#dragontag art
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sparkarts · 8 months ago
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Mai 🐉
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prodromus-art · 1 month ago
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Behind the tennis court, alongside the river A paper flower's still a beautiful thing This is the one girl who woke up from all that And now falls asleep next to me
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ne-cropolis · 5 days ago
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Flight Rising Adoptables!
Getting back into flight rising, also desperate for $$ since the cost of living is hell
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zephyr1989 · 11 months ago
It's my old OC's from Flight Rising! https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/13928578
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Commissions for BurnEverything of their dragons Tectonicus and Elizabeth
Check out my art shop!
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havic-fr · 6 years ago
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A commission I did of Lednik’s Neptune for Foddart! He’s a really pretty dragon, it was so much fun to draw him.
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atempause-art · 6 years ago
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edited gijinka for Anis a bit. just added more markings lol
also i’ll be posting all fr art here just for the sake of keeping my work in one place and reblog to my fr sideblog. follow whichever you want
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batfossil-fr · 6 years ago
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they’re pretty overqualified for their job
lore: 1  / /  2
click for better quality
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nochiquinn · 3 months ago
(this is a thing I made from back before I did gifs, original date 8/8/16, I had this song stuck in my head for the whole end of veilguard)
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holding on is just part of letting go that’s what you said when you left town but I’m afraid that on my worst day I’ll go myself and I will burn that fucker down
itunes challenge - 23/?
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withoutbounds-fr · 7 years ago
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Pinglist: @badprogen
“No.” Alphonse wasn’t taking this well “NO.” While Devi was detailing the situation, he’d started crying, but the smaller dragon sat there through the entire explanation until he was given the chance to speak. Well, yell, really. Al hadn’t done much yet than scream ‘no’ at her a few times, sobbing hysterically. And Devi was pretty sure he’d stopped listening about halfway through.
But she plunged out of her thoughts and back into reality as the sound of breaking glass rang out. More precisely, the sound of the window behind her shattering as Al’s magic slipped out of his control and lashed out in an explosion of colour, grabbing at anything it could touch. Books flew off the shelves, throwing themselves free the same way spooked birds would and the candles gasped out as if there was a strong wind in the room. Even when Alphonse's grip on his magic was loosened for the briefest of moments, chaos ensued. Blinking at the sight before her, Devi was stunned by what a mess her friend was. Tears leaked out of his eyes like rain off leaves and he was sobbing so hard he was curling into himself. Chest heaving and lips pulled back in a grimace, mouth agape to let the stuttering gulps of air through. He was sitting in the middle of his unfinished spell circle crying so much he was barely breathing. His eyes were clamped shut, and she knew then he would be dead to the world unless she intervened. So she needed to remedy the situation at hand, and fast. “Look, I know this must be hard -” “Hard?” His voice cracked, “Hard?” Al gave a sound similar to that of a wounded animal; high pitched and whining between clenched teeth. The Guardian got the idea. “This must be hard?” A crazed laugh spilled out from between Al’s jaws. For a moment the only sound in the room was laughter. The Spiral stood in the centre of the room, limbs akimbo and mouth open too wide to be natural as the noise greedily swallowed everything. She was frozen where she stood, claws scratching at the hardwood beneath her feet. The scritch-scritch-scritch following the thumping heartbeat in her ears. Her legs were crouched low to the ground - she was a trapped animal. The one functioning wing she had arched wildly, almost trying to take off without her. But Alphonse wasn’t quite finished with her. “Devi, I love you, but trust me when I say my patience has a limit and you,” he choked around a sob, “had the sheer audacity” a sniffle, “to come into my house and try to tell me...” His voice wobbled at that last word, and he let out another burst of bitter laughter, “That my husband - the only person who was there for me when Salem quite literally banned my existence...” He stopped, eyes glazing over, blinking away tears furiously. Devi leaned forward, raising a paw slightly, hoping for a chance to comfort the Spiral. With a jerking motion, he whipped around to face her again, still crying. “He was the only one!” Al was screaming now. “The - I was alone! He stayed! He stayed! He stayed!” He was shaking something vicious as he yelled at her, stamping his feet on the ground in time to the chant. “And to even suggest that now - after everything he’s done for me, everything he’s put up with - he’d go behind my back and -” The magician cut himself off with a quiet sob, and Devi tentatively moved to bring the smaller dragon into a hug, but she was roughly shoved away. Too soon, then. “You don’t know what the first few years down here were like…” the Spiral trailed off, moving away slightly. At least he was calmer now. “It was solitary isolation; we were the only ones down here… there’s a certain kind of loneliness that comes when you feel like the last two people alive. I couldn’t put words to it if I tried but...” he gasped, hugging himself tightly. Something in Devi told her he was more memory than lucid thought right now. “Have you ever discovered you're the only person in a house when you expected there to be other people? It’s searching for your friend, or your family, or even your roommate. It’s searching up and down and on all the floors and not finding anyone. The panic and shock… Because it’s just you. And the house. And it’s like that. Just that alone feeling… it doesn’t stop.” Al’s voice cracked on the last word as he teetered on the edge between a full-blown breakdown and quiet sobs. “Al… I wouldn’t lie to you about this… You know that.” Devi was praying she hadn't just lost her closest friend, and softly placed a paw on his shoulder, right wing rubbing against her side anxiously. He friend flinched... but didn’t pull away. What he did do, however, was look directly into her eyes again. The Guardian resisted the urge to bob her head down and avoid eye contact, but her instincts said this was a test. And then Alphonse snarled - and Devi had never once in her life heard the magician snarl before - his next words into her face; “And I am telling you that my husband, who, instead of abandoning me for the glory of the Coliseum, came home every night and made my life worth living. Beachcomber went up only for his coliseum matches, he came back down only because he wanted to.” Her friend took in a shuddering breath, claws easing into fists as he shrugged off Devi’s paw, “At any moment Beach could have decided to stay in the Capital - as a battle mage he has the right to do whatever he pleases - but he didn’t. He went through hell with me because he loves me - because I love him...” There was a heavy silence. Al glared at the floor. Devi shifted uneasily on her feet, waiting for him to continue. Abruptly, he turned to face her and hissed, “So I’m going to have to ask you to leave now. And I expect you to listen.”
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The Lore That Inspired This
Devi | Alphonse
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soak-in-sangria · 7 years ago
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Christof for Pheonixfyre 
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dnshraider · 8 years ago
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One of my mom’s dragons done while messing around with new brushes
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sparkarts · 1 year ago
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My handsome wc Vespucci!
I’m open for one slot for a bust like this if anyone is interested hmu!!
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baelofthefin · 7 years ago
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An art trade for @doodlelots​ / Omnidraconia on FR 
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foolishprince · 3 years ago
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A well-loved little plush friend is looking for a forever home!! He’s up on the AH for 250g, but I’ll take him for T, mixed payments, or an elemental egg through CR!! L1nk’ll be in the replies!! 
[EDIT] he’s sold!
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astrotheology-fr · 3 years ago
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My new accents Aurumisk and Aurumisk Points are now up for preorder! 500g, 505kt, or a mix of the two currencies are accepted as payment. L!nk to my skin shop in the reblogs. :)
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havic-fr · 6 years ago
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I finished some art of my mirror, Orsino!
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