#drank too much i threw up on the way home last night
demoness-one · 10 months
My head...
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yanderecxre · 3 months
Yandere!Retired Colonel headcanons
You only knew him by his nickname, "Saint", beyond that you knew nothing about him. But oh, did he know everything about you.
You, sweet and young, fresh outta college and working at the base he was stationed at before he decided to retire. You who took care of the daycare on base, who didn't even bat an eye at the insanity that the children you took care of looked like.
Saint even adopted a kid from the dumb program just to have an excuse to talk and see you, little Henry was a pain in the ass, literally and figuratively. The brat always clung to you, crying he didn't wanna go home. Making Saint look like a terrible grandfather. "Listen here you little brat, I'm trying to make sure they can't just up and leave, so start acting like I'm the greatest grandfather alive before you scare them off!"
Sweet, young bleeding heart little you. Always talking and smiling at him like he's some regular guy and not a powerful Colonel who could (and would if you ever tempted or forced his hand) ruin your budding little career before the hour ended. Of course though he'd never do that, not with how often he sees you now, at drop off, pick up, sometimes you ask guardians to help around the daycare, he's there every time.
Saint, who once he decides you're his, immediately gets to work implementing himself in your life, both personal and professional. Using little Henry as an excuse, poor boy getting used as an excuse for why the two ran into you everywhere you seemed to go. "Oh, hello Henry, Saint! What brings you two to the library?" You smile and ask as you hold a small stack of books, unaware that Saint was scanning the titles so he could ask you next time which was your favorite. Saint smiles and holds Henry's shoulder, laughing slightly. "Poor boy practically cried and threw a fit demanding we come to the library because he wanted to read and play in the kids section!" You were far too busy to see Henry glaring at Saint, his eyes darkening as you smiled and talked to him.
Saint, who finally asks you out on a proper date (you don't know of course that the date will be your last in a while, he already has your room set up in his cabin. Henry helped him pick everything out, the kid loved you too much to let his idiot of a grandfather make you feel unhappy.) When you accepted he smiled and offered to pick you up, you spent the rest of the day smiling and giggling as Henry clung to your leg pouting.
That night, you had a lovely date, perfect in every way, Saint was the perfect gentleman. Letting you order whatever you wanted and asking about your interests and life. He even insisted you call him by his actual name, Nicolas. He loved the way it rolled off your tongue, could only imagine you moaning and whimpering it as he went down on you later on-
You felt woozy during the last bit of the date, had you drank more than you thought, no way... you couldn't have, you looked up over at him, Saint looked perfectly fine, not like you. You stumbled slightly out your seat, he was there, holding you steady. "Oh dear, poor thing, let's get you home yeah sweetheart? You had lots to drink, I'll get your dessert to go." He murmured in your ear, holding you closely to his side his large hand firmly on your hip, keeping you near him.
The last thing you remember before passing out was Saint, helping you to his car. Hand on your hips as he assured you everything was alright, that you were just tipsy. Something in his voice made you feel weird but it got overshadowed by your head muddling as you whimpered softly and promptly passed out. You never knew that he drugged you, he wasn't a monster. He just needed you woozy enough to get you to his cabin.
"Don't look at me like that little brat, they're just unconscious. What? You gonna sleep by their bedside to protect their virtue?" "Yeah, because I don't trust you, grandfather." "You little fucker- Jesus! Did you just bite me?!"
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yerimbrit · 1 month
insufferable : k. chaewon
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synopsis: i (21f) absolutely detest my roommate (21f). we've known each other for years, but have always had this unspoken beef?, for lack of a better word. i tried requesting a dorm change but was denied. my friend offered to switch dorms but my roommate started acting weirdly after i told her about it. what should i do?
# : pairing ! nonidol!kim chaewon x fem!reader
# : tags ! college!au, enemies to something else, crack, fluff, light angst, they're so petty it's insane, forced proximity, reader is lowk a jock, temperature is in fahrenheit cus i'm american sorry, miscommunication, arguments, kazuha owns a wii and a betta fish
# : wordcount ! 4.7k
# : warnings ! none
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"you've got to be kidding me."
chaewon scoffed, looking at you with an expression that nearly matched yours which held an inexplicable amount of disgust. she rolled her suitcase into the dorm, slipping off her vans slip-ons. "shouldn't i be saying that? no one would want to room with you, hello?"
you scowled, turning back to the tv, logging into your netflix account. "you know what, whatever. i mind my own business, you mind yours. let's just make this easier on both of us, yeah?"
"for once, i agree with you."
ah, yes. kim chaewon. the bane of your existence, and also the girl you'd been beefing with since the third grade. it all started when she said that she could beat you in a race during the sports festival. then, after she lost the race, she had started stealing your juiceboxes when you weren't looking. as a result, you laughed at her crayon drawings and knocked down her block towers for revenge.
the exchanges eventually escalated into middle school and high school, your rivalry turning into petty arguments and pointed glares across the room. it only got worse when your mothers had gotten close at one particular school event, and you had to see chaewon even more than usual. to add onto that, you always saw her at your basketball games because she was the captain of the cheer team.
kim chaewon was a constant in your life. and god, was she so annoying.
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"she's so annoying," you grumbled, popping a french fry into your mouth. "i mean, who the hell does pilates in the living room!?"
kazuha smiled and took a sip of her root beer. "me. it's actually kind of fun, you should try when you can't make it to the gym."
"you know she's a gym bro, it's like her second home," yunjin snorted, stealing a fry off of your plate, which effectively earned her a swat of the hand.
yunjin and kazuha were both on the basketball team with you, but kazuha was also on your high school team. you were the one who'd convinced her to join due to her height, on just her second day at school after transferring from japan. then, you and kazuha met yunjin at orientation, who was also planning on trying out for your college's team, and once you all made it, you were inseparable.
you sighed. "you're literally the one who goes with me, yunjin."
the american threw her hands up in a guilty manner, then stole another fry. "anyway, can we talk about something else? this whole time you've been talking about your roommate, personally i don't care but i hear this everyday. you even blow up the groupchat to talk about her."
"i think i've heard her name more than my own," kazuha shuddered. she drank the rest of her soda, resulting in the straw making an obnoxious sound when the cup emptied. "are you sure you aren't like, in love with her or something? i've never seen you talk about someone so much, someone other than chaewon."
you gagged. you? in love with chaewon? quite the opposite. "that's absolutely disgusting, zuha. don't ever mention me, chaewon, and in love, in the same sentence, again."
you would rather die than date kim chaewon. literally everything about her infuriated you. for example: she woke up way too early.
recalling the past few days, you grimaced. last night while you were on a game-replay-turned-movie-binge, you heard the girl start singing and working in the kitchen. and while you had to admit she did have a killer voice, it was 5 am and you still hadn't gone to sleep.
also, she spent hours in the bathroom. even after being let known that you were exhausted and sweaty from practice, she spared no pity for you. she even went as far as to take another thirty minutes just to spite you. what did she even do in there?
and every time you came back late from a party or from hanging out with yunjin and kazuha, she scolded you. it was always about having some respect for her and how irresponsible you were for not returning at an appropriate time. what was she, your mom?
it seemed chaewon just loved to scold you. be quiet at night, stop leaving your towels everywhere, can you shut up so i can study, clean up after you finish your takeout, that wasn't even the end of it.
(after a grueling practice session led by your team captain, you were just about ready to pass out on your bed. unfortunately, you couldn't do that until you showered and chaewon was in the sole bathroom that your dorm had.
"why's it so fucking hot," you whined, begrudgingly getting up to check the thermostat. as you shuffled over while wiping your forehead clear of sweat with the towel hanging around your neck, you could slowly and clearly make out the number 78.
"what the fuck."
"oh, you're back."
speak of the devil, who just came out of the shower with her hair still wet and dripping onto her white my melody tee.
you furrowed your eyebrows, trying not to focus on her appearance, her bare face that looked too good, and pointed to the thermostat. "could you," you coughed, wiping the sweat off of your nose, "care to tell me why our dorm is set to 78 degrees."
chaewon sneered. "it was cold.")
a text sucked you out of your dingy flashback. it was from chaewon, of course it was. 'it's ur turn to take out the trash this week.' how about it's your turn to take her out? with a punch, of course. yeah.
"gotta go," you stood up, letting out an unnecessary and exaggerated groan as you stretched your back muscles. "the demon is calling."
"so can i have your last fry or what?"
you scoffed at yunjin, snatching the fry and shoving it in your mouth. the blonde mumbled something under her breath that you couldn't catch, but kazuha interjected before you could flick her on the nose.
"hey, you should do us a favor and confess already!"
"i don't like her like that! or at all! i'll stop spamming you if that's what you want, just stop assuming i have a crush on chaewon."
yunjin smirked. "'cause you do?"
"'cause i don't!"
you started walking towards the exit of the diner, dreading the upcoming encounter with your roommate. and also dreading the future "chaey/n" ship texts from the two idiots. you reminded yourself to set up an anti-yunjin booth to counter her upcoming student council campaign.
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"you can kiss a hundred boys in ba—"
"can you shut the fuck up? i'm trying to study," chaewon half-groaned and half-yelled as she slammed your door open.
you were currently in a sweat-inducing fight against malenia in your summonless run of elden ring, with sakura (who happened to be best friends with chaewon) screaming in your ear whenever you failed to dodge the boss's waterfowl dance. just as you narrowly avoided an attack, you started singing good luck, babe! in a panic.
because you were still fighting the boss, and because you only heard something thud, you didn't realize that your fuming roommate was standing in your room, waiting for you to notice her presence.
chaewon moved to stand next to you, hands on her hips as her patience continued to thin out. the 'you died' screen faded in on your screen and you respawned at the site of grace, whining while sakura both laughed at you and scolded you through the discord voice chat.
through the corner of your eye, you could barely see a bit of pink. huh. what was pink in your room? almost nothing, besides the pinkie pie plush that yunjin had gotten you as a joke, but that was resting on your bed and you certainly didn't recall getting anything else this week.
...until you looked up and saw the scowling face of kim chaewon.
"how did you not see me for the past ten minutes."
your mouth dropped open and you pressed the mute button on your mic before taking your headphones off. "i was busy! and why are you here anyway?"
chaewon gripped the pale pink fabric of her twice hoodie in frustration. "i came in ten minutes ago to tell you to shut up, but you didn't hear me!"
"you could've, i don't know, tapped my shoulder!?" you yelled back, pinching the bridge of your nose. how were you supposed to know she was there when you were so focused on your computer screen?
"ugh!" she turned away, exasperated. "god, i wish you out of all people weren't my roommate! i mean who even sings to chappell roan while they're being chased down!?"
upon hearing her words, it hit you. you had asked the RA minjeong for a dorm change, but she had simply told you to suck it up, or find someone willing to swap with you. and lucky for you, sakura was more than willing to do exactly that, because she hated rooming with your best pal yunjin.
"you know what, i've got just the news for you."
the shorter girl looked startled, but ever so impatient. "what?"
you pulled up your texts with the older japanese girl, revealing an agreement that she would switch with you because "yunjin keeps taking naps on our sofa and leaving crumbs everywhere u can have her," smiling in victory.
to your utter surprise, chaewon went quiet. then she bit her lip and left your room without another word.
"what the fuck?"
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this week felt different. you no longer heard humming from the kitchen in the morning but heard sounds of sizzling and clashing, the fresh aroma of breakfast she cooked making its way even through the door to your room.
chaewon stopped doing pilates in the living room, she stopped telling you to clean up and instead waited for you to do it at your own pace. she stopped texting you to shut up, and she hadn't spent any more time than necessary in the bathroom besides her lengthy nightly routine.
it was weird. why was chaewon doing the exact opposite of what you complained about?
so you did the obvious and asked her about it, when she was in the living room watching something on your netflix account connected to the tv.
she hummed, not bothering to turn around and face you. what the hell was her problem?
you strided to the side of the couch, scoffing when she didn't pay even an ounce of attention to you. unfortunately, that only pissed you off more. you grabbed the remote and paused the episode of whatever drama she was on.
the girl whipped her head around, eventually meeting your eyes. "what are you doing!?"
your roommate took her dramas very seriously. so of course, this resulted in an agitated chaewon. well, at least she was looking at you.
"no," you started, "what are you doing?"
she furrowed her brow, crossing her arms. "i don't know what you're talking about."
seriously? she still wanted to play dumb? you crossed your arms, mirroring her posture. "you know damn well what i'm talking about. you're acting so," you threw your hands up in a mocking manner, "weird. you're not trying to piss me off anymore. which, in turn, is pissing me off even more!"
"are you a masochist, by any chance?" she ridiculed, stifling her laughter.
"no! can you just answer my question?"
chaewon scowled, standing up from her spot on the couch and walking right in front of you. there was an angry red blush settling on her ears, and she had to look up at you. it would be a lie to say it wasn't the least bit cute.
her finger pressed on your chest, forcefully pushing you back by half a step. "i've been acting nice for you, and this is how you respond? can't you be grateful for once in your sorry life!?"
"well i'm sorry that i'm weirded the fuck out when you're always so pissy! can you imagine my reaction when you suddenly start acting like an angel? good thing you don't need to imagine, it's right in front of you," you stepped closer to her, gritting your teeth.
as you looked down you could see slight eyebags messily covered by makeup, and the strands of hair sticking out after she haphazardly tied it into a bun. you almost wanted to reach out and at least move her bangs out of her face.
on the other hand, chaewon was seething. "you know what?" she hissed, glaring at you with such killer intent that it made you shrink back. "i'm glad you're moving out. sakura would be so much better than you."
her anger reflecting in her teary eyes had reached you, yet there was a hint of softness somewhere in them. you sighed in defeat. "...fine."
"fine? hey, wait! i'm not done with you, damn it!"
without waiting for an answer, you grabbed your phone and keys, walking out the door while ignoring the shorter girl's questions and yells.
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you found yourself in kazuha's apartment. the basketball player lived by herself, not counting the super blue betta fish she kept in the living room. jinsoul—the betta, you mean—was trained and was even taught to do tricks, like following your finger across the aquarium, swimming through hoops, et cetera.
"so you mean to tell me, you just walked out after fighting with her and let yourself in with my spare key?" kazuha yawned out, dropping a few pellets into the tank. a wide grin spread across her lips as she watched the fish eat.
sometimes it felt like kazuha believed that jinsoul (again, the fish) was her real daughter; it would be laughable if she wasn't so dead serious about it. the topic was always brought up by either you or yunjin when you were over, but was always deflected by the girl.
you groaned, making yourself comfortable on her linen couch. there was a barely noticeable stain in the corner where yunjin had spilled her buldak noodles, to which she apologized profusely and brought over a dozen cleaning products to get rid of it.
safe to say, it was successful, since she, for some reason, already had these products in her car and rushed over to get them.
the three of you were the only ones who knew about the stain. oftentimes you'd forget it was there, but the initial sight of it would crawl out from the back of your mind.
"at least i didn't come back empty-handed. i got you one of those overpriced parfaits from the café down the block," you picked at a stray hangnail, staring at the view of the foliage outside of the window.
kazuha rolled her eyes, suppressing a grin but ultimately failing. she made her way over to you with the parfait, moving your legs so she could sit down. a contented sigh made its way out her mouth after she took the first bite.
her hand reached for the tv remote, pressing the power button and switching to a certain hdmi channel. "i know what would cheer you up."
she reached over to press another button on an old, white console, then pulling out two rectangular controllers. it took a while, but soon you could hear the fan of the wii roar to life and see the familiar opening display on the tv.
it didn't take you long to realize your teammate's intention in booting up the wii. your eyes widened in horror as you watched kazuha push the small coffee table to a corner and select the top left channel which showed the wonders of hell, and your worst fear: just dance 4.
"zuha, you can't be serious."
the girl only hummed and took her last bite of the parfait, which disappeared within seconds. jesus, sometimes you forgot she was practically a vacuum when it came to food.
now, you had no way out of this; you were only able to whine when you got handed the controller, and only able to watch while kazuha scrolled to what was arguably one of the hardest songs: disturbia. and as much as you admired rihanna you could not do this without cracking your hips at least once.
➤➤ fast forward
kazuha struck the final pose without breaking a sweat—completely opposite of you: collapsed against the front of the couch, still fighting your demons after an exhausting four minutes.
the outro of the song, despite having faded away for a few moments, echoed in your head like a haunting wail. your t-shirt was disgustingly drenched in sweat, and you might've passed out if not for the glass of pity-water handed to you by the outdo-er.
"i'm pooped," you groaned, covering your eyes with your arm. kazuha giggled and took a seat next to you, ruffling your already unkempt hair with a free hand. her other hand was holding a glass of water for herself.
"that couldn't have been worse than coach kang's laps. you play center, yet queen rihanna gets you sweating more than a game against our rival school."
"leave me alone," you whined, dragging out the 'e' at the end. "i just got fought with a baby cheetah."
kazuha made a teasing 'oooh' sound, wiggling her eyebrows and making you push her by the shoulder. "you even have a nickname for her?"
"piss off, nakamura," you pinched your the bridge of your nose, "but seriously, that shit drained me. both disturbia and kim chaewon. i just don't understand why she started doing the opposite of what she used to."
"i mean, the look on her face at some point—it was different, unreadable. i couldn't tell what she was feeling. she said i couldn't be grateful for her nice behavior, but is it really my fault? am i the asshole here? ...hey, are you listening?" you blew a strand of hair out of your face, turning to look at kazuha who was rubbing her chin like some sort of psychic.
she scrunched up her eyebrows and cracked her knuckles, hesitating before clearing her throat. "you probably won't believe me, but..."
"but what?" you wrapped your arms around your knees, bringing them closer so you could rest your chin on them.
the other girl sighed and stretched her legs out. "okay, wait. when did this start?"
"after i told her i was planning on switching dorms... wait."
that's right. chaewon had started acting strange the day after she barged into your room, but you had only started noticing two days after, coming home from the gym and needing something you had left in the bathroom.
(the shorter girl came out immediately after you knocked and requested for her to hurry it up. you were faced with a chaewon with her hair still dripping wet and a baby blue bathrobe wrapped around her torso, bringing an involuntary blush to your cheeks. to your surprise, she merely nodded at you and walked into her room without a word.)
"was she trying to make amends...? or convince me to stay?"
"you might want to ask her yourself, y/n."
and as if on cue, your phone buzzed several times in succession. blindly reaching for the device on top of the couch, you squinted through the bright wallpaper to see over 20 notifications from your roommate.
'31 missed calls and 50+ unread messages from kim chaewon.'
you frantically grabbed your keys and scrambled to your feet, ignoring the soreness in your muscles from the earlier dancing session. it was damn near midnight. kazuha stood up to open the door for you, and you thanked her and left in a rush.
you had to go home.
but by the time the adrenaline rush wore off and you'd let yourself into the dorm, your legs had given out and you passed out against the door.
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falling, falling, falling.
there were cats falling with you, into the void. there was no start, and thus there was no end. you were only able to look up, seeing countless cats coming out of nowhere and not making a sound.
while you loved cats, there was no reason they should be falling into, well, nothing. then you saw a figure diving towards you with their hand out. you instinctively reached out for them, their face slowly getting clearer as they inched closer.
your hands met. they locked their fingers with yours, and slowly pulled you up with them. there seemed to have been a portal opened up at the "start".
the figure brought you to the portal, making the two of you float just below it. they leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to your cheek, and flashed a smile.
and just for a moment, they donned the appearance of your darling roommate.
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it smelled like coffee.
you didn't remember moving to the couch. your blanket was draped over you and the stupid pinkie pie plush was tucked in with you, and your muscles were extremely sore.
remnants of the night prior flashed in your mind, and you rubbed your eyes. what happened?
chaewon walked to the door, slipping her sneakers on and leaning over the couch to peek at you. not realizing you were awake, she jumped back with a yelp.
"i... i made you coffee and some pancakes for you. they're on the, um. counter. bye—"
you desperately stopped her by the wrist, half-kneeling on the couch. "thank you, can we talk? when you get back?"
the shorter girl had a look of uncertainty in her eyes, but ultimately nodded. the door shut quietly behind her, leaving you alone in the dorm.
reluctantly, you stepped off the couch to go check the breakfast she made you. the faint aroma of the sweets intensified as you got closer to the kitchen, bringing your mood down.
the plate was covered by a paper towel, and on top of it had a hello kitty themed sticky note.
i'm sorry for yesterday. i want to talk later, if that's ok. also, the butter is in the top left of the fridge and i left the maple syrup on the counter.
