#dragon ball sexy men
defrain · 9 months
ATTENTION LADIES! Want Bardock And The Boys On your Wall Next Year? ORDER Here: https://dbcalendar.carrd.co Check out
@DBcalendar 2024 edition, with profits going to charity. https://twitter.com/DBcalendar Orders end 22nd October
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undertheorangetree · 8 months
The Last of the Dragons
Chapter One- The Consummation
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Summary- With the Targaryen dynasty at risk, the last of the family must make unsavory decisions in order to ensure their reign continues.
Warnings- MDNI 18+ NSFW. Female reader. Angst. Politicking. Consummation of marriage with witnesses. Mentions of death. Trauma. Uncomfortable smut.
Author's Note- This first chapter is not very sexy!! There is (consensual) smut but it is not hot nor is it meant to be. The sexy smut will happen later. With that said, the link to the full chapter is below :)
series masterlist
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When the dust settles around the Dance of the Dragons, she is the only member of her family still alive.
Her mother burned by dragonfire, her step father cut down on dragonback. Jace and Luke lay dead at the bottom of the ocean alongside Aegon and Viserys while Joffrey lay scattered across the streets of Flea Bottom. It is a reality she does not like to face and though she still has Baela, Rhaena, and their grandfather, she knows she is the last of her family line. The last of Rhaenyra's blood, the blood of the true heir. 
It is that blood that damns her the moment Aegon is found poisoned, laying dead in his litter.
She had been spared alongside Baela and Rhaena, though she knew that was more so Corlys's idea than anyone else's. Aegon had demanded her head the moment he learned that it was she and Silverwing who had been responsible for Daeron's death but Corlys had managed to talk him down to simply keeping her as a hostage. He had argued that by having her bend the knee, it would show her mother's loyalists that he was the true king above all others, that her fealty had the power to stop Cregan Stark's march south and would calm tensions in the Riverlands and Eyrie. Aegon had agreed, though only after Alicent had prompted him to, and she had been spared from the executioner's block. Though as she sits at the small council table, staring at her last living uncle, she wishes Aegon had found the kindness in his black heart to swing the axe.
The Battle Above the God's Eye had left Aemond with another scar, this one having ripped through the flesh of his left shoulder and bicep. She wishes it crippled him further, that Daemon's final act managed to cut his arm from its socket, gouge out his last remaining eye and send him plunging into the depth of the God's Eye but other than a deep new scar, her step father managed little. 
"Lord Corlys and I believe that it is important, especially now, to assure the smallfolk that this war is far behind us now. Aegon's death threatens the already fragile stability we have managed to find ourselves on," Alicent explains, though it is not directed at her. They had all been whisked away into the small council chambers less than a handful of hours after Aegon had been found dead and that grief is still present in Alicent. Her eyes are rimmed red- a common trait of hers now- and her voice is hoarse from crying, but she still manages to stay strong before the men gathered. She and Aemond had been ordered to sit in on the small council meeting but neither have been given leave to speak. They sit silently, waiting for the moment that deemed their appearance here necessary as Alicent turns to her grandfather. "Which is why we have come to a kind of agreement."
"We want the Iron Throne to remain in Targaryen hands just as fervently as all others here and with the death of our king so fresh, it is of the utmost importance that we find a suitable heir quickly. One that puts both the Blacks and the Greens at ease and prevents a continuation of the war," Corlys says, fingers pushing at the small ball that rests before him. 
When the two of them had the time to discuss a potential heir, she has no idea, but perhaps it is a blessing that they had. With Aegon and all his children dead, there are few options left for the throne. She knows in her heart that she is the legitimate heir, being the only one left who has Rhaenyra's blood running through her veins, but she is a woman. After all that has happened, only a fool would attempt to crown her. The same could be said for Baela and Rhaena, though their claims are not as strong as her own. That left Aemond, a man, but widely hated for all he had done throughout the war. 
They are damned regardless of who is chosen, the risk of further rebellion at every turn. She does not pity the remnants of this council for the choice they must make now. The realm rests on the shoulders of the six people left in this room and that is a burden she would not want to carry.
"And you have an idea as to who the most suitable heir would be, my lord?" Lord Larys asks. Though he sits at the table, he is not truly facing it, leaning on the cane in his hands. She turns her head to look at him, his eyes wide with his question, and feels her stomach turn at the mere sight of him, their master of whisperers. 
Corlys looks toward Alicent, waiting until she gives the faintest nod of her head before speaking again. "My granddaughter, the princess, is Rhaenyra's last surviving child. Aemond is the last surviving child of King Viserys and acted as Aegon's regent for more than half his reign. The dowager and I propose that we unite house Targaryen once and for all and have the two wed to serve the realm as king and queen, like the Old King and Good Queen Alysanne. Equal in power, so as to bring all this unrest to an end."
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Read the rest here :)
Taglist- @ammo23 @bellstwd @kckt88 @aemondsbabygirl @shygardengalaxy @duds31 @at-a-rax-ia @ladymarg0t @queenofshinigamis @drakar-i @cl-0-vr @castellomargot @moonlightfoxx @ladybug0095 @marihoneywk
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actuallysaiyan · 23 days
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Part 2 of the Shout outs from me! I hope I don't miss anyone and if I do, please know it's because my brain is no good and I want to celebrate everyone but I am soooo poor at remembering people's names. If we've EVER interacted, talked, or you even liked one of my things, just know that I ADORE YOU!!!
Once more, in no particular order
@seireiteihellbutterfly What can I say??? Thank you for being such a wonderful friend and reaching out to me when I was so damn lonely a few months ago. You are so ridiculously talented and I love you!! Thank you for being a confidante and a very wonderful friend!
@carnal-lnstinct who might be one of the best Dragon Ball writers in this damn place. I will never be able to thank you for all the inspiration, especially when it comes to I Think You're Holding The Heart Of Mine. Without the initial Work!Husband!Nanami thirst you sent in, I don't think that fic would have ever been conceived.
@sparklynightm4re thank you for being a genuine friend and a genuine sweetheart! Your comments and requests and messages really help me get through the tough times! You are a gem!
@badsweetangel thank you for being a great friend and always popping up in my life whenever I need a reminder that there are still such awesome people out there!
