#drama cd release summary
ririya-translates · 6 months
Jack Jeanne 3rd Anniversary News Summary
We got new news! I will add to this post with new info as it comes in but for now the rough notes are: -new novel -new drama cd
-live readings with the voice actors where fans can meet them
Please see below the cut for further info as I'm able to add it. I will maybe add it in comments as well.
The novel title translates to "seven winds" and it has scenarios for each LI route + Kisa's route right before the final Univeil performance. It releases Summer 2024 along with the drama CD.
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mostlymilkwood · 4 days
Their Story and The Guy She Was Interested In Wasn't a Guy at All
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Recently I've been thinking about the success of The Guy She Was Interested In Wasn't a Guy at All and how it feels like seeing where Tamen de Gushi could have ended up, had its publishing issues not lead too various hiatuses during its peak.
To give a quick summary of events; Tamen de Gushi (aka Their Story/SQ Begin W/Your Name!) is a manhua created and posted online by Tan Jiu. It was incredibly popular around 2015 to 2018, during which time it had big ad campaigns, cute merch, animated promos and a print volume of the manhua itself. Just the one though. Sadly a the start of 2018 Tan Jiu announced that volume 2 would be indefinitely postponed as their publisher had requested several scenes be removed, which they refused to do. People speculated the scenes were the romantic ones between the leads, particularly the Big Kiss that would have been in that volume, but it was never specified. Regardless, this had a pretty disastrous effect on the manhua, as without the revenue from volume 2 Tan Jiu understandably began working on other projects and updates basically stopped altogether outside of occasional illustrations and short comics detached from the main storyline.
Meanwhile The Guy She Was Interested In Wasn't a Guy at All (lets go with the insane shorthand tgswiiwagaa from here on) is a manga created and posted online by Sumiko Arai. First starting in 2021 it has become incredibly popular, which has lead to big ad campaigns, popup shops and cafes, a drama CD and print volumes of the manga itself.
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So there is some surface levels similarities between the two: both are released via the author's social media account, both feature a high school slice of life stories, both gained a huge followings outside of their original language due to scanlation efforts, and both were/are the the face of digitally published yuri.
I don't think we'd get tgswiiwagaa without Tamen de Gushi, or at least I don't think it would be as big as it is without the groundwork Tamen de Gushi lay within online spaces. I can't speak too much on Tamen de Gushi's domestic fandom, or even its Japanese one, (though it was clearly popular in both) but at least in English-speaking yuri circles it was the breakout hit that brought in a lot of new readers to the genre. (Which is crazy to think about since it was before Mangadex became the dominant host of scanlated works, so it was primarily released on Tumblr! with only some chapters showing up on Dynasty Reader later.)
And I don't wanna say it was the only game in town back then, as around 2015 was a real golden age of manhwa and manhua popping off with the likes of Her Tale of Shim Chong, What Does the Fox Say? and PULSE. They're all still popular recommendations when people ask for top yuri picks, deservedly so. But as I said, there's something about tgswiiwagaa that reminds me of Tamen de Gushi in particular.
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That popularity which lead to fanart, edits and fancams in the English side of the fandom feels kind of important to totgswiiwagaa's future international success. Like it widen the net so when totgswiiwagaa came along with a story that had even more western pop culture touchstones than a manga reader might normally get it was able to scoop up way more fans than ever before.
I think when it comes down to it, It's just nice to see tgswiiwagaa go even further than Tamen de Gushi did. There's been plenty of talk about if tgswiiwagaa will get an anime and/or a live action adaptation, and honestly I hope it gets everything and more! Because just like Tamen de Gushi before it, I know tgswiiwagaa is laying the groundwork's from some other wildly popular yuri that will come to surpass it in the future. And I can't wait to read whatever new stories come out next!
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precisemuseum · 1 month
Can I ask a quick question? What is the puyo puyo drama cd three cinderellas about? I can't understand japanese and i'm very curious.
Basically, the Madou Monogatari characters are putting on a play for the story Cinderella...for some reason.
Arle is playing the stepmother and she's trying to keep everyone on task, but Draco, Witch, and Rulue mess it up since they all want to play Cinderella, but two of them were supposed to play her evil stepsisters. They also are all really bad at the things Cinderella is supposed to be good at like cooking, cleaning, and gardening. Rulue creates a dish that is somehow alive, Draco burns everything up to 'clean' it, and Witch creates a living plant monster...
Schezo is playing the "fairy godmother" of the story, he's just called a magician so it's not actually a gendered role for the record. He's mostly annoyed about having to play a goody two shoes role and is just as confused as Arle is about there being three Cinderellas. Satan shows up briefly and Arle thought he was playing the prince, but Suketoudara is the one actually playing the prince. Once they get to the ball, all of the Cinderellas turn him down and beat him up.
This summary is really condensed and maybe missed some details, but we probably won't be able to get to subtitled audio drama releases for a while. I hope this helps you understand the story!
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coffeelomort · 5 months
Fragaria Memories Livesteam 23/04 Summary
As usual, take everything I say with a grain of salt, there's a chance I misheard or mistranslated things!
They displayed some of the newer merch in front of them.
They're running a giveaway campaign on Twitter for a CD set (until 23/04 23:59 JST).
They mentioned the pre-orders for the CDs, and that with the pre-orders you get various bonuses depending on the website you order from, and that you get a chance to attend the fanmeet in August.
They showed an sample of everyone's solos! (The seiyuus were so loud during Aozora no Memory, lol)
(They joked that Chaco's seiyuu got excited like a dog that was told he's being taken on a walk...)
Honestly, I have no idea what's going on in the challenge section. I think they were given prompts to talk about the CDs in a certain time limit? (They all failed according to Louterstella's seiyuu, and they revolted so Louterstella's seiyuu had to do the challenge too. He passed because he's cute according to the fans in the stream chat.)
The first live and fanmeet on 10/08 and 11/08 is called "Wish is"! The seiyuus available for the fanmeet depends on the day and time (for Day 2) you go. They revealed the prices for the tickets; the most expensive being 14,000 yen for additional benefits (extra merch?) and the best seats. The tickets will be available for those that preordered the CDs from 01/05.
Animate Spring Fair brings some new merch. The event lasts from 27/04 until 19/05.
(Kurode's seiyuu got locked out of his iPhone. Twice.)
They mention some information about the Collab Cafe, it's mostly information we already know from what I can tell.
They talk about Knight Link; the next episode will have Hallritt, Puruth, and Sanah as the hosts (so the same as last weeks). They mentioned something about an archive that overseas fans can access again, but I have no idea where that could be. (I pay for radiko and listen live, so...)
The Noir Bouquet watch party livestream will be on 05/10 at 19:30 JST! Which means that's when Noir Bouquet's voice drama will be released!!! Seems like it'll focus on Arupek and Chaco.
(If Kurode's seiyuu gets locked out of his iPhone again, it'll be for 30 minutes.)
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doctorbunny · 4 months
Hi! I hope you don't mind the sudden question, but i got really into Milgram recently and was wondering: What reasoning did people give when they voted Haruka guilty in the second trial? Like, generally speaking, what did the consensus seem to be?
Haruka is a character i strongly relate to, so i have a lot of Thoughts about him.
Firstly: Wow the start of the second trial was that long ago, huh 😅
Secondly: I need to explain that Haruka's trial was a bit different than most Not sure how recently you joined but in a normal trial, the MV will upload the same day a CD releases, and stuff like the instrumental, DECO covers and most importantly the voice drama will be officially uploaded at the same time
But for Haruka, due to some unspecified CD issue, we were getting the MV as planned then wouldn't get the voice drama for another two weeks This will be very important to his voting
Thirdly: Going into his trial, things were uncertain, a lot of people really liked Haruka and were very worried for him due to his new relationship with Muu. Whom many saw as a potential bad influence or threat. I won't get into it too much, but before this trial it was definitely more common to have a.... soft image of Haruka as a harmless little guy who had gone through a lot, who just made some mistakes because he didn't know any better
Its worth remembering that without the context of AKAA, Weakness is a very dream-like MV and not many were sure which parts were real or imagined One of the biggest debates about weakness was about if the blue haired child was a younger bother or Haruka himself It all seems quite quaint from here Some people thought Haruka might not have even killed a person, just animals, I was even considering a theory suggesting Haruka was in milgram for his own suicide (in the words of Danganronpa 'killing the person who is most important to you: Yourself') The girl with the plait wasn't thought about much as other than a possible childhood friend due to her being shown running next to young Haruka.
Fourth: The premiere of AKAA was super emotional and intense, it was a beautiful MV But like Purge March later, it would contextualise parts of Weakness we didn't expect it to Mainly the animal murder and the girl's death.
But without the voice drama, many were unsure what verdict would be best for Haruka Despite the failure of T1 Amane, many still thought we could fix the prisoners through voting right Some people saw this vote as a chance to get Haruka to break up with Muu if we played our cards right Overall people were confused and conflicted and couldn't wait for the voice drama to come out I think the best summary of feelings is a comment from the top of the AKAA comments section
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This was posted right after AKAA came out and reflected a common mood
This part of his voting period was very strange. Because of the uncertainty, people were pretty split People didn't think he deserved an innocent verdict, but they didn't want to punish him so harshly with a guilty one either And it turned into an interesting situation: What happens if a prisoner gets exactly 50%? It was an unlikely truce between two passionate sides but for about 2 weeks straight, 50-50 was sustained Or more accurately, it was a constant flux of 49.9-50.1, changing by the hour if not minute (I actually dreamt up a fic of this causing Haruka to get a migraine but like most of my fics it never materialised)
Then the voice drama released
At the time I was the mod of the second biggest milgram server (rip Fancult - unfortunately that place got nuked so I'll have to go off memories alone) so I got to watch as a lot of people gathered and listened to the VD at the same time We were still waiting on translations, but still people could appreciate the acting and pick out key words like the prisoners' names and... other common phrases
お母さん, "Okaasan" The Japanese word for 'mother' or 'mum'
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By the time we got to here it was Harukover 😔
Then a second Okaasan hit the verdict
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And this giant mess ended with the suicide threat that's been haunting us for the rest of the season...