- chaewon"
you chuckled, releasing a breath you didn't know you were holding in.
this wasn't what you were expecting to wake up to.
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you sat across from chaewon at the dining table, both of you waiting for the other to start. you had woken up just before noon, went to the one class that you had today and returned to the dorms after grabbing a few snacks from the convenience store. chaewon hadn't come home until around four, so you took it upon yourself to study in the meantime.
the jasmine tea that you poured for the two of you was steaming hot, releasing clouds of translucency up into the hanging ceiling light above.
you cleared your throat, gesturing towards your roommate as a sign for her to continue. she traced the rim of the ceramic and bit her lip.
"i'm sorry," she started, "i know my behavior as of recently is conflicting."
"it is," you frowned, "but continue."
chaewon lifted the teacup to her lips, sipping slowly. the clink of the coaster resounded throughout the entire dorm. "we've fought for as long as i remember. and we became roommates, and we fell into a routine. it's normal for us to be petty."
it was normal for you to be petty with chaewon. it was like breathing air, drinking water. no matter where you were, as long as she was there then you would hate each other to the ends of the earth.
"when you... suggested a change in that routine, i panicked. i didn't want to get rid of what was normal."
it was a more than a few months into the year. what you and chaewon had built was unmistakably a routine. one that was part of your everyday life, but one that you could not see yourself without. it didn't start at the beginning of the year, but on the day that you had beaten her in a race.
the look on her face was one you couldn't forget. eight-year-old chaewon looked close to tears before she ran away and stole your juicebox the next day. and it transformed into something else, and something more, and whatever was going on now.
you took a moment to appreciate the floral scent of the tea and sipped from your own cup. "i'm sorry too."
"even though it's kind of our brand, i shouldn't have blown up at you like that. i mean," you sighed, "you were going out of your way to be nice.
chaewon took another sip. meeting your eyes with a softened gaze. "so i guess this means truce?"
you smiled. "truce. but i am curious..."
"about what?"
"i know that wasn't the only reason you didn't want me to switch dorms. tell me the other reason."
the girl gulped, averting her eyes. her mind trailed back to a conversation she had just earlier, during a meal she had with sakura in between classes.
("well, she has a point. why don't you want to switch? you know i wouldn't mind, rooming with jennifer sucks," the older girl stated, lifting a few strands of ramen noodles with her chopsticks.
chaewon frowned, taking a bite of a small piece of karaage. she had finished her own bowl of ramen a few seconds ago. "you call her jennifer now? also, i don't know. i just feel bad for what i did, even though it was mutual. i didn't want to lose that familiarity."
"and, it's because she's been a part of my life since forever, whether i like it or not."
sakura huffed, slurping up the last of her ramen and setting her chopsticks on top of the bowl. "uh huh. but that doesn't explain why you spent thirty minutes trying to carry her to the couch, brought the one blanket that you don't let anyone touch, not even me or eunchae when she comes over."
"and on top of that, you tucked her in with a my little pony plushie. and then proceeded to make breakfast and coffee for her, without making any for yourself. that's why you're making me pay for your ramen."
the younger girl was taken aback, rendered speechless. she knew what she did, but hearing it out of someone else's mouth was humbling.
the japanese crossed her legs and clasped her fingers together. "you know what you haven't realized, but almost everyone else has?"
"i'm in love with you."
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you yawned, taking a sip of coffee and stepping out from the kitchenette in your shared dorm with yunjin. the blonde was sitting on the couch with her notebook in hand, probably thinking of lyrics for her next song. after performing at a local festival, you and a few others urged her to continue her music career, and now she was taking the advice seriously.
she seemed to have noticed your presence, turning around and grinning. "hey. your girlfriend's waiting for you outside. are you going out again today?"
you coughed, "chaewon is not my girlfriend! and yeah, i'm taking her to that nice restaurant by the beach, the one that our team went to last time."
"she's not your girlfriend as of right now. how long are you going to make her wait?" yunjin stood up, walking you to the entryway and tossing you your keys, which you caught and tucked into the pocket of your basketball shorts. it was almost summer, only the beginning of june, but it was already impossibly hot.
checking your other pocket for your wallet, you slipped on your sneakers. "i don't know. maybe until the end of today. or maybe next month."
the taller girl sighed, glancing at you worriedly. "maybe you just need a day to reflect on yourself."
you reached for the doorknob. "maybe."
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a/n : this is an apology for scrapping the other chaewon fic i had 😁 also crazy drops soon and the chorus has been stuck in my head??
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finelinevogue · 10 months
a winter solstice like no other
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summary - exchanging on winter solstice gifts leads to new revelations
pairing - azriel x reader
word count - ~2k
It was the night before Winter Solstice.
The house was full of laughter and love as fae’s alike drank mulled wine and snacked on Christmas puddings.
There was an air of happiness that hadn’t been around for the longest time. It was peaceful and comforting. Family was important sound this time of year and you were glad you had a good one to spend it with.
You were quite happily sitting in the corner sofa, tucked under a blanket you had knitted, drinking hot cocoa whilst the others danced near the log burning fire.
“Mind if I sit here?”
You turned to see Azriel ask you for a seat next to you.
“Of course. You don’t have to ask, Az.” You smiled at him, pulling the blanket back so he could sit down.
His large frame took up most of the rest of the sofa, so you threw the blanket over the top of you to keep you nice and warm.
“How are you enjoying this year’s Winter Solstice?” He asked you.
“Better than last year.”
Last year had been a truly sad one for you; spending it alone in a home that wasn’t even yours anymore. The war had taken everything from you, but in return it gave you this wonderful family and more than several places to call home.
It was Azriel who had found you cold and alone, and it was Azriel who took you to his family when you need people the most.
Everyone had warmly greeted you.
You had never expected to find another family.
And you certainly had never thought you’d find your mate because of it.
But here Azriel was. Your mate.
Your mate who didn’t know he was yours.
Every moment you spent close to him, you wondered how he couldn’t possibly feel the magic that you felt for him. His eyes didn’t light the same for you as yours did for him, which is the only way you knew he didn’t know yet.
You didn’t want to force him into something that he wasn’t ready for, though. Especially when he clearly had some feelings for Elain.
The three brothers and three sisters seemed destined to be, and yet you had mated to Azriel. There was almost an element of being terrified that you’d ruined a natural order if you accepted the bond between you and Azriel when Elain was right there.
“Present time!” Cassian cheered, breaking you from your thoughts.
Cassian jumped over the back of the sofa to land next to his mate; Nesta.
“You imbecile.” Nesta punched him when he knocked the wine in her hands onto her leggings.
“I love you too.” Cassian kissed her head in return, making everyone chuckle.
Everyone had their presents under the tree already, but you had left yours upstairs just because you didn’t want to intrude on their space.
You pulled the blanket off you and stood up, Azriel’s hand catching you and making you jolt with electricity.
“You okay?” He asked, looking concerned.
“Yes.” You chuckled at his worry, “Just going to get some things. Save me a seat.”
“I will.” He let go of your hand and you went off.
Your room was tucked in a small corner of the house, as you didn’t want to take up too much room. A lot of the rooms had already been taken so there wasn’t much choice, but your room was beautiful nonetheless.
It overlooked the mountains of Velaris and into the valley below. If you ever needed a reminder of how lucky you were, all you had to do was look out your window.
You picked up your presents in your room, collecting them in your arms. You tried to juggle them as you went to open the door, only for them to spill on to the floor and go everywhere.
“Oh, Mother above.” You mumbled, picking them all up again.
Once you had made your way downstairs, you re-entered the living room only to find your seat next to Azriel taken.
Elain had joined him.
Azriel didn’t look overly happy that she was there and he kept playing with a loose thread on the blanket you’d made as a distraction.
No matter, you smiled as you entered and handed out gifts to everyone.
Everyone thanked you as you passed out their respective gifts.
“You didn’t have to do this, Y/N.” Rhys spoke. “I haven’t been able to offer you the full wage you deserve this year.”
“And you’ve apologised for that countless times, Rhys. Yet, you forget you don’t charge me rent here so I don’t mind spending my wages on you and your family.” You handed him his gift.
“We’re your family too, remember.” Feyre smiled and thanked you as you gave her hers.
“I know. I wake up grateful every day.” You reshuffled the gifts to get a second for Feyre, “And an extra something for your birthday.”
“You are bad, Y/N… I told you not to.” Feyre tutted you.
“You deserve it.”
“Y/Ns right, darling.” Rhys kissed Feyre’s forehead.
You wandered back to Azriel and Elain, only holding one more gift.
“Oh.. Mother…” You started to swear.
“What is it?” Azriel asked.
“I must’ve dropped your gift on the way downstairs Az. I’m sorry, I’ll just…”
“Hey, it’s fine. You can pass it me later.”
“You sure?” You asked, feeling bad.
“Mhm.” He warmly smiled and leant back into the sofa.
You handed Elain her gift, before rounding the room to sit on the window seat just to the side of the room. You would’ve sat on a sofa, but there was no room left and you were the last to join the inner circle so it only made sense.
“Are we ready?” Cassian asked, looking around the room. “Then let’s go!”
Everyone began unwrapping, oohing and awwing over their gifts.
“Y/N..!”” Rhys laughed.
You smiled brightly as you noticed Rhys had opened his gift. You knew that he had been complaining that his feet had been getting so cold recently, so you had decided to knit him some slipper socks. They were in a gorgeous black with silver blobs that were meant to look like stars.
“Are they okay?” You asked shyly.
This was your first year of gift giving and you didn’t want to do it wrong.
“Perfect! Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome. Just a tiny thank you for helping me this past year.”
“You know we don’t need your thanks, Y/N, but you’re welcome anyways.”
As they continued opening presents and you opened yours, everyone was grateful and happy. Cassian was miffed that he got gag-gifts, but then again he hadn’t bought anything serious for anyone else.
You got to your gift from Azriel and stopped before you could tear, setting it to the side.
You looked up to Azriel and he was frowning at you, possibly thinking you didn’t care to open his gift. You gave him your kind eyes before he could think further.
“I’ll wait for you.” You mouthed across the room.
He smiled and nodded in agreement.
His gaze was broken from you as Elain nudged him to open her gift for him.
He slowly unwrapped the gift and everyone stopped to see what had made him gasp.
He slowly pulled out a Sapphire gem. A real and rare one. It was a gem that was meant to fit perfectly into his Truthteller blade.
“W-wow.” He raised his eyebrows in shock.
“I saw it the other day and just knew it was for you!” Elain giggled.
“This is far too much.” He shook his head.
“Oh please… It’s barely anything.”
You gulped at the site. If Elain thought that was nothing then your gift for him was truly worthless.
A rare gem? There was no competition, but if there were then Elaine would have won before you’d even started.
You wished more than anything that you could afford a lovely present like that for Az, but your money was often spent elsewhere through charity or simple living bills.
Everyone looked upon the two of them carefully.
Feyre knew that Azriel was your mate because you were making yourself miserable by keeping it to yourself, which obviously meant that Rhys had to know. So they didn’t look too comfortable with the gift exchange.
Rhys was trying to contact you through his mind tricks, but you didn’t let him. Not because you didn’t care, but because you knew you’d be upset the moment he tried to console you.
Whilst Elain and Az continued to have their moment, your own heart breaking a little, you quietly made your way out of the room.
You ran upstairs as quick as you could and shut your bedroom door behind you.
Opening the window, you stuck your head outside and let out a big breath - letting everything go. You felt like you could cry, but nothing good would come of that so you tried to console yourself the best you could with the fresh air and view of Velaris below.
“You o–”
“Mother of…” You turned around so quickly that you hit the side of your head on the glass window.
“Oh Gods, Y/N!” Az exclaimed as he shut the door behind him and ran over to you.
His hands took ahold of your face carefully, tilting your head to the side where you’d hit it. Instead of a pink mark, he noticed the tears instead.
“Hey, what’s with the tears?” He softly asked, wiping a thumb over your soft cheek.
“Sorry!” You laughed, “It’s been a bit much today already.”
“Tell me about it.” He answered sarcastically, before continuing. “I mean… a sapphire?” He whispered the last bit.
“Oh.. Yes. That - uhm - that was very thoughtful of Elain.” You took a step back from Azriel, wiping under your eyes.
You leant back against the windowsill and looked towards Azriel. He was carefully watching you like he didn’t quite understand something about you.
“What?” You asked.
“I have something for you.” He said, sitting back on your bed. He patted the spot next to you and you - not too eagerly - went and sat next to him.
He handed over a small blue wrapped box, as delicately wrapped as a professional would have done.
“It better not be a sapphire.” You joked.
“Oh better give it back then.” He tried to reach back for it, but you laughed and pulled it away. Turning back, you didn’t expect him to still be so close.
The bond inside of you was fluttering like a billion butterflies wings. You cleared your throat and looked down at the gift again, making Azriel lean back a bit.
You carefully opened it and found the box beneath the paper. It had a little infinity sign engraved in silver on the top of it.
You furrowed your eyebrows and swallowed back the growing lump at the back of your throat.
He stayed quiet.
“T.. This is from the ‘Bonded Mates’ gift shop.”
“I know.”
You gulped and turned towards him, tears in your eyes as the warmth in your chest started growing and growing. Your heart felt like it was growing three sizes and your chest was being directly pulled towards his.
“You… You know.” You let out a soft sob.
Azriel’s tears built up in his own eyes, “I do.” He nodded, confirming what you thought.
“Az.. For how long?”
“Since the day I met you.”
You let out another sob, feeling slightly more than overwhelmed right now. You nodded your head continued to look into his eyes, seeing your other half look back at you.
“You never said. I thought you liked Elain.”
“I must admit, even I thought I liked Elain at the very beginning, but I slowly realised I was only trying to like her for the sake of the ‘three brother’s and three sisters’ hypothesis. In reality, all I felt was a tug towards you and every day since I have tried my best to not overwhelm you because all I want to do is bond with you.”
“You knew! All this time.” You cupped his cheek and he leant into it willingly.
You leaned closer to him and his face, “So did I.” Azriel smiled so widely at that, “And I accept you. For infinity.”
“And I accept you, for anything and beyond infinity.”
His lips touched yours before you could even take a breath. You chest tugged towards his and your heart felt like it was overloaded with love and power. You felt yourself literally tether to Azriel and it was quite possibly the best feeling in the world.
Before you could both get carried away you pulled back.
“Wait, wait, wait…” You gasped.
“What?” Azriel looked concerned.
“Your gift!” You stood up, wiping under your eyes yet again.
“Oh screw the gifts.” He tugged on your hand so you fell back on the bed, back laying flat.
Azriel creeped over you and held his weight up above you.
“Az!” You laughed. “Get off, you big brute!”
You tried to push him off but he was as steady as a mountain. He couldn’t be moved and you accepted your defeat with a huff and a smile, allowing him to watch you.
He was quiet for a moment, no telling why he pulled you back. It seemed like he was simple mesmerised with every detail of you.
“What?” You asked.
“I’m just grateful that it was you.”
You knew the ‘it’ in question was the bond and you had to gulp back another set of fresh tears.
Instead, you leaned up and kissed him again. Softly pressing your lips into his and kissing him like he deserved to be kissed. He’d been waiting, what felt like an eternity, so might as well show him why he was made to wait all this time.
You moved back down but Azriel followed you. His arms cupped themselves over your head and encased you beneath his wholly.
He didn’t let his lips free from yours, not even for one breath. You both felt like you were each other’s air. Azriel kissed and kissed you like he would never get to kiss you like this again, even though it was your first time.
“Az..” You tried to pull away again.
“Try and stop me from kissing you again and see what happens.” He warned you, and you responded by tugging his hair at the back of his neck. He moved back at the flinch of pain.
“Listen to me.” You smiled.
And he leant back down to start kissing you again, moving his lips in such a way that you were starting to forget everything other than him.
You sneakily moved your hand up beneath his caged arms and attempted to capture his cheeks to stop him, but his shadows already knew your plans and caught your arm along the way. The shadows pinned your arm up behind your head and you huffed into your kiss.
“I don’t know whether to be offended that you keep wanting to get away from me, or not.” Az stopped kissing you to speak.
“You should. I want my gift.” You pouted.
“Oh. Do you now? Well I want to kiss my mate to make up for all our lost years, so I guess I’ll just do that instead.” He was about to lean back down to you but his shadows held him back instead. “What?”
“Seems they can listen to my thoughts now. Now stand down, Sir.”
He didn’t get much of a choice as his shadows pulled you off him and allowed you to slip away.
“You little demons.” Az groaned but allowed them to anyways, because it was worth seeing the smile as your opened your gift.
It was the daintiest bracelet you’d ever seen with a tiny little dagger charm on it. You absolutely loved it and were more happy to receive this than a thousand chariots of gold.
“Thank you. Put it on for me, please.”
You held out the bracelet and your wrist to Azriel and he carefully took both and put it on. It looked perfect against your skin and Azriel couldn’t help but smile that a little part of him was worn by you.
“Beautiful.” He said, kissing the back of your hand.
“It is. You chose well.”
“I honestly didn’t think this would have gone as well at it has. I was starting to think you’d never feel the bond.”
“The feelings mutual, darling.” You chuckled. “Now!”
You started rummaging around the room to find Az’s gift. You looked everywhere until you found it rolled away, tucked in a corner.
You grabbed it and walked over to Azriel. You stood in front of him as you handed it over.
“Happy Solstice.” You smiled.
“Thank you.” He said before opening it gently, savouring the time and effort you put into the wrapping.
As he opened it, you remembered how insignificant it was compared to Elain’s gift.
“Now, I know it’s nothing too extraordinary but I know how sensitive your hands get in the cold so I…”
“You knitted me fingerless gloves?” Az held up the deep blue coloured gloved, the tips of the fingers missing. There was a mitten like part to it that could fold over the fingers should he wish to keep them warm.
“I know it’s not a sapphire, but…”
“It’s not.” He said and you nodded, “It’s better.”
The smile on your face was unmistakable and he wanted to see you smile like that every damn day for the rest of your existence.
“Okay.” You said, trying to believe him.
“No, come here.” He pulled on the back of your waist until you toppled into him and straddled him on his lap. “It’s better. Best gift ever and not just because it came from you. It was so thoughtful. Thank you.”
You leant forwards to kiss his inviting lips.
And not for the last time, that was now for certain.
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Can I request a ff where reader is lewis hamilton's wife. Like they are married and reader is pregnant then lewis made some mistakes that caused them to fight one night. Reader get so angry/sad and it just makes lewis worried so much about her and grovel A LOT. High angst and fluff towards the end would be cute. THANK YOUU
☆ MOTH TO A FLAME — lewis hamilton x pregnant!reader
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tags: jealous!lewis, pregnant!reader, angst, fluff
note: lewis is so the weeknd coded so i’ll name every fics about him as his songs
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
Your birthday party went well. Well, until your ex boyfriend showed up uninvited and Lewis went crazy about it. Apparently he just wanted to say hi, but the night ended with a physical fight.
When you came back home you were so mad you couldn’t look at him in the eyes, nor you could look at his wounded hand or at the cut on his eyebrow.
“Thank you for ruining my birthday.”
“Thank that prick of your ex.”
You threw your purse on the table. “Oh so it was his fault you pushed him first?”
“C’mon Y/N, he was clearly trying to fuck you.”
You turned to him with a disgusted look on your face. “Not even if he was the last man on earth. We were just talking. Can’t I talk to another man now?”
“He was standing way too close for someone who’s aware of your condition. I’m sorry, I saw red.”
Your gaze inevitably shifted down at your own belly. It’s been almost two months since you found out you were pregnant, so it wasn’t quite visible, though you could feel it very well. “And you think getting in the way between you and him couldn’t have hurt the baby?”
The realisation struck Lewis. “Oh my God, are you okay?” He tried to come closer but you stepped back.
“I’m tired of you being jealous of everyone. You’re supposed to trust me, you’re my husband. I…” You sensed tears in your eyes. Damn it, you didn’t want to cry again. “I should feel safe with you but instead I just feel anxious all the time.”
Lewis came close to hug you. “Don’t. Leave me alone.” You fought back, wiping your eyes with your hands, but that just caused him to strengthen the grip on you until you gave up and abandoned you in his arms. There was no point in trying to fight him.
“You’re right, that was stupid, I fucked up your birthday.” He laid a kiss on your forehead, slowly caressing your hair. “I’m gonna take you some water.”