@gloryhole93 for being so supportive with my Junji Ito x JJK fic and just being so amazing!! Thank you for messaging me about it and encouraging me to continue even if all I had was one little thing posted about it! Thanks for the awesome art you drew too!
@hirothemetrosexo I truly appreciate you and I know we don't always talk, but I couldn't have gone this far without your sweet words and your friendship!
@ricflairdrip20 Thank you for being such a good friend to me for so long and helping me see the hotness within those Sand Village men <<_<< Though most of them may be evil, they are so damn sexy!
@sacredwarrior88 who's always looking out for me and always trying to uplift me. Thank you for the awesome requests and awesome messages. I am truly thankful for you <3
@reallymellowtrash thank you for being a good friend and always sending in the CRAZIEST(I mean this in the best way possible) thirsts! You make me think up things I never would have imagined before. Vegeta and Kento in one thirst??? Oh my how I never thought of the possibility!!
@starsinmylatte thank you for being a sweet friend and a fellow horror lover. I'm glad I interacted with you and we got to talking and got to know each other better! You are seriously talented my friend!!!
@delirious-donna <333 You are so talented and so precious and very sweet! Your posts and writing make my day so much brighter and I just love seeing you on my dash whenever you're there! Thank you for being so awesome!
Going to end this shout out post here! More to come!!! This I promise! Many more people to shout out!!!!
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zoeythebee · 1 year
Hiya! My name is Zoey, im a bee.
My pronouns are she/they, I'm 21, bisexual.
I'm trans as fuck and loving it. I'm autistic as fuck and loving it.
I'm an aspiring game developer. I love computers and building things from scratch, I enjoy using simple libraries instead of engines. I want to learn all I can about programming and game dev so I can make some fun games.
This blog will have updates for whatever game dev project I'm working on.
And it's also a bit of a dumpster for whatever I want. Random thoughts, and I like reblogging drawing of hot women and men. (Mostly women, im just very picky about the men I like). And whatever I think is funny or relatable.
Here is a list of facts about me
I started programming in middle school
I like mixing drinks
I love cooking, and food
I like drawing, don't do it too much any more. I'm pretty good at it.
I fucking hate school.
I want friends
I fucking love making youtube videos. I love it so much. I just don't have time to do it.
I love linux (i use arch by the way)
I learned web development, all the way up to how to interact with a database + ajax. I stopped because I fucking hate programming websites
I want to journal more
I want to make the best game ever one day
im occasionally horny on main (not too much don't worry)
I love when people comment on my stuff and send asks
And I love answering questions (any excuse to talk about my hyper fixation
I really like Madness Combat and I should talk about it more
I really like Dragon Ball Z and I should talk about it more
I have a deeply complex fantasy world that i've been thinking about for almost 9 years and if you asked my anything about it I could talk about it for maybe 5 hours. And I should talk about it more
I fucking love minecraft (especially modded)
I am very sexy
That's it. You should follow me im extremely cool. Love yourself, bye!
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tsuchinokoroyale · 1 month
I’d love to hear more about your thoughts on JJK. Admittedly, I’m not well versed in shonen, so I never even considered that it was trying to subvert the genre.
P.S. Thank you for the consistently thoughtful takes and hot ass 😘
Ooooo boy I hope you’re ready for a whole ass essay 😎😎😎
Shonen as a genre has changed over time as any art form does, but it is still mired in tropes that can be traced back to the classics. The shonen genre is thus named bc its target demographic is boys to young men, for our discussion we’ll say teenage boys. While it obviously has big appeal for other demographics, it is mainly designed to both appeal AND communicate life lessons to that crowd of impressionable kids.
Because of this dual function you get this really odd genre full of super powerful special boys who love their friends but have no qualms about slaughtering their enemies. They typically espouse lessons about the merits of hard work, sticking to your beliefs ((so long as your beliefs are beneficial to society at large)), of goodness and friendship triumphing over evil. Look no further than DBZ and Naruto which can broadly be divided into Battle Arcs and Training Arcs, upping the ante for our special boy main protagonists until we literally have them fighting gods as the logical extreme of continuous escalation.
The Standard™ Shonen formula has a boy main protagonist who’s got some sort of motivation that is so ideologically pure that he’s basically impossible to defeat. Goku loves to fight, Naruto wants to be hokage, Tanjiro wants to cure his sister and slayer all the demons, etc. He forms/joins a band of merry outcasts with their own tragic backstories and sets out to defeat whatever villain appears for that arc. If they win, arc is over move onto training arc, if they lose, they train, fight and win, then train some more. The fun of the genre comes from the colorful side characters, and the little twists that come with each battle system, which brings us to Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure.
At the time JJBA was being published, the big influence on manga was big beefy male led 80s action movies and Fist of the North Star, a manga about a beefy martial artist named Kenshiro going around beating baddies in a post apocalyptic world. Battle systems in Shonen were usually incredibly soft, most tied to physical combat enhanced by some poorly defined life force energy that could be called upon to even out fights and give big climactic finishes, like Ki from dragon ball and their iconic kamehamehas. Even JJBA starts off this way, with our beefy boys learning Hamon/Ripple and duking it out with vampires, til my man Hirohiko Araki was like “mmmm this is kind of limiting. Time to Change Everything~” and he came up with the concept of Stands, incredibly limited psychic/magic abilities that manifest as furries or sexy robots or a Lego version of the White House (?). You can see this idea really grow and expand within the part it’s introduced, going from “fire furry” and “robot knight with sword” to “guy whose stand turns into a ball that immediately erases anything it runs into but he can’t really see what he’s attacking since he has to be inside his stand in order for it to work also his name is Vanilla Ice and he’s a vampire in a thong.”
You can FEEL the impact this had even to this day. Stands became Jutsus in Naruto, quirks in MHA, Nen in HxH, Cursed Techniques in JJK. And part of what made it fun was that it added strategy to the mix! Str8 physical fights are hard to strategize bc it’s basically just a numbers game, right? Like bc his power level is over 9000, it’s going to be a tough time until some plot contrivance and/or training occurs to drive *my* power level over 9000. But now there is an additional layer of *how* these powers interact.
My ability is to blow bubbles and his ability is to turn a single person who comes into contact with bodily fluids into a mindless zombie? Create bubble shields so they can’t splash blood on you. My ability is to fold anything into origami and if you touch the origami you begin to see one object as something else and his ability is an automatic tracking stand that hunts me down by creating face shredding tornados when I breathe? Make a city bus look like my dad ((part 8 is fucking nuts)).