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Needless to say, people were not too pleased
The 50-50 pipe dream was immediately shot down and betrayed
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This graph (by paiplushie on twt) shows it pretty clearly
One thing to keep in mind is that even before Muu's MV was out, people were certain she'd be voted guilty, there was a fervour for it (mostly because people saw her as having taken advantage of Haruka and having the wrong attitude towards her verdict)
For some reason, voting Muu innocent was never really considered an option
It was 'Haruka threatened to kill himself if we vote Muu guilty, how do we stop him doing that after we do' [personally I voted him innocent because I had a pipe dream that if both Haruka and Muu were inno then they'd be obnoxious about it but unharmed]
People justified voting guilty in different ways, some thought it'd make him break up with Muu and not want to die for her, some just didn't want to enable his action (threatening suicide is awfully manipulative) and some people genuinely believed that physical restraint was the most effective way to prevent him from attempting suicide... which all I'll say is I disagree with that logic
But yeah, once the VD was out it never really showed any signs of returning to inno
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sparklingmusicofstars · 11 months
Hamefura series summary :
To make it easier I made a summary with some of my posts. I hope it would be useful. If you don't mind i'll take you this idea maboroshi-no ><
Bonus stories :
LN1 : I received flowers
LN2 : Happy twilight (Acchan's POV) Be happy
LN3 : First prince and his fiancée Second prince and his fiancée What I wanted ~Geordo~ ~In a Slumber~
LN5 : Tom the gardener
LN6 : ~I had a terrifying dream~ Catarina
LN9 : POV of a shopkeeper's daughter
LN11 : Ronnie's POV and Bell's POV
LN12 : Catarina 18th birthday.
LN13 : A story at the orphanage
Movie : I want to see the caravan show again
Hamefura manga 5 : Raphael's disguises
French version :
Dans un sommeil Geordo LN3
Point de vue de la fille d'un commerçant LN9
Hamefura Theories :
Catarina's past life Theory 1
About the movie (before the release of the last trailer) Theory 2
Sora's background Theory 3
Catarina and Geordo's relationship Theory 4
Hamefura romantics progress Theory 5
Hamefura pirates : When Rozy fell in love with Catarina ? Theory 6
What would everyone become if Catarina were to disappeared ? 7
Who's the reincarnated ? Theory 8
What will happen in LN 14 ? Theory 9
What are Catarina's dreams about FL2 ? Theory 10
Catarina's romantic tastes Theory 11
Sora's age Theory 12
Hamefura polls :
An opinion about the ships
Hamefura characters' different versions :
Sora (Rufus)
Hamefura characters' introductions :
Catarina Sophia Mary Rozy Lind Silva
Musics of the movie : Here
Hamefura pirates drama CD recording : Here
Hamefura fanfic :
A troublesome popularity : Part 1
A twist of fate : Prologue
Chapter 1 : part 1
Hamefura illustrations : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Everyone as butlers Everyone as butlers chibi Some characters as idols The girl as fairies Switch gender Happy new year 2024 Extra pictures of the movie Cover bluray movie
Hamefura verge of doom illustrations :
Volume 3 Maria and Catarina Geordo's introduction Kai Geran's introduction Catarina's introduction Manga's introduction Cute chibis
All the best here
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sewmice · 7 months
Hai as a decently new utapri fan I wanted to ask your opinion on how new fans should get into utapri after finishing the anime. Should they play through the otomes games or maybe try listening to the Masterpiece shows instead?
Welcome to Utapri! I hope you're enjoying the ride so far! And as someone who has been here for 12 years, welcome to Utapri hell, this is your life now! (with love of course)
Since the Masterpiece shows are all alternate universes/acting, it doesn't technically matter? So the real question is, do you like the idol side or the romance side more? Idol side, go for the masterpiece shows. Romance go for the games. And honestly switch around as you please. Just get to SOME game knowledge at some point because that's where you really learn about the boys after all. Personally it's best to know at least a little from everything.
Also the next most important thing will be whether you know Japanese or not. Because currently the anime, movies, and Starish special are the only things available in English. So what you can enjoy is more limited. Shining Live was in English for it's lifespan, and has some archives out there. Live Emotion we can only hope will have an English version but we do not know currently.
Now my answer to assist gets real long so gonna put it under a cut for everyone's sanity.
If you know Japanese, absolutely go enjoy the otome games, all of which have updated ports on the Switch! The release order and thus suggested order would be Repeat, Amazing Aria and Sweet Serenade, Debut, All Star, and finally All Star After Secret. And one day we'll have Dolce Vita.
If you want Quartet Night, while you meet them in Debut, their routes start with All Star. Ringo and Ryuuya have routes in Sweet Serenade and All Star if you're looking for them. Mitsuo in Amazing Aria is well....you'll see.
If you don't know Japanese, I still suggest looking into the games, but your options are more limited. ShiningWonderland has a fantastic crew pushing out translations. They're working on Repeat for Starish and All Star for QN currently. Couple of the routes are finished for at least one ending and others seem to be nearing completion. But I can't speak for that team past that. They are all wonderful people though!
If you don't mind getting a shortened, not amazing experience. There are some old summaries floating around from Breadmasterlee. Those, plus some friends who could understand enough, were how I learned parts of the games back in the day. Not the preferred experience though.
You could also technically struggle your way through with like Google Lens translation? Definitely not recommended though.
As for the masterpiece shows, again if you know Japanese, just enjoy them. If you wanna know what order they released in, the sets were as follows: Masquerade Mirage, Tenka Muteki no Shinobimichi, and Joker Trap Bloody Shadows, Pirates of the Frontier, Every Buddy!, and Polaris Lost Alice, Trios, and The Forest of Lycoris Dreaming of OZ, Never Again Neverland, and Faust Last Cantata
I know that next to last set, the Shining Masterpiece Shows, have translations by Kanasmusings. You can also find translations for some other dramas there, and subtitles for a majority of the stage plays (you will need your own file or DVD/BD).
The most recent Dramatic Masterpiece Shows seem to be works in progress at the moment. I know utapri-translations-uuuu is working on Heavens! And the CDs can be found in my masterlist.
The older ones I don't know off the top of my head if translations exist at all.
There are also Discord servers amongst the community, some public and some private, with resources and amazing people. But I'm not sure on how appropriate it would be to post the public ones. They don't allow piracy so as much as I push buying legally, uh, understandably linking from my blog publicly feels wrong. You can very likely find said discords via the Twitter fandom. Or talk to me in DMs.
This is a lot of info I know. Trying to cover as many bases as I can off the top of my head! Enjoy Utapri!
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suzuran777 · 1 year
Slow Damage: Clean Dishes Epilogue 2 Summary
It has been a while, but the Clean Dishes drama CD was finally released earlier this month! I really liked it, so I decided to play some more of the epilogues. This one focuses on the relationship between Ruu and Kimika. Be aware that it does spoil the game's good ending.
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This story takes place after the Hare’s Nest incident in which Kimika kidnapped Shiro and tried to use a bomb to kill both of them, believing that death was the only answer. Baku saved Shiro and Kimika was arrested. Shortly after this arrest, Ruu had trouble believing that the culprit was Kimika, but somewhere deep in his heart he knew it was really him. Even though Kimika usually smiled brightly, a tremendous darkness was hidden behind that smile.
"I wish I had realized sooner..."
The epilogue then skips to a flashback. Back then, Ruu worked for a car repair shop. While working there, he often came into contact with a man he absolutely despised, who would purposely torment the weak for his own entertainment. Because of his connections, he was never punished for his actions. One day when he witnessed one of his coworkers being harassed in the bathrooms, Ruu couldn’t handle it anymore and punched this man in the face. The man was not seriously injured, but as a result of this Ruu lost his job. He didn't regret punching the man, but he couldn't accept that he got fired for defending his coworker.
"At that time, I came across a recruitment ad online, from Sara-ya.”
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At first, Ruu was a bit confused what exactly they meant with 'cleaning a room a person died in'. The location of the company was also not ideal, Shinkoumi is a place notorious for being unsafe. Of course, he could have picked a different job, but for some reason he decided to send an email to them. The work at Sara-ya was exactly what he expected, and it took some time getting used to it. However, in terms of human relationships, everyone was friendly and comfortable with each other.
"After a long time, when I was no longer called a rookie, I decided to team up with Kimika."
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"I don't mean this in a strange way, but as a work partner and a human being, I liked Kimika."
Kimika was a cheerful, fun-loving person, who also had a serious side when they were working together. They would often meet up before and after work too, to talk and to eat together. Kimika used to be a hairdresser before he joined Sara-ya and mentioned that he enjoyed making people beautiful, almost as if a person is 'reborn' after getting a new haircut. Kimika mentioned that he wished he could be reborn too, but back then Ruu did not really understand the meaning of these words. Looking back at it now, Ruu realizes that there were so many hints that something was not right...
