#dragonball fanfiction
dragonbabezee · 4 months
Another chapter of Never Ever Land is out already, folks! The Not-Lost Boys, Part Two! Tuning in right where we left off with the B-Team on King Kai's planet - training is over, kiddos!
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jukokairou · 17 days
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DB Savior: Dream Arena Episode 1, Part 2 (Original)
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fortunesque · 3 months
I think, once I get my errands etc done today, I might post something I've had scratching around in my brain for a while.
Y'all like Raditz/Chi-Chi? And you want it to be consensual and not cheating? And not an AU and taking place in the actual timeline?
Do you like angst? 😁
I've got just the thing.
Sleepover incoming 😎
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astoryshark · 4 months
Would you be able to write a Goku×Human Reader fic? Maybe some kind of meet-cute where Goku is introduced to the reader? You could also maybe have them meet as children. Tysm! ~blushinggoku
A new training partner - Son Goku x f! Human! Reader
This is my first Dragonball fic so bear with me! I hope I got Goku's character somewhat right :o
Enjoy! @blushinggoku
"Come on Krillin! Show me what you got"
"Of course! Don't underestimate me Goku!"
Son Goku and his long childhood friend Krillin are training together in an open, green field. Its far out in the wild since their training sessions can get very heated and this way, they can't disturb other people and or destroy people's properties. Son Goku, who recently won the martial arts tournament and saved earth from demon King Piccolo, is having the upper hand. His last fights made him a lot stronger and even though Krillin knows that he won't give in easily. He also has his pride as one of Master Roshi's students.
In one swift motion, Goku uses a mismove of Krillin to his advantage and sends him flying. However, it seems that the black-haired fighter has underestimated his own power since the distance grows and grows and doesn't seem to stop anytime soon. Goku's expression scrunches up "Sorry Krillin!" he shouts after him and gets going to see where he went.
Little did they know that there was somebody else who was enjoying the quietness of the nature and the big, open fields for their own training. A young woman focused on the movements of her kicks and punches, her body and mind moving as one. Her eyes lit up as she notices a foreign source of Ki coming closer to her location. Her eyes focus on the direction and before it can hit her, she catches the smaller man and holds him upside down on his ankle.
"W-Woah hey! Let me go!"
He sounded nervous, wriggling around in the woman's iron tight grip.
"Who are you and why did you try to attack me?"
She asks in a strong voice, glaring down at him. Krillin gulps.
"W-What? No No, this is a misunderstanding! I did not try anything! I was about to crash into you because I-”
Before he could explain himself, there was a second source of Ki coming closer. It was on a completely different level, making the woman feel a bit uneasy. Whatever it was, it was strong, but it did not feel hostile.
"Krillin? Are you okay? I didn't mean to throw ya away this hard!"
Goku catches up to his friend and as he sees the situation, he tilts his head in confusion.
"Whos that? Are ya training a new technique or something-?"
"No! Now help me, please!"
Krillin sounds desperate, the blood already getting into his head from hanging upside down for so long. The womans eyes widen a bit.
"Wait, who?"
Her e/c eyes look him up and down. His black spiky hair, the very well-trained physique, the orange Gi and the strong Ki that radiates from him. Now it clicks. She looks down at Krillin, his face started to get pale and his expression screams that he is not feeling good at all. She lets him down carefully and holds up her arms in defense.
"I deeply apologize! I thought your friend wanted to attack me!" she bows down, and her face is tainted in a light, embarrassed blush.
Goku processes her words and then smiles
“No worries! Krillin can take that” he answers with a chuckle.
His best friend lays on the ground, the blood slowly running back into his body
“Y-Yeah..absol..absolutely” he mumbles in a defeated voice.
The fighter stretches his hand out to the woman
“Names Goku by the way! Nice to meet ya!”
He introduces himself with a warm smile. Y/N takes a deep breath and takes his hand, shaking it with a firm grip
“Nice to meet you too, my name is Y/N. I actually heard a lot about you” she answers with a small chuckle.
“Oh really? hope it's nothing bad then!” he answers and then helps his best friend up from the ground.
Krillin shakes his head to regain focus and brushes some dust off his Gi, the smaller warrior looks up to his friend
“Thanks man. I think I was about to pass out” he mumbles the last part quietly to himself.
Y/N shakes her head
“No, no don't worry. I know you from the tournament to be exact. I watched you fight and have to admit that your skills are very impressive.” she answers, a small shy blush makes itself present on her cheeks. It's not that she only watched one fight, she watched all. His fighting style and lighthearted personality caught her interest quickly.
Goku smiles brightly at the compliment and his eyes light up, as he thinks back to the tournament
"It was an amazing experience! There were so many strong opponents to fight. Man..thinking about this makes me feel all pumped up!"
He says energized and Y/N can pick up on his Ki raising slightly, mimicking his excitement for a good fight. Goku then holds his chin, thinking for a moment
"Wait a minute"
He then points at his friend, "Krillin was flying quite fast since i threw him with a lot of force" , his finger moves over to Y/N who starts to get a bit uncomfortable "And you caught him! Means your reflexes are quite good"
Krillin's eyes widen at the statement, and he looks up to the woman
"He's right! Hey Y/N, are you a fighter by any chance?"
Y/N starts to sweat nervously and looks to the side
“A-Ah..uhm..yeah but like I-” she gets cut off by Goku's strong hands gripping her shoulders
“I knew it! Then come, join us in training!” he suggests excited, his dark pupils sparkle “This will get all of us stronger!
Krillin smiles and nods in agreement
"He's right, the more the merrier"
Y/N starts to blush at the sudden contact, her eyes wander over to his toned arms that are gripping her shoulders pleasantly firm. She snaps back to reality quickly, not wanting anyone to notice her nearly drooling over the fighter. She then looks back up into his puppy like eyes. How could she ever say no to his request?
“Okay okay, I'm in! But my level of skill doesn't match yours in the slightest so..I don't know if you guys really benefit from training with me” she answers a bit nervous, avoiding eye contact.
Goku smiles and squeezes her shoulders reassuringly before letting go. Y/N already misses the contact.
“Doesn't matter! Any kind of training will get us stronger so come on, let's get right into it”
Y/N nods and the three of them start to get into a fighting position. The woman is utterly nervous, her limbs shaking a bit. //I have to try my best! No way I will miss this opportunity//
Krillin does not like the thought to fight against a woman at first, but he gets into the mood quickly after seeing how hard Y/N tries and that she surely knows how to throw some good punches. Even against Goku.
Goku smiles brightly and encourages Y/N to try and show some more, hyping her up. He can feel how much potential is hidden inside of her. How she partially blocks her Ki out of nervousness and not believing in herself strong enough. He wants to change that.
After hours and hours of training, Y/N falls onto her knees. Her breathing is heavy, and her body drenched in sweat, an amazing feeling if she is honest with herself.
Goku sits down beside her and smiles “That was great! You are really tough” he compliments her, stretching his limbs to prevent any after-training cramps.
Y/N’s cheeks start to blush in a deep red which is not coming from the exhaustion. Hearing such a compliment from him, a fighter of his skill, is really making her heart race
“T-Thank you..It was a lot of fun to train with you guys” she answers with a warm smile.
Goku stretches his hand out to her and helps her up, giving her hand a light extra squeeze before letting go. He looks down to her
"There is a lot of potential hidden inside you, Y/N. I can feel it!"
Y/N looks questioning at him
"You're limiting yourself through your mind" he taps at her forehead softly "Stop questioning yourself and your abilities and start believing in them! It will help you grow in no time." he adds and smiles warmly at her.