As you can tell, JJBA really burst open the dam on creativity, but as per the examples I’ve given they can often feel very… silly and contrived. The Serious Anime Fan™ will complain and say those fights are full of asspulls, which they are, but that’s very much part of the fun of the series. BUT because diversity is the spice of life, you also get artists who are less interested in adhering to the Rule of Cool and more interested in making things explicitly “logical” which is how we get Hunter x Hunter.
While JJBA dabbles in using stands for characterization, HxH goes HARD into it. Nen abilities are ((usually)) manifestation of their user’s idea of power, creating a direct link between who that person is and what they can do as a result. This is balanced by people having innate Nen types which means the kinds of abilities they can use are limited, though there are rules restrictions and exceptions to this as well. We know all of this bc mangaka Togashi literally gives a college level lecture on Nen in the story, describing how it manifests, how it works, what it can and can’t do, and how individual rules can supersede the basic set of rules and the rules for doing that. I call this style Erudite Shonen, bc bitches be TALKING. In erudite Shonen, powers usually fall on the complex side, even Bungee Gum, which has the properties of both rubber and gum, can be used in insane ways like ricocheting bullets, gluing minors together, and/or cheesing a game of dodgeball and it’s all both shown AND told.
Now where does JJK fall into all this? Listifying the common Shonen tropes we have A Special Boy main protagonist with a pure motive, a crew, goodness triumphing over evil, prioritizing bonds and community over selfish gain, and the winning power of hard work.
Early JJK fits the mold pretty well. Yuji Itadori starts off the series special, with superhuman fitness before he ingests sukuna’s finger at which point he becomes a Naruto analog, where he is strong because he has a powerful spirit trapped inside him. He has the rather off kilter but still acceptable goal of “dying a proper death”. His squad of mentor Gojo, Fushiguro, and Kugisaki is established by episode 3. The villains are cursed spirits who want to eradicate humanity, the good guys are the jujutsu sorcerers who say “no u” to that. Yuji wants to gain power to protect others instead of just becoming powerful himself. And there’s a training arc! Sure, it happens after Yuji gets his heart ripped out, but he’s not even dead that long. Even the powers in early JJK present themselves as pretty simple, Fushiguro does shadow summoning, Kugisaki does hammer and nail resonance, panda, Inumaki does cursed speech.
It wears its darkness on its sleeve however, presenting Junpei as a potential future team member only to shockingly kill him. The whole star plasma vessel incident casts an unflattering light on Jujutsu society. But none of that COMPARES to the shitshow that happens in Shibuya, where JJK finally shows its real hand.
Over the course of the Shibuya arc, we watch our protagonist mount an offense against the villains that have been building themselves up over the course of the show, sacrificing so so much just to ultimately… lose. The Shibuya arc subverts not just idiosyncratic plot beats but story telling traditions as well. “The strongest” loses, multiple fan favorite characters are either taken out of commission or outright killed, the story progression slams the fast forward button as Yuji goes from having ingested 4 out of 20 fingers to 15/20 resulting in mass civilian casualties because his version of the 9 tailed fox is an actual monster, and ((meta-narratively)) worst of all, Yuji doesn’t even get to defeat his arch-rival, Mahito. Instead Mahito is unceremoniously absorbed by other big bad Geto/Kenjaku. It’s supremely unsatisfying and the weight of the tragedy is so immense you wonder how our heroes are gonna come back from this.
And thus begins the “deconstruction” phase of JJK. Cuz they just… don’t. As dark as Shibuya got, a standard Shonen would then go on to give the heroes a big fat W, some sort of come back after all that. But not JJK! Bc JJK is subversive 😏 this means the fact that the story is super unsatisfying is like, the point mannnn. This isn’t the worst thing that can happen. Chainsawman is also a story of major L’s and minor W’s and it’s my #1 favorite modern manga series. The difference is in intent, however. Chainsawman works as well as it does bc at its core, it loves Denji. He REALLY goes through the ringer, but it’s all in service of understanding what life is like for someone trapped on the hedonic treadmill and how one can ((attempt anyways)) to break out of it.
And then there’s JJK. It truly feels like the manga is designed to tear Yuji’s self sacrificial mindset to shreds for the sake of making him suffer and for the reader to feel bad for ever feeling like good has to triumph over evil. The real problem is, it feels as if the series is bending over backwards to make this shit happen.
Part of the change over is what was a previously simple-ish battle system goes full Erudite Shonen. There were hints that cursed energy could get more complicated, what with domain completion competition and guaranteed hits and simple domains and that one guys FPS ability I can’t explain. But we go FULL HxH level afterwards. All of a sudden oxygen delivery to the brain becomes important to cursed technique, there’s domain range and boundary fidelity and incomplete domain properties, disruption of somatic components becomes a factor, and… it honestly feels like utter nonsense at times.
Complexity isn’t bad, like I mentioned I LOVE HxH and could probably explain the chrollo-hisoka fight if you gave me a few hours to study, but I could not tell you all the new rules for cursed energy that seem just kind of invented on the spot in random chapters during this back half of JJK. Bc they involve concepts never really mentioned before, it feels like an asspull, like this was something made up to force the situation at hand. Thing is, more of those situations only benefit the villains. You get shit like a character winning a battle at the end of one chapter and then starting the next one to find they were killed off screen moments later, actually. It’s just like yeah it’s subversive, but the reason stories aren’t told like this is bc this shit sucks lmao. I think out of all the plans the heroes make like only a handful of them are actually successful, and even then they get so unwound by the next step in the plan that they may as well have not happened. It doesn’t help that the abilities are so complicated now you’ll get a chapter dedicated to explaining what one guy can do just to have him wiped off the face of the earth the next one.
So the crew is gone, our special boy is actually the most disempowered guy ever except for the fact that he can’t be killed for some reason, the good guys are NOT doing a great job standing up to evil since like 86% of their plans fail or have bad results, a gag character wins one of the most important fights in the story and it’s unironically the best thing JJK has done in a while, and it’s all just a very confusing slog to read. This is the danger of writing subversion for the sake of subversion with intent for contempt, kids 😮‍💨
Granted we aren’t at the end of the story yet so maybe I’ll be wrong and there’ll be like a reset button that fixes everything (( which would also suck )), but yeah. JJK wants what HxH did in the chimera ant arc but forgot that that story was possible bc it was fundamentally about humanity and love, not just the parts about how people suck and goodness can fail.
