining table. It's a cozy spot for a nap. Kieran uses your computer after Charles comes off it, and discovers youtube. He starts off with simple cat videos and eventually moves on to fails and meme comps. By the time dinner rolls around, nobody can understand him, and you barely understand half the things he's saying. The only thing you do understand is "big mood," which is what Kieran says when he sees Sean asleep under the dining table. Pearson decides to avoid the kitchen and try something new, and you're quick to decide he'd enjoy rock music. You show him a couple of CD's and leave him to have a listen, only to come storming back up the stairs a few minutes later because he's turned the volume up to full blast and is having a rather funky jam session. "Now this, this is real music!!" He's really enjoying the classics. Trelawny is quick to figure out how to use the TV. He's seen "those moving picture shows" before, and he's mesmerized by how far they've come! You catch him up at 5am watching documentaries to help bridge the gap between his time and yours, and when you walk into the lounge, you're met by a very sleep deprived Trelawny. The only thing he says to you, with heavy bags under his eyes, is "terribly sorry to hear about all these wars you've been having, my dear." He finally goes to bed, but only because you make him. Swanson disappears, but there's a church down the road from you so you decide to check there first. He's inside, joining in on the ceremony, singing his heart out to all the hymns with a real bible in his hands, not the fake one he has back at camp. He seems content so you leave him to it. He thankfully returns just in time for dinner, and tells everybody how he's been blessed and that we can "never leave this land!" Strauss also disappears very quickly, and you have to search for him when you go to look for Dutch. He's also at the lemonade stand, trying to explain to Dutch that if the child sells the lemonade for more, then they're less likely to get customers as it's too expensive. The two of them are arguing, and the child seems rather confused. Strauss later has a breakdown at the noise your toilet makes, he informs you that he'll be using your outside bathroom, even if it is just the bushes. Micah says he doesn't need you to show him the ropes and swats you away, so you leave him to it. You've not seen him for a good few hours, so you run around the house trying to find him. You eventually find him in your room, going through your underwear draw. Arthur is quick to knock his lights out, and you leave him tied up in the garage so he can't do any more damage. Micah also pissed all over your toilet seat and didn't flush. Abigail joins Trelawny in the lounge, watching the TV after Jack tells her he's happy playing with the toys in your room. She and Trelawny have an argument over what to watch next, so you give her your laptop to watch TV on, along with a pair of headphones. She refuses to come off a few hours later because she's way too engulfed in the modeling show she's watching. You promise her you'll let her give you a makeover if she comes off, and she finally agrees. Jack discovers your big box of legos and he seems more than content playing with those. He ends up building a fort, with the help of Lenny, and the two fire pillows at you when you try and enter the room. The pillow canons are, of course, made from legos. At least they're not lego pillows! Jack also thanks you for the pizza, describing it as 'yummy.' Sadie finds your katana collection, and you're quick to take them off her and attempt to hide them. She spends some time pretending to be interested in something else, but as soon as you turn your back for a split second, she's found them again and is heading straight for Kieran. The room where you keep your katanas is now locked and Sadie is in time out. Susan comes across your sewing machine and you're happy to show her how it works. She picks it up quickly, and her eyes glisten as she realizes just how fast this thing is. You leave her be since she's not causing any harm, but come back an hour later to find she's made new a new dress for herself, and all the girls in the gang, including Sadie. They're all matching! Tilly finds your piano and tells you she's happy to be left to her own devices, she knows how to play. You eventually have to tell her and Susan to calm down after receiving another noise complaint, as Susan is attempting to sing opera, and Tilly is killing it on the piano. At least she hasn't damaged anything. She later joins Mary-Beth in time to watch Beauty and the Beast, also sobbing at the film. Karen goes into your garage and discovers your old golf clubs. You show her how it works in your garden, but just like everybody else, it goes wrong. Your neighbor knocks on your door, screaming, demanding to know why you keep firing golf balls through their window. That's when you find Karen and Sean (who is still on his energy drink high) having a contest to see who can smash the most. Mary-Beth discovers your kindle, and she seems rather content with being able to read. There's no way this could possibly go wrong? Well, you come back a little later to find that Mary-Beth is sobbing after reading Beauty and the Beast. She wants a sappy romance just like that to happen to her. She cries even harder when she watches the Disney film, along with Trelawny who hasn't moved from the TV for hours. Molly picks up your tablet, and after showing her what youtube is, you leave her to it. You find her a few hours later sat in front of your mirror with the most flawless, full face of makeup. She greets you by going "hey sisters!" and speaks to you like a vsco girl. You have no idea what she's saying, but she seems to be doing fine, so you leave her to it.