Y/N eyes widen a bit, something about his words tickle her emotions in just the right way. Her chest feels all warm and fuzzy. She looks up to him, his buzzing, strong but gentle Ki radiating of off him. She needs to smile and nods.
"Thank you Goku, your words mean a lot. I will definitely work on that"
Goku grins and lays his arms behind his head lazily
"Im looking forwards to next time already!"
Y/N blinks a few times, a faint blush creeping up on her face again
"Next time?"
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cougartist · 24 days
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Videl from Dragon Ball z
20 exclusive hentai pictures on Patreon.com/Coug
Follow, like, share and comment my work please :)
Have fun :D
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elisajdb · 25 days
A Sweet Blessing Part 2
Something was wrong.
Thinking she was pregnant, filled Chi-Chi with anxiety and joy. Having Goku confirm it made Chi-Chi happy and keeping the secret until her doctor’s appointment made Chi-Chi feel a special bond to Goku, but the morning of her doctor’s appointment, Chi-Chi worried something was wrong with her baby.
That morning she slept late. Her energy was at a higher level for a while which was a sign of pregnancy but this morning she overslept where Goku had to wake her. He was always sleeping in and waking to find Chi-Chi’s side empty. Chi-Chi thought that was strange but she dismissed it, showered and went into the kitchen to make breakfast. Goku joined her by doing push-ups on the kitchen floor. It reminded Chi-Chi of the early years of their marriage where Goku exercised in the kitchen while Chi-Chi cooked.
The morning continued peacefully with Gohan and Goten sleeping. Despite the extra hour of sleep, Chi-Chi felt sluggish. It was also odd to her that she wasn’t hungry. She was voraciously hungry for the past week when she woke but only wanted tea today. Chi-Chi assumed her lateness in getting up killed her desire to eat. The need to feed her family kept her going until she completed breakfast.
With hot and fresh food on the stove and table, Chi-Chi was ready to wake her sons when an unusual pain stabbed her stomach. Her stomach felt queasy as if it was being pulled and twisted like dough. Saliva slowly poured inside her mouth. What was happening? She hadn’t felt like this before. “Ngh!” she clamped a hand on her mouth, ignored Goku calling her name and ran to her bathroom.
Chi-Chi barely made it to the toilet before she dove her head in and vomited the tea she drank that morning. She pulled her head out of the toilet seat as Goku walked in. He stood in the doorway confused.
“Did you throw up?”
“Yeah.” She put a hand over her stomach. Her stomach still felt weird but not enough for her to throw up. “How’s the baby?”
Goku was by Chi-Chi’s side immediately. His hand covered Chi-Chi cradling her stomach. “I can feel a Ki but I don’t know what else is going on.”
“I’ve never gotten sick with Gohan or Goten. I never felt so tired.” She looked at Goku worried. “I hope everything is okay.”
Goku picked up Chi-Chi. “I’ll take you to the doctor now.”
“No,” Chi-Chi stopped him. “I can make it until my appointment. I’ll stay in bed. I don’t want Gohan or Goten to worry. Gohan has school and my Dad will pick up Goten before my appointment.”
Gyumao didn’t know Chi-Chi had a doctor appointment. She asked him to watch Goten while she and Goku ran errands together. Her father accepted the duty thinking she and Goku would be spending time alone.
“If you say so.” Goku wasn’t sure if this was the best thing to do but he trusted Chi-Chi to not do anything to put their child in danger. Chi-Chi stayed in bed the rest of the morning while Goku had breakfast with Gohan and Goten. Goten wasn’t concerned but Gohan did worry before Goku sent him to school. After Gyumao picked up Goten, Goku took Chi-Chi to see Dr. Barkley.
Dr. Barkley has been Chi-Chi’s doctor since her pregnancy with Gohan. She also knew about Goku being an alien and examined him to understand his physiology and how that will affect any offspring from Goku and Chi-Chi. Dr. Barkley wasn’t concerned when Chi-Chi described her morning.
“Sounds like morning sickness,” Dr. Barkley rubbed gel on Chi-Chi’s stomach. “That’s normal in the first trimester. The blood work will come in later but nothing appeared wrong during your cervical exam.”
“I never had morning sickness with Gohan and Goten. I’m carrying a half-Saiyan baby. I never rejected food. I’m always inhaling it but this morning, I couldn’t eat anything after I vomited my tea.”
“It is different from your previous pregnancies,” Dr. Barkley agreed. She rubbed the monitor wand on Chi-Chi’s stomach. “Sometimes different behaviors in pregnancies are signs. This could be a sign you are having a girl.”
As Dr. Barkley said this, a strong heartbeat sounded from the monitor and a baby’s head appeared on the watery black-and-white screen. “A girl?” Chi-Chi was awed seeing her baby. “Do think that’s a she?”
“It’s possible. We’ll know in a month but sometimes women have different food cravings and behaviors when having a boy or girl. A Saiyan and human union is still a new science. Gohan was difficult for you during labor but easy to carry during your pregnancy. Goten was very active during your pregnancy but easy during labor. You had a lot of energy with both sons but this one is flexible by sometimes giving and taking energy from you.”
“If it’s a girl,” Chi-Chi kept her eyes on the monitor as a tear rolled down her cheeks. “I happily accept the changes.”
“I’m sure if it’s a girl, you won’t feel alone anymore with all these men,” Dr. Barkley joked. “You’ll have an ally on your side for once.”
“That would be nice,” Chi-Chi laughed. Chi-Chi imagined her and her daughter standing firm against Goku, Gohan and Goten. “Goten is already very thoughtful and Gohan has become more understanding, but a girl,” Chi-Chi sighed happily at the thought. “It would be so wonderful if that is true.”
A girl Goku thought as he stared at the screen. He was happy whatever the baby was but a girl sent Goku into a mild panic. I don’t know anything about girls. There’s nothing I can teach them except fight and Chi-Chi won’t want that.
Goku didn’t understand girls initially. Grandpa told him to be nice to girls and if he marries, to be very nice to his wife. For years, he thought girls as emotional, irritable and would get in the way of his training and adventures due to his experiences with Bulma and Lunch. He met a few on his travels that had a calmer attitude like Suno and Tanmen but it was Chi-Chi who changed his mind about them. Sure Chi-Chi had an irritable side that was usually provoked but she also had a very loving, caring and understanding side. When he saw her again as teenagers, he felt something. Her anger at him bothered him. Bulma had been angry at him many times and Goku ignored it. Chi-Chi’s anger intrigued him. He wanted to know why he made her angry. When he learned why and the promise he made, Goku jumped in with no hesitation.
Goku thought it was the best decision he made. They had their hardships learning about each other. Goku knew he wasn’t easy to live with but Chi-Chi stayed with him. Not because of the promise or of them having a child. She stayed because she loved him. She stayed loyal to him and raised their second child alone because of her devotion to him.
That alone made Goku want to do right this time and show Chi-Chi her love and devotion to him wasn’t in vain. Now knowing there may be a daughter on the horizon, made Goku feel even more devoted to his promise.
I can’t have what happened to Gohan and Goten happen with another child of mine.
But it wasn’t because of another child of his. The fact this one could be a girl stirred Goku. I hurt Chi-Chi many times. Goku thought a child version of Chi-Chi looking at him with those same eyes hurt, sad and disappointed because of him.
I don’t want that to happen.