If you made it this far congratulations you’re entitled to one big kissy on ur forehead from me and barnaby 😚😚😚
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thephantomcasebook · 2 years
Can we appreciate for a moment the talent of Aemond and Criston as actual leaders.
Spoilers Ahead.
People often times forget because of Aemond's major fuck ups toward the end of the war.
But Criston and Aemond did the Lord's work for a good portion of the conflict.
One cannot impress how undermanned the Greens were for the entire war. The Greens only ever fielded two dragon riders at a time. Aemond on Vhagar and a shifting roster of either Aegon on Sunfyre - for the early stages of the war - and Daeron on Tessarion who was always kept in reserve till at utmost need.
Through a good portion of the war Aemond was the Greens only Dragon Rider in active combat. While Aegon was so badly wounded that he was barely alive and Daeron was left to guard King's Landing and Alicent - also because Aemond and Criston were super protective of him.
Also, House Hightower is a collection of soft boy fuck ups. They had the largest house with the biggest army and they couldn't even get their men out of Oldtown. They were getting rocked monthly by smaller armies from the Tarlys and Rowans, it's fucking embarrassing. For the duration of the war, till they were forced to send Daeron south to take over and reorganize the Hightower forces into a cohesive army, there was no help from Oldtown.
Don't get me wrong, when Daeron finally got them moving, they ate and oh did they fuck. But that's after the disasters of the "Butcher's Ball" and the fall of King's Landing.
In the meantime they were going against an enemy with twelve - TWELVE - dragons and the support of three of the largest houses in the realm. Meanwhile your main support is with the Common People and your most powerful ally is buried by bureaucracy in Oldtown.
And even then - EVEN THEN - Aemond and Criston outfoxed Daemon for most of the war, continued to keep the realm together and rule it deftly, and even - at one point - caused the Blacks to almost give up, despite their dragon advantage.
Daemon is like 'we need Harrenhal to cut off King's Landing.' And Criston is like 'Yeah, you do ... that's why we're here' and they fuck the Blackwoods and Daemon, sending them scurrying away. Making Daemon realize that they need Dragon Riders, cause they can't beat Criston and Aemond in the field.
Cause my boys are just. that. good. at this business.
Also I love the Pokemon battle at Harrenhal between Alys and Criston.
"Alys uses "Sexy Booby Magic" - Criston is unaffected."
"Criston uses "Devoted Piety toward his Queen""
"Alys is confused and attacks herself"
Even with plot armor and G.R.R. Martin's blessings as being his fave, the Blacks still couldn't overcome Alicent's boys.
Of course, then Aemond got cocky, and Daemon taunted him into acting without thinking - Sexy Booby Magic will do that to a man. And the whole thing slipped away.
But for a moment there, even with the Dragon Seed Riders. Aemond being actually a good and popular regent. Criston holding it down on the field of battle as Hand and field marshal, and Daeron destroying all the Black forces in the South in one decisive blow - and all on his own - made the Blacks almost throw in the towel.
Listen, it's in the book. When they found out that our boy Daeron was in Oldtown and was rebuilding that Hightower army from the ground up. They all knew on Dragonstone that they were straight fucked.
If Aemond had only listened to Alicent and Criston, man. If they had just waited for Daeron to get those good old southern boys up and moving to join the Lannisters, Daemon would've been done, and it would be a wrap for Team Black.
The Tullys and the Starks would've been no match against Daeron and Tessarion - They weren't at Tumblestone. And especially not with the full might of his elite forces and the Lannister host combined. I mean, yeah, maybe the Blacks would've still beaten Criston, maybe Aemond would've still chased Daemon, leaving Criston twisting in the wind. But the entire Black Army would've been caught between Daeron and Criston in the Riverlands. And Rhaenyra would've never been able to hold King's Landing long without the main Black forces who would've been surrounded at Harrenhal.
Love, guys ...
Aemond out there looking for redemption for "Blood & Cheese" running off half-cocked to rescue Alys from Daemon - remembering what happened to Helaena. Criston running headlong into a trap with his men outside of King's Landing trying to rescue Alicent. And Daeron (Maybe or Maybe not) dying in an act of supreme gallantry at the very end of the war by saving his men and his foes lives by going toe to toe with Vermethor (The Bronze Terror) when the largest dragon on earth goes crazy and starts killing everything and everyone.
Them Green boys, Alicent's boys, man ...
They love too hard.
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dbcalendar · 10 months
Dragon Ball Sexy Men Calendar 2024
We are happy to announce that we are working hard on a Sexy Men - DB Calendar 2024! We've gathered 14 amazing artists for you and we are gonna reveal them 1 by 1 in random order shortly 👀👀. Hotness guaranteed! Stay tuned and spread the word! #DBCalendar The DB calendar Team
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mk-wizard · 2 months
Stellar Blade's Sexiness is absurd... in ALL the right ways! While the story is badass!
So, I've gotten through halfway the playthrough of Stellar Blade (actually, I'm watching the gameplay as I can't play games like I used so please don't judge me), and it's very clear to me that EVE's sexiness is front row and center. The thing is that it is also done to the point where it is absurd like comic relief rather than objectifying her. The costumes and the emphasis on her butt are not to be taken seriously. At least some of them are. Some are actually kind of trendy and I love the earrings. The point is that they do show off her hot body, but in a way that is also clownish.
In other words, as a woman myself, I stand by not feeling bad about EVE looking beautiful because EVE is a lot more like me that I expected. She's not above laughing at herself and more importantly, she is a good person. I mean, more than half of the side quests she does consist of her doing random acts of kindness for people and she shows genuine compassion to people.
Now as for the story... it's one of the very best video game stories I have seen in YEARS. The setting also adds to it too. I feel like it is one big love letter to the work of Masamune Shirow's (the genius author of Appleseed and Ghost in the Shell) and I see a lot inspiration from Battle Angel Alita aka Gunnm. I also really love the characters and the music dynamite. I never get tired of it and sometimes listen to the soundtrack as I'm doing chores.