He escorted you on the sofa and brought you a glass of water from the kitchen. He covered you with a blanket and sat next to you. He touched your cheek with his palm while you drank the water and then put it on the table in front of you.
“Better?” He asked.
“Better.” You looked at him. He had that Bambi look in those big brown eyes and trying to resist it was vain.
You suddenly realized his wounds were still hurting. You sighed. “Bring me bandages and something to disinfect that cut.”
“I’m good, I don’t need–“
“Lewis.” You interrupted him firmly.
He stayed silent. He then nodded, stood up and did as you told him. It certainly wasn’t a good time to contradict you.
When he came back on the couch, you began dabbing his face gently with a wad of cotton dipped in the solution. “He was such a dick.”
A corner of his mouth curved in a little agreeing smile. “Indeed he was.”
You carefully put a band-aid on his eyebrow, then proceeded bandaging his hand. He was watching every actions of yours. You understood he was actually sorry for what he did and you couldn’t help but forgive him. His intentions towards you were kind hearted after all.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you. You’re my life. You both are.” His bandaged hand slid down on your belly.
Your hand joined his. “And you’re mine. You know I wouldn’t trade you for anyone else in the world.”
You laid on the couch and he followed you, resting his head on your chest and his body next to yours, careful not to press his weight on your womb.
Your fingers travelled in his soft braided hair. “Besides, there’s nothing about him you should be jealous of. You have everything he doesn’t have.”
“You mean a beautiful wife?”
“I was about to say seven world championships, but I guess a beautiful wife will do as well.”
You both laughed.
He squeezed you more with his arms around your back, turning serious once again. “How are you feeling?” He asked, although he was the injured one.
“Don’t worry, it was nothing.” You stroke his back with your hand. He was so strong, it felt so good having him curled against you like that. You couldn’t imagine anybody else to build a family with.
“I was scared I hurt you. I don’t want to fight. Not only for the baby, I don’t ever want to fight with you.” He kissed your abdomen and buried his face in your neck.
“It’s okay, you could never hurt me.”
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My Big Fat Texas Family - Hangman x Reader
Ok ok ok so here's my #RomComChallenge entry for @sorchathered's Birthday Rom Com Challenge. It was based (loosely) on My Big Fat Greek Wedding, and in my head, the Seresin Family is very similar to the Portokalos Family - they're big, they're loud, they're very traditional. And Jake is bringing his girlfriend (of 6 months) home to meet them, for his sisters wedding. I wasn't too sure where I was going with this at first, but then I found some common themes, and that's when I added the quotes from the movie. It's just a lot of fluff, So...here you go! OH! I also threw in a little head canon of mine, involving a relationship with Hangman and someone from TG '86, let me know if you spot it and the references!
Happy Birthday Sarah! I hope you like it!
“My family is big and loud but they're my family.”
Jake stared at the invitation in his hands. His sister’s wedding was only a month away and he had gotten the text last night that read “Jake, need to know if you’re bringing a plus 1 to the wedding - gotta send in the final numbers”  He hadn’t texted back yet, because he hadn’t yet told you about it, nor had you met his family. His giant, very southern, very traditional family. He ran a hand through his hair, unsure if that was even close to an appropriate place to introduce a girlfriend, albeit that you two had been dating for almost 5 months. You were on your way over, he had dinner in the oven and he was ridiculously nervous. It was now or never.
The doorbell ringing shook him out of his internal debate and he set the invitation on the counter, before making his way to the foyer and letting you in “hey doll” he pecked your lips sweetly “hi, I brought wine” you held up a nice bottle that you’d gotten from someone as a gift and never drank. You followed Jake into the kitchen, while he grabbed the bottle opener you picked two wine glasses from the cabinet and set them on the island, in sight of the wedding invitation. “What’s this? An invite?” You picked it up to read the details, completely missing the slight look of panic across your boyfriend’s face. “Uhh yeah, my sister's wedding is next month, and I’ll be going home for that week…” he nervously rubbed the back of his neck as your big eyes met his, he knew you loved weddings, and parties and getting dolled up but he was nervous to bring you home, not because he didn’t think his family would approve, in fact it was the exact opposite. They would love you, so much so he was a little concerned they would scare you away.
His family could be a little overbearing. There were a lot of them, he was the oldest of 4 and the only boy, his mom had two sisters and a brother, and his dad was one of 6 kids, Not to mention his nan and pops. It was overwhelming on a regular family holiday, factor in a wedding where all of his cousins would be there too? He was sure some of the guys would hit on you, and the girls could just be, well, a lot. “Oh” you tried to hide the slight disappointment in your voice, you’d only been together a short while, surely he had a good reason for not telling you about it until now. It didn’t make it past him though, he saw the flash of disappointment cross your face, and he was over to you in less than a second, taking your hand and cupping your cheek to meet his eyes “I invited you over to ask if you would consider coming with me, but you should be warned. My family is big, and loud, and overbearing and I have a lot of cousins” you cut him off by pressing a kiss to his lips “I would love to come with you, but only if you really want me to” A smile reaches Jake’s lips as he rests his hands on your waist “yes, I definitely do, just don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
You’re luckily able to work remotely on the week of the wedding. You were currently wearing one of Jake’s Top Gun sweatshirts and curled up with your head on his shoulder as he quizzed you on his family tree. “Tommy, Samantha and Peter are whose kids?” You closed your eyes, racking your brain through what you already knew “Your uncle Ron’s kids, uncle Ron is your mom’s brother” Jake nodded proudly “yes, exactly” Your eyes fell closed for a brief moment as the altitude lowered and you prepared for landing. “Jake, you don’t have to quiz me, I’ll be fine.” Jake pressed a kiss to the top of your head “I know, and I’m glad you’re with me, I think I’m more nervous than anything…'' Before he could finish his thought, the pilot came on the system, announcing to prepare for landing. You shifted back to your own seat and buckled your belt. Peeking out your window, you saw the ground approaching rapidly - no turning back now. 
Jake grabbed your bags as soon as he spotted them on the carousel and held your hand leading you out of the baggage claim section “so, I think my dad is picking us up” you nodded, wishing you could have at least changed out of his sweatshirt to meet any member of his family “ok I guess, they do have uber in Texas don’t they?” He simply chuckled, as he led you out to the arrival section. “Jake!” “There they are!” “Oh they look so cute together!” were the first things you heard, as you saw a group of what was certainly Seresin family members waiting for you. An older man who was no doubt Jake’s dad, was smiling the same eye crinkling smile you’ve seen many times on your boyfriend’s face, an older woman, sporting a beaming grin, blonde hair and the same blueish green eyes that you looked into on an almost daily basis, alongside two younger women, whom you assumed were Jake’s sisters. Now you really wish you had the opportunity and foresight to change into something nicer before leaving the plane. 
“Momma” Jake hugged the older woman first, and then his dad, who patted him on the back, followed by his sisters, then he turned to you. “sweetheart, these are my parents, Annie and John, my younger sister, Callie, and my youngest sister Lisa.” You smiled shyly and held out your hand to his mom “Mrs Seresin, it’s so nice to finally meet you” Annie laughed and opened her arms to pull you into a hug “I’m a hugger, dear, and Mrs Seresin is my mother in law. Please call me Annie or momma, whatever works.” You blushed and nodded, and then were enveloped into a hug by his sister “it’s about time he brought you home! Everyone is waiting at home, they’re so excited to meet you.” Jake’s eyes widened “everyone?” Callie laughed as she linked her arm through yours “of course big brother, what else did you expect?” 
“There are three things that every (Greek) woman must do in life: marry (Greek) boys, make (Greek) babies, and feed everyone.”
The ride to Jake’s family ranch was filled with the family discussing wedding plans. As you sat in the back quietly taking everything in, Jake seemed to be quite tense beside you. You slipped your hand in his “what’s wrong?” You whispered, he turned to look at you “my whole family is at the ranch, I just…. I’m worried, it’s going to be a lot.” You smiled softly, giving his hand a gentle squeeze “I’ll be fine.” 
As the truck pulled into the ranch, you almost gasped in shock at how many other vehicles were there. Some of the family was outside on the porch, and some kids in the backyard playing games. As John pulled the truck to a stop and you got out, you heard someone from inside the house yell “they’re here!” Jake shot you an apologetic smile, while giving your hand a squeeze “I’ll be right there the whole time.” He exited the truck and jogged around to open the door for you, taking your hand and helping you step down, just as what seemed to be a flood of people approached. Jake was enveloped in hugs and kisses from his other sister, Julia, and his various aunts, while his mom stood next to you making introductions. There were so many names and you were swept into hugs and kisses by all the ladies, that is, until a voice rang out from somewhere at the back of the crowd. “Where is my handsome grandson!?” The crowd of family seemingly parted, making way for an elderly lady with gray hair and big glasses, wearing a flowery dress with an apron overtop. She moved through the crowd towards you and Jake, stopping just in front of the two of you, a big beaming smile on her face “Jacob!” She pulled him into a big hug, and pat his back “Hi Nana” She cupped his face and pinched his cheeks “you need to eat more, now, where is this girlfriend I’ve heard you brought to meet us?” Your eyes widened and you stood up a little straighter, a pink blush rising to your cheeks, as all the sets of eyes turned to you, and Jake stepped aside to reveal you to his grandmother. She approached you slowly, taking in your appearance and leaned her head to one side “oh she’s darling, Jacob” She reaches for your hand, linking it around her arm and patting the top of it “come on inside dear, I want to hear all about you”. She led you through the throng of family members, Jake following closely behind with the bags, but not before getting a knowing look from his mother.
“You better get married soon. You're starting to look... old!”
The week with Jake’s family went by in a blur. It was full of family dinners and wedding planning. While the boys went to watch football, you volunteered to assist tying bows on favors, and while this was happening, Jake’s mom, aunts and sisters, bombarded you with questions getting to know you. You answered each one in kind, all the while Jake’s grandmother sat silently at the end of the table, a small smile ever present on her face. Before you knew it, it was the day of the wedding. Annie had roped you into getting your hair done with all the girls at the salon, so when Jake kissed you bright and early in the morning to say goodbye while he went to get ready with the boys, you got up as well. Pulling on a pair of shorts and a button up shirt - so as not to ruin your hair when it was done - you made your way down to the kitchen. As you came down the stairs, you heard the hustle and bustle of voices and excitement. You hesitantly opened the door and everyone froze, then cheered and someone handed you a mimosa, you would think that you were the bride if you didn’t know any better. Once everyone had finished their coffees and mimosas, all the women loaded up into multiple vehicles and headed for the hair salon. 
“So Jake, when are you gonna ask that girl to marry you and have all this hullabaloo for yourself?” his cousin Peter asked, as he held up a beer to his lips. Jake shook his head but smiled softly to himself as he worked on folding pocket squares for the boys, but avoiding an answer. His uncle Ron, chuckled “You better make a decision or come up with an answer when your grandma asks you the same thing boy, it’s about time you settle down and have a few kids too.” Jake just shook his head “it’s not all about that, but we’ve only been together for barely 6 months.” Uncle Ron patted his back a little harder than necessary “you’re a smart man, and a good pilot, you know when to take the shot.” shooting Jake a wink, before leaving the room to the younger boys.
"Are you kidding? Any second now he's gonna look at me and go, 'Ha. Yeah, right, you're so not worth this.'" "Yes, you are."
You felt gorgeous, your hair was done perfectly to your inspiration photo and your dress fit like a glove. But somehow, the butterflies were still wreaking havoc in your stomach and you hoped that the nerves would dissipate with time. You made your way downstairs to the living room, where the rest of the aunts, uncles and cousins were waiting for Julia to come down. You helped yourself to a glass of the punch, and nearly choked when you realized how much alcohol had been put into it, but you drank it anyway, hoping to keep the nerves at bay. 
When it was time for the ceremony, you sat with the bride’s side, with aunts and cousins that you’d only just met, and while they welcomed you with open arms, You felt ridiculously out of place. Your family was tiny in comparison, both your parents being only children, and all the traditions you’d been witnessing this past week, you didn’t have any of them as far as you knew. If you did marry Jake, even though you’d only been dating a short time, you knew it would be just this big, if not bigger with him being the eldest boy. You let your mind wander to what it would be like, so much so that you almost missed the doors opening and ceremony beginning. 
"Why?... Why do you love me?" "Because I came alive when I met you"
Jake held your hand as you sat at the table at the reception. By now the couple had been pronounced, dinner had been eaten, and cake had been cut. The party was about to really begin but he could tell you still seemed anxious. “Darlin’ do you want to tell me what’s wrong?” You looked at him with wide eyes “Nothing! Everything has been so beautiful, and I’m so full.” He raised an eyebrow that told you he wasn’t buying a word and you sighed, turning your attention to your now very interesting napkin, “I just got to thinking about what it would be like if we were to get married…” if he was surprised (he wasn’t) he didn’t show it. Before he was able to respond, all three of his sisters came over to you and grabbed your hands, one handing you a drink while simultaneously pulling you to the dance floor. They taught you the basics of a line dance, and Jake sat there with a whisky in his hands, watching his family including you like one of their own. That was when he was sure he was going to marry you, and soon. 
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Sebastian Sallow x f!Reader
WARNING: 18+ smut, dark!sebastian,
NOTE: Anon request for "Seb + lust potion". Everyone is aged up! Tbh I don't know how I feel about how this turned out
Sebastian wasn't innocent at the beginning or end this quest. He had taken an interest in the dark arts since his 4th or 5th year at Hogwarts. He was driven by his parents ceaseless curiosity while they were alive and later in life by trying to cure Anne. After everything happened with his uncle and everyone involved chose to spare him the justice of the wizarding world, he toned it down.
That didn't mean he let go of it entirely. He continued to explore things that could be considered "dark arts" but things that could be used day-to-day or at least when it was convenient. Currently, he was in his home at Feldcroft, alone without Anne or Solomon to be his keepers.
He drank a bit too much Dragon Barrel brandy, especially for someone trying to accomplish what he was. He wanted to modify a draught of Amortentia in a way that made it more than some temporary infatuation, but a way that made someone painfully lustful. And the someone he wanted to give it to was you.
You were the only person who was really in his corner anymore, but he hadn't been able to think straight since he'd officially lost everyone else. He hadn't been able to settle with all of the guilt and fear that any day one of you would just turn him in. So, he had taken to drinking and being a degenerate no matter how much you tried to save him.
If you knew his secrets, maybe you would finally turn your back on him for good, but for now, you couldn't help that you loved him all these years.
Sebastian's problem was now that in the midst of his drinking and scheming, he took the Amortentia himself as opposed to having more of his brandy. He passed out shortly afterward, at least making it to his couch. Which is where you found him in the morning.
You had come as you did every morning to make sure he at least ate one meal without booze. You came over sleepy and with just a knitted shawl to cover your night dress. It wasn't as if Sebastian was ever aware enough to notice you anymore, not like the hungry glances you used to see from him. And it was always dark when you wandered over from your stay, getting ready for the rest of your day in Sebastian's home.
When you came in the first thing you noticed was that he hadn't even made it to bed last night. It made you let out a sad sigh. You weren't cleaning up the mess of potion bottles he left out for god knows what, he could deal with that on his own, but you at least planned to wake him up.
"Sebastian..." your voice was soft as you shook his shoulders, unable to be anything but tender with him despite everything.
He heard you and groaned. He expected his skull to be throbbing from last night, but he felt really confused when the blood rushed to a different head. His eyes shot open and he startled the both of you, making you stumble to a seat right next to his knees.
"Sebastian?! What the hell did you drink last night?" He figured that out about as soon as his eyelids felt heavy looking at you. He could see the outline of your breasts, your hips, your curves; he could see everything through your thin gown and felt like he was going to explode. Did you always come over here like this? Is he that stupid to not have taken you yet?
His thoughts wandered all over the place as you placed a hand on his chest in worry. "Sebastian? Are you in there? What's wrong?" You hadn't seen him look this sober in a year or two honestly.
He squeezed his eyes shut tight, running a hand threw his hair before he propped himself up, face just inches from yours.
"I-yeah, I just had some really strange dreams. I don't know what happened last night."
You crossed your arms, ignoring the lure of his rough morning voice before scolding him, "Well, I'm not cleaning up whatever all this is. I'm not your maid."
His maid? Is that really how you felt? You stood up, shuffling over to his kitchen to get hot water started. His jaw nearly fell to the floor as he saw your entire silhouette through your gown; with the way, the sun was shining it was like you were delivered to him on a silver platter.
He couldn't think straight. He was thinking about how constricting his pants felt, how hot his skin was, how much he wanted to practically eat you alive.
He stood up to stretch before he followed after you like a puppy. He peeled his old shirt over his head without a care. He felt like he was going to melt with it sticking to him.
When you turned around to meet him you had to work hard to contain your expression. You were looking right into his chest with how tall he'd gotten. All you could see were fleshy arms and chest just absolutely covered in freckles.
"Wait," you looked up at him, unable to contain your surprise as he spoke, "I know you're not my maid. I know how much you take care of me here," he used his fingers to swipe some loose hairs from around your face, "let me be your maid today."
You couldn't contain your laughter at how goofy he sounded. It made him a little bit angry, he just wanted to say whatever would get you to let him ruin your soft skin and he couldn't even manage that right anymore.
"Sebastian, I don't know what's going on today, but just go do whatever you do."
You waved him off, attempting to turn back towards the kitchen when he grabbed your wrist tightly, "I can run your bath for you?"
He dropped to his knees in front of you, looking up at you through his lashes as he brought your hand to his cheek.
"Please. I know I've been a burden, I've been - I've been bad, but I want to help. I want to do better by you."
You eye him strangely, unsure of what is going on. You've seen his charades and empty promises before and this definitely sounded like that. If you didn't know better you would almost think he was trying to seduce you in some weird way, but that would be a first.
"Seb. I love you dearly, but I don't know what you're doing and you know I don't trust you."
He groaned, dropping your hand, leaning his head against your legs. He was completely unable to resist running his hands along the back of your calves.
"Okay, you know how I go to Penny's Pub."
"Yes, Sebastian, unfortunately I do."
He started speaking again, standing up slowly as he did and caressing your curves the whole way up, he decided to play the helpless card, "I'm embarrassed," he intentionally avoided your gaze, " some woman I never met bought me a drink and I didn't feel so good so I came back here."
He was really trying to playing it up as he ran his fingertips up and down the back of your neck, "But I, I think she slipped me a lust potion. It's some gross modification of Amortentia."
He avoided your gaze, the redness in his cheeks in ears made it seem like he wasn't lying through his teeth.
"O-okay and what am I supposed to do?" The rise and fall of your chest came quicker, "You got yourself into this mess, it's nothing to do with me."
You did your best to brush him off, not wanting to give in to whatever game this was. Even if it was true, it didn't mean you owed him anything. He wasn't the Sebastian you used to know.
You attempted once more to turn away from him, but his grip along your jaw tightened. "I need you," he spoke aggressively before his lips met yours in a crushing kiss.
You placed your hands on his chest in attempt to push him back, but he responded by pinning you to the counter, tilting his head so he could speak low into your ear, "I know you need this too," his hand drifted to your skirts, dipping beneath to trace the skin of your thigh, "you can fight me, but I know I'll find you dripping underneath of here. I need the tight little pussy I've never been strong enough to take."
You could feel him drifting closer to the wetness you were ashamed of, you squirmed, but it made no difference. You could feel how stiff he was against you, how his hot commanding breath felt on your neck. "I can't hold back anymore," he whimpered, almost sounding sorry and pathetic for what he was about to do. His fingers passed through your slick folds, smearing it around to press a lubricated thumb to your clit.
"Sebastian..." You gave yourself to how good it felt, hands turned to fists as you clenched onto his pecs.
"I've been so stupid. Could've had you drooling on my cock like this the whole time." You let out a sharp moan of disappointment as he took is hand away before hoisting you onto the counter top.
He looked at you sinfully, your flushed demeanor of want and fear, your rumpled clothes splayed out over your legs you didn't even know you were spreading. He couldn't contain himself as he growled low in his throat, taking the collar of your gown and tearing through the buttons. He yanked harder still until the skirt tore straight in half.
There you were, naked, swollen, soaking, torn between the "no" you know you should give him and the fact that you can't seem to open your mouth open.
