#drake watches netflix last airbender
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tobiasdrake · 1 year ago
*deep breath* Okay. Here we go.
I don't think the Netflix Avatar show likes women very much. It's a great show for fans of Aang, Sokka, Zuko, and Iroh specifically. All four of those characters get a ton of great material. In fact, it's super great for Sokka stans, because the show takes him ultra-seriously and can't go five minutes without one character or another (usually a woman) praising him.
But the way it handles its female cast is troublesome.
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So, all three of the main trio got some changes made to their stories. They changed Aang's story so that he wasn't running away from his responsibilities; He was just clearing his head and somehow accidentallied himself into a tsunami. Whoopsy-dooodle. Aang did nothing wrong.
They changed Sokka's story so that him being a leader of his people and a great guardian warrior is treated with complete seriousness. Multiple times, characters stop to talk about how brave and noble Sokka is for taking on such an intense responsibility, and tell him to his face what a great warrior and a wonderful leader he is. Also his misogyny is erased.
And they changed Katara's story so that she directly got her mom killed because she sucks at waterbending.
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Katara tries to waterbend to attack the Fire Nation soldier but couldn't manage it, provoking the soldier to start actively searching for her and forcing her mom to fake a waterbending attack and draw his fire. They changed Katara's story so that her bad decision making fucking got her mom killed.
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This is treated with the same level of severity as "Sokka was bullied by mean kids and also his dad doesn't think he's good enough to be a leader."
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"I hoped Sokka would do better but not everyone is meant to have people's lives in their hands," Sokka's dad says of him.
Yeah, you're right, that's totally comparable to watching your mom get barbecued because you tried to waterbend in a situation you shouldn't have and then failed.
In fact, they give Sokka's greatest trauma more weight because it gets examined again with Yue next episode, while Katara actively getting her mom killed isn't brought up again at all. We get traumatized glimpses of it throughout the season leading up to the reveal, but after this scene in episode 5, it never comes up again.
But to be fair, Katara was a child. An event this significant would surely have motivated her, driving her to become the great waterbender she is now, right?
No! Katara sucks at waterbending and needs men who aren't even waterbenders to teach her how to waterbend. She requires instruction from Aang in episode 1 to learn how to waterbend, then from Jet in episode 3 to learn how to waterbend better.
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And unlike the show, her relationship with Aang isn't a give-and-take; Katara doesn't teach Aang a single goddamn thing. He never learns to waterbend. She is a strictly a pupil throughout the whole season. Though she at least gets officially labeled a master in episode 8, so there's that.
In any case, the whole traumatic memory thing isn't even the only time she's directly compared with Sokka. Episodes 3 and 4 see Katara and Sokka bicker over whose morally dubious side character is better. Sokka likes the Mechanist and Katara likes Jet.
Ultimately, Katara is forced to eat crow when Jet turns out to be the worst, while Sokka is vindicated when the Mechanist sees the error of his ways and reforms. But not before two separate arguments where Sokka calls Katara childish and accuses her of acting like a little girl.
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Arguments ultimately resolved when Katara apologizes to Sokka for not adequately respecting his very serious and ultra important role as village protector and leader. Gives him a whole speech about how great and glorious he is. And Sokka... appreciates Katara learning to respect him properly, I guess, because he never offers any similar sentiments back to her.
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The show just... They need you to know how important Sokka is, okay? It's very important that you respect Sokka.
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Suki suffers tremendously from that whole "Sokka's misogyny was removed" thing. Y'know, because they need something else to do with that episode. The show is deeply aware that Suki is Sokka's love interest, so they just do that right off the bat. Suki falls madly in love with him from the moment they meet, and spends the entire episode making goo-goo eyes and trying to get him to Notice Me Senpai.
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They still do the "Suki Trains Sokka" stuff. But Sokka is a serious, dignified manly man worthy of the deepest respect now, so of course they don't make him wear the Kyoshi uniform. Instead, the main purpose of his training is to allow them to flirt some more. It's less martial arts training and more an excuse to grope each other and near-kiss.
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Suki's just a waifu now. She still fights real good, but all of the stuff that made her relationship with Sokka interesting has been erased.
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Yue, similarly, leaps straight to shipping from the word go. They write out her fiance, Hahn, by having Yue briefly meet Sokka earlier in the season. She spends one minute talking to him in the Spirit World about Spirit World lore; In that time, she falls so desperately, madly, unfathomably in love with him that she breaks off her marriage to Hahn and devotes herself to waiting for him to one day come to her.
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"Never have I known such joys as that time you let me explain the spirit bear Hei Bei to you. Truly, we are destined to be together for life."
Like with Suki, they go out of their way to have Yue and Sokka already be a ship from the word 'go' so they don't have to spend time developing any kind of meaningful attraction.
They just. They really want you to know that Sokka is the manliest and most desirable man ever to walk this earth. It is very important that you understand how great he is. Women hurl themselves into his arms with zero effort whatsoever, because he's just so goddamn irresistible.
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Fortunately, Hahn is super okay with this turn of events. He's the most chill guy ever, he gets along perfectly well with Sokka, and he completely supports Yue's right to dump him! In the famously misogynistic Northern Water Tribe, no less! What a swell guy. Aren't men swell?
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June gets hit with that "rewritten as hollow waifu" stick too, but her eyes are set on Iroh. They rewrote June to be super attracted and flirty towards the man who was her unwanted sexual harasser in the source material. So that's fun.
Also, she barely does anything. Zuko hires her to find Aang, she succeeds, and then she fucks right off out of the show - But she manages to find time to express how unbelievably sexy Iroh is twice during that time.
She seriously just dropped into the show to flirt with Iroh and leave. She is unbelievably inconsequential.
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And then there's Kyoshi. They really want you to hate Kyoshi. She's constantly shot from below, as if looking down on Aang and the audience. Her voice takes on a demonic echoing reverb at one point as she's screaming at Aang that "THE AVATAR MUST BE A MERCILESS WARRIOR!!!"
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She despises Aang, calling him a coward for running away from his responsibilities - Which, I remind you, is no longer a plot point because they unwrote that flaw from his character. So she's just a complete and utter asshole, shot from the asshole angle, yelling violently at him with asshole sound effects. They want you to despise this woman.
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Awkwardly, they do not seem to want you to despise Azula.
There's a lot to be said for how Ozai treats Azula in the original show. The way the favoritism he shows her is every bit as cruel and manipulative as the unfavoritism that he shows Zuko. Ozai does not love Azula. He loves the reflection of himself he sees in her eyes, and his encouragement urges her to polish herself to ensure his reflection always shines through.
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This is not that. The show instead erases the favoritism entirely. Ozai doesn't really care one way or another about either of his kids. He plays them against each other, bragging openly to Azula about how great Zuko is and unpleasably writing Azula off as weak and useless.
They've rewritten the dynamic between abusive father and his two abused kids in order to take Azula's pride away. Reimagining her from a gifted prodigy who excels at imitating the toxic behaviors of a father who doesn't truly care for her, to a put-upon overachiever tearing herself in knots to live up to the standards of her unpleasable father.
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This results in a truly wild portrayal of Azula as insecure and jealous of Ozai's seemingly love for Zuko. Here, she is simply a browbeaten child constantly complaining to her friends about how mean her father is and conspiring to get one up over Daddy's Golden Child Zuko.
Which she fails at, because she backs Zhao. Zuko deftly defeats her without even realizing they're in competition.
The season ends well for some of these women. It ends promising that maybe we'll see Katara teaching Aang some day. It ends with Zhao bragging that Ozai just used Zuko to train Azula so maybe we'll see the more confident and misguidedly proud Azula some day. Yue becomes the moon like she's supposed to. June's still out there so maybe she'll get to do something again some day.
Katara gets to fight Pakku and lose, but she looks pretty cool. She gets to fight Zuko and lose, but she looks pretty cool. Azula learns to lightningbend because she's just so mad about Ozai's contempt for her and favoritism for Zuko, which isn't how you lightningbend.
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But promises of future content fall flat when the content that exists is so underwhelming. This season made its feelings on these characters pretty evident, and it's unwise to expect better material from creators who've disappointed you with the material they already made.
The women of Netflix Avatar simply do not get to shine, outside of superficial moments like the "Women of Northern Water Tribe demand the right to fight and then fuck off and don't do anything for the entire rest of the episode" bit.
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"In the midst of battle, we demand that you stop being sexist and give us permission to fight! This is a way better idea than convincing you to teach us to fight before the battle begins."
The characters of this show feel as if they've been reimagined to glorify the boys at the expense of the girls. The boys are treated with a great amount of care. They're dignified and made important movers of the plot, with their rough edges sanded off. While the girls are molded around them.
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shhhhsh · 4 years ago
About Tim’s New Story….
I just really hope they address Tim’s mental health. Like, DC just been ditching really good plot lines in favor of being “woke” or pandering. Just look at all the live action shows.
Now I’m not saying they can’t make Tim queer/bi/gay, but (as someone pointed out to me) Tim’s previous story writer was bi and he still chose to write Tim as straight & in a healthy romantic relationship with Stephanie Brown. I’ve seen several people who identify as queer/bi say that to have Tim go “ ooooh I’ve fooled myself into thinking I was straight, but now I’m freeeee” sends the message that Tim’s previous relationship failed b/c he was with a woman and not because of Tim’s poor mental and emotional health.
To go back to my previous statement; by him not writing Tim as bi tells me that he didn’t want or care for Tim to be bi, but instead saw Tim as, or preferred him to be, straight. The writer had free control to write Tim how ever he wanted and yet he chose to keep Tim straight. And he actually liked & wanted Tim/Steph. Again, I’m not saying Tim can’t be queer/bi, I’m just saying I find the motivations for this possible change very fishy. Almost as if the new writer is trying to get brownie points for pandering to a portion of the fans.
I think this way b/c in every other media where a character is revealed to be LGBTQ they just did it. They didn’t beat around the bush or do any queer coding/baiting. They either announced it, just made the character that way right out the gate, or just dropped the bomb w/out warning (as seen in Netflix’s Voltron, Amazon Prime’s Invincible, and Nickelodeon’s Legend of Korra respectfully).
DC currently has a bad habit changing things to be “woke” and bragging about it or shoving it in our faces. DC is becoming the “pick me girl” of superhero media. If you want to do it, just do it. Again I just get the “look at me, look at me” & “carrot on the stick” vibes from them now. If you truly feel in your heart to do something you would just do it without the need for recognition or to be so dramatic about it.
Now what I much rather see & think it’s a natural progression for Tim:
I personally believe that if Jason, Dick, & Damian can get a story that attempts to give them character development beyond romantic relationships (romance was more of a B-plot to the character driven A-plot anyway) I think they can give it to Tim as well.