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The point is that I think the naysayers are 110% wrong about this game being sexist or an insult to women. I think they are making everything more about her body than the fans are because EVE is not just a "Playboy doll". She is a powerhouse with a heart of gold and the courage of King Arthur while wielding her "Excalibur" sword. She is an inspiring character for women, and men. She just happens to have a great body, but then again, you have to be in shape to save the world and looking hot is side just a effect of being in shape. Just ask Solid Snake from Metal Gear, Goku from Dragon Ball, and others.
Please, let's stop vilifying the beautiful woman because you are in fact missing out on getting to know a really neat character and play a really stellar game. The real act of feminism in gaming is reacting to EVE, or female characters like her, the same way you would a super sexy male character; you give the game and character a chance before judging either.
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bluehairlaunch · 1 year
7 Dragon Ball Villains that could've carried their own arc
Honorable mention, Sorbet. So I enjoy Frieza as much as the next guy, but his wacky and colorful Frieza Force is what firmly places the Namek Saga over the Cell Saga in my mind. Like they're all such memorable characters that I even like Cui ffs. However, let's be real, none of these guys could carry their own arc. At their heart, they're all followers (all except good ol' Geets). Maybe before their recruitment they had more ambition and determination, but when faced with Frieza's insurmountable power, they ultimately all bent over and bowed.
Sorbet is an odd example, because he is definitely a follower as well, although when the power vacuum that is Frieza and King Cold's death opened up, he didn't turn away. He instead took charge and kept the Planet Trade Organization afloat for DECADES, despite being a koala-man with a power level that I'm sure rivals Appule at best.
The only reason he's not on the list proper is because when we finally get to see Sorbet in action, he's trying to pass the torch back to Frieza. He still gets major points tho for leading as long as he did
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Spoilers: no one else from Super is on this list, even though a filler character is
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Monster Beast Giran
Look, I'm not saying Giran could've carried his own saga, but if Dragon Ball had been written by a more traditional shonen mangaka instead of a gag artist, he probably would've been the Big Bad of the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament. And yes, I'm using his added characterization from filler scenes in the anime to make my point.
A milk drinking brute with a voracious appetite and a deep-seated hatred of heroes, this absolute unit was unfortunately no match for Goku in canon, but his hulking appearance and quirky personality (at least in the anime) always stuck out to me. In my generic re-write of this arc, a majorly buffed Giran faces Jackie Chun instead, and defeats him. He then faces and almost defeats Goku in the final, but Goku transforms into a real monster beast for the win, and that's that
Yea I won't be trying to retell the story for the rest of these entries
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It says a lot about the quality of Toriyama's villains that Goku's evil brother from space is a mere speed bump on the road to the real top dog of the Saiyan Saga. This dude is so fucking sexy and such a piece of shit that I can't help but imagine what he could've gotten himself into if only he had more screentime
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Staff Officer Black
I know Toriyama loves subverting expectations and that's one of the things I so greatly enjoy about Dragon Ball, but c'mon. Commander Black of the Black Ribbon Army would've been... so so sooo cool. The dude's a true believer, actually loyal to his men, and idk what Red did to become the leader over him, but he seems to have been the real brains behind the operation. Dragon Ball Online brought back Commander Red as a cyborg and all I'm asking is why not Staff Officer Black instead?
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Aight so Tree of Might isn't the greatest movie, I'd even say it's mid at best, but it also has amazing ideas. The Tree of Might? Neat, inspired, scary, and also drawn from Journey to the West lore. Turles? Sexy tan Goku, what's not to like? His Crusher Corps? Don't get me started on his Crusher Corps, because they all have their own story, which was included in extraneous material, but not the movie itself.
Amond, the big guy? Yea he was an intergalactic criminal that was arrested by the Galactic Patrol until he was freed by Turles. Daiz was the Prince of the Pukimpa Dynasty that led his planet's army against Turles, but was defeated, then recruited for fighting so bravely. Cacao was a cyborg built to fight an interstellar war before he fucked off to become a bounty hunter and eventually join the Crusher Corps. Rasin and Lakasei were fossils resurrected by Turles using extract from the Tree of Might.
Fuck, Turles himself is a low-class Saiyan warrior that somehow found or stole the holy Seeds of Might, which were reserved for Kai. When I was a kid my older brother told me (read, lied to me lol) that Saiyans were all test tube babies grown from different strains and that's the difference between low medium and elite saiyans and why he and Goku are almost identical. Like, that's not true, but there's a lotta fleshing out you could do with Turles to make him and his potential saga more compelling
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Demon King Dabura
Ruler of a shadowy demon realm for thousands of years with a power level that equals Perfect Cell, Demon King Dabura is also... the bitch of a tiny bitchy wizard? Yup, that's Toriyama all right.
So lemme start by saying that this guy gets so little credit he's not even in Fighterz, despite having a cool sword and a huge canon moveset. He also looks... well tbh, he doesn't look as awesome to adult me as he did to kid me, but he's still neat looking. I like his horns and his funky glamrock outfit. He also probably had his own Dabura Force filled with edgy evul henchmen (including Shula from that filler episode, who I'm pretty sure inspired Dabura's creation) that could've easily filled an entire saga.
It says a lot that Raditz isn't the lead of his saga, but imo it says way more that Toriyama created an entire evil universe opposite the regular universe ruled over by this baritone Satan and he's just a footnote. It also says a lot about Dragon Ball Heroes that instead of trying it's own thing, it digs up Toriyama's fossilized spittle and creates Mira, Towa, and Kabuto from Naruto.
