#dragon slowly losing his mind
local-loser-clown · 18 days
The problem kids are a lot to handle, but Dragon has it mostly under control
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itshaleyhey · 2 months
I love how nonchalantly Rhaenyra addresses her absence and possible fate and how Jace is just absolutely beside himself like:
Rhaenyra: Oh, yeah. I just went to go meet with Alicent to catch up. No big deal.
Jace: You did what?!
Rhaenyra: Yeah, so um I've come to the conclusion that I'm either getting my throne or I'm dying for it.
Jace: Wtf do you mean? We can't lose you!
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collegeboysam · 2 months
the vermithor claiming scene was so fucking good tho. beyond anything else the amount of dragon lore and dragon scenes we have gotten in comparison to season 1 has been a delight. showing them eating and roasting people but also giving us glimpses how they behave towards their bonded riders and those worthy to touch them. love the freakshow targaryen house so deeply ouugghhh i have been fed good in that regard for sure
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idkyetxoxo · 11 days
Aemond Targaryen - Embracing the Unexpected
Summary - Aemond and his wife navigate the fear, love, and uncertainty of new parenthood, discovering that the joy of new life is irresistible, even when it arrives as an unexpected set of multiple babies.
Pairing - Aemond Targaryen x reader
Warnings - Childbirth (brief)
Word count - 2482
Masterlist for Aemond • House of the Dragon General Masterlist
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"You startled me," I gasped, my voice trembling as I felt a pair of hands trail softly across my bare shoulders. My heart raced, pounding in my chest, as I clung desperately to the discarded fabric of my gown.
"It's only me," Aemond murmured, his voice low and soothing. He pressed a gentle kiss to the nape of my neck, his hands gliding along my sides. 
I drew in a shaky breath, trying to calm myself. With a subtle wriggle, I slipped out of his embrace and stepped away, wrapping the nightgown more securely around myself before turning to face him.
His expression was a mixture of concern and sadness.
"What's the matter?" he asked softly as I made my way to the bed. I sat down, crossing my legs and began to braid my hair with methodical movements.
"Nothing," I replied, barely above a whisper. Aemond sat beside me, his fingers gently untangling the strands of my hair as he watched me with a worried gaze.
"Then why have you been keeping me at a distance these past few weeks?" he asked, his lips brushing against the side of my neck. 
I gripped the sheets tightly, my face averted as the flush of distress spread from my cheeks to the tips of my ears.
He pulled back, his eyes searching mine with a pained expression. 
"Am I repulsing you?" he asked, his voice thick with hurt. Before I could respond, he continued, "Do you no longer want me?"
I shook my head quickly, my heart aching at the thought of causing him such pain. I moved closer to him, desperate to reassure him. 
"No, it's not that at all. I promise," I said, my voice earnest. I could see the hurt in his eyes, and it made me feel even more unsettled.
"Aemond, it's just..." I started, the words tangling in my throat as I struggled to articulate my feelings. My mind raced, the weight of the truth pressing down on me until I couldn't hold it back any longer. 
"I'm with child," I blurted out, the confession leaving my lips before I could second-guess it.
His reaction was instant. His head snapped towards me, eye wide with shock. 
For a moment, his face lit up with joy, but as he registered my anxiety, that joy dimmed. The light in his expression faded, and he slowly stood from the bed, turning away from me as if to shield himself from what he feared might come next.
"Wait," I cried out, desperation seizing my heart as tears welled up in my eyes. The mere thought of him walking away from me, from us, was unbearable. "Please, don't leave."
His back remained turned, but his voice was sharp, carrying the weight of his wounded pride. 
"Does the thought of having a child with me cause such distress?" he asked, his words laced with bitterness. I shook my head, realizing too late that he couldn't see my silent denial.
"No, no, Aemond, it's not like that at all," I pleaded, my voice cracking under the strain of my emotions. "I'm just... afraid."
Finally, he turned around to face me, his expression a mixture of confusion and concern. 
"Why are you afraid?" he asked, his voice softer now, though it was clear he was struggling to understand.
"I'm afraid that I won't be enough," I whispered, my deepest fears spilling out into the open. 
"That I'll fail you, that I'll fail our child. I'm terrified of what's to come, of not knowing how to be a mother, of not being able to protect our child from the dangers of this world and most of all, I'm afraid that you'll see me differently now, that I'll lose you in ways I can't even fathom."
Aemond's expression softened, and he took a step closer to me, reaching out to cup my face in his hands. 
"You're not going to lose me," he said, his voice steady and full of conviction. "We'll face this together, whatever comes. You're not alone in this, and I will be by your side every step of the way. We'll figure it out, I promise you."
Tears spilt over, and I leaned into his touch, finding comfort in the warmth of his hands. His words were a balm to my anxious heart, but the fear still lingered, a shadow that would take time to fully dispel. 
Eight months later, I found myself pacing the chamber, one hand pressed against my back, the other cradling my swollen belly. 
Each step was a struggle, my breaths coming in short, laboured gasps as the pain in my abdomen grew more intense. Every contraction felt like a wave crashing over me, leaving me trembling and weak.
I groaned, my forehead resting heavily against the bedpost as another contraction tore through me. My hair was matted to my forehead, damp with sweat, and my body ached under the immense strain. 
It felt as though I might burst from the pressure, the sheer force of it overwhelming me.
"Where is Aemond? Where is he?" I gasped, my voice tinged with desperation as I scanned the room. 
Faces blurred around me, the maids and midwives moving quickly, but none of them were the ones I needed to see.
"The father's presence is not customary during the birth," the maester explained calmly, though his words were drowned out by the scream that erupted from my lips. 
The pain was unbearable, and the thought of going through this without Aemond made it worse.
"I want Aemond!" I cried out, pushing away the handmaidens who were attempting to soothe me. Their gentle hands and soft words were of no comfort, only he could provide that.
As if summoned by my plea, the door to the chamber burst open, and Aemond rushed in, his face pale with worry. Without a moment's hesitation, he ran to my side, his arms encircling me in a protective embrace.
"Aemond, please, stay with me. I can't do this alone," I sobbed, clutching at him as if he were my lifeline.
"My prince," the maester began, his voice tinged with disapproval, "it is not customary for the father to be present—"
"I do not care what is customary," Aemond snapped, his voice steely with resolve. "If my wife wants me to stay, I will stay."
He guided me toward the bed, his hands gentle but firm as he helped me lie down. Another scream tore from my throat, the pain intensifying as my body prepared for the final stage of labour. 
Aemond held my hand tightly, his presence grounding me amid the chaos.
"You're doing so well," he murmured, his lips brushing against my temple as he tried to soothe me. "I'm here, love. I'm not going anywhere."
Each contraction came with a force that seemed to split me in two. Time lost all meaning as I focused solely on Aemond's steady presence.
The pain was blinding, but knowing he was there kept me from being completely consumed by it.
Minutes stretched into hours, each moment a battle as my body worked tirelessly to bring our child or so we thought into the world. Aemond never wavered, his hands steady on mine, his words a constant source of comfort. 
When I felt I could push no more, when I was certain I had nothing left to give, his voice would pull me back, reminding me that I was not alone.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the maester's voice broke through the haze of pain. 
"The babe is crowning," he announced, and I gasped, the realization that the end was near bringing a rush of determination.
"Just a little more," Aemond whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "You're almost there."
With a final, desperate push, I felt a release, and the sound of a baby's cry filled the room. Tears welled up in my eyes as I collapsed against the pillows, utterly exhausted but relieved beyond measure.
"It's a boy," the maester announced, placing the squirming, crying infant in Aemond's arms. His face was a mixture of awe and disbelief as he looked down at our son, and then back at me.
"You did it," he whispered, his voice filled with pride.
Before I could respond, another contraction hit, more intense than before. My eyes widened in shock, and I looked at Aemond, fear creeping back into my heart. 
"There's another one," I gasped, my hand gripping his with renewed urgency.
The maester's expression shifted from concern to realization. "There's another babe," he confirmed, moving quickly to assist with the unexpected second birth.
Aemond's eyes were wide with shock, but he quickly regained his composure, focusing entirely on me. 
"You can do this," he said, his voice steady. "I'm right here with you."
The second labour was just as intense, but somehow, knowing what to expect made it more bearable. Aemond's hand never left mine, his voice guiding me through each agonizing contraction. After what felt like an eternity, a second cry filled the room.
"It's another boy," the maester said, handing the newborn to a waiting handmaiden to clean and wrap.
Aemond's eye was shining with tears as he looked between our two sons.
Before I could catch my breath, a sharp pain tore through me once more, I felt as though my body was being torn apart.. My heart raced, panic rising as I realized there was yet another child.
The maester's expression turned serious as he realized the truth. "Triplets," he said, a mix of amazement and concern in his voice. "This will be the last one."
Exhaustion threatened to overwhelm me, but Aemond's presence kept me from sinking into despair. 
"You're almost there," he whispered, his voice strained with emotion. "Just one more, love. You can do this."
With every ounce of strength I had left, I pushed through the final wave of pain. The third birth was the hardest, with my body protesting the entire way, but finally, mercifully, it was over. 
The last cry filled the room, softer and more delicate than the others.
"It's a girl," the maester announced, his tone gentler now, as he carefully swaddled our daughter.
Aemond was speechless, his eye wide with disbelief and joy as he looked at the three tiny bundles in the hands of the midwives. "Three..." he whispered as if he couldn't quite believe it. "We have three."
I collapsed back onto the pillows, utterly spent but filled with a profound sense of love and accomplishment. Tears streamed down my face as Aemond placed our daughter in my arms, her tiny features perfect and serene.
He sat beside me, holding our two sons, his expression one of utter devotion. "You did it," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "You brought them into the world."
Despite the exhaustion, despite the pain, nothing could overshadow the overwhelming joy of that moment.
A couple of hours passed in a haze of exhaustion and bliss. The room, once filled with the frantic energy of childbirth, had quieted into a peaceful sanctuary. 
The three tiny bundles nestled in our arms were the centre of our world, their soft breaths and occasional whimpers the only sounds breaking the stillness.
Aemond sat beside me on the bed, cradling our two sons, while our daughter rested against my chest. I marvelled at their delicate features, the softness of their skin, and the way they seemed to fit perfectly into our arms. 
It was overwhelming to think that just hours ago, they had been growing inside me, and now they were here each a tiny miracle.
The door creaked open, and I looked up to see Alicent entering the chamber. Her face, usually so composed and regal, softened as she took in the sight before her. 
Her eyes shone with a mixture of pride and love as she approached the bed, her steps careful and measured.
"Aemond," she greeted her son, her voice warm with affection. "And how are you, my dear?" she asked, turning to me with a smile that reached her eyes.
"Tired, but happy," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper, still feeling the lingering exhaustion from the ordeal.
Alicent's gaze shifted to the three babes, her expression one of awe. She reached out to gently stroke the cheek of our daughter, her fingers tender and light. 
"They're beautiful," she said softly, her voice filled with admiration. "Three little blessings. I don't think I've ever seen anything so perfect."
I smiled, my heart swelling with pride and joy. 
"They are," I agreed, my voice catching in my throat as I looked down at our daughter. The love I felt for them was overwhelming, almost too much to contain.
Alicent moved her gaze to the two boys in Aemond's arms, her smile deepening as she reached out to touch their tiny hands. 
"Have you decided on names?" she asked, her tone gentle as she looked between us.
Aemond and I exchanged a glance, a silent conversation passing between us. We had spent countless nights talking about names, but now that they were here, the decision felt weightier, more significant.
Finally, Aemond spoke, his voice soft yet steady. "We have," he said, his eyes meeting his mother's. "Our daughter will be named Viserra,"
Alicent's eyes softened further, her smile widening. "Viserra," she repeated, the name rolling off her tongue with reverence. "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl."
"And our sons," I added, my voice trembling with emotion, "will be named Vaegon and Viserion."
Alicent's eyes flickered with recognition, and she nodded approvingly. "Vaegon and Viserion," she echoed, her voice filled with pride. "Strong names for strong boys. They will carry them well."
She looked between us, her expression one of deep affection and pride. "You have chosen well," she said, her voice filled with warmth.
Alicent leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. 
"I am so proud of you both," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "You have brought such light into this world, and I know you will be wonderful parents."
She stepped back, giving us a moment of privacy, her eyes lingering on the three tiny babes who had already stolen all our hearts. 
"Rest now," she said, her voice tender. "You have earned it and when you're ready, we will celebrate these new additions to our family."
As she left the room, the warmth of her presence lingered, filling the chamber with a sense of peace and fulfilment. Aemond looked at me, his face filled with love and gratitude. 
"Viserra, Vaegon, and Viserion," he repeated softly as if the names were a prayer, a promise for the future.
I nodded, smiling through my tears as I looked down at our children. "They're perfect," I whispered, my heart swelling with love for the tiny lives we had brought into the world.
Aemond leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to my lips, his hand resting gently on our daughter's back. 
As we sat there, surrounded by the quiet strength of our love and the promise of our future, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together.
A/n - I swear thinking of the names took longer than writing the whole thing literally had to hop onto reddit.
Aemond tag list - @darylandbethfanforever9 @lessdepressy
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ineffabletargtowers · 2 months
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Summary: You discover that your husband has been practicing his High Valyrian
Content: SFW, angst, fluff, insecurity, making out, neglect (Viserys), self-harm (fingernail picking), suggestive themes
Words: 1.0K
You could hear Aegon mumbling something to himself as you entered the small council chamber. “Good morrow, husband,” you said, smiling at him. To your surprise, he quickly flipped a book closed and turned it over, rising from where he had been seated at the head of the table and moving towards you. “Were you reading?” you asked, pleasantly surprised. With the exception of erotic literature, Aegon usually loathed books. 
“No,” Aegon said quickly, a blush coloring his cheeks a lovely red. “I’m not Aemond or Daeron. There are better ways for me to spend my time.” He looked at you through hooded eyes, his lips curling into a smile as he brought his hands to your waist. “For example,” he murmured, “I could have you on this table.” 