When his mother announced there would be a family meeting, Gohan thought it would be something about a family vacation. Family meetings usually deal with an upcoming event like a theme for Halloween or Christmas. Those holidays have passed so Gohan wondered if they were going to discuss the family vacation. As he got older, Gohan noticed his mother was passionate about family vacations and doing things together. She remarked of him getting closer to moving out, there aren’t many family vacations left. With his Dad returning, Gohan knew his mother had something grand in mind. He thought that was the cause of the meeting until Grandpa came for dinner. Grandpa never came to family meetings. So Gohan knew what his parents had to tell them was serious.
But what was it? Gohan thought it had something to do with his mother not joining him for breakfast. Gohan worried about it all day. It concerned him that his Dad and Goten took care of dinner but by the next day, his mother was back on her feet cooking and appeared in a good mood. Gohan assumed all was well.
Was Grandpa’s health declining? Gohan noticed his mother spending more time at Grandpa’s village. She ordered the staff to change his meals, limiting meat and adding more grains, beans and vegetables to his daily eating.
Maybe the meeting is about moving to Grandpa’s castle. Gohan knew his mother considered moving after his Dad’s second passing. He talked her out of it but now Gohan was open to the idea. He loved his home in the mountains but it was getting cramped. He and Goten shared a room. He loved his little brother but it wasn’t always easy to study when Goten played with his toys or made too much noise.
Now he was developing a life of his own with Videl, Sharpner and Erasa, Gohan desired his own space but their house didn’t have an extra room. Grandpa’s castle offered the space he needed.
But Dad was back and Gohan didn’t think as carefree as his Dad is, he would want to move into Grandpa’s castle.
Gohan studied his parents’ body language for clues. Dad was a blank with his jovial expression. It could be raining and Dad would be smiling. Mother was smiling, too. She was a lot happier since Dad returned to life again so whatever the meeting was about, the news was good.
Goku stood with Chi-Chi as Gyumao, Gohan and Goten stared at them. Initially, it wasn’t easy for Goku to keep the secret until after Chi-Chi’s doctor appointment. He wanted to tell everyone immediately but after a few days, Goku liked only he and Chi-Chi knew. It was a sweet secret between them and with him knowing, Goku noticed how relieved Chi-Chi was to not carry the burden alone. She freely talked of her concerns and excitement over the baby. Goku shared some of his, feeling this child was a chance to start over and not repeat the mistakes he made with Gohan and Goten.
Chi-Chi looked at her happy family eager to finally share the good news. “I called this family meeting because we have something to tell you. It’s going to change our lives in the best way.
We’re having a baby.”
 A baby?! Gohan knew his parents were happy to be together again. He didn’t know they were that happy.
Where will it go? Gohan worried about how little space he would have with a second sibling. How will I study with Goten and the baby?
Gohan knew his mother was the thinker for the family and knew she also realized this and the news of the baby must mean they are moving into Grandpa’s castle. We are moving in with Grandpa! I wonder which room will be mine. There are so many and all are huge.
As Gohan fantasized about his new room, Gyumao was on his feet. “A baby!” Gyumao scooped Goku and Chi-Chi off their feet into a strong hug. “That’s wonderful news, Chi-Chi! How far are you? What is it?”
“Almost two months and we don’t know what it is yet.” Chi-Chi received a hug from Gohan but she noticed Goten remained in his seat. “Goten, aren’t you happy? You’re gonna be a big brother.”
Goten was happy. He liked babies. He asked his mother for a baby once but she told him she couldn’t have anymore since Daddy was dead. That wasn’t a problem anymore and the realization his parents were having another baby caused Goten to break out in giggles.
“You lost the race, Momma.”
Chi-Chi didn’t understand. “What race, Goten?”
“The baby race you and Daddy had.”
Chi-Chi looked at Goku for an answer. He shrugged. “What baby race?”
“The race you have to make babies.” Goten giggled. Did his mother forget?
Realization dawned on Goku on what Goten meant. “Goten, you don’t have to tell Momma about that.”
“Uh-oh.” Gohan slapped his forehead as he knew what Goten was referring to. Oh, no. Dad’s gonna die a third time.
Chi-Chi saw the panic on Goku and Gohan’s faces. What did they know? “Goten, tell Momma about the race to make babies.”
Goku laughed nervously. “Oh, you don’t need to know that, Chi-Chi. It’s a silly story I told Goten because he……” Chi-Chi’s raging glare silenced him. There were levels of Chi-Chi’s anger. The first level is Chi-Chi pursing her lips with a raise eyebrow. The second level Chi-Chi crossed her arms with a glare of annoyance. The third level Goku swore Chi-Chi’s irises filled with fire and that’s the level she was at now. He could talk Chi-Chi down when she’s at level one and two anger but three, he had to throw himself at her mercy. “Don’t kill me. Our baby needs a father.”
The fire in Chi-Chi’s eyes simmered. She wouldn’t kill him but if she didn’t like what she heard, Goku will be begging for mercy when she was done with him. “Goten? What did Daddy tell you?”
“I went hunting with Daddy and Big Brother. We saw two deer.”
“Oh.” Chi-Chi knew everything in one simple moment. She didn’t want to hear the rest but knew she had to.
“They were racing, Momma, and then the Daddy deer sniffed the Momma’s deer butt.”
“Goten….” Gohan quietly begged. “Please, stop.”
Goten kept talking. “The Daddy deer jumped on the Momma deer. Daddy said they were racing and since the Daddy deer won, he got to jump the Momma deer and make a baby with her.”
Chi-Chi gaped at Goten speechless. She looked at Gohan who hung his head in shame. Goku took a step away from Chi-Chi and held his hands up pleading Chi-Chi to go gentle on him. Her father fell back on the sofa laughing at the ridiculous story.
From the embarrassment of her eldest son, fear from her husband, laughter from her father and innocent joy from her youngest son, Chi-Chi didn’t have the heart to be mad.  She put her fingers on her lips snorting at the vision of Goku scrambling for an answer to their very curious and innocent son of what the two deer were doing. “Sometimes there are races but Daddy doesn’t always win.” Chi-Chi elbowed Goku’s stomach playfully signaling he was safe from her wrath. “Momma sometimes wins.”
Goten believed it. Daddy was strong but Momma was the strongest. “Did Daddy smell your butt before he jumped you, Momma?”
“Don’t answer that!” Gohan screamed before Goku and Chi-Chi thought to say anything.
Gohan’s panicked outburst brought laughter from everyone. It was the icebreaker needed for the Son Family to celebrate the news of another member joining the family.
Chi-Chi tenderly caressed her stomach as she walked around her home one Saturday morning. She loved Saturdays. Goku didn’t work on the farm. Gohan didn’t attend school. The entire family was together. Breakfast was eaten and the dishes were cleaned. Goku was outside with their sons sparring while Chi-Chi quietly walked through their house.
She was pregnant again. This time should be different. She and Goku weren’t inexperienced newlyweds learning on the job about parenting as they were with Gohan. Chi-Chi wasn’t a widow raising a baby, preteen and dealing with the emptiness Goku left the family. They were both seasoned in parenting. Goku might need a refresher on diaper changing but he wouldn’t be as confused with Gohan.
Goku was very excited about the baby. He expressed remorse for missing Goten growing up. This third child was a redemption for him. Chi-Chi was happy Goku would be around. She knew he will keep his word.
As they prepared for a third baby, Chi-Chi knew changes will have to come. A third baby was too much for their small home. Chi-Chi always wanted a bigger house because she wanted a big family but she and Goku started on money Goku won at the Tenkaichi Budokai. Chi-Chi had money from her father but she wanted to be independent of him so she and Goku started in their small home which was enough for them and Gohan, but as years passed, wear and tear began to show on their home. Chi-Chi thought it was time to expand.