"You're so fucking perfect," for a few moments he couldn't bring himself to do anything besides stare and drink you in, "I'm going to leave bruises here," he palmed the skin of your hip, over the curve of your belly, continuing upwards, "and here. Maybe bite marks, maybe I'll leave my seed here to stain you," he flicked his fingers across your nipple, massaging the warm flesh.
He took the step forward to be directly between your legs, pinning your wrists to the counter top. He looked right into your eyes, "I might tie these up to mark them up too. So everybody can see what you let me do."
He knelt in front of you, his blown pupils never looking away from yours as he grabs you by the thighs and pulls you into his mouth. His lips cover your mound, tongue tracing your folds before flicking across your clit.
Your mewls and moans drive him to keep going and work harder, sucking on the sensitive nub and digging his fingers into your thighs. He looked beautiful between your legs, a mess of auburn hair with freckled fingers holding you hostage to his assault.
"Sebastian, Sebastian, I -" Your legs clenched and he gripped you hard to keep you from closing them, he knows your close. He's nearly done in for himself with your taste and scent, he felt like you could be his last meal and he would die a happy man.
When he feels the final tension from your legs he completely releases you, standing up and holding you by the hips. You nearly have tears in your eyes from how close you were when he denied you of it. You could see his damp mouth and chin just inches from your face.
You flinch when he swipes a finger through your folds before bringing it up to your lips. You feel embarrassed to smell and see your arousal. He uses his clean hand to drag your chin down and force your mouth open, "Taste how dirty you are, Y/N. You've been so needy for me this whole time."
You can feel the tears of frustration about to come out as you let him pop his finger into your mouth, forcing you to clean it all off.
"I bet it hurts to be so pent up, so close, but not able to get what you want," a wet slap echoes through the room as you bite your lip to hold back your pleas, "that's how you've made me feel this whole time. Trouncing around in a harlot's clothes, waiting for someone to stop being a gentleman," he chuckled darkly, "but I bet you didn't expect it would be me who would torture you."
You can't find any words as you see the look of nothing but lust on his face, he has no compassion for you right now, he's thinking only of doing all the things he's wanted for so long.
You find yourself slightly surprised as he lifts you up to carry you into his bedroom where he tosses your bare form onto the bed. You feel like prey with how he looks down at your form.
Yet you can't find it in you to look away as he pulls his belt from his trousers first, then unfastens the button to allow the to hit the floor, taking his undergarments with them.
He's bigger than you anticipated. His cock is swollen looking as if it's about to burst at any moment as he crawls between your legs to pin you down. You yelp as he pulls you by you hips to meet his cock, grinding against you while he covers your lips with his.
The kisses are sloppy as his tongue traces patterns on your lips before you let him in, he pulls at your lips with his teeth leaving bitten flesh before you finally let him inside. They're suffocating and intoxicating all at the same time, every sensation feels like it's magnified at this point.
You wrap your arms helplessly around him, feeling his pulse through his biceps and the tensed muscles along his back. He moves down to your breasts leaving a trail of bites while you rut against each other for relief.
He pulls back to take in the full site of you before positioning himself at your entrance. He wants to see you fall apart when you have the full force of him inside of you. Without any time to react he thrusts himself into you, the room filling with the sounds of moans and wet skin.
All he cared about was how you practically swallowed his cock. You were wet and needy and he felt like he could have cum on the spot, but he wanted to hold back. He wanted to make you sore, to show everyone what he had done to you.
He fucked you relentlessly with one hand braced on your hip and another he moved down to play with you once more. He needed you to like it whether you wanted to or not. He needed to know he made you finish with the full force of his cock and his fingers.
You could see how flushed he was in the face and chest, clearly holding back. You couldn't deny how attractive he was as he pounded in and out of you. As you noticed all the freckles on his body in place you had never imagined they'd be; the way his hands looked pressing into your skin almost painfully.
The way he looked down at you with hooded eyes, intent on leaving you destroyed as he fucked you and fought to give you the orgasm he so abruptly took from you earlier.
You felt it building in your stomach and pulled Sebastian down on top of you, feeling greedy to want to feel his weight all over you when you came crashing down. You felt it through your stomach like electricity as you squeezed your legs around him crying out nonsense from the pleasure.
When he realized you were there he picked up his pace, allowing himself the permission to release right inside of you. He grunted and you could feel him so deep inside that you thought you were going to fall apart. He had wanted to shoot his ropes of cum all over you and see you as his crumpled-up little mess, but he didn't have the strength to do it.
He collapsed against you and you both breathed heavily together. He didn't know if the potion made these things any more intense, but he felt like he could see stars from how hard he had just finished. He clutched at you a little more gently than before, nuzzling into your neck.
"Y/N..." your name fell off of his lips in a deep sigh. The smallest bit of guilt settled in with him now that he was 100% not under the influence of anything else.
You let yourself play with his hair softly as he spoke up, "I need to tell you something."
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absolutewhore101 · 1 year
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A/N: my first CM fic! obviously had to make it about my favorite boy <3. based on Gorgeous by Miss Swift herself.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x f!Reader
Summary: Spencer's just so... gorgeous
Warnings: alcohol consumption, taylor swift references
Word Count: 1.0K
Minors DNI
Another day, another case finished. 
The last case had weighed heavily on all of you - children being involved didn’t make it easy for anyone.
The flight back to Virginia was silent, everyone trying to process the events that had transpired over the last week. It was Emily who finally broke the silence.
“I don’t know about you guys, but I need a stiff drink after that case. Anyone willing to join me?”
Derek was the first to agree, followed quickly by Penelope who (unfortunately for her) had to join the rest of you in the field, and soon enough, everyone was buzzing at the thought of getting drunk enough to forget everything. 
You turned to Spencer who was sitting next to you, asking him quietly if he could give you a ride home later. Spencer never drank all that much when going out with the team, so he’d become your personal designated driver, and he was thrilled about it. 
“Of course.” He responded, just barely above a whisper. “Gotta make sure you get home safe, can’t be down our most valuable team member.” He threw the last part in to offset the true intention of his words - that he would do anything to keep you safe, not because you were on the team, but because you were you. 
Your mind started reeling with the thought of being alone with Spencer, just like it did every single time. You smiled at him before returning to your book. 
“Woah!” Spencer said, watching you throw back another drink. “I know you’re not driving, but maybe you should slow down a little.”
“Oh, Spence,” you started, “I just love how smart you are.” You slurred as you fell into him. “My name’s Doctor Spencer Reid and I can tell you anything about everything.” You mimicked.
Spencer smiled, too flattered to find it offensive. 
“Did you know it only takes 6 minutes for your brain to start reacting to alcohol?” He asked you.
He watched as you thought about it, before ultimately declaring, “I don’t believe you.”
He laughed, “you don’t believe me?”
“Nope,” you said, pushing away from him, “not a single word.” Spencer smiled, watching as you stumbled over to the girls. He could tell from the look on your face and the reactions from your audience that you were making fun of his fun fact. Still, he couldn’t find it in himself to be upset about it. 
The rest of the night went by in a blur, for the most part. The only thing you really remembered was Spencer putting you to bed and promising to wake you up when breakfast was ready. 
True to his word, you emerged from your bedroom to the smell of pancakes and bacon, and it almost cured the headache you couldn’t ignore. 
“There’s some aspirin on the counter with some water,” he gestured, “I figured you’d probably need it.” 
You smiled at him and walked over to where he pointed, your eyes never once leaving his frame. He was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt that hung off his lanky frame. His hair was all sorts of messy, and he had to keep pushing it back off of his forehead.
You couldn’t help yourself as you gravitated towards him, all but leaning into him as you stood in front of the stove. 
“You okay?” He asked. “Do you want to go back to bed? You look like you're about to take me down.”
You laughed at his comment. 
Maybe he should think about the consequence of his magnetic field being just a little too strong.
“I’m okay.” You responded, playfully cheering as he flipped a pancake. Breakfast was had in silence, and eventually the two of you were making your way over to Rossi’s for “team bonding,” as Penelope had called it. 
As soon as you walked through the door you were being swept away by the girls, following them outside to the patio.
“Did he spend the night?” Emily asked. 
“What happened?!” JJ all but yelled. 
“Ladies, she was drunk. So if Dr. Reid tried anything…” Penelope threatened. 
“Don’t worry, Pen, nothing happened. He put me to bed and then made me breakfast, that’s it.”
Emily and JJ looked at each other as Penelope started to giggle. 
“Did you talk to him?” JJ asked. 
You gave her a confused look. 
“He was in my apartment, of course I talked to him.”
Emily hummed. “Did you have an actual conversation or did you say about 2 whole words?”
You glanced down as you started fidgeting with your hands. 
“2 whole words.” You mumbled, causing the three of them to break into a fit of laughter. 
“Stop!” You playfully yelled at them. “How am I supposed to say anything to his face? I mean, have you SEEN his face?!”
Spencer, who had inadvertently listened to the whole conversation, immediately flushed a deep red, much to Morgan’s amusement. 
“I told you she liked you, wonder boy.” He teased, ruffling Spencer’s hair as he walked away. 
“God, I never would’ve guessed that your type was nerds.” Emily commented.
“Don’t say it like it’s a bad thing!” You retorted.
“I mean, the way you were mimicking him last night made it seem like you thought he was pretty… lame.”
“What? No! I think he’s so cool! It actually makes me hate him… just a little bit.”
The girls laughed, but the conversation quickly ended as the boys started to make their way outside. Spencer quickly found a seat next to you, sitting close enough that you could feel his body heat seeping through your shirt. 
Oh. My. God.
“Now, what were you girls up to out here?” Rossi asked. He didn’t get an answer, only a chorus of giggles from the four of you. 
Spencer hadn’t been home for an hour when his doorbell rang. He made his way over, hoping to open it to find you standing on the other side, but he only found a vase of flowers on his doorstep. 
Confused, he picked them up and brought them inside, trying to find the note card. 
“Carnations,” he mumbled, setting the vase on his counter. 
Did you know that carnations symbolize love and fascination? Of course you did… Anyways, Spence, I just wanted to let you know that you’re ruining my life-
“Wait, what?” He panicked.
-by not being mine. Movies this weekend? -Your One and Only
P.S. you should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk.
Tell me your thoughts! Thank you for reading :)
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delusionalgojoslut · 3 months
*this is one of my first writings and the shortest still trying to build the courage to post the rest but i would love any constructive criticism*
Going out with your friends has an unexpected consequence?
(Gojoxfem reader implied consent if you squint cnc play, drugs, spit PV, non con/dub con etc) *not proofread* *pretend you saw the conversation where they agreed to cnc im into bdsm kinks and dark kinks*
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Satoru hated when you went out with your friends every other weekend was girls' night out, and every other weekend, you drank too much and came home with your friends, and their annoying laughter aggravated him to no end. He glanced at the clock, expecting you to come home in a few hours. But to his surprise, he received a text from your best friend, aki
* Hey..gojo, i think you should come pick up Y/N shes acting really weird i think someone slipped something in the drink they gave her*
Satorus heart dropped, but his anger flaired up. "Why the hell would she accept a drink from someone?" he grumbled to himself quickly, getting into his car. He clicked the little dot on his phone that showed your location and headed there. He hands ready to rip apart whoever slipped you something.
You were having the time of your life when slowly you started to feel off. everything was colorful, and you were laughing and falling all over your bestie aki.
"Y/n, you only had like two drinks. How are you this wasted?"aki whined, whipping out her phone, texting someone simultaneously helping you sit down
"Awlll sssome body is being a party pooper," you giggled, rolling your eyes as you felt your body start to feel limp on the couch
The music was blaring, but it seemed so quiet all of sudden. You felt relaxed and sleepy.
Then you saw satoru bounding up the stairs to your vip section, his soft white hair bouncing with every long stride he took up the steps
"Baby!" You exclaimed excitedly, raising your hands that quickly dropped "oops i guess my arms got fat, " you laughed, falling to the side on the couch
Satoru rolled his eyes, turning towards aki. "Who the fuck sent her a drink?" His voice was harsh. Your friends really annoyed him he looked over your friends one by one as they shrugged, clearly scared of his reaction and the way he looked at them.
"Dont you have some famous eye thing you find the guy!" Aki slurred her wirds as she spoke to satoru
"That's not how it works, you dumbass," Satoru said, annoyed
Aki just threw her hands up saying "at least i called you."
Satoru glared at her, turning to scan the crowd for anyone looking your way or acting suspicious. He clenched his teeth, realizing that everyone there looked sleezy to him, and he couldn't kill them all.
"Fucking useless friends" he hissed turning back around to picking you up in his arms
"Weeeeee!" You cheered as he carried you "why are you taking me away" you pout looking up at his face. His lips pressed in a hard line as he clenched his teeth
"Your drunk. And i told you a million times not to accept anything from anyone" he said flatly
You wanted to speak but you slowly were drifting off to sleep the drug finally taking full effect. The cool air was the last thing you felt before your eyes closed
Satoru looked down at you as he stood outside the lounge
"Geez baby" he said laying you down in the backseat he checked for your pulse your heart was beating and you were breathing so he decided to just take you home to sleep it off.
When he made it back to the house he gently picked you up put of the back seat and sat you up on the bed trying to wake you up
"Baby girl open your eyes for me" He said shaking your shoulders you just mumble something incoherently and raised your arm quickly dropping it again. he let your shoulders go and you fell back on the bed spraled out with your right knee slightly bent
Satoru looked down over you rubbing his temples
"What am i going to do with you" he said brushing some of the hair from your face.
God you were beautiful to him his eyes trailing down your body your to your cute little skirt with the leather garter on your thigh of course someone wanted you. With curves all in the right place and your plush lips.
Satoru found himself becoming aroused seeing you all helpless. He pulled your crop top down exposing your breast he squeezed them softly rubbing your nipples with his index fingers , "look at you" he said softly licking his lips before he brought his lips to your nipples suckling them and running his tounge over them one by one.
A soft little moan escaped your lips making the bugle in his sweatpants grow bigger and twitch "fuck" he said grabbing himself "baby girl?" He said turning your face towards him.
When you gave no response he squeezed your cheeks a little parting your lips for him. he kissed your lips forcing his tounge into your mouth he squeezed your cheeks harder to open your mouth a little more sucking in your tounge into his mouth a string of spit fell to your chin when he pulled away
"god this is sexy..you all helpless and shit" "so much better than when we play cnc" he breathed against your lips letting your face go, your head falling to the side
He climbed on the bed kissing your neck down to your breast sucking in your nipples again his hand found its way down your side lifting your skirt up and sliding his fingers between your legs rubbing against the silky pink panties you hand on he could feel your wetness through your panties
"Fuck.. so wet f'me even when you're passed out?" He grinned pulling your panties to the side he slipped his fingers between your folds lighly brushing across your clit and then bringing his fingers into his mouth tasteing your juices.
"Im going to record this and make you watch it while i fuck you later" He pulled out his phone propping it up on out dresser before he climbed back onto the bed down pulling your panties off quickly putting his mouth over you wet cunt "mmmhmm" He hummed slipping his tounge between your sticky folds sucking on your clit he slipped one finger into you and felt your pussy clentch on his fingers "oh baby you like this" His voice trembled he felt like he was about to lose his mind with how bad he wanted to ravage you.
Pushing another one of his long slender fingers into you again you clenched down on his fingers only this time he heard you moan it almost made him nut in his pants right then. he kissed up your stomach grabbing your face again and licking the drool that started to spill from your mouth before he kissing you Swallowing every little one of your choked whimpers as he worked his fingers in and out of you. Pressing his thumb against your swollen clit
Your body starts to twitch and your moaning came out more you were about to cum he pulled his fingers out and stuck them in your mouth before bringing his mouth back to your lips lapping up all your drool mixed with your sweet juices
"Damn...Not yet baby i want you to cum in my mouth" he said taking a pillow to put under your head
He adjusted your limp small frame putting your hands by your sides and pushing your legs apart kissing the insides of your thighs, he pulled his sweats down freeing his aching cock thumbing off the precum and pressing it against your clit and he pumped his cock rubbing your circles on your clit.
"Fuck your so wet" he said rubbing your clit a little harder before putting his head between your legs and licking your wet slit spitting on it and watching it slide down slowly licking it up again.
"fuck" his mind was clouded he wanted to cum in you on you all over you he was about to lose his mind humping the bed and moving his head back and forth as he ate you out. Stuck in a trance with the state of you and the way you tasted he let out a growl before latching on your throbbing clit
"eese" you wimper in your slumber and your body started to twich again satoru watched your face the only thing moving was your eyebrows which were furrowed "You saying please? Huh? Ok, pretty ..cum for me baby thats what you want i know" he spoke against your hot sex latching onto your clit again swirling circles around it determined to make you cum whike you were knocked out.
Little huffs left your mouth and satoru flicked at your clit with his tounge and worked his fingers in and out if you before he heard a little gasp and felt a gush of wetness on his waiting tounge. Your were cumming and your body still lay limp except for the little twitches it had from feeling his mouth on you as he egarly sucked up all of your juices bringing his head up he saw that your breathing was heavier and he smiled, loving that you could still cum in the state you were in.
"Good girl" he placed a kiss on your lips before lifting one of your legs over his shoulder and pushing the other further apart taking his cock and rubbing it over your wet slit he couldnt stand it anymore he needed to be in you. he pushed his way in your velvet walls groaning from how tight and wet you were "fu-fuck baby" "you feel so fucking good" he rolled his hips snapping it into you with one hard thrust he bottomed out squeezing the fat on your thigh he pushed your leg back making your knee touch the bed giving him better acess and fucking you deeper he made his thrust slow and methodical watching as his cock appeared just to disappear back into you leaving the hairs above the base of his cock wet
Slowly you opened your eyes a little confused about why you couldnt move your arms and why you felt so full and sensitive. You couldnt move your lips properly but you tried to speak "sato?" You groaned feeling him fuck into you.
Satoru looked at you his crystal blue eyes dancing with delight "shh baby its okay" he said slowing his pace
"You didnt listen...shit..."" you took a drink from someone didnt you?"
You looked at him through your eye lashes trying to nod your head but made no progress it was like you were in a paralyzing dream but you were awake and it didnt click that you were drugged you could barely focus on his words with how deep he was fucking you
"i know baby.. i should be mad" he thrust his hips harshly again making you let out another moan "but it worked out for me because now i can fuck my pretty pussy without you trying to get away" he smirked sighing as he felt your velvet walls grip onto him everytime he pulled back "god this pussy is so greedy" he licked his lips
He kept one of his hands on your thigh keeping your leg pinned to the bed still fucking you slowly "you already came once baby do you remember?" He looked down at you your eyes were open but low and your lips were slightly parted while you still had some drool spilling out the side of your mouth
"Fuck" he groaned "...dont look at me like that youll make me cum before im ready" he abruptly grabbed both of your legs lifting them over his shoulder and pulling your hips down as he gave you another hard thrust making your eyes roll back "shit...i should really ... really fucking thank the guy" he said with a hint of gratitude in his voice
You try to speak but only little whines left your throat. You could feel yourself about to cum again your breathing picked up and satoru took both of your legs folding you in half into a mating press putting both hands around your neck using your neck for leverage "huh" you grunt as your airflow was cut off you wanted to squirm away put your hands on his chest so he wasnt so deep but you couldn't move you took everything he had to give your eyes rolling in the back of your head when you felt the coil in your belly snap and a flood of dopamine filled your mind and body your pussy throbbing around satoru as you creamed on his cock
"Fu-fuck ahh" satoru groaned as he pushed into you harder, you were cuming so hard so much you walls threatened to force him out "oh no baby..fucking take it" he grunted squeezing your neck tighter "imagine if it wasnt me fucking you like this..someone else couldve had...had this pussy" "shit..this pussy is mine" he said Shutting his eyes he opened them looking down at you with your lipstick smeared all over your face and his hand around your throat. Tears filling your eyes as he pounded into you and that look you gave him.. the helpless damsel in distress forced to take all his cock sent him over the edge and he couldnt hold it back anymore
"ahhhh fuck" his body shook as he filled you with his thick ropes of cum he gave you more thrust emptying every drop he had into you his heavy body collapsed ontop of yours. He let go of your neck and you gasped for air you legs falling open as he laid between them kissing on your neck
"Fuck baby that was hot" he kissed your lips and you blinked more. slowly regaining some more consciousness
"I bet that did wake you up" he chuckled he reluctantly pulled out of you and flipped you over on your stomach
"Sato?" You try to call for him still unable to move your lips to form his name
"Dont worry baby..im gonna take care of you" Satoru said turning your head to face him "now that your up you can watch a movie" he smirked kissing your lips
He sat his phone right in your line of eyesight and pressed play taking your arms and pinning them at the small of your back "good girl now watch me fuck you while i fuck you again for not following simple rules" a loud smack against your ass caused you to wimper "im starting to like you better when you're drugged."