Some time after this, Kimika called him in the middle of the night. At first, Ruu thought someone called the wrong number, but after listening closely he realized it was Kimika's voice, wishing for his own death. After this, Ruu learned that Kimika was taken to the hospital after overdosing on sleeping pills. Ruu realizes that Kimika probably called him as a final cry for help.
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The story then switches to Kimika's perspective. A bright and cheerful person, that is how people would describe him, which was not wrong, because that is what he pretended to be. Of course, it was not all lies, Kimika truly wished he could be happy. He grew up with three older sisters who were all very beautiful and talented. Compared to them, Kimika was a very ordinary person. Because his sisters were always praised, they were never punished when they used Kimika as a slave or toy, even sexually assaulting him sometimes. Back then Kimika didn't know it was bad, he was just happy that they would spend any time with him.
When he was 11 years old, his oldest sister vanished. A month later, her body was found in the mountains. A suicide note was found near her body, apologizing for not being able to meet her parents' expectations. One year later, his second sister passed away after repeatedly overdosing on sleeping pills. Kimika's family stopped talking to each other, unable to deal with the situation. Shortly after this, the third sister also disappeared. The police eventually found her alive, however, she seemed like a completely different person after joining a religious group. She didn't talk to her parents and brother anymore and locked herself up in her room every day. One day, she texted Kimika to come to her room.
"When I entered the room, my sister was standing on a chair with a belt around her neck, tied to the curtain rod."
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She smiled and asked Kimika to remove the chair, explaining that she wanted to die so she could be reborn. Kimika, unable to deny her wish, did what his sister wanted. Kimika started wondering what would happen after death and if they would really be reborn. His sisters were very talented and had no other reason to die, so he assumed it must be true.
"Just like the other two, I wonder if death isn't something they fear, but something they yearn for. If possible, I want to be reborn too."
After graduating high school, he studied to become a hairdresser and eventually moved to Shinkoumi, mostly because he wanted to get away from his parents' house. Shinkoumi was a place where nobody would come after him. Even though he tried to distance himself from his past, he always felt like he couldn't truly be happy. Being alone made him very uncomfortable, so he would often stay with (sex) friends or even strangers. One day one of his friends half-jokingly sent him the Sara-ya recruitment ad, but Kimika, still obsessed with the concept of people taking their own lives, became interested in the job. This is where he met Ruu, and later Shiro and Baku. He was a bit excited to meet someone like Shiro who also wanted to die. Kimika also wanted to openly talk about death like Shiro did, so he decided to create a social media account. Before he knew it, he made many friends online who all shared the same mindset as him, agreeing death is the only way to escape from suffering. This is when Hare's Nest was created.
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Members of Hare’s Nest focused on overcoming their fear of death and would usually report their daily accomplishments. Kimika tried to do the same and was proud of his group members. Eventually, the first individuals in the group started taking their own lives. Until then, Hare's Nest was mostly a private group, but after the first two suicides it started attracting attention online. After that, the number of deaths gradually increased and the criticism from outside groups grew. At that time, Kimika thought death was the only way to end suffering and didn’t understand what he was doing wrong. He also realized that Shiro joined the group and was surprised when he openly shared these details with him. Kimika decided that it must be fate, finally he would be able to die together with someone.
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After that it switches back to Ruu's perspective. Shortly after the Hare's Nest incident, Kimika was sentenced to two years in prison. The sentence was shorter than expected because there was no evidence of intimidation or a detailed planning of the attack. Another reason for this was probably because Kimika's lawyer worked for the Takasato-gumi. It was Eiji who introduced them to each other. Ruu frequently visited Kimika in prison, but during the first visits Kimika did not look him in the eye and barely spoke to him. He didn't understand why Ruu kept visiting him, after all he was a criminal who encouraged people to take their lives and who almost killed one of their friends. He also didn’t understand why Ruu still cared about him, they were only work partners after all. To Ruu however, Kimika was never just a work partner, but someone he genuinely considered a friend. Ruu regrets not noticing Kimika's loneliness and still wants to be with Kimika after he gets released from prison. Kimika still has a hard time trusting others because of his childhood, but somewhere deep in his heart he wants to trust him. Ruu hopes that some day, him and Kimika will be able to laugh together again, just like they used to.
Some extra notes
The name of the group is simply called Hare’s Nest because Kimika has a pet rabbit.
His username online is Himalaya, referring to the Himalayan rabbit, said to be the oldest rabbit breed. His own rabbit is also a Himalayan rabbit.
Members of Hare’s Nest calls themselves ‘leveret’, a term used to describe a young hare. If you’ve read the Clean Dishes manga you probably also know it’s the name of the manga…!
The drama CD is a continuation of this, so definitely listen to that if you can! Especially if you like Ruu and Kimima as a pairing. ;)
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solradguy · 2 years
Please contact me if there are translations in other languages (or I missed something) and I will add them to this post. If you find this post through a reblog with an old "last updated" date, check the original post on my blog for more recent information. There is a mirror of this post on my Neocities page. The Neocities page also has better navigation, organization, and will now be updated before this post.
Wanna help out but have never scanned a book before? Here's a guide I wrote on book scanning: Tumblr Link
I have done my best to link all of the works here back to their original scanlator/translator's uploads and hosting websites:
🔥 Volcanic Fighter (aka Nincopyjasb) - If there's a surviving archive for something Guilty Gear, Volcanic probably has it. Works in English and Spanish.
Twitter - Youtube
🔥 Justice Revival Project (aka Longshotte) - Formed solely to translate the GG Xtra manga.
Mangadex - Twitter
🔥 Ed Chang - One of the first, and most prolific, JP>EN translators in the GG community, as well as a popular Gamefaqs author for the old GG games. Used to have a personal website that hosted his works but it is lost to time. He is a name you will see often in old archived works.
🔥 Sol Radguy :) In case my Tumblr gets nuked
Email: junkyarddogmkii [at] gmail [dot] com Archive.org - Neocities - Mangadex
🔥 Tillman - Scans and archives manga and Encyclopedia/guide book volumes, as well as rips animations and other information from Vastedge and the old games.
Neocities - Tumblr - Archive.org
🔥 LesbianGiratina - Has scanned a very substantial chunk of the Guilty Gear trading cards. Also scans some of the rarer side media or special release editions of games.
🔥Guilty Gear Begin - Light novel focused on Frederick (pre-Gear Sol Badguy). The current earliest point in the lore.
English (Sol Radguy): Tumblr - Archive.org Español (Volcanic): Dropbox
🔥 Lightning The Argent - Light novel focused on Ky. Currently does not have a full translation but Volcanic has made what he's translated into Spanish so far public. Sol Radguy is currently working on an English translation. All current translations listed here are by Volcanic.
English, Chapter 1: Dropbox Español - Dropbox (complete) Español Resumen - Dropbox (story summary in Spanish)
🔥The Butterfly & Her Gale - Light novel focused on Chipp. Translations here are by Volcanic, who is also working on a full translation.
Español Resumen - Dropbox (story summary in Spanish) English, Chapter 1 - Dropbox
🔥Guilty Gear 2 -Overture- Material Collection - Art book for Overture. There are 8 short stories in it.
English, Volcanic (Izuna, Paradigm, & Valentine) - Dropbox -- Español - Dropbox English, Sol Radguy (complete) - Tumblr - Neocities -- Archive.org (.PDF + uncompressed scans)
🔥GG Xrd: The Unseen Sign - Intro? story to Guilty Gear Xrd included in the Arc System Works 25th Anniversary Official Character Collection art book. Translations by Volcanic.
English - Dropbox Español - Dropbox
🔥DRAMA CDS - The English files for these are also hosted on Sol Radguy's Neocities site if the .ru domain is blocked for you. That site also hosts a .PDF of all the following English translated files so that they are more portable/easier to read than the raw .TXT format some of these are currently in.
🔥 Night of Knives - GGXX drama CD mainly focused on Zato and Millia with some Venom and Slayer. Translations by Blade (vol. 1-3), Mei (ES side stories), and Volcanic (EN side stories). NOTE: The volume 1-3 translations done by Blade (aka Blade Galewind, Mimeblade, gear-project), who is known for purposely misinterpreting lore and inserting headcanons into translations. Unfortunately, these are the only translations out there of these drama CDs. The Spanish translations of these 3 volumes worked off Blade's English ones. Read at your own risk. A new translation is currently in progress by Vaporbabe.
English: guiltygear.ru: Vol.1, Vol.2, Vol.3 Español: Dropbox +Robo-Ky side story: English: Dropbox Español: Dropbox + A.B.A. side story: English: Dropbox Español: Dropbox Axl side story: English: Neocities Español: Dropbox
🔥 GGX Drama CD - A bunch of the cast have a big fight over some Old War Technology (black tech). English translations by Ed Chang, Spanish translations by Aegis High and Volcanic. NOTE: There are significant errors in Ed Chang's translation (& possibly in Aegis High's & Volcanic's, which worked off of Chang's text), the biggest of which is the infamous "Johnny Sfondi" last name mistranslation. Cross-reference information presented in these texts with more recent confirmed canon before using it as a source or citation. Ed Chang's statement on these translations can be read here: screenshot. Tl;dr: Chang was new to Japanese translation and the mistakes were honest accidents. These translations are nearly 20 years old. Vaporbabe may very well do a new translation for this CD too.
--Disc 01: English: guiltygear.ru Español: Dropbox --Disc 02: English: guiltygear.ru Español: Dropbox +Dizzy & Testament side story (from when they first meet): English: Included at the end of Chang's Disc 02 translation. Español: Dropbox
🔥GGXX Drama CD Sides Red & Black - This is an alternate timeline where Ky is killed during the Crusades. English translations by Ed Chang, Spanish translations by Volcanic.