But Goku died and Gohan was kidnapped. The family was in disarray and after two and a half years of separation, the family was united with Goku’s return. The happy reunion came at a cost. More enemies will appear in three years. Goku and Gohan had to train to save their future. Chi-Chi didn’t like it. Her husband returns and more bad news is dropped on the family where their lives were in danger. Adding on to the grim news Piccolo will be living with them, the stress was too much. Chi-Chi and Goku got into a heated argument. An unfortunate hit led to a wall of the house being destroyed and Chi-Chi concussed.
Chi-Chi never thought the house expansion would start from that. Her father, Goku and a very reluctant Piccolo worked on the house. Gohan wanted to help but Chi-Chi kept her son on his studies for she knew Gohan wouldn’t have time for that once he started his training with Goku and Piccolo.
Chi-Chi got a bigger kitchen and living room in the house upgrade but too many years have passed since then, and with her sons bigger and another child on the way, her home needed an overdue expansion.
Chi-Chi went outside where the sparring session was ending. Gohan settled under a tree with a book while Goten sat on Goku’s shoulders as he walked around the backyard.
“Goku!” Chi-Chi waved Goku over.
Since her pregnancy, Goku became very attached to Chi-Chi. He’d sometimes help Chi-Chi cook or run to the market for her. He’d do anything except clean. Mopping, sweeping and washing dishes, sent Goku running away as if a plague was near. It amused Chi-Chi how that was a task he hated doing.
Goku went to Chi-Chi while settling Goten on his left shoulder. “Ya need help in the kitchen for lunch?”
“No. We need to talk about the house.”
Goku frowned. “Ya don’t want me to clean, do ya?”
“No, but with the baby, we do have to expand the house. It’s cramped with the four of us. Five would be too much.”
“Oh.” Goku was relieved Chi-Chi didn’t want him to clean. He hated that. “What do we need?”
“Another bedroom would be good,” Gohan closed his book and joined his family. The night he learned his mother was expecting, there wasn’t any talk of if they will move into Grandpa’s castle. Gohan thought that was the plan but expanding their house was a good second option. “I can have a room by myself and Goten can share a room with the baby.”
Goten frowned. “How come you get a room?”
“Because I’m older and I need space.” Gohan ruffled Goten’s hair. “I like sharing a room with you, Goten, but I need my room to study and practice my Saiyaman poses.”
Goten saw through the excuse. “You want a room so you can talk mushy stuff with Videl without me hearing.”
“Goten!” Chi-Chi chided her youngest. It was probably true but Goten shouldn’t say it. Chi-Chi thought for a while it was time for Gohan to have his own room again. He was becoming a man and needed space. “We might need two rooms. Gohan should have his room but I could be having a girl this time and a girl needs her room.”
“Okay.” Goku didn’t see the problem. “We’re building two rooms.”
“I want a room!” Goten thought if Gohan and the baby get a room, he should, too.
“Goten,” Gohan laughed at his brother. “The room we share will be your room.”
“Oh,” Goten didn’t realize. “I want something new, too, if you and the baby get something.”
Chi-Chi thought that was fair. “What do you want, Goten?”
Goten thought carefully about that. It had to be really special and fun. “Trunks has the newest PlayStation. Can I get that?”
Chi-Chi inwardly winced. That was expensive but Goten was a sweet child. She loved to spoil him and she knew it’s best to give a child something so they are not left out with the baby. Chi-Chi did that giving Gohan a new microscope when pregnant with Goten. “You can have that, Goten. Now that’s settled, you and Gohan should wash up for lunch. I’ll call my Dad later so we can begin plans for the expansion.”
Gohan and Goten left their parents to prepare for lunch. As Goku and Chi-Chi walked to their home, Goku whined, “What about me? If Gohan and Goten get something, I want something, too.”
Chi-Chi nearly rolled her eyes but Goku’s pout brought a smile to her face. “Oh, Goku. Sometimes I do feel like I have three kids already.”
Goku didn’t care. He wanted his question answered. “So….” Goku pressed, “do I get something?”
“You’re impossible,” Chi-Chi laughed but since Goku was so insistent, Chi-Chi thought of what she could offer Goku. He was very simple in his requests. There wasn’t a lot to bribe him with. “You’ll get something whenever our children are sleeping.”
“But I always get that.” Goku liked that offer but he wanted something more.
“What do you want?” Chi-Chi asked. “Permission to go off and train so I don’t get mad? Time away from the farm?”
Chi-Chi thought Goku would laugh at that because it would be what he wanted but he surprised her grabbing her hand and frowning at her. “I want ya thinkin’ I’ll be here. I ain’t leavin’ ya.”
Wow. Chi-Chi stared at Goku. He’s bothered. Chi-Chi remembered his promise in the kitchen that night her pregnancy was confirmed. She wasn’t aware how deeply he meant it. “I know you won’t leave like dying but you’re gonna leave for a few days or weeks to do what you want.” Chi-Chi smiled despite the hurt in her voice. “You can’t sit still for long, Goku. I’ve accepted that. I’ve had seven years to. I won’t be alone,” she promised him. “I have Gohan, Goten and this baby.”
Chi-Chi let go of Goku’s hand and walked back to the house alone. Goku stared at his wife walking away with a chilling sense of dread. Despite what he told Chi-Chi that night, Goku had a sinking feeling that Chi-Chi didn’t believe him.
You have me, too. Why don’t you believe me?
After plans were drawn up to expand the Son Family home, Goku and Gyumao were eager to get started but Piccolo grumbled on how he was drafted for this job. Piccolo didn’t understand how it happened. Days ago, he was on Kami’s Temple talking to Goku and Gohan. They told him of Chi-Chi’s pregnancy. Piccolo thought of the secret baby pool he was in with Bulma, Vegeta, Krillin and all their friends and wondered if he had the closest date when he murmured an agreement to Goku that had him involved in expanding the Son Family home.  
“Why do I have to do this?” Piccolo picked up an eighty-pound bag of concrete mix from Gyumao’s air ship. Gyumao was in Goku and Chi-Chi’s house discussing the interior work that will be done while Goku and Piccolo unloaded his airship of supplies. Piccolo carried a cement bag on his shoulder as he followed Goku to where they will deposit their materials for the house expansion. “It’s not my home.”
Goku laid his concrete bag with the others. “You worked on the other expansion.”
“Under duress,” Piccolo reminded Goku as he lowered his bag. Chi-Chi insisted since Piccolo will be living with them for three years, he had to help out when she wanted and that meant helping with the repairs made to their home when Goku accidentally knocked her out of their home and into a tree. Piccolo argued against working but his protest didn’t work with Chi-Chi and with Goku and even Gohan defending her, Piccolo was left with no choice but to fall in line and do what Chi-Chi wanted. “I only helped because I lived with you while training for the Artificial Humans.”
Goku slapped Piccolo’s back. “And you did such a good job, we wanted you to help with this.”
“I only did a good job because your wife would’ve yelled at me if I didn’t,” Piccolo grumbled.
“You also didn’t want me to do better than you,” Goku teased. “Remember our driving test?”
“You were so panicked of your wife’s reaction to you failing I didn’t stand a chance to beat you.” It annoyed Piccolo that Goku got his driver’s license first and scored higher than him on the driving and writing test but he knew how determined Goku got when it came to Chi-Chi.