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Mercenary Tao Pai Pai
Ok so I'm biased, because this flamboyant bastard is easily one of my favorite villains, and that's including everything, not just Dragon Ball or comics. He oozes so much style that I'm not even sure how you could stretch him out into an entire arc, but it doesn't matter, because he could make it work. The dude can make watching someone else shop for clothes compelling ffs, so as far as I'm concerned, Tao could've been the villain for the whole of Dragon Ball and it'd be just or almost as good as what we actually got
His shirt says Kill You! he's seriously the best don't @ me
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Dr. Gero
Yes, I know he was supposed to be the Big Bad, but Toriyama's former editor didn't think an old man in baggy pants and a fat clown could carry their own arc, but they're wrong damn it! Just look at him
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saikyo-rat · 2 months
geeky i don't think i have the Energy at the moment to get invested in dragon ball + z +super at the moment BUT. you know a headcanon i've always had about dbz: frieza is transfem. i rarely ever have transfem headcanons for evil characters much less evil cis men but in between frieza being voiced by a woman to her more feminine-androgynous appearance and her whole "alien mother" vibes...she's committing woman's wrongs. she's like if margaret thatcher was sexy. frieza is the SEXIEST evil trans woman alive to me. she commits woman's wrongs and i love her for it
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drill-teeth · 5 months
Sometimes I think about like. When I first really got access to the internet, so much of what I liked growing up suddenly became dirty.
I was raised as a girl. And I liked plenty of girl targeted media. Kim Possible and My Little Pony were some of my favorites. I also watched some media targeted more at young boys. Primarily anime. Like Dragon Ball Z and Naruto. Because my dad liked those, so he didn't really have an issue with me liking them too because it was cool to him to share some interests. Which was nice.
And eventually we got a family computer and I was allowed to use it pretty regularly starting mainly in middle school. And I wanted to draw all my favorite cartoon characters.
It was really easy to find reference images of the Naruto characters and Dragon Ball Z characters I liked. Most of the image results were screenshots from the show or cool fanart of them using their powers to blow stuff up. And I figured finding images to reference for Kim Possible and My Little Pony wouldn't be any harder. I had started watching Friendship Is Magic recently. Pinkie Pie and Rarity were my favorites, and I wanted to draw them. And Kim. And Shego.
And it did not take a long scroll down the Google image search results to see more than just a little suggestive or outright explicit porn art of all of them. And my curious mind wanted to know why that was in the search results. It didn't seem to me like that should be so easily available. But it turned out a LOT of people. Mostly grown men. Decided the ponies and Kim and Shego were sexy and decided to draw and post on many many non-adult catered websites a lot of porn.
And suddenly my pony figures and Equestria girls dolls felt like sex objects in my bedroom. And my Kim Possible fanart sitting in my sketchbook felt dirty. And the shows weren't as fun to watch anymore. I didn't end up finishing all the seasons of Friendship is Magic.
I sort of just threw myself into the boy things I was allowed to like since then. People didn't really have any questions about that, especially since I socially transitioned to male in highschool. I bet plenty of them just assumed I liked boy stuff to go with my new boy gender lol.
I wish I had still enjoyed Kim Possible and My Little Pony when I was younger though. I missed those medias but felt like I couldn't even touch them anymore. Especially after I went through a sexual trauma in highschool that I honestly don't want to publicly recount. I want to rewatch both series for fun. But I still can't work up the nerve.
And I think a lot about like. How I was lucky to have boy interests to fall back on because I know and knew plenty of people raised as girls who weren't allowed to watch boy targeted media at all. Who probably went through something eerily similar and then had nothing at all that felt okay to watch.
And sometimes I wish this was more important to people when they discuss media consumption and fandom. Sometimes I wish people were more interested in adult centered fandom sites for their horny art so at least some kid on the internet knows it's going to be porn before they choose whether or not to click. Sometimes I wish some of the first things I heard about when engaging with fandom centered around kids media weren't the top ten most disgusting porn fics. And even though I don't post explicit NSFW on my art Tumblr, I try to make it clear I find Transformers characters attractive so that people understand that before deciding to follow me even there or view more of my art. Because I actually think open and up front disclosure of "I am an adult who finds cartoon characters attractive so keep that in mind before you choose to view my work" is important. And honestly the least I can do.
And I'm not like. Saying you have to stop drawing cartoon characters sexy or whatever. I know I'm not going to stop finding Transformers robots hot. And I'm not out to advocate for censorship. I just think like. People are too used to pointing and laughing at sites pushing "kid friendly" fixes to their apps that don't do anything but frustrate users and just mean porn goes untagged. And are too used to just. Seeing cartoon character porn unfiltered cross their dash. That even well intentioned people don't really stop to pause to be like. Hey maybe I don't want my horny drawing of a kids show character to be at the top of Google search results. And maybe I should filter the image appropriately with the sites' filters or choose a more adult site for it in general.
Because honestly kids should be allowed to enjoy media without adults' sex fantasies being constantly inescapable to them.
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peculiarly-paige · 1 year
i have a list on my notes app entitled “sexy murder men” and it’s just fictional male characters who have, canonically, at least attempted murder, and that i find attractive, and it feels like something this website would enjoy, so i will share it here:
- riff raff
- sweeney todd
- anakin skywalker
- kylo ren
- hannibal lecter (silence of the lambs version)
- draco malfoy
- sirius black
- remus lupin
- rumpelstiltskin (from once upon a time)
- loki
- thomas sharpe
- julian slowik
- john wick
- santa claus (from violent night)
- jim hopper
- tate langdon (and most evan peters characters in ahs)
- howl (from howl's moving castle)
- sam and dean winchester
- arthur, tommy, and john shelby
- piccolo (from dragon ball)
- tywin and tyrion lannister
- sandor clegane (aka the hound)
- jaqen h'ghar
- salladhor saan
- theon greyjoy
- khal drogo
- syrio forel
- podrick payne
- daario naharis
- edward and emmett cullen
- jacob black
- laurent (from twilight)
- captain jack sparrow
- will turner
- edward teach (aka blackbeard)
- oluwande bloodhari
- israel "izzie" hands
- joel and tommy miller
- finnick odair
- peeta mellark
if you have any suggestions for additions, lemme know so i can consume more sexy murder men content.
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mr2swap · 2 years
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-FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK! - My mind had only one goal: to fill Derek's tight and hairy ass with my cum with my new cock. Derek's moans silenced my pathetic original voice in my head begging me to stop, I didn't use to have homosexual thoughts in my head all the time, actually, I used to be Freed an obese nerd who loved anime and video games. a role like dungeons and dragons, the only sport I did was walking from my house to the bus room to go to class every day. Still drilling his ass I looked at the clock on the wall that said 04:00 PM, It was too late he wouldn't make it to football practice I'm sure the coach won't be happy when he finds out his star quarterback skipped practice so he could fucking the only male member of the school's cheerleading team.