You cupped his face as you kissed him, warm streaks of arousal coursing through your body and pooling in your stomach. Even as desire threatened to cloud your mind, you found yourself wondering what he had been reading. Still, regret seared in your chest as you gently pulled your lips away from his own. “That book,” you began, your voice wavering when Aegon quickly began to leave a searing trail of kisses along the column of your neck. “What is that book?” You had initially assumed that it was an erotic text, but his aversion to discussing it led you to suspect that he deemed it too explicit to discuss offhandedly. 
Aegon gently nipped at the soft flesh at the base of your neck, drawing a whimper from your lips. “Nothing with which you need concern yourself,” he said lightly. 
You moaned quietly as his hands roamed all over your body, copping handfuls of your tits and ass. Your body screamed at you to surrender, to abandon your query and let him consume you until you knew nothing but him. After a long moment in which you very nearly gave in, you tore yourself away from your husband’s grasp and hurried over to the book he had left atop the table. Aegon followed you quickly, hopelessly attempting to snatch the leather-bound tome from your hands. You opened the text, expecting something enticing and extraordinarily explicit, and frowned at the symbols which held no meaning to you. “Is this High Valyrian?” 
Aegon fidgeted at your side, picking at the beds of his thumbnails. “Is it? I hadn’t noticed.” You glanced at him, watching carefully as his face flushed and he looked away. “I stole it from Aemond so I could watch the uptight twat get upset about losing it,” he blustered. 
You smiled thinly, setting the book down and gently taking Aegon’s hands in your own. He could claim whatever he wanted, but you knew your husband better than he evidently believed. “Were you reading? What is it about?” 
He slowly met your eyes, a hollow look in his gaze. “It is a dragon history. I think.” You squeezed his hands, tears burning your throat as you saw the shame on his face. He sighed, his shoulders sagging as he glanced at the book. “It took me an hour to read one page. I’m fucking hopeless.” He laughed bitterly. “I bet Aemond read the whole thing in an hour.” 
Your heart felt like it was breaking as you pulled him into your arms, holding his body flush against your own as sobs wracked his form. “Your brother spends little time on anything that isn’t reading or swinging a sword,” you said gently. “It is alright that you do not share the same interests.” 
“He honors our family,” Aegon mumbled into your neck. “He ought to be the firstborn.” 
You gently ran your fingers through his blond locks. “Yet he is not, and he accepts this, though he would be dead before admitting it. He may desire the crown, but your brother is fiercely loyal to you and will be at your side when the moment comes.” 
Aegon sighed. “What a complicated prick.” 
You laughed. “He seeks the same acceptance and recognition that you so often search for.” You slowly moved out of your husband’s embrace, smiling at him as you wiped the tears off of his cheeks. “Now, have you been working on your High Valyrian?” His eyes flickered to the tops of his boots as he nodded. “And do you wish to continue to do so?” 
Aegon considered your words carefully. “I think so,” he said after a moment. “I figured I could teach myself. That’s what Aemond did, since Viserys never bothered to even offer to help.” His lower lip quivered as he continued. “I never wanted to learn it because I was afraid that it would make me more like my father.” 
“You could never be that disgrace of a man.” You scowled. “And you should not deprive yourself on that account.”
“I suppose I will enjoy cursing out Aemond without Mother knowing,” Aegon mused. He smiled. “And I believe I am not entirely hopeless. Sunfyre seems to understand me.” 
You gently kissed his cheek. “Of course he does. Aemond may ride the largest dragon in the world, but your bond with Sunfyre is something unique and impressive.” 
“Do you really believe that?” Aegon asked quietly. 
You nodded. “With all of my heart.” 
He kissed you gently, a tender contrast to his usual intensity. When he pulled away after a long moment, he smiled in the rare way of his, his eyes bright and his cheeks lightly flushed. “I love you.” 
Your cheeks burned pleasantly as warmth bloomed in your chest. “And I love you.” 
He contemplated your words for a moment, then grinned shyly. “Avy,” he hesitated, then continued, “jorrāelan. Avy jorrāelan.” I love you.
“I suppose that I can infer what that means,” you said, taking Aegon’s hand and leading him towards the doors as you picked up the book. Before you left the room, you squeezed his hand gently. “Should you ever desire any assistance, I will do what I can for you.” 
Aegon pressed a soft kiss to your temple. “Thank you, my love.” 
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youryanderedaddy · 2 months
Tw: captivity, obsessive behavior, made up fantasy lore, mind fuck (?)
He never calls for you - he only ever sends his servants, poor, confused little creatures of the night once lost just like you. They gather at your door like an army of darkness, scratching and biting at the delicate wooden frame, howling piteously with full chest until you're faced with the choice of either opening the door, or suffocating yourself with the fluffy white pillow. You give in after what feels like an appropriate time - not too soon as to feed his ever - growing ego, yet not so late that the creatures' heads start to roll under your nose.
You slowly walk down the endless corridor, refusing to look at anything for longer than a second - even as it calls to you with the sweetest voice of desire. Everything is enchanted to the very last candle on the wall. The countless paintings depict wealth and opulence beyond your wildest dreams, an adundance of riches upon riches, of honeycomb amber and pure green emeralds. The silk carpet is as soft as a dandelion just before it bursts open, and the crystal chandelier embarks such a soft light the human eye can never properly adjust to the tender shades of yellow and blue. The castle is tempting you with every passing breath - begging you to stay here forever. Begging you to love it, and everyone inside - especially His Majesty, the Lord.
You try to calm your disheveled thoughts as you carefully open the heavy gates to the throne room. Your breath hitches deep into your throat as your eyes gaze upon the feast spread out before you, and suddenly you're starving like a wolf. By now you should know better than to let yourself be lured in by magic - but the pull is too magnetic and you quickly find yourself stepping closer to the piled up table. You take in the smell with unsatiated hunger - golden apples baked inside fine sugar crystals, tender deer fillet dripping with berry sauce and smokey mushrooms, the sort you can only find inside an enchanted forrest. Cream puffs and mountains of stripped ice soaked in jam and vanilla essence upon stacks of fruit and more goblets of red wine than you can count. And yet he remains ever the centerpiece of the vision.
"You're late, mona grece tide*." His voice slowly fills the room with its overbearing softness, always on the verge of dropping into silence. It's painful to look at him - as if everything about the mythical man was created a touch too symmetrical, to the point where the sharp features all blend together. His lips are too full, his eyes - if the golden slits beneath his brows may be called that, are way too bright under the sun, and they reflect a time you don't wish to remember. And his hair is so long and pale, so very white and smooth, you have to stop your hands from reaching into the wounded transparency of his wild locks, less you want to lose a finger or two.
"Tidea." Khaal snaps his finger more aggressively when you don't respond to his call the first time. You squint in an attempt to block the light coming from the tiny cracks in his face - the birth lines of his dragon. "Sit down. Don't make me come to you."
Tide. Tidea. Love, as you eventually learnt the meaning of the word in Lohemian. My little love, the words still rest on his tongue, because what are you if not a small, fragile human?
"I'd hate to inconvenience you so, my Lord." You eventually bite back, breaking out of the trance. Slipping in and out of consciousness and constantly guessing your surroundings is taking a toll on you, but you'll lose your sanity before you give into his madness. "Touching a filthy human like myself will surely sully your pretty golden flakes." You smile with venom, tearing into the nearest sun-pear. He watches the juice drip down your chin with angry narrowed eyes, and with another swift snap of his fingers he's standing before you, towering above.
"Insolent child, you are." He grips your face carelessly, inspecting it from all sides before finally materializing a clean cloth and wiping you clean. "You're foolish just like any other human." His brows twist together with anger, but his expression remains angelic to the untrained eye. "I can give you everything you've ever wanted. The sun at your feet, the moon on your shoulders. All the knowledge of the world." His fingers suddenly stop rubbing along your jawline and his gaze falls upon your cold, quivering lips. "All I ask in return is your loyalty." His sharp nail begins stroking your lower lip. It doesn't draw blood, but you wish it would. You can't stand the anticipation - the moment before the violence entails.
"Don't let your eyes wander. Gift me your warmth." The dragon king pulls you closer to his chest, and all fight leaves you. His form is perfectly defined with thousand metal - like flakes, one on top of the other like a flawless shield. It's probably a great weapon on the battlefield - but it lacks the naked vulnerability of human skin, and it's so cold it hurts to stand close, much less touch it directly. "Look at me!" He suddenly roars, and you fall back from the sheer power of his voice.
Everything hurts - as if the floor is suddenly melting, you feel like you will never stop falling down.
"I can't. It's too painful." You whisper weakly between hoarse broken sobs threatening to tear off your heart in two. "I wasn't made for this world, f-for your... world." You bite your lips, averting eyes to the ground. "Everything in you wants me dead. Your love will kill me." You whimper, squeezing your left hand to your chest. The dead weight of the broken bone is pulling you down, luring you deeper into sleep.
"I'd like to see you try, mon'tidea." He sinks down to your level, quick as a shadow. Stealing a kiss as light as a sparrow, he pushes you down. "Die as many times as you want. You'll always end up here in my arms." His lips are grazing your ear, warm breath hitting your neck. Another illusion, you realize - his body can't create warmth. It's simply reflecting your warmth back to you. "Because once you enter my realm, there's no coming back."
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
"You're dead, Harrington!"
Steve sprints off down the hall, making a sharp left turn in hopes of losing him. He looks around at the doors, eyes settling on the drama room. Yeah, no one would guess that he would go in there.
He runs and easily pulls the door open, softly closing it behind him, leaning against the door to listen for Billy.
"You can't run from me!" he yells, somewhere outside in the hallway.
Steve backs up a bit until he runs into something, and suddenly there's a hand covering his mouth with rings digging into his cheek while a bit of silver glints in his eyes. "Don't freak out, Harrington. I'm here to help. Hide behind the red curtain."
The guy lets him go, and Steve whips around taking in the guy everyone calls "The Freak." He just raises his eyebrows at him, so Steve takes the hint and darts behind the red curtains behind a throne of some kind.
There's a slight creaking, then Steve hears the door swing open and slam against the wall.
"Billy Hargrove. I didn't know you were interested in theatre," the freak says smugly. Eddie? That's his name, right?
"I'm not," Billy grits out. "I'm looking for Harrington. Seen him anywhere, freak?"
"Why would he be in here?"
Steve hears heavy footsteps as he walks closer to the curtain. "That's not what I asked," Billy says darkly.
"Well, I answered, didn't I?" Eddie replies, voice low with an undertone of danger. Shit, Steve didn't know he had it in him. "If you're so dense, then let me clarify. I haven't seen him. Now get lost or you'll never find him before lunch is over."
There's a pause, and Steve is certain that a fight is about to break out. Only, nothing really happens until Billy says, "One day you're going to pay for that, freak."
"Looking forward to it," Eddie says sarcastically.
A few seconds later and the door closes. There's a click that sounds like the lock turning which has Steve peeking out of the curtain.
"You can come out now."
Steve steps outside the curtain slowly, making sure this isn't some sort of sick joke. But he doesn't think Billy is that much of a planner, he's too impulsive.
When he doesn't spot him, Steve says, "Thanks. It's Eddie, right?"
The other boy looks surprised and even gets a small smile on his face. "Yeah."
"I'm Steve," he introduces himself, sticking out his hand and everything.
He gets a scoff and a, "Yeah, I know," in response, but Eddie still takes his hand and shakes it.
"I like your rings," Steve says genuinely. They're cool really. He wishes he would wear something like that without his parents and teammates getting onto him about it.
"Thanks," Eddie says, pulling a bit of his hair in front of his hair. It's cute really, almost like he's flustered.
Huh. He'll unpack that thought later.
"How did you get Billy to back off like that? I've never seen anyone do that." He can't help but be in a bit of awe about the whole thing.
Eddie chuckles. "I supply his weed. He knows better than to hurt me."
"Mabe I should start selling him weed then."
Eddie laughs loudly, showing off his dimples. Steve can't help but smile back.
"Hey," Eddie says, making his way to the throne and sitting back. "What did you do to get him that riled up anyways?"
Steve groans and takes a seat at the table in front of Eddie. "I know his little sister, Max. I just asked him how she was doing, and he freaked out. I think he misunderstood my tone."
Eddie laughs again, and Steve starts to believe that maybe the whole thing was worth it to see the boy's smile.
A silence settles between them, but Steve doesn't mind. It gives him a chance to look at him more.
It must fluster Eddie again because he ducks his head down and shakes his head.
"What?" Steve can't help but ask.
Eddie looks back at him. "Nothing, I just can't believe that Steve Harrington is sitting at my D and D table."
D&D... "Oh, that's like Dungeons and Dragons, right?"
Eddie's jaw drops. "You know what Dungeons and Dragons is?"
Steve shrugs. "My friend plays it, but he's in middle school, so you wouldn't know him. But hey, that's where the demogorgan thing comes from, right?"
Eddie continues to stare at him in disbelief mumbling something under his breath like He's friends with middle schoolers, and he knows what a demogorgan is. What the hell? Am I dreaming? He shakes his head and says clearly, "Yeah, yeah, that's where the Demogorgan comes from."
Another silence settles between them, and Steve doesn't know why he says it but he asks, "So, do you have a girlfriend?"
Once again, it looks like Eddie is about to have a meltdown, but Steve stands his ground. He's curious really.
Eddie shifts in his seat a bit uncomfortably before quietly asking, "Haven't you heard the rumors?"
Steve leans back in his seat and scratches his face absentmindedly. He's heard about "The Freak" before, but he didn't really pay much attention. He knows he sells weed. He failed senior year once or twice, he forgot how many times people said. And he once heard that he's a...
"So, do you have a boyfriend then?"
Eddie freezes, fear evident all over his tense body.
"It's fine if you do," Steve assures him.
Eddie runs both his hands over his face and questions out loud, "Am I dreaming?"
"Do you dream about me often?" Steve flirts, leaning forward on the table. He can't help it, he likes how affected Eddie is by him.
Eddie looks at him for a solid fifteen seconds, tongue running over his top lip and brows furrowed in deep thought. He relaxes against his chair with a sigh. "You're not at all what people say you are."
Steve shrugs, uncomfortable that the topic has turned to be about him. "I try not to be."
"It's a good thing," Eddie says.
Steve smiles. He didn't know how much he needed to hear that.
The bell rings, and Steve feels a pang of disappointment.