“You’re very happy about this,” Piccolo observed Goku as they returned to the ship.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Goku grabbed the remaining cement bag while Piccolo grabbed two cement mixers. “I did construction as a kid. It was part of my training. It’s not fighting but I like it. The skills came in handy when I built this house.”
“I mean you seem happy with having another kid.”
Goku turned to Piccolo confused. “Why wouldn’t I be happy?”
Piccolo thought it was obvious. “You didn’t return for Goten and you left Gohan alone with Chi-Chi.”
“I didn’t know about Goten.”  Goku dropped the bag of cement roughly on the ground. “And I thought I was protecting Gohan and Chi-Chi by staying away.” He talked about this with Chi-Chi. He owed an explanation to her but he didn’t like Piccolo intruding on what wasn’t his business. “I made a mistake. I know that.”
“I don’t know a lot about emotions….”
“That’s right,” Goku broke off Piccolo in a warning to not say anymore. “You don’t. There’s a lot you don’t understand.”
Piccolo heard the edge in Goku’s voice but he wasn’t swayed from voicing his thoughts. “I wasn’t the only one if it took you seven years away to understand staying dead was not the way to protect your family.”
“Piccolo, I appreciate you are a friend and mentor to Gohan. I appreciate you and everyone checking on Chi-Chi, Gohan and Goten while I was dead but that doesn’t make you an expert on my family.” Goku hated how annoyed he sounded at Piccolo. He was a friend who helped him a lot but Piccolo’s words rubbed him wrong.
Because I know it was a mistake to stay dead.
Every day since his return, Goku was reminded of that.
“I ain’t perfect. I missed a lot of Gohan and Goten’s lives. I spent too much time away from Chi-Chi. I know to you, my friends, it doesn’t look like it but my family’s important to me, Piccolo. I wanna be around for this baby. I don’t want it to have the gaps I have with Gohan and Goten.”
A redemption of fatherhood Piccolo guessed. But instinct told Piccolo something else troubled Goku. “It’ll make your wife happy to have you around.” Goku didn’t smile. Did he misunderstand? Piccolo thought Goku would be happy about that. He shook his head. “I’ll never understand Saiyans, Earthlings and your damn emotions.”
“Piccolo?” If anyone could tell him the truth, it would be him. He could go to Gohan but Goku didn’t want to worry his son. He also noticed how close Gohan and Chi-Chi have gotten since his death. He wasn’t sure Gohan would tell him everything he wanted to know in his desire to keep things peaceful. “How was Chi-Chi when I died? Was she really mad I didn’t come back?”
“Ah, hell!” Piccolo knew where Goku was going with this. “Didn’t you two talk when you came back?!”
“We did, and things have been good, but we talked about the baby and Chi-Chi worried telling me because I’ve been gone a lot.”
“Her worries are justified.”
“I know.” Goku’s word was his bond but with Chi-Chi, he had broken it and her heart many times. He needed more than his word to prove himself to Chi-Chi. He wanted Piccolo’s thoughts on what to do when Piccolo walked off. “Where are you going?”
“I’m getting your wife. This is your problem and I’m not getting in the middle of this marriage drama!”
“Tuh,” Goku snorted. “You were fine gettin’ involved when ya judged me thinkin’ I wasn’t happy about the baby.”
But anxiety crept in Goku when Piccolo disappeared into his home. He heard yelling from Piccolo and imagined Chi-Chi coming out of the house screaming or crying. When the door opened, he braced himself for an angry wife but Chi-Chi wasn’t angry. She walked to him worried and that made him feel even worse. Chi-Chi’s worried face reminded Goku of what Dr. Barkley said.
“Everything looks good but you are in a geriatric pregnancy, Chi-Chi. There are more risks involved with you especially with you carrying a child of Saiyan blood. You are at a higher risk of high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, genetic issues with the baby, a premature birth or in the worst case, a stillborn baby.”
Dr. Barkley warned Chi-Chi to take it easier and even if she’s not tired, to rest. She advised cutting back on some of her duties and allowing others to shoulder some of it. When Chi-Chi explained this, Gohan stepped up immediately offering to assist in cooking, cleaning; anything so Chi-Chi wasn’t doing everything. It led Gohan to make color-coded charts assigning everyone duties. Goten initially complained but he was coming on board knowing this was helping Chi-Chi and the baby.
Not even three months into this and I’m causing problems.
“So….” Chi-Chi finally said when she reached him. “Piccolo said you wanted to talk to me.”
“What were his exact words?”
Chi-Chi did her best Piccolo impression. “‘Son has marriage drama and I want no part of it!’”
“It ain’t drama,” Goku felt his body getting warmer. “I’m just thinkin’ about things.”
“About the baby?” Chi-Chi put a hand on her stomach and tenderly rubbed it. Because of the flowing dresses Chi-Chi has been wearing lately, no one could tell she was pregnant. Goku could see some signs such as Chi-Chi’s face being fuller. She tried to hide that by wearing her hair down instead of up in its usual bun.
“I’m happy about the baby,” Goku wanted that to be clear. “But after your appointment… I’m nervous.”
“I am, too.” Hearing she is in a geriatric pregnancy, the changes in her compared to her carrying Gohan and Goten and the unknowns of carrying a half-Saiyan child later in life made her nervous. Dr. Barkley ordered she take it easier even when she’s not tired. Chi-Chi kept an upbeat attitude but sometimes, she did worry about any effects that could befall their child. “I hope it’s a healthy baby.”
“It will be.” There was no doubt in Goku’s mind about that. Even if he had to use the dragon balls, Chi-Chi and the baby will be healthy and safe.
“Then why are you worried?”
Goku exhaled, worried about Chi-Chi’s reaction. They had to wait another month but Chi-Chi was giddy thinking this child is a girl. He didn’t want his worries to disappoint Chi-Chi. “I’m worried if it’s a girl.”
Chi-Chi’s lower lip trembled. Oh, no. This was bad. She was going to cry. “You don’t want a girl?”
“No, that’s not it.” He took a step to Chi-Chi to comfort but Chi-Chi stepped away rejecting him. He had to be quick or Chi-Chi will break down in tears. If that happened, Gyumao, Gohan and Goten would come out. Gyumao and Gohan would worry but Goten would be mad at him. “I was expecting another boy since that’s all we’ve had.”
Chi-Chi caressed her stomach. She looked guarded but open to hear what Goku had to say. “If you are worried about handling a girl, I think you’ll do a good job. You’ve always been good with kids, Goku.”
“It’s not that.” Goku rubbed his neck unsure of how to explain his feelings. “I left Gohan and Goten. I see the effect it has on them. I saw what my leaving did to you. If we have a girl, I don’t want her going through that but I can’t stop it if it happens.”
It was the first time Chi-Chi heard Goku speak like this. He had the mindset of boys being tougher and capable of going through things. It was that mindset that eased some of his guilt for putting Gohan and Goten in the situations they’d been in. Thinking that they are having a girl concerned Goku but it made Chi-Chi smile. It gave her more hope Goku would do all he could to stay with their family.
She stepped to him.
“We don’t know the future, Goku. What happens will happen but I know you’ll do everything in your power to not leave us.”
“I will,” Goku caressed her face. Chi-Chi didn’t flinch. She leaned into his touch. “I don’t want to be away this time.”
“I know,” Chi-Chi kissed the palm of his hand. “I know you’re lying.”
“I’m not!" Panic laced through Goku’s voice. What did he have to do to convince Chi-Chi? “I’m serious, Chi-Chi.”