English: guiltygear.ru (red) - guiltygear.ru (black) Español: Dropbox +Night of the Living Dolls extra story (feat. Zappa): English: At the end of Chang's Side Red translation. Español: Dropbox +Letter extra story (a letter from Dizzy to Testament): English: At the end of Chang's Side Black translation ("A Message from Dizzy to You") Español: Dropbox
🔥GG Petit 2 - Fanny & Faust arcade modes dialog. Translation by Volcanic.
English - Dropbox
== Fanny win/lose quotes. Translation by @kaialone.
English - Tumblr
🔥Guilty Gear (1998) Comic Anthology - The first anthology manga published for GG. This is a collection of isolated stories, both original to the volume and recaps of parts of the lore. Sol Radguy is currently working on this. Fábrica de Lutadores and Maxima-Dub are also working on a Brazilian Portuguese translation. Chapters 1 - 8 are in English, while the first two are in Portuguese.
Full volume raws (Japanese): Archive.org English & Portuguese translations: Mangadex
🔥 Guilty Gear Xtra - Manga that introduces two new characters that promptly get forgotten by the lore at large. Scanlation by Justice Revival Project.
English: MangaDex - Archive.org (incomplete) Español: Dropbox
🔥Artworks of Guilty Gear X 2000-2004 - Art book collecting a decent chunk of Daisuke' art from GGX through to early GGXX. Contains more rough sketches than the 2007 sequel as well as an interview with Daisuke in the back. The available scans are very low quality. The original interview translation was by fairymisao with additional translation and editing by Sol Radguy.
Raws: Archive.org Interview, English: Archive.org
🔥Artworks of Guilty Gear X 2000-2007 - Art book collecting (most) of Daisuke’s work going from GGX through to Isuka. Does not have anything from Overture, despite it being in production around the time this book was published. Translation by Sol Radguy.
English: Tumblr tag - Archive.org
🔥Guilty Gear X: Drafting Artworks - Collects a bunch of concept sketches for character designs but most of it is roughs for their moves. Has some lore stuff and map design stuff.
Japanese: Archive.org
🔥Guilty Gear 2 Overture Material Collection - This is a loose folder of all the artwork from this art book but a bit out of order and with additional illustrations from the Overture era of Guilty Gear.
Japanese: Dropbox
🔥Guilty Gear Xrd (Revelator) Visual Book - Small art book included in the special edition release of XrdRev in Europe and Japan. This is a scan of the European book, which is in English (mostly). These scans were done by@birthdaytrain and were compiled it into a .PDF for Archive by Sol Radguy.
English: Archive.org
🔥Guilty Gear 10th Memorial Book - Book celebrating the 10th anniversary of Guilty Gear. Clear images of some rare illustrations in it that weren't reprinted elsewhere, such as the Isuka arcade ending art.
Japanese: Neocities
🔥ASW 25th Anniversary Official Character Collection - Celebrates Arc System Works surviving for 25 years. Sol's on the cover but has stuff for Blazblue and some other ASW properties. Originally scanned by tokimekicn. - This could use a rescan.
Japanese: Archive.org
🔥Channel 3 Records Guilty Gear: Missing Link Vinyl Art and Interview Book - A 2LP that came with a short booklet containing some ML era GG art and a brief interview with Daisuke himself. Sol Radguy did not rip the music from the records for this archive. In-house translation.
English (some Japanese): Archive.org
🔥Dengeki PlayStation F, Volume 10 (October 13, 1995) - Volume 19 of the Japanese gaming magazine, Dengeki PlayStation. Has an article on what appears to be the first printed appearance of any sort of Guilty Gear 1 material. Very early prototype stuff in this. Translation by Sol Radguy.
Japanese, English: Archive.org
🔥Dengeki PlayStation F2, April Special Issue, Volume 19 (April 10, 1996) - Volume 19 of the Japanese gaming magazine, Dengeki PlayStation. Has an article on an early build of GG Missing Link. This issue also has articles for Final Fantasy 7, Tekken 2, Street Fighter Zero, Darkstalkers, and a lot more. Translation by Sol Radguy.
Full magazine raws: Archive.org English translation of the Guilty Gear article: Archive.org
🔥Asura System Guilty Gear Trading Cards - Scans of some of the Guilty Gear cards made for the Asura System TCG. Scanned by @lesbiangiratina . The cards are in Japanese.
Japanese: Google Drive
MISC. //
🔥Guilty Gear Vastedge XT - The canon pachinko machine. This upload contains all the ripped assets (meshes, sound FX, animated assets such as cutscenes, UI assets, etc), the .APK and two .OBB files from the Android port rip, all the concept art, the JP dialog script (+Volcanic's partial EN translation), Shmuel's restored/remastered opening animation video, and some videos of the gameplay and of the physical machine all into one place. Full credits for this pack are long, please see Archive link for them.
🔥A.B.A. Design Documents - Original analog sketches used for A.B.A.'s design and for the design of her moveset. Courtesy of famiccha on Twitter.
Google Drive
No one has translated any of these and a lot of them are uploaded together. Most of the guide books have not been scanned. See the MISSING STUFF section below for what's not here.
🔥Guilty Gear Complete Bible, GGXX The Midnight Carnival Starter Encyclopedia, GG Isuka Complete Guide, GGXX Accent Core +R A Gainful Material, + 1st Gig Artbook. - 1st Gig scans by Lux/Xaeldritch.
Japanese: Archive.org
🔥Guilty Gear X SLASH Encyclopedia - Scans by Sol Radguy. Special thanks to @dizzyrobo for lending a copy to be scanned.
Japanese: Archive.org
🔥GGXX The Midnight Carnival Burst Encyclopedia - Scans by Tillman
Japanese: Archive.org
🔥GGXX Slash Beat Encyclopedia - A.B.A. and Order Sol were introduced in XX Slash, so this guidebook has a lot of stuff featuring them. Intro/win dialog transcriptions + Slayer haiku table, too.
Japanese: Archive.org
🔥Guilty Gear Petit 1 & 2 Official Fan Book - Guide book for the Wonderswan games. Scans by Tillman.
Japanese: Archive.org
🔥Vastedge Official Guide Book - I don't know how you make a guide book for a pachislot machine but, well, someone found a way. Scans by Tillman.
Japanese: Archive.org
GGX Plus Anthology Comics vol.1 (Bros. Anthology Comics):
=== Archive raws
=== Google Drive - Chapter 1 translation by Renexuz. This project has been dropped by Renexuz and no further work on it will be done by her. Please let me know if someone else picks this up.
GGX Anthology Comics (Bros. Anthology Comics) - Archive raws
GGX Plus Anth. Comics vol.2 (Bros. Anthology Comics) - Archive raws
GGXX Anthology Comics vol.1 (Bros. Anthology Comics) manga - Archive raws
GGXX Anthology Comics vol.2 (Bros. Anthology Comics) manga - Archive raws
GGXX Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics), Volume 1 - Archive raws
GGXX Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics), Volume 1 - Archive raws
Guilty Gear XX ♯Reload Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics) - Archive raws
Guilty Gear Isuka (Ohzora Comics) manga, scans by Lux/Xaeldritch - Archive raws
Guilty Gear XX 4koma Kings (DNA Media) vol.1 - Raws on Archive
Guilty Gear XX 4koma Kings (DNA Media) vol.2 - Raws on Archive
Guilty Gear XX 4koma Kings (DNA Media) vol.3 - Raws on Archive
Guilty Gear X 4koma Kings (DNA Media) vol.1 - Raws on Archive
Guilty Gear X Plus 4koma Kings (DNA Media) - Raws on Archive
Character Designer Issue 1. 2003 (キャラクタデザイナー ISSUE.1 2003年秋) - Has SUPER early concept art for a lot of characters in it, including concept art for Baiken when she was initially planned to be male. - lesbiangiratina is currently scanning this; Sol Radguy translation of the GG pages is in progress.
The EU special edition release of GG Accent Core Plus. Came with what's likely to be an official English translation of the 10th Memorial Book OR a book called The Lost Archive, which seems to include artwork for Overture but additional information is unknown. Which book it came with depended on which version of the SE was bought. These were limited to 200 copies (100 each) and are very expensive (>us$450). (thanks to Renexuz & Tillman for this info)
Arc System Works 25th Anniversary Memorial Booklet - A Japan-exclusive limited-edition artbook that was available at the Arc System Works Festival 2013 to commemorate the company's twenty-fifth anniversary.
Guilty Gear 2 Overture Secret Gig & Secret Gig Neo - Two different booklets given out at Tokyo Game Show (2006?) that have some Overture art in them that wasn't included in the GG2Overture Material Collection art book, mostly of Valentine and Chimaki. Neo has art by guest artists, including a Valentine body pillow... Neo also seems to be the rarer of the two, but both are pretty hard to find.
Username by the book title denotes that someone owns it and will scan it eventually. For @tillman, double check with its pinned post to make sure the listings here are up to date.
Guilty Gear Isuka Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics) - Tillman
Guilty Gear Isuka Yonkoma Kings - 4koma - Tillman
Guilty Gear X Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics) - Tillman
Guilty Gear X Plus Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics) - Tillman
Guilty Gear XX (Ohzora Comics) - Tillman
Guilty Gear XX Slash Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics) - Tillman (both volumes)
Guilty Gear XX Slash Yonkoma Kings - Tillman
Guilty Gear XX ♯Reload Yonkoma Kings - Tillman
Guide Books/Encyclopedias:
It's difficult finding information about the guides/encyclopedias. Drop me a message if you find one that's not listed.