"Hey," Eddie says as he stands up alongside Steve. He reaches into his black metal lunchbox and pulls out a sandwich in a little bag and a banana. He tears the sandwich in half and offers it to Steve along with the banana. "It isn't much, but I doubt you ate lunch. Have to keep all our star players in shape, right?" he asks with a wink.
Steve wishes he could stay longer to see him relax more. He takes them both, unpeeling the banana quickly while asking, "Is that weed in there?"
"Among other things."
Steve laughs and takes a large bite of the banana that has Eddie looking away, turning a light shade of red. Now he really wishes he could stay longer.
He finishes his bite and says, "Hey, it was really nice to meet you by the way."
"You too," Eddie says with a soft smile, finally looking back at him.
The warning bell rings.
Steve sighs. "I'll see you around, and hey, pass on a word to the next D and D leader about Dustin Henderson, will you?"
"Will do," Eddie says, and Steve's glad that it sounds like a promise.
He heads to the door and unlocks it quickly, pausing to rush back and press a soft kiss on Eddie's cheek. "Thank you again," he says before rushing out of the room with his heart pounding and a blush spreading over his face.
He can't help but think that he should thank Billy for being such an asshole.
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blueparadis · 8 months
~ :: ❛Electric Love ❜ :: ୨ content + warnings ୧ ~ f!reader, 3sum, dub-con, [un]protected sex, oral acts, use of pet names, specified tags with synopsis for each pairing utc, hc format; absolute filth that i havn't been able to get out of my mind. mdni & support banners by @/hitobaby· ʚ tag index. ɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝
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neuvillette + zhongli // syn : Two dragons who wandered the earth with certain purpose, stumbled upon a villager girl whose fate turned upside down when they laid eyes on her. // monsterfvcking, dubcon, double penetration.
If you had known that kindness would have you ended up being captured, chained and caged in a cave you would have never offered food and refuge to those young men. During days you were free to go anywhere and at night they would visit you, Zhongli and Neuvillette would talk and dine with you. And when the starts would bloom in the night sky they would slowly warm up to you, get cozy and handsy with you. Their touch definately had something, something boderly human yet compltely inhuman. Once, out of curiosity you tried to runaway, but ended up getting lost because everywhere you looked there were just vast stretches of forest whichever way you chose to go. Besides, if you wandered too far away from the cave the blue dragon would always bring you back to their nest.
At night, during the dark Zhongli would cover your eyes for a second with his hand and when he removed them all you witnessed was darkness. you can only feel them, the inhuman side of such affection. every time they visit you for mating, they would deprive you of your vision. You could feel their cool slippery skin against yours, long and powerful tongue licking your skin, sharp fangs digging your skin and marking you in your most intimate parts: inbetween your things, around your boobs, on your butt, and sometimes calf muscles. And when it is all over, you would wake up to a nest made of scales of different colors, but mainly blue and yellow, glowing in the dark, during the night providing you both warmth and light. But they never properly mated with you. It always ended up with overstimulating themselves with you; until that night when full moon shone at one starry night.
At that night, they did not blindfold you. Zhongli had your back against his chest as his golden-brown tail kept you in place, his hand toyed with your nipples while Neuvillette became busy in between your legs, his tail moving ocassionally as he slurped your juices. This is the first time your eyes are witnessing their inhuman form: to see them in this way after so many days was overwhelming and astonishing but not rebuking: all the while you could only feel them. You extended your hands to touch Neuvillette head but Zhongli grabbed both of your arms by the wrists. "Look at me, bunny." he commands, also gaining Neuvillette's attention. They share a moment of eye contact as he pulled you up, his cock nudging your entrance.
Neuvillette partly standing, on his knees, scooted closer speading your legs and pushing his cock inside you. His large, predatory hands that exhibitted so much strenght started touching your boobs so gently and so slowly. He has been playing with your tits for a while; your nipples are starting to itch and ache. His tongue wets his bottom lip as he twists and turns your taut nipples but he gives in finally. He hunches down to reach down to your boobs to suckle and mark them, like he usually does. Zhongli silences your moans and whines as he starts to buck his hips against yours.
Its wild how their cocks are grazing against each other inside of you as you slowly lose your vision. you can feel them being close, the cave being slowly full of echos of growls and moans, squelching of skins and low dragon squeals. You recognize the venus in the sky for a second. their wings flap open when the knot inside of you tightens, and a gush of cum leaks from between the skins when all of you climax together. They huff and pant, their cocks still throbbing inside you so does your body as they wait for their knot to slowly unwind. You are entirely covered by their wings, the scales from their body start to peel off and deposit to form a nest. They share a look before digging their fangs into your neck, both of them marking your neck, simultaneoulsy as you lull into deep slumber.
Next morning, you woke up naked, both of them curled up on either side of you. This is the first time they had spent the night as well as made it till dawn, their scales covering certain parts of your body and a stinging pain on both sides of your neck. Now you know they truly belong to you and only you, a sense of protection fills your heart as you run your hands over the both sides of your neck. An act of kindness that promised protection in return from any peril that your fate had to follow. What a gift! What a blessing life is!
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kaeya + dainsleif // syn : In the absence of the owner of Dawn Winery, Kaeya offers special services to the Bough Keeper, Dainselif // nipple stimulation, spit k!nk, voyeur!kaeya, exhibitionist!dansleif.
The moon smiles brightly along with the sparkling stars adorning the night sky. Lord Diluc has already left The Dawn Winery around evening properly telling you the instructions and procedures for each and every little thing. On top of that, he has given you the privilege to ask Kaeya for help if you need. The clock has struck midnight an hour ago yet Kaeya has been sitting in the same seat when he first turned up late in the evening, his eyes moving along with you as you work. If only Lord Diluc knew what Kaeya has been up to behind his back, then he would not have informed his brother about his absence tonight.
Taking off your apron as you turn around you are met by a drunk Kaeya up close, standing inches away from your body. “Darling, why are you in such a hurry?” He chins up your face to meet your gaze. “You weren't in such haste while working though. . .” As he trails he takes a sip from the wine bottle before inclining towards you.
“Lord Kaeya please, not here.” you whine but all he does is to pout, squeeze your cheeks. It is not like he has not fucked you before. He did. Multiple times in multiple positions. Sometimes those memories ravage through your mind whenever he shows up during work, gets you worked up; your hopes too and then leaves. He keeps the bottle on the slab behind you and slips his hand under your skirt.
As he pushes aside your panty, his squeeze onto your cheeks becomes stronger forcing your mouth open. “Lord Kaeya,mmm-mgh”
He lets a drop of spit mixed with wine drop into your mouth, eyes never leaving your before finally sucking your lips. A little wine spills through the corner of your mouth as his arms rests against the slab caging you in but it does not stay there much longer. You grab onto his collar returning the favour, tongue dancing against eachother as his hands squeezed your ass cheeks. You can feel yourself getting wet, nipples getting taut and tight, Kaeya’s lips has moved onto your neckline to your chest. He tears off your blouse spilling your breasts in the air. You quickly sit on the slab wrapping your arms around his neck but he continues teasing you by kissing over your neck, chest and around the nipples; and suddenly a chime freezes your heart.
A customer. Lord Diluc did mention a special guest would turn up after midnight which why you were being a dilly dally while working. A cresent blossoms over Kaeya’s face. His crotch is pressed against your feminity while you cling onto him out of shame, out of concern for being seen. He has not moved an inch since the customer stepped in
“we're already closed but I think we can offer special services.” He takes the bottle of wine and pours it over chest. “What do you think, Dainsleif?”
The customer approaches you slowly, one step at a time his eyes watch the crimson fluid stain your dress, drip down to your tummy. Kaeya licks off the wine from your chest, your cleavage still remains stained with red. The customer wipes off some of the wine running his index finger from your tummy up to your cleavage.
Lord Dainsleif is not an old customer of the master of Dawn Winery but he is a new customer to you. If anything you two shared was some accidental glances in past and now you two are going to share same air. The thought makes you welp.
“Not bad,” Dainsleif exclaims tasting the wine from his index-fingertip. His legs fold, knees touch the ground as Kaeya holds up your skirt for him. You still do not move, neither bother yo cover yourself up, but only look at Kaeya. “Tsk, focus.” he says before taking one of your nipples in his mouth and suckling hard enough make you bite your bottom lip as Dainsleif licks your pussy clean of wine.
Kaeya holds your hand, fingers interlaced as he watched Dainsleif eat you out. “C’mon darling, spread your legs. It would be rude to not to offer Mondstat hospitality to our guest, hmmm, don't you think?” Kaeya exclaims watching your eyes begging more of him as Dainsleif gets himself drunk on you. The night feels incredibly warm despite cold gusts of winter striking the city. The moonlight vanishes as the cluster of clouds shrouds the moon, enveloping g the stars; even such natural harbinger of time can not seem to bear such obscenity.
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flowerandblood · 17 days
The Price of Pride (11/?)
[ canon • Aemond x Royce • female ]
[ warnings: loss of virginity, dubcon, sex content, unprotected sex, description of the battle, wounds, burns, targcest stuff, smut, the angst, imprisonment, abuse of power, manipulation, violence ]
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[ description: Prince Aemond finds a solution to the disproportion in the number of dragons between Dragonstone and King's Landing: he decides to find dragon blood and, like his half-sister, train dragon riders. He takes as his target the daughter of Daemon Targaryen and Rhea Royce, whom he abducts and imprisons in the Red Keep. Slow burn, darkish, insolent, arrogant Aemond. I have combined several requests here: (dragon blood female & prisoner female). ]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
Looking at her peaceful face, listening to her quiet breath as she finally fell asleep in his arms, he felt fulfilled as a man, a brother and a lover. At last he had taken her for himself, whole, and she lay beside him, filled with his seed, through which she could bear his inheritance in the future.
He had desired this for a long time, had thought about it for a long time, had planned it for a long time, however, his concern for her had always prevailed – he understood what the loss of maidenhood meant for a woman and that if he took it from her without having serious intentions for her, he would humiliate her and expose her to defamation.
Now that he had made up his mind, however, his judgement was unable to stop his members, and he forced his way deep into her warm, tight body, with one aggressive thrust taking what was rightfully his.
His hand muffled her cries of despair and pain that he fully understood – he knew that this part of the act would not be pleasurable for either of them, that he had to be brutal to tear apart what made it impossible for him to sink fully into her.
If he had been gentle, she would have agonised and cried for long minutes, surely losing her desire for him to ever touch her again.
He knew that she understood that.
That he would never cause her pain for his own satisfaction.
That he did it for her.
"– shhh – shhh, little sister, the worst is behind us –" He breathed out, looking at her with tenderness and concern, stroking her hot cheek with his palm, all wet with tears.
He didn't know if it would have been comforting to her to know that he was in pain too – her walls were too tight and pulsed with panic against his erection.
He knew what she felt because he had experienced something similar himself when he first lay in bed with Madam – he guessed that for her, too, the experience of a stranger's body in such intimacy and proximity, invading her space in every possible way, made her feel terrified and cornered, unable to escape from him.
She looked at him with her big doe eyes as he took his hand from her mouth, breathing loudly, trying to be brave and take it, for him, just for him.
"– I'm scared –"
He froze, looking at her in pain, feeling a sting in his heart at her words, so innocent, childlike: she was completely vulnerable and terrified, at his mercy, revealing to him what she really felt.
He felt shame.
"– do you want me to stop? – I will if you want me to – forgive me –" He whispered, pressing his forehead against hers as he always did when he wanted to reassure and soothe her, his hand stroking her hair.
She shook her head, breathing loudly through her mouth, looking up at him with confidence and hope, as if she believed he meant her no harm, that this sudden act was dictated only by lust and hot desire.
He sighed and leaned in, placing a tender, soft kiss on her hot, sweaty cheek with an affection that filled his whole heart, his manhood pulsing deep inside her anew, wanting to continue what he had started.
"– don't be afraid, zaldrītsos – we'll do it slowly – I won't hurt you –" He whispered, stroking her head as if she were a small child.
He watched her face intently, breathing loudly as he slid out of her almost fully with a slow, gentle movement, only to sink into her heat again a moment later. All he heard was her gasp, her lips parted wide, her eyebrows arched in indecision, her fingers clenched tightly on his shoulders.
She was so warm.
He groaned, feeling a wave of pleasure surge through his body as, with each successive thrust, her throbbing, fleshy cunt began to offer him less and less resistance, as if she were adjusting to the shape of his swollen erection – the act began to be pleasurable for not only for him, but to his relief, also for her – she closed her eyes and moaned quietly, her insides increasingly wet and slick, as with lazy, precise stabs he hit again and again the spot inside her that he had always teased with his fingers or tongue.
If he was grateful for anything Madam, it was for showing him exactly how and where a woman should be touched to give her pleasure while being inside her – to his surprise, it wasn't a matter of simply moving within her, but of pushing against her upper wall, rubbing against her to tease the soft bud inside her from which she melted into bliss.
"– ah –" She mewled, opening her eyes, looking up at him in a way from which his cock throbbed aggressively inside her, a pleasant shiver ran along his spine as he felt her hands slide from his shoulders down his waist to his buttocks, clenching on them.
He sighed and moaned quietly, surprised by her boldness, having never been touched by a woman in this way – it was a new sensation, but it aroused him as it made her hips begin to meet his, rolling back and forth.
"– does it hurt? –" He muttered, stroking her cheek with his thumb, placing soft, warm kisses on the tip of her nose and lips, thrusting into her a little more confidently – he felt a drop of sweat run from his neck down his torso, the tightness in his testicles testifying that his whole body was screaming for him to quicken his pace.
He wanted it so badly.
"– n-no – not anymore – but – how should it look? – how have you done it with other women? –" She asked in a trembling voice, as if she were embarrassed, and he stopped moving, looking at her in disbelief, feeling his swollen cock twitch inside her.
"– do you want to see for yourself? –" He breathed out and saw that she nodded.
"– fuck me –"
Fuck me.
Something in those words, in how direct and ungodly they were, unworthy of a wife, a lady or a sister made him start pounding into her as if he'd lost his mind, their hips bumping against each other with the loud smacks of their naked bodies, their moans and grunts pathetically helpless, on the verge of crying, their silhouettes pressed against each other in a passionate, tight embrace, her legs crossed over his back.
