#drawing smthng quick before sleeps
skunkes · 9 months
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albel0ved · 2 years
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⚠️ WARNING⚠️; none, all fluff. (No beta we die like teppei)
Pairing; Xiao x Reader
AN; Lmao so imagine like flower shop au! Xiao as ur s/o would be so sweet and hilarious and im insane.
SUMMARY; when reader bumps into xiao and she finds him again in a flower shop
Imagine him wearing an apron over his sleeveless turtle neck shirt, hair tied up and shit.
And him probably smelling like flowers because he was stuck tending to them all day fjjfnakakzkz 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
But imagine this in like a highschool au or smthng
Xiao being that scary kid in the back of ur class which no one bothers bcuz of his terrifying glare.
Everyone thinks he'd be so attractive if it weren't for his incurable resting bitch face.
Anyways most of the people in your school either has a major crush on him or is scared of him, and you being you, you're neither scared or attracted to him.
So like fast forward to your first interaction with him. You were walking in the hallways, you were carrying stacks of paperwork from the teachers lounge to the student council room to be signed by secretary ganyu.
Ganyu doing secretary work while being extremely tired from her lack of sleep from the past few weeks, so naturally she forgot about the papers that needed to be signed by her and be submitted to the office at 4 o'clock.
It was already 3:15 by the time she realized, you noticing her frantic state and her already tired eyes, offering to her that you could quickly run to the teachers lounge while finishing her current work, and you could also submit it to the office so she could go home early.
Before she could refuse, you already ran out of the room.
Being distracted by your thoughts, you accidentally bumped into something, or rather... Someone.
You fell to your ass, the papers scattered on the floor. You mutter out an apology not noticing who you bumped into, you sit up and pick up the scattered papers until a ringed hand invades your perception.
"ah, its alright you don't have to-" You look up and notice that you're met face to face by someone's.
It was Xiao, his golden eyes quickly captivating you.
His dark hair was tied up, and and you could notice some of its teal strands covering his face.
You without a thought reach out to tuck it behind his ear, not realizing that he had already piled up all your scattered papers and he was gonna hand it to you.
He could feel your hand brush his hair away from his face, Xiao looks up and you quickly pull your hand away.
Flustered by your own stupidity, you sputter quick apologies to him about how you probably made him uncomfortable.
He stood up, holding the papers in one hand but the next thing he did made your heart undoubtedly flutter.
He held out his hand to you. Without question you put your hands in his and he quickly pulled you up to your feet.
His strength was surprising considering his small visage.
He handed you your papers, you take it while apologizing for the last time
"... Its alright, you don't have to apologize," he says quietly, looking to the side to hide his face. If you looked closer you could've seen how red his ears were glowing.
His gentle voice suited him and it made your chest tighten and face red.
Breaking out of your stupor you noticed he was already gone.
You return to ganyu a bit later, your face was still red and she was concerned if you caught a fever but you reassured that it was only from you running too fast, she reluctantly nodded, and you both returned back to work, while the golden eyed boy was stuck in your head.
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Being a member of the student council meant that you needed to prepared for the upcoming school events and a lot of planning.
You guys were drawing lots about what items you should bring and who's gonna decorate on the school grounds, and you luckily got picked for the one bringing the flowers.
Walking to the nearby flower shop, you quickly read the list of the flowers needed.
When you reached your destination, walking in and you could notice tons of flower displays and the hanging plants.
Still busy admiring the flowers, you didn't notice the person by the counter walking up to you.
"Do you need help with anything?" A voice behind you talked. Jumping a little out of surprise you look behind you.
Lo and behold, it was Xiao, the person you didn't expect to see and the person you recently took a liking on.
"oh- um yeah I do" you piped up, not wanting to look stupid for gawking again.
You quickly state the things you needed and the day the flowers needed to be delivered while Xiao walked back to the counter and wrote it down.
