6776. Raven and Beast Boy secretly eloped before the big wedding the Titans Network had planned. Robin officiated it, Cyborg gave Raven away and was the best man, Starfire was he maid of honor. Silkie was the ring bearer. They held it at the spot Raven and Beast Boy shared their first kiss by the water near the Tower. The next day, at the big wedding, neither the bride or groom where panicked about it, as they already had their dream wedding.
Submitted by dragonkyng
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kiome-yasha · 4 years
I’d getting the need to write again and your picture of Beast Boy protecting Raven from the Justice League is catching my eye. Is that okay, and What scene did you image when you drew it?
Oh wow, I’m glad my art can inspire writing ;w;. I would say, I just imagined from the Teen Titans season and how in the OG comic how the JL didn’t trust Raven since she was promised to bring about the end of the world. So when that time finally comes, they try to take her out by force necessary to save their world. But Garfield has something to say about that when it comes to the woman he’s in love with. <3
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shock777archive · 6 years
Happy birthday!!
thanks so much, dragon!!! 
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takashi0 · 6 years
The reason they casted StarFire, and beast boy, as people of color, is for the simple idea they can to get diversely points, without actually having to write characters who are “African-American” and “Asian.”
See, I said that I wouldn’t be shocked if that were the case, but I’d like some actual proof that this was explicitly chosen by the showrunners before saying so conclusively.
Was there an email discussion leaked or something? Something conclusive?
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I think it bears saying, tracing as a learning tool is not bad. But you still need to trace don’t hold yourself as a bastion of artistic ability.
Oh for sure, tracing as a learning tool is fine. Nothing wrong with using it as a guide to learn how to draw when you’re starting out or wanting to learn something new.
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loubuggins · 6 years
Number 9?
9. Least favorite trope to write.
Well I don’t really write tropes I don’t like. The tropes that irk me the most are self-inserts (Mary Sue’s) and Breaking the 4th Wall. Self inserting can be tolerable, so long as I can’t tell it’s a self-insert. I have an OC that is inspired by me, but you wouldn’t know it unless I told you. That’s because her character fits in with the story, rather than taking away from it. Breaking the 4th Wall just flat out turns me off, but only in writing. I laugh at it when it’s in movies or TV, but books are different. Don’t ask me why, they just are.
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abirdandabeast · 7 years
A: just because of that chapter you reblogged, another trope for you, Can you teach me to kiss (or other stuff 😈) and B: I'm working on a FWB story for BBRae and I'll link you if you want.
1 (Terrible) - 2 (Bleh) - 3 (It’s okay, I guess) - 4 (I like this) - 5 (YOU CAN PRY THIS FROM MY COLD, DEAD HANDS)
You know I love this trope. 
It’s just so funny and entertaining to imagine how such a scenario could go down. And as Ava is currently demonstrating, there’s all sorts of ways to have fun with it. Plus, any reason to get these two to smoosh faces is a good enough reason for me. 
As for the fic, I may take you up on that offer… xD
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victorian-robot · 3 years
I can’t find the original post but it’s still ranting time:
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(Image description: Screenshot of a series of three tumblr posts. First post by beetledrink, text: ive probably said this before but i LOVE the twilight zone episodes with no quantifiable moral at the end, they just wrap up like “wouldnt it be fucked up if that happened” Second post by beetledrink, text: everyone saying black mirror NO the whole point of black mirror is that it’s rife with unwanted morals! no! i don’t want to be told how technology is making us distant and how helicopter parenting makes kids hate you i want “what if astronauts found their own dead bodies on a random planet and had a breakdown for a full episode then realized they’re dead for real and forget and do it all again forever, wouldn’t that be fucked? i’m rod serling” Third post by dragonkyng black and white image of  Rod Serling facing the camera (presumably from a Twilight Zone episode) captioned: Goddamn you see that shit? That was fucking crazy Anyway I’m Rod Sterling)
Ok, I’m not 100% sure how aware everybody is of this so consider this a weird educational post from someone who was way to invested in their TV history class.
