#dragon: toras
bloodwing-owlcat · 2 years
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ok fine i'll design the wagon are you happy now (*miracle voice* yes)
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suguruslut · 17 days
During your pregnancy
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘩𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴
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–he has read every single book on pregnancy there is, and religiously follows a pregnancy blog and sends in questions every.single.day. He needs answers on how to help his woman!
–Tatsu already does the cooking, cleaning, housework, but during your pregnancy his workload somehow triples. He literally invents new things to clean, and why he has to clean them for your health
– “Do ya have any idea what dust can do to a fetus? Do ya?! The damage is irreversible!”
–“I’m pretty sure you just made that up, Tatsu.”
– “Did not! Now move outta the way so I can take on those germs!”
–will stop whatever he’s doing to make you whatever it is you’re craving; doesn’t matter if it’s a five minute recipe or a five hour recipe. Whatever you want, babe. And if you’re feeling insecure about your growing body, Tatsu will be the first to shut those feelings down. He knows it isn’t that easy, but no wife of his will be moping around feeling bad about herself
–While Tatsu is usually vocal about his worries, he tends to become quiet during your pregnancy, not voicing his concerns because he doesn’t want to make you anxious. He knows it’s hard enough being pregnant and dealing with hormones…the last thing Tatsu wants to do is stress you out
–really, though, Tatsu is such a worry wart. Always so concerned when you go outside, concerned when you’re moving around too much, concerned if you don’t want to eat or aren’t drinking enough. It’s touching, but sometimes gets on your nerves a bit
–in addition to worrying about you, he also worries about the baby. He hides this anxiety by talking to your stomach every night, speaking a way that reassures both the baby and himself
– “Don’t you worry there, little dragon…mama and papa are takin’ real good care of ya. And we always will. Little dragons never have to fly alone.”
–massages! Tatsu attends a class where he learned what exact places ache the most during pregnancy, and he’ll massage your troubles away every single night
–Tatsu is insanely protective anyway, but when you’re pregnant? Omg. Unless you’re at work, he does not let you out of sight. Even then, he sometimes spies on you from outside, and acts as an unofficial security guard for your building
–fortunately and unfortunately, Tatsu is a stickler for budgets, so you can’t go all out on adorable baby clothes and accessories. You wore him down about the dragon-themed crib, though. And the dragon themed crib mobile. But after that, he cut you off, already having prepared an itemized statement of what you guys needed to save for come delivery day
–at the end of each day, Tatsu likes to spoon you in bed with a hand on your stomach. Occasionally you’ll hear him whisper promises of protection, how he can’t wait to meet your little dragon and help them navigate life. He often falls asleep like that, and has worry-free dreams about how life will change once you give birth
–for now, Tatsu is happy to just experience the lows and highs of pregnancy with you, reading up on anything that can make it easier for his beloved S/O
–ohhhh man. If you thought Tatsu was overprotective, wait till you get a load of Tora.
–you go NOWHERE alone. Not happening. Shopping, work, walking, going to the laundromat, Tora is right at your side, glaring at anyone that looks or speaks to you. He is not risking anything…not after he finally has a normal life, with a normal wife and normal child on the way. Nothing will hurt you, ever.
–since Tora doesn’t think he’s naturally comforting or domestic, he borrows a lot of books from Tatsu on how to be a good parent. He did something similar when you two started dating, but now, he feels an immense amount of pressure to be a perfect dad. There’s literally a stack of parenting books at his nightstand, and he reads them with his glasses on like an old man
–weirdly, Tora’s emotions also mellow out a lot during your pregnancy. Instead of being his usual spirited, loud and obsessively passionate self, he does his best to be level headed and speak evenly. He doesn’t want anything to upset you, and doesn’t want to upset you further when you’re already in a bad mood. Tora keeps his cool so you don’t have to. Scream away!
–of course you can wear his clothes when you’re pregnant! Tora will be the first to suggest it after your own clothes are too itchy or too tight. His big shirts comfort you, and he loves seeing you wearing them, especially with your little round stomach beneath it. Makes him feel like he is capable of supporting you by giving you the shirt off his back
–Tora knows what a budget is…he just doesn’t care! When you go shopping for baby things, Tora goes all out. If he sees anything tiger themed, forget about it–he’ll fight any mother around for the correct size. Tiger themed pants, pajamas, socks, bibs, shoes, everything. He’ll take the lot, and he doesn’t care how much it costs!
– “Your total is 43,000 yen.”
– “43,000 yen?! Here’s a coupon I got from a guy I know. That’ll help with the monthly payments, right?”
