#drawing smol soldier mad is always funny to me
dailysoldier · 6 months
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Daily Soldier Day 180
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ppaltagon · 5 years
Pentababies - Pentagon in Kindergarten
Smol baby
Doesn't reach things on the top of the shelves but refuses to ask for help
Uses the toys to build a stepladder-like thing or just climbs up, doesn’t get discouraged when he falls down but stops to cry for a while
Loudly sings children songs all the time and teaches the others said songs
Actually, there is a designated time when everyone gathers around him and all the kids are singing
You're a little jealous of him because the kids listen to him more than they do to you
There’s this one teddy bear that’s bigger than him and he claimed it as his best friend
Is a good boy and eats everything but a look at his face tells the utter disgust he feels while chewing that broccoli and sometimes you just pity him and give him extra snacks after lunch
But also, he steals food from the others when they’re not looking
Hides stolen food and snacks in his pockets and eats them alone when nobody is looking
If someone tries to steal his food, he will bite their hands
He’s either crying or screaming, he’s never quiet
Most screams are caused by him belting out children songs and folk songs and it took you a while to realize, he’s actually really good at singing
Runs around screaming with Hyojong and Shinwon while Hyunggu is clinging to him and has the time of his life everyday
You have to force him outside because “ugh sunshine and fresh air who needs that”
Has sooo much fun once he’s out
Cries when he trips and falls and acts like he’s actually dying, there is nothing you can do to make him stop
Eats fairly well but somehow, he always gets food all over his face and his shirt, it’s a mystery how he does that every single time, even when he wears a bib
Hongseok calls him dirty. Things escalate. A food fight begins.
Literally refuses to go to sleep because he is NOT tired AT ALL (said while rubbing his eyes) and puts up a real fight (which only results him ending up even more tired)
Falls asleep the moment his head hits the pillow
He really is a good kid (at least he tries to be one)
Most of the time, he’s in the corner flipping through books alone or with Changgu
Experience tells you, when he’s with Changgu, they’re not really talking about the books and you’re very uneasy
Annoys the others with jokes and cries when someone tells him he’s not funny but he’s a “man” so holds back his tears and tries to come up with new ones
The smartest child
One day, he really got into lego and now he can build a whole ass spaceship and the coolest robots
There's no food he doesn’t like however, he likes to be clean and likes well-behaving at the table – something most of the others don’t really do...
Gets into food fights at least three times per week because he called out someone (mostly Hyojong) for eating like a pig
Loves, loves, loves playing outside, just running around with the others or pretending to be soldiers or pirates or secret agents
Collects big sticks and pretends they’re swords and challenges everyone to duels – won't let the loser live but cries when he loses
He falls asleep fast which is kind of surprising because he has his own little nap times during the day as well where he just lies down in a corner and sleeps for a while
More often than not, he wakes up with his face doodled on
Your arch enemy.
Screams. He doesn’t have a reason. He just. Stands there and starts screeching.
Or runs around screaming
A very curious child
One day, he was curious to see what you were drinking. He drank your coffee. That was a nightmare.
Helps Yanan trying to escape
Teases Hyunggu because he thinks it’s funny how easily he cries
But if anyone else makes Hyunggu cry he’s gathering everyone and they beat up the little shit, nobody is allowed to hurt his friends
Loves playing outside a lot more than inside
Climbing on monkey bars are boring, he’s climbing on trees like a real baby monkey
Has scratches all over his body but rarely cries
Flirts with the moms and they think he’s an angel
Not only embarrasses you in front of your crush but curses at them and tells them you taught him the words
You can’t just get a lover, you would pay him less attention then
If he doesn’t like the food at lunch, he just stares at it before he gets the idea that if he can’t eat it, he should just throw it at Hongseok – cue to a food fight starting because it’s f u n
Is quite obedient to go to sleep and you just assume it’s because he tired himself out
But he’s not sleeping, he goes around and whispers in the other kids’ ear to try and get in their dreams or doodles on their faces, etc.