He pinned it on the cork board behind him and asked "is there anything else you need? You didn't forget anything else on your list"
"can i have your number?" You blurted out, 'oh my god why did i say that' you silently freak out before you came up with an excuse,
"s-so that you could message me on the day the orders are gonna be delivered, so I don't forget ahahaha"
He writes down his number while you write down yours, he quickly sends a message making sure it was the right number.
He prints out a receipt while you pay for it. You fix your things and head out to the door.
You could hear a little "come again soon." When you walk out.
Oh you will definitely come back soon..
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After finding out he was working at the flower shop.
You started hanging out there more with the excuse of 'well i need to check the flowers before getting delivered'
Xiao only shaked his head at your weak excuse and continued working on whatever he was doing.
You always chatted and tried to converse with him, which he only replied with "yes" "ok" or any other short phrases, mostly he just stayed silent.
The silence was comfortable. You could notice that he enjoyed your presence and didn't mind the chatter.
After a while you started getting closer.
He started giving more reactions to your dumb stories and jokes, he chuckles because of how unfunny your jokes are and rolls his eyes when you start teasing him for it.
But alas the day of the school event is nearing and the excuse won't be valid enough for you to hangout at the flower shop Xiao was working on.
The last day of you visiting the flower shop, You just sat at the counter in silence.
"Is there anything bothering you?" Xiao asked,
In which you glumly replied, "....No"
Xiao raised his eyebrow at your sulky aura.
He sighed and just just gave up. Comforting people wasn't in his nature, so he just stayed quiet.
The next day was the school event.
You were busy decorating the flowers and pretty much distracted by the fact you can't visit anymore.
After a long school day, you laid on your bed thinking about if you should approach Xiao if you could hang out with him more. Maybe you were too clingy and you didn't even know if you were friends!
You heaved out a sigh, when your phone suddenly buzzed. It was from Xiao!
You quickly read his message and jumped from joy.
"Aren't you gonna bother me again today? Come here or else im eating all the food."
Lets just say you didn't have to stop annoying him.
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A/N; lets just say idk what i wrote anymore and i got carried away. Its 3 am and im too lazy to fix this
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pips-fics · 3 years
ask: hey! first of all i wanted to mention my favorite fics of yours, the one with hyunjin and felix. i love their dynamic and feel like they go really well together as a pair in a story. i also love the hyunjin and chan one because hyunjin is just so cute, he can fit into any sickfic plus, chan can be such a good caretaker and it warms my heart. could you possibly make either one where jeongin has the stomach flu or smthng and chan stays with him and is like the caretaker? if not that’s totally ok!
tw: vomiting
childlike; not a child –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
jeongin liked to think that he was fairly mature for his age.
he enjoyed spending time on his own, and he didn’t like to burden other people with his problems, which had made him more independent than a lot of his same-aged friends. jeongin knew how to handle himself in different situations because the kept a close eye on his hyungs, and he was good at following their example. most of all, he had built up a strong mental game after years of working in the entertainment industry. most people in the industry were pretty unshakeable, but especially those who started young and stuck with it.
getting sick, though, made him feel very small, and very helpless, and when his stomach started hurting in the early morning hours, he just wanted someone to hold him. in a half-daze, jeongin willed himself up, just long enough to seek out chan’s bed. he couldn’t even really explain why, but seeing chan there, sleeping peacefully, sent a wash of relief throughout his body, so jeongin didn’t think twice before crawling in next to his oldest hyung. his stomach still hurt, but at least he was able to fall back asleep.
chan had planned to sleep in until 10 am, and then get right back to the studio and continue his work, but he scrapped that train of thought as soon as he woke up.
it had been about two years since jeongin had slept with him. he used to, during their trainee days, when he missed home, or had a bad day, or when a nightmare woke him up, but since they debuted, jeongin had been more determined than ever to grow up quickly. according to jeongin, that meant no more sleeping with hyungs.
it didn’t take long for chan to figure out why an exception had suddenly been made. jeongin had the most obvious fever chan had ever seen: his cheeks were flushed, his forehead was burning and shining with sweat, and he was shaking from head to toe, hogging the blankets as if his life depended on it. chan sighed, and stroked the younger boy’s head until he woke up, bleary-eyed.