Guilty Gear X Official Guide - Dreamcast-specific guide
Guilty Gear X Plus Official Guide
Guilty Gear XX Complete Guide - Sol Radguy
Guilty Gear XX ♯Reload Complete Guide - Radguy
Guilty Gear XX Slash Complete Guide
Guilty Gear XX Λ Core Break Encyclopedia
Guilty Gear XX Λ Core Complete Guide
Guilty Gear Isuka Outlive Encyclopedia - Tillman
Guilty Gear Isuka Technical Guide
Guilty Gear 2 -Overture- Complete Guide
Names are left in Japanese to make them easier to copy-paste into web searches. Here is how to read them:
電撃プレイステーション = Dengeki PlayStation
Vol. = Volume number
1995年10月13日 = 1995 [year], 10 [month], 13 [day], so October 13, 1995. All dates are yyyy/mm/dd format.
There may be additional Dengeki PS articles from 1995 and 1996. DPS April Special Issue Vol.19 1996/04/10 has been scanned/translated (see above).
電撃プレイステーション F Vol.10 1995/10/13 The ML beta character bios scans. - We have scans of the GG article from this but they are very poor quality.
電撃プレイステーション vol.14 April 1996 Beta GG article, page 22
電撃プレイステーション vol.59 1997/11/14 Beta GG article on page 28
電撃プレイステーション vol.32 1996/11/22 Beta GG article on page 14. - There exists in the current GG archives a poor photo of a double-page spread with a blue background from this issue. It's illegible but shows a different UI than the final release of GG1.
電撃プレイステーション vol.72 GoGoRPG Special Issue 1998/4/24 GG article page 34 - This issue was published about 3 weeks before the official release of Missing Link. Very likely shows final-release stuff.
電撃プレイステーション vol.73 CD-Rom Special Issue 1998/5/22 Came with a physical disc. GG article on page 12
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polwigle · 8 months
hello and welcome to another episode of Shi Has Strong Opinions on Niche Canon with Citable Sources, this time focusing on something that technically isn't canon one way or the other — my preferred fan-transliterated name for Raven's hometown in Tales of Vesperia, which is never referred to by name in any officially translated material.
anyway it's spelled Pharihyde and in this essay I will die on this hill
In case you clicked the read-more with no stake in this game just because you want to see me being pedantic, let me recap the relevant facts of the argument:
Raven's backstory is never fully explained in the base game, but it was elaborated on in official side materials. The same story, titled 虚空の仮面 (Kokuu no Kamen, commonly translated as Empty Mask), was released in multiple formats: light novel[1], manga[2], and drama CD[3]. None of these have ever been officially translated, but fans have made their own attempts at each over the years.
The town in question here does not appear in the original game, due to having been obliterated during the prequel events. It's also never mentioned by name in the drama CD, leaving only two sources for a name: the light novel and the manga.
Officially, it is named ファリハイド (Farihaido).
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The first translation the English-speaking fandom ever saw of any Kokuu no Kamen material was when one fan (whose identity was regrettably lost to time) took a stab at summarizing the light novels, not long after they were first published back in 2010. This fan transliterated the town's name as Pharihyde.
Tumblr user dokidokimaster was commissioned to finally translate the manga in 2015. In this translation, the town was spelled Farryheid.
By the time the manga was being translated, the web page that hosted the light novel summary had tragically gone down. Luckily, I was active enough in the fandom at the time to have had the link to the light novel bookmarked, so I was able to find an archive via the blessed Wayback Machine, but I can't fault dokidokimaster for the inconsistencies.
tl;dr of section: OG town name is ファリハイド; LN calls it Pharihyde; manga calls it Farryheid. Rest of essay is about why me preferring the name that came first isn't just me being a cranky fandom elder I swear
It's About The World It's In
In the world of Terca Lumireis, on the continent of Ilyccia, somewhere far from the capital city, Zaphias, there was once a town called... Farryheid? No, Pharihyde. The latter fits better with the precedents set by the official names around it, and I will literally break it down letter by differing letter to prove it!
'Ph' vs 'F'
Among officially transliterated locations and other "made-up" names in Tales of Vesperia, there are 3 that include 'ph' to represent an 'f' sound (Zaphias, Zopheir, Phaeroh). Only a single name uses an actual 'f' for that sound (Ghasfarost), and it also still has an 'h' as the second letter in the word.
Single vs. Double 'R'
After a ctrl+F pass through the entire list of location names in this game[4], not a single one contains the substring 'rr'. Only one R at a time in Terca Lumireis!
Vowel Choice and Lexical Stress
So, English has this neat little feature where some syllables in a word get more emphasis than others! And that plays heavily into this section, because 'i' and 'y' can sound identical when using 'y' as a vowel, but the existing place names stress them differently.
Now, as the Drama CD doesn't give us a spoken example of ファリハイド to work from (and Japanese doesn't do stress the way English does anyway), where the stress goes in either "Pharihyde" or "Farryheid" is technically unconfirmed... But my default reading is with primary stress on the first syllable, and secondary stress on the last (FAR-ee-hide).
In the precedent-setting place names, based on the English dub of the 360 version*, a lone 'i' is seen unstressed in at least 16 distinct names, including the ones I referenced in my intro scene-setting sentence (ZA-phi-as, TER-ca LU-mi-reis). To my knowledge, lone 'i' is never pronounced with stress in dialogue (and potentially appears only once, in the plot-irrelevant Niffel Lake).
In contrast, whenever 'y' is used as any kind of vowel, it always gets at least secondary stress, as in Hypionia (high-pee-O-nee-ah) and Rhybgaro (RIB-ga-ro). Thus, "Pharihyde" using an 'i' for the middle vowel and a 'y' for the last one lines up with established precedent.
Also, the double vowel 'ei' is consistently and exclusively used to represent an 'ay' sound, as in "day", not as in "hide"! Deidon Hold, Keiv Moc, and again Zopheir and Terca Lumireis — none of these 'ei's sound the way "Farryheid" wants you to pronounce it!
Silent 'e'
I did say I'd break down every different letter between "Pharihyde" and "Farryheid", but this last one's not for flavour, it's just to get the 'y' to act as the right kind of vowel sound. Just a normal feature of English pronunciation rules here (though not entirely without precedent: Halure, Relewiese, Laulyse). Sorry to go out with a whimper ^^;;
The base content of Tales of Vesperia sets up some implied rules about how its made-up-for-the-game words function. "Farryheid" may be a perfectly reasonable transliteration of ファリハイド in a vacuum, but "Pharihyde" follows the rules of the setting, literally to the letter!
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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*Footnote about the pronunciation thing: the new voice lines added in the Definitive Edition of the game pronounce some place names inconsistently. I can only assume that by the time they recorded the new lines, a decade after the original ones, they forgot how some pronunciations worked and didn't check their old work... :/
(bc it's not an essay without citations!)
[1] Light novel summary (archived): https://web.archive.org/web/20110806003312/http://www.fancomic.com:80/vesperia/resources/raven/emptymask.htm [2] Manga translation: https://dokidokimaster.tumblr.com/tagged/kokuu+no+kamen/chrono [3] Drama CD translation, for completion's sake: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHEDJ_D4tyI [4] List of in-game place names: https://hyouta.com/vesperia/?version=pc&locale=eng&compare=2&section=locations
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dekusheroacademia · 2 years
My Hero Academia: 101 how to start
For people who want to try to get into MHA but don't know where to start! I will talk here about the manga and how the anime adapts it, but also an order to read all the spin offs and watch all the extra content.
Just now that the main canon story is just the manga, so if you want to start and try... I recommend simply reading the manga (or watching the anime) and avoiding for now any extra content.
I also added links for translated drama cds, extra chapters and the Ultra Stage adaptation (the musical).
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THE MANGA (vs anime)
The anime is a pretty loyal adaptation of the manga, almost scene for scene in most cases, with no plot-decisive changes, and mainly little scenes added. S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5 also all have a one added anime-only exclusive episode with some small storyline.
The manga is currently at volume 36, and every 10 chapters (more or less) we have a new volume announcement. If you are reading in English, the manga is published by Viz and the publication is about 3 or 4 volumes behind the Japanese release.
If you keep up with each new chapter you will be able to read them for free here as soon as they come out, each Sunday. Each Sunday it is a new chapter, which on twitter is usually tagged as #MHA+chapter number, but leaks are out usually on Wednesday or Thursday, so be careful of the spoilers. On twitter you can follow DabisPoleDance, RukasuMHA and Justixplode if you are interested in reading the leaks for the weekly chapters.
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As said before, the anime is a pretty accurate adaptation. The first season covers about 3 volumes. The second season up till volume 8, the third season up till volume 14, the fourth season up till volume 20, the fifth season up till volume 26. The fifth season also covered the arc known as My Villain Academia and focused on the villains, but ended up reducing it in size so many people will reccomend you to read the manga too.
For the watching order of anime, OVAs and Movies, this should be accurate:
Season 1 OVA 1: Save! Rescue Training Season 2 OVA 2: Training of the Dead OVA for movie 3: All Might Rising Movie: Two Heroes Season 3 up till episode 15 OVA 3: Make It! Do-or-Die Survival Training Season 3 up till the end Season 4 Season 5 Movie 2: Heroes Rising (at any point in the middle of season 5 or after season 5 even, as its placement is a bit confusing) OVA for movie 3: Departure Movie 3: World Hero Mission (can be watched after the teaser at s05E16 or after season 5) OVA 4: Hero League Baseball OVA 5: Laugh! As if you are in Hell! Season 6
The OVAs are not necessary for the plot as they are extra anime-only stories. The movies are technically canon, given that some of the characters appear in the anime and in the spin off manga.