I know that the Bat-Family all struggle with some form of mental health problems (most commonly paranoia and PTSD). However, I would like to point out that trauma is was what brought the others into the vigilante lifestyle, while Tim & Barbara became traumatized because of the vigilante lifestyle. Yet, Barbara was shown overcoming her trauma and using it as motivation to get better. Tim is yet to have this moment.
We all know that Tim struggles with depression, self-esteem, and suicidal tendencies. I mean heck, him becoming Red Robin only happens because of Tim’s degrading mental health. I hate to say it, but Tim is very psychologically broken and has been show to get so depressed that he can’t even get out of bed some times. To my knowledge, Tim is the only one in the Bat-Fam that struggles in his head with the idea of not being needed, useful, or forgotten when in reality that is furthest from the truth (Steph, Jason, & Damian also feel like the black sheep periodically, but that is because they have been presented with real evidence that would lead them to logically believe this. I.e being actually forgotten or dismissed for past mistakes despite great efforts to better themselves).
While yes, Dick did Tim dirty by replacing him without having a proper conversation first, the motivation was because he saw Tim as his equal and not Damian. He thought highly of Tim, but Tim couldn’t see that over his offense. Tim is so beat down by life that he see’s everything with negative lenses. Everyone came to check on Tim’s mental health but Tim took it as an insult instead.
And even though now Tim has reached some form of “peace” in his life, that only happens because the people he lost came back (Bruce, Conner, Bart, Cassie, etc). Tim never fully learned to handle grief, to handle his emotions, instead he represses them. Again in the Red Robin run, the main reason he doesn’t believe in any form of God is because he can’t logically justify the pain he has gone through. He is hurting and doesn’t know how to deal with that. In his original Robin run, when he tried talking someone out of committing suicide……the words and comfort he gave….that wasn’t something that was just inside Tim, this is something that was told to Tim. This is followed by him calling Dick to get the same pep-talk he just regurgitated to someone else.
In short: Tim is hurting. Deeply. And having been someone who’s emotional & mental sanity was pushed to the brink and attempted to jump off several times, I think it’s really sad that DC just ignores it. Now as someone who’s gotten the help they needed & now helps other people who struggle with the same issues as myself & Tim, I think that they’re going to say a lot of Tim’s problems come from him not being “aware” of his own sexuality, which is just sad.
In the story in question, Barbara talks about Tim not having a solid identity. People are more than their sexuality. People are capable of making future decisions for themselves without it hindering on their sexuality. If Tim was real, I would brake down his struggle as so:
Tim refuses to go to college and do something more with his life because he cannot see anything beyond his current circumstance. And the only reason why Tim cannot see anything beyond his circumstance is because he has no internal sense of purpose, identity, and acceptance beyond the cape & cowl. And when Tim finally found that in being Robin, Tim held onto it as a lifeline. There’s a reason why everyone says Tim is basically Bruce 2.0: it’s because he is Robin/Red Robin/Drake & Tim is the mask. At a young age, he did not grow up having these things instilled into him due to his parents neglecting him at a very important age in his development. Tim raised himself, and for a lack of better terms; an idiot cannot teach themselves to be smarter, an idiot becomes smarter by learning from the intelligent. A child can’t teach themselves to be an adult, they have to learn from others to grow & better themselves.
Now a parent doesn’t necessarily have to sit down and give a lesson about how to be an individual, but children learn how to live life by watching their parents. A good example of this is the rest of the Bat-Fam; they all grew up with some form of parental figures that taught them how to behave (for better or worse). Of course children have their own personalities, which is why two kids can go through the same type of trauma but come out differently, but it is a battle of nature vs nurture. Steph, Jason, Cass, & Damian grew up in abusive/unstable homes, while Dick, Barbara, & Bruce grew up in loving homes, but their personalities & character dictated how they responded to trauma. They took what life gave them and decided what to leave or take.
Tim had nothing to work with & is basically playing catch-up with the rest of his peers.
In a weird sense, Tim is like Zuko from The Last Airbender: only living to serve their father’s purpose. Anything outside of that they don’t know what to do. They’ve been trained to be something externally without been given a chance to figure out who they are internally.
Again you are not your sexuality, your sexuality does not determine who you are as a person. When a person struggles through life, it is due to the conditions of thier soul. Everything starts internally and shows it’s self externally.
I want to make that very clear because I am truly scared that in DC’s attempt to claim “clout” they are missing the bigger picture. Tim doesn’t have identity problems simply because he “doesn’t know” he likes boys, but because DC never gave him is own identity to begin with. Robin was never his own identity, Red Robin was never his, & Drake was his first attempt to make his own but he quickly gave it up so that he can be Robin once again. What is Tim going to do once Damian gets back? Is Damian going to get his own identity before Tim? Or is Tim just going to go back to one of his old identities?
I would like for Tim to personally move on from being a vigilante and rejoin civilian society for a while. Go to college, do something for himself and only for himself. Give Tim the self-discovery story, let him heal, and grown to be his own person. Besides you can never have a functional romantic relationship if you are not a functional individual. Self love > romantic love.
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gotmilk5101520 · 4 years ago
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia Watch Episode 15 Mudslinging
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“The term "mudslinging" means to direct unjust insults and accusations with the intention of damaging the reputation of an opponent” Ah, so it’s what Donald Trump does everyday.
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Hey, isn’t this the place in the opening where Jim and the others were standing and posing all badass and Claire jumps on that crystal like she’s Super Mario? Or like she jumped J- Never mind.
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“Gunmar the Vicious”
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“Gunmar the Skullcrusher”
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“Gunmar!” Couldn’t they make a silhouette of Gunmar instead of showing part of his face?”
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“Ow!” Bedhead Jim.
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“Give me an A!’ “A!”
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“Give me an R!” “R!”
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“Give me a C!” “C!”
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“This is taking way too long”
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“Give me an adia!” “Eh”
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“What’s that spell?”
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That spells Arc-adia.
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“And his eye is glowing”
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“And then, the dream just keeps reminding me that i’m completely way out of my league”
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“Who is that masked mole? You ever wonder?”
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“You didn’t hear a word i said just then, did you?”
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“Sure, i did”
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“You had no problems sneaking into the Darklands when it was to save Claire’s brother, but now that Kanjigar says you’ve got to face Gunmar, you’re having nightmares about him and are freaking out that’ you’re way out of your league”
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“I can multi-task, Jimbo” I can multi-task too. I can multi-task between ships.
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“It’s Bill Erinstein“
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“Bill moved to Wisconsin. This is someone else’s artistry”
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“Someone with feminine wiles”
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“What? What feminine wiles?”
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“How do you even know that it’s a girl under there?”
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“Uh, trust me, dude. I know woman, and that is all woman under there”
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Toby is a furry confirm.
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Get someone, who would look lovingly at you from across the stands like they’re Marinette and Adrien, like how Jim and Claire look lovingly at each other from across the stands like they’re Marinette and Adrien.
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“Eli Pepperjack!”
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“I have friends!” “No you don’t!” Then why is he a nominee if doesn’t have friends?
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“Now that the play’s over, you can focus on your training full time”
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“And finally, Jim Lake Junior!”
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“What?” Because we need to replace the Romeo and Juliet sub plot with something to make everything harder for you.
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“Our nominees will compete in a series of challenges to win your vote”
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“Each nominee will propose a theme for the dance”
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“I like disco!”
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“I’ve got to boogie!”
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“That is all” And no one did disco.
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“Besides, there’s no way to kill Gunmar”
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“He’s invincible”
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“No, he’s not!”
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“So far as we know”
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“What do you know?” Okay, Mulan’s Ghost Family.
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“Did you see my father?”
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“I did”
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“Did he speak of me?”
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“Yeah. He wished the Soothscryer could let you in”
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“But, you know, the rules are the rules”
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“It’s all right, Trollhunter”
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“You don’t have to lie to protect my feelings” *Cries in Troll*
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“How long’s he been like this?”
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“Long time”
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“Maybe you should switch to decaf” Can trolls drink coffee, and like it, like ghouls in Tokyo Ghoul?
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“This is the last surviving copy of his work!”
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“This is the key!”
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“And i’m going to burn”
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*Gasp in Troll*
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“Burn, baby, burn!” Yep, Blinky is the crazy one.
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It was too quiet.
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“This village....”
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“It’s called Arcadia Oaks” “It’s on fire?” Well, it is in California.
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“In this town, there is a boy”
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“And this boy fancies a girl”
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“A girl whose brother is being held in the Darklands”
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“If the boy saves the child from the changeling nursery, he’ll want to save them all”
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“And it’s my job to watch over my half-breed brethren and not let that happen” And said half-breed brethren don’t care and payed the price for not caring.
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“But how could a fleshbag even contemplate such a feat?”
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“This boy is the Trollhunter”
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“It’s a long story. Just watch the first 13 episodes to be caught up”
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“You’re afraid of a fleshbag child”
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“I am not. He just shows up in my dreams as of late. Then again, his mother also shows up in my dreams too. Which is when he shows up”
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“I have my own fears” “Like what?” “I fear a girl taking my staff” “Why would you be afraid of a girl taking your staff? What could she do with it? And why a girl?”
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“I’m back, bitches”
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“Mom, could you-?”
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“Claire, could you change your baby brother’s diaper, please?”
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“He’s not a baby”
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“And he’s not my brother” Claire’s just about this close to tossing his ass out the window.
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“This isn’t fair”
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“It’s no day at the beach for me either, love bug”
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“I can’t believe i have to pretend you’re my brother”
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“It’s... It’s cruel”
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“What’s this? Don’t... Don’t do that, seriously. Please don’t cry”
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“Forget the jo-jos. Just a plain burger”
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“I get it. You miss your brother”
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“But i assure you, he’s perfectly fine”
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“He’s trapped in the Darklands”
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”How can that be fine?”
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“I’ll show ya”
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That’s gross. And Claire’s seen The Last Airbender and Dragon Ball Evolution and Netflix’s Winx Club and every live action remakes of Disney movies.
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“Your brother is what’s known as my familiar”
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“Changelings share a certain bond with them. It’s good for this little trick”
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“Mi hermanito”
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“I suppose this arrangement has been rather hard on you”
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“I’m going to get you back”
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“I’m going to find you”
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“And i’ll bring you home”
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*Cries in Troll again*
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“Ah, Mr. Strickler” Wait, isn’t that- Oh, no.
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“I hear Coach Lawrence was having a tizzy of a time teaching my class”
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“Your class? Look, you can’t just drop off the face of the Earth and expect your job back”
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“Actually, it’s not my job i’m here for”
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“What is this?”
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“WH- AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!’ So, what happens when someone gets caught by the Antramonstrum? Is it messy?