Chi-Chi shook her head at him. “I think you’re lying about why you’re worried if it’s a girl. Truth is, Goku, you’re worried our daughter will be like me, and we know you can’t win against me.” She was smirking. “You left to marry me and you didn’t see your friends for five years. You’ve gone to work because of me. You got your driver’s license because of me. Another me will have you wrapped around her finger.”
Goku genuinely smiled. He hadn’t thought about the positives of having a daughter but Chi-Chi was right. If they have a girl and if she looks and acts like Chi-Chi, Goku knew he was done for. Gohan was spoiled a lot by him as a child. He carried Gohan when Gohan told him he was tired and Goku knew he could walk on his own. He gave him extra sweets and snacks when Chi-Chi told him Gohan had enough. For his first birthday, Goku brought Gohan a real dinosaur to play with. Chi-Chi and Gyumao nearly had a heart attack but the joy on Gohan’s face was worth Chi-Chi yelling at him later. It would be ten times worse with a daughter. If she wanted a unicorn, Goku would give her one even if it meant making a wish to Shenron.
 “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Goku enclosed his arms around Chi-Chi, happy they were passing this tiny obstacle and knew whatever they faced in the following months, they’d handle it together.
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imahungrynacho · 1 year
Huzzah! The moment has arrived and the #DBZBigBang has nearly completed! Check out the awesome collab between the fantastic writer, @vegeta-bananabluish, amazing beta reader, @secretsofdbz, and the artist- Me!
Read Here for all you Vegebul fans!
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lawnchairthethird · 1 month
first, illicit affairs chapter 22
Second, a prequel one-shot to illicit affairs, set eleven years before the events in IA. It is meant to be read after chapter 22. Please MIND THE TAGS!!! It does not need to be read for anything in illicit affairs to make sense if you do not feel comfortable reading it.
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emeraldsaiyan · 1 year
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I thought I'd share this epic piece that was commissioned by KeynoriamaArt on deviant art in collaboration with @sometimeshector on twitter.
This is based off my wip fanfic Son Gohan The Destroyer https://archiveofourown.org/works/26747353/chapters/65252929 which I will shamlessly plug.
In this story, Gohan becomes a trainee God of Destruction after dying at the Cell Games (taking Cell to the grave with him though, thank you very much!). Whis plucks his soul from its journey to the Otherworld as he realises Gohan's potential. After an ultimatum, Gohan accepts to be trained by Whis, along with other hopefuls for the role of Junior Destroyer.
I know some may think, but wait, Gohan wouldn't become a Destroyer - would he? Well, Gohan is a person who fights for the greater good, so Whis does manage to win him over here. He becomes Lord Beerus' apprentice, but not in the way you might think this story would play out.
Theres a lot of twists and turns, along with an ancient evil trying to stake his claim on the multiverse. Of course, Gohan is the only one who can stand between this menace and his goal.
This particular piece takes place in the early 20s chapters. After Gohan reveals himself to Goku and his friends back on Earth. Goku - of course - challenges Gohan to a friendly spar. But at this point Goku does not know that his son is a Destroyer! THE DRAMA!
I love this piece its so beautiful. Along with long hair Gohan. He is 19 years old here - kids have the chance to grow up in the Otherworld in my fic.
Please enjoy :)
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dragonbabezee · 2 years
Never Ever Land - Chapter 89 - Alone Time, Part Two
Last time on Never Ever Land... Bulma and Vegeta made it out of the frying pan only to wake up in the deep freeze!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1012183/chapters/112166713 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9273714/89/Never-Ever-Land
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saiyan--tales · 2 months
Launchitz Week Returns for 2024! August 19th-26th
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The fan made couple originally introduced by MasakoX is back! Using the prompts, draw or write about them in any media of your choosing. We can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!
Art by @xshironek0x
Event organized by Royal_BlueRoses @raditzxsthighband
(Event page hosting is to be decided, for now we are using Saiyan Tales to advertise)
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lonetile4 · 22 days
A semi-crack fanfictions including organizations from Call of Duty, Resident Evil, Dragonball, and Marvel.
This is a work in progress. Whenever you see "==Place Holder==" it means there is a gap where I need to fill in a good transition between sections. Whenever I get writers block, I move on to the next plot point and fill things in later.
"We're glad you came," Nikto said, voice rough.
"It's been a while, Andre." Liliya answered. She sat down beside him at the bar. She observed her friend. He was wearing a sweatshirt; the hood pulled over his head to hide his face. He held a glass of scotch in his hand.
"We told you not to call us that," Nikto muttered. "Just Nikto is fine."
"Sorry." Liliya ordered herself a drink. "So... what made you call me after all these years?" She swirled the golden liquid in her glass, listening to the ice clink.
"We... need help." Nikto glanced at her. "A mission came up. It involves robotic weapons. And you know more about robotics better than anyone."
"I'm a civilian now, Nikto," Liliya said quietly. "I can't." She got to her feet when Nikto grabbed her wrist.
"It's Hydra, Lily," Nikto said. Liliya paused. She looked at the hand that had grabbed her arm. There was a long pause between them. Liliya clenched her fists.
"God, dammit," she hissed. She let out a frustrated sigh. "Fine."
"Ain't this amazing?" Philip Graves asked, hopping off the chopper.
"Yeah... wonderful." Jill Valentine replied, crossing her arms.
"Come on!" Graves laughed. "The BSA, Shadow Company, Spetsnaz, and Red Ribbon... all working together!" Liliya tensed.
"Red Ribbon doesn't exist anymore." Liliya said. "So I don't work for them."
"Whatever," Graves scoffed. "Powerful people coming together to fight for the same cause." Liliya rolled her eyes.
"Hey," Chris Redfield walked over and patted her shoulder. "Relax."
"If I had known the BSA was called, I wouldn't have agreed to this." She glared at Nikto, pissed that he left out an important detail.
"Look, what happened with Claire, I don't..."
"This has nothing to do with Claire!" Liliya snapped. "This has nothing to do with the fact that I nearly sent your sister... my *girlfriend* at the time, to her death trying to take down what was left of Red Ribbon." Liliya pinched the bridge of her nose.
"And now I'm back to taking out another evil organization. Who knows who I might send to their death."
"Well, Graves is always an option," Chris said with a small laugh. Liliya rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the small smile that formed on her lips.
"I heard that," Graves said. Liliya flipped him off, but had a smile on her face. Her smile faultered before she turned back to Chris.
"She's doing okay, though.... right?" She asked. "I know it's been... 2 years..."
"She's doing great," Chris answered. "And you?"
"Hanging in there," Liliya answered. The teams walked together into the large hanger.
"We're sorry for not telling you about the BSA," Nikto said.
"It's fine. Whatever," Liliya grumbled. "But if the BSA is here... robotics and bio-weapons don't exactly mix well... if B.O.Ws start having Red Ribbon tech? That's more than any of us can handle."
"Your gas mask will remain on at all times," Chris said. "We don't know what Hydra has been cooking, meaning we have no cure and no idea how this thing works. We could be dealing with simple zombies or B.O.Ws."
"So this is a suicide mission...?" One of the Shadows asked.
"I'm not going to sugar coat it," Chris replied slowly. "This will likely be the most dangerous missions you will ever do, which is why we need to work as a team, have each other's backs."
"We'll be learning on the job, so keep your radio on for updates." He glanced around the room. "Communication and teamwork are important."
"So, you're a cyborg..." Graves said, looking at Liliya's legs.
"You could say that..." Liliya grumbled. She looked through the binoculars at the facility door.