"– fucking mine –" He hissed through clenched teeth, thinking that neither his brother, nor his mother, nor anyone else could have changed what he had just done, the fact that he was taking her for himself, that he was fucking her like a whore, and she was moaning beneath him in pleasure – his tongue thrust deep into her throat, sliding in and out to the rhythm of his fierce, sharp stabs, repeating the same movements in her mouth and deep inside her throbbing core.
They were both panting loudly, hot and sweaty from the exertion, rocking their hips so that their bodies hit each other again with a loud slaps – he pressed his forehead against hers again and looked down, unable to deny himself the sight of what he was doing to her, opening her small, warm cunt wide with sticky clicks of her moisture on his fat, swollen cock, all soaked in her juices.
"– vok syt nyke (perfect for me) – ao se aōha byka orvorta (you and your little cunt) –" He exhaled with satisfaction and heard her girlish, innocent cry of delight.
"– Aemond –" She mewled pleadingly as if she wanted him to save her – he sighed and closed his eyes as he felt her come on his erection, her wetness oozing out of her with each of his pushes, his thighs and her buttocks all slick with her release.
He looked at her face curved in an expression of utter bliss, at her glistening mouth open wide in a sweet moans, at her closed eyes from which tears of relief flowed, and felt a squeeze in his stones testifying that this was it.
"– oh gods – oh gods, yes, yes, yes, hāedar –" He breathed out and closed his eye, feeling that his peak was so overpowering that for a moment he could hear or see nothing, dull to any sound or sight, panting hard and moaning like a little boy, feeling with relief as his seed spilled deep inside her in waves.
He came inside her.
She was his.
And even though he knew she didn't believe him, he was going to make it stay that way.
No fucking Grejyoy had any right to the hand of her, the Targaryen, the dragon rider, his little sister.
Only he could be her husband.
He was awakened by her touch – as he opened his eyelids lazily the first rays of light blinded him – he murmured, feeling her body snuggled into his chest, her head laid on his shoulder. He stroked her hair with his hand and she looked up at him, in her eyes tears, sadness and terror.
He understood why she felt that way.
He had taken from her something that was most precious to a woman, even though he was not yet her husband.
"– you have a right to resent me – but I swear to you that we will marry – even if it means I have to burn my brother myself –" He said coldly, and she rose quickly on her elbow, startling him, her eyes and mouth wide open in horror.
"– no – no, I beg you, don't do it – I'll bear it, I'll bear it all, just don't burden your soul even more –" She whimpered pleadingly, grasping his hand in hers, kissing it as if he were some kind of saint.
He stared at her in disbelief, breathing heavily, feeling a squeeze in his throat, tears of emotion gathered under his eyelids at the thought that no one had ever cared about what was happening deep inside him.
And yet she had seen it.
"– hāedar –" He whispered as she wept loudly, hugging her cheek to his hand, tears of despair and pain again running down her beautiful, smooth face.
He leaned towards her, gripping her in his arms and placed a sweet, warm kiss on her plump lips, one he would have been ashamed of if he had been with someone else, one he would have hated himself for, considering himself weak and pathetic, but not with her, never with her.
With her, gentle, tender, warm, soft caresses were natural and desired.
"– ñuhon (mine) –" He whispered between one sticky kiss and another, sinking his full lips into hers again and again with loud clicks of their saliva, running the tips of his fingers over her cheek, jaw and neck.
"– aōhon (yours) –" She sighed softly right into his mouth, and he groaned quietly, feeling his morning erection swell unbearably, causing him pain.
She didn't stand up to him when he lay down on top of her, and her thighs, in some natural, innocent reflex, spread out in front of him, allowing him to look at her sweet, pink shell, from which a pearly trickle of his spend was leaking.
He settled himself on his knees in front of her and guided the thick head of his cock against her warm opening, sliding into her flesh with a slow, soft thrust of his hips.
She moaned with exertion, clamping her hands on the fabric of the bedclothes around her head, her beautiful, long hair scattered in disarray, surrounding her face the way the night sky surrounds the moon, looking up at him with the gaze of her doe eyes, her eyebrows arched in discomfort and pleasure.
"– shhh, sweet girl – we will do it slowly – very slowly –" He assured her, leaning over her, and she nodded with a soft little smile.
He nuzzled his face into the hollow of her neck and she sank her lips into to the skin of his shoulder, letting his whole body press her to the bed – she threw her legs over his back as with lazy, tentative thrusts he began to move in and out of her with their quiet grunts of pleasure, their fingers clenched tightly on their naked bodies.
This time her flesh didn't resist him – her cunt was hot and slick from their shared wetness, ready to welcome him inside her, her breath deep and steady, as if by having been through this before she already knew what to expect and it reassured her.
"– just like that – my sweet little sister – your brother is here – right here –" He whispered in her ear, stroking her soft breasts, her waist with his broad hands, clamping them finally on her plump buttocks – she threw her head back with a sweet moan, her walls squeezing his erection tightly at his words, showing him that she indeed loved it when he spoke to her.
She was so eager, so thirsty for his caresses, while remaining almost naively innocent.
They both groaned lowly as they felt her begin to leak, their hips pounding against each other with loud splats, sticky from her wetness, making his cock pulsate inside her greedily, delighted that he was sinking into her fleshy walls again.
She was so warm.
It felt so safe.
"– we'll do this often after I return – all day and night we'll breed our heir –" He gasped with a sigh, rolling his hips back and forth, sinking into her faster and more aggressively – she moaned with a sweet smile, driving her short nails into the soft structure of his firm buttocks.
"– and once I give you a son? –" She hummed warmly, stroking his neck, and he looked down at her – her gaze was full of peace, as if, despite her earlier words that she didn't want to be a wife or a mother, she was imagining herself now, holding a baby in her arms, his son with his white hair – she was panting hard along with him, her lovely breasts bouncing with each of his thrusts, making him involuntarily clamp his hand over one of them, playing with her hard nipple with his thumb.
"– then you'll bear me another –"
He and Aegon had left the Red Keep on horseback, informing their mother that they were going on patrol together, which was of course a lie – Criston Cole had sent him word that the place where he was to wait for his signal had not changed and that was where they were to head to finally really begin this war.
He wondered who Rhaenyra would send to face them.
As he soared into the sky on Vhagar he spotted Sunfyre and Aegon circling above Dragon's Pit in the distance – both of them headed in the same direction.
It took them a couple of hours to reach the location, but he was relieved to see that the battle had not yet begun and they had arrived in time – he and Vhagar had landed far from the battlefield to preserve the effect of surprise, and his brother had followed his lead.
Aegon slid off Sunfyre, knowing that they would surely have to wait a long time for a sign from Cole, deciding to stretch his legs. He did the same and sighed, not looking at him, feeling uncomfortable now that they were left alone, just the two of them.
He felt resentment towards him for trying to take her away from him, but he was also filled with satisfaction because his brother didn't know what he had been doing to her all night.
Aegon finally approached him, keeping his hands on his hips, as if he was struggling to finally say something to him.
"You are aware that I did not do this out of malice, are you? I'm the King now. We need the Greyjoys, we don't have the fleet to stand up to the Velaryons, and they can provide it for us. I don't expect you to abandon her, and I won't say a word if you decide to secretly continue to… see her." He said in a way as if he was trying to throw out something simultaneously wise and comforting, to him, however, it sounded like pathetic gibberish, his hopeless attempt to clear his conscience.
"Do you want me to humiliate her? Make a ridicule of her and myself?" He snorted, shaking his head, looking away from him, unable to bear the sight of him.
Aegon licked his lower lip and laughed nervously.
"Gods, what's wrong with that? Even our mother enjoys the pleasures of life and male companionship as she sees fit. Am I to punish her for this, knowing that she spent her youth looking after the rotting, decaying old man that was our father?" He asked, and he froze, looking at him in shock.
"Did you know about this?" He muttered.
Aegon burst out laughing.
"Servants are not blind, brother, and it so happens that I, unlike you, do not despise gossip. You don't want to listen to it, while I do just the opposite, because there is always a grain of truth in it. This is what has always made us different: you look away from what disgusts you, what you are ashamed of."
"I should be proud of it then? Of my mother, whose bed is warmed by her guard, that they can beget a bastard and humiliate us all?" He howled with rage, not understanding what he wanted from him, how he could expect him to accept such behaviour from her.
"Our cousin warms your bed too, but I don't recall you asking me to marry her before you began to do so. Where was your honour and your affection for her then? And as for our mother, she is no fool: she knows what to do to make sure that no unwanted…consequences of her little secret arise." He said, combing his white hair with his fingers.
He swallowed hard and lowered his gaze.
"I regret it."
"I regret the fact that I didn't ask you for her hand sooner." He muttered.
His brother sighed loudly and approached him, surprising him by simply patting him on the arm as if to comfort him.
"You said yourself that you didn't take her maidenhood, so don't torment your conscience. What our tongues and hands do to women should remain our secret." He said lightly, as if he considered the matter settled.
"The situation is different now." He said with shame.
Aegon blinked and shook his head.
"Just yesterday, during our conversation – you maintained that she is a maiden."
"Because she was. But she is no longer." He whispered in trembling voice.
Aegon closed his eyes, hid his face in his hands and leaned back with a low groan of rage.
"FUCK! Gods, why do you always have to fuck everything up? Like with Luke it was also an accident and your cock slipped into her unintentionally?" He exclaimed exasperated and angry, pacing back and forth, unable to calm down.
He lowered his gaze, feeling like a small child, wanting just to cry.
"Tell me you showed at least enough forethought to make sure she wouldn't carry your bastard." He said finally, looking at him expectantly and crouched down, burying his head between his knees seeing his pale face.
"Wed her to me."
"I've already told you. We need –"
"Faithful hound. That's what you called me behind my back. You laughed that I barked when I fucked my whore. Do you really think gossip doesn't reach my ears?" He asked coldly, feeling that he was shaking with terror and rage.
Aegon looked at him uneasily, clearly feeling discomfort at the thought that he knew this.
"If you wish your hound to remain faithful to you, give him what he asks, or he may bite his master's hand. Hard. And that's not what any of us would want, is it?" He cooed with a broad smile, cocking his head.
His brother swallowed hard, his lips pressed together in a thin line out of rage.
"Are you fucking threatening me?" Aegon hissed, and he grinned even wider.
"I'm only warning you, brother."
Aegon stood up and opened his mouth, apparently wanting to explode with anger, but they heard the sound of a trumpet in the distance, getting louder and louder.
"Choose wisely." He growled to him and left his brother with terror in his eyes, climbing up the long ropes to Vhagar's back.
His dragoness rose lazily, making the ground around them shake, terrified fowl flew away from between bushes and tree branches. He heard his brother give the same order to Sunfyre and after a moment they both took to the skies, heading to meet their destiny.
He glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, wondering with a rapidly beating heart if it was worth the risk of his brother disagreeing.
Wouldn't it be better to be sure.
And then he saw her face swollen with tears, her cheek nestled in his palm.
Don't burden your soul even more.
He swallowed hard, feeling a squeeze in his throat as he saw their army in the distance and a large red dragon he recognised immediately.
Of course.
Daemon was in Harrenhal, and Rhaenys was the most experienced of them all.
After what happened to Luke, his sister-whore did not dare send her children into battle.
Their appearance caused loud cheers from their army and cries of horror from their enemy – he glanced sideways, surprised to see that his brother was holding back, hoping that he would attack first.
He was afraid, he thought with a sneer, recognising that he would show him what true courage was.
Who was more deserving of being king.
Vhagar and Meleys collided in the air, grabbing each other's hind legs with their claws, causing both beasts to spin around, and he had to hold the ropes tightly in his hands to keep from falling.
"– DRAKARYS! –" He shouted, also hearing Rhaenys voice from afar, pillars of fire erupted from the throats of their dragons making the temperature around them unbearably hot.
He tried to steer Vhagar so that the flames would not touch him, and after a moment he heard a second voice coming from the side.
"– DRAKARYS! –" His brother roared, and Sunfyre breathed fire straight at Meleys and her rider, making the beast let go of Vhagar with a loud screech, throwing itself at him in pursuit.
"– DARKARYS, MELEYS! –" He heard, and before Vhagar could make a full turn back he heard his brother's loud scream – as he turned over his shoulder he saw his silhouette sunk in fire, trying to cover his face with his hand.
Meleys claws sliced into Sunfyre's flesh, her fangs bit into his neck and let go, allowing both him and his rider to fall inertly to the ground.
Even if he wanted to, there was nothing he could do.
He had warned him, and he had disobeyed.
If his hāedar had been with him, he would have made sure she stayed away until Meleys was weakened, so as not to endanger her.
But his brother?
He smiled.
"– angōs, Vhagar –" He called out, and his dragoness opened her maw wide and roared, as if remembering her great battles of Old Valyria centuries ago, pushing against the fleeing Meleys like a great mountain.
You won't escape me, you old whore.
He thought and blinked, seeing surprised that Meleys had turned back suddenly, spotting flames at the end of her throat.
He forced Vhagar to change course and shield them with her body, making the biggest wave of fire pass them by – he heard her squeal in pain as Meleys' claws slammed into her stomach again, tugging hard, creating wounds from which her hot blood flowed.
Vhagar needed no more of his commands – his dragoness was so enraged that she threw herself at Meleys, finally sinking her fangs into her throat, tearing her head from the rest of her body.
He watched with satisfaction, panting heavily, as the rest of her body, along with Rhaenys, fell downwards, finally hitting the ground, bursting into flames, their army, led by Criston Cole and his uncle, surged forward with a roar of joy for their victory.
His victory.
When it was all over, he flew to where he believed Sunfyre and his rider had fallen – indeed, he could see from above the soldiers around the body and the golden dragon writhing in pain, trying to reach its rider.
Had he survived or not?
He landed in the distance, walking unhurriedly towards the panicked physicians and servants surrounding Aegon, feeling powerful, invincible, proud, content.
He finally stood over them and hummed with satisfaction, seeing the state his brother's body was in – he was breathing, however, most of his skin was burnt, the only things coming from his mouth were moans and grunts.
"– it is a miracle, Your Highness – Sunfyre took the entire fall on himself, he saved our King's life –" One of the men said.