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“And now, for my next trick...”
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“The vanishing sock!”
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“Mm! Tasty trick” It disappeared in Aaarrrgghh’s mouth.
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“Hey, Mom. I’m home”
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“Where have you been?”
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“Just studying at the library with Claire and Tobes”
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“The library closed three hours ago. Where have you been?”
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“I don’t know, Mom. We took the long way home”
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“I have been worried sick, and that’s the best lie you can come up with?”
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“Okay, sorry! Call off the search parties!”
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“I’m obviously home!”
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This part is really sad and painful to watch. And the fact we don’t go in the house to see, but instead, watch from the outside and see through the windows. That’s why there were scenes with Claire and NotEnrique, and with Toby and Aaarrrgghh. It showed how Toby and Aaarrrgghh are having fun with magic trick. While Claire and NotEnrique are starting to bond for real. But here? Jim and his mom? It shows how they are being torn apart cause of Jim’s secret.
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“Jim, this is what you’re wearing?”
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“I wear this every day, Tobes. What else would i be wearing?” See? Jim understands he’s in a cartoon, so he has to wear the same thing everyday.
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Wait you can that with the Shadow Staff? Damn Claire, you’ve been holding back.
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“Where am i supposed to find a costume?”
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“And what am i suppose to be?”
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“Ladybug? Chat Noir?”
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“Why do i care about this so much?” Mood.
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“Let’s take a blast to the past!”
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“Back to ancient times!”
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“The 1980s!” Just forget Ronald Reagan exists.
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“Okay, if you’re gonna play dirty-” Good one Jimbo.
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“Oh, no! The costume!”
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Oooh. Right in the mud.
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“Okay, this is gonna work”
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“Oh, my gosh! It worked!” Is Toby secretly a wizard that we don’t know about?
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“Here to present his theme”
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“Mole Mania!”
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This is gonna be like that random girl from Drake and Josh that runs up to them giggling and runs off and Drake and Josh asks “Who is she?”
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“There has been a sudden departure”
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“I have heard word the Principal Levit has taken an indefinite leave of absence”
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“We wish him well” Yeah. “Well” in a fart cloud’s stomach.
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“But he sent an e-mail recommending an interim replacement”
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“Which we all support”
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“Please welcome Principal Strickler!”
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“Yeah! Whoo-hoo!”
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“What is he doing here?”
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“I thought you said he would be a fool to ever come back”
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“I’m very glad to be back and excited to get started”
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“But let it be known”
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“With me in charge, things are going to change. From here on out, teachers can date a students parent. So long as the parent is single” “Why that son of a-” “Steve! I’m going to be your new father!” “NO!”
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This episode was done dirty! Right i’ll show myself out.
Roaming Fees are the results of capitalism.
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didhs-random-things · 7 years ago
Tagged by @wasting-time-again you know me already lololol  xDDD @mariogolmez, wanna do it again?  :D  Relationship Status: forever alone
Favourite Colour :all shades of blue, green and peach
Lipstick or Chapstick: let’s say chapstick
Last song I listened to:  Led Zeppelin - Immigrant song because of Thor
Last Movie watched: currently The punisher /netflix
Top 3 shows: Avatar: The last airbender, White collar, 10th kingdom
Top 3 bands: Eluveititie, Imagine dragons, Fleetwood mac Top 3 characters: Nathan Drake, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Nikolai Lanstov (Grishaverse) @aonoanimeniac
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jelzorz · 8 years ago
oh my gosh i got tagged in something! What a pleasant surprise, thanks @chiarosekuro
Relationship Status: I am in relationship and have been in one for almost 5 years now good god, how Joash puts up with me, we will never know
Favourite Colour: All blues are good blues except when it’s a New South Wales rugby team No one here gets that joke but whatever
Lipstick or Chapstick: I don’t really have a preference?
Last song I listened to: Born to Run - American Authors
Last movie I watched: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban so what if I’ve seen it a million times you’re not the boss of me
Top 3 Fictional Characters: WOW okay decision time. Prince Zuko from Avatar: the Last Airbender (No one does a redemption arc like Zuko does); Nathan Drake from Uncharted (Nate just gets me); and Riza Hawkeye (First of her name; aide to Colonel Roy Mustang; the one true queen of all she surveys. I wish there was a less dorky way to say how much I love Riza Hawkeye as a character but this is legit the best way to sum it up).
Top 3 Ships: Aruani (do not get me started), Hiccstrid (the one ship that doesn’t hurt me), and Royai (the one true ship - the ship I will ship 80 years from now with the same fervour)
Books I’m reading: LOL my entire life is scientific papers right now, but I am part way through  Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari, American Gods by Neil Gaiman, and Trollhunters by Guillermo del Toro and Daniel Kraus (also a fantastic series on Netflix)
I hear I’m supposed to tag people but I’m hella lazy so I guess I’m just gonna go for my default tags @annieleonhardt  @askladarmin @nakamatoo @lyssala @princesshowlett24601 (hope you’re okay over there with all the attacks and stuff Tegan!) and idk anyone else who wants to do it i guess
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ezekialmcadams · 6 years ago
2018 In Review
So, another year has passed.
ANYONE else felt this year just flew by like a rocket? I remember when I was a kid, my parents or other adults always spoke of the furious passage of time as an adult, but, HOLY FIRE ROASTED TROUTS!, it felt that I sneezed and I’m already at the end of the year. It didn’t help that this year was a garbage fire.
I was pretty disappointed in myself this year. I set some pretty lofty goals, and unfortunately, I fell short on every single one.
I only read SIX BOOKS out of my 100 book Challenge on Goodreads. Some might think this was a big undertaking but I’m a pretty voracious reader, and last year I exceeded my list reading sixty books. So excluding comics and graphic novels,
This is what I read
1)End of an Era by Robert J. Sawyer
2)A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline D’Engel
3)Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House by Michael Wolfe
4)Twin Peaks: A Final Dossier by Mark Frost
5)The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton
I had a few books that I’m still reading
Congo by Michael Crichton
Red Raptor by Robert T. Bakker
Sphere by Michael Crichton
The Serpent’s Secret by Sayantani DasGupta
Firebrand (Steeplejack Series) by A.J. Hartley
What Happened by Hilary Rodham Clinton
Aquaman: 75 Year Celebration by DC Comics
Green Arrow: 75 Year History by DC Comics
Ghostbusters: Ultimate Visual History by Daniel Wallace
I’m pretty disappointed in myself in not reading as much, but, honestly, I just didn’t have the energy this year. Every time I would start reading, my mind would wander with e5ith anxious thoughts or life stuff and I LOVE reading and don’t really want to sleepwalk through reading. I want to enjoy and be immersed into whatever reading, so instead I put the books down :(
Next year, I’ll hopefully do better.
I had a very overwhelming list of TV series that I either wanted to watch for work, entertainment or just to keep up with Peak TV and pop culture.I planned to watch all of my unwatched series on Netflix, so I could write an article on the overwhelming dump of Netflix original content. I fell short. Here is a list of all the tv, from everything I was watching weekly, to the series I had started but haven’t finished, unwatched series, upcoming series I’m interested in and everything I finished.
  2018 in TV            
Manifest (Eight episodes left)
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
Queen Sugar: Season 2 (Fourteen episodes left)
UnREAL: Season 4 (Nine episodes left)
The Good Place: Season 3 (Three episodes left)
Murphy Brown: Season 11 (Three episodes left)
Escape at Dannemora (Three episodes left)
Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events (Seven episodes left)
Snowfall (Nine episodes left)
I’m Dying Up Here (Nine episodes left)
Top of the Lake: Season 2 (Five episodes left)
Anne with an E (Six episodes left)
This Is Us (Seventeen episodes left)
The Handmaid’s Tale (Nine episodes left)
The Mist: Season 1 (Nine episodes left)
Guerilla: Miniseries (Five episodes left)
Jamestown (Seven episodes left)
Ghosted (Eight episodes left)
The Mayor (Ten episodes left)
Alias Grace (Five episodes left)
Tin Star (Nine episodes left)
Hard Sun (Five episodes left)
Britannia (Eight episodes left)
The Deuce (Seven episodes left)
Everything Sucks (Nine episodes left)
Altered Carbon (Nine episodes left)
Dark (Nine episodes left)
Mosaic (Five episodes left)
Rise AKA Drama High (Nine episodes left)
The Crossing (Six episodes left)
The Looming Tower (Nine episodes left)
The Terror (Nine episodes left)
Into the Badlands (Two Seasons left)
Killing Eve (Seven episodes left)
Marco Polo (Seven episodes left)
White Famous (Nine episodes left)
Reverie (Five episodes left)
Sharp Objects (Six episodes left)
The Outpost (Nine episodes left)
Cloak and Dagger (Nine episodes left)
Who is America (Six episodes left)
Bobcat Goldthait’s Misfts and Monsters (Seven episodes left)
Sacred Lies (Two episodes left)
Strange Angel (Nine episodes left)
Succession (Nine episodes left)
Insatiable (Twelve episodes left)
Kidding (Nine episodes left)
$1 (Nine episodes left)
