#dragon age kirkwall
tea42 · 2 years
Dragon Age Thoughts: Kirkwall implications after Absolution
I think Meredith is going to try to bring Andraste back, not herself.
It has already been heavily implied Kirkwall was the site used by the Magisters for the mass sacrifice to breech the Fade and reach the Golden City. I think the massive blood sacrifice this would require will finally push the either city of Kirkwall across the veil like Blackmarsh in Dragon Age Awakenings.
It might be a good opportunity for someone trapped in the Fade to show up and perhaps return to Thedas with the City! Especially if they happen to have a strong connection to the Kirkwall.
Bonus for Hawke- his friends. Anders who has a Spirits who can somewhat navigate the Fade in him. Fenris who can phase in between so who knows what that means for this scenario. Perhaps in a Fade-fluxxed Kirkwall he can be like a scout seeing what is on either side. Merrill who might have a Mirror that does things a regular Eluvian doesn’t. If Hawke’s sibling is alive no matter what the relationship they’ll be there. Isabela might have a ship that could get them all there in time and of course Varric and Aveline are already there. My dream team reunites for Hawke <3
Addendum: Even Sebastian joins in because it is to save Hawke. I like this specifically because it would bring his arc of justice vs. vengeance, which I think parallels Justice's, arc to a satisfying conclusion.
This would allow for an excellent consequence if you killed off , sold, or rivaled too many companions - Hawke doesn’t make it out of the Fade.
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mourn-and-watch · 3 months
it's so funny how da2 is widely considered to be the disgrace of da games and was also made like in a year or something but it still managed to create one of the most popular characters in the franchise. varric literally became da's in-game official narrator. anders has a wikipedia page with a controversy part highlighted. everyone is talking about solas now and for a good reason but his importance to the lore & plot is literally off the charts and he's also a god. fenris made people go crazy like that while being just a guy from a side optional quest you can accidentally skip
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missusbenzedrine · 9 days
thinking about the ending of dragon age 2 as a mage hawke who sided with the mages at the end of the fifth blight, the warden defeats the archdemon and saves ferelden. they are paraded through denerim to the sounds of cheering crowds. if they don't survive, their memory lives on in a tale of great heroism and sacrifice for years to come. the inquisitor celebrates at skyhold with the rest of their companions after they beat corypheus, the threat finally ended, the inquisition a success.
but not hawke. you can fight with everything you have to support the mages, but there is no grand fanfare when it is over. the villain succumbs to corruption and dies unceremoniously - you don’t even get the satisfaction of striking the killing blow. you can’t get a round at the hanged man to celebrate. it’s time to go. you and your friends can never sit around your table at the hanged man again. you can’t be seen here when the templars come to clean up the mess. nothing will be the same. you have given seven years of your life trying to hold kirkwall together, accepted your accolades and played the part of champion, and you watch it fall apart anyway. and how much of that is your fault? this city has been stained in your blood since before you could remember, since before the blood was your own.
you lost your sister when you lost your first home. even so, you tried to live by the advice you gave fenris - when you stop running, you build a life. the estate that you clawed your family back into stands looming and empty. it is the last place you saw your mother alive, and you still can't bear to touch her things, and you will never even see her room again. bodahn and sandal are making preparations to leave for orlais, orana will find other work with the skills she's learned, and the house will remain, a hollow testament to your family's legacy. gamlen will hear only the stories. your brother fought by your side when it mattered, despite everything. even so, he will stay behind, and you might never see him again.
no, there is no time for a celebration. instead you get a cautious acknowledgement from the templars, a tense goodbye, and then you can never go home again. for the second time. you thought you could build a life, and you tried. you held on as long as you could, you made friends, you fell in love, you clung to the last vestiges of your family, but most of them will be forced to leave your side anyway. you won, but even that wasn't enough.
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helgship · 2 months
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Heatwave in Kirkwall is real
Heatstroke trend from Twitter
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bemp0 · 2 months
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The Warden, the Champion and the Inquisitor
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swordbisexual · 23 days
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Please accept this low effort shitpost.
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biowho · 3 months
Am I the only one who’s going insane about how the time difference between Inquisition and Veilguard is (roughly) 10 years which is the same difference whether you’re talking about the actual world or the time in Thedas
Which makes the question of ‘do you think Lavellan would still love Solas as strongly as she did 10 years later’ really easy to answer because I have, in fact, loved Solas just as strongly if not more throughout the last 10 years nonstop. I’ve also gone through all the stages of grief multiple times in a row because of him
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blighted-elf · 16 days
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Dragon Age II - Merrill 1/?
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lonelyoleander · 7 months
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some guys i adore ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
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cullen telling himself, "this year will be better," and then the sky cracks in half
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mischiefwife · 1 month
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mourn-and-watch · 3 months
just want to remind y'all of some kirkwall-related details that are not at all relevant for the possible events of datv:
meredith stannard is alive and kicking and is also planning a war against tevinter
red templars are in control of the gallows; it's hard to tell what's going on in the city itself, but with varric absent it might be left with no viscount again
there's an elven graveyard on sundermount where ancient elves entered uthenera; it is also possibly dedicated/related to mythal
there was also a demon contained in an idol on top of sundermount who supposedly possessed a great knowledge about arlathan and eluvians
the veil in kirkwall has always been remarkably thin and tevinter magisters were weakening it on purpose during their reign; the whole city was built as an enormous blood magic ritual site
if the veilguard squad is going to travel through the eluvians there's still one in kirkwall. the one that has been plot-relevant since dao
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kirkwallsquad · 2 months
favorite da2 battle lines in no particular order
i'm listening to a compilation by danaduchy on youtube rn so
literally every fenris line bcs everyone else is YELLING and he's just speaking in his regular quiet-ish voice. king what are you saying i can't HEAR YOU
except for when hawke goes down. THEN he's loudly upset.