"– your brave King moved into battle with you and was severely wounded – you are to take proper care of him and relieve his pain –" He announced, and the soldiers around him nodded.
"Of course, Your Highness."
He sighed quietly, looked up at the sky and closed his eyes, trying to hold back a smirk of satisfaction.
The gods had heard his prayers.
His brother would be unable to hold his function, and he would finally take his rightful place.
He will rule the Kingdom in his name.
He will win this fucking war.
He will marry her.
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sadnymi · 4 months
[Theodore Nott × reader]
Summary: you have always been Hogwarts perfect girl ,excelled academically, demonstrated exemplary behavior, and has been a role model, but your obsession with Theodore Nott was getting out of hands.
Warning: fluff, strong language.
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I had been obsessed with Theodore Nott for as long as I could remember. Every morning before class, I’d muster up the courage to say, “Hi, Theo,” my voice soft and shy. I couldn’t help but blush every time he glanced my way.
In the Great Hall, I always found myself sitting at the nearest table to him during meals, stealing glances in his direction. Theodore was effortlessly cool, the quintessential bad boy, and it only made him more irresistible. His presence was magnetic, and I found myself drawn to him like a moth to a flame.
Despite my nerves, I made a decision. Today would be the day I finally talked to him. As I took a deep breath, calming my racing heart, I reminded myself that I had nothing to lose.
I saw him sitting alone in a corner of the library, sketching something intently. My heart skipped a beat. This was my chance. I approached him slowly, my palms sweaty, and my mind racing with all the possible things I could say without making a complete fool of myself.
“H-hi, Theo,” I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper.
He looked up, his eyes locking onto mine. “Hey, Y/N,” he said, a small smirk playing on his lips. “What’s up?”
I swallowed hard, trying to gather my thoughts. “I, uh, I just wanted to say that your drawing is really, um, beautiful,” I said, my words tumbling out in a rush. “I mean, you’re really talented. Like, really, really talented. It’s just so...beautiful. And, um, did I mention you’re talented?”
He chuckled, the sound deep and warm. “Thanks,” he said, clearly amused by my nervous rambling. “I appreciate it.”
I felt my face heat up, my cheeks undoubtedly a bright shade of red. “What are you drawing?” I asked, trying to keep the conversation going.
He tilted the sketchpad so I could see. It was a detailed drawing of a dragon, its scales intricately shaded, its eyes fierce and alive. “It’s incredible,” I breathed, genuinely impressed. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it.”
He raised an eyebrow, clearly enjoying my reaction. “You like dragons, huh?”
I nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, they’re fascinating creatures. And the way you’ve captured its essence is just...amazing. You’re amazing.”
He laughed, a low, throaty sound that made my stomach flutter. “You’re quite the fan, aren’t you, Y/N?”
I bit my lip, nodding shyly. “I guess you could say that.”
He leaned back in his chair, his eyes never leaving mine. “You know, you’re cute when you’re all flustered.”
I felt my blush deepen, and I couldn’t help but smile. “Th-thank you,” I stammered, my heart pounding in my chest.
He smirked, clearly enjoying the effect he had on me. “You should stay. Maybe I’ll draw you next what do you think?”
My eyes widened, and I felt a rush of excitement. “Really? You’d do that?”
He nodded, his expression serious. “Yeah. I think it’d be fun.”
I sat down across from him, feeling a mix of nervousness and exhilaration. “I’d love that,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper.
Mesmerized by the way his hand moved across the paper, I didn't even notice someone approaching. My mind was completely absorbed in Theo’s sketch and the subtle expressions on his face. I was smiling, lost in the moment, when suddenly, Theo’s voice broke through my thoughts.
“Y/N, can I talk to you?” A voice cut through my trance, but I barely registered it, still smiling and looking at Theo.
“Y/N,” Theo said, looking between me and someone else.
“Yeah?” I responded, still a little dazed.
He nodded towards my ex, who was standing there awkwardly. “He wants to talk to you.”
I blinked, finally noticing jacob standing there. “Oh, hi,” I said, my voice flat.
Jacob gave a tight smile. “Can we talk, Y/N?”
“Sure,” I replied, standing up reluctantly. Jacob frowned but took my arm, gently steering me away. I kept glancing back over my shoulder, my eyes drawn to Theo, who was already back to his drawing, seemingly unfazed.
“Y/N,” Jacob started, but I was only half-listening, my attention still fixated on Theo.
“Y/N?” Jacob repeated, more insistently.
“Yeah?” I asked, finally looking at him.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about us,” he began, but his words were a blur. All I could think about was Theo’s sketch, his focused expression, the way his hand moved so confidently across the page.
“Y/N!” Jacob said sharply, snapping me out of my reverie.
“Just go away, Jacob,” I said, waving him off without really thinking.
“But, Y/N—”
“I’m serious, Jacob. Just leave me alone.” I turned back towards Theo, who was still engrossed in his drawing. I hurried back over to him, feeling a mix of relief and excitement.
Theo looked up as I approached, a smirk playing on his lips. “Who was that?”
“Who?” I asked, momentarily confused by the intensity of his gaze.
“The guy you were just talking to,” Theo said, smirking slightly.
“Oh! Him. That’s…uh…” I stammered, trying to remember. “Jacob! That’s Jacob. He’s my ex.”
“ You forgot his name ?” Theo raised an eyebrow, smiling he added. “You seemed pretty distracted.”
I laughed nervously, feeling my cheeks heat up. “Yeah, I guess I was. I just...couldn’t stop thinking about your drawing....”
“Is that so?” Theo asked, his voice low and teasing. “You must really like my drawings, then.”
“I do!” I said eagerly. “You’re so talented, Theo. I wish I could draw like you.”
He chuckled, the sound making my heart skip a beat. “Why don’t you try?”
“Oh, I’m terrible at drawing,” I said quickly, shaking my head. “You don’t want to see that.”
“Come on,” he insisted, pushing the sketchpad towards me. “I’ll help you.”
I hesitated, then picked up the pencil. My hand shook slightly as I tried to draw a simple line. Theo’s hand covered mine, guiding me gently.
“Like this,” he murmured, his breath warm against my ear. He moved my hand slowly, and I felt a thrill shoot through me at his touch.
“I’m really bad at this,” I whispered, embarrassed.
“You’re doing fine,” he said, his voice soft and reassuring. “Just relax.”
I took a deep breath, letting him guide me. Together, we managed to sketch a rough outline of a dragon. It was nowhere near as good as Theo’s, but it was better than anything I could have done on my own.
“See?” he said, smiling at me. “Not so bad.”
I laughed, feeling a warmth spread through me. “Thanks, Theo. You’re a great teacher.”
He looked at me, his eyes intense. “I’m glad you think so,” he said, his voice low and smooth.
Before I could respond, Blaise Zabini sauntered over, his usual confident smirk in place. “Hey, Theo,” he greeted, then turned his attention to me. “Oh, hi, cutie.”
“Hi,” I replied, trying to keep my voice steady.
“Blaise,” Theo said, acknowledging his friend.
“Just wanted to let you know about the party this weekend,” Blaise said, his eyes flicking between Theo and me. “Should be a good time. You’re coming, right?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there,” Theo replied.
Blaise turned to me, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Why don’t you come too, Y/N? Bring a friend if you want.”
“Can I?” I asked, looking between Blaise and Theo.
“Yeah, sure, why not?” Blaise said with a grin. “You and that friend of yours... what was her name again?”
“Y/F/N,” I supplied.
“Right, Y/F/N,” Blaise repeated, nodding. “But are you sure you’re up for it? These parties can get pretty wild.”
I smiled, a determined glint in my eye. “I can handle it. You’d be surprised.”
Blaise chuckled, clearly amused by my confidence. “What do you think, Nott?”
Theo smiled, his gaze meeting mine. “Yeah, she can come. Should be interesting.”
As soon as I was out of earshot, I practically sprinted to find Y/F/N. I spotted her in the common room, reading a book. I burst in, unable to keep the news to myself.
“Y/F/N!” I exclaimed, causing her to look up in surprise.
“What’s got you so excited?” she asked, marking her place in the book.
“I talked to Theo today,” I said breathlessly, sitting down next to her. “And Blaise invited us to a party this weekend!”
Her eyes widened in surprise. “Theo Nott?”
“Yes!” I said, practically bouncing with excitement. “And he helped me draw, and he was so sweet, and then Blaise came and invited us to the party!”
Y/F/N grinned, her excitement matching mine. “We definitely need to go shopping for new outfits.”
The end of the year was fast approaching, and the air in the Great Hall buzzed with anticipation. Professor Filius Flitwick stood at the front, addressed the assembled students.
“As you all know, the Yule Ball is a time-honored tradition,” he began, his voice carrying easily across the room. “This year, we have the honor of selecting one student to represent Hogwarts at the ball. This student has consistently excelled academically, demonstrated exemplary behavior, and has been a role model for their peers.”
I felt my heart pound in my chest, my mind racing with possibilities. Could it be me? I had always been at the top of my year, never cursed, never got into trouble. But still, it felt like a dream too far out of reach.
Professor Flitwick continued, his gaze sweeping over the students. “It is my pleasure to announce that this year’s representative for Hogwarts will be... Y/N Y/L/N!”
The Great Hall erupted into applause, and I felt my face heat up with a mixture of pride and embarrassment. I stood up slowly, my legs feeling a bit wobbly as I made my way to the front. Professor Flitwick smiled warmly at me as he shook my hand.
“Congratulations, Miss Y/L/N,” he said. “You’ve truly earned this.”
“Thank you, Professor,” I managed to say, my voice shaking slightly. I turned to face the hall, my heart soaring as I saw my friends cheering for me.
As I made my way back to my seat, I caught sight of Theo, his signature smirk firmly in place. He leaned against the wall, arms crossed, looking every bit the confident bad boy he was known to be.
“I knew it would be you,” he said as I approached, his voice low and teasing.
I felt a giggle escape my lips, my cheeks burning. “Really?”
“Of course,” he said, his smirk widening. “You’re the perfect student. Always top of the class, never in trouble. It was a given.”
I bit my lip, trying to contain my excitement. “Thanks,”
He tilted his head slightly, his gaze intense. “So, you’re coming to the party, right?”
I nodded, unable to stop the smile from spreading across my face. “Yes, I am.”
“Good,” he said, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Wouldn’t be the same without you.”
I felt a shiver of excitement at his words, my heart fluttering in my chest. Just then, one of his friends called out to him from across the hall.
“Theo! Come on, we’re going to be late!”
Theo glanced over his shoulder and then back at me. “Looks like I need to go. See you at the party?”
“See you there,” I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.
As the weekend approached, Y/F/N and I spent hours picking out the perfect outfits for the party. And we were getting ready in our dormitory, the excitement palpable in the air.
“How do I look?” I asked, twirling in front of the mirror.
“Absolutely gorgeous,” Y/F/N said, adjusting her earrings. “Theo won’t be able to take his eyes off you.”
I blushed. “Let’s hope so.”
We made our way to the party, the corridors of Hogwarts buzzing with the energy of students eager to celebrate. As soon as we entered the room, Blaise Zabini spotted us and sauntered over, his usual charming smile firmly in place.
“Ladies,” he greeted us, his eyes sparkling. “You both look stunning tonight.”
“Hi, Blaise,” I said, feeling a blush rise to my cheeks.
“Hi,” Y/F/N added, smiling.
Blaise turned his charm up a notch, giving Y/F/N an appreciative once-over. “You both are making everyone else look underdressed.”
I laughed, shaking my head. “Thanks, Blaise.”
As the night went on, I found myself searching the room for any signs of Theo. The party was in full swing, with students laughing, dancing, and enjoying themselves. We eventually found a spot to sit, and a few people came over to congratulate me on being chosen to represent Hogwarts at the Yule Ball.
Blaise leaned in, his smile never wavering. “Can I get you ladies a drink?”
“I don’t drink,” I said quickly, feeling a bit embarrassed.
“I do,” Y/F/N chimed in, giving me a playful nudge. “But only if it’s something good.”
Blaise laughed, standing up. “I’ll be right back.”
As Blaise left, I continued to search the room for Theo. My eyes finally landed on him, and my breath caught in my throat. He looked incredibly handsome in a black shirt, the fabric fitting him perfectly and highlighting his lean build. His dark hair was tousled in that effortlessly sexy way, and his eyes scanned the room with an easy confidence.
“There he is,” Y/F/N whispered, noticing my gaze.
“Yeah,” I murmured, my heart pounding in my chest.
Theo’s eyes met mine across the room, and a slow smile spread across his face.
I turned to Y/F/N, trying to steady my breath. “ I can’t breathe. He looks so handsome, I think I might die.”
She laughed, shaking her head. “Y/N, you’ve got it bad.”
“No, seriously, that black shirt has me thinking...” I paused dramatically, “no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the church, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, while I gasp for air and scream the Lord’s prayer, he can top me.”
Y/F/N’s eyes widened, and she tried to interrupt. “Y/N…”
But I was on a roll. “Vertically, horizontally, missionary, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, doggy, backwards, sideways, upside down, on the floor, in the bed, on the couch, in a chair, outside, in a train, on a plane, in the car, in the shower, on the street against the wall, until the room reeks. NO BREAKS!”
“I mean, come on, have you seen him? He’s so—”
“Y/N!” Y/F/N hissed again, her voice more urgent this time.
“What?” I snapped, feeling a bit annoyed at the interruption.
She looked at me with a horrified smile, trying to point behind me. “Please don’t freak out, but…”
“Please tell me he’s not—” I began, my voice trailing off as I turned slowly to see Theo standing right behind me, a smirk playing on his lips, his eyebrows raised in surprise.
For a moment, I just stared at him, my brain scrambling to process what had just happened. My heart plummeted, and I was about to fall from my seat.
“Y/N,” Y/F/N said quickly, “I—I really need to go search for Blaise. I think I heard him calling my name.”
She darted away, leaving me alone with Theo. I swallowed hard, trying to find my voice.
“Hey,” he said, his smirk widening. “Quite the imagination you’ve got there.”
“I—uh—” I stammered, feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment. “I didn’t know you were...”
“Listening?” he finished for me, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Clearly.”
“I, um...” I trailed off, not knowing how to respond.