"Did Red Rocket leave you with any cool gear? According to what Chris said, those B.O.Ws ain't pretty." Graves was squatting nearby, gun at the ready, just in case. It did make Liliya feel a little better to have someone watching her back.
"I have a few," Liliya confessed. Well, she had more than a few. Just some little trinkets in her back pocket just in case.
"You know, that makes me feel a lot safer." Graves said. "I've seen the aftermath of what happens when the BSA has to get involved."
"Yeah... it's not pretty." Liliya grabbed her radio. "Clear. Safe to move in, but stay cautious."
"Roger that." Chris replied from the other end. Liliya put the radio down, returning to keeping an eye on the teams. She could hear Graves's men communicating with the BSA as they moved in.
"What happened between you and the BSA?" Liliya's eye twitched in annoyance.
"Curiosity killed the cat, Graves. Mind your own business."
"Alright," Graves went quiet again. There was a moment of awkward silence.
"Let's move." Liliya lead Graves and a small squad of Shadows towards a different entrance. "Remember what Redfield said. Communicate." She looked at everyone, memorizing their faces. She wondered how many good people would be left after this mission. She wanted to say something... to tell them to say goodbye to each other and to prepare in case they need to shoot their own brothers, but she knew the moral was low enough. She didn't need to add more to it.
Once the door was breached and cleared, Graves and Liliya walked in. The place was quiet... but quiet never met safe.
"Heads on a swivel," Liliya warned. "That includes on the ceiling."
[To be continued...]
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fortunesque · 3 months
Summary: It was the strangest thing, seeing a heart shaped button on the remote Vegeta used to call his ship to him. And though it summoned his ship, Bulma was sure that it was more than a mere remote.
With Krillin standing next to her, she felt a bit more brave, snooping around in Raditz' and Vegeta's data.
They ended up finding out way more than they bargained for.
Rating: Mature, for suggestive and adult themes
So, this was sitting in my drafts for a week. I'm not completely satisfied with it, but if I sit on it any longer, it just won't see the light of day. For @astral-mariner who brought awareness of the heart shaped button to the community
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p-tinkie-85 · 2 months
A kiss in the clouds (a short Kakavege fanfiction) my first fanfiction btw I hope you like it 😊
Today was another sunny day, so it's especially worth taking a flight on the flying nimbus, and Chichi didn't want Goku to just laze around.
Goku enjoyed the flight over the sky and after winning the tournament of power, his head was clear, no sign of any danger, just him, the flying nimbus and nature.
After a few minutes, someone approaches Goku, it was Vegeta. Goku didn't notice that Vegeta was getting closer and closer to him, he was enjoying the flight too much. He really noticed it when Vegeta was next to him and before Goku could say anything, Vegeta kissed him on the cheek and then flew away.
"Don't ask, Kakarot!" Those were his last words before he disappeared again. Goku was only a little surprised, but didn't think about it and continued to fly the rest of the day with the flying nimbus.
The end
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cougartist · 25 days
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Majin Android 21 from Dragon Ball FighterZ
Hentai version on Patreon.com/Coug
Please, if you like my work, support me : follow, like, share and comment.
Have fun Otakus ^^
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elisajdb · 2 months
First Kiss
“Dad, when did you know Mom was the one?”
It was very rare for Gohan to approach Goku on a serious matter. Fighting to save the world, Gohan came to him. Matters of the heart, Gohan always went to Chi-Chi. She was the expert on the matter. She helped Gohan talk to Videl and point out signals sent by Videl that went over his head. She gave him suggestions for dates. She told him how a gentleman behaved.
Goku never expected Gohan to come to him but given the subject, he was the only one who could answer Gohan’s question. “Why?” The simple question brought a blush to Gohan’s face. “Does it have something to do with Videl?” Goku wanted to help Gohan with anything he needed but not being an expert on romance or women, he didn’t think he could help Gohan. “I wanna help ya, but Mom…”
“No, Dad.” Gohan stopped Goku from saying anymore. “I need you. Mom can’t help me with this.”
Goku could tell Gohan was struggling. He spoke firmly but looked nervous and unsure. If he knew Chi-Chi would give him the answer he needed, Gohan would go to her but as he looked at his eldest son, Goku realized this was one of those father and son things Chi-Chi told him he would have with Gohan but Goku still had doubts because he wasn’t the typical father.
He didn’t have first dates or jitters around girls like Gohan. He didn’t struggle with making friends or fitting in like Gohan. Gohan’s physical development into his teens occurred without him. Those first experiences when a boy needed his father as a guide happened when he was dead.
Goku regretted that when he returned. It moved him now to be there for Gohan and give him the answer he needed but he wasn’t sure if he could. “My experiences aren’t the same as you, Gohan. I married Chi-Chi not long after I was reminded of our promise.”
“I know but you never do what you don’t want, Dad, and if in any way you felt marrying Mom was wrong, you wouldn’t have done it.”
That was true. Goku always followed his instincts. Even if he made the promise, Goku would’ve gotten out of it if he wanted. He didn’t because he didn’t want to marry Chi-Chi. “Yeah. I knew Chi-Chi was the one when we had our first kiss.”
Kissing was a new experience for Goku but not foreign to his mind. He saw his first kiss on a TV program Master Roshi watched. He didn’t understand and asked his teacher why two adults touched that way.
Something you will enjoy when you’re older.
That’s all his teacher said so Goku ignored the concept of kissing. He read it in his books during his daily lessons but Goku didn’t focus and thought of it as words on a page and read it to get through his lessons for the day.
His second introduction to kissing came on a whim. It was during his training for the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai. The world was his training ground. Goku arrived in a village during a holiday. He didn’t know why people were celebrating but they looked happy and enjoyed being around each other. Though he didn’t mind being alone, loneliness crept into Goku sometimes, and when it did, he desired to be around others.
Maybe that’s why I latched onto them.
Them were Silas and Celia. Goku met Silas in the forest outside the village when he hunted for his dinner. Silas didn’t think it was right for a boy to hunt his food and invited Goku into his home with his wife, Celia. Goku was initially wary of Celia. The only other adult women he had been around were Bulma and Lunch. He liked them but sometimes they were loud and volatile, especially Lunch. Every other day he dodged bullets from her. He expected the same attitude from Celia but she was kind and doting to Goku and Silas.
Silas and Celia were different from the couples he read about in books and the ones he watched on TV except for one factor. They all kissed. When he initially read about kissing, Goku didn’t care. He wasn’t interested. He still wasn’t but three years older and seeing more of it from Silas and Celia, curiosity sparked in Goku.
One morning, Goku left with Silas to gather firewood. Silas kissed Celia goodbye. It sparked Goku to ask, “Why do you do that?”
“Do what, Goku?”
“Touch Celia’s lips like that.”
“You mean kiss? It’s something couples do. It can be a hello or goodbye. It’s a way to say ‘I love you’ or ‘I miss you.’ It has different meanings, Goku, and when you meet someone you want to kiss like I have in my Celia, you’ll understand and  you’ll have fun with it, too.”
Goku didn’t understand what could be fun with kissing. It wasn’t eating. It wasn’t fighting a strong opponent. He didn’t dwell on it; didn’t wonder who he will kiss. He forgot about it until three years later when Chi-Chi, daughter of the great Ox King Gyumao pressed her lips to his cheeks at the Tenkaichi Budokai.
And turned his life upside down.