You can find the list of OVAs here.
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Each anime dvd boxset (Japanese version) comes with some small audio tracks of extra stories that can be enjoyed alongside the episodes. For example, when the class goes to the forest camp in season 3, the dvd set has an extra track (in the drama cds) about Ochako and Tsuyu being enthusiastic.
These drama cds are only in Japanese, but thanks to fan translators some of them can be found in English, or have summaries. I made a list here.
This is not technically canon content, just anime-only added content, a part for the first drama cd which was a manga special.
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The MHA manga has also been adapted into a stage play/musical. There are currently 3 stage plays following the story of the anime and manga pretty closely up till the middle of season 3. You can find the titles, actors, how to buy them and more information here.
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There are currently three manga spin offs, two of them are complete, one is still ongoing. All mangas are licensed by Viz in English, so the information I give is based on that, but if you speak another language you might have earlier release dates. I will write the list in chronological (from older) order:
a) Smash!! - this manga is a parodic retelling of MHA. Nothing in it is canon as it is simply a serious of one page/half a page sketches that retell the story of MHA up till season 3, more or less, changing a lot of the plot just for the sake of comedy. It has 5 short volumes.
b) Vigilantes - this is a prequel of MHA, it has 15 volumes and it was recently concluded. It tells the story of a new character called Koichi. It also has some chapters about Aizawa's time in high school, Present Mic, and some Midnight. One chapter is also about Mirko.
c) Team up mission - this is a series of volumes (volume 4 recently came out in Japan, volume 3 is coming out soon in English) about class 1a, with some appearances from class 1b, other students, some pro heroes and even some movies characters. The stories are all set in season 5, and each chapter is a self-contained extra adventure. For example: one chapter in volume 1 was Ochako, Deku and Bakugou working together at a work-study. Another chapter in volume 2 was about Monoma and class 1a etc. The series is still ongoing.
d) Movies special manga: Each movie is usually accompanied by a short manga that introduces some characters or elements. These are not fundamental.
Movie 1 has "Volume Origin" which contains a prologue for the movie, a small story about All Might and some character extra files. Movie 2 has "Volume Rising" which contains extra files and a story that introduces the villains of the movie. With Movie 2 there was also a new special two chapters called "Deku and Bakugou rising" (part 1 and 2) which came out, but luckily they were added to the Team Up Mission mangas so can be found in those volumes. Movie 3 has "Volume World Heroes" which contains some extra stuff and a chapter that introduces Deku, Bakugou and Todoroki leaving for the mission. This chapter is called "Hawks: Soothe" and was actually adapted into the OVA for movie 3 called "Departure" (word for word adaptation, basically). There was also a special one chapter that came out for the movie, called "Endeavor's Mission", which introduces the trio accepting the mission.
These volumes are particularly hard to find in English as they are usually specials given to people who buy movie tickets in Japan, but if you want to read them it is more convenient to search for the title of the chapters with plot, so "All Might Rising" (movie 1), (movie 2) "League of Villains: Undercover", "Deku and Bakugou rising" and (movie 3) "Endeavor's Mission" and "Hawks: Soothe".
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MHA has a series of novels called School briefs. Each novel also usually has about 4 or 5 illustrations. Each chapter expands on a certain manga scene or add some additional adventures.
Each novels add extra scenes to the manga arcs that they cover. You can find the list here, but just as a way to choose when to read them:
School briefs 1: can be read just after the Sport Festival and Stain (as it has spoilers for them), so just after volume 6.
School briefs 2: it is set in volume 8, so before volume 9 events.
School briefs 3: is set between volume 13 and 14 (it has spoilers for the first chapter of volume 14)
School briefs 4: it covers some events of volume 18 to 20, so it can be safely read after volume 20
School briefs 5: It has some elements of manga volume 26, so it can be read at that volume.
School briefs 6 is not out yet, but knowing the plot is is also set up till volume 26, so nothing of the events of volume 27 and onwards will be in it.
The movies also have novels as adaptation (written after the movie). Movie one has Two heroes. My Hero Academia the movie novel but I could only found it translated it in Italian. It is identical to the movie Two Heroes and only adds a final epilogue (I translated it here among other parts of the novel). The second movie has a novel adaptation called Heroes: Rising. My Hero Academia the Movie. I will receive it soon and add translations of any extra from the movie.
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BNHA also has two extra information volumes that presents characters, extra data, small interactions between them and also a small short story in the first volume (an omake called "The Depth", which is set after volume 8 of the manga):
My Hero Academia: Ultra Archive: The Official Character Guide My Hero Academia: Ultra Analysis: The Official Character Guide
MHA also has some videogames, mainly the pc games One's Justice and One's Justice 2 which are fighting games with a little bit of story covering up till volume 11 more or less.
There are also currently two android phone games that do not really have a story but are mainly battle/collecting characters. One is MHA: The strongest hero and the more popular one is called My Hero Ultra Impact. The second one is more popular because it adds small events where the characters interact (ex. they go to a festival).
There is also a battle royale game called My Hero Ultra Rumble. None of these videogames add any canon material.
If we want to pull everything together, from manga to movies to anime and extra small chapters - this is the chronological order. By chronological I mean the order of the story.
"All Might Rising" short story manga from movie 1 or the adapted OVA for movie 1: All Might Rising
Vigilantes spin off manga (as it is a prequel)
Short story for movie 2 "Deku and Bakugou rising"
Volume 1 to 3 (and/or corresponding anime season episodes)
OVA 1: Save! Rescue Training
Up till volume 8 (or corresponding anime episodes)
School Briefs 1
OVA 2: Training of the Dead
Movie: Two Heroes
School Briefs 2
Up till volume 11 (or corresponding anime episodes)
OVA 3: Make It! Do-or-Die Survival Training
Up till volume 13 (or corresponding anime episodes)
School Briefs 3
Volume 14
Up till volume 25
Short story for movie 2 "League of Villains: Undercover"
Movie 2: Heroes Rising
Volume 26
School Briefs 5
School Briefs 6
Short story for movie 2 "Endeavor's mission"
OVA for movie 3: Departure or short story for movie 3 "Hawks: Soothe"
Movie 3: World Hero Mission
OVA 4: Hero League Baseball
OVA 5: Laugh! As if you are in Hell!
Team up Mission volumes 1-4
Everything after volume 26
The part in italics is a bit confusing as many of those events seem to happen in the middle of volume 26, basically, as that arc covers a long internship.
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✒︎ DiaLovers OC Contest Entry: Sakamaki Ryuuto.
Theme: New Moon.
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 ✒︎ Character Summary:
 Seemingly only a cousin to the Sakamaki’s, Ryuuto shares a mother with the triplets. He is the assertive type who isn’t afraid to dabble in a Master-Slave relationship with the heroine. He takes pleasure in riddling others with his cryptic remarks and emits an aura of mystery wherever he goes. 
 He always demands to be treated like a Prince, even when relentlessly teasing his prey and manipulating them until they spiral into helplessness. 
Race: Vampire School Year: 3rd Year Senior High School Student, Ryoutei Academy Age: 18 Height: 178cm Weight: 63kg Blood Type: O Favourite Food: Cinnamon Rolls Hobby: Oil Painting
 In-Depth Character Profile: Found Here.
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 ✒︎ His Purpose (The Plot):
 Cordelia's spite for Karlheinz's second wife, Beatrix, and the announcement of her pregnancy is what bore Ryuuto, from her affair with Richter. Isolated from Karlheinz, his children, and much of the world, Ryuuto was raised almost exclusively by Richter. However, Cordelia's manipulation over Ryuuto saw him become heavily dependant on her as his only female figure in life, using him for her own entertainment.
 After Cordelia's death, Ryuuto's immense distraught saw him swear to revive her, with his father's help. Realising his half-brothers were to blame, he vowed to get revenge, too. Appearing to Yui Komori* - who harbours Cordelia's heart - he intends to steal her away, and initiate the awakening to revive his mother. 
* Ryuuto's story begins during Haunted Dark Bridal, not unlike the other Sakamaki's, and continues on through to the current games.
 However, much like the other Sakamaki sons, Ryuuto is available to be romanced in a route of his own. If not selected, however, he will also appear as a minor antagonist in some of the other boy's routes (in their mini chapters, which are currently still being released).
 His Complete HDB Route: Found Here.
 ✒︎ Ryuuto's Haunted Dark Bridal CGs:
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* The limit for photos per post is, unfortunately, ten (10). However, there is a total of twenty-five (25) CGs available in Ryuuto’s route.
 ✒︎ Drama CDs:
 In addition to his routes, Ryuuto also is featured in numerous Drama CDs - some of which feature full voice-acting. From the "nursing" series, to group drama, below is an example of one such CD: Character Song Vol.7: Sakamaki Ryuuto | Mini Drama: “Bloodstained Canvas”.
 Each Drama CD - in each scenario they present - replicates the canon material and themes through a fresh, unique character. These CDs aim to further incorporate Ryuuto into the DiaLover universe, and help establish better relationships, lore, and romance outside of the routes.
 Full Drama CD Mentioned: Found here.
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Contest Hosts: @arleccine & @the-precious-sugar-chan ♥️
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tigerandbunnyftw · 2 years
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A round up of all the TIGER & BUNNY 2 related news that was released today! First, the most important news, we have a new trailer for cour 2! A reminder that the final set of episodes (14-25), will be releasing on October 7th (yes just 1 week away!) @ 4pm JST - worldwide over on Netflix.