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jetaimais · 4 years
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pairing: baekhyun x reader, (in future chapters) ot9!exo x reader
genre: mafia, fluff, (in future chapters) smut
warnings overall: gang shit, cursing, violence, mature scenes, drugs, blood
warnings in this chapter: smoking, daddy kink, the reader is being naughty and very very dangerous driving.
word count: 1k+
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Scantily dressed and barefooted, you jump from the window 8 feet above the ground. The moment your feet touch the ground, you lock eyes with Baekhyun. He softly walks to you, barely making any sound, and touches your forehead with a cold hand. You flinch and gasp, suddenly aware of how close both of your faces are. You look down to the ground. Gaze intense and face pulled taut, like a bowstring, he seems ready to hum with it.. He’s dressed in a lovely charcoal gray satin suit, the three first buttons opened to show his milky white chest. He then brings his smooth hand to your cheek and the other one to under your chin. He sucks on his tongue as he lifts your chin up to meet your gaze. 
“Are you sure?” He mutters as he stares deep into your eyes, captivating you.
“If you play the game, be prepared to lose.“ You whisper as you grab his collar to brush your lips against his teasingly. Barely finished, you find yourself wrapped in strong arms. He nuzzles your head against his shoulder as if he thinks it belongs there. His long fingers are gentle as they stroke your hair back. You feel safe, sheltered in the heat of his arms. Your head feels heavy, much like a windblown daisy as you rest with ease on his wide shoulder. You draw a long breath and release it. “I missed you daddy.”
Baekhyun doesn’t answer but you don’t mind it when you feel his hands, gentle but firm, settled on your bare shoulders, tightening as if to answer you. You know that Baekhyun isn’t talkative. He prefers to show his feelings through his actions. It’s logical. After all, he is in a gang. People who live like he does aren’t known for their good words. Over time you've gotten used to it, actually preferring the soft ambiance and the silence.
 “Let’s go,” you say. You grab his hand with your much smaller one and lead him to the gate of your backyard. 
Once you reach the street, you notice one of the most beautiful cars your eyes ever landed on. A dark green Lamborghini Sian. You’re not really surprised by the sight because every time you've gone out with Baekhyun he's pulled up in a new car but it’s still impressive.
You’re soon interrupted from admiring as he grabs your ass, making you squeak. “Pay attention, baby."
He walks past you to enter the car and waits for you to enter shotgun. When you’re finished fastening your belt, Baekhyun starts up and drives, not bothering to fasten his own seatbelt. 
Suddenly, he grabs your bare thigh- “Light me up a cigarette.”
“I’ve never lit a cigarette before in my life but I’ll try daddy.” You beam at him, knowing that he usually puts his cigarettes and his lighter in the glove compartment. 
He keeps his dark gaze on you for a minute before focusing on the road ahead. Bringing the hand that was kneading the flesh of your thigh to the back of your neck to squeeze it softly, you struggle to focus on the lighter. For someone that doesn't know Baekhyun it would probably be seen as a trivial action but you understand how significant it is. Your heart's racing as fast as the car you’re speeding down the quiet neighborhood road in, making it harder than it should be to light up a single cigarette.
Once you successfully light a cigarette, you guide the white stick to his surprisingly soft lips. He takes a brief look at you when you don’t immediately pull your hand back. His gaze is smoldering- till he looks away. 
Baekhyun lets go of your neck to bring his right hand to the steering wheel and hits the button to lower his window with his left.
Sleeves rolled up to the elbow, the wind caressing in his platinum hair and one arm hanging out the window, you feel your stomach tightening as you gaze at him. He senses your stare. Lounging, he arches an eyebrow in a way he knows you like as you slide closer. 
You stretch over the center console.
He grunts as you lick his cheek. You can't help but try to get his attention even though you know that it could likely land you both in an accident. Nevertheless, you tell yourself that no one is driving at 5am. 
“What?” His voice is deep and low. 
Not caring about security when you’re with Baekhyun, you take off your seatbelt and nuzzle your head against his shoulder. 