“hyung…” already, jeongin looked teary. it had been so long since chan had seen their youngest member express himself so openly, a certain amount of nostalgia trickled into the otherwise painful situation, and chan smiled slightly.
“hey, innie. how are you feeling?”
lip wobbling, jeongin sniffled. he spoke quietly. “i thought if i slept, it would go away, but i just feel worse, now. i don’t know what to do.”
chan felt his eyebrows draw together. “aw, innie. can i give you a hug?”
jeongin nodded. “please…”
without another moment of hesitation, chan pulled jeongin into his arms, rubbing his back and wishing he could do more. he could feel the younger boy nuzzle his face into his shoulder, and for a few minutes, they just sat like that. jeongin and chan both relaxed in a way they hadn’t in a long time. it was a reminder of safety that they’d both needed without realizing.
it ended far too quickly for either of their preferences, but jeongin eventually pulled away, shaking. “hyung, i think i’m going to throw up,” he admitted in a whisper. chan tried not to wince, and squeezed jeongin’s hand instead. as he stood, he guided the sick boy to follow. they made their way to the bathroom hand in hand.
“i think you must’ve picked up some kind of stomach bug,” chan said, hand to jeongin’s sweaty forehead. leaning over the toilet in what was possibly the most uncomfortable position he’d been in, jeongin nodded. he didn’t know when he was going to be sick, but he was confident that he would be, eventually, and felt that it was better to be safe than sorry - even if that meant holding his aching body up in a rigid and unnatural pose. a chill ran through him, and without thinking, jeongin leaned into chan’s warmth.
“do you want me to get you some blankets?” chan asked, thoughtful as always, but jeongin shook his head. he really just wanted chan to stay right where he was. not for the first time, he felt very childish, but the last thing jeongin wanted was to be alone.
despite the drawn out wait and the steady moral support, jeongin was caught off-guard by a sudden gut-wrenching cough. it was enough to turn his stomach and send some of its contents half up his throat, and the retch that immediately followed brought with it a waterfall of soup-like sick. he heard a quick intake of breath from chan, but couldn’t spare him a glance as more coughing, heaving, and vomiting ensued.
it was absolutely vile. not just the taste, but the texture of it, of having warm liquid spill out of him with chunks of his lunch uncontrollably, splattering back in his own face. it was the inability to stop it, the feeling like he couldn’t possibly get enough air, and like it might never end.
there was a moment when he thought it was over - when he needed it to be over, because his muscles couldn’t hold him up any longer, even with chan’s support - and jeongin allowed himself to lean back as he continued to cough. he was hardly coherent, but as his mouth started to water and his coughs became headier, he tried to follow chan’s guidance and lean back over the toilet. they weren’t quite fast enough, and a mouthful of mushy brown barf ended up on jeongin’s t-shirt.
“it’s alright,” chan said, feeling more helpless than ever. “you’re okay, innie.”
he wasn’t even sure if jeongin could hear him, but he wanted to make sure than jeongin knew he wasn’t alone. the next few rushes of throw up were, fortunately, the last ones, at least for the time being, and jeongin immediately reached for chan’s arms when he was finished.
“good boy,” chan said, helping jeongin out of his soiled shirt. jeongin blinked, teary eyed, and chan placed a hand on the younger man’s head, cradling it gently. “you did so well. do you feel better?”
jeongin nodded. “i’m just so tired, hyung, i know you just got up, but–” he cut himself off.
“how about you drink a bit of water, and then we can get back in bed?” chan offered hopefully. jeongin didn’t look entirely pleased, but he nodded. chan smiled.
the two of them went back to the bedroom together, and jeongin was able to keep the water down. it surprised him how quickly they became comfortable in the tiny bed together, but it felt right. despite the years that had passed, there was still a part of jeongin that was chan’s little-kid brother. it was more reassuring than he could have imagined to be reminded that chan still recognized and accepted that part of him, too.
a very quick reader survey (specific to this fic!) to make me smile and possibly send a free fic request that i may or may not actually use :D
feel free to send more asks! / rules
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