If you haven't seen the trailer already, check it out here:
Next, the cast watch parties, hosted by the troublesome buddy duo - series' seiyuu Hiroaki Hirata (Kotetsu) and Masakazu Morita (Barnaby), will be making its return, with hopefully more cast/staff guests!
The first watch party will be streamed live on the 7th October at 21:00 JST over on the BNPictures Youtube (note - this is most likely to be region locked again). This will then follow with weekly Saturday streams for episodes 15 - 24 at the regular time of 21:00 JST, from the 15th October onward. The final watch party for episode 25 will be hosted on Christmas Eve (also known in the fandom as BUDDY REUNION DAY) on the 24th December!
We hope that Anime Netflix will continue to translate these episodes for us and release them a week after they air, like the 1st batch of episodes.
Want to catch up on the past watch party shenanigans? Check out this handily put together playlist which contains all the episodes so far!
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Moving on, the 2nd Blu-Ray cover art and slip case box art has been released, featuring Rock Bison and Origami Cyclone! The art on the left was drawn by series' main character designer, Masakazu Katsura, whilst the art on the right is by one of the series' main key animators, Mika Yamamoto!
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This will have 3 episodes, along with many special features:
>Cast watch party episodes 4 (special guest Inoue Gou - Keith Goodman/Sky High), episode 5 (special guest director Mitsuko (Atsuko) Kase) and episode 6 (special guest Mariya Ise - Pao-lin Huang/Dragon Kid).
>TIGER & BUNNY 2 -Precious EVE- night performance recording
>Making of T&B2 Part 3 : Behind the scenes of 'Style 3' hero suit production! (Long ver.)
>Making of T&B2 Part 4 : Infiltrate behind the scenes of "Taibani 2" recording! (Long ver.)
>Special booklet (16 pages)
and a special audio drama CD! Drama #2 "From a Former Hero Academy Student" - summary of the story:
"Ivan is asked to be the MC for a radio show featuring only heroes from the Hero Academy, and he goes to see Edward to prepare a story for the show. On the day of the recording, however, things take a turn that Ivan never expected."
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And finally, there will be a Greeting Event held in Japan, to celebrate Barnaby's birthday on the 30th October! The special Barnaby Birthday Party live stream over on Twitcasting will also be delivered on the same day!
Plenty of exciting things to look forward to over the upcoming months. Not long to go until the 7th October, get emotionally prepared!
Source: TIGER & BUNNY Twitter
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tofueggnoodles · 2 years
Drama CD Saiyuki Memorial Pack Disk 2 – Track 2: Working for Nothing
Download from here (/Saiyuki Drama CDs/Saiyuki Misc/Drama_CD_-_Memorial_Packs.rar )
Summary: Having lost the credit card, the Ikkou worked at a restaurant to earn their keep. And yes, Gojyo told Sanzo he looked cute in waiter's apron.
Gojyo: Ah, why are we so unlucky?
Sanzo: Shut up.
Gojyo: There were many things I thought we could do during this break from our journey. And now, of all things, we’re washing dishes in a restaurant....
Hakkai: It can’t be helped, Gojyo.
Gojyo: It could have been! It’s all because this stupid monkey lost Sanzo’s credit card in the first place!
Goku: Don’t call me a stupid monkey! I accidentally dropped the card somewhere, so it can’t be helped. But, I thought I returned the card to Sanzo....
Gojyo: ‘It can’t be helped, it can’t be helped.’ Stop parroting those words already! Sanzo, it’s because you handed over the card to such an idiot and made him go buy stuff that this disaster happened in the first place. If you haven’t–
Hakkai: Gojyo, that’s why we’re all now working to earn our keep. Besides, in just a few days, the procedure for reissuing the card will be completed. We only have to work here until today, okay?
Gojyo: Seriously!
Hakkai: By the way, Sanzo–
Sanzo: What is it?
Hakkai: What did you send Goku out to get?
Sanzo: Cigarettes.
Gojyo: Why, you. If it’s just cigarettes you wanted, you should’ve just bought them with small change, instead of sending Goku out with the credit card!
Sanzo: It’s my principle not to carry things heavier than a chopstick. [implying he has ‘servants’ to do the heavy carrying for him.]
Gojyo: You....
Hakkai: So Sanzo’s gun is lighter than a chopstick.
Restaurant owner: Hey, you guys!
Hakkai: Ah, master!
Restaurant owner: Are you doing your work properly? I’m going out for a bit, so I’ll entrust this place to you.
Hakkai: Er, that’d be a bit–
Restaurant owner: If you don’t perform your tasks to my satisfaction, I’ll have to extend your employment period beyond the ten days we agreed upon. (walks out)
Goku: What nationality is he?
Gojyo: He said he’d entrust this place to us.
Hakkai: There’s no other choice but to do it.
Sanzo: What a bother.
Goku: Sanzo, I’ve somehow gotten hungry.
Sanzo: Like I care.
Goku: I’m hungry. I’m hungry!
(Sanzo hits him with the paper fan.)
Goku: That hurts!
Hakkai: At any rate, we’ll have to divide the work among us.
Gojyo: Yeah, that’s how it’ll have to go, I guess.
Hakkai: Yes. If we do our jobs well, the owner might release us earlier.
Sanzo: You made it sound as if we were prisoners!
Gojyo: Actually, we’re no different from prisoners.
Hakkai: Well then, let’s do it like this: I’ll be in charge of the kitchen–
Gojyo: Yep, you’re sure qualified for that.
Goku: Me too!
Gojyo: Aren’t you just planning to snatch some food when no-one’s looking? No way we’re leaving the kitchen to you! (hits Goku)
Goku: Aw!
Hakkai: As for the dining area, I’ll leave it to Sanzo and Gojyo.
Gojyo: Roger! 😉
Sanzo: Looks like you’re very much looking forward to it.
Gojyo: That’s because I’ll be taking on the female customers. You take care of the guys.
Sanzo: Hmmph. What a simple-minded fellow.
Goku: Hakkai, what about me?
Hakkai: Er, indeed, what about you.... That’s it: washing the dishes and cleaning the floor.
Goku: Eh?!
Gojyo: Just do it without complaining.
(The door creaks open.)
Hakkai: Everyone, the customers are arriving already.
Gojyo (waits upon a group of young women): Welcome! What would be your order? Anything would be fine. Pot stickers, is it? Yes, got it. Boiled ones, right? Just wait for a moment. I’ll bring them here soon. (to himself) Oh, they’re all so cute.
Woman 1: I want a beer.
Gojyo: A beer for the lady, roger.
Woman 2: Soda for me.
Gojyo: Okay, soda. It’ll be here soon.
Woman 3: Chocolate cocktail. **
Gojyo: Ordering alcohol already this early in the day, how cute....
(He walks away from the table.)
Gojyo: Ah, it’s pretty fun waiting on the ladies.
Sanzo: Then you can remain here for the rest of your life if you wish.
Gojyo: Sanzo, you look cute in that apron too. ❤️
Sanzo: I see. You have a death wish.
(The door opens.)
Gojyo: There, Sanzo. A couple of guys just walked in.
Sanzo (clicks his tongue): You go and serve them.
Gojyo: We agreed on it just now, didn’t we?
Sanzo: Who agreed to it when?
Gojyo: Cut it out and just go! (pulls Sanzo along)
Sanzo: Stop that!
Gojyo: Welcome! A table for two, right? This guy will take your orders.
Sanzo: Gojyo, you–
Gojyo: I leave the rest to you.
Sanzo (sighs as the customers riffle through the menu): Are you done yet?
Man 1: Hah?
Sanzo: Your orders. Haven’t you decided on them yet?
Man 2: I’ll have fried rice and pot stickers with extra garlic. Also, a century egg platter and soup.
Man 1: I’ll have crab omelet rice, a roasted pork fillet platter and prawn buckwheat noodles with steamed meat dumplings.
Sanzo: Reduce them.
Man 1: Eh?
Sanzo: It’d be tiresome otherwise, so I’m telling you to reduce your orders.
Man 2: Hah? What are you going on about?
Sanzo: Just fried rice and pot stickers should be enough for you.
Man 1: Oi, is it your place to make such an unreasonable demand from a customer? Are you trying to pick a fight?
Sanzo: You’re annoying. Who do you think is going to carry those orders?
Man 2: You’re the one who’s annoying. We’re typical working men–
Man 1: We came here after doing manual labor, so naturally we feel like filling our stomachs with everything on the menu. Stop complaining and feed us now!
Sanzo: In that case, eat this! (shoves something into the men’s mouths) Hah! Tastes good, doesn’t it? (shoots twice)
Man 1 (coughs): You bastard!
Man 2 (spits out something): Screwing with us like that! Isn’t this just some sticky juice?
Sanzo: It’s pineapple.
Both men: You son of a bitch!
Gojyo (runs up to the table): What are you doing, Sanzo?
Sanzo: They told me they were pretty hungry, so I fed them some appetizers.
Gojyo: Oh, is that so, Sanzo? Looks like you had quite some fun coming to their aid– No, that’s not it! Not at all! It’s the customers you’re dealing with. Customers!
Goku: Wai!
Gojyo: Stupid monkey! Don’t wave the mop about like that!
Goku: I’m bored out of my mind cleaning the floor. Where are the bad guys, Gojyo?
Gojyo: There are no bad guys.
Sanzo: They’re over there, having just devoured their appetizers like a couple of hogs. **
Gojyo: Sanzo!