The Purge (Nine episodes left)
Jack Ryan (Nine episodes left)
The First (Seven episodes left)
Into The Dark (Eleven episodes left)
God Friended Me (Sixteen episodes left)
Tell Me A Story (Nine episodes left)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (Ten episodes left)
The Kominsky Method (Six episodes left)
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Season 2 (Six episodes left)
Titans (Eleven episodes left)
Dirty John (Six episodes left)
NightFlyers (Nine episodes left)
Preacher: Season 3 (Nine episodes left)
In Search Of (2018) (Nine episodes left)
Absentia (Nine episodes left)
Yellowstone (Eight episodes left)
Daredevil: Season 1 & 2 (Netflix)
Sense8 (Netflix)
Narcos (Netflix)
Love (Netflix)
Haters Back Off (Netflix)
The Crown (Netflix)
Ronja The Robber’s Daughter (Amazon)
GirlBOSS (Netflix)
Dear White People (Netflix)
The Keepers (Netflix)
Outcast: Season 2 (Cinemax)
Gypsy (Netflix)
Friends From College (Netflix)
Ozark (Netflix)
Mr. Mercedes (Audience)
Atypical (Netflix)
The Disappearance (CTV)
Mindhunter (Netflix)
Frankie Drake Mysteries (CBC)
Godless (Netflix)
The Indian Detective (CTV) - Nov 23 2017
Greenhouse Academy (Netflix)
Grace and Frankie: Season 4 (Netflix)
The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Season 4 Part 1 (Netflix)
Lost in Space (Netflix)
Stranger Things: Season 2 (Netflix)
Jessica Jones: Season 2 (Netflix)
The Rain (Netflix) - May 4 2018
Impulse (YouTube Premimum) - June 6 2018
The Hollow (Netflix) - June 8 2018
Treehouse Detectives  (Netflix) - June 8 2018
Two Sentence Horror Stories (Stage13) - Oct 2017
Queen Sugar: Season 3
The Dragon Prince (Netflix) - Sept 14 2018
Origin (YouTube Premium) - Nov 14 2018
Queen America (Facebook Watch) - Nov 21 2018
Carnival Row (Amazon) - 2019
They Can’t Kill Us All (AMC)
Heist 88 (FX)
Blood and Treasure (CBS) - 2019
The Underground Railroad (Amazon)
Messiah (Netflix) - 2019
Kaos (Netflix)
Away - Mars Drama (Netflix)
Lovecraft Country (HBO) - 2019
Motherland (Freeform)
See (Apple)
Northern Rescue (CBC Gem/Netflix) - March 1 2019
Search Party: Season 3 - 2019
Are You Sleeping? (Apple)
Another Life (Netflix)
Gen: LOCK (Rooster Teeth) - 2019
Diablo Animated Series (Netflix)
Avatar Last Airbender Live Action (Netflix)
The I-Land (Netflix)
October Faction (Netflix)
Warrior Nun (Netflix)
Hamelins (Netflix) - 2019
Sunshine Scouts (Netflix)  
The Passage (Fox)
Dark Cargo (YouTube Premium)
Barkskins (Nat Geo) - 2019
The Outsider (HBO) - 2019
Coroner (CBC) - Jan 6 2019
Cavendish (CBC) - Jan 8 2019
Unspeakable (Limited Series) (CBC) - Jan 9 2019
Deadly Class (SyFy) - Jan 16 2019
Black Monday (Showtime) - Jan 20 2019
Street Legal 2019 Revival (CBC) - March 4 2019
Diggstown (CBC) - March 6 2019
Ghost Wars: Season 1 - Finished Jan 7 2018
Van Helsing: Season 2 - Finished Jan 8 2018
Marvel’s Runaways: Season 1 - Finished Jan 9 2018
American Vandal: Season 1 - Finished Jan 24 2018
The Good Place: Season 2 - Finished Feb 1 2018
One Day at A Time: Season 1 - Finished Feb 10 2018
Star Trek: Discovery: Season 1 - Finished Feb 11 2018
One Day At A Time: Season 2 - Finished Feb 21 2018
SeaQuest DSV:Season 1 - Finished March 11 2018
Channel Zero: Butcher’s Block: Season 3 - Finished March 17 2018
Gargoyles: Season 1 - Finished March 30 2018
Max Headroom Pilot - April 3 2018
Prey Pilot - April 3 2018
Karen Sisco Pilot - April 4 2018
Wolf Lake Pilot - April 4 2018
The Magicians: Season 3 - Finished April 6 2018
Santa Clarita Diet: Season 2 - Finished April 24 2018
Black Lightning: Season 1 - Finished May 17 2018
Timeless; Season 2 - Finished May 19 2018
UnREAL: Season 3 - Finished May 19 2018
Superstition: Season 1 - Finished May 20 2018
Sien AKA The Deep: Season 1 - Finished May 23 2018
iZombie: Season 4 - Finished May 29 2018
The Americans: Season 6 - Finished May 31` 2019
Legion: Season 2 - Finished June 18 2018
Supergirl: Season 3 - Finished June 19 2018
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 3 - Finished June 24 2018
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Season 3 - Finished June 24 2018
Star Trek: Voyager: Season 3 - Finished June 24 2018
Westworld: Season 2 - Finished June 24 2017
The Expanse: Season 3 - Finished July 15 2018
Star Trek: The Next Generation:  Season 4 - Finished Aug 10 2018
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Season 4 - Finished Aug 10 2018
Star Trek: Voyager: Season 4 - Finished Aug 10 2018
Clarissa Explains It All Pilot - Aug 12 2018
Orange Is The New Black: Season 6 - Finished Aug 26 2018
Big Mouth: Season 1 - Finished Aug 31 2018
Cobra Kai: Season 1 - Finished Sept 2 2018
The Path: Season 3 - Finished Sept 6 2018
Freakish: Season 2 - Finished Sept 8 2018
SMILF: Season 1 - Finished Sept 9 2018
Castle Rock: Season 1 - Finished Sept 13 2018
Barry: Season 1 - Finished Sept 20 2018
Lodge 49: Season 1 - Finished Sept 21 2018
American Vandal: Season 2 - Finished Sept 22 2018
13 Reasons Why: Season 1 - Finished Sept 26 2018
Wynonna Earp: Season 3 - Finished Sept 30 2018
13 Reasons Why: Season 2 - Finished Oct 5 2018
The Haunting of Hill House: Season 1 - Finished Oct 13 2018
Light As a Feather: Season 1 - Finished Oct 14 2018
A Discovery of Witches: Season 1 - Finished Nov 5 2018
YOU: Season 1 - Finished Nov 12 2018
Lore: Season 2 - Finished Nov 12 2018
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Season 1 - Finished Nov 23 2018
Castlevania: Season 2 - Finished Nov 28 2018
Doctor Who: Season 11 - Finished Dec 11 2018
Preacher: Season 2 - Finished Dec 15 2018
This year, I intended to play more videogames, and while I finished Firewatch, which turned out to be one of my favourite games of the last decade and a great first person adventure game to boot, I again, bought many games I never finished including Stardew Valley, The Adventures of Willy Beamish, Inherit the Earth, Lighthouse: The Dark Being and Bioshock.
Many other games including personal faves, Maniac Mansion, Grim Fandango, Curse of Monkey Island, Escape from Monkey Island and Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge: Remastered Edition I bought but either haven’t had the time or interest to replay.
Others such as Shivers, Ecco The Dolphin, The Dagger of Amon Ra: A Laura Bow Mystery, and Broken Sword, I just didn’t have the energy to start.
I’m hoping next year to at least finish five games.
If you’ve been following me on social media, you know this year, I really want to dig down and confront fears or personal biases on things I deemed embarrassing or nerdy such as conventions, D&D, Magic:TG, WOW (World of Warcraft) and rewatching all of the Star Trek series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine and Voyager, as well as watching series such as SeaQuest:DSV, Battlestar Galactica and Babylon 5 for the first time.
Ezekiel Watches Star Trek
I really ENJOYED rewatching Star Trek. It was such a big part of my early childhood watching TNG  with my parents and I LOVED DS9 and enjoyed Voyager, so getting to go back was such a delight and reignited my love for these series and made me want to proudly wear them as a source of pride rather then a blemish of embarrassment., I’m sad I wasn’t able to watch all seven series of each of the three series, but I’m halfway done  Season 5 on TNG, DS9 and Voyager that hopefully I can finish all series by the end of Jan 2019.
Ezekiel Watches SeaQuest, Battlestar and Babylon 5
I never watched SeaQuest DSV as a kid, despite my LOVE of the ocean and exploration, again due to embarrassment and wanting to be cool. I’ve watched the first season, there are three in total, and despite a few problematic areas *cough* poorly written female characters *cough* I really liked the potential of the series and a few of the characters.
With both Battlesar and Babylon 5, I only watched the Pilots of both series and while I enjoyed them, I didn’t have nearly enough a sample to know if I’ll enjoy them. Hoping to watch more of each as well as finish the last two seasons of SeaQuest next year.
Ezekiel Plays WOW
I’ve never played WOW (or had any interest). For a decade, my two younger siblings have tried to bully me into playing but it wasn’t until my friend, Kelly, started playing with her husband, that I wanted to share something that had become important to her. I don’t know I’d continue if Kelly stopped playing but so far I’m enjoying myself. I didn’t expect to enjoy (mainly it’s Kelly), she’s an EXCELLENT guide and is very good with going slow with me and teaching me about the world and its rules and not making me feel stupid or a burden.
This year was my hard, my debut novel that was supposed to get published this past November, had an issue with my publisher and now its release is TBA, I feel like a failure, and my main priority of 2019 is getting the novel that I’ve worked on for five years PUBLISHED!
I wanted to lose twenty five pounds and start working out more to feel better, less sluggish and work on my mental health.. In this area, I succeeded, lost the weight I needed, and walked 3 km every day from May to late September. I need to work out more but I don’t feel as bad that didn’t happen.
I didn’t write as much as I wanted both for work and personal. I didn’t have as much published pieces as I’ve had in previous years. A lot of it was that my mental health was low throughout the year, and I had too many days off due to feeling depleted and exhausted .
I also didn’t work on the short stories much that I want to compile in a short story anthology that I want to self publish on Amazon and E Book. Again, I just need to push myself and write every day like I used to.
That being said, I’m really excited to go into the New Year and do better :)
BEST OF 2018
Two awesome things happened this year, I got my cat, Cheriden that was a rescue from my friend’s parent’s acreage, and he’s honestly the best part of my life right now. I had a cat, Sneaky, who was a tabby, when I was little but I’ve always wanted an animal that was a companion, that would come for snuggles and follow me around.  Cheriden was made for me, sometimes he’s too needy but he’s improved the quality of my life so much.
in 2005, I found a website, Isle of Coloden that was run by Kelly, who seemed just as weird as me and I admired her for her openness when blogging was such a new thing for me, I always thought she was a cool, and pathetic as it sounds, wanted to be her friend..  Last December, my ex, suggested I tell her how much she helped me through a difficult time in my life, when I had lost my girlfriend, I was initially reluctant but I did and Kelly and I started  chatting, she is now a co-host on my pod, Pop! Fishbowl, has helped me with WOW and I’m so glad to have such a caring, unique, opinionated person in my life.
For Christmas, she surprised me and bought me the first two seasons of Disney’s Gargoyles (Pretty much the complete series IGNORE Season 3!!!), which was such a delightful, thoughtful gift that came during a very tumultuous stressful week
and today I was again surprised to see I always made her best of 2018 list :) Shut up, I’m not smiling, YOU ARE! :) XD
Going into the New Year, I want to get my book published, figure out my two book deal so I get started on the next two that make up the trilogy, continue walking/working out both physically and mentally, finish my tv list, read at least 50 books and try to get short stories published in journals/magazines as well as play five video games.
In regards onto my website, Culture Gecko, I want to work on more local pieces in both Saskatoon and my other home, Vancouver. Interview local art7ist7s, business owners, report on news and current events. 
Fingers crossed, you guys!