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maybege · 4 months
Drunken Words Are Sober Thoughts - FBI 11
Summary: The birthday celebration continues but the morning after does not look as fun.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x fem!Reader
Wordcount: 2.7k | Rating: E (18+ only!)
Warnings: alcohol consumption, hopeless yearning, Josh is annoying af and so are “your” parents
I am not dead and neither is my Hotch obsession, so I am slowly (very slowly!!!) trying to get back into this fic. Let me know what you think, your comments these past months were always an absolute joy to read 🥺
masterlist | crossposted on AO3
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You did not know how many cocktails you already had thrown back, each one more colourful than the last.
What had started with a Kiwi Splash had turned into a Sex On The Beach and something else that Emily had pushed into your hand with a grin and a wink. It was hot pink and tasted like sour candy on your tongue. Delicious.
The night went on, the music got louder and you did not know a lot of people in this karaoke bar that the group had chosen but with Penelope and JJ on the dancefloor, you were certainly in good company.
Someone was blaring an offkey rendition of Britney Spears’ Toxic but you could not care less. Your dress was twirling around you, you screamed along with your friends and the rest of the bar for a moment you finally felt like you had found your people. Like you had settled in this strange city away from home with a group of colleagues with whom you had always wanted to fit in.
And how could you not feel welcomed when Penelope threw her arms around your neck and professed her undying love to your dangly earrings?
“Let the birthday girl breathe, Pep,” JJ joked, rocking her hips to the beginning tunes of Get Busy.
“I just think you are beautiful, darling!” Penelope shouted over the music, “Inside and out and you are so lovely and nice and you deserve the best things and I hate to think that you think you don’t deserve the good things this life has to offer you.”
Trying to hide how close her words hit home, you swallowed back the heavy feeling in your chest.
“All right, Garcia,” Emily interjected, taking your blonde friend into her arms, “I think that is enough drinks for tonight. How about we go looking for your hunk somewhere, huh?”
You grinned, pressing a wet kiss to Penelope’s cheek before making your way back to the table the rest of the group was occupying. While drinking all night may be a fun distraction from your usually so boring life, you knew yourself enough to know you needed to drink lots of water if you wanted to function tomorrow.
Though “function” might be too big a word.
The glass of cool tap water – condensation pearling off at the sides – was calling your name and you fought your way through the crowd. It had not seemed this packed with people when you were dancing with your friends but the moment you tried to get to a specific place, your way was blocked by dozens of people just as (if not more) drunk than you.
You were about to squeeze your way between two people (the last hurdle to your table) when they suddenly stepped away from each other. You almost toppled over, squeaking in surprise when your heel got caught in a gap in the creaky floorboards.
It would have made for a nasty fall if it had not been for two strong arms catching you around your waist, gently helping you into your chair.
“There,” Aaron Hotchner's amused smirk greeted you as you looked up, “Drank a little too much, did we?”
“Me?” you asked, finding yourself in the mood to joke, “Never!”
A real, genuine laugh escaped the man before you and you were sure you had never seen anything more beautiful than him laughing. His entire face lit up and the crinkles next to his eyes deepened. You grabbed the fabric of your dress, keeping yourself from tracing the lines of his face with your finger.
Not appropriate, you reminded yourself, So not appropriate.
“Pretty sure you are, though,” he teased back, pushing the glass of water towards you. You smiled in thanks, quickly gulping down a few sips. “You are laughing more than usual, entertaining Reid’s monologues on aviation in the early twentieth century and I am pretty sure,” he looked down between you, “Just like I thought. You are wearing the heels I only ever saw you wear when we celebrated Emily’s birthday at that high-end sushi place.”
“Are – are you drunk profiling me, Agent Hotchner?” you gasped in shock, unable to hide your smile.  
“What happened to Sir?”
Hoping he did not notice the heat spreading through your face, you fiddled with the neckline of your dress, trying to get some air on your body. “Don’t tease me!”
He looked … relaxed. Open. A slow smile spread on his lips as he turned the half-empty glass of scotch in his hand. He was the epitome of confidence and relaxation with how he was leaning back in his chair. You tried to remember the last time you had seen him so … not on edge. No moment came to mind.
You crossed your legs, trying to satiate the pulsing need that had formed in your core. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you tried to remind yourself to not give him anything to read you by. Which seemed impossible considering the man could read you like an open book.
You just hoped you could hide at least a few essential chapters.
The dark-haired man leaned forward then, resulting in his head hovering right next to yours. The proximity was dizzying and intimate and you could not help but breathe him in. He smelled of the scotch and something so masculine it made you daydream about burying your head in the crook of his neck.
 “You sure?” he mumbled, his lips dangerously close to your ear and you audibly gasped for breath, the back of your neck feeling warm as you stared up at him, “Because I have the feeling you rather like me teasing you.” He was so close, looking down at you as his nose almost touched yours and shit you wanted nothing more than to –
“Whatcha doin’?”
“Pen!” you gasped in shock, plastering a big grin on your face in the hopes that she would not see the sheer need written all over your face.
Luckily, your friend seemed to focus on your lack of dancing to notice anything else. She did not even spare a glance at Hotch when he slowly pulled away from you. “Oh, don’t tell me you are getting tired,” she whined, grabbing your hand and dragging you up, “C’mon, let's go back to dancing! Swing those hips, sweetie, we have all night!”
You followed her with a laugh, happy to have the distraction, but not without looking back at Hotch.
And seeing that he still looked at you with a smile.
Waking up with a headache was not normally a cause for joy but the morning after your birthday, you still woke up with a smile on your face.
Never in your wildest dreams had you expected the night to turn out the way it did.
The team had shown up with you, not once but twice and even then, continued to make you feel celebrated the entire evening. Hell, Rossi had insisted on covering your tab on the condition that you brought your self-made banana bread to work again. Emily and Derek (and a very drunk Penelope) had sung you the loudest rendition of Happy Birthday you ever heard with Reid and JJ acting as backup dancers/singers.
And Hotch had been the one to see you to your cab when the night had come to an end, making sure you were before nodding at you with a small smile.
A smile that was now on your face as you made your way to the kitchen. You caught a glimpse of the chaos in the living room. Chaos that had not existed when you had left last night. Empty bottles and glasses stacked on top of plates that were not quite as empty and the remnants of the pizzas Josh seemed to have ordered yesterday.
The smell of stale leftovers hung in the air and you hoped that a few slices were left over so you did not have to meal prep for the week.
The kitchen greeted you with much of the same sight and you took a deep breath when you saw your roommate already sitting at the table, a few slices of pizza before him. It wasn’t that you were unhappy to see him, really. You had just hoped to have a few more moments to yourself before being confronted with the events of last night.
“Morning,” he greeted you, chipper as ever.
“Hey,” you greeted back, browsing through the tea drawer. Peppermint? Berries? Earl Grey? You settled on a ginger and lemon brew, hoping that it would help you to wake up.
“That was one hell of a night, huh?”
“It was,” you agreed, “The bar we went to had like three birthday parties at the same time, it was a lot of fun.”
A moment of silence followed and you did not need to look at him to know he did not know what you were talking about. “Oh good,” was what he finally settled on and you closed your eyes, trying to hide your annoyance.
How could it be that the person you had long considered to be your best friend suddenly just … wasn’t the person you knew?
Remembering Derek’s comment from the night before, you decided to take another deep breath and do something you had avoided for a long time: Confront your best friend.
“Josh,” you started carefully, turning around and leaning your hip against the counter, “Can we talk about last night?”
“Sure,” he took another bite of his toast, “What about it?”
“The comment you made in front of my colleagues … That was not okay.”
“What comment?”
For a moment you could feel the doubt creeping up. Was this the right path to go down? Was this worth a conflict with not only your best friend but also your roommate? Was it really as bad as you thought it was? What if he had meant well?
My experience is that the people we need to clarify that about usually don’t care if they mean well or not.
Derek's words echoed in your head and you knew you were right.
“The comment where you implied that I was bad at my job. In front of your friends, my colleagues and my boss,” you recalled, feeling, “That was humiliating and hurtful, Josh.”
A frown formed between his brows. “Why are you so angry? Yeah, so I made a misplaced comment, I am sorry, but didn’t we talk about this already? Besides, it was at a party I organized for you, I think I am allowed to have some leeway here.”
You could feel your eyes bulge out of your head. Was he for real?
“I really appreciate what you were trying to do,” you said calmly, wrapping your hands around the mug and focusing on how the ceramic was warming against your skin, “Really, I do. But did it not occur to you that the only people you invited were your friends?”
“You know them too.”
“I do and they are very nice, I'm sure. But you could have asked if I would have liked someone to join. I left before midnight to celebrate somewhere else with people that I invited.”
He scoffed. “Look, I'm sorry you feel that way,” he threw his hands up, “I was just trying to do something nice and apparently that backfired.”
It did not escape you that the language he used was manipulative as fuck and you bit your tongue from throwing words in his face you would not be able to take back.
“I don’t think this is very productive,” you finally said, “I am going to take a shower and I would really appreciate it if we could talk about this sometime when we are both more clear-headed.”
Though as you made your way to the bathroom, the steaming mug still in your hands, you had the sinking feeling that any following conversation would not bring the closure you hoped it would.
As if your day could not get any better, your phone rang just as you stepped out of the shower and into your bedroom.
Recognizing the picture on the screen, you accepted the video call, wrapping your bathrobe a little tighter.
“Happy birthday, honey!” your mom appeared on the small screen. The living room wall behind her looked just like it had done your entire childhood and you spotted the variety of family pictures she took great care of dusting every week.
“Thank you.”
“Did you have fun?” she asked, “Did you get to go out with Josh and your friends?”
“Yeah, uh,” you hesitated for a moment, “Josh organized a little party here but I ended up going out with the team later. We went for karaoke and it was awesome.”
“You certainly look like you had an awesome night,” she teased and you bit your lip to keep from grinning.
“So … how are you feeling?” she asked and you immediately grew suspicious. You knew that tone and you knew when she was worried.
“Good,” you replied carefully, “Like I said, I had a fun night.”
She hummed and avoided looking at you for a moment and you knew what was about to happen when you saw your father sitting down next to her. Even hundreds of miles apart, you still felt like a child when your parents sat together on the sofa like that one time when you accidentally put a dent in the family car.
“Remember our conversation from a few weeks ago?”
You nodded. “Yeah, I am feeling a lot better now.”
“And I am so glad to hear it,” she smiled and you could tell the genuine worry from where the crease never quite left her forehead, “I talked with your father and we – we think it might be best if you come visit us for a while. Come back home, check
“Just because you don’t think I can't make it as an agent –“
“Hey,” your dad interrupted you gently, “No one is prouder of you than we are, sweetheart, and we know you make for one hell of an agent. But the fact remains that you were miserable for the last couple of months and it might not be a bad idea to try and get to the root of things.”
And by the root of things they meant that you re-discover your passion to become an English teacher at your local middle school.
“I am an adult woman,” you tried again, “I love you and I love that you worry about me. But we need to keep in mind that I made a big move for a job that I was not wholly prepared for. The adjustment period was … longer than I wanted, for sure. But I finally feel like things are moving for the better and this makes me feel like you do not believe in me.”
“We do love you, honey,” your mum assured you, “And I apologize for making you feel like we don’t trust your decisions. I know you are incredibly proud of the work you do and you should be! But I am worried and I would feel better if you took some time off and came to visit us. Allow yourself the grace to breathe, you have been working non-stop since you moved away. There is no way that is healthy.”
You ran your hand over your face, trying to get yourself some time to think over your answer. The horrible thing was you knew your mother was right. Even if you did not want to admit it, you knew that you had been overworking yourself, that ever since Dr Johnson had voiced her doubts, your brain had been on edge and that a break might not be the worst idea.
Especially considering you had not taken any time off since you started your position.
“I hear you,” you started, feeling your eyes sting with tears. But you refused to cry in front of your parents lest they thought they were right and insisted that you come home as soon as possible. The last thing you wanted was to worry them.
“Can you just give me some time to think it over?” you asked, “Taking time off is not as easy as it sounds and I want to make sure that I don’t miss anything important at work.”
“Of course, darling,” your mother agreed, “Let us know anytime.”
But you knew that her anytime meant that your time was running out.
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starrybl1ss · 10 months
Last Friday Night
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Sub loser!ellie x popular dom fem!reader
💌: hi hi hi!!<3 omg!!! Im finally writing again xoxo, anyways sorry for not serving more fics!! been busy:(
WARNINGS: alchohol, smut, praising, fingering
• summary౨ৎ
(Reminder: r! and ellie are in senior high (18 y.o))
Reader hosts a massive party for all the seniors at her mansion while reader's parents arent home.
Friday nights are the best, specially when your a rich business man's daughter. He goes on business trips almost every weekend.
Your mom always goes with your dad. As a kid you always went with them every weekend. You've grown up, things are different now.
You now either host slumber parties, parties generally, or just stay alone in a huge mansion until you feel lonely and go on your phone choosing one or two of your many friends to come over.
This friday night is just another party with all the seniors invited. Everybody loves you (or your money) either way, you get your way in everything.
The room smelt like sweat. Neon lights flashing everywhere, couples here and there making out in corners that made you feel a little left out since you broke up with your boyfriend just last month.
You then brought up some treats in the middle of the crowded room with everyone bumping into eachother.
"Treats? Anyone?" Nobody really answered you. They were all too busy. The music was also really loud.
You got a little anoyyed so you walked away and sat on a chair againts the wall next to another girl.
The girl was silent. You gazed to the crowded room watching your friend, Dina, grabbing attention.
"Anybody wanna do beer-pong?" She yelled out. The crowd all yelled out "yeah!" At the same time.
"How about the party host go first?" Dina said as she looks at you followed by everyone. All eyes on you.
"Yeah! Sure.." you stood up and looked at the girl next to you. "You.... coming?" You asked her. "Sure, behind you"
You got to the table and took a ping pong ball then threw it into the plastic cup. You did it! Everybody cheered.
You grabbed the cup with alchohol and drank it all. Everyone cheered once again. You let out a small smirk.
You passed the ball to the person next to you without looking at who it is as you left. Turns out it was the girl you sat next to earlier, ellie williams.
She took the ball and threw it, she scors! Everyone cheers again and some people pats her back as she drank it.
Ellie passes the ping pong ball to another and left the table heading to the guest bathroom
You entered to guest bathroom, you don't usually go here often. This was just the closest bathroom located.
You didn't fully closed the door since you were just touching up your makeup.
You grabbed your red lipstick and smeared it on your lips topping it with lipgloss. Feeling a little daizy with your head hurting you walked towards the door.
You don't drink that much, thats why your not used to it cause you get drunk easily.
As you were about to leave the gap between the door opened wider. Someone was entering. It was ellie.
"O-oh sorry, i didn't know there was somebody in here. T-the door wasn't locked and i just entere-"
You got closer to her grabbing the neckline of her black t-shirt and squinted your eyes. "What's you name again?" You smiled.
"El- ellie" she muttered. "Ohh yeahh, i've seen you around" you got closer and closer. Practically pressing your body againts her making her back up.
And there you are, drunk as fuck from alchocol.
You were pinning her to the door as your hand roamed around the door finding the lock and immidiently locked the door.
"Sh-should i get back outside or-" she stutters. You grabbed her face and pressed your lips againts hers making her let out a small gasp.
The kiss was messy. Your lipstick and lipgloss smeared all over her lips, jaw and even her cheeks.
"I'm sure nobody would mind if we stay a little longer..." you whisper in her ear making her shiver. "I mean, do you mind...?" You whisper again.
"I wouldn't m-mind" she replied trying to avoid eye contact.
You were a little shorter than her. You grabbed her neckline again but this time, from under her shirt.
Maybe if you weren't so drunk, this wouldn't happen. Atlas, it did.
Things escalated quickly, You got her out of her clothes. Ellie sitting againts the wall with you infront of her.
"Your pretty" You said to her as she blushes. You lift up her chin while tilting your head, smirking like a maniac.
Without her even realizing you pumped on of your fingers in her sloppy cunt making her gasp.
"Shit...." You pumped another finger in, curling them. "Good girl" you praise her. She breathes heavily under you.
"I c-cant do this a-anymore" she said. "You can, your such a good girl" you insured her.
Ellie whimpers, over and over. "Shh.. were going to get caught" you informed her.
You both hear a knock on the door, shit... someones at the door.
You both stood up as ellie puts back her clothes next to the door, hiding as you open the lock and poked your head out a little.
Its Dina. "God, your taking so long! I thought you never used the guest bathroom anyways?" She complained. "It's my place. I go wherever i want Dina. Theres another bathroom next to the kitchen"
Dina looked like she was about to ask you something but she turned away and left.
You took a deep breath and head back in. You smirked at ellie "let's just get out of here" ellie nods.
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deepdisireslonging · 8 months
Ready for Tomorrow
The Reader finds out who brought her home after her binge. She regrets getting drunk at all, but things work out for the better. Much much better.
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings/Promises: alcohol discussion, angst, fluff, smut (trifecta!)
Word Count: 3540
Note: Here is part 2 of the commission I received. I tried to squeeze in as much heartfelt emotion into this part as I could. Let me know how I did, and happy reading!
Part 1: Replacing the Regrets
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Quietly, you reached into your nightstand for your throwing knives. Your blood ran cold.
They weren’t there.
As footsteps approached your door, the worst options of who could be on the other side of the wood swirled in your head. You didn’t feel drugged. But you had plenty of enemies whose real faces you didn’t know by sight. None of them should know where you lived. Henchmen and mob bosses could have found out. Unless you told them while drunk.
You kind of hoped it was Dick about to walk in. You had been careless.
As the doorknob turned, you slid to the side of the bed, ready to jump and defend yourself.
“Mornin’, sunshine. How’s your head?”
His hair, ruffled from sleeping in who knows what tangled position on your couch, barely covered up how his eyebrows shot up. “Yeah? Who did you think brought you home, Sweetheart?” His focus shifted to not spilling anything on the tray in his hands. So, he had made you breakfast. And when your answer wasn’t forthcoming, he eyed you again before placing it in your lap. “You don’t remember? Anything?” He chuckled, unsurprised. “Wow. You were ‘out’ out. Don’t know why I’m surprised, considering how you acted last night.”
You swallowed thickly. “How- how did I act last night?”
“Clingy. Crying. To your credit, you only threw up once. And it was in the bushes before we made it to the bike.”
“You brought me home on your bike!”
He shrugged. “Didn’t want to leave it there. And I’m not positive a cab would have come even if I called one.” Handing you a fork, he eyed you again. “That was… an interesting part of town you were in. What made you go there?”
Instead of answering, you let your thoughts congeal while taking a bite of your breakfast. He had remembered your favorite fare. “I- The only good thing about that side is that people don’t usually ask questions when a girl wants to drink alone.” You took a sip of coffee, nearly choking on how strong it was. “Clingy and crying. That’s not too bad.”
“Nah. And I’m used to it.”
The guilt turned your bones to magma, making you wish you could melt through the floor. All of those conversations about his mother and having to clean up after her hit you hard. The weight of him crying into your shoulder when she was gone. Missing her even after everything she had put him through. Knowing that you had made him relive any of that, even to a small degree, made your heart ache. When you tried to fumble through an apology, he waved it away. Still, you pressed on. Even when he took your fork and started feeding you between sentences.
“Really, it’s fine.”
“But- you shouldn’t have to be used to it. Not from me.”
“Let it go.”
Biting back further attempts, you drank your coffee. “Did- did you find my failed date?”
Jason smiled, making his dimples shine. “Yeah. Dick got to him just as the muggers arrived. Your description of that creep was accurate.” He looked at your nightstand. “You got a funny way of going straight-edge. Or are you just anti-meds now?”
“No. I didn’t know how I got home, or with whom. Wasn’t going to take anything suspicious.” You crossed your arms with a pout. “You could have left a note.”
He frowned. “I did. It’s-” Where he pointed was only bare wood. With a little searching, he found the note behind the stand. “Ah. That explains your confusion. And your knives are in the kitchen. I didn’t want to get stabbed if I brought breakfast before you woke up.” He nodded at the little round assistants. “You can take the pills now.”