Man 1: You guys....
Man 2: You all are nothing but a bunch of idiots.
Gojyo: Sanzo’s not just an idiot.
Goku: He’s a baldy idiot. [hage(禿 ) can mean either baldy or idiot.]
Gojyo: That’s right.
Sanzo: You bastards.
(Several gunshots ring out.)
Man 1: You’re making fun of us!
Man 2: Now you've got it coming!
(A fight breaks out. Screams and more gunshots are heard.)
Hakkai: Yes, a plate of Provence-style white fish saute with pear sauce, coming up!
Gojyo: No-one ordered such a thing.
Hakkai: Eh? That’s strange. First-rate flounder topped with the sauce made from a well-ripened pear – a most exquisite dish made of top quality products. Ah, it brings to mind the fresh breeze of Hijuu. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiju_Dam?oldid=464979111]
Gojyo: When did you ever go to such a place?
(The door opens.)
Hakkai: Ah.
Gojyo: Eek!
Restaurant owner: What on earth are you guys doing?!
Gojyo: In the end, with the additional ten days, we worked without pay for a total of twenty days.
Hakkai: It’s still much better than getting killed.
Sanzo: That should at least do you guys some good.
Gojyo: You...!
Goku: Hey, would you guys stop fighting? I get more and more hungry just listening to your quarrel.
Gojyo: Shut your trap, stupid monkey! If you hadn’t lost the credit card in the first place, we wouldn’t be subjected to nearly a month of servitude!
Goku: Aargh! Until when are you going to to hold this against me?
Hakkai: Gojyo! Goku! Please stop!
Goku: Let go, damn kappa!
Gojyo: Like I’m going to, you dumb monkey!
Sanzo: Be quiet! (hits them) You’re all good for nothing but being annoying!
(Something falls onto the ground.)
Goku: Ouch! Won’t you go a bit easier on us? Ah, you dropped something, Sanzo.
Hakkai: Ah!
Gojyo: Huh...? Ah!
Sanzo: Hmm?
Gojyo: Sanzo-san, what on earth is the thing that has fallen at your feet?
Sanzo: Oh.
Goku (reads out aloud): Celestial World Express Gold Card.
Hakkai: Sanzo, you forgot that Goku’s returned the credit card to you, didn’t you?
Gojyo: Hey, say something.
Sanzo: That’s how it is.
Gojyo: Don’t say it so calmly!
Sanzo: I’m not a man who dwells in the past.
Hakkai: So we’ve been left stranded for nothing.
Gojyo: Really. You’re a hopeless guy. Are you suffering from memory loss?
Goku: Memory loss?
Hakkai: It’s a predicament in which one becomes more and more forgetful as one turns elderly.
Goku: So Sanzo is already a geezer.
Gojyo: I sure don’t want to grow old that way, Hakkai!
Hakkai: He’ll hear you, Gojyo!
Gojyo: You think so? Nah, his hearing’s probably gone too.
Hakkai (laughs): That’s a nice way of putting it.
Gojyo: Ah, I want him to repay us for those tough, gloomy twenty days we went through.
Goku: Let’s have him treat us to some fancy meal for tonight’s dinner!
Hakkai: Maybe we’ll lose the card again then.
(The three of them laugh.)
Sanzo: You guys were saying whatever you pleased just because I was listening quietly! (shoots his gun a few times and hits them on the head with the paper fan)
Goku: Whoa! Sanzo’s getting angry!
Gojyo: How terrible! Lashing out like that despite being in the wrong!
Sanzo: I’ll kill anyone who goes against me! (shoots some more)
Hakkai: It’s dangerous! He’s getting violent!
(Sanzo gets ready to unleash a spell.)
Gojyo: Crap! Get away!
Sanzo: Makai Tenjo!
(The other three scream.)
(Round brackets): actions and sound effects. [Square brackets]: translator’s notes. Double asterisks **: Stuff I am not sure with. Suggestions for improvements and corrections are more than welcome.
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rolotouto · 2 years
About the new Student Council drama CDs
Before focusing on the topic of this post’s title, I said I’d translate the only two lines Rolo had in GeaGene’s Lelouch birthday event:
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Rolo “There’s a giant Brother looking for Brother and going on a rampage!”
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Lelouch “Huh?”
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Orpheus “You probably don’t understand what he’s talking about, but Rolo is just telling the truth” I initially skipped the dialogues assuming there’d be no Rolo in the event, so I’m not sure whether the mecha-Lelouch you’ll soon see below was made by Lloyd or Nina nor what its purpose is or what, but anyway, to Lelouch’s dismay, everyone says it(he? I’m using “it” to differentiate the robot from Lelouch) has the same personality as Lelouch:
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Kallen: “You know, I’ve been noticing for a while, but the way it talks is...”
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Suzaku “Yeah, I thought the same”
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Suzaku/Kallen “Similar to Lelouch”
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Lelouch “Eh?”
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Akito “Particularly like when he acts as Zero”
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Orpheus “The way they ham it up too”
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Oldrin “That haughty aura...”
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Rolo “I think it’s wonderful, Brother” Looks like Rolo is satisfied with how accurately pompous this Lelouch imposter is, unlike Sayoko’s non-arrogant version. But then, Nunnally appears:
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Robot-Lelouch: “Nu-Nunnally...? Ooh! Sister of mine... My reason to live, my reason to fight. Ooh, Nunnally...” How much do I have to pay to see memoryless!Lelouch talking about Rolo like this? Mm, maybe there’s more info after I finish translating this event... *foreshadowing*
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Robot: “Watch me, Nunnally. I will defeat the Original, and turn into your brother...” This yandere robot's way of thinking seems familiar.
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Nunnally:  “I’m telling you to please wait, robot version of Brother. I do not wish for conflict. Please, with a conversation...”
But the robot refuses to be stopped, so Nunnally ends up crying the words:
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Nunnally “Such a Brother is not my Brother!” Causing the robot to explode. According to the real Lelouch, being rejected by Nunnally, it had an identity crisis and couldn’t retain its sense of self.  ---- So that’s the story. But this is a Rolo blog, and here we want Lelouch to care about Rolo too, not just Nunnally. And again, in this event Rolo is the one talking to Lelouch, with Lelouch barely reacting to Rolo. It’s been too long... Will we ever see Lelouch worrying about Rolo again? Well, in fact!! The time has finally come!! New drama CDs will be released starting April 2023, called “Drama CDs with the book <Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion Student Council Radio Station Wave!> included”! Right now, I don’t think the list of voice actors has been released for each of the 6 volumes, so it might be that instead of the characters interacting with each other, we only get Milly or Lelouch narrating different stories. No matter how it is, some track summaries already mention Rolo! Vol. 1: 〇ルルーシュの日常 vol.1「保健室とお迎え」 ある日、弟のロロがケガをして保健室にやってきたという一報を聞きつけ、慌てて保健室へと駆け込むルルーシュ。 息も絶え絶えに到着するや否や、ルルーシュは保健室の先生に問いただすのであった。 Lelouch’s day-to-day vol. 1 “The school infirmary and welcoming someone” One day, Lelouch rushes to the infirmary when he hears that his younger brother Rolo is there with an injury. Gasping for breath as he arrived, Lelouch immediately interrogated the infirmary teacher. Vol. 4 〇実録!アッシュフォードスクールライフメモリー「ナイトオブラウンズが学生に!? 波乱の体験入学」 ある日、生徒会の元に理事長からとあるお知らせが飛び込んでくる。 それは、ナイトオブスリー、ジノ・ヴァインベルグ卿が学園への編入を前提に1日体験入学に訪れるというものだった。 ルルーシュとロロが不在の中、生徒会ラジオの放送も差し迫り準備に大忙しの生徒会メンバーは大慌てでジノの体験入学に臨むのであった。 Real story! Ashford School Life Memory "Knights of the Round become students!? A turbulent open campus program" One day, the student council suddenly receive some news from the chairman: The Knight of Three, Lord Gino Weinberg, will visit them during a one-day open campus program on the premise of transferring to the academy. With Lelouch and Rolo absent, the student council members are very busy preparing the imminent student council radio broadcast, and have to deal with Gino’s open campus program in a panic. April 24th 2023 for the first one! I marked my calendar!
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maboroshi-no · 1 year
Thank you for uploading a Silva route video, you must have worked really hard. You are a wonderful person.
If you don’t mind me asking, what Hamefura video, cd drama, or manga chapter are you planning to upload next?
Hello anon!
Thank you and I am glad you appreciate my hard work.
I can't settle on one thing, so I work on multiple things at the same time, both Hamefura and non Hamefura content. I am not sure what I will finish next...
Regarding Hamefura's content, here is my current work in progress:
Hamefura manga: I am up-to-date with the latest chapter released in Japan, so I am waiting for next chapter at the end of the month
Hamefura pirates' videos: I try to work on videos of different routes in turn. Since I have released a Silva video, I think the next videos will be Alan's Ending Memory Scenarios, Nicol's happy ending, and the next Rozy's event in his route.
Hamefura Pirates' Route Summary: I am still stuck at the translation of Nicol's happy ending, I will write the summary once I finish the translation
Hamefura's LN Extra story: Still working on the translation of Alan's POV part.
Remake of Fortune Lover Game's video: I have started working on a better version of Keith's route
Hamefura BluRay's extra stories: I am not sure when I will work on them
Hamefura's drama CDs: I would love to start working on the drama CD of the Magical Girl's AU at some point. But I am still stuck on what visual to use in the video... The drama CDs of the Hamefura Pirates game are also very funny and I would love to work on them.
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