0 notes
weirdmageddon · 6 years ago
maybe we can settle it with this....if you had these (or knew about them) during their prime and it was before your teenage years youre part of that sub-generation of gen z. in a gen z kid’s teenage years they will experience the subsequent sub-generation of gen z
if you dont remember 9/11 youre gen z. this includes not being old enough to remember or not being born yet. so gen z would start at the end of 1999
proto-gen z: gamecube/gba. pokemon games were rse, frlg, pmd rescue team. smash game was melee. big zelda game was wind waker. windows 98 – xp transition. i dont know enough about this generation’s culture beyond Fucking Original Spongebob and probably for music avril lavigne and green day. but this is where the “cryptid” 1995–1998 generation falls. the reason youre confused is because youre the true cusp of millenial and gen z. your early childhood was on the millenial side before gen z because you remember 9/11, but your preteen and teen years fell under early gen z. you can side with whichever you feel closer to
early gen z: wii/ds/dsi. pokemon games were dppt, hgss, bw, pmd explorers of t/d/s. smash game was brawl. big zelda game was twilight princess. flipnote studio and flipnote hatena culture. probably had a 3rd gen ipod touch that ran ios 3 or 4. windows xp – 7 transition. nick jr was noggin. shows were spongebob, invader zim, fairly odd parents, my life as a teenage robot, jimmy neutron, danny phantom, drake & josh, avatar the last airbender, flapjack, chowder, icarly, penguins of madagascar, regular show. hannah montana, high school musical, camp rock, glee. may have used vhs but mainly dvds. rented movies from blockbuster. listened to music on cd player or ipod. school trends were the cheese touch and hating justin beaver. on youtube (broadcast yourself), smosh, nigahiga and fred. classic era of youtube poops. had to watch anime in 3 parts. silly bandz collections. typically had some real-life friends and talked through pictochat in close range or over the landline house phone or flip phone from far away. american pop is owned by taylor swift, rihanna, 3oh!3, lady gaga, kanye west, flo rida, katy perry, beyonce, the black eyed peas, ke$ha
core gen z: 3ds/wii u. pokemon games were bw2, xy, oras, mystery dungeon gti and super. smash game was sm4sh. big zelda game was skyward sword. miiverse culture. probably had an iphone 5 or 6 that ran ios 8. windows 7 – 8/10 transition. cartoons were adventure time, the amazing world of gumball, gravity falls, rick and morty, steven universe, over the garden wall. watches movies & shows on netflix. probably heard of homestuck and tried to read it. frozen everywhere. school trends were gangnam style, harlem shake, twerking, and vine. the beginning of youtube gaming celebrities: pewdiepie, cryaotic, and markiplier, and the explosion of minecraft, fnaf, indie horror games, etc. angry birds and flappy bird apps. twitch.tv takes off. talked to friends through skype. american pop owned by macklemore, justin timberlake, bruno mars, ed sheeran, miley cyrus, the weekend, nicki minaj, ariana grande, iggy azalea
late gen z: switch. pokemon games include sm, usum, lets go, and the upcoming 2019 title. smash game is ultimate. big zelda game is breath of the wild. almost certainly has an iphone 8 or X than runs ios 12. the summer of pokemon go. a noticable recession in quality cartoons/kids shows. youtube driven into late stage capitalism and celebrity drama. civil unrest of unprecedented levels and absurd memes to cope. fastest memes in the west haw yee. school trends are dabbing, t-posing, fortnite dancing, megalovania, and tik tok. talks to friends through discord. american pop owned by drake, tøp, the chainsmokers, bts, dj khaled, cardi b, post malone, morally questionable soundcloud rappers with tattoos on their faces and clown hair
is this accurate? tell me what you think cause this took me a while. if this is the case then im early gen z
ppl say the cutoff for early gen z is 2001 and core gen z is usually starts at 2003-2004 so where does that leave me born in mid-2002?
there should be more qualitative measures to find this out rather than relying on years. like grouping gen z by what they grew up with or remember, and if still using years not having it be black/white fullstop. gen z is like no other generation in that technology evolved so fast it outsped the growth of human aging so theyre divided into sub-generations (early, core, and late)
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tobiasdrake · 1 year ago
Azula was always an overachiever tying herself into knots trying to please her father & meet his impossible standards of perfection. That was always the implication of her situation, wasn't it? It wasn't shown outright because there were almost no scenes between Azula & Ozai. The live action just made it more explicit, which was apparently necessary because the fandom still seems to struggle with the idea Azula was even abused
The fandom does struggle with the idea Azula was abused. I agree with that. But the reason it struggles with it is because people have a hard time seeing favoritism as abusive to the favorite. Azula is the golden child. The apple of her father's eye. And people miss that this dynamic is as harmful to Azula as it is to Zuko.
Azula in the show was characterized as a prodigy - specifically, in the field of embodying Ozai's values and belief system, which is what he wants from his children. He doesn't care about them as people, but instead wants to mold them into reflections of himself - And he gets on well with Azula, because she goes out of her way to be that reflection.
Azula is a child seeking to emulate her father. Every toxic behavior she has is something she learned from watching Ozai. She domineers and controls the people she loves because that's how she learned to love from watching Ozai. She's pro-fascism and even pro-genocide because those are the values she learned from watching Ozai.
She is her father's dutiful daughter. A child clomping around in her father's shoes, committing atrocities to unify her family and earn those little dopamine hits of a thumbs-up from Daddy.
There's a lot of engaging subtleties to Azula's character, such as the way she gives Zuko the credit for killing Avatar so that her brother can come home, but also holds it over him because domineering and controlling people is how she's been taught to treat the people she cares about.
Or the way she opens up about feeling rejected and unloved by Ursa, but stops to snarkily self-deprecate in the middle. "My own mother thought I was a monster. She was right, of course, but it still hurt." This is a child who has so thoroughly emulated her father's fascistic belief system that she can't even allow herself to be vulnerable when expressing her vulnerabilities, and instead abuses herself as a defense mechanism.
Azula is the contrast to Zuko. Zuko demonstrates what fascistic parenting does to children who struggle to live up to their toxic values, while Azula demonstrates what it does to children who excel. But both of these kids are victims of abuse.
This is something the fandom has a hard time wrapping their heads around because it's something the cartoon had a hard time wrapping its head around. Because it contradicts what the cartoon wanted from Azula: A cool, charismatic and funny supervillain who does sinister things while delivering wicked lines. That was her principle role, and it's what much of the fandom wants from her.
The original cartoon was far from perfect, and one of its flaws is that it eagerly portrayed Zuko as a complex and nuanced figure but refused to treat Azula to the same level of care and sympathy. Zuko's trauma is thoroughly examined while Azula's is simply used as window dressing for villainy. In that regard, I don't disagree with the idea that she should be more fully explored in adaptation.
But this ain't it. Rewriting Azula to be victimized in the same way as Zuko isn't a more thorough exploration of her abuse. It overwrites her abuse with Zuko's abuse. Reimagining Azula as an abuse victim is, in and of itself, a failure to recognize that Azula was already an abuse victim.
Instead, what they accomplished with this change is taking her confidence away. Taking her pride away. Taking her exceptionalism away. And taking her own unique experiences with their mutually abusive father away.
They didn't make Azula's trauma more explicit. They erased it and replaced it with Zuko's.
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djetan9282 · 8 years ago
You fuckers keep tagging me
And I am actually okay with it. Thanks @d-manaceattorney for sending me this.
Rules: tag nine people you want to get to know better
Relationship Status: Single as I’ve been in my whole damn life
Lipstick or Chapstick: Neither, I always hated feeling chapstick and I always hated lipstick on girls for the most part.
Last Song I listened to: Linkin Park’s New Divide - Call me cheesy, but a part of me ironically likes this song and thinks of it as one of the few good things in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. I’m a sucker for Transformers, what can I say?
Movie I watched: Not sure what to really put in here, but I CAN say that I think the last movie I sat down and enjoyed was when I saw Batman Forever airing on HBO or something. I like the serious Batman portrayal like the next guy, but I figured a little cheese wouldn’t hurt. Missed the beginning, though, but I was there for most of it.
Three TV shows: Double dipping here, and not counting anime. For cartoons, Star Wars Rebels, Star vs the Forces of Evil, and Avatar: the Last Airbender. For Live-action, Daredevil (Netflix), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Drake and Josh. Though for most of these, I haven’t seen in a while, and in Daredevil’s and Agents’ case, I only saw one season. I enjoyed it, though.
Three characters: First coming to mind are Sora (MY SON), Aqua (MY QUEEN, I WANT TO MARRY HER) and Labrys (my robot girlfriend who deserves more love)
Ships: Not many ships, but I do support IraMako in KLK (nothing against RyuMako, just preferred IraMako more), and back in the day, I remember my vehemence against Zutara stemmed from my Kataang roots, back when the original Avatar aired on TV.
Tag: I surprisingly feel like I got a good few mutuals here. Which is good. Not sure who the fuck to tag though, but I will tag some of my good buddies: @nui-the-super-lesbian @soralink64 @marionettes-musings @a-dolphin-cubed @emilytheespeon @aragakiminako @soloremix @thatonedreameater @raritananon
Wait holy shit, I actually have 9 people tagged. Damn. Thank you all. If I didn’t tag you, feel free to participate too. Take care, doods.