“So, they’re not contraband raided from one of your side hustles?”
“No. They’re from the pharmacy around the corner. Since I couldn’t find your personal stache.”
“It was behind the bathroom mirror,” you said, swallowing them down.  
With a bluster, he whined, “I thought I looked there!” Grumbling, he sat on the edge of your bed. “How long have you been awake?”
“A few minutes before you dropped something. And what was the loud noise before that? Sounded like a gunshot.”
“I – uh. I had a little trouble with your gas stove.”
You paused. “Jason. Did you blow up my kitchen?”
You failed to hide a smile behind your coffee cup at his rushed answer.
“No. Nothing’s singed. Everything is fine.”
“Uh-huh.” You finished your breakfast in silence while Jason felt your forehead. “Jay? I’m- I am really sorry about calling you. Not- not calling you because I was in- in trouble but calling you… calling you while I was- while I was like that. I shouldn’t have gotten so drunk.” You sighed. “I shouldn’t have gotten drunk at all. Or at least had a plan of who to call instead of all of you.” With a wince, you ran a hand over your face. “How did Cass react?”
A warm smile passed across his face. “She was in the middle of beating up some loons by the docks when you called. Let you go to voicemail, then checked in with Dick to make sure you were okay. While he rescued the guy, I came to get you. But Cass texted me a few hours ago that she’s saved your message for posterity.”
After putting the tray on the floor, he slid into bed next to you. “Wanna know something funny?”
“Tim didn’t get your call either. Alfred grounded him. And the kiddo was actually asleep when you phoned.”
You laughed, high and free. “No way. How many hours?”
“Last I heard, he’s still asleep.”
“Geeze.” Giggling, you relaxed into Jason’s side. His arm stretched behind your neck, giving him the perfect reach to trail his fingers over your shoulder. You breathed in silence, relishing having Jason’s weight beside you. “I’ve missed this.”
He pressed his face to yours, poking his indefinitely cold nose into your temple. “Me too.” For a second, he squeezed you closer. “You could always come back, ya’ know. The Bat has been telling us about what you’ve been doing in the office. But it sounds mind-numbingly boring. You don’t even have to join the Bat crew again. You could just work with me.”
It was a friendly offer. But how could you tell him that the last thing you wanted was to dodge bullets again? You couldn’t tell him that even the thought of it made your lungs stutter. Being the Oracle equivalent for Jason sounded like a good way to hear and watch every possible bad thing happen to him. Knowing what was going on in Gotham’s underworld was one thing. You’d seen enough. But you wouldn’t be able to help him, not like he would truly need. That realization burned your stomach. Instead, you deflected. In the worse way possible. “Why’d you bring me back here? Why aren’t we at your place?”
With a groan, he left your side.
You caught his hand. “It’s because it’s not safe, isn’t it? What have you gotten yourself into this time?”
“Nothing I can’t handle.” He picked up the tray. “Get some rest.”
“No, Jay. We need to talk about this.” You gingerly slid out of bed to follow him into the kitchen. You hated to ask, but you offered anyway. “If you need help, maybe there’s something I can do from-“
He let the tray clatter onto your countertop. “This isn’t something you can fix from the office. What I’m doing, what I’ve always done… it’s hands on, eyes open in the dark. No hiding behind paperwork or feigning legitimacy in the daytime.” With a groan, he steadied himself. He did his best to keep his voice level at you while still being angry at Bruce’s way of things. “It’s okay that you left the field. You’re doing good work right where you are. But I can’t operate that way.”
“You think I’m hiding?”
Jason frantically shook his head. “No. Not at all. It’s just-“
“Well maybe I am.” A sniffle shuddered out before you could stop it. “I am bored in that office. There’s not a single person I can connect with. The paperwork is mind-numbing. Do you think that’s all I want? I loved being in the field. I loved working with my team. But- it became too much. Always watching my back. Always on high alert any time I was in public, in gear or in civilian clothes. There were times I didn’t know who I was anymore. Every thought I had, and sometimes I still have, sounded, and felt like Batgirl. All the time. Every call or text needed an immediate action response. I wanted- I needed a break. I wanted to be able to breathe without the pain of some fight or another. But now that I’ve got it… I feel so lost. I never knew if you guys were whole or bleeding. Every second of the news is something terrible. One country falling or another. Murders, climate change, bureaucratic corruption. It got so heavy, Jason.” You covered your face with your hands, your voice small. “It’s still so heavy. I thought it would be out of sight, out of mind this way, but it’s not. But I can’t- I can’t go back. Everything we did felt like three steps back.”
The tears were flowing hot down your cheeks. Maybe if you cried enough, you could float away on them like Alice to Wonderland. Your breath stuttered as Jason embraced you. You shook in his arms. The weight of what you said, what you had done to him and to the team didn’t leave. But the way he held you tight felt like he was helping you hold it up, making the load a little lighter. You leaned into his chest further, but tilting up your face so you could breathe.
Then he kissed your forehead, making you freeze. Gasping, you struggled not to sound breathy, and failed. “What was that for?” You waited countless seconds for his answer.
“It doesn’t have to mean anything.”
When he tried to step back, you clung to his shirt. You pulled him closer. “But – it felt good. It made- it made everything… quiet.”
Above you, he swallowed. “Would- would you like me to do it again?”
You nodded. “Yes, please.”
His lips pressed gently to the same spot as before. While you inhaled, breathing in the relaxation it brought, Jason took hold of your hands. He held them to his chest, willing you to feel his thundering heartbeat under your fingertips. With his thumbs over your wrists, he could feel your pulse racing.
Panting, he whispered, “do you just want to be held? I can do that. We – we don’t have to—”
“If I say I want this…” you ran your nose under his jawline, “can we – can we do this?”
He nodded fervently. “Yeah. Do you want this?”
“Yes. I – I need this.” You kissed behind his ear. “Do you want this?”
“Yes. I have since – I want to make you feel… needed. Just for being you. Not for your mission seasoned body. Not for your case-solving brain. You. Because you are enough.”
Tears pricked behind your eyes. “Thank you.”
He grinned against your forehead. “I haven’t started yet.”
Cheeky bastard.
Still, you smiled into his neck as he lifted you. Wrapping your legs around his waist, he carried you back into your bedroom. He laid you down gently. Inhaling softly, he ran his nose along the side of your face. “How’s your head?”
“No complaints yet.”
Jason exhaled a laugh. “Good to know. For later, maybe. But for now,” he trailed off as his hands ghosted up your sides, under your shirt. The fabric remained mostly in place; a promise to go as slow as you wanted.
You placed your hands over his, guiding the fabric of your shirt further up until Jason helped you remove your top. A few more movements and you were bare to him. He did his best not to stare, but his lingering gaze made your skin warm all the same. His hands fumbled to remove his clothes and remaining pieces of gear. Surprisingly steady, your hands did most of the work. He sucked in a breath as your fingers trailed over his skin, as your nails dragged over his muscles. And as your fingerprints brushed over his scars. He caught your exploring hand in his. Jason caught your gaze with his as he raised your hand to his lips, kissing over your knuckles.
“Do you still want to do this-“
“Yes. Please, Jason.” You leaned back into the sheets, arching your chest forward. Hiding a smile, you let your eyes close… just so you could suavely open them. When you did, you watched as his mouth parted for a silent gasp. His tongue darted out to wet his lips before he dove to kiss you. It wasn’t a kiss like you had become accustomed to: one to pin you down and claim you before some guy you didn’t care about took you. This kiss was warm, making your heart swell with what Jason said with each passing second of having his lips on yours.
For a perceived eternity, that was all he did: kiss you. Your mouth. The tops of your cheeks. Your breath stuttered when he tilted his head to kiss under your jaw and then down your neck. His hands smoothed across your arms and waist. It smoothed out the trepidation of the life you had chosen. All that mattered in this moment was that you had chosen him. And he had chosen you. Damn what the morning might bring. He was yours. Right now. Holding you and kissing you like the world could end any second and you would be the last wonderful thing on his mind. It made you drip for him when his hands finally wandered lower. The way his open mouth stuttered against your skin, and how his grip tightened on your waist, told you he wanted to ravage you. Still, he held back.
“Don’t- don’t wait. Please,” you begged. “I need you.”
Gently, you guided him to slot his body between your spread thighs.
“But- prep?”
“I need you.”
With a growl into your hair, he took his time sinking into you. Even then, when fully sheathed, he waited for you to catch your breath. As if you could when he was looking at you like he wanted to remember you this way forever. How you were spread out for him. Full of him. And begging and keening for more. How your body quaked and writhed, your voice already hoarse while pleading for him to move.
Jason kissed your forehead, keeping his lips pressed against your fevered skin. He dragged out, making his own mouth drop open to feel your walls unwilling to let him go. His name fell from your lips like an answered prayer as he found a rhythm. You gripped at him wherever you could.
Was this what it felt like? To be really wanted? Not just a fling, not just a one-night stand or means to an end. But wholly, truly desired?
It took your breath away.
“Where’d you go?”
You looked up and your view filled with Jason’s concerned face. “Nowhere. Just –” How could you put it into words? With the way life had been going lately… a tightness in the back of your throat stole your words.
Jason smoothed his thumb down your cheek and down your nose. “Hey. I know that face. I need you to know something.” His thumb continued its ministrations, while the hand on your hip squeezed you reassuringly. “You are an amazing friend. And an amazing woman. I know you feel unseen. Like you’re moving through life as a ghost until someone needs or wants something from you. You see more than people give you credit for. And you carry too much in that big heart of yours.” His voice softened. “You don’t have to carry it alone.”
“But your night life-“
“What about it?” He kissed your forehead. “Let the rest of the Bat-crew worry about that for the next forty-eight. Right now… all I’m thinking about is you.” As he leaned closer to breathe warm air over your pulse point, he speared you deeper. It made you gasp. As did the tender kiss he placed on your shoulder.
“More, please.” Even though tears pricked at your eyes. Even though you could barely breathe. You dug your nails into his back to hold him close enough that he couldn’t see your face. “Keep- keep talking. Please, Jason-”
With a groan and fighting off the desire to fill you right then, he continued. “I want to be the only reason why your pulse rushes. Why your breath hitches like that. And now that I’ve got you,” he nuzzled his nose under your ear with a growl you could feel to your toes, “I’m never letting you go.”
You hiccupped a sob. It made him stop. You tried to tell him to keep going, but Jason held back from every cell of his being wanting to plow you into the bed.
“If you want, we can stop. We don’t have to do this tonight. We can just hold each other if that’s what you need.” He began to move away, but you scrambled to hold him close. Jason melted into your touch. He hummed, “what do you need? Hmm? Tell me, baby girl. What do you want?”
You shuddered all over. “I don’t want to think. Please.”
He speared you again. And again. Until all you could fathom was the sensation of him inside you and clinging to you. His lips murmured soothing, wonderful things against your skin. Making your hips stutter in their pace frantic to match him. Jason’s breath hissed out between his teeth, and his hands gripped your hips tight, dragging you towards him. He was desperate. Desperate to feel your body sucking him in. Desperate to hear your broken cries and how you whimpered his name. He was desperate to feel you cum.
“What do you need, Sweetheart? I’m here. Cum for me, come on. Let go.”
Within a few more thrusts of his hips, it was all you could do. You cried out his name, your vision blurring. Digging your heels into his lower back, you did your best to keep him as deep as possible. Your desperation, and your release, dragged Jason down with you. His mouth fell open on your shoulder, barely managing to moan your name before his body seized. His pace stuttered; overwhelmed but seeking out those last few bursts of pleasure. When neither of you could stand another spark, he fell beside you.
You shivered as he curled you into his chest.
That would have been enough. You would have happily fallen asleep, despite the mid-morning light wanning into afternoon.
“You know I meant it all, right?”
“Hmm?” Struggling, you managed to reopen your eyes.
“I meant every word.” Jason ran his thumb down the curve of your nose. “You are amazing. And you don’t have to do this alone. You don’t just have me. You’ve got the whole crew if you need us. Don’t let yourself stress yourself into another binge. Call me. Or any of us. Okay?” When you sighed positively, he smiled against your forehead. “Catch some sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up. And we’ll figure this crazy life out. Together. One day at a time. Alright?”
“Alright,” you hummed, finally drifting off.
That nap was the best sleep you’d had in months. When you woke up, you felt weightless. The earlier mid-morning light from your first wake-up had softened to a mid-afternoon glow. You didn’t care one ounce that your sleep schedule was probably screwed. Screwed, heh. With a smile, you inhaled deeply and stretched, pleasantly sore in all the right places. The blankets were warm as you snuggled back under them.
Jason’s arm wrapping around your hip nearly startled you out of your skin.
“What?” he rasped. His post-nap voice was exquisite. “Did you think I’d really leave my girl before she woke up?”
You bit your lip. “Your girl?” Under his surprised gaze, you shrunk further into the bed.
“Mhmm. Every day from here on out. Like I said. We’re going to figure out this crazy life together. But first,” he dragged you close to kiss the curve of your neck. “I’m starved.”
Jason had absolutely meant something else. But when your eyes glittered, his smile turned ravenous. You ran your fingers through his hair, splitting his white streak into several strands.
Then your stomach growled.
He laughed deeply, his whole body shaking. “Alright, come on. Now I get to cook you some dinner.”
You let him tug you out of bed. His warm wrists dragged you through your own apartment. The upcoming week and its issues weren’t a blip in your mind. No matter what the Gotham life threw next, you had everything you’d ever need to conquer it.
DC Masterlist
Commissions Open! Guidelines Here
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harunade · 1 year
hi!! i wanted to request elevator sex with ricky (if you’re comfortable with writing abt that ofc!) both of u would be returning back home from a night out and ricky keeps staring at you and he eventually lets the intrusive thoughts win 😭
[ also could i be 🎀 anon? :3 ]
hii yes welcome ^_^
“Did you have fun?” Ricky asked as the both of you entered the elevator. as he pressed the level 11 button and the door closed you nodded. You and your boyfriend were away, and currently staying at his penthouse. since the elevator was quite rusty, it would take you like 15 minutes to get there.
“You looked good tonight, by the way” you noticed him staring down at your exposed thighs from the black silky dress he had bought you. “really? you’re quite handsome yourself. thank you” you giggled and placed your arms around his neck and placed a kiss on his lips, slightly tasting the wine he had earlier drank.
His hands shot to your waist, loosely rubbing your skin through the dress. “stop looking at me like you’re hungry” truth to be told, you really did want to eat him in that moment. “maybe i am” you pouted and looked up at him. His black tie had come a little undone, and you were fighting the urge to just rip it off him as well as his dress shirt. Ricky must’ve noticed the way you were eyeing his chest, since he flipped you and kissed you hard.
His hands lifted the lower half of the dress, exposing your thighs and panties fully, as his fingers started rubbing at your clothed clit. “mm.. say my name, kitten” his lips sank in your neck as he pushed you fingers to the side and started fingering you. “fuck- Ricky, need your cock right now” your hands were tightly gripped in his blonde hair, probably too tight as he whimpered whenever you pulled it.
Single-handedly sliding off his jeans, he lifted you up against the wall. Ricky took his hard cock in his hand, rubbing it up and down your glistening count as you sync moaned before thrusting in you. “fuck- wanted to do this all night long, kitty. missed your pussy so much” he threw his head back as his thrusts fastened.
As desperate as you were, you started grinding down on him, the possibility of getting caught turning the both of you on more. “close, baby.. filling you up” were Ricky’s last words before shooting his load in you, you following right after. He pulled up your panties, keeping your and his cum warm inside you. He peppered kisses on your face as he fixed himself. “you did good, pretty girl”
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ourtearsofrain · 2 months
Wish I Were Heather (D.R.W/S.F.K)
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Summary: Needing a distraction to help him get over his ex, Sam asks Danny to join him at a party. Reluctantly, he agrees; but neither can expect where the night will lead them.
Pairings: Danny Wagner x Sam Kiszka 
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
Word Count:  little over 4.5k 
Warnings: cussing, smut (18+ minors DNI), (safe) alcohol consumption, negative past relationships, choking (consensual; on dick), getting used during sex (in a consensual way that has clear signals and safety measures), crying during sex
“Can you please, PLEASE, just go with me? I need a pick me up, and I will not be the loser to show up to Simon’s party alone.”
Danny looks up from his phone at the frustration in Sam’s voice, having been absent-mindedly arguing with him for at least 15 minutes, only to see him staring him down as his face twisted with a mix of annoyance and desperation. “I told you, I don’t go to his parties with you anymore. Not after last time when you drank so much that I had to practically carry you out.”
“C’mon, I wasn’t that drunk.”
Danny’s features deadpan as he looks at him, his voice flat as he recollects the night. “You threw up in my car. Twice. It was $50 to get it deep-cleaned.”
“Ok fair, BUT I paid you back for that. Please, Danny. You know I’ve been in a funk since Heather and I broke up and I- I really need this. I really, really don’t want to go alone.”
I can’t believe I’m about to agree to this. “Fine, I’ll go. On one condition.”
Sam’s face lights up at his words, nodding his head eagerly as he looks at Danny with a grin. “Anything.”
“You’ll watch your liquor. That means one hard alcohol drink max, OR no more than two beers. Don’t look at me like that, we both know your limit is higher. I’m not taking the chance of having to drag you out again, I want to have fun tonight too, not babysit.”
“It’s not babysitting, I’m not a child. But fine, whatever. Pick me up at 9?”
“Can do.” Danny only watches as Sam turns away from him and he makes his way towards the front door, only to stop himself as his hand finds the handle. Turning back towards him, sincerity crosses his features as he finds his words.
“And Danny, thank you. Really, I appreciate it. Promise I’ll make it worth it.”
“I’m holding you to that, Sammy.” He offers the other man a small smile before Sam opens the door, the sound of it closing behind him echoing on the walls as Danny’s mind spirals.
He had more reasons than just having to take care of a wasted Sam that had made him give him the liquor limit. Danny knew very well by now that whenever Sam got drunk, he got flirty and touchy with him. Being a decent human being, Danny never reciprocated the “advances”, knowing that his best friend’s state of mind was too altered for anything that happened between them to be consensual. Every time, he prevented Sam from taking it too far, not wanting him to have any regrets the next morning. Every time, he kept his own desires hidden until after he made sure that Sam had safely made it home or to his couch. And every time, he would retreat to the privacy of his own bedroom to cry himself to sleep, wrapping his arms around a pillow as he sobbed and wished that it was his best friend, sober and safe in his embrace.
Cracking his eyes open, Danny squints at the clock on his bedside table, finally giving up on trying to take an uninterrupted nap as his nerves keep him drifting in and out of sleep.
8:50 PM
SHIT! Danny throws the covers off himself as he scrambles out of bed, frantically turning his light on and rushing to his closet. Grabbing the first top his hands find, he pays no mind to it as he throws it on and finds a pair of black jeans from his floor. He scrambles through his apartment as he wrestles his shoes on and grabs his phone, wallet and keys before stopping to look at himself in the small mirror by his door. With his curls an unruly mess from sleep, he twists it before securing it with a large claw clip, knowing he had no time to do much else with it.
The entire drive over to Sam’s, he goes five over the speed limit, knowing that if he was even a minute late, he would never hear the end of it. Somehow, he arrives just as the clock strikes 9, pulling into Sam’s driveway just as his front door opens. Sam waltzes out as Danny parks, wasting no time in yanking the door open and throwing himself into the passenger seat. “Who’s ready to paaaaartayyyyy?!"
"Please tell me you didn’t pregame.”
Sam rolls his eyes as he shoves Danny’s shoulder lightly, buckling his seatbelt soon after as Danny begins the drive to the party. “I didn’t pregame, Daniel. Can’t a guy be excited to go to a party to help him keep his mind away from his toxic ex?”
“Fine, fine, yeah that’s valid. Sorry I doubted you, Sammy.”
“You really should be.”
“So, need me to be your wingman tonight?” Danny’s heart sinks as he waits for his answer, knowing that even though Heather and Sam had broken up, he still needed to prioritize being his best friend despite his feelings for him.
“Na, I’m not looking for any action tonight” Sam glances over at him before he does a double take, his eyes glued to Danny’s outfit. “Hey, is that my sweater?”