“Nothing. I just missed seeing you.” You purr. Nuzzling your nose against his neck, you inhale his scent of fresh laundry and raw smoke. Lost in a haze of him, you pucker your lips and nibble on his neck, littering small dark claims all over it. You can feel his muscles tensing up beneath you but he doesn’t say anything, so you continue until you're satisfied. Sprinkling hickies, you find yourself nibbling on his earlobe ever so softly before calling out to him with a sultry tone, “Daddy…" 
Baekhyun immediately stops the car. Throwing his cigarette out the window, he lifts you onto his lap. He doesn’t do anything for a long time, he simply sits and stares at your mischievous smile with dark eyes. You can feel his slightly hard erection beneath you but you don’t dare make a move. His gaze is too intimidating.
“Stop bothering Daddy or else, I’ll drive you back to your house,” He orders gruffly. 
Sliding your arms around his neck, your face pulled by an expression of hurt, you panic.
“I’m sorry daddy! I’ll stay calm- I promise! Please don’t leave me…" You lay your head upon his chest, wearing a small smile, proud of your sweet voice. You know he doesn't mean it, it’s just that driving with an erection isn't really comfortable and neither is car sex. 
He rolls his eyes as he feels you smiling against his bare skin and starts driving again, with you on his lap. 
The car speeds down a deserted highway, passing grass and trees that are seen in the midwest. Quiet and calm, you watch as empty fields blur by. You pass by a vast apple orchard; the even rows rustle as Baekhyun increases speed. After long, you fall asleep to the sound of Baekhyun's heartbeat and the words 'Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear' from the sticker on the side mirror floating in your head. 
Baekhyun rubs your back soothingly as he feels you falling asleep, making sure to keep his arm wrapped around you tightly so you're safe in his hold. 
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carolsdenning · 6 years
untouchable - part one
(present carol denning/reader)
about the main chara—you. you’re 34, stubborn, and a dumbass. your name is celia bird. have fun falling in love with carol denning. dumbass. (same)
Obviously, your first night in prison was going to be hard. You just didn’t expect for it to be this fucking hard.
Before you’ve even been an inmate for 24 hours, you get shanked.
You’re still not sure exactly what you did. You know you have a habit of testing people’s boundaries, but you really thought that you‘d successfully kept to yourself all day. Apparently not. You’d retired to your lumpy bed early, hoping to avoid trouble, and you were just beginning to drift off to sleep when you were jolted into awareness by a firm hand over your mouth, and then a splitting pain in your side. The shadow over your body chuckled, then disappeared, and you scrambled out of bed, clutching your bleeding stomach.
“Oh, for Christ’s sake,” your bunkie had complained when she saw you. Her name was Smith, and she was a large, square-jawed woman in her forties, with minimal belongings. “I thought I told you, no mess.”
The infirmary is even more minimal than Smith’s cell. A few beds and chairs in a single room, with one nurse supervising, until the doctor appears for several minutes, then leaves again.
You‘re given a bandage, some Vicodin, and a sedative. After that, you’re too sleepy to pay attention to your surroundings, so you close your eyes.
You wake up from a rough night’s sleep. Your side aches like the time you had appendicitis, and without opening your eyes, you reach down and press lightly on your wound, as if to staunch the pain. When you try to roll over and go back to sleep, you are kept awake by unfamiliar sounds: monitors beeping and other people snoring. Reluctantly, you open your eyes.
Of course. Prison. Somehow you had forgotten.
You glance around at the patients in the infirmary with you. Most of those who are awake glance back, then return to looking down, but one woman stares, hard. You frown at her sceptically. She’s middle aged, with dry, auburn hair, and round glasses. Her eyes are dark, and they burn into you, clearly trying to convey the message that you ought not be staring back at this woman.
You ignore the message, and meet the woman’s temperamental glare as if you’re untouchable and weren’t just shanked. You watch her, and she watches you. The longer you stare, the more you realise that this was a horrible mistake, and you should have just fucking gone back to sleep.
But you don’t stop. And neither does she.
Carol Denning. The woman with the round glasses is called Carol Denning.
She’s the highest of the high in C-block, and when you return to Gen Pop, your bunkie tells you that she’s probably going to kill you for looking at her. Lucky for you, for some undisclosed reason, she doesn’t. You do catch her and her crew shooting you glances every now and then, though, and sometimes that’s almost as scary as the thought of being murdered. These women know how to throw a fucking glare. Carol‘s looks in particular always manage to make your heart freeze with fear. When she stares at you, it feels as if you’re the only thing she can see. You are the world—and she wants to destroy you.
Occasionally, when she’s absorbed in her bridge game, or talking to her gang in the yard, you find yourself looking at her too—but only when you’re sure she won’t notice.