He leaned in, his voice low and teasing. “So, vertically and horizontally, huh?”
My face turned beet red. I was about to fall off my seat when he caught me, his hands firm on my waist.
“Easy there,” he said, his voice soft and teasing.
I blinked, trying to find something to say. “Theo, I—”
He gently touched my face, his fingers brushing against my cheek. “You’re adorable, you know that?”
Theo chuckled, his eyes never leaving mine. “You know, you don’t have to fantasize. All you have to do is ask.”
My breath hitched, and I felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest. “Ask?”
He nodded, leaning in so close I could feel his breath on my skin. “Yeah. Just ask.”
“Theo, I—”
He interrupted me, his face now inches from mine.
“Do you know what really turns me on, Y/N? Hearing you, the perfect little angel, talk so dirty. It’s like discovering a secret side of you. And I have to admit, it’s fucking hot.”
I bit my lip, trying to hold back a moan. "I was just—"
"Just what?" he whispered, leaning in so close that his lips brushed against my ear. "Just fantasizing about me taking you in every possible way? About me fucking you so hard you can’t breathe?"
A shiver ran down my spine, and I couldn't stop the small whimper that escaped my lips. He chuckled, clearly enjoying the effect he was having on me.
"You’re so damn sexy when you’re flustered," he murmured, his lips grazing the sensitive skin of my neck.
"Do you want me to kiss you right now?" he asked, his lips hovering over mine. "Because I want to. So badly."
I nodded, barely able to breathe. "Yes."
He closed the distance between us, his lips capturing mine in a fierce, hungry kiss. His hands roamed my body, pulling me even closer, and I melted into him, all my senses overwhelmed by his touch.
"Am I interrupting something?" Draco asked, raising an eyebrow.
I pulled away from Theo, my heart racing. "Draco, I—"
Theo sighed, stepping back but not letting go of my hand. "You’ve got impeccable timing, Malfoy," he said dryly.
"Do you two want to join us, or are you planning on giving everyone here a show?"
"We’ll catch up later," Theo said smoothly, his eyes still locked on mine. "You go without us, Draco."
Draco smirked. "Alright."
Theo watched Draco walk away before turning back to me. "Now, where were we?"
I shook my head, trying to clear it. "Theo, I—"
"Let’s start with a date," he said, his voice gentle but firm. "What do you say, Y/N?"
"A date?" I echoed, still trying to process everything.
"Yeah, a date," he said, his eyes softening. "And maybe, we can see if you really do scream God's prayers."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
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itshaleyhey · 2 months
Daemon, are you okay?
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Dull Blades
benjicot blackwood & targaryen oc
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UPDATED! First chunk of this just? Disappeared??? So, edited it to include the missing first part!
warnings: angst?? no warnings, really? fluff & drabble for now & soft ben ~
I got this idea for a drabble from S2 of GOT when Catelyn Stark finds her son in disarray after hearing of his father. After watching the last couple episodes of HOTD (and reading Fire and Blood recently), it’s hard not to think about all of the heartbreak between the two sides. This little drabble follows an OC I’m creating, Rhaenala, having a moment to really feel and let out her frustration and sadness. She wanders off to the woods on her own once settling into the Riverlands only to then be discovered by a certain Blackwood. Also, I know, I know, okay! I know our boy didn’t turn out to be our boy, BUT LET ME COPE, OKAY. : ‘ )
Also, part 1??? Thinking about making a second part to this…
Swing after swing the blade got duller and even more damaged. The log had had it. She couldn’t help it though. Everything was falling apart as she knew it. Her house, her family, everything. It wasn’t fair. None of it was fair.
Her breath heaved as she swung her sword. In the distance, she could hear footsteps brushing along the grass and leather moving against each other as a voice called out.
She wiped her eyes, removing all evidence of frustrated tears.
“Hey!” She heard the voice as it got closer. It was a husky voice, perhaps a young lad.
“Hey! Princess!” Lilac eyes snapped up to meet the unknown voice. Her chest rose up and down quickly as she leaned over to rest. Who was this? This lanky, dark-haired man? Rhaelana was stunned by his boldness yet captivated.
Piercing familiar eyes met hers. “We need that sword, Princess. We need every sword necessary to end every life that defends the usurper. And…” he trailed off, his eyes scanning the blade in her hands. “You’re letting that one go to waste,” he finished his sentence softly as he slowly approached closer.
Blackwood. Benjicot Blackwood.
She remembered now. Head of House Blackwood. How could she be so dense?
The princess was sent by her mother to aid their allies with the battle against the Lannister army. Benjicot had sent ravens to the queen not long before asking for aid, so Rhaelana was drafted with Valax, her grown dragon with black onyx scales. The two were a formidable pair and more than capable of assisting their Riverland allies.
Her mouth parted with a bewildered cackle, laughing uncontrollably out loud. She couldn’t help it. This truly was a sightly scene for the young lord to find his princess, wasn’t it?
She sheathed the sword as she stood upright. “My apologies, my lord. I shall be more mindful,” her voice quivered on the last word, almost making her lose her composure. He could see that, of course. It wasn’t difficult to see that she was hurting, being torn apart in every direction. Most of all, she was grieving. Grieving for those that were already lost. Grieving for those that would welcome death soon enough. And what better way to let go than by hitting something? Oh, Benjicot knew that feeling all too well.
“Princess?” He continued to walk towards her, stepping slowly only inches apart now as they stood in front of each other.
“I should be going now. There’s people expecting me and—“ But as she began to step past him, an arm reached out, hand wrapping itself around her wrist.
“I wept,” he began to speak, answering the puzzled look on the princess’s face. “The first time I lay eyes on all the bodies. It was my first time on a battlefield and afterward I felt nothing but sorrow.” His words hung heavy in the air. “War is war, princess. And with family? I dare not imagine. But you have us. You have me,” he spoke softly while searching her eyes.
The young lord realized he still held her wrist and released her, snapping the princess harshly back into reality as he let her go.
“Benjicot Blackwood,” she spoke his name sternly. The young man straightened up, gaze never faltering hers.
“Thank you. I hope to see you at the meeting,” a hopeful gleam shined in her eyes as she spoke. Her body then glided past him, her shoulder brushing his arm as she passed.
The current state of her family was doomed. But her mother’s rightful place on the throne didn’t have to be. No, she was going to fight. She was going to fight with any and every weapon possible, dull or not.
A smile danced at the corner of the young lord’s lips as she passed by. His head bowed for a moment as he responded, “Of course, princess.”
Her figure walked away from him, towards the direction of camp. If there was one thing for certain, Ben knew they’d succeed with the princess at their aid. He recognized the look in her eyes all too well. The princess was proving to be all the more captivating than he could have hoped.
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youraverageaemondsimp · 2 months
Metanoia ;
Aemond Targaryen x Transmigrated!Strong!Reader
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>> Chapter III : The Pandemonium.
Summary: Aemond conjures up a plan to get his revenge on you but he faces an obstacle; his own self.
WARNINGS: Violent thoughts, plans for revenge, Aemond in unhinged, a little graphic but not too much + not proof read.
A/N: divider credits to @cafekitsune
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How could he be so foolish? How could he forget what has happened? Was he willing to put his differences aside all because you woke up? No. He couldn't. He can't.
He despised you for what you had done, sure he may have liked you when he was young, sure you were the only one that was ever kind to him but it did not change the fact that you were the reason why he is blind in one of his eyes.
You chose to protect your brothers over him, of course you did, what did he expect? You were a bastard too just like them.
He remembers the way his mother was humiliated in front of everyone, all because of you.
It was your fault.
He scoffed, was all he could think about is you? Now that he noticed it, you had never really left his mind, you had always been in his thoughts one way or another, infiltrating his body like a parasite, taking control over his mind.
He did not understand himself, why does he hold such sympathy for you when you had done nothing but hurt him more than anyone could ever imagine.
Had it been luke that took his eye out, he would've fed him to his dragon, so why does he excuse you? Should he feed you to his dragon? Vhagar could definitely use a meal.
Yet the thought of losing you terrifies him, he would never admit it, but he cannot imagine a life without you, it was as though your existence was granted just for him by the gods, if that were true, why were they so cruel? Making you be the one that did such a harm to him?
He gritted his teeth.
He felt uneasy.
He felt nauseous.
What is happening to him?
The night began to fall slowly, the sun retreating down, out of vision, he paced the room anxiously, all of his thoughts were driving him insane for the past few hours, the same question bothering him over and over again, he itched to do something.
Was it truly your fault? You were the one that encouraged him to go pursue vhagar, yet you were the very same person that he had to lose an eye to for the sake of gaining a dragon.
How ironic.
He hated it.
Perhaps you were worried that he would've actually hit jace with that stone, he wasn't going to, it was just to scare them off, yet you weren't able to tell, nobody was able to tell, he wasn't as cruel as everyone paints him out to be.
You should've known this, you knew the most, so why didn't you understand him?
The cut of betrayal and heartbreak was more painful to him than that of his eye back then, his stomach churned while the master stitched him up, while you stood there in horror as you watched his eye be taken out.
He remembers your expression clearly of guilt and horror.
You deserved to feel that way.
For what you had done to him.
He kicks the table in front of him in annoyance, making all the contents on it crash onto the floor with a loud thud, he breathes heavily, not wanting to recall any of the incident anymore.
His hands trembled, he stared outside the balcony, watching the sky turn dark blue.
The blue almost mocking him as the colour stood for justice and he got none.
He wanted justice.
He turns around, facing the room once again and sees his dagger laying on the bed.
He mouths quirks up into a smirk.
He knew what he was going to do.
You paced around your room, wondering what the earlier incident with Aemond was, questioning why he had suddenly changed his behaviour, almost wanting to poke your eye out.
Besides, you realise how your own body gets extremely anxious when he is around, it's as if your body is extremely afraid and threatened by his existence.
The dinner was tonight, the infamous dinner where Aemond implies that your brothers are bastards in front of everyone, that essentially ends up with a fight.
You wonder if it would be different since he is betrothed to you now, maybe out of respect he wouldn't do that toast?
The maids get you ready for the dinner, dressing up in more comfortable clothes for the evening and you stay put, hoping that everything will go smoothly.
You were dead wrong.
You realised as you watched Aemond push Jace.
Why would he do this?
Alicent murmurs something to him, grabbing him but he yanks his hand away from her, “I was merely expressing how proud I am of my family mother, hmm.”
“Though..” He pauses and turns to look at you.
“It seems my niece and nephews aren't as proud as theirs.” He taunts openly.
“What the fuck.” You voice out loud and Aemond is shocked at your words, “I appreciate you looking out for my family uncle, even though you are missing an eye.” Those words of frustration leave your mouth.
And the entire room falls silent.
Alicent turns and glares at you, and Rhaenyra hushes you.
“Oh shit, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it.” You quickly realise what you said, you lost control of your body once again, Aemond takes a deep breath before storming off.
Fuck, you messed up.
How could you make fun of him for such a sensitive issue?
You immediately rush after him, chasing as he strides through the hallways quickly, “Aemond! I didn't mean it!” You yell out, the passing by servants staring at you confused as you run quickly.
You grabbed his forearm, halting him.
He yanks his arm harshly away from you.
“Don't. Touch. Me.” He grits his teeth, you blink, taken aback, feeling guilty of bringing up such a sensitive topic. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.” You apologise once again, looking down.
He stays quiet before letting out a scoff.
“You-” The servant passes by, bowing to you both before leaving. He realises that this place is too public and pulls you to the side. “You're ironic, considering what you've done yet bring it up so insensitively.” He whispers, voice laced with anger.
“What?” You're confused.
He grabs your cheeks harshly, pushing them together. You stare at him wide eyed. Your eyes are beautiful.
He notes.
His mouth quirks up into a smirk, reminding himself of his plan later.
Your body begins to shiver out of your control, the feeling of anxiety gnawing in your stomach.
Surprisingly, Aemond pushes his lips against yours, capturing yours with his, you were confused, he was mad at you a moment ago, why was he kissing you now?
It's not like you minded it, but it was out of character, but you’d rather take this than to have him kill you cause you offended him.
His hand left your cheek and wrapped around your throat pulling you further into the kiss. He was being rough, teeth clanking against yours as he devoured you.
You kissed him back, trying to match his rhythm so the painful grazing of his teeth against your lips can be less impactful. The hallways fill with the echoes of your smooching, the wetness popping everytime Aemond pulls back to breathe.
Aemond wasn’t kissing you because he likes you or anything, or it wasn’t like your lips were distracting, he is doing this so he doesn’t end up hurting you now, yes definitely, that must be the reason; or at least that's what Aemond convinced himself to believe.
“Y/N- Oh my goodness!” You immediately pull away upon hearing the voice and turn to look at the direction the voice came from, feeling embarrassed when you see Rhaenyra standing at the end of the path alongside Alicent. They both probably rushed out of the dining room to check in on their respective children. Well only to find them practically devouring each other's faces.
Aemond looks annoyed, feeling upset that they were interuppted.
Wait, why was he feeling upset?
He coughs, leaving immediately, forcing you to face both of them alone.
“Uhm i-” You stumble over your words and Rhaenyra furrows her brows, “Good night mother, and your grace” You bow to both Alicent and Rhaenyra and leave hurriedly as well, none of them make an effort to stop you. Instead looking at each other in awkward silence before bidding goodnight to each other as well.
You rush to your chambers hastily, face feeling like it's on fire after the moment you just shared with Aemond, the anxiety still existed in your gut but you felt weirdly comforted by the kiss. You open the door, rushing in and face planting onto your bed before squealing into the sheets, gripping them tightly.
You kissed Aemond Targaryen.
You just kissed Aemond Targaryen.
You began to giggle like a woman gone insane, punching the sheets to get the excited feeling out of you while rolling on the bed.
You tried really hard to fit into the world, not wanting to make a big deal out of anything, keeping yourself fan behaviour within, contained and locked so you don't seem weird, but you couldn't contain the excitement now. This single handedly made you forget what happened moments prior and focus on the moment itself, you touched your lips feeling how warm they were and you couldn't hold back the smile that bloomed on your face at the thought.
For as long as you can remember you loved Aemond as a character, being his biggest fan. You got to experience something that nobody ever will. Should you be thankful? You didn't know, but whatever it was, the encounter left you feeling all giddy.