I had taken over Jackson's body last week I woke up in Jackson's room after he cast the body-swapping spell the Goth boy at school gave me after I promised him I'd suck his dick when I got hot and sexy Jackson, I felt amazing! Testing my thick legs in one jump I stood up, took off the shirt that hid my hairy abdomen, and started flexing my incredibly large arms, walked over to the mirror, and admired my massive biceps that were now the size of my new head.
As if it had a life of its own my cock rose painfully between my underpants, I wasted no time and took off my stinky and dirty underpants from the precum accumulated on the tip of my cock, I had never been so horny with my old and tiny cock before virgin, I placed my hard calloused hands on my cock and began to masturbate, My plan was simple to fill as many girls' vaginas as possible in the shortest amount of time and return to my body before Jackson made a mess of my body.
As I massaged my cock I tried to think of Stacy's huge firm breasts she had rejected and teased me over and over again. but in this body, I would surely have her on her knees by the end of the day, but those thoughts were inadvertently replaced by the hot cock that was now between my muscular legs, my gaze was focused on the mirror as I jerked off on each one of them. the veins that stand out from my powerful arms, my six-pack covered with a thin layer of hair that joined with the pubic hair that covered my thick cock. I couldn't resist too much I was too horny and my balls were eager to release the hot cum I had been holding, The thick male moans intensified until I was finally able to dirty my own reflection in the mirror, my head was spinning and my mind I was blank as he released the last drops of cum that soiled my huge feet.
-Something... is not right- I looked at the thick and white semen that slowly went down the mirror and I could not control myself, I knelt in front of the mirror, and with my tongue, I began to devour the drops of semen from bottom to top, my cock even with some drops of semen on the point began to rise again with my uncontrollable desire to clean the mirror with my tongue while watching the reflection of Jackson's body humiliating himself like a bitch.
When I finished I went back to bed and lifted my damp armpits to air them out I was bathed in my own stinky sweat, and my cock was a little sore and tender, I took the iPhone that was on the table next to the bed where I had woken up and unlocked it with my face, there was not a single call from Jackson but there were a lot of messages from men begging for me to fuck them.
I found out a little late that Jackson was gay and a colossal nymphomaniac, I tried to lead Jackson's life normally and control my new body but it was no use, I couldn't control how hot I was, fuck I even massaged my dick in math class, my brain I was too dumb and horny to think of equations and I only lasted 1 day without having sex and on that day I had to masturbate like 10 times, I even had to masturbate in the bathroom at school while a couple of guys were peeing on the other side of the bath. Jackson's athletic, nymphomaniac body tortured me day and night. my dick kept getting hard in the showers after football practice it felt like it had a life of its own and she knew she was surrounded by a bunch of sweaty muscled men with their hairy asses, luckily Jackson's iPhone was full with messages pleading for me, In a few days without realizing it, I was already acting like the arrogant idiot Jackson, my solo study times and watching anime was replaced by long worship sessions accompanied by a bunch of pathetic internet fagots who just They wanted to kiss, lick and fuck my muscles.
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I planned to sleep with a bunch of girls in Jackson's body but I think I'll have to get used to my new life and my new insatiable cock.
Ver.esp: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ef4zWRwCqs42OB8GizT7hKGDkhzaHSyVKr2ohqRIN5E/edit?usp=sharing
What's up guys! If you like my stories take a look at my patreon! I've written a lot of hot stories like this, also if you want to chat with me a bit you can join my discord server!
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floralseokjin · 2 years
jordan u got any fantasy erotica novel recs ¿ 🤓
I sure do ☺️ (If anyone wants to add/follow me on goodreads, feel free to! I’m floralseokjin on there as well)
Under the Oak Tree by Kim Suji
Also a sfw manhwa found on the Manta app. My favourite book series! The side story and book 2 are currently being translated into English and will start being released at the end of August. Look up content warnings.
The Winter King by C.L Wilson
This was a solid story and has its fair share of smut! I really enjoyed the weathermage element of things, the descriptions were written so well, I could visualise everything. Look up content warnings.
Then, on to monster romance…. 😳
The Mead Mishaps Series by Kimberly Lemming
There’s two so far in the series, both were great and so funny! My favourite is the first in the series just because who can resist a 7 foot demon with horns and long dark hair??? Not me, that’s who!
The Dragon’s Bride by Katee Robert
This is probably the most insane book I’ve read this year. The guy is a GREEN DRAGON MAN….. with two dicks and a tail he uses during sex. He also has to unhinge his jaw to give oral. But keep an open mind because this was some of the hottest smut I’ve read this year too. This is also the first in a series and I really can’t wait to read the others tbh!
Girls Weekend Series by C. M Nascosta
My second favourite book series. I just love everything about this so much. It follows three couples and is freaking SMMUTTY! There’s everything in here: orgies, sex parties, MMF threesomes, FFM threesomes, probably more I’m forgetting. Oh, but this does revolve around elves and orcs, but please, please give this a chance. It’s like contemporary fantasy slice of life?? And it’s perfect!
Titan by Jillian Graves
This was also pretty insane considering the main guy is a GARGOYLE. But don’t knock it until you try it! The cover’s tag line is enough to pique anybody’s curiosity (look it up). The sex is hot 🥵
Morning Glory Milking Farm by C.M Nascosta
This was honestly so sweet! Still not too hot on minotaurs but I loved the storyline! If you want to read about humongous dicks with quote unquote “balls the size of large oranges” and lots and lots of cum, then this is the book for you! You won’t regret it!
Ice Planet Barbarians Series by Ruby Dixon
This series consumed me. It literally took over a month of my life and I have no regrets. Sexy, respectful blue alien men with Rabbit dildo dicks, what more can you ask for?!