This woman seems to draw the attention of everyone around her, like she’s the light in a room of little moths, but most are well-trained enough to resist looking at her as best they can. But you’re different: you’re a foolhardy risk-taker (in other words, a moron), and although sometimes that‘s a liability, sometimes it serves you well. How it will serve you this time is still up in the air, but you’re ready to find out.
You’re coming back from the showers when you see Carol at her bridge table unwrapping a red lollipop. This time, you don’t stare, although you do take a second to question why such an allegedly tough woman is so into candy. This is the fourth time you’ve seen her with some kind of sucker or sweet. Before she can finish unwrapping the lollipop though, Reiner, in a fit of chuckles, shoves her in the shoulder, and the sucker clatters to the floor and rolls towards you.
After giving Reiner an unfavourable look, Carol’s gaze follows the candy, then drags from your feet to your eyes. “New girl,” she says, nodding at you. “Pass that back to me.”
You know you shouldn’t rock the boat. You know you were shivved a week and a half ago. But you just can’t see why this woman is so untouchable. “Why should I?” you ask.
Carol’s lips turn to a thin line, and she tilts her head to the side. “Do you want to find out?”
All the women at her bridge table are staring at you. Some look a little impressed, but most look thoroughly disapproving.
“What if I do?” you ask.
A couple of women at the table chuckle, clearly eager to see you get hurt.
“You’re insane,” Carol says, incredulous. You wait for the threat. It doesn’t come. Instead, Carol pats the table. “Come sit with us.”
You’re not an idiot. You know what this means, being allowed to sit at this table. It’s a move that could thoroughly backfire.
That’s never stopped you before, though.
You don’t get to sit at Carol’s table often. That makes it all the more special when you do—you’re the only person who isn’t part of the inner circle who gets to sit there, and you’re grateful to have been allowed even once, let alone every couple of weeks.
Some of the women at the table mock you for being a newbie. You sass them. After a while, you start to get the feeling that you have a free pass for backchat. Every time you mouth off at someone, you know Carol could shut you up in a second, but she never does. Even when you sass her.
It’s hardly the happiest situation you’ve been in, but you feel indescribably lucky. This is far less gruelling than you thought prison would be.
CO Hellmann wakes you up at 5am on Wednesday morning. You don’t know what’s happening.
“Inmate Bird. You’re switching cells,” he tells you. “Get your shit.”
Confused, you load your belongings and your bedding into your laundry bag, then let Hellmann lead you across the empty common area. There is only one other cell door open. It’s Carol’s.
She’s sitting up in her bed when you come in. “Bottom bunk, Birdie,” she says.
Cautiously, you put your bag down, and sit on the edge of the bed. “Did I do something?” you ask. You don’t even know if you’ve done something right or wrong.
“I was getting sick of Brock,” Carol says, climbing out of her bunk. “Bitch snores like a sledgehammer.”
“What makes you think I’ll be any better?”
Carol folds her arms, and shrugs. “You’re funny. You’re not a pussy. I can live with that.”
Hm. You just wonder if you can live with her.
thank you to @caroldenningimagines! your amazing works inspired me to start this fic :)
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terkaznebes · 5 years
2019 - the year of the Shrimp
Now that time is drawing near, I have decided to compile my thoughts on pregnancy. What I really don’t understand is that how come making babies is so much fun but pregnancy is such a drag? Talk about being played by nature. I found out I was pregnant at the beginning of July and few weeks later I had a beautiful photo of my uterus to prove it. Of course we wanted a baby, we just didn’t expect it would happen right away and when I travelled back home after year and a half of being away, there was a party or two, a wedding and a few gin and tonics. What can I say? At my first hospital appointment the midwife asked and straight away answered: “How many alcoholic beverages have you had since pregnant, none?” Haha.
I found out in Prague after a beautiful trip with my friends, I messaged in the group asking if everyone is feeling a “bit weird” after the lunch we had yesterday. No? Just me then? Confirmed with a big plus on a pregnancy test. Soon after I had every symptom in the book of “what to expect when expecting”, that’s the kind of good quality literature we have in the household now. It has a super healthy and happy expectant mother on the cover. I had the worst nausea, I couldn’t eat what I normally eat and I haven’t pooped in days. Except for that one time when I had an emergency when walking our family dog in the forest. I only managed to tie her to a branch and the whole time she was giving me judgemental looks. It’s not like she is the biggest lady when it comes to it. The rest of the time in Czech Republic was spent in haze, half sleeping only summoning enough energy to teach my yoga classes.