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netunleashed-blog · 7 years ago
Netflix vs Stan, Foxtel Now and Amazon Prime: Australian streaming services compared
http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=24696 Netflix vs Stan, Foxtel Now and Amazon Prime: Australian streaming services compared - http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=24696 Now that streaming media has become a mainstay in Australian homes, Aussies have plenty of options to choose from when it comes to getting their home entertainment fix.When combined, Netflix, Stan, Amazon Prime Video and Foxtel Now offer an enormous range of content that can be instantly streamed into your home. However, if you can only afford one subscription service, narrowing down a definitive choice can be harder than it seems.As each service brings with it a unique range of television shows and movies aimed at different segments of the streaming audience, not to mention differing price points, device compatibility and streaming qualities, we've taken it upon ourselves bring you an in-depth guide to what you can expect from Australia's four major SVOD platforms.With the constantly evolving nature of each service discussed in this guide, we will endeavour to keep you updated on any significant changes and updates that may occur to these streaming giants in the future.Here's how the Australian streaming situation stacks up in 2018. Price Probably the best thing about having so many streaming options to choose from, is that it forces each service to be priced competitively.Netflix offers the cheapest stream of the main three, with a single stream in standard definition at $8.99, which, if we're being honest, isn't particularly good value, but may appeal to those who live alone and have a poor quality internet connection.Thankfully, for $11.99 a month you can get a dual-stream subscription that offers HD streaming quality.If 4K streams are what you're after, you'll need to subscribe to Netflix's premium package, which costs $14.99 a month and allows you to watch the service on four devices simultaneously. This is probably the most ideal subscription for families with differing tastes in shows and movies.Though Netflix is obviously working off of how it's priced overseas, Stan has chosen to come out at the low, no-nonsense price of $10 a month. That's for everything the service has to offer at a maximum resolution of 1080p. If you want to make use of your 4K TV though, you can upgrade to a Premium Stan subscription for $15 a month. So far, Stan has nine of its exclusive shows available to stream at 4K quality, including the likes of Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad, Preacher and Wolf Creek. These kinds of prices cut straight to the point – once you've tested the service's 30 day trial, you're either on board with forking over a tenner (or an extra fiver)  each month, or you're not.Undercutting Netflix's pricing substantially, Amazon has a special introductory offer that grants new subscribers access to the service for a monthly fee $4.99 for the first six months, after which it will renew at US$6.99 each month after that.Foxtel Now is different in that it offers a number of different content packs (split into Starter packs and Premium packs) so the user can tailor their subscription to their viewing habits.The Starter packs kick off at $10 per month, but you'll probably have to sign up to at least a couple of them to get a decent selection of shows overall. Lifestyle, Doco and Kids packages cost $10 each per month, and the Drama and Pop options (both of which offer Game of Thrones) are priced at $15 per month.Premium packs are where it starts to get pricey, with the Movies pack costing $20 a month and the Sports package costing $29 monthly fee. Both of these packs can only be obtained in addition to a Starter package, meaning your minimum cost for Sports is $39. Devices For many people, the decision of which streaming service to sign up for may come down to the devices they own.Netflix has the biggest global reach and has been around the longest, which is why it can be streamed on the largest number of devices.The Netflix app is available on a wide range of smart TVs from manufacturers like Samsung, Sony, LG, Panasonic, Philips and Hisense, though you should check your television model to see if the service is supported. Stan is available on all current Samsung smart TVs, Sony smart TVs (running Android TV) and all LG smart TVs running WebOS software. Stan is also streaming on Hisense smart TVs from 2015 onwards, and we're seeing the app pop up on more and more manufacturers sets. Basically, if you buy a new smart TV locally, chances are that it will play Stan. At launch, Amazon Prime Video only offered its service in Australia through computer browsers, however, the Amazon Prime app has now appeared on a number of 4K smart TVs, including models from Sony, Samung, LG and more. Before settling on Prime, you should check and see if you smart TV has an app for it.If your smart TV is of the 4K/UHD variety, chances are that its Netflix app supports 4K streaming. You can also get a 4K Netflix stream for the latest wave of Ultra HD Blu-ray players, such as the Panasonic DMP-UB900 and the Samsung UBD-K8500. Microsoft's newest console, the Xbox One S, also offers 4K playback.The Apple TV also supports Netflix and has features built around service, such as the ability to use Siri to search for titles by voice, which places Netflix titles appear alongside iTunes listings. A Stan app is also available for Apple TV, but Amazon won't allow its app on Apple TV or Chromecast for business reasons. With that said, you should be able to display Amazon Prime Video on your Apple TV through AirPlay. So far, Siri functionality is only available to Netflix.Netflix, Stan and Amazon Prime Video are all available on iOS and Android smartphones and tablets, though some older Android models may not be compatible.When it comes to game consoles, Netflix has the biggest reach, with apps for Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox One S, PS3, PS4 and the Nintendo Wii U. Stan has most of the consoles covered but lacks support for Xbox 360 and Wii U. It's also possible to watch Amazon Prime Video on home gaming consoles, including the Xbox One and PS4, and you can also watch the service using Amazon's Fire TV Stick.Netflix and Stan are also available on Fetch TV, which is quite handy for the hundreds of thousands of Australians currently subscribed to Fetch.If you don't have any of the TV-connected devices listed above and still want to watch Netflix and Stan on your television, the two services can also be streamed to a Google Chromecast, which ostensibly provides regular TVs with smart TV functionality (so long as you have a smartphone or tablet to stream from). That said, Amazon Prime Video is not supported on Chromecast.Foxtel Now works on iOS and Android devices, Chromecast and Chromecast Ultra, PC and Mac and the newly-released Foxtel Now streaming box. Finally, you can also watch Netflix and Stan on the Roku 2-powered Telstra TV media streaming box. Kids content When it comes to kids shows and movies, each service has its own strengths and weaknesses.Stan has a wide selection of children-friendly shows that mostly stem from its partnerships with Turner Broadcasting (the Cartoon Network), the ABC and Viacom.Cartoon Network favourites like Adventure Time, Ben 10, Regular Show, The Powerpuff Girls, Cow and Chicken, Generator Rex and Ed, Edd, n Eddy are all ready to stream on Stan.Likewise, classic ABC titles like The Wiggles, Dorothy the Dinosaur, Guess How Much I Love You and Justine Clarke, as well as overseas titles like Octonauts, Angelina Ballerina, Bob the Builder, Thomas and Friends, Fireman Sam, Sesame Street and Mister Maker are available to stream on the app, and its Viacom deal brings with it a large range of shows from Nickelodeon and Nick Jr, like Avatar: The Last Airbender; Octonauts, Ni Hao, Kai-Lan, Bubble Guppies, and popular live-action shows like iCarly, VICTORiOUS, and Drake & Josh.Like the rest of Amazon Prime Video's content library, its Kids selection is quite sparse at present. You'll find a number of Amazon Original kids shows you've probably never heard of, like Wishenpoof!, Tumble Leaf and Just Add Magic, alongside some tried-and-true kids movies classics, like The Little Rascals, Casper, Spy Kids and Babe.Netflix also has a wide-ranging partnership with Walt Disney, bringing with it films and TV shows from Walt Disney Animation Studios, Pixar Animation Studios, Marvel Studios and Lucasfilm.Animation fans will be happy to know that Netflix has also produced some original shows based on classic DreamWorks properties, including Puss in Boots and How to Train Your Dragon.Deals with other big children's program distributors Saban, DHX Media and Hasbro Studios have also provided Netflix with numerous incarnations of Power Rangers and My Little Pony.Special mention should also be given to inclusion of the classic Aussie kid's show, Round the Twist, on both Netflix and Stan's respective catalogues.Depending on the packages you acquire, Foxtel Now offers plenty of kids shows and channels hosting a large number of Nickelodeon and Disney programs.  TV shows A wide and varied range of television shows are available on Netflix, Stan and Amazon Prime Video, thanks to individual deals between each of the SVOD services and their content partners. Because of this, each service should have something for everyone in your family.While there's a lot of crossover when it comes to the availability of shows on each platform, perhaps the most important deciding factor comes down to the exclusives and original shows available on each service.Netflix is without question the leader in this regard, with a large, global slate of original shows that are, for the most part, available in every one of its territories around the world.The service has achieved huge success with its diverse lineup, which includes award-winning shows House of Cards and Orange is the New Black, long-form superhero shows like Marvel's Daredevil and Jessica Jones, internationally-targeted shows like Narcos, animated sitcoms such as BoJack Horseman and F is For Family, comedies like Fuller House, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and Master of None, and countless stand up comedy specials, to name but a small selection from its rapidly-expanding library.Though Stan is only available in Australia, it has already begun creating its own original content, having produced the improvised comedy series No Activity, the TV spin-offs of Wolf Creek and Romper Stomper, as well as the comedy series Plonk.Stan is notable for also having a large range of exclusive shows in its stable, with big hitters like the Twin Peaks revival, Better Call Saul Mozart in the Jungle, Transparent, Power, UnReal, Community, Lost Girl, Dig, Ash vs Evil Dead, Angie Tribeca and 11.22.63 tied to the service for the entire life of each series. On top of this, Stan is the only service in Australia offering both the complete series' of US sitcom classics Seinfeld and Friends.  