#dragon age inuqisition
hedgieart · 2 months
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Help! My bookish boyfriend turned out to be a Trickster Elven God
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slothssassin · 4 years
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Made these aesthetic boads of @vixils Dragon Age OCs ♥
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osombu · 4 years
Hey! Just saw your post-apo Dragon Age AU fanart - and wow, am I intrigued! Cool idea and wonderful art :D Would you happen to have more of such doodles? :)
im glad you like it!! im definitely having fun thinking about it. those were really the first time i actually put the thought to paper, but im probably gonna do more on it. its something that ive wanted to mess around with for a while.
i did do a really messy comic about the seats strapped to the back of the car last night--
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blarfkey · 3 years
Here's one for ya. At the risk of sounding like too much of a school essay prompt, what are your top ten favorite video games of all time? Explain. (Singular video games only; you cannot give a franchise as an answer.)
So this has been sitting in my inbox for MONTHS and I’m so sorry you have to look me in the eye every day and know that I didn’t finish it. So here you go, darling! It’s under the cut cause it got long!
Spyro the Dragon for PS1 -- Okay so out of the three I really loved the second one best but all of them hold a special place in my heart. I grew up with these games as a kid and there was always something about their world and the aesthetic and the MUSIC that inspired my imagination like nothing else. Its been like 22 years and I’m never going to be tired of them. 
Final Fantasy 8 -- My first RPG when I was 8 years old. My brother got tired of me playing the same racing game every day after school so he introduced me to this! And I was HOOKED. Of course, at 8 I had no real understanding of the plot, but I loved the characters and the world they lived in and I loved living out a story and control the characters rather than just reading. I’ve replayed this game like a zillion times and I will never be over it. 
Final Fantasy 12 -- Its funny to me that the two most hated Final Fantasy games are my two favorites. I like the unconventional I guess. I loved the characters and their relationships with each other in this game so much, I loved the story, the voice acting, and the places I got to explore. Its another game I’ve played over and over again. 
Assassins Creed Odyssey -- This was my first Assassin’s Creed game! I love Ancient Greece and Greek Mythology and it was mind blowing to walk around places I’d heard of or seen ruins of and have them be whole and in their prime. Athens was stunning! Also I feel deeply in love with Kassandra and she’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a female protagonist. 
Need For Speed 3 Hot Pursuit -- The game my brother begged me to stop playing, lol. Every single day after school me and this boy my mom babysat would fire this baby up and play race after race after race. I loved all the hidden shortcuts you could find and after a while I memorized the tracks so I got very good it and it definitely inflated my ego. 
Azure Dreams -- this is such an obscure game. I finally found it again at a retro gaming convention and about died. It was pokemon before pokemon. You’re in a small town in the desert underneath a giant tower full of monsters and treasures. Your dad died at the top oft he tower and you grow up to follow in his footsteps. Not only is it a good dungeon crawler where you befriend monsters and use them in battle in a tower where the layout changes every time you visit, but there’s also a dating sim portion and you get to build and improve upon the town! 
Persona 5 -- I loved all the persona games but I think 5 lived up the best to all the potential. I loved the story and the theme, I loved the characters and their friendships, I loved all the little real life things you could do, like shopping and school and part time jobs. The fighting was really fun and interesting. The MUSIC is amazing. 
Dragon Age Inquisition -- aka the fandom I write the most for! So I love all the dragon age games, but Inuqisition has my fav group of NPCs. The shipping potential of all the characters, the world building and lore, the cliff hanger at the end of the last DLC that’s been driving me mad -- despite it’s many flaws, this is the best fandom I’ve written in as far as unlimited potential and ideas and character combinations. 
Pokemon Sun and Moon -- I have played every pokemon game and its hard to pick a favorite. I love all of them so much. But Sun and Moon was so much fun because it did something different than the typical pokemon journey. I loved the Hawaiian feel of the world, I loved the storyline, I loved the island trials instead of gyms, the clothes! The Pokemon Snap remnant with your camera! Having different regional forms!! It still felt like pokemon but it was also different and I loved it. 
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: If I could wish on a genie for any game to get the ff7 Remake treatment, it would be this game and its sequel. I love Star Wars, I loved being in a time period so far removed from all the Skywalker nonsense, I loved all the choices you could make and the characters were stunning and perfect. This is like the ultimate Star Wars game for me and I would DIE if they made it a TV series or a movie or SOMETHING because there was so much potential here. 
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akatsukichelsei · 9 years
honestly I think my favourite thing about the masked empire is when, after being outed to those who didn’t know by gaspard in the eluvian paths, celene and briala just take every goddamn opportunity to be so fucking gay in front of everybody and give no fucks whatsoever. 
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