The flight to the Gold Coast was possibly one of the worst ones yet and I was so grateful for my packed lunch because airplane food is normally disgusting, but airplane food in your first trimester is hell. I had a never ending jet lag that felt like depression. Did you ever cry watching How I met your mother? The all knowing literature said this all goes away with the first trimester so at this time more often then not, I caught myself thinking: “Yeah if you could just go ahead and grow from a blueberry to a king prawn that would be great.” 
And away it went - thank god. I started teaching and practicing yoga as much as I could and I really feel like it was a very harmonic time in my life. I had way to much time on my hands, so I started painting, I decorated the nursery beautifully, I made homemade granola probably for everyone we know. It’s definitely not ideal becoming pregnant when you are unemployed because turns out, it’s not really easy finding a job in the first trimester when you feel like throwing up all day and not easier still when it’s visible that you probably won’t stay in the job for very long. And yes, it was fantastic being a yoga teacher, but as a person who is used to being busy and knows that rest is only great when well deserved, this was not ideal. Even still, even thought I am complaining now, I will be returning in thoughts to this time of my life as a very peaceful time. When I was painting the bunting in the next room and listening to Lukas working away in the other and thinking how happy we are, how harmonic our life is and how fantastic it is just to think about healthy food, our balcony garden, sustainable household and just really understanding the meaning of “life is a beach” not “bitch”. 
At seven months, I had to stop teaching yoga and stop practicing at eight and now in the ninth month, I was told I shouldn’t even swim. Hopeless. I think the reason I have only gained 10kg is because my muscle turned to fat and everyone knows fat is lighter than muscle.
To be fair ever since doing nothing, my pains have subsided. I had a horrible back and ribcage pain, which I thought was unbearable until the bruised/torn belly muscle showed up. I barely ever go to a doctor unless I absolutely have to, but when I do, I make sure it’s something super serious like a bruised muscle. This is the second time it has happened along with that bruised intercostal muscle back in March last year. I started laughing when the obstetrician told me, so I explained what’s funny and he said: Everything is serious when you are 36 weeks pregnant. So sweet! 
Ever since my sporting activities were banned, my friend Lucy suggested I should start knitting and damn I enjoy knitting. My former colleague Dean started calling me grandma and asked if I ever heard of Nintendo :D So for the last two weeks you can almost exclusively find me in my baby feeding chair watching Homeland and knitting. I guess I sound really boring to some, I even bore myself to be honest. I know one day though, I will think I wish I could just sit and knit and be completely at peace. 
Now before I move onto another episode of Homeland (highly recommend this TV show btw), let me just tell you about my birthday and baby shower weekend. I haven’t celebrated much in the last two years, even though I still got special surprises from Luky. That’s why this year, before becoming a mom (geez sounds serious), I really wanted to have a party just celebrating me. Luky went away around 5AM on the day of my birthday and I didn’t pick him up at the airport until 8PM that evening. So I really didn’t expect him to plan anything given how busy he has been lately. But guess what? He still keeps stepping up his game as the best events manager and boyfriend in the world. Once we got home he suggested a walk on the beach where there was the most beautiful set up with blankets, pillows, strawberries, heart shaped cake, fairy lights, candles and champagne on ice with glasses. We cuddled and watched the stars and the moon until late night. So cheesy, so corny so unbelievably amazing. I will tell you more about this night soon. 
The baby shower next day was supposed to be a casual BBQ, but when I have put all the things needed into one pile, it was more than 4 trips to the car and it started pouring down rain just as we were headed to the venue on the grass under the trees overlooking the sea. We had to find a last minute location but it still worked out anyway. And it was a great afternoon, my friend Eva bringing all the blankets and pillows, helping me out with the food, Lisa organised the most amazing cake and baby games and Luky surprised me with more flowers and a handwritten letter from my family. My Czech Friends gave me a yoga bolster that I have wanted for so long and everyone else brought beautiful baby presents and one Champagne bottle for later. Also from Lisa, Saga and Joel I got a bracelet with the Tree of Life and Saga singing hip hip hooray just made my morning. I was so touched, so emotional and grateful for everyone in my life, for all the effort that everyone has made, for all the flowers, just for everything, I felt like I can’t even deserve it. I couldn’t fall asleep until early morning hours because I just kept thinking. I must have been born under a lucky star. 
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My yogi friends
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The night of my birthday <3
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The beautiful present 
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Cake time! 
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The set up on our beach with GC lights in the background. 
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My project! 
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All the flowers. 
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Baby shower cake <3
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All the amazing people. 
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My favourite kids. Kids can be cool too you know! :D 
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Kate and Maria <3 
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And the playground gang. 
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