Stan also fast-tracks new episodes of its exclusive shows as soon as they air overseas, a practise that both Netflix and Amazon Prime Video have since adopted with such shows as Riverdale and American Gods.As the newest service to hit Australian shores, Amazon Prime Video doesn't currently have a huge TV content library on offer, then again, that probably goes a long way to explaining why the subscription price is so cheap. Most people considering a Prime subscription are probably looking to watch The Grand Tour, the new car enthusiast show from the team behind the beloved series, Top Gear. If that's what you're after, you'll happy to know that every available episode of the series is available on Amazon Prime Video in HDR, with new episodes arriving weekly. Aside from that, other exclusive draw cards include American Gods, a hyped new show based on the immensely popular Neil Gaiman novel of the same name, Jean-Claude Van Johnson, which stars Jean-Claude Van Damme as a spy version of himself, The Tick, a comedic superhero series revival, The Man in the High Castle, which posits a world in which the Nazis won World War II, and The Terror, a horror anthology series based on a best-selling book. Unlike the competition, Foxtel Now lets you also watch live television broadcasts, essentially giving you the regular Foxtel experience over the internet. Aside from this, most of the packages on offer, such as Drama and Pop (which have loads of HBO content split across them), are mostly filled with television shows. Fans of reality TV will get a real kick out of the selection here. Movies As with most SVOD services, the titles available on Netflix, Stan and Presto change occasionally according to content licensing agreements. That said, each service has a pretty decent collection of films aimed at slightly different audiences.Despite what people will tell you about Australian Netflix compared to its US version, the local service has a pretty impressive lineup of blockbuster titles which focus on quality over quantity.Netflix's aforementioned partnership with Disney also extends to movies, with titles such as Marvel's Captain America: Civil War and Ant-Man ready to stream, as well as animated films like Zootopia and Inside Out.Netflix has also started acquiring and creating its own films under its Netflix Originals banner, with titles like Beasts of No Nation, Ridiculous 6 and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 2: Sword of Destiny already available to stream.Amazon Prime Video offers a number of classic older films, including Pulp Fiction, Scarface, Jurassic Park, Scream, Serenity, American Pie and more, though nothing too recent is currently available to stream. Its recent Amazon Original film The Neon Demon, for instance, is currently geo-restricted.Still, fans of B-grade cinema, including straight-to-video '90s martial arts movies, '80s horror movies and sleazy grindhouse flicks will find plenty to love on Amazon Prime Video. In fact, it blows all of the other services out of the water in this regard, with a rather big selection of these kinds of films. As was mentioned earlier, you'll need a Movies package to watch feature films through Foxtel Now, though that will set you back $20 per month on top of a $10 Starter pack. Many of the movies are new releases, showing much of the content you'd expect to see on live Foxtel. Unfortunately, Stan doesn't provide access to any Disney content at all, which does feel like a pretty big hole in its otherwise impressive lineup.It does however, provide a big selection of Roadshow Entertainment titles, including huge films like Mad Max: Fury Road, The LEGO Movie, The Hunger Games series, Edge of Tomorrow, The Matrix trilogy, The Lord of the Rings trilogy and more.A content deal with MGM also provides Stan with a large back catalogue of classic films, including the entire James Bond series (minus the most recent addition, Spectre), The Silence of the Lambs, When Harry Met Sally and a huge selection of Woody Allen films.While Netflix's movie library is more mainstream in nature, Stan is easily the leading streaming service when it comes to art films and world cinema, with its SBS World Movies partnership providing access to films from over 45 countries in more than 70 languages. Streaming quality All three services offer HD streams (unless you're subscribed to Netflix's lowest tier), however, Netflix is unquestionably the leader when it comes to streaming quality, as it offers the most 4K HDR content (top pricing tier only) of any of the services listed here.Netflix Originals, with some exceptions, are generally available in 4K streaming quality. The service has also started streaming HDR (high-dynamic-range) and Dolby Vision content for many of its original shows and movies.The service has an adaptive bit rate that adjusts itself based on the quality of your internet connection. It should be noted that, even if you have a blazing fast connection, Netflix will occasionally fail to reach full resolution during primetime hours due to congestion.Stan also uses adaptive bit rate technology, however it also offers users the ability to select the streaming quality of its shows (where available). The Ultra setting offers full 4K resolution, though you'll need to subscribe to the Premium package to see the benefits of the Ultra HD upgrade.Unlike its competitors, Stan allows users to select the quality of their streams on smart devices, media devices and smart TVs. Simply select the cog icon and choose between Low, Medium and High quality streams. This is especially handy if you're having buffering problems or if you're streaming off mobile data.With Netflix adding offline viewing to its subscription price, allowing using to download a selection of shows and movies to their devices for viewing outside of Wi-Fi networks, the service immediately increased its overall value. Thankfully, Stan has followed suit, and now allows subscribers to download the vast majority of its content. This makes its $10 monthly price point even more of a bargain than it already was. Amazon Prime Video also offers 4K HDR content, though with the varying quality of the shows and movies on offer, it's a little tricky to know what's available in SD, HD or Ultra HD until you start watching it. Original shows are, for the most part, available in 4K. Foxtel Now is said to offer HD streams, but the quality is a mixed bag. Often blurry or with overly saturated colours, the picture quality here is a far cry from what Netflix, Stan and Amazon Prime Video are offering. This really changes on a show-by-show basis. Game of Thrones looks pretty clean, though. Verdict Though each service has its own strengths and weaknesses, Netflix is unquestionably the winner when it comes to device compatibility, original content and stream quality.Its library of Netflix Originals continues to grow and maintain a generally high level of quality, with the service producing the kind of content that gives HBO a run for its money when it comes to premium programming.When you ignore its standard definition pricing option (and we ignore it pretty hard around these parts), Stan's flat $10 subscription fee is definitely more appealing for people who want access to a HD stream, but when you consider how many original shows Netflix produces, a couple of extra bucks a month is hardly a deal-breaker.It's great that Amazon Prime Video has made its way to Australia, and while it still has a long way to go in terms of growing its content library and list of compatible devices, it continues to add new content constantly, filling out the content selection with a number of gems. On the plus side, the service is quite inexpensive at the moment, so if you want to try it out for yourself anyway, you can do so without breaking the budget. We love the sheer amount of content available on Foxtel Now (it really does leave the competition in the dust in this regard), though getting a decent selection up will hurt your wallet in the long run. Still, when all is said and done, there's no denying that Netflix truly is the king of streaming media in Australia. 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12stepred2 · 8 years ago
Tag game
Tag Game I was tagged by @gayjewplane (basically me if I was a lesbian dad) Goal: Tag nine people you want to get to know better! Relationship status: single as a ranch Pringle (they the best kind) Favorite color: Red Lipstick or chapstick: Lipstick Last song I listened to: Own it by Drake Last movie I watched: This nut ass dumb ass cheaply made ass movie on Netflix called Only for one night which was so horrible it was funny. Top three shows: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Law and Order: SVU, Mighty morphin power rangers but only the first two seasons until they kicked Kim off Top three characters: katara, tommy Oliver and Garnet from Steven universe Top three ships: Kataang, Korrasami and Garnet I tag @awwimjose @tyleroakley @troyesivan @prettyboyshyflizzy @danielhowell @jennamarbles @lohanthony @mackydraws @zoella
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gamingkid1998 · 8 years ago
I got tagged by @midnightstarlightwrites! Thank you fam! :D Let’s do this!
3 things your followers don’t know about you:
1. I have neck hair ever since I was born. lol
2. I am terrified of snakes. Absolutely hate them. Call me Indiana Jones if you will, but I’m not getting near a snake!
3. I did choir from 6th grade all the way to Senior Year of High School and I was in my high school’s cross country team from Sophomore to Senior Year.
Answer 10 questions and tag 10 amazing people!
1. What was the last movie you watched?
Split. That was a really good thriller and James McAvoy gives an amazing performance!
2. What was the last song you listened to?
My Way - Frank Sinatra (Ever since the Kingsman: The Golden Circle trailer came out, I can’t stop listening to this song).
3. What was the last show you watched?
13 Reasons Why. One of the best Netflix shows next to Stranger Things for me.
4. What was the last book you read?
I don’t read often. However, the last thing I did read was the comic book Batman: The Killing Joke and that was a great comic book!
5. What was the last thing you ate?
I had for dinner Pizza Hut and I like pizza. :3
6. If you could be anywhere else, where would you be?
I would love to go to France one day. Seeing the Eiffel Tower and such. I would also like to go back to London just to cover the things I missed and to hang out with my friends again. :)
7. If you could pick a decade to travel back to, what would it be?
The 80′s. I love the pop culture of the 80′s and it would fit my jam. :D
8. If you win the lotto and millions of cash, what would be the first thing you’d do?
I would give a chunk to my parents to pay off their debts and to buy them a new house. I would also to save some of that money for my own future things and maybe even spend a little on vacations and such.
9. Which fictional character would you like to hang out with for the day?
I would like to hang out with someone like Andy Dwyer from Parks and Rec mainly because I love Chris Pratt and such and he’s so funny. 
10. What was the last fandom you joined?
The only ones that I could say I’m a part of would be Yuri!!! On Ice and Miraculous Ladybug. :)
Favorites Tag:
Place- I like my house honestly. I like to relax, play video games, sleep/nap, and watch movies. If going out, probably somewhere like my friends houses.
Person- There’s so many people that I love that I can’t choose as I love everyone around me whether it’s my family and/or my best friends.
Color- Red!
Food- A good, medium rare, cheeseburger with bacon. :D
Smell- I like the smell of Febreze or even hand sanitizer. lol
Book- Again, I don’t really read often but if I had to choose a book I really liked reading during high school, the Kite Runner.
Movie- Back to the Future
Music Artist- Oh man. Tricky question but I would probably have to go with either someone like Eminem or Drake.
Genre of Music- It depends on my mood. I really like rap, rock, and even some metal music.
Genre of literature- I like something very adventurous or even spooky/horror stories.
Day of the week- I mainly like days like Friday’s since it’s start of a weekend. Otherwise, it really depends on the day and how it goes.
Social Media- I definitely use Tumblr a lot for social media so I’ll go with that. :3
Thing to do when bored- Drawing, playing video games, watching movies, or even take a nap.
Celebrity- Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Chris Pratt.
Website other than Tumblr- Definitely YouTube. :D
Drink- Vanilla Cherry Coke
Animals- Cats and dogs. I also like pandas. :3
Flower- Sunflower
TV Show- Hannibal, Stranger Things, Avatar The Last Airbender, Breaking Bad, The Flash and a ton more. lol
Fruit- Banana and blueberry
Vegetable- Carrots
Store- GameStop? It’s hard choosing a store I like to go to since I go to a lot. lol
Quote- “Think before you do.”
Boy’s name- I like something like Johnathan or even my own name, Shaun. XD
Girl’s name- Daisy
Ice cream flavor- Cookies and cream
Popcorn flavor- Buttered
Season- Summer
Month of the Year- December
Disney Princess- Jasmine
Insult- I don’t insult people often but I jokingly do it with my friends with something like “Nerds!” or even “Piss off!”
YouTube channel- Chris Stuckmann, Jeremy Jahns, Farfromsubtle, etc.
Eye color- Brown
Language- English. It’s the only language I speak and it’s a common language.
Thing about yourself- I can be nice to others but also shy. I tend to try to let myself out there more often and talk about the things I like.