Your eyes begin to close automatically, unable to keep open, you shift into a more comfortable position and let the sleep succumb you.
In his room— Aemond grabbed the dagger, shoving it in its sheath before sliding a mural to the side, revealing the hidden passages in the red keep and descending down the stairs and to your room.
He pulled the wall of your chamber and it opened instantly, he looked around the room, checking for another person, making sure he was alone before stepping out of his hiding and into the room itself.
He walked like a predator towards its prey, staring at your unconscious body that was sleeping soundly, he stood by your bed studying your frame as he loomed over you.
Your hair fell messily onto your face, a strand getting stuck to the corner of your lips, his hand came up to your cheek and tucked the strand away and onto your ear. He caressed your face fondly for a moment before snapping himself out of it.
What was he doing?
He quickly pulls his hand away as if he touched fire and grabs the dagger instead, taking it out and pointing it at your eye from above. Your eyes were closed shut, eyelashes brushing your cheekbones as you took gentle breaths. You were fast asleep, stranger to the threat lurking in your room.
He lowered the dagger slowly, planning on whether to shut, stab it from above or slice it upwards your face; leaving a scar just like his. He tilted his dagger deciding he was gonna do the latter and pressed the metal to your skin.
He didn't put pressure yet.
His heart pounded heavily, his breath going out of control as he couldn't breathe, his head began to spin. He didn't want to do this.
Why did he not want to do this?
He clenched his eye shut, scrunching his face in anger wondering as to why both his mental and physical state of his being betraying him. Why did he not want to hurt you? Was that not what he was after?
He planned meticulously for this moment, he might not ever get a chance to do this, so he should seize this moment immediately. Yet his heart ached as visions of your shared youth flashed in his memory. He exhaled, body visibly shaking, resisting from digging the blade deeper into your skin.
He yanks away the dagger from his hand, throwing it sideways across the room, it lands in the corner. He stares at his own hand wondering why his body acted out of his accordance.
Or maybe he was the one acting out of accordance to himself. He grabs his chest, his heart aching at the mere thought of wanting to hurt you himself, what is happening to him? He steps back from his place, staring at your still sleeping body.
He feared this.
He had always feared this would happen ever since the incident.
Hating you was easy when you weren't in front of him, but he could not anymore because you were in front of him now.
You were something precious to him, no, you are something precious to him, he couldn't bring himself to hate you or hurt you, it felt conflicting, he felt weak, he felt like a hypocrite, he felt disgusted at himself, how can he forgive you? How can he ever forgive you? What you did to him was irreversible damage so why is it that he feels guilty about hurting you?
Perhaps he already knew the answer.
That is correct.
He doesn't need to forgive you.
He had already long forgiven you.
Just the mere seconds after you slashing his eye out, as he fell to the ground clutching it in pain, blood seeping through his fingers, regardless of the excruciating pain he felt;
He forgave you that instant.
He didn't want to admit that to himself, for it would make him look like a moron.
He was a moron. A moron in love.
A moron still in love.
He turned on his foot, immediately leaving the room, closing the wall loudly behind him in anger as he rushed back to his own chambers.
After a few moments, you woke up sweating, immediately sitting up as you processed the dream you just had, unaware of the fact that Aemond was ever in your chamber, but rather waking up because of the dream.
No, it rather felt like a memory.
Is this a memory of this body?
Your eyes widened, now realising why Aemond had lashed out at you, why Alicent glared at you, and why Rhaenyra hushed you.
It wasn't Luke who took his eye in this universe.
It was you.
You felt so stupid.
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frost-queen · 2 months
Dragon tamer (Reader x Aemond Targaryen)
Requested by anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @alex–awesome–22, @ellie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve , @queen-of-books , @glimmering-darling-dolly , @denkisclown , @wildieflower , @meyocoko , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl , @m-rae23 , @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr , @swampything07, @melsunshine , @panhoeofmanyfandoms , @venomsvl , @the-uncoordinated-house-cat , @rosecentury , @imagines-by-her, @evilcr0ne , @vviolynn , @niktwazny303 , @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 , @markive-m,
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The halls echoed with loud footsteps. Thumping loudly bouncing off the walls. A shadow brazing past the alight torches. Aemond Targaryen on a path of frustration. Once again had his brother annoyed him. Got under his skin. Questioning his suggestions, making him feel like a darn fool. A clown in front of the entire King’s council. Aemond had enough of it.
Needing to blow off some steam before he would turn his blade towards his brother’s throat. With a shrug of his shoulder, he couldn’t shake the feeling off him. Hatred for his brother, but mostly hate for not being taken serious. If he would be king, he’d approach things so differently. No fussing, just simple action. Aemond rushed down the steps towards the dungeons. He needed out and the only one to grant him that was his dragon.
The heat guided him blindly to the dungeons. If he’d ever lose his second eye, he knew he could trust on the warmth of the dragons to guide him. The torches were dimmed. Few lit. Going down the last few steps, spiralling down into the depts of the castle.
Aemond was met up with darkness. A chain rattling over the ground. The head of a dragon appearing. Eyes shining. Aemond ignored the dragon. His brother’s dragon that was held by a chain. A mighty roar made Aemond stop for a moment. A breeze pushing his hair back. Playing with it as it made Aemond close his eye for a moment, till the breeze settled.
From the darkness came a claw in the few light there was. A scaly head coming in close as it bumped against Aemond’s chest. – “Vhagar.” – Aemond said, patting his dragon. His dragon must have felt his anger as it stood mighty and high. Aemond curled up a smile. Vhagar lowered himself for Aemond to ascend. Aemond hopped onto the saddle.
Vhagar started to run towards the gate slowly opening. An escape route for the dragons. Darkness met with light as Vhagar ran out, spreading his wings. For a moment falling before his wings got carried on the wind. Aemond being blinded for a few seconds before fully adjusting to the sunlight.
Vhagar roared loud to announce their presence. Making all of King’s landing shiver and tremble on their knees. Vhagar flew up. Higher and higher. Closing his wings when she was high enough to spin around. Letting the current of the winds carry her up. At the highest point, opened Vhagar her wings again. Two mighty wings, casting a shadow on the lands below.
Aemond let his head fall back, enjoying the freedom. Vhagar’s weight fell down, letting herself fall for a moment. Then the wings flapped, carrying Aemond on the wind. Vhagar needed to blow off some steam just as much as her master. They soared above King’s landing. Their shadow glittering over the buildings. Aemond commanded Vhagar to leave King’s landing. To make way for the forests and open fields. He had enough of the city.
Needing a change. Vhagar changed directions, soaring towards the forests. Vhagar came flying lower, cutting some trees with his claws by force. Aemond wanted to taste revenge. Gritting his teeth, he couldn’t stop thinking back at the kings council. Where he was ridiculed by his own brother. Only for having a mind of his own.
Aemond tensed his muscles, sitting up straighter. – “Dracarys!” – he shouted loud, needing to watch the world burn. Vhagar’s head lifted up. From below came a warmth. Building up as it rose to the throat. Aemond could feel it. The energy moving through Vhagar. The fire build up in Vhagar’s throat. Slowly opening her mouth. What Aemond hadn’t seen was a girl in the forest.
Suddenly startled by a dragon, landing. Your eyes widened, seeing the dragon prepare for fire as it would burn you to crisps. – “Stop!” – you said, covering your head up. Your voice reached Vhagar. Vhagar closed her mouth, dimming the fires in her throat. Aemond blinked surprised when his dragon wasn’t spitting fire. – “Dracarys!” – he ordered once more, needing his anger to be let out through his dragon.
You were staring at the dragon, panting. Vhagar’s head lowered, closer to you. So close you could see your own reflection in her eyes. Aemond was stunned when his dragon refused his order. Something she had never done before. Vhagar’s breath through her nostrils, blew your hair back. Making you squeeze your eyes shut for a moment.
Opening them once more, the dragon was still staring at you. It felt like she was looking right through your soul. You had no idea what possessed you, but you reached your hand out to the dragon. Surely it would bite your hand off or burn it, yet something told you she wouldn’t do that. Aemond looked confused around when his dragon took a step closer, bowing his head even lower.
Aemond frowned, leaning to the side to see what was bewitching his dragon. Aemond’s gaze widened seeing a girl’s hand touch Vhagar’s scaly chin. It stunned him even more when he got moved around in the saddle. Vhagar coming to lay down on the ground. Taking on a less dominant approach. More submissive. – “Who are you?” – Aemond shouted at you.
You got startled, forgotten anyone might be riding this dragon. You immediately pulled your hand away from Vhagar. Looking for the rider, you found him. Your face of shock, setting for disapproval. – “My prince, it is you.” – you spoke taking a dramatic bow. Aemond smirked, leaning forwards on the saddle. – “And who might you be.” – he asked intrigued.
“No one.” – you told him. Aemond’s interest spiking up more. – “Yet no one seemed to submit my dragon to obedience.” – he replied with a smile. – “One that would only listen to me.” – he finished watching your every more. – “Well perhaps she likes me more than you.” – you fired back. Aemond grinned at your remark. Getting all riled up with pleasure at your answers. – “Would the lady require a ride back?” – he suggested. – “No.” – you responded.
You knew just what kind of guy he was. A douchebag and you hated him. Someone thinking so highly of himself. If it wasn’t for his dragon, he would just be another normal boy.  – “I will walk alone.” – you said as Vhagar moved her head closer to you. You turned round, walking off as Aemond felt Vhagar get back up. Wanting to walk after you. Wanting to follow you like a pup.
Aemond commanded him to stop. With a lot of effort, Vhagar stopped. – “May I at least known your name?” – Aemond shouted loud, pushing himself a bit up to shout louder. – “Y/n!” – you shouted back before disappearing into the woods. Aemond let himself fall back in the saddle, amazed. Trying to process what had just occurred.
He commanded Vhagar to fly back home. When Aemond came home, he immediately told his mother and sister about his encounter. About a girl seemingly taming Vhagar as she went weak like a puppy. Wanting to lay and roll over for your every attention. His family was surprised by this encounter. Thinking it was impossible for anyone beside a Targaryen to tame dragons.
Alicent gave her fair warnings to her son. Afraid you might be able to over rule Aemond’s command over Vhagar one day. She feared Aemond might lose his dragon and the Godly power with it. Aemond thought it was absurd. That night Aemond couldn’t get you out of his head. Constantly thinking back of the girl that dismissed a direct order from him.
A few weeks later was Aemond flying over King’s landing with Vhagar. Just a bit of relaxed flying. Aemond was watching the skies as he suddenly felt Vhagar dive. It made him grip tight to the saddle to not fall off. Vhagar stuck her claws out, grabbing onto a building to stay in place. Bricks were falling off at where Vhagar grabbed to keep her in place.
People screamed when the dragon’s head neared down into the streets. All ran, but one. You looked surprised up. The sun being blocked out by a shadow. Intrigued, you looked up at Vhagar, moving her head closer to you. Reaching your hand out, you went to touch her. – “If it isn’t Y/n.” – Aemond spoke from up Vhagar, having spotted you as well. He could curse at his dragon for that drastic turn.
It was like the second Vhagar spotted you on the streets, she did everything to meet you. – “My prince.” – you responded with a roll of your eyes. Aemond smirked. – “Care for a ride?” – he asked, holding his hand out to you. He knew he couldn’t pull Vhagar away from you now. And besides he was curious to what would happen.
You shook your head. – “Come on, you can’t deny Vhagar a ride.” – Aemond answered. Still you shook your head. – “Do you wish to break her heart?” – he added. It was the tipping point for you. You couldn’t break Vhagar’s heart. Not when she spared you not so long ago. – “Fine.” – you snapped at him, not wanting to have him the satisfaction of winning you over. Aemond gleamed with pleasure as Vhagar dropped onto the street.
Lowering herself as possible in the streets without breaking much. With the help of Aemond, you got up, sitting behind him. – “Hold on tight.” – Aemond spoke, looking over his shoulder to you. You poked him in the cheek, pushing his face forwards again. – “Just fly.” – you replied annoyed. – “As the lady commands.” – Aemond spoke. It made you roll your eyes. Aemond whistled loud as Vhagar set off.
The sudden lift made you squeeze your arms around Aemond’s waist. You heard him chuckle deep as you had your face pressed against his back. Too frightened to look around. – “Eyes open Y/n.” – Aemond teased, knowing it would cause a reaction out of you. – “Or do you simply enjoy grabbing me so tight. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were eager for my touch Y/n.”
Your eyes widened at his comment. Heart beating loudly against him. His comment made you bury your face shyly away against his back. You hated admitting that the dragon rider was starting to grow on you. Vhagar was constantly looking for you. Leading to Aemond always being around as well. – “Did your tongue burn away, Y/n?” – Aemond chuckled out at your silence.
You gave him a punch on his back to shut up. Vhagar flew high, doing a sudden roll as you didn’t expect it. When Vhagar was upside down, you grip faltered on Aemond. Slipping off. Falling down. Hands clawing around for any grip, you fell, screams filling the skies. Aemond looked down once Vhagar was upright once more. He didn’t even need to say the command as Vhagar dove after you.
Vhagar flew right underneath you as your fell got broken. Caught by Aemond in his arms. – “Hello dragon tamer.” – he said smirking. Shaking and trembling, you could only stare at him. Hands around his neck as you sat on his lap. Aemond moved his head a bit closer to you, seeing you turn bashful. Your cheeks burning up.
Your reaction made him smile. He helped you sit in front of him as he kept a firm hand around you. You gasped loud when Aemond left a kiss on your shoulder, surprising you. – “Dragon tamer.” – he whispered in your ear.
Vhagar descended to the ground. Vhagar lowered herself as Aemond helped you slide off. You took a step back. Vhagar pressed her head towards you, making you press your hand against him. From up the saddle, saluted Aemond you goodbye whilst Vhagar took flight once more.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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mini-ism · 1 year
courtship— 07 KINKTOBER ‘23
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words: 815
synopsis: zhongli accepts your proposal, your innocence for a chance to be his spouse.
warnings: mdni!! virginity (reader), taking of virginity, monsterfucking, dragon form, courting, porn with some plot, mentions of marriage, gender neutral reader
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zhongli loomed over you menacingly. his shoulders squared and broad, his eyes focused, glowing with sheer strength. you could hear his tail smack the floor a couple times.
your proposal was hard to deny, especially when you were in front of him, your most tender form of all— stripped bare and belly exposed. it was difficult not to think of you as prey, ready and eager to be consumed.
you begged and you pleaded for this chance, you knew the man would soon be courted once more, perhaps by a person lovelier than yourself. you merrily offered zhongli your innocence for a chance to become his spouse, nodding your head along joyfully, willfully dismissing his warnings.