Glancing down, Danny sees a white sweater, the top detailed with geometric shapes in black, dark yellow, green, and read as he realizes that he didn’t remember buying it. “Uh, maybe? I just found it in my closet, you could have left it at my place, and it got thrown in with my laundry. I would give it to you now, but I’m not wearing anything under so I can get it back to you tomorrow.”
“Keep it, looks better on you than it does me.”
“Oh- ok, thanks.” They say nothing more as they drive, finding Simon’s house in no time as Danny parks on the street a few houses down. It was clear that there was very obviously a party occurring as Danny removes his keys from the ignition, a thought popping into his mind causing him to stop Sam just as his hand finds the door handle. “Listen Sammy, if you want or need to leave at any time, just say the word and we can. I know this is to try and get your mind off Heather, but if it becomes too much, we can leave whenever.”
“Thanks. And again, thanks for coming with me. I know you didn’t really want to come, so same goes for you.”
“Alright. Ready?”
Sam takes a deep breath as he glances back to the house, his hand still frozen on the handle. “Ready.” Getting out of the car, they make their way towards the house side by side as the muffled sound of music grows louder. The smell of weed and alcohol immediately bombards their senses as they enter the house, finding the party well underway despite it being so “early” in the night. Various people greet them, friends and strangers alike, as they make their way through the rooms, quickly finding the kitchen together. Sam grabs an IPA from a 12 pack on the counter, wasting no time in cracking it open as Danny grabs a solo cup and fills it with water.
“Not drinking tonight?”
Danny shrugs as Sam takes a sip from his can, his eyes locked on Danny in a way that turns his stomach upside down with butterflies. “Don’t feel like it, plus I’m the designated driver, remember?”
“Sam! You made it! And you brough Danny! Didn’t think you’d be able to drag him to another one of my parties after the state you were in last time.” Simon’s cheery voice interrupts them, and both men turn towards the sound to see him approaching them with a smile.
“Yeah well, he only agreed because I promised him I wouldn’t get drunk tonight.” Sam laughs out as he hugs the other man in greeting.”
“Ah ok, let’s see if you stay true to that. C’mon, it’s been too long since we’ve seen each other; there’s a few empty spots in the living room where we can catch up!” Both men follow him into the living room before Sam and Danny take a seat on the only unoccupied couch as Simon sits on the coffee table across from it. They spend the next hour talking with him as Sam nurses his beer, trying to make his limited drink count last. Eventually, as the host of the party, Simon excuses himself to make rounds of the house, no doubt checking to see how much damage had already been done.
“You having fun, Sammy? I really do appreciate you agreeing to the drink limit, I know it’s more fun to be drunk at these.” When he doesn’t get a response, Danny looks over at Sam to see his focus fixed intently on something across the room, his face contorted with barely concealed rage. Danny follows his eyes until he sees the cause of his anger: Heather clinging to an attractive man by the front door, obviously watching them out of the corner of her eye.
“You see that guy she’s with? That’s the guy she told me not to fucking worry about. We broke up two goddamn weeks ago, we were together for four fucking years, and she just immediately throws herself into his arms the second she can?!” Pausing, Sam collects himself for a moment before continuing. “And to think, all the shit she gave me about you.”
Sam sets his can down on the table, ripping his eyes away from the pair until they land on Danny, fury still dripping from his words. “She was worried about our friendship. She knows you’re bi and kept fucking giving me the ‘it’s me or him’ ultimatums because she was worried that you’d make an advance on me.”
Oh… “Oh.”
“Yeah. That’s- that’s actually why we broke up. I told her that I was spending the day with you because she was busy, and she blew up. Kept going on about how she just knew you were trying tot ‘take me’ from her, and how it was her or you.”
“You- you chose me, Sam?”
“Of course I did. You’re my best friend. And I know you didn’t like her, but you never gave me any ‘choose between us’ shit. She’s the one with issues, not you.” What Sam had never told anyone, especially Heather, was that he had thought about what it was like to kiss Danny. Nor that he had woken up in a cold sweat needing to change his boxers, with the last thing he remembered from his dreams being Danny’s eyes and his gorgeous nose more times than he could count. How he knew he would never cheat on Heather, but he was still embarrassed and confused by the thoughts about his best friend that plagued his mind.
Danny steals a glance towards Heather, finding her still throwing herself onto the other man as she eyed them from across the room. She shoots Danny a dirty look before going back to pretending to be invested in the conversation around her. Danny looks back to Sam, taking a deep breath before finally making eye contact with him once more. This is the stupidest fucking idea you’ve ever had, I swear to God. “Do you want to make her jealous?”
“I said, do you want to make her jealous?”
“Yeah? I mean, she probably only brought that guy hoping I would be here. I’m not jealous, but I figure might as well give her a taste of her own medicine. What do you have in mind?”
Wiping his palms on his jeans, Danny’s eyes dart across Sam’s features as he begins to panic. What if he thinks I’m trying to make a move on him? What if he hates me for even suggesting it? “How much have you had to drink tonight?”
“Just this one beer, why?”
Danny takes a deep breath before forcing his eyes to meet Sam’s curious gaze, his nerves skyrocketing as he prepares to propose his idea. “Can I kiss you? Only to make her jealous, of course.” Sam’s eyebrows shoot up, his mouth drawing int a silent “Oh”, causing Danny to scramble to continue. “You don’t have to say yes, it’s just one idea, we can find another.”
“No. No, I mean yes. Yes, you can kiss me. To make her jealous.”
What have I gotten myself into? “Ok.” Danny tries to focus as he feels his cheeks heat, taking one last deep breath before he brings his hand to the side of Sam’s face, his hand gently cupping his jaw and cheek as he guides him towards himself until their lips meet.
Danny had only planned for their kiss to be quick and gentle, only long enough for Heather to have seen it. But as Sam melts under his touch, Danny can’t help himself as the other man’s lips part slightly, sighing into his mouth. Gaining confidence, Danny swipes his tongue lightly against the soft skin of Sam’s bottom lip, reveling in the slight hitch in his breath as their kiss quickly becomes a full blown make out, fueled by desperation and need. With his lips still parted against his own, Danny bites down gently on his lower lip, devouring the quiet groan that escapes Sam. Before he can think about it, the hand not on Sam’s jaw snakes its way around his lower back, pulling him towards himself to close the space between them. Sam shows no hesitation as he allows himself to be guided closer to him, his own hand finding Danny’s inner thigh closest to him as it slowly travels upwards. Too lost in one another, neither of them notice Heather staring daggers at them from across the room, her face beet red as she silently seethes.
Finally, after a few heated minutes they break apart, panting heavily as they stare at the other, their pupils devouring the irises of their eyes. “Wanna get out of here?” Sam’s voice comes out as barely above a whisper, but Danny has no trouble hearing it as he remains mere inches from his face, caught up in how Sam kept stealing glances back down to his lips.
“Yeah- yeah. My place or yours?”
“Yours, it’s closer.” The second the words leave his mouth, Sam’s hand immediately finds Danny’s, intertwining their fingers as he pulls him off the couch and towards the door. As they walk right past Heather, they pay her no mind at all as they rush out of the house and towards Danny’s car, her furious glare following their path until the door closes behind them. Danny doesn’t know how to feel as Sam drags him across the lawns, his heart and mind torn at how eager Sam seemed to be to get back to his house. What if he’s just horny or caught up in the moment? I know he isn’t drunk, but what if he regrets it tomorrow? What if he isn’t thinking straight and you ruin what you have with him. He’s my best friend, I can’t- I can’t lose him.  Danny forces his mind to quiet as they slam the car doors, turning his attention to the route back to his place as he’s quick to start his car. The drive is silent as neither know what to say, afraid that speaking would break the energy that had built between them.
Parking in his driveway, both men immediately scramble out of the car as soon as the engine shuts off, rushing to make their way towards his front door without a word. As soon as the door is shut behind them, Danny’s hands find Sam’s waist, pulling him towards himself as their lips reconnect. With the added privacy of his home, their kiss is charged with a heavy passion as their hands begin to roam over each other’s bodies, eager and wanting in the darkness of the hall. As Danny’s fingers toy with the hemline of Sam’s shirt, they brush the sensitive skin of his stomach, causing him to shudder and deepen their kiss as he leans into the other man.
“Can I take this off?”
“Please fucking do.” Danny pulls Sam’s shirt off in one brisk motion, his lips finding the soft skin of his neck as he begins sucking what were sure to become hickeys into his skin. Moaning, the sound that escapes Sam is no longer muffled by Danny’s lips as he finds an extra sensitive part of his neck, just below the hinge of his jaw.
Oh my fucking god, I can’t take this anymore. At the thought, Danny grabs Sam’s wrist, pulling him behind himself as he makes his way towards his bedroom. As they enter it, Danny pulls his sweater off, Sam’s sweater, and discards it on the floor before his hands move to the button of his jeans. Sam does the same, his shaking hands finally unfastening it as both articles of clothing join Danny’s sweater on the floor. Their boxers join them next before Danny backs towards his bed, sitting on the edge as Sam immediately follows to rest on his knees between his legs. Sam stares up at him with wide eyes, his lips parted as Danny takes his cock in his hand and pumps it a few times, hissing at the friction.
God, he’s so fucking gorgeous like this. “Gonna put that pretty little mouth to use or are you just gonna stare while I do all the work?”
Sam’s head immediately moves forward at his words, hips lips circling Danny’s tip as he experimentally swirls his tongue around it. Closing his eyes, Danny lets a heavy sigh leave his lips has his hands come up to grip the sheets at his sides. Spurred on by the nearly pornographic sounds leaving Danny’s mouth, Sam leans forward, taking him deeper into his mouth. Danny manages to crack his eyes open, looking down at the other man as pleasure courses through his body, electrifying him from within.
“Fuck- You look so good like that, Sammy.” The praise goes straight to Sam’s dick, moaning around Danny as he ruts his hips forward, only to meet nothing but empty space. Danny removes his hands from the bed beside him, brushing Sam’s hair away from his face and using one hand to hold it back in a makeshift ponytail, slightly tugging at the hair in his fist just enough for the other man to feel a slight sting. Sam responds by taking him deeper, testing his gag reflex as only an inch or two of Danny’s cock remains outside of his mouth. The sensation causes Danny’s hips to involuntarily jut forward, his hand in Sam’s hair pulling him towards his body until he’s completely buried in his throat.
Sam gags, but Danny’s too caught up in his pleasure to hear it. Gagging again, Sam tries to take a breath in but is unable to, his frantic gasp finally pulling Danny back to the moment. He immediately pulls Sam off as he gasps for air the second he finds he’s able to fully breathe again. “Shit- I’m so sorry, Sam. I didn’t mean to- I didn’t realize-”
“Do it again.” His words completely catch Danny off guard, having expected the other man to end their activities then and there or react angrily.
Saying nothing, Danny raises an eyebrow at Sam as he looks up at him with wide, already fucked-out eyes, his lips slick with spit. “Tap me twice when you need air.” The second the words leave his mouth, Danny applies pressure at the back of Sam’s head until his nose brushes the hair at the base of his cock. Sam gags again as he holds him there for a moment, tears welling at his waterline as he attempts to find out just how long he can hold his breath. The next time he gags, his hand flies up to Danny’s calf, gripping his muscled skin forcefully but not tapping out yet. As he blinks up at Danny, his tears escape, trailing down his cheeks silently as Sam reaches his limit. He finally taps his calf twice, immediately being pulled off by Danny as he gulps down air.
Danny gives him a moment to breathe before beginning to reapply the pressure at the back of his head, waiting to feel any sign of resistance. When he doesn’t, he continues his motions, only speaking as Sam’s lips brush against the tip of his dick. “Again.”
Sam sinks back down onto him before Danny pulls him off, abruptly slamming his cock back down Sam’s throat the second he makes another gasp for air. He chokes but doesn’t tap out, allowing Danny to repeat his motions as he uses his mouth.
“Fuck, I’m so close-” Sam’s eyes roll to the back of his head as the other man abuses his mouth, too distracted to notice the ache between his own legs. Danny continues his assault on Sam’s throat for only a few seconds more before his head falls back, his eyes screwing shut as his grip on his hair only tightens. “Shit- I’m gonna-” Danny can offer no other warning before he lets out a guttural moan, his release coating Sam’s throat as he rides his night out. As he finally finishes, he pulls Sam off as he becomes overstimulated, the other man only slumping against his leg with a sigh, his head coming to rest on the side of Danny’s knee.
Once he’s had the chance to catch his breath, his focus is immediately drawn back to Sam who sat blinking up at him, still panting and taking heavy, deep breaths as he recovers. “We’re not done yet.” Danny pulls him off the ground, flipping their positions as he pushes him onto the bed with his feet still planted on the floor as Danny kneels between his legs.
His back arches off the bed as soon as Danny’s lips make contact with his neglected dick, having no trouble in completely sinking down onto him as he sets a brisk pace. Bobbing his head up and down, his hands grip the undersides of Sam’s thighs as the other man fists the sheets below him, and he comes undone with a high-pitched moan within no time.
When Sam’s spent, Danny pulls himself off, allowing himself to take in the sight of him laying on his bed and flushed from their activities as Sam pants heavily. Managing to sit up, Sam fixes his gaze on Danny before bringing his hand up to gently cup the curve of his jaw. Danny begins to lean into his touch before he stops himself, moving his hand up to push Sam’s hand away as he stands. He makes his way towards the other side of the bed as he deliberately avoids Sam’s eyes, drawing back the covers as he climbs in and removes the claw clip from his hair before he settles into the mattress.
“You can stay the night if you want.”
“I said that you can stay the night if you want, Sam.” His tone is clipped and flat as he fights the tears at his waterline, threatening to spill onto his cheeks as his fears consume his mind.
“That’s it?!” At the frustration and hurt in Sam’s tone, Danny forces himself to make eye contact once more, instantly regretting it as he sees confusion and what he could swear was heartbreak painted across his features. “Is this just going to be something we pretend never happened? Or worse yet, never be able to look each other in the eye again. Just some quick fuck, one and done and that’s it? Did you just want to make Heather jealous, one-up her or something as revenge for how she thought of you? Was that all this was to you?” Sam’s voice breaks as tears begin to well in his eyes once more. Danny reaches for him, immediately wanting to comfort Sam before he stops himself, his fingers only inches away from his skin. “You can touch me, Daniel. You’re not going to fucking catch something.” Sam’s voice is low and serious, his pain tangible in his tone as he stares Danny down.
“Oh baby, no. It’s- it’s not you. I didn’t-” Danny takes a deep breath, trying to keep his tears from escaping as he tries to explain. “I didn’t want to scare you off is all.” His voice is quiet, thick with apology and regret as Sam laughs humorlessly.
“Scare me off? Danny, I just had your dick in my throat, you aren’t going to scare me off by trying to cuddle.”
Danny’s tears finally escape as he recalls his past experiences, the pain of them striking him deep in his chest. He knew he needed to explain them, he knew Sam deserved to know, but it still hurt all the same. “I know… I know. It’s just that- the other guys I’ve been with, they’ve never- they never wanted to cuddle or anything after. They always chose to leave immediately or fall asleep with their back to me. Either way, I always woke up alone.”
Sliding under the covers next to him, Sam makes the first move to reach out as he pulls Danny towards his body, their limbs tangling under the covers as he gently wipes the tears from his cheeks. He makes sure Danny’s looking at him before he responds, making sure that his voice was sincere and genuine. “You aren’t going to wake up alone this time, I promise.”
“I’m holding you to that, Sammy.” As he offers a small smile to the other man, Danny’s mind wanders back to the first time he had said those words that night, almost laughing at the parallel, at how much had changed since then. “I- I don’t want this to be a one and done thing, I don’t want this to come between us negatively. And I definitely wasn’t using you, this- us, to make Heather jealous or to get some kind of twisted revenge on her. I want- I want you to be my boyfriend, I want to be with you. I have since before you even met Heather, I just never said anything because of her, and because- because I didn’t want to ruin our relationship if you didn’t feel the same. I couldn’t lose you, Sammy.”
Sam places a gentle kiss to his forehead, nuzzling his face into his hair as the pair settle into each other. “I feel the same, Danny. I always have, I just- I just didn’t realize it until now. I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize, Sammy. So can I- can I call you my boyfriend now?”
“Of course you can, as long as I can call you mine.”
“I’d like that.” Danny says nothing more as he half-sits up, leaning back and almost out of Sam’s embrace only to kiss him slowly before flicking the remaining light in his room off. Settling back into his arms, he snakes his own around Sam’s body as he buries his face into the soft, warm skin of his neck.
This time, no tears come as he drifts towards sleep, his arms finally wrapped around his best friend, his boyfriend, sober and safe in his embrace.
A/N: Yes, I will almost always subtly make the villain/Sam's toxic ex her but not her, because it's funny to me. Toooooatlly just a coincidence that their names all start with H.
taglist: @jake-whatthefisgoingon-kiszka @milojames16 @gretnavannfleet @aioba1503-sdm @sanguinebats
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missadangel · 1 month
Little Bird in a Cage (Javier Peña x Reader)
Part 10: Pregnancy Test
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Gifs by erensbich - ilovejavierpena
---------------------------- All episodes here ------------------------
Dios Mio! What's this smell?
Dolores' rather loud voice woke you from your sleep. You had an incredible headache, you barely opened your eyelids and looked at her.
'Have you been smoking?'
She also realized the bottles of liquor on the floor. 
"And drinking?"
You lifted your head and sat up in bed.
'I couldn't, actually.'
It was true, you insisted on trying many ways to get rid of your worries lately. Yesterday you'd gone to the last fitting of the wedding dress and on the way home, when you were alone again, still avoiding Felipe, you'd decided to buy a cigarette.
‘I mean I drank much but not smoking thing. I tried, but I was almost choking.’
‘Oh, you need a shower, cariño. Big day tomorrow.’
She was right, the day had finally come.
Even though you can't smoke, the smell of cigarettes was all over you. You got out of bed to take a shower.
‘I threw the cigarette pack in that bag, can you please throw the bag in the bin?’
You took off your clothes and went into the bathroom.
‘With the contents?’
Dolores looked inside the bag and saw a lot of junk food, mostly chocolate and...
‘Oh, my sweet, merciful, Jesus!’
A pregnancy test.
‘What now?’
She picked up the test with a shaking hand, when you looked at her you rolled your eyes.
‘Calm down, it's not mine.’
She opened her eyes widely, you decided to explain.
‘I saw a woman at a dress fitting, crying, or rather she must have been a bride-to-be. She asked me to put it away before her future husband comes, so I tossed it in my bag quickly. The poor girl was crying and crying, it was obviously an unwanted pregnancy. But I forgot to throw it away, now please do that before anyone sees it.’
Dolores breathed a sigh of relief and pressed her hand to her chest.
‘Oh, thank you Jesus.’
'And Dolores, please wash your hands.’
'Oh,' she said as she tossed the test back into the bag in disgust.
You turned on the tap and waited for the hot water to come on.
'One more thing,' Dolores said.
'You and Felipe never...'
'No! Never! Get out!'
'Okay, okay, just to be sure,' she said, closing the door.
As she walked down the stairs all she could think about was getting rid of this filthy bag and then washing her hands until they get hurt.
'Hey Dolores, where's our bride-to-be?'
Caroline was just arrived.
'Oh don't even ask Miss Reyes. She's very nervous and there's a lot to do. First we have to get her ready, don't mind if she scolds you, by the way, that's what I'm doing. Then we have to go to the hotel and make sure everything is in order. And I have to get rid of this garbage.
‘Calm down, give it to me, I'll throw it away for you,' said Caroline.
‘Thank you very much, please be there to calm Y/N down after.’
‘Of course, that's what I'm here for.’ Caroline went out to throw the bag in the bin, and just as she was about to do, the bag shook and the contents flew out. Her eyes almost popped out of their sockets when she saw the pregnancy test.
‘Oh my God!’
She understood why Dolores wanted to get rid of this bag immediately. But she was wrong.
So wrong.
You were getting dressed when Caroline came into the room, but all that booze you had last night was attacking your stomach. You felt sick, so you ran to the toilet. Caroline's perfect timing made her sure you were well and truly pregnant.
‘Sorry, Caz,’ you said as you left the bathroom.
‘It's nothing, it's quite normal actually,’ she said, looking at you strangely.
‘Dolores told you too?’
‘Yeah, kinda.’
‘Okay, I'll get rid of it, and it won't happen again, just don't let Dad hear it.’