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1eos · 1 year
hello ms kendra! first off just wanted to say i hope you're doing well and i love your blog theme. also that i hope only good things come to you and those you love 💗
i don't know if you feel comfortable sharing, so please don't worry if you don't want to answer, but how did you know you were a lesbian? sorry if this seems out of the blue ahfjfkal but i've been kind of questioning myself lately and i trust your thoughts and opinions and i was just... looking for some thoughts/feelings i guess? once again please don't feel pressured to answer. thank you for reading 💗 have a sexy day ms leos!
omg its not too much at all 😭😭😭 how i realized i was a lesbian was obvious in retrospect but i was surrounded by so much comphet i didnt realize it was an option until one day i was like ohhhhhhh i can just like women lol
anyways when i was a kid i felt a bit left out bc ive always been a girls girl and only rarely found boys worth hanging out with but when all my girl friends were starting to be boy crazy i just had. no interest. none at all. when i was in elementary school the one boy everyone liked he did nothing for me but i started to fantasize abt him liking me so all the GIRLS would like me 😭😭😭 like i said obvious
but it didnt click bc i had crushes on 2 guys. one was gay so 😶😂 LOL and for a while i was like so im not gay bc i liked 2 guys but then i realized those 'crushes' were just how i am with ppl i like and want to be friends with. this all encompassing desire to be with them 24/7. i didnt want to do anything w my friends i just wanted to but stuck on them and im the same way to this day just toned down (scorpio vedic moon)
and then i started having intense and tumultuous friendships with other girls who similarly didn't like boys at all. and i would be consumed in wanting to be with her all the time and got jealous. it was how i was w close friends but even more intense bc it tended to be mutual. YOU KNOW HOW IT GOES. like i was in a toxic lesbian not relationship in middle school looking back
and then in high school when my mom left me alone at home i would runnnnn to the dvd player and rewatch the sex scene in monster's ball bc halle berry was topless 😭😭😭 i was kinda obsessed w sex but again had NO interest in the men? and if boys approached me irl i would just be like 🧍🏾‍♀️ what the hell did u want. and i was learning that u can be other things than just straight so even tho i was fucking sneaking away at my grandma house (we didnt have internet at our house) to scroll thru playboy and look at pics of half-naked WOMEN bc i didn't want to be desired by men i was like 'ohhhh ok so im asexual'
I WAS SO CLOSE TO THE TRUTH but comphet was fucking beating my ass bruh. andddd in college i branched out started meeting more girls like me (black and gay) and i was like oh ok. so im NOT abnormal there are ppl like me. met more men still didnt want to do anything w them. met more girls i wanted to fucking build a house with after geeking out after dragon age once. anyways i got a girlfriend...sophomore year and magically turned from sexless nun to disgusting horny beast and also i met this very sexy butch girl who i wanted to [redacted] so bad and wouldve if not for girl code. and it finally clicked that girls just do it for me 😭😭😭😭severely. all the romance and sex things i was all ick abt fell into place bc i finally beat the comphet. ofc i found sex disgusting bc i didnt like men and it put alllllllllllllll previous relationships into perspective
so for me what helped was to just not try to force myself into any label or worry oh what if im actually this or that? i just lived my life liked who i liked and slowly the reality that i want girls to [redacted entry] me very nastily fell into place!
and thank you so muchhhhh wishing good things on you too. good things and clarity 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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fattybattysblog · 1 year
All of my OCs
I just wanna share my OCs today :) You can find them and their artwork on my refsheet (NSFW warning there) but here's the basics and some images.
I try to use only my own art for all of these but I HAD to share the Amea x Zant commission because it is one of my absolute faves. I scoured my entire back log of bought commissions because they didn't put their name on the art but I think it was this person?? If not them then... they may have deleted their account from where I bought it.
Saphira Nightingale, my main tippy top OC
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A shapeshifter and the last of her kind. I use her for lots of original stories as well as series where I don't have a dedicated character. The rule of thumb is "if she has clothes, it's an AU".
Mako Bianchi, Saphira's ex
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A reaper that I used to pair with Saphira. She is now with other people and he is back to being the guy I draw sexy because I crave men. It's a toss up whether he's a skeleton or an elven winged man at any given moment.
Valus Nesrine
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An incubus I used for my original novel. You can read about him there and in a short story, but they're both pretty naughty hahaha. He's charming and sweet. I love writing him.
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A mothman and the focus of some more stories. He's a bastard. But a sexy bastard. Honestly, that's all he has going for him.
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A bio android OC for Dragon Ball. She's mostly just there for pairing with Piccolo, lmao. But she did have some cool fights in the server where she was made.
Majin Mani
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Same boat as Tarine, but for more of a "I like messing with these guys" vibe than the former. Mani was made for Dragon Ball Xenoverse so she is a time cop (ranger? whatever they were called)
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A mercenary in Twilight Princess. I have her for an AU specifically but she is my Zant lover OC. She is half Twili and half Hylian. Does that work? Not really, but I really loved the idea.
Arin Ferris (and all of her Pokemon)
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Arin is an Ex Rocket (which placed her at around 30 at the time so that's just her age now) and now owns a daycare off the coast of Hoenn. I like giving her the poison aesthetic but she doesn't use too many poison types.
Lia (Alix) Bech
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A keyblade wielder who kinda sucks at fighting. She far prefers staying out of fights. Yeah she's just here to bang the organization. But she also has identity issues :D
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More of an "everyday" OC for Zelda. I use her in all other Zelda games while Amea is for Twilight Princess only. She is a tech whiz and she makes mechs, hahah. And this was before TOTK was even announced!
Celeste Wade
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An OC for Final Fantasy 9. She's a noble in Treno and she captures monsters to sell as pets and manor security. So she packs quite a punch without lookin like she can! I haven't designed her monster hunting get up yet.
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You know Lawachurls from Genshin Impact? Well I didn't like the game, but I loved these guys <3 So I made one for myself. He's the only remnant of my Genshin knowledge.
Velka, the Arcta Knight
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My Kirby OC. She is a bad guy and I use her to antagonize everyone in the game. She has a vendetta against Meta Knight. And she got her powers illegitimately from Nightmare.
Thalia Vanfin, another favorite
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A fishwoman bar owner/bounty hunter. Yep! Another one for shipping. But I love writing her encounters and drawing her being cute with people. Not always romantically but mostly romantically.
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Monster man with mask face and tentacles~ He's got a human form since he was turned into a beast like everyone else. But I usually only draw his monster form.
Dia "Dragoon" Chambers
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A depressed college student who uses the Dark World as escapism from her life. Anything that makes her feel like she doesn't have to go back home. She comes with some friends! Laguna the Rogue and Phish!
Laguna the Rogue
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Phish does not have any character traits beyond "is an Addison", but here's Laguna! She was originally made for an Undertale AU but now she's just a crazy ass monster and the only one looking out for Dia.
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