Wakes up Wooseok to help him draw on the others faces
Scared child
On the first day, he was like “oh no people mom please don’t leave me here” but now he’s one of the loudest ones and all he does is scream then coughs because he screamed way too much and now his throat hurts
The victim of literally everyone’s pranks, like the whole kindergarten teamed up against him and he acts all dramatic like he’s all alone in this cold dark world
But then just starts throwing books and toys he knows will hurt if thrown to the others
Hates going outside because ugh bugs – steps on Hyunggu’s new bug buddies and makes Hyunggu cry
It's been a year since he goes to this kindergarten but if you think he won’t sit disappointed every single mealtime by the table because “this is not a hamburger” then you’re wrong
And you’re like, “this is a sandwich, it’s almost like a hamburger, please eat your food like the other good kids.”
Changgu repeats your sentence, Hongseok adds his own unwanted opinion, Hyojong throws a piece of bread at Hongseok, chaos erupts
Every year, a photographer comes to take a group picture – he and Hongseok strike some weird pose every single time, there’s no stopping them
Goes to sleep like a good child however, he hid snacks in his pillow and eats them in secret because he is definitely not sharing
Hyojong comes up to him and whispers in his ear. There’s a muffled scream. Shinwon joins them in doodling on the others faces.
The little shit that embarrasses you in front of your crush because he’s going to marry you when he grows up
And you can’t possibly be mad at him because he’s just so damn adorable
Always gives you gifts like drawings, toys, his food, flowers he found on the sidewalk
One time, he stole his mom’s jewelry and wanted to gift it to you...
Helps you set the table, gather the kids, scolds them right after you scold them, always tells you you’re right – he's like a baby parrot
Actually, he just wants you to compliment him because he basically lives off of compliments
He and Hongseok befriended each other by the bookshelf and now they’re memorizing stories which they lowkey force the others to play out
Organized a little theater every Friday where they show it to you
Now he’s in charge of choosing what to perform to the parents on special events
beats Hongseok in “sword duels” and laughs in his face then declares he’s the strongest man in this kindergarten – gets beat the next day and cries while Hongseok is laughing in his face
Is friends with everyone, lowkey hates half of his friends because they don’t appreciate him
Plans revenge every time he gets pranked but never has the courage to carry them out (though Yanan would be more than delighted to help)
Eats everything even if he hates it because then you’re going to be proud of him and pat him on the head and that fills him with power
Couldn’t be more enthusiastic to go to sleep because he’s always tired even if he seems energetic and it’s absolutely impossible to wake him up
His mom has to take him home while he’s still asleep a lot
Cries the moment his mom lets go of his hand and leaves
It took a while for him to get used to the new environment but the moment he stopped crying on the first day, Changgu grabbed his hand and showed him his favorite toys and now they’re best friends
A quiet child
Sometimes maybe even too quiet
You keep an eye on him because one day, you just assumed he’s quiet and the lady from the bakery at the end of the street brought him back
Ever since then, you caught him trying to escape several times
Plays well alone but doesn’t mind company, except if someone tries to take his toy – he doesn’t hesitate to hit them
If it’s time to play outside, he runs straight to the swings – one time, Changgu wouldn’t let him to the swings and Yanan pushed him out of it
Both of them cried for an hour while hugging each other after that...
Really, everyone just loves him because he’s too cute
Lunchtime is problematic for him because he just loves sweets way too much and doesn’t want to eat proper food, especially vegetables
You have to convince him to eat them by promising him more sweets as dessert
One time, he got sugar high and it was a catastrophe so now you control how much sweets he gets
Which is very difficult because if he doesn’t get them whenever he craves them, he throws a tantrum
He gets very sleepy after eating so it’s easy to put him to bed however, he can’t fall asleep alone, someone needs to hold his hand
He is supposed to be a calm kid but you still keep an eye on him because either Hyunggu or Wooseok are constantly clinging on him (sometimes both on both sides of him)
Hates nap times because you close the curtains and the room gets dark and he’s very afraid in the dark
Only can fall asleep if someone (mostly Wooseok) is holding his hand
Every single stuffed animal belongs to him!