–This applies to you as well. You’re craving Indian food? Done. You want a foot bath machine? Here you go. Tora read about how uncomfortable pregnancy can be, and if there’s something that can alleviate your annoyance, consider it done. Even if that annoyance is him, lol…he’ll take himself out STAT
–Tora won’t try to be intimate with you during your pregnancy. If you initiate it, sure, but even if he’s so horny he can barely stand, he isn’t going to come onto you. To him, it was disrespectful to ask that of his wife when she was busy carrying their child–and you know how Tora feels about disrespect. He is the last person in the world who wants to disrespect you by annoyingly asking for sex all the time
–treat maker!!!! Will make you any sweet treat you want, and will let you eat it down to the last crumb. He is keeping an eye out for gestational diabetes, though.
–On slow evenings or afternoons, Tora finds himself just staring at you, wondering how this is all possible. It was almost inconceivable to him, that you chose him, that you chose to carry his child; and he’ll tell you all about how thankful he is, how beautiful you are during your pregnancy, even if you don’t agree. Tora won’t accept your insecurity, and showers you with affectionate talk and compliments that make you blush
– “Trust me, { Y/N }, the only way our baby is gonna be cute is if they look like you! A lil tiger with big brown eyes…and claws!”
–ngl, you being pregnant would almost be as rough on Masa as it was on you. Dude is so unprepared for the mood swings, sickness, cravings, anxiety, everything. He has no idea what he’s doing, but he tries his best
–Masa is always startled by your outbursts and little annoyances. He doesn’t get how something that never used to bother you before could bother you now; he learns his lessons, though, and next time he won’t bring tuna home for dinner, because yikes! You did NOT like that one bit
–Unfortunately Masa doesn’t have a strong stomach, and if you’re vomiting, he won’t be able to hold your hair back or anything. When you’re done, though, he’ll bring you some water and tuck you into bed, putting on your favorite reality tv show. But if chunks are flying, he’ll be flying out the front door
–forgets to read the books Tatsu borrowed him, so has no idea about any of your pregnancy symptoms. Hot flashes? Food cravings? Sudden fatigue? Leg cramps? These things baffle him, and you have to very patiently explain it to him when they happen. Then he is very understanding and will try to help
–often forgets that you’re pregnant. Which is weird, considering you waddle instead of walk, and your stomach is three times the size it normally is. Masa will suggest you go ice skating, or roller blading, and you’re sitting there with a bowl balancing on your stomach like ???? He can be clueless, but always finds something you can both do safely. Like video games, and more video games.
–Masa can’t cook, but he gets very good at picking out foods from the convenience store that you like. He grins proudly when you surprisingly like the Hokkaido Potato Beef Croquette and Raisin Butter Biscuit Sandwich combo, glad he did something right. You’ll need to be the one who monitors your sugar intake, though, cuz Masa would let you eat sweet treats all day long
–seriously, this boy won’t deny you ANYTHING. He literally can’t disappoint his pregnant wife. It would kill him. Doesn’t have enough money for the fancy pillow you want? He’ll steal it. The last pair of pink baby shoes was taken? He’ll snatch it from the lady’s cart. No matter if it puts him in debt or gets his ass kicked, Masa will make it happen
– “No, really, {Y/N}, I have no idea why that guy’s banging on our door at two a.m.! He must have the wrong address! I didn’t borrow any money from him for that neck massager, I swear!”
–Masa tries really hard to hold down a job during your pregnancy. Usually you’re the breadwinner, but he did listen to Tatsu when the boss told him to do everything he could to take the stress of responsibility off you. Although he hates his job, Masa would never let you know it; he’ll come home with a smile and fake cheerfulness, happy to see you and your unborn child after a long, tiring day
–one thing Masa is naturally good at is calming you down. If you get into one of your annoyed pregnancy moods, Masa can always make you smile again, whether it be through sweet words or silly actions. One second you’re screaming into your pillow with uncontrollable, random rage, and the next you’re giggling at Masa using his dirty socks as puppets with a dramatic storyline
–the baby moving inside you actually freaks Masa out. You have to forcibly hold his hand on your stomach so he can feel the baby kicking, and even then, he has a weirded out expression on his face. Eventually, though, Masa gets used to all the strange pregnancy happenings, and is constantly touching your stomach, even offering complete strangers the chance to feel your baby kicking, which you do not appreciate.
–he is confused at how much baby clothes you guys need. There are different sizes for different times? Why do babies grow so fast? Do you really need a crib, or can the baby just sleep on the couch? Masa learns a lot about babies, and the boatloads of information blow his mind
–it is inconceivable to Masa that you feel insecure about your appearance during your pregnancy. You, the most beautiful and perfect person he had ever seen, feeling bad about yourself? No. Masa will ramble on and on about how your swollen stomach and big thighs only make you look more gorgeous. One thing he will not tolerate is you speaking badly about your appearance when your body is literally so incredible that it’s able to create and carry a whole ass baby while looking drop dead beautiful
–when you put him in charge of buying you maternity clothes (you can’t wear his clothes, because he’s smaller than you), Masa takes it very seriously. Despite his seriousness, he comes back with Zebra striped sweats, cheetah print tees and even a fake gold chain that says MOMMA on it. Wild, yes. Also very comfortable.