Caroline continued to get it completely wrong as you talked about drinking and smoking.
‘Get rid of it? You didn't tell him?’
‘Told who?’
Caroline paused for a moment, of course the chances of you sleeping with Felipe were as impossible as the sun rising in the west, but she had to be sure.
‘I meant Felipe.’
‘What's he got to do with it?’
‘Then Javi-’
Your whole body almost froze when you heard his name.
‘Do you want to make me suffer? I can hardly stand it already, and why should I tell him? He must have heard I'm getting married tomorrow by now, he'd come if he wanted to.’
When you started crying, Caroline gave a hug.
‘I'm sorry, forgive me, I just, he has a right to know.’
‘It doesn't matter, I have to get married whether he knows or not, all my father's acquaintances, protocol guests will be at the wedding, even the president himself.’
‘But this situation is very different.’
Suddenly Dolores opened the door, flustered.
‘The ride is here ladies, we should get going now.’
As soon as the wedding date was set, invitations were printed and the diplomatic and politic circle were informed. Some newspapers even carried the wedding announcement in their pages. So Steve heard the wedding announcement from the news from Colombia and got angry. He realized that what you and Javi had was no ordinary crush. He was worried about Javi, so he was a little nervous when he arrived in Texas.
‘How you doing, Jav?’
He approached the porch.
‘Good,’ Javi said, sweating profusely from carrying wood for hours. ‘Come on, I'll get you a drink, I needed a break anyway..’
They went inside, Javi took a beer from the fridge and handed it to him, then another, pressing his own bottle to his neck to cool off.
‘What brings you here? You look tense,’ he said, taking a sip of his beer.
‘Jav, have you heard about the wedding?’
A flash of anger flashed in Javi's eyes.
He knew.
‘And? You're not gonna do anything?’
‘Like what? Should I object to the priest and drag her away like we’re in a fucking movie?’
‘You love her! I know you hate the thought of her being with someone else!’
Javi didn't react. Steve spoke in a calm tone this time.
‘Look, I'll arrange a jet tomorrow, and if they ask why, I'll make something up, but I'll take you there anyway, man. Don't let her marry someone else.’
‘Even the President will be there, she wouldn't want to embarrass his father neither I can ask her to do that.’
‘Oh come on. Fuck his reputation. She loves you. I saw it in her eyes, don’t lose your true love. If Connie married anyone else but me, I'd probably be fucking ruined.’
‘He's right, Javi,’ Chucho said suddenly. He has overheard them.
‘Come on, pop,’ he whined. ‘Tomorrow she'll be somebody else's bride.’
‘Then go over there and get the bride for yourself.’
Steve smirked at him. But Javi was still having trouble making up his mind.
Until Steve's phone rang.
Steve stood up, it was a call from work.
“Agent Murphy, you have a call from Colombia, the lady said she's Caroline Reyes and it's urgent.”
Javi looked at him, got worried when Steve’s expression changed.
“Is something wrong?”
You were about to faint in the hotel lobby when your future mother-in-law wouldn't shut up. Talking about tomorrow as if she's getting married, not you. Caroline was gone for an hour, and it looked like she wasn't coming back.
Luckily, when you ran away from her to go to the bathroom, you rushed to the hotel bar. You needed a stiff drink, in fact it seemed like a good idea to get drunk. That way you could watch all the bullshit going on around you, with a peaceful smile.
You had just picked up the glass when someone hit your hand hard, almost spilling your drink.
"How could you?"
"Caroline? What the hell, are you crazy?"
She really was acting crazy.
"How can you come to the bar, like that?"
"Let me have a drink and relax, come on."
"No, come with me right now." She pulled you by arm. "If you want to relax, rest in your room, you must be tired."
"I mean yes, but..."
She kept pulling you and you went up to the room together. You were angry, and really needed a drink, but for some reason she was being overly cautious. Maybe she was afraid that your father would find out that you had recently become addicted to alcohol.
Dolores and Caroline stayed in the room with you for a while. In the evening, when everyone have retired to their rooms to get ready for the big day, you went down to the lobby wanted to sneak into the bar, but you noticed Felipe, looks upset. He looked like he needed a drink as well.
Wasn't he the one who was dying to get married?
The last thing you wanted was to argue with him, or worse, have him talk to you about wedding. So you came up with a brilliant idea.
You were the bride, whatever you wanted would be done immediately today and tomorrow.
You went down to the hall where the wedding was to take place, fortunately it was late and only the staff were there, working non-stop for tomorrow. One of them noticed you and approached you.
"Do you need something, señorita?"
"What is your name?"
"I'm Andrea, ma'am."
"Look Andrea, tomorrow I'm going to be extremely stressed, so I want you to bring me a drink every hour, but not in a normal glass, okay? A juice cup or a coke cup or whatever it is, as long as no one can see through it. Do you understand?"
She did, but also confused.
"My family is afraid I'll get drunk and ruin the wedding, you know what I mean."
"Oh, I see, don't worry, I'll mix it with real juice," she said.
"Smart girl. Thank you."
Wedding day….
The wedding takes place on the beach in Santa Marta, in one of the most luxurious hotels. It was probably every woman's dream place to get married.
To the man she loved.
Not for you, obviously, you were feeling like holding up your end of the bargain.
That's all you thought about when your hair and makeup were getting done. You wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible and worry about the rest later.
"It's perfect, you look so pretty," Caroline said. She touched your hair, her eyes filled with tears.
"Don't you dare to cry, that's the last thing I need," you scolded her. She nodded.
Soon there was a knock at the door and Andrea came in.
"Cool pineapple juice for the bride?"
"Great, thanks," you said and grabbed it. Andrea giggled and left. It was pineapple vodka, you drank it immediately, it felt good. For a moment you felt your nose freezing because you drank it so fast. Caroline frowned.
"You must be very thirsty."
"Yes, it's hotter here than in Cali."
"Yeah, I'm sweating all the time," she said nervously, looking at her watch. It was like she was the bride and not you, but you didn't care because the vodka made you feel super relaxed.
Two hours later, when it was time for you to put wedding dress on, you realized there is no turning back now.
While everyone complimented you, you just stared at the mirror, at the beautiful girl in the mirror. You didn't try to hold back the tears anymore because everyone kept telling you that this was normal on your wedding day.
They had no idea what made the tears flow.
You'd already had more than one drink, so you were a little high, and unfortunately something happened that you couldn't have predicted.
You had to pee.
"How could I not have thought of that?" you said to yourself as you realized that no one was in the room. You had to pee and they were all gone, great. You tried to lift up the bottom of your wedding dress, but it was impossible to sit on the toilet, so you just took it off.
But it was much harder to put on by yourself.
When it came to the buttons on your back, no matter how much you stretched your hands back, you couldn't button up.
Then you heard the sound of the door closing, it had to be Caroline.
“Caz! Help me please? I can’t button up my dress.”
If you go out with your dress’ back open, you could fall so you walked backwards. You were sure it was Caroline behind you, even though you couldn't see her face.
But you were surprised when you felt the fingers on your back because they weren't like Caroline's thin fingers, they were bigger, longer, strong, warm...
It was like his fingers.
Your heart started beating like crazy. You were dying to turn around and look at his face, but you couldn't, you just stood there.
After buttoning the last one, he pulled his hands away.
Since you didn't turn around, he stood in front of you and looked at you.
And there he was, with all his charm.
His warm brown eyes were as beautiful as ever. He wiped the tears flowing from your cheeks with his long fingers, his warm smile almost making you forget where you are and what you are about to do.
“You are so beautiful,” he said, his voice music to your ears.
But then it made you angry that you realized he did nothing all this time and appearing all of sudden.
“Why are you here?”
Suddenly the door opened and Andrea walked in, steadily doing her duty.
“Here's your drink - I mean your juice, señorita,” she said and left the cup on the table.
“Just when I need it,” you said and picked up, took out the straw and took a quick sip.
Javi frowned but seemed to understand, taking the cup from your hand and smelling.
“Vodka? Are you crazy?” 
“I'm sorry, but I'm having a hard day,” you hissed.
“How can you be so irresponsible?”
“I'm already doing the most irresponsible thing I've ever done. Besides, I don't remember inviting you to the wedding,” you grumbled.
But he got angry, as you reached for another sip, he picked up the glass and throwing it in the trash.
“From now on you are my responsibility,” he said and grabbed your arm.
“What does that mean?”
Just as he was on his way out the door with you, Caroline came in.
“Guys, the ceremony is about to begin and they will announce the bride in a moment. President almost finishes his speech, be quick.”
You were trying to get out of Javi's grasp but he wouldn't let you.
“Javi, let go, it's too late.”
“I won't let you marry him,” he said, for some reason very angrily.
“If you'd be so angry about this, why didn't you come earlier?”
“He didn't know, I had to tell him,” Caroline interrupted.
“Tell him what?”
It was impossible that he didn't know about the wedding, you got the idea she meant something else.
“The baby of course,” she whispered.
“I'm sorry, what?”
“You're pregnant,” she said.
You froze.
Was it because of this?
“What, pregnant, are you fuckin crazy?” you yelled.
Javi frowned and Caroline was confused.
“But, when Dolores told me to throw that bag in the trash yesterday morning, I found the test and-”
“Damn, Caroline, you've got it all wrong. That wasn't mine.”
“You're not pregnant?” Javi looked disappointed.
Which really pissed you off.
“You came all this way because you thought I was pregnant? Not because you love me, not to prevent me to marry another man?”
Felipe heard half the conversation, so it was his turn to misunderstand.
“Are you carrying his child?”
You let out a loud sigh.
“Felipe, it's not what you think-”
“I asked you a question!”
He was about to walk up to you angrily but Javi grabbed his arm and pushed him away.
‘Watch your tone, man.’
Then he grabbed Javi by his collar, but Javi was a well-trained agent, he grabbed his arms back like about to arrest him and push him hard almost made him fall.
He was surprised as hell, ran out of door.
‘Felipe, wait!’
‘I think he’s offended,” Javi smirked.
You wanted to go after him because you were afraid he'd tell your dad. As you were about to go out the door, Javi grabbed your arm.
‘Let him go, come with me.’
‘Don't you think it's too late to say this?’
Suddenly there was a gunshot, followed by screams from the crowd.
‘What the fuck?’
Javi quickly pulled you near to the wall. Caroline was standing right behind you.
He opened the door to see what was going on, squinting at the crowd.
‘What's going on,’ you asked curiously.
‘Who knows what trouble you've got yourself into again,’ he said, smiling mischievously at you, but continuing to stare outside. You rolled your eyes.
‘I didn't really do anything this time.’
So it was true that you'd done nothing but become an alcoholic.
‘Fuck,’ he muttered. ‘I think there’s an assault to the president.’
Then Steve walked through the door.
‘Javi, the president's been attacked, I think he's shot.’
‘Who could it be?
‘I have no idea,’ he said, then looked at you. ‘How are you Y/N, you look pretty.'
‘Hi Steve, thanks,’ you said in low tone.
‘Looks like the wedding's cancelled,’ he said, grinning at Javi, then his expression turned to serious. ‘I mean, it's too bad the president got shot, of course.’
‘Is he dead?’ you asked, scared.
‘I don't know yet, apparently leaving our gun in the car was a bad idea.’
‘I think the attackers also thought that the cops inside would be unarmed,’ Javi said.
‘Maybe, the president only had two bodyguards with him so.’
‘Fuck man, look what happened the day we got here.’
‘And you blaming me,’ you said squinting.
‘It's your wedding day, trouble always finds you.’
Steve smiled. ‘I guess you two haven't made up yet that you're bickering again, huh?’
‘It's my fault, I apologize, both of you,’ Caroline said, embarrassed.
Steve looked at Caroline and then you, confused.
‘False alarm,’ Javi explained to him.
The President has indeed been shot but not dead, and although you felt sad, you actually felt grateful for it. And then you hated yourself for it.
At the end of the night you took off your wedding dress -finally- and as you were sitting in your room with Caroline listening to her endless apologies, Felipe's mother came by.
She said they could still have the wedding, they could just postpone it.
‘Fuck, señora, what's wrong with you?’
 You were already exhausted  and a burst of anger took over your whole body. Caroline patted your shoulder, trying to calm you down.
‘Look, I don't want to marry your son, please let's call it off.’
‘All the preparations, the house, the furniture-’
‘I'm willing to pay the all the loss, but I have no intention of spending the rest of my life with your pretentious son, I almost put my ass on the line there, you're an intelligent woman, you'd understand if I loved him, wouldn't you?’
You felt like a great weight had been lifted off your shoulders when she left the room in a hurry, muttering.
‘You were marvellous, well said,’ Caroline smiled big.
‘I was, wasn't I? Dad's going to kill me though, but I don't care anymore.’
You laughed at each other.
‘Let's celebrate with a drink, I hate this room,’ you said.
‘You’re officially an alcoholic!”
You shrugged, walked out the door together to go down to the hotel bar.
The bar wasn't crowded, maybe because it was late. After a few drinks Caroline suddenly stood up.
‘Well, I'm sleepy, so I gotta go.’
Caroline was looking away, smiling mischievously. You turned your head round and saw Javi coming towards you.
You squinted at Caroline, she smirked. ‘Don't hate me, see ya.’
You sighed and get back to drinking.
Javi sat in the chair next to you.
‘Rough day, I guess?’
‘Did you book a room at this hotel?’
‘Yeah, it's on the ninth floor, would you like to come and check?’
He grinned wickedly at you. Then he ordered himself a whisky.
‘I'm still kind of on the verge of getting married.’
‘Hm, I don't think so.’
‘You don't? But my mother-in-law won't let me go easy.’
You took a sip of your drink. ‘I wish I was really pregnant, maybe then they'd give up for sure.’
Javi licked his lips.
‘I can help you with that.’
You blushed, biting your lip. You avoided making eye contact with him, but he put his hand under your chin and turned your face to his.
‘I won't let you marry someone else, even if I have to kidnap you again.’
Then he pressed his lips to yours.
You realized how much you have missed his kiss, also missed the feeling that your own lips burning with passion beneath his.
You almost fell off the chair when Javi pulled himself back, he grabbed your waist with his hand, chuckling as he see the emotion on your face.
You'd almost forgotten you were in public, you were embarrassed.
‘Are you sure you don't want to visit my room?’ he asked as he finished his whisky and looked at you with desire. ‘The view is breathtaking.’
You put your elbow on the bar counter and started playing with your hair.
‘I'm so curious now. Why don't you go first, I don't want to get caught by others, everyone here knows I'm the bride. Very famous I am.’
Javi got closer, whispered in your ear.
‘257. Don't make me wait too long, hermosa.’
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dreamsontheirway · 1 year
Three Shots | S.R.
Summary: Reader drinks too much at the bar and Spencer takes care of them. Warning: alcohol, vomiting Word count: 1.2k
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It was difficult to see through the dim light of the dingy dive bar that you were currently at with Spencer and his team. You were not an agent like the others, but you often went out with them after work. The situation was like killing two birds with one stone; Spencer constantly wanted to spend time with you and you were always wanting him to branch out more. Fortunately, it worked out in your both of your favors.
"I'm going to go grab another. Want anything?" Morgan began standing up from the booth, directing his question to you and Spencer.
"I'll take another beer," you responded. Spencer just waved in response. He rarely drank in general, but especially when you two would go out together and he knew one of you would need to drive home.
Morgan nodded and made his way up to the bar, and immediately began chatting up the women that were also waiting to order. You figured it would be a while before you received your drink, and you turned to Spencer, who you found was already looking down at you.
"Hey there," you grinned crookedly, already a little tipsy from the night's events.
"Hi love," Spencer used your pet name lovingly and pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. "Are you having fun?"
"Yes, so much fun." You giggled, and he smirked at you, knowingly. Your words were beginning to slur slightly, and he knew he needed to keep an eye on you.
You had a hard time the last several days. You worked as a case manager in social services, and you had several very angry and difficult clients this week. Spencer knew you wanted to let loose, but he wanted to make sure you didn't go too crazy with the alcohol.
"I'm going to go to the bathroom," Spencer told you, kissing the top of your head. "Be good, okay?"
"You're so silly," you garbled, the hair that Spencer had pushed behind your ear falling back onto your flushed forehead.
Spencer shook his head in amusement and stood up. Making his way to the bathroom, he stopped by Morgan and kindly asked him to watch out for you.
Spencer was disappointed that upon arriving at the men's restroom, there was a massive line. He looked between the restroom and the booth where you were, debating. Ultimately, his painful bladder won and he waited in the line, hoping that the others would watch out for you.
Meanwhile, shortly after Spencer had gotten up, you did the same. You stumbled slightly over to the bar to where Morgan was.
"Derek!" You hollered over the loud music, your hands falling on his arm. "Where's my beer?"
"Here you go, pretty girl." Morgan chucked and handed you the bitter drink.
"Hey, beautiful!" Garcia appeared next to you, sporting a fashionable outfit, as always.
"Penelope!" You threw your arms around her, squeezing tightly.
"Seems like someone's having a good time," she spoke, laughing. "Want to do shots?"
You nodded eagerly, and followed her to the bartender to order.
Spencer had been in line far too long by the time he finally left the bathroom, beelining towards where you were. As he was approaching, he saw a figure standing atop one of the bar benches, dancing with a drink in their hand.
"Oh, good god," Spencer spoke, his eyes widening. You were the figure, and you swayed your hips as drips of alcohol fell onto the floor from your cup.
"Y/N, you need to get down. You're going to fall," Spencer announced, placing a hand on the swell of your hips. He noticed the dribbles of alcohol on your favorite top and sighed. He knew you were struggling this week, but he also knew you would most certainly regret getting as drunk as you were.
"Spencer! I love you so much," you drawled out each syllable and reached for him.
Your foot slipped as you reached, but Spencer, whose reflexes were not impaired in the slightest, caught you against his chest. You just cackled in response, completely oblivious to the fact that you could've fallen onto the dirty, sticky floor.
"How much did you have while I was gone?" Spencer asked hesitantly, shocked by how quickly you had declined.
"Um," you reflected, "Garcia and I did three shots, I had a couple beers..."
"Three shots?!" Spencer cried, incredulously. "I was only gone for twenty minutes, tops!"
You just laughed, leaning your dead weight into his side. He wrapped his arm around your waist tightly, ensuring that you wouldn't suffer any more potential falls.
"Garcia?" Spencer hollered, his voice containing an edge of annoyance.
"Oh, hey pretty boy!" Garcia squealed, her and Morgan approaching you two.
"Why on earth did you let Y/N take three shots with you? She was already intoxicated to start with." Spencer yelled this to Garcia, who acted taken aback.
"Reid," Morgan said, a warning tone in his voice.
Spencer merely scoffed, frustrated with his coworkers for letting you drink as much as you had. He wordlessly guided you towards the exit of the bar, his hand still firmly wrapped around your waist.
"Spencer bencer bo bencer, fee fy fo fencer," you sang, cracking yourself up.
"C'mere, silly," he cooed at you, pulling you into him, worried about what may come next.
You stumbled then, nearly colliding with the hard concrete, but Spencer's arms on your waist prevented gravity from succeeding in its quest. You hiccuped and stopped laughing, leaning more of your weight onto Spencer. Unfortunately, Spencer knew this wasn't good news.
"Are you starting to feel sick, love?" He queried, and he felt your body sag further into his as you nodded tiredly.
"Okay, c'mon, lets get you to the car." Spencer guided you into the passenger seat of his car and leaned across to buckle you in. You merely slumped against the seat in response and Spencer's heart wrenched at the sight.
He began driving you home, with you asleep in the passengers seat. When you were nearing your side of town, you stirred. Groaning, you looked around frantically.
"Hey, hey," Spencer cooed. "You're okay."
"I don't feel well," you moaned.
"Do you need me to pull over?"
You only nodded in response. Spencer slowly pulled off the road and rounded the car to your door. As soon as he yanked it open, you jumped out and doubled over.
He held your waist so you wouldn't stumble over and pushed the hair away from your face as you wretched. You moaned in pain as he rubbed your back lovingly.
"Let it out, darling. You'll feel better after."
After a few dreadful moments of sickness, you felt well enough to lay against the passenger seat once again. Spencer slowly creeped back into the driver's seat and once he saw that you were asleep, he cautiously drove you both home. He carried you inside when you arrived and helped you to bed. Before he crawled into bed himself, he preemptively placed a glass of water and some Tylenol on your bedside.
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