From the moment she tapped his shoulder, Goku was entranced with her. He stared with his friends curious of the girl who addressed him. His not knowing her, angered her. Goku angered many people and always brushed it off but this time, it intrigued him. Why was she mad at him? Who was she? He knew they crossed paths but he didn’t know when or where. He watched her matches. He could beat her but he was impressed with her skills. He was excited when they were paired against each other. He was even more excited when their match began. He blocked and dodged every attack from her. She kept up with him as he ran around the ring. When he leapt in the air for a breather, she followed. It excited him! He could beat her but his blood pounded in his veins as if she were a strong opponent. Mentally, she stimulated him. Physically, she kept him on her toes. He didn’t want to fight her. He wanted to know who she was. She gave him the chance when offering her name if he beat her.
Creating air with a punch, Goku knocked her out of the ring. In his excitement, he put too much into it but he got her name.
Chi-Chi, daughter of Gyumao, the Ox King.
Ah, he remembered. She pulled his tail when they were children. She flew with him on Nimbus. Strange girl but she had a pure heart like him. When she reminded him of his promise to marry her, Goku honored his word. Oh, he could’ve gotten out of it and say he didn’t know, he didn’t understand but he didn’t. If marriage meant living with someone, he didn’t mind living with Chi-Chi. She could ride Nimbus. That meant she was a good person. Her feistiness excited him. That meant life will be fun with her but Chi-Chi waiting for him intrigued him the most.
They didn’t know each other long but in that short time as children, Chi-Chi knew she wanted to live with him for the rest of her life. Goku hadn’t met anyone to accept him like that since his Grandpa.
It was easy to honor his promise.
When he did, Chi-Chi told him she loved him. It was a word he heard but didn’t understand. Chi-Chi showed him what love means by pressing her lips to his cheek.
A kiss.
Something you will enjoy when you’re older.
It has different meanings, Goku, and when you meet someone you want to kiss like I have in my Celia, you’ll understand and you’ll have fun with it, too.
Chi-Chi’s lips were soft and warm against his skin. It was brief but the warmth lingered and spread across his face and down to his stomach. What was that feeling? Was this what Master Roshi and Silas meant?
His impending fights drove Goku from getting his questions answered but Chi-Chi’s lips on his cheek lingered and affected Goku through his matches.
His speed tornado was an unusual flex for him. He only needed to remove his weights and stretch but with Chi-Chi watching, Goku had a desire to impress his bride. He punched and kicked the air as if fighting an imaginary opponent to show off his martial arts skills. He ran around the ring with speed faster than human eyes and became a human tornado. The crowd was wowed. Chi-Chi, he saw from the corner of his eyes, smiled with her hands clapped together in awe.
He knew she liked that.
Goku wanted to impress again with Piccolo. He showed off some, feigning injury when he wasn’t hurt to show Piccolo wasn’t a threat to him. He unleashed his Super Kamehameha Wave to show the power he consumed. Piccolo almost had him at one point, but he prevailed as the victor and Chi-Chi was all over him. Goku thought he would get another kiss but Chi-Chi hugged him. Hugs weren’t foreign but the way Chi-Chi pressed her body against his, that unusual feeling returned. His body felt funny with Chi-Chi’s bumps pressing on him. It was stronger than the feeling of a kiss he panicked and told Chi-Chi to not hold him like this in front of everyone.
She honored his word until they were alone that night.
On the balcony of Gyumao’s castle. Preparations were underway for Goku and Chi-Chi’s wedding. It was a whirlwind of activities of Chi-Chi introducing Goku to her father again; getting her mother’s wedding dress cleaned, getting Goku fitted for a suit and dancing lessons. Hours after Goku was declared the Strongest Under the Heavens, under twinkling stars on a warm Spring night Goku found solace on the balcony of his room. He looked down at the courtyard where he spotted many servants working on decorations for his wedding.
It was a lot for Goku to see people he didn’t know decorating the courtyard, decorating the castle, fitting him for a suit and working on a wedding menu. He agreed to live with Chi-Chi forever but he didn’t understand the need for a party or ceremony where had to dress up. He gave his word. He came back to honor it. Why isn’t that enough? He didn’t understand why so much work was going into something for him and Chi-Chi. Goku didn’t think he deserved all of this. Maybe Chi-Chi. Her Pops was famous and she grew up in this kingdom but he wasn’t anyone special.
Goku thought of his friends telling him he should back out of the wedding until he is sure he knows what he is doing.
“Too late for that now,” Goku thought. He wasn’t going to back out. He wanted to marry Chi-Chi but with all the preparations, Goku did wonder if knew what he was doing.
“Goku?” Goku turned to see Chi-Chi coming into the room. “Sorry. I knocked but you didn’t answer. It’s a big room,” she said sheepishly as she came onto the balcony. “Kind of hard to hear a knock.” She stood by him and looked where he looked; servants building a pavilion. “They’re working fast.” She didn’t sound as happy and excited as she was earlier. Chi-Chi spoke subdued and nervous. Shouldn’t she be happy? This is what she wanted.  “Is it weird I’m nervous about the wedding?”
Nervous? Goku thought only he should be. “You reminded me of our promise. Why are you nervous?”
Chi-Chi shrugged. “I don’t know.  It’s something I wanted and now it’s finally here, I’m scared. In a few days, I won’t be Gyumao’s daughter. I’ll be Son Goku’s wife. It’s a big responsibility.”
“It is?” Goku wished someone told him that.
“Being a wife and mother is a huge responsibility, Goku. It’s my duty to care for you, and love you and our children. I hope I can be successful at that. I didn’t grow up with a mother so I’m going at this blind.”
“What about me?” Goku felt more in the dark than Chi-Chi. “Do I have any responsibilities?”
“You’re already good at that, Goku. A husband protects. You’re strong and saved everyone from Piccolo. I know you’ll protect me and our children. A husband provides. You are already on a good start winning the money at the tournament.” Chi-Chi looked away from him frustrated. “I have to prove myself. I have to cook good food that you and our children will love. I have to make sure our family grows up in a healthy and happy home.”
“Sounds like a lot to deal with.” But Goku saw the bright spot that Chi-Chi didn’t. “You knowing all of this makes me think you’ll be a good wife and mother. I don’t know anything.” I’m trusting you he wanted to say but didn’t.
“Knowing doesn’t mean I’ll be good at it.”
“You told me you don’t know a lot about kissing but I think you’re at it.”
Chi-Chi looked back at him. It wasn’t possible but Goku thought Chi-Chi’s eyes sparkled. “You think I’m a good kisser?”
“Well….” The sweet gaze sent from Chi-Chi tied his tongue. Suddenly, he felt hot and nervous but he told the truth. “It was good to me but it was only on the cheek.”
“You…..” Chi-Chi sounded breathless yet hopeful, “wanna try a kiss on the lips?”  
The tightness in his chest returned. It was a funny feeling but he liked it. “You said we have to at the wedding. We should practice.”
“Practice.” Chi-Chi smiled at him but it wasn’t like the smiles she gave him today. This one was sly, playful as if knowing he didn’t want to kiss to practice for the wedding. “Okay, Goku, we can practice.”
It wasn’t the promise of the kiss but Chi-Chi seeing through him that stood out. She was special. She didn’t know him as long as his friends knew him but easily saw through his innocent façade. She saw what his friends couldn’t see.
He smiled. His friends’ worries melted from his mind.  I don’t know anything about marriage or my duties but I know I am doing it with the right person.
Goku let Chi-Chi guide him with her soft hands touching his face. She gently pulled him down as she stood on her toes to touch her lips to hers. The sensation against his lips was similar to what he felt on his cheek but more pleasurable, pleasant and sanctifying Chi-Chi was indeed the one.
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