–Masa is his usual affectionate self with you, even more so in public, his way of being protective by showing everyone how close you two are. He tends to overdo it, but is quick to dial it back if you get annoyed at his PDA. Masa does initiate sex once in a while, but he won’t push it if you’re not in the mood, happy to return to his regularly scheduled program of cuddling on the couch together, humming some obnoxious pop song to your stomach (and to you)
🐉 🐅 🐕
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lumiidragon · 8 months
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Commission for @beebooca of these two cuties Tora and Mango! This was a really fun one to do and Mango is just such a bean~!
(Finally getting around to posting this!)
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tanuki-kimono · 1 year
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Bold kurotomesode with a somehow rare pattern of tiger vs dragon showdown over raging waves. This pattern is usually found on men’s kimono items (especially haori linings), so the first owner of this kimono must have been quite an audacious woman!
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tyote · 7 days
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ravoress · 7 months
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laladbzland · 11 months
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magenta-racer · 9 months
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"You're cute when you're angry, but lighten up!"
Fasha has quite a temper, and Tora is one of the few people who can calm her down with his playful personality. He often makes her flustered with his playful teasing.
Dragon Ball franchise, Tora and Fasha © Akira Toriyama. Art © Me.
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puretopia · 6 months
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Having a lot of fun so far! this is my arisen Tora, and her pawn Kai.
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tronjitrot · 1 year
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This stupid adam sandler meme has been stuck in my head for days all because of the part in the bardock movie where he throws the energy ball and it wont get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of
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anae-leone · 11 months
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J'ai fait des fanarts de fics. Si je m'y étais attendue haha. À droite on a Futur!Gohan et Futur!Trunks dans la saga DBZ: Hope of the Universe de TheFriendlyCritiquer, qui est un AU que je trouve fascinant! Et à gauche Majin!Tora dans A Different Baby de Vonigner parce que le concept refusait de me sortir de la tête et il fallait que j'en fasse quelque chose haha !
I've done art for fanfics. Did not expect to do that one day haha. On the right Future!Gohan and Trunks from DBZ: Hope of the Universe (TheFriendlyCritiquer), an AU I find absolutely fascinating; On the left, Majin!Tora from A Different Baby (Vonigner) because the concept was living rent free inside my head and I needed to do something about it haha!
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secretsofdbz · 1 year
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Bardock! Tōma! Selipa! Toteppo! Banpūkin! Together we are… The Saiyan special forces! (Tokusentai Tokusentai 🎶)
(What was this thing you made me do?)
(It was fun wasn’t it?)
DBSD Bardock special from the little episode of Bardock manga by Naho Ooishi.
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suguruslut · 2 years
Your first kiss
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘩𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴
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Gwen’s Notes: smooch smooch up in here. cooties! beware!
-it happened late one summer evening when the sky was orange and pink, the two of you slowly walking home after getting a few groceries. it was warm, but not too warm, casual conversation breaking off when Tatsu suddenly stops to admire you
-he doesn’t realize that he’s stopped walking, and what else can you do but stare back at him, trying to decode that mesmerized, dreamy look in his eyes? nothing in particular prompted this urge, just you being you, maybe the sunset’s glow making you look even more like an angel than usual
-the man keeps boundaries at all times, and even before he leans a little closer, Tatsu asks if it’s okay. the last thing he wants to do is make an unwanted advance and have you hate him forever
- “This alright?” Tatsu asked with only a smidgen of fear in his voice. yakuza fights, getting yelled at by the boss man, fighting for sale items is nothing compared to this moment, and he’s secretly terrified
-you give him the okay immediately, but Tatsu still moves slowly, giving you several chances to change your mind. he knows he can be a bit intimidating at times, but is happy when you don’t seem to be afraid
-after what seems like an eternal moment of waiting, Tatsu’s lips finally meet yours, and it’s as sweet and gentle as you expected it to be. he doesn’t fully press your lips together until he’s certain you won’t shove him away
-Tatsu exhales the breath he had been holding and presses just a little more into the kiss, enough where you can feel his facial hair graze over your skin; you don’t mind. you’ve been waiting a long time to figure out what Tatsu’s flesh felt like against yours
-your movements are slow and memorable, even when you both suddenly remember you’re still in public, but the perks of kissing a former yakuza is that you know damn well none of them would say anything about what they saw, or risk being reprimanded by Tatsu about social etiquette 
-(sure, you’re breaking a few ‘social etiquette’ rules yourself, but try telling Tatsu that. “No rules apply when you’re in love, Y/N!”)