He named every single one of them
The type of kid that notices when you’re sad and tries to cheer you up by giving you a plushie
He’s like a fairy, going around giving out plushies to whoever is crying and hugging them until they calm down
Loves nature and he, Hyunggu and Wooseok built a bird feeder to take care of the birds in the neighborhood
Collects pretty stones and flowers and he got so excited when you showed him how to dry flowers so he can take them home and help his mom decorate the house
There is only one plushie that’s not his and that’s Jinho’s bear and he only lets him have it in exchange of Jinho giving him extra lessons on children songs
He eats everything because he believes it when you say he will grow up big and strong if he eats all the vegetables
Whenever there’s a food fight, he makes sure his plushies won’t get dirty and takes his plate and moves out of the danger zone
His bed is so full of plushies he barely has any space left for himself but if any of them goes missing, he will notice it + Wooseok and/or Hyunggu still find a way to crawl in his bed and cuddle
The cutest child, an actual angel (kind of)
Cries. A lot. Like all the time.
Cries because the dragon kidnapped the princess in that fairy tale you’re reading, cries because Hyojong took his toy, cries because the others are teasing him for crying, cries because he has nobody to hug, cries because he doesn’t like the food, cries because he misses his mom, etc.
Someone has to pay attention to him all the time or he throws a tantrum
Is constantly attached to someone, just hugging and refusing to let go because that’s how he plays
Can't sit still for the world, you swear he didn’t consume any sugar where does he get so much energy from????
Accidentally breaks toys and blames it on other children then cries because he can’t deal with the guilt
Kisses everyone because he has so much love to give but whenever someone kisses him, he gets offended and disgusted – the others keep kissing him for that exact reason
Running towards a dog that’s twice his size and obviously barking at him aggressively: “pUPPYYYYY~~!!!!”
Likes to play outside and makes friends with all the bugs, follows ants, chases butterflies, feeds birds etc.
Jumps into every single puddle after a rainy day and encourages everyone to do the same because it’s F U N !!!!!!!!!
Has absolutely no fear but cries whenever he trips and falls
Gets himself out of eating stuff he doesn’t like or doing things he doesn’t want to do by pouting and the puppy eyes because you just CAN’T SAY NO to him
Sticks out his tongue at the others when they get offended for him getting better food a g ai N
He picks a cuddle buddy for every day and only sleeps if he’s hugged (the other boy doesn’t have a say in this)
Tol child
Puts Jinho’s favorite toys on the top of the shelves to mess with him
A creative boy who loves drawing – sadly, rarely draws on paper
Doodles on the walls until Hyojong directs his attention to Hongseok’s sleeping face
After a while, the kids realize he really draws well so now they’re playing “tattoo salon” in which Wooseok draws on their skin – this is an illegal business and they’re very careful not to get caught by you
He and Hyojong are the ones to intimidate anyone who tries to bully their friends and nobody dared to mess with their group twice
Sometimes you can’t find him no matter how many times you call his name and an hour or so you find him either sleeping in a closet or buried under Yuto’s plushies
He’s a smarter kid than you think, also very helpful
Shouts at the others to stay quiet if you have something to say and they don’t listen
Takes no shit and questions everything
Criticizes the fairy tales, tells fairies and dragons don’t even exist – that made everyone cry
He only pretends Santa is real because Yuto will cry for days if he said otherwise and he couldn’t bring himself to do that to him
Goes outside only to lie down on the slide and never get up, laughs as the others try to push him down
Will not eat what he doesn’t like and there is absolutely nothing that can change his mind, he rather starves (read: begs Jinho for food or steals Shinwon's snacks)
He pretends to go to sleep but then stays up all the time pranking the others with Hyojong so that’s why he sleeps so much during the day
Has his no prank days when he’s cuddling with Yuto and/or Hyunggu
- Admin Anna (writing something nobody asked for but everybody needs)
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