Some of the Twilight Zone episodes may well be just a fuck around with weird scenarios thing, but a lot of them are just messages we miss. We don’t recognize the Twilight Zone messages because 1. They’re subtler and 2. They’re based in the time period. 
The Twilight Zone was made shortly after the Red Scare. One of the major impacts of the Red Scare was that everyone with even a little bit of criticism of America as it was was in massive danger. One great example of that danger was the Hollywood blacklist, where everyone in film and TV who expressed “un-american” ideas lost their job. The Twilight Zone was just late enough that it could use concealed commentary to criticize aspects of American society, but it had to be indirect. 
Many of the messages were also relevant to the time period and a lot less relevant now. I’m not going to claim to know the meaning behind every episode, but here are some transparent examples:
“The Lonely” (S1E7) -- Innocent man is subjected to an unusual form of solitary confinement as punishment for an accused crime. Fairly direct parallel to the era’s many workers who were forced to live as societal rejects and sometimes convicts, often on false accusations and faulty trials.
“The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street” (S1E22) -- A bunch of people accuse each other of being the enemy despite having been neighbors and friends at the start because things are happening that scare them and that they don’t understand. This was made right after the Red Scare. Again, the big, finger-pointing party where everybody turned on each other for astoundingly minor infractions. It’s a good thing this one came AFTER the Hollywood blacklist or Rod Serling would have been dead in the water.
“The Eye of the Beholder” (S2E6) -- This one stayed pretty relevant, but beauty standards were absurdly high during this period. Ever seen a 1950′s woman’s morning routine? Women had to be near perfect in this era, and beauty was a part of it. A commentary that our standards were based on completely arbitrary traits was pretty cutting.
“Two” (S3E1) -- It was the early cold war. This is a nuclear apocalypse story in which two people realize that everything that separated the sides of the war is completely meaningless if the world is in shambles. The main characters were Russian and American.
Thank you for coming to my longwinded TED talk.
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politijohn · 4 years
love how dragonkyng had nothing to say because they saw you're an atheist and was just like "owo i'm scared of big bad thinker. we don't allow thinking in this christian household. 😤 " also, because they couldn't give an argument against their proposal that republican rulership isn't what they were implying it is.
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6791. Contrary to popular belief, after the two Titans were pining for the other over a couple months, Raven made the first move with Beast Boy. And by first move, I mean she went up to him and asked if he also had feelings for her. Beast Boy, being mister smooth, immediately said no. Raven disappeared to her room and it took two weeks for the two to be able to be in the same room, at which point Beast Boy confessed he panicked and did have feelings for Raven. They began dating not too long after.
Submitted by dragonkyng
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notyourmoderate · 8 years
They call you Spock because they have a hard time believing you're for real.
I lol’ed. 
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darkscytheofthemoon · 7 years
Dragonkyng threw another temper tantrum lately. These conservative false-christians are too much.
Oh you mean where he called that guy a dumbass? For some reason all these terrible Conservatives blogs can’t think of any good insults, and just endlessly  say “your an id*ot”, ironically proving to be not so bright themselves. BTW, if this ComicsNixLegacy/alts, I can’t actually Privately respond to anons.
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loubuggins · 7 years
I so totally love the last "incorrect Teen Titans post" as Chandler and Monica are the couple I think of most when it comes to BBRae
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Yeah they are! I’m glad you liked it! And let’s be honest, Teen Titans are basically the superhero version of Friends. ;D
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abirdandabeast · 7 years
Beast Boy and Raven have to pretend to be dating for a mission. And Beast Boy and Raven have to pretend to be dating to prevent the others from setting them up
1 (Terrible) - 2 (Bleh) - 3 (It’s okay, I guess) - 4 (I like this) - 5 (YOU CAN PRY THIS FROM MY COLD, DEAD HANDS) 
This is a good and fun trope. Especially since there’s a ton of scenarios or missions one can imagine that would push these two to go to such measures. It’s fun, it’s awkward, and there’s plenty of room for creativity.
All around I great trope.
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So essentially we have confirmation that dragonkyng is a liar. Forward it to klubbhead and all the people kissing her feet over her "victory".
Hello, thecomicsnixlegacy!
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