-your first kiss with Tora happened on a rainy night; you had just gotten off work, running to Tora’s crepe truck for shelter, only to find that he had closed up shop and was without an umbrella, too
- “I’ll protect ya from the rain, Y/N! They don’t know who they’re messing with!”
- “Who doesn’t know, Tora?”
-ignoring your gentle refusal, Tora rips off his outer layer and throws it over your head, and the two of you take off through the wet streets, avoiding cars and trying to find a place to hold up until the rain let up a little. you’re not sure when you startled giggling, but soon Tora was grinning along with you as you splashed through puddles
-after several blocks you two find a public park with trees that are full enough to shield some of the cold raindrops. Tora gently pulls you into the park, your laughter dying off as you both stare at the street, watching the rain continue to pour down. it was at this moment Torajiro looked down at where you were dripping wet in his jacket and felt the need to kiss you
-Tora Tora Tora...he’s been waiting to kiss you for a while, now, fighting the urge until the time was right, until he was sure you actually wanted to kiss him back. there were a few times he thought you were going to initiate it, but you chickened out, and certainly weren’t thinking about it tonight as you shivered and wondered when the sky would stop looking so stormy and gray
- Tora swallowed nervously, feeling a chill unrelated to the cold rain dribbling down his bare arms, and his nerves only increased when you suddenly gazed up at him with a smile so bright it made the gloomy scene look a thousand times less dreary. why did you seem so happy? he wasn’t sure, but knew he needed to make this perfect moment even more perfect for the both of you
- “Can I kiss you?!” Torajiro blurted out like an idiot. not so perfect after all, but imagine his shock when you said yes
-not wanting to hesitate or procrastinate any longer than he already had, Tora grabbed your face and tugged towards his chest; he swept down to kiss you, but realized with horror that he might have startled you, a fear that was quickly put to rest by you pressing your lips together
-your first kiss with Tora was pretty passionate from the get-go, neither of you caring if anyone saw you two. all Tora cared about was your lips moving together, undeterred by droplets of rain sneaking their way into your kiss
-one of Tora’s large hands moved away from your face to your back, weaving around to ensure that this was real, not another one of his crazy daydreams--this was a million times better than any lame fantasy he could put together. a first kiss in the rain, standing within a beautiful park? fuck yeah, romance
-when you finally broke apart after five minutes of kissing, rain pouring even harder and breaking through the trees, you started giggling again, looking so happy Tora finally allowed himself to believe that he was a good man for you, and you for him, letting you throw his soaked jacket over the both of you as you ran home to finish what you started
 -Masa is a lovable coward at heart, so it would take months for your first kiss to happen. you didn’t mind at first, content to hold hands, cuddle and tickle each other until someone almost pissed their pants, but after a certain amount of time, you realized you would have to make the first move if you ever wanted to kiss him
-you had just finished “making” dinner (takeout again) and were now doing the dishes that piled up over the last week, Masa whining under his breath as he dried the silverware
-you’re not sure what prompted it, maybe the househusband-like image of Masa actually doing housework for once in his life, but you slowly began to develop the idea of leaning over and kissing Masa right on the lips, breaking the ice that had built up for the past several months with one moment
-oblivious Masa just keeps doing his best at drying, not realizing you were up to something until he finished drying the last fork and triumphantly waved his dishtowel in the air like a maniac. he was so stupid you had to kiss him--there was no other option
-Masa’s smile faded when he suddenly saw your hands reach out and grab onto the collar of his shirt, yanking him forward. the boy honestly thought he was about to get a beatdown, the “tough love” method that Tatsu used to teach him a lesson, but what he got was the exact opposite
-your lips smashed against his, getting no response for several seconds, Masa too shocked that a super hot person like you was actually kissing him that he forgot he was supposed to participate. finally, Masa let his eyes close and began kissing back, unsure and uncoordinated, but still meaningful
-the kiss didn’t last too long, you leaning back to see Masa’s reaction, laughing breathily at his dumbfounded expression, eyes still closed like he was afraid this was all a really good dream
- “W-Well, it...it was just drying. I don’t know if my skills were worth that...” he mumbled
- “They were, Masa. Good job.”
-Masa’s eyes opened again and were lit up with joy, smile gracing his lips before he leaned back in for another kiss, hoping his aniki would be proud of him tomorrow for having his first kiss with you and for drying the dishes
                                                     🐉 🐅 🐕
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askginenbardock · 1 year
Turles x Bardock x Gine
Here we go again with the Bardock Turles rivalry over Gine
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hozonkai1 · 8 months
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It was super close, but Shugesh beat Borgos. Which means that either Shugesh or Tora will face Gine in the Final.
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