"hawke's down! time to panic!" (isabela)
"the tame elf is down" (varric - what the fuck omg don't call fenris that)
"your pet elf has fallen" (carver - WHAT THE FUCK OMG DON'T CALL FENRIS THAT)
"that moody mage is down" (aveline)
"ugh, can someone pick up fenris please?" (merrill)
"isabela's on the ground... appropriately" (aveline - HELLO?!?!?!?)
"merrill! oh, blood mages are so dramatic" (isabela)
"aveline has fallen?" (fenris - why is this a question babe)
"they got whatshisname, the mage" (varric - i continue to believe he doesn't know anders' name until act 3)
"the dwarf has dropped a few more feet" (sebastian)
"dear varric, please learn to parry. love, your innards" (varric)
"do you have something for this, because it hurts" (carver)
"even my teeth hurt" (anders)
"i've got so many bruises now they've got names and families" (merrill)
"ugh, i have dirt in my mouth" (sebastian)
"you're going to let me walk around injured?" (carver)
"being close to death is very bad for my morale" (isabela)
sebastian describes his wounds as "oozing" or "seeping" more than once
"i know dalish are meant to be close to the earth, but we don't mean literally" (merrill)
"i'm alright, who needs kidneys anyway" (isabela)
"hawke. varric. i think this is bad." (merrill)
"stop being you and fix me up" (carver - BABY. BABY BROTHER.)
"that really gets the blood flowing" but also "i will fight and pray for forgiveness later" but also "this is much more exciting than the chantry!" (sebastian - what is wrong with you <3)
"my face is not a shield!" (hawke)
"and they say drinking doesn't solve anything" (isabela)
"haawke i can't mooove" (sebastian)
"i'm too far away, what do you want me to do? shout at them?" (isabela)
"i'd have to fly to reach! of course, i've always wanted to learn to fly" (merrill - she's literally the funniest person ever)
"alas, no" (fenris)
"my faith is my armor! my cause is my shield!" (sebastian)
"if we kill them, we get their stuff!" (isabela)
"andraste's knees, it's like herding cats!" (isabela)
"AFRAID YET?!" (anders)
"RUN! WHILE YOU CAN!" (anders - he's so loud i love him)
"another one for me! how many have you gotten, hawke?" (varric)
"ah. a shame that you're going to die, no?" (fenris)
"you. me. and an audience. that's what this is all about!" (carver)
"may the creators have mercy on you! i certainly won't." (merrill)
"destructive forces of nature, coming up!" (anders)
"suck on a fireball!" (anders)
"NEVER TAUNT A MAGE!!!" (anders)
"a thrust, now a parry" (fenris)
"i'm gonna taunt you in elvish now! durgen'len! aravel! vallaslin!" (merrill)
"hello, i'm merrill, and i'll be your distraction." (merrill)
"maker please forgive your children" followed immediately by "DID YOU SEE THAT SHOT" (sebastian)
"I'M RIGHT HERE! HIT ME!" (isabela)
"maker, the idiocy" (bethany)
"my weapon does nothing??" (fenris - he sounds so puzzled help)
"this is SO not working" (anders)
"if the pointy sticks don't work, try the other pointy sticks" (isabela)
"ah, dear. why doesn't anyone ever want to be nice to us?" (merrill)
"is there an end to the people who hate you?" (aveline)
"looks like we've got a few more puppies to kick" (isabela - HELLO?!?)
"take a step, kill, repeat repeat repeat" (carver)
"the hate you inspire is unfortunate" (fenris)
"another twenty steps, another batch of deaths" (anders)
"nobody seems to like you. do you get used to that?" (merrill - ouch. brutal hskfjhgksdjfhg)
"i can't take credit for all of this. hawke helped a little bit" (isabela)
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riddleturner · 3 days
he's an apostate. he's a grey warden. he's on the run from the law. he's bonded body mind and soul to a spirit of the fade. he practices one of the rarest and most taxing magical diciplines known to mages. he's a cat dad. he was put in solitary confinement for a full year. he saves lives daily and asks for no payment. he's a massive bitch. he's personal friends with the hero of ferelden. he hates the church. he's hopelessly in love with you. he writes and distributes his own manifesto. he was forced to kill his own ex boyfriend. he doesn't see a way out. he's fucking blonde.
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months
purple hawke who, at malcolm's death, lost not only a father, a mentor, the single most stable and safe point in their world up until this moment. but also the only person in their life who would consistently, gleefully 'yes, and — ' them. the loss, in one fell swoop, of both a beloved parent and your sole willing — no, not only willing, enthusiastic — improv partner. truly, the most unkindest cut of all that the maker could have seen fit to deal. (there's always so much less laughter in the house, after malcolm's gone.)
and then after all the horrors of the blight and trying to make a new life in the shithole turned shithome of kirkwall....... they meet varric. and something that's been slumbering deep within their soul dries a tear of relief and joy and whispers 'oh we are so back'. and they are so right
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alltears · 10 months
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dragon age twitter au? dragon age twitter au. da2 <3
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