I don’t really have too many people to tag but I tag @whitepaintedlotus @supleed2 @commecava
0 notes
ezekialmcadams · 6 years ago
2018 in TV
Manifest (Eight episodes left)
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
Queen Sugar: Season 2 (Fourteen episodes left)
UnREAL: Season 4 (Nine episodes left)
The Good Place: Season 3 (Three episodes left)
Murphy Brown: Season 11 (Three episodes left)
Escape at Dannemora (Three episodes left)
Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events (Seven episodes left)
Snowfall (Nine episodes left)
I’m Dying Up Here (Nine episodes left)
Top of the Lake: Season 2 (Five episodes left)
Anne with an E (Six episodes left)
This Is Us (Seventeen episodes left)
The Handmaid’s Tale (Nine episodes left)
The Mist: Season 1 (Nine episodes left)
Guerilla: Miniseries (Five episodes left)
Jamestown (Seven episodes left)
Ghosted (Eight episodes left)
The Mayor (Ten episodes left)
Alias Grace (Five episodes left)
Tin Star (Nine episodes left)
Hard Sun (Five episodes left)
Britannia (Eight episodes left)
The Deuce (Seven episodes left)
Everything Sucks (Nine episodes left)
Altered Carbon (Nine episodes left)
Dark (Nine episodes left)
Mosaic (Five episodes left)
Rise AKA Drama High (Nine episodes left)
The Crossing (Six episodes left)
The Looming Tower (Nine episodes left)
The Terror (Nine episodes left)
Into the Badlands (Two Seasons left)
Killing Eve (Seven episodes left)
Marco Polo (Seven episodes left)
White Famous (Nine episodes left)
Reverie (Five episodes left)
Sharp Objects (Six episodes left)
The Outpost (Nine episodes left)
Cloak and Dagger (Nine episodes left)
Who is America (Six episodes left)
Bobcat Goldthait’s Misfts and Monsters (Seven episodes left)
Sacred Lies (Two episodes left)
Strange Angel (Nine episodes left)
Succession (Nine episodes left)
Insatiable (Twelve episodes left)
Kidding (Nine episodes left)
$1 (Nine episodes left)
The Purge (Nine episodes left)
Jack Ryan (Nine episodes left)
The First (Seven episodes left)
Into The Dark (Eleven episodes left)
God Friended Me (Sixteen episodes left)
Tell Me A Story (Nine episodes left)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (Ten episodes left)
The Kominsky Method (Six episodes left)
Titans (Eleven episodes left)
Dirty John (Six episodes left)
NightFlyers (Nine episodes left)
Preacher: Season 3 (Nine episodes left)
In Search Of (2018) (Nine episodes left)
Absentia (Nine episodes left)
Yellowstone (Eight episodes left)
Daredevil: Season 1 & 2 (Netflix)
Sense8 (Netflix)
Narcos (Netflix)
Love (Netflix)
Haters Back Off (Netflix)
The Crown (Netflix)
Ronja The Robber’s Daughter (Amazon)
GirlBOSS (Netflix)
Dear White People (Netflix)
The Keepers (Netflix)
Outcast: Season 2 (Cinemax)
Gypsy (Netflix)
Friends From College (Netflix)
Ozark (Netflix)
Mr. Mercedes (Audience)
Atypical (Netflix)
The Disappearance (CTV)
Mindhunter (Netflix)
Frankie Drake Mysteries (CBC)
Godless (Netflix)
The Indian Detective (CTV) - Nov 23 2017
Greenhouse Academy (Netflix)
Grace and Frankie: Season 4 (Netflix)
The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Season 4 Part 1 (Netflix)
Lost in Space (Netflix)
Stranger Things: Season 2 (Netflix)
Jessica Jones: Season 2 (Netflix)
The Rain (Netflix) - May 4 2018
Impulse (YouTube Premimum) - June 6 2018
The Hollow (Netflix) - June 8 2018
Treehouse Detectives  (Netflix) - June 8 2018
Two Sentence Horror Stories (Stage13) - Oct 2017
Queen Sugar: Season 3
The Dragon Prince (Netflix) - Sept 14 2018
Origin (YouTube Premium) - Nov 14 2018
Queen America (Facebook Watch) - Nov 21 2018
Carnival Row (Amazon) - 2019
They Can’t Kill Us All (AMC)
Heist 88 (FX)
Blood and Treasure (CBS) - 2019
The Underground Railroad (Amazon)
Messiah (Netflix) - 2019
Kaos (Netflix)
Away - Mars Drama (Netflix)
Lovecraft Country (HBO) - 2019
Motherland (Freeform)
See (Apple)
Northern Rescue (CBC Gem/Netflix) - March 1 2019
Search Party: Season 3 - 2019
Are You Sleeping? (Apple)
Another Life (Netflix)
Gen: LOCK (Rooster Teeth) - 2019
Diablo Animated Series (Netflix)
Avatar Last Airbender Live Action (Netflix)
The I-Land (Netflix)
October Faction (Netflix)
Warrior Nun (Netflix)
Hamelins (Netflix) - 2019
Sunshine Scouts (Netflix) 
The Passage (Fox)
Dark Cargo (YouTube Premium)
Barkskins (Nat Geo) - 2019
The Outsider (HBO) - 2019
Coroner (CBC) - Jan 6 2019
Cavendish (CBC) - Jan 8 2019
Unspeakable (Limited Series) (CBC) - Jan 9 2019
Deadly Class (SyFy) - Jan 16 2019
Black Monday (Showtime) - Jan 20 2019
Street Legal 2019 Revival (CBC) - March 4 2019
Diggstown (CBC) - March 6 2019
Ghost Wars: Season 1 - Finished Jan 7 2018
Van Helsing: Season 2 - Finished Jan 8 2018
Marvel’s Runaways: Season 1 - Finished Jan 9 2018
American Vandal: Season 1 - Finished Jan 24 2018
The Good Place: Season 2 - Finished Feb 1 2018
One Day at A Time: Season 1 - Finished Feb 10 2018
Star Trek: Discovery: Season 1 - Finished Feb 11 2018
One Day At A Time: Season 2 - Finished Feb 21 2018
SeaQuest DSV:Season 1 - Finished March 11 2018
Channel Zero: Butcher’s Block: Season 3 - Finished March 17 2018
Gargoyles: Season 1 - Finished March 30 2018
Max Headroom Pilot - April 3 2018
Prey Pilot - April 3 2018
Karen Sisco Pilot - April 4 2018
Wolf Lake Pilot - April 4 2018
The Magicians: Season 3 - Finished April 6 2018
Santa Clarita Diet: Season 2 - Finished April 24 2018
Black Lightning: Season 1 - Finished May 17 2018
Timeless; Season 2 - Finished May 19 2018
UnREAL: Season 3 - Finished May 19 2018
Superstition: Season 1 - Finished May 20 2018
Sien AKA The Deep: Season 1 - Finished May 23 2018
iZombie: Season 4 - Finished May 29 2018
The Americans: Season 6 - Finished May 31` 2019
Legion: Season 2 - Finished June 18 2018
Supergirl: Season 3 - Finished June 19 2018
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 3 - Finished June 24 2018
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Season 3 - Finished June 24 2018
Star Trek: Voyager: Season 3 - Finished June 24 2018
Westworld: Season 2 - Finished June 24 2017
The Expanse: Season 3 - Finished July 15 2018
Star Trek: The Next Generation:  Season 4 - Finished Aug 10 2018
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Season 4 - Finished Aug 10 2018
Star Trek: Voyager: Season 4 - Finished Aug 10 2018
Clarissa Explains It All Pilot - Aug 12 2018 
Orange Is The New Black: Season 6 - Finished Aug 26 2018
Big Mouth: Season 1 - Finished Aug 31 2018
Cobra Kai: Season 1 - Finished Sept 2 2018
The Path: Season 3 - Finished Sept 6 2018
Freakish: Season 2 - Finished Sept 8 2018
SMILF: Season 1 - Finished Sept 9 2018
Castle Rock: Season 1 - Finished Sept 13 2018 
Barry: Season 1 - Finished Sept 20 2018
Lodge 49: Season 1 - Finished Sept 21 2018
American Vandal: Season 2 - Finished Sept 22 2018
13 Reasons Why: Season 1 - Finished Sept 26 2018
Wynonna Earp: Season 3 - Finished Sept 30 2018
13 Reasons Why: Season 2 - Finished Oct 5 2018
The Haunting of Hill House: Season 1 - Finished Oct 13 2018
Light As a Feather: Season 1 - Finished Oct 14 2018
A Discovery of Witches: Season 1 - Finished Nov 5 2018
YOU: Season 1 - Finished Nov 12 2018
Lore: Season 2 - Finished Nov 12 2018
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Season 1  - Finished Nov 23 2018
Castlevania: Season 2 - Finished Nov 28 2018
Doctor Who: Season 11 - Finished Dec 11 2018
Preacher: Season 2 - Finished Dec 15 2018
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Season 2 - Finished Dec 16 2018
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tobiasdrake · 1 year ago
Episodes 7 and 8 bring us the Siege of the North. And Pakku.
Oh, Pakku.
The cartoon and series are more or less neck-and-neck with Pakku up through Katara's duel with him. Katara challenges Pakku to fight her. He kicks her ass. And that's where they diverge.
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In the cartoon, this is where Pakku learns that Katara is the daughter of a woman he once loved: Kanna, a woman who was arranged to marry Pakku, but couldn't bear the North's sexism.
Pakku's misogyny cost him the love of his life. Realizing who Katara is, recognizing what clinging to harmful traditions have cost him, Pakku lets go of his toxic beliefs and agrees to train Katara and Aang.
The live-action show removes that part. Instead, the episode just ends with Pakku kicking Katara's ass and refusing to train her. The Fire Nation attacks immediately after. Katara will never study under Pakku.
That's not to say he doesn't come around. It's just that they've changed his reasoning.
While the city is being besieged by the Fire Nation, the women of the Northern Tribe all mobilize to go awkwardly stare at Pakku until he stops being sexist.
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Of course, it's an explicit plot point that none of these women have been trained to fight. We've shifted the topic from "Convince Pakku to begin training women" to "Convince Pakku to let civilians who, until now, have been expressly forbidden from learning any combat arts whatsoever, die bloody deaths on the front lines."
But. It's fine. There are no consequences of this shift. None of these untrained cannon fodder are harmed because, after he relents and agrees to stop being sexist, all of these women cease to exist. The big battle scenes remain exclusively male-only.
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While the next time we see these women, they're just showing up after the battle to grieve over the dead.
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Nothing of consequence occurred from Katara telling Pakku to stop being sexist and Pakku abruptly complying. This moment did not influence the plot in any way. But at least Pakku isn't sexist anymore.
And he's still not going to teach Katara and Aang anything.
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tobiasdrake · 1 year ago
Okay, yeah. I do not like what they did with Suki in episode 2.
Given the discourse surrounding this episode prior to release, I wasn't sure how they were going to play this. But man. It's so much worse than I thought it was going to be.
I think most of us have heard at least some of the discourse about Sokka's misogyny being removed for the adaptation. In the original cartoon, Sokka underestimating women because of his patriarchal standards leads to him being utterly shitstomped by Suki.
Humbled by this experience, Sokka learns a valuable lesson about respecting women. He recognizes the failings of his toxic values, apologizes for his behavior, and becomes a better fighter by learning the ways of the Kyoshi Warriors - Right down to crossdressing in their uniform.
If you're going to tell the story of the Kyoshi Warriors but remove the main thing that it's about, then you're going to have to replace it with something else. What does the Netflix show have to put in its place?
Shipping, of course! Suki spends the whole episode finding opportunities to seek out Sokka because he's super hot and she's super into him, like, from the moment they met.
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Instead of Sokka picking a fight with the Kyoshi Warriors out of masculine ego, Suki hunts him down because she wants to show off her skills to her hunk of a crush.
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Mind you, she still kicks his ass, and they still have her train him. But it's not about Sokka learning anything about himself, or even about improving his abilities as a fighter. In fact, Sokka doesn't really give a reason; He just shows up to the dojo and Suki starts teaching him.
Though this Sokka is far too dignified to ever dress in the Kyoshi uniform.
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Instead, this is mainly to give the pair more opportunities to flirt.
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With the "benefit" of foreknowledge, the show is vividly aware that Suki will become Sokka's love interest. So it pushes that angle right from the get-go, in place of the things that made their ship interesting to begin with.
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tobiasdrake · 1 year ago
I was on the fence about Admiral Zhao's portrayal but he's growing on me. There's a certain... that Sicilian guy from Princess Bride-ness about him, in his inflection and delivery.
He's. Like. The ambitious middle-manager of the Fire Nation. He's got the vibe of a Marketing or Human Resources Director who's pretty sure he's one good day away from an executive promotion.
Like those Imperial goons that show up to carry a Star Wars show or game or something. Vice Director Bugglezilch, who swaggers out assured that he's going to be the biggest thing ever to happen to the Empire but these guys are a dime-a-dozen so you know he'll be dead by the time the last episode rolls out, and you definitely won't remember his name a month later.
Which is kind of the perfect vibe for Zhao.
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