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yet there he stood, his gaze focused on you, your legs brought up to your chest, knees bent. you anticipated the answer of his body, the response to your bare form. it tingled and brewed within you, every second heightening your senses, the feeling of eagerness lingering in the air.
with a quick, experienced movement, zhongli pushed himself against you, his thick, large cock pressing against your entrance. awkwardly, you craned your neck to look at his body. his cock was unlike anything you could have imagined. it was big and lengthy, with a knot at the base, and his tip was an inhuman blackish color.
you watched as he tentatively moved his hips to yours, his cock poking and prodding at your hole, eliciting a whine from your lips.
you could feel the round, yet pointed, tip gain entry within you, stretching your hole ever so slightly to allow zhongli inside of you. a loud, breathy mewl left you, the stretching of your entrance and now your walls causing you to whine in pain.
“i warned you.” he said, your mind blurring while he moved in and out of you slowly, losing more of his length inside of you. he put his hands on your hips, thrusting inwards sharply, then pulling out almost all the way, only to fuck into you harder again. he continued this until most of his cock was in you, which took longer than we would have liked.
moans spilled from your mouth, feeling the girth of his dick stretch you out to your limits. the pain slowly ebbed into deep pleasure. you reached for his horns, which he allowed you to hold onto. zhongli kept his slow, yet agonizing pace, his cock dragging in and out of your tight hole. he knew he was in control.
tightening your grip, zhongli drew in a sharp inhale, your thumbs riding on the ridges of the sharp dragon horns atop his head, nestled in his dark brown hair. zhongli’s pace quickened drastically without warning, his hands still planted on your hips. his determined eyes were squinted, he seemed to be enjoying himself.
“do you like it? do you like this?” you asked.
“do not ask me such… dumb questions,” he replied, remaining silent for a while, “…yes, i enjoy this.”
you half giggled and half moaned in response. pleasure was building within both of you, and moans were slipping from both of you. mostly you, really. zhongli’s darkened hands moved from your hips to the underside of your thighs. your body was continuously and relentlessly bullied by zhongli’s fat cock, your tight hole straining from his size.
heat pooled in your gut, the sense of trust relaxing your muscles as he carefully, yet ruthlessly, fucked you. zhongli’s tail continued to swish and smack against the floor, nearly wagging uncontrollably as he chased his own high.
“are you close?” he panted.
you nodded, tears stinging your eyes, you could hear skin against skin, and the smell of sex hung in the air. he looked so handsome on top of you, drilling you full of his cock, his hair messier than usual, and his clothes slightly undone. you hoped he’d pick you after this, how he’d pick you to fuck again. to marry. to make you submit to him.
the intensity of his thrusts jumped, your hands grabbing at his horns tightly, your hole clenching with his every movement. his grip tightened on your plush, warm thighs, ramming into you as fast as he fucking could.
“ah, ah, i’ll come soon. mmh,” zhongli could only muster as much of a warning as that before you came. your body tightened and you moaned loudly, your hips bucking wildly, hole tight as a vice around his cock. a sense of heavy relief and intense pleasure washed over you, your brain foggy and thoughts awry.
“zhongli, i- mmgh! oh, oh, fuck… fuuuuck…”
you watched as zhongli fucked into you one last time, pulling out as seed spilled onto your tummy, thick white globs leaking from his pointed tip. he looked at you determinedly, ready to pursue you deeper than this fuck.
and when the day came, the dragon approached you.
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idkyetxoxo · 20 days
Daemon Targaryen - Him and I
Summary - Bound by a passion that thrives on violence and chaos, they eliminate anyone who dares to cross them. Their love becomes both their greatest strength and their most dangerous weapon, a perfect match in their shared madness.
Pairing - Daemon Targaryen x Arryn reader
Warnings - Sexual content (smut!), violence (mentions)
Word count - 2044
Masterlist for Daemon • House of the Dragon General Masterlist.
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He's out his head, I'm out my mind we got that love, the crazy kind.
"He can keep his tongue," Daemon declared, his voice laced with smug satisfaction. 
The expression settled on his face as he rested his hands on the hilt of his sword, slick with blood, which seemed to meld with his hand as though it were an extension of his very being, a dark instrument of his will.
The man's life had drained away at his feet, but Daemon seemed untroubled, as if violence was as natural to him as breathing. A crimson pool spread slowly beneath his boots, the thick blood glistening under the flickering torchlight like a river of molten rubies, each drop a silent witness to the carnage.
I flinched, a fleeting reaction to the brutality that had just unfolded before me but then, a slow smile crept across my lips. My gaze found Daemon's, his eyes already locked onto mine. 
There was no need for words between us. We understood each other in ways that transcended language, our bond forged in the crucible of blood and sharpened by the steel we wielded.
I licked my lips, savouring the metallic tang of blood, his blood. The fool had dared to speak ill of me, and now his life was nothing more than a bitter taste on my tongue, a reminder of the sweet vengeance.
I raised my thumb to wipe away a crimson smear, aware that the rest of my face was likely speckled with droplets, but I found I couldn't care less. 
This was the price of our love, a love that thrived in the shadows of violence, a love as dangerous as it was intoxicating.
The King had decreed that anyone who questioned me, the sister of his late wife, regarding the mysterious death of one of Alicent's ladies-in-waiting would lose their tongue. Daemon, ever the enforcer of our twisted justice, decided that wasn't enough. 
He wanted blood, and he had taken it without hesitation.
"Your Grace," Otto Hightower's voice cut through the tension, thick with anger as he turned to face the King. 
The man's indignation was palpable, his eyes flickering between the lifeless body on the floor and the King who had allowed this to happen but even Otto, with all his political manoeuvring and cold calculation, knew better than to challenge Daemon directly. 
Not when the bond between us was so absolute, so terrifyingly complete.
He saw the madness in our eyes, a madness that could not be swayed by reason or threats, and I could sense his hesitation, a fear born not of cowardice, but of knowing he was outmatched by a love that defied logic and thrived on chaos.
Daemon kills for me, I kill for him. We're both out of our minds, lost in a love so consuming it leaves no room for fear, no space for mercy. 
We've got the kind of love people whisper about in dark corners, the kind that burns too brightly, too fiercely, and leaves only ashes in its wake.
"This matter cannot be ignored," Otto declared, his voice edged with disgust as he turned his gaze toward me. His eyes bore into mine, seething with contempt, but I simply bit my lip to keep from laughing. 
He was so predictable in his self-righteous indignation, so easy to provoke.
"What would you have me do?" Viserys snapped, his frustration bleeding through every word. 
The burden of the crown weighed heavily on him, and Otto's relentless prying was the last thing he wanted to deal with.
"It is common knowledge that Prince Daemon's wife was present when the body of Lady Elia was discovered," Otto pressed on, his tone growing more insistent. "Merely a day after the lady had slandered Prince Daemon's name."
Viserys ran a weary hand over his face, his patience thinning, frayed by the constant tension between loyalty and fear, between the brother he loved and the monster that Daemon had become. 
I clenched my teeth to keep from lashing out. The accusations were nothing new, just more whispers and rumours in a court that thrived on such poison.
"Prince Daemon's wife has a name," I spat, crossing my arms over my chest. 
Otto turned to me, throwing his hands up in exasperation, clearly irked that this was the only part of his condemnation I had chosen to acknowledge.
"There is no proof that my sister-in-law killed Lady Elia. These are merely rumours," Viserys said, his voice calm but resolute as he met my gaze. I offered him a small, knowing smile, and he continued, "She would do no such thing."
"You say this only because she is your late wife's sister," Otto retorted, his voice sharp with accusation.
"Precisely," Viserys replied, his tone softening as he spoke of my sister. "Aemma would never have let it get this far... my Aemma."
Otto turned back to me, his eyes narrowing in disdain, but this time I didn't hold back. I allowed a proud smirk to spread across my face, mouthing a single word "Oops." His jaw clenched in response, but he had nothing left to say.
"Your Grace, I do not wish to continue this conversation," I said, feigning an upset tone as I glanced at Viserys with wide, innocent eyes.
"Of course, my dear," he replied, a small smile tugging at his lips. His affection for me, the last living reminder of his beloved Aemma, was a powerful shield against Otto's accusations.
"There will be no further discussions regarding Lady Elia's death," Viserys declared, his voice carrying a finality that brooked no argument. His gaze shifted to the lifeless body at Daemon's feet, the head severed cleanly from the shoulders. "Let Lord Tarly be an example."
With those words, the matter was settled. Daemon, with a flicker of something dark and satisfied in his eyes, turned to me. 
Without a word, he took my hand, pulling me from the throne room and through the winding corridors of the Keep. His grip was firm, and possessive, as if he needed to feel my presence.
We moved in silence until we reached our chambers. The door closed with a solid thud, sealing us in our private world, away from the prying eyes and judgmental stares of others. 
The moment the latch clicked, Daemon pulled me to him, our bodies colliding with a desperate intensity. My chest pressed against his, the heat of his skin seeping through his clothes as he held me close.
"The blood of my enemies looks absolutely beautiful on you," he murmured, his voice rough with desire. His thumb brushed across my bottom lip, smearing a trace of dried blood. 
The touch was possessive, reverent as if he were admiring a work of art.
"Your enemies?" I asked, tilting my head slightly, a teasing smile playing on my lips.
"Any man who speaks ill of my wife is my enemy," he replied, his tone firm and unwavering. His fingers threaded through my hair, pulling gently as he rested his hand on the nape of my neck, holding me in place.
"That's exactly what I like to hear," I whispered, my fingers slipping beneath his tunic, desperate to feel the heat of his skin.
I began tracing the contours of his muscles with a feather-light touch. Feeling him shudder beneath my fingertips, the tension in his body turning to something darker, more primal.
In truth, those words were my lifeline, the assurance that no matter how deep we descended into darkness, he would always be there with me.
"Lady Elia?" he questioned, his voice a low rumble. There was no fear in his eyes, only a dark curiosity.
I smirked, looking away for a moment before meeting his gaze again. Rising onto my tiptoes, I leaned in close to his ear, my breath hot against his skin. 
"She insinuated that you were aggressive and unpredictable," I whispered, biting gently on his earlobe before pulling back to my given height. "I don't like it when people talk ill of my husband, so I killed her."
The admission hung in the air between us, heavy with the weight of our shared madness. Daemon's eyes darkened, his lips curling into a wicked smile. 
Without another word, he crushed his lips against mine in a kiss that was hungry, fierce, and unyielding. It wasn't a kiss of tenderness but one of raw passion, a fire that consumed us both. 
We stumbled backwards, our bodies entwined as we lost ourselves in the moment, in the shared understanding that we were unstoppable together. 
"Tell me what you want, darling," I murmured against his lips, already knowing the answer but craving the sound of his voice. 
His hands were impatient, already tugging at the fabric between us, desperate to feel skin against skin.
"You," he breathed, his voice thick with desire. His lips moved to my neck, trailing sloppy, heated kisses down my body, each one sending shivers of anticipation through me.
"Then have me," I whispered, my fingers threading through his hair, pulling him closer as I surrendered to the inevitable. "Take me."
His hands parted my legs, spreading them wide as he positioned himself. When he began to push inside me, the sudden intrusion made me gasp, my body reacting instinctively. My walls clenched around him, drawing him deeper, as that familiar, aching need built in my core.
He moved with a rhythm that was both demanding and intoxicating, each thrust driving me closer to the edge. I arched against him, meeting his movements with my own, our hips colliding in a primal dance that spoke of love, possession, and the insatiable hunger we had for one another.
"Yes, just like that," I murmured, my voice breathy with pleasure as he adjusted his angle, the tip of his length grazing a spot deep within me that made my entire body shudder.
His eyes locked onto mine, dark and intense.
"You feel so perfect," he growled, his voice thick with the kind of desire that bordered on obsession. "I could stay buried inside you forever."
It wasn't just lust, it was a desperate need, a hunger that could only be sated by knowing that in this moment, I was his and his alone.
A shiver ran through me at his words, my heart pounding in sync with the fierce rhythm of our bodies. 
"Then don't stop," I breathed, my nails raking across his back, leaving red marks in their wake. "I need you, all of you."
Each movement was precise, as though he were playing me like an instrument, drawing out the sweetest music with every thrust, every deep connection between us.
"You have all of me," he rasped, his voice strained with the effort of holding back, of prolonging the pleasure for both of us. "I'm yours, always."
I could feel the climax building, an unstoppable wave that threatened to crash over me, to pull me under and drown me in its depths. My grip on him tightened, nails biting into his flesh as I rode the edge of oblivion, his name spilling from my lips in a fervent chant.
"Let go," he urged, his voice rough, his breath hot against my ear. "Let me feel you come apart for me."
His words were my undoing. With one final, deep thrust, he pushed me over the brink, and I shattered. Pleasure exploded within me, a white-hot blaze that consumed every inch of my being. 
My body convulsed around him, my voice breaking into a cry of ecstasy as the world shattered into a million dazzling pieces. He followed me into that abyss, his own release crashing over him as he buried himself deep inside me, our bodies locked together in the throes of passion.
As the waves of pleasure slowly ebbed, we clung to each other, our breaths mingling, hearts pounding in unison. He pressed a tender kiss to my forehead, a contrast to the wild passion that had consumed us just moments before.
"You're mine," he whispered, his voice a vow in the quiet aftermath.
"And you're mine," I replied, my voice full of contentment as I nestled closer to him, our bodies still intimately connected.
In that moment, we knew that this was where we belonged—in each other's arms, bound by a love that was as dangerous as it was beautiful.
I am his, and he is mine. In the end, it's him and I.
A/n - Is somebody gonna match my freak (listen to Him and I by Halsey and G-eazy)
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